Holiday Issue 2007 Nubble Lighthouse York, Maine


Holiday Issue 2007 Nubble Lighthouse York, Maine
Holiday Issue 2007
Nubble Lighthouse
York, Maine
2 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
Vol 50
Holiday Issue 2007
No 10
Columns & Special Features
President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Tales from the Creeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The Next Apex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
BMW CCA loses long time member. . . . . . 11
Boston Chapter wins Award . . . . . . . . . . 24
3rd Quarter Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Behind the Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Fall wine tasting party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Upcoming Events
Annual Holiday Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Up for Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2008 Autocross Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Standing Features
New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Foundation Print Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Officers and Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
On the Cover
Boston Bimmer
photographer Barry
Tarr and his 2002
M3 took time out
to enjoy the holiday
lights at the Nubble
Lighthouse in York, Maine.
The lighthouse and tower are
decorated for Christmas every
year and the lights are lit from the
Saturday after Thanksgiving until
after Christmas.
Photo by Barry Tarr | 3
Advertising Rates
Celebrate a great year!
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1/12 Page
(business card)
Color Ad Rates:
Color is an additional charge to the rates
shown on the Club web site at
aspx. and requires prior confirmation with
the Boston Bimmer Editor. Spot color is
available as a processed color only. Color
is not discounted for multiple insertions.
Ad Size
Full Page
2/3 Page
1/2 Page
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Spot Color
$30 per page
4 Color
$60 per page
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1/12 Page
Special Placements:
Special placements include: inside front
cover, inside back cover, back cover, table
of contents page and 2-page spread pages.
Rates for special placements are listed on
the Club web site at
org/bimmer/info/rate-card.aspx. Special
placements require prior approval.
Boston Chapter’s
Annual Holiday Party
January 19 at 7 p.m.
reat News! The Boston Chapters Annual Party is booked and ready
to go. Be sure to save the date for this growing event. The event
will be held at Lombardo’s in Randolph, MA on January 19th at
7:00pm. This is a great event to meet fellow members and make some
great friendships.
The evening’s program will include something for everyone, including: the Annual Autocross and Membership Awards, Music and
Dancing, the introduction of the 2008 Chapter Officers, and our Annual Silent Auction for charity. Once again this year, our silent auction
will benefit the Jimmy Fund. If you would like to donate any products,
services, or gift certificates to this cause please contact Derek DeSousa
at or 401-265-4576.
This year ’s Buffet Dinner will feature:
Hors d’oeuvres
Rates and availability for inserts upon
request. Not all inserts can be managed by
our fulfillment center.
Terms, Conditions and Services:
Boston Bimmer rates are subject to change.
A complete list of advertising rates, payment terms, cancellation and commission
policies, and design services are listed on
the Club web site at
Scallops with
Shrimp Cocktail
Cheese and
Cocktail balls
Chicken Francase
Roast Top Sirloin
Atlantic Cod
Three Cheese
Shrimp Scampi
Ziti Pomodoro
Salad & Rolls
Layer Cakes
Fresh Fruit
Cheese Cakes
Yogurt Parfait
Tickets and registration:
The Boston Bimmer is
the official publication
of the Boston Chapter,
BMW CCA, Inc. The
Boston Chapter and its
individual contributors
retain the copyright for
all information, articles
and photos included
in the publication in both the print and
electronic versions. Reproduction or other
use of the materials in this publication
is not permitted without the written
approval of the Boston Chapter of the
BMW CCA. Unless otherwise stated,
maintenance and modification procedures
herein are not “Factory Authorized” and
their use may void your BMW warranty.
Ideas and opinions are those of the
writers, and no authentication or approval
is implied by the editor or the Board,
who assume no liability for information
contained herein. The publication is
printed 10 times a year and mailed to
members in good standing at the time of
4 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. Party tickets are $30 per person
(adults only), and members are allowed to bring one guest. To register
use the Boston Chapter online registration system. Registration is on
a first come first served basis and payment is required at the time of
Located at the intersection of Route 128/93 and Route 28 in
Randolph MA
From Boston – Take 93 South, at Braintree split stay on 93 South(128
North) to exit 5A*
From Cape Cod – Take Route 3 North, to Route 93 South (128 North)
to exit 5A*
From Rhode Island – Take 95 North or Route 24 North, to 93 North
(128 South), to Exit 5A*
*Take a right at the first set of lights on to Scanlon Drive. Lombardo’s will be
on the right, next door to the Holiday
President’s Message
by John Oglesby
ell, winter seemed to come early this year. Unfortunately, I seem to remember spring coming
late as well. Makes you wonder about global
warming. The result is that I didn’t meet my schedule
for getting the cars ready for the summer, and I also
didn’t meet the schedule for getting them ready for the
winter either! I was just sure that there was going to be
a time during the Thanksgiving weekend to get the M3
out (it snowed) and that after the holiday it would warm
up and I would get the cars out before Christmas (more
snow and cold). So instead, I am reliving the memories
of all of the great Boston Chapter events I had a chance
to participate in this year. It has been an action packed
year for your Chapter, with new events and many traditional favorites. The annual Holiday party in January
will finish off this season in style. I hope to see a lot of
you there this year. It is a fun event with great food and
a wonderful chance to meet up with old friends and
make some new BMW friends.
The racing season is finally wrapped up with another
great year for BMW. Andy Prilaux and BMW won the
driver’s and manufacturer’s titles respectively in the
World Touring Car Championship round at Macau,
China. Andy went into the race tied for the lead and
seemed destined to go down in defeat as the turbo
diesels from SEAT were very fast due to a rules loophole that gave them a power advantage. However, the
Championship was decided in the first race when the
diesel died on the last lap and couldn’t be fixed for race
two. So Andy made it three world titles in a row for
himself and BMW.
BMW didn’t do as well in their first year in the British
season, but managed to win five races. The RAC team
with James Thompson was starting to get very competitive late in the season. James followed up the season
by winning BMW’s award for their best driver from all
series around the world. Unfortunately, BMW doesn’t
actively support much racing in the US, but there were
two notable independent teams with strong showings.
Boston Chapter’s Will Turner was very successful with
his independent Turner Motorsports Team winning the
Grand-Am ST Championship for the second year in a
row. James Clay’s Bimmerworld team managed to get
to the front of the field in the SPEED Touring Car series
winning one round and is looking to improve in next
year’s series.
As we plan for next years events, we are looking to
expand our Chapter activities with a Rally event or two
and the addition of a new race venue as well. Watch
for more on those events in a future issue and on the
Chapter website. We have a lot of new people involved
in the club this year and I hope to see a broader diversity in the types of events we are able to sponsor in the
2008. Hope to see you there. Until next month, stay on
track! ♦
opened their
doors to the
Boston Chapter
for its Annual
Wine Tasting
Party. For the
complete story
and more
pictures turn to
page 30. | 5
Tales from the Creeper
Back to Basics
his month I thought we’d go back to basics and discuss routine maintenance. Attempt these procedures
and utilize this information at your own risk.
by Colin S. Whelan
original 2-3 year lease owner? Since I keep my cars for
a long time and like to over maintain them, I change my
transmission and differential fluids every 2-3 years, or
about 30K miles. If you’ve noticed the shifting of your
manual transmission getting notchy, it’s probably time
to change the fluids. Modern automatics can be more
difficult, since they often require very special, hard to
find fluids. This is one of the rare items probably better
left for the dealership.
For the differential, it’s important you get the right
fluid, depending on whether you have a limited slip
or not. For example, Redline
pre-mixes limited slip additive into their regular gear
lube (Figure 1). However
they also sell a “NS” fluid
for non-limited slip applications. Remember to always
remove the fill plug first
(before the drain plug), just
in case! A pressured fluid
filler (Figure 2), or a screwon hose attachment for the
bottle are essential for refilling differentials and manual
transmissions, since there is
often limited access.
It seems that the frequency at which people change
their oil, is either based on the lights on their dash
(up to 15,000 miles) or at the other end of the obsessive spectrum at 3,000 miles. I must admit, I’m on the
shorter mileage end, changing my M3 every 3,000 and
the family sedan every 5,000 miles, both with synthetic.
A more scientific method
is to take a small sample of
your used oil and send it
to a lab (like Blackstone).
They will tell you the
level of contaminants as
well the remaining life, so
you can adjust your next
change interval.
There are a number of
excellent synthetic oils,
with my favorites being
Mobil 1, Amsoil and Redline. The two numbers
XXW-YY, refer to the cold
(XX) and hot (YY) viscosities. Your choice should
be based on the manufacAir and
turer’s recommendation,
Pollen Filters
adjusted for the season
Don’t forget to change
and the type of driving
your air filter every 15-20K
that you do. For example, Figure 1. Mobil 1 Synthetic ATF and Redline
miles! Your gas mileage will
while a 0W-30 is excellent 75W-90 for limited slip differentials
improve with this simple
for good gas mileage and
maintenance. You could alreduced cold start wear, it offers less protection than a
ways use stock paper type elements that filter well, but
15W-50 under hot conditions. Some of the more recent
are moderately restrictive. Of course there are other
M motors require very special and expensive oil like
options that improve air flow and are re-useable after
10W-60. For oil filters, I generally use OEM, or a high
cleaning (like (oiled) cotton and foam air cleaners), but
quality aftermarket like Mobil 1.
these can sometimes compromise a little filtering. (You
can actually monitor this level of filtering with your oil
Drivetrain Fluids
analysis, by looking at the level of silicon). Don’t forget
Many of the manufacturers claim to use “lifetime”
to do your interior pollen filter every 15-20K miles too,
fluids, but the question remains whose lifetime. The
if your car is so equipped.
