

Projects Executed by
Administration of Union Territory of Lakshadweep
National Informatics Centre, Lakshadweep
The persons associated with the projects
1. Shri B.V. SELVARAJ, I.A.S.
U.T. of Lakshadweep
04896 - 262255
2. Shri. K.I .Syed Mohammed Koya
Secretary (IT)
3. Shri. Jose K. Puthur
State Informatics Officer, Lakshadweep
4. Dr. M.S. Syed Ismail Koya
Director (Information Technology)
5. Shri K.P. Mohammed Koya
Technical Director & DIO, NIC
6. Shri M. Hassan
Executive Engineer(Electricity)
7. Shri A.I Syed Mohamed Nizar
Principal Systems Analyst, NIC
8. Shri Jobson Abraham
Principal Systems Analyst, NIC
9. Shri Leo Joseph Arakkal
Senior Systems Analyst, NIC
10. Shri S.V. Sayed Shaik Koya
Assistant Engineer, Electricity
11. Shri D. Suman Babu
Senior Systems Analyst, NIC
12. Smt. K.K. Humaida beebi
Scientific officer, NIC
1. E- Governance at Lakshadweep
2. Total Digitization of Employment Services
3. Integrated e-Governance solution for Department of Electricity
4. Web-enabled Ship Ticket Advance Reservation System - "PORTNET"
5. “Ever Alert” - Online Medical Inventory System
6. Telemedicine Facility
7. Total Digitization of Anganwadi Service and ICDS Service
8. E-Permit : Online Permit System
9. Video Conferencing facility
10. Universal - State Wide Area Network (U-SWAN)
11. State Data Centre (SDC)
12. Proud Moments of Recognition in the Digital History........
Visit our website : lakshadweep.nic.in
An Electronic Window to Lakshadweep
have been selected for prestigious awards for best egovernance practice and sustainable e-content. This is
a clear indication that Lakshadweep is not lagging
behind anymore. Some of the major projects
undertaken by the Administration recently would give
a flavour of our ICT endeavour.
Total Digitization of Employment Services
This e-Governance project aims at safeguarding
and transparency in providing
employment and in facilitating dynamic utilization of
human resource and bringing employment exchange
to the very doorsteps of the people of
Presenting the project of digitization of Employment services at the Manthan Award function
Lakshadweep. Employment Exchanges all over the
The Union Territory of Lakshadweep is a group of 36 coral
country, we know, are infamous for their long and
islands and islets of which eleven are inhabited. These
chaotic queues of desperate job seekers. Timely and
Islands lie scattered randomly in the Arabian Sea, about
systemic on-line registration from any part of India or
220 to 420 Kms off the Malabar Coast; geographically
abroad, maintenance of seniority and on-line sponsoring
isolated each island behaves almost like a country by itself
of names to employers/ government departments has
(called 'Nadu' in local tongue, meaning 'Desh' in Hindi).
been achieved under this project which goes a long way in
bringing trust between government agencies and the
Lack of adequate transport facilities and deficiencies in
unemployed persons and the numerous job seekers.
communication in these islands pose a major problem for
Services are now virtually made available in all the islands.
the masses. It takes around eight days during normal
season and fifteen days during monsoon to go to the
Incidentally, Lakshadweep has attained the unique
headquarters island of Kavaratti and avail of important
distinction of being the first UT / State in the country to
services and return to one's native island. To virtually
fully digitize its employment exchange and related
integrate these far-flung islands, Lakshadweep
services in the country. Ministry of Labour &
Administration has implemented several e-governance
Employment in Govt. of India have also evinced interest
projects with focus on delivering services virtually
now, as this project has a high replicable potential and
anywhere, as also to usher in transparency, accountability
would definitely help the young human resource of India
and efficiency in the extension of public services.
to dynamically and objectively participate in rapid
Information and communication technology has helped
economic development. This project has therefore, aptly
digitally integrate the geographically dispersed islands in
been recognized by a twenty- member fastidious Jury of ICT
respect of several important needs of life.
professionals and has justifiably received the Manthan
In the last two months this year, in recognition of our
concerted and scientific efforts two of e-governance projects
Award 2007 for being the best e-Governance project with econtent sustainability.
schedules, ship ticket availability, status of ship tickets are
now available through internet providing transparency
and easy access. Tickets for any ship from “anywhere to
anywhere” can be booked through the authorized booking
counters at Kochi, Kozhikode or in any of the islands. This
project has received the Microsoft National E-Governance
Award, 2006 for ”Innovative Project”, being first of its kind
in the shipping sector.
Total Digitization of Anganwadi Centres & ICDS
A Day of Pride for Lakshadweep: Hon'ble Administrator Shri B.V. SELVARAJ speaks after
receiving the Manthan Award at New Delhi (L to R : Shri Asarpal Singh, Shri K.P. Mohammed Koya,
Shri A.K. Saxena, Shri P.M.Koya, Shri U.C.K. Thangal, Shri Ajith Brahmanandan and Smt. K.K. Humaida Beevi
Integrated e-Governance solution to Lakshadweep
Electricity Department
This project is a total e-governance solution designed for
the Department of Electricity, providing for “a digitally
integrated Department where all the services to the
consumers, employees and business are available online
from anywhere”. All the offices of the department in the
islands and mainland are interconnected through
NICNET-VSAT facilities. Web-enabled work flow systems
have been developed for all the public activities of the
department, namely electricity consumer management,
energy billing, complaints management, materials
management, human resource management etc. It is
notable that every household in every island is electrified
in Lakshadweep; this is the first case of universalization of
electricity. Under this project a consumer can prepare his
own bill through self-reading of meters. This project has
deservedly received the CSI-Nihilent e-Governance award
2006-07 for the best e-governed department.
Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) is a
Central Scheme started functioning in the union territory
Lakshadweep during 1978 79 .Then, the population was
35000. Initially, there were 50 Anganwadi Centres. At
present, there are 87 Anganwadi Centres in this Union
Territory for a population of 61,000 as per 2001 Census.
Anganwadi Centres are functioning in all the 10 Islands.
The 87 Anganwadi Centres will be converted to
Community Information Centres (CIC) for women,
children and adolescent girls. The centres will be provided
Computers with internet facility. Anganwadi workers can
utilise Information Communication Technology (ICT)
tools in all their activities including educating women and
children with the help of multimedia and internet.
Computer education will be given to women, Adolescent
girls, school dropouts & pre-school children.
