Feb 2016 - Immanuel Lutheran Church


Feb 2016 - Immanuel Lutheran Church
February 2016
Immanuel Lutheran
Immanuel Lutheran Church
255 South Seventh Street, Salina, KS 67401
785.825.4750 www.immanuelsalina.org
Rev. Kent Happel, Pastor, Mindy Tillberg, AIM, Youth Director
Church staff:
Pastor Kent Happel
AIM, Youth Director
Mindy Tillberg
Parish Nurse
Angie Sundell, PMA
Music Director, Organist
Dr. Ronald Swedlund
Office Manager
Gloria Tillberg
Building Manager
Bob Buster
Happy Hearts Preschool
Erica Arb
Office: 785-825-7947
255 South 7th Street
Salina, KS 67401-3909
Office hours: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Inside this issue:
From the Pastor .............................. Page 1
Financial Picture ............................. Page 2
Teach us to Pray ............................ Page 3
Church Council Notes ................. Page 4-5
Pray Daily
Prayer Focus, Recent Deaths ........ Page 6
Those in need of Prayer ................. Page 7
Worship Weekly
Attendance, Visitors........................ Page 8
Ash Wed., Midweek worship .......... Page 8
Read the Bible
1st Comm., New Books .............. Page 9-10
Flower Delivery ............................. Page 11
Flowers, Altar Guild ...................... Page 11
Worship Assistants ....................... Page 12
Feed My Starving Children ........... Page 13
Spiritual Friendships
Soup Suppers, Chili Cook-off, BowlingPage 14
Card Shower, Sr. Lunch, Palooza Page 15
Thank You’s ............................. Page 15-16
Parish Nurse ............................ Page 17-19
Women of the ELCA ..................... Page 20
December Birthdays ..................... Page 20
Baskets of Promise....................... Page 21
The Immanuel Lutheran
is published monthly by the church
office. Deadline for submission of
materials is the 15th of the month for
the subsequent issue. We welcome
pictures and news of church events
to Gloria Tillberg, Email:
Brothers and Sisters in Christ
This month, I did something I thought I would never do in ministry and
that is to take a previous pastor's article for the newsletter and reuse it.
But since I have been sick and my head is still pounding, I cannot think
of anything worthwhile to write. So when I looked at last year's article, I
still like it so I decided to repeat it. Even though you read it last year,
please do so again this year.
The purpose of Lent is a season of fasting, self-denial, spiritual growth,
conversion, and simplicity as we prepare ourselves for Holy Week. Lent
can be viewed as a spiritual spring cleaning where we take a spiritual
inventory and then clean out those things which hinder a personal
relationship with Jesus. This is why it is fitting that Lent begins with a
symbol of repentance: placing ashes mixed with oil on one’s forehead.
There are a few basic practices that traditionally have been associated
with Lent which include fasting, almsgiving, and prayer. In addition,
reading the Scriptures can also help you to grow during Lent.
The first practice is fasting. When we "give something up" for Lent, we
are embracing a form of fasting. Eastern Christians have a more
rigorous fast, abstaining from meat, wine, oil, dairy products, and even
fish. Some give up things they have a strong desire for such as
chocolate, caffeine, etc. By giving these up, the person who is fasting
learns to control a particular part of his or her life, which leads to
greater self-discipline even when Lent is over.
Lent is a perfect time to develop or strengthen a discipline of regular
prayer. A good goal for Lent would be to read Morning Prayer and
Evening Prayer every day. Contemplative prayer, based around the
idea of silence or listening for God, is also well suited to Lent. Theology
and liturgy should always be prayer, so a good discipline for Lent would
be to make an effort to attend worship services whenever possible.
