YS Pride 2006-06 - York Suburban School District
YS Pride 2006-06 - York Suburban School District
Volume Eight, Number 5 YS – Home of State Swimming Champions York Suburban High School swimming coach Dick Guyer can be mighty proud. He and his team of eight swimmers brought home this yearʼs PIAA Boys Class AA Swimming Championship title. It is Dickʼs first boys team championship in his 38 years of coaching at York Suburban. “It was a wonderful experience,” Dick says, “a coming together of a group of boys.” The team had been to stateʼs last year. “They saw what it would take to win this year,” he noted. “They made personal sacrifices” worked hard and were mentally prepared for this year. He said the “overwhelming reception (the boys) received from their Harry Foster peers when they returned is something they will never forget.” The team is made up of Matt Appleby, Joe Bentz, Jason Durs, Harry Foster, Alex Grubbs, Chris Manning, Dan Marsteller and Kevin Marsteller. Only three of the boys are seniors. The prospects look good for 2006-07. With five of the championship team members returning next school year, Coach Guyer says, “We have the core of kids who know and understand” what it takes to win a state title. York Suburban School District June/July 2006 List of Graduates on page 7. An arc of caps fill the air at the conclusion of commencement ceremonies. 197 Awarded YS Diplomas Under a cloudy, late afternoon sky that brought a brief shower, 197 York Suburban High School seniors were awarded their diplomas during the June 8 outdoor commencement ceremonies. Held on Dick May Field, the graduates were seated on the infield of the track as their family members and friends filled the stadium stands. The students and guests were welcomed by Katherine Williamson, President of the Student Council. Kelly Trattner, Vice President of the Class of 2006, offered a moment of reflection at the ceremony and York Suburban School Board member Richard Evans brought greetings from the board. Other speakers included: Joshua Weinstein, Valedictorian; Kevin Morrison, Salutatorian; Allison Myers, President of the Class of 2006; and Stephen Hildebrand, President of the National Honor Society. Administrators taking part in the commencement program were: Dr. Michele Merkle, Principal; Julie A. Frey, Assistant Principal; and Dr. William R. Hartman, Jr., Superintendent. YS Adopts $37,294,982 Budget More used to being in a pool than in a tree, members of the Pennsylvania AA Division Boys Swim Team are: Front, Dan Marsteller; second row, from left, Jason Durs, Kevin Marsteller, and Matt Appleby; top row, from left, Chris Manning, Joe Bentz, and Alex Grubbs. The eighth member of the team, Harry Foster, was unavailable for the photograph because he was competing in another swimming competition. The York Suburban School Board has adopted a budget of $37,294,982 for the 2006-07 school year. The current yearʼs budget is $34,111,128. The new budget calls for a 9 percent increase in school taxes to 16.834 mills. The millage rate reflects a countywide reassessment that took place last year. Prior to reassessment the tax was 18.57 mills. After the property reassessment process, a millage rate of 15.43 would have been revenue neutral for this year. Taxes on a property in the York Suburban School District valued at $100,000 would be $1,683. Major increases in the budget are related to increased healthcare costs, contractual salary obligations and state-mandated programs. (continued on page 5) 2006 Achievement Awards Presented Numerous awards were presented at an Achievement Awards Program in May. The awards and recipients are: ACHIEVEMENT IN CERAMIC ART AWARD -- Award given to a student with outstanding achievements in the field of ceramic art. Robert Krebs ACHIEVEMENT IN ART AWARD -- Award given to a student with outstanding achievements in the field of art. Whitney Stein LILLIAN STEVENS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP -- $100 awarded to a senior boy or girl who has shown excellence in the field of art, and who plans to further his/her education in art. Rebecca Krane LAURA HUBER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP -- A $250 scholarship award in memory of Laura Huber, a former Physical Education teacher at York Suburban. The recipient of this award must have declared a major in education or a health-related field. The recipient must have been dedicated to one sport for at least two consecutive years at York Suburban High School. He or she must demonstrate good citizenship and a strong work ethic. Angela Hammond KEIRSTED MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP -- $175 presented in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keirsted. Mr. Keirsted taught and coached in the York Suburban School District for more than 30 years. The recipient of this is a senior who will be attending a two-year or four-year college and who has an appreciation of conservation and/or culinary arts. Roy Smith ALLISON E. GUYER MEMORIAL SCHOLAR- 2 SHIP -- A $500 scholarship award in memory of Allison E. Guyer, a member of the Class of 1996. The recipient of this award must be a female member in good standing of the National Art Honor Society. She must be accepted at a two or four-year institution with plans of pursuing an art major or related field. She must have achieved a minimum of two varsity letters, and be a member of a varsity team during her senior year. Shannon Willis W I L L I A M F. WAG NER, JR. MEMORIA L SC HOL A RSH I P AWA R D - - $10 0.0 0 awarded to the outstanding student(s) for swimming achievements, team leadership and contributions to the team. Joe Bentz GERMAN AWARD -- An engraved Cross pen and pencil set given in recognition of special accomplishment in the study of the German language. Glyn Hinnenkamp and Kellie Greiss SPANISH AWARD -- An engraved Cross pen and pencil set given in recognition of special accomplishment in the study of the Spanish Language. Olivia Ma rcucci and Xinyi (Joy) Lin FRENCH AWARD -- An engraved Cross Pen and pencil set given in recognition of special accomplishment in the study of the French Language. Melissa Hodge and Michele Lanpher LATI N AWA R D -- An engraved Cross pen given in recognition of special accomplishment in the study of Latin. Benjamin Kehm ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERʼS AWARD -A $25 Borders gift certificate given in recognition of outstanding dedication and accomplishment in the acquisition of spoken and written English. Xinyi (Joy) Lin ALAN SPENCER MEMORIAL AWARD -- $150 awarded to a senior boy who has attained letters in two varsity sports and has displayed qualities of sportsmanship, leadership, and school and competitive spirit. Glyn Hinnenkamp RANDY STETLER MEMORIAL AWARD -- A plaque and $250 awarded to both a member of the boysʼ and girlsʼ basketball teams who have been the most team-oriented players of the season. Glyn Hinnenkamp and Jessica Diaczun JANIS R. SNELL MATHEMATICS AWARD -$180 awarded to the senior who has the highest average in mathematics for four years at York Suburban and has taken at least one of the advanced courses, Calculus and/or Matrix Algebra and Probability. Taylor Blyth RENSSELAER MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE AWA R D -- A medal given to a member of the junior class for achievement in mathematics and science. Brendan Moore I N D I A N RO C K P T O SCHOLARSHIP -- The Indian Rock Elementary School PTO established a scholarship award to be presented to a graduating senior who attended Indian Rock Elementary School and has been accepted to an institution of higher learning. The recipient must have experience in service to children and be in good scholastic standing. The winner will receive $500 and a plaque. Angela Hammond EAST YORK PTO SCHOLARSHIP -- A $500 award to former East York elementary student(s) who demonstrates scholastic achievement and is involved in a variety of extracurricular activities. Allison Myers and Ryan Painter TH E PHY LLIS HOK E LEHMAN MEMORIAL AWARD -- $200 given to the senior accounting student with the highest average. Marla Garrett THE GALBRAITH MEMORIAL AWARD -$100 given to the senior accounting student with the second highest average. Kyle Saxman BIOLOGY AWARD -- The student with the most outstanding scholastic average in Biology II is awarded a Certificate for Excellence in Life Science from the National Association of Biology Teachers. Jiayun Xu CH EMIST RY AWA R D -- A certificate of merit award presented to the most outstanding Chemistry II student based upon their scholastic average by the Southeastern Pennsylvania Section of the American Chemical Society. Brendan Moore PHYSICS AWARD -- An Outstanding Student Certificate is presented by the American Association of Physics Teachers to the Physics II student with the highest scholastic average and who plans to further their education in the field of science. Taylor Blyth LINDA REXRODE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP -- $200 to the student who best personify Lindaʼs goals, achievements a nd cha racter traits. The criteria for the award are: Must be accepted into a fouryear accredited college program, must rank in the top 10 percent of the class, must have earned a varsity letter and must be involved in school and community activities. Brigitte Garcia RICK SNYDER MEMORIAL AWARD -- $300 each and a plaque presented in memory of Rick Snyder to a senior who has participated in baseball or softball. The recipient of this award must have a good attitude and display good sportsmanship. The student also must plan to further his or her education and continue playing baseball or softball after graduation. The recipientʼs name will be engraved on a plaque that will be displayed in the lobby show case. Kyle Saxman ROBERT L. DOVEY ACADEMIC RECOGNITION AWARDS -- A $600 check to each of the two top-ranking students in the senior class. Joshua Weinstein and Kevin Morrison YORK SUBURBAN DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS -- Financial awards to York Suburban students who have been accepted and are planning to attend accredited post secondary educational institutions. These awards are based on financial need, scholastic merit, and achieving academic potential. Andrea Clabaugh (Robin Worley Myers Memorial Scholarship) Andrey Bilko Laura Conrad Robert Goodis Kalli Konrad Sarah Mitchell YORK HOSPITAL TEEN VOLU N T E E R SE RVICE AWARDS -- A pin/key chain given by York Hospital in recognition of volunteer hours given to various organizations in our community. Andrey Bilko, Laura Kucherich, Sarah Amsterdam, Harithsa Asuri, Kaitlyn Deardorff, Christine Duffey, Riki Gifford-Ferguson, Alexis Weitkamp, Marnik Wijesinha, Katherine (continued on page 3) Achievement Awards, continued from page 2 Johnescu, Melissa Veater, and John Will KATHRYN S. SHUE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP -- A $1,800 scholarship award presented to a senior student who has declared Elementary Education as a college major. The student must have a 3.2 or better average through seven semesters or be nominated by a teacher. The scholarship is in memory of Kathryn S. Shue, a dedicated York school teacher. Larissa Baughman ALL SPORTS BOOSTER C LU B S C H O L A RSHIPS -- $500 awards to three senior female athletes and three male athletes. The recipients must demonstrate a positive attitude, good sportsmanship, team work, a commendable work ethic, and team spirit. Andrea Clabaugh, Angela Hammond, Melissa Hodge, Joshua Frantz, Glyn Hinnenkamp and Greg Russell SO C I A L C H A NGE & C O M M U N I T Y AC TION SCHOLARSHIP I N HONOR OF K AVIN TIRUCHELVAM -- This scholarship is awarded to a student who is committed to working for social change in the community in the areas of social justice, environmental justice, immigrant and language rights, civil rights, racial justice, community and mental health, gender violence and violence against women, child rights, police brutality, lesbian/gay/transgender rights, community organizing and community development, and education for social change. This need-based scholarship pays for costs not covered by financial aid up to and including full tuition. Andrea Clabaugh and Xinyi (Joy) Lin YO R K SU BU R BA N BAND PARENTʼS AS- SOCIATION SCHOLA R SH I P - - A $ 5 0 0 scholarship award presented to the outstanding guard member and band member for exhibiting excellence in leadership and citizenship. Julia Koch (band) and Kelly Morgan (guard) JOHN MOTTER MEMOR I A L AWA R D – A $200 award established by friends and members of the Class of 1980 in memory of John Motter, to a senior who has participated in both a music and athletic program between the grades of 9 and 12. The recipient should further intend to continue to pursue the cause of music, be it educationally, professionally or as an avocation. James Rohrbaugh AMY ELLIOTT MEMORIAL AWARD -- A $50 check awarded by Bookland in memory of Amy Elliott. The recipient is a male soccer player who demonstrates ability and has the characteristics exemplified by Amy--character and determination. Zachary Adam B U C K I N G H A M ACHI EVEMEN T AWARD -- Award based on excellence in Home Economics. Kelly Morgan YORK COUNTY ASSOCI AT ION OF FA MILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES AWARD -Award given to a student with proficiency in various areas of Home Economics. Ashley Zink TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION AWARD -- Monetary award based on excellence in Technology Education. Drew Szala CHRISTOPHER STERNER MEMORIAL AWARD -- A $200 memorial grant and an engraved pewter dish to the senior boy who has been a good school citizen and has participated in a school sport for at least three years while attend- ing York Suburban. The recipient must maintain a cumulative average of 2.0 or better. Johan Roos J. STANLEY BEAMENSDERFER MEMORIAL AWARD -- $70 awards to the two students who have let tered in two sports and have the highest scholastic average in four yearsʼ attendance. Michele Lanpher and Sarah Mitchell PRESIDENTIAL AWARD FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE -- A certificate to seniors who are in the top 5 percent of the class through the third marking period of 12th grade. Taylor Blyth, Glyn Hinnenkamp, Michele Lanpher, Olivia Marcucci, Sarah Mitchell, Kevin Morrison, Ryan Mosser, Gregory Russell, and Joshua Weinstein PRESIDENTʼS AWARD FOR EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT -- A certificate to students who have shown