STATE OF MORELOS 01 GOVERNOR´S LETTER W Graco Ramírez Garrido A. Morelos’ state Governor ith the government of Morelos Vision (Visión Morelos), we, morelense people, have a historic opportunity: achieve, through coordinated work and a sum of efforts, to improve the life quality of everyone in our state. I want to emphazise here what distinguishes the New progressive Vision (Nueva Visión). It’s about a new way to make politics, one that considers imperative for a democratic government to recover citizen’s rights: the right to education, to security, to health, to a proper nutrition, to a clean environment and to culture. I’m convinced that this is the correct way and I’m determined to take any measure within reach to turn Morelos into an ideal place to work, to create, to study and investigate, for cultural and health tourism. We’re investing on infrastructure, developing industrial poles, activating the production in the fields and planning urban growth. All of this respecting environment. To achieve these goals, we’re investing on health, education, culture, science and sports. Making, in this way, better citizens. I’m sure of that. I invite you to share with us this challenge INDEX HISTORY OF MORELOS .04 TOURISM IN MORELOS .06 PHARMACIST .08 .010 AGRO-INDUSTRY .012 SECURITY .014 INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY .016 AUTOMOTIVE .018 CONSTRUCTION MORELOS’ STATE IN NUMBERS HISTORY Population: 1,777,227 habitants Area: 4.879 km2 Climate: 21.5 degrees (Celsius, average) Municipalities: 33 councils, with Cuernavaca as the state’s capital. 2015 MORELOS INTRODUCTION MORELOS Morelos is the state where the sun rests, spreading its warmth between the mountains of fertile fields and valleys of eternal flowers; it was the space that embraced Olmec culture, which settled in here, establishing its home to develope a culture rich in traditions and founding millenary cities. A coveted land because of its strategic character and obligated route for commercial encounter, it was for Tenochtitlán’s Mexicas a conquer celebrated with their Gods and, for the same reason, it was an enclave snatched during the Spanish Conquer. The only thing that remained untouchable was its climate, that temperated caress that made the conqueror and captain general of New Spain, Don Hernán Cortés, succumb to the pleasure of living in Cuernavaca, where he ordered to build te summer Palace for the royal couple in 1526. The growth of Morelos’ main cities, such as Cuernavaca, Tepoztlán, Cuautla and Yautepec was influenced by different chapters of the national history. Through centuries, important events happened here, turning Morelos into a territory that saw the arising of big heroes, like “Caudillo del Sur” (Caudillo of the South), Emiliano Zapata, a figure that boosted and brewed Mexican Revolution in 1910. Also, given its strategic location and enchanting beauty, it was the residence place of many other personalities, such as Maximilian of Habsburg who, along with his wife, Carlota empress, settled their Royal Palace in the mansion of Jardines Borda (Borda Gardens), their summer residency. HISTORY MORELOS 2015 STRATEGIC BUSINESS AREAS Tourism Agro-industry Automotive Pharmaceutical Innovation and Technology Construction Investigation STRATEGIC ALLIANCES Morelos belongs to the Environmental Comission of Megalopolis (Comisión Ambiental de la Megalópolis), conformed by six of the states located in the central part of the country, which concentrate approximately 28 million habitants; in other words, near 30% of the national population in just 4.5% of the country’s territory. 04 STATE OF MORELOS GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT AND KNOWLEDGE Since 2012, government of Morelos Vision has boosted progressive public policies for the construction of a society of rights, underlining social investment, sustainable development and the strengthening of an economy of knowledge. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Morelos is a state with a development strategy that tries to balance economic growth with social and e nvironmental welfare. Today, Morelos state is still one of the commercial neuralgic centers most important of the country, being a strategic corridor and a pillar of national development. It’s proximity with Mexican capital keeps making fall in love all those who visit this entity, a summer rest place for thousand families and a business opportunity for businessmen looking to expand horizons, specifically in seven types of industry: touristic, automotive, construction, innovation and technology, agro-industry and pharmaceutical area, turning this state into a safe destination for investments and an obliged attractive for national and international tourism. 26 y 29 de julio. De 12.50 a 164. 50 euros. Zona Oriente Distrito Federal Zona Centro Estado de México Zona Altos de Morelos Zona Sur - Poniente 4 5 Estado de México 6 Autopista del Sol 1 Aeropuerto Internacional Mariano Matamoros 1 2 3 Puebla 7 8 2 Parque Científico y Tecnológico Innovacyt 9 3 Parque de la Salud Paso Express Toluca - Alpuyeca Cuautla - La Pera Cuautla - Chalco Cuautla - Oaxaca 4 Centro Logístico Agroalimentario Tetela Autopista Siglo XXI 5 Parque Industrial Yecapixtla Vía Ferrocarril 6 Parque Industrial DIVE Gasoducto 7 Terminal Multimodal Guerrero Termoeléctrica 8 Parque Industrial Cuautla Balnearios 9 Lago de Tequesquitengo Mercados STATE OF MORELOS 05 TOURISM IN MORELOS connectivity Located just south of Mexico City, Cuernavaca, the state capital of Morelos, it is located 90 km from the International Airport of Mexico City, terminal serving over 90 thousand passengers daily. Moreover, the State has made a great road connectivity through its network of highways and federal roads. 