Verbascum Agapanthus - Kirton Farm Nurseries Ltd
Verbascum Agapanthus - Kirton Farm Nurseries Ltd
Verbascum Agapanthus Caribbean Crush (£69.00) Long spires of orangey peach flowers above grey, velvety foliage. Reaches 90cm in height. Delft Blue Cherry Helen Ethel’s Joy (£69.00) Long spires of strong chunky crimson/purple flowers open above grey, velvety foliage. Less tall than some, at just 75cm which makes for a more manageable plant. Jester (£69.00) A recent bicolor introduction with long, fine spires of pretty two-tone flowers held over grey/green, velvety foliage. Reaches 70cm. Pink Petticoats (£69.00) Long spires of peachy, pink flowers with ruffled petal edges, above grey, velvety foliage. Reaches 100cm in height, and flowers for a long period. Pink Kisses (£69.00) A short variety at 50cm that produces masses of very attractive clear deep pink flowers. (£73.00) Pale blue flower petals have a striking contrasting dark central stripe. Flower stems are produced from July to September reaching 90-120cm in height. (£73.00) Light blue flower petals with a subtle contrasting darker central stripe. An early flowering variety (June-August) with stems reaching 60-75cm in height. Deciduous. Graskop (£73.00) Stunning, drooping flower heads of indigo violet. Flower stems produced from late July to September reaching 100cm in height. A deciduous stunner. Ice Cascade (£80.00) Another agapanthus with delightful pendulous flowers in late summer. This time the petals fade from sky blue at the tips to cream at the base. Flower stems reach 80cm in height. Deciduous. Jack’s Blue (£73.00) A taller (135cm) evergreen variety with numerous and strong flowers from July to September. Dark purple buds open into deep blue flowers with darker central markings. Lapis Lazuli Primrose Path (£69.00) Produces a profusion of clear, yellow flower spikes in early Summer on strong short stems of 60cm. (£73.00) (PBR protected) A short stemmed (50cm) evergreen variety which produces loads of small bright blue flower heads through July and August. A vigorous grower with attractive narrow leafed foliage. Agapanthus (cont) Midnight Cascade (£80.00) Simply stunning. Really deep magenta colour to the pendulous flowers. Flowers from July to September on stems reaching 90cm. Deciduous. Radiant Star (£73.00) A recent introduction, each flower head holds large numbers of pretty lilac-mauve florets. Flowering from August– September at 80cm this deciduous agapanthus is a beauty. Silver Baby (£73.00) A just delightful dwarf variety (50cm) with white flowers flushed through with pale blue. Good sized florets for a dwarf type are produced from July to September. Deciduous. Silver Lining Polemonium Heaven Scent (£69.00) Early pale-blue flowers and bronze foliage make an attractive mix. Ideal for early perennial plant sales appeal. Rubus Blackberry Adrienne and Waldo (£48.00) Thorn free selected varieties, both producing plentiful, large fruit. Loganberry (£50.00) A thorn-less cross between a raspberry and a blackberry producing long juicy fruits. Tayberry (£48.00) Another blackberry and raspberry cross. Has the advantage of sweeter and larger fruit than loganberry but the payback is that it does carry fine thorns. (£73.00) An elegant variety producing masses of pendulous florets on each flower head. The white petals are flushed on the inside with mauve giving a silvered effect. July to August flowering at 70cm. Deciduous. Schizostylis Star Dust Pink Princess (£73.00) A compact introduction at 50cm producing lots of flower. Very dark buds open to lavender blue with a violet stripe. Deciduous. Star Gazer (£73.00) A recent introduction with compact foliage and just masses of strong large flowers. Sure to be very popular at just 50cm tall. Deciduous. Fenland Daybreak (£73.00) A recent introduction with pretty orange/ pink flowers in the autumn. 50cm in height. (£73.00) Another recent introduction with stunning delicate pale pink flowers in the autumn. 