outstanding educational growth, improvement, commitment or intellectual development in their academic subjects. T hese st udents have shown an unusual commitment to learning and improving in academics despite various obstacles. Philip Cialini, William Fagello, Eddie Hipp, Savanah Kunz, Xinyi (Joy) Lin, Tracie Snyder and Samantha Weitkamp TOUCHSTONE FOUNDATION AWARD -- A $1,000 grant for use in post secondary education and a plaque presented in memory of Mary E. Horne, Class of 1961, to a senior planning to continue his or her education and who demonstrates an understanding of the need for individual responsibility for the sustainable use of the earthʼs resources and a commitment to follow a visionary path toward living in harmony with nature. Xinyi (Joy) Lin VICTORY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP -- A $500 or $1,000 scholarship to membersʼ children who excel academically, are involved in extracurricular activities and perform community service. Matthew Appleby, Angela Hammond, Allison Toomey and Shannon Willis STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERSʼ AWARDS -- A $25 gift certificate to Student Council Officers. Kate Williamson, Joe Giuffrida, Laura Conrad, and Marla Garrett OUTSTANDING SENIOR AWARD -- $25 to the outstanding senior who has contributed to the school, as selected by the Student Council advisors. Stephen Hildebrand N AT I O N A L H O N O R SOCIETY AWARD - A certificate and $50 presented to the member who has been outstanding in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Stephen Hildebrand YORK DISPATCH ACADEMIC ALL-STARS -- A certificate for Academic All-Stars in York County, presented by the York Dispatch in recognition of academic excellence. Taylor Blyth, Glyn Hinnenkamp, Michele Lanpher, Sarah Mitchell, Olivia Marcucci, Kevin Morrison, Ryan Mosser, Johan Roos, Gregory Russel l, a nd Joshu a Weinstein PENSPR A SCHOLA RSHIP -- The Pennsylvania School Public Relations Association wants to encourage and promote the field of public relations to high school students through an educational scholarship for those interested in studying the field or related subjects. The scholarship will be awarded to a worthy male or female student who plans to pursue a career in a communications field (i.e. journalism, English, public relations, advertising, graphic arts, etc.). The candidate should have maintained a 3.0 GPA, and have been accepted or applied at a 2- or 4-year college, vocational-technical school, or other institution of higher learning. Chip Fontanazza FUTURE LEADERS OF YORK -- Trains high school sophomores and juniors to become lifelong responsible, active participants in their community. Eleanor Chodroff and Jake Schroeder CAT H Y SH A F F E R AWA R DS OF HONOR -- The York Suburban Communities That Care® Alliance strives to provide resea rchbased tools to help our community promote the positive development of children and youth, prevent adolescent substance abuse, and reduce youth violence. Cathy Shaffer was instrumental in the formation of YS CTC Alliance and served as the first president of the Prevention Board. Her dedication and commitment led this organization to a position that has allowed us to touch many lives within the York Suburban community. YS CTC seeks to honor these efforts by honoring students who, through their actions and words, demonstrate and promote the values of YS CTC Alliance. Elaina Robins, Jeryl Simon, Ryan Painter, Kate Williamson, Marla Garrett and Kelly Gross DISTRICT III ACADEMIC R ECOGN I TION AWARDS -- A certificate awarded to the students who have an unweighted grade point average of 3.8 or higher and who have lettered in at least (continued on page 4) 3 Academic Excellence Award Winners Academic Award winners were announced at the the 22nd Annual Robert L. Dovey Academic Awards Program on May 23. Award recipients are: DEPARTMENT AWARDS GRADE LEVEL AWARDS Top five percent of each class. NINTH GRADE Sophia Blakey Amy Myers Ryan Bulgarelli Dylan Ottemiller Patricia Fontanazza Lauren Schmittle Casey George Robert Sharp Elizabeth Lippiatt Maria Stayer Macy Marcucci Elizabeth Winters Quentin Allen Kelly Posenau Lauren Dalemar Steven Rasovsky Amanda McLaurin Robert Winters Joseph Merkle Bill Yin ELEVENTH GRADE Erini Blakey Brendan Moore Sophie Bushwick Austin Pike Eleanor Chodroff Jake Schroeder Kaitlyn Deardorff TENTH GRADE Zachary Adams Dana Mirsky Art Andrew Smith Riki Gifford-Ferguson Hannah Zellers Ian Monk TWELFTH GRADE Taylor Blyth Kevin Morrison Glyn Hinnenkamp Ryan Mosser Melissa Hodge Tessa Price Michele Lanpher Shane Rohrbaugh Olivia Marcucci Joshua Weinstein GRADE LEVEL AWARDS Top six through ten percent and/or 3.9 G.P.A. or better. NINTH GRADE Alexandra Bedard Lauren Hogsett Kieran Carlisle Craig Moscony Elizabeth Conrad Colin Newcomer Cassandra Dempwolf Daniel Stelly Leah Hammon Karli Swartz Alexis Heidlebaugh TENTH GRADE Graham Blyth Huong Nguyen Erica Funkhouser Morgan Rehnberg Katherine Johnescu Elizabeth Scheib Taylor Katherman John Will Allison Klinedinst ELEVENTH GRADE Jordan Barrett Michelle Maurtua Zachary Bluett Kathleen Moritz Bennett Calkins Bernard Murphy Dionisi Daoularis Jeryl Simon Laura Hadginske Lydia Stayer TWELFTH GRADE Andrey Bilko Julia Koch Andrea Clabaugh Joy Lin Marina Fridman Jessica McInerney Carolyn Gann Sarah Mitchell Brigitte Garcia Allison Myers Marla Garrett Johan Roos Kelly Gross Gregory Russell Angela Hammond Sameer Shah Stephen Hildebrand Emily Smith Kirstin Hogsett Katherine Williamson Janet Kay Jiayun Xu Ninth Grade, Dylan Ottemiller Tenth Grade, Elaina Robins Eleventh Grade, Stephanie Tabb Twelfth Grade, Carrie Gann Business Education Ninth Grade, Robert Cody Tenth Grade, Harry Foster Eleventh Grade, Ryun Swank Twelfth Grade, Marla Garrett English Ninth Grade, Maria Stayer Tenth Grade, Quentin Allen Eleventh Grade, Erini Blakey Twelfth Grade, Sarah Mitchell 4 year. Jessica Diaczun and David Flannelly YAIAA ACADEMIC RECOGNITION AWARDS - A certificate awarded to the students who have an unweighted grade point average of 3.5 or higher and who have lettered in at least two varsity sports during their junior/senior year. The student must posses good citizenship and good spor tsmanship. Molly Ariail, Taylor Blyth, Daniel Brein, Laura Conrad, David Flannelly, Marla Garrett, Kelly Gross, Angela Hammond, Glyn Hinnenkamp, Melissa Hodge, Benjamin Kehm, Kayla Kleynen, Michele Lanpher, Jessica McInerney, Sarah Mitchell, Ryan Mosser, Johan Roos, Gregory Russell, Emily Smith, Zachary Steckler, Whitney Stein and Kate Williamson YO R K SU BU R BA N SCHOLAR/ATHLETE -- One male and one female member of the senior class as chosen by the principal and a committee. The recipients must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher, earned letters in two different Ninth Grade, Ryan Bulgarelli Tenth Grade, Alyssa Lehman Eleventh Grade, Eleanor Chodroff Twelfth Grade, James Rohrbaugh Physical Education and Health Ninth Grade, Daniel Stelly Tenth Grade, Elizabeth Sanders Eleventh Grade, Jake Schroeder Twelfth Grade, Melissa Hodge Ninth Grade – Health, Casey George Family and Consumer Science Sciences Ninth Grade, Casey George Ninth Grade, Stevi Laird Tenth Grade, Natasha Krieg Eleventh Grade, Rachael Solomon Twelfth Grade, Sarah