06 STATE OF MORELOS TOURIST SERVICES Rooms offer (1 to 5 stars): 11,255 Restaurant numbers: 801 Magic Towns: Tepoztlán y Tlayacapan Indigenous alive tongues: náhuatl, mixteco, tlapaneco y zapoteco. TOURISTS NUMBERS Total Visitors in 2014: 1,302,052 National Visitors: 1,163,268 Foreign Visitors: 138,784 Countries of origin of foreign visitors: United States, Germany, Canada TERRITORY Morelos has an area of approximately 5 mil square kilometers and it’s divided in 33 municipalities. It borders with Distrito Federal and the states of México, Puebla and Guerrero. M orelos’ state, being a legendary touristic destination, conquers all kind of travellers. It has been the preferred place of governors, ambassadors, scientists and artists, personalities who have constructed that reputation that prevails strong till today. Due to its greographic conditions, communication means and infrastructure, Morelos has consolidated itself as an attractive for touristic investment. It has a wide offer of attractives located in all cardinal points, with routes with a beginning, but not an end; there’s always something new expecting somewhere. ECONOMIC INCOMES In 2014, visitors left in the state economic incomes of 4,567,983 dollars. This, added to traditional parties and a legendary gastronomy. The historic track in the state has left as a legacy archaeological zones and vestiges of prehispanical roots, offering an invaluable historic register of those first settlers for our visitors enjoyment. In Morelos there’s a hotel infrastructure and a professionalization in the service, recognized worldly. There are business hotels representing important hotel chains, but there are also boutique hotels and relaxing Spas that mix luxury with majestic landscapes framing each corner of this great land, which has segmented its product in this way: MORELOS: THE TOURISTIC DESTINATION SEGMENTS Business Tourism: Conventions, congresses, meetings. Cultural Tourism: Archaeological zones, gastronomy, Morelos’ convents, morelenses haciendas. Nature Tourism: Natural reserves, themed parks, rappel, zip lines, hot-air balloon, bungee, parachute, gotcha, rafting. Health Tourism: resorts, spas, hospitals, beauty clinics, holistic centers. Romance Tourism: Weddings, anniversaries, honeymoons. Magic Towns: Certificated places that keep traditions, parties, regional cuisine, rituals, historic monuments and nature. Zapata’s Route: Touristic tour in towns, museums, hotels and amazing places where the “Caudillo del Sur” left his indelible print. STATE OF MORELOS 07 CONSTRUCTION IN NUMBERS CONSTRUCTION 12 real state projects 259 kilometers of railway lines Real estate sector contributed 27.564 million pesos to Morelos’ gross domestic product (GDP) 300 million pesos on investment to Desarrollo Industrial Verde (Green Industrial Development) 2,400 million pesos on investment on Plazas Outlet Cuernavaca (Outlet Malls Cuernavaca) 2,400 million pesos on investment on Plazas Outlet Cuernavaca HIDRAULIC AXLE Morelos’ Hydrological Program 2014-2018 is consistent with the Infrastructure National Program (INP) 2014-2018, raising these objectives: Increase the coverage of potable water service. Increase sewage infrastructure. Keep sewage systems in adequate physical and working conditions. Develope infrastructure to sanitize waste water. Upgrade and enhance agricultural areas. Boost a sustainable use of hydrological resources. 08 STATE OF MORELOS CAPACITY Volumetric flow of 337 million cubic feet, daily, assuring enough, uninterrupted supply of stable and sustainable energy. C onstruction sector has participated actively in Morelos’ state growth, accomplishing the projects of public and private infrastructure required by a population avid to work for and contribute to the community’s future. Investment keeps steady, concentrated in important projects that promise a boost for state economy. If construction and real estate sector work as a thermometer to know the situation of an economy, then Morelos is in the healthiest condition possible. For real estate sector, housing developements have been a constant since Hernán Cortes and Maximilian Habsburg decided to settle their summer houses in Cuernavaca. Luxury houses are acquired by businessmen looking for a place to rest far from the hustle and bustle of the cities they live in. Besides, there are real estate projects outstanding for their design and ecological, sustainable concept, emphasizing technology for the production of solar energy and extensive green areas. Likewise, important housing projects for middle, middle-high and high social class are in process of construction, in different cities of the state. Committed to keep the development level, our government, with the participation of private iniciative, keeps an ambicious agenda of infrastructure projects in