The services under the ICDS touch the lives of needy
women, adolescent girls and children of age group 0.6 6
years, in many ways. The scope of digitization is for
smoothening and expediting the implementation of
activities under the ICDS and for improving the quality of
services through Information Communication
Web-enabled ship ticket reservation System PORTNET
Being scattered in the Arabian Sea, the main mode of
transport for the common man in the islands is ship
service. Shipping is truly the lifeline of people of
Lakshadweep. All the thirteen port offices of the
Administration have been interconnected, extending the
NICNET's VSAT based communication network. This
network has enabled Web-based ship ticket
passengerreservation and cargo booking systems. The ship
Technology with sufficient ICT tools. The geographical
isolation of the islands comes in the way of smooth
implementation will be dispensed with. Also, enjoy the
benefits of ICT among the under-privileged and
unreachable section in the society.
Video Conferencing Facilities
Video Conferencing facilities have been installed this year
in all the inhabited islands. This facility is provided
through the NICNET-VSAT's installed in all the islands,
including the smallest and remotest island of Bitra, having
a population of less than 300 people. On the
Independence Day of 2007, first time in the history of
Lakshadweep, the Administrator interacted one-on-one
with all the heads of the Village (Dweep) Panchayats and
the Dy. Collectors / SDO's located in the remote islands
through video conferencing. It has brought the islands
closer and has definitely boosted the morale of the
the web. The system is being upgraded to accept
applications on-line from anywhere.
Web-enabled Students Scholarship Management
Web-enabled Students Scholarship Management System
for processing scholarships for the students from
Lakshadweep studying in various educational institutions
in the mainland is already under implementation. The
system validates the scholarship claims based on the preassigned criteria and processes the claims and generates
the sanction orders and the bills. The students and their
institutions can get the status of their scholarships from
anywhere in India.
Lakshadweep possesses the unique distinction of having
Computer Labs and internet facilities in all the schools.
There are 33 Vidhya Vahini Community Information
Centres functioning in the territory providing Internet
services to the general public for availing various
services.The EDUSAT facility is also made available in all
high schools and on receive-only EDUSAT terminals in all
other schools in the territory.
Common Integrated Police Applications (CIPA)
All the police stations in Lakshadweep have been provided
with the adequate computer hardware and software for
implementing the Common Integrated Police
Applications. They are being stabilized and the project
will take off shortly..
Web-enabled Entry Permit Management
Information System (E-Permit)
U.T. of Lakshadweep is a restricted area. A valid entry
permit is required for visiting the islands. Permits are
issued from the administration office at Kochi. The
Permit Management System accepts applications for
entry permit and issues the permit. The status of permit
applications can be viewed through internet. This is a
workflow system and issues permit after due checking by
the authorities. Sub Divisional Officers and Station
House Officers in various islands get advance information
about the permits issued and they can verify the
authenticity of a physical document by cross checking it in
Web-enabled Medical Inventory Management
System “Ever Alert”
The web-enabled medical inventory management system
inter-connects all the hospitals, community health
centers (CHC's), primary health centers (PHC's) in
various islands and the Medical Directorate at Kavaratti.
The availability of life saving and other medicines and
various appliances, with their complete details in any
hospital, CHC or PHC is available to the concerned
officials through web. The system ensures 'ever alert'
authorities whenever there is a shortage of medicines or
appliances in any island.
The Telemedicine Facility provided by ISRO are available
in five hospitals in the islands. A close liaison is being
established with reputed hospitals like AIMS, C.M.C.
Vellore etc. for effective use of the facility..
The envisaged vision of the administration is to transform
the U.T. of Lakshadweep into a citizen focused, flexible
and accessible, using Information Communication
Technology to empower the citizens and officials alike by
extending the public services to all the islands in
Lakshadweep through the Nation wide Data
Communication Network to all the islands in
Lakshadweep which will be of first of its kind in the
country. This Network will serve the purpose of effective
connectivity backbone that will provide a platform for egovernance and other IT enabled services. This also
ensures a communication channel with high band width
and high uptime required for disaster management in
these islands which are having a very high risk of natural
disasters. The citizens shall be able to use new technology
to access the services provided by the administration for
bridging the Digital Divide between the mainland and
Islands, intensifying the Digital Economy in
Lakshadweep islands and brining outside knowledge to
Lakshadweep islands and presenting Lakshadweep within
and outside the country. A project named Universal State
Wide Area Network (U-SWAN) is being formulated to
achieve the objectives.
State Data Centre
It is proposed to create State Data Centre for States to
consolidate services, applications and infrastructure to
provide efficient electronic delivery of G2G, G2C and
G2B services. These services can be rendered by the
administration through common delivery platform
seamlessly supported by core Connectivity Infrastructure
such as Universal-State Wide Area Network (U-SWAN)
and Common Service Centre (CSC) connectivity
proposed to be extended up to island level. State Data
Centre would provide many functionalities and some of
the key functionalities are Central Repository of the State,
Secure Data Storage, Online Delivery of Services, Citizen
Information/Services Portal, State Intranet Portal,
Disaster Recovery, Remote Management and Service
Factors that inspired success
The critical factors for success of e-governance projects in
Lakshadweep are many: (i) Frequent co-ordination and
review at the level of Administrator, thereby continuously
providing leadership and motivation for execution of the
tasks on day-to-day basis. (The need for a strong political
and administrative will for e-Governance is a challenge all
over the country and it often becomes critical for success
or failure of the projects). (ii) High degree of cooperation,
mutual understanding and team work of the user
departments and their officials under Lakshadweep
Administration and the technocrats of the National
Informatics Centre is a noteworthy feature here.
Important Learning for the Future
Use of right technology in the right place with appropriate
administrative reforms can benefit the masses at base of
the pyramid of the society. The web based services are
most suited for hinterlands like Lakshadweep and other
geographically isolated territories. Internet facilities bring
mobility among youth to any part of the world, removing
physical constraints and sluggishness.
Meaningful and structural administrative reforms
coupled with ICT measures can flourish symbiotically.
Our Administration has been striving towards effective
administrative reforms through aggressive e-governance
measures along with all the political representatives
including Member of Parliament, Chairman and
Members of the District and Village (Dweep) Panchayats.
We are going to have “a basket of e-governance projects”
and may even compete shortly for becoming best eadministered State/ UT of the country.
