Freyssinet - 2003 annual report
2003 _ANNUAL REPORT ≥ Profile Table of Contents /// Profile 01. /// Message from the President 02. /// Innovations 04. /// Structures 09. /// Soils 14. /// Financial Information 16. /// The Freyssinet Group Worldwide As a subsidiary of Vinci, the world’s leader in concessions, construction and associated services, the Freyssinet group, world’s leader in specialized civil engineering, provides services in the fields of structures, soils, new projects, repair and maintenance. Consolidated turnover for Freyssinet in 2003 was 420 million euros and net profit was 0.6 million euros. Freyssinet employs 2991 people and is active on five continents on sixty sites. Because the Freyssinet group is divided into geographical zones around the world, each project benefits from both the Group’s worldwide expertise and strong local ties. In all its activities, the Group offers unequalled know-how resulting from active research and development. > BREAKDOWN OF TURNOVER BY DIVISION* Soils Europe 26% of which Key Figures 21.5% North America 12.6% Iberian-American 17.5% > WORKFORCE BY POSITION Engineers and executives 14.6% Anglo-saxon 4% Structures 13% Asia-Pacific Technicians 18% 35.4% Workers and employees 50% > BREAKDOWN OF TURNOVER BY ACTIVITY* > WORKFORCE BY DIVISION Europe 664 Iberian-American 339 Anglo-saxon Soils 37% of which Structures, 63% of which Reinforced Earth 25.3% 99 Structures 289 Soils New projects Ménard Soltraitement 37.5% 11.7% 386 Asia-Pacific 1,214 Repair/ Maintenance 25,5 % * Organization prior to March 22nd, 2004. _ANNUAL REPORT _2003 01 ≥ Message from the President This progress is the result of everyone’s hard work over the previous year to follow a clear strategy focused on profitability and gains. This strategy led to the closure of centres showing repeated losses and to the selective choice of new projects. We’ll continue along the same lines in 2004 to achieve the goal we set for ourselves one year ago: net profits after taxes of 2% of turnover (operating results of 4% of the turnover). To succeed, we need to continue to improve. Our growth margins are still very large and we’re facing many challenges. In 2004, we’ll concentrate on: – increasing our technical, managerial and sales expertise, particularly through recruitment and training; – preventing risks by stressing the fact that the highest priority is safety on the sites; _DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER Jérôme Stubler _FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION MANAGER Yann Grolimund _HUMAN RESOURCES AND COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Claude Lascols Again showing profits in 2003, Freyssinet upheld its pledge, making great progress towards recovery. Consolidated net profits after taxes were 0.6M€ from a consolidated turnover of 420 M€, representing 5% growth at constant exchange rates. Our operating cash position increased by 23 M€. _CHAIRMAN - CEO Bruno Dupety _OPERATIONAL MANAGERS France Division Philippe Zanker – product and work quality by providing improved service to our clients; – reducing production costs and improving productivity; – supporting research and development concentrating on the adaptation and improvement of existing technologies and the development of new products and processes in both the structures and soils fields. There’s still lots to do. But, Freyssinet has many strong points. Our order book reached 308 M€ at the beginning of the year (+18 M€ at constant exchange rates): this is promising. The economies in the countries in which we’re active are on the right track for the most part. Iberian-American Division Jorge Moreno Soils Division Philippe Héry Structures Division Jérôme Stubler United Kingdom/ Northern Europe Division Patrick Nagle North America Division Roger Bloomfield Asia-Pacific Division Bruno Dupety New organization as of March 22nd, 2004. We’re involved in large construction projects such as bridges or viaducts in Millau in France, Rion Antirion in Greece, Panama, Orinoco in Venezuela and Cooper River in the USA. In the soils field, we’re working on major projects such as vacuum consolidation of the Kwang Yang port terminal in South Korea (Ménard Soltraitement) and a few other significant Reinforced Earth projects in the USA. And other large projects are under evaluation. We’ll have to remain vigilant, but we know we’ll succeed. I have no doubts about it. BRUNO DUPETY Chairman - CEO C o n s t r u c t i o n , I m p r o v e m e n t , D u r a b i l i t y. . . _FREYSSINET GROUP 02 Innovations ■ ■ ■ GENEROUS AND ORIENTED TOWARDS THE CLIENT, THE GROUP’S INNOVATION PROGRAM IDENTIFIES MODERN SOLUTIONS IN THE FIELDS OF SOILS 1.5% OF TURNOVER AND STRUCTURES. THE GROUP’S PASSION FOR INVENTION AND PERFECTION IS A VALUABLE HERITAGE FROM ITS FOUNDERS AND INVENTORS, EUGÈNE FREYSSINET, LOUIS MÉNARD AND HENRI VIDAL . STRUCTURES Innovations are constantly made on our sites, but, in particular, the year 2003 was marked by four prizes awarded to Freyssinet products and processes. 