to the Newsletter for 17:10:14


to the Newsletter for 17:10:14
17th October 2014
Principal’s Report
It has been a pleasure to welcome the Challenge Partner review team to the Academy for
three days this week. The team were led by a highly experienced lead inspector from
Ofsted and accompanied by senior leaders from across the country. The national
Challenge Partner programme was recognised recently in Parliament for excellence in
school improvement.
The lead inspector said that “the Academy has not stood still since the last Ofsted but
instead it has built on the momentum created by the outcome in 2012”. We are delighted
to say that we were judged ‘Outstanding in all areas’.
It is always a privilege to get feedback from
highly trained colleagues and reviewers
especially when they are so complimentary
about the students. The reviewers were
particularly impressed with how strong the
relationships are between staff and students
which is leading to some very exciting learning.
Other comments include that the Academy is a
very welcoming school environment and
student engagement in learning is excellent.
The reviewers were also able to comment on
our very strong results and recognised
improvements in a number of key areas
including A* and A grades and improved
achievement in pupil premium pupils.
As part of the review, 25 lessons were formally observed and an amazing 40% were
graded as outstanding which is double the national average. We were particularly
delighted to get an outstanding grade in teaching and learning as this supports our work as
a designated National Teaching School. The reviewers commented that the organisation of
the new Teaching School Alliance called Applied Minds was
very purposeful and focussed on improving teaching and
learning collaboratively.
It has been a very busy week and staff have worked
extremely hard. I would like to thank them wholeheartedly
for all they do to provide outstanding educational
opportunities for the wonderful students we have here at
Mounts Bay Academy. As always we will use feedback from
the reviewers to ensure that we improve still further.
I would like to wish you all a very good weekend
Best wishes
Sara Davey
Academy Principal
Book Review
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner will appeal to readers who enjoyed The Hunger Games and Divergent.
Like both novels, it is set in a post apocalyptic world where teenagers have to battle to
survive a series of tests and trials.
This time the protagonist is a teenage boy, Thomas, who can remember nothing but his
own name. The story begins with him emerging from a lift to be faced with a pack of
teenage boys who ‘welcome’ him to the Glade, an encampment at the centre of a bizarre
and terrible maze. The maze is filled with Grievers, and boys who do not make it back to
the Glade before the massive stone walls close are not expected to survive the night.
Thomas feels a need to be a Runner, a select group who go out to explore the Maze and
find the way out to a new beginning.
But who are the Creators and why are the boys there?
All these dystopian novels owe a huge debt to William Golding’s 1954 novel, Lord of the
Flies and I would urge you to read this brilliant novel about a group of boys who crash
land on an island paradise. Their struggle for survival, the impact their actions have on
their environment and the battle between good and evil, democracy and tyranny are
themes that will never date.
The Maze Runner, by James
Dashner, is the first of a trilogy:
The Maze Runner, Scorch
Trials and Death Cure. You
will find these books in the red
section of the library.
Lord of the Flies, by William
Golding, is in the red section of
the library.
Review by Mrs Marsden
World Food Day
World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on 16th October in honour of the
date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945.
The day is celebrated widely by many other organisations concerned with food security,
including the World Food Programme and the International Fund for Agricultural
The World Food Day theme for 2014 is Family Farming: “Feeding the world, caring for
the earth”.
Click here to find out more.
Awareness Week 12th - 18th October
This year the main aim of the campaign is
to raise funds for teenagers with this
condition as this age group tend to suffer
the most.
Dyspraxia, what is this you're wondering?
Dyspraxia is a condition which affects the co-ordination of the body making simple tasks
like tying shoe laces, writing, drawing, even sporting activities a challenge. Those who
suffer with the condition often feel insecure and depressed as they don't seem to fit in as
an individual. Did you know 75% more boys than girls suffer from this condition? With
better help and support these individuals can go on to great things. Celebrities with this
condition include Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe, world renowned photographer
David Bailey (his teachers notes stated that he was clumsy, useless and only fit to be a
road sweeper.....), entrepreneur Richard Branson of the Virgin Group, and even the
great genius himself, Albert Einstein.
We held a cake sale in reception at break time on Friday which raised £31.63p
Thank you for supporting this event.
Report by Gage Ivey
Music Medals
Congratulations to Grace Brock
who has received her Bronze
music medal on the trombone.
Congratulations also to
Theresa Greagsby who
has passed her Copper
music medal on the Flute.
Report by Miss Wills
Hall for Cornwall Visit
On Tuesday 14th October, about
30 Bronze, Silver and Gold Arts
Award students went to the Hall for
Cornwall in Truro to watch the hiphop/manga collaboration 'The Five
and The Prophecy of Prana.' The
show lasted for approximately an
hour and a half and it
demonstrated and interlinked
several different art forms, the main
one being dance.