Manthan Award 2007
Total Digitization of
Employment Services
Best e-Governance Project
Total Digitization of
Employment Services
A Watershed Milestone and Trendsetting Process :
For Ushering Objectivity and Transparency in Providing
Employment and In Dynamic Utilization of Human Resources
for the masses. It used to take around 8 days during normal
season and 15 days during monsoon season to go to the
employment exchange at Kavaratti and avail the services
and returned to native islands.
Scope of the project
This Project was, therefore, undertaken to bring
employment services to the doorsteps of the people of
Lakshadweep; and to provide accessibility, transparency and
accountability in the employment exchange services. The
project also envisages timely and systemic sponsoring of
names to employers/ Government Departments.
Process of Implementation
Kum. Razia Beegum of Kavaratti receives the first digitised Employment Card
from the Hon'ble Administrator Shri B.V. Selvaraj.
The Union Territory of Lakshadweep is a group of 36 coral
islands and islets of which 11 are inhabited. The Islands are
scattered randomly in Arabian Sea about 220 to 420 Kms
from off Malabar Coast. These Islands are geographically
isolated and each Island is almost like a country by itself.
This union territory is having a very high level of
unemployment especially among educated youth. The
percentage of unemployed persons registered in
employment exchange is around 19.5% (12,700 registered
out of 65,000 estimated population) of the total population.
Employment opportunities in the private sector are very low.
Because of the Geographical isolation educated youth do
not get enough options. Lack of adequate transport facilities
and deficiencies in communications pose a major problem
m Employment exchange was brought under Local Area
Network of the Administrator's Secretariat.
m Data relating to about 15,000 registrants were updated,
re-codified under National Classification of
Occupation, 2004.
m A dedicated leased line was extended to Employment
Exchange from the nearest NICNET node. Broadband
facilities are limited in Kavaratti Island because of
constraints of coordination and configuration between
m Virtual Employment Exchange was opened in all the
Islands bringing in decentralization. Sub Divisional
Officers were delegated with the powers of Additional
District Employment Officers.
m In outlying islands, there being no broadband facilities,
the Employment Services Portal was accessed through
NICNET, VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)
facilities. Limited ICT facility was optimized for
achieving 'last mile' connectivity.
m Thus, all the islands were digitally integrated on the
platform of a special website of the Union Territory
namely: lakshadweep.nic.in (The website name being
simple and easily memorable is significant as compared
to the web address of the national Portal of employment
m The Information Assistants of Information and Public
Relations Department were given the additional
responsibility in outlying islands for keeping records and
issuing registrations. They were trained by NIC and
made conversant and people friendly.
m More than 1000 new registrants have registered
themselves after the digitization process was launched
on 2nd April, 2007. Having gained confidence with the
system, which required multiple checking and rechecking, now it has been decided to start a 24x7, round
the clock call centre with the exclusive responsibility of
marketing and sponsoring the candidature of registrants
in India and abroad.
m A corporation of the Administration, namely
Lakshadweep Development Corporation Limited will
run this service on semi- commercial lines to begin with.
Factors that inspired success
m There was continues dialogue with people's
representatives at Dweep Panchayat and District
Panchayat Levels. The proposal was duly discussed in
public and through media where the youth took keen
interest in facilitating its success.
m Designating eight Additional Employment Officers,
users friendly Portal designed and developed by NIC
specifically for these services and availability of reliable
Internet access through the NIC VSAT were key factors
for the success. Opening of eight “Virtual Employment
Exchanges” in other islands and capacity building
programmes to train the officials in remote islands
played important role.
m The highly literate Lakshadweep youth and notably the
young women who were trained recently on computer
literacy played a vital role in data entry and updation of
m There was frequent co-ordination and review sessions at
the level of Administrator, thereby continuously
providing leadership and motivation for execution of the
tasks. (The need for a strong political & administrative
will for digitization of employment services is a real
challenge which often becomes critical for success or
failure of e- content).
Screen shot of candidates' registration
Benefits accrued
m Various statistical reports required can be now generated
m Long chaotic queues in front of the employment
exchange have become a thing of the past.
m The process of registration and sponsoring of names for
employment has become transparent and free from
human manipulations.
m Dispersed islands have virtually been integrated and
eight 'Virtual Employment Exchanges' have started
functioning with the existing manpower and
easily and up-to-date data are available.
m Centralized management of the employment services
and centralized accounting & monitoring removes adhocism.
m The awareness about the benefits of Information
Communication Technology has reached the poor and
even the uneducated people living in the remote and
isolated islands.
Future Plans
m Need for physical travel by the user to Kavaratti for
registration, renewal and for adding qualifications etc,
are now not required resulting in savings of money and
m Details about candidates are updated instantly into the
live register.
m Candidates get better opportunity to check their latest
status, verify their details of registrations, etc, sitting at
m Overseas Employment Services through this Portal
m Introduction of Interactive Voice Response System
(IVRS) to get the status of registration etc.
m Setting up of a call centre for Employment Services
m Integration of live register and applications thru
open notification and preparation of merit
The Hon. Administrator inaugurates the total digitization by making online registration
Integrated e-Governance Solution
for Department of Electricity
Project implementation
The power generation in this union territory is entirely
using diesel generators. This union territory is having the
unique distinction of hundred percent houses electrified
and also the first territory to introduce “Self Meter
Reading” by the consumers. Lack of adequate transport
The project is implemented by National informatics
established in all the electricity sub divisions, sections and
facilities and deficiencies in communications pose a major
cash counters. Dedicated Leased Line for Internet facility
centre, Lakshadweep Unit who have conceived this
project. The entire E-governance infrastructure including
Local Area Network required for the project was
extended to all electricity
department to provide
offices and cash counters
services to the consumers
from nearest NICNET
and also for the masses for
Node. ( Broadband
availing the services. It
facilities being limited in
used to take around 8 days
Kavaratti; Limited ICT
during normal season and
facility optimized for
15 days during monsoon
season to for traveling to
either to the capital island
Kavaratti or to the nearest
mainland port Kochi. The
monitoring of movement
of HSD Oil and spare parts
for the power generators
has a high priority.
achieving 'last
connectivity). All the
offices of Lakshadweep
Electricity Department
digitally integrated. All
Hon.Administrator, Lakshadweep Shri B.V. Selvaraj, IAS receiving the CSI-Nhilent Award
for the best e-governed department from Shri Kailash Vijayvergia, Minister for IT, Govt. of M.P
Scope of the Project
This Project was, therefore, undertaken to bring electricity
Consumer services to the doorsteps of the people of
Lakshadweep; and to provide accessibility, transparency
and accountability in the Electricity Consumer services
(Government to Citizen). The project also envisages the
digitization of materials and cargo management
(Government to Government Services), integrated webenabled Personnel and Payroll Management for all the
officers and staff of the department ( Government to
Employee Services (G2E) ) and implementation of a
intranet for the department.
the officers are provided
with e-mail accounts and
the officials and staffs
including line men are
provided with adequate training on various application
software packages developed.
