d) The formulary available for the treatment of HIV (not listed here
d) The formulary available for the treatment of HIV (not listed here
When interacting with the information on this page, please keep in mind that the content may be updated from time to time as products are either discontinued or newly launched. Please keep in mind that, a) Items contained in this list forms part of the Knowledge Objects Solutions (KO Solutions) formulary and may be subject to pre-authorisation based on, for example, the diagnosis, burden of disease, duration of treatment, gender, age, level of therapy and clinical criteria b) Different benefits may apply during reimbursement, for example, baby vaccines will be funded from the Preventative Care benefit. This means that the Pharmaceutical Benefit Management (PBM) system directs the benefit type according to the Scheme benefit and rules c) Co-payments may apply where, o Less costly but equally effective generic or therapeutic products are available, the member’s option does not make provision for full reimbursement or the cost of the medicine is more than the Scheme rate o A Scheme option stipulates the use of a Designated Service Provider (DSP) but the member chooses to make use of a non-DSP o General or condition specific waiting periods are applied d) The formulary available for the treatment of HIV (not listed here), complies with the SA Antiretroviral treatment guidelines and reimbursement is always subject to preauthorisation and medicine will be delivered to a patient’s address of choice e) This formulary represents drugs covered for chronic use for the Chronic Disease List (CDL or PBM) and additional chronic conditions (option specific) f) The examples listed here serve as a guide on the trade names available at the time of publication and the marketing of a specific brand is not endorsed g) If a product does not appear on this list, it may be restricted and subject to pre-authorisation. These products may only be available upon submission of treatment plans, diagnostic results, motivations, etc. The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. AGENTS ACTING ON THE RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN SYSTEM ACE inhibitors in combination with diuretics or calcium channel blockers NAPPI STRENGTH/ GENERIC NAME PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE enalapril and lercanidipine 711444 Zaneril 10mg/10mg 10/10MG enalapril and lercanidipine 711445 Zaneril 10mg/20mg 10/20MG trandolapril and verapamil 714624 Tarka 180mg/2mg 180MG trandolapril and verapamil 714625 Tarka 240mg/4mg 240MG perindopril and amlodipine 719852 Coveram 5/10MG perindopril and amlodipine 719853 Coveram 10MG perindopril and amlodipine 719854 Coveram 10/5MG perindopril and amlodipine 719855 Coveram 5MG trandolapril and verapamil 836680 Tarka 180mg/2mg 180mg;2mg ramipril and felodipine 862207 Tri-plen 2.5mg/2.5mg 2,5mg;2,5mg ramipril and felodipine 862215 Tri-plen forte 5mg/5mg 5mg;5mg perindopril and diuretics 700512 Preterax 2mg/0.625mg 2mg;0,625mg lisinopril and diuretics 704437 Lisoretic 10/12.5 10/12.5MG lisinopril and diuretics 704438 Lisoretic 20/12.5 20/12.5MG lisinopril and diuretics 704597 Adco-zetomax co 10/12.5 10/12.5MG lisinopril and diuretics 704598 Adco-zetomax co 20/12.5 20/12.5MG lisinopril and diuretics 704703 Hexal-lisinopril co 10/12.5mg 10/12.5MG lisinopril and diuretics 704704 Hexal-lisinopril co 20/12.5mg 20/12.5MG perindopril and diuretics 704928 Bipreterax 4/1.25mg perindopril and diuretics 704929 Prexum plus 4mg/1.25mg 4/1.25MG quinapril and diuretics 706235 Adco-quinaretic 10mg/12.5mg 10/12.5MG quinapril and diuretics 706236 Adco-quinaretic 20mg/12.5mg 20/12.5MG lisinopril and diuretics 707291 Lisozide 20mg/12.5mg 20/12.5MG lisinopril and diuretics 707292 Lisozide 10mg/12.5mg 10/12.5MG quinapril and diuretics 707550 Quinazide 10/12.5 10/12.5MG quinapril and diuretics 707551 Quinazide 20/12.5 20/12.5MG quinapril and diuretics 708116 Accumax co 10mg/12.5mg 10/12.5MG quinapril and diuretics 708118 Accumax co 20mg/12.5mg 20/12.5MG DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRC TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME lisinopril and diuretics perindopril and diuretics lisinopril and diuretics quinapril and diuretics quinapril and diuretics lisinopril and diuretics lisinopril and diuretics perindopril and diuretics perindopril and diuretics perindopril and diuretics perindopril and diuretics perindopril and diuretics lisinopril and diuretics lisinopril and diuretics lisinopril and diuretics lisinopril and diuretics perindopril and diuretics perindopril and diuretics perindopril and diuretics quinapril and diuretics quinapril and diuretics ramipril and diuretics ramipril and diuretics ramipril and diuretics quinapril and diuretics quinapril and diuretics enalapril and diuretics quinapril and diuretics lisinopril and diuretics benazepril and diuretics quinapril and diuretics cilazapril and diuretics lisinopril and diuretics NAPPI CODE 708260 710298 710978 711173 711174 711989 711990 713762 713763 714952 715650 715651 716120 716121 716943 716945 717095 717782 717795 718056 718057 718092 718093 718094 719873 719874 787035 795755 797685 800279 805297 815055 817848 PRODUCT NAME Zestozide 20 Vectoryl plus 4mg/1.25mg Diace co 20/12.5 Quinace co 10/12.5mg Quinace co 20/12.5mg Lisinozide 20mg/12.5mg Lisinozide 10mg/12.5mg Spec-perindopril plus 2mg/0.625mg Spec-perindopril plus 4mg/1.25mg Pearinda plus 4mg/1.25mg Acesyl co 2mg/0.625mg Acesyl co 4mg/1.25mg Auro-lisinopril co Auro-lisinopril co Lisinopril co unicorn 10mg/12.5mg Lisinopril co unicorn 20mg/12.5mg Zydus perindopril co 4mg/1.25mg Perindopril co unicorn 4mg/1.25mg Ariprel plus 4mg/1.25mg Auro quinapril co 10mg/12.5mg Auro quinapril co 20mg/12.5mg Tritace plus 5mg/25mg Tritace plus 10mg/12.5mg Tritace plus 5mg/12.5mg Biquretic Biquretic Co-renitec 20mg/12.5mg Accuretic 10/12.5 Zestoretic 20mg/12.5mg Cibadrex 10 10mg/12.5mg Accuretic 20/12.5 Inhibace plus 5mg/12.5mg Zestoretic 10mg/12.5mg STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 20MG 4/1.25MG 20/12.5MG 10/12.5MG 4/1.25MG 2/0.625MG 4/1.25MG 10mg 20mg 10/12.5MG 20/12.5MG 4/1.25MG 4/1.25MG 4/1.25MG 10/12.5MG 20/12.5MG 25/5MG 12.5/10MG 12.5/5MG 10/12.5MG 20/12.5MG 20mg;12,5mg 10mg;12,5mg 20mg;12,5mg 10mg;12,5mg 20mg;12,5mg 5mg;12,5mg 10mg;12,5mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME fosinopril and diuretics captopril and diuretics captopril and diuretics perindopril and diuretics enalapril and diuretics enalapril and diuretics NAPPI CODE 836524 839795 841137 877549 885019 891287 PRODUCT NAME Monozide 20mg/12.5mg Zapto-co 50mg/25mg Captoretic 50mg/25mg Coversyl plus 4mg/1.25mg Pharmapress co 20mg/12.5mg Enap co 20mg/12.5mg STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 20mg;12,5mg 50mg;25mg 50mg;25mg 4mg;1,25mg 20/12.5MG 20mg;12,5mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB 5mg 10mg 20mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 20mg 5mg 2,5mg 4mg 10mg 5mg 1,25mg 2,5mg 5mg 2,5mg 2,5mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 5mg 20mg 1,25mg 2,5mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP CAP ACE inhibitors plain lisinopril lisinopril lisinopril lisinopril lisinopril lisinopril enalapril ramipril ramipril perindopril lisinopril lisinopril ramipril ramipril ramipril lisinopril ramipril ramipril ramipril lisinopril lisinopril lisinopril lisinopril ramipril ramipril 700691 700692 700694 701387 701392 701394 701729 702966 702968 703541 703645 703646 704022 704023 704025 704354 704374 704375 704975 705318 705412 705413 705414 705426 705427 Sinopren Sinopren Sinopren Hexal-lisinopril Hexal-lisinopril Hexal-lisinopril Ciplatec Ramace Ramace Prexum Cipla lisinopril Cipla lisinopril Ramiwin Ramiwin Ramiwin Austell Lisinopril Ramipril hexal Ramipril hexal Ran-ramipril Zemax Zeprosil Zeprosil Zeprosil Rampil Rampil GENERIC NAME ramipril ramipril quinapril fosinopril fosinopril quinapril ramipril ramipril ramipril ramipril perindopril ramipril ramipril ramipril lisinopril lisinopril lisinopril ramipril ramipril ramipril ramipril enalapril quinapril quinapril lisinopril trandolapril quinapril quinapril quinapril quinapril perindopril perindopril perindopril NAPPI CODE 705428 705429 705447 705450 705453 705457 705752 705753 705754 705755 705915 706237 706238 706239 707310 707311 707312 707382 707383 707385 707869 708109 708119 708120 708189 708279 708981 708982 708983 708985 710297 710302 710510 PRODUCT NAME Rampil Rampil Quinaspen Mylan fosinopril Mylan fosinopril Quinaspen Austell-ramipril Austell-ramipril Austell-ramipril Austell-ramipril Coversyl Rilace Rilace Rilace Simayla lisinopril Simayla lisinopril Simayla lisinopril Retace Retace Retace Simayla ramipril Pharmapress Accumax Accumax Austell-lisinopril Mavik Quinagen Quinagen Quinagen Quinagen Vectoryl Cipla-perindopril Cipla-perindopril STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 5mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 1,25mg 2,5mg 5mg 10mg 10mg 5mg 2,5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 1,25mg 2,5mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 20mg 4mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 4mg 4mg 8mg DOSAGE FORM CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP CAP CAP CAP TAB CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP FCT FCT FCT FCT TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME perindopril perindopril ramipril ramipril ramipril quinapril quinapril captopril captopril lisinopril perindopril perindopril enalapril enalapril perindopril perindopril perindopril lisinopril lisinopril lisinopril perindopril perindopril perindopril perindopril lisinopril ramipril ramipril ramipril perindopril perindopril perindopril lisinopril lisinopril NAPPI CODE 710611 710925 711159 711161 711162 711171 711172 712353 712361 712598 712615 712616 712762 712763 714527 714528 714646 714677 714678 714679 714869 715649 715786 715795 715938 715954 715955 715957 716505 716506 716680 716792 716794 PRODUCT NAME Ran-perindopril Vectoryl Arrow ramipril Arrow ramipril Arrow ramipril Quinace Quinace Capoten Capoten Austell-lisinopril Spec-perindopril Spec-perindopril Envas Envas Pearinda Pearinda Prexum Lizro (auro-lisinopril) Lizro (auro-lisinopril) Lizro (auro-lisinopril) Acti-prex Acesyl Ciplasyl 4 Ciplasyl 8 Apex-lisinopril Apex-ramipril Apex-ramipril Apex-ramipril Auro perindopril Auro perindopril Zydus perindopril Lysin Lysin STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 4mg 8mg 2,5mg 5mg 10mg 10mg 20mg 25mg 50mg 10mg 4mg 8mg 5mg 10mg 4mg 8mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 4mg 4mg 4mg 8mg 20mg 2,5mg 5mg 10mg 4mg 8mg 4mg 5mg 20mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME perindopril perindopril perindopril perindopril enalapril enalapril enalapril lisinopril lisinopril lisinopril ramipril quinapril quinapril quinapril perindopril fosinopril cilazapril cilazapril benazepril captopril trandolapril trandolapril enalapril captopril captopril captopril captopril captopril captopril captopril ramipril ramipril ramipril NAPPI CODE 717293 717294 717783 717784 759759 759767 759783 781681 781703 781711 782602 783293 783307 783315 785121 791962 792748 792756 794058 795267 805033 805068 810355 836451 836478 837628 837636 837644 839779 839787 841579 841587 841595 PRODUCT NAME Bindace Bindace Perindopril unicorn Perindopril unicorn Renitec Renitec Renitec Zestril Zestril Zestril Tritace Accupril Accupril Accupril Coversyl Monopril Inhibace Inhibace Cibace Capace Mavik Mavik Renitec Adco-captomax Adco-captomax Captohexal Captohexal Captohexal Zapto Zapto Tritace Tritace Tritace STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 4mg 8mg 4mg 8mg 5mg 20mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 4mg 20mg 2,5mg 5mg 10mg 25mg 0,5mg 2mg 2,5mg 25mg 50mg 12,5mg 25mg 50mg 25mg 50mg 1,25mg 2,5mg 5mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME captopril captopril captopril captopril quinapril lisinopril lisinopril lisinopril enalapril enalapril enalapril enalapril enalapril enalapril enalapril enalapril enalapril enalapril enalapril enalapril moexipril moexipril enalapril enalapril enalapril enalapril enalapril captopril NAPPI CODE 850896 850918 852333 852619 853186 862045 862053 862061 862622 867845 867853 867861 868914 868922 881473 881481 881503 886835 886843 886851 890222 890229 891272 891279 891280 894316 894324 899429 PRODUCT NAME Sandoz captopril Sandoz captopril Bio-captopril Mylan captopril Accupril Adco-zetomax Adco-zetomax Adco-zetomax Hypace Hr-enalapril Hr-enalapril Hr-enalapril Pharmapress Pharmapress Alapren Alapren Alapren Adco-enalapril Enalapril unicorn Enalapril unicorn Perdix Perdix Enap Enap Enap Ciplatec Ciplatec Mylan captopril STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 25mg 50mg 25mg 25mg 40mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 5mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 7,5mg 15mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 5mg 10mg 50mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME NAPPI CODE PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM 5/160MG 10/160MG 40/5MG 40/10MG 80/5MG 80/10MG 5/320MG 10/320MG 80/12.5MG 160/25MG 60012.5MG 320/12.5MG 320/25MG 150/12.5MG 300/12.5MG 40/12.5MG 80/12.5MG 50mg/12.5mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB Angiotensin II antagonists in combination with diuretics and/or calcium channel blockers valsartan and amlodipine valsartan and amlodipine telmisartan and amlodipine telmisartan and amlodipine telmisartan and amlodipine telmisartan and amlodipine valsartan and amlodipine valsartan and amlodipine valsartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics eprosartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics irbesartan and diuretics irbesartan and diuretics telmisartan and diuretics telmisartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics 711253 711254 717366 717367 717368 717369 719125 719126 705068 706051 708096 710048 710050 712386 712387 714251 714252 715064 715558 715559 715560 715570 715571 715572 715672 715673 715739 715740 715848 715849 715856 Exforge 5mg/160mg Exforge 10mg/160mg Twynsta 40mg/5mg Twynsta 40mg/10mg Twynsta 80mg/5mg Twynsta 80mg/10mg Exforge Exforge Co-tareg 80mg/12.5mg Co-diovan 160mg plus Teveten plus 600mg/12.5mg Co-diovan 320mg/12.5mg Co-diovan 320mg/25mg Co-irbewin 150mg/12.5mg Co-irbewin 300mg/12.5mg Co-pritor 40/12.5 mg Co-pritor 80/12.5mg Sartoc 50/12.5 Co-zomevek 80mg/12.5mg Co-zomevek 160mg/12.5mg Co-zomevek160mg/25mg Co-migroben 80mg/12.5mg Co-migroben 160mg/12.5mg Co-migroben 160mg/25mg Co-tareg 160mg/12.5mg Co-tareg plus 160mg/25mg Lozaan co 100/25 Lozaan co 50/12.5 Netrasol co 50/12.5mg Netrasol co 100/25mg Losaar plus 50mg/12.5mg 160/25MG 80/12.5MG 160/12.5MG 160/25MG 160/12.5mg 160/25MG 100/25MG 50/12.5MG GENERIC NAME losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics telmisartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics Candesartan and diuretics Candesartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics irbesartan and diuretics irbesartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics Candesartan and diuretics Candesartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics losartan and diuretics irbesartan and diuretics valsartan and diuretics telmisartan and diuretics telmisartan and diuretics NAPPI CODE 715857 716058 716059 716216 716217 716274 716476 716515 716612 716613 716791 717070 717084 717580 717723 718367 718368 718571 718573 718607 718608 719204 719205 719206 719453 719506 828181 839884 887096 891353 891894 894614 894621 PRODUCT NAME Losaar plus 100mg/25mg Lohype plus 50mg/12.5mg Lohype forte plus 100mg/25mg Zartan co 50mg/12.5mg Zartan co 100mg/25mg Losacar co 50mg/12,5mg Hytenza co 50mg/12.5mg Sartoc 100mg/25mg Ciplazar co 50mg/12.5mg Ciplazar co 100mg/25mg Co-micardis 80mg/25mg Austell losartan co 50mg/12.5mg Hytenza co 100mg/25mg Atacand plus 32mg/12.5mg Atacand plus 32mg/25mg Losartan co unicorn 50mg/12.5mg Losartan co unicorn 100mg/25mg Isart co 150mg/12.5mg Isart co 300mg/12.5mg Diolo Co Diolo Co Dynaval Co Dynaval Co Dynaval Co Candepres Plus Mylacand Plus Cozaar comp 50mg/12.5mg Co-diovan 80mg/12.5mg Fortzaar 100mg/25mg Co-aprovel 150mg/12.5mg Co-diovan 160mg/12.5mg Co-micardis 40mg/12,5mg Co-micardis 80mg/12,5mg STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 100/25MG 50/12.5MG 100/25MG 50/12.5MG 100/25MG 50/12.5MG 50/12.5MG 100/25MG 50/12.5MG 100/25MG 80/25MG 50/12.5MG 100/25MG 50/12.5MG 100/25MG 80/12.5MG 160/12.5MG 80/12.5MG 160/12.5MG 160/25MG 16/12.5MG 16/12.5MG 50mg;12,5mg 80/12.5MG 100/25MG 150mg;12,5mg 160/12.5MG 40mg;12,5mg 80mg;12,5mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME irbesartan and diuretics Candesartan and diuretics valsartan, amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide valsartan, amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide valsartan, amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide valsartan, amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide valsartan, amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide NAPPI CODE 898597 898635 717631 717632 717633 717634 719127 PRODUCT NAME Co-aprovel 300mg/12.5mg Atacand plus 16mg/12.5mg Co exforge 5mg/160mg/12.5mg Co exforge 5mg/160mg/25mg Co exforge 10mg/160mg/12.5mg Co exforge 10mg/160mg/25mg Co Exforge STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 300mg;12,5mg 16mg;12,5mg 5/160/12.5MG 5/160/25MG 10/160/12.5mg 10/160/25MG 10/320/25MG DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB 80mg 160mg 600mg 160mg 80mg 40mg 50mg 50mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 50mg 100mg 320mg 100mg 32mg 300mg 150mg 100mg 50mg 40mg 80mg 80mg 160mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB FCT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB Angiotensin II antagonists plain valsartan valsartan eprosartan valsartan valsartan valsartan losartan losartan losartan losartan losartan losartan losartan valsartan losartan candesartan irbesartan irbesartan losartan losartan telmisartan telmisartan valsartan valsartan 700000 700710 701855 704696 705060 705488 709225 709788 709844 709845 709909 709924 709964 710051 710079 711287 712384 712385 713254 713255 714249 714250 715555 715556 Diovan Diovan Teveten Tareg Tareg Diovan Zartan Lepitrin Cipla-losartan Cipla-losartan Losartan-winthrop Los-arb Zartan Diovan Cozaar Atacand Irbewin Irbewin Spec-losartan Spec-losartan Pritor Pritor Zomevek Zomevek GENERIC NAME valsartan valsartan losartan losartan losartan losartan losartan losartan valsartan valsartan losartan losartan losartan losartan losartan irbesartan irbesartan valsartan valsartan losartan losartan irbesartan irbesartan irbesartan irbesartan irbesartan irbesartan candesartan candesartan valsartan valsartan valsartan candesartan NAPPI CODE 715568 715569 715871 716494 716495 716643 716644 717024 717034 717035 717042 717068 717069 717295 717296 717793 717794 718363 718364 718365 718366 718506 718507 718667 718668 719162 719163 719209 719210 719849 719850 719851 720318 PRODUCT NAME Migroben Migroben Renicard Auro losartan Auro losartan Ciplazar Ciplazar Hytenza Diolo Diolo Hytenza Austell losartan Austell losartan Rasol Rasol Dynarb Dynarb Valsartan unicorn Valsartan unicorn Losartan unicorn Losartan unicorn Irtanel Irtanel Adco irbesartan Adco irbesartan Isart Isart Mylacand Mylacand Valant Valant Valant Candagen STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 80mg 160mg 50mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 80mg 160mg 100mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 100mg 150mg 300mg 80mg 160mg 50mg 100mg 150mg 300mg 150mg 300mg 150MG 300MG 8MG 16MG 40MG 80MG 160MG 8MG DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME candesartan losartan irbesartan irbesartan irbesartan candesartan candesartan telmisartan telmisartan NAPPI CODE 720319 818739 837806 837814 837822 856096 856118 860387 860395 PRODUCT NAME Candagen Cozaar Aprovel Aprovel Aprovel Atacand Atacand Micardis Micardis STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 16MG 50mg 75mg 150mg 300mg 8mg 16mg 40mg 80mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM BETA BLOCKING AGENTS Alpha and beta blocking agents carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol carvedilol labetalol 700168 704670 704671 704672 705439 705443 705445 705459 705749 705767 705770 710338 710339 710340 710958 710959 710960 716742 716743 716744 788856 833428 836354 897117 771627 Carloc Carvetrend Carvetrend Carvetrend Merck-carvedilol Merck-carvedilol Merck-carvedilol Carloc Carvedilol-hexal Carvedilol-hexal Carvedilol-hexal Aspen carvedilol Aspen carvedilol Aspen carvedilol Vediblok Vediblok Vediblok Carvedilol unicorn Carvedilol unicorn Carvedilol unicorn Dilatrend Dilatrend Dilatrend Carloc Trandate 12,5mg 6,25mg 12,5mg 25mg 6,25mg 12,5mg 25mg 6,25mg 6,25mg 25mg 12,5mg 6,25mg 12,5mg 25mg 6,25mg 12,5mg 25mg 6,25mg 12,5mg 25mg 25mg 6,25mg 12,5mg 25mg 100mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME NAPPI CODE PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM 400mg 100mg 200mg 400mg 100mg 50mg 25mg 100mg 50mg 50mg 100mg 50MG 100MG 100mg 50mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 100mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 100mg 100/25MG 50/12.5MG 100/25MG 50/12.5MG 100/25MG TAB CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB FCT FCT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB Beta blocking agents, single or in combination acebutolol acebutolol acebutolol acebutolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol atenolol and other diuretics atenolol and other diuretics atenolol and other diuretics atenolol and other diuretics atenolol and other diuretics 705056 763020 763039 763047 704651 704653 705872 705873 705874 715625 715626 719656 719657 769576 769584 786187 786195 786578 786586 787892 787914 797693 806889 806897 826898 826901 769568 769592 786217 789607 789615 Butobloc Sectral Sectral Sectral B-block B-block Tenopress Tenopress Tenopress Gulf atenolol Gulf atenolol Zetenol Zetenol Tenormin Tenormin Ten-bloka Ten-bloka Adco-atenolol Adco-atenolol Sandoz atenolol Sandoz atenolol Tenormin Hexa-blok Hexa-blok Bio-atenolol Bio-atenolol Tenoretic 100mg/25mg Tenoret 50 50mg/12.5mg Tenchlor 100mg/25mg Sandoz co-tenidone 50mg/12.5mg Sandoz co-tenidone100mg/25mg GENERIC NAME atenolol and other diuretics bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol bisoprolol and thiazides bisoprolol and thiazides bisoprolol and thiazides bisoprolol and thiazides bisoprolol and thiazides bisoprolol and thiazides bisoprolol and thiazides bisoprolol and thiazides bisoprolol and thiazides NAPPI CODE 807591 703913 703914 704132 704133 704372 704373 704439 704440 704441 706178 706179 707391 707393 715274 715276 716166 716167 719154 719155 720043 720044 818429 818437 717986 717987 717988 718082 718086 718087 719200 719201 719202 PRODUCT NAME Tenchlor hs 50mg/12.5mg Adco-bisocor Adco-bisocor Bisohexal Bisohexal Bilocor Bilocor Cardicor Cardicor Cardicor Betacor Betacor Bisoprolol hexal Bisoprolol hexal Ziapro Ziapro Bisoprolol unicorn Bisoprolol unicorn Bislo Bislo Bisoprolol Zydus Bisoprolol Zydus Concor Concor Zirinak co 2.5mg/6.25mg Zirinak co 5mg/6.25mg Zirinak co 10mg/6.25mg Bisoprolol hydrochlorothiazide zydus 2.5 Bisoprolol hydrochlorothiazide zydus 5mg Bisoprolol hydrochlorothiazide zydus 10m Bilocor Co Bilocor Co Bilocor Co STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 50/12.5MG 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 2,5mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 10mg 5mg 5MG 10MG 5MG 10MG 5mg 10mg 2.5/6.25MG 5/6.25MG 10/6.25MG 2.5/6.25MG 5/6.25MG 10/6.25MG DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB FCT FCT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME bisoprolol and thiazides bisoprolol and thiazides bisoprolol and thiazides bisoprolol and thiazides bisoprolol and thiazides bisoprolol and thiazides metoprolol nadolol nadolol nebivolol nebivolol propranolol propranolol