1 1_ ”Bottom feed”, a stone column feed system designed by Ménard Soltraitement, makes it possible to apply vibroreplacement to port and offshore projects. At the beginning of the year, Freyssinet and the Jean Muller International Company received the bronze medal at the Egis Group Innovation Competition for the multitube stay cable saddle. This new device that uses the patented Cohestrand strand, another innovation by Freyssinet from the late 1990s, was first used in 2003 for the Sungai Muar bridge in Malaysia. It guarantees the continuity of the stay cables across the bridge pylons, simplifies overall bridge design and improves general aesthetics. As part of the VINCI Innovation Competition, Freyssinet won an award for the Viajoint HP and for the ”tendon tools” pedestrian bridge construction method. Viajoint HP was developed by Freyssinet and Interdesco, a company specializing in the manufacture of floor coatings, and is a new expansion joint designed to stand up to intense traffic and harsh climates. This material passed laboratory tests and is currently undergoing large-scale testing in the Cofiroute highway system. The second award given to VINCI was for a low-cost method for the construction of pedestrian bridges. It is based on the use of two temporary tendon tools on which two light lifting cranes supporting the deck move. Moreover, in July, Daniel Tardy, president of the Professional Civil Engineering Contractors Association for France and overseas territories, awarded the ”high performance tensile system” developed by Freyssinet (cable anchors) and Soficar and Bostik Findley (carbon fibre cables) first prize in the FNTP (Fédération nationale des travaux publics – French National Civil Engineering Federation) innovation competition. This system, designed for cable structures, bridges or offshore platforms, unites carbon fiber cables and an innovative patented anchoring device. SOILS Soil mechanics is still a new scientific discipline. Consequently, resea rch and development in the soils field are extremely active. The activities of both Reinforced Earth and Ménard Soltraitement concentrate on continuous innovation, as also illustrated by the resources allocated to SoilTech, a transversal unit devoted to geotechnical research and development for the Group. Its annual budget is 0.8 M€. In 2003, Reinforced Earth implemented an improved concrete scale attachment system, HA Ladder reinforcements, for the first time in the USA. The most spectacular innovation ≤ First used in 2002 for the Laroin pedestrian bridge (France), the ”high performance tensile system” was awarded the first innovation prize by the FNTP (French National Civil Engineering Federation) in July 2003. from Ménard Soltraitement was the development of a system allowing the application of vibroreplacement, a soil stabilization technique, to port and offshore projects. The ”bottom feed” system, a remarkable gravel-feeding device that is suspended from the boom of a floating cable crane, now makes it possible to use stone columns on the seafloor using a vibrating head (see p. 12). QUALITY, SAFETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT At every project stage and at all company levels, the pursuit of optimal performance is driven by the desire to improve quality and safety and better respect environmental requirements. The Group’s production plant specialized in the manufacturing, sales and trade of structural fittings and components for stay cable anchoring and for prestressing was granted PPC certification, thus illustrating the focus placed on product quality. The company has been ISO9002 certified since 1994. In July 2003, it was granted ISO9001/V2000 certification for all of its activities. This will make it possible to continue improvement of internal procedures at all levels. In 2003, the first shotcrete gun operator certificates were awarded by Asquapro (Association pour la qualité de la projection des bétons et mortiers – Association for the quality of shotcrete and spreayed mortor) to around ten Freyssinet employees. Clearly, the Group is taking bold steps to optimize quality of service. To improve safety, the risk prevention policy implemented in 2003 will continue and gain importance in 2004. Concretely, this led to the contractual safety pledge aimed at a zero accident rate on the Millennium plant rehabilitation site in Le Havre (France) where Freyssinet was the general contractor. Concerning the environment, Reinforced Earth is recognized by project managers as an attractive and effective solution. Reinforced Earth projects take a variety of shapes and forms and thus blend well in urban or rural environments. Using natural and clean backfill materials that can be quickly put in place, Reinforced Earth is an attractive technique for sustainability. 1 2 1_ The ”tendon tools” technique developed by Freyssinet is used to build or repair at low cost suspension bridges such as the Miret bridge in Floirac (France). 