A detailed capacity building
plan for the entire employees
of the electricity department
with special ICT training to
the selected 25 officers on
system administration and
trouble shooting exits and
action has been initiated to
commence the training.
CSI-Nihilent Award 2007
Department of Electricity
Best E-governed Department
(Joint Winner)
ii. Energy Billing System
m Acceptance of the energy bill at any counter
m Consumers can generate their bills on-line
m Consumers can verify the history of payments
m Consumers can report energy meter defect on-line
m Calculation of consumption charges for belated
consumers using the 'approximate consumption
m Automatic generation of energy bill cum disconnection
notice for defaulters
m Facility for entering the surprise meter readings
Entering the reading of government consumers and
The design, development and implementation of software
packages as a web-enabled workflow system with citizen
interface completed after detailed discussions with all the
stake holders. The following web-enabled applications are
developed and implemented:
¦ Consumer Management and Energy Billing
¦ Complaint Management System
¦ Inventory/Cargo Management System
¦ (Materials Management System)
¦ Integrated e-Personnel System
¦ Intranet for the Department
generation of their bills.
m The Section head can enter Reconnection, Meter stuck,
Meter Change and Extension of temporary connection
details form anywhere.
m Head of Sub Division can monitor all transactions under
the sub-division and has to intervene to generate Service
Connection Order as required.
m Higher authorities can monitor all the transactions and
can get summary reports pertaining to whole
Lakshadweep from anywhere anytime.
m The collection details section-wise, sub division wise,
island wise is available at any time from anywhere.
m Centralized control for the cash counters
Major features of the Applications
Web-enabled Consumer Management and Energy
Billing System
On-line submission of application for service
m Facility to pay the bills on-line sitting at home ( will be
introduced shortly)
¦ On-line verification of the status of applications
¦ Generation of Intimation Letter of inspection
¦ Updation of estimation details
¦ Demand Note for the applicants for service connection
¦ Generation of Service Connection Order
¦ Execution of Service connection Order
iii. Complaint Management System
The features of Complaint Management System include
m Registration of complaint on-line from all departmental
Fuse-off call centres
m Consumers can also lodge their service connection
related complaints on-line
m Updation of rectification details on-line
m Monitor the status of complaints from anywhere
m Generate pendency report
m A single database for the entire territory
m Online status of the application also available for
m Higher level monitoring of each office and employees
profile can be accessed through this system
m This system is integrated with the E-payroll & Online
Inventory Management System
m The applications of all type advances/loans are
processed through this system.
m The details of employees transfer, posting, promotion
etc. are captured and processed.
m Leave management, LTC details etc are managed by the
m Details of employee history such as probation clearance,
disciplinary action, deputation etc are captured for
future reference
m The centralized data also stores the personal
photograph of each employees
v. Web-enabled Pay Roll Management (E-Payroll)
The web-enabled Payroll Management System (e-Payroll) is
an Online Payroll Information system which keeps the data
Hon'ble Administrator, Shri B.V. SELVARAJ, making presentation:
Shri Ashok Aggarwal, Convener, CSI, Interest Group on e-Governance & Director,
ACS Technologies is on the dais.
iv. Web-enabled Personnel Management
( e-Personnel)
pertaining to pay of all the employees under Lakshadweep
Electricity department in a centralized manner. This is
integrated into the e-personnel System.
The Key features of E-payroll are
The system keeps track of all the personnel details of the
employees of Lakshadweep Electricity Department.
m Centralized management of payroll information.
This system facilitates the following:
m Generation of Pay bill for all the stream of employees
m The centralized system avoids unnecessary maintains of
separate data of each employees at different sections.
m All the employees can access the system with secured
user id and password to know the status of their
application for loans/advance, Leave personal profile,
seniority etc. at anytime through Internet
m Each employee can submit the applications of loans and
advances through online for speedy processing of the
m Generation of
the schedules related to pay
particulars of employees
m Generation of Pay slip for current month and previous
m Pay & Allowance statement with classification of Office,
Dept and year
m Income tax calculation based on pay and allowance and
other savings.
m Separate login for each employee and can view pay slip,
income tax statement etc.
m Integration with E-personal system enables automated
reflection of the following in the payroll
vi. Web-enabled Materials Management System
m Online Management of cargo movement includes
packing and dispatch of items.
m Automated e-mail generation against receipt of the
packets and item to the concerned users.
m Online packet status information to all the relevant
The system keeps track of not only the Inventory system but
m Indent Management system with multilevel sanction.
the overall management of the activities in a work flow
m Billing of indented items for outside departments
model by using Internet Technology. The key users of the
system are classified into four levels with different roles to
each user. All the major activities are controlled and
monitored with minimum two levels of users and it assures
the transparency and security to the system. The Major
Modules of the system are
m Supply order processing and Distribution
m Item Receipt
m Stock Transfer
m Packing Management
m Dispatch of Items
m Indent generation
m Estimate preparation for different work under various
Benefits accrued
m The dispersed offices of the department in the islands
and mainland 'Virtually' integrated.
m The Electricity Consumer Services at the doorstep of
the people.
m The process of providing service connection become
transparent and structured and is free from human
m Centralized management of all the Consumer Services,
m Damage Management
Complaint Management, Materials management,
m Estimation
Human resource management and centralized
m MIS report
accounting & monitoring possible. . This can be
accessed easily and quickly whenever required. Data and
The Key Features of the web-enabled Materials
Management system are
fact sheets are available in greater detail
m No need to physically send the reports/documents etc.
m Online Monitoring of all the activities of the materials.
to Kavaratti from outlying islands; Money and Time
m Different levels of users and role management.
m Work flow management system from estimation to
Indent generation.
m Multi level sanction for supply order and distribution
m Time taken for submitting application and processing
the application is minimized.
m Monitoring of the availability and movement of
materials possible from anywhere anytime.
m Centralized stock management system.
m Various Statistical/MIS report easily generated
m Supply order generation and Bill preparation against
m The awareness about ICT and its benefits reaches the
received items.
poor; the uneducated in the remote and isolated islands.
