1957 - Powell River Historical Museum
1957 - Powell River Historical Museum
'• . . /9~7-~ . POW IVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ..... • MAY, 1957 For Emergency Numbers- See Page One LET THE YEllOW PAGEt TELL YOU "WHERE TO BUY ITH NORTH-WEST TELEPHONE COMPANY ~~7- :J ;£3 POWELL RIVER TELEPHONE DliECTORY NORTH-WEST TELEPHONE COMPANY Fire Hall, Powell River.............. ..... 2234 Fire Dept., Cranberry ...... Call Operator Fire Hall, Westview .................... 2252 Fire Dept., Wildwood ....... Call Operator R.C.M. Police .................... ............ .2251 Hospital .......................................... 2275 If circumstances prevent you from placing an emergency call by number, you ma y dial the operator and she will attempt to connect you. For local numbers not in this Directory........... Diai " 0 " and ask for "Informa tion" To place long -distance calls............ To report service difficulties or for assistance in making a call.... ..... Dia l " 0 " and ask for "Long Distance" .............. Dia l " 0 " and tell Opera tor FROM AN AUTOMATIC (DIAL! TELEPHONE To call, lift the receiver and listen for the "dial •one' When you hear it d1ol each figure of the number you are co lim g. station i;1cluding calls to other telephones on the some line. To call such a subswber, give the tvll station number (.or nome, if a number has not as vet been ossig<Jedl to the operator A toll charge also applies on calls to these stoticns. To d1ol place your finger in the d1ol opening •.Ner the figure wonted and turn the d1ol clock- wise until your finger strikes the finger stop. Then remove your f1nger and allow the dial to turn bock. Do not touch the dial while it is return1ng. After you hove dialed you will hear either the "ringing signal" or the "busy signal". If you hove repeated trouble dialing a number, then coli the operator and she will assist you. To call o party on your own lme do not dial the listed number of the other party, but dial "119" and the last figure of your own number and the lost figure of the number you ore calling. After you have dialed this code number, hong up your receiver. Your bell, as well as the bell of the telephone you ore calling, will then ring. When your bell stops ringing it indicates thot the called telephone has been answered. If no one answers, d1~cannect by lifting your receiver for a few seconds and then replacing it TONES AND SIGNALS Ringing Signal-A "burr-rr-ing' tone, repeated at regular intervals. Busy Signa l-A steady ''buzz-bu::z-bu;:::" tone. Dia l Tone-A cont1nuous, steady hum, the signal to start dialing. Voice Recording Signal-A short, high "beep" tone heard on the telephone line about every 15 seconds indicates that the person w1th whom you ore talking is recording vaur conversat11:-n by means of his voice recording machine connected to the telephone line, TOLL STATIONS Th1s signal is provided by the Telephone Compony for your protection. If you do not wont a record mode of your conversation, ask the person WIth whom you are talking to disconnect the recording unit When he disconnects his recorder the s1gnal is no longer heard. The "beep" 1S produced automatically by a device used to ccmnect the recorder to the telephone line Toll stations ore telephone subscribers located beyond recognized exchange boundaries and a toll :horge applies on each ca ll originotmg from the Use of a recorder without the signal is con1rar1 to the provisions contained in the Company's tonff covering voice recorder connector equ1pment. SERVICE SUGGESTIONS PUBLIC NOTICE 1,f)•t. C" ~ :• ~ ir . ::;:t -, o: i.lkakn t0 a~y •:::•tL a·c Jr-1 IT.J. of tts busmes BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS WITH THE COMPANY nati8'S rc;JttriQ to new telephore "'lOvC •f'r nr·10t10fl 0~ '< rVICf' c rect.;ry l's' 'lQ~, C<OJu~tmtr-t of crcounts r O' fTlt:n~ of b-Its, etc, are hond''-d at the Cor ,>u'ly's )US:ne~" offtcec, The auJresse:< and telephone nur~&.,ers of these offrces ore l1sted 1n telephone d1rectones under the CoMpany's name Aj: cerv':::e, For mavmg telephones we request subscnbers to g1ve us at least ten days' not1ce When suffic1ent notice is g1ven we wli I endeavour to complete the order on a spec1fied dote. If no port1cular dote 1s stated, the order wli I be completed as soon as possible. . BILLS FOR SERVICE Bills are issued monthly and are due upon presentation. They cover local servICe charges one month in advance from the dote of the bill and long distance charges for one month preceding the dote of the bill. Payment of bi lis may be made by moil, in person at the business office or at any of the authorized payment ogenc1es. There IS no charge for payments mode at our authorized agencies. Any informot1on regordmg bills may be obtained by coll1ng the business office. IDENTIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES All employees of the Company authorIzed to enter buildings for any telephonic purpose ore provided with a badge or identification cord Subscribers are earnestly requested to refuse admittance to the1r premises to anyone who cannot furnish this means of identifica•ion. r ou poe a cal be v.hot ou constder a suff ct nt I time to enable the called person to reach h1 teleph ne bef re concludmg there t no one there to answer. An~wermg your telephone promptly W1 as~ure I better service and avo1 abandoned calls or other attempts t reo~h you Ttme is aved by id ntifytn your Elf, your Company or your Depart rnent 1mmed1atel1 }OU ~peak skwl~. clearly and directly into the telephone wtth your lips about one half mch from the mouthp1ece Otherwtsc you wdl not be heard dtstmctly Be sure the rect·1ver IS properly restored at the close of a conversotion Otherwi<,c your l1ne may be "out-of-order" when someone is trying to ca ll you CHANGES AND ERRORS IN DIRECTORIES Every precaution is token to avo1d errors and om1ssions in the telephon.directory, but 1f they occur, the Company's liob1l1ty for them as prov1ded in 1ts tonff IS limited to on amount not exceeding thE charges fo r the service affected until a new d1rectory is published. In order that the directory records may contain correct l1stings at all t1mes, notification of changes or errors should be given at oncE to the Business Off1ce of the Company. FORE IGN ATTAC HMENTS Someone is always selling some new gadget or g1mmick to hang on the telephor>e, presumably to improve the serv1cc or make it handier However, most of these devices actually 1nterfere wrth \Our service and may put )'Our phone complete!• out of order Attachments or dev1ces 8'<cept those authorized b~ the T elephore Company, ore not perm1tted in connect1on with telephone facilities or dliector,es if your telephone equ1pment doesn't meet some particular need, the Telephone (orrpony can furn1sh approved spec1al equt~ ment at reosunoble rates POWELL RIVER MISS 0. MORETTO. Local Representative 1\ Aalten P r 51 Michigan Westview .......... 2-1241 Abbott W r 183 Willingdon Westview . ....... 2-0391 Abram E B r 210 Michigan Westview .•........ 3807 ADAIR'S SHOE STORE Elm Ave ............. 8401 T R Adair r .......................... 2-6706 Adami Oscar F r 251 Poplar ................. 6557 Adams Ada Mrs r 420 Marine Westview ........ 5898 Adams l E r 1260 Marine Westview .......... 2-8961 Adams R H W r 1231 Elm Westview .......... 8127 Adams Walter John r 11-4th St Westview .... 2-0452 Adamson R r 290 Marine Westview ......... 2-4453 Adaszynski Allee Mrs r 451 Hillcrest Wildwood .. 4850 Adey C G r 1121 Ocean View ................ 3037 Adey George r 71 Willingdon Westview .......... 6036 Airey R r North Lake ...................... 2-3102 AIRLINE TICKET AGENCY 1st St ............ 3911 Westview Airline Office 61 Marine Westview . 2-5061 AIRPORT AUTO SERVICE 4th St Westview. . . 6721 Alberts R () r 301 Drake Cranberry Lake ...... 2-6767 Alderson D M o 310 Joyce Westview. . . . . . . . 4141 Aldred E r 121 Harvie Westview ............. 8270 Alexander House 91 Marine Westview ........ 2-1151 Alexander J r 121 Poplar ...............•.... 4527 Alexander ·J R r 390 Joyce Westview ........ 2-4651 Allan A l r l30-8th St Westview ............ 2-8416 Allan Sidney C r 123 Kent Westview ........ 2-5501 Allen C D r Haslam Lake Rd Cranllerry Lake .. 2-6217 Allen D G r 420 Willow ............. ..... 2-1816 Allen Raymond E r 430 Gaudet Cranberry Lake . 2-49D2 Allman A S r North Lake .................. 8590 Allman R H r Park St Westview ..... .... .... 2-6156 Allsopp R T r 417 Cranberry Lk Cranberry Lk .. 2-3756 Aim G r 610 Ocean View .................... 6762 Alsgard A H r 20-3rd St Westview ... ..... 2-6981 A!sgard Anita I Mrs r 981 Maple ............ 3241 Alsgard Martin A r 250 Willingdon Westview .... 8171 Alton W J r 584 Marlatt Cranberry Lake ...... 4932 AMBULANCE lst St ........................ 2275 Amos N P r 151 Cranberry Lk Crnbry Lk ...... 2-1291 Anaka J r 440 Hillcrest Wildwood ........... 2-9087 Anaka R E r 480 Pine Wildwood ........... . 2-9082 Andersen ~inar r 950 Lund Hghwy Wildwood ... 2-5892 Andersen Eric r 4 Cranberry Lk Crnbry Lk .... 2-4981 Ande1·sen Fred r 241 Poplar ............. ..... 4842 Andersen Jacob r 190 Sutherland Wildwood ..... 6317 Andersen Lynn B r 110 Walnut Cres ..•........ 5872 Andersen M r 40-2nd St Westview. . . . . . . . . 2-9261 Andersen Paul S r 71-B Willlngdon Westview ... 7131 Anderson H V r 363 Cranberry Lake Crnbry Lk .. 7257 Anderson Jas r 1131 Ocea~ View .............. 7461 Anderson James L r Gordon Ave Westview .... 2-8052 Anderson John r 560 Hatfield Cranberry Lake. 2-1350 Anderson K r 421 Joyce Westview ........... . 6642 Anderson L A r 251 Joyce Westview ......... 2-0626 Anderson 0 r 395 King Wildwood .......... 2-5591 Anderson T T r 321 liarvie Westview ........ 2-5313 ANDERSON'S MEN'S WEAR 20-lst St Wstvw. 2-8551 Andrews Cy L r Kelley Creek Rd ............. 2-8708 Andrews G H r 180 Maple .... . ........... 2-6507 Andrews R G r 461 Drake Cranberry Lake ...... 3572 Anglin R C r 70 Comox Westview ........ ... . 2-0647 Angus Gordon M r 101 Oak .................. 6327 Anstett Gerald J r 312 Manson Crnbry Lk ... 2-6873 Aprilis' Angelo r 420 Manson Crnbry Lk ..... 2-5652 Aprilis B r 14 Walnut ...................... 4153 Aprilis D r 51 Manson Westview ...........• 2-6877 Aquilin Edgar r 851 Maple .................. 3052 Armour A D r Myrtle Point .................. 3093 Arneson H r 260-2nd St Westview .......... 2-6711 Artico Armando r 6 Joyce Westview ............ 8457 Art's Barber Shop lst St .................... 8611 Astrope J C r Powell Lake ................ 2-4080 Atki11son M E Mrs r 1450 Marine Westview ... 7392 Aubert W J r 1140-B 5th Ave Wildwood . ...... 3703 Au line C E r 30-9th St Westview ....••..... . 6052 Aune B C r 641 Hatfield Cranberry Lake .•... 2-1356 Avenue lodge Ocean VIew Ave. . . • . . . . • ..... 5211 Avey Edward Rev r 20 Boundary Wectview .•... 2-9381 Avon H S r 391-lst St We~tview 2-6701 B B A Oil 680 Marine Westview. . . • . . • • . . . . . 2-1801 B & A SERVICE GARAGE 1o Marine Wstvw .. 2-5101 Bagley J M r Myrtle Point... ...... .. .... . .8502 Bagnall John W r 1090 Maple ............. ,8466 Baird R J r 478 Marlatt Cranberry Lake. , .... 6136 Baker E Mrs r 451 Sutherland Wildwood . . . . 2-5878 Baker Gee Mrs r 1120 Marine Westview ...... 2-1667 Baker John r 151 Manson Westview ......... 2-5976 Baker John J r 122 Manson Westview . . . . . . 6928 Baker R T Jr r 531 Manson Westview ... ..... 2-6226 Baker R W r 151 Manson Westview .....•..•. 2-6897 Baldwin B E r 870 Maple .................. 3501 Baldwin J J r 454 Cranberry Lk Cranberry Lk . 2-0686 Baldwin R Mrs r 42 Marine Westview ........ 2-9942 Ball Jerry r 160 Harwood Westview ......•... 2-9146 Ban ham Jack R Sr r 9th Ave Wildwood ........ 5101 Banham Jack R Jr r 661-9th Ave Wildwood .... 5107 BANK OF MONTREAL POWELL RIVER BRANCH 2nd St..... . .. 2-7612 WESTVIEW BRANCH 43 Marine Westview .2-9781 Banning F r 1010 Westview Westview ......•. 2-1367 Barber W S r 19 Riverside .......•.•...... 2-1216 Barcelonne M r ll--4th St Westview •... .... 2-6648 Barendregt H J r 20 Michigan Westview ...... 2-0511 Barfield F S r Myrtle Point .................. 30% Barnes Ken r Grief Point Westview ............ 4631 Barrett A r 220 Joyce Westview ........•..... 7283 Barrett George r Lang Bay. . . . . . . . . . ..•.•. 2-8564 Barry W E r 332 Willingdon Westview .......... 3087 Bartfai A r 30 Manson Westview. . . . . • ..... 2-6272 Bartfai A W r 548 Park Cranberry Lake. . • • • . 4703 Barton Don r 760-A Willow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1523 . 2-5567 Batten T J E r 152 Spruce Westview. . . Batte•·ham W r 201 Poplar. . . . . . . . • • • . . . 6552 Bauerochse H U r Lund Hghwy Wildwood ...... 2-6775 Baxter George r 550 Cranberry Lk Crnbry Lk .... 8092 Baxter l G r 578 Marlatt Cranberry Lake •..... 4861 Bayer H r 171-Sth St Westview ............ 2-9636 Bayer Paul r 420 Marine Westview •.••..•.. . 2-0916 Bayer Paul r 20 Windsor Westview ....•....• 2-8748 BAVER'S STORE LTO 406 Marine Westview . 2209 Bayly C E r 1050 Westview Westview.... . . •. 5547 Baynton C J r 611 Joyce Westview . . . . . . • • 6102 BEACH GARDENS DRIVE-IN THEATRE & SNACK BAR Grief Point Westview., 2-0901 BEACH GARDENS MOTELS Grief Point Westview .. 2-0901 Beacham 0 E r 160 Poplar ................. 8066 Beadman P J r 3'?0 Nelson Cranterry Lake .... 2-6855 Beattie George r 671 Sutherland Wildwood ... 5511 Beattie Wm r 10 Malaspina Westview .....••. 2-8980 BEAUFORT CARBONATED BEVERAGES 330 Coope• Westview .. 2-4051 Beck A r 360 Willow.. .. . .. .............. 2-1141 Bedard Paul r 120 Harvie Westview. . . . . . . . 2-0737 Beecroft C H r 1010 Marine Westview., . . . 2-1666 Beerrnan Bruce r 1141 Gordon Westview ..... 2-0375 Behan D J r 85 Willingdon Westview .•..... 3567 Behan Earl r Wildwood ................•... 2-4778 Behan James Mrs r 1060 Lund Hghwy Wldwd .• 2-5898 Behan M Mrs r 60 Boundary Westview ..•..... 2-0798 Behan Paddy Jr r Wildwood. . . . . . . . • . . . . 2-4777 Behan Pat r 1131-B Lund Hghwy Wildwood . 2-5815 Bekkema H r 170 Maple. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. 2-1087 Bell Charles r lJO Harwood Westview .•••.... 2-6565 Bell Douglas G r Comox St Westview 8355 Bell W G r 931 Maple ........... .'.'.'.'.'·. '.'.2~ 1051 Bell~vance M 0 r 1730-17th St Westview .•.. 2-4%3 Bells General Store 491 Sutherland Wildwood •.. 4361 Belyea A G r l21-3rd St Westview .......... 2-5581 Belyea H r 251 Harvie Westview .,-6033 Belyk Richard r 10 Walnut Cres.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' • • • ·.~.8872 Belyk Wm N r 260 King Wildwood ..•.••••.. 2-3621 Bemrose F E r 134 liarwood Westview .•••••.. 7632 Bendall N J Mrs r 141 Manson Wtst tw 2-5973 Se~ton E S r 'II n. Cran~rr) lalr.e . 2-3390 t>en,amm V B r 15 Joyce WestVtew. . •.•••. 54n oenner W E r 2b1-5th St Y.ertvrew ....... 2-3781 Bennett B D r 24 R•vers,de . 2~321 Bennett C H r <.7;; M cb ~an West• •tW. . . 9186 Bennett Charles Fraser r .251 Ceel<l!' .6866 Bennett Fred G r 150 Oak •• - ..... - . - . 3691 Bennett Geo l r l l l Bea~h Co!J'1 Westview .. 2-4837 Bennett & White Construction Co ltd Powe I Rr er 9191 BEN'S SERVICE Mar.ne Ave Westmw.... . . 2-9291 B~oson G 0 r 2l Harvie Westv•e"" . • • . . . . . 2-9901 Berger Albert 4 'i Cr"' ; erry Lak Crnb•y U. 7007 Berget Winnifred M Mrs r 37 t; anson Wshw .. 2-5611 Bernard T J r 150 Pa,lar • 8766 2-4502 Berndt G r J-irJ 't W sh1ew.. . . . Bern1er Thos r 4~1 Westview Westview. . . . • 2-3326 BERNIER'S SHOE STORE ..>'l5 l.r b rry Lak< C· an berry Luke 8.371 Berridge S Rev r :n'" Harv1e Westv•ew ......• 2-9516 Bertram E H r 721 Maple . . .•••..•. 2-4671 Betschova Paul r 413 Marlatt Cranberry Lake. 2-5681 Bettendge Arthur r 140 Manson Westview. • . 2-6657 BETTS CASH GROCERY 230 Man<on Wstvw 2-9091 81asutti G r 3-lS M•nson C• an berry L~~e. . . 5641 Biasutli J r 291 Juyc~ Westview •.•......... 2-3611 81asultl R r 180 Joyce Westview ............ 3617 Biasutt1 Roger J r 250 Oak..... 7547 Bichard John r 121 Oak • . . . • . . . . . . . . . 6321 Biffard W H r 2 Walnut ..•...•............. 5788 Big 10 Motors Ltd 10-1st St Westview ........ 7881 Bigold Chas A r 10.31-Sth Ave Wildwood ..... 2-5797 Bikadi J r 40 Manson Westview. . . . . . . . 2-0218 Biles B J r 120 Poplar. . ......... 8486 Bilesky Harry r 347-1st St Westview ....... 2-5511 2-3161 Billett Victor r 404 Willow. . . . . . . . • . • . Bilton Edward r 434 Cranberry Lk Cranberry Lk. 2-0681 Bingham Equipment Co Ltd mchy 897 W 6th Vancouver (Toll Chg) .. Express-1455 Bird Charles 0 r 1180-Sth Ave Wildwood ... 2-5777 Birt B D Sr r 60 Bute Westview ............ 2-5545 Birt B W r 950 Ocean View ............. 2-5412 Sirt R J r 50 Bute Westview. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9046 Bjornson J r 941-4th Ave Wildwood .......... 4588 Black A E r 201 Willingdon Westview.. . . . . . 3826 BLACK ERNEST druggist 42 Marine Westview. 4721 Black H M r 568 Cranberry Lake Crnbry Lk .... 8097 Black J M r 61-6th St Westview .......... 2-6268 BLACK POINT GENERAL STORE Black Point. 2-8803 Black Ross M r Pebble Beach ................ 4657 BLACK & WHITE CABS 371 Ma1·ine Westview. 7771 Black William r 257 Harvie Westview .......... 8277 Blackhall G K r 330-2nd St .................. 6361 Blackhall J r 7-8th St Westview ........... 2-8412 Blacklock A r 485 Cranberry Lk Cranberry Lk .... 4716 Blacklock Wm r 483 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk ...... 6656 Blackmore L J Rev r 1121 Lund Hghwy Wldwd. 2-5856 Blackwell Leonard J r 120-3rd St Westview . 2-3431 Blais J P r 658 East Cranberry Lake ........ 2-5151 Blake D H R r 160 Ocean View_ . . . . . . . . . . . 6366 Blanchard S R r 630 Marine Westview ........ 4061 Blasius Har.ry r 740-A Willow .............. 2-1527 Blatherwick A r 1000 Maple ................ 2-1541 ~latherwick F r 761 Manson Westview ...... 2-6248 !:\latter H r 100 Marine Westview .•.......... 5861 Bleakney L B r Clark Rd .................. 2-88.00 Bledsoe R C r Pebble Beach .................. 4652 Blondm Stuart C r 373 Manson Crnbry Lk .... 5562 Blumberg J A r 354 Drake Cranberry Lk •..... 2-5666 Blyth N r 60-1st St Westview .............. 2-0416 Bod lack W!lliam E r 1021 Westview Westview ... 5545 Bogoslow~kr John J r 390 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk. 2-3792 Bombard~r A J plmbr 1061 Lund Hghwy . Wildwood .. 2-5821 . Bom bar d~r Dmo r 411 Nelson Cranberry Lake ... B510 Bombard1r G r 270 Sutherland Wildwood 2-4581 Bombardir Luigi r 150 King Wildwood: : : : : :2-4311 BBond Eugene P r 644 East Cranberry Lake ... 2-9871 ond J 0 r 250 Joyce Westview 5847 BBond John Wm r 1296 Gordon We~t~i~~: ·.::: · 2~8751 on~ R G r 1150-5th Ave Wildwood .......... 3701 Bomface Fred r 280 Maple 3387 Boodle Don r 425 Nelson c;anb~t;y· ·Lake .... 2~6382 Borden V R r 421 Manson Cranberry Lak~: : : : .. 7377 Borer F r Z21 llelllllr - - " ' · BorwJrl61...,.,......._ Bartolill 8 r 1020 land Htllwr Bortolussi & r 960 ,..,.., • Bortolussi M r 430 Kl!li~~ BOSA MITCHELL IIIQI 4«~7 Ma son C nberry l i k e . Boserup H r 5 Crllllberry lake Crnbry Ut Bollerill S r l3~th St Westview .•.••••• a Bouman A r 110 WI hngdon Wttstvlew • 77D Bourassa Alfred o Joyce Ave We tvlew . . 2-814l Bourassa Jerry r Wildwood...... • . • • . . . 5Q7 Bourassa Paul r Wildwood .••..•...•..•.•. 2-4378 Bourassa Roland r 17 Manson Westvltw . . . 4702 Bowes Howard E r 120 Marine Westview • . . 2·3316 Boyce M H Mrs r 81 Harvie Westview ..•.... 2-9902 Boyd J A r 131 Cedar.. .. .. • .. .. .. • .. • . 4501 Boyd Robert G r 50! Manson Cranberry lake .. 2-5662 Brach F r lOJl Ocean View .•••...••....... 