the whole entity. Huexca Gas Pipeline and Thermoelectric works are part of the strategic infrastructure to generate poles of dynamic developement. The project will put energy with more quality and less impact on the environment within reach of firms settled in Morelos, allowing the developement of an industrial corridor at a regional NATURAL GAS Joint investment superior to 680 million dollars, with capacity to supply 320 million cubic feet, daily, of natural gas and an electric potential of 400 double circuit kilovolts. level; particularly, the east region of the state will be more attractive for the capital of world class firms. They represent a joint investment superior than 680 million dollars, with the capacity to supply 320 million cubic feet, daily, of natural gas and an electric potential of 400 double circuit kilovolts. An efficient system that turns 60% of the used fuel (natural gas) in electricity. It has the advantage of being of low environment impact, compared with other energetic systems; lower costs, since it uses an easy handling fuel and has operating flexibility. It’s worth to highlight the impact that the completion of the Estación Multimodal del Ferrocarril (Multimodal Train Station) will have, and for which restoration works are being made in huge parts of the railways. This project is part of an ambitious infrastructure plan that includes the four methods of population and products’ transport, to integrate the different economic regions of the state and make them more competitive. We are also adapting La Pera-Cuautla highways and the one that goes from Amecameca to Cuautla, to allow a greater connectivity between the regions to cover the needs of the firms settled in Morelos. Another impulse comes from the green and primary sector support projects. The construction of Agroparque Industrial Yautepec (Yautepec Industrial Agro Park), the Ecozone in Cuernavaca’s downtown and Industrial Verde development, in Yecapixtla, all of them corroborate a new vision committed to economic and environmental sustainability. The last one promises to install 6 new sustainable firms and to generate 6 thousand new jobs in its first phase. STATE OF MORELOS 09 PHARMACEUTICAL SECTOR DIVE YECAPIXTLA It’s the creation of an industrial park focused on automotive, pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors. AREA: 46 hectares with a growth capacity of up to 100 hectares. INVESTMENT: More than 90 million pesos (about 6 million dollars), resulting in an innovative group of warehouses and locals for storage and industrial processes, detonating the economic developement of the region. 28 pharmaceutical firms 010 STATE OF MORELOS 28 FIRMS PHARMACEUTICAL FIRMS SETTLED IN MORELOS CIUDAD INDUSTRIAL DEL VALLE DE CUERNAVACA CIVAC (INDUSTRIAL CITY OF THE VALLEY OF CUERNAVACA CIVAC) Since more than 40 years ago, CIVAC is one of the best organized industrial parks of the country. It concentrates firms of different industrial branches, like pharmaceutical, automotive, chemical and industrial agriculture. PHARMACEUTICAL SECTOR One of the most important sectors for Morelos’ state is the pharmaceutical one. Its surge responds to an attractive government policy which tries to encourage the settlement of firms dedicated to investigation, developement and commercialization of chemical or biopharmaceutic products used for diseases’ treatment. Support programs like Knowledgement Economy (Economía del Conocimiento) and some others, the infrastructure offer thought to cover the sector’s logistic needs, qualified human capital for the different areas and a safe atmosphere for investment, have detonated the investment of important international firms. Currently, 28 pharmaceutical firms have operations in morelense territory. It’s worth to underline the importance of infrastructure such as Ciudad Industrial del Valle de Cuernavaca CIVAC, (Industrial City of the Valley of Cuernavaca), one of the most important industrial parks in the state, where prestigious pharmaceutical firms have found the ideal space to develope their processes. Another important active in Morelos is Universidad Autónoma de Morelos (Morelos’ Autonomous University), where speciali- zed students in the area are formed. Educative offer, with a degree and postgraduate in pharmacy, allows to prepare students with the required habilities and knowledgement to participate in the health sector. This goes together with investigation and specialization infrastructure, which also encourages the formation of highly qualified professionals to cover the demand of high impact posts in the pharmaceutical firms in the state. All this variables add up to stimulate the vocation of Morelos state for Investigation and Developement, where pharmaceutical industry and health sector have found the perfect environment to operate. In the future, it is expected that pharmaceutical cluster will be consolidated so it turns into the most important one in the country, integrated by the world’s most recognized firms in the sector, where avant-garde in medical and pharmaceutical investigation will have Morelos’ signature. Our job has a huge impact in many people’s lives, since it’s about medical and scientific advances that will benefit life quality of million persons. STATE OF MORELOS 011 SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIT AGRO-INDUSTRY Morelos’ government has destinated an investment of 35 millions 970 thousand pesos for the construction of Slaughterhouse Federal Inspection Type (FIT). The operation of this property will mean a benefit since people will get meat of an optimum quality, complying all the international hygienic-sanitary rules. Equally outstanding is the fact that the Slaughterhouse FIT has the required technology for treating the wastes, minimizing the polluting of the soil and water. 