While many think of Lent as a time to give something up, it is also
about putting something positive in its place. The best way to remove
vice is to cultivate virtue. Lent has been a traditional time of helping the
poor and doing acts of charity and mercy. While as Christians this is a
year round calling, Lent is a good time to examine ways to get involved
and to make resolutions to actually do them. Giving alms can be done
in more ways than just giving out money to people on the street. It can
be done by helping your family, friends, and neighbors out of tight
situations or being more generous to hired help. However, one of the
best ways to give alms is by volunteering for a charity
When facing temptation in the desert, Jesus relied on Scripture to
counter the temptations of the devil. Today, biblical illiteracy among
Christians is widespread for a variety of reasons. Many individuals and
families do not attend worship, Sunday school or Bible studies so as a
result, they do not have an opportunity to hear and learn the stories of
the Bible. Lent is an excellent time to remedy this problem by dedicating
yourself to begin reading the Bible or attending our Sunday activities.
Lent is a time of preparation. We are preparing ourselves for Holy
Week as we journey with Christ to the cross and then with the disciples
to the empty tomb on Easter morning.
In Christ,
Pastor Kent
Financial Picture
In November, the congregation voted to accept a budget of $242,668
which means each month we should bring in $20,222 to cover budgeted
expenses. As of January 26, we have brought in $14,454 and our
expenses have been $14,931. So while we have had fewer expenses
than budgeted, our income has not been enough to cover expenses.
Concerning our heating & air conditioning obligations we have total
pledges in the amount of $302,690.63. The total expenses for the
heating & air conditioning system is $350,627.34. This leaves
$47,936.71 needed in additional pledges to pay for the system. Thank
you for your sacrificial giving to both the general fund and this important
project. Please prayerfully consider what you can contribute to alleviate
these shortfalls.
Please make note of the Prayer Ventures for February.
You can find them at http://www.elca.org/What-WeBelieve/Prayer-Center/Prayer-Ventures-2.aspx. A sample
of the first six days is printed here. A printed version of the
entire month of February is available at church.
These petitions are offered as guides to prayer for the global,
social and outreach ministries of the church. Thank you for your
continued prayers for the life and mission of this church.
1 We remember in our prayers communities and states recovering from
or experiencing unexpected flooding and severe weather this winter.
2 Presentation of Our Lord Jesus, our Lord and savior, grew and
matured in our midst for our sake and salvation. We pray that we will
mature and become strong in faith, filled with wisdom, and that God’s
love and mercy will be upon us throughout life.
3 We remember in our prayers the ministries of pastors Bradn Buerkle,
Ben and Margit Coltvet, and Arden Haug, ELCA missionaries serving in
4 We hold in prayer our leaders gathered for the Conference of
Bishops, that they will be inspired and sustained by the Holy Spirit and
help guide our church in its mission in a world full of complexity and
5 We remember in our prayers all throughout history who have lost their
lives for the sake of the gospel and the proliferation of peace and justice.
6 Theologians in our church help us reflect on, better understand and
apply Scripture and our faith in daily life. We pray for the Holy Spirit to
guide, inspire and stir curiosity in their studies and teaching.
Pastor’s Report: Attended 2 meetings outside of the regular meetings.
Participated in Christmas caroling. Sat with family during a procedure. Worked
on midweek Lenten worship service. Worked on getting some info for upgrading
video equipment with Steve Wilson, and will also be talking with Aaron Coil. Led
worship at McCall Manor. Worked on power point for congregational meeting.
Had pastoral visits with 17 members/households, 16 being homebound. Visited
with 3 members who were hospitalized. Oversaw the transfer out of Juanita
Beams to Trinity Lutheran Church in Salina, KS. Performed the funeral for
Dorothy Brockmeier on December 31.
Parish Health: Angie turned in report of Parish Nurse Hours. Parish health did
not meet in January due to health.
Worship and Music Ministry Team:
1. Sunday, Jan. 10 Baptism of Our Lord, we incorporated the Affirmation of
Baptism into the service.
2. Wednesday, Jan. 20 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: We offered a midweek service at 12:15 & 7:00 focusing on prayer using ELCA Global links
and including our missionaries and sister synods.
3. Ash Wednesday, Feb 10 at 12:15 & 7:00 pm. We will use the service
provided in the ELW hymnal.