Future Plans
The department has worked out detailed plans for
strengthening the e-governance activities of the department
and also to improve the consumer services and also to
improve the services. The future plans are detailed below.
m As the band width requirement for the numbers of
applications are very high a dedicated VSAT's for each
Sub Division is proposed.
m Introduction of Bar Coding system for Materials
m Introduction of e-payment, payment through online
banking, credit cards etc.
Alongwith Shri K.K. Aggarwal, President, CSI and Vice Chancellor, Guru
Gobind Singh Indraprasta University, New Delhi, Shri Kailash Vijayvergia,
Minister for IT, Govt. of M.P (L to R) Shri M.Koya, Assistant Engineer, Shri
A.K. Anver Hussain, Junior Engineer, Shri M. Hassan, Executive Engineer and
Shri Ajith Brahmanandan, Technical Director
availability of reliable Internet access through the NIC
VSAT were key factors for the success.
m The Awareness programmes and capacity building
m Introduction of Interactive Voice Response System
programmes organized to train the officials in remote
(IVRS) to get the status of bills/Complaint
islands played important role in the success of the
booking/Status and for other information.
m Introduction of Digital Signature and on-line approvals.
m Complaint booking and monitoring through SMS
m There was a frequent co-ordination and review session at
the level of Administrator, thereby continuously
providing leadership and motivation for execution of the
m Energy Bill Payment details through SMS
tasks. (The need for a strong political & administrative
m Submission of service connection application on-line
will for providing the services is a real challenge which
m Submission of indent from islands for procurement of
materials and its approval from Division office on-line
m Digitization of file works and its movement in
Electricity Department
often becomes critical for success or failure of egovernance projects).
m The Cooperation, mutual understanding and team work
of the Lakshadweep electricity department and
National Informatics Centre Lakshadweep.
m Remote monitoring of power generation & its
distribution ( SCADA )
Factors that inspired success
m There was continues dialogue with people's
representatives at Dweep Panchayat and District
Panchayat Levels. The proposal was duly discussed in
m The users friendly Portal designed and developed by
NIC specifically for the consumer management and
energy billing and complaint management and
Web-enabled Ship Ticket Advance
Reservation System - "PORTNET”
An e-governance project for rural masses
Being scattered in the Arabian Sea, the main mode
of transport for the common man in the islands is
ship service. Shipping is truly the lifeline of people of
Lakshadweep. All the thirteen port offices of the
Administration have been interconnected,
ex t e n d i n g t h e N I C N E T ' s
V S AT b a s e d
communication network. This network has enabled
Web-based ship ticket passenger reservation and
cargo booking systems. The ship schedules, ship
ticket availability, status of ship tickets are now
available through internet providing transparency
and easy access. Tickets for any ship from “anywhere
to anywhere” can be booked through the authorized Hon. Administrator Shri B.V. Selvaraj, I.A.S., Hon. Administrator issuing the first
booking counters at Kochi, Kozhikode or in any of the ticket from the ticket counter in the new ship ticket counter in the Lakshadweep
Guest House Complex, Gandhi Nagar, Ernakulam
islands. This project has received the Microsoft National Ethe selection of the technologies for the project. The
Governance Award, 2006 for”Innovative Project”, being
database should be centralized one, highly secured,
first of its kind in the shipping sector.
Development should be fast and easy, future up-gradation
should be easier.
Process of Implementation
A first hand account of the ICT facilities available in the
islands is considered. In the absence of any type of Broad
Band Internet facilities a VSAT network as an extension of
NICNET interconnecting all the Port offices of
Lakshadweep is established. The VSAT was installed to
cover all the islands including the island with a population
of around 300 people.
The selection of the suitable technology for the database
management and development was the next crucial
decision. The Management of the system has to be from
one place and monitoring is
from another location. The
citizen should get the up-toENGAGE EVOLVE EMPOWER
date information about the
ship schedules, availability,
E-Governance Award 2006
Ticket status. The following
also considered for
Innovative Project
A web-enabled system was developed with SQL Server 2000
as the database and was developed using ASP.NET. The
database and applications are hosted in the highly secured
NIC SAN server at New Delhi.
m In the First Phase tickets for ships starting from Kochi
and Kozhikode were issued from Kochi, Kozhikode and
Kavaratti where Internet facilities were available.
m Key factor was the availability of reliable Internet access
to all the Port offices in the remote islands and Training
to the entire port officials in remote islands.
m In the second phase, 'anywhere to anywhere ship
ticketing' was introduced by providing Internet access to
all the port offices through VSAT network.
m The projects is rolled out and is in operation since 26th
January 2006 for all the ships and ticket can be issued
from all the port offices of Lakshadweep Administration.
m The facility will be extended to the proposed 33 CIC
m The system is proposed to be linked to the tourist
booking and e-permit system and Resident ID Card
system which are under development
Shri Ajith Brahmanandan, Technical Director & SIO, Lakshadweep receiving the
Microsoft e-Governance Award for the “Innovative Project” for PORTNET
project from Microsoft International President Mr. Jean Philippe Courtois and
Chairman, Microsoft (India) Mr. Ravi Venkitesan
Earlier they were no knowing when they can make a journey
when they will go and when they com back it was uncertain.
We can list hundreds and of benefits for the citizen for the
people of Lakshadweep due to the implementation of the
project. The major benefits if the system are enlisted here.
m Citizen can Reserve/Cancel ship ticket from 'anywhere
to anywhere' in any ship in advance.
m The entire rural population is benefited as ship service
is the life line of Lakshadweep.
m Ship ticketing process becomes transparent.
m All the ship tickets are issued through this system. There
is no manual issue of tickets.
The project provides advance ship ticket reservation system
and freight booking for all the ships plying in Lakshadweep.
The system is introduced in all the twelve ticket counters of
the Lakshadweep administration in the remote,
geographically isolated islands in Lakshadweep. The Port
office at Kochi can monitor the consolidated reports etc at
any time. Ticket can be booked from anywhere to anywhere
30 days in advance from any of the thirteen ticket counters.
Freight tickets also can be booked through this system. The
ship schedules, ship ticket availability and ticket status are
also provided to the public through the web site. The remote
islands where internet facility is not available are connected
using a dedicated VSAT network by extending NICNET.
