Total Intravenous Anaesthesia ( TIVA) for Laparoscopic Day Surgery
Total Intravenous Anaesthesia ( TIVA) for Laparoscopic Day Surgery
Total Intravenous Anaesthesia ( TIVA) for Laparoscopic Day Surgery Dr. H. Metwally Department of Anaesthesia, Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby, UK Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Why Day Surgery? The patient has a planned procedure at a guaranteed time with no cancellations because of emergencies. Recovering at home also cuts the risk of picking up a hospital acquired infection. Most operations can be carried out sooner and are much less likely to be cancelled if you are able to have day surgery. Many people like to spend as little time in hospital as possible and prefer to be at home with their family or friends. There is less disruption to your daily routine, childcare is easier to plan and very often you will be back at work sooner. Improved utilization of general surgeon in local clinic and clinic´s facilities. Potential advantage of day surgery are cost saving, Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Why TIVA? Quick patient recovery of postoperative psychomotor performance. Obviates the use of N2O Decrease of PONV in the post-operative period. Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Cost of TIVA the cost of TIVA can also be decreased if a single pump and infusion pump sets are used. The cost of TIVA with propofol was less than SEVO or DES anesthesia and moreover, propofol TIVA offered benefit of faster recovery in the study. PMID: 18251240 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE, 2007 Dec;45(4):205-10. Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Total Intravenous Anaesthesia Haemodynamic stability Controlled ventilation without muscle relaxants Good recovery profile Low incidence of PONV Excellent patient satisfaction Juckenhofel et al Anaesthetist. 48(11):807-12 Nov 1999 Chung et al Acta Anaes Scandinavica 44(7):790-8 Aug 2000 Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital TIVA in Day Surgery Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Laparoscopy in Day Surgery 10-25% of day surgery patients 8.9% of all day case procedures in last year in our hospital ( 601/6780) Significant intra-operative and post- operative problems High rate of unplanned admissions 5.3% overnight hospital admission rate Hedayatti et al., BJA 83(5):776-9 Nov 1999 Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Unplanned Admission Factors contributing to unplanned admission: - PONV(61%) - Pain (15%) - Urinary retention (9%) - Dizziness (5%) - Misc... ( 10%) Anaesthesia direct contributing factor Hitchcock et al Anaesthesia for day surgery Br J Hosp Med 1995; 54:202-6 Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Aims To evaluate TIVA - Ability to provide controlled ventilation without muscle relaxants - Operating conditions - Side-effects - Awakening time To evaluate the PONV rate To assess the quality of post-operative analgesia To evaluate the unplanned hospital admission rate Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Anaesthetic Technique Pre-assessment Induction & maintenance with Propofol TCI TM and Remifentanil: controlled ventilation with O2 and air via LMA Post-operative pain control: balanced analgesia diclofenac premedication, pethidine intra-operatively ± in recovery, co-codamol, tramadol Antiemesis: prophylactic anti-emetic ondansetran (droperidol) and prochlorperazine Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Distribution of Patients’ Age Mean age: 32.34±1.68years 60 50 Range: 17-57 years 40 Age in Years 30 12/83 (14.46%) were 20 over 40 years 10 0 Patients Number 3-D Column 1 Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital ASA Status ASA I : 62/83 ( 73%) ASA STATUS Slice 2 27% ASA II : 21/83 ( 27%) Slice 1 Slice 2 Slice 1 73% Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Distribution of weight Mean weight: Slice 3 23% Slice 4 Slice 1 6% 13% Slice 1 Slice 2 Slice 2 58% 72.88 ± 3.5 kg Range: 47-124 kg < 50 kg (slice 1)- 6% 51-70 kg (slice 2) -58% 71-90 kg (slice 3) -23% > 90 kg (slice 4) - 13% Slice 3 Slice 4 Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Type of Procedure Type of operations Laparoscopic 40 40 35 30 25 25 20 No.of 20 patients 15 15 10 5 sterilization - 15% Diagnostic laparoscopy - 40% 3-D Column 1 Diag.Laparoscopy + hysteroscopy - 25% Hernia Repair – 20% 0 Lap.Ster Dr. H. Metwally Diag.Lap + hyst.scopy Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Technique Propofol Cpt 2-6 mcgm/ml Remifentanil Cpt 2-6 nanogm/ml Mivacurium 100-150 mcgm/kg one dose LMA (Proseal) or ETT IPPV/Pr.Cont/1220CmH20>>Vt.