2_ Rehabilitation of the Millennium plant in Le Havre (France), performed under strict safety conditions, is a good illustration of the Group’s risk prevention policy. C o n s t r u c t i o n , I m p r o v e m e n t , D u r a b i l i t y. . . With its 56 stay cables, the Boyne bridge crossing the Boyne river is clearly the largest cable-stayed structure in Ireland. ≥ Structures 63% OF TURNOVER ■ ■ ■ REPRESENTING 63% OF TURNOVER, CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES REMAINED VERY ACTIVE THIS YEAR. CABLE-STAYED PROJECTS WERE LAUNCHED IN THE SEVERAL LARGE USA. THE GROUP COMPLETED SUCCESSFUL PRESTRESSING PROJECTS, ITS ORIGINAL FIELD OF ACTIVITY, IN AND THE MIDDLE EAST. IN EUROPE, ASIA REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE REPRESENTED THE VAST MAJORITY OF PROJECTS, FAR AHEAD OF CONSTRUCTION. _ANNUAL REPORT _2003 05 ≥ Freyssinet designed and supplied the 1,080 tons of prestressing for the Corgo viaduct (Portugal): the sketches and studies from the Iberian-American Division technical department were validated by the Group’s technical department in Vélizy (France). On site, the Freyssinet-Terra Armada (Portugal) team in charge of operations received support from Freyssinet France specialists, particularly for general site organization. PRESTRESSING /// Bridges The Group’s original field of activity, prestressing is a technique used throughout the world. In 2003, Freyssinet performed the prestressing on a 224 m long bridge in Bangkok (Thailand), participated in the construction of two 208 m long twin bridges in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and completed longitudinal and transversal prestressing of a 400 m long bridge crossing a marsh north of Durban (South Africa). In Europe, the Group provided and installed all the prestressing on the Corgo viaduct, a 600 m long complex bridge structure constructed under concession in the north of Portugal (see image on this page). In the south of Portugal, Freyssinet-Terra Armada used more than 2,050 tons prestressing for the construction of several bridges for the A2 highway between Lisbon and Algarve. /// Buildings In Australia, the largest project of the year was the construction of the Townsville Sugar Terminal in the state of Queensland. Completed in collaboration with Ménard Soltraitement for the soil consolidation (see p. 13), this site required the Australian subsidiary, Austress Freyssinet, to place more than 500 tons of steel for prestressing of the concrete components of the structure (containment walls and 40,000 m2 of concrete slabs). In the heart of Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), the Group provided and installed the prestressing for the floors of the two highest towers in the emirate. In another emirate, Dubai, Freyssinet Gulf prestressed the floors for two of the most spectacular buildings in the United Arab Emirates EXTRAORDINARY EFFORTS FOR A COMPLEX PROJECT recognized for their height and architecture: the Capricorne and Al Jaber Complex towers. Still in the Middle East, Freyssinet France participated in two stages of the construction of a building in Riyad (Saudi Arabia): precasting, lifting and placement of twelve 60 m long prestressed beams on a Tetron bearing and delivery and installation of 250 tons of naked strands and 55 tons of greased sheathed strands for the construction of two 600 m2 slabs. 1 In Cape Town, the Group’s South African subsidiary, Freyssinet Posten, participated in the reconstruction of the Nedcor Foreshore bank headquarters by providing and installing the 3,120 prestressing anchors and the 30 tons of strands for the floor slabs. In France, Freyssinet France performed the prestressing (8 tons) of sinusoidal beams and load transfer beams making up the frame for the roof of the new Neuilly-sur-Seine aquatic complex. 2 /// Industries This past year was notably the witness of the beginning of construction of the Kudankulam nuclear power plant in Tamil Nadu state in India: Freyssinet was chosen to perform prestressing involving the installation of 2,700 tons of greased sheathed strands placed in cement grouted ducts. In the United Kingdom, for a program to modernize the Plymouth shipyards (Devonport Royal Dockyard), Freyssinet’s subcontract for installation of prestressing bars in the berth of the underwater dry dock complex was also extended. 3 1_ Corgo viaduct (Portugal). 2_ The sinusoidal beams used in the Neuilly-sur-Seine aquatic complex (France) were prestressed by Freyssinet. 3_ Austress Freyssinet, the Australian subsidiary, prestressed the floor of the new Sugar Terminal in Townsville. C o n s t r u c t i o n , I m p r o v e m e n t , D u r a b i l i t y. . . _FREYSSINET GROUP 06 1,400 SEGMENTS WILL BE PLACED FOR THE SUNGAI PRAI BRIDGE CABLE STRUCTURES /// Stay cables Over the past year, several large stay cable projects were launched throughout the world. In Asia, in the south of the Malaysian peninsula, the Group installed the 28 stay cables for the Sungai Muar bridge, the first structure in the world using multitube stay cable saddles developed in collaboration with Jean Muller International (see p. 7). 1 In Missouri (USA), Freyssinet participated in the construction of a cable-stayed bridge over the Mississippi near the town of Cape Girardeau. This classically-designed bridge is 636 m long with a 350 m central span and is supported by 128 stay cables. 2 3 1_ Composed entirely of wood, the suspended footbridge constructed by Freyssinet in Coupvray (France) connects the city center with the residential zone. 2_ José Alvalade XXI stadium in Lisbon is unique by its 25,670 m2 cover suspended by 16 stay cables provided and installed by Freyssinet. 