2-6342 Bradley R K r 1442 Marine Westview ........ 2-3086 Bradshaw E Miss r Westview Rd Westview .... 2-0121 Braham R r 71 Harvie Westvrew. . • . . . . . ... 2-9907 Brandsma R r ~50 Maple Westview. . . . . . . .. 2-5510 BRANT'S PLUMBING & HEATING 92 M 1chigan Westview .. 2-8601 Br~y William A J r 441 Maple .......•.•.... 4346 Srend F r 10 Michigan Westview .......... 2-3446 Brenna~ R r 3CJO Joyce We~tview. . . . . . . . . . . 2-4516 Bressanutli R r 921 Ocean View.. . . . • . . • . 4691 Bressanutti U r .391 Manson Cranberry Lake .... 7891 Brett Roy brokerage 11 Bay Westview ...••..... B001 Brett Roy o 930 Marine Westview .•.•...... 2~21 Bridge R A r 1051 Maple. , ••.....•..... , •. 7626 Brindise Frank r 281 Comox Westview ....... 3956 Brister Harry r 200 Malaspina Westview ........ 5791 B C AIR LINES LTD Powell Lake . . 4081 B C Electric Co Ltd 213 Marine Westview ...... 2282 Engineering Office .•...........•.......... 2284 Substations .....• 2-8501 Night callsSidney Patrick r .•...•..............• , 2-1941 British Ropes Canadian Factory Ltd 3185 Grandview Hghwy VancouverlTo!IChgl. Hemlock 1-3331 Broekhuizen N r Hillcrest St Wildwood..... . 2-9088 Brooks D F r 230 Marine Westview. . . . . . . . 9104 Brooks G r 241-Znd St Westview ........•... 2-1956 Brooks Junior-Senior High School Ocean View Ave Office ................................. 3181 Staff Room .......................... 6041 Brooks R J r 330 Manson Cranberry Lake .... 2-1846 Brosseau Leo r 651 Mowat Bay Cranberry Lake. 2-1900 Brown C W ,. 1124 Elm Westview ........••. 2-0377 Brown Chas C r 1580 Hemlock Westview. . ... 2-1020 Brown Charles W F r 130 Harvie Westview_ ..... 6381 Brown Edward r 1270 Gordon Westview. . • . • . . 5296 Brown G P r Manson Rd Westview .......... 2-9746 Brown J L r 791 Manson Westview .......... 2-6240 Brown Kenneth r Grief Point Westview. . . . .... 4637 Brown R r 419 Nelson Cranberry Lake ....•... 2-3262 Brown Roy r 541 Church Cranberry Lake... • . 780o Brown S T r 262 Harvie Westview .......... 2-6636 Brownsell W r 200 Cedar .................. 2-1132 Bruce Garfield r 331 Willingdon Westview •..•.. 3080 Bruce R J r 560 Marlatt Cranberry Lake ...... 2-5682 Bruce T H r 332 Perry Cranberry Lake ..•.••. 2-6291 Brummitt Wm M Dr r 671 Maple ............ o511 Bryant D r 241-B Joncus Wildwood .•.•...... B441 Bryce Robert r 711 Maple .................. 3871 Brynjolfson S G r 1194 Walnut. .......•.•... 4466 Bryson C L r 340 Willow ...........•.•...... 7021 Buchanan J M r 112 Joyce Westview .....••. 2-0541 Buck J M r 860 Marine Westview .......... 2-3201 BUCKERFIELD'S LTD ll-1st St Westview .... 2254 Bugja Emanuel r 749 Wood Cranberry lake .... 2-1903 Buhler WAr 1041 Ocean View ..••...•....•• 2-5327 Bull R B r 440 Westview Westview .......... 8037 Bullen D C T Dr o 818 Marine Westview ...... 2-0351 Bullen D C T Dr r .350 Cooper Westview ...... 4806 Bullock T E Mrs r 419 Marlatt Crnbry Lk ...... 7802 Bunny John r 342 Nelson Cranberry Lake ..•. 2-02B1 Burg Andrew r 117-4th St Westview ..•...•. 2-9611 BURG & JOHNS()N LTD 90 Joyce Westview •.•. 2206 Lumber Yard 90 Joyce Westview .......... 2205Burgess W R r 510-1st St Westview •...•.••. 2-9938 Burke - Clinic POWELL RIVER Burke T Jr r 981 Ocean View .•••••••...... 2-6416 Burke Thomas Sr r 455 Marlatt Crnbry Lk ....• . 6863 Burn S T r 1081 Ocean View ......... _ ..•... 5636 Burn W A r 8 Walnut Cres. . . . . . . . ...... 68.47 Burroughs Larry r 10 Vine Lane Westview .... 2-0411 Burroughs W W r 30-lst St Westview. . . . . . . 2-5241 Burton Anthony I r 951 Maple ..... 7856 Busc C F r 1630 Marine Westview. . . . . . . 3747 Buse F Mrs r 1610 Marine Westview ..•..... 2-4472 Buse Irvin r 160Q-lbth St Westview ........ 2-9237 Butler G Bruce r 1200-12th St Westview .... 2-4481 Butler J H r 1220-12th St Westview ...•.... 2-0706 Butler S J r 4l 0 Joyce Westview ............ 6641 Button A R r ell Manson Westview .......... 2-8326 Button H F r 1110 Whalen Westview ........ 2-0556 Button R 0 r 601 Manson Westview ....•..... 7267 BUY -RITE FIVE CENT TO ONE DOLLAR STORE 75 Marine Westview. 2-3821 Byles J r 1801 Marine Westview ............ 2-4881 Byrne F J r Wildwood.......... .. .. 2-4086 0 C J A V RADIO STATION 735 N 3rd Ave (Toll Chgl.. Port Alberni-604 Cade Amos G r Douglas Bay ................ 2-8806 Cain C S Dr o 660 Manson Westview ........ 2-4153 Caldarone Giuseppe r 1230-5th Ave Wildwood .. 2-1390 Calder C Bain r 510 Sutherland Wildwood .... 2-5831 CALEDONIAN BAKERY 624 East Cranberry Lk .. 4001 Calleberg G B r 101-Bth St Westview. . .... 2-8123 Callegan L r 301 King Wildwood ............ 2-5922 Calvert W r 830-4th Ave Wildwood .......... 2-5842 Calwell M r 454 Manson Cranberry Lake . ..... 6631 Calwell M G r 430 Gaudet Cranberry Lake . . 2-4907 Cameron J L Mrs r 671 Manson Westview .... 2-4158 Cameron James A r 231-4th St Westview... 2-4946 Cameron R r 81 Manson Westview. . . . . . . . . . 7588 Camozzi S S r 320 Joyce Westview .......... 2-4650 Campbell A F r 1900 Marine Westview ..... 2-9231 Campbell D A r 1212-12th St Westview .. ... . 5293 Campbell Don r 370 Joyce Westview .......... 8251 Campbell Douglas D r 1484 Gordon Westview .. 2-3538 Campbell E C r 350 Maple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3131 Campbell Hugh A r 308 Willow. . . . . . . . . . ... 2-3112 Campbell J E r 830-A Willow. . . . . . . . . ... 2-1407 Campbell K T r 565 Manson Westview .. , . . . . 4322 Campbell L 0 r 830 Maple... . ............ 5692 Campbell M H r 4th St Westview. . . . . . . . . . 2-0437 Campbell Robert B r 1570 Marine Westview .. 2-3530 Canadian Bakeries Ltd 110 Manson Westview .. 2-6B95 Canadian Bakeries Ltd 601 W lOth Vancouver CToll Chg) .. Express-1411 CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE 211 Marine Westview . 6901 CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE 2nd St .. 4161 Canadian Legion Branch No 164 91 Marine Westview. 2-1151 Canadian National Telegraphs 84 Marine Wstvw .. 5191 Canadian Pacific Air Lines Ltd Vancouver International Airport Richmond CNo Toll Chg) .. Zenith-6044 Cant James r 111-10th St Westview.. . . 9145 CAN"J:'S SHOES & REPAIRS 69 Marine Wstvw. 6771 Caparona Ugo r 340 Joyce Westview... . . . . .3618 Carll E W r 16 Riverside. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7382 Carlsen Harry r 160-2nd St Westview ........ 2-6463 Carlson A L r 120-2nd St Westview ........ 2-0871 Carlson E H r Manson Rd Westview . . ...... 2-6152 Carl;on E W r 10 North Lake . . . . . . . . ... 2-6655 Carlson W A r 365-1st St Westview ........ 2-9181 Carm!chael R M Or o 11 Marine Westview ... 2-1331 Carm1chael R M Dr r 731 Joyce Westview .... 2-9411 Carnelley Jack r 1061 Ocean View . . . . . . . . 2-5321 Carr. Harry r 50 Beach Court Westview ...... 2-4072 Carr!ck A G r q5o Maple ................. 2-5406 Carr!tk John M r 1151 Ocean View .......... 7031 Came J B r 80-lOth St Westview .......... 2-3513 Carr~ere Gerald A r 691 McMahon Wildwood .... 8696 Carnere James Sr r 251 Joncus Wildwood .... 2-5810 Carroll 8 Mrs r 32 Joyce Westview .......... 5473 Carruthers H C r 1011 Ocean View ........ 7417 Carruthers J L r 11-Bth St Westview. . ..... 4062 Carson H E r 450 Westview Westview. . . . . . 4296 Carter Fred G r 251 Manson Westview . . . . • . 8513 5 Carter H D r 324 Manson Cranberry Lake. . . 2-4681 Carter W Donald r 261 Manson Westview •. , .6416 Carter Walter T r 1241-Sth Ave Wild11ood 6538 Cartlidge H r 10q4 Marine We;tv;ew..... .2-1665 Cartmell J r 548 Marlatt Cranbeny Lake ..•.. 2-5673 Carta F r 450 Gaudet Cranberry Lake. • • • . • . 2-4901 Casparie W r 444 Maple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5576 Castellarin A Mrs r 481 King Wildwood 2-5782 2-3733 Castellarin E r 571 Manson Westview Cathcart Ernest W r 1395 Gordon Westview 2-8063 Cattermole M C Mrs r 2 Orchard House ..... 6397 Caudwell J W r 2-3rd St Westview. . . . 8540 Cave V F r 441 Pine Wildwood.. . . . ....... 2-9083 CECCONI ED L o 23 Joyce Westview. . ...... 8896 Cecconi Ermis r 10-lOth St Westview .. 2-4697 Cecconi L Mrs r 25 Joyce Westview .• _ .. 2-3767 Cecconi Otto r 431 Church Cranberry Lake .... 2-3361 Cecconi Victor r 458 Nelson Cranberry Lk .... 2-6857 Chadwick John r 420 Marine Westview . . .. 5893 Chadwick S E r Pebble Beach. . . . . . . . ... 2-4896 Challis John W r 141 Cranberry Lake Crnby Lk. 2-3471 Chambers Sam r 521 Westview Westview .... 2-9126 Champion Ernest J r 311-4th St Westview. . . 2-4652 Chapman H E r 330 Lakewood Westview. . 2-5515 Chapman V r 153-2nd St Westview . . . . 2-6496 Chard A E r 21 Laurel Westview.. . . • 2-4938. Charlebois J Paul r 2'10-A Maple.. . . . . . 2-3561 Charlie's Truck & Tractor North Lake ...... 2-6376 Charlton A W r 211 Michigan Westview ...... 2-5946 Charlton William r 11-4th St Westview 2-6640 Chatwin M A r 51 Willingdon Westview ....•. 2-9761 Checkland W r 1780 Marine Westview . ..... 2-6001 Cheshire C F r 620 Joyce Westview ......... . 6108 Chevalier J C r 360 Willingdon Westview 2-3271 Chiarcossi G r 150 Maple .................. 5951 Chisholm J E r 141 Harvie Westview 8278 Chislett L E r 560 Cranberry Lk Crnbry Lk ... 2-4017 CHOCOLATE SHOP 183 Marine Westview 2-4503 Christensen G L r 40 Riverside. . . . . . . . . • • 2-4131 Christensen K G r 120 Maple... ......... 4916 Christian R E Mrs r qo-qth St Westview . . .... 2-0950 Christiansen Alex J r 11 Walnut..... .... 7841 Christiansen A if E r 200 Oak. . . . . . • . . . . . 7076 2-4118 Christiansen Art r Manson Rd Westview Christiansen Ben r 143 Michigan Westview 2-0886 Christiansen Gary D r 25 Riverside. • . ..••. 2-1197 Christiansen L H r 411 Maple . . • . . . . • . • 312?. Christiansen Peter r Lakeview St Wildwood 2-4085 Christie R G r 1190 Walnut . . . . . . . . . . . 3672 Church F W r 700 Maple. . . . . . . . . 2-1256 Churchman C E r 1560 Marine Westview ••• 2-4473 Cianci Vito r 1060 Marine Westview. . 2-0537 Ciarniello Alessandro r 651 McMahon Wildwood 2-5745 Ciarniello C Mrs r 770-oth Ave Wildwood. . . . 6163 Ciarniello Michele r 461 Sutherland Wildwood .2-5875 Cimaglia Felice r :no King Wildwood ..•..... 5653 Cimaglia Joe r 4b0 Sutherland Wildwood ....• 2-5865 Cimarosa Nick r 48 Willlngdon Westview ........ 6352 Ciprick J r 340 Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7052 CITY MOTORS LTD 1st St . • 2210 City Taxi 401 Marine Westview . . . . . • • • • . . 2-1111 CITY TRANSFER !1954) LTD 350-4 th St Westview .3141 Clapp D M r 111 Marine Westview. . • . • • • •. 2-1122 Clapp J A r 210 Marine Westview. • • • • • . 2-3371 Clark C W r 1714 M-lrine Westview. . . . • . . 3741 Clark Ethel Miss r 40 Windsor Westview. . 5797 Clark John r 1130 Whalen Westview. . . • • , 2-0551 Clark Lloyd F r 30 FUI·ness Westview. . . .... 2-5612 Clark Nathan A r 360-3rd St .•••.•.. 4927 Clark Neil E r 171 Drake Cranberry Lake .... 2-1231 Clark Wilfred o 41-7th St Westview. . • . . • . • 7871 Clarke C J r 2~0 Maple.. .. .. .. . .. • . ... 2-1261 Clat·ke D M r 581 Manson Westview •• . 4326 Clarke Donald P r 1111 Ocean View ......... 2-3011 Clarke Frank R r 160 5t.h St Westview . • . • 7113 Clarke Fred r 361 King Wildwood.... . . . . 2-4377 CLARK'S E M STORE oo M.1rine Westview 8211 Claussen Ron r 100 Manson Westview .••. 2-6890 Clayton H F r 221 Poplar . . . . . . . . . . . . • 6912 Clem's Transfer LJkeview St Wildwood 2-<1084 Clifford A G r 414 Willow. .. • . . . . . . . . . • 2-5071 CHgnon Giovanni r 1031 Maple ...... 2· 1222 Clmic Medical The lst St .•......... , 2241 6 Clogg A P r 1260 Elm Wlst ·.w ....•..••.. 2-8756 Closter Tom r 454 Crnbry lk Crnbry Lk . . . . 3442 Clough Ron r 640-B 6th A~ U:!wl!Oj. • • . . . 8693 Clough lJ, liJm r 64o-6th A•e Vii wood .. 2·5807 Cluff Allee Miss r 141 \v.I!'ngdon Westview ••.. 7725 Clutterbuck A G r 5 ,1 Mans~n W~t•iew. • • 2-3985 Clutt~·buck Wm 11rs r 40 Furne>l' Wert•ie.v. 2-8622 Coburn A L r 1.3 McGuffie . . . . . • . 2-6653 Coburn Earl R r 480 Nel·on Cran~e·ry Lak~.. 3573 Coc,ola Jean r • Y. nc·o• We;tv1ew .•.••.•... 2-6926 COCCOLA JEAN AGENCIES LTD ovan V ;ow Ave . 8331 .2·9151 We·tv• w Office 2 ' !.'.1dne Westview N·~ht caii;Je r Cocco Ia •••...•. 2-6926 Pe•er G Molloy .............. 2-3536 Cochenour Lorne r 280-4t~ St Westview ...... 2-0456 Cochlan J S r 108.: M •one Wee tview... . ... 2-0806 Cochlan R E r 430 Willow ..••••.••..•.••... 2-1386 Cochrane James A r 1110 Walnut.... . .••.• 2-6091 Cockrill J W r 260 Oak.. .. • . .. .. .. ....... 3736 Code E H r 91-9th St Westview •...•....... 2-0956 Cofield Russell r 280 Man;~n Westview ••..•... 6418 Cole Clarence r 18 Riverside . . . • . • •••..... 8781 Collicutt S r oth St Westview. . . . . . . . . . 2-6122 Collings V T r •142-A Marine Westview . 7395 Collins 0 R Or o 1st St ................... 2241 Collms 0 R Or r 1110 Marine Westview ••..... 4751 Collins J r 743 Westview Westview ....•... 2-9416 Collinson Alec A r 720 Maple. . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-1251 Colquhoun Donald N r 481 Irvine Crnbry Lk .... 6581 COMMUNITY LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 320 Hillcrest Wildwood . 2-5911 ComoK Logging & Railway Co Ltd 4th St Wstvw .2-6691 Condon C P r 211 Poplar ...... 4476 Condon J r 315-1st St... .. .. . .. . .. ..... 2-5421 Conedera Peter r 1070 Joyce Westview ....... 2-4696 Cook Fred r 417 Cranberry Lake Crnbry Lk .... 2-3756 Cook John r 230 Harvie Westview .......... 2-9541 Cook Oscar r Whalen Ave Westview .......... 2-8051 COOK'S MOTEL LTD 370-1st St Westview. . . 2-8481 Coomber H r 710 Marine Westview ........... 4067 Coomber R B r 100 Oak .................... 4506 Cooper H r 1420 Marine Westview .......... 2-4257 Cooper Russell M r 340 Ocean View .......... 9125 Cooper V H r 80 Manson Westview .......... 2-4225 Cooper W S r 170 Michigan ................ 8133 Corbett J W r 1161 Ocean View ............ 2-5336 Corbould 0 0 r 2nd St ...................... 6021 Corm1er F r 110 Michigan Westview ........ 2-9051 Cottom G C r Marine Ave Westview .......... 2-6473 Coulter Bert r 120 Oak .................... 6071 Court J1mmy r 479 Marlatt Cranberry Lake .... 6131 Courte G r 1280 Marine Westview .......... 2-4252 Courte J E r 70 Michigan Westview .......... 2-1246 Cour~e V l r 201 Malaspina Westview ........ 2-4251 Cousms William r 539 Manson Westview ...... 2-6221 Contts George L r 551-1st St Westview ...... 2-0561 Couveiler C A r 890 Ocean View .............. 3767 Cowley F J r Pebble Beach .............. 2-4891 Co~ley Jas M r 970 Maple .................. 8291 Cra1g A S r 320-1st St .................... 7066 Cra1g R R optmtrst 2nd St. ............... 2-3721 Cra1g R R r 381 Cooper Westview ............ 2-3227 Cra1gen E G r 660 Ocean View ............... 9133 CralgebnAW r 400 Willow .................... 3012 Cram r 1021 Ocean View ................ 6541 Cramb John r 460 Marlatt Cranberry Lake .... 2-6866 g~:m~ ~ 761 Maple ...................... 7682 o o o •••••••••••• 0 00 F CRANBERRY r 00 ~8~L~N~Ie AL.LEY. . . •••••• 00 ........ . ...... 4406 550 Manson Cranberry Lake 6731 Cranberry Cold Storage 470 Church ·· . Cranberry Lake .. 2-5641 C ran berry F1re Hall Club 364 Drake Crnbry Lk .. 7221 CRANBERRY HARDWARE !1954) 383 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake 2259 CRANBERRY MOTORS .. 300 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake 4331 CRANBERRY SHEET METAL L TO .. 400 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake .. 2-6231 Cratchley W J r 810 Ocean View. . . . . . . 2-6421 Craven J G r 433 Manson Cranberry Lake. :::2-5657 Crawford A 8 o 1140 Lund Hghwy Wildwood .. 2-6961 .. Crilly M A r 1 Orchard Hoae .. Crockett G r 101 Cnnllerry Llr: Cmbty Lll Crook H L r 101 McGuffie Wesbllew. . . • . . • Crooks George Mrs r 2D-4tll St Westview. . Cro5bY J C r 801 Maple .... Cross A H Mrs r Pebble Beaeh. Cross J H r 1280 Joyce Westview. . • • . . • Crossley C r 530 Hatfield Cranberry Lake •.. Crowther R r 789 Mowat Bay Cranberry Lall:e. Cruikshank Wm r 61H>th St Westview .•••••• Culos A r 401 Marlatt Cranberry Lake Culos A Andy r 554 Park Cranberry Lake ..... Culos A Gindo r 50& Park Cranberry Lake .•• Culos D r 353 Nelson Cranberry Lake ...•... Culos J r 501 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Uke .• Cum, ford P E Mrs r North Lake ......... . Cummmg Agnes Mrs r bO Michlg3n Westview. Cumm1n9 W C r 971 Ocean View ....••••... Cummings David r 1st St Westview. . • . . . Cummings G A r 319 Manson Cranberry Lake .. Cummings Ralph r 1650 Marine Westview. . •.. Cunmngham James r 770 Westview We~tvlew ... 2·5111 Cunnlflgham Vernon r 120-B 2nd St Westview. 2·6467 Cunni~gham William W r Fernwood Ave Westvw.2-4110 Cusch1ere Gerald r 37& Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk .. 2-4036 Customs Office 2nd St. .......•.•........... 4171 00 00 00 . . . . . . . . . 00 . . 00 . . . . . . 0 •••• D Daley Russell r 241-A Joncus Wildwood ...... 8449 Oallos J G r 121 Willlngdon Westview ..•.... 2-1492 Dallas J P r 351 Harvie Westview ............ 7526 ga]y ~ou~las W r 350 Nelson Crnbry Lk .••. 2-4686 aY r North Lake 7483 Daly E T r 360 Nelsen Cranberry Lah ...... 2-1841 Daly R F r 65 Manson Westview ......••..•. 2-0212 Daly R H r 141 Drake Cranberry Lake ....•. 2-1272 Daly R W r North Lake ........•.•....•...... 7481 Daly T E r 85 Evans Westview •............. 2-0216 Dalzell C R r 811 Maple .••.•..•.......•.•. 4012 O'Angio John J r Douglas Bay ...•..•........ 2-8801 O'Angio R r Queen's Rd Westview ............ 2-0400 0' Aoust J G r Cooper Rd Westview. . . . . . 2-6126 Daoust Marcel r 250 Joncus Wildwood ........ 2-6911 Oatwiler Ken r 19 Bute Westview ........... 2-3415 Oaubner H A r 650-9th Ave Wildwood. . . . . 3651 Davenport A F r 2~0 Maple.. .. . . .. .. ..... 5301 Davenport Fred G r 231 Willingdon Westview .. 2-3317 Davenport Richard H r 1590 Marine Westview 2-1028 Davey A r 70 Malaspina Westview .......... 2-1090 Davidson Dave A r 191-3rd St Westview ...... 2-3761 Davidson James C r 764 Wood Cranberry Lk .. 2-1861 Davidson James N r so Michigan Westview. . . 2-9056 Davies F W r 411 Westview Westview ••... 2-3323 Davies H N r Vananda Ave Westview ........ 2-6470 Davies Harry L r 650 Marine Westview. . . . . 2-9316 Davies Hector S r 650 Westview Westview ..•. 2-6621 Davies J r l0-8th St Westview ..•...•..•. 2-6051 Davies Stanley A r 350-3rd St. . . . • . . . . . . 7211 Davis 0 A r North Lake ................. 2-3101 Davis James A r 501 Joyce Westview ........ 2-3480 Davis M H Mrs r 330 Manson Westview ...... 2-5215 Davis Martha Mrs r lll-2nd St Westview ..... 2-6466 Davis R C r 522 Manson WeGtview ... 2-6787 Dawson C J r 150 Harvie Westview. . . . . . ..... 6386 Dawson W G r 1070 Maple .................. 6591 Day J r 349-lst St Westview .............. 2-9937 De Alti Gino r 440-B King Wildwood ........ 2-3625 Dealti J r 440 King Wildwood ....•......... 5651 Dearing Ina Miss r 42-lst St Westview .. ·..... 2-9862 OeChaine H J r 1031 Westview Westview .... 2-9226 DeCook Albert r 1811 Marine Westview ...... 2-4932 Deer W F r 27 Manson Westview._. • . . .. 2-0213 De Groot Peter r Westview Rd Westview. . . . . 2-0722 de Jong J F r 700 Manson Westview ......... 2-6245 Del Tedesco E Mrs r 169 Joyce Westview .... 2-5562 Della Maestra Fermo r 290 Poplar... . . . . . . . 5207 Oelzotto Augusto r 1060 Jovce Westview . . . 2-4692 Oendys R r 821-7th Ave Wildwood .....•. 2-5740 Denholm J r 440 Maple . . 2-1~81 Dennis E R r Queen's Rd Westview. . 2-0403 Dennis Fred r loO Oak. . . 6831 Dennis R r 302-lst St.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 5407 Denn1son R r 340 Manson Westview ..•.•...•. 2-6785 00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 .. .. • 0. • Derbyshire - Farris Derbyshire R W r 791 Maple ............ .. .. 7596 Derkatch Alex r 861-7th Ave Wildwood ..•..• 2-5748 Derkatch M r 361-lst St Westview. . ....•.. 2-0566 Derton J r 447 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake. 2-0682 Derton R B r 455 Manson Westview ....•... 2-5210 Desilets L J r 161 Michigan Westview ......... 8135 Devaud A r 921 Westview Westview .......... 5541 Devito Cart r 1071 Lund Hghwy Wildwood ...... 8443 Devito Cesidio r 911-4th Ave Wildwood ...... 2-3855 Devito Frank r 221 Joncus Wildwood ........ 2-5818 Devito Geno r 70 Joyce Westview .......... 2-9397 Dev1to J r 320 King Wildwood ......•..... 2-6556 Devito N r .331 King Wildwood ..•......... 2-5391 Devitt Edward r 461 Manson Westview ........ 2-9921 Devitt Fred r 561 Hillside Cranberry Lake ...... 5817 Devitt Harry r 89 Royce Westview ............ 2-6871 Devlin Andrew G r 820 Ocean View .......... 4016 Devlin James r 30 MacGregor Westview ........ 5231 DeWitt E H t· 444 Willow ................... 4771 de Wynter E r 465 Nelson Cranberry Lake ...... 6522 de Wynter G r 651 Mowat Bay Crnbry Lk .. 2-4822 de Wynter L Scotty r 631 Mowat Bay CrnbryLk .. 2-0446 Dexter Dental Laboratory 2nd St ............ 2-8001 Diana A Mrs r 430 Nelson Granllerry Lake .... 2-6853 Diana Fred L r 728 East Cranberry Lake ...... 2-9971 Diana Marco r 312 Nels~n Cranberry Lake .... 2-6878 Dice Jack r 11 Bute Westview .............. 2-3412 Dice Sam r 861 Maple .................... 3591 Dice William E r 961 Ocean View ............ 4697 Dick Roy r 31 Beach ...............••..... 2-4836 Dicker G H r Vananda Ave Westview ......... 2-3633 Dicker H r :no Willow.. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 8436 Dickie A L r 312 Cooper Westview .......... 2-4206 DICKS' DRYGOODS 359 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk .... 7441 Dtckson F A r 651 Maple.................. 3111 Didcote F Mrs r 121 Michigan Westview ..... 2-5506 Di Gregorio Vittorio r 189 Sutherland Wildwood. 8196 Dingwell E A r 670 Marine Westview. . . . . . . 2-5276 Dini E Mrs r 401 Manson Cranberry Lake ...... 7896 Dittloff E B r 600 King Wildwood .... ... ... 2-5788 Dittlcff Edward M r 610 King Wildwood ........ 6533 Dixon Dixie r Walnut Cres ................ 2-1872 Dobbyn A G r 150 Ocean View .............. 8681 Dockar J F r 41 Laurel Westview .. ..... ..... 6463 Dodsworth Arthur r 310-lst St. ............. 7666 Dolchewski A r 386 Nelson Cranberry Lake .. ... 8387 Domenis Gino r 160 King Wildwood .... . ... 2-5393 Domenis Pio r 480 Park Wildwood .......... 2-5907 Donaldson J F r 1745 Marine Westview ...... 2-4966 Donigan H E Mrs r 250-3rd St Westview .... 2-3341 Donkersley G Mrs r 3 Walnut. ............... 7342 Donkersley J A r 741 Maple ................ 3877 Donkersley L S r 731 Westview Westview .. . . 2-3468 Donkerstey W F r 540 Coburn Cranberry Lake. 2-4823 Donkersley W R Mrs r 547 Coburn Cranberry Lk.4356 Donnelly P R r 420 Manson Westview ....... . 2-5602 Donnenworth L W r 58 Manson Westview ...... 2-8623 Doran Harold J o 131 Willingdon Westview .... 2-5301 Dorval Romeo r 692 Marine Westview ........ .4063 Dorward J r 764 Mowat Bay Crnbry Lake ... 2-1901 Dow Betty H Miss r 110-Bth St Westview ..... 2-3487 Drader Arthur E r 151 Spruce Westview .... 2-0847 Drader F E r 142 Harwood Westview. . . . . . 2-6567 Draeger R r 359 Nelson Cranberry Lake ........ 9140 Drake David r Wildwood .................. 5832 Draper W H r 1571 Marine Westview. . . . . . . . 7390 Drinnen Glen C r North Lake ............... 2-6378 Drury R C r Manson Rd Westview ........... 2-8236 Duerks A R r 550 Chw·ch Cranberry Lake. . . . 2-8823 DUET BEAUTY SALON 31 Marine Wstvw ...... 8181 Duke W J r 130 Poplar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8761 Dulmage R r Lang Bay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8569 Dumochel H B r 695 Mowat Bay Cranberry Lk. 2-8576 Dunbrack A N r 441 King Wildwood. . . . . . . . . 5655 Dunbrack Cart R r 960 Lund Hghwy Wildwood .. 8193 ~un~rack Thos r 450 Willow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3016 un op A r 271 Oak.. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . 3901 Dunlop Davtd A r 1721 Marine Westview. • . . . 2-9177 Dunlop Fred A r 211 Cedar . . . . . . . . . . . . 7542 Dunlop James r 161 Oak. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8062 Dunlop K r 1150 Walnut. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 3677 Dunn Arthur C r 120-lst St Westview... 2-9881 Dunn Donald r 700-B Willow. . . . . . . . . 8836 Dunn J A r 1080 Ocean View. .4946 7 Dunn R r 202 Michigan Westview ..•••...... 2-6547 Dunning John r 404 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk . 4577 Dunwoodie Roy r 91 Laurel Westview. . . . 2-4883 Duptissie Allan J r 31 Bute Westview. . . . .. 2-1566 Duplissie Charles J r 720 Manson Westview ...•. 6208 Dwtght Hall Walnut Cres. . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • 5221 Dyck J r 911 Ocean View ................... 5903 Dyck John r Manson Rd Westview ......... , • 2-<>241 Dyer Douglas C r 724 East Cranberry Lake ..... 6703 Dykes G S r 841 Joyce Westview.". . . . 2-3647 Dykes J A r 241 Willingdon Westview. . 2-4396 E Eakin J E r 620 Westview Westview .•.•.••. 2-6261 EARL'S TAXI & U-DRIVE Elm Ave .......... 2222 EATON'S ORDER OFFICE 54 Marine Wstvw . . . 8911 Eckardt Lawrence S brstr & solictr 1st St ....• 3321 Edberg M H r 1090 Ocean View .............. t>142 EDER'S CHAIN SAW SHOP 424 Manson Cranberry Lake .. 2-9191 Edgar J A r 140 Harwood Westview .•...... 2-6561 Edgar W A r 211 Heather Westview .• _......... 8826 EDWARDS C DENNING o 43 Marine Westvw .. 2-4711 Edwards C Dennmg r 1721 Marine Westview .. 2-4711 Edwards J R G r 20Q-10th St Westview ...... 2-%46 Edwards Martin P r b Riverside ............. 2-6582 Egan J A r 410 Drake Cranberry Lake .•...... 2-5663 Egan John F r 271 Michigan Westview ...•.•.. 2-5225 Egan Mary Mrs r 171 Joyce Westview ....... 2-1952 Egeli Peder r 80 Malaspina Westview ........ 2-1096 Elems George r 30 Michigan Westview ........ 2-3441 Elks Club Ocean View /!.ve ....•...•..••.••• 2-1961 Ellerby Allan D r 111 Cedar. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 5626 Ellis Jack r 429 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk... . .3311 Ellsworth J J r 352 King Wildwood •..••.•.••• 7657 Ellwyn Gordon C r Fernwood Ave Westview 2-5122 Ettwyn R r 31 Harvie Westview •••••• , 2-9b91 Elly J r 1110-Sth Ave Wildwood ........ 2-5771 Elly Walter r 1080-Sth Ave Wildwood . . . ... 2-5776 Elvy F C r 360 Cranberry Lake Cranbert-y Lk 2-0662 EMBLETON JEWELLERS L TO :381 Marine Westview 2-6571 Embleton N R r 141-5th St Westview ....•... 2-4971 Embree J M r 530-1st St Westview. . • . • . • . 72.62 Emerson R J r 1130 Elm Westview...... • . 2-0372 English Glen r 460 Manson Cranberry Lk ........ 7372 Enquist J E r 240 Joncus Wildwood ......•... 2-6778 Entner C W r 701 Cranberry Lake Crnbt•y Lk .. 2-8355 Entner Charles M ,. 9-A Parryville Crnbry Lk .. 2-6848 Epp John r 331 Joyce Westview. . . . . • • • • . 8255 Erickson Ed J r Cooper Rd Westview. • • . • •. 2-8235 Erlandson E W r Walnut Cres. • . . • . • • 2-4596 Ermacora A r Fernwood Ave Westview . 2-4466 Esch A V r 840 Maple... .. .......... 2-1827 Evans C R R r 230 Maple. . . . • • • . • 2-1032 Evans David r 311-3rd St ..•.........•..•. 2-1171 Evans J M r 80 Windsor Westview ..•..•..... 2-8746 Evans R B r 1050 Ocean View .•.......•... 5592 Evans S J r 61 Manson Westview .....•......•. 7580 Evans W r l&l-5th St Westview .......•.•... illS Evans W E r 4 Harvie Westview. . . . . . . . . . . . • 2-9566 Everett Edwin G H r 559 King Wildwood. • . 6857 Eyford V r 130 Ocean View. . • . . . . . . •.•.•• 2-5427 Eysset J J r 311 Harvie Westview. . . . . . . • • . . 2-5315 F Fahey Joseph r 1070 Lund Hghwy Wildwood, . 2-5881 FAIR THE 376 Willingdon Westview ......•.•• 7011 FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET 351 Marine Wstvw .. 7181 FAIRWAY MEAT MARKET 351 Marine Wstvw ~-6021 FAIRWEATHER'S GROCERY & COFFEE BAR 402 Joyce Westview • . • . . . • 4616 Falconer Raymond r 15 Walnut Cres...... . . 6842 Fat'ley A F Mrs r 466 Gaudet Crnbry Lk.. 2-lt>91 Fat·mer Frank r 1()1-lOth St Westview. . • 2-6601 Farmer Virginia Miss r 110 Hatvle Westview 2-0738 Farnden Arthur J r 11 Harvie Westview . . . . .. 8286 Farnden Jack r 101 Cedar......... • .•... 6441 Farnden W H r 518 Crnbry Lk Crnbry U . 7046 Fan John r 1538 Marine Westview • • 2-4-178 Farrell R R r 151 Michigan Westview • . • 2-6562 Farris LeRoy r 860-B Willow . 2-1822 FAT'S TAXI LTD Em A e...... 3451 Fee Leon r 4ul ~ ~rc" Cranberry l.tkt 2-5261 Fee Lorne r .330 , anne Vvest¥ew 2-3591 Fe•cltle V r 42C K "~ Wildwood. . .. 7652 Fergu,on E r 321-l<t St .. . 7791 ferguson Steuart r 231 \Vilhngdo West>lew 3081 Fetchko J r ~anpcr Rd Wertv1ew. 2-4201 Fiander N J r Lc 1 Bay • ... . . 2-8563 Fidler Barbara Mr$ r 1 Cr,tncerry lk Crnbry Lk 2-4986 Fidler R G r lbl qth St W~tvlew . . • . 2-0256 Ftedler Paul H r 1710 Nicho• Westview. • • • •• 6466 FIESTA GRILL 10 Marine WesNiew. 4961 FIESTA & PANDA GRILLS LTD 10 Marine Westview . 4961 FIFTH AVENUE DRESS SHOP 30 Marine Westview .. 6711 . 2-5398 Filewich Jerry r 351-A kiog W;!dwood Finlay Geo M r 50 Windsor Westview . • . • . . 5790 FINN lNG TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO l TO q40 Stat•on Vancouver (Toll Chgl Tatlow-6171 FIRE HALL (Powell River fire calls only) .• 2234 Fire Hall Office !Powell River) 1st St •••• 2-6941 Fire Hall Club l$\ St... . . . . •............. 2-1721 Fisher R E Or o 1~· St ................... 2241 Fisher R E Or r Pebble Beach • . . . . 4656 Fish leigh F J r 11 0-8\h St Westview . . . . . . 2-8120 Fish leigh W Mrs r Marine Ave Westview ...•.• 4633 Flanders C G o Walnut Cres. . . . . . . . . 2-0971 Flanders Installations Ltd Powell River. . 2-9031 Fletcher R F r 750 Ocean View ................ 7591 Flett J F r 740 Ocean View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-0651 Fleury H r 311 Willingdon Westview. . . . . . . . 3083 Fleury T r S0-7th St Westview .•.•...•...... 2-3212 Florence A H r 641 Maple.. . . . . . . . . . . ..•.. 2-6141 Flury Norman r 290-A Joyce Westview ..... 2-3763 Flynn James refrgn serv 16 Walnut. . . . 2-4551 Flynn Thomas r 7 Walnut ..... ~ . . . . . . . ...... 5781 Flynn W r 498 Drake Cranberry Lake. . . . . . 3488 Fong Tom r 231 Manson Westview. . . . . . . . . 2-5970 FOODLAND 201 Marine Westview ........... 4681 FOODLAND MEAT MARKET 191 Marine Westview .. 2-8031 Foort George logs Powell lake .............. 2-4776 Foote Robert F r 450 Marine Westview ........ 2-0311 Forbes Vincent E r 751 Maple ................ 4481 Ford D 0 r 130 King Wildwood ............ 2-6551 Ford H B r 450 Drake Cranberry lake .......... 3575 Ford Harold r 20-Bth St Westview .......... 2-8121 Ford James M H r 670 East Cranberry lake .... 2-5156 Forest Service Cedar Ave Ranger ................................ 3841 Formby Duncan r 561 Park Cranberry lake .... 7787 Formosa Anthony r 364 Marine Westview ..... 2-4451 Formosa Victor r 211 Pine Westview ........ 2-4942 Forrest R W r 610 Marine Westview .......... 4971 Forsberg E r 5'12 Coburn Cranberry Lake ...... 2-4825 Forsberg F r 51-lOth St Westview ......... 2-9256 Forslund B H r 704 East Cranberry Lake. . . . . 6706 Forslund H P r Fernwood Ave Westview ....... 2-3982 Forsyth 0 r 481 Sutherland Wildwood ....... 2-3851 Forsythe D D r 720-A Willow .............. 2-6447 Fossen V r 231 Manson Westview ............ 2-4227 Fougere Clarence D r 350 Maple Westview 7476 Foxall R G r 21 Manson Westview ...... : :: : : :7585 FRAME'S JACK MEN'S & TEENS' WEAR 37 Marine Westview 8111 Francescutti Arturo r 518 Park Cranberry Lk .. 2~6277 Francescutt! G r 449 Nelson Cranberry lake .... 7766 Francescuttt. Joe ! 240 King Wildwood .......... 53% Franc~scuttt Tom r 250 King Wildwood ........ 5658 FranciS D r 240 Oak. . . . . . . 4662 Francis Gerald J Dr r 1000 o~~a'n' Vi~~:::: : :: :4672 Franzen R P r 321 Willingdon Westview ..... 2-3885 Fraser J J r 211-5th St Westview . . . . .... 2-3783 Fraser J W r 251 Oak ...................... 5622 Fraser R r 470 Michigan Westview 7112 ~raser S A r 437 Manson Cranberry ·L~k~ · · · · · · 5981 raser Sanford r 11 Texada Westview · · · · 2~1091 Fraser V M Dr r 861 Ma le · · · · · · · · 91 FRASER VALLEY LANDSP L 'f[j . . . . . . ...... · 08 20 Marine Westview 2-6811 Fraser W J r 31-10th St Westview ........ : · 2-4528 French J C r 710 Ocean View ................ 7687 a Gagan off J r 6& l Mowat Bay Cranberry Lk 6586 Gahan J S r 2t.l-5th St Westview... . .•. 2-1782 Gahan Ronald B r 641 Joyce Westview . . . . . .•. 6100 Gahan W A r 221 Cedar ................. 8261 Galbraith J J r 171& Marine Westview. . . . . . 2·9230 Gale E A r 241l-4th St WestviM. . . • . . • . • . • • . 3892 Gale Geo J r 30 Ewing PI Westview •...•.. 2-3955 Gall A M r Fernwood Ave Westview ....•....• 2-4462 Gallagher P J r Black Point. • . . . • • . . . • . . . . . 5050 Gallagher W J r 551 Manson Westview ....•... 2-3983 Galliazzo Ettore r 140 Ocean VIew ..•....•.. 2-1182 Gallo Ugo r 81 Beach Court Westview ........ 2-0611 Galloway J D r 251 Michigan Westview. . . . . 2·5941 Galloway Mary Mrs r 510 Manson Crnbry Lk ... 7762 Galloway John r 372 Nelson Cranberry lake .. 2-3393 Gardiner G W r &91 Drake Cranberry lake .... 2-9806 Gardiner M Mrs r 760 Westview Westview .... 2-3465 Gardiner Thomas H r 1120 Walnut. ........... 7466 Gardiner W P r 337 Manson Cranberry Lake .... 2-5496 Gardner A G r &50 Ocean View ..•••.•....••. 4732 Gardner Dick r 141 Poplar ..••.•.•.•.......... 8601 Garf R C r sqo-9th Ave Wildwood. . . . . ..... 4585 Garrett Chas G r 401 Drake Cranberry Lake .. 4282 Garrison WAr 250-B Poplar. ... . .2-1372 3896 Gartlan John J r 232-4th St Westview. Gaspard J V r 661 Maple. . . . .. 2-5086 Gaudet B A r Myrtle Point • . 3098 Gaudet D r Myrtle Point. . . . . . . ..•. 3097 Gaudet F r 451-1st St Westview..... . . 7475 . . . . . 8627 Gauthier F r 280 Oak . . Gauthier Joe r 661 Joyce Westview .....•••••. 2-3481 Gavin J W r 670 Manson Westview ••.......••. 7471 Gavin P r 241-5th St Westview. . . . . . 6423 Gavin R r 380 Willow. . . . . . . . . . . . • •7026 Gawley R L r 570 Drake Cranberry lake .... 2-5691 Gela Robert J r Lang Bay. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-8560 Geia Robert S r 436 Crnbry Lk Cmbry lk. . .3446 Gella_tly Wm r 699 Mowat Bay Crnbry Lk. . . • 8367 Genttle J r 340 Pine Wildwood. . . . . . 2-6671 Gerard L G r 240 Maple Westview. . .... 2-5711 Gerela Alex r 1292 Gordon Westview. . .. 8122 Gerela William r 320 Sutherland Wildwood .... 2-5867 Gerhart C A r 291 Harvie Westview. . . . . . . . . 4882 . . 6421 Gerhart C C Sr r 255-5th St Westview. . Gibbs 0 R r 231- 5th St Westview.. 6427 Gibbs E J r 191 Oak........... .. . .8586 Gibson D M r 590 Sutherland Wildwood 2-5752 Gibson F r 80 Marine Westview. . . . . . . . . . 2-9336 Gibson Jan E r 1015 Sutherland Wildwood . 2-6366 Gibson Ken r 985 Sutherland Wildwood . . .. 2-6367 Gilchrist J 0 r Queens Rd Westview. . . . . . . 2-3737 Gilham V M r 443 Marlatt Cranberry lake. . 2-6868 Giordono Angelo r 661 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk 2-9957 Girard Joseph Edward r Covi Rd Cranberry Lk. 2-4102 Girling H E r Kelley Creek Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8700 Glenwright John r 40 Bute Westview 2-6282 Glover Thomas C r Rickson Rd . . . . . . . . 2-8804 Glowka John r Grief Point. . . . . . . ...... 2-3631 Gob bee W r Padgett Rd Westview ............ 2-4112 Goddard Geo H r Scott Rd Westview. . . 2-a747 Goddard J R r 321 Marlatt Cranberry U.ke. 6890 Goddard Jas A r 353 Cranberry lk Crnbry lk 3202 Godfrey Charles r l00-8th St Westview. 2-8417 Goes J r Ocean View Ave •............ , . . . 7947 GOFFIN BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LTD 540 Westview Westview .. 5761 Residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . 2-5167 Goffin R H r 1625 Marine Westview • . . . . 2-5167 Gold Geoffrey W r Hemlock St Westview 6670 Gold John E r 1130 Marine Westvrew. . . . . . . . . 7393 Gold Norman r 71 Joyce Westview....... . .2-8146 Goldman R E r 30-4\h St Westview. . . 6645 Goldsmith J K r 931 Ocean View. 2-4381 GoUey - Hennigar POWELL RIVER Gulley E M r 10 Michigan Westview. . .... 2-3446 Good S P r 511-lst St Westview.. . . . ....•.. 3718 Goodburn Jack E r 171 Oak........ . .2-1466 Goodfellow R r 541 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk .. 2-9952 GOODWIN J R chartrd acct 548-1st St Wstvw . 2-0581 Gorbatuk S P r 26'1 Marine Westview ....•.••.. 3661 Gordey Alex r 1280 Gordon Westview. . . . . 2-8758 Gordon A M r 701 Westview Westview 2-6736 Gosgnach Mario r 1015 Lund Hghwy Wildwood 2-5897 Goudie 0 M r 303 Dawson Westview. . 3561 Gould C H r Myrtle Point. . . . . . . . . 8503 Goulding Fred r 270 Joyce Westview. . . . . 6347 Goulding J S r 1101 Ocean View .......•• • .. 2-1931 Government of Canada Dept of National Defence 1st St ........ 2-7701 Graffos Angelos r 420 Westview Westview. . . 2-3321 Graham A Alex r 10 Boundary Westview ...... 2-5486 Graham Andrew Mrs r 20 Harwood Westview .... 6251 Graham Angus John r Myrtle Point. . . . . . . . . . . 3090 Graham Clara Mrs r 951 Ocean View. . . . . . . . 3496 Graham Evelyn M Mrs r Pebble Beach ........ 2-4897 Graham William r 1100 Marine Westview ...... 2-0531 Graham William B r 120 Ocean View ........ 2-6481 Grant J M r 349 Manson Cranberry Lake ...... 5567 Grant L 0 r 350 Joyce Westview. . . . . . . . . . . 2-4268 Grantham J L r 171-1st St Westview. . . .. 5600 Gra~ A J r 83 Manson Westview ......... ... 2-6746 Gray E G r 321 Sutherland Wildwood ........ 2-4587 GRAY TRANSFER LTD Bay st Westview ..... 2-1701 GRAY'S APPAREL Elm Ave .... ...... ...... . 7811 GRAY'S APPAREL 73 Marine Westview ...... 2-4341 Green 0 r 810 Maple ....••.. . .......••..•. 2-1071 Green Jack L r 1730 Nichol Westview ........ 2-6936 Green T W r 811 Westview Westview .....•.. 2-9641 Greenan C J r 536 Hatfield Cranberry Lake .... 2-1351 Greenfield E T r 260 Joyce Westview ....... . 2-0621 Greer T H r Lang Bay. . . . ............... .. 5051 Gregory E S r llO Malaspina Westview. . . . . 2-1022 Gresty E J r 1751-17th Ave Westview ...... 2-6937 Gribble N R r 271 Willingdon Westview ...... 2-4391 Granquist C r 100 Harwood Westview ....... ... 8282 Grover A F r 1231 Birch Westview ........ ... 2-5937 Grundle A r 570 Manson Westview ....•..... 2-3987 Grundle Albert E r 161 Drake Cranberry Lake .. 2-1276 Gruntman Arthur C r 1720 Marine Westview .. 2-4936 Guenard A P r 21 Riverside ...•..•...... ... 2-6326 GULF AGENCIES LTD 412 Westview Westview . 2-1001 GULF COAST CONSTRUCTION CO LTD 90 Joyce Westview .. 2203 Gull berg G A r 191 Joyce Westview ............ 7280 Gunn W E r 465 Cranberry Lake Crnbry Lk .... 6652 Guraliuk Mike r Kelley Creek Rd ............ 2-8703 Gurney E J r Manson Rd Westview ............ 6205 Gurney Jessie Mrs r Manson Rd Westview .... . 2-4915 Gusola B r 461 Church Cranberry Lake ...... 2-9477 Gusola Luigi r 380 King Wildwood ............ 2-4373 Gustafson Ivor r 520 Manson Westview ...... 2-3732 Gustafson J A r 510 Manson Westview ........ 4327 Gustafson Kurt r 900-4th Ave Wildwood ...... 2-3857 Gustafson N A r Queens Rd Westview. . . . ... 2-0407 Gustafson 0 G r 8B0-6th Ave Wildwood. . . 2-8.875 Gut_h~le Joseph r 400 Fernwood Westview . . 2-5121 Gw!ll!ams C E r Lang Bay. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8568 Gw1lliams G r 151-3rd St Westview ........... 6611 Gw•lllams J r llO Harvie Westview .......... 2-0736 Gwyther H W r 941 Maple .. ......•... ........ 3776 H Haan T G o 382 Manson Cranberry Lake ...... 2-5171 Ha~en H r 800-6th Ave Wildwood ............ 