50cm in height. coccinia Major (£73.00) A specially selected strain with excellent flower size and clear bright red flowers. A stunner for an autumn display. Hosta (cont) Wide Brim (£63.00) Another popular favourite with it’s strong and reliable creamy gold edged variegation and vigorous growth habit. Winsome (£63.00) A small but vigorous Hosta with rounded, heart-shaped leaves carrying a strong creamy edged variegation. A very smart plant. Kniphofia Little Maid (£60.00) Excellent dwarf variety with numerous pale yellow flower spikes. Limelight (£68.00) A very robust plant with attractive, slightly curly, strappy leaves. Produces strong stems of 60cm bearing short fat heads of almost luminous, lime-yellow flowers in summer and autumn. Strawberries & Cream (£68.00) A new variety with 100cm tall, strawberry coloured flowers, fading to cream at the base of the spike. Flowers from mid summer onwards. A very floriferous and pretty variety. Persicaria Golden Arrow (£69.00) A golden leaved Persicaria amplexicaulis with contrasting dark rose flowers. Vigorous and bold it makes a great impact. Agapanthus (cont) Sky (£63.00) A tall, elegant deciduous variety with pendulous sky blue flowers. A more subtle agapanthus standing at 120cm with numerous delicate flower heads in August and September. Star Quality (£73.00) A recent introduction with strong, compact flower heads looking great on short stems of 60cm. Mauve-blue flowers with a darker stripe look very attractive in July and August. Deciduous. Astrantia Buckland (£63.00) Bigger flowers than most Astrantia with pink flushed pincushion centres and a cream ruff. Long lasting flowers are produced from June to August reaching 80cm in height. Bergenia Bressingham White (£60.00) Pink buds turn to clear white as the flowers mature during spring. Flower spikes reach 45cm. Fresh rounded green leaves. Dark Damsel (£68.00) A new variety with large open deep pink flowers on short strong stems of 25cm. Neat and clean foliage below. Dumbo (£68.00) A deciduous variety of Bergenia with large rounded leaves covered with fine downy hairs. 30cm tall pale pink flowers darken as they mature. Bergenia (cont) Evening Glow (£60.00) (Abendglut) The rounded and fairly prostrate leaves are attractively coloured on this smaller and tidy plant. Vibrant 25cm compact flowers. Sunningdale (£60.00) Delightful pink flowers held above glossy green leaves which turn to coppery red in autumn. 35cm in height. Wintermarchen (£60.00) Handsome upright foliage turns to deep carmine in winter/early spring. Strong, deep pink flower stems rise to 30cm. Brunnera mac. Variegata (£60.00) A strong and attractive cream edged form of this shade loving plant. Pretty, tiny blue flowers appear in early spring. 45cm tall. Great for some early sales impact. Crocosmia Fire Jumper (£67.00) A recent introduction with stunning golden petals and a contrasting orange central flash. 75cm in height. Harlequin (£67.00) A stunning bicolour display with golden petals surrounded on the outside by contrasting orange and red. Reaches 90cm in height and flowers from July to September. Hosta (cont) Sea Thunder (£68.00) White centred leaves with a strong green margin. One of the most vigorous of the white leaved Hostas. Medium sized and stunning once established. sieb Elegans (N/A) Large, puckered blue/grey leaves on this classic Hosta. Pale lilac flowers. So Sweet (£63.00) Glossy green leaves with cream margins. Purple striped flowers. One of the earliest varieties to emerge in the spring, looking really smart and appearing to be rarely damaged by frost. St Elmo’s Fire (£68.00) An unusual, medium-sized Hosta that emerges in spring with dramatic yellow leaves and white margins. The yellow matures to pale green later in the summer. Sum and Substance (£63.00) Always a favourite. Dramatically large, goldengreen leaves under the taller white flowers. Each year watch it get bigger and bigger! Hosta (cont) Crocosmia Lacy Belle Star of the East (£67.00) Mama Mia Very large and open, star shaped flowers of golden orange make this one of the very best Crocosmias. Reaching 70cm it is a later flowering variety showing colour from August to October. (£63.00) Blue-green leaves with creamy white edges and lavender flowers. A vigorous medium-sized Hosta that spreads well. (£63.00) Broad, rounded gold edged leaves with lavender flowers, slightly bigger and bolder than Wide Brim that shows nice leaf puckering as it matures. Patriot (£63.00) Broad leaved with strong white margins on these deep green leaves. A very strong and popular Hosta with lilac flowers. Praying Hands (£68.00) A very different Hosta with unusually upright heavily ribbed leaves. Nice pale leaf variegation adds to the appeal of this unique and attractive addition to the medium sized range. Prince of Wales (N/A) A very large silver/blue leaved Hosta, heavily ribbed and puckered then topped with sprays of lavender flowers in early summer. A variety that is worth the wait for maturity. Queen