June - Edmonton Catholic Schools


June - Edmonton Catholic Schools
June 2016
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The end of another successful school year is soon upon
us. In just a few short weeks we’ll be saying goodbye to
school and hello to summer holidays! In the time that remains, it is very important that students maintain a high focus on attendance and preparation for final exams. Parents, we encourage you to assist with this crucial focus by
ensuring your child gets adequate sleep, good nutrition, and regular review of all subjects. The complete exam schedule is included in this newsletter, and is posted on our
website. As well, please look carefully for any school resources that may be lurking in
backpacks, under beds, or in other hidden corners of your home, and return them to the
school at your earliest convenience. Lost school resources account for thousands of lost
dollars each year, and we’d rather apply those precious funds directly toward learning
opportunities for your son or daughter.
There are a number of exciting events coming up this month to celebrate the many
achievements of this past year, including Grade 9 Farewell, Athletic Awards, Big Band
night, Year-End Celebration, and Grade 12 Commencements and Graduation. As
always, parents are welcome and encouraged to attend any of the events that include
their children.
May was a busy month, with our soccer, track and slow-pitch teams taking to the field
of play. Our Gala of Dance also marked the end of an outstanding year of learning and
innovation in our Dance program. Hockey Academy winds up shortly, and our IB Diploma and certificate students have completed their International Baccalaureate exams.
A great school year doesn’t happen without the support of many people, all of whom
deserve our thanks. To our School Advisory Council, our Farewell and Graduation
committee, our teachers, our support staff and custodians, and all of our families…your
support of Louis St. Laurent in large or small ways all contributes to the spirit, the success and the growth of our school community. Thanks for all you do! A special thank
you to everyone associated with LSL for your ongoing good-natured flexibility as our
modernization continues. We recognize the disruption it has created, but our collective
efforts have minimized its impact on the learning and culture of our amazing school!
As our Grade 12 students close this chapter of their educational journey, we want to
wish each of them tremendous success in their post-secondary experience. Thank you
for all the ways you added to Louis St. Laurent with your energy, enthusiasm, learning,
and challenges! Your spirit is tremendous, and we thank you for all you’ve contributed
to our school. Our very best to each of you as you carry on down your chosen path.
To our returning students, as well as our incoming Grade 7’s, we look forward to your
return in the Fall, rested and ready to put your positive stamp on our school.
Please note the many events, schedules and activities listed in this newsletter that will
occur in the month of June.
Tom Wasylenko
Louis St. Laurent
June 2016
Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
~ Matthew 5:7 ~
This scripture passage from the Beatitudes takes on such significant meaning for us in this Jubilee Y ear of Mercy.
Here, Jesus is teaching his disciples about the heavenly rewards that await people who walk confidently with God
during difficult times. His guidance is twofold. It serves to remind those who are struggling that God is with
them always. It also serves to call us to the merciful service of those who are struggling.
The Fort McMurray disaster has provided us with the opportunity to show that mercy to which we have been
called as a community of believers. The response of our schools and sites has been a beautiful testament to this
basic tenet of our faith, mercy. Our communities have collected donations of cash and necessities to meet those
basic needs of evacuees. They have also wholeheartedly welcomed well over 400 students to their classrooms. It
has been so uplifting to hear stories of the empathy and compassion that our students are showing to their peers.
Our Budget for the 2016-2017 school year is before the Board of Trustees on the evening of May 31st at their
Public Board Meeting. The approved budget will be posted on our website at https://www.ecsd.net/AboutUs/
June is a very exciting and very busy time of year for us. We have had a great year of witnessing the growth of
our students, and everyone is preparing for summer. June 21st marks National Aboriginal Day in Canada. Many
of our students will be participating in activities that celebrate the richness of indigenous culture. That afternoon,
many of our staff will be participating in professional development activities through our Aboriginal Learning
Services department that will enhance their ability to infuse indigenous perspectives into curriculum on an ongoing basis.