35 thousand tons of avocado a year, representing AGRO-INDUSTRY IN NUMBERS 35 thousand tons of avocado a year, representing 385 million pesos Second place in production of nopal 810 tons of honey a year 2 million ornamental fishes monthly 70% of the national ornamental fishes offer are produced in Morelos 10.3 tons of rice by hectare a year 930 hectares of citrics in the state (persian sweet and Mexican lemon, valencia orange, tangerine, grapefruit and lime) 40 tons a week of lemon, exported to Miami and Amsterdam Investment of 35 million 970 thousand pesos in the Slaughterhouse Federal Inspection Type (FIT, in Spanish Rastro Tipo Inspección Federal) Capacity for 360 bovine in the Slaughterhouse FIT 012 STATE OF MORELOS MORELENSE RICE WITH O.D The rice of Morelos, which produces an excellent rice grain, actually counts with Denomination of Origin (or Designation of Origin, O.D) Production: In 2014, production increased up to 28%, going from 11 thousand 790 to 15 thousand 100 tons, which means 4 thousand 310 additional tons. F ertile Morelos’ fields have a long tradition with the state’s farmers. A soil rich in minerals and with a powerful irrigation system enable the cultivation of nopal, corn, onion, agave, amaranth and sorghum on a large scale. Thanks to technology, plantations of sugar cane, rice and avocado have been mastered, and in the near future we will implement a series of projects with important investments to develope infrastructure to increase the value of harvests for more than 45 thousand farmers in the state. Important firms focused on agro-industry are settled in the state, managed by morelenses by heart who know the value of work and who have a special link with this land. Between the most important ones, Grupo Nopal San José stands out, with an estimated nopal production of 25 tons daily. In the indigenous area of Hueyapan, Mexican Tea Montes firm is located, focused on the production, marketing and exportation of exotic herbs like epazote, guaje and spring onion (chives). Herbalplant is a firm that produces fresh aromatic herbs, having the American market as the main client since 1995. Sugar cane is also very important for the state. Sugar cane harvest, known as zafra, is the agro-industrial activity with the most impact, because of its economic income. That’s why we try to turn sugar refineries into responsible, efficient, environmental friendly firms, and to take entirely advantage of the system-product of the sugar cane in the cogeneration of energy and ethanol, and to modernize, automate and increase the production value for 45 thousand morelenses producers. Between the products with the most added value, avocado stands out, a fruit harvested by more than 3,200 producers in a surface of 4 thousand hectares. State avocado production reaches 35 thousand tons annually, which represent an income that exceeds 385 thousand pesos. To improve production levels, there has been collaboration with the producers of the north part of the state, to improve the quality of the product, implementing quality controls to reach a better price in the market. Besides, they have a Collection Center equipped with refrigeration system to help with the management of the fruit. As a total, 28 municipalities of the state are dedicated to the production of citrics, reaching high levels in the productión of persian sweet lemons, holding the 13th place in a national level, and the 20th in the production of oranges. There are 930 hectares where citrics are cultivated and a harvest that reaches 6 thousand 816 tons of persian sweet lemon and 7 thousand 850 tons of orange. Thanks to the organization of producers, El Pochotillo Citrics Ranch Packing and Collecting Center (Empacadora y Centro de Acopio Cítricos Rancho El Pochotillo) was built, which lets them to export 40 tons a week of persian sweet lemon to international markets. Another important activity in the state is the production of ornamental plants, prized national and internationally because of the quality of its processes. Bamboos, bouganvilles (bugambilias), geraniums, gladiolus, gardenias, palms, poinsettias, daisys, laurels, to mention some species, are taken care of by expert hands, in open plantations or in technified grandhouses. STATE OF MORELOS 013 SECURITY 014 STATE OF MORELOS 205 MILLion pesos destinated to security and justice in 2015 An increase from 750 to 5500 certified police officers Implementation of Unique Command in Morelos 700 surveillance cameras An increase from 40 surveillance cameras to 700 in two years Investment of 85 million pesos in the new Expert Services Unit of the State’s Prosecutor T he strengthening of security and access to justice for morelense population has been a fundamental piece to ensure