- The Forest City News
- The Forest City News
$30.00/yr. Susq., Wayne, Lacka Counties $40.00/yr. all other mailing zones 636 Main Street, Forest City, PA 18421 75¢ VOL. 129, NO. 16 Forest City - Starting Line for Steamtown Marathon October 9, 2016 Named One of 10 Fastest U.S. Marathon Courses by Runners World Wednesday, March 16, 2016 The Forest City News Odds ‘n END Local readers Read Across America S by meen P. Ka & fsky trie S a i c John i Patr The occupancy of the former Jerry’s Sports Center Building in Vandling by a Long Island paper company has been known for some time by Greater Forest City Industries Inc. GFCI officials met with the company’s owner on Dec. 9, at the JSC Building to discuss financing of the project. GFCI was honoring a pledge to the state of Pennsylvania not to announce it until an official announcement was made by state officials. Channel 16 got wind of the project and broke it on March 7th catching all those who worked on it flat-footed. Andy Skrip, of the Scranton Chamber of Commerce, who did the bulk of the financial and logistical work in getting Select to locate here, called GFCI on that Monday around noon to say “the cat is out of the bag” and that we could make whatever announcements we wanted. Due to our press deadline on Monday morning we were only able to get the photo of the “Now Hiring” sign in last week’s edition. This is a major economic boost to this area in that it involves good-paying manufacturing jobs, something which has been sorely missed in the Forest City area for many years. GFCI Pres. Bob McGraw put a humorous spin on the facts of the announcement. He said that in 2009, GFCI had the announcement and ground breaking for the electronics company, JEC Technologies Inc., and that project never happened. This time the plant came here and then the announcement was made. ***** School Districts and social service agencies are going broke and Pennsylvania is spending $750,000 for a new slogan. The new slogan is “Pennsylvania. Pursue Your Happiness.” It replaces “The State of Independence.” It cost $250,000 to research and develop the slogan. They plan to spend $500,000 to implement it. What Idiocy!!! ***** A big happy birthday to my buddy Tom Butler who was 83 last week and still going strong. See his story in our Community Spotlight on pg. 4 this week. ***** At the invitation of our golf column writer Art McLain I played golf on Fern Hall’s opening day, March 8. Conditions were remarkably good and mostly dry. Greens were great. First time in my life I ever played around here this early in March. ***** The flags came out at Panorama Golf Course on March 9 with about 15 cars in the parking lot. ***** A large crowd turned out for the first ever wine tasting event at Shirley’s Restaurant last Wednesday. Four wineries including Stephen Pendrak Family Winery, Ferrone, Capra Collina, and Lucchi Family Winery served up a variety of sweet and dry wines which were paired with homemade foods prepared by Shirley’s Restaurant staff. Ros-Al Events planned the evening and plans a few more wine tasting events throughout the year. A part of the proceeds will be donated to the Forest City Police Department. ***** Vandling’s former Jerry’s Sport Center Building to be Occupied by Long Island Paper Company Bob McGraw, president of Greater Forest City Industries Inc., announced last week that Select Products Holding LLC, a paper company from Huntington, Long Isaland, NY, entered into a lease-purchase agreement January 19th for the Jerry’s Sports Center Building in Vandling. The company occupied the building March 1st. Owner Simon Roozrokh met with Greater Forest City Industries Inc. and the Scranton Chamber of Commerce on December 9 at the JSC Building. He told GFCI he anticipates initial employment of 30 people. He then expects employment of 60 after one year and 130 employees after three years. The company attended a job fair in Lackawanna County recently and also posted a sign outside the Vandling location indicating the type of positions available. They include: Machine operators, Forklift drivers, Production Mechanical & Electrical technicians, Machinist, Maintenance manager, Production manager, Shift supervisor, Shipping Receiving clerk, Office clerk. The posting of the “Now Hiring” sign at the plant on March 4 brought a rush of inquiries from area people who were interested. Pres. McGraw stated that, at that time, GFCI was still bound by an embargo on making any announcements imposed by the state government who would be making it public at a later date. However, with an announcement planned by the state on March 22, WNEP-TV Channel 16, broke the story