As the summer draws closer, we want to encourage our students to continue enhancing their learning through
participation in various community events, outdoor activities, and celebrations. There are many great local attractions, day camps, and fun ways to keep learning over the summer. Active participation in sports, games, music,
and hobbies will allow for continued development of physical literacy skills, social skills and enhanced quality of
life. It is also wonderful to read some great books over the summer holiday; especially on a rainy day. There are
many websites that offer parents ideas and suggestions to keep students engaged with creative projects. The website http://www.todocanada.ca/Summer+Activities+in+Edmonton/ showcases many of the local attractions and
events in Edmonton and surrounding area.
I would like to share a final thought from our Holy Father, Pope Francis. In speaking about this Y ear of Mercy,
he tweeted, “The Jubilee is the party to which Jesus invites us all, without excluding anyone.” What a wonderful
celebration to be a part of!
I wish you all a blessed summer that is rejuvenating and filled with the wonders to be found in time together with
your families! As we prepare to celebrate Father’s Day, please join me in praying for all individuals who provide
the love and care that sustains our children on a daily basis.
Heavenly Father, you entrusted your Son Jesus,
the child of Mary, to the care of Joseph, an earthly father.
Bless all fathers as they care for their families.
Give them strength and wisdom, tenderness and patience;
support them in the work they have to do,
protecting those who look to them,
as we look to you for love and salvation,
through Jesus Christ our rock and defender. Amen.
A Prayer for Christian Fathers, www.xavier.edu
Joan Carr
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June 2016 SH & JH Exam Schedule
Monday, June 6
Tuesday, June 7
Regular Classes
All Day
Regular Classes
All Day
Monday, June 13
Tuesday, June 14
9:00-12 noon
English 30-1
English 30-2
Part A
9:00-12 noon
Social Studies 30-1
Part A
Social Studies 30-2
Part A
Monday, June 20
Tuesday, June 21
9:00-12 noon
Science 10
Science 20
Wednesday, June 8
Regular Classes
All Day
Wednesday, June 15
Thursday, June 9
Regular classes with JH
dismissal @ 11:30 AM
& SH dismissal @ 12:15
Friday, June 10
Last day of regular
classes for SH students
Thursday, June 16
Friday, June 17
9:00-12 noon
English 30-1
English 30-2
Part B
9:00-12 noon
Social 30-1
Social 30-2
Part B
Last day of regular
classes for JH students
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
JH French
1:00-3:30 PM
English 20-1
English 20-2
1:00-3:30 PM
Social 20-1
Social 20-2
Wednesday, June 22
Thursday, June 23
Friday, June 24
9:00-12 noon
Biology 20
Biology 30
9:00-12 noon
Chemistry 20
Chemistry 30
9:00-12 noon
Math 30-1
Math 30-2
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Gr. 7 & 8 Science
Gr. 9 Science PAT
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Gr. 7 & 8 Social
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Gr. 7 & 8 Math
Gr. 9 Math PAT
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Gr. 7 & 8 LA
Gr. 9 LA PAT Part B
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
1:00-3:30 PM
English 10-1
English 10-2
1:00-3:30 PM
Math 10C
Math 20-1
Math 20-2
1:00-3:30 PM
Social 10-1
Social 10-2
Monday, June 27
Tuesday, June 28
Wednesday, June 29
Thursday, June 30
9:00-12 noon
Physics 20
Physics 30
9:00-12 noon
Science 30
No school for
School closed
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
JH Conflict Exams
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
JH Conflict Exams
1:00-3:30 PM
JH/SH Conflict Exams
1:00-3:30 PM
JH/SH Conflict Exams
Gr. 9 Social Studies
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Louis St. Laurent Catholic School
SH Exams - Things to Remember
 Last day of classes for SH students is June 10th.
 Beginning June 13th, teachers will be available
throughout the day in each of the core subjects to assist
students with individual questions and concerns. It is
not mandatory, however if need be, students are encouraged to seek assistance from their teachers at these
times. Students should make an appointment with
their teachers to ensure availability.
 Exams will be written in the LSL gym and the start
times are 9:00 AM or 1:00 PM.
 Students should gather in the cafeteria about 15
minutes before the start of their exam.
