slatewood brown swiss - Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders of Australia
slatewood brown swiss - Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders of Australia
AUSTRALIAN VICE PRESIDENT DAVID KEMP RSM 292 Yoongarillup Rd Bussellton WA 6280 Ph: 0897533210 email: SECRETARY/TREASURER Jenny Trigwell P O Box 33 Dardanup WA 6236 BROWN SWISS DIGEST Ph/Fax 0897315083 Internet address for home page: All committee are Publicity Officers (Public Officer Max Canobie) NATIONAL COUNCIL NSW BRANCH CEO & EDITOR PRESIDENT EMILY BROWN SUSAN BROWN Kenara Coree Rd Deniliquin NSW RMB 2155 Boundary Rd 2710 FINLEY NSW 2713 Ph 03 58 826233 Mobile 0427 858 529 Ph/Fax 0358839470 Mob: 0409710182 VICE PRESIDENT DAVID SHIBBLE email: P O Box 54 Narromine NSW 2821 or Phone: 0268895897 Mob 0429895897 NATIONAL PRESIDENT JOE BRADLEY VICE PRESIDENT PAUL BALFOUR 1530 Dayboro Rd 551 Candelo-Bega Rd Dayboro QLD 4521 Kanoona Via Bega NSW 2550 Ph 07 34251289 Ph: 0264932626 /Mob 0409 193 137 Mobile: 0400642063 email: SECRETARY ANDREA HENRY NATIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT 334 Mayfield Rd, Pyree NSW 2540 DAVID SHIBBLE Phone/Fax 0244470225 PO Box 54 Narromine NSW 2821 Phone: (02) 68895897 TREASURER KATH CAVANAGH Mobile: 0429895897 PH: 0247210960 E-mail: PUBLICITY NATIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT All members of committee ROBBIE RADEL Max Wake 0265721396 8239 Maryborough Hwy Wayne Mc Grath 0247748655 Biggenden QLD 4621 Susan Brown 0409710182 Ph 0741271774 Mob 0416162404 Cathy Simpson 0358825951 Jennifer Van Rijthoven 0887266247 PUBLIC OFFICER Public Officer Max Canobie Max Canobie QUEENSLAND BRANCH BRANCH DELEGATES PRESIDENT CASS MAY NEW SOUTH WALES 221 Gowrie Tilgonda Rd Emily Brown, Max Wake, Paul Balfour Gowrie Junction QLD 4352 David Shibble, Jennifer Van Rijthoven Ph 0746307232 QUEENSLAND VICE PRESIDENT: JOE BRADLEY Cassandra Kath, Rod Huth, Ph: 0734251289 Joe Bradley, Robbie Radel, VICE PRESIDENT: ROBBIE RADEL VICTORIA 8239 Maryborough Hwy Max Canobie, Stephen Huth Biggenden QLD 4621 Jim Gilmore Phone 0741271774 WESTERN AUSTRALIA SECRETARY Katherine Huth Jenny Trigwell, Don Fry CLASSIFICATION & TYPE PANEL TRSR JENNY FIECHTNER Delegates determined by the Branches Ph/Fax 0746959151 from time to time PUBLICITY TRACEY HUTH the CEO is the Convenor COMMITTEE: BRANCH COMMITTEES Rod Huth 07 49963330 WESTERN AUSTRALIA BRANCH Luke Thompson 07 54232104 PRESIDENT MICHELLE TRIGWELL David Von Hoff 0746927741 P O Box 33 Dardanup WA 6236 Mick Wilson 0746962132 Ph: 0438191202 Max Canobie Public Officer email: 3 VICTORIAN BRANCH PRESIDENT MAX CANOBIE Ph 0356287797 email: 100 Fisher Road Drouin West 3818 VICE PRESIDENT KEVIN GASS Ph 0355943236 email: 870 Princetwon Rd Cooriemungle 3268 SECRETARY / TREASURER STEVE HUTH Ph 0355943078 email: COMMITTEE DONNA EDGE Ph 0355945338 email: 199 Jancourt Forest Rd Carpendeit 3260 JIM GILMORE Ph 0354551265 email: 99 Yarrawalla West Rd Pyramid Hill 3575 THERESE EMBREY Ph 0354533529 HOLSTEIN AUSTRALIA’S DETAILS website (login or lookup records on the site) Address: P O Box 489 HAWTHORN Vic 3122 Phone: 03 9835 7600 Fax: 03 9835 7699 ABNORMALITY SUFFIX CODES The following four description groups are used to identify the carrier status of an animal. (W): (A): (M): (D): Designates a known Weaver (W) Spiderleg (A) SMA (M) or SDM (D) carrier determined by identification of affected offspring. (CW): (CA): (CM): (CD): designates a confirmed Weaver, Spiderleg, SMA or SDM animal through diagnosis by an approved laboratory. (W*): (A*): (M*): (D*): designates a Weaver, Spiderleg, SMA or SDM carrier determined by DNA testing, at a confidence level of 90 percent or above. *TW: *TA: *TM: *TD: designates a Weaver, Spiderleg, SMA or SDM NONCARRIER determined by DNA testing, at a confidence level of 90 percent or above. It should be noted that suffixes that are enclosed in parentheses, i.e. (W), indicate that the animal is designated as a carrier of the Weaver abnormality. Suffixes without parentheses indicate a non carrier animal, i.e. *TW suffixes an asterisk indicate the results from a testing program that are associated with a confidence level of 90% or above. Suffixes without an asterisk indicate the information is from diagnosis of an afftected animal. SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR BSCBA MEMBERS GST INCLUSIVE GST incl REGISTRATION Fees a) Imported animals and the product of imported embryos, male or females. ...........................$33.00 (If search required) ………………………………………………………………………………… .$66.00 b) Basic Registration …………………………………………………………………………………..$13.20 c) Rush Delivery - Certificate printed and guaranteed mailed same day …………. $11.00 per certificate (additnl) - Certificate printed and guaranteed mailed next day …………… $4.40 per certificate (additnl) ...... TRANSFERS AND LEASES (per animal or embryo) a) All ……………………………………………………………………………………………......... ....$13.20 b) Within Family Transfers (immediate family), per head .............................................................. $4.40 c) Whole Herd Transfer (walk-in-walk-out) with Cession of Prefix, per head ................................ $4.40 d) Large Volume Transfer from a single herd to a single new owner: first 100, per head - fee as for a) above thereafter, per head………............................................................................ $4.40 e) Mortgage Processing fee, per head……….......................................................................... ..... $4.40 REINSTATEMENTS, REISSUES AND REPORTS a) Registration reinstatement plus duplicate Certificate ............................................................$22.00 b) Registration alteration plus reissue Certificate…………....................................................... .... $5.50 c) Official Three Generation Extended Pedigree………………………...................……………. .... $4.40 d) Enquiry Service - Listings & Computer Reports (per page) ……......................................... ..... $5.50 - Computer Analyses (per page) ........ ...........................................................$11.00 - Progeny listing (per page) ………………………………………………… ...... $2.20 ET FEES a) Certificate of Embryo Recovery/Transfer/Freezing (document ABC) ......................................$22.00 b) Application for Embryo Export/Change of Ownership (document DBC) .................................$22.00 c) Blood Typing plus parentage verification…… ....………………………………………………….$86.90 d) DNA Typing plus parentage verification (hair root) …………………………………………… ...$33.00 FIELD SERVICE FEES a) Classification Farm Visit Fee……… ........................................................................................$55.00 b) Classification, per animal - Female/Male .........................................................................$11.00 c) Checkmate - Setup Fee…… .................................................................................$22.00 - Evaluation, per animal……… ............................................................. $3.30 - Evaluation from classification……...................................................... $2.20 - Evaluation rerun ................................................................................. $1.10 WEB SERVICES a) Official Three Generation Extended Pedigree ......................................................................... $3.30 b) Progeny listing ………………….…… ........................................................................................ $1.10 ANNUAL ADMINISTRATION FEE PER MEMBER ....................................................... ...............$38.50 ADVERTISING RATES FOR THE AUSTRALIAN BROWN SWISS DIGEST 2009 Black and White ½ Page $ 65.00 Or block of 4 per annum $230.00 Full Page $130.00 Or block of 4 per annum $460.00 Stud Listing Business Card per issue $ 15.00 Or block of 4 per annum $ 60.00 ¼ Page $ 35.00 Colour Pages Full Page Inside $190.00 ½ Page Inside $100.00 Back Cover $500.00 Colour Block of 4 per annum Price on Application INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 23 20 20 inside front 6 9 9 20 20 20 20 ABS BARMAROTH BELLA BRUNA BENLEIGH BOS TRADING BRYANDA COOLIBAH COOLTAH CURRAMORE DASH VALLEY GRASSLANDS 9 20 9 20 9 20 9 BACK COVER 9 9 inside back 16 HILLSIDE LINDERLAN MELALEUKA MONTARAE MOUNTAIN VIEW NOVA OAKLEIGH SEMEX SLATEWOOD SHALOM SHERBROOKE 21ST Century IMPORTANT: ET WORK YOU MUST NOW FOLLOW THE CORRECT PROCEDURE FOR EMBRYO RECOVERY / TRANSFER /FREEZING / CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP - YOU CAN GET INFORMATION FROM HOLSTEIN AUSTRALIA WEBSITE OR YOU CAN CONTACT THE CEO WHO WILL SEND INFORMATION TO YOUSHORTLY THE FORMS WILL BE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE AT OUR COVER The three cows on the front cover are the champions from the three biggest Brown Swiss Shows conducted in 2009 1.Roland Lodge Starbuck Victoria Ex Champion IDW 2. Benleigh Cartoon Sasha 2 EX 3. Hillside Agenda Jolene Congratulations to the owners and breeders of such excellent cows MEMBERSHIP FORMS CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM OUR WEBSITE AT: CONTENTS - ISSUE NUMBER 71 3 Committees 4 Contents, Rates etc 5 CEO Report, Genomics, IDW Auction Information 7 BOS Editorial 8 QLD On Farm Challenge 10-12 Classification Spring 08 / Autumn 09 13-15 Brisbane Royal Results 17 ADHIS APR’s 18-19 German BS News 21 Finley Show 22 ABS & 21ST Century/New Generation Editorial 24 WDE - Snickerdoodle Pics and Semex Photographic Competition Information 25 Membership form 26 Semex Editorial The Australian Brown Swiss Digest is the official publication of the BrownSwiss Cattle Breeders of Australia. Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders of Australia are the official Australian representatives of the World Governing Body for Brown Swiss. The Australian Brown Swiss Digest is produced quarterly, and is sent to all members of the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders of Australia and interested persons. The Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders of Australia would like to thank all overseas publications for their assistance in providing the overseas news and to the various contributors who provide material to make this Digest possible. Opinions and views expressed within this Digest are not necessarily those of the BSCBA. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein the National Council of Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders of Australia or its staff accept no responsibility for any content. THE EDITOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE COPY. 4 CEO REPORT September/October 2009 SOME INFORMATION ABOUT GENOMICS Hello again, and welcome to our newest members – Another wonderful win again for our Queensland cattle – I believe the display of Brown Swiss cattle at RNA Brisbane 2009 again made great spectacle. We want to point out that this is only the beginning of the genomics journey: again stressing that the only reason Brown Swiss is able to participate is the original action taken by the Board to “buy in” to genomic research, the Brown Swiss members who contributed to the recent phase, the AI industries financial/genetic support and government support through USDA. As we move forward next with the “Low Density Chip”, which will revolutionize parentage verification, followed by perhaps having entire genomes on each animal within 60 months, our understanding and need to adapt our breeding programs will only increase. However, the rewards of these efforts will be outstanding leading to greater profitability for all Brown Swiss breeders. Included in this Digest is a list of some of the higher awards for Classification. You can view the whole file on the Holstein Australia Site. The National President Joe Bradley and I attended the workshop held during September by the Working Group to discuss rationalization of Herd Recording and other integrated topics. Further discussion will take place and no doubt there will be more meetings of all dairy sectors on this very important topic. At this juncture we want to stress that genomics is a tool to be used in conjunction with other methods of genetic selection. These other methods include parent averages for young animals and actual performance of self or offspring for older bulls/cows. What genomics primarily offers to the Brown Swiss breed at this time is increasing the Reliability, or phrased in another manner the potential accuracy, that is found in bulls/cows with no or limited production data. Currently the most effective usage of genomics will be in comparing littermates or full siblings. As more data (genomes) are added and more research is conducted, the Reliability and utility of genomic information will continue to expand augmenting production and classification information. Emily and I and all our family would like to say a very big THANK YOU to every member who has supported my husband Richard during this very difficult time. Your cheery calls and information about what you are doing and where our great Brown Cow is headed has kept him in great spirits. It is not possible to list everyone who has called – let us just say thank you, for the flowers, the messages and thoughts. A key point that we must not lose focus on is the continuing need for both milk recording and classification scores. Genomics is only as good as the data that the geneticists have to work with. While some may think that genomics will remove the need for testing or scoring cows the reality is the opposite. As with any system of genetic evaluation and selection we still need to “validate” the performance predictions of the genome; we still need the actual performance of the offspring. This applies to any genetic selection process be it based on cow families, corrective matings, actual production, parent pedigree information or genomics the actual performance of the offspring compared to their herdmates and family is what matters; they all require validation. It is membership time again, please remember to pay directly to Holstein Australia. STOP PRESS At the time of printing, the Queensland Branch has received over 90 entries for their annual on-farm challenge. Currently we are working with Insinc on developing the software to facilitate general testing of Brown Swiss animals. All samples will require a bar code to go through the process from the lab to USDA-AIPL back to office. As soon as the system is in place we will let you know on the web page, Brown Cow Talk and in the Bulletin. At this time genomic evaluations will be run every two months. When the office receives the results from USDA they will be sent either by e-mail or surface mail to the breeder. However, these runs will not be “official” and will not show on pedigrees. The “official” genomic evaluation will be at the same time as the general genetic evaluation release (currently January, April and August). There will also be modifications to pedigrees to indicate if the evaluation has a genomic element. This is an exciting time in the annals of the great Brown Cow with the low somatic cell…Dave This is a great way to compare your Brown Swiss to others in the state without the time and expense involved in exhibiting at a show. See page 8 for results and just a few pics of the presentation day - more photos next Digest. Susan INTERNATIONAL DAIRY WEEK - AUCTION IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SUBMITTING AN ENTRY FOR THE BROWN SWISS AUCTION AT INTERNATIONAL DAIRY WEEK 2010 PLEASE CONTACT JIM GILMORE ON 0354551265, EMILY BROWN ON 0358826233 OR 0427858529 OR DAIRY LIVESTOCK SERVICES - BRIAN LESLIE ENTRIES SHOULD BE OF HIGH QUALITY AND BE EITHER PURE OR APP 1 DLS WILL NEED THE INFORMATION BY END NOVEMBER 2009 5 6 7 The BOS TRADING Type Sensation CRIZaster (Zoldo x Jetway) has dominated the August 2009 Italian proofs by more than doubling daughters numbers & becoming the Number 1 Mammary System (142) & Equal Number 1 Type (130) Brown Swiss Sire. As a Second Crop Star, now with 148 daus in production, ZASTER has cemented himself as a true breeding great. ZASTER daughters excel for Rear Udder Height (139) & Width (129), they have excellent milk flow (1018), superior longevity (108), and fast milking speed (106). ZASTER daughters have started CRIZaster Daughter to calve in Australia, and breeders are eager to milk the daughters from this exceptional sire. ZASTER semen is currently available for $25.00 or checkout his super son, BosZADLO. BosINDIANO (Ace x Prelude x Prophet) continues his stance as one of Australia’s biggest selling Brown Swiss Sires, his balanced Type & Productions Index’s rank him as one of the breeds most consistent breeders. INDIANO is the leading ‘Ace’ son available, boasting balanced index’s for Overall Type (125), Udders (122) & Production (1027). INDIANO daughters exhibit a tremendous amount length of body, they excel in udder quality, especially rear udder height (120) & width (121), and have very correct rump structures. Adding to these exceptional traits, INDIANO also offers breeders the breeds best genetics for milking speed (110), BOSPoster Daughter cell count (117) & longevity (117). BosPOSTER (Poldi x Emico) continues to operate at the top end of the Italian Production Proofs, POSTER offers breed leading components ( 0.05 F% & 0.17 P%) & an exceptional type pattern. POSTER is ideal for adding Brown Swiss character & some much needed strength to finer North American bloodlines. POSTER dominates in adding width (129) & slope (114) to rump structures, they have a tremendous foot angle (117), strong fore attachments (129) & deep udder clefts (123). POSTER’s aggressive calves are sure to impress. Although only a small amount of semen still exists, CriMOIADO (Gordon x Vinos) remains the true champion of reliable production genetics. Mike Huth ph 0409 555 042 Now with more than 4200 daughters & Number 3 in the breed, MOIADO offers true component genetics, breeding long lasting cows with tremendous frames & excellent udder texture. MOIADO genetics can now also be sourced thru his many son’s & grandson’s entering progeny test programs throughout the world. An Excellent ‘NEW’ sire has emerged in 2009, PLACIDO (Pronto x Dam of CRIBaxter Jetway). This newly proven PRONTO son holds an excellent balanced proof, with Excellent Udders (125), Great Feet & Legs (121) & a Balanced Type Pattern (119). PLACIDO excels for milking speed (127) & rear udder height (131), so be sure to keep an eye out for this exciting sire later in 2009. BOS Trading continues to seek out the most Elite Young Sires for Australian Breeders, one of our early Progeny Test sires CriBAXTER (Dynasty x Monopoly) is creating a huge amount of interest since the release of his first unofficial proof. BAXTER daughters are beginning to calve & his Initial type proof has him ranked in the TOP 15 USA Type sires. In keeping with our mission to offer superior Brown Swiss Dam of BOSPius Outcross genetics, our Progeny Test Sires also includes a Pitagora son from the Italian Show Champion, Tschenett Brinks Niki VG 88. Soon to be released progeny test sire BOSCharge, is an early Powersurge son of Little Hill Exclaim Lady EX 93, this is an exciting outcross type & production package. Exclaim Lady EX 93 is an R Hart EC Exclaim daughter from Wind Mill SB Licorice EX 91, making 6 generations of VG or EX cows in a row. ‘SUPERBROWN’ Sires dominate in Second Crop Success, for ‘BOS TRADING’ QUEENSLAND 2009 ON FARM CHALLENGE RESULTS JUDGE MR JIM PARKER Class 1 – Cow in milk born after 1/01/07 Class 8 – Cow born before 1/01/07 dry 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Bryanda Damien Sapphire 2 1st 2nd 3rd S Childs A & C Kath Clews Family Nethervale Complete Tahni 4th D & D Scholl D & D Scholl G & K Wenzell DA & CG Vonhoff A & C Kath Vale Farm Morocco Kira Joanne Banker Brandy Nethervale SB Lolita Hillside Primetime Sara Marie Vale Farm Cartoon Madeline Class 2 – Cow in milk born 1/01/06 to 31/12/06 1st 2nd 3rd 4th S Schilds Radel Clews Family A & C Kath BEST UDDER – N Fiechtner Coolibah R Trixie RESERVE BEST UDDER – J Bradley Oakleigh Jane HON MENTION BEST UDDER – DA & CG Vonhoff Bryanda Toni Lamrock Elavesor Dalla Maid Mountain View Sandie 4 Presold Pinkie Nethervale JM Tahni CHAMPION COW – N Fiechtner Coolibah R Trixie RESERVE CHAMPION COW – J Bradley Oakleigh Jane HON MENTION CHAMPION COW – D & D Scholl Hillside Polkem Marion JUNIOR BEST UDDER – Clews Family Presold Pinkie RESERVE JUNIOR BEST UDDER – D & D Scholl Vale Farm Morocca Kira HON MENTION JUNIOR BEST UDDER – S Childs Elavesor Dalla Maid JUNIOR CHAMPION – S Childs Elavesor Dalla Maid RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION – Radel Family Mountain View Sandie 4 HON MENTION JUNIOR CHAMPION – Clews Family Presold Pinkie Class 3 – Cow in milk born 1/01/05 to 31/12/05 1st 2nd 3rd 4th L & M Thompson A & C Kath Radel DA & CG Vonhoff Melaleuka Collect Jolly Hillside Dalton Millie Mountain View Daria Bryanda Cartoon Teresa Qld President Cassandra Kath & Jim Parker Class 4 – Cow in milk born 1/01/03 to 31/12/04 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Radel A & C Kath G & K Wenzel DA & CG Vonhoff Mountain View Impact 2 Cooltah Eskimo Honest Dana Bryanda Cartoon Theresa Class 5 – Cow in milk born 1/01/99 to 31/12/02 1st 2nd 3rd 4th N Fiechtner J Bradley D & D Scholl L & M Thompson Coolibah R Trixie Oakleigh Jane Hillside Polkem Marion Melaleuka Prophet Robbie Radel Jenny Fiechtner & Jim Parker Class 6 – Cow in milk born before 31/12/98 1st 2nd 3rd N Fiechtner RB Huth L & M Thompson Coolibah Tiara Hillside Magnific Lias Rockleigh Daytons Ida Class 7 – Cow or heifer born 1/01/07 to 31/12/07 dry 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Zoe Clews RB Huth D & D Scholl S Childs Benleigh Polo Sarajevo Hillside Zaster Mandy Vale Farm Jet Muriel Gord Sim Orryan Part of the gathering listening to reasons 8 Q U E E N S L A N D HILLSIDE BROWN SWISS Call in and see us when you are in the area - SHALOM BROWN SWISS Visitors always welcome! MICK & JUDY WILSON Most Successful Breeder and Exhibitor Royal Brisbane 2009 Robbie & Rebecca Radel 8239 Maryborough Rd BIGGENDEN QLD 4621 PHONE: 07 4127 1774 MOBILE: 0416 162 404 email: COOLIBAH AND KOORINGAL VALLEY B R A N C H ROD HUTH 349 Mount Kent Boundary Rd Nobby QLD 4360 Ph 07 4696 3330 Fax 07 4696 3363 VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!!! MS 499 HOFFMANS RD TOOWOOMBA QLD 4352 PH: 07 4696 2132 FAX: 07 4696 2153 email: EMAIL: BROWN SWISS BRYANDA BROWN SWISS VISITORS WELCOME AT ANYTIME VISITORS WELCOME AT ANY TIME VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME DAVID, CHERYL AND BELINDA VON HOFF LUKE & MELISSA THOMPSON NADINE FIECHTNER JENNY & KEVIN FIECHTNER CHAMPION COW QLD ON FARM CHALLENGE 2009 MS 29 CLIFTON QLD 4361 PHONE: 07 4695 9151 FAX: 07 4695 9151 OAKLEIGH BROWN SWISS BRADLEY BROS Home of the ON FARM CHALLENGE 2009 Reserve Champion MELALEUKA BROWN SWISS MS 444 JONDARYAN QLD 4403 PH: 07 4692 7741 FAX: 07 4692 7741 GOLINSKI LANE TOOGOOLAWAH QLD 4313 PHONE: 07 5423 2104 SLATEWOOD BROWN SWISS BUILDING A FULL BROWN SWISS HERD ON THE TROPIC OF CAPRICORN New home of Hillside Primetime Sara Maree Call Joe & Noelene THE CLEWS FAMILY 1789 ROSSMOYA ROAD ROSSMOYA CENTRAL QUEENSLAND 4702 Ph/FAX 07 34251289 Mobile: 0400642063 1530 Dayboro Road DAYBORO QLD 4521 VISITORS WELCOMED WITH A SMILE!!! PHONE: 07 49343284 - FAX:07 49343253 9 CLASSIFICATION SPRING 2008 AND AUTUMN 2009 Member Name L J & J A GASS P E & S M BALFOUR P E & S M BALFOUR P E & S M BALFOUR T V & A D HAND COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP A & C KATH COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE JEREMY JOSEFSKI JEREMY JOSEFSKI L J & J A GASS M R & R J WAKE A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN M R HUTH A J & S E LUDWIG A & C KATH ZELDAR PTY LTD ZELDAR PTY LTD S L & J L HUTH M R HUTH L W & M L THOMPSON L W & M L THOMPSON G J OSBORNE RADEL DISCRETIONARY TRUST L J & J A GASS BRADLEY BROTHERS BRADLEY BROTHERS R J & J J CRAWFORD P E & S M BALFOUR IR & SA STOW P E & S M BALFOUR IR & SA STOW IR & SA STOW P E & S M BALFOUR COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP M F & A J WILSON M F & A J WILSON EMILY BROWN M F & A J WILSON COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP P E & S M BALFOUR P E & S M BALFOUR P E & S M BALFOUR P E & S M BALFOUR P E & S M BALFOUR P E & S M BALFOUR P E & S M BALFOUR M R & R J WAKE COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP M R & R J WAKE RADEL DISCRETIONARY TRUST G J OSBORNE E V HOPSON K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE Hd Bk No AUS10328 AUS13015 AUS13007 AUS11798 AUS13126 AUS9751 AUS12528 AUS8231 AUS11756 AUS11130 AUS10682 AUS12531 AUS10671 AUS13573 AUS13536 AUS12081 AUS13546 AUS10847 AUS6587 AUS6600 AUS9306 AUS12024 AUS12024 AUS15966 AUS13129 AUS16920 AUS14704 AUS14700 AUS14688 AUS13203 AUS13207 AUS11823 AUS8816 AUS9143 AUS13784 AUS6338 AUS12251 AUS9228 AUS14552 AUS14963 AUS13581 AUS16141 AUS15747 AUS14316 AUS11880 AUS4142 AUS12545 AUS8039 AUS12541 AUS9285 AUS13994 AUS13394 AUS7864 AUS8134 AUS8739 AUS14603 AUS9629 AUS12995 AUS12701 AUS13023 AUS12699 AUS13026 AUS13018 AUS12273 AUS9050 AUS13770 AUS11511 AUS13074 AUS11939 AUS15794 AUS9513 AUS12527 AUS8228 AUS9108 AUS12534 AUS11127 AUS11752 AUS13889 AUS13547 AUS12101 AUS10771 AUS10798 AUS8470 AUS6595 AUS8003 AUS10343 ABERFELDIE PLAYBOY NANDA BALGARRE DALLAS EBONY BALGARRE DALTON SAPPHIRE BALGARRE SEATTLE SHANNON BENLEIGH VALUE WENDY BENLEIGH VOGUE DAISY COOLIBAH C BLAIRE COOLIBAH M ENA COOLIBAH O BIRKITA COOLIBAH P BELLA COOLIBAH P JACY COOLIBAH P LULITA COOLIBAH P TOIA COOLIBAH S LADORA COOLTAH CARTOON JUDE COOLTAH FREEZE DAISY COOLTAH PENTACLE SALOME COOLTAH POLARIS CHARISMA CURRAMORE CAROL VICTORY 3 CURRAMORE JULIE AYTOLA VICTORY CURRAMORE MAISIE VICTORY DRYFESDALE PRISM DAIRYMAID DRYFESDALE PRISM DAIRYMAID FOGGY MEADOWS GORDON GHOST GADARA CARTOON HART GRASSLANDS DYNASTY PARIS GRASSLANDS GORDON HONEY GRASSLANDS MACARIO JESSIE GRASSLANDS PLAYBOY JESSIE HILLSIDE BB FLEUR HILLSIDE JET HOLLY HILLSIDE PRELUDE MANDY MALANDA VIEW CREDIT BERTHA MALANDA VIEW MAGNIFIC EMERALD MAVERICK VIZER KERRY MEADOW VIEW STAR ROSE MELALUKEA DENMARK 176 MELALUKEA PROPHET HIDIE MONTARAE TURMOIL JUNE MOUNTAIN VIEW IMPACT 3 NETHERVALE BV LOLITA OAKLEIGH CHANTEL OAKLEIGH TORI PARK LANE BILLY BOB DAISY 12 ROCKLEIGH CLAUDIA ROCKLEIGH FANCY BLEND ROCKLEIGH MACKA WABASH ROCKLEIGH MORITZ ROCKLEIGH P F KARINA ROCKLEIGH SHONA SHAIDMALIA SEATTLE DOLLY SHAIDMALIA VALUE SNOWY SHALOM DOWNS PROPHET LADY SHALOM EMORY 120 SHERBROOKE STARINE OLGA TARA VELVET 2 WARRISTON SUMIT CORA BALGARRE JANA BALGARRE LUNAR LASS BALGARRE PRONTO BEAUTY BALGARRE SIMVIT BEAUTY BALGARRE SIMVITEL LADY BALGARRE VINIKT BEAUTY BALGARRE VIZER HEIDI BENLEIGH CHIME VRENELI BENLEIGH DALTON LEADER BENLEIGH DENMARK NICOLE BENLEIGH JULIO OLLY BENLEIGH SIMVITEL JUNE CLASSIC TURMOIL SILVER COOLIBAH C BO COOLIBAH C JASPAR COOLIBAH D DEMINIQUE COOLIBAH E TACITA COOLIBAH P BINDI COOLIBAH R TRIXIE COOLIBAH V JEZABEL COOLTAH BANKER ZITA COOLTAH ESKIMO HONEST COOLTAH FREEZE DALE COOLTAH SUMIT APRON COOLTAH SWARDOPH AGNES CURRAMORE ANGEL CURRAMORE FANNY JULIAN CURRAMORE MOTTLE ENSIGN CURRAMORE TINEY-ANDY 10 DoB 20010802 20040823 20040808 20030305 20040313 20010915 20031002 20000413 20030308 20020716 20020426 20040121 20020601 20040817 20040721 20021002 20041003 20020612 19980909 19990307 20010405 20030210 20030210 20020728 20030331 20060213 20050122 20050111 20010118 20040512 20040531 20030610 20000712 