6167 Ha1gh J r 40 Beach Court Westview .......... 2-4831 Halford J W Mrs r 136 Harwood Westview .... 2-6568 Halford R J r 510 Queen's Westview 4321 Hall C J r 131 Oak ........... ::::::::::: 7496 Hall Con r 1630 Marine Westview . . . . . . . . . . 6462 HALL DOUGLAS J o 130 Walnut Cres . 2207 HALL SECURITIES LTD 130 Walnut Cres. . . 2207 Halley E L r Beso Rd Westview . . . . . . . . 4076 Hamers Edna Mrs r 50 Harvie Westview 2-0752 Hamerton A N r 310 Lakewood Westvie.;,: · •. :2-5516 Hamerton E G r 419 Nelson Cranberry Lake .... 2-3262 Hamerton Jack r 80 Harvie Westview ...•.... 2•0733 9 Hamilton Jack r 121 Joyce Westview •....... 2-9076 Hamilton James r 630 Westview Westview . 2-6627 Hammerton Jimmy r 450 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk. 5492 Hammond T r &1-9th St Westview. • • . . • . 2-0951 Hancock Earl r 364 Marine Westview . . . • 2-4452 Hancock R N r 270 Poplar. . . . . ••...... 2-1377 Hanna J M r Westview Rd Westview 2-0727 Hansen E A r Pebble Beach . . . ... . • 4650 Hansen Sidney M r 940 Maple . . ........ 5686 Hanson H G r 830-B Willow . .• . . 2-1548 Hanson J E r 330 Sutherland Wildwood ...•.. 2-5861 Hardie Lawrence r 1900 Marine Westview ....•• 5798 Harding Jim r Stillwater .. . . . • . . . . . . . . 3-Q Hargreaves Fred r 30 Windsor Westview ...... 2-4931 Hargreaves W P r 579 King Wildwood . ..•.... 2-5786 Hargrove A B r 20 Beach Court Westview .•.. 2-3691 HAR-NEL'S CLOTHING 52 Marine Westview 2-1041 Harper E A r 1192 Gordon Westview •...•..... 8125 Harper Godfrey T r 180 Michigan Westview 2-0841 Harper H L r Pebble Beach. . . . • . . . . 2-8936 Harper J r 31 Willingdon Westview ......... 2-6511 Harper J S r 15 Riverside. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 71~2 HARPER'S LTD 61 Marine Westview . . . . .3151 Harris Douglas C r 1180 Marine Westview. . . 2-4486 Harris Henry r 222 Marine Westview. . . . . • . 2-0241 Harris J A Mrs r 520-lst St Westview........ 3715 Harris K C r 241 Heather Westview .......... 2-6281 Harris W G r 630 Sutherland Wildwood ........ 6246 Harris William r 410 Manson Westview ........ 2-5600 Harrison C W r lOll Westview Westview .... 2-1362 Harrison George r 410 Willow .......•...... 2-1381 Harrison J A r 1081 Maple. . .. .. .. .. . . • . . 6566 Harrison Lawrence r 1061 Maple. . • . . . . . . • 6146 Hart R Mrs r 270 Oak. . . . . . . . . . . . • ..... 5671 Hartley J r 1061-5th Ave Wildwood . . . . . . . . 8ffi Hartley N C r 631 Maple................ . 545!> Harvey S R r 11o0-5th Ave Wildwood ........ 2-5773 Haskins George E r 1180 Gordon Westview ... 2-9000 HASKINS W E brstr & solictr 412 Westview Westview. 2-1001 Haskins W E r 340 Harvie Westview • . . . . . . 2-9021 HASLAM FRANK o ' 15 Marine . . . . . . . . • . . 6376 Haslam Walter r 921 Maple ...........•...... 6812 Hassell E Mrs r 708 Mowat Bay Cranberry Lk .. 8361 Hassett Joseph A r 511 Manson Westview •.••. 2-5213 Hassett T r 541 Manson Westview .......... 3284 Hastie W r 434 Maple ... .. .......•..•...... 40<t6 Hatch A E r 131 Beach Court .... • ....... 2-4071 Hatch C F r 651 Joyce Westview. . • •. 460b Hatch H G r 820 Marine Westview ........•••. 2-3386 Hatch R A r 121 Beach Court Westview. . . 2-3692 Hatch Robert A r ll-lOth St Westview .....• 2-9666 Hatch W 8 r 1030 Marine Westview . . . . .. 2-4487 Halt C F r 290-B Maple . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-1081 Hatton J r 181 Cranberry lk C1·nbry Lk. . . . . 2-12% Hawk L G r 51 Joyce Westview. . . . . . . 2-9390 Hawkins George A r 1221 Elm Westview. . . . . 2-3041 Hawkins R S r ll30 Gordon Westview. . . . 2-0371 Hawkins Robert J r Manson Rd Westview 2-4910 Hawkshaw Sidney J r Cumming Rd Westview 2-9171 Hawryluk Michael r ll20-5th Ave Wildwood 5061 Hay A L r 980 Maple. . 2-0691 Hayes G r 840-B Willow . . .. . •• a977 Haystead A r 313 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lk. 2-6082 Health Unit-Upper Island 58 Maline Westview. 8221 Heatley J G r 140-2nd St Westview .. 2-5466 Heatley John r 732 Wood Cranberry Lake .•. 2-1865 Heatley Robert r 12l-2nd St Westview ....••. 2-9757 Heavener George r 381 Cooper Westview .... 2-6155 Hegeman J r 921 Westview Westview .•... 4078 Hei sholt S C r 345-lst St Westview. • ... 4790 Helland A r 111 Cedar .................... 3391 ....••... 6182 Helland Norman A r 961 Maple 1-lencheroff Bill r Manson Rd Westview . . 2-8403 Henderson Bertha Mrs ,. 351 Willingdon Wstvw. 2-3276 Henderson Eric C r llO Oak . • • • . . • . . 9160 Henderson George r 1250 Marine We stview . • • 2-8%8 Henderson lyle S r 310-3rd St •••••... 2-6437 Henderson R 0 r 1211 Elm Westview • • . . . . . 5291 Henderson Robert S r Cumming Rd Westview 2-'ll 72 2-8066 Hende;son W r 1241 Marine Westview. . . . Hendr1ksen K r 21-1st St Westview. .... 2-9866 Hennigar J Mrs r 260 Manson Westview. • • . . . 6412 Hennigar Ma1·ven Mrs r 3q} Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk 8311 1-!erd H r l R ,er; ~e . . . . . . . . . . . . 4ffi Hwt.age G W r 1UO Walnut. . . • . • . . . . . . .. 7516 Herman Mtke r t..<O ·ut er.and Wtldwood 2-5768 Heslop H J r , , l '1.l!'•;e \\estvi~w • . . . 4885 Heslop John A • 400 H livest Wtidwood... . 2-5908 Heslop Robert G r 2 Harv•e Westvtew. . 2-6256 t<ew ll A 0 r 490-lSt ~ t \'. estvtew. . .3711 Hewe~t M Mrs r 348 Drake Cranberry Lake. . 2-5667 Mf\\>~n L r 510 M~. oe W stv•ew. . 2-.3382 Heyes W r q _J Ocean 1Mw. . • . . • . 7331 >ltbberd Richard A r 71 ~th St We~tv•ew 2-605& Hicks Glen Raymond r 191 Poplar....... . .5307 >itcks H A r U'.J-A l~t St Westview 2-6541 Hidlebaugh H L r o20 MJnson WestvteVI 2-8321 Higgins M E Mrs r W• .• wood..... 3171 H•99•ns Robt r Black Point . . . 2-8803 Hildebrand J B r 100 Michigan Westv,ew. 3801 2-4525 Hildebrand John L r 81-lOth St Westvim r!JII Don r Boundary Rd Westview . • . . . 3280 . ..•••• 2-&072 Hill G E r 51-7th St Westv ew. . ........ 9139 Hill J C r 700 Ocean View.... Hill L J r 409 Nelson Cranberry Lake •....... 2-947& Hill N J Mrs r 283 Marine Westv•ew. . . . 2-3302 Hill Vv M r 710 Maple................... . 3587 Hillis J E r 550 fe, nwood Westview •......... 3282 HILLTOP STORE 561-lst St Westview .•.... 2-6181 Hilton Jack r 1250-5th Ave Wildwood ......••.. 6537 Hmdle Harry r 110 Walnut Cres. . .. . 5876 Hindle Herbert r 20 Joyce Westview ......... 2-3618 Hmdle's Gift-Arts & Stationery 41 Marine Westview .. 2-1501 Hinds Edward r 390 Maple . . . . . . ...••. 2-1147 Hird L r 881 Maple ........................ 4387 Hobbs T R r 80 Beach Court Westview ...... 2-4951 Hobson Campbell Dr r 1170 Marine Westview .. 3941 Hobson E M Mrs r 598 Park Cranberry Lake ••. 2-8451 Hobson Thomas r blO Park Cranberry Lake .... 2-9851 Hocken L W r 1542 Marine Westview .......... 3746 Hodgins S F r 452 Manson Westview .......... 2-5218 Hodgins W 0 r 450 Manson Westview ........ 2-9966 Hodson C B r North Lake .................... 7480 Hoehn W r b5 Evans Westview ............ 2-0211 Hoffman A G r 330-3rd St. ............... 2-1012 Hogan Charles R r b20 Ocean View ........... 2-5081 Hogue H T Mrs r 1st St .................... 2-6806 Holden William H r 230 Joyce Westview ...... 2-5533 Holgersen S G r lll-3rd St Westview ...... 2-5588 Hollands Cecil W r 314 Keech Cranberry Lake .. 2-9976 Hollingsworth H G r 1101 Whalen Westview .... 4592 Hollingsworth H W r Stillwater ................. 3-G Holmes Arthur r 341 Harvie Westview ........ 2-5311 ~o~mes Earle J r 272 Joyce Westview ........ 2-9398 o mes K r lObO Maple .................... 6791 Holmwood A W r 81-6th St Westview ....... 2-4747 Holuboch Tony r 86 Marine Westview .•..... 2-0426 HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS LTD 340 Marine Westview .. 3811 Honyk J r 371 Harvie Westview ........ , .... 2-5356 Hooff R R r 300 Maple .................... 3796 Hooykaas C F r 80 Michigan Westview ... , .... 2-6526 Hopk~ns Richard T r 361-3rd St ............ 2-3186 Hopkms W J r 261 Cedar .................... 3376 Hopktns HOPPER Walter E S r 335-1st St ................ . 5482 0 Hopper E S r 5~2~t~\t· We.st~i~..;_; · · · · · · · · · 2~~~§i HOP~ER & JAMIESON LTD ins 1st. 7691 A~r.tne Office [he ........................ 3911 Westview Air~ine Office 61 Marine Westview. 2-5061 Westv.ew Offtce 61 Marine Westview ....... 2-7301 Horan .M W Mrs r 655 Westview Westview .... 2-9346 Horrobtn E G r 585 Cranberry Lake Crnbry Lk 2-1531 Horspool R J r 448 Manson Cranberry Lake · · 2-5658 HOSPITAL POWELL RIVER GENERAL .... TNHEht 1st! I St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2275 19 ca s1st Floor. . . . . . . . 8811 Maternity Floor .. : : .. · · · · · · · · '· • • · • · · 2276 ~ndt Floor ......... : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :2277 st." . ." ..... N~,;~~ H~~~. ilia";~. i=io"o~:::: ::: ::::::::J6i~ Nurses Home 2nd Floor.. 2-4321 HOTEL RODMAY LTD 2nd St &.EI~."."."'.""." .. 2226 HOTEL WESTVIEW 391 Marine Westview 2286 Hougaard S r 91:1 Suthet·land Wildwood ... · 2~6363 Houglltan E Miss r 254 MariM W'lst*w H - J G r Alen Rei Crallbeny La. . Household Finance Carp of CuHI • 43 Mar!M W ew Z..11D2 Howard Richard D r 591 Church Cranberry Lk lB Howell Bruce r 374 Wllllngdon Westv ew 2-5516 Hoy Peur r SO Manson Westview ••• ,.... 2-8626 Hrynylc Andrew r 991 Lund HIJhwy Wll~ • • 3647' Hrynyk Dan r 114o-5th A e Wild~ . . • 2-5118 HUDSON'S BAY CO 2nd St & Walnut Cres. • 2211 lone Manager J C French. . . • . • . • . • • 2-9731 Hughes A H r 810 Marine Westview .....•...• 5897 HUGHES E M chtrplr 20 Marine Westview ..... 7911 Hugnes J T r 290 Harvie Westview. . . . . . . • . 2-9426 Hughes L M r 1080 Maple ••••.............. 4766 Hughes Vernon r 740 Marine Westview ........ 5892 Hume & Rumble Ltd 4th St Westview ........ 2·9161 HUMPHREY PLUMBING 120 Harwood Wstvw .. 2-4661 Humphreys C K r !.ovt Rd Cranberry Lake .•.. 2-&726 Humphry A A r 91-lOth St Westview ........ 2-4521 Hunter G A r 431 King Wildwood .•••••. , .•.• 2-5476 Hunter J C r 1191 Ocean View ........•..... 2-5331 Hooter P M f Douglas Bay •••••...•....••. 2-8807 Hunter Samuel r 610 Sutherland Wtidwood .... 2-6.3&2 Hunter T R r 1150 Whalen Westview .......... 4597 Hurford Harold B r 121 Harvie Westview ...•.. 2-0472 Hurrie Wm r 87 Royce Westview .....•...... 2-5623 Husar Ntck r 231 Manson Cranberry Lake ...... 8942 Husband L H r 660 Westview Westview ...••. 2-6&28 Husband V L r 44 Marine Westview ....•......• 5867 Hutchison Wm r 331-1st St .... , ••...••..•• 2-1647 Huth S E r 513 Lakewood Westview. . . . . . • 2-5352 Huxter J r 241 Joyce Westview •............. 2-5536 Huxter· J W r 730-A Willow. . •....• , .•. , .2-1586 !loll Lillian A Mrs r 21-10th St Westview . 2-9661 IMPERIAL OIL LTD 451 Marine Westview ...... 6171 Infant• 0 r 52 Michigan Westview, ••......... 3808 Ingram Ray r Walnut Cres ..•.•......•••••.. 2-1876 Innes James r 31-7th St Westview .......... 2-3571 Innes R Mrs r 698 Mowat Bay Cranberry Lake .. 2-8578 Inspector of Schools 2nd St ................ 2-9891 Interior & Exterior Decorator 370 Maple ...•... 9106 International Brotherhood Pulp Sulphite & Paper Mill Workers 2nd St. .7671 Irvine R L r 471 Westview Westview ...•...... 2-4721 Irving R B r 252 Marine Westview .......... 2-3311 Irwin C C r 1000 Lund Hghwy Wildwood ...... 2-6771 Irwin Gar Mrs r 1091 Lund Hghwy Wildwood .. 2-5816 Irwin J E Mrs r 141 Cedar .................. 6836 Isaac W r Fernwood Ave Westview ............. 8358 Isaksen K r Wildwood .................... 2-4772 Is berg H G r 17 50 Marine Westview .......... 2-8981 ISLAND TUG & BARGE LTD Victoria Office 345 Harbour Victoria (Toll Chgl.. . . . . . .4-9351 Vancouver Office 355 Burrard Vancouver (Toll Chgl ... Tatlow-6474 d JACK FRAME'S MEN'S & TEENS' WEAR 37 Marine Westview .. 8111 2-3836 Jack P B Mrs r 305-1st St............ JACK'S TAXI OF POWELL RIVER LTD Elm. Ave 2272 Jackson A r 31-8th St Westview...... . .2-8410 Jackson AI r 220 Michigan Westview. . . . . . 2-5228 Jackson Budd r 811 Joyce Westview. . . . • . . • . 2-3643 Jackson C R r Walnut Cres. . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . . 5931 Jacksoh J E r 531 Hillside Cranberry Lake .... 2-&882 Jackson K E r 440 Manson Westview. . . . • . . . . 8512 Jacob E R r 430 King Wildwood ........... 2-3620 Jacob Phil r 441 Joyce Westview ............. 6647 Jacob R A r 33 Riverside ................... 2-4401 Jacobson C r Marine Westview. • • . • . . . . . . 2-3638 Jacobson Earl E r 70-oth St Westview 2-6681 Jacomb Walter W r 325-lst St........ 2-6336 Jacques L H r 830 Joyce Westview . . . . . . 2-3642 Jahraus J r Pebble Beach ...........•...... 2-4897 Jahrig Clinton B r 39 Riverside..... 2-4407 Jahrig W B r 461 Joyce Westview. . . . . . ...... 8253 James Jack r Myrtle Point. . . . . . . . . . 8507 Jamieson Bill r 3l-7th St Westview... . 2-3571 Jamieson - Lambert POWELL RIVER Jamieson J L r 429 Cranberry Lake Crnbry Lk .. 7301 Jamieson L 0 r 499 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk .... 2-0683 Jamieson M L r 525 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk ...• 2-9951 Jamieson Wm r 9-7th St Westview ....•... 2-3213 Janssen Harry T r 40 Boundary Westview .... 2-6251 Jantz H r 221 Harvie Westview .............. 2-6637 Jarrett W F r 71 Windsor Westview......... . 6677 Jasper 0 r Pebble Beach . • . . . . . . . . 2-9287 Jenkins L E Mrs r 620 Manson Westview ...... 2-4155 Jenkins Russell A r 261-2nd St Westview ...... 5081 Jensen Axel r Grief Point. ................. 2-6472 Jensen Rolf r 385 Cooper Westview .......... 2-8232 Jervis J J r 2nd St ...............•......... 7941 JESTLEY MORRISON ECKARDT & GOLDIE brstrs & solictrs 1st St.. 3321 Jewra C K r 160 Harwood Westview .......... 2-0777 Jewra Mike r 550 Drake Cranberry Lake ...... 3570 Johanson Carl r 550-1st St Westview ........ 2-9932 Johanson Edwin T r 361 Willingdon Westview .. 2-3270 Johns Wm r 725 Mowat Bay Cranberry Lake. . . 6237 Johnson C C r 598 Marlatt Cranberry Lake .... 2-4013 Johnson Charles W r 51 Harvie Westview ...... 2-9696 Johnson Einar r 1071-Sth Ave Wildwood ....... . 8776 Johnson F A r 3ll-1st St .......... ..... ... 7796 Johnson Gunnar r 861-4th Ave Wildwood ...... 2-5846 Johnson Hans r 471 King Wildwood .......... 2-5781 Johnson Harold r 30-7th St Westview ........ 2-6076 Johnson Henning r 871-6th Ave Wildwood ...... 5516 Johnson Henry r 20-7th St Westview ........ 2-3217 Johnson Herman r 51 Joyce Westview ........ 2-9392 Johnson Herman R r 191 Cedar ................ 3837 JOHNSON J S P brstr & solictr 43 Marine Westview .. 2-7132 Johnson J S P r 1720-l7th St Westview ...... 4741 Johnson Jack r 1050-5th Ave Wildwood ...... 2-5793 Johnson Leo logging 1310 Marine Westview. . ... 3630 Johnson Leona M Mrs r Be so Rd Westview ...... 4072 Johnson M Mrs r 20 Comox Westview ..... ... 2-1741 Johnson Mary Mrs r 155-3rd St Westview ...... 6618 Johnson R S W r 573 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk .... 8701 Johnson Robert K r 90-6th St Westview ...... 2-4743 Johnson Torger M r 240-Znd St Westview ...... 6344 Johnston Colin S r 920 Ocean View ............ 3042 Johnston W I r 'lO Michigan Westview ......... 5604 Johnstone Refrigeration Sales & Service 454 Marlatt Cranberry Lake .. 9170 Jones A E r 760-B Willow ................ 2-1452 Jones Ellis L r North Lake .................. 7482 Jones F W r 780 Fernwood Westview .......... 8357 ~ones Gordon Mrs r 6 Harvie Westview ........ 2-9886 ones 0 J r 170 Poplar .................... 8241 Jones Ron r Black Point. ................... 5055 Jones T B r 2l0-1st St Westview ............ 2-9681 Jones W A r 1770 Marine Westview ........ 2-6922 Jones Wm A optmtrst 43 Marine Westview .... 2-4441 JONES WILLIAM E electl contr 1613 Marine Westview . . 7398 Jones Wyville r 151 Drake Cranberry Lake .... 7252 Joneson G E r 51 Beach Court Westview ...... 2-4956 Joneson J 8 r 41 Beach Court Westview .... 2-4833 Jorgensen Earl J r Pebble Beach .......•.... 2-4892 . 2-8521 Jon mann Jack r 10 Willingdon Westview.. . Joyce Apartments 301-4th St Westview ..... ·.. 2-4265 Julson 0 M r 61 Harvie Westview .......... 2-5736 II Kenmuir John B r 432 Manson Westview. . . . . 2-9961 Kennedy Keith r 1020 Ocean View •••....•••.. 3301 Kennedy R r 1261 Elm Westview ............ 8128 Kennedy W G r Pebble Beach .••.•......... 2-9281 Kent Alex r 140-lst St Westview .•••..•...•. 3971 Kent 0 E r 140 Maple ...................... 5727 Kent G H r 111 Michigan Westview ....•..... 2-4846 KENT LED J o 2l-3rd St Westview. . ... 2-4791 Kersey H D r 412 Manson Westview. . . . . 2-5211 Kiezebrink E J r 70-'lth St Westview •.... , . , . 2-0953 Killin A P Mrs r 145-3rd St Westview. . .... 2-9277 Kilner F G r 240 Heather Westview ..•...... 2-9622 Kimball H L r 161 Poplar ............•.•.• 2-1267 Kimball Wendell r 30-10th St Westview ••••.. 2-4523 King John W r 585 Marlatt Crnbry Lk ....•.. .4867 King Paul r l00-6th St Westview. . . . . . . . . 2-4746 Kingsmill A T r 101 Willing don Westview. . • . . . . 7726 Kirk Chas R r 500 Lakewood Westview. . . . . . . 2-6692 l<irk Hugh C r 5 Walnut ................. 2-6801 I< irk Leonard r 301 Manson Cranberry Lake .... 5566 Kirk Mary Edna Miss r 360 Joyce Westview ... 2-4658 Kirk W Len r 560 Fernwood Westview ...... 2-3546 Kirkwood C W r 730 Maple ................ 2-5431 Kirschner Frank r 79 Manson Westview •. ..... 7582 Klago L r 1291 Birch Westview ............ 2-5935 Kleimeer A r Fernwood Ave Westview . ........ 2-3422 Kliauga R r 109l-5th Ave Wildwood ........ 2-5791 Kliever J r Lang Bay ..................... 2-8707 Klypak M r 368 Cranberry Lk Crnbry Lk •..•.. 2-1980 Knapp A C r 30 Comox Westview ...........•.. 3952 Knapp Reg A r 850-B Willow .............• 2-1926 Knibbs Gordon H r Marine Ave Westview ...... 2-6006 Knight George r 270 Heather Westview ........ 2-3418 Knight Philip J r 536 Park Cranberry Lake .•.. 2-0596 Knorr L Mrs r l3 Parryville Cranberry Lake ... 2-6297 Knudsen A r 850 Maple .................... 3506 Koebel P A r 261 Michigan Westview ........ 2-5226 Kojan A r 40 Ewing PI Westview .......... 2-3952 Kok W r 714 Manson Westview. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6206 Koleszar J r 366 Nelson Cranberry Lake ....•• 2-9472 Koleszar Jim W r North Lake ........•..... 2-3103 Koleszar L C r Fernwood Ave Westview ...... 2-5128 Koller A r 780 Mowat Bay Cranberry Lake ...... 6873 Koopman J r 72 Marine Westview ....••.•.• 2-9943 Koopman John Jr r 181 Michigan Westview .... 8130 Kornega C r 280 Michigan Westview •....... 2-3410 Korpi A r 10-3rd St Westview .......•...... 2-45n7 l<osterewa Wm r 421 Cooper Westview ••.... 2-4202 l<otula J r 1350 Mar·ine Westview ••.••....... 3635 Kovacs J r 59 Manson Westview. • • . . • . • . . . . . 6923 Kovacs L r 310 Michigan Westview ......... . 2-9276 Kowbel J J r 1262 Elm Westview. . . . . . . . .. 2-8750 Krawchuk Tony r 57b Marlatt Cranberry Lake .. 2-5&78 Kredba Stephen A Rev r 34'l Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk. 5946 Kroeker C W r Manson Rd Westview ..••...... 2-8237 4857 Krol Stan r 1370-3rd Ave Wildwood . . . • . . Kr·ompocker Emile r 1151 Lund Hghwy Wldwd . . 2-5891 Krueger Chat·lie r 620 Manson Westview .... . . 2-8407 Kulik J r 790-6th Ave Wildwood ..... . . . ...•. 2-8877 Kuniski Fred A r 102l-5th Ave Wildwood •.•.. 2-5832 Kuniski John r 861 Maple . •• . .• ....•.•... 9188 Kunze l<urt P ,. 521-lst St Westview. . .• .. 2-9935 l<ynoch J R r 101 Harvie Westview .....••.• • 2-0735 L K Kalk G r Manson Rd Westview ................ 6203 Kallberg AI r 320 Marine Westview. . . . . . . . . .. 8081 Kantym~r Peter r ll-4th St Westview ......... 8307 Kaufmann M S r 331-3rd St. .............. 2-4242 Keays John L r 600 Ocean View .. :. • .•...•. 2-9481 Keech Florence J Mrs r 260 Willing don Wstvw . 