Set in modern Tokyo, the hip hop/
manga adventure explores five
youngsters who have been
dragged into a power struggle that
has divided a secret group of
warriors. Given one last chance to
restore peace, a master takes them
in his stride to teach them the art of
Pih Poh Fu.
Blue Boy Entertainment injected manga and martial arts into the genre of hip hop, using
lighting and film projection for effect. The whole performance was action packed and had
people sitting on the edge of their seats throughout. It was an enticing and exciting
performance that left viewers desperately wanting to know what happened next.
Review by Lauren Marshall
Artist of the Week
This semester Year 8 have been working on the
relationship between artists and their own work.
They have made personal responses to
landscape artists by taking their own
photographs and creating a final piece for their
exit point exhibition.
Grace Davis has created a range of expressive
pencil studies from photographs of viewpoints
from photographs taken from around the
school. Grace is now working on a large scale
mixed media piece combining acrylic paint and
ink of the view towards St. Michaels Mount.
Grace is a very confident artist and this is
reflected in her sketchbook work on one and
two point perspective. Well done Grace; we look
forward to seeing what work you can produce in
the future.
DofE Silver Expedition
Last weekend 21 Year 10 and 11 students completed their DofE Silver expedition. Well
Their training expedition the previous
weekend had encountered wet and
windy conditions and really tested
their mettle. However, the assessed
weekend was surprisingly nice
weather wise. At last some good
weather for a DofE expedition!
The students had planned their own
routes but they all pretty much
followed the coastal path between
Mounts Bay Academy, Mousehole,
Lamorna, Lands End, Sennen and
then cut back across to MBA. On
Silver expeditions they have to do 7
hours of activity for 3 days and 2
Report by Mr Fish
Hockey Tournament
The U16 girls’ Hockey team
competed at Penair School
yesterday for the County
Tournament. The girls were a
pleasure to take away and gave it
their all throughout the tournament.
The girls finished their section in
fourth place.
Rachel Enston,
Tegen Snell,
Laura Pearce,
Amber Kitchen,
Allaya Kitchen,
Ananda Lee,
Shannon O'Connell,
Alice Richards,
Immi Gray-Williams,
Sancha Chappell,
Phoebe Gartside,
Alice Pritchard,
Darcy Blewett,
Courtnie Abrahams,
Quiana Theodorou.
Report by Mrs Trevail
Year 7 Netball
The Year 7 Netball team
had their first home fixture
on Thursday night against
Bolitho School. It was a
hard fought match and the
girls played well with an
excellent attitude and
didn’t let their heads go
down despite losing. Mrs
Crowle said, “There are a
lot of positives to build on
here, and I look forward to
seeing how this team
Year 8 Rugby
On Monday 13th October there was a Year 8 cup match against Redruth School.
Seventeen of us made the 30 minute bus journey to Redruth. When we got there we went
straight into a warm up in each of the comers of the pitch doing stretches, mobility and
drills. After that we went into a team run practising our moves, rucking, scrummaging and
passing along the line. As the captain I had to do the toss. Unfortunately I lost and Redruth
chose to kick off so we were receiving.
We started the game well. Harry Hocking scored a try in the first couple of minutes. He
followed up in the next 15 minutes with three more. Then in the last few minutes Thomas
Hughes got a try. Harry converted all of the tries except two. Mounts Bay’s tackles were
alright but passing was quite a difficult thing in the type of weather we were playing in. The
ball was slippery and despite dropping it many times but we still didn't concede a try.
In the second half Harry and Noah came off for Pierre and Josh and the half was very slow
until we had a break away with Toby Benson seeing a gap and sprinting through it to score
our first try of the half. Our kicker was off so Toby Osborne stepped up and converted it.
Then, for the last minutes, they put us in a lot of trouble. We were defending in our twenty
two and couldn't get out. Then the Redruth number 8 made a very good run, no one could
tackle him, and he scored. They also converted it. From that the final score was Mounts
Bay 36 Redruth 7.
Report by Eli Williams
Cross Country
On Wednesday 14th October Mounts Bay Academy's Cross Country team headed to St
Ives for the first Cross Country event of the season. About 30 students competed in the four
categories. Due to low numbers of Year 10s and 11s their age group was put together with
the Year 8s and 9s and the distance was reduced. Although the rain had been heavy earlier
in the day, it had cleared just in time for the races to begin but the wind was as strong as
The Year 7 girls were first up and there were some great performances from all of them.
Shortly after the Year 7 boys set off, fast runs from all of them secured many a good place.
The next race to start was the Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 girls but with no Year 11 girls and only
one Year 10 girl the race was mainly the 8s and 9s.