JH Year End Exams
Year end exams for all Junior High students will
be written in the mornings from 9:00 AM - 11:00
AM. Students are expected to register in homerooms @ 8:25 AM and will have collection of
textbooks and exam preparation time prior to
the actual exam start time of 9:00 AM. Textbooks will be collected on the day each subject is
written (for example, Science textbooks will be collected on June 20th, L.A. textbooks on June 23rd, etc.).
It is important that all students arrive at school on time
for exams so they can take advantage of the full time
available to them and so they are not disruptive to the
other students who are trying to write exams. An extra
30 minutes (from 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM) will be allowed
for those students who require additional time to finish
their exams.
Study Hall After Exams
Study Hall will be available for JH students
who are staying at school once exam writing is
completed. Students do have the option of
going home after they finish exams, if they
have a signed Permission Form from their parent giving them permission to do so. Permission forms were
sent home on June 2nd and must be returned to homeroom
teachers no later than June 10th. Students who do not
have their form signed will not be permitted to leave the
school, and the office will not accommodate phone calls home
for verbal permission.
 Students are NOT to bring cell phones, ipods, MP3
players, or other electronic devices into the exam
 Students are also NOT allowed to have purses,
gym bags, or large/heavy outer wear in the exam
 Only water is permitted in the exam room.
 Only students with a documented medical condition are permitted to bring juice/drinks, and/or
food into the exam room.
 Photo ID must be shown in order to get into the
exam room.
JH Things to Remember
 Last day of JH classes is June 16th.
 Prior to each exam, students must hand in the
textbook of the exam they will be writing to the
Business Office.
 Students will NOT be allowed to share materials/supplies during exams.
 Students are to bring all materials they require,
such as 2 sharpened HB pencils, erasers, and where
allowed, calculators, dictionaries, and notes.
 Students must be prepared to stay in the exam room
for the full time period. Students should br ing a
book to read with them into the exam room, in case
they finish their exam early. They will not be able
to leave the exam room to get reading material
once the exam has started.
 Students are asked not to bring food, cell phones,
cards, CD players, IPODs, MP3, Gameboy, etc.
into the exam room, and book bags, textbooks,
purses and coats should be left in lockers.
Water bottles will be allowed in
exam rooms.
Good luck to students with
their upcoming exams!
JH Make Up Exams
June 27th and June 28th have been set aside for Junior High students to write make up exams. If a student has not had the opportunity to write missed exams during exam week (June 20th - 24th) they are to
check with their subject area teacher, who will arrange for them to write the exam on one of these two
Page 5
Louis St. Laurent Grade 9 Farewell
LSL Grade Nine Farewell will take place on Thursday, June 9th, 2016 at St. Thomas More Catholic Church (210 Haddow Close, Edmonton). Please remember that the ceremony takes place in the
church and appropriate clothing is required. Strapless dresses will need something to cover shoulders. The evening will consist of a group photo taken at 6:30 PM sharp in the church. The photo
will be taken by Lifetouch. Pre-order forms will be sent home with students, and parents can either
pay the photographer at the Farewell, or submit payment to the school on Friday, June 10th. The
church will not be open to parents until after the photo is taken, to ensure that the photographer achieves the best possible
result. Doors should open to parents at 6:45 PM, and the Farewell Liturgy will follow. After the liturgy, we will distribute
Grade 9 Certificates, followed by a reception in the church hall.
This year, we are asking parents and guardians to assist in supplying some of the refreshments for the reception. If you are
able to provide a fruit tray or a dessert, we would greatly appreciate it. Please ensure all donations are nut-free and pre-cut
(if necessary) into individual servings. If you are interested in volunteering to provide a refreshment, please email Ms.
Schatz at nicole.schatz@ecsd.net no later than June 3rd.
We thank you in advance for helping to make this a memorable occasion for our Grade 9 students.