4. We will be using the “Crown of Thorns” during the Lenten season and will
involve the youth in the dialogue and candle extinguishing.
5. We will have “Soup and Bread” suppers before Mid-week Lenten worship
during Lent. Ministry teams will host individual weeks.
Property Ministry Team:
1. Are adding support to preschool puppet theater so it won’t fall over by
anchoring it to the wall.
2. Will be cutting a hole in side ceiling wall in balcony to access attic area to find
roof leaks. Kape Roofing is to repair both sides for no cost.
3. Bob will take care of securing preschool with new locks.
4. Team recommends that we purchase a stair lift, to be installed on the narthex
stairs, with donated funds. Council voted to add to agenda of Annual meeting.
Youth and Education Ministry Team:
1. Preschool Advisory Board met Jan 5 at 8:00 pm.
2. Acolyte schedule has been mailed to the acolytes. There will be no acolytes
for June-July-August.
3. Mindy will talk with the confirmation families regarding confirmation camp.
4. Affirmation of Baptism will be May 22.
5. Souper Bowl is February 7.
6. Sunday school Lenten project will be gathering items for LWR personal care
kits. We also discussed including the youth in the weekly extinguishing of the
Lenten wreath.
7. Easter breakfast and egg hunt will be on March 27.
8. VBS is scheduled for May 23-26 from 9am-noon. Curriculum is Group’s Cave
9. Mindy is waiting to hear back from Dillon’s regarding Valentine Flower
Delivery. Income this year will go to the Happy Hearts Preschool scholarship
Evangelism Ministry Team:
1. Reviewed the duties of the Evangelism Ministry Team.
2. Team discussed the focus of team for upcoming year with possibility of
separating out a Social Ministry (Fellowship) team.
3. Members brainstormed ways that we can develop our individual
understanding of our faith and then share it.
4. Chili Cook-off will be Sunday, Feb. 28 at noon.
5. Ongoing activities of the Evangelism team are:
a. Mailing bulletin & sermon to shut-ins.
b. Promoting events & evangelism messages on church sign.
c. Updating video equipment to tape services & place on internet/web page.
d. Utilize Salina Journal free posting of events/activities for the church.
e. Rachelle Hindman is working on revisions to the Webpage.
Finance Ministry Team:
1. Reviewed financial statements. We showed a $5,000 deficit at the end of the
year. Council approved moving funds from savings account to cover deficit.
2. We will need to move money from CD & Savings (Berkley funds) to cover the
cost of the window painting & scraping.
Memorial Ministry Team: Reviewed the most recent activity in the memorial
fund, and noted amount in check book & savings which are designated funds
and which are un-designated.
“… for you have been my help, and in the shadow of
your wings I sing for joy.” Psalm 63:7
Feb. 1st-6th:
At our congregational meeting, we talked a little bit
about sharing our faith. Pray about what is holding
you back and then ask for guidance in how to
overcome whatever that might be.
Feb. 7th-13th:
During the Transfiguration, Jesus is shown as the
pivot point where human nature meets God. God's
statement, "Listen to him" identifies Jesus as God's
messenger and mouth-piece. Ask God to give you
strength to listen to and obey what God tells you
through Christ Jesus.
Feb. 14th-20th: One of the greatest Bible passages is Philippians 4:13
which reads, "I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me." Rejoice in that fact and trust in
Christ by asking him to guide you in all that you do.
Feb. 21st-29th: Continue to lift up all who struggle, who suffer, who
hurt. Ask for God's peace and hope to enter their lives
and give them peace.
Please keep in your prayers the families and friends of those Immanuel
members and/or loved ones who have recently died.