3_ On the Millau viaduct in France, Freyssinet installed stay cables on the cantilevered deck in order to spread out catenary variations during launching. Several structures were built in Europe. In Ireland, Freyssinet Ltd took part in the construction of the Boyne bridge, the largest bridge and the first cable-stayed bridge in the country. In northwest Poland, the subsidiary Freyssinet Polska installed the 104 stay cables supporting the deck of the 180 m long Wolin arch bridge. In the Corinth gulf in Greece, the company participated in construction of the RionAntirion bridge. For this 2,252 m structure built in a highly earthquake-prone region, Freyssinet used the state-of-the-art in stay cable anchors and PSD earthquake protection systems to limit excessive bending of the strands during seisms. In France, the stay cable work on the Millau viaduct began in the beginning of the summer 2003. Freyssinet installed ”launching” stay cables to support the cantilevered deck during launching. Lastly, in Portugal, the country hosting the 2004 European Nations Soccer Championship, Freyssinet-Terra Armada provided and installed the 16 stay cables supporting the roof of José Alvalade XXI stadium, home of the Lisbon Sporting Club. /// Suspension Two important suspension bridge projects marked the year in France: the footbridges in Coupvray (Seine-et-Marne) and Loisy (Meurthe-et-Moselle). Freyssinet was the general contractor for both. The first, 34 m long and composed entirely of wood, was built in a little over two months without interruption of river traffic. Spanning the Moselle, the second is composed of two 24 m high inversed V pylons. Lateral cables were installed to ensure transversal stability of this structure that has a span reaching 180 m. CONSTRUCTION METHODS In Malaysia, the Group began placement of the deck of the Sungai Prai bridge, a 2,700 m structure located in Butterworth in the northwest of the country. Over 1,400 segments will be installed, span by span, using an installation truss. In Australia, industrialized prestressed overpasses were installed for the new Sorell causeway on the Tasman Highway. Until now, this technique had only been used in France. Supported by the Group’s expertise, the Australian subsidiary provided technical assistance to the consultant firm during both the design and implementation phases. In Mexico, Freyssinet de Mexico performed the launching of the deck for a new 1,028 m long bridge spanning the Netzahualcóyotl dam in the heart of Chiapas. Pushed by four 900 ton powered hydraulic jacks, the metal deck was equipped with a temporary cable-stayed mast and a front steel nose to ease docking to the piers. A modern bridge in Malaysia > Though not the longest or highest, the Muar bridge in Malaysia is still one of the most modern bridges ever constructed. Its stay cable system, designed, delivered and installed by Freyssinet, uses deviation saddles and Cohestrand and its cables are coated with yellow PEHD specially formulated to be resistant to photooxidation. In Poland, the Freyssinet Polska subsidiary was in great demand for prestressing work (600 tons of steel) and for the launching of the viaduct of the west boulevard in the city of Wroclaw. Composed of two parallel curved decks of 610 and 624 m, each equipped with front steel noses, the structure was built in successive 33.5 m spans without perturbing traffic on the railway and road it crosses. 1 STRENGTHENING AND REPAIR Aside from one concrete decontamination project using cathodic protection performed by Freyssinet in association with its subsidiary CCSL (Corrosion Control Services Ltd) for a container terminal in Hong Kong, repair work was mainly concentrated in Europe. Several projects were performed over the year. shotcreting, was used to strengthen the structure of the Saint-Gobain-Desjonquères plant that had been damaged by fire. In the same region, the Group took part in the rehabilitation of the settling basins at the Millennium plant in Le Havre. Their external structure was strengthened by applying 350 m2 of TFC (carbon fiber fabrics), a process developed by Freyssinet in the 1990s. The same method was applied in collaboration with Sogea Construction to strengthen the slabs of the Gambetta parking structure in Montpellier. Fixed using frames, the slabs will be strengthened with TFC applied to 3,800 m2. And, across the Channel, a mixed solution using prestressing bars and carbon fibers was used to repair and strengthen the vault of the lecture hall in Rosemary Murray library in Cambridge. 2 1_ The Group provided the methods for construction of the Sorell causeway bridge (Australia). 2_ Freyssinet teams used 1,200 tons of shotcrete in Seine-Maritime (France) to rehabilitate a plant damaged by fire. In France, Freyssinet France was chosen to repair the Miret suspension bridge in Floirac (Lot), a 140 m long structure constructed in 1912. The suspension, hangers and deck were replaced using the ”tendon tools” technique (see p. 2). In Le Tréport (Seine-Maritime), another repair technique mastered by Freyssinet, C o n s t r u c t i o n , I m p r o v e m e n t , D u r a b i l i t y. . . _FREYSSINET GROUP 08 22 SPANS TREATED SEPARATELY ON THE ZERI VIADUCT IN ITALY USING A NEW LIFTING SYSTEM 1 DEMOLITION, RECONSTRUCTION, STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION Without a doubt, the largest structural modification project completed by Freyssinet in 2003 (in