Benefits accrued
This system has revolutionized the style of living of the
islanders. Now they are planning the journeys in advance
and purchasing the tickets in advance and their life is easier.
m Citizen is empowered as he is getting the availability
status of the tickets through availability display system
and through Internet.
m Centralized management of the ship ticketing process.
ie release of ship schedules, EQ tickets monitoring of
the sales of tickets and centralized accounting.
m The age old system of sending ship programmes/change
in schedules/EQ release etc. by FAX/Wireless etc. are
stopped as everything is available on-line instantly and
is managed centrally.
m Any ticket (passenger/freight ticket) for any ship from
'anywhere to anywhere' is available thru a single window.
m The awareness of the benefits of Information
Technology has reached the people living in the remote
and isolated islands.
m Each and every citizen in the islands is aware that “there
is magic box” in the port office which is making their life
“Ever Alert” - Online Medical
Inventory Systems
EverAlert' is the one of the major projects under taken by the
UT of Lakshadweep as part of e-Governance initiatives.
'Ever-Alert' is an online application system designed,
developed and implemented for the Department of Medical
and Health Services to facilitate the process of indent,
procurement and monitoring of availability of medicines in
the Hospitals, Community Health Centres and Primary
Health Centres across all the islands. All the hospitals and
other Health Centres are provided with the dedicated
internet connection through V-SAT. While considering the
health sector, the basic requirements of medicines and
keeping the stock position of vital medicines are very
important tasks to be carried out to provide health care to
the ordinary citizens of Lakshadweep. Lakshadweep, the
only State/UT in India, where there is no private hospitals and
clinics are available. The entire population of Lakshadweep
solely depends on the services offered by the government
owned hospitals/Medical institutions. Considering the
dearth of transport facilities in Lakshadweep, the proper
monitoring and careful management of transportation of
medicines and appliances are to be taken care of.
The dedication and responsibility of the U T
Administration, to ensure the availability of essential
medicines and appliances in all hospitals in Islands, by using
latest ICT tools lead to the conceptualization of the project
'EverAlert' in Lakshadweep.
Objectives and Scope
The key objective of the system is to remain 'Alert ' of the
medicine stock as the name implies. Apart from this, 'Ever
Alert ' brings centralized stock management of medicines,
consumption analysis and cargo management of medicines
among central store and field office stores. The system also
keeps track of the expiry dates of the medicines. Making
available all the essential and emergency medicines in all the
islands were one of biggest challenges for the Medical
Department of Lakshadweep. With the introduction of the
new Web-based Inventory system, this problem can be
surmounted which will bring great relief for the people of the
Key features of 'Ever Alert’
m The Online system can be accessed via Internet for all
authorized users
m Maintains Centralized Online stock for all the medicines
m Online generation of Supply order
m Preparation of Distribution List of medicine against each
supply order
Hon'ble Administrator Sri. B. V. Selvaraj, I.A.S. launching 'Ever Alert ' the webenabled Medical Inventory Management System on the Republic Day, 2008 at
the Directorate of Medical & Health Services, Kavaratti, creating another
epoch in the digital history of the islands. PCC,Shri Jallaludden Koya A, DHMS,
Shri. K.P Hamza Koya and others are also seen.
m Single level entry of Batch No and Expiry date of
m Cargo Management of medicines (Packing & despatch)
m Indent/Consumption of Management of medicines
Infrastructure set up in each location
m Desktop Systems
m Windows XP OS
m Laser Jet printers to all Locations
m UPS backed power supply to Computer Room
m LAN Extenders to set up Internet connection
m Dedicated Internet Connection from nearest NIC
m Online list (Alert) to all users about the 'Expiry of
Medicines' within stipulated time.
m Online status of stock position of all medicines
(Category wise and group wise)
m Location wise stock position of all medicines (both
category wise and group wise)
m Higher level monitoring of all activities (from supply
order to Issue of medicines)
m Different levels of Users with different roles are assigned
to do the activities on 'Ever Alert’
m E-mail alert to Controlling office about the stock
positions and crucial transaction of medicines
m Online status and stock position of Life saving and
crucial medicines while login into the system
Major Reports :
Stock Register: Central stock and location wise
Cargo list
Location wise receipts
ROL (Re-Order level) Report of medicines
Key success factor
m Ever Alert' is one of the dream project of Administrator
to ensure the Vital/Life saving medicines are available in
all the hospitals/primary health centre of Lakshadweep.
m Personal intervention of Administrator in each stage of
the project lead 'Ever Alert' to success
m Review meeting and Progress evaluation are conducted
in frequent manner by Administrator and higher
m Hands on Training session and onsite training was
conducted by the NIC resource persons in all Islands
m The infrastructure back born of the project 'Internet
Connectivity' made available through the co-operation
from department of Ports and SDO/ASDO offices
Telemedicine Facility
The facility is a blessing to the doctors and people of
Lakshadweep and some of the benefits of the system are:
The Geographical isolation, lack of adequate transport
facilities and deficiencies in communications pose a major
problem for the masses to get immediate medical attention.
In an effort to facilitate the doctors in the remote islands the
Telemedicine Facility is established at Agatti, Amini,
Andrott, Kavaratti and Minicoy islands by Indian Space
Research Organisation (ISRO). This facilitates consultation
with specialist doctors of Amritha Hospital, Ernakulam. All
complicated cases requiring secondary and tertiary
consultations are done. There are routine consultations on
m Immediate attention from super speciality doctors is
available in the remote islands.
m The patients need not travel to mainland for routine
m A lot money and time saved by the people.
m The doctors can keep them updated by interacting with
the specialists in the super speciality hospitals.
Future Plan
11.30 to 12.30 hours on four days a week i.e. Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Total 4 hours a week.
m Extending the facility to the remaining five islands and
Any time emergency consultation can be done. Work to
enhance this facility to other islands is in progress. Locally
to have the facility in all the TEN islands in
trained candidates are operating the system in all the
m Consultation with 42 Super speciality hospitals which
are in the ISRO telemedicine network.
Dr. Muthubi and Ayshabi P.P at the telemedicine Centre holding consultation session.
Total Digitization of Anganwadi
Centres & ICDS Services
Hon'ble Administrator Inaugurates Digitization of
Anganwadi Centres in Lakshadweep
Hon'ble Administrator, Shri. B. V. Selvaraj inaugurated the
Computerisation of ICDS and all Anganwadi Centres in
Lakshadweep on the Independence Day, 2008, in an
impressive function arranged in the Anganwadi Centre
near Fibre Factory at Kavaratti amidst thunderous
applause and reverberating cheers from a large crowd of
women and children besides an array of political leaders,
Panchayat Raj functionaries, Government Officials and a
group of Senior Officers of the leading banks in India who
had been invited to participate in the Independence Day
Celebration at Kavaratti.