6 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
Coolant and Brake Fluid
I like to change the coolant every 2-3 years or every 2530K miles. It’s very important to use the right type of
coolant, as there now are a number of different types
available and they’re not compatible (traditional green
phosphate antifreeze, OAT-based extended life and
hybrid OAT). This is especially important on BMWs,
where recently the cooling systems have become quite
fragile (E36 water pumps and radiators, E39 radiators).
Brake fluid is hydroscopic (absorbs water), which not
only degrades its boiling point, but also leads to corrosion over time. I’d recommend changing this every
two years, unless the car sees some high performance
driving (like autocross or track), in which case much
more often. This can be done with the traditional pump
the pedal method, a pressure or a vacuum bleeder. My
favorite fluid is ATE Type 200 which offers higher dry
(532F, no absorbed water) and wet (392F, water absorbed) boiling points than stock, and is fairly priced
(Figure 3).
It’s worthwhile checking your tire pressures every couple of months too, as they not only lose pressure very
slowly over time, but the change of seasons can also
change the pressure by up to
1 PSI for every 10F temperature change.
Figure 2. Fluid evacuator and pressured filler
for helping to change oil, coolant, transmission
and differential fluids
Chassis Lube
Lubricating the chassis is
something that is often overlooked (since you usually
don’t have major problems
in this area). I like to use
white lithium grease on the
door, trunk and hood hinges, as well as the gas cap
cover. BMW and Wurth also
sell weather stripping lube
which keeps them supple
and squeak free. I do this
every year. ♦
Figure 3. ATE Type 200
brake fluid and vacuum
brake bleeder | 7
The Next Apex
Car & Driver’s Lightning Lap
Produce Puzzling Results
nless you are a total yahoo and rev up your car’s
motor while sitting at a stoplight and then dump
the clutch (or the brake pedal for those with Steptronic), 0-60 tests are absolutely meaningless. While
5-30, or even 30-70, tests would be more applicable
to everyday driving, the holy grail of all tests for car
enthusiasts is putting a car through its paces and benchmarking it against other cars at the racetrack.
This is why I was so excited about the introduction
of the “Lightning Lap” time comparison Car & Driver
debuted last year. In this test, C&D benchmarks the lap
times of performance street cars at Virginia International Raceway, one of the most challenging tracks in the
U.S. There are a few European auto magazines, most
notably Sport Auto, which have been benchmarking cars
at the Nurburgring for years. It is great to see a publication Stateside that is finally willing to go through the
hassle and expense of lining up cars and testing them
at the track.
The test in the August 2007 issue (http://www. was especially interesting to BMW
enthusiasts, as it pitted two of today’s hottest BMWs
against each other: the Z4M Coupe and the 335i Coupe.
Now I know what you’re thinking: the sportier Z4 M
Coupe should edge the more subdued 335i coupe,
hands down. Remarkably, the 335i Coupe beat the Z4 M
Coupe in the lap times! While it is tantalizing to think
Munich’s latest 3-Series is so incredibly good that it
can actually lap faster than the lighter, more powerful,
and considerably more track-focused M Coupe, I found
some inaccurate baseline data and puzzling inconsistencies with the testing that I was not able to reconcile.
I sent an e-mail to the Car & Driver’s editor with a
8 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
by Christo Tinkov
request for some clarification, as well as suggestions
for improving future tests, but they chose not to publish it even though I have been a subscriber for over 10
years. (It makes you really appreciate our Roundel and
Boston Bimmer publications, which publish every letter
they get!) Luckily, I can post my original letter to Car &
Driver, dated July 25, 2007, here in its entirety:
“According to BMWNA’s site, the BMW 335i manual
weighs 3,571 lbs and the M Coupe weighs 3,230 lbs. All
else equal, the M Coupe is 340 lbs lighter than the 335i
and you should be able to account for the 54-lb difference that you quoted in your Lightning Lap test. I’d
expect any car’s weight to be at least as much as the
manufacturer’s stated curb weight, and usually a few
pounds more depending on how the car is optioned. It
is very puzzling that the 335i in your test weighed 200
lbs less than the manufacturer’s stated weight. Did you
weigh the car and if you did, how do you explain such
a significant weight reduction?
In addition to the horsepower advantage, the M
Coupe has an aggressive 3.62 final drive and the 335i
has a leisurely 3.08 final drive; the M Coupe has the M
variable limited slip differential and the 335 does not
(did you not smoke the 335i’s inside rear tire coming out
of Oak Tree?); the 335i has heavier run-flat tires (more
rotational weight); the M Coupe has bigger brakes, etc.
and it should be faster around a track.
If you add up all 5 sector times for the two cars, the
M Coupe was .4 seconds quicker than the 335i. Since the
335i posted a lap time faster by 1.2 seconds, it would
have had to be 1.6 seconds quicker than the M Coupe
in the rest of the track not measured on your test. This
indicates that the segments you chose to measure are
not most representative of what the cars really can do.
Have you considered hiring professional drivers for
your Lightning Lap tests to reduce lap time variations
due to driver mistakes? Top Gear does that. I know I
probably would vote against that idea if I worked at
C&D but as a subscriber, I think this would add more
validity to your test’s lap times.“
I would love to get answers to my questions:
 Why was the 335i Coupe’s stated weight more
than 200 lbs lower than the manufacturer’s stated
curb weight?
 Where did it gain on the track over
the M Coupe?
 How many laps were run and did
the drivers get at least one clean
lap with no major mistakes?
 How would the cars perform if
they had been equipped with the
same brand tires while retaining
the factory tire size?
 Were the cars bone stock or did
some come with dealer-installed
aftermarket parts, like dedicated
track pads?
 How were the brakes holding up
after a few laps and did that impact results?
 How the hell do you pronounce
‘Csaba Csere’?
In Sector 3 of the track, the M Coupe
has by far the lowest speed of the 13
cars tested. Unless you believe that the
M Coupe has reason to be significantly
slower in that one particular corner than
any of the other 13 cars in the test, that
statistic probably means the driver had
nearly lost control of the car, or perhaps
stopped for a light snack. It is also very
puzzling that even though the M Coupe
has a much better power-to-weight ratio
and tested better in straight line acceleration tests conducted by car magazines,
the 335i had a marginally higher trap
speed on the front straight, even though
the two cars had very similar exit speed
going into it. There have been a few
335i’s dyno results posted on various
Internet boards, which suggest that in
baseline trim, the 335i puts out about
the same horsepower as the S54 engine
found in the M3/M Roadster/M Coupe.
I am inclined to believe that BMW AG
understated that engine’s output, but
still — the 335i is a much heavier car
out of the box.
While Car & Driver’s Lightning Lap
idea is great, its execution, baseline
data, and results interpretation, for me,
leave much to be desired. I am sure they
will improve their tests over time. When
they do, I can’t wait to find out what the
lighter 135i with the same 3.0-ltr twinturbo engine as the 335i will be able to
do in 2008’s Lightning Lap test! Just to
make sure it goes smoothly, I volunteer
to be the driver. ♦ | 9
10 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
BMW CCA loses long time member
Harmon William Fischer
Longtime BMW CCA North America member,
Harmon William Fischer (75), died on Thursday,
November 8, 2007 at his home. Harmon was
a long time member of the BMW Car Club of
America, served on the Club’s national board for
thirteen years, and was president for two years.
Harmon was the Bayou Chapter President as well.
His license plate M3F had many an interesting
story. He was a co-owner of Import Auto, Inc., a
dealer for BMW, Peugeot, and Citroen automobiles
in the early 1970s. Anyone involved in the BMW
CCA organization that knew Harmon will miss
him and his humor.
Harmon was born in New Orleans, LA and
lived in Metairie and Jefferson, LA for many
years. He graduated from New Orleans Academy
in 1949, and briefly attended Tulane University
after starting at Holmes Company, LTD, where he
retired as Vice President of Planning and research.
He also served in the 122nd Bomb Squadron (L)
of the Louisiana Air National Guard for over
seven years, including active duty with the U.S.
Air Force during the Korean Conflict. He was
an active member of the Squadron’s Restoration
Group involved in preservation of older aircraft
for the Louisiana National Guard Museum at
Jackson Barracks. In his characteristic laid back
style, he specified that no neckties be worn to his
memorial services. | 11
12 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007 | 13
join the car club
new members
Why join the BMW Car Club of America?
Because your membership will add to your
enjoyment of one of the world’s finest
automobiles, and you can take advantage of
the many Club services that are available.
Whether you own a brand-new BMW or a
classic model, whether you’re interested in
technical information, driving challenges,
interaction with other owners, or consumer
tips, the Club is here to serve you.