collaboration with Dodin) was the widening of 3.2 m of each deck of the Bellevue bridge on the Nantes ring road in France. This project involved the installation of 300 ton concrete slabs on the old deck. In addition, the endeavor was quite spectacular because it included the installation and moving as work progressed of a 90 m long temporary overpass designed to keep traffic flowing on this important roadway. STRUCTURAL FITTING REPLACEMENT 2 In the USA, Freyssinet LLC, a North American subsidiary of the Group, performed several repair projects including the replacement of 24 bearings on a bridge in Rockville, Maryland. For this project, the company used Cipec WR50 expansion joints for the first time in the country. In Portugal, the LAO system (computer-aided lifting) was used by Freyssinet-Terra Armada during complete renovation of the Serpa bridge. The 400 m long structure was strengthen with additional prestressing and was equipped with new Tetron bearings and expansion joints. 3 1_ Widening of the Bellevue bridge in Nantes (France) required installation of a 90 m long overpass to avoid interruption of traffic. 2_ Freyssinet performed the lifting of mobile formwork travellers for the new cable-stayed bridge under construction on the Panama canal. 3_ At the end of the year, Freyssinet performed the first lifting operations of the roof of the new casino in Campione, the small Italian enclave in Switzerland. In Italy, Freyssinet successfully completed renovation work on the Zeri motorway viaduct between Parma and La Spezia. A new ”top-access” lifting system was designed to replace the Neoprene bearings and install an earthquake protection system. Using this system, each of the 22 spans was treated separately and the pier heads were strengthened with additional prestressing. In Great Britain, Freyssinet Ltd and its subsidiary CCSL (Corrosion Control Services Ltd) completed the strengthening of the Blake bridge crossing the Parrot river in Somerset County. Here, the bearings and expansion joints were also replaced. The British subsidiary was also chosen to design, provide and install new bearings on the Thelwall viaduct in northwest England. LIFTING In October and November, Freyssinet performed the first lifting operations of the roof of a new casino in the small Italian enclave of Campione in Switzerland. Assembled on the ground, this 1,100 ton metal structure was lifted twice by 9 m using the latest in strand lift jack system controlled by a new guiding system. After the last lifting in 2004, the structure will rise to thirty meters above the ground. In Panama, the Freyssinet Group is taking part in the construction of the second bridge over the canal. At the end of the previous year, Freyssinet completed heavy lifting over heights totalling 80 m of mobile formwork travellers and installed the formworks on piers. In the capital of Abu Dhabi, a large 980,000 m2 platform was treated by Ménard Soltraitement using dynamic compaction. ≤ Soils 37% OF SALES VOLUME ■ ■ ■ CONTINUING THE SAME TREND FROM SOIL TREATMENT ACTIVITIES REPRESENTED 2002, SOIL REINFORCEMENT AND 37% OF SALES VOLUME IN 2003. FOR ONE MISSION CHARACTERIZED BY ITS MATURITY AND ANOTHER BY THE NECESSITY FOR SPECIFIC TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS, TWO PROJECTS - JAMESTOWN (USA) BRIDGE USING CONSOLIDATION IN TECHSPAN DUNKIRK (FRANCE) - ARCHES REHABILITATION OF THE AND OFFSHORE ILLUSTRATE WELL THE DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL FOR NEW APPLICATIONS OF EXISTING OR INNOVATIVE PROCESSES IN FRANCE. _FREYSSINET GROUP 10 1,000,000 m 2 OF REINFORCED EARTH WALLS ERECTED IN 2003 GROUND REINFORCEMENT Reinforced Earth retaining walls are constructed all over the world by Group subsidiaries or licenced networks and are becoming more popular with project managers: they are easy to install, boast a variety of surfaces (TerraClass, TerraTrel, TerraPlus, etc.), can be adapted for all environments and are an attractive solution for sustainability. 1 RETAINING WALLS 2 2 3 1_ In Boulogne-sur-Mer, prefabricated surface facings covered with architectural designs were used to build Reinforced Earth structures. 2_ As part of a vast rehabilitation program, 38,480 m2 of Reinforced Earth walls will be installed on the Chicago Skyway. 3_ In the United Arab Emirates, Reinforced Earth provided 17,000 m2 of TerraBlock for a roadway intersection. After completing its first Reinforced Earth project in Laos for the Sepon gold mine located in the heart of the jungle, the Australian Reinforced Earth subsidiary won the new contract for a copper mine. This subsidiary is also present in Malaysia and participated in the construction of a 9 m high, 3,360 m2 TerraClass wall used as a quay in the Kedah province. Freyssinet Korea also used TerraClass facings in the north of South Korea to build 13,600 m2 of retaining walls for the Mungok-Mureung roadway. In Africa, South African Reinforced Earth subsidiary also used the same facings for an open-air diamond mine in Namibia. The South African subsidiary performed the studies and then provided the synthetic Freyssisol reinforcements and the crusher blockheads for a total of 1,132 m2 of surface. In Asia, on the Layari roadway near Karachi (Pakistan), the United Arab Emirates subsidiary, Freyssinet