propranolol propranolol propranolol propranolol propranolol propranolol propranolol propranolol propranolol sotalol sotalol timolol, thiazides and other diuretics NAPPI CODE 720031 720032 720033 840300 840319 852929 739251 716189 716219 700558 716483 712612 732567 732575 732605 732648 758140 758167 787167 787175 806552 806560 827991 828009 780472 PRODUCT NAME Ziabeta Ziabeta Ziabeta Ziak 2.5mg/6.25mg Ziak 5mg/6.25mg Ziak 10mg/6.25mg Lopresor Corgard Corgard-hs Nebilet Lovispes Sandoz propranolol hcl Inderal Inderal Inderal la Inderal la Purbloka Purbloka Prodorol Prodorol Indoblok Indoblok Sotahexal Sotahexal Servatrin STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 2.5/6.25MG 5/6.25MG 10/6.25MG 2,5mg/6,25mg 5mg;6,25mg 10mg;6,25mg 100mg 80mg 40mg 5mg 5mg 40mg 10mg 40mg 160mg 80mg 10mg 40mg 10mg 40mg 10mg 40mg 80mg 160mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRC SRC TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM DIURETICS Aldosterone antagonists and Thiazides plain or in combination spironolactone spironolactone spironolactone spironolactone spironolactone hydrochlorothiazide and potassium hydrochlorothiazide hydrochlorothiazide hydrochlorothiazide 701793 701807 765910 769665 898937 774057 710437 880949 890470 Aldactone Aldactone Spiractin Sandoz spironolactone Spiractin Urirex-k 50mg/300mg Ridaq Ridaq Hexazide 25mg 100mg 25mg 25mg 100mg 50/300MG 12,5mg 25mg 25mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB 0,5mg;573mg 1mg 50mg 40mg 20mg 40mg 40mg 40mg 20mg 40mg 500mg 40mg 80mg 40mg 50mg/5mL 40mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SYR TAB Sulfonamides plain or in combination bumetanide and potassium bumetanide chlortalidone furosemide furosemide furosemide furosemide furosemide furosemide furosemide furosemide furosemide furosemide furosemide furosemide furosemide 711160 711152 731919 705967 707421 707423 716048 731668 735930 735949 735957 758272 780839 821845 839515 857769 Burinex 'k' 0.5mg/573mg Burinex Hygroton Diuresix Austell-furosemide Austell-furosemide Dino-retic Sandoz furosemide Lasix Lasix Lasix Puresis Lasix Furobe Lasix oral Mylan furosemide GENERIC NAME indapamide indapamide indapamide indapamide indapamide indapamide indapamide indapamide indapamide indapamide piretanide piretanide torasemide torasemide NAPPI CODE 700820 703329 710313 716962 819417 822825 830836 831026 833045 891531 807796 807818 707189 707190 PRODUCT NAME Catexan Merck-indapamide Cipla-indapamide Dyna indapamide sr Adco-dapamax Hydro-less Natrilix sr Sandoz indapamide Daptril Lixamide Arelix Arelix ToraHexal ToraHexal STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 2,5mg 2,5mg 2,5mg 1,5mg 2,5mg 2,5mg 1,5mg 2,5mg 2,5mg 2,5mg 3mg 6mg 2,5mg 5mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB SRT TAB TAB SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB 2,5mg 5mg 10mg TAB TAB TAB Torasemide torasemide torasemide torasemide 820369 Unat 820377 Unat 820385 Unat Low-ceiling diuretics and potassium-sparing agents butizide and potassium-sparing agents hydrochlorothiazide and potassium-sparing hydrochlorothiazide and potassium-sparing hydrochlorothiazide and potassium-sparing hydrochlorothiazide and potassium-sparing hydrochlorothiazide and potassium-sparing hydrochlorothiazide and potassium-sparing hydrochlorothiazide and potassium-sparing hydrochlorothiazide and potassium-sparing hydrochlorothiazide and potassium-sparing 701815 702803 702811 702951 706531 721824 744379 780146 780618 808695 Aldazide 25mg/2.5mg Amiloretic 50mg/5mg Amiloretic hs 25mg/2.5mg Sandoz co-amilozide/hydrochlorothiazide Spec-co-amiloride Dyazide 50mg/25mg Moduretic 50mg/5mg Renezide 50mg/25mg Adco-retic 50mg/5mg Betaretic 50mg/5mg 50mg;5mg 25mg;2,5mg 50mg;5mg 50mg;25mg 50mg;5mg 50mg;25mg 50mg;5mg 50mg;5mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME NAPPI CODE PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS Benzothiazepine derivatives and Phenylalkylamine derivatives diltiazem diltiazem diltiazem diltiazem diltiazem diltiazem verapamil verapamil verapamil verapamil verapamil verapamil verapamil 813125 813133 822213 824364 839183 839191 700071 734071 734373 774944 774952 813354 819573 Tilazem 180 cr Tilazem 240 cr Adco-zildem Adco-zildem Adco-zildem sr Adco-zildem sr Verahexal 240 sr Isoptin Isoptin sr Vasomil Vasomil Calcicard sr Ravamil sr 180mg 240mg 60mg 90mg 180mg 240mg 240mg 40mg 240mg 40mg 80mg 240mg 240mg SRC SRC TAB TAB SRC SRC SRT TAB SRT TAB TAB SRT SRT 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB Dihydropyridine derivatives amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine 703916 703917 704620 704621 707277 707278 707375 707377 707979 707980 708039 Amloc Amloc Amlosyn Amlosyn Amlate Amlate Sandoz amlodipine Sandoz amlodipine Pendine Pendine Calbloc GENERIC NAME amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine amlodipine felodipine felodipine NAPPI CODE 708040 708050 708051 708094 708095 708141 708142 708150 708152 708162 708190 708191 708352 708353 708648 710236 710238 711372 711374 712215 712216 712953 712954 713490 713491 713971 713972 714310 714311 791245 799122 703221 703902 PRODUCT NAME Calbloc Amlodac Amlodac Austell-amlodipine Austell-amlodipine Almadin Almadin Ciplavasc Ciplavasc Klodip Norcard Norcard Lomanor Lomanor Indo amlodipine Pharma dynamics amlodipine besylate Pharma dynamics amlodipine besylate Amlodipine-winthrop Amlodipine-winthrop Keysal Keysal Gulf amlodipine Gulf amlodipine Stamlo Stamlo Amtas Amtas Aprate Aprate Norvasc Norvasc Felodipine-hexal Felodipine-hexal STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRT SRT GENERIC NAME felodipine felodipine felodipine isradipine isradipine lercanidipine lercanidipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nifedipine nimodipine NAPPI CODE 805548 813982 821896 782963 788325 704035 708037 700894 701017 711607 711682 711714 715000 715001 715002 715003 718083 718085 719449 719450 780499 780502 783889 793124 793132 796891 818658 826863 829501 840963 861545 864153 793353 PRODUCT NAME Plendil Plendil Plendil Dynacirc Dynacirc sro Zanidip Zanidip Adalat Adalat Adalat xl Fedaloc sr Fedaloc sr Macorel sr Macorel sr Spec nifedipine sr Spec nifedipine sr Bio nifedipine xl Bio nifedipine xl Gitsalat Gitsalat Cardifen Cardifen Adalat retard Adalat xl Adalat xl Adalat retard Nifedalat Bio-nifedipine Nifedalat 20sr Adco-vascard 20 sr Adco-vascard 30 sr Cipalat retard Nimotop STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 5mg 10mg 2,5mg 2,5mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 5mg 20mg 30mg 60mg 30mg 60mg 30mg 60mg 30mg 60mg 30MG 60MG 5mg 10mg 20mg 30mg 60mg 10mg 10mg 5mg 20mg 20mg 30mg 20mg 30mg DOSAGE FORM SRT SRT SRT TAB SRC TAB TAB CAP CAP SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT CAP CAP SRT SRT SRT SRT CAP CAP SRT SRC SRC SRT TAB NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM OTHER ANTIHYPERTENSIVES doxazosin doxazosin doxazosin doxazosin doxazosin doxazosin doxazosin doxazosin prazosin prazosin prazosin hydralazine hydralazine hydralazine hydralazine moxonidine moxonidine moxonidine moxonidine moxonidine moxonidine moxonidine moxonidine methyldopa (levorotatory) methyldopa (levorotatory) methyldopa (levorotatory) methyldopa (levorotatory) minoxidil minoxidil 701425 701426 701626 701628 701631 714292 869856 869864 782122 782130 782149 731714 731722 761400 761419 710744 710745 710746 712382 712383 851892 851906 851914 732052 732079 764116 785962 739235 739243 Cardugen Cardugen Adco-doxazosin Adco-doxazosin Adco-doxazosin Carzin xl Cardura xl Cardura xl Pratsiol Pratsiol Pratsiol Hyperphen Hyperphen Sandoz hydralazine Sandoz hydralazine Moxotens Moxotens Moxotens Cynt Cynt Physiotens Physiotens Physiotens Hypotone Hypotone Sandoz methyldopa Mylan methyldopa Loniten Loniten 1mg 4mg 1mg 2mg 4mg 4mg 4mg 8mg 1mg 2mg 5mg 10mg 50mg 25mg 50mg 0,2mg 0,3mg 0,4mg 0,2mg 0,4mg 0,2mg 0,3mg 0,4mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 250mg 5mg 10mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRT SRT SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM CARDIAC THERAPY Antiarrhythmics amiodarone amiodarone amiodarone amiodarone amiodarone amiodarone amiodarone disopyramide disopyramide flecainide flecainide flecainide propafenone propafenone quinidine 703513 703515 707851 716111 800554 863157 863165 761826 761842 717802 717803 813915 784869 784877 758868 Arycor Arycor Bio-amiodarone Cordarone x Cordarone x Hexarone Hexarone Rythmodan Rythmodan retard Tambocor cr Tambocor cr Tambocor Rythmol Rythmol Quinidine sulph 200mg 100mg 200mg 200mg 100mg 100mg 200mg 100mg 250mg 100mg 200mg 100mg 150mg 300mg 200mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB 0,05mg/1mL 0,25mg 0,0625mg 0,25mg 0,5mg 0,4mg 1,25mg/0,1mL 10mg 30mg 5mg SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB OSP SPR TAB TAB SLT Digitalis glycosides and Organic nitrates digoxin digoxin digoxin digoxin glyceryl trinitrate glyceryl trinitrate isosorbide dinitrate isosorbide dinitrate isosorbide dinitrate isosorbide dinitrate 735744 735752 735760 758280 703605 787256 701500 734381 734403 734411 Lanoxin paed Lanoxin Lanoxin Purgoxin Angised Nitrolingual spray 200 dose Dinospray 200dose 20ml Isordil Isordil Isordil sublingual GENERIC NAME isosorbide dinitrate isosorbide dinitrate isosorbide dinitrate isosorbide dinitrate isosorbide mononitrate isosorbide mononitrate isosorbide mononitrate isosorbide mononitrate isosorbide mononitrate NAPPI CODE 734438 784192 784206 784214 710251 734055 793418 821500 860115 PRODUCT NAME Isordil tembid Sandoz isosorbide dinitrate Sandoz isosorbide dinitrate Sandoz isosorbide dinitrate Monicor sr Ismo Elantan Imdur Elantan la STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 40mg 5mg 10mg 30mg 60mg 20mg 20mg 60mg 50mg DOSAGE FORM TAB SLT TAB TAB SRT TAB TAB SRT SRC Other combinations epinephrine 701513 Akrinor 797642 Epipen 1mg/1mL The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. TAB INJ ANTIBACTERIALS FOR SYSTEMIC USE Amphenicols chloramphenicol chloramphenicol chloramphenicol 714135 Chlorcol 714151 Chlorcol 814385 Chlorphen 250mg 125mg/5mL 250mg CAP SUS CAP 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 125mg/5mL 250mg 125mg/5mL CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP SUS TAB SUS Beta-lactamase resistant penicillins cloxacillin cloxacillin cloxacillin flucloxacillin flucloxacillin flucloxacillin phenoxymethylpenicillin phenoxymethylpenicillin phenoxymethylpenicillin 714763 809632 809640 710308 726605 781231 716611 736635 751111 Sandoz cloxacillin Cloxin Cloxin Flupen Floxapen Sandoz flucloxacillin Athlone Phenoxymethylpenicillin Len vk Betapen GENERIC NAME phenoxymethylpenicillin NAPPI CODE 780081 Betapen PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 250mg DOSAGE FORM TAB 625mg 1000mg 1000mg 1062.5MG 1000mg 625mg 1000mg 457mg/5mL 228,5mg/5mL 1000mg 457mg/5mL 375mg 457mg/5mL 375mg 625mg 156,25mg/5mL 312,5mg/5mL 375mg 625mg 375mg 625mg 312,5mg/5mL 1000mg 1000mg 1000mg 642,9mg/5mL 156,25mg/5mL 312,5mg/5mL 375mg 625mg TAB TAB TAB SRT TAB TAB TAB SUS SUS TAB SUS TAB SUS TAB TAB SUS SUS TAB TAB TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB TAB SUS SUS SUS TAB TAB Combinations of penicillins including beta-lactamase inhibitors amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor 701736 703229 703356 703449 703903 704047 704049 704068 704069 704484 705471 705691 705832 707184 707185 707186 707187 707407 707408 707663 707665 707666 708387 708893 709232 710041 713358 713360 713381 713382 Sandoz co-amoxiclav Adco-amoclav bd film-coated tablets Sandoz co-amoxyclav Augmentin sr Forcid solutab Curam Curam Augmentin bd sf Augmentin bd s Amoclan bid Sandoz co-amoxyclav bd sf Augmentin Curam bd Amoclan Amoclan forte Amoclan S Amoclan SF Austell-co-amoxiclav Austell-co-amoxiclav Apex-clavutin Apex-clavutin Apex-clavutin sf Bio-amoksiklav Ranclav Clamentin Augmentin es-600 Auro-amoxiclav Auro-amoxiclav Auro-amoxiclav Auro-amoxiclav GENERIC NAME amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor NAPPI CODE 713383 714704 716124 716125 716126 719283 719284 829269 829277 842516 842524 842532 853542 861936 861944 861952 861960 865524 865532 865540 865559 867373 867381 873489 873497 873500 878766 878774 878782 893218 893224 894123 894125 PRODUCT NAME Auro-amoxiclav Betaclav Bindoclav Bindoclav Bindoclav Sandoz Co-Amoxyclav Sandoz Co-Amoxyclav Augmentin s Augmentin sf Clamentin Clamentin s Clamentin sf Augmentin Augmaxcil Augmaxcil Augmaxcil s Augmaxcil sf Bio-amoksiklav Bio-amoksiklav Bio-amoksiklav s Bio-amoksiklav sf Ranclav Ranclav Clavumox Clavumox s Clavumox sf Sandoz co-amoxyclav Sandoz co-amoxyclav s Sandoz co-amoclav sf Adco-amoclav Adco-amoclav Ranclav Ranclav forte STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 1000mg 1000mg 375mg 625mg 1000mg 625MG 1000MG 156,25mg/5mL 312,5mg/5mL 375mg 156,25mg/5mL 312,5mg/5mL 1000mg 375mg 625mg 156,25mg/5mL 312,5mg/5mL 625mg 375mg 156,25mg/5mL 312,5mg/5mL 375mg 625mg 375mg 156,25mg/5mL 312,5mg/5mL 375mg 156,25mg/5mL 312,5mg/5mL 375mg 625mg 156,25mg/5mL 312,5mg/5mL DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB DSP DSP SUS SUS TAB SUS SUS TAB TAB TAB SUS SUS TAB TAB SUS SUS TAB TAB TAB SUS SUS TAB SUS SUS TAB TAB SUS SUS GENERIC NAME amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor amoxicillin and enzyme inhibitor combinations of penicillins combinations of penicillins combinations of penicillins NAPPI CODE 899097 899100 795348 797561 830208 PRODUCT NAME Adco-amoclav s Adco-amoclav forte Megapen Macropen Macropen s STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 156,25mg/5mL 312,5mg/5mL 500mg 500mg 250mg/5mL DOSAGE FORM SUS SUS CAP CAP SUS 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 250mg 500mg 250mg 250mg 500mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 250mg 250mg/5mL 125mg/5mL 500mg 250mg 250mg 500mg 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 500mg 250mg 250mg 500mg SUS SUS CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP SUS SUS CAP CAP CAP CAP SUS SUS SUS SUS CAP CAP CAP CAP Penicillins with extended spectrum amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin 701380 701383 703028 703036 704401 704443 704444 705637 705679 705709 706950 707499 708395 708396 708397 708398 713363 713364 714179 714180 714182 714183 714184 714185 716122 716123 Ranmoxy Ranmoxy Amoxil Amoxil Amoxicap Allmox Allmox Austell-amoxicillin Mymox Mymox Amocas Austell-amoxicillin Zaloxy Zaloxy Zaloxy Zaloxy Auro-amoxycillin Auro-amoxycillin Allmox s Allmox sf Amyn s Amyn sf Amyn Amyn Yomax Yomax GENERIC NAME amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin NAPPI CODE 744689 744697 784656 784664 785229 786772 788155 788546 806579 806587 808539 808547 808741 808768 811440 815268 824860 824879 829099 829102 829145 829153 829358 829366 830259 830275 830283 830291 830305 830488 830496 830534 830542 PRODUCT NAME Moxypen Moxypen Amocillin Amocillin Adco-amoxycillin Moxan Betamox Betamox Moxymax Moxymax Zoxil 250 Zoxil 500 Promoxil Promoxil Adco-amoxycillin Ipcamox Ranmoxy Ranmoxy Adco-amoxycillin Adco-amoxycillin Amoxil s Amoxil sf Betamox s Betamox sf Moxan s Moxymax s Moxymax sf Moxypen s Moxypen sf Promoxil s Promoxil sf Saltermox s Saltermox sf STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 250MG 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 500mg 250mg 250mg 500mg 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 125mg/5mL 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL DOSAGE FORM CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS GENERIC NAME amoxicillin amoxicillin amoxicillin ampicillin ampicillin ampicillin ampicillin, combinations ampicillin, combinations ampicillin, combinations NAPPI CODE 830739 830747 835021 783188 784583 829307 797553 809616 829250 PRODUCT NAME Zoxil s Zoxil sf Amoxil d Be-ampicil Ampipen Be-ampicil Apen Cloxam Apen s STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 125mg 250mg 250mg 125mg/5mL 500mg 500mg 250mg DOSAGE FORM SUS SUS DRP CAP CAP SUS CAP CAP SUS 480MG 240MG/5ML/50ML TAB SUS TAB SUS TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB TAB SUS TAB Combinations of sulfonamides and trimethoprim including derivatives sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim 701754 703865 704095 705259 706434 706442 706948 715609 716731 719286 721751 721778 735698 758221 758248 758256 779881 780464 782793 789836 793310 793698 Pharma-q co-trimoxazole Casicot suspension Ilvitrim Ilvitrim Bactrim adult Bactrim ds Casicot Trixazole Cozole Durobac DS Durobac Durobac DS Lagatrim Purbac Purbac adult Purbac ds Co-trim Adco-co-trimoxazole Sandoz co-trimoxazole 800mg/160mg Trimethox Cozole Xeroprim 50ML 480mg 960MG 480mg 480MG 960MG 480MG 960MG 480mg 240MG/5ML/50ML 480MG 960mg 240MG/5ML/100ML 480MG 960MG 240MG/5ML/100ML GENERIC NAME sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim NAPPI CODE 795070 816337 867977 894842 PRODUCT NAME Bencole (cotrivan) Xerazole Nucotrim Doctrim STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 240MG/5ML/500ML 480MG 240MG/5ML/50ML DOSAGE FORM SUS SUS TAB SUS 500mg 250mg 250mg/5mL 500mg/5mL 250mg 500mg 500mg 1000mg 250mg 500mg 400mg 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 250mg 500mg 125mg/5mL 250mg 500mg CAP DSP SUS SUS TAB CAP TAB TAB CAP CAP CAP SUS SUS CAP CAP SUS CAP CAP 187mg/5mL 375mg/5mL 375mg 250mg 500mg 250MG 500MG SUS SUS SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB First-generation cephalosporins cefadroxil cefadroxil cefadroxil cefadroxil cefalexin cefalexin cefalexin cefalexin cefalexin cefalexin cefalexin cefalexin cefalexin cefalexin cefalexin cefalexin cefradine cefradine 821519 822639 829781 829803 706326 706327 714312 714314 830909 837253 841641 860603 860611 897880 897887 897892 712957 712965 Dacef Cipadur dt Dacef Dacef Belex Belex Auro-cefalexin Auro-cefalexin Ranceph Ranceph Sepexin Ranceph Ranceph Cpl alliance cephalexin Cpl alliance cephalexin Cpl alliance cephalexin Cefril Cefril Second-generation cephalosporins cefaclor cefaclor cefaclor cefprozil cefprozil cefprozil cefprozil 830658 830666 838217 715059 715075 720375 720376 Vercef Vercef Vercef mr Auroprozil Auroprozil Lizorp Lizorp GENERIC NAME cefprozil cefprozil cefprozil cefprozil cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime cefuroxime NAPPI CODE 824941 830518 830526 841625 700687 700689 703695 703697 703866 703867 703868 704982 704983 704988 704990 707371 707372 710077 710530 710531 713006 713007 713531 713532 715142 715261 717801 717990 717992 718658 718659 781320 781339 PRODUCT NAME Prozef Prozef Prozef Prozef Ceroxim Ceroxim Zefroxe Zefroxe Sandoz cefuroxime Sandoz cefuroxime Sandoz cefuroxime Cefasyn Cefasyn Cefu-hexal Cefu-hexal Curoax Curoax Sandoz cefuroxime Betaroxime t Betaroxime t Zefurime Zefurime Auroxime Auroxime Zinoxime Zinoxime Alkoxime Orchid cefuroxime Orchid cefuroxime Poxim Poxim Zinnat Zinnat STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 500mg 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 125mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 125mg/5mL 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 125mg 250mg DOSAGE FORM TAB SUS SUS TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB FCT FCT TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME cefuroxime cefuroxime loracarbef loracarbef loracarbef NAPPI CODE 781347 814091 812951 830186 830194 PRODUCT NAME Zinnat Zinnat Lorabid Lorabid 100p Lorabid 200p STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 500mg 125mg/5mL 200mg 100mg/5mL 200mg/5mL DOSAGE FORM TAB SUS CAP SUS SUS 400mg 100mg 200mg 40mg/5mL 40mg/5mL 100mg 100mg 40mg/5mL 200mg 100mg 40mg/5mL 100mg 200mg 40MG/5ML/50ML 100mg 40mg/5mL TAB TAB TAB SUS SUS TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB SUS TAB SUS 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 750mg 250mg CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB Third-generation cephalosporins cefixime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime cefpodoxime 715656 703056 703057 703058 707301 707302 710125 710126 714125 716657 716658 718333 718334 719702 789224 805165 Fixime Cepodem Cepodem Cepodem Simayla cefpodoxime Simayla cefpodoxime Sandoz cefpodoxime Sandoz cefpodoxime Orelox Dyna cefpodoxime Dyna cefpodoxime Aspen cefpodoxime Aspen cefpodoxime Aspen Cefpodoxime Orelox Orelox junior Fluoroquinolones ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin 700284 700287 700516 700518 701208 701210 701212 701778 Cpl alliance ciprofloxacin Cpl alliance ciprofloxacin Dynafloc Dynafloc Orpic Orpic Orpic Cipro-hexal GENERIC NAME ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin NAPPI CODE 701780 702377 702379 702981 703043 703045 704351 704352 704353 704459 704460 704775 704777 705589 707886 707887 708014 708015 713361 713362 713792 713793 713794 716518 716519 719659 719660 784354 784362 786403 829498 892140 892147 PRODUCT NAME Cipro-hexal Ciploxx 250 Ciploxx 500 Ciprobay XR Ciprogen Ciprogen Austell ciprofloxacin Austell ciprofloxacin Austell ciprofloxacin Biocip Biocip Ciprol Ciprol Ciprobay XR Cilofloc Cilofloc Simayla ciprofloxacin Simayla ciprofloxacin Loxip Loxip Biotech ciprofloxacin Biotech ciprofloxacin Biotech ciprofloxacin Ciprofloxacin actor Ciprofloxacin actor Profloxin Profloxin Ciprobay Ciprobay Ciprobay Ciprobay Cifran 250 Cifran 500 STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 500mg 250mg 500mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 500mg 750mg 250mg 250mg 500mg 500mg 250mg 1000mg 250mg 500mg 500mg 250mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 750mg 250mg 500mg 250MG 500MG 250mg 750mg 500mg 250mg/5mL 250mg 500mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB GENERIC NAME ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin enoxacin gemifloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin levofloxacin moxifloxacin moxifloxacin moxifloxacin moxifloxacin moxifloxacin moxifloxacin moxifloxacin NAPPI CODE 893951 893955 893963 808970 704131 707946 707947 709846 709847 710311 710312 713785 713786 716513 716514 716673 716674 717066 717067 717359 718708 718709 719775 720239 845876 845884 714067 714083 714104 714361 715146 715250 881988 PRODUCT NAME Cifloc Cifloc Cifloc Bactidron Factive Sandoz levofloxacin Sandoz levofloxacin Tavaloxx Tavaloxx Levofloxacin-winthrop Levofloxacin-winthrop Aspen levofloxacin Aspen levofloxacin Mylan levofloxacin Mylan levofloxacin Lintrip Lintrip Austell levofloxacin Austell levofloxacin Tavaloxx Zybact Zybact Levofloxacin Winthrop Tavanic Tavanic Tavanic Avebact Ran-moxifloxacin Drl moxifloxacin Litares Moxibay Numoxx Avelon STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 250mg 500mg 750mg 200mg 320mg 250mg 500mg 500mg 750mg 250mg 500mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 250MG 500MG 750MG 750MG 250mg 500mg 400mg 400mg 400mg 400mg 400mg 400mg 400mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME norfloxacin norfloxacin norfloxacin norfloxacin ofloxacin ofloxacin ofloxacin ofloxacin ofloxacin ofloxacin ofloxacin NAPPI CODE 702524 716516 717382 836338 700731 700733 701032 701034 717063 717064 783358 PRODUCT NAME Floxin Norfloxacin actor Utifloxa Utin-400 Tafloc Tafloc Zanocin Zanocin Apex-ofloxacin Apex-ofloxacin Tarivid STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 400mg 400mg 400mg 400mg 200mg 400mg 400mg 200mg 200mg 400mg 200mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB 100mg 100mg 50mg 50mg 100mg 100mg 200mg 100mg 100mg 100mg 100mg 300mg 150mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP TAB CAP CAP CAP CAP Tetracyclines doxycycline doxycycline doxycycline doxycycline doxycycline doxycycline doxycycline doxycycline doxycycline doxycycline doxycycline lymecycline lymecycline minocycline minocycline minocycline oxytetracycline oxytetracycline oxytetracycline oxytetracycline 714192 716944 798401 808407 809667 812692 825727 838691 868248 883992 893402 770159 770248 788287 788295 823155 703224 751987 752045 761532 Doxytet Cyclidox Dumoxin Doxycyl Doxycyl Cyclidox ec Cyclidox ec Doxitab Doxyhexal 100 Doximal A-lennon doxycycline hcl