Your membership will bring you 12 issues of
Roundel magazine, filled with maintenance
tips, new product information and the latest
BMW news.
your membership entitles you to:
• the Roundel, the Club’s
monthly magazine
• discounts on parts and supplies
• free classified ads
• video services
• driving schools at internationally
renowned race tracks
• autocrosses
• leaf-peeping tours
• technical tips and information
• tech sessions
• social events
• camaraderie
• outstanding National events:
Oktoberfest and TechFest
To join, log onto or
call (800) 878-9292.
membership rewards
You may be eligible to receive an allowance
based on the purchase or lease of a new
or certified pre-owned BMW through an
authorized U.S. dealer. A membership in the
BMW CCA of one year or more immediately
preceding the purchase date of the vehicle is
required to take advantage of this program.
A member in good standing cannot have any
lapse in membership during that 12-month
period. For more information, log onto www.
address changes
If you are experiencing mailing issues or
need to change your mailing address please
contact the National Office at (864) 250-0022
or All address changes
must be made through the National Office.
14 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
Armistead, Ivor
Askin, Erik
Aubin, Bill
Bello, Todd
Berman, Jeremy
Bixby, Brian
Broussard, Robert
Bump, Jefrey
Chernoff, Anton
Chernoff, Peggy
Chismudy, Laura
Coombs, David
Cordova, Stefano
Corey, Jeff
Costa, Phil
Curtis, Sarah
Denny, Donald
Dowend, John
Dyer, Susan
Dymov, Murat
Dymova, Natalya
Ervin, Tim
Flagg, Austin
Freeley, Robert
Gallagher, David
Gallo, Joe
Gauthier, James
Georgiev, Anton
Gillio, Chris
Givehchi, Merdad
Greenberg, Carla
Greenberg, Michael
Hamilos, Chris
Hamilos, Kathy
Harlow, Donna
Helder, Mark
Hristov, Vlad
Inghilterra, Marcel
Jaramillo, Carlos
Johnson, Jeff
Juszkiewicz, Ma�
Kazior, Erik
Kim, Hyw
Kinlin, Robert
Kratz, Johannes
LaRocca, Judith
Boston, MA
Dover, MA
Northborough, MA
Needham, MA
Winchester, MA
Cohasset, MA
North Andover, MA
Hudson, MA
Li�leton, MA
Li�leton, MA
Waltham, MA
Lexington, MA
South Gra�on, MA
Taunton, MA
Chelmsford, MA
Brighton, MA
Narraganse�, RI
Medford, MA
Marlborough, MA
Richmond, RI
Richmond, RI
Brighton, MA
Sudbury, MA
Roslindale, MA
Carver, MA
Wakefield, MA
North A�leboro, MA
Providence, RI
Boston, MA
Boston, MA
Marblehead, MA
Marblehead, MA
Gloucester, MA
Gloucester, MA
Carver, MA
Holden, MA
Watertown, MA
Medford, MA
Boston, MA
Carlisle, MA
Millis, MA
Sudbury, MA
Providence, RI
Boston, MA
Cambridge, MA
Concord, MA
2006 Mini Cooper S
1999 M3
2001 525i
1997 z3 1.9
2004 525i
2007 328xi
2008 335xi
1999 528i sport
2003 M3
2005 Mini Cooper
2003 325xi
2001 325it
2006 330i
Brian Lalor
2002 530i
2004 325ci
2007 335xi
1979 323i
2004 X3
2008 335xi
2007 328xi
2006 325i
2000 740i
1985 M635csi
2004 M3
2001 330xi
2001 330i
1999 323i
2004 E46M3
1988 535is
1992 325i
Michael P. Lacourse
Jayson James Gauthier
LaRocca, Peter
Lerman, Marvin
Liberatos, Gerasimos
Lyons, Henry
MacLean, David
Mannherz, David
Masiello, Chris
Masiello, John
McAuliffe, Wayne
Mejia, Luis
Montgomery, James
Ng, Wei
O’Leary, James
Olshan, Alexander
Olshan, Jeffrey
O’Neill, Steve
Ortleb, Stephen
Payton, Robert
Po�s, Thomas
Qazi, Vikram
Remis, Shepard
Riccio-Co�er, Catherine
Robards, Stephen
Robitaille, Philip
Roth, David
Rubin, Mark
Sabacinski, Steve
Sager, Erik
Schafer, Ronald
Seeger, Barbara
Seeger, Jeff
Seymour, Nora
Shakespear, John
Slotnick, Daniel
Spencer, Raymond
Stone, James
Suarez, Michael
Sverdlova, Yuliya
Thibodeau, John
Thibodeau, Susan
Toner, James
Tsai, Mark
Vann, Gleb
Vetere, Carmen
Vinas, Geralbin
Vispoli, Alex
Waltz, Rick
Warpula, Richard
Weener, Harvey
Weener, Valerie
White, Steven
Wilcox, John
Concord, MA
Cranston, RI
Bristol, RI
Centerville, MA
Cataumet, MA
Sudbury, MA
Groton, MA
Groton, MA
North Gra�on, MA
Roslindale, MA
Hopkinton, MA
Newtonville, MA
West Warwick, RI
Westford, MA
Westford, MA
Weston, MA
East Greenwich, RI
Uxbridge, MA
Buzzards Bay, MA
Andover, MA
Swampsco�, MA
Providence, RI
Douglas, MA
Somerset, MA
Arlington, MA
West Newton, MA
Worcester, MA
Framingham, MA
Boston, MA
Pepperell, MA
Pepperell, MA
Natick, MA
Cambridge, MA
Chestnut Hill, MA
Somerville, MA
Centerville, MA
Bourne, MA
Swampsco�, MA
Boxford, MA
Boxford, MA
Hanover, MA
Woburn, MA
Toronto, ON
Boston, MA
Providence, RI
Andover, MA
Groton, MA
Winchendon, MA
Needham, MA
Needham, MA
Worcester, MA
Upton, MA
2004 325Cic
2007 550i
1999 540i
1998 Z3
Classic Prints
Support Foundation
2005 M3
2000 Z3
2008 335xi
1999 M3 coupe
2005 745IL
2006 530xi
2008 328xi
2000 328i
2006 530xi
2008 328 xi
1996 750il
2008 328
2004 525i
2001 740il
2008 328
2008 328ix
2006 530xi
2003 Z4
2004 subaru impreze wrx
1987 325i
2006 325i
2001 M3
2006 530xi
2007 335i
1987 325ic
Available on a first come,
first served basis
for $85 plus postage.
Last December, the BMW CCA
Foundation produced a limited
edition BMW McLaren F1 GTR
print thinking we would embark
on a series of prints celebrating
the very special cars that directly
impacted BMW in North America
in some fashion. The print was so
successful, that a new venture for
the BMW CCA Foundation was
formed. We decided we would
create an “American Legacy Series” of prints that includes all
the milestone race cars that contributed to BMW’s reputation,
prestige and excitement. We plan
to commission one or two limited
edition prints per year – in very
small print runs. Each will be
numbered and signed by the artist, Englishman Steve Dunn.
The first car in this new series is
the legendary 1976 Daytona 24hr
race winning BMW 3.5 CSL. This
print is 16 x 12 inches and is limited to 100 prints and sells for $85
plus postage. Your purchase of
this print will help support the
BMW CCA Foundation Archives
department. Details on how to
order your print visit our online
store web site at http://www.
The prints are in stock now and
ready to ship. It is first come, first
serve for any remaining numbers.
You can call or email me [(864)
329-1919 or mmitchell@bmwccaf] to see if a specific
number is still available before
your purchase.
— Michael R. Mitchel
BMW CCA Foundation
2007 530xi
2008 328xi | 15
This is a listing of the BMW dealers in the Boston Chapter
area. Most of these dealers offer a 10%-20% discount on
parts. Just present your CCA membership card to get your
BMW Gallery Norwell
98 Accord Park Drive
Norwell, MA 02061
(781) 982-455
BMW Gallery Norwood
boston chapter advertisers
These independent shops are supporters of the Boston Chapter. The Boston Chapter BMW
Please mention the Boston Bimmer or our web site when you patronize these fine businesses.
Boxboro, MA
(978) 263-9000
Autobahn Automotive
Natick, MA
(508) 647-1500
Auto Engineering
Lexington, MA
(781) 676-7700
Bavarian Autosport
Portsmouth, NH
(800) 535-2002
parts supplier
221 Andover Street
Peabody, MA 01960
(978) 538-9900
Bavarian Performance Group
Stoneham, MA
(781) 279-4444
Blue & White Motors Inc.
A�leboro, MA
(508) 399-6320
(800) 934-4899
driving instruction
Foreign Motors West BMW
Century 21 – Rob Cohen
Boston, MA
(617) 262-2600
real estate - ext. 29
Concord Motorsport
Chichester, NH
(888) 477-2697
sales, service, parts
Cullen Home Builders
N. Marshfield, MA (781) 962-6373
home builders
Cambridge, MA
(617) 349-2993
sales, service, parts
1172 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02134
(617) 731-1700
Gralty Automotive
Natick, MA
(508) 653-0909
HMS Motorsport
Peabody, MA
(978) 532-1170
member deals; equip.