Gulf, began work on a large project it won in 2002 for 291,000 m2 of retaining walls also equipped with Freyssisol reinforcements. For its part, Reinforced Earth participated in two projects on the North American continent. The first, in British Columbia, involved the installation of 3,110 m2 of TerraClass facings for load bearing abutments and access ramps for the new bridge over the Puntledge. The second project, part of rehabilitation of a 12.5 km section of the Chicago Skyway tollway, involves the construction of 11,000 m2 of Reinforced Earth walls by 2005. In Lower California (Mexico), the Tierra Armada subsidiary installed a particularly well-designed facing system using 10,000 m2 of new square TerraPlus architectural panels for the platform retaining walls at a luxury hotel complex. In Abu Dhabi, Freyssinet Middle East employed a different facing system composed of empty prefabricated concrete blocks designed to contain flowers and plants (TerraBlock) for 1,700 m2 to create an aesthetically pleasing structure on the lower section of an access ramp. In Den Bosch (Holland), the combination of two surface facings was selected for the construction of a luxury residential complex over an old soccer field. Because the lower section of the retaining walls is underground, the surface solutions chosen combines 500 m2 of TerraClass scales for the lower section with mesh TerraTrel walls filled with natural stones for the upper section. This year in France, a Reinforced Earth project for almost 9,000 m2 began on the A75 highway. A contract was signed for materials and technical assistance for the installation of 33,000 m2 of retaining walls on the highway section of the A51 between Grenoble and Sisteron. Finally, two large projects, one in the south and the other in the north, were completed this past year. For the first, launched in 2002, Terre Armée SNC provided technical assistance for installation of a 4,000 m2 TerraTrel wall Cooperation yields success > The collaboration between Reinforced Earth in the USA and its Canadian counterpart that has vast experience in the construction of wide arches resulted in installation of the longest arches ever used in the USA (19 m) as part of reconstruction of the Jamestown bridge. This technical success greatly reduced costs and operating time for the project manager. 1 at the new Spaak intersection in Montpellier. In the second project in Boulogne-sur-Mer, the company was appointed by the Departmental Equipment Service of Pas-de-Calais to study and provide 3,800 m2 of surface for a structure over a railway. The walls are a maximum of 8 m high and present architechtural surfaces with fish designs in reference to the activities of the largest French fishing port. In Italy, Freyssinet-Terra Armata Srl designed a combination of surface systems to build an anti-noise blank wall on the Milan beltway. Completed in October, this 5,200 m2 structure has two sides: one using TerraTrel and the other, the anti-noise component, covered with TerraClass facings. FOUNDATIONS 2 1_ In the heart of Sydney, in Australia, Austress Freyssinet completed a foundation project using Freyssimix jet-grouting. In Australia, the Freyssimix foundation column construction system using jet-grouting was implemented successfully to provide the foundation for a complex of luxury buildings on Darling Island in the heart of the Sydney port. The Group’s Australian subsidiary, Austress Freyssinet, that completed this project has great expertise using this technique. The solution saved 18 days on the planned operational schedule. ARCHES The applications of prefabricated TechSpan arches, designed and traditionally used for underground structures (road or railway), were extended in 2003 to bridge strengthening and repair. TechSpan arches (18 m opening, 5.5 m high and 10 m long) and TerraClass facings (for blockheads) were used to rapidly reconstruct at low cost the small Clemmer bridge at the entrance of Perth East in Ontario (Canada). Halfway through the year, the same method was employed to replace the old Jamestown bridge in New York state (see photo above). Upon completion of this project, Reinforced Earth (USA) won two new contracts for the construction of TechSpan arches in Austin, Texas. 2_ The use of TechSpan arches proposed by Reinforced Earth Canada made it possible to rapidly reconstruct the Clemmer bridge in Perth East. C o n s t r u c t i o n , I m p r o v e m e n t , D u r a b i l i t y. . . Dunkirk: living innovation > The underwater soil consolidation method proposed by Ménard Soltraitement and chosen by the Autonomous Port of Dunkirk (France) is an adaptation of a land-based process: vibroreplacement. Using the ”bottom feed”, a device tested at the beginning of the year in San Diego (USA), 1,225 offshore stone columns were created. SOIL TREATMENT 1 Based on a science that is still new, soil mechanics, activities in this field employ processes developed over the last 35 years that first were able to treat sandy soils (dynamic compaction), followed by clay soils (ballasted blocks) and increasingly heterogeneous land (Ménard Vacuum, Controlled Modulus Columns, vibroreplacement) and now can be used for the consolidation of underwater soil. SOIL TREATMENT WITHOUT INCORPORATION OF MATERIALS 2 1_ In Kwang Yang (South Korea), Ménard Soltraitement began atmospheric consolidation of the soil prior to construction of a new port terminal. 