on its evening broadcast forcing the state to issue a press release on the plants opening. The official announcement will be Tuesday, March 22, at 2 p.m. at the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce, Scranton. The new plant will be assisted by funds from the Governor’s Action Team and from Penna. Dept. of Community & Economic Development. They include a $280,000 PA First Grant, $280,000 in Job Creation Tax Credits and $63,000 in employee training grants. The entire project cost is estimated at $6.6 million. Andy Skrip, of the Scranton Chamber of Commerce, indicated that the owner hopes to secure most of the employees from the local area including the management and supervisory personnel. At the New York plant, Select manufactures bath tissue, facial tissues, napkins and paper towels among its products. It also is in the process of developing a line of environmentally responsible products called Select Green. The size of the papermaking machinery will require major renovations to the building. Select has already had Scranton area building contractors at the building to provide estimates of the renovations needed. Area families are invited to Provide museum displays The Forest City Area Historical Society is reaching out to the community to have area families lend photos, items and artifacts of their family to be displayed in a special family display case in the museum for a period from one to six months. The displays will be assigned on a first come first serve basis. All display items must be approved by the Historical Society. Families will be asked to bring the items to the museum between the 1st and 5th day of the first month assigned. The items will then be placed in the display case and the Society will attach appropriate captions as the Society sees fit. The Forest City Area Historical Society or members are not responsible for damage, loss or unforeseen problems with the items listed. The museum and building are protected by a 24-hour alarm system. Those responsible for loaning the items should insure any valuable items if they so choose. Any requester must fill out and sign a Display Case Request Form which can be secured by contacting Sherry Sparks, 570-756-2626 or email endlesst@nep.net. Forest City will be having its 194 street lights upgraded with new white LED bulbs within the next three months. Pres. Orasin said he saw on TV that PPL was beginning the program and had Boro Secretary Sharon Vannan contact the utility. Though the leasing of the new LED bulbs will cost about $1.00 more for each, PPL says the town will save about $1,200 a year in electric costs. Date for tax collection is incorrect on bills New street lites For Forest City A misprint on the tax bills for Forest City Borough stated that collection would take place on March 17. It should have read it would take place on Friday, March 18, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. Business and community members joined forces with Forest City Regional Elementary School on March 2 to “Read Across America” in conjunction with Dr. Seuss Day. Pictured are from left first row: Ellen Rosenfeld, Nicole Cost, Acting Elementary Principal Leeta Dennenbaum, Father Bryan Clarke, and Kevin Lesjack; second, row, Dr. Henry Nebzydoski, (Cat in the Hat), with granddaughter, Anna Nebzydoski; Brenda Pecko, Jennifer Butler, Bernice Lukus, Dr. Mary Surridge, Alyssa Bowan, Brittany Burrell, Beth Spinelli & her nephew, Jonathan Nebzydoski; Carrie Bonham, Jill Bailer, Ashley Hornbeck, Susan & Joe Dovin; third row, Brian Fitzsimmons, Dr. Jessica Aquilina, superintendent; Joe Franceski, Jose the Leprechaun, and Rich Turano. Fc Council hears good news About large employer coming Council to consider changing no-alcohol policy at KP Forest City Borough Council heard the good news about the upcoming location of Select Tissue Co. in the former Jerry’s Sports Center Building at its March 7 meeting. John Kameen of Greater Forest City Industries Inc. said GFCI and the Scranton Chamber of Commerce had been working since November to facilitate the plants location in Vandling. Kameen said that owner Simon Rooskoph told GFCI at a Dec. 16 meeting at the JSC Building that he hoped to occupy the building by March 1st and that his initial employment would be 30, with 60 employees within a year, and a total of 130 within 3 years. Councilman Ed Pearsall said it was the best news he had heard at Council in his two years as a Councilman. Council President William Orasin echoed that sentiment saying it was a very positive step for this area. Pres. Orasin said Council was ready and willing to assist the project if needed. PARK