Anneka Svenska is a naturalist, broadcaster and film maker in
Anneka Svenska is a naturalist, broadcaster and film maker in
VEGAN FILMMAKER Anneka Svenska is a naturalist, broadcaster and film maker in Europe. She has produced many wildlife films specifically inwil dl if e crime, films for animal & environment al charit ies and wil dl if e conservat ion. Originally started to train as a Vet before embarking on drama school, a degree in Environmental Studies and Film. She writes for many animal & ethical magazines including Dog?s Today, K9 Magazine, Baref oot Vegan, VegFest Express & Veganuary. Her work also included TV shows and as an animal expert as well as co-founding the dog rescue charity ?K-9 Angel s?in 2011. Over the last three years, she has rescued hundreds of dogs from all over the world and appeared in many newspaper articles and blogs about her rescue and charity work. Anneka now produces strong films and campaigns, some created to give animal and environmental charities a much needed voice in the world of television. She also produces and fronts important documentaries which draw attention to what is taking place in our own planet earth. In addition, she also come on-board as one of Whal ef est Live?s main presenters and in 2016 she is also filming with The Dog?s Trust , as well as a powerful conservation documentary on the all female South African anti-rhino poaching unit ?The Bl ack Mambas?for Hel ping Rhinos, produced by Nigel Marven and Image Impact Fil ms. Anneka is a renowned as a wol f ent husiast and handl er and worked alongside both European and North American Timber Wolves. Anneka is not afraid to speak her mind and is quite at home swimming with great whites, ?tracking wolves in the wild and anything which involves dangerous, or rather, misunderstood animals.? FILMMAKER She is also known as an organic healthy guru. Recognized as an expertise in juicing, smoothies and vegan raw eating. Anneka is now heading up the new Vegan juicing and Smoothy page for charity VIVA! as ?The Little Green Angel?and is also is training to teach power yoga. With so much at hand, The New Vegan Times wanted to find out from Anneka her own story. She was amazing! Replied immediately to our requests, and went even overboard by providing us videos, pictures, and above all her friendly go getter attitude. We are so proud to present Anneka Svenska as our front cover page for this month. 1. Woul d you l ike t o share wit h our audience your f amil y hist ory?And how t hey inf l uence you in your pat h? EARLYYEARS I grew up in the 70?s in a meat eating British family who adored their Sunday roasts and their daily fry up breakfasts with bacon. It was only when I got to the age of eight did I stumble upon a stand in my local town with leaflets depicting the abuse and slaughter of farm animals, this was when I realised that I was completely ignorant to the truth about what I was eating. That day onwards I never touched any more meat. My family, sadly, were not supportive and I was subjected to a visit to the headmaster and teacher where they tried to make me ?see the danger?In what I was doing and that by leaving out meat, my growth and health would be compromised. My mother carried on feeding me meat and I would simply hide it under the curtain in my living room and flush it down the toilet later on what she wasn?t looking. After the age of sixteen, my family finally endured my vegetarian diet, but they carried on eating meat. My two children have been raised to be veggie / vegans, but my eldest child of sixteen has rebelled recently and asked to eat meat. My youngest continues to be vegetarian. 2. Tel l us more about why you are now support ing environment al issues? What mot ivat es you t o ent er t his arena? I have always supported environmental issues from a child and part of my university education was Environmental Studies. I am appalled at what people throw at the earth, they only deal with an issue when it happens, not before it happens. Everyone is simply waiting for the oil to run out before they 100% change over to clean fuels? .we don?t have time. Global warming is not going to slow down now, our oceans are full of rubbish and all of our animals are being hunted, poisoned or are losing their habitats. My mother was engaged to Greenpeace co-founder Ben Metcalfe before he died and he was also an influence on me. He would tell me stories of the ?old Greenpeace?before it became a huge corporation and how a few good souled individuals came together to change the world. It really comes down to the individuals now I believe, not the huge mega charities. It?s the small and powerful film makers and the strong and brave individuals who will change the world in some way. 3. What ot her areas you wil l l ike t o be invol ve in t he next 3 t o 5 years? LIFEEVENTS In the next 3-5 years I will be headed in two directions ? I will be carrying on making mainstream wildlife TV as this is also very important, as it means I can get huge TV shows out about large misunderstood predators and other animals that people persecute. It also allows me to have a pedestal to use for my passion, which is conservation and saving the planet. My passion is my small, conservation films. I would like to carry on to make powerful films which work along the same lines as Racing Extinction, Unity, Bloodlions and The Cove etc. We can screen anything we want now on the internet and so I don?t need a large TV channel to agree to show my films. I can simply go ahead, make them and show them myself on the internet. 