Landshark Automotive
Natick, MA
(508) 655-3957
Inskip Auto CenterBMW
Prudential Financial
Needham, MA
(781) 449-9100
financial services
1515 Baldhill Road
Warwick, RI 02886
(401) 821-1510
Rim & Wheel Works
Waltham, MA
(781) 547-5826
wheels; straightening
Tewksbury, MA
(888) 274-6776
wheels, service
Newport Auto CenterBMW
Sansossio Auto Body Inc.
Natick, MA
(508) 655-9646
auto repair
1215 West Main Road
Middletown, RI 02840
(401) 846-6636
N. A�leboro, MA
(888) 594-7800
equipment supplier
Turner Motorsports
Amesbury, MA
(978) 388-7769
parts & service
Trans-Atlantic BMW
Vintage Sports and Racing
Bow, NH
(603) 288-2888
918 Providence Highway
Norwood, MA 02062
(781) 769-9600
BMW of Peabody
253 North Main Street
Natick, MA 01760
(781) 235-9096
Herb Chambers BMW
25 Falmouth Road
Hyannis MA 02601
(508) 775-4526
(no parts discounts)
Wagner BMW of Shrewsbury
752 Boston Turnpike
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
(508) 845-0505
16 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
Bruce Ledoux Track Days
CCA assumes no liability for the work or merchandise from these independent service shops
To become an advertiser, please see
boston chapter officers & staff
2007 Boston Chapter Board
John Oglesby
Activities Commi�ee
Vice President & Activities Director
John Sullivan
John Sullivan
Baer Connard
Derek DeSousa
Joe Marko
Mark Lipsky
Membership Chair
Larry Barbieri
John Oglesby
Director of Communications
(open position)
Mark Gallagher
Director of Driving Events
Luka Serda
Derek DeSousa
Miguelangel Aponte
Mike Gilbert
Rhode Island
Steve Hazard
RI Activities
Bob Sweeney Jr.
RI Representative
Bruce Machon
2007 Boston Chapter Staff
Newsle�er Boston Bimmer
Driving Events
Editor in Chief
Rachel Oglesby
Christo Tinkov
Features Editor
Mark Lipsky
Larry Nicklas
Art Director
Gail Tanzer
Baer Connard
Ina R. Ames
High Performance Driving Schools
Tom Merrifield
Luka Serdar
Christo Tinkov
Joe Marko
Colin Whelan
Chief Instructor
Craig Olmsted
Lance Woodley
Tech Steward
Mike Barton
Doug Mahar
Mentor Program
Leonardo Topa
Todd Merrill
Larry Barbieri
Dan Mull
Peter Bergwall
Rachel Oglesby
Simon Cooper
Barry Tarr
Denis Friedman
Advertising Manager
Steve Hazard
Todd Merrill
Instructor Registrar
Denis Friedman
Instructor Development
Barry Tarr
Legal Advisor
Trish Farnsworth
(open position)
Sean Silva
Technical Advisor
(open position)
Club Racing
Bruce Smith
Jim Dresser
Stan Jackson, Sr.
Stan Jackson, Jr.
Officers and committee members can be reached by clicking
the Email link beside their name on the club website, www.
Advanced Driving Skills School
Ice Racing
Chapter Services | 17
About Boston Chapter
Classified Ads
Classified ads are shown on the Boston
BMW CCA web site for up to 90 days
after the ad is approved by the Classified Ad Manager. Classified ads will run
in the Boston Bimmer for up to 2 issues,
when and if space permits. Ads included
in the magazine will be edited to meet
space requirements. To place a classified
ad, you must be a member of the Boston
Chapter and have a “My Boston Chapter” account. To create an account, go to and select “My
Boston Chapter” on the toolbar.
Cars for Sale
2001 525i: 5-Speed, WBABT33411GF40247,
Silver/Tan, Premium/cold weather packages, 97,900 miles. $12,000. Jay Kenty
401-884-6615, Rhode Island (1)
2001 330xi: WBAAV53411JR79683, Silver,
Black Unique Car! Dinan 3 Series. Stage 2
suspension, intake, throttle, exhaust and
software. UUC short shift, BMW M strut
18 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
classified ads
bar, Cryo slotted rotors, stainless steel
brake lines. Heavy duty Stewart water
pump. Turner Motorsport underdrive pulleys, trailing arm limiters and subframe
reinforcement kit. Super clean, always garaged, fanatically maintained!!! All work
done by dealer or Turner. Non-smoker,
original owner. 55,000 miles, black leather, alarm, CD changer, premium and cold
weather packages. $22,000 obo. Contact
Marty at or
203-750-0493 (CT) (1)
2001 330Ci: WBABN53471JU24967
Grey Green Metallic, Black interior. 5
Speed Manual, Sport & Cold Weather
packages, Xenons, Park Distance Control, HK Stereo w/Single CD, Wheel
Locks, One Owner, Completely Stock, Always Garaged, 112k miles (highway), All
Records and Paperwork, Well Maintained,
Hand Washed, No Snow. No Sunroof.
This car was ordered, not off the lot. Built
late in the year so it also has the correct
steering feel. $14,000 obo. Newburyport. or cell (978) 4179524 (2)
1999 528i:
Schwarz black/black leather. 5 speed
manual, 85,000 miles. Premium and Cold
packages. Excellent condition, no accidents, proactively maintained. In the
past year, have done the following: new
Bilstein HDs (front), new rear brakes
(pads and rotors), front brakes were new
in April 06 and include cross-drilled rotors, Kumho Ecsta SPTs (including spare;
approx 50% tread remaining), new sway
bar links front and rear, new ABS module
and new wheel sensors, new plugs, filters,
brake fluid flush/fill, new serpentine belt.
OEM parts always used, work always done
by experienced BMW independent tech. I
have all records during my ownership. Oil
and filter changed every 5K using BMWbranded 5W-30 synthetic. Literally needs
nothing and all electrical accessories in
perfect working order. Also included are
a set of four Blizzak WS-50 snow tires on
BMW steel rims with full BMW wheel covers, used only 2 seasons, along with a set
of custom fitted rubber mats for winter.
Selling to buy an E39 wagon. $11,700 or
best offer. Todd Doherty, day: (617) 4347498, evening: (781) 837-1325 or e-mail Car located
in Marshfield. (1)
1999 BMW 328i: Pristine, Alpine White
with black leather, 5 speed automatic,
167k miles, very well maintained, records
included, trans rebuilt at 157k, car delivered with Premium package including:
sunroof, heated seats, wood trim,. Upgrades include 2006 18” sport alloys (from
330i), Bilstein sport suspension (lowered
ride height 1 1/2” ) Cleared corner lights
and tail lights, Very sharp car, ready to go,
photos available, Best offer under $10K,
won’t last. (2)
bocharged, 285 HP, Quattro, 122K, always
garaged, exceptionally clean. Mobil 1
every 3-4K since day one, never tracked or
abused, all service records since new, no
expense spared. No door dings (not one!),
excellent paint and leather. MTM Stage 1+
chip, lots of extras. Suspension completely
redone with H&R springs, re-valved Bilsteins and camber plates, Ronal wheels,
snows available.. $10,500 or trade for an
interesting BMW. Rich
(860) 655-3960 (CT) (2)
1997 M3 coupe: cosmos black on black,
luxury package, 5 speed manual, 81,000
miles. VIN#: WBSBG9325VEY76877,
Immaculate. Clean title (3rd owner - all
BMWCCA), original paint, zero blems
(apart from some stone chips), garaged,
all systems 100%. Staggered M-Contours
w/ Michelin Pilot Sport 2’s - rears 90%,
fronts 70%. All Lubromoly fluids, handwashed only w/ P21S. Just did trans, diff,
and oil/filter, new cabin filter, no leaks
and no oil consumption. Some modifications: Dual projection headlamps (w/
angel eyes), Bavarian Autosport shift
kit, K&N intake, Alpine Stereo w/ CD.
Stock exhaust installed, but also comes
with BavAuto TriFlow performance exhaust. Includes Thule roof rack. Serious /
knowledgeable / sufficiently capitalized
inquiries only. Priced for a quick sale at
$15,000 firm. Please contact Chris: 617542-0765, or studio at fortpointdesign.
com (1)
1992 850i: WBAEG231XNCB74407 Calypso Red, Parchment leather. 87Kmi. OZ
Racing rims w/P-Zero new tires. New
brakes, new Bilstien shocks, meticulously
maintained by FMW and VS&R. Always
garaged and covered, no winters. Fabulous condition. Winchester, MA. Call
Gerry cell (617)-538-3654. $16,000 obo (2)
1995 BMW M3: WBSBF9329SEH02182
Graphite with black interior, 5 speed
manual, 34k not actual miles (from my
knowledge approx. 115k miles) , new
clutch and short shifter with 5-6k mile on
it (done by 3Dautoworks), lower suspension , 18” wheels , Scorpion exhaust , clean
engine runs great , 14.6 on 1/4 mile . Great
car for every day drive and/or autocross.
Love the car but not enough garage space.