20010130 20050512 19981128 20030524 20010108 20050731 20060902 20040809 20020701 20020630 20041012 20030505 19960527 20031201 19990728 20031030 20010505 20041221 20040723 19991102 20000313 20000927 20040305 20000511 20040727 20040519 20040901 20040501 20040904 20040826 20030823 20010110 20051016 20021117 20031207 20030801 20050809 20010621 20030930 20000124 20010126 20040218 20020612 20021226 20050703 20041017 20030104 20010807 20020118 20000716 19990107 19991206 20011122 Final Sc 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 X Ex 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dairy Stren 90 87 84 84 87 88 87 87 86 87 90 87 86 91 87 86 90 90 85 87 87 88 87 89 88 86 86 83 84 85 89 91 88 85 84 85 86 84 85 87 87 84 88 87 87 86 85 89 86 88 88 89 88 87 89 88 88 85 87 85 86 86 88 87 89 85 85 88 85 87 87 87 87 87 88 84 84 91 91 87 85 86 91 88 87 91 Rump 86 83 86 84 83 85 82 85 87 82 79 82 84 80 84 85 83 88 85 88 79 86 86 90 85 81 87 81 85 86 82 83 88 85 86 88 79 81 84 86 83 80 86 80 87 87 84 83 81 84 77 74 84 86 88 82 87 85 87 87 85 86 84 84 87 84 87 79 86 81 89 86 79 84 80 75 85 82 82 88 83 81 87 88 88 85 Feet & L 87 85 87 90 87 82 86 85 86 87 87 89 87 86 88 89 82 85 88 92 85 87 87 89 90 86 89 90 84 85 86 82 85 87 87 90 87 90 88 86 87 88 85 88 88 89 90 85 87 86 85 90 82 86 91 88 86 88 89 88 87 89 89 87 88 90 88 95 92 90 84 85 87 92 85 88 89 84 88 84 92 88 87 86 84 91 Mry System 82 86 85 85 84 87 85 85 85 83 84 83 85 82 84 83 85 83 84 80 86 84 84 81 80 85 83 85 87 85 83 86 84 86 85 83 85 85 84 85 84 85 84 85 83 82 84 83 85 84 86 83 85 85 79 84 83 88 85 87 87 85 85 87 83 0 86 83 85 85 86 87 88 83 88 89 87 87 85 86 86 86 83 85 86 82 Member Name Hd Bk No A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN JEREMY JOSEFSKI A & C KATH A J & S E LUDWIG A & C KATH A & C KATH A & C KATH K J & J C FIECHTNER ZELDAR PTY LTD L W & M L THOMPSON RADEL DISCRETIONARY TRUST A & C KATH A & C KATH BRADLEY BROTHERS BRADLEY BROTHERS IR & SA STOW IR & SA STOW IR & SA STOW A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP A & C KATH COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN P E & S M BALFOUR P E & S M BALFOUR P E & S M BALFOUR W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE M R & R J WAKE COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP G J OSBORNE M R & R J WAKE K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP A & C KATH COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP A & C KATH A & C KATH L W & M L THOMPSON RADEL DISCRETIONARY TRUST K J & J C FIECHTNER A & C KATH BRADLEY BROTHERS BRADLEY BROTHERS BRADLEY BROTHERS ANDREW MCCONNELL A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN IR & SA STOW W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE L J & J A GASS COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP R C & S M BROWN IR & SA STOW L J & J A GASS ANDREW MCCONNELL COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP K J & J C FIECHTNER COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP A & C KATH A & C KATH W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE JEREMY JOSEFSKI A & C KATH M R HUTH JAMES K COCHRANE L W & M L THOMPSON L W & M L THOMPSON L W & M L THOMPSON RADEL DISCRETIONARY TRUST W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE P E & S M BALFOUR P E & S M BALFOUR BRADLEY BROTHERS AUS14689 AUS13196 AUS5922 AUS11827 AUS11583 AUS11595 AUS11594 AUS7240 AUS8820 AUS12234 AUS9158 AUS10321 AUS13580 AUS15741 AUS15713 AUS8065 AUS2335 AUS9010 AUS12938 AUS9702 AUS13930 AUS11519 AUS9641 AUS6513 AUS13005 AUS9996 AUS12694 AUS4876 AUS11501 AUS10432 AUS11484 AUS13733 AUS10038 AUS9512 AUS7236 AUS10846 AUS12074 AUS12114 AUS12130 AUS10799 AUS8248 AUS3680 AUS8466 AUS13854 AUS14686 AUS6931 AUS11585 AUS9931 AUS9208 AUS11858 AUS9127 AUS10320 AUS15714 AUS16140 AUS14905 AUS15515 AUS12543 AUS9014 AUS12955 AUS12550 AUS13598 AUS13391 AUS5240 AUS6514 AUS10330 AUS12272 AUS10428 AUS6454 AUS12092 AUS12091 AUS12072 AUS12117 AUS13533 AUS8247 AUS9000 AUS12316 AUS11016 AUS5920 AUS11824 AUS12202 AUS9213 AUS9236 AUS14755 AUS12937 AUS9287 AUS11060 AUS9176 GRASSLANDS MACARIO COLAC HILLSIDE CK LADORA HILLSIDE MAGNIFIC LIAS HILLSIDE PRELUDE HOLLY HILLSIDE PRIMETIME SARA MARIE HILLSIDE PROPHET FREDA HILLSIDE S E NINEPENCE KOORINGAL VALLEY M LAILA MALANDA VIEW EMERALD ROSE MELALUKEA GENERAL 159 MOUNTAIN VIEW JASMINE 2 NETHERVALE CHIME LOLITA NETHERVALE POLO SARAJEVO OAKLEIGH MATRIX OAKLEIGH MONA ROCKLEIGH JELLY BABY ROCKLEIGH MYRTLE ROCKLEIGH OJ ROSE ROCKLEIGH PRELUDE JULIE ROCKLEIGH VELENJE SHAIDMALIA VINBREI HELGA SHALOM JETWAY EMORY WARRISTON SUMIT GERTRUDE YARRALEIGH K.C. JULIE 1 BALGARRE EVENT TOSKA BALGARRE JUSTICE BUTTERCUP BALGARRE RR LAURA BENLEIGH EVEN KATRINA BENLEIGH JETWAY MARIA BENLEIGH PHENOMENA NAN BENLEIGH RONALDO LADY BENLEIGH VALUE CLARE COOLIBAH A. LUCY COOLIBAH C BEE COOLIBAH R JESSIE COOLTAH BUILDER STACEY COOLTAH DUEMILA VOID COOLTAH PEGASUS BEDA COOLTAH SUMIT MINNIE COOLTAH SWARDOPH BRIDGET CURRAMORE 774 TINEY TOP NOTCH CURRAMORE ANGELS VICTORY 1 CURRAMORE PHEOBE VICTORY GRASSLANDS MISS PLAYGIRL GRASSLANDS SWARDOFF LASS HILLSIDE ENSIGN SARAH HILLSIDE GASPER FERN HILLSIDE STARINE JOLENE MELALUKEA PROPHET 87 MOUNTAIN VIEW JASMINE 4 MUDDY FLATS BOADICIA NETHERVALE SB LOLITA OAKLEIGH BRAE OAKLEIGH DAFFODIL OAKLEIGH JANE QUICKSILVER LCA SWARDOPH SWAYNEY ROCKLEIGH MACK’S MOSEL ROCKLEIGH PHILLIPA ROCKLEIGH TRIXIE ROCKLEIGH VELMACK ROCKLEIGH VINIKT BRIANNA 1 SHAIDMALIA VALUE SHEILA SHERBROOKE EL BIANCA YARRALEIGH K.C. JULIE 2 ABERFELDIE PLAYBOY BLOSSOM BALGARRE VINIKT JESSICA BENLEIGH INVESTMENT NANCY COOLIBAH R LADORA COOLTAH BRAVO RAE COOLTAH BRAVO TUNE COOLTAH CARTOON JEDDA COOLTAH JAVAMAN EDITH COOLTAH SUMIT DELIA CURRAMORE 773 ANGEL RANSON CURRAMORE VILROSA TREVER HILLSIDE AGENDA JOLENE HILLSIDE DYLAN TUSS HILLSIDE EXTRA SARAJEVO HILLSIDE OLLY HOLLY MELALUKEA PROPHET 127 MELALUKEA PROPHET JOLLY MELALUKEA PROPHET TES MOUNTAIN VIEW MIRANDA ROCKLEIGH EDGE KERRYN ROCKLEIGH LEONIE ROLAND LODGE VICTORIA STAR SHALOM BLEND HOLLY 11 DoB Final Sc X Ex Dairy Stren Rump Feet & L Mry System 20040130 20040108 19980814 20030512 20021027 20030520 20030413 19990603 20001119 20020630 20010103 20020114 20040705 20020302 20030213 20000104 19960202 20001209 20040401 20010814 20041127 20021110 20001013 19981104 20040812 20010905 20040321 19971010 20020906 20011119 20020704 20050428 20011128 20010621 19990616 20020610 20020809 20030703 20031024 20020119 20000211 19970331 20000312 20030818 20050106 19990227 20021208 20001023 20000409 20030619 20001220 20001118 20030302 20010306 20010816 20040315 20031123 20001220 20040810 20040329 20041229 20040616 19960925 19981112 20010816 20030823 20011006 19990208 20021123 20021122 20020727 20030714 20040706 20000211 20010108 20031105 20020325 19980615 20030611 20010418 20001115 20010116 20010801 20040401 20010521 20020517 20010424 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 89 87 85 84 88 92 89 88 86 86 86 89 89 87 88 91 88 91 85 88 85 88 88 87 87 87 91 93 89 89 91 87 88 85 88 91 88 86 89 89 88 90 91 85 87 92 90 90 90 92 87 89 88 86 86 88 90 90 88 91 88 89 89 90 85 87 91 94 91 93 90 88 89 89 92 92 86 91 88 90 89 91 89 92 88 91 86 86 86 89 93 86 88 89 86 89 89 88 89 87 86 85 89 90 89 88 92 89 91 91 90 87 89 85 87 88 90 85 89 88 89 90 83 89 89 86 86 87 88 89 89 91 89 87 90 87 87 91 89 88 91 88 89 91 83 95 89 90 87 93 91 96 91 87 85 91 80 88 88 91 90 89 86 92 90 90 89 94 89 89 89 89 91 85 79 83 86 84 80 64 72 85 85 77 86 84 86 88 85 90 84 83 89 88 82 85 80 88 84 87 84 79 83 84 86 80 86 85 87 88 85 85 84 89 87 84 86 86 77 71 76 86 86 84 86 85 82 76 87 86 83 89 87 80 81 85 90 78 87 82 85 89 87 90 86 84 79 91 83 76 86 86 91 87 83 78 85 85 86 84 88 86 86 87 84 88 88 88 87 86 87 86 84 85 86 86 82 84 84 86 82 88 82 85 85 88 86 88 87 88 86 88 88 86 89 85 87 87 87 88 86 87 85 85 88 87 88 88 85 87 85 86 85 87 88 88 87 85 88 83 86 87 85 82 89 86 88 88 86 86 90 88 89 88 86 88 90 88 86 87 87 85 89 90 87 88 87 Member Name Hd Bk No K J & J C FIECHTNER A & C KATH COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP P E & S M BALFOUR K J & J C FIECHTNER K J & J C FIECHTNER COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP A & C KATH W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE A & C KATH L W & M L THOMPSON RADEL DISCRETIONARY TRUST A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN IR & SA STOW COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP M R & R J WAKE COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP W K, M R, M C, K J OSBORNE A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN JAMES K COCHRANE RADEL DISCRETIONARY TRUST A & C KATH BRADLEY BROTHERS A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN M R & R J WAKE COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP RADEL DISCRETIONARY TRUST L W & M L THOMPSON A H & J A VAN RIJTHOVEN COOLTAH PARTNERSHIP AUS7452 AUS11519 AUS10428 AUS3881 AUS4958 AUS7233 AUS10807 AUS10849 AUS10805 AUS7990 AUS9927 AUS12226 AUS9158 AUS9699 AUS12547 AUS9657 AUS10870 AUS10781 AUS4110 AUS9273 AUS11830 AUS14757 AUS8165 AUS14900 AUS5225 AUS11943 AUS12070 AUS11860 AUS5162 AUS8575 AUS10802 SHALOM DOWNS NICOLE PAT SHALOM JETWAY EMORY BENLEIGH INVESTMENT NANCY BENLEIGH