Dorothy Brockmeier
December 27, 2015
Alice & Harold Belt Nov. 29, 2015 & Jan. 6, 2016
(Aunt & Uncle of Steve Michel)
Dale Armbruster
Dee Bachofer
Allie Baskerville
Kristy Bonin
James Bowers
Mark Brightbill
Leona Cahoon
Levi Carson
Linda Crosby
Cassie Deming
John Deming
Weston Dent
Deanne Eison
Mary Endsley
Dorothy Favors
Marc Armbruster
Chris Bowman
Ryan Cassette
Andrew Chung
Diana Colon
Those In Need of Prayer
Sheri Graham
Jon Grahn
Derek Gropp
Heidi Happel
Edith Heidrick
Kathy Herron
Bob Hodges
Tom Jackson
Ralph Johnson
Mary Laas
Kyle Lindgren
Marie Lowe
Rod Musgrove
Barbara Nelson
Deanne Owsley
Russell Roberg
Charlotte Roberts
Julie Ryan
Caroline Salstrom
Loretta Saunders
Eric Scheier
Joe Shine
Randy Shine
Marilyn Swenson
Roscoe Swenson
Marlene Tustin
Vernon Truhe
Jean Wagner
Lois Webb
Virgil Yost
Matthew Deneke
Isaac Dougherty
Joshua Gengler
Erin Gerloff
John Rogers
Christopher Schutt
Jason Shipp
Scott Sippel
Lauren Vela
Paul Brockmeier & Family
Jed Burr & Family
Ethel Diehl & Family
Liz Diehl & Family
John Eklund & Family
Jack Goates & Family
Virgil Yost & Family
Clara Herbel & Family
Gary Hindman & Family
Melvin & Marlene Jensen & Family
Arline Metzger & Family
Ron Schneeman & Family
Tracy Schneider & Family
Dannie Tillberg & Family
Randy Willis & Family
Family & Friends of L. Evans Carlson
Family & Friends of Nadine Peterson
Family & Friends of Leland Tillberg
Family & Friends of Norman Tillberg
“I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the
house of the Lord!” Psalm 122:1
Average January (8:30) ..............................35
Average January (11:00) ............................50
Visitors to Immanuel in January
Ron & Carla Wilson, Lindsborg, KS; David
Graham, Salina, KS; Steve & Juli Wilson,
Kansas City, MO; John & Sarah Jane Carson,
Levi & Lydia Carson, Ardmore, OK; Karen Jilka,
Hillsboro, KS
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is February 10th and we will begin
our Lenten journey to Holy Week. We begin the
season of Lent with the imposition of ashes and will
celebrate Holy Communion at both worship services.
Join us at 12:15 or 7 pm on Wednesdays throughout the season of
Lent beginning with Ash Wednesday as we prepare ourselves for the
fulfillment of God's mission for the whole world.
Midweek Lenten Worship
Our Midweek Lenten services will continue
throughout the season of Lent with worship at
12:15 and 7 pm. The midweek Lenten offering
has been designated for disaster response in the Central States Synod
after Missouri had the devastating flooding last month. The theme for
each week will be focused on some basic questions about life and faith.
Lent is the perfect time to explore these questions that will lead us up to
the big question that is answered with Easter: is there hope for life and
life beyond death?
“For whatever was written in former days was written
for our instruction, so that by steadfastness and by the
encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope.”
Romans 15:4
First Communion
A number of years ago, we changed the age of when youth would
receive first communion. At that time, we decided that there would be
first communion classes during Lent and then the youth would receive
their first communion on Maundy Thursday. Last fall, we changed when
we have first communion classes to when the parent(s) feel that their
child is ready. You will still meet with pastor and then we will schedule a
time for your child to receive first communion if he or she is ready.
Confirmation class will meet from 9am-4pm on Saturday, February
20. Please bring your Bible and Student Handbook.
Some excellent fiction books have been donated to our church library
for your reading pleasure. They are:
by Sue Monk Kidd (author of THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES)
The story follows Hetty “Handful” Grimke, a Charleston slave, and
Sarah, the daughter of the Grimke family. The novel begins on Sarah’s
eleventh birthday, when she is given, ownership over Handful, who is to
be her handmaid. THE INVENTION OF WINGS follows the next 35
years of their lives. Inspired in part by the historical figure of Sarah
Grimke (a feminist, suffragist and an abolitionist), the author fleshes out
the inner lives of all the characters, both real and imagined.