~550ml X12/min Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Group Duration (min.) Propofol (mg/kg/hr) Remifentanil (g/kg/min.) Laparoscopic sterilization - 15% 34.28 1.14 12.15 0.32 0.24 0.01 Diagnostic laparoscopy - 40% 33.09 1.80 12.27 0.60 0.26 0.02 Diag. Laparoscopy + hysteroscopy - 25% 30.06 1.12 12.17 0.50 0.25 0.01 Hernia Repair – 20% 33.06 1.34 12.23 0.60 0.25 0.05 All Laparoscopies n=83 33.04 1.32 12.34 0.54 0.25 0.02 Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Peak Airway Pressure 40 35 30 25 cm of water 20 15 10 5 0 3-D Column 1 Dr. H. Metwally Patient number Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Awakening Time Mean: 10.04±0.49 min Slice 3 29% Slice 4 10% Slice 1 16% Range: 1 - 23 min < 5 min - 16% Slice 2 45% Dr. H. Metwally 6-10 min - 45% 11-15 min -29% > 15 min - 10% Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Side- Effects 0.05 0.048 0.045 0.036 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 3-D Column 1 0.02 0.015 0.01 0 0.005 0 0 Hypotension Dr. H. Metwally Bradycardia Pt.movement Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Regurgitation PONV Incidence ranges from 40 -77% Bailey et al Anesthesiology 1990 Hovorca et al can J Anesthesiology 1989 Madej et al BJA 1986 PONV is significantly lower with TIVA Chung et al Acta Anaesthes Scandinavica 2000 Balanced antiemesis is more effective David J Rowbotham Editorial BJA 2000 Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital PONV Overall PONV rate 8 7 was 9.64% 2 patients in recovery and 1 patient in ward required rescue antiemetic (3.6%) Only 1 patient had severe PONV needing hospital admission 1.2 6 5 %4 2.4 6 3 2 2.4 1 0 Recovery Dr. H. Metwally Ward Vomiting Nausea Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Post-operative Pain Severe and prolonged after lap. Sterilisation Alexander JI Pain after laparoscopy BJA 1997: 79: 369-78 Multi-modal analgesia more effective and reduces morbidity Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Post-operative Pain Pain score > 7 12 10 10 6 4 Pain scores 8 Lap. Ster - 27.3% Diag.Lap - 16.4% 6 3.73 2.98 2 1.36 Pethidine (mean±sem) 1.09 PAIN SCORE >7 PAIN ON DISCHARGE PAIN ON ADMISSION 0 Intra-op: 36.24 ± 1.3 mg Recovery: 27.43 ± 5.9mg Lap. Ster Diag.Lap Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Obesity ‘BMI > 30 unsuitable for day surgery’ Guidelines for day surgery royal college of surgeons of England 1992 ‘Obesity alone should not be an exclusion criteria’ Davies et al Obesity and day surgery anesthesia Nov 2001 ‘1992 RCS guidelines not adhered by 85% units nation-wide’ Atkins et al Day sugery and BMI: results of national survey Feb 2002 Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Distribution of Weight Mean weight: Slice 3 23% 72.88 ± 3.5 kg Range: 47-124 kg < 50 kg (slice 1)- 6% 51-70 kg(slice 2) -58% 71-90 kg(slice 3) -23% > 90 kg (slice 4) - 13% Slice 4 Slice 1 6% 13% Slice 1 Slice 2 Slice 2 58% Slice 3 Slice 4 Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Unplanned Admission Indicator of quality of the service provided Raising the standard: The Royal College of Anaesthetisis Only 1 out of 83 ( 1.2%) patients in this group ( TIVA) was admitted for severe nausea and vomiting Overall rate of unplanned admissions 60/ 601 ( nearly 10%) in 2001 Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Cost Cost analysis data not available for TIVA vs conventional anaesthesia in the literature Should include costs saved by preventing post-operative morbidity / unplanned admission Costs £230 ($ 415) for single patient experiencing severe PONV Carroll et al J Clin Anesth1994 Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Conclusions TIVA without muscle relaxants is a safe and effective technique for day case laparoscopic surgery Along with multi-modal analgesia and antiemesis, TIVA reduces post-operative morbidity and unplanned admission rate Dr. H. Metwally Diana Princeses of Wales Hospital Thank You