Tetralysal Tetralysal Cyclimycin Cyclimycin Minotabs 50 Pharmatet (yellow/orange) Oxypan O-4 cycline Adco-roxy GENERIC NAME oxytetracycline oxytetracycline oxytetracycline oxytetracycline NAPPI CODE 787434 812072 884167 895029 PRODUCT NAME Be-oxytet Tetracem Nucotet Oxy STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg DOSAGE FORM CAP CAP CAP CAP 500mg 500mg 500mg 500mg 500mg 2g 250mg 250mg 500mg 500mg 500mg 250mg 500MG 500MG 200mg/5mL 500mg 250mg 500mg 500mg 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 500mg 500mg 500mg 125MG/5ML/50ML 250mg/5mL 250mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GRA CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB TAB TAB SUS SUS TAB TAB TAB SUS SUS TAB Macrolides azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin azithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin 705100 705975 706370 707552 707852 710314 710609 712447 715934 717052 717181 717496 718711 719156 830720 832278 704032 704033 704464 704649 704650 704701 705031 705416 706758 706759 707255 Aspen azithromycin Zithrogen Ultreon Binozyt Sandoz azithromycin Zithromax one Azimax Clamelle Medpro azithromycin Austell azithromycin Zeemide Varimax Azithromycin Zydus Cipla-Azithromycin Zithromax Zithromax Clacee Clacee Klarithran Klarithran Klarithran Clarithromycin-hexal Clarihexal Mylan clarithromycin Clarihexal 125 P Clarihexal 250 P Klarizon GENERIC NAME clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin clarithromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin NAPPI CODE 707256 707318 707357 707358 707662 707761 716627 716628 717722 830046 830054 841552 707437 709334 710310 719683 724076 724114 724122 732346 732354 732362 758388 758396 758418 761613 765651 765678 780561 783277 786608 787086 787108 PRODUCT NAME Klarizon Simayla clarithromycin Simayla clarithromycin Simayla clarithromycin Apex-clarithromycin Klarithran MR Claren granules Claren granules Clarihexal xl Klacid p125 Klacid p250 Klacid xl Betamycin Merck-erithromycin Eryko Racemin Erymycin af Erythrocin Erythrocin Ilosone Ilosone Ilosone Purmycin Purmycin Purmycin Rubimycin Spectrasone Spectrasone Adco-erythromycin Spectrasone Adco-erythromycin Erymycin pf Erymycin p STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 500mg 500mg 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 500mg 500mg 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 500mg 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 500mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250MG 250mg 250mg 500mg 250mg 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 250mg 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 250mg 250mg 125mg/5mL 250mg 250mg/5mL 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 125mg/5mL DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB SUS SUS TAB SRT SUS SUS SRT SUS SUS SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB TAB CAP SUS SUS CAP SUS SUS TAB CAP SUS CAP SUS SUS SUS SUS GENERIC NAME erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin roxithromycin roxithromycin roxithromycin roxithromycin roxithromycin NAPPI CODE 793329 823570 824682 848409 704614 704782 705051 710074 899511 PRODUCT NAME Betamycin Xeramel s Xeramel Xeramel sf Throsyn Roxxibid Roxulide Roxithromycin-hexal Roxithromycin-hexal STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 125mg/5mL 125mg/5mL 250mg 250mg/5mL 150mg 150mg 150mg 300mg 150mg DOSAGE FORM SUS SUS CAP SUS TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB 25mg/5mL 50mg 100mg 3G/3G 200MG 500mg 250mg/5mL 150mg 150mg SUS CAP CAP SAC CAP TAB SUS CAP CAP 150mg 200mg 150mg 200mg 150mg 200mg 150mg 200mg 200mg CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP Other nitrofurantoin nitrofurantoin nitrofurantoin fosfomycin pipemidic acid nalidixic acid nalidixic acid clindamycin clindamycin 727601 739839 739847 814210 717770 745685 778672 717347 849960 Furadantin Macrodantin Macrodantin Urizone 3g Deblaston Puromylon Winlomylon Dalacin c Clindahexal ANTIMYCOTICS FOR SYSTEMIC USE Imidazole derivatives and Triazole derivatives fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole 700149 700202 700598 700601 703624 703626 703635 703637 704116 Flucoric Flucoric Fluzol Fluzol Aspen fluconazole Aspen fluconazole Difluzole Difluzole Cipla-fluconazole GENERIC NAME fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole fluconazole itraconazole itraconazole itraconazole itraconazole ketoconazole miconazole NAPPI CODE 704356 704357 705384 705385 707315 707316 707684 707685 711530 713556 713557 718565 720045 786373 820539 705371 708074 708721 786322 747335 711062 PRODUCT NAME Austell fluconazole Austell fluconazole Mylan fluconazole Mylan fluconazole Simayla fluconazole Simayla fluconazole Apex-fluconazole Apex-fluconazole Mycorest Gulf fluconazole Gulf fluconazole Fluconazole Unicorn Zydus Fluconazole Diflucan Diflucan Adco-sporozole Mylan itraconazole Trisporal Sporanox Nizoral Micmat STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 200mg 150mg 150mg 200mg 150mg 200mg 150mg 200mg 150mg 150mg 200mg 150MG 200MG 150mg 200mg 100mg 100mg 100mg 100mg 200mg 10mg DOSAGE FORM CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB 400mg 400mg 400mg 200mg 400mg 400mg 500mg 200mg/5mL TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SUS ANTIPROTOZOALS Nitroimidazole derivatives metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole tinidazole metronidazole 701076 702148 703397 707241 707242 715866 725617 726338 Adco-metronidazole Amzole Anaerobyl Bio-metronidazole Bio-metronidazole Anaerobyl Fasigyn Flagyl GENERIC NAME metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole metronidazole NAPPI CODE 726346 726354 742872 745863 772216 772224 779822 783544 784710 788708 792136 792284 792292 793159 793167 821705 PRODUCT NAME Flagyl Flagyl Adco-metronidazole Narobic Trichazole Trichazole Metrazole Metrostat Medamet Bemetrazole Suprazole Acuzole Acuzole Metazol Metazol Bemetrazole STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 200mg 400mg 200mg 200mg 200mg 400mg 400mg 400mg 200mg 400mg 400mg 200mg 400mg 200mg 400mg 200mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB 250/100MG TAB TAB TAB CAP SYR SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB Other Proguanil combinations Proguanil combinations chloroquine chloroquine chloroquine chloroquine mefloquine mefloquine pyrimethamine quinine 700780 711525 747297 794333 799149 878790 797677 835552 717517 758884 Malanil 250mg/100mg Malanil paediatric 62.5mg/25mg Nivaquine Plasmoquine Daramal Mirquin Lariam Mefliam Daraprim Quinine sulph 200mg 200mg 37,5mg/5mL 68mg/5mL 250mg 250MG 25mg 300mg GENERIC NAME NAPPI CODE PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM 200mg 400mg 200mg 400mg 200mg 400mg 200MG 200mg/5mL 200mg 200mg 200mg 200mg 400mg 400mg 200mg 400mg 125MG 250MG 250mg 125mg 500mg 500mg 500MG 1000MG 500MG 500mg 250mg DSP DSP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB DSP DSP DSP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB ANTIVIRALS FOR SYSTEMIC USE Nucleosides and nucleotides excluding reverse transcriptase inhibitors aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir famciclovir famciclovir famciclovir famciclovir valaciclovir valaciclovir valaciclovir valaciclovir valaciclovir valaciclovir valaciclovir 704778 704779 717157 717158 717370 717371 719670 789313 824313 827282 833703 838225 838233 860581 884972 884979 718876 718877 815853 826715 715249 716508 718863 719887 719995 817783 852228 Acitab-200 dt Acitab-400 dt Apex-acyclovir Apex-acyclovir Aciclovir sandoz Aciclovir sandoz Acyclovir Biotech Zovirax Cyclivex Adco-acyclovir Zovirax disp Lovire Lovire Cyclivex Vyrohexal Vyrohexal Ciplafam Ciplafam Famvir Famvir Zelivire Anviro Vavirex Actiprez Shilova Zelitrex Zelitrex GENERIC NAME NAPPI CODE PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM 400mg 400mg 200mg 100mg/5mL 400mg 100mg 500mg 100mg/5mL 100mg 100mg 500mg 100mg 100mg/5mL 500mg 100mg 100mg/5mL 500mg 100mg 500mg/10mL 500mg 500MG CHU TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB TAB SUS TAB CHU TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB 10MG LOZ GEL LOZ LOZ SPR PAI MOW SPR ANTHELMINTICS albendazole albendazole albendazole albendazole albendazole mebendazole mebendazole mebendazole mebendazole mebendazole mebendazole mebendazole mebendazole mebendazole mebendazole mebendazole mebendazole mebendazole mebendazole praziquantel niclosamide 707436 712381 783927 789720 840262 703063 704656 775606 775614 795607 807524 810533 828297 833894 845671 845698 845701 878227 881546 717169 778877 Wormadole Zentel Zentel Zentel Bendex Adco-wormex Adco-wormex Vermox Vermox D-worm Vermox Wormgo Cipex D-worm sd Wormstop Wormstop Wormstop Cipex Vermox sd Cysticide Yomesan STOMATOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS amphotericin B benzydamine benzydamine benzydamine benzydamine benzydamine benzydamine benzydamine 727520 705350 710035 710036 710149 758566 810576 816167 Fungizone Andolex-c oral gel Andolex-c orange 3mg/1.33mg Andolex-c honey/lemon 3mg/1.33mg Andolex-c 22.5mg/18mg Pyralvex berna 10ml Andolex oral rinse Andolex spray 30ml 10ML 22.5MG/15ML/200ML 22.5MG/15ML/30ML GENERIC NAME benzydamine benzydamine benzydamine benzydamine benzydamine chlorhexidine chlorhexidine miconazole miconazole miconazole miconazole miconazole miconazole triamcinolone NAPPI CODE 826391 827614 827622 827630 878979 731005 808377 701100 718641 835056 835277 835285 835307 833673 PRODUCT NAME Dynexan Andolex loz Andolex-c Andolex-c oral rinse 22.5mg/18mg Andolex-c eucalyptus/menthol Corsodyl Corsodyl mint Candacide Vari-Miconazole Canstat oral Mycostatin Nystacid Daktarin oral Kenalog/orabase STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 10G 3MG 200ML 2mg/1mL 0,2% 100000u/1mL 2%//40G 100000U/1ML/20ML 100000U/1ML/20ML 20MG/1G/30G 0,1% DOSAGE FORM OIN LOZ LOZ MOW LOZ MOW MOW SUS GEO SUS SUS SUS GEO PAS THROAT PREPARATIONS benzocaine benzocaine benzocaine benzocaine benzocaine benzocaine fusafungine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine 751332 808563 878626 883872 884225 884233 837172 707937 785210 799688 819859 879169 890365 899488 Orochlor Orochlor 100ml Medi-kain orange Cepacol plus blackcurrant Medi-keel a honey & lemon Medi-keel a black currant Locabiotal pump 100doses Betadine oral Podine mouth wash Dermadine oral garg Septadine oral antiseptic Peviderm pvp-i Steridine mouthwash and gargle liquid Pinadine gargle 100ML 100ML 0,5mg/0,05mL 10MG/1ML/200ML 10MG/1ML/200ML 10MG/1ML/200ML MOW SPR LOZ LOZ LOZ LOZ SPR MOW MOW MOW MOW SOL MOW MOW GENERIC NAME NAPPI CODE PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. OPHTHALMOLOGICAL AND OTOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS Antiinfectives combinations dexamethasone and antiinfectives dexamethasone and antiinfectives hydrocortisone and antiinfectives acetazolamide acetazolamide aciclovir apraclonidine apraclonidine atropine atropine atropine azelastine betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone and antiinfectives betamethasone and antiinfectives betaxolol betaxolol betaxolol Bimatoprost Bimatoprost brimonidine brimonidine brinzolamide carteolol chloramphenicol chloramphenicol chloramphenicol 716634 716626 764868 769878 719471 789771 779407 825484 833789 705632 734276 743380 706558 708267 708283 708291 708429 708445 822868 836052 703666 716754 709410 837121 701523 834335 713724 713759 713821 Covomycin 7.5ml Covomycin-d 7.5ml Sofradex 8ml Terracortril 5g Diamox Azomid Zovirax 4.5g Iopidine 10ml Iopidine 0.25ml Atropine 5ml Isopto atropine 1% 5ml Min atropine sulph Optilast Betnesol 5ml Betnesol 3g Betnesol N Betnesol N Betoptic 5ml Betoptic s 0.25ml Betoptic s 5ml Lumigan 3ml Lumigan Alphagan purite 5ml Alphagan 5ml Azoptic 5ml eye suspension Teoptic 5ml Chloramex 3.5g Chlorcol 3.5g Chloromycetin redidr 5ml 7.5ML 7.5ML 8ML 250mg 250mg 3%/4.5G 0,5% 0,05% 0.1G/100ML/5ML 0.1%/3G 5ML 10ML 5MG/1ML/5ML 0,25% 0,25% 0,03% 0,01% 1,5mg/1mL 0,5% EED EED EED EEO TAB TAB EYO OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD EYO OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD EYO EYO OPD GENERIC NAME chloramphenicol chloramphenicol chloramphenicol chloramphenicol chloramphenicol chloramphenicol ciprofloxacin ciprofloxacin combinations of different antibiotics cromoglicic acid cromoglicic acid cromoglicic acid cromoglicic acid cyclopentolate cyclopentolate cyclopentolate dexamethasone dexamethasone dexamethasone dexamethasone and antiinfectives dexamethasone and antiinfectives dexamethasone and antiinfectives dexamethasone and antiinfectives dexamethasone and antiinfectives dibrompropamidine diclofenac diclofenac dipivefrine dorzolamide emedastine epinastine fluorometholone fluorometholone NAPPI CODE 713856 713872 713880 765880 817201 874175 701064 794104 818895 700864 804630 822698 894605 717029 717037 743402 708581 740446 765821 740454 740462 765813 789186 789194 710474 886963 886971 757756 819832 891449 707876 726702 726958 PRODUCT NAME Chloromycetin 3.5g Chlornicol 3.5g Chloroptic 10ml Spersanicol 4g Chlorphen 3.5g Chloromycetin redidrops 10mls Ciloxan 3,5g Ciloxan 5ml Neosporin 5ml Cromabak 10ml Vividrin eye drops Cromohexal 10ml Stop allerg 13,5ml Cyclogyl 15ml Cyclomydril 5ml Min cyclopento hcl Dexagel 5g Maxidex 5ml Spersadex 5ml Maxitrol 5ml Maxitrol 3.5g Spersadex comp 5ml Tobradex 3,5g Tobradex 5ml Brolene 5g Voltaren ophtha 5ml Voltaren ophtha sdu 0,3ml Propine 10ml Trusopt 5ml owi Emadine 5ml Relestat 5ml Flucon 5ml Fml 5ml STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 0,5% 0,5% 0,3% 0,3% 10mL 20MG/1ML/13.5ML 5ML 0,985mg/1g 1MG/1ML/5ML 0,1% 5ML 3.5G 5ML 3.5G 5ML 5G 1MG/1ML/5ML 1MG/1ML/0.3ML 0,1% 5ML 0,05% 1MG/1ML/5ML 5ML DOSAGE FORM EYO EYO OPD EYO EYO OPD EYO OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD EYO OPD OPD OPD EYO OPD EYO OPD EYO OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD GENERIC NAME fluorometholone and antiinfectives fluorometholone and mydriatics flurbiprofen fusidic acid gatifloxacin homatropine ketorolac ketorolac ketotifen latanoprost latanoprost levobunolol levocabastine lodoxamide lomefloxacin metipranolol metipranolol moxifloxacin nepafenac ofloxacin ofloxacin olopatadine oxytetracycline pilocarpine pilocarpine pilocarpine pilocarpine pilocarpine prednisolone prednisolone propamidine rimexolone spaglumic acid NAPPI CODE 726966 722294 779776 783641 709867 734322 713372 820032 701256 715961 833223 781134 809896 806412 866857 816728 816736 707883 716222 702935 839957 701415 769967 734179 734195 734284 743453 755389 756458 756466 710466 708311 833827 PRODUCT NAME Fml-neo 5ml Efemoline 5ml Ocufen 5ml Fucithalmic 5g Zymar 5ml Isopto homatropine 20% 5ml Acular 5ml Acular 5ml Zaditen 5ml Ocuprost 3ml Xalatan 2.5ml Betagan 7.5ml Livostin e.d. Alomide 10ml Okacyn 5ml Beta-ophtiole 5ml Beta-ophtiole 5ml Vigamox 5ml Nevanac 5ml Octin opthalmic drops 5ml Exocin 5ml Patanol 5ml Terramycin 5g Isopto carpine 2% 15ml Isopto carpine 4% 15ml Isopto carpine 1% 15ml Min pilocarpine nit Pilogel gel 5gm Pred-forte 5ml Pred-mild 5ml Brolene 10ml Rimaxin 5ml Naaxia 10ml STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 5ML 5ML 1%/5G 3mg/1mL 0,4% 5MG/5ML 0,025% 50mcg/1mL 50mcg/1mL 0,5% 0.5MG/1ML/4ML 1MG/1ML/10ML 5ML 0,3% 0,6% 5mg/1mL 1mg/1mL 3mg/1mL 3MG/1ML/5ML 0,1% 0,12% 10ML DOSAGE FORM OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD EYO OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD sulfacetamide Tetryzoline combinations Tetryzoline combinations timolol timolol timolol timolol timolol timolol timolol Timolol combinations Timolol combinations Timolol combinations Timolol combinations Timolol combinations Timolol combinations tobramycin tobramycin Travoprost trifluridine tropicamide tropicamide tropicamide NAPPI CODE 767360 706540 765856 702142 704639 770833 770841 819816 819824 821624 702983 708877 709863 714110 717260 860379 771082 771104 702534 770272 743437 745383 745405 combinations Antiinfectives combinations neomycin dexamethasone and antiinfectives flumetasone and antiinfectives hydrocortisone and antiinfectives hydrocortisone and antiinfectives 716596 716677 746568 710689 738840 820717 878065 GENERIC NAME PRODUCT NAME Sulphacetamide 3.5g Spersallerg sdu 0.3ml Spersallerg 10ml Nyogel eye gel 5g Glaucare (5ml) Timoptol 5ml Timoptol 5ml Timoptol-xe 2.5ml Timoptol-xe 2.5ml Glaucosan 5ml Xalacom 2.5ml Duotrav 2.5ml Combigan 2mg/5mg 5ml Ganfort 3ml Azarga 5ml Cosopt 5ml Tobrex 5ml Tobrex 3.5g Travatan 2,5ml Tft 5ml Min tropicamide Mydriacyl 15ml Mydriaticum 10ml Otologicals only Covancaine 20ml Covotop 15ml Neopan 15ml Cilodex 5ml 3mg/1mg per 1ml Locacorten-vioform Otosporin 10ml Ciprobay hc otic 10ml STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 350.MG/3.5G 10ML 0,1% 0,25% 0,25% 0,5% 0,25% 0,5% 0,5% 2.5ML 2/5MG/5ML 0.3MG/1ML 10MG/1ML/5ML 0,5% 3MG/1ML/5ML 3MG/1G/3.5G 0,004% 0,5% 20ML 15ML 5ML 7,5mL 10ML DOSAGE FORM EYO OPD OPD GEL OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD EYO OPD OPD OPD OPD OPD EAR EAR EAR EAR EAR EAR EAR NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM ANTIBIOTICS AND CHEMOTHERAPEUTICS FOR DERMATOLOGICAL USE aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir aciclovir Combinations Combinations fusidic acid fusidic acid imiquimod metronidazole mupirocin mupirocin mupirocin penciclovir podophyllotoxin podophyllotoxin retapamulin silver sulfadiazine silver sulfadiazine silver sulfadiazine 701035 713942 823473 824674 826340 873551 704435 746606 727377 727431 851884 820210 702504 706493 715837 707519 756199 815616 719999 726362 791725 836664 Lovire Beta-vira Activir pump pack Adco-acyclovir Zovirax Acitop Polysporin Neosporin topical Fucidin Fucidin Aldara cream 250mg Rozex Bactroban Bactroban topical Supiroban Fenivir cold sore cream Posalfilin Wartec solution Altargo Flamazine Bactrazine Silbecor 50MG/1G/2G 50MG/1G/2G 5%/2G 15G 20MG/1G/15G 20MG/1G/15G 5%/250mg 0,75% 2G/100G/15G 2G/100G/15G 20mg/1g 0,01g/1g 10G 5MG/1ML/3ML 10MG/1G/5G 10MG/1G/50G CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE OIN OIN OIN CRE SAC GEL CRE OIN OIN CRE OIN SOL OIN CRE CRE CRE ANTIFUNGALS FOR DERMATOLOGICAL USE amorolfine amorolfine bifonazole bifonazole bifonazole 703124 808199 745251 793957 835862 Loceryl nail lacquer kit 2,5ml Loceryl nail lacquer kit 5ml Mycospor Mycospor spray Mycospor 5%/2.5ML 1%/15G 1%/25ML 10MG/1ML/15ML PAI PAI CRE SPR SOL GENERIC NAME clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole combinations combinations econazole econazole econazole econazole econazole econazole ketoconazole ketoconazole miconazole miconazole miconazole NAPPI CODE 702576 705246 706717 709885 712205 788554 793493 796336 797006 799505 799696 808857 814423 816299 822922 824011 826952 839639 846422 878421 735140 754579 754498 754560 800678 833584 835919 835927 747327 890760 700595 717274 877719 PRODUCT NAME Pinaspor t Dis-chem clotrimazole topical cream Canesten troche Vari-clotrimazole Canesten Candaspor Adco-normospor Canalba Candizole Micomisan Medaspor topical Closcript topical Covospor Xeraspor t Adco-clotrimazole Canex topical A-por Trimaze Fungispor Clomaderm Kenacomb Pevisone Pevaryl cream Pevaryl foaming 10ml Pevaryl spr sln 30ml Pevaryl powder Pevaryl foaming Pevaryl soln Nizcreme Ketazol Dermazole Daktarin Covarex STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 10mg/1g 10mg 20G 1%/20G 15G 1%/15G 1%/30G 20MG/1G/20G 20MG/1G/20G 20MG/1G/30G 20MG/1G/30G DOSAGE FORM CRE CRE LOZ CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE OIN CRE CRE SAC SPR POR SOL SOL CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE GENERIC NAME miconazole, combinations miconazole, combinations nystatin nystatin nystatin terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine terbinafine tolnaftate NAPPI CODE 715635 717266 745278 784966 797022 705114 705115 705116 705117 705118 705119 705120 705121 705122 705123 705124 705125 705126 705127 705128 703033 706073 709809 711199 792705 836486 880892 770868 PRODUCT NAME Elozart Daktacort Mycostatin Canstat Nystacid Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Mylan terbinafine Lamisil spray 15ml Terbicil Lamisil film forming Terbane Lamisil Lamisil 30ml Lamisil derm gel Tinaderm STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 20MG/20G 20G 100000U/1G/15G 100000U/1G/15G 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 1%/15G DOSAGE FORM CRE CRE CRE CRE OIN TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SPR CRE SOL CRE CRE SPR GEL CRE GENERIC NAME NAPPI CODE PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM 100ML 5%/5G 2%/20ML 5%/5G LOT CRE GEL CRE PSD CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE CRE ANTIPRURITICS INCLUDING ANTIHISTAMINES, ANESTHETICS AND OTHERS Antihistamines for topical use lidocaine lidocaine lidocaine lidocaine mepyramine mepyramine mepyramine mepyramine promethazine tetracaine tetracaine 794120 701499 759694 826367 840106 701102 703834 800511 897334 754722 703591 799211 Biohist lotion Topla Remicaine & nozzle Emla 5% Emla 5% Mepyraderm Anthisan Allergex mepyramine Alsan Phenergan Anethaine Amethocaine 2%/25G 2%/25G 2%/25G 1%/25G 1%/25G ANTISEPTICS AND DISINFECTANTS povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine povidone-iodine nitrofural nitrofural triclosan 702549 707945 708178 708216 715022 755834 788716 813060 821713 826634 871885 784524 805416 705017 Barrs povidone iodine Betadine ointment Betadine cream Betadine soln spray Germadine Podine Dermadine Betadine first aid cream Septadine antiseptic Link dermadex Biocream Furasept Furex Burnaid gel 25g 100mL 10%/25G 10%/25G 50MG/1G/25G 20G 50MG/25G/25G 25G OIN OIN CRE SPR OIN OIN OIN CRE OIN OIN CRE OIN OIN GEL GENERIC NAME NAPPI CODE PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM 30G OIN 100000U 20MG/1G/40G VAT VCR VCR VCR VCR VCR VAG VCR VAT VAT VAT VAT VCR SUP SUP VAT VAT VAT VAT VAT VAT VCR VCR VCR VCR VCR VCR VCR PREPARATIONS FOR TREATMENT OF WOUNDS AND ULCERS collagenase, combinations 734012 Iruxol mono GYNECOLOGICAL ANTI-INFECTIVES AND ANTISEPTICS nystatin clindamycin clotrimazole econazole clotrimazole clotrimazole metronidazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole metronidazole metronidazole miconazole econazole econazole ketoconazole miconazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole 806536 832340 702574 703089 703548 705247 706439 711138 712213 712264 717811 717842 718559 726303 726311 729728 729752 729841 747343 812358 825042 826960 831875 831883 831891 831905 831913 831921 Canstat Dalacin vc Pinaspor v Vari-econazole nitrate 1% mm vc Canesten 35g Dis-chem clotrimazole Metrogel v Innospore Canesten vag tab Canesten 1 Glenmark clotrimazole Glenmark clotrimazole 1 Canesten 3VC Flagyl Flagyl Gyno-daktarin Gyno pevaryl Gyno pevaryl depot Nizovules Gyno-daktarin combipak Canesten duopak A-por Canalba vag Candaspor vag Canesten 1 vc Canesten 50g Canex vag Closcript vaginal 1%/80G 37.5MG/5G/40G 0,1g 0,5g 100mg 500mg 20MG/1G/20G 0,5g 1g 200mg 150mg 150MG 400mg 400MG 500MG 1%/50G 500mg GENERIC NAME clotrimazole econazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole miconazole clotrimazole fenticonazole fenticonazole fenticonazole clotrimazole clotrimazole clotrimazole povidone-iodine Other antiinfectives and antiseptics povidone-iodine povidone-iodine diiodohydroxyquinoline NAPPI CODE 832332 832367 832391 832405 832421 832499 832502 832596 833908 833916 833924 839620 846341 878448 708208 814202 816752 835412 835447 PRODUCT NAME Covospor vaginal Gyno pevaryl Medaspor vag Micomisan vag Adco-normospor vag Xeraspor v Gyno-daktarin Candizole v Lomexin Lomexin Lomexin Gyno-trimaze Fungispor (1 applicator) Gynezol Betadine douche (vag cleanser) Hexidin obstet cream Betadine douche refill Betadine Vagarsal STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 100MG/1ML/250ML 100MG/1G/90G 50G DOSAGE FORM VCR VCR VCR VCR VCR VCR VCR VCR VCR VAT VAT VCR VCR VCR DOU CRE DOU VAG VAG 0,03% 0,1% 150mg/1g 150mg/1g 150mg/1g CRE OIN OIN PTD PTD PTD 30G SUP SUP OIN OIN 78G 20MG/1G/40G 30G 200mg 600mg 1%/50G 100MG/1ML/250ML OTHER DERMATOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS pimecrolimus tacrolimus tacrolimus Wart and anti-corn preparations Wart and anti-corn preparations Wart and anti-corn preparations 702081 712758 712759 707829 707830 708302 Elidel Protopic Protopic Trans-ver-sal pediapatch 6mm Trans-ver-sal adult patch 12mm Trans-ver-sal plantarpatch 20mm VASOPROTECTIVES bismuth preparations, combinations bismuth preparations, combinations bismuth preparations, combinations other preparations, combinations 704075 704148 826375 757187 Anugesic Anusol Anusol Proctosedyl oint GENERIC NAME other preparations, combinations other preparations, combinations other preparations, combinations pramocaine NAPPI CODE 757195 875376 875384 704083 PRODUCT NAME Proctosedyl Scheriproct Scheriproct Anusol pain relief STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 15G 10MG/1G/25G DOSAGE FORM SUP OIN SUP OIN ANTI-ACNE PREPARATIONS adapalene adapalene azelaic acid azelaic acid clindamycin clindamycin clindamycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin erythromycin, combinations isotretinoin isotretinoin isotretinoin isotretinoin isotretinoin isotretinoin isotretinoin isotretinoin isotretinoin tretinoin tretinoin tretinoin tretinoin tretinoin tretinoin tretinoin 827215 863939 703471 794171 796131 828718 835757 828769 828874 828971 897783 821853 701469 701471 701656 701667 711876 711877 761125 761133 709811 709812 760242 760250 842591 842605 874752 Differin gel Differin Skinoren gel Skinoren acne cream Cleocin Dalacin t (dry) Dalacin t Eryderm Ilotycin ts soln Stiemycin Zineryt topical Isotrex Oratane Oratane Acnetane Acnetane Apex-isotretinoin Apex-isotretinoin Roaccutane Roaccutane Airol Airol Retin A Retin A Ilotycin-a Ilotycin-a Retacnyl 0.1%/30G 0.1%/30G 30G 10MG/1ML/30ML 10MG/1ML/30ML 50ML 30ML 0.05%/30G 10mg 20mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 10mg 20mg 0,05% 0,05% 0.05%/20G 0.025%/20G 0.05%/20G 0.05%/20G 0.05%/30G GEL CRE GEL CRE LOT LOT SOL LOT LOT SOL LOT GEL CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CRE LOT CRE GEL GEL CRE CRE NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM CORTICOSTEROIDS Dermatological Preparations alclometasone beclometasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone betamethasone and antibiotics betamethasone and antibiotics betamethasone and antibiotics betamethasone and antibiotics betamethasone and antibiotics betamethasone and antibiotics betamethasone and antiseptics betamethasone and antiseptics 700568 878200 701138 708313 708321 708348 708410 720399 720410 754064 754072 800163 800171 824208 827290 833037 882934 720380 828726 708380 708399 720356 720364 739391 758760 708364 708372 Aclosone Beclate cream Vari-betamethasone Betnovate Betnovate half strength Betnovate Betnovate skin Diprosone Diprosone Persivate Persivate Lenovate Lenovate Betnovate scalp Adco-betamethasone Topivate Repivate Diprosalic Diprosalic Betnovate N Betnovate N Diprogenta Diprogenta Lotriderm Quadriderm Betnovate C Betnovate C 0.25MG/1MG/15G 0,1% 0,1% 0,1% 0,05% 0,05% 0,1% 0,1% 0,1% 0,1% 1MG/1G/15G 0,1% 0,1% 20G 30ML 15G 15G 20G 20G 20G 15G 15G 15G OIN CRE CRE CRE CRE OIN LOT CRE OIN CRE OIN CRE OIN SCL CRE CRE CRE OIN LOT CRE OIN CRE OIN CRE CRE CRE OIN GENERIC NAME clobetasol clobetasol clobetasol clobetasol clobetasol clobetasol clobetasol clobetasol clobetasone clobetasone desonide diflucortolone diflucortolone diflucortolone diflucortolone fluocinolone acetonide fluocinolone acetonide fluocinolone acetonide fluocinolone acetonide fluocinolone acetonide fluocinolone acetonide and antibiotics fluocinolone acetonide and antibiotics fluocinolone acetonide and antiseptics fluocinolone acetonide and antiseptics fluticasone fluticasone hydrocortisone hydrocortisone hydrocortisone hydrocortisone hydrocortisone hydrocortisone hydrocortisone NAPPI CODE 710464 718718 718726 807230 807249 824216 868299 868302 724963 724971 709810 746703 746711 709808 771937 716278 716286 768278 768286 768294 768332 768367 768316 768324 809977 809985 700445 720011 720038 745448 745472 757217 757268 PRODUCT NAME Clobex Dermovate Dermovate Dovate Dovate Dermovate scalp Xenovate Xenovate Eumovate Eumovate Locatop Nerisone Nerisone fatty Maxaderm 1mg/10mg Travocort Cortoderm Cortoderm Synalar Synalar Synalar gel Synalar N Synalar n cream Synalar c Synalar c Cutivate Cutivate Vari-hydrocortisone Dilucort Dilucort Mylocort Mylocort Procutan Procutan STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 0,05% 0,05% 0,05% 0.05%/25G 0.05%/25G 0,1% 0,1% 0,1% 1MG/1G/20G 1MG/1G/20G 0.25MG/1G/15G 0.25MG/1G/15G 0.25MG/1G/15G 0.25MG/1G/15G 0.25MG/1G/30G 15G 15G 15G 15G 0,05% 0,005% 0.5G/100G/25G 0.5G/100G/25G DOSAGE FORM SHA CRE OIN OIN CRE SCL OIN CRE CRE OIN CRE CRE OIN CRE CRE CRE OIN CRE OIN GEL OIN CRE CRE OIN CRE OIN CRE CRE OIN OIN CRE CRE OIN GENERIC NAME hydrocortisone hydrocortisone hydrocortisone hydrocortisone hydrocortisone and antibiotics hydrocortisone and antibiotics hydrocortisone and antiseptics hydrocortisone butyrate hydrocortisone butyrate hydrocortisone butyrate hydrocortisone butyrate hydrocortisone butyrate methylprednisolone aceponate methylprednisolone aceponate methylprednisolone aceponate methylprednisolone aceponate methylprednisolone aceponate mometasone mometasone mometasone mometasone mometasone NAPPI CODE 764353 807834 810223 826642 727407 793515 776297 738875 738891 793930 828890 890396 701417 793086 793108 793116 883180 705444 714014 782017 782025 788791 PRODUCT NAME Skincalm Biocort (stx) Stopitch Link mezzoderm Fucidin 'h' Neoderm Viocort Locoid Locoid Locoid lipocream Locoid Locoid crelo Advantan scalp Advantan Advantan Advantan fatty oint Advantan milk Aspen mometasone Mometagen Elocon Elocon Elocon STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 0,5% 25G 20G 0.1%/15G 15G 15G 30ML 0.1%/30ML 0,1% 1MG/1G/50G 0,1% 1MG/1G/50G 1MG/IG/20G 0.1%/20G 0,1% 0,1% 0,1% 0,1% DOSAGE FORM CRE CRE CRE CRE OIN CRE CRE CRE OIN CRE LOT LOT SCL OIN CRE OIN LOT CRE CRE CRE OIN LOT 15mg/5mL 5mg/1mL 5mg 0,5mg 15mg/5mL 15mg/5mL 10mg 4mg 16mg SYR SOL TAB TAB SYR SYR TAB TAB TAB Corticosteroids For Systemic Use prednisolone prednisone prednisolone betamethasone prednisolone prednisolone hydrocortisone methylprednisolone methylprednisolone 700170 703603 703720 713139 714552 716381 716693 741116 741124 Preflam Pulmison paed oral solution Prelone Celestone Aspelone Adco prednisolone Covocort Medrol Medrol GENERIC NAME prednisone prednisone prednisone prednisone betamethasone prednisolone prednisolone prednisolone prednisone betamethasone betamethasone prednisone fludrocortisone NAPPI CODE 742732 742759 752304 788783 797596 800155 805149 814407 818267 826928 826936 836826 726540 PRODUCT NAME Meticorten Meticorten Panafcort Be-tabs prednisone Steromien Lenisolone Prelone Capsoid Trolic Betanoid Betanoid Pulmison Florinef acetate STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 5mg 50mg 5mg 5mg 0,6mg/5mL 5mg 15mg/5mL 5mg 5mg 0,5mg 0,6mg/5mL 20mg 0,1mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB SYR TAB SYR TAB TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM DRUGS FOR OBSTRUCTIVE AIRWAY DISEASES aminophylline aminophylline Aminophylline combinations Aminophylline combinations beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide 769312 769320 720283 739413 707201 707228 783714 783722 819611 819638 820083 827061 827088 864455 864463 864471 864501 894405 894413 702475 702478 702480 704020 704021 704176 707879 707881 718677 718678 Norstan-ted Norstan-ted Diphenamill Lotussin expect Becotide rotacaps Becotide rotacaps Becodisk 8 caps/disk Becodisk 8 caps/disk Beclate 200dose Beclate 200dose Beclate 200dose Beceze 50 200dose Beceze 100 cfc free 200dose Qvar autohaler 200dose Qvar autohaler 200dose Qvar press and breath 200dose Qvar press and breath 200dose Cycloson 100 cyclocaps Cycloson 200 cyclocaps Inflacor 100 Inflacor 200 Inflacor 400 Inflammide novolizer refill 200dose Inflammide novolizer complete 200dose Budeflam dp-caps Inflammide novolizer complete 100dose Inflammide novolizer refill 100dose Arrow Budesonide Arrow Budesonide 100mg 200mg 100ML 100mcg 200mcg 100MCG 200MCG 50mcg 100mcg 200mcg 50mcg 100mcg 50mcg 100mcg 50mcg 100mcg 100mcg 200mcg 100mcg 200mcg 400mcg 200mcg 200mcg 200mcg 400mcg 400mcg 0.25MG/1ML/20ML 0.5MG/1ML/20ML TAB TAB SYR SYR CPS CPS CPS CPS INH INH INH INH INH ATH ATH INH INH CPS CPS CPS CPS CPS REF INH CPS INH REF UDV UDV GENERIC NAME budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide ciclesonide ciclesonide ciclesonide combinations of xanthines combinations of xanthines fenoterol fenoterol fenoterol fenoterol fenoterol fenoterol fenoterol fenoterol Fenoterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases Fenoterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases Fenoterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases fluticasone fluticasone fluticasone fluticasone fluticasone fluticasone fluticasone formoterol NAPPI CODE 791423 791431 807885 823791 825441 839329 839337 897462 897469 705265 705267 705269 746800 765031 706544 707813 718554 791989 793973 835706 890148 890156 703469 707882 820733 703275 818445 818453 818461 818488 897752 897759 704175 PRODUCT NAME Pulmicort turbuhaler 200dose Pulmicort turbuhaler 200dose Pulmicort neb suspension Pulmicort turbuhaler 100dose Pulmicort neb suspension Inflammide mac 300dose Inflammide mac 300dose Budeflam hfa 300dose Budeflam hfa 300dose Alvesco 60dose Alvesco 60dose Alvesco 120dose Nethaprin dospan Solphyllin Berotec HFA 200dose Berotec Fenovent Berotec Berotec Berotec inh sol Adco-fenoterol 0,5mg/2ml Adco-fenoterol 1,25mg/2ml Adco-nebrafen 4ml Duovent HFA 200dose Atrovent beta udv 4ml Flixotide cfc free 120dose Flixotide accuhaler 60dose Flixotide accuhaler 60dose Flixotide accuhaler 60dose Flixotide accuhaler 60dose Flixotide 125 cfc free 120 actuations Flixotide cfc free 120dose Foratec dp-caps STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 100mcg 200mcg 0,5mg/1mL 400mcg 0,25mg/1mL 100mcg 200mcg 100mcg 200mcg 80mcg 160mcg 160mcg 200ML 100mcg 2,5mg/5mL 2,5mg/5mL 1.25MG/2ML/2ML 0.5MG/2ML/2ML 0,1% 4ML 50mcg 50mcg 100mcg 250mcg 500mcg 125mcg 250mcg 12mcg DOSAGE FORM TUH TUH UDV TUH UDV INH INH INH INH INH INH INH TAB SYR INH SYR SYR UDV UDV SOL UDV UDV UDV INH UDV INH ACC ACC ACC ACC INH INH CPS GENERIC NAME formoterol formoterol formoterol formoterol Formoterol and other drugs for obstructive airway disease Formoterol and other drugs for obstructive airway disease Formoterol and other drugs for obstructive airway disease Formoterol and other drugs for obstructive airway disease Formoterol and other drugs for obstructive airway disease Formoterol and other drugs for obstructive airway disease indacaterol ipratropium bromide ipratropium bromide ipratropium bromide ipratropium bromide ipratropium bromide ipratropium bromide ipratropium bromide ipratropium bromide ipratropium bromide ipratropium bromide ipratropium bromide ipratropium bromide mometasone mometasone mometasone mometasone montelukast montelukast montelukast montelukast montelukast montelukast NAPPI CODE 705116 710307 820911 840246 700172 700173 705984 705986 720218 720219 717402 704681 706543 714287 715574 717204 786241 794007 835633 856916 885074 890164 890172 717571 717572 717581 717582 718604 718605 718606 719046 719047 719048 PRODUCT NAME Mylan formoterol clickhaler 60dose Foratec hfa 120dose Foradil dry powder inhalation Oxis turbuhaler 60dose Symbicord turbohaler 60dose 160mcg/4.5mc Symbicord turboh 120dose 160mcg/4,5mcg Symbicord 320/9mcg per inhalation 60dose Symbicord 80/4.5mcg per inhalation 120dose Vannair 120 Dose Vannair 120 Dose Onbrez breezhaler (30 caps & inhaler) Ipvent-40 300dose Atrovent HFA 200dose Ipvent respules 2ml Ipvent HFA 200 dose Tropivent 1ml Atrovent Atrovent udv paed Atrovent solution Ipvent-40 200dose Atrovent 40 mac 300 dose Adco-ipratropium 0,25mg/2ml ni101 Adco-ipratropium 0,5mg/2ml ni201 Asmanex twisthaler 30 dose Asmanex twisthaler 60 dose Asmanex twisthaler 30 dose Asmanex twisthaler 60 dose Sintair Sintair Sintair Montelukast Cipla Montelukast Cipla Montelukast Cipla STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 12mcg 12mcg/1dose 12MCG 9mcg 80/4.5MCG 160/4.5MCG 40mcg 20mcg 0,5mg/2mL 40mcg/1dose 0,25mg/1mL 0,5mg/2mL 0,25mg/2mL 0.25MG/1ML/20ML 40mcg 40mcg 0.25MG/2ML 200mcg/1dose 200mcg/1dose 400mcg/1dose 400mcg/1dose 4mg 5mg 10mg 4MG 5MG 10MG DOSAGE FORM INH INH CPS TUH TUH TUH TUH TUH INH INH KIT INH INH UDV INH UDV UDV UDV SOL INH INH UDV UDV INH INH INH INH TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME montelukast montelukast montelukast montelukast salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol salbutamol Salbutamol and other Salbutamol and other Salbutamol and other Salbutamol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases drugs for obstructive airway diseases drugs for obstructive airway diseases drugs for obstructive airway diseases NAPPI CODE 719638 719639 719640 720431 700715 700920 703371 711213 717205 717206 717655 775274 775363 775398 775401 775452 783684 783692 791229 791237 819603 824186 835994 836001 849332 857289 878219 894397 894400 703983 705722 717437 718698 PRODUCT NAME Montelukast Chew Biotech Montelukast Chew Biotech Montelukast Biotech Belair Asthavent ecohaler cfc-free 300dose Vari-salbutamol syrup Ventolin inhaler 200 cfc-free Venteze cfc free 200 dose Salbu-neb Salbu-neb Asthavent respules Ventolin Venteze complete 200dose Venteze Venteze Venteze Ventodisk 8caps/disk Ventodisk 8caps/disk Ventolin nebules Ventolin nebules Asthavent 200dose Asthavent Venteze soln Ventolin respirator Asthavent ecohaler 200dose Ventolin accuhaler 60dose Asthavent dp Cybutol 200 cylclocaps Cybutol 400 cyclocaps Duolin respules (solution for inhalation) Adco-combineb Co-iprasal 2.5ml Duolin HFA STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 4MG 5MG 10MG 10MG 100mcg 2mg/5mL 100mcg 100mcg 2,5mg/2,5mL 5mg/2,5mL 2,5mg/2,5mL 2mg/5mL 100mcg 2mg 4mg 2mg/5mL 200MCG 400MCG 2,5mg/2,5mL 5mg/2,5mL 100mcg 2mg/5mL 5mg/1mL 100mcg 200mcg 200mcg 200mcg 400mcg 2.5ML 200 DOSES DOSAGE FORM CHU CHU TAB TAB INH SYR INH INH NEB NEB NEB SYR INH TAB TAB SYR CPS CPS UDV UDV INH SYR SOL NEB INH ACC CPS CPS CPS UDV UDV NEB INH GENERIC NAME Salbutamol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases Salbutamol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol salmeterol salmeterol salmeterol salmeterol salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases salmeterol and other drugs for obstructive airway diseases terbutaline terbutaline Terbutaline combinations Terbutaline combinations theophylline theophylline theophylline theophylline Theophylline combinations excl. psycholeptics Theophylline combinations excl. psycholeptics Theophylline combinations excl. psycholeptics NAPPI CODE 824577 824623 708289 787302 787310 791695 818496 715007 715008 715009 715189 715190 715191 715752 715753 715754 874493 874507 874515 894989 894990 895006 710385 791415 807893 883879 701750 748528 770388 816159 700238 701742 721867 PRODUCT NAME Combivent udv Combivent 300dose Serevent cfc-free 120dose Serevent 120dose Serevent 4caps/disk Serevent 60dose Serevent accuhaler 60dose Foxair accuhaler 60 dose 50/500 Foxair accuhaler 60 dose 50/250 Foxair accuhaler 60 dose 50/100 Sereflo 25/50 hfa 120 dose Sereflo 25/125 hfa 120 dose Sereflo 25/250 hfa 120 dose Foxair 25/50 120 dose Foxair 25/125 120dose Foxair 25/250 120dose Seretide accuhaler 60dose 50/100 Seretide accuhaler 60dose 50/250 Seretide accuhaler 60dose 50/500 Seretide 25/50 120 dose Seretide 25/125 120 dose Seretide 25/250 120 dose Bricanyl refill 400dose Bricanyl turbuhaler 200dose Bronchoped Benylin bronchospect Alcophyllin Nuelin liquid Theophen Uniphyl Theophen compound elixir Alcophyllex D-tussin STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 25mcg 25mcg 50MCG/1DOSE 25mcg 50mcg 50/500MCG 50/250MCG 50/100MCG 25/50MCG 25/125MCG 25/250MCG 25/50MCG 25/125MCG 25/250MCG 100mcg 250mcg 500mcg 25mcg/50mcg 25mcg/125mcg 25mcg/250mcg 250mcg 0,5mg 200ML 200ML 26,67mg/5mL 25mg/5mL 200ML 600mg 200ML 100ML DOSAGE FORM UDV INH INH INH CPS INH ACC ACC ACC ACC INH INH INH INH INH INH ACC ACC ACC INH INH INH REF INH SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SRT SYR SYR SYR GENERIC NAME Theophylline combinations excl. psycholeptics Theophylline combinations excl. psycholeptics Theophylline combinations excl. psycholeptics Theophylline combinations excl. psycholeptics NAPPI CODE 742414 765023 779784 792586 PRODUCT NAME Metaxol cough Solphyllex Actophlem Diatussin STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 2500ML 200ML 200ML 150ML DOSAGE FORM SYR SYR SYR SYR 30mg/5mL SYR TAB SYR TAB SYR SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SYR TAB SYR TAB SYR SYR TAB SYR TAB SYR TAB SYR ANTIHISTAMINES FOR SYSTEMIC USE alimemazine Brompheniramine combinations buclizine buclizine, combinations cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine 774553 732419 739197 778265 700899 703313 703314 703315 703491 703561 703821 703864 704188 704359 704659 707224 707885 708117 708687 710672 711745 712764 712889 712890 713231 717156 717812 Vallergan Iliadin Longifene Vomifene Zetop Allecet Texa Allecet Adco-cetirizine Sandoz cetirizine 2hcl 10 Allermine Cetirizine-hexal Aspen cetirizine Austell cetirizine Zyncet Adco cetirizine Betek Cetirizine-hexal Sinutab sinus allergy Texa Sinutab sinus allergy Zetop Acuzyrt Acuzyrt Aspen cetirizine Austell Cetirizine Zelary 5mg/5mL 5mg/5mL 5mg/5mL 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 1mg/1mL 10mg 1mg/1mL 10MG 5mg/5mL 1mg/1mL 10mg 5mg/5mL 10mg 5mg/5mL 5MG 1mg/1mL GENERIC NAME cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine cetirizine chlorphenamine chlorphenamine chlorphenamine chlorphenamine chlorphenamine, combinations chlorphenamine, combinations chlorphenamine, combinations chlorphenamine, combinations chlorphenamine, combinations chlorphenamine, combinations chlorphenamine, combinations chlorphenamine, combinations chlorphenamine, combinations clemastine cyclizine cyclizine cyclizine cyclizine cyclizine cyclizine cyclizine cyclizine cyclizine cyclizine cyclizine cyclizine cyclizine cyclizine cyclizine NAPPI CODE 718452 785377 815535 820946 702072 702145 703162 797650 707677 710247 715301 726885 760773 760781 764264 822744 877891 769231 702573 772135 772143 774618 774626 774634 774642 792217 792225 792845 792853 796700 799424 808954 808962 PRODUCT NAME Trantrin Zyrtec Zyrtec oral Zyrtec Allergex Allergex Rhineton Chlorhist Efferflu-c Rinex ped Colcleer(cold+flu) Flusin Rinex Rinex diffucaps Sinucon Sinuend Demazin syrup alcohol free Degoran allergy Pinaloid Triazine infant Triazine Valoid paed Valoid Valoid Valoid pediatric Aculoid Aculoid Medazine-s Medazine-t Triazine paediatric Nauzine Adco-cyclizine Adco-cyclizine STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 10mg 10mg 10mg/1mL 5mg/5mL 4mg 2mg/5mL 4mg 2MG/5ML/100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 1mg 50mg 50mg 50MG 50mg 100mg 50mg 12,5mg/5mL 50mg 12,5mg/5mL 12,5mg/5mL 50mg 12.5MG/5ML/50ML 50mg 50mg 12,5mg/5mL DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB DRP SYR TAB SYR TAB SYR EFT SYR TAB TAB SYR CAP TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB SUP TAB SUP SUP TAB SYR TAB SYR SYR TAB SYR TAB TAB SYR GENERIC NAME cyclizine cyclizine cyproheptadine cyproheptadine desloratadine desloratadine desloratadine desloratadine desloratadine desloratadine desloratadine desloratadine desloratadine desloratadine dexchlorpheniramine, combinations dexchlorpheniramine, combinations Diphenhydramine combinations doxylamine ebastine fexofenadine fexofenadine fexofenadine fexofenadine fexofenadine fexofenadine fexofenadine fexofenadine fexofenadine fexofenadine fexofenadine fexofenadine fexofenadine fexofenadine NAPPI CODE 809322 820571 701422 753858 702044 709843 714103 714362 715715 718393 718710 719454 720028 898658 713058 713066 720003 705136 847992 707199 707200 709073 709074 709710 709841 710836 710837 714053 714055 714068 714069 715771 848093 PRODUCT NAME Covamet Nauzine s Cipla-actin Periactin Deselex Dazit Desodene Desaway Pollentyme nd Neoclarityne Neoloridin Clarex Neoclarityne Deselex Celestamine Celestamine Dilinct Asic Kestine Fexo Fexo Fexo-fast Fexo-fast Fastway Fastway Fexaway Fexaway Tellerge Tellerge Fenofex Fenofex Telfast Telfast STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 50MG 12,5mg/5mL 4mg 4mg 2,5mg/5mL 5mg 5mg 5mg 5mg 5mg 5MG 5MG 2.5MG/5ML/150ML 5mg 120ML 100ML 10mg 120mg 180mg 120mg 180mg 180mg 120mg 120mg 180mg 180mg 120mg 120mg 180mg 30mg/5mL 120mg DOSAGE FORM TAB SYR TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SYR TAB SYR TAB SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SUS TAB GENERIC NAME fexofenadine ketotifen ketotifen ketotifen ketotifen levocetirizine levocetirizine levocetirizine levocetirizine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine loratadine mepyramine mizolastine oxatomide promethazine NAPPI CODE 848107 778931 797138 854905 878715 703450 718132 719790 720330 700092 701361 701407 701640 702159 702518 703918 704275 704773 704780 704886 705102 705359 705410 707313 713908 717051 785113 789291 899430 703842 884047 771015 706043 PRODUCT NAME Telfast Zaditen Zaditen sro Adco-zetofen Adco-ketotifen Xyzal Cetlev Allerway Xyzal Laura Pollentyme Sandoz loratidine Allergex non drowsy Clarinese Lorano Pollentyme s Allergex non drowsy Rohist Cipla-loratadine Ap loratadine Clarinese Lorfast Rhinigine Simayla loratadine Lormeg Apex-loratadine Clarityne Clarityne Ap-loratadine Anthisan Mizollen Tinset Avomine STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 180mg 1mg 2mg 1mg/5mL 1mg/5mL 5mg 5mg 5MG 0.5MG/ML/75ML 10mg 10mg 10mg 5mg/5mL 10mg 10mg 5mg/5mL 10mg 10mg 10mg 5mg/5mL 5mg/5mL 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 5mg/5mL 10mg 25mg/5mL 10mg 30mg 25mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB SRT SYR SYR TAB TAB TAB SOL TAB TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB TAB SYR SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SYR TAB SYR TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME promethazine promethazine promethazine promethazine promethazine promethazine promethazine Promethazine combinations terfenadine NAPPI CODE 710873 736244 754749 754757 757373 803065 803073 731226 785423 PRODUCT NAME Brunazine Lenazine Phenergan Phenergan Prohist Receptozine Receptozine Histodor Triludan STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 5mg/5mL 5mg/5mL 10mg 25mg 5mg/5mL 10mg 25mg 60mg DOSAGE FORM SYR SYR TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB COUGH AND COLD PREPARATIONS acetylcysteine acetylcysteine acetylcysteine acetylcysteine acetylcysteine acetylcysteine acetylcysteine acetylcysteine bromhexine bromhexine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine 710392 716267 718049 719848 809284 809292 809306 824291 710040 710067 703394 708151 709356 710520 716214 717241 717745 726451 726478 737798 744816 744824 Mucolator Amuco Mucatak Mucofizz Solmucol Solmucol Solmucol Acc Bisolvon solution Bisolvon Dis-chem mucolytic Betaphlem Mucokleer Bronchette Rhinathiol sugar free expectorant adults Flusin mucous cough Flutex mucous cough Flemex Flemex 20 plus Lessmusec Mucospect Mucospect 200mg 200mg 200mg 200MG 200mg 400mg 100mg 200mg 10MG/5ML/50ML 8mg 250mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 375mg 250mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 375mg 250mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 375mg SAC EFT EFT EFT SAC SAC LOZ EFT SOL TAB SYR SYR CAP SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR CAP SYR SYR CAP GENERIC NAME carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine carbocisteine codeine codeine codeine codeine codeine combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations NAPPI CODE 779814 781169 783633 785164 787078 789739 805327 805335 703958 715123 797081 857556 872695 702080 702172 705889 705913 707627 708054 710636 715077 715247 715471 715472 720291 725323 740861 746789 783145 783595 