Year End Celebration
As another school year draws to an end, the Administration and staff of Louis St. Laurent School
want to thank our students and parent community
for the support they provided during the past
school year and invite them to join our Y ear End
Celebration on Thursday, June 2nd. We will gather as a school community at 8:45 AM in the LSL
gym to celebrate the successes we have experienced
during the 2015/2016 school year. We will also conduct a Celebration of Seedlings,
where Grade 12 students will receive
seedlings, in commemoration of a
former LSL student who died during
his Grade 12 year. Presentation of
our Service Awards will follow the
celebration and all parents are welcome to attend.
Lost & Found
Our school Lost & Found box is full of
lost clothing, shoes, pencil cases, and
other items left behind by students.
Please ask your child to check the Lost
& Found box to be sure none of their
personal belongings have been left there. Also,
there are various pieces of jewellery, house
keys, glasses, etc. at the school office. If your
child has misplaced any of these items, have
them check in the office so their lost treasures
can be returned safely to them. Items left in the
Lost & Found after June 28th will be donated to
our local Goodwill store.
Junior High Awards Evening
Louis St. Laurent Junior High awards evening will take
place at St. Thomas More Church on Wednesday, June
22nd star ting @ 6:30 PM. Students who will be receiving
awards will be given a special invitation during the week of
June 13th. As a staff, we always look forward to this evening as it provides us with the opportunity to honour those
students who excel in various aspects of their Junior High
life. We hope all parents will join us in the celebration of their
child’s contributions to Louis St. Laurent School.
Locker Clean Up
On June 16th JH
students will be
cleaning out their
lockers and taking
personal possessions home. The
only things JH students should have
in their lockers after June 16th
are their textbooks for L.A.,
French, Science, Social Stud-
ies, & Math, HB pencils for exam writing,
and something to read
in the event that they
finish writing their
exam before the designated dismissal time.
Please make sure your
child has something to
carry home all their belongings in.
Staff Only Day
Wednesday, June 29th has been set aside for
teacher planning for the 2016-2017 school year.
There is NO SCHOOL for students on this day.
Wishing all our families a happy summer!
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Louis St. Laurent Catholic School
Senior High Report Cards
High School report cards, with school course
marks only, will be available on PowerSchool by
June 29th. Hard copies will not be distributed,
however, they can be printed upon request by a
parent to the school office.
Junior High Report Cards
Junior High year end report cards will be available through
Powerschool on Wednesday, June 29th, 2016. Parents can
view their child’s report card using the icon as shown below. Hard copies of report cards will only be printed upon
request at the school office.
Diploma marks will be uploaded to myPass during the summer. Students who need help creating a myPass account should see Miss Costanzo in
Student Services before the end of June.
Have You Moved???
If you have a change of address or a new telephone
number, please be sure to let the school office know.
It is important that we are able to reach you in case of
an emergency regarding your child. Also, letters will
be mailed during the summer months and high school
diploma marks are sent from Alberta Education to
the address we have on file, so we do need a current
High School Transcripts
Alberta Learning has developed a new secured website for high school students called myPass. It was developed in April 2015
to allow high school students to view their academic information. The website can be accessed by going to mypass.alberta.ca.
Some important features of this website include:
1. myPass access is limited to high school students
 Students must have high school enrolment or completed high school courses.
 Student mailing address must be up-to-date at the school where they are registered.
2. Access
 Automatic access will be given to students writing diploma exams beginning with April 2015 administration (letter with
PIN code will be mailed to students using the preferred active mailing address on file at the school in Powerschool.
 Sign up is self-service using public website.
3. Disclosure Restrictions
 Students with active disclosure restrictions (court ordered and/or caution) cannot complete self-service access request.
 They must gain access to myPass using in-person authentication at school or Alberta Education.
4. What can students see and do on myPass?
 View/Print/Download DAR (Detailed Academic Report)
 View/Print/Download Diploma Exam Results Statement
 View/Print/Download demographic information
 Request High School Transcripts - View/Print/Download unofficial transcripts
 Request a reprint of credentials
 Student self-registration for diploma exams
Sign up now for easy access to academic information.