Although the ground had been soaked by the earlier rain it was in surprisingly good
condition when the boys race started; again no Year 11s started but three Year 10s
competed. After the final race was finished the tickets were collected in and all the squads
were bus bound. It was a good afternoon’s racing with brilliant runs from all years. Thank
you to all the marshalls from the Penwith School Sports Partnership, and a final thanks to
Mr Veal and Mrs Trevail for taking the teams.
Report by Tom Prosser
Year 10 Football
On Friday 10th October the Mounts Bay Year 10 Football team travelled to an away
fixture at Penryn. This game was going to be a good battle. After an intense warm up
Mounts Bay started strongly and took control of the possession. Mounts Bay had some
early chances but failed to put them away. Near the end of the first half, after a strong
first 20 minutes, Penryn took the lead after some poor defending by Mounts Bay.
After the half time team talk Mounts Bay came out strong and it was looking like they
were going to score. Mounts Bay missed some great opportunities to level the game.
The game finished 1-0 to Penryn. We were very disappointed about the score but the
team played very well and the man of the match was Matthew Olds who put in some
stunning tackles.
Report by Jacob Trudgeon
Year 11 Rugby Cup Match
The Year 11 Rugby team played a
Cup match this week against
Penair School. Despite losing,
their attitude and effort was
phenomenal. The squad was
depleted by injury but those who
played were truly amazing. Well
Maths Quiz
House Competition
This Week’s Puzzle:
When James is twice as old as he is now, he will be three
times as old as he was three years ago. How old is James
Closing date for Entries: Thursday 12.00
Purple: 14 Points
Green: 6 Points
Yellow: 6 Points
Orange: 6 Points
Red: 5 Points
Blue: 4 Points
Click here to submit
your answer
Last week’s solution:
You could have used: a + (a+1) + (a+2) + (a+3) = 4a + 6
10 = 4a + 6, a = 1 therefore 1, 2, 3, 4
14 = 4a + 6, a = 2 therefore 2, 3, 4, 5
50 = 4a + 6, a = 11 therefore 11, 12, 13, 14
106 = 4a + 6, a = 25 therefore 25, 26, 27, 28
Win an iTunes
For each correct answer
throughout this semester we
will put your name in the hat
for a chance to win an iTunes
voucher – the more correct
answers, the more chance of
Could you write next week’s puzzle?
If you would like to set the numeracy puzzle for a future week click here. You will win
house points.
MFL Word of the Week!
Last week's answer was scissors.
The winner was Emma Moss.
Well done!
Translate the word of the week from either French, German, Spanish or Italian and send
your answer to to be entered into the weekly competition.
Use the word of the week in your Language lesson and get a credit from your teacher!
This week’s word is: torrential
Definition: 1 (of rain) falling rapidly and in copious quantities.
2 (of water) flowing rapidly and with force.
Etymology: First known use of the word
torrential was in 1849.
Congratulations to Tegan Disley
who wins a WH Smith Voucher.
Tegan Disley receives her prize
To enter, simply write an original sentence correctly using the word torrential. Send in your
sentence using the link below.
Click Here to enter the competition
MBA Live will be
broadcasting LIVE through
the night on Penwith Radio
Tune in on 96.5 & 97.2 FM
Week 2
8/9, 29/9, 20/10,
17/11, 8/12
World Kitchen
World Kitchen
World Kitchen
Creamy Mashed
Menu Selection
Creamy Chicken
Korma with
Pilau Rice
Roast Gammon
Parsley New
Cottage Pie
with a
Rosti Topping
Sweet and Sour Vegetable Dansak
Cheesy Bean
Yorkshire Pudding
Stir Fried
Wrap served with
filled with
Vegetable Chilli
with Noodles
Red Pepper Rice
Tart with
Sticky Toffee
Apple Sponge and
Winter Berry
Old Fashioned
Manchester Tart
with Custard
Our fish is certified as ‘Fish to Eat’ by the Marine Stewardship Council., Seasonal vegetables and sides are available to accompany our main dishes.
Look in the restaurant for our daily specials.
Traditional Fish
and Chips
served with
Tartare Sauce
BBQ Quorn
and Coleslaw
Pitta Pocket
Golden Apple
Crumble with
Thursday 30th October
10-11am Mini Tennis ( 4-10 yrs)
11-12.30pm Junior Tennis (10-18yrs)
FREE Coaching
Everyone Welcome
Equipment Provided
Lots of FUN!!
No need to book just turn up on the day
Martin Coates Tennis Manager 07787 124003
under 17's club ninight
£3 on the door @ Hayle RFC
this is strictly a night for high school age to 17yrs you have to be there for it to be there