788120 789976 792144 PRODUCT NAME Co-flem Mucospect paed Lessmusec Flemlite Adco-mucolinct Flemgo Mucoless s Mucoless Antituss cough Codeine phos Syr codeine phos Syr cod phos - Allied Syr codeine phos Allergin expect Phenorant Benylin childrens Amcough Benylin cough Betalin Broncleer for children Cocillana compound Solucof Expigen wet cough peppermint Expigen cough syrup cherry flavour Diphenhydramine exp Expigen Medituss expect Nethaprin expect Histodor expect Famtuss Becof Medilyn solution Bencough expectorant STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 250mg/5mL 125mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 375mg 30mg 150ML 100ML 200ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 200ML 200ML 100ML 2500ML 100ML 100ML DOSAGE FORM SYR SYR CAP SYR SYR SYR SYR CAP SYR TAB SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SOL SYR GENERIC NAME combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations dextromethorphan dextromethorphan dextromethorphan guaifenesin guaifenesin guaifenesin guaifenesin mesna noscapine opium derivatives and expectorants NAPPI CODE 803081 805343 805491 810649 823554 824402 862312 895032 709817 710032 710687 819743 827304 862037 710568 710881 715166 717606 732400 736236 738239 747122 754846 708132 710652 789119 708182 708183 708184 882829 743976 747114 702521 PRODUCT NAME Clear cough Expectalin Tusquit elixir Diphenhydramine expect - Allied Relief-coff expect Genhydramine expect Famstim Amcough Duro-tuss linctus 2.41mg/4mg Bisolvon linctus da Bronkese compound Flemeze Adco-linctopent Benylin chesty Codomil new formula Brunacod Codef cough Dequa-coff Ilvico Lenazine forte Linctodyl Nitecall Phensedyl Dilinct dry Broncol cough Benylin dry cough Flutex cough mixture honey Flutex cough mixture orange Flutex cough mixture blackcurrant Dilinct Junior Mistabron 12.5ml Nitepax Phenorant with codeine STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 200ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 180ML 100ML 15mg/5mL 200ML 15mg/5mL 100mg/5mL 100mg/5mL 100mg/5mL 100mg/5mL 25mg/5mL 100ML DOSAGE FORM SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR NAS SYR SYR GENERIC NAME opium derivatives and expectorants opium derivatives and expectorants opium derivatives and expectorants opium derivatives and expectorants opium derivatives and expectorants opium derivatives and expectorants opium derivatives and expectorants opium derivatives and expectorants opium derivatives and expectorants opium derivatives and expectorants opium derivatives and expectorants opium derivatives and expectorants opium derivatives and expectorants opium derivatives and expectorants pholcodine pholcodine pholcodine pholcodine pholcodine pholcodine pholcodine pholcodine pholcodine NAPPI CODE 703351 707600 715484 716073 716510 716529 726923 739405 757233 773115 773166 792195 805351 859745 715972 727008 755206 755214 760129 771074 818356 821373 853569 PRODUCT NAME Phenorant with codeine Benylin & codeine Colphen Corbar linctus Coughcod senior Coughcod junior Flutex cough linct Lotussin linctus Procof Tussilinct cough Tussitot cough Acutussive paed expect Expectalin with cod Broncleer & cod unboxed Contracof Folcofen Pholtex Pholcolinct Respinol co-linctus Tixylix cough Pholtex junior Docsed Pholtex forte STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 100ML 100ML 100ML 4,052mg/5mL 100ML 100ML 5mg/5mL 100ML 15mg/5mL DOSAGE FORM SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SUS SYR SYR 0.14MG 50mcg 50mcg 50mcg 100mcg 50mcg 50mcg 64mcg NAS AQS AQS AQS AQS AQS AQS AQS 100ML 100ML 200ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML NASAL PREPARATIONS azelastine beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone beclometasone budesonide 815527 702939 707198 820709 824518 838462 897937 703203 Rhinolast nasal spray Ciplanaze multicare 150dose Beconase aqueous 200dose Beclate aquanase 150dose Ventnaze aqueous 200dose Anceron aqueous 200dose Clenil aqueous 200dose Rhinocort aqua 10ml 120dose GENERIC NAME budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide budesonide ciclesonide combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations cromoglicic acid fluticasone fluticasone fluticasone fluticasone fluticasone furoate levocabastine mometasone mometasone mometasone mometasone mupirocin oxymetazoline oxymetazoline oxymetazoline oxymetazoline oxymetazoline oxymetazoline oxymetazoline oxymetazoline NAPPI CODE 703209 712253 712614 864145 879568 718730 700305 775959 775983 775991 794414 826294 836540 804649 704383 714595 787795 878758 712866 839965 713968 716718 883253 883261 787000 702618 702620 708510 721387 721425 721433 721441 721484 PRODUCT NAME Rhinocort aqua 10ml 120dose Inflanaze 200 doses 10ml Spec-budesonide 10ml 200dose Budeflam aquanase 150dose Inflanaze aqueous 200dose Omnair 120 Dose Vicks sinex decongestant Vibrocil-s 12g Vibrocil 12g Vibrocil microdoser Vibrocil-s microdose Naseptin Vibrocil 15ml Vividrin nasal spray Flomist 120dose Flonase 120 dose Flixonase aqueous 120dose Flixonase nasules Avamys 120 dose Sinumax allergy n.s. 15ml Nexomist 140 metered doses Rinelon 60 dose Nasonex aqueous 140dose Rinelon aqueous 140dose Bactroban nasal 3g Drinasal paediatric 10ml Drinasal metered 10m Iliadin Dristan long lasting vapour Drixine paed 10ml Drixine 10ml Drixine 20ml Drixine paed pump STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 32mcg 100mcg 100mcg 100mcg 50mcg 50UG 12G 12G 15mL 15mL 15G 15ML 15mL 50mcg 50mcg 50mcg 400mcg 27,5mcg/1dose 0.5MG/1ML/15ML 50mcg 50mcg/1dose 50mcg 50mcg/1dose 2G/100G/3G 0,025% 0,025% 0,01% 0,5mg/1g 0,025% 0,05% 0,05% 0,025% DOSAGE FORM AQS AQS NAS AQS AQS NAS NAS NAG NAG NAS NAS CRE NOD NAS AQS AQS AQS NSS NAS NAS AQS AQS AQS AQS NAG NOD NAS NOD NAS NOD NOD NAS NAS GENERIC NAME oxymetazoline oxymetazoline oxymetazoline oxymetazoline oxymetazoline oxymetazoline oxymetazoline oxymetazoline phenylephrine phenylephrine Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations NAPPI CODE 732257 732265 732281 732303 732338 783870 814199 897326 836133 836141 703310 703893 704043 704332 704830 714203 715255 715506 716170 717932 723258 725544 726915 729515 731218 731234 760110 773875 796832 800619 807486 807648 814105 PRODUCT NAME Iliadin nose adult Iliadin metered 0.05% adult Iliadin nose paed 10ml Iliadin 20ml Iliadin metered 0.025% paed Dristan long lasting vapour Drixine adult pump Vicks sinex decongestant Naphensyl 10ml Naphensyl paed 10ml Flutex junior cold & flu-alcohol free Antiflu Adco-sinal ns Colcleer paediatric Grippon cold and flu Corenza cold and flu Colcaps Colstat Corenza c Dequa-flu Endcol cold and flu Famucaps Flutex Grippon Histamed co Histacon Respinol syrup Sinu-flu Sinustat flu Expectotussin c Ilvico Flustat Betalix decongestant elixir STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 0,05% 0,025% 0,05% 0,5mg/1g 0,05% 0.5MG/1ML/15ML 0,25% 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML DOSAGE FORM NOD NAS NOD NAS NAS NAS NAS NAS NOD NOD SYR TAB CAP SYR TAB SYR CAP CAP EFT CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP SYR TAB CAP SYR CAP CAP SYR GENERIC NAME Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylephrine combinations Phenylpropanolamine combinations Phenylpropanolamine combinations Phenylpropanolamine combinations Phenylpropanolamine combinations Phenylpropanolamine combinations Phenylpropanolamine combinations Phenylpropanolamine combinations Phenylpropanolamine combinations Phenylpropanolamine combinations Phenylpropanolamine combinations Phenylpropanolamine combinations Phenylpropanolamine combinations pseudoephedrine pseudoephedrine pseudoephedrine pseudoephedrine pseudoephedrine pseudoephedrine pseudoephedrine pseudoephedrine pseudoephedrine pseudoephedrine Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations NAPPI CODE 814830 819964 873322 884995 885004 713279 715867 764000 764191 764213 779938 791148 791296 795364 796824 797618 807656 700455 767212 767220 791385 794872 796964 796972 799440 808571 808598 700463 700770 700789 700797 700827 700843 PRODUCT NAME Degoran fizzy Corenza para-c Kiddyflu Degoran plus Degoran c Cepacol linct Contac Si-nade Sinutab Sinutab & codein Sinutab nd Adco-sinal co Sinustop Sinuclear Sinustat flu Sinustat Flustat Drinasal s Sudafed sinus Sudafed Paed Drixine syrup Symptofed Adco-sufedrin Adco-sufedrin Drilix Sinu-med Sinu-med Sinumax allergy sinus ped liquid Actifed Actifed Actifed co linctus Actifed dm cough Actigesic STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 100ML 600MG 200ML 200ML 30mg/5mL 60mg 30MG/5ML/100ML 30mg/5mL 60mg 30mg/5mL 60mg 30mg/5mL 60mg 30mg/5mL 100ML 100ML 100ML DOSAGE FORM EFT EFT SYR TAB CAP SYR CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP SYR CAP SYR SYR TAB SYR SYR TAB SYR TAB SYR TAB SYR SYR SYR TAB SYR SYR TAB GENERIC NAME Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations NAPPI CODE 702941 703853 703964 704121 704360 704581 705070 705072 706070 706321 706773 707952 708686 709775 711236 714955 715263 716132 716133 716134 717079 717792 723126 726710 738212 738220 764272 767239 779636 779849 791377 792365 794295 PRODUCT NAME Sinutab 3-way Acuflu p (alcohol and sugar free) Sinuclear paed alcohol & sugar free Dimetapp paediatric elixir Benylin four flu tablets Decongess plus Endcol c effervescent Flutex effervescent Respinol expectorant Flusin sinus Sinutab sinus allergy congestion Benylin for colds Sinutab sinus allergy congestion and pai Degoran cold and flu hot medicated drink Sudafed sinus pain 500mg/30mg Sinutab sinus pain non-drowsy Colcaps Sinuclear cough Flusin expectorant Flusin sinus Flusin junior cough Sinutab sinus pain extra strength Emprazil a Fluend Linctifed wet cough regular Linctifed wet cough Sinumax Actifed wet cough Sudafed sinus pain 500mg Acugest expect Drixine repetabs Actifed cold and fever paed Acugest STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 100ML 100ML 118ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML DOSAGE FORM TAB SYR SYR SYR TAB CAP EFT EFT SYR TAB SRT TAB TAB SAC TAB TAB SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR TAB TAB CAP SYR SYR TAB SYR TAB SYR TAB SYR SYR GENERIC NAME Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations Pseudoephedrine combinations triamcinolone xylometazoline xylometazoline NAPPI CODE 794589 795623 797405 797979 797987 799475 806218 806226 806269 808288 808717 813974 820806 826146 826596 826847 827177 827355 827460 834262 835536 835544 853003 854530 865508 867128 873985 881570 882437 893463 895149 702940 703557 PRODUCT NAME Demazin ns repetab Advil cs Coryx Flusin dm Flusin c Trifen exp adult Adco-flupain Adco-tussend Trifen exp paed Benylin dmd Medifed linctus Sinumax co Flusin s effervescent Sinumax ped Link dinexol Nurofen cold and flu Cofendyl Fludactil co linctus Coryx paediatric Sinumax allergy sinus caplet Decofed Decofed Betafed Flusin Degoran hot medicated drink Sinumax cold & flu Acugest dm adult Benylin four flu Clarityne d od Sinugesic Nasacor T 120dose Sinutab nasal spray 10ml Otrivin menthol metered-dose STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 200ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 200ML 55mcg 0,1% 10ML DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB EFT SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR SYR TAB EFT SYR CAP TAB SYR SYR SYR CAP TAB SYR SYR CAP SAC CAP SYR SYR SRT TAB NAS NAS NAS GENERIC NAME xylometazoline xylometazoline xylometazoline xylometazoline NAPPI CODE 798991 799114 821934 821942 PRODUCT NAME Otrivin adult Otrivin paed Otrivin metered adult Otrivin metered paediatric STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 0,1% 0,05% DOSAGE FORM NOD NOD NAS NAS NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM DRUGS USED IN DIABETES acarbose acarbose chlorpropamide chlorpropamide combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations glibenclamide glibenclamide glibenclamide glibenclamide glibenclamide gliclazide gliclazide gliclazide gliclazide gliclazide gliclazide gliclazide gliclazide gliclazide gliclazide 808156 808164 714062 719412 702086 702089 705074 706761 706762 783811 853437 853461 861782 863572 717452 729361 781258 827053 894502 700639 700717 702923 705759 705760 707587 709538 714582 714909 716953 Glucobay Glucobay Hypomide Diabinese Novomix 30 flexpen 3ml Novomix 30 penfill 3ml Humalog mix 50 cartridge 3ml Humalog mix 25 kwikpen 3ml Humalog mix 50 kwikpen 3ml Humulin 30/70 vial 10ml Humalog mix 25 vial 10ml Humalog mix 25 penset 3ml Humalog mix 25 cartridge 3ml Humulin 30/70 cartridge 3ml Daonil Glycomin Sandoz glibenclamide Bio-glibenclamide Diacare Mylan gliclazide Glygard Diamicron mr Austell-gliclazide Austell-gliclazide Alembic gliclazide Arrow gliclazide Diaglucide mr Diaran mr Dyna gliclazide sr 50mg 100mg 250mg 250mg 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 3ML 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 5mg 5mg 5mg 5mg 5mg 80mg 80mg 30mg 40mg 80mg 80mg 80mg 30mg 30mg 30mg TAB TAB TAB TAB INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ VIA VIA INJ INJ INJ TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB SRT SRT SRT GENERIC NAME gliclazide gliclazide gliclazide gliclazide gliclazide gliclazide gliclazide glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride NAPPI CODE 718245 718247 719463 834599 834866 838209 868906 704362 704363 704364 704673 704674 704675 707388 707389 707390 708005 708006 708007 709984 709985 709986 710207 710208 710209 710904 710905 710906 711377 711908 711909 711910 714854 PRODUCT NAME Diamicron mr Diaglucide mr Diamicron Adco-glucomed Sandoz gliclazide Glycron Diaglucide Glamaryl Glamaryl Glamaryl Sandoz glimepiride Sandoz glimepiride Sandoz glimepiride Glimehexal Glimehexal Glimehexal Diaglim Diaglim Diaglim Mylan glimepiride Mylan glimepiride Mylan glimepiride Euglim Euglim Euglim Sulphonur Sulphonur Sulphonur Amaryl Zydus-glimepiride Zydus-glimepiride Zydus-glimepiride Aspen glimepiride STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 60mg 60mg 80mg 80mg 80mg 80mg 80mg 1mg 2mg 4mg 1mg 2mg 4mg 1mg 2mg 4mg 1mg 2mg 4mg 1mg 2mg 4mg 1mg 2mg 4mg 1mg 2mg 4mg 3mg 1mg 2mg 4mg 1mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glimepiride glipizide insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin (human) insulin aspart insulin aspart insulin aspart insulin detemir NAPPI CODE 714855 714856 716714 716715 716716 717076 717077 717078 831557 831565 831573 743666 704457 712767 733431 863564 700183 712768 733458 733482 853453 863556 704456 710299 712770 714977 733512 816213 712769 707927 897767 897775 705312 PRODUCT NAME Aspen glimepiride Aspen glimepiride Accord glimepiride Accord glimepiride Accord glimepiride Austell glimepiride Austell glimepiride Austell glimepiride Amaryl Amaryl Amaryl Minidiab Humulin r disposable pen 3ml Biosulin r cartridge 3ml Humulin r vial 10ml Humulin r cartridge 3ml Protaphane flexpen 3ml Biosulin n cartridge 3ml Humulin n vial 10ml Protaphane hm(ge) vial 10ml Humulin n kwickpen 3ml Humulin n cartridge 3ml Humulin 30/70 kwikpen 3ml Insuman comb 30/70 cartridge 3ml Biosulin 30-70 cartridge 3ml Actraphane hm (ge) flexpen 3ml Actraphane hm(ge) vial 10ml Actraphane hm(ge) penset 3.0ml Biosulin l cartridge 3ml Novorapid vial 10ml Novorapid flexpen penset 3ml Novorapid penfill 3ml Levemir flexpen prefilled 3ml STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 2mg 4mg 1mg 2mg 4mg 1mg 2mg 4mg 1mg 2mg 4mg 5mg 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB INJ INJ VIA INJ INJ INJ VIA VIA INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ VIA INJ INJ VIA INJ INJ INJ GENERIC NAME insulin detemir insulin glargine insulin glargine insulin glargine insulin glargine insulin glargine insulin glulisine insulin glulisine insulin glulisine insulin glulisine insulin lispro insulin lispro insulin lispro insulin lispro metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin NAPPI CODE 705313 700308 700310 701783 709860 710366 706039 706040 709861 710367 706760 819468 853445 862355 702363 702385 703909 705358 705757 705758 706672 706673 707669 707670 708009 708010 708281 708282 709172 709246 709247 709338 709339 PRODUCT NAME Levemir prefilled cartridge 3ml Lantus cartridge 3ml Lantus vial 10ml Lantus optiset disposable pen 3ml Lantus solostar disposable pen 3ml Lantus l optiset penset 3ml Apidra cartridges 3ml Apidra vial 10ml Apidra solostar disposable pens 3ml Apidra l optiset penset 3ml Humalog kwikpen 3ml Humalog vial 10ml Humalog penset 3ml Humalog cartridge 3ml Metforal Metforal Glucophage Diabetmin Austell-metformin Austell-metformin Arrow metformin Arrow metformin Apex-metformin forte Apex-metformin Forminal Forminal Bigsens Bigsens Bigsens Metphage Metphage Indo metformin fc Indo metformin fc STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 100u/1mL 100iu/1mL 100iu/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100iu/1mL 100iu/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 100u/1mL 850mg 500mg 1000mg 850mg 500mg 850mg 500mg 850mg 850mg 500mg 500mg 850mg 500mg 850mg 1000mg 500mg 850mg 500mg 850mg DOSAGE FORM INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ VIA INJ INJ INJ VIA INJ INJ TAB TAB TAB TAB FCT FCT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB FCT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin metformin and sitagliptin metformin and sitagliptin NAPPI CODE 710196 711636 711638 711773 714186 714187 714426 714427 714525 714526 714680 714681 714683 715936 715937 718231 718232 718827 718828 719285 719293 719643 719784 719785 719786 729159 729167 815225 815233 897957 897961 717788 717790 PRODUCT NAME Glucophage xr Metored Metored Metored Diamin Diamin Accord metformin Accord metformin Gluconorm Gluconorm Mengen Mengen Mengen Diaformin Diaformin forte Metchek Metchek Metformin Alkem Metformin Alkem Sandoz metformin Sandoz metformin Romidab Diaphage Diaphage Diaphage Glucophage Glucophage forte Sandoz metformin FCT Sandoz metformin FCT Mylan metformin Mylan metformin Janumet 50mg/500 mg Janumet 50mg/850mg STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 500mg 500mg 850mg 1000mg 500mg 850mg 850mg 500mg 500mg 850mg 500mg 850mg 1000mg 500mg 850mg 500mg 850mg 850MG 500MG 500mg 850mg 500MG 500MG 850MG 1000MG 500mg 850mg 500mg 850mg 500mg 850mg 500/50MG 850/50MG DOSAGE FORM SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB FCT FCT TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME metformin and sitagliptin metformin and sulfonamides metformin and sulfonamides metformin and sulfonamides metformin and sulfonamides metformin and vildagliptin metformin and vildagliptin pioglitazone pioglitazone pioglitazone pioglitazone pioglitazone pioglitazone pioglitazone saxagliptin saxagliptin sitagliptin sitagliptin sitagliptin vildagliptin NAPPI CODE 717791 701109 701111 701112 718106 717636 717637 707974 707981 718148 718150 718151 878243 878251 716640 716641 717785 717786 717787 715554 PRODUCT NAME Janumet 50mg/1000mg Glucovance 250/1,25 Glucovance 500/2,5 Glucovance 500/5 Amaryl combi 2mg/500mg Galvus met 50mg/850mg Galvus met 50 mg/1000mg Cipla-pioglitazone Cipla-pioglitazone Accord pioglitazone Accord pioglitazone Accord pioglitazone Actos Actos Onglyza Onglyza Januvia Januvia Januvia Galvus STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 1000/50MG 250mg;1,25mg 500mg;2,5mg 500mg;5mg 500MG 50/850MG 50/1000MG 15mg 30mg 15mg 30mg 45mg 15mg 30mg 2,5mg 5mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 50mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB 1mg INJ PANCREATIC HORMONES glucagon 821365 Glucagen hypokit DIAGNOSTIC AGENTS glucose glucose glucose glucose glucose glucose glucose glucose 700893 701260 702690 705298 705372 811394 831662 831743 Freestyle test strips 12050 Ascensia entrust test strips Onetouch ultra test Glucoplus Glucoplus provider strips Ascensia elite ts(glucometer) 3946a Urichek-glucose Accutrend glucose strips STR STR STR STR STR STR STR STR GENERIC NAME glucose glucose glucose glucose glucose glucose NAPPI CODE 831778 832014 867497 890558 890752 899445 PRODUCT NAME Azostix Haemo-glukotest Glucose test strips m1 Reflotron glucose Ascencia glucodisc Surestep strips hospital STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM STR STR STR STR STR STR NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM LIPID MODIFYING AGENTS HMG CoA reductase inhibitors, fibrates and bile acid sequestrants colestyramine atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin 836559 704186 708121 708122 710912 711621 712170 713522 714071 714072 714073 714074 714075 714076 714077 714078 714370 714371 714372 714373 716615 716616 716617 718073 718074 718075 718218 Questran lite Lipitor Aspavor Aspavor Aspavor Atorvastatin unicorn Atorvastatin unicorn Atorvastatin unicorn Lipogen Lipogen Lipogen Lipogen Ran-atorvastatin Ran-atorvastatin Ran-atorvastatin Ran-atorvastatin Atolip Atolip Atolip Atolip Atorvastatin winthrop Atorvastatin winthrop Atorvastatin winthrop Adco atorvastatin Adco atorvastatin Adco atorvastatin Dynator 4G 80mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 80mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 80mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 80mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 10mg SAC TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin atorvastatin bezafibrate bezafibrate bezafibrate bezafibrate bezafibrate fluvastatin fluvastatin fluvastatin fluvastatin lovastatin lovastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin NAPPI CODE 718219 718220 718221 718933 718934 718935 718936 719185 719186 719187 719366 719367 719368 719369 831484 831492 886015 708453 710122 710337 779644 828300 700963 718208 813664 813672 703905 703906 704583 704584 704585 705212 705213 PRODUCT NAME Dynator Dynator Dynator Vastor Vastor Vastor Vastor Astor Astor Astor Lestavor Lestavor Lestavor Lestavor Lipitor Lipitor Lipitor Bezalip Dyna-bezafibrate sr Bezachole sr Bezalip retard Sandoz bezafibrate Lescol xl Vaticol xl Lescol Lescol Lovachol Lovachol Pranalip Pranalip Pranalip Aspen pravastatin Aspen pravastatin STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 20mg 40mg 80mg 10MG 20MG 40MG 80MG 10MG 20MG 40MG 10MG 20MG 40MG 80MG 10mg 20mg 40mg 200mg 400mg 400mg 400mg 400mg 80mg 80mg 20mg 40mg 40mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 10mg 20mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin pravastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin NAPPI CODE 705214 705901 705902 705903 710974 710975 710976 710977 712952 714336 714337 714338 715709 715710 715711 717073 717074 717075 839655 705988 705989 705990 710892 717520 717521 717522 719081 719082 719083 719084 719194 719195 719197 PRODUCT NAME Aspen pravastatin Sandoz pravastatin Sandoz pravastatin Sandoz pravastatin Colite Colite Colite Colite Novales Arrow pravastatin Arrow pravastatin Arrow pravastatin Pixeta Pixeta Pixeta Austell pravastatin Austell pravastatin Austell pravastatin Prava Crestor Crestor Crestor Crestor Zuvamor Zuvamor Zuvamor Vusor Vusor Vusor Vusor Storwin Storwin Storwin STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 80mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 40mg 20mg 10mg 40mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 5MG 10MG 20MG 40MG 10MG 20MG 40MG DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB FCT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin rosuvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin NAPPI CODE 719249 719251 719252 719253 700519 700520 701276 701279 701281 703525 703526 703527 704174 705076 705077 705281 705282 705382 705464 705465 705467 706566 706714 706715 706716 707089 707090 707091 707870 707871 707873 708307 708308 PRODUCT NAME Rosvator Rosvator Rosvator Rosvator Simvacor Simvacor Adco-simvastatin Adco-simvastatin Adco-simvastatin Simvotin Simvotin Simvotin Simcard Lipidex Lipidex Simcard Simcard Mylan simvastatin Austell-simvastatin Austell-simvastatin Austell-simvastatin Simcard Aspen simvastatin Aspen simvastatin Aspen simvastatin Arrow simvastatin Arrow simvastatin Arrow simvastatin Simayla simvastatin