Plitsch Foreign Language Ninth Grade, Elizabeth Lippiatt Tenth Grade, Joseph Merkle Eleventh Grade, Eleanor Chodroff Twelfth Grade, Olivia Marcucci Mathematics Ninth Grade, Sophia Blakey Tenth Grade, Steven Rasovsky Eleventh Grade, Brendan Moore Twelfth Grade, Taylor Blyth Achievement Awards, continued from page 3 two varsity sports during their junior/senior year. The student must possess good citizenship and good spor tsmanship. Kelly Gross, Glyn Hinnenkamp, Melissa Hodge, Kayla Kleynen, Michele Lanpher, Sarah Mitchell, Andy Roos, Gregory Russell, Emily Smith and Kate Williamson SPORTSMANSHIP MEDALS -- Medals awarded by the District III to a senior male and female student who demonstrated the most sportsmanship qualities throughout the Music varsity sports, and be a good citizen and a positive influence in school and on the teams. Photographs of the recipients will be placed in the main corridor of the school. This award is given in an effort to promote good grades, school citizenship and participation in athletics. Molly Ariail and Glyn Hinnenkamp YO R K SU BU R BA N YA I A A S C H O L A R ATHLETE & PIAA DISTRICT III ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARD – Andrea Claybaugh Tenth Grade, Steven Rasovsky Eleventh Grade, Andrew Smith Twelfth Grade, Joshua Weinstein Social Science Ninth Grade, Casey George Tenth Grade, Harry Foster Eleventh Grade, Eleanor Chodroff Twelfth Grade, Stephen Hildebrand Technology Education Ninth Grade, Aaron Stein Tenth Grade, Quentin Allen Eleventh Grade, George Gard Twelfth Grade, Frank Stanley NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARS Letters of Commendation Daniel Brein Tessa Price Jessica McInerney Gregory Russell Sarah Mitchell Sameer Shah Finalists Marina Fridman Julia Koch Kelly Gross Ryan Mosser Glyn Hinnenkamp Johan Roos Janet Kay Zachary Steckler Budget, continued from front page Andrey Bilko Andrea Clabaugh Laura Conrad Robert Goodis Kalli Konrad Sarah Mitchell 6 Receive Dollars for Scholars Awards Six members of the York Suburban High School Class of 2006 have been awarded York Suburban Dollars for Scholars scholarships and 11 former students have received renewals of their grants. In total, York Suburban Dollars for Scholars awarded $20,000 in grants this year. The Class of 2006 recipients are: Andrey Bilko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fedor Bilko, $1,000. He will attend Ursinus College. A portion of his scholarship was awarded through the Class of 1962 fund. Andrea Clabaugh, daughter of Monika Clabaugh, $1,000. She will attend Catawba College. Andrea received the Robin Worley Myers scholarship. Laura Conrad, daughter of Lynn Conrad and David Conrad, $1,500. She will attend American University. A portion of her scholarship was awarded through the Anna, Bennett and John Pearson fund. Robert Goodis, son of Gretta Goodis and Dr. Jeffrey Goodis, $1,000. Robert will attend Bard College. A portion of his scholarship was awarded through the Sandy Kranich fund. Kalli Konrad, daughter of Lori Konrad and Herbert Konrad, $1,000. Kalli, who will be attending Antonelli Institute, received the Clarabeth Grossman scholarship. Sarah Mitchell, daughter of Kent and Susan Mitchell, $1,500. She will attend Bryn Mawr College. A portion of her scholarship was awarded through the Anna, Bennett and John Pearson fund. In addition to the new recipients, 11 York Suburban graduates had their scholarships renewed. Those students are: Jennifer Evans, Judson College, $1,000. Lisle Friedman, University of Miami, $1,000. Sarah Goodis, New York University, $1,000. Melissa Grove, Messiah College, $1,000. Alicia Heist, Pennsylvania State University, $1,000. Bradley Klinedinst, Pennsylvania State University, $1,000. Christopher Miller, Ursinus College, $1,000. Valerie Morgan, Oberlin College, $2,000. Christopher Whittaker, Peabody Conservatory of Music, $1,000. Matthew Whittaker, University of Richmond, YORK SUBURBAN DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS o Yes, I/we want to support the York Suburban Dollars for Scholars program. Enclosed is my/our contribution in the amount of $ _______________ Name ___________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________________ Telephone Number ________________________________________ E-mail Address ___________________________________________ Please make checks payable to York Suburban Dollars for Scholars. Mail to: York Suburban Dollars for Scholars c/o Ronald Provard Education Center 1800 Hollywood Drive York, PA 17403 Contributions are deductible for income tax purposes to the full extent provided by law. o Please do not publicize my contribution Clarabeth Grossman Scholarship Created A York Suburban Dollars for Scholars Fund has been established in memory of Clarabeth Grossman, a long time member of the York Suburban staff. Clarabeth lost her courageous, two-year battle against ovarian cancer in May. Contributions to the fund can be made by using the Dollars for Scholars form on this page. The names of donors will appear in the next issue of YS Pride. Prior to the meeting, the administration had reduced the original budget proposal by $152,626. The board voted to have the administration reduce the spending plan by an additional $167,667 before the final votes were cast. The finalized budget will leave the district with a fund balance of $1.2 million. A number of public meetings on the budget were held prior to its approval on May 22. In addition to the budget, the board also approved a $5,000,000 bond issue. The money will be used for capital projects, including renovations to Dick May Field at the high school. Teen Blogs Do you know what your children are reading on their home computers? Ken Mueller, of the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding, asked that question at a meeting of parents and faculty at the York Suburban Middle School. Ken spoke to the parents about the many different websites that their children may be using and gave them suggestions on how to make their children safe when they are on the internet. Springettsbury Township Police Sgt. Jason Coyle also warned the audience about the danger of blogs and websites. 5 A Night of Art At Valley View Valley View Center was filled with color for its Art Night program. The childrenʼs artwork decorated the halls, “guest artists” talked with the students, youngstersʼ faces were painted by art students from the York Suburban Middle School and High School, and Valley View students performed musical numbers. Computer Fair Winners Six York Suburban students participated in a recent Pennsylvania Regional Computer Fair sponsored by the Lincoln Intermediate Unit. Taylor Blyth won a second place award for web page design and Whitney Stein was presented a third place award for logo design. Also participating were: Rebecca Krane, graphic design; Jason Horn and Chip Fontanazza, desktop publishing; and Bryan Lavetan and Chip Fontanazza, digital movie. Safety Award For Bus Driver Reliance Motor Coach driver Judy Brown has received the Pennsylvania School Bus Associationʼs Safe Driver Award. Driving York Suburban routes for the past six years, Judy is among fewer than 1 percent of school bus drivers in Pennsylvania to receive the award. Math Champions Four York Suburban students took part in the 24 Challenge Regional Math Competition this spring. Representing York Suburban were: Michael Tabb, eighth grade; Erin Gregory, sixth grade; Sam Sullivan, fifth grade at Indian Rock Elementary School; David Wolfe, fourth grade at East York Elementary School. Michael won a silver medal, Erin a bronze, Sam a silver and a gold, and David a silver. 6 Teams take part in a Battle of the Buildings competition. Battle of the Buildings A two-mat shuffle. A chariot relay. A tug-of-war. Crab soccer. Teams representing Valley View Center, East York Elementary School, Indian Rock Elementary School, York Suburban Middle School, York Suburban High School and the Ronald Provard Education Center competed in those events during the “Battle of the Buildings” to raise funds for the York Suburban Dollars for Scholars program. Teachers, staff, administrators, school board members and high school students took part in the unique athletic competition held in the high school gymnasium. Health Fair at Middle School The students at the York Suburban Middle School participated in a Health Fair in May. The one-day event was filled with activities that included healthier lifestyles, physical competitions and emergency training. The program was arranged by a committee chaired by Certified School Nurse Bev Hershey, R.N. In the “Get Movinʼ “ session, students participate in “Push Up Ball” in which teams in the push up position try to roll a ball past the opposing team. Students attending a “Be a Heart Saver” class learn how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver to assist someone who is choking on food. Meet the York Suburban Class of 2006 Benjamin M Abbott Zachary Todd Adam Julio Enrique Alicea III Matthew Lawrence Appleby Molly Simpson Ariail Marko Nicholas Badovinac Megan Elizabeth Barley John Anthony Barron David Shaun Barron Jennifer Elizabeth Barton Derrick E Bass Larissa Paige Baughman Jessica Bender Stephanie June Benton Joseph Robert Bentz Matthew W Berchtold Andrey F Bilko Broc Steven Bisking Danielle Elizabeth Blasser Taylor Scott Blyth Tiffany Ann Bowman Lorena Sandara Brabham Daniel J Brein Whitney Marie Brown Katherine Dana Burchman Michael Jack Carr Drew Kenneth Chevaux Amanda Sue Chirico Philip Daniel Cialini Andrea Elizabeth Clabaugh Laura Russell Conrad Danielle Elizabeth Craul Theodore Ray Cravens Sarah Elizabeth Crispo Nicole Elizabeth DʼAlessandro Edgar Charles Deitz II Karen Lynne Dexheimer Jessica Lynne Diaczun Emily Dunkinson Brittni Alexis Dunklebarger William Fagello Katherine Louise Filer Breanna Nicholle Filson W Andrew Fizer III David Foster Flannelly Heather Marie Flinchbaugh Frank James Fontanazza Joshua Matthew Frantz Matthew Noss Frey Marina Fridman Carolyn Elizabeth Gann Brigitte Giselle Garcia Marla Jo Garrett Dustin William Gatewood Andrew Eckels Gee Christie Gentzler Nikki Virginia Gerrick Ricky Douglas Giffin Kagi Kato GiffordFerguson Joseph Michael Giuffrida Robert Douglas Goodis Kellie Lynn Greiss Pelle Andrew Grimm Kelly Nicole Gross Alexander Ian Grubbs Angela Joan Hammond Christopher Sean Hare Whitney Elizabeth-Ann Hedgepeth Stephen Russell Hedrick Dustin Gerry Hildebrand Stephen Paul Hildebrand Glyn Stephen Hinnenkamp James Edward Hipp Melissa Green Hodge Rebecca Marie Hoffman Kirstin Elizabeth Hogsett Morgan Elizabeth Hollinger Keegan Burke Johnson Meredith Carney Johnston Holden Joseph Johnston Kayla Jones Joshua Lee Kann Erica Converse Kay Janet Elizabeth Kay Benjamin Vincent Kehm Kayla Cathleen Kennedy Emily Lauren Kimes Megan Elizabeth Kindig Ryan Scott King Sheldon Lee Kinney Kayla Beth Kleynen Julia Brigid Koch Mandy Sue Kolb Kalli Arlene Konrad Rebecca Lauren Krane Robert Bentley Krebs Laura Roseann Kucherich Krishan Edward Kumar Savanah Oliveira Kunz Christina Marie Lam Kelsey Elizabeth Lane Bradley David Lane II Michele Garrett Lanpher Bryan Jordan Lavetan Kiersten McCabe Leonard Nathaniel Joseph Levin Andrew Kevin Lightner Xinyi Lin Gregory Paul Lutz Olivia Cordts Marcucci Sean Christopher Markel Jennifer Lauren Markley Daniel Edward McGarry Jessica Elizabeth McInerney Shaina Anne Mirsky Sarah Elizabeth Mitchell Tricia Lynn Mitschele Rachael Elizabeth Moore Kelly Lynn Morgan Kevin Michael Gabriel Morrison Ryan Patrick Mosser Allison Elizabeth Myers Tatʼyana Y Nadtochey Sasha Ytzallya Natera Sarah Ann Nevin Khanh Nctoc Nguyen Kei Notoya Brittany Marie OʼReilly Taniel Nicole Orr Olivia Marie Orth Christopher McNeil Osborne Brian Thomas OʼShea Ryan Eugene Painter Vladimir A Panchenko Darren Pantelich Jesse Tipton Payne Brian Stephen Petraco Sarah Kathryn Plitsch Bryce Anthony Pomper Paul S Price Tessa Lee Price Derek Andrew Ramp Zachary Austin Reider Kraig Patrick Reinhold Jordan King Rich Aaron David Rivard Jessica Rivera Jamie Lee Roberts James Gareth Rohrbaugh Shane Michael Rohrbaugh Johan Andreas Roos Ashley Eileen Rudisill Anita Rufaida Gregory Joseph Russell Jillian Autumn Sanders Joseph Abraham Sanders Donald J Sauder III Kyle Robert Saxman Philip Southwick Scheide Philip Lewis Schmidt Daniel Neal Schultheiss Gabrielle Anastasia Searcy Sameer Jyotindra Shah Stephanie Victoria Shanaman Justin Sharrar John Phillip Shelley Joshua Weinstein Kevin Morrison Katherine Williamson Kelly Trattner Allison Myers Stephen Hildebrand Christopher James Shrader Justin David John Skaggs Darren Alexander Smith Emily Katherine Smith Roy Smith Brittany J Snyder Tracie Lynne Snyder Frank James Stanley Zachary Ryan Steckler Whitney Devin Stein Emily Claire Strausbaugh Matthew Charles Suenkonis Andrew Martin Szala Sandy Mae Thompson Miriam Cristina TatiBarros Allison Michelle Toomey Casey Elizabeth Touras Sierra Trago Kelly Leigh Trattner Angela Ioannis Tsoukalos Maria Tsoukalos Jordan Abraham Vargas Marcus Anthony Velazquez Allen Jason Veltman Quyen H Vu Margaret Gannon Wagman Kyle Goranflo Waite Mandy Marie Walters Jessica Lynn Walton Joshua S Weinstein Samantha Marie Weitkamp Katherine Jane Williamson Shannon Rae Willis Elizabeth G Wilson Catherine Elizabeth Wingard Ashley Nicole Witmer Shane Alexander Wolf Caitlin Ann Worley Jiayun Xu Wen Yang Sarah Elizabeth Young Beth Ann Zani Ashley Renae Zink York County High Grads Seven students from the York Suburban School District received their diplomas from York County High School on May 31. The graduates are: Corey Chantiles Chad Conaway Josh Denenberg Joyce Hedderick Jaret Hostetter Yaco Tchernov Kayla Will 7 2006 Post Prom Party Donors The Post Prom Committee expresses its appreciation to the following donors who made the event a success: AAA Advance Auto Parts al Dente! Italian Restaurant Allergy and Asthma Consultants Inc Almquist, David & Philista Altland House American Eagle Outfitters Anderson Metals Anstineʼs Candy Box Aqua Massage & Chiropractic Center Asian Grill - Viet - Thai A-Z Land B Dalton Booksellers Barley Autumn House East & West Barron, Joe & Nonnie Bella Dzyns Big Apple Bagels (Grantley Road) Big Apple Bagels (Haines Road) Blakey, Albert & Eleni Blockbuster (S Queen Street) Bluett Bros Violins Bon-Ton Stores Inc Bookland Boscovʼs Department Store Brein, MD, Ken & Jessica Brendaʼs Wholesale Brotherʼs Restaurant Brown-Hershner, Judith Brownʼs Orchard & Farm Market BSOM-York Clinic Buchanan, Mark & Michal Burger King