by Camron Wright
Survival for Ki Lim and Sang Ly is a daily battle at Stung Meanchy,
the largest municipal waste dump in all of Cambodia. They make their
living scavenging recyclables from the trash. Life would be hard
enough without the worry for their chronically ill child, Nisay, and the
added expense of medicines that are not working. Just when things
seem worst, Sang Ly learns a secret about the ill tempered rent
collector who comes demanding money-a secret that sets in motion a
tide that will change the life of everyone it sweeps past. THE RENT
COLLECTOR, based on a real life character, is a story of hope, of one
woman’s journey to save her son and another woman’s chance at
by Janette Walls
“Those old cows knew trouble was coming before we did.” So
begins the story of Lily Casey Smith, Janette Wall’s no-nonsense,
resourceful, and spectacularly compelling grandmother. By six, Lily
was helping her father break horses. At fifteen, she left home to teach
in a frontier town. Lily survived tornadoes, droughts, floods, the Great
Depression, and personal tragedy. HALF BROKE HORSES is Laura
Ingalls Wilder for adults.
by Rod Dreher
When his little sister Ruthie Leming was diagnosed at age forty with
a virulent form of cancer, Rod Dreher was touched by the way the
community he had left behind rallied around her. On visits home during
her illness, he was afforded glimpses of a world he had turned his back
on as a teenager. Back home for Ruthie’s funeral, Dreher began to
wonder if the life Ruthie led was a path to hidden grandeur and spiritual
greatness concealed within the modest life of a mother and teacher.
“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does
the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love
kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
Flower Delivery Fundraiser
We will be delivering Valentine’s Day flowers again
this year! Volunteers and vehicles are needed for
Ohio & Cloud Dillon store. If you would like to help,
please contact Mindy Tillberg. Monies raised will be
used for Happy Hearts Preschool scholarship fund.
Mindy will be at the ELCA Youth Ministry Network’s Extravaganza in
Anaheim February 3-8.
Courtney Train & Mindy Tillberg will be at the Lutherans Restoring
Creation training at Camp Tomah Shinga February 26-28.
Feb. 7th Mary Jane Newingham in honor of her Birthday.
The remainder of the month is during the Lenten season and we do not
put flowers on the altar.
Altar Guild will meet on Wednesday, February 17,
At 5:15 p.m.
7, 14, 21 & 28
8:30 a.m. Natalie Gillespie
11:00 a.m. Meredith Tillberg
8:30 a.m. Steve & Pam Michel, Shirley Milleson
11:00 a.m. Arnold Tillberg, Tony Hummell, Ashley Hummell
8:30 a.m. Karen & Terrell Olson
11:00 a.m. Terry & Kathy Oehmke
Feb. 7th
Feb. 14th
Feb. 21st
Feb. 28th
Jack Goates
Pam Michel
Corlene Lange
Karen Olson
Ellen Vaupel
Gordon Tillberg
Courtney Train
Gloria Tillberg
Assisting Ministers
Feb. 7th (8:30) Pam Michel
Feb. 14th (8:30) Dorothy Hanna
Feb. 21st (8:30) Pam Michel
Feb 28th (8:30) Dorothy Hanna
Henry Diehl
Angie Sundell
Henry Diehl
Angie Sundell
Communion Assistants
8:30a.m. Pam Michel
11:00 a.m. Kathy Oehmke
(Bread) Steve Michel
(Bread) Terry Oehmke
Children’s Sermon
February 14 Mindy Tillberg
February 28
Liz Diehl
On January 17, twenty members of Immanuel participated in the Feed
My Starving Children (FMSC) Mobile Pack at Kansas Wesleyan
University. FMSC volunteers hand-pack meals specially formulated for
malnourished children. The meals are sent to mission partners running
orphanages, schools, clinics and feeding programs around the world.