Simayla simvastatin Simayla simvastatin Cipla-simvastatin Cipla-simvastatin STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 5MG 10MG 20MG 40MG 10mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 40mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 80mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 10mg 20mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin simvastatin NAPPI CODE 708463 709668 709822 709823 710511 710513 710826 710827 710828 710829 710868 710869 710870 710871 711232 711234 711235 713487 713488 713489 714705 714706 783951 783978 836265 PRODUCT NAME Simvacor Biovac simvastatin Biovac simvastatin Biovac simvastatin Cipla-simvastatin Cipla-simvastatin Zysim Zysim Zysim Zysim Michol Michol Michol Michol Redicor Redicor Redicor Simzor Simzor Simzor Choleste Choleste Zocor Zocor Zocor STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 40mg 80mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 80mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 80mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 20mg 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB 10/10MG 10/20MG 5/10MG 5/20MG 5/40MG 5/80MG TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB HMG CoA reductase inhibitors, other combinations atorvastatin and amlodipine atorvastatin and amlodipine atorvastatin and amlodipine atorvastatin and amlodipine atorvastatin and amlodipine atorvastatin and amlodipine 705835 705836 705837 705838 708830 708834 Caduet 10mg/10mg Caduet 10mg/20mg Caduet 5mg/10mg Caduet 5mg/20mg Caduet 5mg/40mg Caduet 5mg/80mg GENERIC NAME atorvastatin and amlodipine atorvastatin and amlodipine NAPPI PRODUCT NAME CODE 708835 Caduet 10mg/40mg 708837 Caduet 10mg/80mg STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 10/40MG 10/80MG DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM SEX HORMONES AND MODULATORS OF THE GENITAL SYSTEM conjugated estrogens conjugated estrogens conjugated estrogens conjugated estrogens cyproterone cyproterone cyproterone cyproterone cyproterone and estrogen cyproterone and estrogen cyproterone and estrogen cyproterone and estrogen cyproterone and estrogen cyproterone and estrogen cyproterone and estrogen cyproterone and estrogen danazol danazol danazol desogestrel and ethinylestradiol desogestrel and ethinylestradiol dienogest and estradiol drospirenone and estrogen drospirenone and ethinylestradiol drospirenone and ethinylestradiol drospirenone and ethinylestradiol dydrogesterone dydrogesterone and estrogen dydrogesterone and estrogen 756725 756733 756741 832448 703583 791970 836281 899089 705607 706126 707378 707875 818550 825859 897214 897311 735663 735671 893940 825964 825972 716676 703438 700089 712856 716207 795682 703107 703108 Premarin Premarin Premarin Premarin Androcur Androcur Androcur Cipla-cyproterone acetate Cyprene-35 ed Adco-fem 35 Claro 35 Diva-35 Climen Diane-35 Ginette Minerva Ladazol Ladazol Danogen Marvelon 150/30 Mercilon Qlaira Angeliq Yasmin Yaz Ruby Duphaston 10mg Femoston-conti Femoston 1/10 0,3mg 0,625mg 1,25mg 0.625MG/42.5G 50mg 10mg 100mg 50mg 200mg 100mg 100mg 10mg 1/10MG TAB TAB TAB VCR TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB FCT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estradiol estriol estriol estrone gestodene and ethinylestradiol gestodene and ethinylestradiol gestodene and ethinylestradiol gestodene and ethinylestradiol gestodene and ethinylestradiol gestodene and ethinylestradiol levonorgestrel NAPPI CODE 706049 706052 706053 706054 706055 750301 757330 757349 794252 810290 819875 822477 822485 823007 823015 823023 824631 824658 825883 834920 834939 834971 893919 827452 832464 817252 825905 826014 842893 879576 880418 825816 710109 PRODUCT NAME Estradot Estradot Estradot Estradot Estradot Oestradiol Progynova Progynova Vagifem Evorel 50 tts Femigel pump Estro-pause Estro-pause Evorel 25 tts Evorel 75 tts Evorel 100 tts Climara 50 Climara 100 Estrofem Estraderm tts 100mcg/day Estraderm tts 25mcg/day Estraderm tts 50mcg/day Estrofem Synapause-e3 Synapause vag Ortho-est Femodene ed Minulette Melodene Minesse Mirelle Triodene ed Escapelle STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 25mcg 37,5mcg 50mcg 75mcg 100mcg 20mg 1mg 2mg 25MCG 3.2MG/8PK 1.5MG/80G 1mg 2mg 1.6MG/8PK 4.8MG/8PK 6.4MG/8PK 3.8MG/4PK 7.8MG/4PK 2mg 1mg 2mg 0.5MG/0.5G/15G 0,625mg 1,5mg DOSAGE FORM PTD PTD PTD PTD PTD IMP TAB TAB VAT PTD GEL TAB TAB PTD PTD PTD PTD PTD TAB PTD PAT PTD TAB TAB VCR TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME levonorgestrel levonorgestrel levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol medroxyprogesterone medroxyprogesterone medroxyprogesterone medroxyprogesterone medroxyprogesterone medroxyprogesterone and estrogen medroxyprogesterone and estrogen medroxyprogesterone and estrogen medroxyprogesterone and estrogen medroxyprogesterone and estrogen norelgestromin and ethinylestradiol norethisterone norethisterone norethisterone and estrogen norethisterone and estrogen norethisterone and estrogen norethisterone and estrogen norethisterone and estrogen norethisterone and estrogen norethisterone and estrogen norethisterone and estrogen norethisterone and estrogen norethisterone and estrogen norethisterone and estrogen norethisterone and estrogen norethisterone and ethinylestradiol NAPPI CODE 826006 880612 826030 826049 825808 825832 825956 706704 706705 757934 808245 718440 853402 853410 705895 834165 853429 704091 757012 825999 708906 708907 820024 837873 881112 714288 714289 822493 822507 825913 836583 837865 826081 PRODUCT NAME Microval Norlevo Nordette Nordiol Biphasil Triphasil Logynon ed Hexal-MPA Hexal-MPA Provera Provera Depo-provera 1ml Premelle Premelle Premelle LD Trivina Premelle-cycle 5 Evra Primolut n Micro-novum Estalis 50/250 Estalis 50/140 Kliogest Evorel conti Activelle Estalis sequi plus 50/250 Estalis sequi plus 50/140 Estro-pause n Estro-pause n forte Trisequens Estracombi tts Evorel sequi Norinyl-one STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 30MCG/28PK 0.75MG 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 150mg/1mL 2,5mg 5mg 5mg 30MCG/28PK 50/250/8PK 50/140/8PK 50/250/8PK 50/140/8PK DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB INJ TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB PTD TAB TAB PTD PTD TAB PTD TAB PTD PTD TAB TAB TAB PTD PTD TAB GENERIC NAME norethisterone and ethinylestradiol norethisterone and ethinylestradiol norgestimate and ethinylestradiol norgestimate and ethinylestradiol norgestrel and estrogen norgestrel and ethinylestradiol progesterone progesterone progesterone Tibolon NAPPI CODE 704903 826073 702542 847380 825980 826138 705334 717195 851957 797111 PRODUCT NAME Novofem Trinovum Cilest Tricilest Postoval Ovral Crinone 8% Utrogestan Utrogestan Livifem STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 200mg 100mg 2,5mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB VAG CAP CAP TAB 2,5mg 2,5mg 0,5mg 0,5mg TAB TAB TAB TAB 5mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB OTHER GYNECOLOGICALS Prolactine inhibitors bromocriptine bromocriptine cabergoline cabergoline 704593 752959 716420 842109 Aspen bromocriptine Parlodel Arigoline Dostinex THYROID THERAPY carbimazole combinations of levothyroxine and liothyronine levothyroxine sodium levothyroxine sodium levothyroxine sodium levothyroxine sodium levothyroxine sodium levothyroxine sodium levothyroxine sodium levothyroxine sodium levothyroxine sodium levothyroxine sodium liothyronine sodium 746398 720224 713168 713169 713172 716571 716574 716575 716576 716577 722944 722952 769983 Neo-mercazole Diotroxin Euthyrox Euthyrox Euthyrox Synthroid Synthroid Synthroid Synthroid Synthroid Eltroxin Eltroxin Tertroxin 50mcg 100mcg 25mcg 25mcg 50mcg 88mcg 100mcg 112mcg 0,05mg 0,1mg 20mcg NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM DRUGS FOR TREATMENT OF BONE DISEASES alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid alendronic acid clodronic acid ibandronic acid risedronic acid risedronic acid risedronic acid 703937 705067 706339 709760 709865 711414 712479 715636 715713 715854 715855 715987 718742 719397 817341 897302 702516 707113 701117 716659 893158 Osteobon Osteobon Fosagen Sandoz alendronate Fosavance 70mg/70mcg Ran-alendronate Boniran Aldren Ostena Accord alendronate Accord alendronate Osteonate Femax Alendronate Unicorn Fosamax Fosamax once weekly Bonephos Bondronat Actonel once-a-week fc Actamax Actonel 10mg 70mg 70mg 70mg 70mg 70mg 70mg 70mg 10mg 70mg 70mg 70mg 70MG 10mg 70mg 800mg 50mg 35mg 35mg 5mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM ANTIEPILEPTICS carbamazepine carbamazepine carbamazepine carbamazepine carbamazepine carbamazepine carbamazepine carbamazepine carbamazepine clonazepam clonazepam clonazepam ethosuximide felbamate felbamate gabapentin gabapentin gabapentin gabapentin gabapentin gabapentin gabapentin gabapentin gabapentin gabapentin gabapentin gabapentin gabapentin 705597 705602 712493 712523 715962 769398 769401 779652 779660 761079 761087 835129 779105 704128 853216 705262 705263 707622 707623 707624 708949 708994 708995 710525 710526 710527 807443 807451 Sandoz carbamazepine cr Sandoz carbamazepine cr Degranol Sandoz carbamazepine Zeptol Tegretol 200 Tegretol s Tegretol cr Tegretol cr Rivotril Rivotril Rivotril Zarontin Taloxa Taloxa Neurontin Neurontin Epleptin Epleptin Epleptin Neurexal Neurexal Neurexal Ran-gabapentin Ran-gabapentin Ran-gabapentin Neurontin Neurontin 200mg 400mg 200mg 200mg 200mg 200MG 100mg/5mL 200mg 400mg 0,5mg 2mg 2,5mg/1mL 250mg/5mL 600mg/5mL 400mg 600mg 800mg 100mg 300mg 400mg 100mg 300mg 400mg 100mg 300mg 400mg 100mg 300mg SRT SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB SUS SRT SRT TAB TAB DRP SYR SUS TAB TAB TAB CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP GENERIC NAME gabapentin lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine NAPPI CODE 807478 703316 704379 704380 704381 704382 704486 704487 704488 704533 705248 705249 705250 705251 705436 705440 705441 705442 706346 706347 706348 706349 707359 707360 707361 707362 707787 707788 707789 707790 709537 709539 709540 PRODUCT NAME Neurontin Lametec Epitec Epitec Epitec Epitec Lamitor Lamitor Lamitor Lamictin p2 Sandoz lamotrigine Sandoz lamotrigine Sandoz lamotrigine Sandoz lamotrigine Aspen lamotrigine Aspen lamotrigine Aspen lamotrigine Aspen lamotrigine Merck-lamotrigine Merck-lamotrigine Merck-lamotrigine Merck-lamotrigine Lameptil Lameptil Lameptil Lameptil Austell-lamotrigine Austell-lamotrigine Austell-lamotrigine Austell-lamotrigine Arrow lamotrigine Arrow lamotrigine Arrow lamotrigine STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 400mg 25mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 200mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 2mg 100mg 200mg 50mg 25mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 200mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 200mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 200mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 200mg 50mg 25mg 100mg DOSAGE FORM CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB DSP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine lamotrigine levetiracetam levetiracetam levetiracetam levetiracetam levetiracetam levetiracetam levetiracetam levetiracetam levetiracetam levetiracetam levetiracetam oxcarbazepine oxcarbazepine oxcarbazepine oxcarbazepine NAPPI CODE 709541 710387 710388 710389 710390 710885 710887 710888 712217 805505 805513 805521 813885 813893 813907 819034 891708 891716 700958 703165 714662 714663 714664 718484 718485 718486 720320 720322 720323 717226 717227 892484 892491 PRODUCT NAME Arrow lamotrigine Dyna-lamotrigine Dyna-lamotrigine Dyna-lamotrigine Dyna-lamotrigine Lamidus Lamidus Lamidus Lamitor Lamictin Lamictin Lamictin Lamictin p5 Lamictin p25 Lamictin p Lamictin Lamictin p50 Lamictin p200 Keppra Keppra Redilev Redilev Redilev Dyna levetiracetam Dyna levetiracetam Dyna levetiracetam Torcetam Torcetam Torcetam Mylan oxcarbazepine Mylan oxcarbazepine Trileptal fct Trileptal fct STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 200mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 200mg 50mg 100mg 200mg 200mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 5mg 25mg 100mg 200mg 50mg 200mg 250mg 750mg 250mg 500mg 750mg 750mg 500mg 250mg 250MG 500MG 750MG 300mg 600mg 300mg 600mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB DSP DSP DSP TAB DSP DSP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB FCT FCT GENERIC NAME phenobarbital phenobarbital phenobarbital phenytoin phenytoin phenytoin phenytoin pregabalin pregabalin pregabalin primidone topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate NAPPI CODE 737844 754803 814946 723525 723533 723568 754870 709804 709805 709806 745588 708389 708390 708391 708392 709284 709285 709286 709287 709360 709361 709362 710240 710241 710242 710243 710899 710900 710901 715978 715979 715981 716000 PRODUCT NAME Lethyl Adco-phenobarb vital Sedabarb Epanutin Epanutin Epanutin infatabs Phenytoin sod Lyrica Lyrica Lyrica Mysoline Toplep Toplep Toplep Toplep Sandoz topiramate Sandoz topiramate Sandoz topiramate Sandoz topiramate Piramax Piramax Piramax Adco-topiramate Adco-topiramate Adco-topiramate Adco-topiramate Epitoz Epitoz Epitoz Topalex Topalex Topalex Pamiram STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 30mg 100ML 30mg 100mg 125mg/5mL 50mg 100mg 25mg 75mg 150mg 250mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 200mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 200mg 25mg 100mg 200mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 200mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 25mg DOSAGE FORM TAB SYR TAB CAP SUS TAB TAB CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate topiramate valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid valproic acid vigabatrin NAPPI CODE 716001 716468 716482 718288 718290 718291 822515 822523 822531 836753 878014 878022 890728 715980 715999 718274 718275 718276 718465 718466 718468 720026 720027 723711 780545 781541 781568 818666 818674 818682 821578 809594 PRODUCT NAME Pamiram Pamiram Pamiram Topirol Topirol Topirol Topamax Topamax Topamax Topamax Topamax sc sprinkle Topamax sc sprinkle Topamax sc sprinkle Convulex Convulex Epilizine cr Epilizine cr Epilizine cr Navalpro cr Navalpro cr Navalpro cr Vanapro Vanapro Epilim ec Epilim sugar free Convulex Convulex Epilim cr Epilim cr Epilim cr Epilim crushable Sabril STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 50mg 100mg 200mg 25MG 50MG 100MG 25mg 50mg 100mg 200mg 15mg 25mg 50mg 150mg 300mg 200mg 300mg 500mg 200mg 300mg 500mg 300MG 500MG 500mg 200mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 500mg 200mg 300mg 500mg 100mg 500mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT TAB TAB ECT SUS SYR CAP SRT SRT SRT TAB TAB NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME amitriptyline amitriptyline amitriptyline amitriptyline amitriptyline amitriptyline and psycholeptics citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram citalopram 718746 771996 772003 772860 784230 738107 700157 702769 704328 704331 704590 705252 705417 707304 707396 707397 707398 707888 709407 709644 711988 713356 713445 713583 713584 713757 716521 717094 717372 PSYCHOANALEPTICS Gulf Amitriotyline Trepiline Trepiline Tryptanol Sandoz amitriptyline Limbitrol Cilift Adco-talomil Depramil Citalohexal Sandoz citalopram Depramil Mylan citalopram Simayla citalopram Austell-citalopram Austell-citalopram Austell-citalopram Cilate Citalopram-winthrop Citalopram-winthrop Ciloram Auro-citalopram Drl citalopram Arrow citalopram Arrow citalopram Drl citalopram Citalopram actor Bio citalopram Glenmark citalopram 25MG 25mg 10mg 25mg 25mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 40mg 20mg 20mg 10mg 40mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 40mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 40mg 40mg 20mg 20mg 20mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME citalopram clomipramine clomipramine clomipramine clomipramine clomipramine clomipramine dosulepin dosulepin dosulepin escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram escitalopram NAPPI CODE 810622 703381 703419 703427 781193 847410 847429 757888 800198 800201 703232 709647 710303 710304 710374 711214 711215 712595 714012 714013 715402 715403 715596 715597 718143 718287 718669 718743 718744 719547 719548 720377 720378 PRODUCT NAME Cipramil Clomidep Anafranil Anafranil Anafranil simple reg Equinorm Equinorm Prothiaden Thaden Thaden Cipralex Cipralex Lexamil Lexamil Lexamil Citraz Citraz Aspen escitalopram Mylan escitalopram Mylan escitalopram Zytomil Zytomil Escitalopram be-tabs Escitalopram be-tabs Citraz Nexito Zydus escitalopram Zitolex Zitolex Accord Escitalopram Accord Escitalopram Dolin Dolin STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 20mg 25mg 10mg 25mg 75mg 10mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 75mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 5mg 10mg 10mg 10MG 20MG 10MG 20MG 10MG 20MG DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB SRT TAB TAB CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluoxetine fluvoxamine fluvoxamine fluvoxamine imipramine imipramine imipramine imipramine lofepramine maprotiline maprotiline methylphenidate methylphenidate methylphenidate methylphenidate methylphenidate NAPPI CODE 700686 700877 703391 705064 705174 707426 716520 719658 757969 820016 821063 822981 838713 840653 879282 894243 894249 894303 704840 706443 805203 724661 724688 771120 771139 723002 739502 739529 701627 701630 701632 702505 704161 PRODUCT NAME Ranflocs Lorien A-lennon fluoxetine Zydus fluoxetine Trizac Rezak Fluoxetine actor Prolax Prozac Lilly-fluoxetine Lorien Prozac Sandoz fluoxetine Nuzak Prohexal Prohexal 20t Prohexal Deprozan Fluvoxamine-hexal Faverin Luvox bi-tabs Ethipramine Ethipramine Tofranil Tofranil Emdalen Ludiomil Ludiomil Ritalin la Ritalin la Ritalin la Methylphenidate hcl-douglas Concerta STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20MG 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 40mg 20mg 100mg 100mg 100mg 10mg 25mg 10mg 25mg 70mg 25mg 75mg 20mg 30mg 40mg 10mg 18mg DOSAGE FORM CAP TAB CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP TAB CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRC SRC SRC TAB SRT GENERIC NAME methylphenidate methylphenidate methylphenidate methylphenidate methylphenidate methylphenidate mianserin mianserin moclobemide moclobemide moclobemide moclobemide paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine paroxetine sertraline NAPPI CODE 704162 704163 704638 714559 717254 761044 735795 735817 702008 703544 703547 897213 703219 704646 704647 704721 704792 704794 704904 705122 705123 705186 705422 705633 707386 707399 707400 711911 716745 717561 718058 791571 703132 PRODUCT NAME Concerta Concerta Adaphen xl Concerta Ritalin la Ritalin Lantanon Lantanon Depnil Clorix Clorix Depnil Aropax Aropax cr Aropax cr Sandoz paroxetine Deparoc Paxil Adco-paroxetine Serrapress Serrapress Parax Sedarin Xet Hexal-paroxetine Austell-paroxetine Austell-paroxetine Zydus-paroxetine Paroxetine unicorn Texine Auro paroxetine Aropax Serlife STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 36mg 54mg 20mg 27mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 30mg 300mg 150mg 300mg 150mg 30mg 25mg 12,5mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 30mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 30mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 50mg DOSAGE FORM SRT SRT TAB SRT SRC TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRT SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline sertraline tranylcypromine trimipramine trimipramine vinpocetine NAPPI CODE 703992 703993 703999 705420 706085 707293 707294 707549 707606 708915 709850 709904 710907 711387 711991 711992 712092 712093 712488 712489 715350 715935 719972 868833 752975 772356 772364 892165 PRODUCT NAME Sertzol Sertzol Serlife Serdep Merck-sertraline Austell sertraline Austell sertraline Aspen sertraline Adco-zertra Zylin Zosert Sertraline-winthrop Sermax Sermax Zolid Zolid Arrow sertraline Arrow sertraline Aurolift Aurolift Sertra Serdep Dyna-Sertraline Zoloft Parnate Tydamine Tydamine Vinpocitine STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 50mg 100mg 100mg 50mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 50mg 50mg 50mg 50mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 50mg 100mg 50MG 50mg 10mg 50mg 25mg 15mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB CAP GENERIC NAME NAPPI CODE PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM 0,25mg 0,5mg 1mg 2mg 0,25mg 0,5mg 1mg 0,25mg 0,5mg 1mg 0,25mg 0,5mg 1mg 0,5mg 1mg 2mg 0,5mg 0,25mg 0,5mg 0,25mg 3mg 6mg 3mg 6mg 3mg 6mg 6mg 0,25mg 25mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRT SRT SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB PSYCHOLEPTICS Benzodiazepine derivatives and related drugs alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam alprazolam bromazepam bromazepam bromazepam bromazepam bromazepam bromazepam bromazepam brotizolam chlordiazepoxide 778702 778710 778729 811696 821071 821098 821101 823244 823252 823260 826685 826693 826707 827185 827193 827207 895173 897929 897930 897965 710784 710792 737933 737941 796999 800066 821616 824615 738026 Xanor Xanor Xanor Xanor Adco-alzam Adco-alzam Adco-alzam Azor Azor Azor Zopax Zopax Zopax Xanor sr Xanor sr Xanor sr Mylan alprazolam Cpl alliance alprazolam Cpl alliance alprazolam Mylan alprazolam Sandoz bromazepam Sandoz bromazepam Lexotan Lexotan Brazepam Brazepam Bromaze Lendormin Librium GENERIC NAME clobazam clobazam Clorazepate potassium diazepam diazepam diazepam diazepam diazepam diazepam diazepam diazepam flunitrazepam flunitrazepam flunitrazepam flurazepam flurazepam loprazolam lorazepam lorazepam lorazepam lorazepam lorazepam lorazepam lormetazepam lormetazepam lormetazepam midazolam midazolam nitrazepam nitrazepam oxazepam oxazepam oxazepam NAPPI CODE 773999 774006 771694 708062 719536 719617 721174 753173 753181 774472 774480 704774 845620 860700 717398 717401 721107 705500 705519 771759 771767 782408 816787 739286 739294 739308 721115 804711 704482 744395 751758 751766 758183 PRODUCT NAME Urbanol Urbanol Tranxene Betapam Sandoz diazepam Sandoz diazepam Doval Pax Pax Valium Valium Hypnor Rohypnol Sandoz flunitrazepam Dalmadorm Dalmadorm Dormonoct Ativan Ativan Tranqipam Tranqipam Ativan Ativan sl Loramet Loramet Loramet Dormicum Dormicum Arem Mogadon Sandoz oxazepam Sandoz oxazepam Purata STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 10mg 5mg 15mg 5mg 5mg 2mg 5mg 5mg 10mg 5mg 10mg 1mg 1mg 1mg 15mg 30mg 2mg 1mg 2,5mg 1mg 2,5mg 0,5mg 1mg 0,5mg 1mg 2mg 15mg 7,5mg 5mg 5mg 15mg 30mg 10mg DOSAGE FORM TAB CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB FCT TAB TAB CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SLT CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME oxazepam oxazepam oxazepam oxazepam oxazepam oxazepam oxazepam prazepam temazepam temazepam triazolam triazolam zolpidem zolpidem zolpidem zolpidem zolpidem zolpidem zolpidem zolpidem zolpidem zolpidem zopiclone zopiclone zopiclone zopiclone zopiclone zopiclone zopiclone zopiclone zopiclone alprazolam NAPPI CODE 758191 758205 763500 763519 763527 783242 783250 718300 747742 747750 730181 730211 701980 703384 703809 703912 703986 706737 711597 716496 716497 837180 700722 705115 712508 718473 732494 857785 867365 874728 894220 897968 PRODUCT NAME Purata Purata Serepax Serepax Serepax forte Medopam Medopam Demetrin Normison Normison Halcion Halcion Zolpihexal Ivedal Adco-zolpidem hemitartrate Noxidem Zolnoxs Mylan zolpidem Stilnox mr Medploz Medploz Stilnox Zopivane Zopigen Austell-zopiclone Bio zopiclone Imovane Sandoz zopiclone Adco-zopimed Alchera Z-dorm Merck-alprazolam STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 15mg 30mg 10mg 15mg 30mg 10mg 15mg 10mg 10mg 20mg 0,25mg 0,125mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 12,5mg 5mg 10mg 