the economic development of the state. Right actions and decisions executed by our state government have shielded Morelos from criminality. We have concentrated our efforts on purging and professionalizing security elements, a fact that has restored the citizens’ and businessmen confidence, thanks to the public security strategy we have implemented, detonating investments in the last few years. All the state’s actors, from industry to commerce, tourism, communication media and civil society, recognize the importance of keeping a peaceful environment, where the rule of law is respected, both things required when trying to attract more international investment. This is the only truth up to which the state’s security policy is adjusted to nowadays. One of the most important measures was the presentation of the state’s prevention strategy, prepared by the state executive, and where the guidelines to fight and prevent criminality in all of the state’s municipalities were established. A main pillar of this strategy recognizes the importance of developing an integral plan, where actions in education, culture, health and sports are basic to keep insecurity rates downward. At the same time, the coordination between the three government levels and the citizens’ active participation are required to identify problematic areas and to design programs encou- Construction of the State’s Institute of Public Advocacy Investment of 40 millions for the construction of the offices of the Units of Cautionary Measures for Teenagers and Adults raging and empowering population. Under this guideline, in the beginning of the year an announcement was made about the investment of 205.5 million pesos, destinated to strengthen this aspect and improving justice access. A main decision to shield the state was the inclusion of the program Mando Único (Unique Command), which relied on a series of actions to clean the police force and a series of incentives for the professionalization of the most committed elements of the population, including more opportunities of job growth and salary increases. Actually, the state’s police force increased from 750 elements to 5,500 police officers complying a strict training and approving the confidence control. This actions were coupled with an increase in the number of surveillance cameras, from 40 to 700 in just two years. Included in the programs and works considered for the state, the construction of the new Expert Services Unit of the State’s Prosecutor, the State’s Institute of Public Advocacy and the offices of the Units of Cautionary Measures for Teenagers and Adults outstand. To sum up, the strategy on Public Security in Morelos has reversed the noxious effects of criminality, alongside with efforts to speed up the access of population to justice. Undoubtedly, perseverance and professionalism of the elements dedicated to protect citizens and keep the rule of law have leaded to a new environment of prosperity and the arrival of important investments to the state. STATE OF MORELOS 015 INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN NUMBERS INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY 61 specialized graduate 016 STATE OF MORELOS Support to Wage Scholarship: 110 thousand youngsters 40 investigation centers 2 national laboratories 260 specialized laboratories 2 thousand investigators 900 investigators affiliated to CONACyT 577 belong to the State System of Investigators TRAINING AND PROJECTS An average of 100 teachers and investigators get their degrees each year. 33 projects are supported through the Program of Incentives for Innovation. 188 million pesos are destinated each year to the Program of Incentives for Innovation. INVESTIGATION CENTERS Considering the sectors where most of the knowledgement is generated, the infrastructure dedicated to applied investigation and the sectors of industrial specialization in the region, the next firms vocations of technological firms have been identified: • Chemistry and Physics applied to materials. • Engineering and applied sciences. • Renewable energy sources. • Biologic sciences for health and food. • Agricultural sciences. • Environment and conservation. • Mechanics Mechatronics and Technique. • Electric and Electronic. • Chemistry and processes. • Information Technologies. • Bioengineering. 122 institutions of superior education M orelos’ state has become the ideal center for innovation and technologic development. With the goal of impulsing creation and the settling of technological firms, we’ve managed, with the support of private iniciative, an integral plan to boost the sector, with iniciatives such as the program Economy of Knowledge, which offers facilities to all the firms focused on the scientific area looking to settle in the region, as well as the Wage Scolarship (Beca Salario) that supports 110 thousand morelenses youngsters so they can keep studying and they can get the required level to hold the positions available in the growing state industry. All this, coupled with a strong investment in infrastructure and telecommunications, turn Morelos into a real paradise for scientific investigation. Two national laboratories, 260 specialized laboratories, more than 40 centers and and investigation institutions operate in this state, with