Josephine (£63.00) Very glossy foliage on this medium sized Hosta. Luscious green with a strong golden margin and purple flowers. Vigorous and dramatic. (cont) Dicentra Goldheart (£86.00) (PBR protected) A shade loving, golden gem of Bleeding Heart. Must be protected from full sun to show itself at its best. Flowers at 50cm in height. Best potted when first shoots appear in early spring. Dierama Cinnamon Fairy (N/A) A stunner in the garden if a bit underwhelming in a pot! The fine wispy foliage supports arching stems of numerous pink, angel’s fishing rod flowers. Height 125cm. Painted Lady (N/A) A new stunner in the garden if a bit underwhelming in a pot! It carries lots of blooms on each arching flower stem. Each flower has dark lilac petals with darker purple splashes. Height 125cm. Geranium Ann Folkard (£54.00) An outstanding, much sought after variety with early, gold tinted foliage which turns greener later on. Rich purple blooms with a black eye appear from June until Autumn. 50cm with a scrambling habit. Geranium Hosta (cont) (cont) Black Beauty (£74.00) (PBR protected) Clear blue flowers contrast beautifully with the attractive dark purple/green foliage. Forms a tidy 40cm mound. Brookside (£56.00) Large clear blue flowers with pale centres make a striking display above the attractive, finely cut foliage. Reaches 50cm and flowers from May to July. A tough and superb geranium. Dusky Crug (£56.00) Delicate form and colour to this one. Pale pink, lightly veined flowers are held over the darkly bronzed leaves. Low growing at 25cm it keeps it’s darkest foliage colour in a sunny spot. Mavis Simpson (£56.00) Vigorous fresh grey/green foliage supports long flower stems that carry huge numbers of clear, bright pink flowers. Flowering at a height of 40cm seems endless through the summer. Stormchaser (£67.00) A cracker of a geranium. Small, cerise-pink flowers with contrasting darker centres that look great above the bronze tinged foliage. Reaches 30cm in height and starts its flowering in the spring. Ginko Craig (£63.00) Small leaves with a white edged variegation and lilac flowers. A bushy variety with long narrow leaves. Golden Tiara (£63.00) Small, broad leaves with a white edged variegation to the pale green leaves and lilac flowers. Vigorous and floriferous. Ground Master (£63.00) Small long leaves with creamy variegated borders, wavy edges and lavender flowers. Hadspen Blue (£63.00) Striking, deep blue/grey heart shaped leaves with lavender flowers. One of the best blues around. Halcyon (£63.00) Small/medium Hosta with pointed, striking blue/grey leaves and lilac flowers. A long time favorite. June (£82.00) (PBR protected) A real stunner and always one of the most popular varieties. A small/medium Hosta with creamy gold centered foliage and blue margins with lavender flowers. Hosta (cont) Devon Blue (£63.00) Strong blue/grey leaves are produced on this new medium sized Hosta selection. Dinner Jacket (£63.00) A recent introduction of a sport found on our nursery. Strong golden central leaf variegation with a contrasting wide glaucous green margin. Very smart. Dorset Blue (£63.00) This is a small/medium, greyleaved Hosta. The leaves mature to a rounded heart shape, slightly cupped with light puckering and white flowers. Emerald Tiara (£63.00) A selected form of Golden Tiara with small yellow centered leaves that form a strong clump quickly. Violet flowers. Hemerocallis Mary’s Gold (£69.00) Big blindingly golden flowers with a slightly ruffled edge. Excellent garden performer with great vigour and high bud count. Reaches 80cm. Hosta Aristocrat (£63.00) A medium sized Hosta with smart, glossy, pale-green leaves with a gold-edged variegation. Blue Mouse Ears (£63.00) A very neat and very smallleaved Hosta with strong blue/ grey leaves. Produces lots of shoots quite quickly with plenty of strong short flowers. Brim Cup Francee (£63.00) Medium size, white edged variegated leaves with strong green centers and lavender flowers. A long standing favourite. Frosted Jade (£63.00) Beautifully shaped and ribbed leaves with a glaucous green centre and cream edge. A larger leaved variety with subtle charm, one of our favorites. (£63.00) A very bright variegation on this impressive small variety. Neat cupped leaves with fresh green centers and creamy margins under white flowers. Cherry Berry (£68.00) Another impressive hosta with its green and white slashed narrow leaves and attractive contrasting red leaf/flower stalks.