$11,500 or B/O. Call Mike at (603) 554-5355
or e-mail at Email me for pictures. Willing to trade for
an 2002 or newer BMW 323/325/328/330
i/ic/ix auto (prefer silver) if car worth
more willing to pay the difference. (1)
1995 540 Sport: 68.9K miles, Calypso red/
tan, Schrick cams, stroked with M5 crank,
sleeved, Stage III suspension, AP brakes,
2 sets of wheels Kenwood/ADS stereo,
Blanton Differential with Quafe, Sport
clutch, lightened flywheel, B&B Triflow,
Alpina gauges, wired for V1, European
headlamps and tail lamps, HID low and
100 watt High beams, new tires plus
snows, new AC and much more. $16900
View at or
email: jeff@ (1)
1993 BMW M5: (WBSHD9312PBK06668)
112K black/black leather, abs, ac, power
steering, power windows, am/fm/cassette/CD changer, sunroof, all books
and manuals. Recent valve adjustment
at BMW of Peabody. Owned since 1998.
(978) 250-4446 (2)
1993 Audi S4: WAUHP84A8PN077791,
Emerald green, black leather, 5-cyl I5 tur-
1987 BMW L6: VIN WBAEC8405H3266076
- Black/tan leather, 220k miles, beautiful
inside & out, Bilsteins, 15” ARE wheels,
recent head rebuild, recent exhaust system
incl. Cat, new starter. Left front fender
rusting, Auto trans slipping. $2400. Frank, , 774-273-0207 (1)
1987 635csi (L6): 2500.00 White with light
tan interior and equipped with an automatic transmission. All original as far as
I can tell except an adjustable anti-sway
bar. Odometer shows 100k mi. and the
body is in excellent shape save the front
valence. The car is from California and
has been stored for most of the last four
years. It was to be a project for my older
son. I hoped he would take an interest...
not to be. The car is all together, runs and
currently stored in the auto lab where I
teach in Ashland (Framingham). Contact
Greg Stinson or 603882-1938 (1)
1985 BMW //M635 CSi Euro version:
Gray with gray buffalo leather interior.
55,000 miles. Original BBS 3 piece wheels
with 415 TRX tires. 2 extra sets of 17”
wheels with newer Yoko tires. New paint
in 2002. New suspension, shocks, Fahey
crank hub, performance chip, K & N filter,
fresh clearcoat. Euro 286 hp motor, headers, high compression pistons. Asking
$27,500. Contact Michael@norpac001@ve (1)
1984 M635CSi Euro: WBAEE10801050496
Black/ black leather. 92,000 documented
miles. All records since new, including
DOT/EPA records. Excellent original
condition. Recent bumper-to-bumper refreshing, $10,000 in recent receipts. Asking
$22,000. For photos and more information:
M635CSi.html Kevin: (339) 236-0611 or
email (1)
Cars’ Wanted
BMW Wagon: Looking for 5 or 3 series.
Looking for something inexpensive, not
pretty. Would consider something needing some work such as brakes, suspension
or tires, but no major work. Don’t care
about a little rust. Prefer a 5 speed. Email (1)
2003 E39 M5 in Carbon Black / Silverstone Interior: with under 40k on the
clock. I had a 2000, and miss it greatly...
I’m looking for exactly the car above. If
you’re interested in parting with your
baby, please get in touch. Arash 401-8478280 x8016 (1)
BMW 3 series: would like to get a manual 2 door coupe before the first snow
if possible. Prefer a 325 with under
100k. An example of what I’m looking
for: 1992 BMW 3 Series 325is Coupe 2D
5 speed manual, with approx. 98,000
mi. Thanks! Michael 630-728-4912 (1)
2003/2004 X5 4.4-4.6-4.8: low mileage
clean m package on the 03 all the options.
Never hit well cared for. Prefer 1 owner,
any color but black or white call 781-3165969 or email (3)
Parts for Sale
MISC PARTS FOR 528E 1988: Various
parts including computer, steering wheel,
wind deflector, vent controls. Yours for
pick up or shipping.
978.443.7293 Sudbury, MA (1)
X5 snow tires on 18” oem BMW wheels:
The wheels are E-8.5J x 18EH2 IS 48. The
tires are Pirelli Scorpion ice and snow size
255/55/R18 and both are in very good
condition and used for the last 2 winters
for a total of approximately 8K miles.
Photos will be sent on request. I prefer
local pickup in Pembroke, MA but will
bring them to a UPS store to be packaged
and shipped. Buyer will pay the UPS store
directly. Please e-mail
$690 (1)
X5 oem BMW tan rubber winter floor
mats in good condition: Should fit 2000
to 2006 X5. The set is 4 mats. Please e-mail or call 781-826-4499. I
prefer local pickup in Pembroke, MA but
will ship them. Buyer will pay the actual
shipping costs. $50 (plus shipping) (1)
245/45/17 (Set of 4): Used one season
$300 set; Dunlop WS-2 225/45/17 (Set of
4) Used one season $300 set; Five spoke
alloy wheels, 7Jx17HS, accept BMW roundel inserts, set of 4, slight curb rash on
1 one $200 set. John 508-539-3888 (w).
Email: (1)
WeatherTech floor mats for E36: front
and rear, heavy rubber, black color, plus
matching cargo mat for trunk. Used but
not abused. Very rugged, they stay in
place, and do hold a lot of melted slush
(just like the ads say.) Cost new over
$200; asking $50 for all five. Located in
Topsfield, MA. Call John Spencer (978)
887-6827 or e-mail jk.spencer@verizon.
net. (1)
UUC Stage 2 Light Weight Flywheel,
H.D. pressure plate with ultra smooth
ceramic disk: purchased as a complete
package, still in my 97 M3, has 1100 miles
on it (all broken in). Paid 1,300., will | 19
sell for 650. Call Mike @ (978) 808-4401, (1)
Used interior bike rack for 04-07 BMW
X3 Sports Activity Vehicle: Bike racks go
for 275.00 in BMW Sales Department. Description: The system is able to transport
up to two mountain or racing bicycles
while protecting them from the elements
or possible theft and also eliminates
problems associated with low overhead
clearance. BMW’s bike rack features two
adjustable aluminum fastening rails that
are mounted on the rear cargo floor. The
interior bike rack system is designed to
hold one or two bicycles utilizing special
parts designed to work with the built-in
cargo fastening rails. The bicycle is positioned upright and firmly attached to
the rails using lateral traverses. The front
wheel is then secured to the bicycle frame
with lashing straps. Slighly Used, but in
good shape and complete with straps.
$100. (1)
Track day/Race tires and wheels: Bought
for upcoming NH chapter 3-day event at
NHIS, decided to just wear out my street
tires instead. 225-50-16 Kumho Ecsta
V700’s, shaved and mounted on 7JX16
Kosei K-1 Racing wheels. See and read
about both at Tire Rack. Fits my 1997 Z3
and maybe yours! Paid $897, will sell for
$800. Brand new, never mounted. Call
Jefrey at (978) 562-6626 (home) or (774)
245-6188 cell or email jefreyb@comcast.
net (1)
Track car parts and pieces, garage clean
out! I want to give dad back the garage
for his birthday! Preference given to local
sales, all items located in Southeastern, CT
06330 just off I-395. evosport seat bracket,
similar to VAC but with more holes, never
actually drove the car with this in it, test
fitting only. $200 GForce window net, net
only $10 UUC black transmission mounts
$20 Unidentified short shifter for E30 M3
$25 Contact Duncan pureone55@yahoo.
com or 860-917-5411 anytime. All prices
OBO. Pics available for everything. (1)
Still cleaning out the garage! 18” Michelin
Pilot Sport PS2, 225/40 18 $200 each and
255/40 18 $250 each. Brand new, never
mounted, sticker tires. Contact Duncan,
860-917-5411, Email: pureone55@yahoo.
com (1)
4 Steel Wheels OEM BMW: in good
shape PLUS 1 regular OEM wheel. Fit
528e 1988. Stored in basement some flash
rust. $50 for the lot (not each). Firm. Fred (1)
Staggered 17x8 and 17x9 set of 4 original
BMW Style 32 wheels: in great condition
with minimal curb rash on 2 of the wheels.
Selling rims only. These are from e39, one
wheel is from a different set and has a different texture on the inside, thus - dirtier
than the other 3. I am sure it will clean up
with some elbow grease. $600 + PP fees +
shipping. I have 100% positive feedback
on ebay, references available. Email me
for pictures:
Thanks! (1)
Snow tires and wheels for sale: I have 5
20 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
factory 16” x 7” aluminum alloy wheels. 4
of the wheels have Michelin Artic Alpins
mounted and the 5th is the original full
size spare that was never used. 2 wheels
have minor road rash, but none are dented
or bent. Call or email Erik, 978-987-1956 Asking $500 (1)
Kumho Ecsta V700 tires 225/50-16 mounted on 7 x 16 steel wheels (4): Will fit E46
3-series. Tires were shaved and heat cycled
by Tire Rack. used two autocross events
and one driving school. $300.00 Please
contact Dave Keller dkeller@kplastic.
com (1)
Set of 4 aftermarket M5/E60 Wheels
19x8.5 and 19x9.5 Staggered with Vredestein Tires 224-35-ZR 19 & 275-30-ZR 19:
Approximately 5k miles. One small mark
otherwise nice. $1400 or best offer. Pickup only. email
Schrick aluminum intake manifold for
sale: Up to +15HP instantly. S52 Engine
3.2 Used 6 months only on track and
autox events. Total of 10 track days and
12 Autocross events. No scratches, perfect
condition. Retails for $1200.00 Shipped/
local p-up for $825.00 Priced to sell soon!