the endorsement of prestigious universities such as National Autonomous University of México (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM, in spanish) and the National Polytechnic Institute (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, IPN, in spanish). The staff of scientific investigators working in the state is one of the biggest in the country; as much as 2 thousand highly qualified investigators, of whom 900 are affiliated to the National Council of Science and Technology (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT in spanish) and 577 belong to the State System of Investigators. The impulse of a policy for educative development has made possible to count with more than 100 teachers and doctors getting their degrees each year. In the light of such a promising reality, each time more youngsters decide to continue their studies and reach the highest educative level, building a morelense generation of highly qualified people. Their participation in crucial areas is highly required by firms focused on the technologic, pharmaceutic and automotive sectors. Besides, they contribute to the diffusion and technology transfer for the social development of the population and to the improvement of the state’s public policies. The most recent innovation in Morelos is the Scientific an Technologic Park (Parque Científico y Tecnológico, INNOVACyT, in spanish), which has a Technologic Center and a knowledge Transfer Office that allows the formation of solid collaboration networks between businessmen, technologists and scientists. In the Park there is a Center of Investigation on Applied Science and Advance Technology of the IPN where people can develope themselves in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical chemistry industry areas. At the same time, CONACyT will build its headquarters in the state as an investigation center, boosting a generation of scientists and investigators able to transfer the technology to the needs both of little and middle businessmen as of the entire population, reaffirming the viability of investing in the future promises of the state. STATE OF MORELOS 017 BRIDGESTONE Automotive COUNTRIES WHERE CIVAC MEXICAN PLAN EXPORTS TO Latin America, Iraq and Lybia, United States and Canada Latin America: Tsuru, Tiida Sedan, Versa, NP300, NP300 Frontier. Iraq, Lybia, Persian Gulf: NP300. United States and Canada: NV200, ARIES, NYC Taxi. 018 STATE OF MORELOS Morelos’ Bridgestone plant is the most important in Mexican Republic; it produces 21 thousand tires a day and, in the next five years, Bridgestone will invest more than 50 million dollars in the plant located at Morelos’ capital. AUTOTEK Value chain dedicated to the production of automotive parts. It will provide the chassis for a new model assembled at CIVAC Nissan Plant. First firm of the metal-mechanic sector settled in the state, an opportunity to attract other sector’s firms. P robably many of the tires circulating on Mexican highways were produced here, in Morelos. Automotive industry has found a warm home in this state, with all the convenients in infrastructure, connectivity and human capital qualified to operate them. An average of 2.8 million vehicles are assembled in Morelos. CIVAC Nissan Plant is responsible for this achievement: it counts not only with the assembly lines , but with a design and innovation department, where engineers and industrial designers mix physics and creativity, esthetics and functionality, to model prototypes international specialized media have praised. That’s the case in the design of Nissan taxi, which earned the certification required to belong to the select group of cars that offer the transportation service in Nueva York. Firms dedicated to auto parts keep their operations in the state’s industrial parks, many of them with enough production rhythms to supply the national market. That’s the case in Saint AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY IN NUMBERS 2.8 million cars assembled in Morelos CIVAP Nissan Plant turns 49 years operating Nissan Taxi that operates in NYC was designed in Morelos 50% of national windscreens are produced in this state by Saint Gobain. Gobain, which manufactures one of each two windscreens of the cars produced in Mexico. Another important firm is Autotek, the first one dedicated to metal-mechanics in the state, focused on the manufacure of automotive parts (chassis) used in the assembling process of some models managed at the Nissan Plant. Bridgestone also operates here for tire production, achieving a production of 21 thousand tires a day, always accomplishing all the regulations in processes and environment standards, a vision that shows its active character on business responsability and its cooperation to minimize polluting emissions on the environment. Automotive industry finds in this state enough variables to invest in the production plants. Design, metal-mechanics, assembly. All the stages and processes of this important industry recognize the advantages that a safe atmosphere offers, combined with a human capital prepared in the states’ best universities, capable to respond to any need and acomplish with the strictest quality standards. STATE OF MORELOS 019
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