7198 Ke~nan I r 4th St Westview. . . . . . . . ....... 2-0436 Keillar James r 440 Church Ct·anberry Lake .... 2-9471 KEITH RIDGE MEN'S WEAR Powel! River Store Elm Ave ...........••... 6961 yvestvtew Store 325 Marine Westview ....... 2-3241 Kerver J W r 590 King Wildwood ..•........... 6536 Keller H R r 549 King Wildwood ....•......... 6532 Kemp E F Rev r 355 Manson Cranberry Lake .•.. 5568 Kenmurr A B r 341-3rd St. .. , ............ 2-3181 Kenmu~r David r 417 Nelson Crnbry Lk ...... 2-1512 Kenmurr John r 430 Manson Westview ...... 2-0402 Lacey Francis W r Haslam Lk Rd Crnbry Lk . 2-6216 Lacey G E r 21-6th St Westview . ....... 2-6263 Lacey 0 W r 1300 Marine Westview. . ....• 2-8067 Laforce Julien r 22 Riverside. . . . . . . . • .. . 7277 Laidman I( V r 59" Cobur·n Cr·a11heny Lake .. . 2-8677 Lame R r 38 Riverside.... .. .... . ......... 7166 . . . . . . . . . . 3907 Laird A W r 281 Oak. . . . . Laird E S r 1180 Whalen Westview.. . . . . . . 4598 LAKE VIEW AUTO CAMP 780 Mowat Bay Cr·anberry Lake. 6871 Lakeview Lumber Co Powell Lake. • • • . . . • • . 7231 Lalonde D E r 1650-C Marine Westview . . • • • 3743 Lalonde Edmond r 210 Joyce Westview.. 2-5537 Lalonde M A r 110 Dawson Westview . . . . • . . 7721 Lamay Victor J r Westview Rd Westview . , , • • 2-0726 Lamb James A r 301 Ct·anb,n-y La•e Crnbrv Lk 2-0663 Lambert R C ,. ll-9th St Westview . . . · 2-0606 Lambert R W r 250 Manson Westview .•.... • 2-l:>iSt> Lambkin W R r 4 Jo)C~ West iew.. . 2·!~" LANG BAY LUMBER CO LTO Lang lby ..,.,.,., LANG BAY SERVICE STATION Lan9 Bay 2-8562 Lang Bay Shake & Shongle Co Lang BJ.y 2i567 058 Lang H G Sr r lrouglas Bay ...•••••. Lang Sytvra Mrs r 131 McGuff ~ West11iew ...• 2-5628 Langdale F r 1>9 Mil' ne Westvlev. 7141 Langham 0 H r 14()-Sth St Westvoew. . . 2-4976 Langham John W r 451 Westview Westvoew 4291 Langman Stanley E r 1920 Marine Westvoew . 2-9233 Lanstrorn J N r 252-4th St Westview ........ 2-4948 Lapp CAr 1090 •.l3rone Westview.... . ... 2-4482 Large H A r 131-5t~ St Westview. • • . .2-9631 .3712 Larkin T r 7/JO Fernwood Westview. Larsen Walter r '2 Riversode . . 2-1066 Larscm C Mrs r 27D- 4th St Westview. . . .... 6331 Larson Frank R r 540 Manson Westv1ew. . 2-6782 Last W H r 131-lst St Westview .•.•.•.... 2-9686 Lauridsen L r 35 Riverside.............. • 69A6 LaVoie M L Mrs r 411-lSt St Westview .•••. 2-6706 Law A r 150 Michigan Westview •.•.•.•..... 2·3556 Law E J r 135 Manson Westview. . . . • . . • . • • . 6927 Law Norman W r 120~8th St Westview 2-8127 Lawler N D r 911 Westview Westview. • • • . . 4077 Lawrence C J L r b0·-7th St Westview..... 2-6731 l.awrence Dacre r 212 Marine Westview ....•. 2-4500 Lawrence S G r 471 Joyce Westview ..••.••.• 8257 Lawson Clarence C r Fernwood Ave Westview. . 7473 Lawson R A r 210 Cedar ..............••.•.. 5851 Lawson R B r 1240 Gordon Westview. . . . . . • . . 5297 Lawson V M r 770 Maple .............•.... 2-3151 Layton A E r North Lake ................. 2-3100 Layton T A r 350-B Marine Westview . . . . ... 9177 Leach E E Sr r 161 Manson Westview .......... 6925 Leach Geo r 491 Drake Cranberry Lake ........ 3481 Leask J I r Myrtle Point. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3095 Le Blanc C D r 191-3rd St Westview ....... 2-9391 Lecky D r Cooper Rd Westview. ... . 2-8233 Le Clair E r 381 Manson Cranberry Lake.. . . 6941 LeClair R J r 111 Cranberry Lk Crnbry Lk .... 2-1411 Le Clair T M r 312-1st St ............... 2-6486 Lee George N r 32 Willingdon Westview. . .. 7137 Lees M A Dr o 11 Marine Westview. . . . . . . 4301 Lefebvre Emile r 370-lst St Westview. . . .. 2-5716 Leisk Herman V r 101-A Poplar .............. 7491 Leitch W r 1071 Maple .................... 8476 Lemieux D r 130 Michigan Westview 5607 Lemky Abe Jr r bbO East Cranberry Lake ...... 2-9216 lennox L C r 121-10th St Westview ........ 2-3511 Le Page S r 480 Haslam Westview. . . . . . 2-6311 Lesiuk Val r North Lake .................. 2-6373 Letts R r 91 Joyce Westview. . . . . . ....... 2-9272 Levangie E A r 344 Maple Westview. . . 2-5512 Levangie R V r 90 Harvie Westview. . . 2-9868 Lewis Bill r 30 Beach Court Westview . . . 5891 Lewis E P r N Lake ....................... 2-3961 Lewis E T r 340 Michigan Westview ............ 6333 Lewis George W r Be so Rd Westview .......... 4071 Lewis Herbert W r 360 Maple ............ 2-3141 Cewis Jas R r 12 MacGregor Westview ......... 4700 ew1s Reg T r 220 Maple ................... 5722 Lewis Reginald J r 400 King Wildwood ........ 2-5923 Lew1s Roy W r 121-Sth St Westview. . . . . .. 2-3788 Lew1s S W r 16th St Westview. . . . . . . . . . ... 6672 LEWIS & SONS DAIRY 300 King Wildwood .... 5091 L~yland V H r 21-4th St Westview ........ 2-5351 L!ebenschel E r 408 Cranberry Lk Crnbry Lk. . . 7306 L!ebenschel J F r 321-4th St Westview ...... 2-4511 L1_ebenschel Roy E r Covi Rd Cranberry Lake .... 2-6722 · Lflloott E E_r 971-4th Ave Wildwood ......... 2-3853 Lmdsey Leslie R r 331-A Willingdon Westview .. 2-5551 2 LINNY-LEE'S LADIES' WEAR . . 371 Marine Westview .. 2-38B7 L!ns Edwon J r 811-7th Ave Wildwood ........ 8691 Lms L C r 1270 Elm Westview. . . . . . . . . . . ... 5298 L1nton G H r ,980 Ocean View.. . . ... 6186 L1quor Vendors Store 2nd St 3131 Lister R A r 10 Comox Westv"i~.;,: · · : : · : · · · · · · 3950 Lloyd E A. r 1240 Marine Westview. . . . . . . 2-8967 Lloyd Kat1e Mrs r Stillwater 3 H Lloyd Ralph D r 920-7th Av~ · Wili.;dod. ·. · . ·. ·. 2~5742 Lloyd R1chard D I' 11 Marine Westview 4301 Lloyd S E r 50 Joyce Westview ...... : : . : : : :4838 Lloyd W E r l61-3rd St Westview ............ 6613 Lloyd W EH rr 1231-sdl 1078 Ckuta ~ Loca~ll AftVlw Lock Alfred r 170 Hame Westview Lockhart ARan r MMion Rei ~ Locthart J r Coop!H' Rd Wtstvlew Lock's Shoes 181 Mar nt Westllltw Lockstead 0 r 21>2 Mart• Wtstvlew Lomas Shirley M Miss r 4th St Westview 2 Long H r 21-9th St Wtstvltw..... 2 _.,, Long H E r 390 Willow 45 Long J E r 31> 7 Manson Cr3nberry Lake . . • 2-5491 Longstaff A r !141 Nelson Cranberry Lake. • . 2-947' Lorentzen E r 312 Cranberry Lk Crnbry lk . 2-4101 LOTTIE'S LADIES' WEAR 63 Mar~ne Wstvw 8151 2-8573 Loughren W r l>'ll Mowat Bay Cranberry Lk Loukes J H r 9 Laurel Westview. . . 2-4939 Loukes R H r 310 Harvie Westview . . , • . • 8106 Love J H r 73 3 Wood Cranberry Lake •..•.. , . 2-1868 townie D J Capt r 234 Marine Westview. . . 2-9527 Lucas Ken r 980-3rd Ave Wildwood . . . . • . 2-3232 Lucas T W Jr r 353 Maple Westview .....•.. 2-0631 Lucas Thomas r 771 Maple .•••••.••••••.••.. 4487 . 2-3958 Luciw Peter r 75 Marine Westview. . . . . • Lucyk F r 625 Westview Westview. . 2-9342 Lundie J A r 1171 Ocean View. . . . 9135 Lundon J D r 4 Riverside. . • • • . . . • . . 2-1062 Lundquist Harry r 890 Marine Westview . 2-4076 Lupul V r 80-bth St Westview. 2-9321 Lus~ier Abel r 625 East Cranberry Lake 2-3493 Lye R A Mrs r 111 Drake Cranberry Lake 3966 Lyle A J r 71 Mich1gan Westview. . . . . 2-9551 Lynn Clifford E r 118 Manson Westview. 2-4228 Lynn Robert r 221 Joyce Westview. . . . 6346 Lyon K Mrs r 310 Willingdon Westview.. .2-3880 Lyon R S r 680 Westview Westview 2-9581 Lyons W Bud r 353 Cranberry Lake Crnbry Lk .. 2-6086 im Me .t Mac McAdam Edward r 323-1st St Westview 2-3766 . .•• 3667 McAllister A r 250 Marine Westview. . . McAllister R r 71 Beach Grove Westview . 9129 McAndrew Wm r 1631 Marine Westview .•.••... 6468 McAteer J r 232-1st St Westview. . . . . . . 8451 McAulay B C r 1711 Marine Westview.. 2-917B MacAulay D J r 1230 Marine Westview. . . . . 2-3088 McBain David M r 880 Ocean View ........... .4027 McBride A r 560 Manson Westview .. 3286 McBurnie E r 1250 Gordon Westview .......... 7086 McBurnie S G r 530 Ward Cranberry Lake ..... 4780 McCallum Charles R r 1041 Maple. . . . . . . • . 5597 McCann J A Dr r 1230 Joyce Westview. . . 2-8381 McCarter Clifford G r 860-4th Ave Wildwood . 2-3856 McCarter Geo Mrs r 240 Lakeview Wildwood .. 2-4088 McCarter R R r Wildwood............ . 2-1852 McCartney Henry r 1035 Lund Hghwy Wldwd .. 2-3586 McCartney J r ll20 Lund Hghwy Wildwood ... 5031 Macartney Mark r ll1-4th St Westview ....... 8301 Macartney Mark Agencies 223 Marine Westview. 2-3601 McCausland W r 52 Laurel Westview .......•. 2-4886 McClosky F W r 519 Park Cranberry Lake. . . 2-6273 McClure W Art r 25 Manson Westview. • . ;1-4330 McComber Edward r 1210 Elm Westview 2-0521 McCormack H V r 658 East Cranberry Lake 2-9212 McCormick Lindsay L r 244 Joyce Westview. . . 7281 McCracken Dave r 421 Manson Westview ...... 2-5603 McCracken J Mrs r 880 Lund Hghwy Wildwood 2-5862 McCrossan Frank r 100 Joyce Westview. _.. 2-8141 McCullagh P J r 280 Sutherland Wildwood ..... 3641 McCullough A H r 31 O-lSt St Westview. . . . . 8851 McCullough Fred G r 384 Nelson Cranberry Lk. 2-8828 McCullough I S r 181-1st St Westview . . . . 2-9758 McDermott J D r 378 Nelson Cranberry Lake 2-8820 Macdonald A r ll-6th St Westview. ... 2-0317 MacDonald B W r 191 Drake Cranberry Lake 2-1236 McDonald D M r 110-2nd St Westview ..... 2-5461 McDonald D R r 261 Michigan Westview 2-9627 MacDonald E M r 850-A Willow . 2-1401 MacDonald F J r 670 Westview Westview 2-9401 McDonald G C R r 150-Sth St Westview... 9187 MacDonald J R r 454 Gaudet Cranberry Lk 2-4906 McDonald James r 555 Park Cranberry Lake ... 4708 McDonald John A r 891 Maple. . . . . . . . . . . • . 3761 MacDonald John D r 1050 Maple ............. 8462 Macdonald K E r 860 Ocean View. . . . . . . . . . 4381 POWELL RIVER McDonald L J r 674 Cranberry Lake Crnbry Lk. 2-8358 McDonald N R r 840-A Willow .............. 2-1912 MacDonald Neil R r 121 Beach Grove Wstvw. 2-3695 Macdonald Norah Mrs r 1st St. ..•.......... 2-6952 MacDonald Peter r Manson Rd Westview. . . 2-3221 Macdonald Robert r 13?0 Gordon Westview 2-3083 McDonald Stanley A r 459 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk. 9158 McDonald W J r 1440 Marine Westview ........ 7397 MacDonald W J 8 r 110 Maple ......•...... 8246 McDougall Colin C r 231 Poplar .............. 8057 MacDougall James r 749 Mowat Bay Crnbry Lk 2-8575 McDougall John r 511 Manson Cranberry Lake. 3316 McDowall R r 1300 Gordon Westview ......... 2-8752 McDowell Peter F r 121 Mar;ne Westview. . . 2-9945 McDowell W r Aden Rd Cranberry Lake ...... 2-6212 McEvoy J A r 1151 Gordon Westview .......... 4593 McFadzean J A r 41-Sth St Westview ...•.... 2-9306 MacFarlane Alan W r 124 Kent Westview ...... 2-6521 MacFarlane G W Mrs r 248 Joyce Westview .... 5846 MacFarlane R G r 362 Cranberry Lk Grnbry Lk 8316 Macfarlane S B r 460 Ocean View ........... 3291 MacFarlane W M r &l-1st St Westview ....... 2-9865 MacGillivray W E r 440 Ocean View ........ .... 6481 McGilvray Hannah Mrs r 1 Walnut. ....... 2-6301 McGougan Robert r 557 Coburn Cranberry Lk .. 2-8676 McGowan C I Mrs r 360 Boundary Westview .. 2-9182 MAcGREGOR CONCRETE PRODUCTS 340 Granberry Lake Cranberry Lake 6436 MacGregor John Mrs r 10 Manson Westview. . . 9190 MacGregor R D r 1090 Whalen Westview ...... 2-1668 McGregor S Robinson r 1460 Marine Westview. 2-3533 McGruther M G r 8 Ewing PI Westview ...... 2-0501 McGuffie G F r 131 Manson Westview ...... 2-6892 McGuffie G R r 411 Joyce Westview .......... 6646 McGuffie James P r 117 Manson Westview .... 2-0306 McGuffie Robert r 111 Manson Westview .... 2-0301 MACINDOE INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD 1st St. 8161 Mcinerney Joseph Rev r 210 Maple ............ 5821 Mcinnis Fred N r Covi Rd Granberry Lake .... 2-6723 Macintosh John J r 560 Hillside Cranberry Lake .. 5812 tnaclntosh Norman r 520 Manson Grnbry Lk ... 2-3751 MAciNTOSH & NORMAN LTD contrs North Lake. 8592 Mcintyre Helen Mrs r Wildwood. . . . . 7107 Mcintyre J A r 930 Maple... . . . . . •• 5681 Macintyre Mae Mrs r 2nd St. ............... 5381 McKay A r 1051-Sth Ave Wildwood ........ _.3708 MacKay Vic S r Kelley Creek Rd. . . . . . .... 2-8709 McKenzie A T r 630 Mowat Bay Crnbry Lk .. 2-0441 MacKenzie D J r 812 Sutherland Wildwood .... 5106 Macl<enzie Donald r 871 Maple ............... 4021 McKenzie G A r 7 Laurel Westview. . . . . . 3748 McKenzie Harry r North Lake ............•• 2-3967 McKenzie J G r 354 Cooper Westview .••... 2-4867 McKenzie L K r 210-3rd St Westview ...... 2-9241 MacKenzie P W r 991 Ocean View .......... 2-6412 McKen1ie W J r 401 Maple ................ 2-6442 McKie Hugh r 7l-1st St Westview . . . . . . 2-8851 McKinnon A D r 831 Maple ............... 3682 McKinnon Agnes Mrs r 48-lst St Westview ... 2-9863 MacKinnon Murdock r 151-9th St Westview. 2-9116 McKnight D E r 271 Beso Westview ......... .4073 McKnight E G r 440 Willow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5076 Mct<n1ght K W r 486-1st St Westview ........ 3710 McKnight N W Mrs r 211 Willingdon Westview .. 8347 Mclaren A r 21-7th St Westview. . . . . . . . .. 2-3210 Mclaren John r 8 Laurel Westview ........... 2-4888 Mclay Thomas Dr 293 Michigan Westview .... 2-0326 Mclean A A r 4 Parryville Cranberry Lake .... 2-0668 Mclean Gordon 8 r 81 Willingdon Westview ... 2-8526 Mclean J A r 4D-7th St Westview .......... 2-3211 Maclean N C r 361 Maple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6452 Maclean Stanely r Myrtle Pt. __ ............. 8504 Maclean W A r 27l-4th St Westview ......... 3891 Mclennan Neil r 120-5th St Westview .......... 6426 Mcleod E P r 1921 Marine Westview .......... 3633 Macleod F J P r 199 Manson Westview ..... . 2-4337 Macleod J L Dr o 1st St ................... 2241 ~a~leoJ J l Dr r 800 Maple... . . . . . . . . . . . 7531 c eo J T Mrs r lst St................. 8636 Mcleod J V r 420 Cedar Westview. . . . . . . . 2-4655 Macleod John r l3l-3rd St Westview .•.... 2-5582 Mcleod M R r Covt Rd Cranberry Lake . . . . . 2-6725 Mcleod Miles A r 4th St Westview... .... . 2-4115 Mcleod William H r Covi Rd Cranben·y Lake . . . 2-6728 McDonald - Martin 13 McMahon J C r 620 McMahon Wildwood. . . 6161 McMaster D r 370 Marine Westview. . . . ....... 7193 McMaster D H r 450 Michigan Westview .•.... 7111 Macmillan Alex r 141 Maple .•..•........ 2-5136 MacMillan Alice L Mrs r 380 Harvie Westview .. 2-5358 Macmillan John r 1741-17th St Westview. _ 2-4960 Macmillan William r 151 Maple... . . . . . . . .8687 McNab J r 1070 Lund Hghwy Wildwood . 2-6773 McNair Almer N r Stillwater. .... . .. 3-X Macnair 0 R r ll20-5th Ave Wildwood .•.•••.. 3706 McNair D S r 71-oth St Westview. . . . • . • . . 2-9326 McNair R L r Myrtle Point .......•....•.•... 3094 McNaughton Margaret E Miss r 41 Bute Wstvw 2-5543 McNeil W H r 720 Westview Westview ...... 2-3462 MacNeill G D r 321 Manson Westview. . . . . . 6417 MacNeill J 0 r 543 Marlatt Cranberry Lk .... 2-56n McNicol M r 151 Cedar._ .................. 7072 McNiven Alfred H r 429 Manson Grnbry Lk.. 5986 McNolty G G E r 220-4th St Westview.. . . . . . 6336 McPhalen C G r 60-8th St Westview. . . . . . . . . 2-5291 McPhalen H C r 240 Harvie Westview •..... 2-0861 McPhalen W T r 231 Harvie Westview ...... 2-9421 McPhedran W r 341 Joyce Westview. . . . . . . . 2-4513 McPhee J A r 30-8th St Westview. . . . . . . . 2-9301 McPherson C G r 101-B Poplar ..... _,.. , •. 4913 MacPherson J K r 570 Manson Cranberry Lk . 4571 Macpherson N J r 150 Spruce Westview ...... 2-5561 Macpherson R r 300 Willow ........•.. _.•.••. 7057 McQuarrie Allen N r 1340 Marine Westview. . . 3631 McQuarrie C A r 990 Ocean View ....•..... 5916 McQuarrie 0 F r 1030-5th Ave Wildwood. . . 3707 McQuinn R A r 10 Manson Westview .•.•.•.... 2-4332 McQuinn Robert H r 360 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk. 2-6842 McRae Fraser r Scotch Fir Point. .... •.•........ 3- T McRae H r 130 Maple............... .8481 McRae John A r Stillwater. . . . . • . • . . .... 3-F McVea T r 140 Willingdon Westview . 2-0226 McVicker John r 161 Joyce Westview ..... _ 2-5563 M MABEL'S BEAUTY SALON Bay St Wshw 4S91 Macken D K r loll Ma1 ine Westview..... 4811 Macro H L r 170 Oak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4666 Mac's Shoe Repairs 344 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk •• 2-0661 MADRONA MOTEL Grief Pt Westview 2-6478 Maedel L r 221 Pine Westview. . . . . . . . . . 2-45' 0 Maggs S R r 440 Marine Westview.. 2-0911 Mahood Logging Ltd Lang Bay. . . . . . . . . • . . . 7701 Maksymiuk William J r 30 Willingdon Wstvw 2-6517 MALASPINA BOWLING ALLEYS L TO 320 Marine Westview 8081 MALASPINA BUILDERS SUPPLIES LTD Manson Rd Westv•ew 2-8181 Malcolm J R r 1051 Ocean View... . • • . . • . • 5907 Malcolm Kenneth I r 80 Laurel Westview... 2-1095 Malik John r 190 Michigan Westview...... 8137 Mallory Roger A r 590 Fernwood Westview .. 2-6136 Malnick Mary Mrs ,. 610 Ocean View ....• 6762 Mal nick Philip r 425 Maple. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4952 Mannion Margaret Mrs r 31 Michigan Wstvw •. 2-9752 Mantoani A r 11 Windsor Westview ..... , .6676 Mantoani I r 1090-Sth Ave Wildwood • • • . 2-5772 Mantoani Nilo r 171 Michigan Westview ....... 6191 Mantovani G r 240 Joyce Westview. . . . • . . • •.. 3957 Maple E r 446 Cranberry Lake Grnbry L~ ••.•. 5496 Marchand A J r 430 Drake Cranberry Lake ...•. n61 Marchant Alec H r 330 Cooper Westview .••••• 2-4051 Marin A r 311 King Wildwood .•......•.. 2-5921 Marin Aldo L r 321 King Wildwood ......•• 2-5392 MARINE HOTEL LTD 411 Marine Westview . .•• 6661 MARINE RADIO 361 Willingdon Westview •.. 2-9011 Markley Charles F r 711 Manson Westview .... 2-9741 Marlatt C R Dr o 1st St .................... 2241 Marlatt C R Dr r 30 Arbutus Westview •••••... 3601 Marlatt S P H Dr r 101 Ocean View. . • . . • .. 4121 Marquis E r H•0-9th St Westview ••• _.••• 2-0253 Marriette W J r 50 Arbutus Westview • . . . . . 2-6476 Marrion H r 270 Maple . . . . . • . • • . • . • , • • .3401 Ma1·shall D G r 4th St We>tview . • . . • . . . 2-0431 Marshall J R r 37 Riverside ..•.•..• _ , . ,5506 Mart Wm T r 1891 Marine Westview ••...... 4746 Martin G r 401 King Wildwood. . . • • ... , • 2·3623 Martin Harold C r 11-.Jth St Westvlev. 2-6645 14 Mart•n · Naylor Martin Howard C r 2co-3rd St West\'ie ... 2-3760 Mart,nlg G1ovanni r '50 Pari: Wilctv.oad. · · ·. 2 :U~ Martlnlg Mario r Hillcrest W ldwood ... Martmig Notate r >50 H llcrest W.ldv.oad . 2-66n Martinuk A r Zilnlc Rd • • • . . • . • . . . • . . 2-8701 MARTS MUSIC CENTRE 33 Marine Westv ew 7831 Marutl F r 354 Ne: -~n Cranb~rry Lake ....•... 2-9478 Maslanka W r 519 Marlatt C'anbtrry lake. 2-5697 Maslin Gilbert E r 1615 Marine Westv1ew 2-4476 Maslin R F r 368 Cranberry Lake Crnbry Lk 2-1983 Mason E A r 12-A Walnut.. . . . . .......... 7347 Mason E J r North Lake • . • . . .• . 2-3107 Mason J W r 100 Malaspina We;tvlew . 2-1098 Mason Pat r 4lh St Westview . • • . . . . 2-0432 Ma.ssullo Alfrt!do r l7v King Wildwood 2-5927 Massullo Mike r 810-blh Ave Wildwood .2-8871 Massullo Paolo r S71-4th Ave Wildwood.. . . 4581 MASTER METALS LTD 175 Ma'"'e W;tvw 2-9911 Masters J r 131-9th St Westv1ew. • • • • • • 2-910& Masters l R r 591 SutherlanJ Wildwood •.••. 2-5868 Masters R J r 531 Sutherland Wildwood. . • 2-5877 Masters Tom r 371 Nelson Cranberry Lak~ ..• 2-8822 Mastrodonato R r 6bl McMahon Wildwood. 8697 Matheson C D r 580 Cranberry Lk Crnbry lk 2-9956 Matheson Jan D r 4" Manson Westview .. . 2-8628 Matheson N P r Park St Westview. . • . • . 2-6150 Matheson R A r 50 Harwood Westview. . . . . . 3976 Mathews A M r 550 Coburn Cranberry lake ... 2-8.6 75 Mathews Harold M r 596 Coburn Crnbry Lk. . 4351 Mathews Michael M r 111 Poplar.... . . .5041 Mathews W W r 1140 Marine Westview. . . . 2-0801 Matterson B D r 1542-A Marine Westview. 6675 Matthews P A r 160 Manson Westview ...... 2-6896 Matlick May Mrs r 95 Manson Westview. . . . . 2-0571 Mattick W F r 624 Cranberry lk Crnbry lk .. 2-8357 Mattiussi D r 640 Sutherland Wildwood ...... 