The digitization of ICDS and modification of Anganwadis
as Community Information Centres for the women and
Hon'ble Administrator inaugurates the CIC in the Anganwadi Centre at Kavaratti.
Local women look on with pride and pleasure.
children forms part of a series of bold and pioneering steps
initiated by our Hon'ble Administrator to take the islands
into a new era of advancement in all the imaginable areas
of development.
young children, expectant and nursing mothers and
adolescent girls whose basic inter-related needs are
addressed by the ICDS programmes.
The aim of our Administrator is to make the islands a
All the ICDS and Aganwadi workers have already been
model territory for the rest of the country by digitizing
given computer training by then National Informatics
every wing of the Lakshadweep Administration and
Centre, Lakshadweep at the Administrative Training
providing an absolutely transparent, people friendly,
service oriented e-Governance.
The pioneering decision of the Hon'ble Administrator to
digitize all the 87 Aganwadi centres and other activities
under ICDS in the Union Territory of Lakshadweep,
where the islands are lying geographically isolated from
each other, intended to integrate all the programmes
under ICDS and Aganwadi centres digitally is on of the
boldest and most dynamic decisions taken so far with
regard to women and child development in our country
and the first ever initiative in the country to take ICT
benefits to the weakest section in the society, namely
Institute at Kavaratti. Computers worth Rs.1 Crore have
already been procured and installed in various Aganwadi
centres located in different islands.
Inaugurating the epoch making event, Hon'ble
Administrator said with great emotion that it was literally
a momentous day in the history of ICDS and Aganwadis in
our country as it was the first ever instance in the whole
country that an Aganwadi which caters to small children,
adolescent girls and ordinary local women was getting
computerized. 'For us, it is nothing less than landing on
the moon', he said
Now, the Union Territory of Lakshadweep has the rare
distinction of being the first in the country to computerize
the Aganwadi centres.
The Hon'ble Administrator's pioneering measure will go a
long way in realizing the objectives of the ICDS, the
world’s largest community based outreach programme
most efficiently and ensuring the wellbeing, growth and
empowerment of women and children.
To provide employment news through these centers
to the unemployed youths.
Conduct classes for mothers about bringing up of
children and nutritional diet for their family.
L to R: PCC UCK Thangal, Member of Parliament Dr.PP Koya,
Hon'ble Administrator Shri. B.V Selvaraj IAS, Dr. Indhu Selvaraj and
Mrs. Selvaraj with Children of an Anganwadi.
The objective of this project is to convert all the
Anganwadi Centers to grass root level Community
Information Centers (CICs) for women, Children and
adolescent girls by providing computers with internet
facility to all the Anganwadi Centers in Lakshadweep.
These centres can be used to educate the illiterate ethnic
Scheduled Tribe community. The main objectives arem
IT awareness among local people.
Promote Computer literacy.
Universalization of ICDS with quality.
Internet connection will be given to all the
Anganwadi centres to function as CICs and to the
office of Mukya Sevika/ Lady Village Extension
Officer (MS/LVEO) in each island for sending
Monthly, Quarterly, Half yearly Progress Report
(MPR/QPR/HPR), other reports, email transactions
To educate the illiterate women about their rights,
give primary education to the school dropouts etc.
Introduce computers and multimedia to the pre
school kids.
Fo r s m o o t h e n i n g a n d e x p e d i t i n g t h e
implementation of activities under the ICDS.
For improving the quality of services through ICT
To improve the delivery system with transparency.
To virtually bridge the geographical isolation of
islands of Lakshadweep
m Promotion of education and improve the quality of
Training: - All the Mukhya Sevikas and the Lady Village
Extension Officers who are responsible for implementing
various programmes under ICDS are trained in suitable
ICT tools to speed up the implementation of schemes
under ICDS for the benefit of the targeted sections in the
m Accelerate the pace of development in the islands.
The Anganwadi workers and helpers are also trained in
ICT tools as part of this project to run these grass root level
CICs. They will work for bringing computer literacy in
families by training mothers and adolescent girls and
make them conscious of use of computer education on
their life
The Mission
The targeted groups are women, adolescent girls and preschool children. The benefits of this programme directly
go to this community. This programme can eliminate any
kind of digital divide, as all are free to reach and use the
technology. The women & adolescent girls are made
computer literate. Various kinds of programmes including
making awareness among them about their rights help
them to find self-employments etc. can be achieved by
this project. This project will help to eradicate the social
in-equalities and disadvantages faced by people of the
scheduled tribes.
m Reach of the IT revolution to the poorest section of
m A boost to all-round development
E-permit:Online Permit System
U.T. of Lakshadweep is a restricted area. A valid entry
physical document by cross checking it in the web. The
permit is required for visiting the islands. The Permits are
Entry and Exit of the permit holders to the islands can also
issued from the administration office at Kochi. The Permit
be updated in the system.
Management System accepts applications for entry permit
and issues the permit. The accepted applications are given a
registration number and the status of permit applications
can be viewed through internet. This is a workflow system
and soon after registration of the applications the
The system is being upgraded to accept applications on-line
from anywhere. Is also being planned to integrate this with
the web-enabled ship ticket reservation system. This
facilitates the automatic electronic verification of the
authenticity of the permit holder while issuing the ship
application details along with the photograph of the
tickets. The integration of the system with ship ticketing
applicant are digitized and stored. Further processing of the
database enables the authority to monitor the movement of
applications are done at various levels and permit is issued
permit holders anywhere in the island.
after due checking by the authorities. The verifying
Key Features:
Online Application submission
Permit Registration
Permit Status
Pending list in all stages of processing
Issue of permits
Island Entry & Exit module
Endorsement to permits
Statistical reports of permit holders
authorities also The Deputy Collectors/Sub Divisional
Officers and Station House Officers in various islands get
advance information about the permits issued. The permits
are stored electronically in a central database and the
electronic version of the permit (e-permit) can be generated
at any time from anywhere. This system ensures
transparency in the processing of application forms and also
enables the authorities to verify the authenticity of a
Video Conferencing Facility
The Video conferencing facility is established in all the
members of the Village Dweep Panchayats on the
offices of the Deputy Collectors/Sub Divisional officers in
Independence Day of 2007. This was the first video
all the islands in Lakshadweep. The remotest and smallest
conferencing connecting all the islands in Lakshadweep on
island of Bitra having a population of only around 300 people
interactive mode.
is also having this facility. The facility is provided through
the NICNET VSAT's installed in the Deputy Collectors/Sub
Divisional Officer's offices in the islands. A user-friendly
video conferencing system with a plasma screen is installed
in all the locations.