Page 7
Big Band Night & Art Show
LSL presents its annual:
Friday, June 3rd, 2016
Doors open @ 7:00 PM...Show @
7:30 PM
Come and see our gymnasium transformed into a
swingin’ Jazz club! At Big Band Night, be treated to
upbeat jazz, swing, rock, and pop music. We will be
playing everything from jazz standards to contemporary pop music. Dance to live jazz, eat snacks, purchase beverages (non-alcoholic), and browse the art
show! Big Band Night is a night not to be missed!
 Louis St. Laurent Lab Jazz Band
 Louis St. Laurent Senior High Jazz Band
 Mother Margaret Mary High School Jazz Band
 Archbishop Joseph MacNeil Jazz Band
Location & Time:
Big Band Night will take place in the LSL gymnasium. Performers are expected to arrive by 6:15 PM,
doors open at 7:00 PM, and the show starts at 7:30
Tickets can be bought through Louis St. Laurent’s
Business Office and will also be available at the
door. Accepted methods of payment include credit
card, debit, or cash.
Cost for Adults: $15.00
Cost for Students: $10.00
Cost for Performers: Free
JH Leadership Team
Leadership is getting ready for the end of the year! As soon
as we finished planning and reflecting on past months’ events,
we got right into planning for June. In May, we had a very
successful event week: we had a paper airplane throwing contest, a jelly-bean tasting contest and a flower making
day. Students won prizes, we filled the small gym
with activities during lunch and students sported
flowers in their hair. A great time was had by all.
In June, we are pleased to announce that we are
bringing in a DJ for the dance, which will be held on
June 9th - just in time to celebrate the Grade 9 Farewell, which is on the same day. After the dance, we
will be wrapping up the year to prepare for final exams. We have students volunteering for a music festival called Heart of the City Music and Arts Festival,
which also will be held the first weekend of June, in
Giovanni Caboto Park. This is our second year
volunteering at the festival and we look forward
to another successful weekend.
Our JH Leadership team thanks everyone for
their support and we wish you all a wonderful
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Louis St. Laurent Catholic School
High School Math Contests
Congratulations to all participants who accepted the challenge to write the prestigious international mathematics
contest from the University of Waterloo. The CEMC
administers the Canadian Mathematics Competitions
(CMC), written annually by over 200,000 students from
around the world. LSL is proud to recognize our students
who finished in the top 5 places in each contest.
Hypathia(Grade 11)
Euclid(Grade 12)
Galois(Grade 10)
 Dominic Lavergne
 Darby Gynane
 John Ryan Banack
 Michelle Lee
 Benett Assman
 Nicholas Rebstock
 Cara Fogarty
 Austin Tralnberg
 Adrian Ibarra
 Angelica Mendoza
 Joanna Tian
 Mia Thomas
 Sally Yu
 Daryl Gonzales
 Andrew Chao
Gr. 9 Immunization
The third and final dose of the HPV vaccine
will be given to Gr. 9 students on Friday, June
3rd. Nur ses fr om Capital Health will be at the
school to administer these vaccines. At the same
time, they will also try to immunize any student
who was absent during the initial immunization of
dTap (Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis) and Meningococcal. Students are reminded that it is important to eat breakfast in
the morning and to wear a short sleeved shirt to make it easier for
nursing staff to complete their immunization.
Textbook Rentals
@ Caution Fee Refunds
All textbooks are to be returned
as soon as possible directly to the
Business Office during regular
business office hours, which are
Monday through Friday, 8:00
AM - 3:30 PM. Students should
not “drop off” books on tables or
have other students return their
Caution Fee refund cheques, where applicable,
will be mailed out during the month of August
once all textbooks have been returned and outstanding fees have been paid. Please make sure
your mailing address is current so cheques are not
sent to a wrong address.
School Council needs your
help! Please consider volunteering to be a part of
the Parent School Council
for the 2016/2017 school year. If
you have great ideas you would like to
share with school admin. and with other parents
on the executive, please come to our AGM on
September 15th, 2016 here at the school and put
your name forward. You will find this a very
rewarding experience!
Bus Passes
June bus passes will be available from the Business
Office until June 13th. If you will have three or more
children riding the bus every month next year, pick up a
Family Plan Application form from the Business Office
to receive a further discount on your 2016-2017 bus passes.
