Bledi Stefa: Albania Presentation


Bledi Stefa: Albania Presentation
Name of organisation
Albania Association of Geodesy
Scanderbeg Square
Tirane, Albania
00355 (0) 6927 24 275
What is AAG
Was established in 1991 by 15 members
Some of the Objectives of AAG
To provide asistence in the development and progress
various branches of the profession
professionals across national and international borders
To initiate promote and handle the resolution of
organizational problems theoretical and practial the present
and the future
To protect the interests of its members in the technical,
economic and legal way
To appreciate the importance of Geodesy
Assist in drafting state legislation needed for the existence
and the development of profession
The Structure of AAG
The General Assembly of Members
The Counsil have 2 Vice Predsident and General secretary
The General Assembly meets at least once a year
The managemant of AAG is undertaken by the
Counsil and President
Honorary Members
Chryssy Potsiou (GR)
Kurt Brettenbauer (AUS)
Harald Schuh (AUS)
Murat Meha (KS)
Abdurrahman Kuleta (KS-SHGJK)
Perparim Ahmeti (KS)
7. Muharrem Dragovoja
8. Gjergji Qeleshi
9. Ylli Kolonja
10. Ahmet Jazo
11. Sashenka Foto
12. Qazim Striniqi
13. Qemal Skuka
14. Muharrem Seseri
15. Nexhat Turkeshi
16. Hyqmet Demiri
17. Hiqmet Gonxhe
What have We do after 2010
Before 2010 AAG had 30 members. Now there are more
than 150 members
Every City in Albania have a Corespondent
We created paralel Structure “Young Surveyors”
We made Cards for every member
Already we have a e-mail adress ( and a
web-site (
We are trying to be present in every draft the Government
start to discuss
After 2010 we have contact with similar organisations and
associations all round the world
During this period we have made a lot of
agreement cooperation with:
Albanian Geotechnical Society
The Albanian Society of Real Property Valuers
Albanian Construction Association
Albanian Architects Association
We have contact with:
Most of Active Surveyors works in public and
privat sectors
Licensed Surveyors
Privat Company
Government of Albania
Similar organisations in Kosova, Montenegro
and Macedonia
What is missing, what can we do better and who
are the problems:
We should have more surveyors work in public
They should be active in every drafts and law
Every surveyors must be near in front of our
general interests
We should drafting the Professional Standarts
Albania needs to have max and min prices for
Geodetic Works. We just start to discuss for
this draft with Group of Interests and Ministry
of Public Works and Transport
We should have all the posible points of the
licenses, (not 2 or 3 points)
Avarage payment in Albania for our profession
is about 300 euro
In the name of AAG, I sugeste you to influence
wherever you can for the development of Geodesy
in Albania. For development of the legal field,
technical and economically fields
If you have any employment opportunity, for us is
very important
If you have any professional training, for us is
very important because,
we know the
technology, methodes and every thing new, to
implement in Albania
Already as you know, Albania is part of NATO and
we have a invitation to join the EUROPEAN UNION
after we have done some reforms
Thank you very much for what you have do until now
Where Surveyors can work in Albania?
• Immoviable Property Registration Office
• Agensy of Legalisations, Urbanisations,
Integrations of the Informal Zones
• Agensy of Return and Compensation of the
• Most of Ministries have 1 or 2 Surveyors
• General Directory of Roads
• Military Geographical Institute
• Natioanl Directory of Housing
• The Technical Construction Central Archive
What is new for Albania?
With help of The European Union Albania built The
“ALBPOS” VRS Sistem (Albanian Possitioning Sistem)
GPS permanent Stations (16). 50- 70 Km is the distance between
With all the Interests Group and in collaboration with
Government of Albania, Ministry of Public Works and
Transport we have ready to The Parliament of Albania
The Project Law for
“The Room (Order) of Engineers and Architects”
The opinion and sugestions of Interests Group after
meeting for The Project Law for
“The Room (Order) of Engineers and Architects”
In 22 Janary 2010 we had 20th anniversary of AAG. In that
day we had about 400 participations. Most of them were
from Albania, the others were from Kosova, Macedonia,
Presheva, Montenegro. There were special gests from
FIG, Greece etc. It was the biggest meeting we have seen
before and every people was present, felt the new wind
for our profession.
Now and ever, 22 Janary for us is:
“The Day of Surveyors The Day of Geodesy”
Albania Association of Geodesy created in Novembre 25. 2010
The Young Surveyors Structure
This Structure is as a bridge between AAG and our Profession
AAG in every moment helps YS in the first steps of their careers
Young Surveyors are part in every event or conference AAG
As the President of AAG, I continue to make agreement with Privat
and Public Sector, for practics of YS Structure.
As you see, after 2010 AAG have a wide activity
For that, we are thinking to print a magazine called “The
Surveyor” It will be dificulty but we will do as soon as we
The magazine will have free space for marketing and
Every persons, organisations or any company can help us
they can make their marketing and promotion in any pages
of our magazine.
The Surveyor Magazine will print in two languages
Albanian and English
The number of copies maybe will be 500
In last 5 years, the development of Albania is visible in
almost all areas.
We built and we are going to built more than 25 new rouds
throughout Albania
More than 100 cadastrale zone are going to
systematic first registration of real estate
Constructions of more than 500 small Hydropower
The Railways
are very old, which need for maintenance
Albania the Country that during about 4 years
built 2 big Tunnels
The first is The Tunnel that join Kosova and
Albania. This Tunnel is about 6 km and now is
finished. The second is the tunnel that join Tirana
with Elbasan. This is about 3 km and is being built.
Works in the project
Yacht Port
National Stadium
The Corpus of Polytechnic University
Parliamentary Campus
A big number of projects about
Enviroimental, Agriculture, Tourisem and
Water Sistems
It’s another important thing:
There are a lot of Privat University open in Albania
for Architecture and Construction. The number of
students is growing up every year
There is one Departament of Geodesy in The
The last years the number of
students study for Geodesy is about 100
In our opinion maybe is the time that in Albania
must open a Privat University for Geodesy or……
where outcome 3-4 branches
Thank you very much for your attention
I suggest you to think about organiser of
General Assambly in Albania
On the other side you can visit Albania just for