Various officers are using the facility for review meeting. The
system is also used for interviewing candidates for various
jobs. This is a blessing to the candidates in the remote
islands as they have to travel spending around two weeks to
travel to Kavaratti and back to attend the interview. The
The Hon. Administrator interacted with the Deputy
facility is
Collectors/Sub Divisional officer's and Chairman and
important events at Kavaratti and other islands.
also being used for video conferencing of
Universal State Wide Area Network (U-SWAN)
which are spread across 60 to 250 Km away from Kavaratti,
are not having reliable internet facility.
The Hon'ble Administrator has constituted a State Level
State Wide Area Network ( S WA N ) i m p l e m e n t a t i o n
committee which will formulate the technology to be
adopted and various other aspects of the implementation of
U-SWAN in Lakshadweep. The meeting of SWAN
implementation Committee was held recently on 9th May
2008 at Kavaratti with participation of Director General of
National Informatics Centre through videoconference.
The main constraint of the islands is the geographic
isolation and connectivity to the mainland. Improvement of
the transport facilities has its own limitations, requires
hundreds of crores of investment, and takes many years to
achieve. The administration has to find out ways and means
to provide better education, health awareness, weather
information, entertainment and news delivery services,
disaster management system etc.
As of now, the e-governance applications are limited to
Kavaratti island only as the there is no reliable Internet
facilities available in other islands. Many citizen services are
to be extended to all the islands. The government process
and the monitoring of the implementation of the
development schemes in other islands could not be
monitored in time as there is no connectivity to the other
Consequence on of the above meeting, the proposal is being
submitted to the Ministry of IT, Govt. of India for its
approval. As per the present proposal, it is proposed to
install high bandwidth communication channel connecting
all the islands by installing state of the art equipments. The
connectivity proposed is through the BSNL network via
satellite medium. The existing BSNL setup at each island
will be upgraded under SWAN proposal. At Kavaratti, it is
proposed to have 16 Mbps dedicated pipe through satellite
medium, which will terminate at Administration's
Secretariat, which will be further, distributed to all the
departments under UT administration either by leased line
or by DSL connection. Similarly, 2 Mbps dedicated pipe is
proposed at each of nine Islands terminating at Revenue Sub
Divisional Office in each island and further distributed to all
departments of UT administration by either leased line or
DSL connection. The satellite medium, which provides
both high-speed data and Video conferencing services, is
proposed for all the ten Islands.
The major bottleneck of the islands is the lack of data
communication facility connecting the islands. To
overcome this, Video conferencing and Internet
connectivity is already provided in three islands viz.
Kavaratti, Minicoy and Chetlat by National Informatics
Centre. The BSNL is the only Internet Service Provider in
the territory and their Internet service is limited only to the
capital island of Kavaratti.. However, other nine islands
State Data Centre (SDC)
State Data Centre (SDC) has been identified as one of the
important elements of the core infrastructure under the
National e-Governance Plan (NeGP). Lakshadweep State
Data Centre (LSDC) will act as a mediator and
convergence point between open unsecured public
domain and sensitive government environment. It will
enable various departments to host their
services/applications on a common infrastructure leading
to ease of integration and efficient management, ensuring
that computing resources and the support connectivity
infrastructure (U-SWAN/NICNET) is adequately and
optimally used. The LSDC will be equipped to host / colocate systems (e.g. Web Servers, Application Servers,
Database Servers, Anti Virus Server and Server Area
Network etc.) with firewall, L2 and L3 switches to use the
centralized computing power.
LSDC will have high
availability, centralized authenticating system to
authenticate the users to access their respective systems
depending on the authentication matrix.
Lakshadweep is being the coastal area of the great nation,
the Govt. of India has been giving prime importance for
the security of the land and its data, the houn'ble
administrator has desired and selected Secretariat
Complex of Lakshadweep as the SDC site. The state shall
own the physical facility for setting up of the Data Centre.
The State shall evaluate the scope of work include site
preparation, design, supply and installation of the physical
as well as IT components through the Implementation
Agency. It is proposed that Lakshadweep Information
Technology Services Society will act as State
Implementation Agency.
The Data Center capacity has been planned to
accommodate approximately seventeen (17) 42U racks to
take care of the State requirements for the next 5 years.
The total storage requirement based on current and future
Proposed Lakshadweep Data Centre
applications would be 3 TB.
Data Quest E-Gov Champion Award 2008 for overall
perceverance and leadership in ICT efforts over several years.
Hon'ble Administrator, Shri B.V.Selvaraj receiving the award from
Ms. Mari of Tamil Nadu and Group Editor Cybermedia (Dataquest) Shri Ibrahim on 20th February 2008
Best Innovative Project
Best e-Governance Project
with e-content sustainability
Best E-governed Department in the
Media Hails Our Achievements
.........we also carry an extremely
informative write-up in the
other Guest column by Shri. B
Selvaraj, IAS, Administrator
(Lakshadweep) who provides an
insight into the revolutionary eGov initiatives being undertaken
in the tiny UT down
Editor, Informatics
Our gratitude to the recognitions received
E-Governance Award 2006
Manthan Award 2007
Total Digitization of
Employment Services
Best e-Governance Project
CSI-Nihilent Award 2007
Department of Electricity
Best E-governed Department
(Joint Winner)
e-gov champion - 2008
Innovative Project
Awards bring greater Awareness
Awards impose greater Responsibilities
Awards instill Confidence
Lakshadweep is no more remote
Lakshadweep is no more isolated
Lakshadweep is digitally integrated
with mainland India and the Planet !
Department of Information Technology
U.T. of Lakshadweep
Phone: 04896-262005
E-mail: lak-dit@nic.in
For more information please contact :
State Informatics Officer
National Informatics Centre,
Lakshadweep U T Unit
Secretariat, Kavaratti
Phone: 04896-262760
e-mail: sio-laks@nic.in
Printed and published by Lakshadweep Information Technology Services Society, Kavaratti, PIN - 682 555