GRANT SOUGHT Council spent a great deal of time discussing projects in Kennedy Park and Babe Ruth Field. Pres. Orasin said Council is seeking a $60,000 DCNR grant to rebuild the KP basketball court and to establish handicapped parking and a handicapped ramp. He said the Borough would have to provide $20,000 matching funds with DCNR providing $40,000. Council approved the $20,000 matching funds unanimously and will take the money from its $170,000 in Act 13 Natural Gas Impact Funds. Councilman Ed Pearsall, who heads the Parks & Recreation Committee, said this was just the first part of a five-year plan to renew Kennedy Park. Also needed would be to re-do the bathroom facilities and other parts of the Sat. April 9th May be last E-recycling Forest City Council will conduct what could be its last Electronics Recycling on Saturday, April 9 from 8 to 11AM, at the Recycling Center. Council Pres. Bill Orasin indicated that it is becoming difficult to handle electronic recycling in the state and the Susq. County Recycling Center has stopped accepting Erecycling. Forest City sends its E-recycling at the present time to Lackawanna Recycling but this could stop also so he suggested that Forest City residents get rid of all the electronics they might have on April 9th. Park to bring it back to the condition it was in years back. On the much discussed renewal of Babe Ruth Field, Jeremy Popiel, who is cross country coach at FCR and is associated with the Carbondale YMCA, suggested building a community track at the North Main Street park. Popiel did not have any cost figures but was told by Council Pres. Orasin to talk to FCR School Board to see if they would be interested in participating in such a project. ROTARY WINE EVENT A group from the Forest City Area Rotary Club asked Council to consider changing its no-alcohol policy at Kennedy Park so that the Rotary could hold its annual Wine Festival there on Sept. 24. Rotarians Stephanie Collier, Eileen lynch and Rick Priebe said the event needs a larger venue due to its past success. They said the funds raised all go to community projects. Borough Solicitor Paul Smith discussed the ramifications of allowing alcohol use there since Council has had a no-alcohol policy in effect there since the Park’s inception. After much discussion Rotary agreed to discuss its insurance coverage with its carrier and would also talk to the Little League about the possible use of their field for the event since it would it would provide better crowd control with limited ac- cess to the wine event. They will being back answers to Council next month and Council said they want to work with the Rotary and agreed to modify their no-alcohol ban if the Borough could be protected from lawsuits. COUNCIL VACANCY Council accepted with regret the resignation of David Thomas as Councilman. Mr. Thomas wrote that he was resigning due to health and family concerns. Council members said they regretted his loss since he had been a valuable member and they had enjoyed working with him. Council will advertise for a replacement. Candidates will be interviewed by Pres. Orasin and Council members Nick Cost and Joann Matarese and recommendation will be brought to the April 4 meeting. LIQUID FUEL FUNDS Council received $57,883 in State Liquid Fuels tax funds for 2016. This is approximately 16% more than received last year. SEEK RESIGNATION After a short executive session Council approved Mayor Pauline Wilcox request to send a letter seeking the resignation of Part Time Police officer Art Ceccato since he has been unable to make his shifts. He will be asked to return all his police items. Cont. on page 2 Mother’s Day Photos for The Forest City News The Forest City News will be accepting photographs for its annual Mother’s Day edition. The date of the publication for this edition is Wednesday, May 4. This year Mother’s Day is on May 8th. This year’s e dition will again give t hose wishing to have their photo in it to have the option of black and white or color. We will be accepting the first 30 photos who wish to have color. The cost is $15 for color and $12 for black and white photos. Anyone interested in having their picture in this issue can email or drop off a picture at the News office no later than Wed., April 27th. You can email photos to fcnews@nep.net. Everyone who submits a photo will also have the photo included on our website, in color, for FREE. Two Day Customer Appreciation Sale Stock Up & Save VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and Access Credit Cards Accepted PRICE EFFECTIVE Fri. & Sat., March 18 & 19 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM