flyer - molia
flyer - molia 2nd Km Tripolis - Argos 221 00 Tripolis / Arcadia, Greece T: +30 6942201613 Email: O U R C O M PA N Y Molia Arcadia Nature is a company developed to promote blueberry consumption worldwide. Molia was the oldest feast for the land, water and environment and celebrated in Mantinea, as the only Panarcadian feast. AVA I L A B I L I T Y O U R P L A N TAT I O N Our different varieties allow us to prolong the harvest period from the beginning of June until the end of September. In order to cultivate high quality blueberries, we choose certified plants with main object to meet the quality standards that the most demanding markets require. OUR GOAL H E A LT H G U A R A N T E E S PA C K I N G FA C I L I T Y Our vision is the long-term presence in the markets of both Greece and abroad. To ensure the promotion of high quality products of Arcadian Greek land around the world, we seek the following: -function as a team that does not preclude taking initiatives -optimum quality of our products and services -expertise gives us constant updates. We are fully committed to consumer’s health, and we are doing the most of each production stage in order to obtain all the benefits the blueberries provide to our body. Blueberry contains many bioactive compounds and vitamins which provide essential nutrients to the body. Our packing facility meets all requirements with HASP and ISO certifications for the best storage of the product. In order to strengthen our blueberry’s availability, we also use specific modified atmosphere bags that give them extra life.