Family Plan applications have to be submitted every year.
If your child rides the Yellow School bus, please make note of
the information on the following page.
On Line Payments
We will be utilizing our online payment system to pay School Fees
for the 2016/2017 school year. In late August / September you can
pay school fees through the POWERSCHOOL
website. This will alleviate having to come into
the school on busy registration days. If you have
not yet set up your account for PowerSchool,
please contact Mrs. Bishop in the office at 780-435
-3964 to receive instructions on how to register.
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Louis St. Laurent Catholic School
Louis St. Laurent School
Grade 12 Graduation Liturgy & Commencement Ceremony
St. Theresa Roman Catholic Parish
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Louis St. Laurent School staff wishes to congratulate all the Louis St. Laurent Grade 12 students who have qualified to
graduate and to participate in the Commencement Ceremony at St. Theresa’s Roman Catholic Church on Tuesday, June
28, 2016. The ceremony will follow the timetable outlined below:
6:30 PM to 7:15 PM
All graduates are to assemble in the hall at St. Theresa
Church to pick up their gowns and caps.
7:15 PM to 7:45 PM
All parents and guests are asked to be seated in the church by 7:45 PM.
(Please remember that you must purchase tickets to the
Commencement Ceremony from the school before June 9th.
There will be no tickets for sale at the door.)
7:45 PM
Procession of graduates and dignitaries into the church.
8:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Graduation Liturgy.
8:30 PM to 9:15 PM
Commencement Ceremony.
9:15 PM to 10:00 PM
All grads and guests are invited to the hall for tea and desserts.
All grads must return their gowns at the hall.
Louis St. Laurent Graduation Liturgy and Commencement Ceremony Ticket Registration
Grade 12 Graduates must register to purchase tickets for the Louis St. Laurent Commencement ceremony
Ticket purchases must be completed by June 9th, 2016
Cost of each ticket is $2.00
To register see Mr. Sosnowski in Room 246 for the registration form
The maximum number of extra tickets that may be purchased by each graduate is 5. (Each graduate receives a
ticket that was purchased with their registration package.)
More tickets may be purchased after the initial closing date of June 9th if there are any available seats. If you
require more tickets, contact Mr. Sosnowski after June 9th.
Graduation Banquet Information
Louis St. Laurent School
Grade 12 Graduation Banquet Ceremony
SHAW Convention Centre, Wed., June 29, 2016
“Sic Itur Ad Astra”
(Such is the Pathway to the Stars)
Tickets sales for the Graduation Banquet were completed on May 31st, 2016.
Please join us for this momentous occasion celebrating your graduate’s successes.
If you have any inquiries or concerns, please contact our Graduation coordinator, at Clifford.Sosnowski@ecsd.net .
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Coaches Corner
PE / Athletics Newsletter Submission
June, 2016
Can you believe it is already JUNE??!! Another great year at LSL, come and gone!!
As the year draws to a close, it is time to wind down some of what’s gone on this year, and start planning for next
year. All of that involves a lot of support and coordination, and I would ask for your help in the following areas.
Firstly, please scour your home, the trunk of your car or (heaven forbid!) your son or daughter’s room for any uniforms that have not been returned to the school. It is a critical time for us to do an inventory of all of our equipment and uniforms, and before people move on to new ventures or simply a summer away, we need to take care of
As well, your help would be greatly appreciated in getting Phys. Ed. lockers cleaned out IMMEDIATELY upon
the conclusion of classes, so that the locker rooms can be cleaned by our custodians, and there is minimal disruption to Senior High students who are writing exams.
Junior High Track Meet was held on May 25th at Rollie Miles field and was a huge success. From the organization/set up of Mr. Nsaliwa, Mr. Gerla, Ms. O’Connor, Ms. Anstice, and Mrs. Cleave, to the AWESOME work of
Mr. Lakusta with the tech support, it was a very well run event! Thanks to our JUNIOR HIGH STAFF who
worked hard all day running events and preparing food. As well, the students’ behavior and the support of the
entire staff made this an event to remember! Hot dog lunch was a nice touch!! Great Job!!! ZONES will be held
at Foote Field on Monday, June 6th and Cities on Wednesday, June 8th.