Bush, John & Catherine Carry Out Courier Center for Cosmetic Dermatology Central Family Restaurant Chapps at the Hill Restaurant Charlie Brownʼs Childrenʼs Dental Centre of York Chuck E Cheeseʼs Classic Caramel Cloister Car Wash Cluck, Fred & Vicki Collens-Wagner Agency Inc Colonial Coffee Shop Comix Connection Connieʼs All Tune and Lube Conrad, Lynn Cote, Bill & Patty Cracker Barrel Crispo, Neil & Victoria Culinary Creations Dairy Queen (E Market Street) Dairy Queen (Roosevelt Avenue) Dairy Queen (S Queen Street) Damonʼs Grill Day, Robert & Lisa Dellinger, DMD, David & Nancy Designer Headlines-Nails by Kandi Digestive Disease Center, Inc Dominoʼs Pizza East York Elementary PTO Eckerd Pharmacy Edris Oil Service, Inc. Education Station Inc El Serrano Embers Steakhouse & Seafood 8 Englerth, Tom & Jenny Essis and Sons Ettline Foods Felicia A Rohrbaugh, Independent Mary Kay Consultant Ferguson, Steve & Nancy Festive Board First Wok Flying Feet Foster, Tony & Jenny Fox 43 Foxʼs Pizza Frantz, Bruce & Sharon Frito Lay FYE Galloping Groomers Gann, David & Cathy Gentzler, Lisa Marie, Esthetician, Salon Down Under West George, Doug & Kim Giant (E Market St) Giant (Pauline Dr) Gingerich, Steve & Tina God Bless Our Mobile Home Golden Dragon Goldʼs Gym South York Grames, Stephen & Robin Grandview Golf Club Greenspring Apartments Hair Styling at Benjaminʼs Hanko, Paul & Melissa Harrisburg Senators Baseball Club Henryʼs Key & Lock Service Hollinger, Lisa Hossʼs Steak House Hungry Parrot Pizza Co Hunters Hill Orthodontics Ikoʼs Music Trade Indian Rock Casual Day Fund Infinitoʼs Pizza-Pasta-Salad Buffet Isaacʼs Restaurant & Deli Jeffrey C Ragland DMD Joyceʼs Hair Salon Julie P Nickles, DO Karen Benton, Longaberger Branch Leader Kasco Sales, Inc Kenpo Karate Studios KFC King & Associates, Physical Therapy, Inc Kirk, William & Christine Kmart Krane, Bruce & Donna Joy Kuhner Associates Funeral Directors, Inc. Lancaster Carpet Mart Levin, MD, Brad & Debbie Lillaʼs Bridal Boutique, Inc Lincolnway Flower Shop & Greenhouses Lindsay, Mark & Sally Luther Memorial Evangelical Lutz, Paul & Mary Mackʼs Ice Cream (Mt Rose Ave) Mackʼs Ice Cream (S Queen St) Maple Donuts Marketing Works & Event Works Staff Marinoʼs Pizza & Pasta House Matthews, Ken & Kay McGarry, Dan & KayLouise McInerney Family Memorial Hospital Food Svc Dept Menʼs Wearhouse Minnichʼs Colonial Pharmacy Inc Mirsky, Kathleen Mitsura Mock Family Morgan, John & Ellen Morrison, Kevin & Camille Mosser, Kevin & Carolyn Moul, Cindy Murphʼs Study Hall Myers, Lloyd & Julie Ned M Kauffman, DDS Nello Tire Ninoʼs Olde Country Reproductions, Inc Olive Garden Outback Steakhouse Panera Bread Papa Johnʼs Pizza Par Exsalonce Parma Pizza & Grill Patrick Bury Paul of Fifth Avenue Pediatric Care of York, PC Pendergast, Thomas & Cathy Pepsi Bottling Group Perina, Robert & Sarah Pflaum, Jeff Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, PC Platts, Todd & Leslie Price Refrigeration Pure Vanity Reath, Gerald & Nancy Rehnberg, Bradley & Emily Bates Reinebergʼs Richard W Burgess, Hair Art Studio Ritaʼs Italian Ice (S Queen St) Rite Aid Corporation Round the Clock Diner & Coffee Shop Pam and Jeffrey Royer Royerʼs Flowers Ruppert Detective Agency Rutterʼs Saltos Family Sargen, Jeff & Braquel Schmidt, Mark & Ruby School of Culinary Arts Schryver, MD, Tom & Beverly Sease, Kimberly Seitz Gourmet Cakes Setton Wireless Shaffer, Keith & Cathy Shankʼs Mare Outfitters Sharon Frantz Shipley Energy Shultzieʼs Subs Unlimited Plus Sierra & Co Signs by Tomorrow Small, Greg & Tiffany Smith, Jerry & Nancy Smith, Keith & Kathy Snyderʼs of Hanover Souser, Craig & Sue South York Diner parky & Clarkʼs at Penn St York Spring Garden Township Police Association Springettsbury Sertoma Club Stanton S Lebouitz, MD Starbucks (York Marketplace) Stauffer Biscuit Company Stauffers of Kissel Hill Stellar Partners, LLC Stony Brook Family Restaurant Strausbaugh, Janet Strickler, Tom & Kay Strictly Fitness Suburban Bowlerama Subway (Kingston Square) Subway (S Queen Street) Superhero Superpetz Susquehanna Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Susquehanna Pfaltzgraff Co Tabb, Randy & Deborah Take Five Expresso Bar Tamarkin Eye Associates Target (East York) TelAssist Inc. The Cavemen The Faculty & Staff at East York Elementary School Indian Rock Elementary School Valley View Elementary School York Suburban Middle School York Suburban High School The Gard Group Inc. The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore The Party & Gift Co Thomas Krebs Painting and Wallpapering Thompson, Roland & Jill Tia Bess, Transform You Coaching Trachtenberg, Steven B., ICUP, Inc. Turkey Hill Unique Physique Fitness Center Unwin, MD, William & Ann UPS Store (St Charles Way) Village Green Restaurant Vinarski, Peggy Vitoʼs Pizza Viva Nails Weber, Paul & Yvette Weckerʼs Carpet Weinstein, Elliott & Susan Weis Market (Queensgate) Whipkey, Joel & Merrilyn White Jewelers White Rose Settlement Services Wiener World Wiga, John & Paula Winand, Andrew & Becky Wing Zone Wisehaven Swim & Tennis Club Wonderful Garden York College Bookstore York Container York Imaging Center York Jewish Community Center York Little Theatre York Nationalease, Inc York Suburban Band Parentʼs Association York Suburban Communities That Care York Suburban High School Student Council York Suburban Middle School Casual Day Fund York Suburban Middle School Student Council York Suburban Post Prom Fundraiser Supporters York Suburban Post Prom Night Volunteers York Suburban School District Administration & School Board York Volkswagen, Inc. Yorktowne Racquet, Fitness & Sports Complex Yowza Water POST PROM 2006: HOLLYWOOD NIGHTS COMMITTEE Executive Committee: Chairs: Donna Joy Krane Julie Myers Karen Zuckerman Treasurer: Lisa Hollinger Secretary: Karen Hook Advisor: Sue Souser Casino: Tina Murphy Bev Schryver Coffee House: Karen Hook Darrell Steckler Corporate Fundraising: Karen Lanpher Database: Tina Murphy Decorations: Tina Rudisill Entertainment: Sherri Burchman Karen Zuckerman Food: Molly Gard Lisa Waltemyer Lisa Durs Fundraising: Joanne Jellison Sue Souser Marina Roos Lauren Scheib Jan Trattner Kathy Pike Julie Myers Karen Hook Martha McKillop Mail: Laurie Gee Martha McKillop Memory Lane: Donna Joy Krane Post Prom Plus: Kathy Monk Susan Ariail Prizes: KayLouise McGarry Nancy Mock Public Relations:Sue Souser Gina Kindig Thank You Notes: Vicki Cluck Tickets: Lisa Pandelidis Karen Solomon Volunteers: Philista Almquist Alumni – Once Again – Win YS Volleyball Tournament The annual D.J. Lucius Boysʼ Volleyball Alumni match was held on Friday, March 17, 2006. After a narrow win last year, the alumni rallied and 10 former players returned to join former head coach Bob Laird to battle the 2006 Varsity team. The Varsity team is ranked in the top 20 in Pennsylvania and the alumni had their work cut out for them. For the second year in a row, the alumni squeaked out a fifth game victory, 19-25, 27-25, 25-19, 20-25, 1512. The Varsity members were very excited to play so well against a quality veteran team and will apply what they learned into their season. York Suburban teacher Jamie Evans, who coordinated the event, thanked the alumni who came back to support the program, see old teammates, and experience a