JASON BEAUTY COOLIBAH S LYNORE COOLIBAH V NIKKI COOLTAH DENMARK CHARITY COOLTAH GASPER RENE COOLTAH SUMIT GAY CURRAMORE VILROSA VICTORY HILLSIDE PHENOMENA NICKI MELALUKEA CAPTAIN STYLE MOUNTAIN VIEW JASMINE 2 ROCKLEIGH DOLLY BIRD ROCKLEIGH Y A PRELUDE (MALE) WARRISTON SUMIT JEDDA BENLEIGH BANKER SARAJEVO COOLTAH SUMIT RENE CURRAMORE CAROL MILEAWAY CREDIT GOLDWYN EMORY LAURA HILLSIDE VALIANT ROSINA MOUNTAIN VIEW PEPSI NETHERVALE DENMARK SARAJEVO OAKLEIGH PETE ROSE SHEIK ROLAND LODGE STARBUCK VICTORIA BENLEIGH CARTOON SASHA 2ND COOLTAH CARTOON TESSY MOUNTAIN VIEW IMPACT 2 ROCKLEIGH DAYTON’S IDA YARRALEIGH DEANNA JO COOLTAH DENMARK LENA DoB Final Sc X Ex Dairy Stren Rump Feet & L Mry System 19990319 20021110 20011006 19930508 19980103 19990331 20020222 20020619 20020220 19990327 20000810 20020510 20010103 19990519 20031220 20010402 20020613 20011213 19970819 20010624 20030704 19990414 20000401 19980108 19980421 20030818 20020714 20030827 19980102 20000705 20020201 88 88 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 93 90 92 95 88 94 96 86 94 89 91 89 89 91 89 90 94 96 95 94 88 95 94 94 94 96 94 92 93 92 93 92 93 87 89 90 88 90 91 87 89 86 93 91 92 89 91 92 87 89 92 91 93 89 85 91 83 88 92 93 95 93 85 79 87 89 85 84 87 89 93 84 88 88 83 86 89 89 83 87 85 86 90 85 87 81 80 90 90 86 90 90 93 84 86 90 86 90 89 86 92 87 89 90 88 90 88 0 89 88 90 89 88 91 88 89 94 90 93 92 90 90 89 91 The classification results listed here are are for VG and Excellent cows only, to see a full list of results go to the Holstein Australia Site at - listings should be available on our own website by the time this magazine is printed. The number of cattle classified as advised by the Holstein Association for the period September 2008 to June 2009 258 1st Lactation Heifers 462 2nd Lactation and above cows These numbers represent all Brown Swiss classified across Australia including cattle other than those registered with BSCBA Inc. AVERAGE VALUE RUMP 82.79 SUMMARY ALL FIRST LACTATION HEIFERS MAMMARY F&L 83.85 87.25 D STRENGTH 86.85 S P O ST MOUNTAIN VIEW IMPACT 2 - RADEL DISCRETIONARY TRUST HAS CLASSIFIED EX93 WITH A 96 POINT MAMMARY SCORE - P S RE CONGRATULATIONS TO THE RADEL FAMILY - BIGGENDEN QUEENSLAND. THE STRAPPER WRITES........... Unfortunately the old Strapper has been holed up in Hospital for a couple of months now...... So you will all have to wait for the next episode from his pen until the December edition..... I’m sure he’ll have some tales to tell, He did ask me to thank all his fans out there for the calls, text messages and get well greetings he has been receiving, he just can’t believe he had such a fan club - thought his ramblings had gone largely unnoticed all this time. Thank you all so very much, it has been a very humbling experience. The Boss, the Bosses Mum, the Bosses Mate and all our family - thank you all 12 Brisbane Royal 2009 Results BROWN SWISS Judge: Lindsay Moxey, NSW A consistent number of entries were again seen at the Ekka in August this year. The standout class of the day was the 5-7 years in milk class, which saw the return of last year’s Supreme Champion Cow to the show ring in fine form. Many spectators gathered around the ring to see if the Mountain View cow would retain her title. After a tense time, judge Lindsay Moxey awarded first place to Hillside Agenda Jolene, owned by Jeremy Josefski. Agenda Jolene then went on to win best udder and champion cow, with Mountain View Impact 2 standing in reserve. Katherine Huth - Secretary BSCBA Inc. Queensland Branch Heifer 6 to 12 months 1st: Mountain View Miranda 3 (sire: Benleigh Value Daniel, Radel Discretionary Trust) 2nd: Dryfesdale Cartz Miley (sire: Dryfesdale Contzel, J Josefski). Heifer 12 to 18 months dry 1st: Nethervale Jackpot Sarajevo (sire: Superbrown Jackpot, A and C Kath) 2nd: Mountain View Sophie 3 (sire: Benleigh Valve Daniel, Radel Discretionary trust) 3rd: Dryfesdale Cartz Me (sire: Dryfesdale Cartzel, J Josefski). Heifer 18 months to under 2 years 1st: Mountain View Jasmine 10 (sire: Shelbourne Pronto, Radel Discretionary Trust) 2nd: Hillside Zaster Mandy (sire: Superbrown Rud Zaster, RB Huth). JUNIOR CHAMPION: Nethervale Jackpot Sarajevo (sire: Superbrown Jackpot, A and C Kath) RESERVE: Mountain View Miranda 3 (sire: Benleigh Value Daniel, Radel Discretionary Trust) HONOURABLE MENTION: Mountain View Jasmine 10 (sire: Shelbourne Pronto, Radel Discretionary Trust) Cow 2 to 3 years dry 1st: Hillside Aurum Holly (sire: Gord Sim Auarum, RB Huth). Cow under 2.5 years in-milk 1st: Bryanda Damien Sapphire 2nd (sire: Benleigh Jetway Damien, DA and CG Vonhoff) 2nd: Hillside Aurum Tasi (sire: Gord Sim Aurum, RB Huth). Cow 2.5 to 3 years in-milk 1st: Mountain View Sandie 4 (sire: Hillside Jetway Marty, Radel Discretionary Trust). INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION: Mountain View Sandie 4 (sire: Hillside Jetway Marty, Radel Discretionary Trust) RESERVE: Bryanda Damien Sapphire 2nd (sire: Benleigh Jetway Damien, DA and CG Vonhoff) HONOURABLE MENTION: Hillside Aurum Tasi (sire: Gord Sim Aurum, RB Huth) Cow 3 years and over dry 1st: Mountain View Jasmine 2nd (sire: Westley Matt Gordon, Radel Discretionary Trust). Cow 3 to 4 years in-milk 1st: Hillside Event Sam 9sire: Event, RB Huth) 2nd: Nethervale JM Thni (sire: Hillside Jetway Marty, A and C Kath) 3rd: Mountain View Daria 2 (sire: Shalom Ladora Vogue, Radel Discretionary Trust). Cow 4 to 5 years in-milk 1st: Hillside Dalton Millie (sire: Hilltop Acres PT Dalton, A and C Kath). Cow 5 to 7 years in-milk 1st: Hillside Agenda Jolene (sire: Blessing Banker Agenda, J Josefski) 2nd: Mountain View Impact 2 (sire: Emerito, Radel Discretionary Trust) 3rd: Mountain View Kate 2 (sire: Rhart TC Denmark, Radel Discretionary Trust). Cow 7 years and over in-milk 1st: Hillside Dylan Tuss (sire: Arthurst Garbro Dylan, RB Huth) 2nd: Hillside Collection Alicia (sire: R Hart BC Collection, RB Huth) 3rd: Hillside Starine Jolene (sire: VB Pret Starine, RB Huth). Best Udder – 1st: Hillside Agenda Jolene (sire: Blessing Banker Agenda, J Josefski) CHAMPION COW: Hillside Agenda Jolene (sire: Blessing Banker Agenda, J Josefski) RESERVE: Mountain View Impact 2 (sire: Emerito, Radel Discretionary Trust) HONOURABLE MENTION: Hillside Dalton Millie (sire: Hilltop Acres PT Dalton, A and C Kath). 13 14 15 16 ADHIS - AUGUST 2009 PROOFS FOR BROWN SWISS ALL BULLS - NOT ALL BULLS ARE AVAILABLE LISTING IS FOR YOUR OWN INFORMATION - Please go to Production Traits Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Bull ID GGEVENT 76B0900 ALTADENMARK 1B753 SACIRUS BSSONIC SWISSEDGE BSVALIANT B3721 7B766 ALTATANGELO 11B0561 JEMSTON VICACRE ABSDALLAS BSRAV SINAGRA 9B71 SASWARDOPH B3719 ALTARANSOM USACHASE VAJE ALTADART JETWAY ALTAPAWNEE USINVESTMENT GGJUBLEND HILLTOL 14B244 CRIDALTON BS013 BS11 TURMOIL 9B86 GORDSIM PROPH GGPROSSLI ABSBUILDER 7B761 BS0014 GGMAIFUERST GGZOFF SAGORDON BS006 7B715 7B734 21B490 HARTY ALTAABNER GGVIZER 29B3707 GGSIMVITEL GGDENVIN HANDISE BSPENTACLE 11B0589 1B117 ALTAPRONTO GGPOLVIN USAPRESIDENT SWISS GGPRESGOR ALTAJUSTICE BS0020 SADUEMILA SAGASPER BS022 USACURRENCY EMORY SWANKY GGVINBREI ABSBRANDON 8B80 BASIC Bull Name APR EVENT 74 VICTORY ACRES SIMON EVEN 61 R HART TC DENMARK ET 47 SUN-MADE GARBRO PUZZLE 43 BRUSCUS MATT CIRUS TW 43 TANDARA SONIC 39 ELM PARK JUPITERS EDGE 38 GENESIS DENMARK VALIANT 38 ROUND HILL CONDUCTOR EXIDE-ET 34 BLESSING BANKER AGENDA 33 MIL NEU DENMARK TANGELO 33 ALPINE ECHO STAR 31 R HART CJ JEMSTONE -ET 31 VICTORY ACRES PROPHET SAM 29 HILLTOP ACRES PT DALLAS TWIN 29 TOP ACRES BRAVO 29 SINAGRA PEDRO 28 R BAY EMORYS EARNEST T 27 LA CORTE AYTOLA SWARDOPH 27 TROUT RUN JEWEL JOE 26 BLESSING PROPHET RANSOM 25 R HART MONOPOLY CHASE ET 24 VICTORY ACRES JUBILATION EMORY 23 ROUND HILL CAPTAIN DART-ET 23 FOREST LAWN SIMON JETWAY 23 TOP ACRES PAWNEE 22 TIMBER SUN INVESTMENT-ET 22 JUBLEND 21 BEECH HILL AYTOL TREVER -ET 21 R HART BC COLLECTION 20 HILLTOP ACRES PT DALTON TWIN 18 HOOSIER KNOLL MAGNIFIC 18 TWIN GATE ANDY 17 OLD MILL B TURMOIL 17 R HART CHILLERS FREEZE 17 GORD SIM AURUM 16 TOP ACRES DOTSON PROPHET-ET 16 PROSSLI 15 TOP ACRES BUILDER-ET 15 TRIANGLE ACRES POL POLO 14 TOWPATH TELSTAR JET ET 12 MAIFUERST 12 ZOFF 11 WESTLEY MATT GORDON TW 11 R HART STAR ELEVATOR (ET) 11 ROLLING VIEW JETWAY CHIME-ET 11 LOST ELM PRINCE-ET 11 R HART CD CHAIRMAN-ET 11 R HART PROTEIN PREVIEW 9 TWIN GATE MAYFLOWERS ABNER ET 9 VIZER 8 LONE OAK DOLL MAKER (ET) 8 SIMVITEL 8 DENVIN 8 JOHANN MERCHANDISE (ET) 7 TOP ACRES RM PENTACLE 7 TOP ACRES RM PHOENIX -ET 7 TOP ACRES ROL MEAD BAERGA 6 SUN-MADE GAR BRO PRONTO 6 POLVIN 6 LOST ELM PRESIDENT 6 TANDARA SABRE 6 PRESGOR 5 SIEGERTS JOLLY JUSTICE 5 FOREST LAWN PAT JOYTREK 4 DEL SANTO ZOLDO DUEMILA 4 TOM TITAN GASPER 4 TOP ACRES FLT PEGASUS 4 R HART CHRISTIANS CURRENCY 4 VICTORY ACRES EMORY VALOR 3 TANDARA LANKY 3 VINBREI 2 GLENMOOR BRIETTA BRANDON 0 TOWPATH TELSTAR AYTOLA - ET 0 BLESSING BRINKS BASIC -1 Rel 63 69 88 53 44 75 79 56 68 54 69 69 76 65 38 48 62 60 75 62 76 58 85 63 73 50 59 59 61 69 60 75 69 59 56 34 78 44 63 50 76 62 48 77 90 55 40 63 66 60 40 73 72 58 62 72 67 55 63 51 50 86 42 78 67 38 54 64 57 71 79 64 56 84 41 ASI 49 32 12 40 39 14 26 8 27 29 