2-5761 Mattson R J r 661 Hatfield Cranberry Lake .. 2-9456 Mattson T E r 1841 Marine Westview ........ 2-4887 Mavis R J r 44-6th St Westview .......... 2-6687 Mawn A A r 291 Michigan Westview .......... 4031 Max Cameron High School 500 Joyce Wstvw .... 5551 May Arch Geo r 61 Furness Westview ...... 2-5616 May Richard r 280-2nd St Westview. . . . . . . . . 5082 Mayenburg A W r Cooper Rd Westview ....... 2-8776 Mayenburg W G r Powell Lake ...••........... 3177 Maynard Florence Mrs r 325 Manson Crnbry lk .. 5565 Mayoh C r 124-2nd St Westview ... . ........ 2-0741 MEDICAL CLINIC THE 1st St ............... 2241 After 6 PM & holidays call. ............... 2275 Brummitt Wm M Dr ...................... 2241 Collins D R Dr .......................... 2241 Fisher R E Dr ............................ 2241 Hobson Campbell Dr ..................•... 2241 lees M A Dr ............................ 2241 Macleod J l Dr .......................... 2241 Marlatt C R Dr .......................... 2241 White H E Dr ....•..................... 2241 Mee A G r l70-5th Ave Westview .......... 2-3911 Mee John T r 415 Maple .................... 3126 Meilleur J Frank o 10-lst St Westview ....... 7881 Meilleur J Frank r 140 Michigan Westview .... 2-0881 Meilleur Mary Mrs r 51-1st St Westview ...... 7206 Melsom H A r 140-9th St Westview ........ 2-9112 Menzies Gordon M r 180 Oak ................ 3831 Menzies J Jr r 460 Michigan Westview ...... 2-3787 Menzies J P r 240 Ocean View ............ 2-6432 Menzies John r 640 Marine Westview ........ 2-9311 Meret Aldo r 441 Manson Cranberry Lake ....• 2-5650 Meret R r 291 Oak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4281 Merifield Jack r 50-3rd St Westview .. _ .. : . :2-5583 Merrell lorne W r 495 Com ox Westview ....... 8356 Merson P r 71 Beach Court Westview ........ 2-4075 Messmer E F r lOll Maple ......•.•....... 2-3941 Metcalf R F r 1530 Marine Westview ........ 2-5286 Meyer K r 271-Sth St Westview 2-3786 Mickle R E r 101 Joyce West;;~.;_::::::::: :2-0546 M!ddleton Geo A r 920 Westview Westview ...... 5546 M~ddle~on Jas H r 271 Pine Wildwood ... , .... 2-6676 M!kolaJOW W r 730-6th Ave Wildwood ...... 2-8876 M1ller E B r 1220 Gordon Westview .......... 2-3047 ~~~~:er F C Mrs r 270 Maple.... . . . . . . . . . .... 3381 !ll er RGeEorge r Lang Bay .................. 2-8565 M 1 er r 1181 Ocean View ................ 8526 Mills C H r 180 Harvie Westview .••....••... 2-0471 :no 2 Millie Obld 8 r 401-'"' st. . . . . . ~ Mil~ W Mrs r 220 Olk • • .. •• M1lne W 0 r 438 Nmon Cranberry LUe • 1-61'!11 Milroy Gordon r 10 Harvie Westview •••••••.• Z.O"N Minter W r 291-5th St Westlllew • • • , 24GU Mirrlees Harry r 531 Church Cranbenoy lJike .• ~ M isslo Joe r bOO SuthM"Iand WlldMOCI. • • • 2-5751 Missio N r 670 Sutherland Wildwood...... 2-5761 Missio V r 951-6th Aw Wildwood .•••••••• 2-!IISS Mitchell Albert J r 421 Church Cranberry Lk. 2-9771 Mitchell David M r 1040 Maple .••••••••••.•• 6597 Mitchell M r 527 Park Cranberry Lake .••.••• 2-o591 Mitchell M G r Myrtle Point ..•••••......••. 8501 Mitchell P r 40 MIChigan Westview ........... 3805 Mitchener J B r 22l-4th St Westv1ew •......• 6)35 Mitten C I o 1881 Marine Westview .•...... 2-6934 Molloy P G r 1550 Marine Westview ...•••.• 2-3536 Moncrleff M A r 381 Maple................ 7097 Monk R l r 141 Marine Westview. . . . . . . . . . 2-0422 Monk R Ross r 191 Willlngdon Westview ..... 2·9766 Monkhouse H T r 3ll-2nd Sl Westview .••••. 2-1747 Monkhouse L E r 14 MacGregor Westview .... 2-4331 Monsell D L Trucking Myrtle Pt .••.••.•••••. 8508 Mansell Perry r 325-lst St Westview ....... 2-5521 Monteith J W r 911 Maple •••.•....•...... 2-9361 Montgomery A J r 480-lst St Westview ...•. 4796 Montgomery W H r 120-'lth St Westview ..•. 2-3671 Mooney Gordon r 360 Willingdon Westview ..•.. 8541 Moore C Mrs r 61 Joyce Westview ••.•••.•.. 2-5568 Moore H B r 2b0 Harvie Westview ............ 2-3296 Moore M M r 220 Marine Westview .......... 2-9066 Moore R T r 721-9th Ave Wildwood .•..••.... 5100 Moorhead H r Pebble Beach. . . . . . .•..• 4655 Moorhouse Norman E r 521 Manson Westview .. 2-6788 Moose Hall 351 Joyce Westview ....•......... 9082 Moose Hall Office 351 Joyce Westview .••.•. 2-4267 Moretto 0 r Marine Ave Westview .•......... 2-6007 Moretto Orfila Miss r 130-2nd St Westview .. 2-6491 Morgan B C r 960 Ocean View .............. 2-1056 Morgan C H r 430 Marlatt Cranberry lake ..... 7809 Morgan Don r 1720 Nichol Westview .....••.•. 2-4962 Morgan James r 1140 Whalen Westview ...•... 4591 Morley R A r 1540 Marine Westview .......... 4816 Morrill G L r 120 Malaspina Westview ....•.•. 2-1026 Morris C W r 361 Sutherland Wildwood ...•... 2-5873 Morris Chas r 19 Bute Westview ........ , ..• 2-1562 Morris Roy Mrs r 761 Westview Westview .... 2-3467 Morrison C B r 1532 Marine Westview ....•. 2-3535 Morrison Douglas M r 841 Maple .....•...... 3048 Morrison W B r 20 Arbutus Westview ........ 2-4250 Morrissette Joseph A r 841-7th Ave Wildwood .. 2-5747 Morrissey J R r Queens Rd Westview ......... 2-3731 Morrissey W F r 1040 Lund Hghwy Wildwood .. 2-5886 Morton A E r 530 Coburn Cranberry Lake ..•. 2-4820 Mosley M Mrs r 428 Cranberry Lk Crnbry lk ... • 7001 Moss l H r 61 Furness Westview ........•.•. 2-5616 Mossey P R r 31-3rd St Westview ..•......• 2-3307 Mouat C M r 901 Maple .................. 2-5347 Mould C G r 91 Michigan Westview ....••. 2-0236 Mowbray F T r 421 King Wildwood ..•••.••.. 2-5471 Mowbray J G r 121 Drake Cranberry lake .•.. 2-1326 Mowbray T Mrs r 1230 Gordon Westview .... 2-5932 Muir R J r 5 Harvie Westview. . • . . . . . . . . • . . 7202 Muir W r 8 Riverside .............•.•.... 2-4136 MUIR'S HARDWARE LTD 21 Marine Wstvw ... 2228 Mullen A C r 211 Cedar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5857 Munsell Murray r 1191 Elm Westview ....•... 2-3040 Munson George A r Myrtle Point. ............ 8500 Murphy l A r 740 Maple .................... 3581 Murray Arnold r Pebble Beach .............. 2-4895 Murray C D r 430 Maple ..........•.•••... 2-3166 Murray D R r 101 Michigan Westview ..••..•. 2-0848 Murray George r 110 Poplar .................. 5807 Murray J A r 170 Harwood Westview .......... 8271 Murray Robert r 900 Ocean View ..•.....•.•.•. 3771 N Nassachuk Alex r 90 Beach Court Westview. 2-0616 Nassichuk G r 391 King Wildwood .•..•.•.•. 2-55% Nassichuk S r 342 Heather Westview... . ... 4201 Nassichuk W r 281-4th St Westview ....••.... 2-4303 Naughton Chas J Dr dent 1st St ............ 2-3771 Naylor Martin r 431 Drake Cranberry Lake •... 4286 Neove - Patten POWELL RIVER Neave H r Pebble Beach ............. : ..... 2-8933 Nechwediuk John J r 1.370-B 3rd Ave Woldwood .. 4853 Needham E R r 310 Willow ............. 2-6971 Negrin P r 424 Nelson Cranberry Lake ...... 2-6856 Neill A r Black Point ...................... 2-8809 Nelmes Ted r 740-B Willow ..••.......... 2-3156 Nelson Carl L r 750-A Willow .............. 2-1776 Nelson N C B r 830 Marine Westview .....•... 2-%72 NELSONS LAUNDRIES L TO Bay St Wstvw ... 2-3971 Nesbitt Nancy M Mrs r Comox St Westvoew ... 2-4917 Netter S r 421 Hillcrest Wildwood .......... 2-5905 Newbury C R r 542 Park Crnbry Lk .......... 4706 Newell John H r 1010 Woodland Westview .... 2-9221 Newman Harold T r 10 Joyce Westview ....... 5470 NEWS POWELL RIVER 260 Ma_rine Westview ... 2255 Newton William r 1st St Westvoew .......... 2-8405 Nichols E S r 151 Poplar ........••.• ........ 4471 Nichols W R r Westview Rd Westview ........ 2-0723 Nicholson J R Dr r 131 Willingdon Westview. 2-8211 Nicholson Joe H r 20 Riverside .............. 7387 Nicli Primo r 921-6th Ave Wildwood. . .... 2-8872 . .5502 Nicol A A r 10 Riverside....... . . . . . Nidle Steve r 85 Manson Westview .......•. 2-6744 Nidle Wm r 681 Manson Westview ........... 2-8.325 Nielsen Karen Mrs r 1070 Lund Hghwy Wldwd. 2-5852 Nielsen Otto r 221 Manson Westview ........ 2-6658 Nielsen Svend r 3 Orchard House. . . . . . . . . 2-0666 Nielson Kay r Marine Ave Westview .... .. .... 2-6008 Niemi Jack r 831-4th Ave Wildwood .......... 4586 Nikitoff John r 331 Marine Westview ........ 2-0361 NILO'S GROCERY 171 Michigan Westview .... 6191 Nilsson Knut r 241 Michigan Westview ...... 2-4162 Nixon J Earle Dr dent 381 Marine Westview .... 4441 Nixon J Earle Dr r 730 Westview Westview .. 2-3461 Nocera Victor r ll-4th St Westview ......... 2-3906 Nolan Yvette r 230 Manson Westview .. , ...... 2-6749 Nord A r 151-5th St Westview ................ 7116 Nord John r 70-8th St Westview ............ 2-8128 Nord Nels r 620 Marine Westview ............ 4976 Norman A J r North Lake .................. 8592 Norman Bertha Mrs r 360 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk. 2-6036 Norman W A r 460 Willow .................. 6011 Norman Walter r 731 Maple .................. .3786 Normand E D r 353 Cranberry Lake Crnbry Lk .. 2-5052 North F J r 250 Ocean View .................. 5776 North M A r 970 Lund Hghwy Wildwood .... 2-5890 Northern Construction Co & J W Stewart Ltd Powell River .. 6881 E Turner . . . . ........................ 2-0381 Northey G G r 290 Oak ..................... 5677 NORTH-WEST TELEPHONE CO 161 WalnutCres.2201 Northwood W r 261 Harvie Westview ..... . .... 4886 Nasworthy F r 90 Malaspina Westview ....... . 2-1021 NUMAN'S WILDWOOD WELDING SHOP 1251-5th Ave Wildwood .. 2-1681 Nunn Philip R r 660 Mowat Bay Cranberry Lk .. 6876 Nunn's Taxi Wharf St Westview .............. 5111 Nutchey E r 484-1st St Westview .......... 2-9931 Nutt Francis r 644 Cranberry Lk Crnbo·y Lk .... 2-8353 Nuttall Fred r 1580 Marine Westview ........ 2-3532 Nyberg A r North Lake. . . . . . . .............. 74B7 Nyeste E r 91 Willingdon Westview ..•......... 3560 Nystrom Ea1·J r 10-9th St We.stview ............ 6050 0 O'Brien Logging Co Ltd Stillwater. . . . . . . . . . ... 3-A O'Byrne E W Mrs r l20-10th St Westview .... 2-4527 Ochenduszko S r 14 Riverside ................. 8788 O'Connor J P A r 26 Riverside ................ 7271 Oddfellows Hall 616 East Cranberry Lake ....... 5881 Oelrich J r 650 Mowat Bay Cranberry Lake .... 2-1906 Ogden B A r 509 Manson Westview ............ 3281 O'Keefe K D r 202 Manson Westview . . , ..... 2-5971 Okell R B r 1071 Ocean View. . ........ . .... 6546 Oldale C E r 258 Jo1ce Westview. . . . . . . . . . . 7287 Oldale F N r 14 Parryville Cranberry Lake. . . . 2-8511 Oldale Frank r 330-1st St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8571 Oldale Thos J r 131 Drake Cranberry Lake ...... 3961 Oldham A A r 241-C Joncus Wildwood. . . . . . . 8447 Olimpico A r 6 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake .. 2-3476 Oliver A M Mrs r 1st St ................... 8631 Oliver Frank r 330 Willingdon Westview ....... 8546 Oliver R F r 320 Harvie Westview. . . . . . . ... 2-5316 Olsen Irvin r 16th St Westview .............. 2-6930 15 Olsen James r 250 Maple. .2-1037 Olsen Leo D r 261 Oak.. . .. .. .. . 3732 Olson Frances Mos r 610 Joyce Westview. .2-3486 Olson Freda Miss r 110 Poplar .............. 4626 Olson Howard r 541-1st St Westview ....... 2-6316 Olson Oren E r 60 Manson Westview .......... 6926 Olson Ray r 600 Cranbero·y Lake Crnbry Lk ..... 5667 Orava A W r 4th St Westview.. . . . . . .... 2-6695 Osborne H r Pebble Beach. • . . • • • . . . . . . . 2-8932 Osborne H C Mrs r 262-4th St Westview 2-4947 Osline 0 J r 141 Manson Westview. . . . 2-4576 Ottley J r 323 Harvie Westview . . . . 2-5318 Otto W F r 251-Sth St Westview... . . .2-6016 OVERWAITEA L TO 560 Manson Cranberry Lk .. 8961 Owen Ronald r 651 Westview Westview. . . . . 2-6622 Owen W H r 151 Joyce Westview. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5085 Owston John M r bl9 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk. . . . . 5661 Oxbury H r 457 Manson Westview .....•.... 2-3986 Oxbury Roland r 110 Manson Westview. . . . 2-6895 Oyer M Mrs r 230 Manson Westview. . . . . 2-6745 Ozog Steve r Grief Point. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6475 p PACIFIC TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT L TO 505 Railway Vancouver INo Toll Chg) Zenith-6021 PACIFIC WESTERN AIRLINES L TO Westview Airport. 2289 Padgett R L r Myrtle Point. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 8506 Padgett Rex r Myrtle Point. . . • . . • . . . . . • . 8509 Pagani Frank r 520 Sutherland Wildwood . 2-5837 Pagani L r 34l-1st St Westview. . . . . . . 2-4515 Pahl F r 223-2nd St Westview. . . . . . • . . . . 2-9071 Paiero Mario r 550 Hillside Cranberry Lake . . . . 7763 Palliser Gordon r Stillwater ............ • .• . .. . 3-M Palliser L M Mrs r 21 Bute Westview. . 2-5540 Palmer Cliff r 270-3rd St Westview . ...... .. . 6616 2-3281 Palmer D L r 181 Oak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5052 Palmer George B r Douglas Bay. . . . . . . . . • . . Palmer George H r 40 Comox Westview 2-1746 Palmer J K r 280 Joyce Westview. . . 5475 2-3106 Palmer J R r North Lake. . . . . . . . . . . . Palmer Walter r 1370 Marine Westview • • . 2-8062 PALMER & WHIPPLE LOGGING CO L TO 661 Hatfield Cranberry Lake .. 2-5721 Palmer & Whipple Sawmiils Ltd 661 Hatfield Cranberry Lake . 2-572. .. Panda Coffee Bar 351 Marine Westview ...... . . 8071 Parish W A r 3 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake .. 2-4031 Parker Bert r Pebble Beach. . .. •. . • ••• . 2-9283 Parker Fred r 161 Willingdon Westview ... . . . . 4551 . 6392 Parker H G r 181 Drake Cranbeo·ry Lake Parkhouse G L r 101 McGuffie West view. 2-5627 Parkin John W r 424 Willow ... . . . ... 6291 Parkin R W K r 70 Beach Court West view . 2-4830 Parkin W L r 70 Beach Couo t West view . . . 2-3696 Parkin Walter r 1290 Gordon Westview. . . • • . 8126 Parr-Pearson N r 710 Westview 1Nestview. . 2-9406 Parrott H r 716 East Co·anberry Lake.. . •..... 2-6166 Parry H J r. 325 Cranbeny Lake Cl'nbry Lk .... 9134 • •• .. , . 2-3960 Parry Robert r Haslam Lake Rd . . . Pal·son R F r North Lake .. ... .. . ...... . . . . 8597 Parsons Charles S r North Lake. . . • • • • . , . . 2-6376 Parsons E N M1·s r 411 Manson Westview. • . 2-5601 Parsons L M r 1021 Woodland Westview. . . . . 5542 PARSONS SAND & GRAVEL 43 Marine Wstvw . 2-47ll After 5 pm . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . ...•.... . 8597 PARSONS TRACTOR SERVICE L TO 43 Marine Westview .. 2-4711 After 5 pm.. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . 8597 Parsons Tractor Service Ltd North Lake .. . .... 8597 Pasmore A S r 8-9th St Westview. . . . . . . . 2-4078 Passenger W J r 353 Cr~nbcrry Lake Crnbry Lk 2-6032 Patenaude G S r 50 Wiliingdon Westview .•. . •. 6033 Paterson A r 351 Maple . ..... .. . . , .. 2-3177 Paterson J M r 1950 Marine Westview • . ..•. . •. 6673 Paterson R B r 1180 Walnut.. .. . . . .. 3472 • . ... 5321 Patricia Theatre 2nd St... . • . Patrick Sidney r 20 -2nd St Westview •..•. 2-1941 • . .... 2-0757 Patrick W J r 20 H~rvie Westview . Patrick Walter r Douglas Bily. . . . . . • . • . . . . . . 2-8805 Patrucco A J r 540 Sutherland Wildwood •.• . 2-5753 Patrucco E r 560 Sutherland Wildwood • • . 2-5757 Pallen L G r Bl;;~ck Point . . . • . . . • . . 5053 16 I Potrer~on - P'rovinciol Patterson Edwin r 4Z4 Crnbry Lk Crnbry lk -2-37% Patterson Ellis r ~&4 Man ;;en Crnbry Lk .. · · - · ~~ Paul Wilfred Mrs r 111 I ap!e · ·. · Pauling Allan K r 1710 N 'h ! Westview .. 2~~ Paultng R K r l'lO Olk · . . . . . ' . ' 8721 Pauls Cafe (':• .. · '-ffl Ave • · Pau>che Geo r _. 'i an:o~ ~e,tvoew . 2-4221 Pavtd M H r 1 .1 . r ne \lt;t ew 2-4882 Pearl's Beauty Sa'OI• C•:ea·• v. ·w Ave .. 2-8281 Pearr.all A J r 7 (l-.J Wollow. . . . . • .. 2-5430 Pearson J V r 7 .. 2 Mowlt Bay Cra~b~rry Lake. 2-8570 PearSOI• Jacob r lO Manson Westvtew · . . 8516 Pearson p T r 70 MJnson W~stvow... •. . 2-8627 Peck Thos E Mrs r i51 Mlron~ Westvoew. 2-3596 Peddie Thomas P r 440 Park Wo!dwood.. . . 2-1398 Pedersen H P r La~evoew St Wo!dwood 2-4082 Peebles W E r 131 (-nbry L~ Crnbry Lk .• 5356 Peel A Mrs 1 l Po ryv e Cranberry Lake 320& Peel C R r 1t JO Ot<an View ••..... 4942 Pellegrm G r 5 '· Hillside Crnbry Lk.... 3486 Pelly J H r 821 Joy1..e Westview .••....... 2-9571 Peloso M r sc~ Church CrJnberry Lake- •.•. 2-0291 Pember Chas r 585 King Wildwood. . . . . . 2-5787 Penman N S J r 524 Marlatt Cranberry Lake .• 2-9451 PENNY PROFIT STORE 11_ Marine Westview •.. 6211 Perin A r 42 Mar,ne Westvoew •............. 2-9948 Perry C J r 180 Poplar ...•.....•.••...... 2-1317 Perry George A r Manson Rd Westvtew ........ 2-4117 Perry Walter 0 r 431 Cooper Westvtew ......•. 2-3225 Persson G Alan ,. 1831 Marine Westview .••..... 6405 Peters E G r 731-oth Ave Wildwood ........•. 6168 Peters Howard R C r 146 Ewing PI Westview. 2-050& Peterson E C r 501 Joyce Westview ....•..... 2-3480 Peterson Isaac r 31-bth St Westview ......... 2-4748 Peterson Ollo r 11 Willingdon Westview ....•..• 774& PETERSON OTTO CREDIT JEWELER 2nd St .. 5071 Pete's Plastering & Bricklaying 501 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake •. 2-0201 PETE'S TRANSFER 381-1st St Westview ...... 4793 Petri P M r 701 Westview Westview .......... 2-6625 Pettican Ernest r 270 Mao·ine Westview ........ 8101 Pexton R W r Cumming Rd Westview ....... 2-9176 Pexton Walter r 500 Marlatt Cranberry Lake .... 6860 Pfister 0 F r 250-A Poplar .................. 5201 Pfluger Margaret Mrs r Comox St Westview .... 3951 Phelan P C r 539 King Wildwood ............ 2-5783 Philip G A r 450 Nelson Cranberry Lake ........ 3483 Philip J G r 324 Drake Cranberry Lake ...... 2-1786 Philip Thomas N r 318 Drake Cranber1·y Lake .. 2-&761 Phillips Ernest R r 260 Michigan Westview .... 2-5220 Phillips R D r North Lake .................. 8596 Phillips Wm N r 580 Coburn Cranberry Lake .... 2-8670 Phipps Logan S r 270 Manson Westview ........ 6415 Picard E G r Grief Point. ................. 2-6005 Piccinato L r 1131 Lund Hghwy Wildwood .... 2-5811 Piccinin Giovanni r 230 Manson Cranberry Lake .. 7583 Pickard D H r 171 Harvie Westview .......... 8272 Pickles John r l30-1st .St Westview ......... 2-&356 Piechotta D J r 2 Riverside .................. 4377 Pierce L R r 451 Manson Westview .......... 2-5216 Pietrantonio F r 280 Marine Westview ......... 7190 Pigatto B r 495 Drake Cranberry Lake ......... 3480 Pike B r 2 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake .... 2-4627 Pike S A D r 91-8th St Westview .....•.... 2-52% Pilorusso John r 880-4th Ave Wildwood ...... 2-5840 Piper J A r 860-A Willow .................. 2-1922 Pirie Evan S r 1170 Walnut. ................. 7512 Pirie Hudson r 750 Maple ................. 2-4247 Pisani G r 418 Gaudet Cranberry Lake ........ 7241 Pittendreigh D r 536 Marlatt Cranberry Lake .. 2-5676 Pitton A r 381 Sutherland Wildwood ........ 2-5876 Pitton G M r ll11-5th Ave Wildwood ........ 5066 Pitton Giuseppe r 1240-5th Ave Wildwood .... 2-1397 Pitton Peter r 371 Sutherland Wildwood ...... 6241 Pitton Robert r 860-6th Ave Wildwood ........ 6162 Pitton Roy Gene r 460 King Wildwood ........ 5650 Pitton Sante r l250-5th Ave Wildwood ...... 2-1395 Plaviak Casmir S r 591 Marlatt Cranberry Lk .. 2-1352 Plett P r 221 Harwood Westview ............ 2-6751 Plisson Stan N r 261 Joyce Westview .......... 5840 Poff Oakley r 1750 Marine Westview... . .... 2-8983 Pole L S r 81-9th St Westview ............ 2-6&12 Pool Gordon o 640 Joyce Westview. . . . . • . . .. 4981 Pool Gordon r 6;30 Joyce ......•.......... _ .. 2-9576 Poole ~ , Poole Cecil Don ER rr 144 UOOlfiJrwOaf ...._ ......_ Poole R M Mia r 425 Mlnsaa ~ t.ah Poole Victor H r 1192 Walnut. • • • •.•• Post L r 40-8th St Westview. • Pastil! Alfred J r 20--9tll St Wntvlew ..•. Potter Geo r 481 Jo~ Westview .