2_ On the Abu Dhabi ledge, the zones to be treated by dynamic compaction were handled by four units working with 25 or 15 ton masses. In Australia, construction of the Townsville Sugar Terminal, completed in collaboration with the Australian subsidiary, Austress Freyssinet, illustrates the advantages of both Ménard Soltraitement processes and integrated soils and structures solutions. Instead of applying the original soil improvement method chosen (backfill and preloading), the consultant Engineer decided to apply active Ménard Soltraitement techniques (dynamic compaction and ballasted blocks). These different solutions can be applied to three types of land identified using a pressuremeter and made it possible to effectively consolidate the soil beds and ensure carrying capacity and uniform settlement throughout the structure. These techniques also helped shorten the operational schedule by six weeks, thus reducing costs for the project manager. In the Middle East, Ménard Soltraitement teams took part in vast redevelopment projects launched by the sovereign of Abu Dhabi to beautify the capital of the emirate. Before construction could begin, the enormous 980,000 m2 platform created in front of the gulf by hydraulic backfill needed to be consolidated. This project was granted to Ménard Soltraitement who used dynamic compaction for the job and mobilized four units operating in 6 m grids with 25 or 15 ton masses for seven months. Following completion of the work in October, a new soil consolidation project in the emirate for an area of more than 1 million square meters was assigned to the company. In Asia, on the site of construction of a container terminal in the South Korean port of Kwang Yang, the Korean subsidiary of Ménard Soltraitement, Sangjee Ménard, began atmospheric consolidation of the highly compressible clay soil using the patented Ménard Vacuum technique. _ANNUAL REPORT _2003 13 42,000 M OF CMC IN SEVEN WEEKS IN THE VAL-D’OISE (FRANCE) Ménard Soltraitement was active on three sites in Spain. The first two are located in Andalusia and involved the installation of 245,000 m of vertical drains on the construction site of the west Jerez ring road and of the Los Barrios bypass near Algésiras. The third project conducted in Martorell near Barcelona involves treatment using dynamic replacement of 9,000 m2 of soil on the path of the future high-speed train line between Madrid and the French border. SOIL TREATMENT WITH INCORPORATION OF MATERIALS In the United Kingdom, on the construction site of the Southern Distributor Road, the new Newport ring road, Ménard Soltraitement completed its soil consolidation project using Controlled Modulus Columns (CMC) prior to creation of blackfill for the road. This work involved two teams. In addition, the company was awarded the project for soil treatment in the port sectors and a nearby landfill. In total, 9,500 Controlled Modulus Columns were installed. In France, the company provided services on the East LGV construction site (the future high-speed train line between France and Germany). On plots 10 and 12 in Ilede-France and 31D and 34B in Lorraine, Ménard Soltraitement completed consolidation of the surface layer of recent alluvia 6 m deep on average. No special difficulties were observed on the Ile-de-France sites and both were treated using vertical drains. The two Lorraine plots were much more complex and this technique was used in conjunction with CMCs and ballasted blocks. On a site in the Val-d’Oise, technical constraints made it impossible to use normal Controlled Modulus Columns and this flexible technique was adapted. For the first time, 42,000 m of small-diameter Controlled Modulus Columns, called “matchsticks” CMCs, were implemented in seven weeks to consolidate land prepared for a 26,000 m2 logistical warehouse. Lastly, in Dunkirk, Ménard Soltraitement’s proposal for consolidation of an underwater embankment on the quai des Flandres was chosen. A green light was given for initiation of the project (see photo on the opposite page). DEPOLLUTION In Romania, east of Bucharest, Ménard Soltraitement finished at the beginning of 2003 the depollution of the soil under a future large supermarket. The system used involved a network of suction drains connected to a pumping room by collectors and a network of clean air drains connected to the exterior. Before the floor slabs were poured, 14,000 m of drains and 5,600 m of collectors were installed. 1 2 1_ To meet specifications, Ménard Soltraitement adapted the diameter of the CMCs for a project in the Val-d’Oise (France). 