fun night of volleyball. He extended an open invitation to all volleyball alumni for next yearʼs match, which will be held on Friday, March 16, 2007. Alumni team pictured left to right: Bret Young (ʻ04), Adam Walton (ʻ02), Brent Whitehead (ʻ00), Ben Zimmerman (ʻ93), Dr. Ryan Mathur (ʻ92), Chris Rudisill (ʻ91), Scott Kraft (ʻ98), Jon Schuhart (ʻ00), Chris Dinkle (ʻ93), Pete Lehmyer (ʻ03), retired head coach Bob Laird with son, Colin. Save the Date: CTC Variety Show The Second Annual York Suburban CTC Community Variety Show will be presented on the York Suburban High School stage on Saturday, November 18. Planning has begun and more information will be available when school resumes in the fall. York Suburban High School students, who studied CAM/CAD design at the Advanced Skills Center in the afternoons of their school day, are shown with last yearʼs robot. The students are: Jesse Payne, Derrick Bass, Aaron Rivard and Vlad Panchenko. Robotics Team Wins Regional Honors With Help from YS Students Four York Suburban High School students assisted a local Robotics Team in winning several regional awards this spring. York Suburban seniors Jesse Payne, Derrick Bass, Aaron Rivard, and Vlad Panchenko attended the Advanced Skills Center CAD/CAM program in the afternoon and used their knowledge to help design the robot created for the York High Robotics Team. Other Advanced Skills Center high school students then used their mechanical training to construct the components and weld together the pieces of the robot, which was entered in the regional and national competitions. The FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition for Science and Technology) Robotics Competition is a nationwide competition that teams professionals and young people to solve an engineering design problem in an intense and competitive way. The competition gives young people the opportunity to design, build, and program their own autonomous mobile robot to compete against other teams both regionally and nationally. The program has been described as a life-changing, career molding way for high school students to explore the worlds of technology and science, and most importantly, have lots of fun while learning. Team 225 is sponsored by William Penn High School. The Advanced Skills Center supplies its facilities and resources to assist the students in all phases of the robotics program. All of the students are incorporated directly into Team 225. The York High team won the “Innovation in Control Award” at a Trenton, N.J. competition. “The award celebrates an innovative control system or application of control components to provide unique machine functions,” according to Bill Brenner of the Advanced Skills Center, located on Pennsylvania Avenue. The team also won the Autodesk Visualization Award at the Chesapeake Regional competition, held at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis. The award recognizes excellence in student animation, which was created by the York Suburban members of the team. A demonstration of the robot was presented at a recent meeting of the York Suburban School Board. 9 Middle School Presents Awards The York Suburban Middle School presented a number of awards at the end of the school year. Presidential Academic Award Recipients: Whitney Alakson Ryan Almoney Bonnie Arbittier Rohan Agarwal Tyler Baker Joshua Beamesderfer Brooke Bishop Amanda Blyth Jessica Boulding Ryan Brenner Eric Bulgarelli Lauren Burk Caitlin Carmody Kyle Cote Janalee Coyle Nathan Cozzens Annika Dalemar Dan Danner Ericka Eckenrode Kristyn Eshler Sterling Feeser Allison Fish Erin Flannelly Jessica Foster Pascale Frem Abbey Fry Patrick Giuffrida Eric Graff Erik Gross Matthew Hadginske Jennifer Hall Jessica Henry Heather Hodge Alaysia Humer Michael Johnescu Leah Karchnak Allegra Ketterman Sabrina Koehler Mykela Krieg Julia Kucherich Kelsie Landis Stephanie Laucks Kaitlin Levin Stephen Logue Patricia Manning Colin McClernon Catherine McCullum Thomas McInerney Michelle Millen Ryan Mock Grace Morgan Sarah Myers Elena Nentcheva Duy Nguyen Trang Nguyen Cassandra Ott David Parker Anjali Patel Mariah Porter Bailey Rehnberg 10 Michelle Roos Brianna Root Mark Russell Nicholas Schrading Julia Schryver Stephanie Shoff Charles Smith Kara Smith Aimee Sohnleitner Kellie Stough Samantha Strickler Ashley Swift Michael Tabb Emily Tay Olivier Volk Heather Vosburg Cody Waltimyer Chloe Walsh Erin Weaver Emma Whiteley Christopher Winters Katherine Woodbury Aubrey Woodward Alice Brader Scholarship: Julia Kucherich American Legion Award Winners: Christopher Winters Chloe Walsh Science Fair Outstanding Achievement: Bailey Rehnberg Achievement in Global Studies Award: Dan Danner Citizenship Award Winners: Tyler Baker Joshua Beamesderfer Brooke Bishop Eric Bulgarelli Nathan Cozzens Annika Dalemar Ericka Eckenrode Allison Fish Jessica Foster Patrick Giuffrida Eric Graff Sean Hinnenkamp Heather Hodge Lauren Keasey Allegra Ketterman Kaitlin Levin Dylan Liddick Stephen Logue Patrick Manning Catherine McCullum Daniel McHugh Thomas McInerney Sarah Myers Duy Nguyen Tara Owens Mariah Porter Bailey Rehnberg Michelle Roos Mark Russell Nick Schrading Julia Schryver Michael Tabb Heather Vosburg Chloe Walsh Erin Weaver Stan Williams Christopher Winters Aubrey Woodward East York and Indian Rock Top Fund Raisers/ Readers East York Elementary School and Indian Rock Elementary School earned top honors in this springʼs countywide York Literacy Council Buck-A-Book fund raising campaign. Students at East York led all schools in York County by raising $7,463 for the Literacy Council. Indian Rock raised the second highest amount in York County -- $3,830 – and topped all other schools in per-capita contributions. For their award-winning efforts, both schools won baseball-themed assemblies, courtesy of the York Literacy Council. The Orioles Bird mascot and pitcher Kurt Birkins visited both schools on the same day to thank them for their efforts on behalf of the Literacy Council. East York Elementary Awards East York Elementary presented a number of endof-the year awards to fifth grade students. Presidential Achievement Awards were given to: Sierra Althoff Barbara Baquero Viante Barnes Kirk Beaver Cody Bell Lucinda Billet Laura Blouse Brooke Bobb Kaylynn Bower Natalie Concino Christopher Covert Kyle Daugherty Gabriella Dean Kiara Dunne Thomas Englerth Olivia Frey Alexis Gettle Samantha Gehly Alexander Giffen Madison Glassmyer Alaina Gray John Grimek Sarah Gutekunst Allysa Ilgenfritz Ivanny Jacome Taylor Jordan Christine Kapterian Fotini Karabas Matthew Knisley Chandler Larkin Paije Lerman Josh Lofties Abby London Anastasios Marros Kenice Miller Olivia Mingora Angelina Murdasova Ryan Myers Nikhil Patel Larry Payne Bryce Peters Golda Peysakhova Katie Rhoads Devin Robinson Chance Rohrbaugh Lindsay Saxman Karianne Shetter Elyse Smith Sergio Solomon Elisabeth Thummel Yasmin Vasquez Martin Vaughn Lauren Villone Griffin Vinarski Aubrey Waltersdorf Ben Wells Gabriella Wilt Amanda Woodward Educational Achievement Awards were given to: Deborah Alcantara Alexa Beaston Taylor Crispo Samantha Hershey Danielle Kline Austin Kubala Amber Koons Anna Moore Kyle Moyer Shawn Peterson Lakyn Rivera Alyn Shaffer Indian Rock Lists Presidential Awards