Immanuel’s volunteers were: Connie Beisner, Alisha & Kaylee Cooper,
Gary Hindman, Tony & Ashley Hummell, Corlene Lange, Kim Lemon,
Shirley Milleson, Karen Olson, LoVaune Rasmusson & Karen Jilka,
Angie & Anneka Sundell, Steven Wienert, Gloria Tillberg, Alan & Mindy,
Jake, Ty Tillberg.
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and
admonish one another in all wisdom; and with
gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and
spiritual songs to God.” Colossians 3:16
Mid Week Lenten Soup Suppers
We will be having mid-week Lenten soup suppers this year beginning
with February 17th so please note that there is NOT a supper on Ash
Wednesday. There will be a basket available if you would like to leave
an offering for your meal, but that is not necessary. Council will decide
how any monies will be used. The menu for this year's suppers will
include soup and some type of bread and is as follows:
2-17: Cheeseburger Chowder by Worship and Music
2-24: Chicken and rice or noodle by Missions
3-4: Venison Stew by Parsonage
3-9: Potato soup by Pastor and possible ministry team
3-16: Vegetarian chili by Youth and Ed and Evangelism
Chili Cook Off
After struggling with schedules, we decided that the best date for the
chili cook-off will be Sunday, February 28th starting at noon. Once
everyone has eaten, you will have the opportunity to vote for your
favorite chili. As always, there are two categories: Family Friendly and
Hot and Spicy. The winners will have their names engraved on the
back of the trophies and keep the trophy for the next year. So dig out
your chili pots and get your recipes ready as we enjoy some good chili
and fellowship on the 28th.
Sunday, February 14 * 12:30-2:30pm
We will meet at All-Star Lanes on Broadway. Cost is
$11/person and includes meal and 2 hrs of bowling.
You must sign-up and pay by February 7 so we can
reserve lanes!
Card Shower
Help Carol Olson celebrate her 89th Birthday with a Card Shower. On
February 24th she will celebrate her 89th Birthday at her new home.
Please send cards to: Carol Olson, Bethany Home, 321 N. Chestnut,
Room #17, Lindsborg, KS 67456. Thank you!
The Dutch Lunch group will not be meeting during
February and March because of winter weather. They will
resume in April. If you have any questions, please call
Arlene Agin, 823-5707.
Sr. Lunch will be at noon on Monday, February
22nd in fellowship hall. Please bring a dish to
share and all table service will be provided. Join
us for good food and good conversation.
Area Ministry Palooza
February 21, 3:00-5:00pm at Camp Tomah Shinga
The synod-wide theme of HOPE was introduced at the Synod
Assembly in June 2015. This year we are focusing on leadership,
recognizing that leadership is an activity that everyone can participate
in rather than a position held by a few. Conversations will be about
about leadership then four workshops to help individuals enhance their
tools to lead in the following areas: Church Council Leadership,
Leading Worship, Leading Bible Study, Leading Stewardship with
Hope. Let’s all lead in HOPE!
Thank you to everyone who donated to God’s Global Barnyard
during Advent and Christmas. We raised $831.13
Youth & Education Ministry Team
I would like to thank you for your thoughts, cards and gifts for
my birthday. Hard to believe that I am still hanging on to 30.
Pastor Kent
Pastor Heidi and I would like to thank you all for your care,
concern and cards while she was in the hospital and I was home
sick. We both are breathing better now and working on building
up our strength.
Pastor Kent
Immanuel Friends,
Thanks so much for the prayers, flowers and cards. I really
appreciate each and every one. I am doing well and will see you
soon. God Bless,
Carolyn Larson
Thank you for your financial donation to the KWU Mobil Pack
event with Feed My Starving Children (FMSC). Your $729.27
contribution will go a long way in the fight against world
hunger. As an organization, FMSC is well on our way to
producing more than 270 million meals this year. These meals
will nourish starving children in countries such as Kenya, Haiti,
the Philippines, Uganda, and Honduras. Thank you for helping
us to “Feed God’s Starving Children Hungry in Body and
Mark Crea
Executive Director
Thank you for your generous gift of $144.00. Your gift will be
used to further the mission of Camp Tomah Shinga by
“Providing opportunities for all ages to experience Christ’s
love, grow in faith, and to serve God”! Your continued support
allows us to continue to operate year round to serve as many
people as possible.