4. What is your great est accompl ishment so f ar? I don?t feel like I have accomplished anything close to what I would like to, so I am still looking at tomorrow to make as much change as possible before the end of my life. I have rescued over 300 dogs from Romania and Thailand, but that was just ?bailing water out of a bucket?? until cruelty ends, this is not going to solve the underlying problems of dog cruelty worldwide. Some people are happy to carry on doing this, but I felt that I needed to do something bigger and more powerful. I have just started to get out to cover international organisations such as The Black Mamba anti-poaching squad in South Africa. This is great for small change, but still nowhere close to what I want to achieve. Media is an amazing way to make change and influence thousands. Until I feel that I have REALLY done something big to help the world?s wildlife, I won?t ever be satisfied. Until politics change and the world stops eating animals, I will never be at peace. ANNEKA'SOPINION 5. In your opinion, pl ant based / vegan movement is heading t he right way? Yes it is, but there is too much division at the moment. Too many vegans fighting vegans over the abolishionist approach versus single campaign veganism. As far as I am concerned, if anyone is trying to make the change over to veganism, this is amazing and wonderful and they should be congratulated no matter how long it takes. It can be very hard for people to embrace such a new lifestyle, but everything is going really well in general for veganism, as there are thousands of vegans and vegetarians now, vegan restaurants and vegan products on the market. There was none of this when I was growing up, so change is real and I can see it. We just need to now stop breeding animals for meat and cows for milk and we might have a chance to save our planet before it is too late. 6. Vegan seems t o become popul ar among art ist s, f amous peopl e,but t he regul ar peopl e are not real l y t hat invol ved. Why such a l ow l evel of part icipat ion? America is st il l onl y 7% vegan! A very l ow number. Any ideas, suggest ions t hat we can appl y? When I hit an area of strong meat eaters, it always seems to be in farming communities. When I was driving across the USA I would come into towns in the middle of nowhere and they would laugh at me if I asked for a veggie burger. In the UK, there is very much a farming community also when you get out of London and end up in the sticks. I feel it is a cultural thing. My kids are growing up in a rural countryside village and they are the only vegetarians there. The sad thing is, many of their school friends would like to be vegetarian and understand why my kids don?t eat meat, but their parents are forcing them to still eat meat. Until education prevails and people start to learn that veganism is the healthiest way to live, people will constantly think that you are unhealthy without meat or dairy protein. It comes down to education, education, education. Also people complain that vegetarian diet is more expensive? this is only because people don?t cook and prepare enough of their food from fresh. If they are buying ready veggie meals, it will be expensive, so get out there, grow your own food or budget and go source fresh veg and pulses from scratch. You can cook in bulk and freeze casseroles etc, it very easy. ANNEKAWO RLWIDE Check out YouTube Channel ?Green World TV?here: https:/ / channel/ UCfsRp0AAJQII4EIfZeVoeRw twitter : @annekasvenska Instagram: wildlife_annekasvenska British TV Broadcaster and Conservationist How you too can save the world: https:/ / watch?v=_Bp0H-q8-es VegFestUK London: https:/ / watch?v=hTCWlUthQHA VegFestUK Bristol: https:/ / watch?v=UwVtqJ9iLd8 Meat The Movie: https:/ / watch?v=FW_al-VoIfs Anneka new Black Mamba Film: https:/ / watch?v=zFBXNePubjg Vegan Juicing page for Charity Viva. Vlog films (The Black Mamba film will be online in a couple of weeks) https:/ / watch?v=s6DkQFtmliE THE it really is small world! At many times we forget that outside the USA, there are thousands of individuals who are leading by example. Anneka is one of them! We were looking for a vegan, yet we came accross somebody that has been involved in animal welfare, TV, films, worldwide events, etc. We hope that you have enjoyed this publication and we would love to hear your comments. TNVT V E G A N REVOLUTION THE V E G A N REVOLUTION