2_ 9,500 CMCs were used for construction of the Newport ring road in the United Kingdom. C o n s t r u c t i o n , I m p r o v e m e n t , D u r a b i l i t y. . . _FREYSSINET GROUP 14 Consolidated balance sheet (thousand of euro) Assets 2003 2002 Intangible assets other than goodwill Goodwill Tangible assets Financial assets: subsidiaries and affiliates other financial assets 3,220 19,243 22,598 5,382 1,757 3,625 4,497 19,999 26,113 5,157 1,910 3,247 Total fixed assets 50,443 55,766 Inventories and work in-progress Trade notes and accounts receivables Others receivables Deferred tax asset Short-term financial receivables and other investments securities Cash 24,610 143,398 21,061 2,422 25,728 147,668 27,746 3,017 14,483 16,942 7,021 15,919 Total current assets 222,916 227,099 Total assets 273,359 282,865 (thousand of euro) Equity and liabilities 2003 2002 15,625 20,867 605 37,097 2,846 40,690 22,146 15,625 37,468 – 11,951 41,142 5,237 30,574 30,310 102,779 107,263 8,708 90,742 48,879 883 21,368 9,779 92,633 42,754 841 29,595 Total current liabilities 170,580 175,602 Total equity and liabilities 273,359 282,865 Capital stock Consolidated reserves (group share) Net income of the period (group share) Shareholder’s equity Minority interests Provisions for liability Long-term financial debt Total long-term capital Down-payments from clients Trade notes and accounts payable Others payables Deferred tax liabilities Short-term financial debt _ANNUAL REPORT _2003 15 Income statement (thousand of euro) 2003 2002 419,529 8,656 428,185 – 420,359 430,488 8,910 439,398 – 436,163 7,826 3,235 Financial expenses Depreciation and provisions, financial items – 2,597 –,388 – 4,198 – 270 Net financial income – 2,985 – 4,468 4,841 – 1,233 1,898 – 1,547 – 925 – 5,433 Net exceptional income 351 – 6,368 Amortization of goodwill Current taxes Deferred taxes – 1,618 – 2,412 – 614 – 3,714 – 3,026 2,616 548 – 11,725 62 –5 0 – 226 605 – 11,951 Net sales Other income Total income Operating expenses Operating income Pre-tax income before extraordinary items Exceptional items Depreciation and provisions Net income for consolidated Group share in companies equity interest Minority interests Net income (group share) The past three years (thousand of euro) 2003 2002 2001 419,529 313,625 430,488 330,483 388,649 289,672 605 – 11,951 – 559 Shareholders’ equity including income of the period Provisions for liabilities 37,097 40,690 41,142 30,574 39,495 23,264 Cash flow generated from operations 22,351 8,678 398 Capital expenditure and financial investments of the period: capital expenditure acquisition of financial investments 7,904 7,331 573 15,280 11,863 3,417 18,540 13,825 4,715 Average number of employees 2,991 2,918 2,788 Net sales Foreign sales Net income (group share) _FREYSSINET GROUP 16 Great Britain Canada Poland The Netherlands Hungaria Ireland Belgium Switzerland France Spain Italy Portugal United States South Korea Japan Romania Turkey Egypt Koweït United Arab Emirates Mexico Hong Kong Thailand Vietnam Malaysia Pakistan Venezuela Singapore Indonesia Brazil Australia South Africa Argentina New Zealand The Freyssinet Group Worldwide North and South America Europe > BELGIUM Freyssinet > ARGENTINA Belgium N.V. Freyssinet Tierra Armada Vilvoorde Buenos Aires Terre Armée > BRAZIL Belgium N.V. Freyssinet Ltda Vilvoorde Rio de Janeiro STUP Premoldados Ltda > SPAIN Sao Paulo Freyssinet S.A. Madrid Terra Armada Ltda Rio de Janeiro Tierra Armada Espana, S.A. > CANADA Madrid Reinforced Earth Company Ltd > FRANCE Mississauga Freyssinet International & Cie > USA Vélizy Freyssinet LLC Chantilly Freyssinet France Vélizy The Reinforced Earth Company Ménard Vienna Soltraitement Nozay DGI-Ménard Bridgeville PPC Saint-Rémy > MEXICO Freyssinet de Mexico Terre Armée SNC Tierra Armada C.V. Vélizy Mexico D.F. > GREAT BRITAIN > VENEZUELA Freyssinet Ltd Tierra Armada CA Reinforced Earth San Bernardino Telford > HUNGARIA Pannon Freyssinet Ltd Budapest > IRELAND Reinforced Earth Company Ireland Kildare > ITALY Freyssinet Terra Armata S.R.L. Rome > THE NETHERLANDS Freyssinet Nederland B.V. Waddinxveen Terre Armée B.V. Breda > POLAND Freyssinet Polska sp z.o.o. Milanowek > PORTUGAL Freyssinet Terra Armada Lisbon > ROMANIA Freyrom Bucharest > SWITZERLAND Freyssinet S.A. Moudon Africa > SOUTH AFRICA Freyssinet Posten (Pty) Ltd Olifantsfontein Reinforced Earth (Pty) Ltd Johannesburg > EGYPT Freyssinet Egypt Giza Asia > SOUTH KOREA Freyssinet Korea Co. Ltd Seoul Sangjee Ménard Co. Ltd Séoul > UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Freyssinet Gulf LLC Dubai Freyssinet Middle East Dubai > HONG KONG Freyssinet Hong Kong Ltd Honk Kong Reinforced Earth Pacific Ltd Honk Kong > INDONESIA PT Freyssinet Total Technology Jakarta > JAPAN F.K.K. TAKK Tokyo > KUWAIT Freyssinet International & Co. Safat > MALAYSIA Freyssinet PSC (M) Kuala Lumpur Reinforced Earth Management Services Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur Ménard Geosystems Sdn Bhd Selangor > PAKISTAN Reinforced Earth Pvt Ltd Islamabad > SINGAPORE PSC Freyssinet (S) Pte Ltd Singapore Reinforced Earth Pte Ltd Singapore > THAILAND Freyssinet Thailand Ltd Bangkok > TURKEY Freysas Kadikoy - Istanbul Reinforced Earth N AAT Proje VE T Caret A. (REA) Üsküdar - Istanbul > VIETNAM Freyssinet Vietnam Hanoi Oceania > AUSTRALIA Austress Freyssinet Pty Ltd Seven Hills Reinforced Earth Pty Ltd Hornsby > NEW ZEALAND Freyssinet New Zealand Ltd Reinforced Earth Ltd Auckland Designed and Created by The Synelog Agency 41, rue Greneta - 75002 PARIS Tel.: 01 53 00 10 00 Photos by Freyssinet, Actophoto, Axel Heise, David Houlston, Barry Mason, José-Angel Murillo, John de Rooy, Francis Vigouroux. 1 BIS, RUE DU PETIT-CLAMART 78140 VÉLIZY-VILLACOUBLAY FRANCE TEL.: (+33) 1 46 01 84 84 FAX: (+33) 1 46 01 85 85
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