••• , • • • • 82!5ifl POftll A J r 7 Cra berry Lake Cranberry Lake •• 2-C!97 Powell Court~y H r 1&1 Cedar ............. 2-4M~ Powell F C r 830 Ocean Voew ••••••••••••. 2·5416 Powell H r 390 Joyce Westview. • . . . . . . • • . 2-4261 Powell John Peter r 54!>-ht St Westview ..•. 5741 Powell Lake Marine Service Powell Lake. . . • . . 6602 Powell River Bus Lines Ltd 400 Joyce Wstvw . 2-7521 POWELL RIVER CO LTD Resident Manager R M Cooper. . . . • . . . • • . 4111 R M Cooper s Secretary. . . . . . . . . . .•...... 4511 Accounting Drpt Office. . . . • . . . • . . . • • • •• 2236 Electrical Department •..•.•.••...... , .•.. 3331 Enginee•·ing Department. • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 5271 Head Watchman ..................... , ... &301 Kin9come Navigat;on Office. . . . . • . • . . . . . 5411 Order & Shipping Office. . . . . . . . • . • . 5331 Recept•onist . . . . . . . •.. ••.•. . . . 5011 Riverside Camp . . . . . . • . • • . . .9181 Safety Supervisor. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7731 Steam Plant Offi~e ..•.....• , •• , . . . . 5521 Time Keeper . . . . . • • . • . . . . . • . • • • . . . 3411 Townsite Office. . . . .• , • . . . . . 4311 Directors' House 300 Ocean View..... .4821 POWELL RIVER COURT-EL Thunder Bay Rd .3092 POWELL RIVER CREDIT UNION 130 Walnut Cres 2265 Powell River District Municipality Building & Plumbing Inspector 58-A Marine Westview. 2-8201 Engineering Dept 58-A Marine Westv;ew •... 2-8201 Main Office 70 Marine Westview. . . . • • • • • . . 4411 Municipal Clerk 70 Marine Westview .....•.. 2-0331 Public Works Dept 406 Joyce Westview .•.. 2-426& Public Works Dept 531 Manson Cranberry Lk. 3231 Powell River Golf Club Ocean View Ave ........ 5181 POWELL RIVER MOTORS LTD 301 Joyce Westview .. 2218 318 Marine Westview. . .....••.. 2-0271 Night calls ...............•..•...•....... 0427 Or ................................. 2-6681 POWELL RIVER NEWS LTD 260 Marine Wstvw. 2255 POWELL RIVER PHARMACY LTD Ocean View Ave 4131 Powell River Post Office 2nd St.... • . . . .5121 Powell River Sales Co Ltd Elm & 3rd St. . . . . 4451 Office .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. 9195 J Small o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8081 W Woodward o. . . . ................ 2-4541 POWELL RIVER STUDIO 1st St .............. 2281 POWELL RIVER TELEVISION CO LTD 2nd St. .6681 Powell T C r 320-3rd St .................... 5772 Preiss 0 E r 5 Riverside .................... 8791 Prentice T r 404 Maple. . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • • . . . 6297 Preston R E r 585 Manson Westview ...••..... 4323 Price A V r 351-lst St Westview ............. 4795 Price Hugh L r 1020 Maple.. .. ............. 8412 Price Lester B r 860 Maple ................ 2-640& Price R e r 531-1st St Westview ............ 7470 Price Victor R r 461 Westview Westview ...... 8031 Price Wm R r 361 Manson Cranberry Lake ...... 5563 Prissinotti D r 3ll-1st St Westview ...•..•.. 4798 Prissinotti T N r 1130 Gordon Westview ..•... 2-3045 Pritchard A F r Douglas Bay ...... , , • . .••.. 2-8808 Pritchard A F r 310 Maple ..........•....• 2-3136 Profitt E r 11-7th St Westview ............ 2-3576 Profitt S r 1940 Marine Westview.. . . . . . . . 2-9236 Prosperi Porta Ferruccio r 400 Hillcrest Wildwood. 4855 Provincial Government Offices Dept of Social Welfare Social Welfare Branch ll Marine Wstvw .. 2-3251 Government Agent Walnut Cres ....•...... .4181 Highways Dept General Office Walnut Cres. . • • • . • • • • •.. 7711 Garage 441-lst St Westview .•..•.••.. 2-3931 Inspector of Electrical Energy Walnut Cres .• 2-7101 Public Health Nurse 58 Marine Westview.. . 8221 Pulkrabek - Schindel POWELL RIVER Pulkrabek J E r North lake ...•.....•.•.... 2-6372 Pullen Phyllis Mrs r lbl-lst St Westview .•.. 2-9756 Purvis G H r 970 Ocean View ......••........ 5912 Puss Valter r 232 Marine Westview .••....... 2-3316 Q QUALITY PAINT & GLASS 221 Marine Wstvw. 3021 QUALITY PRINTERS 414 Cranberry lake Cranberry lake .. 5971 Quarin Doris Miss r 251 Michigan Westview .... 2-5221 Querin Sante r Boundary Rd Westview. . . ..... 3287 Quinlan C J r 1731-17th St Westview ........ 2-4968 Quinn E E r 140-Jrd St Westview .......•... 2-9246 Quinn John A r 30-oth St Westview •......... 2-6266 R Raby Grace Mrs r 250-4th St Westview ....... 3895 Radcliffe F S r 28l Poplar ................ 2-4286 Radcliffe Frank r 350 Harvie Westview •.•.. ... 2-4307 Radford G E r 111 Harvie Westview.. . . . . ... 2-9841 Rallton N S r 455 Maple .................. 4342 Raimondo C r 418 Manson Cranberry Lake .... 2-5266 Raimondo Camillo r 313 Manson Cranberry Lk .. 2-0570 Raimondo Constantino E r 521 Ward Crnbry Lk .. 3577 Raimondo Ebe Mrs r 331 Manson Crnbry Lk ... 2-0577 Raimondo R G r 420 Maple ...........•...... 8746 Ramsay B E r 22 Boundary Westview ......... 2-0791 RANDALL J A plmbr 50-9th St Westview ...... 7501 Rankin J Donald r 230 Michigan Westview .... 2-4167 Rankin J W r 690 Mowat Bay Cranberry Lake .. 68(2 Rasmussen C G r 140 Harvie Westview ...... 2-9546 Rattenbury John E r 40-9th St Westview .... 2-0957 Raws thorne C Sgt r 40-4th St Westview ...... 2-9618 Raymond Paul J r Queens Rd Westview ...... 2-0401 Raynor C r 757 Mowat Bay Cranberry Lake ..... 6231 Razzo Paul r 210 Oak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5706 Reagh E r 730-9th Ave Wildwood ............ 2-6368 Reavie Fred r 360 Harvie Westview .......... 2-5357 Rec\head J W r 1195 Ocean View .............. 4461 Redhead R A Mrs r 971 Maple ................ 7851 Reed 0 E r 101-10th St Westview ......... . 2-3512 Reed's Art Taxi 151 Walnut Cres .........•.. 7171 Rees S S r 160 Joyce Westview .......•........ 3612 Rees W T r 470 Church Cranberry Lake ...... 2-5641 Rees William A r Comox St Westview. . . . . . . 2-6247 Reeves P r <,50 Manson Westview ............ 2-8323 Regulski J r 131 Michigan Westview ....... ... 2-0747 Reilly V r 1030 Maple ...................... 4762 Rennie G W r 61 Windsor Westview .......... 2-4935 Rennie G W Jr r 81 Windsor Westview .......... 5793 Rennison G H r 1621 Marine Westview ........ 6460 Rentmeester B r 80 Joyce Westview .......... 2-3347 Reynen W W r 404 Manson Cranberry Lake .... .. 3981 Reynolds W S r 1095 Ocean View .......... 2-5181 Rice l J r 151 Oak ..•••................... 4521 Richards A r 410 Maple ................ ...... 3551 Richards G A r 101 Drake Cranberry Lake .... 2-1322 Rtchardson F A r 570 Fernwood Westview .... 2-9791 Richardson J J r 750 Westview Westview ...... 4608 Rtchardson J N r 230-lst St Westview ........ 5176 R!chardson Ronald L r Black Point ............ 5059 Rtchardson S r 780 Maple ............. ... .... 3536 Rtckson Thomas r 431 Marine Westview ........ 8146 Rtckson W C r 415 Marine Westview .....•.... 8141 RIDGE KEITH MEN'S WEAR Powel! River Store Elm Ave ......... ..•.... 6961 . Westvt~w Store 325 Marine Westview . .....• 2-3241 Rtdge Ketth T r 9-8th St Westview .......... 2-8411 Riley Ed r 121 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake. 2-1416 R!ley Fred R r 1432 Marine Westview ........ 2-3081 Rtley Harry r 414 Maple ..................... 6016 Rtley P r 120 Michigan Westview 2-0233 Riley Sydney G G r 10 Laurel West~;~,;;: : : :: :::2-4961 RIMES HARVEY H chirptr 51 Marine Wstvw .... 228B Rtom~ Stephen r 200 l<ing Wildwood ........ 2-5926 RttchJe H B r 1205 Lund Hghwy Wildwood ...... 8198 Rttchte R H r 370 Willow.. 4051 Roan Alfred Hugh r 4 Waln~t::::::: : ::: : : : . :4156 Roberts A J r Myrtle Point. . . .............. 8505 Roberts Frank r 100 Michigan Westview ...... 2-4841 Roberts Jack r 351 Willingdon Westview ...... 3086 Roberts Lloyd C r 81 Michigan Westview .... 2-0231 Roberts Owen r 10-A Willingdon Westview .... 6031 17 Roberts Richard r 531 Westview Westview ..•. 2-9121 Roberts W H r Grief Point Westview .......... 4638 Robertshaw J r 13 Riverside .................. 8987 Robertson Freda Mt·s r 340 Cooper Westview •.. 2-4203 Robertson George Sr r 232 Manson Westview. 2-6656 Robertson Geo r 380 Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8432 Robertson Harold L r 20 MacGregor Westview. . 5236 Robertson J W r 748 Wood Cranberry Lake .... 2-1866 Robertson James W r 120-1st St Westview ..• . 2-9881 Robertson Janet Mrs r 544 Church Crnbry Lk .... 8381 Robertson W A r 331 Marlatt Cranberry Lake .. 6897 Robertson W H r 561 Sutherland Wildwood .... 2-5758 Robinson J E r 341 Willingdon Westview ...... 2-1422 Robinson J M r 241 Pine Westview ......••.... 4207 Robinson L r 61 Beach Court Westview ...... 2-3697 Robson C 0 r 70-10th St Westview .......... 2-4691 Robson L N r 348 Willingdon Westview ........ 8548 Roddis Harry Mrs r 293 Harvie Westview ...... 4888 RODGERS ELECTRIC soo Manson Westview .. 2-8.101 Rod may Barber Shop Elm Ave. . . . . . . . . ...... 9156 RDDMAY COFFEE SHOP zhd St ............ 2-4601 Rolandi A r 101 Beach Court Westview ......... 9120 Rooke A C r Powell Lake .................. 2-4775 Roope Mary Mrs r 567 Marlatt Cranberry Lake. 2-5672 Roscovich F r Cooper Westview ..••.....••... 2-6157 Rose Harold r 360 Cooper Westview. . . . . . . . . 2-4860 Ross A N r 171 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake .2-4621 Ross Arthur A r 1210 Gordon Westview .. .. . ... 7081 Ross G A r 434 Willow. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 2-1487 Rossander Martin r Fernwood Ave Westview ... 2-5127 Rosse Michel Louis r 50 Harvie Westview .. ... . 2-0751 Rothwell Don L r 1 Boundary Westview ...... 2-9561 Rourke Murray D r 326 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk .. 2-6108 Rourke R J r 211 Joyce Westview.. . . . •... 2-1306 Rout ley R A r 69 Manson Westview .......... 2-6872. Roux F F r Wildwood . ........ ............ 2-1856 Rowe Faith Miss r 60 Marine Westview. . . . . . . 8211 Rowell John R r 1728 Marine Westview ........ 2-8987 Row ledge E A r 160 Maple. . . . . . . . . . . . • .. 2-3567 Rowley H r 221-Sth St Westview ............ 2-3916 Roxy Theatre 185. Marine Westview ............ 2246 Royal Canadian Mounted Police Walnut Cres .... 2251 Royce E R r 75 Manson Westview .............. 7587 Rubboli Benito r Queens Rd Westview ........ 2-3738 Rud Hans r 841-6th Ave Wildwood. . . . . . . . . . 6166 Runacres J D r 121-4th St Westv;ew ......... 2-6642 Rurka Steve r 412 Westview Westview ....... 2-3325 Rushant C r 140-8th St Westview ........... 2-8122 Rusnak Nick r 91 Joyce Westview ............ 2-1897 Russell Geo F r 41 Harvie Westview .......... 2-5731 Russell James Rev r 190 Maple .............. 2-6501 Russell Ronald R r 910 Ocean View .......... 2-5342 Rutherford Wilson r 391 Maple ....•....... 2-3172 s Sadler Evan V r 435 Maple .....•.•...•..•. 2-6391 Sadler V W r 431 Maple... . • . . . . . . • • • . . . . . 7921 St louis F r 656 East Cranberry Lk . . . . . • . . 2-1341 Salt Fred r 579 Marlatt Cranberry Lake ...... 2-1357 Salter B F r Fel'nwood Ave Westview ...•.... 2-3426 Salvation Army 11 Michigan Westview .....•.... 9131 Samsin P R r Wildwood.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7101 Sanders Conrad r 319 Manson Westview ....... 2-0578 Sanderson Ken Mrs r 511 Ward Cranberry Lake .. 7767 Sandirson Anne Mrs r 121-Znd St Westview ... 2-0876 Sarich A r 40 Ewing PI Westview .....••..... 8731 Saunders Fred J r 51-6th St Westview ....... 2-4741 Saunders G A r 246 Joyce Westview ...•.•.... 5842 Savage Michael r 470-lst St Westview .••..... 2-3356 Savage W A r 1010 Ocean View. . . . . . . • • • • . 7621 Savident Ernest C r 20-10th St Westview ..• 2-4693 Savident Gordon r Manson Rd Westview. . . • • . • 6202 Savory B r 3ll-4th St Westview ..........•. 2-4263 Savory P Mrs r 41-1st St Westview ..•..... 2-9867 Sawchuk Alexander r 390 Cooper Westview ... 2-3228 Sawch~k T r 391 Cooper Westview. . . . . . ... • . 2-8772 Scarff A W r 690 Marine Westview ....•... , •.. 4068 Scarff W G r 401 Cooper Westview. • . . . . . . • 2-4863 Schack C C r Scott Rd Westview. . ..••• 2-8743 Schad W E r 20 Furness Westview. . . . . ..•.• 2-5613 Schalkoord A r 330 Hatvie Westview .•...••. 2-6646 Schiffo R l r 500 Drake Cranberry Lake •••... 4786 Schindel Adolph r 461 King Wildwood .•..••• 2-5920 Stephen - Tweedle POWELL RIVER Stephen G r 3-3rd St Westview ............ 2-3886 Stephen John G r 141 Oak ..•.•••........... 2-1:312 Stephens H R Mrs r 750-B W,llow . . . . .2-1456 Stephens J R r 910 Maple. . . .. ........... 4401 Stephens Richard r 4th St Westview. . . . . 2-043B Stephenson F E r 40 Harwood Westview. . . . . . . 3800 Stevens A E r lang Bay ...•...... . ......... 5054 Stevens Bryan r 90 Marine Westview ........ 2-9:331 Stevens R A r 40 Malaspina Westview ........ 2-1093 Stevenson Edith Mrs r Pebble Beach. . . . . . ... 2-8931 Stevenson H I r 454 Willow. . . . ............. 5572 Stevenson K r Lang Bay. . . . . . . 2-8561 Stevenson R l r 554 Marlatt Cranberry lake. . 6931 Stewart A Mrs r 740 East Cranberry Lake ...... 8026 Stewart A M Mrs r 231 Willingdon Westview ... 2-3310 Stewart 0 l r 221 Willingdon Westview ....... 8177 Stewart J A r 352 Drake Cranberry Lake . . . . 8956 Stewart W M J r 350 Michigan Westview .... 2-9431 Stewart W R r 15 Parryvi lie Cranberry Lake. . . 2-8516 Stewart W S r 100 Beach Court Westview .... 2-3698 Stewart W W r 131 Maple ................ 2-1186 Stickland Noel N r 513 Lakewood Westview .... 2-5355 Stigings J C r 40 Harvie Westview .......... 2-9908 Stiller E r 311 Joncus Wildwood . . . . ...... 8440 Stillwater United School Stillwater .............. 3-Y Stinson H B r 321-2nd St Westview . . . .. 2-4761 Stinson Thomas S r 90-lOth St Westview ..... 2-3510 Stinson W E r 701 Manson Westview . . ... 2-4159 Stoddart Ira D r Pebble Beach ............. . 4653 Stoker Robert R r 300 Com ox Westview. . . . . . . 8351 Stonier Ernest r 1001 Ocean View. . . . . . .. 2-6346 Straathof J A r 961-7th Ave Wildwood ...... 2-5763 Stradiotto A r 424 Maple . . ..... 8741 . 2-8406 Strang Jack r 740 Manson Westview. Strang James B r 1141 Ocean View.... . . . . . 7036 Strettan Floyd r 280 Harvie Westview .......... 4883 Stringer W R Rev r 365 Joyce Westview .. , ... 2-4656 Stromberg C E r 150 Manson Westview ...... 2-6651 Stroemer C r 361-2nd St Westview ...... 2-174a Stroemer Jacob r 221-2r.d St Westview... 2-0B46 Sturt G H r Queens Rd Westview ............ 2-3730 Stutt R J r 1100-5th Ave Wildwood ........ 2-5796 Suffill T r 411-3rd St .................. . . 2-3121 Sullivan H W r 230 Oak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3371 Sullivan W C r 30 Harvie Westview .......... 2-9906 Superior Sister r 291 Poplar. . . . . . . . . . . 8051 Sutherland Mel Mrs r 121-9th St Westview ... 2-9101 Sutherland R R Major r 430 Church Crnbry Lk.2-0836 Sutton W f r 17 Riverside. . . ............ 2-1752 Swabey C R r 71-lOth St Westview .. ,, .... 2-9201 SWAIN CONSTRUCTION 242 Marine Westview. 2-7511 Swain R C r 558 Coburn Cranberry Lake . , . . . 2-8672 Swanson Elmer W r 765 Mowat Bay Crnbry Lk . 6877 Swanson G r 271-2nd St Westview. . . . . . . . . . . 5086 Swanson W T r 423 Cranberry Lake Crnbry Lk .. 2-0688 Sweeney Ruth G Mrs r 1071 Whalen Westview. 2-8056 Sweeney Wm Mrs r 121 Maple. 5487 SWEET SHOP 2nd St.. 8661 T Tacey R r 431 Marlatt Cranberry Lake . . . . . . . 7801 Tait J W r 330 Drake Cranberry Lake ........ 2-1781 Taks A r 585 Sutherland Wildwood. . . . . .... 2-5860 Talbot leo P r 1161 Lund Hghwy Wildwood .... 2-6777 Tantr Joseph r 20 Ewing PI Westview ........ 2-3950 Tanti Reno r 58 Marine Westview .......... 2-9946 Tapp W r 800 Ocean View. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. 3056 Tardif Adam r 400 Maple ............ ..• .. 2-1282 Taulbul A D r 320 Willingdon Westview. . .... 2-3881 Taylor A A r 351 Cooper Westview ........... 3921 Taylor Benjamin H Rev r 6ll Maple .......... 2-6426 Taylor C l r 820-A Willow . . . . . . . . . .... 2-1076 Taylor E J r 340-3rd St. .................. 4921 Taylor G J H r 800-A Willow.. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . 8971 Taylor Jean Miss r 550 Cobur·n Cranberry Lake . 2-4826 Taylor Martrn D r 133 Manson Westview .. .... 2-6747 Taylor P V r 130 Oak ..................... .. 5581 Taylor Reg R r 1021 Maple ... . ....... . ..... 2-1226 Taylor W F r 721 Joyce Westview ....•.. ..... . 4601 Taylor W J Jr r 231 Cedar ................ 8267 iaylor Walter r 424 Willow. . . . ...•.......... 6291 egart F E r Walnut Cres ......... . .......... 5467 TELEPHONE CO 161 Walnut Cres . . . . . . . . . . 2201 19 Temperley G R r 230-Znd Sl Westview ........• 5087 Temple J r 520 Ward Cranberry Lake . . . . . . 3576 Templeton Dunlop r 220 Harvie Westview •..... 2-6631 Templeton W L r 621 Maple ................. 3687 Terrien V F r 300-lst St. . . . . . . . . .. .. .... 2-6:331 Terris G r 190 Poplar................. . 6471 Tesan A r 1392 Marine Westview. . .. 3638 Tesan Stanley S r 260 Poplar... . . ....... 8862 Tesch Jack r 275 Joyce Westview.. . .. 2-9395 Tetarenko Rosi Mrs r 473 Marlatt Cranberry Lake .. 2-5688 Thibodeau K S r l l 90 Whalen Westview ...... 2-9001 Thiesen Isaac r 680 Manson Westview . • . 2-8327 Thiessen John r 224 Manson Westview ........ 2-5977 Thiessen N D r 950-4th Ave Wildwood. 2-5848 Thistlewaite B r 1461 Gordon Westview . . . 2-8962 Thomas Clarence r 121 Manson Westview ..... . 2-4226 Thomas lillian M Miss r so Walnut .......... 2-5037 Thompson A B r 220-lst St Westview. . . .... 5172 Thompson A R r 1220 Marine Westview. , • . . . 2-8%3 Thompson Chas R r 820 Maple .....•.. _..... .. 3931 Thompson Ernest r 1001 Maple ........• _.. 4677 Thompson G W r 370 Cooper Westview ....... 2-9461 Thompson Gordon D r 350 Michigan Westview. 2-4302 Thompson Norman r 1760 Marine Westview . 2-8988 Thompson R M r Allen Rd Cranberry Lake ..... 2-6211 Thompson Sybil E Mrs r 701 Maple .......... 3757 Thompson W r 840 Joyce Westview ........... 2-3646 Thompson W lorne o 181 Cedar ........••.•. 2-1161 Thomson A C r 6 Harvie Westview .......•.... 2-0476 Thomson Herbert E r 301 Sutherland Wildwood . 6311 Thomson len C r 1050 Marine Westview ...... 2-1662 Thomson N r 140 Poplar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8581 Thomson Peter A r 748 Wood Cranberry lake 2-1860 Thomson W V r 171 Willingdon Westview ...... 7720 Thorburn G G r 421 Maple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4957 Thorodds T S r 241 Manson Westview ....... 2-6742 Thorpe Victor P r 1390 Marine Westview. . . . . 2-8066 Thorsell M r 380 Park Wildwood . . ....•... 2-5901 THUNDERBIRD SERVICE 590 Manson Crnbry lk. 6111 Thwaites J W r 1711-17th St Westview. . 2-8985 Tilley John r 150 Michigan Westview. . . . . • . . 8132 3937 Timoshyk J r 820-B Willow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8698 Tinaburri Umberto r 791-bth Ave Wildwood.. Tkachuk Peter r 570 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk. . . 2-4016 Tkachyk James r 55 Manson Westview . . . . . • . 2-5617 Toastmaster Bakery 601 W lOth Vancouver <Toll Chgl.. Express-1411 Todd l P r 1161 Elm Westview . . . . . 2-0376 Toigo Ernest r 1000 Lund Hghw)' Wildwood . . 7551 Toigo P C r 1390 Gordon Westview ........ 2-6935 Toll C B r Manson Westview. . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6153 7041 Toll Harold Jas r 534 Crnbry Lk Crnbry lk.. . Tollington Stanley C r 90 McGuffie Westview .. 2-5621 Tomada A r 254 Joyce Westview . . . . . ....• 2-3076 Tomada J r 252 Joyce Westview . . . •..... 2-3071 Tomkinson W r 464 Nelson Cranberry Lk ...... 2-326 7 Tomlinson Alan r 445 Maple ................ 2-3681 Torgerson A J r 140 King Wildwocd.. . 2-4375 Town Crier 260 Marine Westview. . . . . . . . . . 2255 Townsend A H r 420 Church Cranberry Lake .... 2-4561 Townsend Cecil G r Black Point . . . . . . . . • • .. 