Ben Fulton
Executive Director
I am writing to thank you for your generous contribution or
$678.61 to the Salina Rescue Mission during 2015. Your support
is greatly appreciated.
Stephen J. Kmetz, executive Director
It’s been about 14 weeks since I got the Phone call that
put life into better perspective. It went like this:
Ring. (actually it’s a cute little song)
Me: This is Angie (I hadn’t looked at the caller ID)
Dad: Hey Angie, It’s Dad (Mind you my Dad doesn’t call unless it’s
something big)
Me: What’s going on?
Dad: It’s your Mom. We had supper, then she looked really pale. She
went to her blood pressure machine and took her blood pressure and I
looked over her shoulder and it was really low, like 80/40. I reached out
and touched her arm to see if everything was ok, and she felt like a fish, all
wet and slimy.
Me: Dad she is likely having a heart attack, take her right now to the
hospital and I will meet you. (They live in Lindsborg and they have a
volunteer EMS so I told him to take her-IF they lived in Salina or any other
larger city I would have recommended calling EMS)
I drive (quickly) to Lindsborg and meet them at the hospital. The Nurse
Practitioner (NP) was in with her, as she had crumpled as she was coming
in the door. (the best way to get immediate care in the ER is to lose
consciousness at the door!) She is in the ER gurney, the staff has cut off
her clothes, she has one IV and they are starting another, has a urinary
catheter already put in, and is hooked up to all the monitors. At this point
she is somewhat awake, at least she complains that they cut her favorite
jeans off! She sees me and says, “ hey girl, your job is to make sure they
do the right things to me”, and my response was, “No, my job is to be your
daughter first, and a nurse second.” Actually in reality to see my mom
wired up, pale to grey, with a monitor that shows definite heart damage
really is surreal. My Dad is there, sitting quietly in the corner watching in
non-belief of what is occurring so I go to him and explain what is happening
and what will likely happen. The NP told us we need to decide if we want to
give her a clot busting drug, and I tell Mom and Dad, “Most definitely” The
form signed and into the IV it went. Shortly thereafter, the NP and a couple
of staff are in the foyer right outside her cubicle talking to the ER doctor in
Salina, and making arrangements for Salina EMS to come pick her up as
she is too unstable for Lindsborg EMS to take her. At this point she fades
out and as she goes she squeezes my hand and says, “say goodbye to the
kids for me” to which I replied, sobbing, “I will not do that, you will when
they get you fixed up in Salina.” At that point her heart rate dropped to 20
and she requires an external pacemaker to bring her heart rate up.
Finally Salina EMS got there and I asked if Dad could ride with her to Salina
to which they let us know they brought an extra person, so he could, but
he’d have to ride in the front cab. I decide that we will drive together, tell
Mom we’d meet her in Salina and off we went with a stop at the house to
lock it up. I’d wanted Dad to ride with her because quite frankly I didn’t
expect her to live to see Salina, she was that bad. We arrived at the
hospital and Dr. Kauer had already evaluated her and my brother (who was
fixing a toilet when I was going to Lindsborg-but decided he might make an
appearance now, as things were much worse than when I had talked to him
last) had been in with Mom while Dr. Kauer examined her.) Dr. Kauer
gathered us all together and gave us the grim news. Mom had a 50% or
less chance of surviving the heart cath that had to be done. By now all the
grandkids were there with us, knowing that something was up. I called my
sister in Colorado with an update, and the bad news we had gotten. And
the waiting began. We sat in the Cardiac services waiting room, either very
talkative or very quiet. The grandkids (there are 6 of them) were in shock of
what was happening. I called Pastor Kent, and left a message on the
phone at their church as well. After about 2 hours Dr. Bellah came into the
room to give us an update. She said there had been 2 blockages in the
front of her heart, and that although it was a bit of a challenge they were
able to stint those areas and blood was again flowing to her heart. Her
heart was now beating without the aid of the external pacemakers, although
for safety sake they put in a temporary internal pacemaker that could be
taken out if she didn’t use it. She should fully recover if she had no
complications in the next 24 hours.