Also, on the Athletic front, many thanks to our soccer coaches Ms. Schiavon, Mr. Brotto and Mr. Bustamante, for
their time and enthusiasm! Both Varsity Soccer Teams had a great team comradery and battled into the playoffs.
We appreciate the support of all our Barons fans.
In High School Track and Field, the team was small but competed with enthusiasm. Congratulations to:
Labi Feraj (Intermediate) who finished 2nd place for Javelin and 3rd place for Shot Put. He will be representing
LSL at the Provincial Championships in both Javelin and Shot Put. Good Luck at PROVINCIALS which take
place June 3rd-4th.
HIGH SCHOOL Athletic Awards Banquet is nearing. This year’s banquet will be held on Thursday, June 2nd
here at the school. Once again, this evening is held as an opportunity to celebrate the participation of ALL of our
High School athletes; their successes, memorable moments, and the friendships built through their involvement in
sport. All High School athletes are invited and encouraged to attend. Tickets will be available in the Phys. Ed.
Office, and those planning to attend MUST pick up a ticket so we know how many people are coming. We are
limited to 250 people this year. Tickets are FREE for athletes. Parents may purchase tickets from the Business
Office at a cost of $30 and are most welcome to attend! We look forward to seeing you at this celebration of our
Year in Athletics!
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the parents, athletes, students and teachers
who have demonstrated so much support and patience of our programs in Phys. Ed. and Athletics this year. It has
been an extremely successful year and this could not have been possible without all of your dedication to our program. Have a restful, safe, and family-filled summer vacation. It’s truly been a pleasure working with all of you.
Thanks for all your support this year!
Jaret Peel
Athletic Director
Congratulations to Mr. Peel who is the recipient of this
year’s Coach of the Y ear award for his work with our Varsity Men’s Volleyball team. Mr. Peel was selected from
high school coaches throughout the Metro Edmonton area
and will receive his award on Wednesday, June1st @ the
Chateau Louis Conference Centre. Way to go coach!!!
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Art Workshop
On May 5th six of our junior high students, along
with Mrs. Zapisocky, had the opportunity to participate in the Third A nnual Explore in Four – Juxtapose! art workshop at McKernan school. It was an
exciting opportunity for students from around the
city to put their minds together to generate conversation and create artwork that was imaginative,
innovative, and thought provoking. Congratulations to the following students who represented
Louis. St. Laurent so well!
 Eliza De Guzman (Gr. 7)
 Jovi Calderon (Gr. 8)
 Andrea Klapstein (Gr. 9)
 Cyrene Coloma (Gr. 9)
 Nadia Zamora (Gr. 9)
 Trinity Knibbs (Gr. 9)
Thanks, also, to Mrs. Zapisocki for making this
experience possible for our students.
Louis St. Laurent Catholic School
Page 13
We look forward to next year's Fine Arts Season, however with school modernization underway,
changes to this schedule may be necessary.