11 29 23 29 23 16 38 24 21 45 3 2 20 15 10 21 20 17 10 21 11 3 13 12 -5 17 -9 20 7 20 9 4 28 28 22 22 12 -3 18 13 8 7 5 -2 4 2 1 29 13 11 -3 -7 14 0 24 18 14 5 -13 15 12 9 8 6 8 Prot 12 9 3 11 7 6 2 2 7 5 6 7 4 7 6 5 9 5 4 11 4 0 3 5 3 7 3 2 3 5 3 -2 5 4 2 6 0 7 3 4 2 -3 9 5 8 4 2 -2 3 5 1 1 3 -2 0 0 -2 10 4 3 0 -1 5 -2 5 3 2 3 -2 4 1 3 1 2 2 Prot% 0.19 0.12 0.10 -0.01 0.16 -0.09 0.15 0.08 0.04 0.18 0.00 0.11 0.03 0.00 -0.09 0.05 0.12 0.05 0.23 0.19 -0.14 -0.04 0.14 0.08 -0.11 -0.06 0.03 0.18 0.07 0.17 -0.05 0.15 0.02 0.26 -0.04 0.05 -0.14 -0.02 -0.08 0.08 0.08 0.18 -0.02 0.23 -0.06 0.11 0.02 0.08 0.08 -0.08 0.18 0.18 0.02 0.10 0.02 0.08 0.29 -0.04 -0.04 0.16 0.07 -0.04 0.07 0.19 0.14 0.05 0.12 0.00 0.08 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.14 0.09 0.08 Daughter Fertil Milk 194 180 -11 344 83 267 -63 -17 194 -16 182 106 95 231 274 101 182 123 -80 160 244 44 -27 84 195 260 73 -112 36 12 135 -205 144 -111 96 158 117 233 155 52 -12 -255 292 -44 310 13 48 -135 23 217 -143 -144 75 -151 -18 -63 -327 338 158 -68 -58 6 96 -252 23 50 -42 78 -123 63 12 72 -102 -23 -5 Fat 15 6 1 18 17 5 15 0 10 11 -3 10 15 14 14 3 13 10 2 14 1 3 7 0 9 10 12 6 0 2 8 3 0 -10 -9 0 -2 6 4 8 1 3 11 6 7 9 7 -2 7 6 -2 -3 -3 -3 4 -2 -9 10 7 -2 -8 -3 -1 -4 7 10 4 -2 -14 5 10 3 -1 -2 1 Fat% 0.13 -0.07 0.03 0.03 0.29 -0.17 0.41 0.02 0.01 0.25 -0.25 0.12 0.23 0.06 0.02 -0.04 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.14 -0.25 0.02 0.19 -0.09 0.00 -0.06 0.20 0.26 -0.04 0.02 0.02 0.28 -0.15 -0.11 -0.31 -0.16 -0.18 -0.11 -0.07 0.13 0.03 0.34 -0.07 0.19 -0.17 0.20 0.10 0.09 0.14 -0.10 0.10 0.08 -0.15 0.11 0.10 0.02 0.16 -0.13 -0.02 0.03 -0.12 -0.06 -0.13 0.19 0.13 0.18 0.14 -0.13 -0.18 0.05 0.22 -0.01 0.09 -0.03 0.02 Rel 79 84 97 69 60 90 94 71 83 70 85 86 91 84 51 60 81 75 90 77 90 75 96 78 87 68 78 79 77 83 77 91 85 79 73 45 89 59 80 66 90 81 64 91 98 71 56 83 85 75 56 87 89 72 79 86 83 69 81 69 63 95 56 91 84 52 71 80 75 87 92 82 72 94 56 Dtrs 44 60 374 26 18 113 235 29 49 27 69 71 121 65 12 14 63 32 114 32 115 37 219 44 64 27 42 61 45 47 43 125 65 63 32 12 59 21 52 22 102 61 24 132 506 29 14 65 72 31 17 73 105 32 42 68 55 20 58 29 16 256 20 133 64 13 33 46 32 75 146 61 28 169 19 Herds 17 30 123 11 13 34 61 14 15 10 24 27 47 29 5 7 21 16 35 17 42 16 65 16 20 14 21 20 20 19 14 46 38 25 14 5 22 9 17 12 40 19 12 49 148 12 10 22 23 14 9 27 22 13 26 21 26 8 20 9 12 74 9 47 29 6 13 29 13 34 45 18 15 62 7 RIP% 15 15 12 11 11 13 17 6 4 22 11 7 7 20 0 7 23 3 9 18 16 16 10 6 4 7 9 11 22 6 4 15 9 30 18 25 11 23 9 9 0 4 16 9 10 3 14 12 11 6 11 5 11 28 0 10 1 0 20 0 18 13 40 21 14 0 24 23 3 6 10 13 0 3 15 Dtr Fert Rel 101 35 97 42 108 81 99 104 101 106 49 62 34 44 100 96 97 100 46 46 57 39 104 102 99 98 101 32 35 53 39 53 97 75 94 45 100 97 34 44 107 102 53 47 98 61 98 32 102 103 52 30 103 102 55 85 101 103 104 34 46 42 99 97 104 103 102 104 99 97 50 50 33 32 52 43 33 35 100 75 106 100 60 40 105 43 99 101 104 97 97 52 63 34 37 72 CC CC (%Rel 127 69 165 87 156 96 110 57 124 46 128 83 155 87 155 60 102 72 90 58 143 75 127 77 88 84 83 75 121 47 98 53 118 69 89 63 109 81 88 65 89 82 122 66 83 96 113 68 155 92 121 59 126 66 134 66 120 66 108 85 94 68 127 83 127 76 102 63 163 60 99 38 83 96 94 42 103 69 103 55 115 80 111 66 91 53 68 90 49 95 141 60 92 44 147 74 93 75 128 63 111 43 110 84 128 80 122 61 108 65 83 78 82 72 64 61 94 73 106 56 119 69 123 91 118 43 79 83 67 72 106 46 97 57 113 67 135 66 93 81 15 85 88 76 85 59 95 94 99 38 To be competitive we must focus on the top end, do we have the time to use nice bulls from great cows if we go further behind in genetics? True believers will always milk what ever their breed is, but we need NEW breeders, ones who can compare the breed and see the advantage. Dave Kendall - Director of Genetics Brown Swiss USA 17 SPERMEX GmbH – *HQHWLNTXHOOHIUDOOH]FKWHULVFKHQ$QVSUFKH SPERMEX – News Sire Proofs German Brown Swiss August 2009 Top sires with high reliabilities! Dear Brown Swiss Breeders, the German top sires confirmed their proofs on an outstanding level with very high reliabilities. In spite of the basis adjustment of -0,3 points in the TMI and -0,4 points in the index milk the most heavily used bulls kept or even increased their figures from the last run in April. The Top-3 Juhus, Vasir, Huray did not allow any newcomer to come in between. However some interesting new sires started their debut with promising figures, too. Juhus stays # 1in the German list with a total merit index (TMI) of 137 (-2). The slight decrease was only caused by a lower fat percentage. On the other hand the persistence during the lactation is quite satisfying and now we can await the first second lactation performances. In May we inspected a daughter group which confirmed the linear description and the improvement in comparison to the dams. Only the rump angle and the backline shall be considered carefully and Juhus shall not be recommended for heifer inseminations. Jockl, another Juvin-son with excellent type traits decreased in milk yield but increased the components and the udder composite (125). Jusit is a new son of Juvin and shows better performances but neutral protein percentage. The reliability is not high enough yet for a final statement but the development of his proof is promissing. JUHUS - daughter Lissi Vasir increased 2 points in his index milk and in the TMI due to the high yields of his daughters in the second lactation. With +1.446 kg milk and neutral components Vasir is the present non-plus-ultra performance sire in the Brown Swiss breed. The progeny group in Buchloe in the beginning of June also demonstrated that the Vasirdaughters are capable to improve the rear udder attachment in the second lactation. Looking at his top qualities we are even more glad about the very good non-return rates of the sexed Vasirsemen. This is an expensive but profitable investment for the future. VASIR – daughter Resi in 2nd lactation (Bull dam) On of the most complete Brown Swiss sires around the world stays Huray. With a lot of finished second lactations he kept his proofs from April almost exactly. But the index for productive lifetime increased again from 114 to 118 which covers the mind of the owners who report about an excellent constitution of the Huraydaughters. Besides we get very positive feedback about the vitality of the Huray-calves. As a sum Huray can be recommended on a wide range of cows as an allround sire who can be also used for heifer inseminations. Halfbrother Husir stays an alternative beyond the Hussli-sons as high performer with good fitness traits. The udder attachment and volume has to be considered carefully. Allround sire Husjet keeps to be our recommendation for crossbreeding with Holsteins. Hunto has a favorable fat:protein ratio and improves feet&legs. Another very positive development can be observed at Juleng who gained again 1 point after his increase in April. This is basically caused by the high performance increases in the second lactations. In May we inspected a daughter group on farms which underlined Juleng’s qualities to improve strength, body capacity and constitution without loosing dairyness. The udders showed a good texture and a long fore udder attachment. Juleng is also available with sexed semen and can be recommended for heifer inseimations. Also Juwel profited from high performance increases in second lactations so that he even raised 3 points in his TMI. He is an exceptional udder improver but the milking speed should be taken into consideration. Juwel is not Spermex GmbH ● Ottostraße 26 ● 85521 Ottobrunn Tel.: +49 89665906-40 Fax: +49 89665906-42 Email:; web: 18 SPERMEX GmbH – *HQHWLNTXHOOHIUDOOH]FKWHULVFKHQ$QVSUFKH recommended for heifers. Further on we have to mention the Jublend-sons Jubev as a real allround sire with an enormous fitness index and Jusuv who presents a remarkable linear description whenever the udder composite index is only 102. Jublem is a new Jublend-son with remarkable performances (+1329 kg milk) and correct type traits. JUSUV daughter Helke in 2nd lactation JULENG – daughter Gräfin in 2nd lactation PROTEUS – daughter 668 Prossli gained 1 point in his TMI in spite of a lower milk yield. The improvement in the TMI is mainly based on a strong increase of his productive lifetime index (124). This confirms our impression from the young Prosslidaughters which were lately matured but already offered some potential and a very good functionality. Prossli is a balanced allrounder who was co-tested in several countries around the world. You should only keep an eye on enough strength and a strong backline. Prostar and Proteus who already started in April confirmed their good allround qualities. Prostar sires high performing cows, with a lot of style and dairyness with strong udder attachments but some weakness in the foot angle. Proteus sires similar to Prossli. A daughter group in June in Buchloe impressed by exceptional feet&legs and good udder qualities. Proteus-daughters are medium framed cows which suit very well in free space barns. These Pronto-sons are getting new competition from Prontus and Provinz. Prontus is the highest entry in August with a TMI of 133. He presents a balanced breeding pattern and should be followed up in his further development. Provinz shows a similar tendency with an advantage in the udder quality but poorer feet&legs. Due to his present calving ease index we don’t recommend Provinz for heifers. Beyond the President-sons we can refer to three good alternatives: Prejula who steadily increased his proofs within the past year impresses by an outstanding persistency (141). The only concern should be the milking speed (94). Preset kept his proofs on a high level (TMI 127) and differs from his halfbrothers through an enormous frame. Preferenz is an allround sire whose popularity gained through his vital calves. Fitness star Hucos will be probably sold out until the end of this season. His sons who showed up so far could not compete with him. However Hickory presents some allround qualities and Hustar is able to continue the high performance figures of his father. Ellection increased 1 point up to 122 TMI and combines fantastic yields with amazing fitness abilities. Emerupdaughters have finished their third lactations with impeccable yields. Next year we will see how his second crop daughters are doing. Unfortunately Etvei who was heavily used on a wide range of cows lost in his milking speed index (91). With a TMI of 115 his further use will be limited. However farmers are mostly very satisfied with the well developed Etvei-daughters who show strong udder attachments. Finally we should mention the bloodline alternatives Achet (Ace x Prophet), Event (Even x Vinos) who stays # 1 in Australia and can also refer to remarkable figures in Switzerland, Galpro (General x Pronto), Savib (Sam x Vineb), Easton (Eagle x Preston), Denpro (Denmark x Prophet) and Polvin (Poldi x Vinos). We wish you good luck with the selection for the next season! Your Spermex-Team Spermex GmbH ● Ottostraße 26 ● 85521 Ottobrunn Tel.: +49 89665906-40 Fax: +49 89665906-42 Email:; web: 19 BELLA BRUNA BROWN SWISS Kit Davidson Stephen Fisicaro Emily Brown Marita Park Prunki Shannon has a lovely Sargent Heifer and Cleigh Maifuerst Sarajevo VG85 has calved again & looks great - her VERY NICE POWERSURGE Bull calf is FOR SALE. Call us any Time 0427 858 529 or 0400495069 email: or Please Call in if you are in our area FINLEY NSW BALGARRE BROWN SWISS 551 CANDELO-BEGA RD KANOONA Via BEGA 2550 if you would like to visit our herd PLEASE CONTACT PAUL ON : 0409 193 137 HOME A/H 7.30PM 02 6493 2626 NOVA BROWN SWISS INTERNATIONAL continuing to develop quality individuals Contact: Max & Robyn Wake 0265721396 Richard & Susan Brown 0358839470 Lola M Beck 0246558225 NOVA Brown Swiss SINGLETON NSW COOLTAH BARMAROTH BROWN SWISS STUD JOHN, ANDREA AND RYAN HENRY Drop in anytime for a chat and refreshments 334 Mayfield Road PYREE NSW 2540 Phone/Fax 02 4447 0225 Mobile 0412 596 154 email: Wayne, Margaret BROWN SWISS & Ken Osborne DAVID & MARSHA SHIBBLE Welcome you to Situated in the Macquarie Valley NSW Visitors always welcome PHONE: 02 6889 5897 Mobile:0249895897 email: CURRAMORE BROWN SWISS Harrisville Nth Curramore Rd Jamberoo NSW Email Developing Brown Swiss “From The Ground Up” Ph: 02 4236 0257 MONTARAE GRASSLANDS DASH VALLEY BROWN SWISS GREG OSBORNE, LINDA MONTANA & ISOBELLE Come and Talk Brown Swiss over a Cuppa and the best home made cakes in town!! Dondingalong Road Dondingalong Via Kempsey NSW Phone - 0265669184 BROWN SWISS NOEL AND JENNIFER VAN RIJTHOVEN If you are in South Australia around Mt Gambier Be sure to catch up with us and our Brown Swiss we would love to show you around our herd Call us on 08 87266247 20 BROWN SWISS 141 OLD PACIFIC HWY COOPERNOOK NSW 2426 DOUGLAS SCHLENERT PHONE 0428 398 289 PLEASE CALL ANYTIME & TALK BROWN SWISS WITH ME FINLEY SHOW 2009 JUDGE MISS SARA CHANT FEARAH BROWN SWISS WARRION VICTORIA There was an excellent show of Brown Swiss at Finley even though numbers weren’t high. I would like to thank the show society for inviting me to judge & I really enjoyed the experience. Junior Champion: Shalom Brinks Tara - Hunterfield Pastoral Co, Reserve - Sherbrooke Sovereign Gretchen Brown Family, Intermediate Champion - Sherbrooke Aurum Bianca - Brown Family, Reserve - Sherbrooke Gordsim Bianca Brown family Senior Champion- Sherbrooke Maifuerst Eden Brown Family, Reserve - Cleigh Maifuerst Sarajevo - Bella Bruna Syndicate Best Exibit of Show - Sherbrooke Aurum Bianca - Brown Family 21 PRESS RELEASE - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW YOUNG BROWN SWISS SIRE FROM ABS Albury, NSW – ABS Australia has just released an outstanding young Brown Swiss sire through its Cornerstone™progeny test program. MICA is a Zoldo Zeus son from an outstanding Brinks daughter, Olson Brinks Melody EX-91. Melody has produced an amazing 1400kgs of fat and protein and MICA’s grand-dam Thane Monopoly Mitzy EX-91 has produced in excess of 20,000litres of milk in 365 days. MICA’s 5th dam is the famous Hoosier Knoll Jade Monay EX-93, which won Champion Cow at World Dairy Expo 1994. MICA is sure to sell out fast, so get your order in on this exceptional young sire. Adding even more value, ABS is currently offering a 20% discount on proven sires purchased on a 1:1 ratio with Cornerstone™semen. Based in Albury, NSW, ABS Australia is a subsidiary of Genus plc, the largest supplier of bovine genetics and related reproductive products in the world. For further information please contact Dairy Product Manager Russell Manton on 0409 136 071 or EDITORIAL - 21ST CENTURY GENTICS AND NEW GENERATION GENETICS All NGG bulls are now genomically tested, and therefore, that information enhances their standard proof. The same will be true for all our young bulls, who will now have a genomically enhanced Parent Average Top 3 Spots! 54BS374 VIGOR, 54BS317 TD and 54BS392 POMERE are 1-2-3 on the Net Merit List! Not bad, and then add in 54BS456 Wonderment at #6 and you will see why we are excited! Weather mega milk, breed leaders for udders, feet and legs or productive life, these 4 deliver New On the Scene In answer to the question, “What’s New?” We answer 54BS410 ALLOY, who emerges as an elite production bull (#3 Milk at +1559, 83% Rel.) and is a solid +1.1 for type. Further, he is the first Dynasty son, and from a great, new cow family! Also new on the proven list is 54BS415 SOLUTION the first Snickerdoodle son to be returned to active service! Balanced cows, with shallow udders, and a stout +806 milk. Bulls on the Move 54BS385 MONARCH is a bull which has not gotten due attention. He combines solid milk, good components with a DPR of +.6 and a growing Productive Life score. He is making the kind which will last and last. 54BS388 PACKAGE has now risen to +902 milk, with nearly a point in udder composite...a nice combination Also be sure to watch our web site for more information, including pictures, etc. Dan Gilbert New Generation Genetics, Inc email: 22 One of the Most Complete Brown Swiss Sires EVER! HURAY dtr Mona, 2nd lactation HUSSLI x SIRAY x SIMON GGHURAY O Tremendous Production Superior Udders Great Feet & Legs Extreme Longevity Wide, Correct Rumps O O O O . . . and Introducing an Exciting New Young Sire! MICA dam Olsons Brinks Melody 2E-E91 Pedigree With Global Appeal O Balanced Type, Production & Health Traits O Generations of High Scoring Dams Dam EX-91, G/Dam EX-91 (20,000L milk), 5th Dam EX-93 WDE Champion ‘94 O Generations of Extreme Production O Could you find a better Young Sire? O Olsons Mel Zeus MICA-ET See your local ABS Australia representative or semen supplier today to find out more about these great sires! *all prices exclude GST ABS AUSTRALIA, “Langiballa”, Olympic Way, TABLE TOP, NSW, 2640 O Ph: (02) 6049 9200 O Fax: (02) 6026 2387 O O Semen orders only, freecall: 1800-ABS-BULL (1800-227-2855) 23 SNICKERDOODLE- PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION 2009 IN A LEAGUE OF HER OWN It was history in the making when Old Mill E Snickerdoodle OCS, exhibited by Allen Bassler, Jr. of Upperville, Virginia, was tapped Grand Champion of the Central National Brown Swiss Show for the sixth time; an honor no cow has ever achieved before at World Dairy Expo. Snickerdoodle’s list of accomplishments is a long one and includes being crowned Supreme Champion in 2003, Reserve Supreme Champion in 2008, Grand Champion of the Central National Show in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2008, and was Reserve Champion in 2006. The eleven-year-old was winner of this year’s Component Merit Class with a record at 6-09 365d 33,426M 1,405F 1,176P. Bassler also received the Udder Comfort $1,000 Grand Champion Cash Award. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THIS YEAR’S COMPETITION TO THE COORDINATOR OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION EMILY BROWN BY 30 NOVEMBER 2009. WE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THE COMPETITION JUDGED AND THE WINNERS AND PHOTOGRAPHS ANNOUNCED IN THE DECEMBER EDITION OF THE BROWN SWISS DIGEST YOU CAN EMAIL THEM TO IN JPEG FORMAT ONLY OR MAIL THEM TO EMILY BROWN KENARA COREE ROAD MAYRUNG VIA DENILIQUIN NSW 2710 Snickerdoodle Repeats as Reserve Supreme Champion Reserve Supreme Champion of the show was legendary Brown Swiss, Old Mill E Snickerdoodle OCS, bred and exhibited by Allen Bassler, Jr. of Upperville, Virginia. Scored Excellent-94 with an Excellent-97 point mammary system, the eleven-year-old show veteran is an eight-time class winner, six-time World Dairy Expo Champion, and was named Supreme Champion in 2003 and Reserve Supreme Champion in 2008. At six years and nine months of age, she produced 33,426 pounds of milk, 1,405 pounds of fat and 1,176 pounds of protein. Snickerdoodle has produced 315 good embryos in her lifetime. She is a seven time All-American and was also named All Time AllAmerican as a 2-, 4- and 5-year old. Snickerdoodle has over 100 registered offspring in the U.S. with seven nominated All-American and one named All-American. Eighteen sons are currently being sampled in the A.I. industry and fourteen of her son’s daughters have been nominated All-American. Sired by Victory Acres Jubilation, her dam is Old Mill E Cookie. Photos courtesy of Holstein World/All Breed Access and Randy Blodgett – Creative Imagery Photography with thanks PLEASE INCLUDE DATE OF BIRTH AND DATE OF PHOTOGRAPH OF ENTRY Dave Sprengler Arthurst Brown Swiss and Dr Angelo Pozzatti Associate Judge in the ring with Snickerdoodle 24 National Council of Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders of Australia 2155 Boundary Road, Finley NSW 2713 Ph / Fax (03) 58839470 Email: Website: BROWN SWISS APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP I/We hereby apply for membership in the BROWN SWISS CATTLE BREEDERS OF AUSTRALIA and do hereby agree to conform to the constitution, rules and regulations of the said Association and pay the Annual Membership Fee. I AGREE to keep complete and accurate records of the breeding of Brown Swiss cattle in my possession, including consecutive dates of all services with positive identification of females bred and sires used, and of all dates of calving, with the sex and identification of each calf and I further acknowledge the right of the Association to have access, through the relevant herd recording organisations, to all milk production/herd recording data relating to the cattle in my possession. Date: ........................................................... Applicant Signature: ..………………......................................................................... Nominator Name: .................................................................... Signature: ......................................................................................... (Nominated by a member of the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders of Australia) MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY (Please tick where appropriate) 1. ORDINARY ¡% $135 (Breeder, full membership and voting rights, includes Digest) 2. ASSOCIATE ¡% $40 (Non-breeder, limited voting rights, no Digest) 3. DIGEST ¡% $40 (Annual Subscription, separate from Ordinary Membership) 4. JUNIOR ¡% $40 (Less than 18 years of age) Date of Birth:.................................................... (Applications for Junior Membership only) I WISH MY MEMBERSHIP TO BE IN THIS NAME: ........................................................................................................................... NOTE: Your membership name will appear on all Certificates of Registration to identify the breeder/s and owner/s of each animal, who shall be the exclusive holders of the Herd Prefix allocated to this membership. ENTER your complete postal address and the details which locate your farm. Postal Address: Property Address: .............................................................................................. .. ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................ State .......................................... Postcode ............................. State ............................................. Postcode ......................... ABN ........................................ Tel ( ) .............................. Fax ( ) .............................. Email ................................................. DECLARATION OF OWNERSHIP I/We hereby declare that this application represents the following persons in this membership and we agree to notify the Association within thirty days of any change by the deletion or addition of a partner in this membership. Names of Partners (Please print) Signatures (Please write) First Names Surname ...................................... .................................................... .............................................................................................. ...................................... ................................................... .............................................................................................. ...................................... ................................................... BE SURE THIS APPLICATION IS COMPLETED IN FULL AND PROPERLY SIGNED. .............................................................................................. IMPORTANT - PLEASE SEE OVER IMPORTANT - CHOOSE A HERD PREFIX All Ordinary (breeder) members are required to register and use a Herd Prefix and Tattoo Brand to identify the cattle which they breed. A prefix may not exceed two words and 30 letters. Any meaningful word may be used, or you may create one out of parts of names that relate to your family or farm. Your own surname may be suitable, if not too common. Short, uncommon names or words make the best prefixes. Place in order of preference. 1. ................................................................................ 2. ....................................................................................... CHOOSE A HERD CODE (Tattoo Brand can be 3 letters or a mixture of letters and numbers making up to 3 characters but not 3 numbers only.) 1. ………………………….………….. 2. …………………..………………….. 3. ……….………………………….. HERD RECORDING DATA ACCESS All members participating in herd recording are requested to assist in obtaining herd recording information and lactation history data by completing the following. Herd Recording No/Shire Property No .................................................................................................................. National Herd Id .................................................................................................................................................... Herd Recording Centre My NLIS Property Identification Code is (8 characters) ........................................................................(Leave blank if unknown) QUESTIONNAIRE In order to assist us with planning, it would be appreciated if you could provide answers to the following questions. Your answers will help us serve you better. 1) How many Brown Swiss cows in your herd? ……....................................................................................................... 2) How many Milking Cows in your Herd? ……........................................................................................................... 25 REMINDERS FOR UP AND COMING EVENTS DON’T FORGET YOUR ENTRIES FOR THE PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION - ENTRIES CLOSE 30 NOVEMBER 2009 EMAIL YOUR JPEGS TO Emily Brown or post to Emily Brown - Kenara Coree Road Deniliquin NSW 2710 Be sure to include - date of birth and date of the photograph. IF YOU WISH TO ENTER CATTLE FOR THE AUCTION AT INTERNATIONAL DAIRY WEEK PLEASE ADVISE JIM GILMORE, EMILY BROWN OR CONTACT DAIRY LIVESTOCK SERVICES DIRECT DO WE HAVE ANY YOUNG PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO WOULD LIKE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE YOUTH CHALLENGE AT IDW 2010? IF YOU WISH TO TAKE PART PLEASE CONTACT ME ON 0358839470 OR ON MY MOBILE 0409710182 - I WILL PASS YOUR NAME ON TO SARAH CHANT AND KIT DAVIDSON - ITS FUN - AND ITS FREE!!! WE HAVE HAD LOTS OF OUR YOUTH PARTICIPATE IN THE PAST AND THEY HAVE GONE ON TO WIN AUSTRALIA’S DAIRY AMBASSADOR TAKING PART IN AN OVERSEAS TRIP - WINNING JUDGING COMPETITIONS, PARADERS COPMPETITIONS ETC., AND AT THE SAME TIME MAKING LOTS OF FRIENDSHIPS WITH OTHER KIDS FROM ALL OVER AUSTRALIA. DO YOU HAVE ANY NEWS - MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, BIRTHS ETC.? WE WOULD LOVE TO INCLUDE THEM IN THE DIGEST, PERHAPS YOU HAVE A FUNNY STORY OR EVEN A GREAT EXPERIENCE YOU WOULD LIKE US TO KNOW ABOUT SEND THEM IN DON’T FORGET OUR STAND AT IDW IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING YOU WANT TO INCLUDE LET JOE BRADLEY OR MYSELF KNOW BEFORE 10 JANUARY 2010 26 HOT YOUNG SIRES Old Mill Jetway JETFIRE BSOLDFIRE Jetway x Emory Dam: Old Mill E Snickerdoodle EX-2E-94-7YR-USA • Dam was WDE Supreme Champion • A Popular Jetway Son • Exciting Show-Winning Potential Steiner’s Zeus ANTICO • From the most complete Cow in the Breed, Arve • With her Exceptional picture, her EX-97 Score & her High Records, Arve might get unanimous Approval among Breeders • Zeus, his Sire, is a Very Popular, High Ranking Sire PO Box 509, Melton Vic. 3337 Office & Warehouse 10 - 12 Coburns Rd Tel 03 9743 0344 • Fax 03 9743 0355 Email: Website: BSANTICO Zeus x Ace Dam: Arve EX-97-CHE