5057 Traff J F r Pebbl e Beach . . . . . . . . 2-9282 Tremblay Sophie Mrs r 18 Manson Westview. . 2-4333 Trepanier Gerard r 432 Cranber..-y Lak e Crnbry lk 4713 Trepanier John r 658 Cranberry l~ke Crnbry Lk-2-8352 Trepanier Silvio r 4-A Joyce Westview. . • . . 2-9183 Trevisan G B ,. 260 Poplal' .. . ...... 9175 Trevisan R r 501 Park Cranberry Lake . . . • • . 8947 Trevisanutto A r 365 Nelson Cranberry Lake. 2-0831 Trigg A R Vernon r 372 Cooper Westview .... 2-4865 ... 7571 TRIO CLEANERS 281 Marine Westview Trombley J C 1' 16l-2nd St Westview ...•.. 2-9141 Tr·otter F r 261 Poplar. . . . 3406 Trowsdale Ir·a Jr r 1st St Westview. 2-8408 Tufnail G r 499 Drake Cranberr-y Lake . . • . 7768 Tuhlen Alan r 191 Willingdon Westview .... 2-1496 2-1801 Tunstall Jack r 680 Marine Westvrew. Turchet A r 521 Drake Crnbry Lk . . 2-9802 Turnbull Elizabeth Mrs r 20 A qth St Wstvw 2-6616 Turner E V r 23 Manson Westview . . . . .... 2-6276 6681 Turner Gordon r 71-9th St Westview Tweed G B r 380 Joyce W~ stv lew 2-4518 Tweedle R H r 454 Maple 4777 20 Twerdohl!b Walttr • 1ZO M ch·gan W<>tview ... 2-0237 Tyler F J r 111-- rj _t \lie ty;ew . 2-5586 Tvler W J r 1\ilO .a;:.le • . . . . .8416 u Upton W Urquhart Urquhart Urquhart 8 r 241 h3" e Westview .. H 8 r 7 •o 0: ac View Harry r Z-C Joyce We~tview M G r Fernwo.d Ave Westview 3426 2-4701 2-9187 .2-5123 v Valentine R W r 361 H·l:crest Wildwood. 2-6678 Valentine W A r 580 King Wildwood. . . . . . • . 6851 Vallese Vitale r l9l cutherland Wildwood ••.... 8192 Van Allen Alex M r 640 Ocean View. • • • • . 3861 VANCOUVER-POWELL RIVER FREIGHT LINES Whart St Westv1ew 2-%01 Vancouver Sales & Appraisals Ltd 64o Be~ch Vancouver (Toll Chg> Marlne-7254 Vandekamp W r 421-1st St Westview .....•••. 7477 Vandepulle E Mrs r 431 Joyce Westview...... 8258 Van der Est Arthur r Manson Rd Westview •. 2-4916 Vander HO€ven W r 21 Beach Court Westview.2-9676 Van der Kemp D M r 141-~lh St Westview •.... 6330 Vanderlip A r 4th St Westview... . • . . . . . . • . . 228':1 Vandermaeden J r 630 Manson Westview. • 2-8.320 Van Dusen W r 1260 Marine Westview ..•.... 2-4047 Van Dusen W D r Cooper Rd Westview •....... 2-3223 Van Es J o Wildwood . . . . . . . . . . ...... 2-1853 Vanichuk A r 140 Oak. . . 6446 Vanichuk F r 330 Maple.. . . . . . 2-3147 Van Zwietering Jack r 661 Manson Westview 2-4912 Vatne Ludvik r 150-2nd St Westview ..•••... 2-6756 Veach D M r 488-1st St Westview. . . . . . . . . . 3716 Vecchies Mario r 443 Manson Cranberry Lake ... 5646 Ve~nhof B A r North Lake .....•••..•...•••. 2-4106 Ve1tch Gordon r 331 Harvie Westview • 2-9512 Venables B A r 54 M .chigan Westview . . .. 2-9556 Venables J S r 410 Cedar Westview. . . . . . . . . 2-1601 Venables R T r 480 Drake Cranberry Lake. . ... 4785 Venables T L r 81 Joyce Westview. . . . .. __ .. 2-5566 Ventress H r 300 Cranberry Lake Crnbry Lk. . 4331 Venus Alber_t James r 441 Manson Westview .... 2-5607 Venuti Mano r 181 Poplar_ .................. 4847 Verdtel _L M r 448 Marlatt Cranberry Lake .... 2-5687 Vereczk1 Margaret Mrs r 150 Joyce Westview. . . 3613 Verkerk John r 431 Pine Wildwood. . . . . . . . . 2-6673 Vemon R r 1230 Elm Westview ....... _ . . ... 2-3042 VETERAN CLEANERS Marine Ave Westview. . 4635 Y.ET'S SHOES & REPAIRS 219 Marine Westview. 9110 V1cei11 Antonio r 412 Manson Cranberry Lake .. __ 6946 VlkSkJ_Oid A~ne r 301-lst St... . . . . . ...... 2-3832 V!llan1 !demo r 345 Gaudet Cranberry Lake 2-4905 V!ncent H J r 991 Maple .............. : . _ ... 5451 V!nson A J r 34 Riverside. __ ............... 2-1191 V!tell~ne C r 891-4th Ave Wildwood .... _ ... _2-5843 V1ttonno Zanuttme r 110 Joyce Westview .... 2-1892 V!ZZUtll B A r 1060 Ocean View ............. 3116 V!ZZUtll G r 441 Church Cranberry Lake_ ..... 2-3366 V1zzutt1 G E r 1240 Marine Westview ........ 2-3087 VIZZultl Gu1do r 1091 Ocean View ......... _ ... 5631 Vagi. B r 250 Harvie Westview. _. . . . . . . . . 2-6638 Vogr!g EmiliO r 300 Hillcrest Wildwood... . 2-5906 Vogng F M r 880 Joyce Westview. . _ . _... 2-8151 VOGUE BEAUTY SALON 130 Marine Westview_ 6401 w Wagemans P r 351 Pine Wildwood 4851 Wager. I C r 111 Poplar . . ··· ·- · · ·5801 ~a~: ling Geo A r 556 Fernwood. West~i~;.·. ·. ·. _. 2~3541 WalkronGT~omas r 700 Marine Westview ...... 2-5271 J J r 520 Westview Westview. . . . . . . . . 7426 er r 70 Bute Westview 2-9042 ~;:rer R F r 690 Drake Cranber~y ·Lake: . : . . 2-686 7 Wall:~: ~:~ber~ HW r l l l Willingdon Westview .. 4556 nar r 424 Nelson Crnbry Lk. 2-6851 ~~LnLtACLEd'S MEAT MARKET 11 Marine Wstvw: 2-1471 u o ge Walnut Cres 2 1441 ~ards R Er Myrtle Point .. .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' · ." ." .' .". ~3091 ar~an J r 653 Joyce Westview_ . . . . . . . . 6 101 Warr!s Charles r 321-1st St Westview 2~3 762 Warns Ken r 970-7th Ave Wildwood .. :.::::. 2-5743 W;lt Wllwls SJd r 220 l(lllg Wltdwaocl Wawls W r 9lo-6tfl Ave WllftlaOct Wasylik Wm r 601 SutlleNMI Wlldweod • Wate Geo K r 1160 W.ltlut. • • • . • . Watson Andrew r 511 Church CPinberry Lake Watson B C r Pebble BNCh Watson David r 1091 Maple. . •. Watson R R r 920 Map e . • Watson T R r 511 Lak~ood Wemltw . Watt A E r 517 Cranberry Lake Crnbry Lake Watt J E r 50 Harvie Westvitw •........ , .• Watt Thomas r 411 Church Cranberry Lake Waugh W r 100 Maple ............ .. Way Pearl 8 Mrs r 541 Ward Crnbry Lk . . ... Weaver Ray A r 513 Park Cranberry Lake . . . 7782 Webb H J r 241 Cedar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4646 Weber Kirsten Miss r 121 4th St We5tvlew 2-4943 Wegener Hermann r 40 Willingdon . 9150 Weightman S r North Lake........... . .8593 We~r Ken r 91 Joyce Westview 2-9275 We is Herbert r 1040 Ocean View . . 5966 Wells Lloyd E r 110-9th St Westview... . • 2-0601 Welsh T r 265 Joyce Westview ..... _. . . . . 6343 Wenham F r J51·3rd St. . . . • . . . • . . . . . . 2-1177 Wennberg G R r 1109 Lund Hghwy Wildwood .2-6n6 Werner A r Manne Ave Westview. • . . . . .. _4636 WESTERN TIRE SERVICE L TO 431--4th 5t Westview 2-1601 Westie David r 634 East Cranberry Lake 2-1346 WESTON BAKERIES LTD 359 Nelson Crnbry Lk _9140 WESTVIEW BAKERY L TO 181 Marine Wstvw. 2-1551 WESTVIEW BODY WORKS & PAINT SHOP 10 Marine Westview 8921 Tommy Sing r ...•....•..•.•............. 8921 WESTVIEW BUILDERS L TO 770 Fernwood Westview 2·5126 WESTVIEW CAFE 391 Marine Westview. 2-6661 WESTVIEW CENTRE MOTEL L TO 262 Marine We~tview 9D73 WESTVIEW DAIRY 1070 Marine Westview 2-4751 WESTVIEW ELECTRIC Bay St Westview 8.321 WESTVIEW FIRE HALL Fire & Inhalator Calls Only 62 Marine Wstvw 2252 Fire Chief's Office. . . . . • . . . . • • . . . 4431 Westview Fire Hall Club 70 Marine Westview. 2-5701 WESTVIEW FIVE CENT TO ONE DOLLAR 6501 STORE 251 Marine Westview WESTVIEW GARAGE L TO 340 Marine Wstvw 3811 WESTVIEW GREENHOUSES 77 Marine Wstvw 6261 WESTVIEW HARBOUR MARINE SERVICE LTO 471 Marine Westview . . . . ..... 3621 WESTVIEW MACHINE SHOP LTD rear 175 Marine Westview. 8201 WESTVIEW PLUMBING & HEATING 320 Marine Westview .. 2-1881 WESTVIEW STUDIO LTD 45 Marine Wstvw 2-4611 WESTVIEW SUPER SERVICE LTD 171 Marine Westview 2-7412 WESTVIEW UPHOLSTERING CO 161-lOth St Westview .. 2-6601 Westview Wharf Ticket Office ..... _......•.•.....••• ." •. 2-3451 Express _ . _ ..................•........ 2-4141 WHALEN W B bldg matrls 21 Arbutus Wstvw .2-3841 Wheeler Paul o 355 Joyce Westview . 6348 Whither F H r 3 Harvie Westview ..•...•...... 6256 Whillans T W r 470 Marine Westview. • • . • . . • 4973 Whipple A R r 550 Ward Cranberry Lake . . . . 4787 White A S r 1140 Elm Westv.ew . 2-0370 White Arthur r 1090 Lund Hghwy Wildwood 2-3581 White H Edward Dr r 880 Maple 9138 White Leonard A r l381-5th Ave Wildwood 2-5902 White Louis r 290 Michigan Westview. 2-b831 Whitehurst John r 671 Sutherland Wildwood ... 2-5765 Whitley C B r Pebble Beach. . _ . 2-9288 Whitley E r 540 Drake Cranberry Lake. 4782 Whitney Carl L r 350 Willingdon Westview 2-H26 Whitson A B r 1111 Gordon Westview. . . 2-8057 Whitson Andrew Mrs r 51-9th St We~lv1ew 2·6613 Whyte W R r 47 2 Marlatt C1·anberry La•e 6867 W1ck H J r North Lake .................... 2-3966 21 Wick Robert W r Allen Rd Cranberry Lake ..... 2-3962 Wiens John r 700-A Willow ...•............... 8831 Wig by S Dr o 84 Marine Westview ........... . 6491 Wigby S Dr r 651 Manson Westview .•....... 2-0711 Wight H W r 241-4th St Westview ...•...•.. 2-4941 Wightman A M Mrs r .301 Marlatt Crnbry Lk .... 6893 Wightman Harold r 1251 Elm Westview ........ 8121 Wilcocks C M r 811-9th Ave Wildwood ......... 3656 Wildwood Fire Hall Club 350 Sutherland Wldwd .. 4587 WILDWOOD GROCERY 1000 Lund Hghwy Wldwd. 7551 WILDWOOD MOTORS 1190 Lund Hghwy Wldwd. 4391 Williams C E r 941 Ocean View .............. 3852 Williams C K r 80 Windsor Westview ......... 5795 Williams Doris V E Mrs r 270 Harvie Westview .. 2-3291 Williams Ed Mrs r 581 Coburn Cranberry Lake .. 2-8673 Williams H W r 31 Manson Westview ......... 2-8.625 Williams J H r 810-A Willow ............ 2-6401 Williams John r 781 Manson Westview ........ 2-4911 Williams L M r 391 Cooper Westview. . . . . . . 2-9466 Williams R J r Walnut Cres .................. 5462 Williams Robert H r 381-1st St Westview .... . . 4791 Williams Wm J r 121 Cedar .................. 6076 Willich L H r 358 Cooper Westview .......... 2-3220 WILLINGDON ARENA Marine Ave Westview .. . 2-5191 WILLING DON FURNITURE LTD 73 Marine Westview .. 2230 Willis J W r 920-4th Ave Wildwood ........... 4582 Willis Rose Mrs r 320-2nd St ................ 3546 Wilshire Mary Mrs r 37 5 Crnbry Lk Crnbry Lk .. 2-5056 Wilshire S E r 490 Nelson Cranberry Lake .... 2-6886 WILSHIRE'S NOVELTY STORE .371 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake . . 6121 WILSHIRE'S SPORTING GOODS 327 Marine Westview . . 2-3741 Wilson B E r 2.3 Riverside ........... .. .... .. 6982 Wilson Jack r boO Joyce Westview . .... .. . .... 4603 Wilson Kenneth r Beach Gardens Dr Westview .. 2-3637 Wilson Louis A r Fernwood Ave Westview ..... 2-4111 Wilson R W r 621 Joyce Westview ...... . ... . 2-3482 Wilson Robert r 21 Michigan Westview .. . . . .. 2-0516 Wilson S A r 4th St Westview . ....... .. . . . . 2-6242 Wilson S L r b Walnut ............ ...... .. 2-6306 Wilson Walter P r 310 Cooper Westview . . . . . 2-8238 Winegarden N J r 1241 Birch Westview . ...... 2-5930 Winskill George r 141 Michigan Westview . .. . . 2-0238 Winton Fred S r 1650-B Marine Westview .... 2-9235 Woewoda D .B r 510 Drake Cranberry Lake ..... . 6526 Woewoda K A r 508 Drake Cranberry Lake .... 2-9876 Wolford John Plumbing Service 241 Pine Wldwd . 2-9081 Wood G 0 r 253 Joncu s Wildwood . . . . . . . . .... 8442 Wood Geo B r 1210 Marine Westview . .. ... .. 2-0701 Wood J S r 1480 Marine Westview ... . . . . . .. 2-4475 Wood R S r 1100 Whalen Westview . . . . . . . . 4590 Woodruff R T r Doug las Bay. . . . . . . . . .. . ... 2-8802 Woodward Arthur r 1100 Walnut . . . .. . ... .. .. . 3856 Woodward W r 840 Ocean View . ........ . .. . . . 3306 Wooley M J r 33 Joyce Westview. _. .. .... . ... 3616 Wootten R F r 255 Harvie Westview .... . ..... 3422 Woram F J r 901 Ocean View ......... ... .. .. 7411 Workman E W r 120 Walnut Cres .. . . .. .. . . . 2-1796 Wright Charles r 191 Joncas Wildwood .. .. .... 2-5812 Wright G M r 631 Westview Westview .. .. _. .. 2-6262 Wright J R r 940 Ocean View . .. . .. .. ..... .. . 6817 Wright W M r 151-1st St Westview . . .. .. . .. 2-6351 Wright W N r 30 Boundary Westview ........ 2-5481 Wright Walter r 41 Joyce W~stvi e w . . . . . . .... . 4832 Wyborn T A r 720 Ocean View .. _.. . . .. .... . 2-9821 y Yarocki Michael S r 501 Marlatt Crnbry Lk . . . . . 6866 YAROSHUK BROS LTD 211 Harwood Wstvw . 2-5981 Yaroshuk W r Westview Rd Westview . . . . . . . 2-0728 Youden G J r 358 Drake Cranberry Lake .. .. .. 8952 Young Andrew Mrs r 441 Westview Westview .. 2-4361 Young F Reginald r 100-9th St Westview . .. .. . 2-0952 Young G R r 800- B Willow.. . . . . .... 2-1917 Young Geo r 48 Manson Westview . . . . . . . . .. 6921 Young J L r 450 Maple . .•. .. _.. _. . . . . . . . . 4041 YOUNG & KERSEY SHEET METAL LTD 204 Willingdon West view 2292 Young W C r 111 Oak._ .. . ... . .. . .. . . .... . . 4622 Young W R r North Lake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7488 z Zaccarelli R r 270 Michigan Westview ..•....... 4036 Zahar David r 111-8th St Westview .••.•••.. 2-8415 Zanette Giovanni r 307 Manson Cranberry Lake. 2-0572 Zarachuk Paul r 250 Heather Westview ••.•• • . 2-6287 Zedel Leo r 15 Willingdon Westview ........... 3566 Zilnic Emil r Kelley Creek Rd .. • . . .•......... 2-8704 Zimmerman A r Cranberry Lake Rd Crnbry Lk .. 2-0667 Zingbeil H F r 405 Maple. . . . . . • . . . . . 6272 Zorn 0 H r 350-2nd St. .. .. .. .. .. ....... 2-5131 Zorzi M Mrs r 470-B Sutherland Wildwood . . . . 2-5838 Zovina A r 751-oth Ave Wildwood ........... 2-5801 Zrilich S r 459 Cranberry Lake Cranberry Lake .. 2-0687 Zroback Alex r 5Ll Joyce Westview ..... • .... 2-3483 Zuccato J C r 510 Church Cranberry Lake . . . . . . 7808 Zuccato L r 220 Manson Westview .. _.. . .. . • .. 2-4572 Zuccato R r 520 Chu1·ch Cranberry Lake . ... .. . 2-8821 TOLL STATIONS <CALL LONG DISTANCE) Balmain F r Southview ... . . . . . . . ... . .. ... Lund-3-L Barwick Neil Indian Reserve Sliammon . . . ... Lund-3-W Beale Quarries Ltd Vananda . . . .... . .... Vananda-1-X Beale W S (1955) Ltd Vananda .. .. .. .. Vananda-1-L Ben' s Water Taxi Vananda .. .... . . ... . Vananda-1-A Blubber Bay Medical Assn Texada l sld . Blubber Bay-1-M Bourassa Bros Lund . . . . .... . . . .. .. . ... . . Lund-2-S B C Cement Co Ltd Blubber Bay . .. . . Blubber Bay-1-Y Cadwallader E H r Southview . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lund-3-X Caldicott James V r Southview ............ Lund-3-H Cavanagh W r Southview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lund-3-K Deighton 's Store Vananda .•. . ..... Vananda-2-H Diotle William r Lund ......• . ...•... . ... Lund-1-F Forest Service Ranger Vananda .... . ... . .............. Vananda-1-F Lund Forestry . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Lund-2-J Franzin C R r Lu nd. . . . . . . . . . . Lund-2-K Gus' Water Taxi Lund . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lund-2-A Gypsum Lime & Albastine Canada Ltd Blu bber Bay .. Blubber Bay-1-R Gypsum Lime & Albasline Canada Ltd Blubber Bay .. Vananda-1-K Hodson Brooke Taxi Lund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lund-1-L Hoy Jack r Vananda. . . . . . . . ..... Vananda-1-W Hughes H S o Blubber Bay. . . . . . . . Blubber Bay-1-F Keefer H M o Savary Jsld. . . . . . . Savary lsland-2-Q Keeling W r Lund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lund-2-M Killington J L r Southview. . . . . . . . . ... Lund-3-G Longacre Norman B o Lund . . . . . . . . . . . Lund-1-R Lund Machine Shop Lund. . . . . . . . . . . Lund-1-A Macauley W W o Vananda Vana nda-2-M May P L o Vananda . Mi ettinen C r Finn Bay . Munson G A logg ing Scuttle Bay . Vananda-2-J Lund-2-W Lund-3-M O' Keeffe F M r Lund Pet ersen A Capt r Lund Pete's Tax i Ltd Vananda Rapier Vera Miss r Vananda ... Roos Arne A o Lund Rushanl H r Lund Schwalm F G Dr o Blubber Bay ... Sharpe R C r Bliss Landing Lund -1- K Lund-2-Y Vananda-1-Y Vananda-2-Y . ••• Lund-1-W Lund-1-H Blubber Bay-l· M . Lund-2-R 23 TAILORS TAXIS TIRES find them faster in the ELLOW PAGES of your telephone directory When you're in a hurry-when you're in doubt-that '::; when the YELLO\iV PAGES of your telephone directory saYe you time and trouble. Everything is listed by heading in alphabetical order. Whether it's a product or aservice-lookfirstin the YELLOW PAGES. NORTH- TV EST TELEPHONE COMPel~ l 01f 1(1u,. /.lflilfl S""' ,,. CllfJt,.uctillf J~ Control your trucks, cats, etc. by Radio leased from "North-west" A radiotelephone system gives you complete, instant contact with all vehicles on your jobs. By leasing radiotelephones you elimmate capital outlay and mamtenance costs. Your monthly payment leases you a complete radiotelephone . system . All maintenance and servicing of equipment is handled by "North-west" at no extra cost to you . For complete information on leasing radiotelephones, contact our Radio Sales Engineer. Call Toll Free- Zenith 7000. NOR Til - W E S T TELEPHONE COM PANY 2. 2. 2. 6 W. 10th AVENU E, V AN C 0 U V E R 9, B. C. The YELLOW PAGES can help you BUY or SELL every day throughout the year 1957 JANUARY M T w T F 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 1J H 15 16 Ii 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 s s s 5 12 3 19 10 26 17 ?728 29 30 31 ........ 24 .... ···- -··· .... .... ---- ..... .... s MAY M T \V T F s s FEBRU ARY MARCH w T F M T w T I ................. 2 ---- 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 12 I3 14 15 16 IO 11 12 13 14 11 18 I9 20 21 2223 17 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 .... -- 24 25 26 27 28 ·--- .... .... ... ---- .... 31 -·-- .... ·-- ---- s s .M T JUNE M T w T F s s 1 ··- .. 2 3 4 ~ ' 1 8 15 22 .;.C .... ---- 2 ---- 3 w 4 5 6 7 8 .... 30 .... .... .... ···- ··-· .... . . .. -·-· SEPTEMBER OCTOBER d T T F M T w T F 2 ~ 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 17 16 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 m ..:. .. ···- .... ---· 27 28 29 30 31 w s s .... ---- ··-- ... --·· ··- .... ---- .... ~ -- - .... s s 5 12 3 19 10 26 17 ---- 24 .... ---- ---- .... ---- APRIL SM 'IW TFS .... I2 3 456 7 8 9 10 11 12 !_) 14 15 I6 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 Z5 25 27 28 Z9 30 ........... ... . --- ---· ··-- ..... ---- JULY 11 T 1 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 !.'!. 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 2223 24 ?" 24 25 2u 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 2o 27 28 29 30 31 .... _.., ---- ·--· 5 6 ,,7 !l 9 10 11 1£ 1l ' I 15 16 17 18 F s 1 2 8 9 15 16 2223 29 30 ··-· .. T F s 4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 .... ···- ··----- ·•· .... ... ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1~ 15 \() 17 18 19 20 21 22 ZJ 24· 25 .2b 27 !8 2') ;(1 .il . .. ·-· NO\"EM B ER 111 T \V T F s 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 IS 16 18 19 20 21 2223 25 26 27 28 29 30 ... -·-- .... .... AUGUST SMTV\TFS DEC EMBER SMT\\tFS 12,l~S6i 8 9 10 1: 12 13 1-i v 15 16 17 19 20 21 !.!. 23 24 25 26 2i 23 29 30 Jl .... .... .... ... 1958 s JANUARY 11 r \\ 1 F 1 2 J ~ FEBRU~RY ::- 4 ~f 1 \\ . .. 10 11 2 . 1 4 5 t J 12 1.-, 14 15 16 17 H< I ) J0 11 12 J3 1 ~ 20 21 22 23 24 2~ l o 17 IX 19 20 26 27 28 29 JO 31 ... 23 24 25 26 27 5 (' 7 8 . 7::1 C) ---- -- ..... ... M AY -\PRJ~ \\ I· :: M A RC H T I· ::- 14 1~ S ~I T 2.l 4 lJ )0 11 ) (1 17 18 . Li 24 2.S 30 11 .. 21 22 28 ···- . T f· :::: : J I 1 I 1 SC>7S (, , 8 12 l.l 1-l 15 13 14 1~ 19 20 21 .!.2 20 21 :?2 2U 27 28 2'' 27 .?8 .?9 \\ JULY JU N E SMT W TFS SMTW TFS SMTWTFS .... .... .. . .... 1 2 3 12 34 5 [)7 1 J 3 -t 5 s l\I 2 Q 1 4 5 10 11 1 ~ 16 1; 18 l'l 23 :?4 25 26 3Ll AUGUST r '" 1 r·1 .z;: 9 10 11 12 13 14 & 7 8 Q 10 11 12 3 .4 5 6 7 8 I) 11 12 1 .~ J.j 15 16 1/ 15 16 Ji 18 IQ 20 21 B 14 15 lu li 18 10 10 11 1.? 13 14 1~ J(j 18 10 20 21 22 2J 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 45 26 17 IS 1<J 20 21 22 2..< 2-1 zs 2£• .!.7 zq .?<l l(} 27 2.<;J 2() 10 :tj •. • 2:> ~t> 27 28 29 Vl .ll zq iO ......•.•• 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 ,q SEPTE'\\BER OC TO BER \I r 1 1 ·'1 I w 1 F s I .: 4 ~ (\ 1 2 1 , I) , 9 10 II I~ u 10 5 ( .4 j ~ I (J l / 18 "I 20 11 1 ' l ~ Ji f, 1 ..'1 24 .:~ 2n 2i' l'l 20 21 22 21 ' 4 2 : 9 fl _!r} l.i .!k L ll ,;II n s .. 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