September TBA
September 28
September 30
October 12 & 14
November 22
December 7, 8, 9, 10
December 14 (tent)
January 20 (tent)
January 30-31
February 7-19
February 9, 10
February 28
March 16, 17, 18
April 11, 12 or 20, 21
April TBA
April TBA
May 11, 12
May 25 (tent)
June 2
June 5
High School Jumpstart
Grade 8 Jumpstart
Grade 9 Jumpstart
Grade 7 Jumpstart
Jazz Concert
Senior High Musical
Music Concert & Art Show
Semester 1 Dance Showcase, Westbury Theatre
Grade 8 Band @ Camp Nakamun
Wildfire Improv Festival
Theatre Intensive 1 Act Festival
Grade 7 Band Concert
Junior High Drama Production
SH MT Cabaret/Solo Duet Dance Showcase
Grade 9 Band Trip to Banff
High School Band @ Whistler
Theatre Intensive Production
Music Concert
Semester 2 Dance Showcase
Big Band Night & Art Show
Glee Show
District Fine Arts Dates:
Dec. TBA
Dec. 7
March 7
March 16
May 3
May 31
June 6
Gr. 9 Quebec Trip 2017
Every year during the cold month of
January, a group of Grade 9 students
take a journey they will never forget
to the Carnavale de Quebec. For over
10 years, this tradition has brought to life our French Canadian culture and history through language, food, games
and snowball fights to our students at Louis Saint Laurent. World renowned for its abundance of winter activities, including snow sculpture competitions, canoe racing
Sr. All City Band
Jr. All City Band
Band Share Day
Heart of Glee
Celebration of the Arts
Jr. All City Band
Sr. All City Band
and the traditional "tire d' Érable," the students get an
authentic Canadian cultural experience while improving
on the French skills they have been building over the
past 3 years. The trip starts in Ottawa with a tour of our
Canadian capital, then the students spend some time in
Quebec City experiencing Old Quebec and many other
fun, cultural and historical activties. During the month
of September, the planning begins for our 2017
trip. The French teachers of Louis Saint Laurent would
like to invite parents of our Grade 9s to consider sending
their child on this memorable trip. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with Miss Roberts at
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Louis St. Laurent Catholic School
June 2016
The advancement in the Internet and digital world has in many ways made our lives easier. Gone are the days of having to line
up to purchase your favorite concert ticket or have change in your pocket to use a pay phone.
With the advancement of the Internet, we now can buy virtually anything online, but with these purchases come risks. There is
an increasing proliferation of criminal activities occurring from online buy and sell sites. Recently, a seller was abducted and
murdered while trying to sell a motor vehicle in Ontario. This is certainly an extreme case, but troubling crime patterns include
selling of stolen or fake cell phones and concert tickets, fake PayPal messages and robberies occurring during meetings to purchase expensive items arranged via online deals.
Some simple steps can significantly reduce the chance of becoming a victim of a crime. If meeting a buyer or seller, make sure
the exchange is in a public place, with lots of people around. Bring someone with you and, if possible, meet in a safe zone, like
a police station etc. Keep all e-mails and screen shot the original ad. Remember paper concert tickets can be sold and resold
many times over, leaving many disappointed people arriving at the concert venue. Ask for verification that the tickets were
actually purchased by the seller and if possible have an electronic transfer from the sellers account directly.
Some simple prevention choices will save you money and prevent you from being a victim. The most important message is
simple. “THINGS THAT SEEM TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE USUALLY ARE”, which means if a cell phone worth $1000 is
for sale online for $200, this is a huge warning sign that the phone is stolen or fake. If the deal feels bad or unusual it probably
is, and the best advice is to walk away and avoid the possibility of being scammed or worse.
School Team Advisors for Youth (STAY
Junior High schools in the Edmonton Catholic School District each have School Team Advisors for Y outh (STAY) which are
comprised of retired Police Officers.
The STAY role involves:
 Educating, mentoring and empowering students
 Educating and mentoring parents on the realities their children face each day by raising parents awareness on these
 Educating and mentoring staff on the realities that students face each day.
 Working in partnership with school administration to develop action plans for safety and health of all students.
STAY Advisors in our Junior High schools make a difference in the lives of our youth by encouraging them to “STAY” in
school. The STAY teams work hard to ensure our youth succeed in life.
LSL Receives Grant
Thanks to Mr. MacDonald and Ms. Gamache for the
submission on behalf of Louis St. Laurent school to
the United Way of the Alberta Capital Region’s
Make Your Mark on Poverty grant program. United
Way supported our proposal for Growing with our
Community – Youth as Gardeners and awarded us
$2,500 in grant funding for the project. The funding
supports the Gr. 7 Science Program in conjunction
with CTS Construction and Food Studies.
This Collaborative Project emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of our MYP Program as well as
sustainable development and environment stewardship. The project will also showcase our Courtyard
as a living classroom for students to work in as part
of the initiative, with an end goal of students developing the capacity to start their own community
gardens in the neighbourhoods surrounding our
school. Many thanks to Mr. MacDonald and Ms.
Gamache for spearheading this initiative and securing funding for this innovative project.