Indian Rock Elementary School presented Fifth Grade Presidential Achievement Awards at the end of the current school year. Recipients are: Alicia Baker Anna Blyth Sara Bray Jacob Diehl Connor Fitzgerald Michael Hogg Mitchell Hovis William Koch Ethan Kohr Emilie Leyes Erin Merkle Garret Reynolds Rachel Smith Samuel Spahr David Matthew Stauffer Spenser Strickler Margaret Sullivan Sam Sullivan Clayton Swartz Andrew Toman Haley Ward Nikki Whare Benjamin Zepernick Drum Line Wins All State Musicians Five York Suburban High School students were selected for the All State Band, All State Orchestra or All State Chorus. The students are: Zach Bluett, bass; Eleanor Chodroff, violin; Kagi Gifford-Ferguson, alto clarinet; Lily Mauro, soprano; and James Rohrbaugh, trombone. The students began their journey with auditions in December for District Ensembles. Another audition was then held for Regional Ensembles and then, again, a third audition for the State Ensembles. The five York Suburban students were among the 18 York County students, representing 11 school districts, in the All State Ensembles. York Suburban had more students represented than any other district in York County. The All State concerts were held in conjunction with the PMEA All State Convention. YS Staff Service Awards Presented Anumber of ServiceAwards were presented at theAnnual York Suburban Employee Reception on May 25. Recipients are: 20 Years of Service – Michael Appleby, Doran Frock, Bonni Kuner-Roth, Amy Loughran, Kay Matthews, Jonnie Regan, and Barbara Thompson. 25 Years of Service – Billie Jean Jensenius and Rodney Martin. 30 Years of Service – Susan McDowell and Kathi Wentz. 35 Years of Service – Sharon Stutts, Merrilyn Whipkey and James Young. Staff members who have retired since June 2005 or have indicated their intention to retire at the conclusion of this school year are: Administration – James Bonner and Deborah Kuntz. Instructional Staff – Doug Davis (High School), Lynne Lavery (East York), Doris Sterner (Valley View), Sharon Stutts (Middle School), John Walker (Middle School) and Jane Young (High School). Support Staff – Donald Brown (Middle School) and Connie Garver (High School). Secretarial Staff – Helen Rhodes (High School). The York Suburban High School Drum Line won the KIDA Gold Drum Championship. Members of the line are: Kieran Carlisle, Phil Cialini, Daniette DePalma, Josh Frantz, Alexis Giannone, Ryan Leitzel, Cayla McCullough, Charlie Scheide, Tom Schryver, Matney Smith, Kyle Stambaugh, Justin Stehr, and Dan Walters. YS Reunions The Class of 1961 will hold its 45th Reu n i o n o n S a t u r d a y, August 12, 2006 at the Cool Creek Golf Club in Wrightsville. Contact Judy Hildebrand Dilling, at jdilling@msn.com or 246-1337. The Class of 1971 will hold its 35th Reunion on Friday and Saturday, October 6 and 7, 2006.Class members are asked to mail their current contact information to Roger Calabretta at rcalabretta@suscom.net or call (717) 741-4541. Is Your Class Planning a Reunion? Is your York Suburban High School class having a reunion. Be sure to send the information to Wendy Erwine at the Ronald Provard Education Center, werwine@yshs.k12. pa.us several months before the reunion date so it can be included in YS Pride. A Sunny Day for YS Musicians York Suburban Middle School and High School musicians once again presented the season-opening concert in York Cityʼs Cherry Lane in May. The sun-dappled musicians received a rousing ovation from the business people and Central Market shoppers who stopped to enjoy the performances. Music teacher Sue Wolschleger is shown with Rebekah Buchanan (at left) and Helen Gunn and Anna Blyth at the recent District 7 Song Fest. Sing, Sing a Song… Six students from Indian Rock Elementary School and East York Elementary School took part in the District 7 Song Fest at East Lebanon Valley High School. The York Suburban School District schools were among 46 schools from South Central Pennsylvania participating in the event. The singers were trained and directed by York Suburban music teachers Deryl Lutz and Sue Wolschleger. Representing Indian Rock were: Anna Blyth and Helen Gunn. East York students were: Laura Blouse, Rebekah Buchanan, Kyle Daugherty, and Lauren Villone. 11 York Suburban School District 1800 Hollywood Drive York, PA 17403 NON-PROFIT ORG. U. S. POSTAGE P A I D PERMIT NO. 77 YORK, PA Published by the York Suburban School District, 1800 Hollywood Drive, York, PA 17403. (717) 848-2814. www.yshs.k12.pa.us Dollars for Scholars Recipients (page 5) Robotics Team ECRWSS ************ RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER (page 9) Post Prom Party (page 8) Strategic Plan On Website The York Suburban Strategic Plan is now posted on the Pennsylvania Department of Educationʼs website. The best way to access the site, according to Assistant Superintendent Kate Orban, is to use Internet Explorer 6 or newer and go to www. estratplan.org. In the upper right hand corner, click on the Sign-In tab. Sign in using: Spreader (Strategic Plan Reader). The password is: yssp (York Suburban Strategic Plan). Click on the Sign-In tab on this site. Click on the magnifying glass icon to choose a plan. Once in the plan, click on the pencil. Do not use back arrows in the browser, use the back button at the upper right of the screen. The status color code key is: Green, completed. Yellow or half yellow, in process. Clear, not started. Dr. Orban cautions the state is having difficulty with some electronic portions of this process. She also notes the status indicated is not always accurate due to loss of data. Summer Hours For YS Offices T h e Yo r k Subu rban School District offices are now operating on a summer schedule through Friday, August 25. 2006. T h e R o n a l d P rovard Education Center, located behind the York Suburban High School, York Suburban Middle School and the High School offices are open: M o n d ay t h r o u g h Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Teacher Laurie Cornell and Seth Orndorff. Teacher Wins Rotary Award Valley View Learning Centerʼs Laurie Cornell has won a Teacher Impact Award from Rotary District 7390, WGAL-TV8, Capital Blue Cross, and Central Penn Parent Magazine. Laurie, a first grade teacher, was one of six award recipients from more than 200 entries. She was nominated for the award by Gary Orndorff in recognition of the time and care Laurie took with Garyʼs son, Seth, during the illness and death of Sethʼs mother. 3 Remedial Courses Slated This Summer Three remedial courses have been scheduled for this summer for students in the York Suburban School District who did not receive passing grades during the school year. The courses are: York County Libra•ryEnglish Systemfor two and a Invites children of all half ages,hours a day for 20 birth to 18 to participate days. in your local library’s • American Cultures for Summer Reading two Cluand b a half hours a day for 20 days. Physical Education for two and a half hours a day for 10 days. The cost is $150 for the English and American Cultures classes and $75 for the Physical Education program. Register at Martin Library Don’t miss out on the fun and prizes! The fun begins on June 12. Students in grades 7 - 12 are welcome to serve as volunteers.