10mg 7,5mg 7,5mg 7,5mg 7,5mg 7,5mg 7,5mg 7,5mg 7,5mg 7,5mg 1mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB FCT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME NAPPI CODE PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM 25mg/5mL 25mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 5MG 5mg 1,5mg 0,5mg 1,5mg 5mg 10mg 10mg/5mL 25mg 100mg 250mg 400mg 450mg 400mg 5mg 5mg 5mg 25mg 5mg 1mg/1mL 1mg 5mg 10mg SYR TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SUP SUP TAB ORS TAB TAB TAB Other psycholeptics and antipsychotics chlorpromazine chlorpromazine chlorpromazine chlorpromazine etifoxine haloperidol haloperidol haloperidol haloperidol haloperidol haloperidol haloperidol hydroxyzine hydroxyzine hydroxyzine lithium lithium lithium meprobamate prochlorperazine prochlorperazine prochlorperazine prochlorperazine prochlorperazine risperidone trifluoperazine trifluoperazine buspirone 735833 735868 735876 735884 707127 719549 730327 730335 763411 763446 763454 763535 705446 705462 705470 712078 712086 758833 723894 744182 762849 766518 766526 766542 823163 766410 766437 825719 Largactil Largactil Largactil Largactil Stresam Gulf Haloperidol Sandoz haloperidol Sandoz haloperidol Serenace Serenace Serenace Serenace Aterax Aterax Aterax Camcolit Camcolit Quilonum retard Equanil Mitil Scripto-metic Stemetil Stemetil Stemetil Risperdal Stelazine Stelazine Pasrin GENERIC NAME NAPPI CODE PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM 24mg 24mg 16mg 25mg 25mg 75mg 5mg 5mg 10mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB CAP TAB OTHER NERVOUS SYSTEM DRUGS Antivertigo preparations betahistine betahistine betahistine cinnarizine cinnarizine cinnarizine flunarizine flunarizine flunarizine 707452 720325 891902 704024 767123 781975 718100 763780 825026 Serc Hidrist Serc Sandoz cinnarizine Stugeron Sandoz cinnarizine Sibelium t Sibelium Sibelium NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM ANTI-PARKINSON DRUGS amantadine amantadine biperiden biperiden levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor levodopa and decarboxylase inhibitor levodopa, decarboxylase inhibitor and COMT inhibitor levodopa, decarboxylase inhibitor and COMT inhibitor levodopa, decarboxylase inhibitor and COMT inhibitor orphenadrine (chloride) pramipexole pramipexole pramipexole pramipexole pramipexole pramipexole pramipexole pramipexole pramipexole pramipexole pramipexole pramipexole 700500 768243 701491 713209 710286 710468 739928 764078 764086 794635 824321 824348 828483 707999 708000 708001 720542 717741 717742 718253 718255 718256 718257 718258 719542 719543 719545 719844 719845 Symadin Symmetrel Akineton Lennon-biperiden Teva carbi-levo 25/100 Teva carbi-levo 25/250 Madopar 200mg/50mg Sinemet 25mg/100mg Sinemet 25mg/250mg Sinemet cr 50mg/200mg Carbilev 25/100 Carbilev25/250 Madopar hbs 100mg/25mg Stalevo 50/12.5 Stalevo 100/25 Stalevo 150/37.5 Disipal Pramiola Pramiola Pexola er Pexola er Pexola er Pexola er Pexola er Oxpola Oxpola Oxpola Pramex Pramex 100mg 100mg 2mg 2mg 25/100MG 25/250MG 200mg;50mg 25/100MG 25mg;250mg 50/200MG 25mg;100mg 25/250MG 100mg;25mg 50/12.5MG 100/25MG 150/37.5MG 50mg 0,125mg 0,25mg 0,375mg 0,75mg 1,5mg 3mg 4,5mg 0.125MG 0.25MG 1MG 0.125MG 1MG CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRT TAB TAB CAP FCT FCT FCT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME pramipexole pramipexole pramipexole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole ropinirole selegiline trihexyphenidyl NAPPI CODE 898828 898836 898848 700647 700650 700652 700655 700658 711090 711091 711092 715081 715082 715083 715084 715086 719569 719570 719571 719572 719573 706712 713210 PRODUCT NAME Pexola Pexola Pexola Requip Requip Requip Requip Requip Requip xl Requip xl Requip xl Resure Resure Resure Resure Resure Accord Ropinirole Accord Ropinirole Accord Ropinirole Accord Ropinirole Accord Ropinirole Parkilyne Benzhexol STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 1mg 0,125mg 0,25mg 0,25mg 0,5mg 1mg 2mg 5mg 2mg 4mg 8mg 0,25mg 0,5mg 1mg 2mg 5mg 0.25MG 0.5MG 1MG 2MG 5MG 5mg 2mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRT SRT SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME dolasetron granisetron granisetron granisetron granisetron granisetron granisetron granisetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron ondansetron Other antiemetics Other antiemetics palonosetron ANTIEMETICS AND ANTINAUSEANTS 869996 Zamanon 701453 Kytril oral 713782 Aspen granisetron 713784 Aspen granisetron 715305 Granicip 715707 Granitril 716740 Granicip 812374 Kytril oral 704858 Dantron 705944 Zofer 705945 Zofer 706703 Dantron 707912 Mylan ondansetron 707913 Mylan ondansetron 711531 Vomiz 711532 Vomiz 713980 Zofer rapitab 714957 Zofer rapitab 716154 Austell Ondansetron 716720 Austell Ondansetron 716801 Cipla-ondansetron 716802 Cipla-ondansetron 717154 Austell Ondansetron 785814 Zofran 785830 Zofran 862223 Zofran zydis 862231 Zofran zydis 723037 Emetrol 784346 Emex 708388 Onicit vial 5ml 50mg 2mg 1mg 2mg 2mg 1mg 1mg 1mg 4mg 4mg 8mg 8mg 4mg 8mg 4mg 8mg 4mg 8mg 8MG 4MG 4mg 8mg 8MG 4mg 8mg 4mg 8mg 200ML 50mcg/1mL DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB DSP DSP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB DSP DSP SYR SYR INJ NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM DRUGS FOR ACID RELATED DISORDERS H2-receptor antagonists cimetidine cimetidine cimetidine cimetidine cimetidine cimetidine cimetidine cimetidine cimetidine cimetidine cimetidine cimetidine cimetidine cimetidine nizatidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine 736252 736260 791466 796735 797464 797472 800252 806919 811459 832901 854247 854255 886978 887003 793914 700119 700120 703241 703984 705360 705361 707307 707308 707309 712134 712135 Lenamet Lenamet Cinadine tabs Acidown Secadine Secadine Adco-cimetidine Hexamet 400 Adco-cimetidine Lenamet otc Cimlok Cimlok Bio-cimetidine Bio-cimetidine Antizid Cpl alliance ranitidine Cpl alliance ranitidine Zantac efferves Ultak Ranit Ranit Simayla ranitidine Simayla ranitidine Simayla ranitidine Austac Austac 200mg 400mg 400mg 200mg 200mg 400mg 400mg 400mg 200mg 200mg 200mg 400mg 200mg 400mg 150mg 150mg 300mg 75mg 75mg 300mg 150mg 75mg 150mg 300mg 150mg 300mg TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB TAB EFT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB FCT FCT GENERIC NAME ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine ranitidine NAPPI CODE 712136 713553 713554 717159 717160 718482 719669 778958 778974 788457 791733 811882 822817 841609 841617 841765 841773 867934 867942 873438 PRODUCT NAME Austac Gulf ranitidine Gulf ranitidine Apex-ranitidine Apex-ranitidine Ranitidine biotech Ranitidine Biotech Zantac Zantac Zantac Zantac efferves Zantac efferves Zantac Ranihexal Ranihexal Histak Histak Ultak Ultak Histak STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 75mg 150mg 300mg 300mg 150mg 300mg 150MG 150mg 300mg 150mg/10mL 300mg 150mg 75mg 150mg 300mg 150mg 300mg 150mg 300mg 75mg DOSAGE FORM FCT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SYR EFT EFT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB 10mg 20MG 40MG 20MG 40MG 2.5MG 5MG 20MG 40MG 40mg 20mg SAC TAB TAB TAB TAB SAC SAC TAB TAB TAB TAB Proton pump inhibitors esomeprazole esomeprazole esomeprazole esomeprazole esomeprazole esomeprazole esomeprazole esomeprazole esomeprazole esomeprazole esomeprazole 715868 718879 718880 719923 719924 720048 720053 720215 720217 897125 897132 Nexiam Nexmezol Nexmezol Nexmezol Nexmezol Nexiam Nexiam Trustan Trustan Nexiam Nexiam GENERIC NAME lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole lansoprazole omeprazole omeprazole omeprazole omeprazole omeprazole omeprazole omeprazole omeprazole omeprazole omeprazole NAPPI CODE 703141 704668 704752 704753 704754 704838 704839 706642 706643 707192 707863 707864 708052 708053 709645 709646 714126 715079 715080 715812 716841 793752 831425 703459 703461 703534 703543 703901 703987 703988 704629 704699 704700 PRODUCT NAME Lanzor hb Adco-roznal Lansoloc otc Lansoloc Lansoloc Aspen lansoprazole Aspen lansoprazole Ran-lansoprazole Ran-lansoprazole Adco-roznal Simayla lansoprazole Simayla lansoprazole Lancap Lancap Lansoprazole-winthrop Lansoprazole-winthrop Aspen lansoprazole otc Lansoprazole unicorn Lansoprazole unicorn Lancap otc Roznal otc Lanzor Lanzor Omez Omez Sandoz omeprazole Adco-omeprazole Omiloc Altosec Altosec Nozer Drl-omeprazole Drl-omeprazole STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 15mg 30mg 15mg 15mg 30mg 30mg 15mg 15mg 30mg 15mg 15mg 30mg 15mg 30mg 15mg 30mg 15mg 15mg 30mg 15mg 15mg 30mg 15mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 20mg DOSAGE FORM CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP GENERIC NAME omeprazole omeprazole omeprazole omeprazole omeprazole omeprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole pantoprazole rabeprazole rabeprazole rabeprazole rabeprazole NAPPI CODE 705466 706688 708110 849383 849391 849405 705368 705369 708031 714674 714675 715306 715307 715312 715313 715610 717376 717377 717420 717421 718142 718886 720116 720117 811793 812153 881589 892291 718384 718385 863106 863114 PRODUCT NAME Lokit Omez Drl-omeprazole Losec mups Losec mups Losec mups Topzole Topzole Pantocid Pentoz Pentoz Peploc Peploc Conoran Conoran Pantocid Aspen pantoprazole Aspen pantoprazole Mylan pantoprazole Mylan pantoprazole Topzole otc Pentoz otc Pantor Pantor Pantoloc Gastriwin Pantoloc Controloc Rabemed Rabemed Pariet Pariet STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 20mg 40mg 40mg 10mg 20mg 40mg 20mg 40mg 40mg 20mg 40mg 20mg 40mg 20mg 40mg 20mg 20mg 40mg 20mg 40mg 20mg 20MG 20MG 40MG 40mg 40mg 20mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 10mg 20mg DOSAGE FORM CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB ECT ECT ECT ECT TAB TAB ECT ECT TAB ECT TAB ECT TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME NAPPI CODE PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM 200ML SUS TAB GEL SUS SUS SAC SUS WAF TAB SUS SUS TAB SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS TAB SUS SUS TAB SUS SUS Antacids with antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents ordinary salt combinations and antiflatulents 700771 702522 702725 703640 707899 718496 735450 735469 739707 739715 739723 739731 740551 740683 743054 744751 757675 765538 782173 786810 788465 789933 797499 812137 839035 892654 Amgel Aciban Dicyclomine co gel Alumag d Betaclomin gel Maalox pocket pack 6g Kolantyl gel Kolantyl Maalox plus Maalox plus Maalox Maalox Mayogel Medigel Microgel Mucaine Propan gel s Spasmogel Co-gel Neutragel d Gelusil s Gelumen Alumite d Gelusil peppermint Be-tabs antacid Magasil 100ML 200ML 200ML 350ML 350ML 100ML 2500ML 350ML 100ML 200ML 200ML 200ML Others alginic acid alginic acid alginic acid 707445 Gaviscon peppermint 711031 Gaviscon advance peppermint 711145 Gaviscon advance 10ml 200ML 10ML TAB SUS SAC GENERIC NAME alginic acid alginic acid alginic acid alginic acid alginic acid alginic acid alginic acid alginic acid alginic acid alginic acid alginic acid misoprostol sucralfate sucralfate sucralfate magnesium hydroxide ordinary salt combinations aluminium hydroxide aluminium hydroxide aluminium hydroxide aluminium hydroxide NAPPI CODE 715428 716304 716389 717705 718252 728454 728462 837016 862282 890350 890357 782416 773417 773441 837156 789259 713687 700460 702447 703168 891345 PRODUCT NAME Gaviscon plus Gaviscon 250 peppermint Gaviscon coolmint Gaviscon plus liquid 10ml Gaviscon plus Gaviscon Gaviscon aniseed Gaviscon peppermint Gaviscon advance Gelacid Gelacid Cytotec Ulsanic Ulsanic Ulsanic Deopens Neutracid 120mg/250mg Acidex (stx) Alum hydroxide gel Amphojel Aluminium hydroxide gel STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 500MG/5ML/150ML 250mg 10ML 150ML 250mg/5mL 500mg/5mL 200ML 200mcg 1g 1000mg/5mL 1000MG 2500ML 300MG/5ML/500ML 100ML DOSAGE FORM SUS TAB TAB SAC TAB TAB SUS SUS SUS CHU SUS TAB TAB SUS EFT TAB TAB SUS SUS SUS SUS DRUGS FOR FUNCTIONAL GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS Antispasmodics in combination with other drugs Antispasmodics in combination with other drugs butylscopolamine butylscopolamine butylscopolamine butylscopolamine butylscopolamine butylscopolamine butylscopolamine and analgesics butylscopolamine and analgesics 721026 765481 703383 707213 711276 731951 762725 797413 711292 762717 Donnatal elixir Spasmo-canulase Scopex syrup Hyospasmol Buscopan Hyospasmol Scopex Buscopan Buscopan compound Scopex co 5mg/5mL 5mg/5mL 10mg 10mg 10mg 5mg/5mL SYR TAB SYR SYR TAB TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB GENERIC NAME clidinium and psycholeptics dicycloverine dicycloverine domperidone domperidone domperidone domperidone domperidone hyoscyamine and psycholeptics mebeverine mebeverine mebeverine mebeverine metoclopramide metoclopramide metoclopramide metoclopramide metoclopramide metoclopramide metoclopramide metoclopramide metoclopramide metoclopramide metoclopramide metoclopramide propantheline silicones silicones NAPPI CODE 737984 742082 783331 715830 717054 744611 799807 894498 743348 701892 715476 822019 825328 700712 701430 714828 714844 715875 717891 740500 740519 757845 783064 783285 787817 757136 752479 835145 PRODUCT NAME Librax Merbentyl Medicyclomine Bio-domperidone Vomi-guard Motilium Motilium Vomidon Millerspas Mylan mebeverine Colofac Bevispas Sandoz mebeverine Clomax Merck-metoclopramide Clopamon Clopamon Adco-contromet Bio metoclopramide Maxolon s Maxolon t Sandoz metoclopramide Adco-contromet Setin Betaclopramide Probanthine Pankreoflat Telament STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 10mg/5mL 10mg/5mL 10mg 10mg 10mg 5mg/5mL 10mg 135mg 135mg 135mg 135mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 5mg/5mL 10mg 10mg 5mg/5mL 10mg 10mg 5mg/5mL 10mg 10mg 15MG DOSAGE FORM TAB SYR SYR TAB TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB DRP ANTIDIARRHEALS INTESTINAL ANTI- INFLAMMATORY/ANTIINFECTIVE AGENTS budesonide budesonide combinations 824593 Entocord 838896 Entocord 708976 Biskapect 2.3MG 3mg 100ML ENE CAP SUS GENERIC NAME combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations combinations diosmectite diphenoxylate hydrocortisone kanamycin kanamycin loperamide loperamide loperamide loperamide loperamide loperamide loperamide loperamide loperamide loperamide loperamide loperamide loperamide loperamide loperamide Loperamide combinations mesalazine mesalazine NAPPI CODE 715468 723428 728284 734853 734934 734942 813737 822043 823546 892661 713970 738980 715395 734802 734810 703393 703518 707342 732478 732486 791768 792071 792691 796697 807761 810908 810916 811467 820563 823759 848840 709076 714134 PRODUCT NAME Colopect Enterolyte Gastropect Kaocream (stx) Kaopectin Kaostatex Tummy-pect Genpect Pectin-k Pectikon Smecta 3g Lomotil Colifoam rectal 20g Kantrexil Kantrexil Dis-chem anti-diarrhoeal Imodium melt Cipla-loperamide Imodium Imodium Adco-prodium Adco-loperamide Betaperamide Norimode Imodium Gastron Gastron Adco-loperamide Loperastat Lopedium Imodium plus Asacol Pentasa STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 100ML 100ML 100ML 150ML 2500ML 100ML 100ML 3G 2.5MG 100ML 2mg 2mg 2mg 1mg/5mL 2mg 2mg 2mg 2mg 2mg 2mg 1mg/5mL 2mg 1mg/5mL 1mg/5mL 2MG 800mg 1000mg DOSAGE FORM SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SUS SAC TAB SPR SUS TAB TAB TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP SYR TAB SYR SYR EFT CHU TAB SUP GENERIC NAME mesalazine mesalazine mesalazine mesalazine mesalazine mesalazine mesalazine morphine, combinations morphine, combinations morphine, combinations olsalazine Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations NAPPI CODE 716331 716333 720355 783668 824127 824135 890775 713864 723401 753246 792519 701385 701466 703357 703632 706071 707286 707419 708294 709761 709762 709793 710564 710641 711398 711399 712551 713528 714609 716210 716411 716412 717711 PRODUCT NAME Salofalk Salofalk Mezavant Asacol Asacol Asacol Pentasa Chloropect Enterodyne Pectrolyte Dipentum Gastrolyte 13g Purity oral rehydration solution Ceralyte oral rehydration solution Ceralyte sachets 9.7g Gastric plus Sorol citrate 14g Gastrolyte blackcurrant 13g Hydrassist Pin-hydrate (orange) Pin-hydrate (blackcurrant) Electropak Restore hydration 12g Smart ors orange 4.2g Acuhydrate blackcurrant 14g Acuhydrate orange 14g Rehidrat sport lemon & lime 14g Rehidrat vanilla 14g Rehidrat sport naartjie 14g Smart ors orange 21g Smart ors black current 4.2g Smart ors black current 21g Darrow liq STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 500mg 1000mg 1200MG 400mg 2g/50mL 500mg 500mg 100ML 150ML 250mg 250ML 325ML 9.7G 100G 14G 14G 14G DOSAGE FORM SAC GRA TAB TAB ENE SUP TAB SUS SUS SUS CAP SAC SYR SYR SAC SAC SAC SAC SAC SAC SAC POW SAC SAC SAC SAC SAC SAC SAC SAC SAC SAC SYR GENERIC NAME Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations Oral rehydration salt formulations sulfasalazine sulfasalazine NAPPI CODE 759546 762873 779687 781444 815187 815209 892437 762008 762016 PRODUCT NAME Rehidrat 14g(multipack) Scriptolyte Hydrol 24.69g Electropak sachets Rehidrat 14g blackcurrant Rehidrat 14g orange Sorol citrate 28g Salazopyrin Salazopyrin en STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 100ML 14G 500mg 500mg DOSAGE FORM SAC SYR SAC SAC SAC SAC SAC TAB ECT NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM DRUGS FOR CONSTIPATION glycerol glycerol ispaghula (psylla seeds) ispaghula (psylla seeds) ispaghula (psylla seeds) ispaghula (psylla seeds) ispaghula (psylla seeds) ispaghula (psylla seeds) ispaghula, combinations ispaghula, combinations lactulose lactulose lactulose lactulose lactulose lactulose lactulose lactulose macrogol, combinations macrogol, combinations macrogol, combinations macrogol, combinations macrogol, combinations sodium phosphate sodium phosphate sodium phosphate sterculia sterculia, combinations sterculia, combinations 835463 835471 703167 703581 709297 710640 727857 834750 703123 834769 700167 708722 713232 721611 797723 815047 817309 878707 700493 707942 716697 796808 828165 726435 727202 865443 834815 834777 834807 Glycerin adult Glycerin child Agiogel 3.5gm Dis-chem ispaghula husk Adco-phytofiber Fybohusk - orange flavour Fybogel orange 3.5g Agiobulk Agiolax 10g Agiolax Laxette dry (10g) Aculax Agarol lactulose Duphalac Lacson Duphalac dry 10g Laxette Adco-liquilax Picoprep 15.5g Pegicol 6.9g Moviprep Klean-prep Movicol Lenolax (fleet) paediatric Fosenema enema 150ml Colo-prep 25 22g Normacol/special Alvercol Normacol plus 1.698ML 0.891ML 3.5G 250G 10G 100G 10G 3,3g/5mL 3300mg/5mL 3300mg/5mL 3300mg/5mL 10G 3300mg/5mL 3300mg/5mL 6.9G 6.2G/500G 500G 200G SUP SUP SAC SAC SAC SAC SAC GRA SAC GRA SAC SYR SYR SYR SYR SAC SYR SYR SAC SAC POW SAC SAC ENE ENE SAC GRA GRA GRA NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM ANTIINFLAMMATORY AND ANTIRHEUMATIC PRODUCTS celecoxib celecoxib diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac 862444 862452 704384 704442 705058 705272 705351 706314 707451 712602 715311 718479 718480 718853 718854 719811 719838 752371 752398 778206 778214 778222 778230 780855 780863 786012 786020 786594 Celebrex Celebrex K-fenak Voltaren acti-go Dynak Diclohexal k Adco-clofelam Difen sr Dicloflam Cataflam Catafast d Diclofenac biotech Diclofenac sr biotech Voltaren Acti-Go soft gel Voltaren Acti-Go soft gel Sandoz diclofenac Sandoz diclofenac Panamor Panamor at Voltaren Voltaren Voltaren GT Voltaren SR Voltaren Voltaren Mylan diclofenac Mylan diclofenac Adco-diclofenac 100mg 200mg 50mg 12,5mg 50mg 50mg 50mg 100mg 50MG 50mg 50mg 25mg 100mg 12.5MG 25MG 25mg 50mg 25mg 50mg 25mg 100mg 50MG 100mg 12,5mg 25mg 25mg 50mg 25mg CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRT DSP SAC DSP TAB SRT CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SUP TAB SRT SUP SUP TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac Diclofenac combinations Diclofenac combinations etoricoxib etoricoxib etoricoxib ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen NAPPI CODE 787272 788597 789240 791547 793663 807605 807613 807621 813036 827584 827592 834327 835218 841153 845272 853240 888602 893390 893391 893398 813044 869805 709108 709109 709110 700315 700316 700318 700695 701654 701975 703490 703966 PRODUCT NAME Veltex cr Adco-diclofenac Voltaren Fortfen sr Veltex 75cr Panamor supp Panamor supp Panamor supp Cataflam d dispersible Panamor sr Panamor sr Sandoz diclofenac sodium 100 simple reg Voltaren drops Diclohexal 50t Diclohexal 100s Diclohexal Dicloflam (blackcurrent) A-lennon diclofenac A-lennon diclofenac A-lennon diclofenac Arthrotec 50 Arthrotec Arcoxia Arcoxia Arcoxia Ibucine Ibucine Ibucine Nurofen for children sugar free Ranfen Betaprofen fc Advil paediatric Sandoz ibuprofen STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 100mg 50mg 75mg 100mg 75mg 12,5mg 25mg 100mg 50MG 75mg 100mg 100mg 15mg/1mL 50mg 100mg 25mg 50MG 25mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 75mg 60mg 90mg 120mg 100mg/5mL 200mg 400mg 100mg/5mL 400mg 400mg 100mg/5mL 200mg DOSAGE FORM SRC TAB TAB SRC SRC SUP SUP SUP DSP SRT SRT SRT DRP TAB SUP TAB DSP TAB TAB SUP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB SUS TAB TAB SUS TAB GENERIC NAME ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations NAPPI CODE 703974 704781 705940 708186 708290 708536 710830 710849 710857 711948 712683 716004 733741 733768 748560 780596 782807 787426 793671 798185 809268 824852 863394 864706 868221 868469 892302 895196 897060 897984 703719 703845 704586 PRODUCT NAME Sandoz ibuprofen Ibugesic Ibu Betagesic Bren Ibusor Brufen Brufen Brufen paed Nurofen (caplets) Nurofen for children strawberry Advil liqui-gels Inza Inza Nurofen Adco-ibuprofen Sandoz ibuprofen Betaprofen Brufen retard Dynofen Ibumed Ranfen Norflam t Ibumed sr Ibunate Lenafen Advil liqui-gel Iboflam Painil Nurofen period pain Ibumol Ibucod Ibupain STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 400mg 100mg/5mL 200mg 200mg 400mg 200mg 400mg 600mg 100mg/5mL 200mg 100mg/5mL 400mg 200mg 400mg 200mg 400mg 600mg 200mg 800mg 200mg 200mg 200mg 200mg 300mg 200mg 200mg 200mg 200mg 200mg 400mg DOSAGE FORM TAB SUS TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SUS CAP SUS CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SRC TAB TAB CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP GENERIC NAME Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations Ibuprofen combinations indometacin indometacin indometacin indometacin indometacin indometacin indometacin indometacin indometacin indometacin indometacin indometacin indometacin NAPPI CODE 704587 704606 704791 704896 705245 705264 705266 705680 705781 705782 706306 716543 719663 719664 745561 793744 810177 824496 879290 891908 701106 701891 704725 704733 704741 704776 726389 787833 788996 789410 807729 814393 868213 PRODUCT NAME Ibupain forte Gen-payne Mybulen Myprodol Mybulen Dentopain forte Dentopain Mybucod Ibumol grape Ibumol banana Nurofen plus Panado plus Ibupain Ibupain Forte Blister Myprodol Myprodol Mypaid Lotem Mybulen Mypaid forte Adco-indomethacin Amdocin Arthrexin Arthrexin Arthrexin Sandoz indomethacin Flamecid Betacin Mediflex Nisaid Famethacin Methocaps Gulf indomethacin STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 25mg 25mg 25mg 50mg 100mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg DOSAGE FORM CAP CAP CAP TAB SUS CAP CAP TAB SUS SUS TAB CAP CAP CAP CAP SUS CAP SUS TAB TAB CAP CAP CAP CAP SUP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP CAP GENERIC NAME ketoprofen ketoprofen ketorolac lornoxicam lornoxicam lornoxicam mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid mefenamic acid meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam NAPPI CODE 751472 822205 819336 717776 860654 860662 741167 756148 756156 756164 793264 794201 796433 797014 797707 797715 807435 810371 810398 812250 875643 883102 701520 701522 704588 704589 704828 704829 705176 705177 705229 705230 705296 PRODUCT NAME Oruvail Ketoflam Tora-dol Xefo rapid Xefo Xefo