Contact: Miguelangel Aponte-Rios (857)
540-9720 (1)
Pirelli Winter 210 Tires (2),285-40-17:
Brand new, never used, asking $300
for both. Pirelli Winter 210 (4),205-6015 on E36 steel wheels, one season left
$125 set. Call Carlos at 978-887-4121 or (1)
Performance Suspension Parts For Sale:
Pair of Eibach Springs from ground control: 7”x2.5” 500 lb/in rate and 6.5”x2.5”
545 lb/in rate. $75.00 obo. This set up
was on a ground control suspension in an
E36 M3 coupe. Great street/track set up.
Pictures furnished upon request. Prefer
local pickup in greater Boston area, Bill
Townsend Email: wtownsend@juniper.
net (1)
Michelin X-Ice snow tires, set of 4: P205/
55R16 91Q mounted on black factory rims.
Used only one season. Specially priced to
sell at $499. Pick up in North Andover.
Contact Frank at (1)
Four New Snow Tires (Price reduced!!);
Four new Dunlap Graspic DS-2 snow
tires; new never mounted; still in shipping
wraps; Size : 235/45/17; $525 delivered
to Boston from Tire Rack; your lowered
price $350. Contact Roger at 781-878-1817
or (1)
Four Bridgestron Blizak Tires on ASA
JH3 Rims: four 225/45R17 LM22 run flat
winter tires mounted on ASA JH3 17 inch
rims. Tire and Rim package purchased
11/21/2006 from Tire Rack used for
2006/2007 winter on my 2003 Z4. Great
riding tires with less than 3,000 miles of
usage. Package will fit any 3 series and
most 5 series. $750.00 Prefer pick up in
Mansfield, but may agree on mutual exchange location in Boston area. Keith
Broyles. (617) 6941490. (1)
4 Wheels and snow tires for any BMW
E46: The wheels are original BMW7x17
grey steel rims part number 36-126-750-254 and tires are Conti Winter
Contact 205/50/R17. Gently used for
2 seasons. Very low miles. Good tread
left. Center caps will also be included.
Contact DMHarlow. (508) 866-7128 or at (1)
4 wheels and winter tires for BMW E46:
The wheels are 16x7.5 AT Italia Type 5 Silver and the tires are 225/50VR-16 Dunlop
Winter Sport M2. They have seen 3 seasons but combined running on the car was
probably about 18,000 miles maximum.
Asking $450 or best offer. Contact Zain
Mecklai at (1)
STEREO: Removed from 2003 E46. Radio
works fine. CD Player does not work.
Something is jammed. Part No: 65. 12-6
921 963 Model No. CD53 E46. Best Offer.
Ed Wong. Email: wongedward@gmail.
com (1)
E60 winter package: Use this winter package alternative in all but the most severe
climates/conditions. Set of four (4) 2004’2008’ BMW (E60) 5-Series Factory-OEM
wheels and tires. Wheels are style #138;
spider-spoke design. Sizes are 17”x7.5 all
around with 225-50HR17. The tires are
Continental ContiTouringContact CV95
(factory) with only 2500 driven miles.
MSRP for the wheels is $1,328 without
the tires. This set fits all 2004’ and newer
5 Series and early 5, 6, 7 and 8 series.
Wheels have no marks and center caps
are included. I am an 9,000/year guy and
I have used them for 2 seasons, mid-nov
to mid/march. The rims are in 9.5 out of
ten shape, kept indoors. Great for E60 w/
sport package. $800 will ship for $125. Jeff
(617)966-8800 (1)
E46 M3 OEM 18’ M double spoke alloy
wheels without tires from 2002 M3: Perfect for second set of daily, track or winter
use. Minor curb rash but no accidents.
Photos upon request. $500 plus shipping.
Call Chuck at (603) 557-4772 or email at (NH) (1)
E38 Factory wheels + Nokian Hakka tires:
16” BBS wheels with non-stud 235/60/16.
Tires used one season. 8/32 on the tires.
Center caps included. Currently not
mounted. $600 obo. Call Ed at 617-2023747. (1)
E36 wheel and tire package: Four 16x7
style 42, {46mm offset} with 225/50-16
Nokian WR all season performance tires.
These are all season but severe duty ratedexcellent in snow. This set was used three
seasons. Had another set for snows. The
wheels are pristine with no scratches or
curb rash. The tires are in excellent condition with 80% tread remaining. Pictures
available on request. Asking $700 Steve
401-965-6695 (1)
E36 Headlight & Taillight Assemblies: OEM US spec with amber turn
signal lenses, in good condition. The
headlight assembly plastic covers are
sandblasted, but usable; could be polished
prior to installation for near-new clarity.
Includes both sidelights, plus two Hella
H-1 halogen bulbs in original packaging.
They were all working perfectly when
last installed; removed when I switched
to Euro headlights and changed the taillights and side markers to match. Perfect
if you’ve cracked a lens, or even want
them for all the bulbs. $40 for the lot. Call
John at (978) 887-6827 in Topsfield, or email (1)
E30 Thule roof rack: $120. Consists
of four feet (with locks/key - Thule p/n
300) that attach to gutters and two load
bars (Thule p/n LB50). Serves as a base
to mount ski holders, bike holders, etc.
Sold for $190 new. Very good condition,
only a few years old. Email for photos. (1)
BMW Style 31 (E39) 15” wheels with
Blizzak 225/60R 15 snow tires: Two WS15 tires with 4-5/32” tread left and two
WS-50 tires with 9-10/32” tread remaining. Wheels are in very good condition.
$350 OBO. I have pictures and will email
on request. Call Leroy at 508-280-9137 or
email (1)
BMW Style 18 Wheels. Wheels might not
all be straight. Two are on used tires, two
are bare. 17 x 7.5 $150 O.B.O for all four.
Daniel (617) 0780-6637 or jevrolet@yahoo.
com Please put “Style 18 wheels” in subject line. (1)
BMW OEM Steel Wheels & Michelin
Snow Tires: Specifically made for cars
with 17” wheels stock. Don’t subject your
nice alloy wheels to the harsh winter roads.
$500 takes it all 4 wheels, tires & caps.
Cash Only, no checks or Money Orders.
Local pickup only. No shipping or shipping companies. email jevrolet@yahoo.
com with “Snow Tires” in subject. (1)
BMW aftermarket 17” wheels + tires
for sale: Contour (Italy) 7 1/2” x 17”, 20
mm offset wheels in excellent condition.
Comes with Yoko AVID H4S 235x45x17”.
Less than 5,000 on tires. Whole package
for $800.00 obo. Located in Foxboro Phone
508-951-1795. e-mail norpac001@verizon.
net (1)
BMW 5 series E60 outside mirror Driver’s side (left) Titanium Silver from a
‘05 545i with: heated mirrors lighting
package Memory (working with memory
seats) Dealer parts numbers and dealer
retail below: Mirror glass heated plane
left Elektonchrom (Part # 51167116747)
$242.17 Outside mirror w/out glass
heated left (Part# 51167128645) $479.88
Needed to replace the passenger side mirror and was only able to buy a pair so the
other one for the drivers side is presented
here for sale. Shipping $20 UPS ground
Fits 2004-2008 E60 body jefflieb@realtor.
com (1)
Almost new windscreen from 2007-08
from 335CIC: Used a half a dozen times.
Like new. First $300 takes it away. Prefer
pick up. Ed Polansky Edward750@comcast.
net Just west of Boston Ma (1)
99’ MOMO Nascar K/C Racing Seats (2):
Kevlar/Carbon, Red/yellow,with MOMO
brackets, excelent condition, asking $750
for both. Camara mount $75.Call Carlos
at 978-887-4121 or cegiron@verizonmail.
com (1)
4 Michelin Pilot Sport 2 tires for a 2006
M3: virtually brand new, driven less than
50 miles. $675 Please call Jon Kelly (781)
913-1238 or e-mail
4 lightweight wheels and track tires
for sale: Silver Kosei K1 in 17x8.5” plus
Toyo Proxes RA1 in 235-40/17. Used in
7 or 8 autocross events. They take too
long to warm up for autocross, but are a
great tire for track or HPDEs. They were
shaved before first use, and have plenty
of tread depth left. Looking to get $1000.