We were able to see her briefly prior to her going up to ICU, and I called my
sister so she could talk to her “Just in case” there were problems before
she could get here the next afternoon. Mom’s biggest worry was the
cucumber bread loaves-15 of them- that she had made that afternoon.
Katie said she would take care of it, and she took her sister, went to
Lindsborg, and bagged up and froze the bread, got her grandpa’s
medication, turned off the lights in the house and brought back Grandpa’s
truck so he had transportation if he wanted it. Thankfully things went
smoothly the next few days and she came home to many changes in her
life. No smoking, period. A healthy diet, that my sister, the health
enthusiast was great help to establish and the medications…Oh, the
medications…she had never taken any medications regularly, so this was a
shock, especially as she really had no really good memory of the 3 days
she spent in the hospital. With a medication box, a list and a lot of
coaching she finally settled down into a pattern that also included exercise
with cardiac rehab. She returned to work with half days, in the morning so
she could rest in the afternoon. She was amazed at how fatigued she
would get during the early days. Thankfully now she is her ornery , spunky
self, minus about 30 pounds-and looks great.
Thanksgiving and Christmas were different this year. I was so thankful to
have a healthy Mom-one who eats right (most of the time) and is still
exercising. Gifts didn’t matter, it was the family, our family who mattered,
and I was so thankful to have our family intact, as it could have turned out
much differently. So this month is National Heart Disease awareness
month, so if you don’t already see a doctor I recommend you get one and
have regular checkups. Eat right, exercise, and address any risk factors
that you have such as smoking, diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure
and stressors. This way we can have another healthy, happy year with the
family we love and who love us.
Angie Sundell, R.N. Immanuel Parish Nurse
angie@immanualsalina.org, 785-452-1959
Serving God Through Wholistic Ministries
Laughter ٠Courage ٠Prayer ٠Inspiration ٠Commitment٠ Love
February Meeting
Thursday, February 11 2:00 p.m.
Program: “Be Well, Stay Well”
Speaker: Kelsey Pfannenstiel, Case Management Supervisor,
North Central flint Hills Area Agency on Aging
Hostess/Leader Group: Priscilla
February Groups
Wednesday, February 17th
6:00 p.m. ELIZABETH – at church
Thursday, February 25th
2:00 p.m. ANNA – All hostess, at church
2:00 p.m. LOIS – Arlene Agin, 2436 Village Ln.
2:00 p.m. PRISCILLA – All hostess, at church
2:00 p.m. REBEKAH/MARY – Betty Ritter, 345 W. Ellsworth
Quilters will meet Thursday, February 4th, at 9:00 a.m.
All ladies of Immanuel are invited to come to our
monthly meetings. We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month. We have
very nice programs and a short business meeting. We look forward to
seeing you Thursday, February 11 at 2:00.
WELCA President,
Carolyn Larson
Mary Jane Newingham
Troy Olson
Hayden Olson
Delbert Tholstrup
Megan Mong
Bob Augustine
Erin Lindsey
Rustin Swisher
Mary Laas
Connie Dahl
Cindy Hardesty
Anna Sweeney
Linda Augustine
Kaitlyn Gruenbacher
Carol Olson
Alyssia Garza
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be
also.” Matthew 21:6
This Lent we’re joining Lutheran World Relief’s Baskets of Promise appeal.
We will be collecting items we’ll use to assemble Personal Care Kits that
give people around the world tools to stay healthy in life’s most challenging
situations. Our goal is to assemble 50 kits. We have some items leftover
from last year, but we still need:
· 99 Bars of soap (4-5oz, any brand, in original wrapping)
· 50 Bath Towels (lightweight, max 52”x27”, dark color)
· 49 Toothbrushes (adult size)
· 38 Sturdy Combs
· 16 Metal nail clippers
We will assemble the kits on Sunday, April 3 at 10am.