Sandoz mefenamic acid Ponstan Ponstan Ponstan forte Ponac Ponac forte Ponac Fenamin Fenamin Fenamin Ponstan paed supp Ponstel forte Ponstel s Ponstel Adco-mefenamic acid Adco-mefenamic acid Loxiflam Loxiflam Sandoz meloxicam Sandoz meloxicam Flexocam Flexocam M-cam M-cam Zydus-meloxicam Zydus-meloxicam Melflam STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 200mg 200mg 10mg 8mg 4mg 8mg 250mg 250mg 50mg/5mL 500mg 50mg/5mL 500mg 250mg 50mg/5mL 250mg 500mg 125mg 500mg 50mg/5mL 250mg 50mg/5mL 250mg 7,5mg 15mg 7,5mg 15mg 15mg 7,5mg 7,5mg 15mg 7,5mg 15mg 7,5mg DOSAGE FORM SRC SRC TAB RFT TAB TAB CAP CAP SUS TAB SUS TAB CAP SUS CAP TAB SUP TAB SUS CAP SUS CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam meloxicam naproxen naproxen naproxen naproxen naproxen naproxen naproxen naproxen naproxen naproxen naproxen NAPPI CODE 705297 705375 705376 707373 707374 707667 707668 711324 711325 716168 716169 717091 717092 718305 718306 718381 718382 818615 824585 842052 899066 899070 705300 715831 768448 781207 785245 789267 799459 805238 806447 808474 810185 PRODUCT NAME Melflam Adco-meloxicam Adco-meloxicam Arthrocox Arthrocox Apex-meloxicam Apex-meloxicam Arrow meloxicam Arrow meloxicam Meloxicam unicorn Meloxicam unicorn Flamaryx Flamaryx Glenmark Meloxicam Glenmark Meloxicam Medoxicam Medoxicam Mobic Mobic Mobic Coxflam Coxflam Aspen naproxen Bio-naproxen Synflex 275 Sandoz naproxen Adco-naproxen Naprel Be-tabs naproxen Naproscript Napflam Napflam Mylan naproxen STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 15mg 7,5mg 15mg 7,5mg 15mg 7,5mg 15mg 7,5mg 15mg 7,5mg 15mg 7,5mg 15mg 15MG 7.5MG 7,5mg 15mg 7,5mg 15mg 15mg 7,5mg 15mg 275mg 250mg 275MG 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 250mg 500mg 250mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SUP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME naproxen naproxen naproxen naproxen naproxen naproxen naproxen and esomeprazole phenylbutazone piroxicam piroxicam piroxicam piroxicam piroxicam piroxicam piroxicam piroxicam piroxicam piroxicam piroxicam sulindac tenoxicam NAPPI CODE 810525 812625 812633 838039 840335 864692 718724 732796 701072 716517 785253 785261 797030 797049 799432 800724 812102 821144 827428 791113 780162 PRODUCT NAME Nafasol Nafasol ec-250 Nafasol ec Synflex 550 Sandoz naproxen Aleve Vimovo 500/20mg Inflazone Roxifen Piroxicam actor dt Adco-piroxicam Adco-piroxicam Xycam Xycam dispers Pyrocaps Brexecam Sandoz piroxicam disp Rheugesic Pixicam Adco-sulindac Tilcotil STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 500mg 250mg 500mg 550mg 500mg 220mg 500/20MG 200mg 20mg 20mg 10mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 200mg 20mg DOSAGE FORM SUP ECT ECT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP DSP CAP CAP CAP DSP CAP TAB DSP DSP DSP TAB TAB NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM ANALGESICS acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid Acetylsalicylic acid comb. excl. psycholeptics Acetylsalicylic acid comb. excl. psycholeptics Acetylsalicylic acid comb. excl. psycholeptics Acetylsalicylic acid comb. excl. psycholeptics Acetylsalicylic acid comb. excl. psycholeptics Acetylsalicylic acid comb. excl. psycholeptics Acetylsalicylic acid comb. excl. psycholeptics buprenorphine buprenorphine buprenorphine buprenorphine clonidine clonidine clonidine clonidine dextropropoxyphene Dextropropoxyphene comb. excl. psycholeptics 700909 704642 704645 706930 720577 720585 798533 807206 808261 815160 899565 703435 705907 715113 729442 752126 804738 848085 715932 715941 715942 783072 701789 707453 720704 788317 720887 720615 Gulf aspirin Soluspirin (was aspirin soluble) Aspirin Bayer aspirin Disprin Disprin extra Be-tabs aspirin (white) Disprin melts Aspirin junior Lo-aspirin Bayer asprin plus c Analgen Disprin plus Paneze Grandpa Paincod Anadin Anadin extra strength Sovenor Sovenor Sovenor Temgesic sublingual Equi-migraine Menograine Dixarit Menograine Doloxene plain Distalgesic 300mg 300mg 300mg 300MG 300MG 500MG 300mg 300mg 60mg 125mg 400mg/24mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 0,2mg 0,025mg/0,5mL 0,025mg 0,025mg 65mg TAB EFT TAB TAB EFT EFT TAB DSP TAB TAB EFT TAB DSP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB PTD PTD PTD SLT DRP DRP TAB TAB CAP TAB GENERIC NAME Dextropropoxyphene comb. excl. psycholeptics dihydrocodeine dihydrocodeine eletriptan eletriptan eletriptan ergotamine, combinations excl. psycholeptics ergotamine, combinations excl. psycholeptics fentanyl fentanyl fentanyl fentanyl fentanyl fentanyl fentanyl fentanyl fentanyl fentanyl fentanyl fentanyl fentanyl hydromorphone hydromorphone hydromorphone morphine morphine morphine morphine morphine morphine morphine naratriptan oxycodone NAPPI CODE 720895 719382 752649 702164 702165 702167 711527 743283 711169 716797 716798 716799 716800 719279 719280 719281 719282 814008 814016 814024 819425 716424 716425 717378 744735 744743 809691 809705 809713 811238 811246 848808 715943 PRODUCT NAME Doloxene co Df 118 Paracodin Relpax Relpax Relpax Cafergot Migril Durogesic 2.1mg/patch Adco-tenyl Adco-tenyl Adco-tenyl Adco-tenyl Fendermal Fendermal Fendermal Fendermal Durogesic 4.2mg/patch Durogesic 8.4/patch Durogesic 16.8mg/patch Durogesic 12.6mg/patch 75mcg per hour Jurnista Jurnista Jurnista Mst continus Mst continus Srm rhotard Srm rhotard Srm rhotard Mst continus Mst continus Naramig Oxycontin STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 65mg 30mg 10mg/5mL 80mg 40mg 20mg 1MG 12mcg/1h 25mcg/1h 50mcg/1h 75mcg/1h 100mcg/1h 25UG/H 50UG/H 75UG/H 100UG/H 25mcg/1h 50mcg/1h 100mcg/1h 75MCG 4mg 8mg 16mg 10mg 30mg 10mg 30mg 60mg 60mg 100mg 2,5mg 5mg DOSAGE FORM CAP TAB SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB PTD PTD PTD PTD PTD PTD PTD PTD PTD PTD PTD PTD PTD TAB TAB TAB SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT SRT TAB SRT GENERIC NAME oxycodone oxycodone oxycodone oxycodone oxycodone oxycodone oxycodone paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol NAPPI CODE 715944 715945 715946 715947 715949 715950 715951 701140 701634 703059 703118 703349 703820 704093 704465 704643 704719 706192 707562 707583 708432 708438 710211 710452 711993 713153 714499 714707 714708 715111 715112 715280 716045 PRODUCT NAME Oxycontin Oxycontin Oxycontin Oxycontin Oxynorm Oxynorm Oxynorm Varipan Dis-chem paracetamol Doxsyn Panado strawberry Painblok Feverpain Actamol red Painogesic Cetapon Paracet Microgesic Painamol Paracetamol elixir SAD (alcohol free) Panado childrens Panado Zydus-paracetamol Woodwards Paracetamol Calpol paediatric Austell-paracetamol Clicks paracetamol Pyngesic t Pyngesic s Grays paracetamol Grays paracetamol Lennon paracetamol Adco-napamol STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 10mg 20mg 40mg 80mg 5mg 10mg 20mg 500mg 500mg 120mg/5mL 120mg/5mL 120mg/5mL 120mg/5mL 500mg 500mg 500mg 120mg/5mL 120mg/5mL 120mg/5mL 125mg 500mg 500mg 120MG/5ML/100ML 120mg/5mL 500mg 500mg 500mg 120mg/5mL 120mg/5mL 500mg 500mg 500mg DOSAGE FORM SRT SRT SRT SRT CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB SYR SYR SYR SYR TAB TAB TAB SYR SYR SYR TAB TAB TAB SYR SYR TAB TAB TAB SYR SYR TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol NAPPI CODE 717725 720860 745715 745723 752118 752142 752274 752282 752355 752878 757403 758558 783943 784443 788953 789526 792101 799378 799629 805467 815306 818372 819697 819700 823511 824992 826588 835102 837423 863742 867950 867969 885863 PRODUCT NAME Actamol Dolorol Napamol Adco-napamol Painamol Painamol (white) Panado Panado Panado Parapane Adco-prolief Pyralen Winpain Paramed Panado (no alcohol/sugar) Brunomol Actamol red Paracetamol elixir sad Painamol (green) Antalgic Panado effervescent Paracetamol Empaped Empaped Go-pain Gencetamol Link therapain Panado drops Tylenol extended relief caplet Feverpain Gulf paracetamol Painblok Von paracetamol STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 500mg 500mg 120mg/5mL 500mg 120mg/5mL 500mg 500mg 120mg/5mL 500mg 500mg 500mg 120mg/5mL 250mg/5mL 500mg 120mg/5mL 120mg/5mL 120mg/5mL 120mg/5mL 500mg 500mg 500MG 125mg 250mg 120mg/5mL 500MG 60mg/0,6mL 650mg 120mg/5mL 500mg 500mg 500mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB SYR TAB SYR TAB TAB SYR CAP TAB TAB SYR SYR TAB SYR SYR SYR SYR TAB TAB EFT TAB SUP SUP SYR TAB TAB DRP SRC SYR TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol paracetamol Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics NAPPI CODE 889772 894212 894281 895199 700742 701105 702609 702953 703660 703748 704450 704683 707910 708089 710248 713688 714953 716041 716347 718498 719182 719662 720798 720879 723088 732745 732753 736228 736589 741957 745707 752185 752614 PRODUCT NAME Painblok Jp paracetamol Adco-paracetamol Go-pain p Amstil B-dol Doxy co Resdol Codoxol Pharmadol quinoline (yellow) Painogesic Tensopyn effervescent Painamol plus Betapyn Ban pain Vari-cocodamol 8mg/500mg Tensopyn paediatric Alpha-dol Mypaid night pain Paragrip C Meridol-D Paed Cogesic Docdol Dolorol forte Empacod Infapain Infapain forte Lenadol Lentogesic Meprogesic Adco-napacod 500mg/10mg Painagon Paracetacod STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 120mg/5mL 500mg 120mg/5mL 120mg/5mL 120mg/5mL 100ML 100ML 100ML 120MG/5ML/100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML DOSAGE FORM SYR TAB SYR SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB SYR EFT TAB TAB SYR TAB SYR TAB TAB EFT SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB SYR SYR TAB SYR TAB TAB SYR TAB GENERIC NAME Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics NAPPI CODE 757632 758493 763101 765473 765635 766801 766941 767662 767913 768391 769541 769630 780553 787043 789135 789984 792241 793566 793574 794821 795402 799815 807583 814547 820849 823864 826766 833746 836605 836613 860808 878731 894289 PRODUCT NAME Propain Pynstop Sedinol Spasmend Spectrapain Stilpane Stopayne Suncodin Supragesic Syndol Tensolve Tenston Adco-dol Codorol Xerotens Pynmed syrup Acurate Goldgesic Goldgesic Adco-paxidal Kodapon Tensopyn Salterpyn Nomopain Tylenol nightpain Sedapain Abflex-4 Medipyn s Kid-eeze Tensodol Lenapain Copa-dol Adco-kiddipayne STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 120MG/5ML/100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 100ML 320MG 100ML 100ML DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP SYR SYR TAB SYR TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB CAP SYR TAB SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB SYR TAB TAB TAB TAB SYR SYR TAB TAB TAB SYR GENERIC NAME Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations excl. psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics Paracetamol combinations with psycholeptics pizotifen rizatriptan rizatriptan rizatriptan sumatriptan sumatriptan sumatriptan sumatriptan NAPPI CODE 895030 897124 701746 708658 752177 765643 766798 766828 766925 766933 767816 768375 769622 769649 769657 782874 786780 789992 793892 800325 809055 823538 834440 892662 894282 762210 848271 848298 848301 707087 707088 709895 709897 PRODUCT NAME Paincodein Co-codamol Micro gesic Trinagesic/biogesic Painagon Spectrapain forte Stilpane Stilpane Stopayne Stopayne Supragesic Adco-synaleve Tenston Tenston SA Tenston SA Megapyn Antipyn forte Pynmed Xerogesic Hopyn Adco-salterpyn Go-pain Spectrapain forte Nucopain Adco-payne Sandomigran Maxalt Maxalt Maxalt rpd Migrex Migrex Imigen Imigen STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 500MG 320MG 370MG 320MG 320MG 320MG 320MG 320MG 320MG 320MG 0,5mg 5mg 10mg 10mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 100mg DOSAGE FORM TAB EFT TAB CAP TAB CAP CAP TAB TAB CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB WAF TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME sumatriptan sumatriptan sumatriptan sumatriptan sumatriptan sumatriptan sumatriptan sumatriptan sumatriptan tilidine tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol, combinations tramadol, combinations tramadol, combinations zolmitriptan zolmitriptan NAPPI CODE 710161 710162 711181 711182 715852 715853 791857 815640 828246 835188 700458 705175 705379 705810 705811 705812 706475 706557 710250 717391 719275 719276 719277 797146 864900 891980 891983 700243 719052 719300 845213 897005 PRODUCT NAME Arrow sumatriptan Arrow sumatriptan Triptam Triptam Accord sumatriptan Accord sumatriptan Imigran Imigran Imigran Valoron Tramal drops Domadol Dolotram Tramahexal sr Tramahexal sr Tramahexal sr Tramazac Tramgesic flashtabs Austell-tramadol Tramaspen Tramazac Sr Tramazac Sr Tramazac Sr Tramal Tramahexal Tramal sr Tramal sr Tramacet Tramazac Co Ultracet Zomig Zomig rapimelt STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 50mg 100mg 50mg 100mg 50mg 100mg 100mg 50mg 20mg 100MG/1ML/400DRP 100mg/1mL 50mg 50mg 100mg 150mg 200mg 50mg 50mg 50mg 50mg 100MG 150MG 200MG 50mg 50mg 100mg 150mg 37.5/325MG 2,5mg 2,5mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB NAS DRP DRP CAP CAP SRT SRT SRT CAP TAB CAP CAP SRT SRT SRT CAP CAP SRT SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB GENERIC NAME NAPPI CODE PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE DOSAGE FORM 10mg 10mg 25mg 10mg 15MG 30MG 25mg 500mg 750mg 100mg TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP CAP CAP TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB 1.16G/100G/40G 1,3% 1.16G/100G 1.16G/100G/20G 50mg/1g 5G/100G/25G 10MG/1ML/25G 10MG/1ML/50ML 2,5% 0.5%/40G GEL GEL GEL GEL GEL GEL GEL GEL SOL GEL GEL 500mg 300MG 100mg TAB TAB TAB MUSCLE RELAXANTS baclofen baclofen baclofen baclofen cyclobenzaprine cyclobenzaprine dantrolene methocarbamol methocarbamol orphenadrine (citrate) Orphenadrine combinations Orphenadrine combinations Orphenadrine combinations 712607 738344 738352 865567 720360 720361 717428 761141 761168 747521 747548 825123 881767 Teva baclofen Lioresal Lioresal Bio-baclofen Myprocam Myprocam Dantrium Robaxin Robaxin Norflex Norflex co Besemax Uniflex TOPICAL PRODUCTS FOR JOINT AND MUSCULAR PAIN diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac diclofenac ibuprofen ibuprofen ibuprofen indometacin indometacin ketoprofen piroxicam 702362 702511 704641 778257 704304 828076 833096 824666 887982 799351 893278 Diclohexal gel Panamor gel Voltaren emulgel pump dispenser (75ml) Voltaren emulgel Nurofen gel Ibuleve gel Deep relief gel Adco-indomethacin Elmetacin soln 50ml Fastum gel Rheugesic gel ANTIGOUT PREPARATIONS probenecid allopurinol allopurinol 757152 Proben 719128 Adco-Allopurinol 738778 Sandoz allopurinol GENERIC NAME allopurinol allopurinol allopurinol allopurinol allopurinol allopurinol colchicine colchicine NAPPI CODE 738786 758310 758329 779466 779474 811432 715271 715298 PRODUCT NAME Sandoz allopurinol Puricos Puricos Zyloprim Zyloprim calendar pk Lonol Colchicine Colchicine houde STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 300mg 100mg 300mg 100mg 300mg 300mg 0,5mg 1mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM UROLOGICALS Alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists alfuzosin alfuzosin alfuzosin tamsulosin tamsulosin tamsulosin tamsulosin tamsulosin terazosin terazosin terazosin terazosin 701590 715829 716113 706713 710306 714723 716778 840599 806358 806366 806374 810207 Xatral xl Rantral mr Alfuwin xl Tamsul sr Uromax Prostaflo sr Beniprosin sr Flomax sr Hytrin Hytrin Hytrin Hytrin 10mg 10mg 10mg 0,4mg 0,4mg 0,4mg 0,4mg 0,4mg 1mg 2mg 5mg 10mg SRT TAB SRT SRC SRC SRC SRC SRC TAB TAB TAB TAB 7,5mg 15mg 200mg 5mg 5mg 10mg 5MG 5mg 5mg 15mg 30MG 5mg SRT SRT TAB TAB SRT SRT TAB TAB TAB TAB CAP TAB Drugs for urinary frequency and incontinence darifenacin darifenacin flavoxate oxybutynin oxybutynin oxybutynin oxybutynin oxybutynin oxybutynin propiverine propiverine solifenacin 706045 706046 820113 701893 710616 710617 720658 872253 883721 703546 720349 706214 Enablex Enablex Urispas Mylan oxybutynin Lyrinel Lyrinel Ditropan Lenditro Sandoz oxybutynin hcl 5 Detrunorm Detrunorm Vesicare GENERIC NAME solifenacin tolterodine tolterodine tolterodine tolterodine trospium NAPPI CODE 706217 700862 700871 866172 866180 703904 PRODUCT NAME Vesicare Detrusitol SR Detrusitol SR Detrusitol Detrusitol Uricon STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 10mg 2mg 4mg 1mg 2mg 20mg DOSAGE FORM TAB SRC SRC TAB TAB TAB Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals Other urologicals 710639 711378 712312 712393 712929 714248 715589 715590 716969 773948 809942 816256 820059 821837 832588 834823 837601 839760 841986 855227 Smart soda Smart soda Medi soda effervescent Bao soda Bao spring soda Alkafizz effervescent granules 4g Citro-soda cranberry Citro-soda cranberry 4g Medi soda effervercent granules Uralyt-u Citro-soda orange Alkafizz regular boxed Adco-sodasol Citro-soda Citro-soda Effersol Citro-carb Gencit simplex Uri-alk Quatro-soda 60G 4g 99.8MG/100G/280G 60G 120G 60G 60G 120G 100ML SAC GRA GRA GRA GRA SAC GRA SAC SAC GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA SAC GRA GRA SUS EFT GRA NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM ANTITHROMBOTIC AGENTS acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic acid dalteparin dalteparin dalteparin dalteparin dalteparin dalteparin dalteparin dalteparin dalteparin enoxaparin enoxaparin enoxaparin enoxaparin enoxaparin enoxaparin nadroparin nadroparin nadroparin nadroparin nadroparin nadroparin warfarin 712608 715719 823481 845590 847283 862304 801607 801615 834130 834157 878871 878898 878901 878928 878936 707095 788767 851140 851159 851167 859710 703760 703763 874973 874981 875007 875015 709905 Aspirin teva Compral child Ecotrin Myoprin Disprin cardiocare Bayer aspirin cardio Fragmin 0.2ml Fragmin 0.2ml Fragmin 4ml amp Fragmin 4ml multidose vial Fragmin 0.4ml Fragmin 0.5ml Fragmin 0.6ml Fragmin 0.72ml Fragmin 1ml graduated syringe Clexane 0.2ml Clexane 0.4ml Clexane 0.6ml Clexane 0.8ml Clexane 1ml Clexane 3ml multidose vial Fraxiparine 1ml Fraxiparine 1ml Fraxiparine 1ml Fraxiparine 1ml Fraxiparine 1ml Fraxiparine 1ml Cipla-warfarin 80mg 81mg 100mg 100mg 100mg 2500iu 5000iu 2500iu 25000iu 10000iu 12500iu 15000iu 18000iu 10000iu 20mg 40mg 60mg 80mg 100mg 300mg 0,8mL/1mL 1mL/1mL 0,2mL/1mL 0,3mL/1mL 0,4mL/1mL 0,6mL/1mL 5mg DSP TAB TAB EFT DSP TAB INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ INJ TAB GENERIC NAME warfarin warfarin warfarin NAPPI CODE 709906 Cipla-warfarin 712390 Cipla-warfarin 778362 Warfarin PRODUCT NAME STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 1mg 3mg 5mg DOSAGE FORM TAB TAB TAB 500mg 500mg 500mg 500MG TAB TAB TAB TAB ANTIHEMORRHAGICS tranexamic acid tranexamic acid tranexamic acid tranexamic acid 714722 716276 717134 719414 Tranexamic acid medwich Tranic Cyklokapron Morwak NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM VACCINES Cholera inactivated whole cell combinations diphtheria-pertussis-poliomyelitis-tetanus diphtheria-poliomyelitis-tetanus hemophilus influenzae B, combinations with pertussis and toxoids hemophilus influenzae B, combinations with pertussis and toxoids hemophilus influenzae B, purified antigen conjugated hemophilus influenzae B, purified antigen conjugated Hepatitis A inactivated whole virus Hepatitis A inactivated whole virus Hepatitis A inactivated whole virus Hepatitis A inactivated whole virus Hepatitis B purified antigen Hepatitis B purified antigen Hepatitis B purified antigen Hepatitis B purified antigen Hepatitis B purified antigen Hepatitis B purified antigen Influenza inactivated whole virus Influenza inactivated whole virus Influenza inactivated whole virus Influenza inactivated whole virus Influenza inactivated whole virus Influenza inactivated whole virus Influenza inactivated whole virus Measles combinations with mumps and rubella live attenuated Measles combinations with mumps and rubella live attenuated Measles combinations with mumps and rubella live attenuated 703846 706829 711258 703335 703226 834203 700767 813206 700513 703448 822361 848905 700210 700356 701658 701659 715349 873179 702733 711345 711737 732826 813338 836591 838853 700772 716550 792004 Dukoral Twinrix Tetraxim prefilled syringe 0.5ml Td polio 0.5ml Actacel-pasteur 0,5ml Combact-hib single dose syringe Hiberix sgl dose 0,5ml + saline diluent Act-hib sgl dose syringe Avaxim pf/syr 80 0,5ml Havrix junior single dose vial 0,5ml Havrix 1440 Avaxim pf syr 160 0,5ml Engerix-b (new) monodose 1ml Engerix-b paed (new) monodose 0,5ml Heberbiovac hb sgl dose 0,5ml paediatric Heberbiovac hb sgl dose 1ml adult Euvax b 0.5ml vial Hepaccine-b paed single dose 5ml X-flu prefilled 0,5ml syringe Fluvax pre-filled syringe 0.5ml Fluarix prefilled syringe 0.5ml Influvac 0.5ml Vaxigrip single dose 0.5ml pre-filled Vaxigrip single dose 0.25ml pref paed Mutagrip single dose 0.5ml pref adult Priorix sgl dose 0,5ml Priorix tetra vial powder for reconstitu Trimovax single prefilled syringe 3ML 10mcg/0,5mL 80U/0.5ML 720IU/0.5ML/0.5ML 1440IU/1ML 160/0.5ML 20mcg 10mcg 10mcg/0,5mL 20mcg/1mL 20mcg/1mL 0.5ML 0.5ML 0.5ML 0.5ML 0.25ML 0.5ML 0.5ML VAC VAC VAC INJ VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VIA VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC NAPPI CODE Measles combinations with mumps and rubella live attenuated 879452 Measles live attenuated 825522 meningococcus A,C, bivalent purified polysaccharides antigen 807214 meningococcus A,C,Y,W-135, tetravalent purified polysaccharides antigen 708511 meningococcus A,C,Y,W-135, tetravalent purified polysaccharides antigen 884039 meningococcus A,C,Y,W-135, tetravalent purified polysaccharides antigen 884040 Papillomavirus ( human types 16, 18) 710020 Papillomavirus ( human types 6, 11, 16, 18) 710249 pertussis, inactivated, whole cell, combinations with toxoids 825158 pertussis, purified antigen, combinations with toxoids 703994 pertussis, purified antigen, combinations with toxoids 707285 pertussis, purified antigen, combinations with toxoids 716655 pneumococcus, purified polysaccharides antigen 715858 pneumococcus, purified polysaccharides antigen 836699 pneumococcus, purified polysaccharides antigen conjugated 755826 Poliomyelitis oral trivalent live attenuated 812331 Poliomyelitis oral trivalent live attenuated 823678 Poliomyelitis trivalent inactivated whole virus 708854 Rabies inactivated whole virus 814970 Rota virus live attenuated 714133 tetanus toxoid 832693 Tetanus toxoid combinations with diphtheria toxoid 703367 Tetanus toxoid combinations with diphtheria toxoid 842443 Tuberculosis live attenuated 872962 Typhoid purified polysaccharide antigen 703442 Typhoid purified polysaccharide antigen 822442 Yellow fever live attenuated 814989 zoster, live attenuated 892939 GENERIC NAME PRODUCT NAME Morupar single dose Rouvax sgl dose syr Imovax men a+c single Menomune multidose vial 10ml Mencevax acwy single dose vial Mencevax acwy 10 dose vial Cervarix pre-filled syringe 0.5ml Gardasil pre-filled syringe 0.5ml Dtp-merieux single dose syringe Infanrix pre filled syringe 0,5ml Infanrix hexa Boostrix tetra pre-filled syringe 0.5ml Prevenar 13 pre-filled syringe 0.5ml Imovax pneumo 23 Pneumovax vaccine Polioral 10 dose trivalent Opv-merieux 10 dose Imovax polio Verorab Rotarix liquid oral Tetavax single dose syringe 0.5ml Diftavax pre-filled single dose syringe Dt vax 0.5ml single dose Bcg intradermal infant vial powder Typherix pre-filled syringe single dose Typhim vi 0.5ml prefilled syringe Stamaril Varilrix vial STRENGTH/ PACK SIZE 10ML 0.5ML 0.5ML 0.5ML 0.5ML 0.5ML 28mcg/0,5mL 0.5ML 40IU/0.5ML 20dose 0.5ML 25MCG/0.5ML DOSAGE FORM VAC VAC VAC VIA VIA VIA VAC VAC VAC INJ VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VIA VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC VAC NAPPI STRENGTH/ PRODUCT NAME CODE PACK SIZE The selection of a product is subject to the option plan, maximum allowed value and generic reference pricing. The exact product must be confirmed with the prescriber or dispenser. GENERIC NAME DOSAGE FORM GENERAL NUTRIENTS Other combinations of nutrients 715953 Restore hydration 6g 6G SAC MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS calcium acetate anhydrous 718735 Phosphosorb TAB