Prefer not to ship for obvious reasons, but
can drive a reasonable distance to meet
up. Contact Corwyn email: corwyn@post. (1)
2001 Z3 M Coupe parts for sale: No halfway reasonable offer rejected. Roof rack
with basket. Stock wheels with nearly
new Goodyear GSD3s. 18” Winter wheels
& tires: nearly new pilot sport alpins (265
and 225). A stock differential with no
known problems. Various wheel spacers. Brembo big brake kit (on car). S54
Engine. Transmission. Pretty much anything that isn’t part of the body, frame,
or suspension. Offers for parts on the car
must be over cost to remove which can
be negotiated with Schneller in Newbury
MA. Car is at Schneller. Wheels and Roof
Rack are in Rhode Island. John Danskin, , (401) 5277895 (1)
1972 2002 parts; Recaro/BMW sport
seats and matching cloth rear seat, black
/ charcoal. Front seats could use upholstery. Original brown front seats, bottom
of driver’s seat torn. Driver’s side door
complete, no rust. Original interior AC
parts. Assorted tii engine parts. Front
bumper center section, mint. Differential
and axles, Top-End header. Rebuilt 4spd
gearbox. Piles of other stuff. Call with requests and / or reasonable offers. Harry
(508) 341-3939,
1996 Econoline Car Carrier : VIN
#1D9FT2122TPO75529- Black, open bed
with slide in ramps. Good condition, good
tires and spare tire, $900. David Lougee
(413)477-8237 Do not call after 8pm EDST (2)
Dunlop Super Sport Race R-compound
tires (4) 245/40-17: for sale $200 OBO.
These have lots of tread left. Used for
approx 4 heat cycles at DE events. Good
starter R-compound tires. I’m happy
to show them to anyone local, shipping
tires is stupid expensive. Contact Neil or 617-630-1725. See online listing for links to photos. (3)
545i/550i) excellent for use as a spare set,
as a dedicated winter wheel set-up or to
replace stock 16” 525i wheels. These are
take-off wheels so they are in perfect condition. I bought them as a extra set and
never ended up using them. They retail
for $350+ each. Asking $800 for the set of
4. Call Steve at (857) 366-2685 / (617) 8729222. (2)
Parts Wanted
E46 sedan sport package rear coil springs
(2): Have you upgraded your E46 sedan’s sport suspension? Are the stock
rear springs just sitting in your garage,
taking up space? If so, I’d like to buy
them from you. Please contact Sean at (1)
Functioning Catalytic Converter and
possibly exhaust for E36 M3: Please call
Simon Cooper 781-858-4382 (1)
HMS or TC Kline roll bar for E36 M3:
wanted. Please contact at drivrswntd@cox.
net. (1)
15” basket weave hub cap for 1989-91
325ix: wanted, Call Tremont (781)2377667 or (1)
E30 (‘84-’91 3 Series) Parts needed: Windshield in excellent condition; Front lip
spoiler (1” or 2” version); Rear Muffler
(6 cylinder); Four 14” Snow tires in excellent condition, rims not required. Right
front brake caliper in excellent or rebuilt
condition. Please email me with what you
have and prices. Contact, bhilliard@smma.
com (1)
HMS Rollbar for E36: Used is OK as long
as it was bolted in and not welded. Neil or (617) 630-9869. (3)
Garage Space for Rent: Topsfield MA,
near Route 1 & fairgrounds. One half of
two-car garage in separate building in
residential neighborhood. Near the street
with paved driveway, and regularly observed by year-round house residents and
neighbors. Unheated, no windows, locking overhead door, no building alarm.
Overhead lights and wall outlets, plywood
walls with room for hanging or storing
related gear. Driveway is plowed in winter. $110 per month, to be paid quarterly
in advance with 30 days notice. Owned
by ABC Masconomet (ABCMasconomet.
org), a MA not-for-profit organization, all
rental fees will go directly into our general operating funds. The other half of this
space is being rented by one of our board
members, so there will be another car
sharing this garage. No major repair or
maintenance work may be done on-site
per our insurance company. Contact John
Spencer at (978) 887-6827 in Topsfield or
e-mail (1)
E60 Star Spoke 138 Wheels Set of 4
OEM: (will fit 525i/528i/530i/535i/xi/ | 21
22 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
When did you
receive your
Boston Bimmer?
Please let us know.
We would like to
predict delivery
times better.
Please send the
name of your
city/town and
the date you
received this issue
to the editor:
aspx | 23
Boston Chapter Charitable Contributions
Capture ZF Public Service Award
By John E. Sullivan
he ZF Public Service Award is given annually by the ZF Industries OEM manufacturer
of BMW transmissions to recognize the charitable contributions of BMW CCA Chapters. ZF
Industries gives twenty-two awards ranging from
$100 to $2,000 for a total of ten thousand three
hundred dollars. Chapters can utilize the monies awarded in their General Funds. This year the
Boston Chapter won seventh place and garnered a
$300 award which can be used at the discretion of
the Chapter. John Oglesby, the Chapter President,
wrote up the application that detailed all of our
charitable efforts and donations over the year.
This year the Boston Chapter gave over $5,800 to
charities through out New England. Those Charities designated to receive Chapter donations as
voted by the Board of Directors were as follows:
 Partners Hospice - $1,000 in memory of Jim
Albright proprietor of Mighty Motors,
 Dana Farber Cancer Institute - $500 for
cancer research,
 Project Bread - $500 in Worcester in memory
of our former Chapter Webmaster Greg
 FAAN-Food Allegories - $750 in recognition
of Board Member Mike Gilbert’s work for
this organization (his daughter suffers from
severe Food Allergies) ,
 The Charlie Fund - $500 in memory of
Charlie Kuntaz a Chapter member and shop
supervisor at Foreign Motors West BMW,
 The Lahey Clinic - $750 for cancer research
in memory of Parker Spooner one of the
founding fathers of BMW CCA and the
Boston Chapter, and
 The Jimmy Fund - $2,000 for cancer
The 2007 Jimmy Fund donation was raised at the
Chapter’s Annual Party in January. In anticipation of this annual event (scheduled in 2008 for
Saturday, January 19), member Derek DeSousa
coordinates donations from Boston Bimmer advertisers, BMW dealers, independent shops and
vendors. Before and after dinner, all donated items
and services are auctioned off and all proceeds are
donated to a charity designated by the Board of
Directors. The Chapter would like to thank all the
organizations that made this donation possible in
2007, including:
 Autobahn Automotive Natick
 Autobahn East Lexington
 BMW Gallery-Norwell
 BMW Gallery-Norwood
 BMW of Peabody
 Foreign Motors West BMW
 BMW of Shrewsbury-Wagner
 Herb Chambers Boston BMW
 Bentley Publishing Cambridge
 German Motors Providence RI
 HMS Motorsport Danvers
 Landshark Automotive Natick
 Rim & Wheel Works Waltham
 Sansossio's Autobody Natick
FAAN is just one of many
charitable organizations
that the Boston Chapter
supported in 2007
24 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
 Schneller Moteren Technik Newbury
 Turner Motorsport Amesbury
 The BMW Foundation
3rd Quarter Meeting at
HMS Motorsports
HMS owner, Joe Marko
Story and photos by Barry Tarr
he third quarter general meeting was held at the new home of
HMS Motorsports on Wednesday October 17th. The meeting
was attended by about 40 members who listened to Bill Howard
automotive columnist for Car and
Driver and the Roundel (End Piece
column) and the new editor of the
BMW CCA website. First I want to
say congratulations and thank you
to Joe Marko and the staff at HMS
for hosting the event and for showing us their new location. The new
showroom looks great and the rest
of the facility is first class. John Sullivan was the event coordinator,
and the chapter provided a great
dinner which we all enjoyed. John
started off the meeting with a brief
discussion of the status of the chapter and introduced both Joe Marko
and Bill Howard.
Bill Howard presented a PowerPoint presentation on the changes
to the CCA website. Bill started
by explaining the purpose of the
website design. Membership in the
club has leveled off and the average
age of the membership is getting
older, and there are many competing sources of information about
BMWs. With the increased use of
the Internet there are on-line communities of BMW owners as well
as newer magazines similar to the
Boston Bimmer and the Roundel.
The National Board has spent a lot
of time trying to figure out how to
compete with these alternate information sources as well as how to
attract younger members. An updated website is an important tool
to reach new members.
Bill presented slides that showed
what the new website will look like,
and explained some of the key goals
of the redesign. The new website
will provide more stories, more pictures and more original content in
a timely manner. The website will
also provide premium content that
is only accessible to club members.
The redesign team hopes that these
changes will make the club website
a more valuable resource and will
draw more attention to the club
which will attract more members.
Bill also showed us a prototype of
an electronic copy of the Roundel.
Electronic magazines have a number of advantages including but not
limited to the ability to: access and
store back issues, provide links to
products or more detailed source
documents, and in some cases to
allow a link to authors to get feedback or follow-up questions. At this
point, the intent is NOT to replace
the printed copy of the magazine,
but to enhance the functionality of
the information in the magazine
through the website. For what it’s
worth, I subscribe to both professional and recreational publications
electronically and I think they are
very useful. The only downside to
an e-magazine is that the cords for
my laptop and internet connection
do not reach to my favorite reading
Bill ended the evening by taking
a number of questions and provided
us with thoughtful and insightful
answers. I personally want to thank
Bill for taking the time to come up
from New Jersey to spend the evening with us. I think all of us who
saw the new prototype are looking
forward to seeing the new website
in person. ♦ | 25
Turner Mortosport offers 2 Pit Crew slots for the
Koni Challenge* at the Annual Party!
Will Turner has graciously donated two separate crew slots to be
auctioned off for charity at the Boston Chapters Annual Party on
January 19 th. The silent auction is held each year with the proceeds
benefiting the Jimmy fund. In addition to being part of a winning
BMW pit crew, the winning bidder(s) will receive the following:
1. Turner Motorsport Team Gear.
2. Food and beverages at the Track.
3. Track Credentials-including access to the
“hot pits”.
As part of the official pit crew, the lucky bidder will become
a “team member for a day” whose duties would include:
 Helping set up in the pit/paddock area
 Assisting in the prep of the cars (cleaning, helping with
tires or more involved tasks if qualified)
 Assisting crew members
 Assisting in pit stops
The package does not cover any travel and lodging expenses
which will be at the expense of the Auction winner(s).
*This Auction item can not be used at Daytona or Iowa.
2008 Season Calendar
As currently available (12/6/07)
May 26
Lime Rock Park CT Split
June 15
Mosport Canada Split
June 22
Mid Ohio ST only
July 5
Watkins Glen NY Combined
July 19
Barbara Motorsport Park
AL GS only
August 16-17 Trios-Rivieres Canada Split
August 30-31 New Jersey Motorsports
Thunderbolt Raceway
Millville NJ
September 21 Miller Motorsport Park UT
October 4-5 VIR Last race 6 hours
duration Split
As with the car you drive, your
appreciation for individuality
and craftsmanship resonates
in all that you surround yourself
with. Cullen Home Builders
creates custom homes, garages
and barns that will reflect your
personality and sensibilities.
P.O. Box 171 North Marshfield, MA 02059
26 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
Letter to the Editor:
2007 Concourse winner shares his story
In the November issue I asked Concours winners to share
pictures and stories about their cars since rain prevented us
from getting photos after the competition. If you’re a winner,
the offer is still open. Special thanks to Jim Levandoski for
sharing more information on his winning entry.
Dear Editor,
Here is a photo of my 2000 540i 6 speed taken at the
Concours in Westford a few months ago. I’ve been
entering the Concours since 2001, the year after I bought
my car. I didn’t have much success until I switched to
Late Clean class in 2004 and ended up with the following
results: 2004 1st place, 2005 1st place, 2006 2nd place,
2007 1st place. I enjoy doing all the work on my car.
Currently I have 107K miles on the car, including the
following modifications:
 NOS Progressive 2 Stage Controller, 450 HP, 540
Ft. Lbs. Torque
 NGK Iridium Plugs
 Dinan S1 download
 VAC Under Drive Pulleys
 Zionsville all aluminum radiator
 DDE Enhanced Angel Eyes
 Smoked Lenses
 Koni FSD's with H&R Springs
 BAV Brass Caliper Bushings
 Eisenmann Race Exhaust
 M5 3.15 LSD
 M5 Sway Bars, Front & Rear
 Energy Suspension Polyurethane Bushings
 M5 Gauge Cluster Rings
 M5 Lip Spoiler
 M5 Mirrors and Switches
 Rogue "Octane" Short Shift kit w/WSR
 Rogue Tranny Mounts
 StopTech Brake Lines Front & Rear
 Axxis Deluxe Plus pads Front & Rear
 Modified CDV
 Royal Purple in Tranny, Redline in Diff
 Passport 8500 X50 with Escort ZR3 Laser Jammer
 G-Tech/Competition Pro Data Logger
 Auto Enginuity OBD-II Scan Tool
 25% Tint
 X-Pel
 LoJack
This winter I’ll be installing a Dinan carbon fiber CAI
and replacing my original clutch and pressure plate
which still work fine until I hit the HP button! I almost
didn’t enter this year due to too much work related
travel, but after a few emails from Derek DeSousa
I knew I really didn’t have a choice….thanks again
Derek! It’s a lot of hard work and takes many days to
prepare your car, but after arriving at the Concours and
seeing all of your old Bimmer friends, it’s worth it, rain
or shine.
- Jim Levandoski, Pembroke, MA
Preliminary 2008
Autocross Schedule
Devens Airport, Ayer, MA
As we prepare for another great year of Autocross events, the entire team would
like to thank the volunteers and participants who made 2007 such a success. The
schedule listed below is preliminary, so keep watching the Boston BMW CCA
website for updates to the 2008 Autocross schedule.
Sunday, 4/27 Autocross Series
Sat/Sun, 5/10, 11 EVO School
Sunday, 5/25 Autocross Series
Sunday, 6/22 Autocross Series
Sunday, 7/13 Autocross School
7/27 Autocross Series
8/9 Autocross School
8/24 Autocross Series
9/28 Autocross Series
10/12 Autocross Series | 27
Behind the Wheels
by Ina R. Ames
Winter Tires: Why own them &
how to chose them
thought an article on winter
tires would be appropriate
for the December issue. I’m
a safety nut and think every
car in New England should
wear winter tires. Some customers are unsure of why
their car should wear winter
tires. Many don’t know what
tires to choose.
I decided it would be fun
to have guest experts for this
column. A little variety is a
lot of fun. I conducted three
interviews with some of my
favorite local people in the
tire industry – Barry Steinberg
from Direct Tire and Mike
Garzone from Tom Lyons
- and a new friend, Matt Edmunds, from The Tire Rack.
Each individual is a thorough
professional and someone
who has earned my respect.
Although I spoke with each
one, the interviews were conducted both over the phone
and via email. I love to keep
things simple so I asked two
questions. First, we’ll hear
from the experts and then I’ll
end with my final thoughts.
Why should every customer buy and use
winter tires?
Barry Steinberg: For New England
driving, especially with some of
the run flat and high performance
tires, once the temperature gets
below freezing the tires lose a lot
of their adhesion capabilities. Most
28 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
importantly, winter tires stop up to
20% faster than all season tires in
inclement weather.
Mike Garzone: Every vehicle
should have winter tires because it
is a safety issue. Winter tires, like
everything else, are highly technologically advanced products that
drastically improve your handling
and performance in winter driving
conditions. Tires work in conjunction with your vehicles mechanical
systems: AWD, traction control,
ABS systems, etc. to make your vehicle more predictable in all driving
conditions. They are the only feature of your vehicle that contact the
road and you want to keep it that
way. Knowing how your vehicle
will react and the confidence in
knowing you have winter tires on
your vehicle will make any driver
a safer and more confident driver
in all driving conditions.
Matt Edmunds: Tires are like shoes,
dress appropriately. When the
weather gets cold and our personal
traction suffers we put on shoes
that give us the maximum in control. The same applies with your
car. For the optimum in control,
winter tires.
What are the top four
criteria you would
advise for choosing
winter tires?
Barry Steinberg: We like to ask the
customer several questions to help
them chose.
Do you drive the car every
day to go to work or is this a
summer only car?
Do you or your family members go up north skiing?
Does your car currently
have ultra high performance
If you are leasing your vehicle
and you have ultra high performance tires, having a set
of winter tires will help your
summer tires last the life of
your lease. It will save you
money and make the vehicle
safer for winter conditions.
Mike Garzone: The four top criteria for choosing winter tires are to
use a local reputable tire retailer,
define the winter conditions you
will be driving in, your budget, and
selecting the correct size for your
Picking a good tire retailer will help
you out with the other three criteria listed. They should be able to
recommend tires depending on the
type of winter driving conditions
you will be facing. Most retailers have a choice of product with
a range of prices and brands to fit
all budgets. They will also be able
to recommend the correct size to
best optimize winter tire traction
and performance depending on vehicle.
A driver must decide on what
type of conditions they most likely
will be driving in. For most people a studless “friction” tire is the
way to go. It greatly enhances your
winter tire traction but remains
quiet on dry roads. This is good
for the driver that travels in “normal” winter tire conditions. For
extreme conditions we recommend
a studded winter tire. A studded
winter tire maximizes your traction
on hard packed snow and ice. You
will loose some performance on dry
pavement, and they are noisy, but
you cannot beat the traction when
Decide what your budget can afford for winter tires. The greater
you expand your budget the better
off you’re going to be in regards
to the latest technology in tread
design and compounding that is
offered in the winter tire market.
Even if you have a smaller budget
there are tires available. Having a
lower cost winter tire still greatly
enhances your winter driving over
an ordinary all season tire.
Finally determine what the best
size is for your vehicle. Ninety percent of the time the tires we put on
are the same size that was on the vehicle from the factory. This changes
when you get into higher end vehicles with sport packages and lower
profile tires. A narrower tire does
better in inclement conditions than
a wide low profile tire. One must
consult their driver’s manual or
local retailer to ascertain the optimum size for winter driving. This
might even mean dropping down
a rim diameter (18” to 17”or 16”).
This is a little more costly because
it requires the purchase of rims, but
we are talking about overall safety
of the driver and passengers and
the motoring public that we share
the road with.
Matt Edmunds: We suggest:
Determine what winter
conditions mean to you, snow,
ice and/or water. As with
performance and all-season
tires there are performance
categories of winter tires to
choose from and reviewing
this is imperative in getting the
right tire for you.
Consider sizing, if you have
plus-sized your vehicle
returning to the original
equipment size is best for
extreme winter conditions.
Narrower is better.
Winter changeover – consider
a set of inexpensive winter
wheels or use your O.E. wheels
for winter. This simplifies the
switch to and from your winter
set-up at the beginning and end
of the winter season.
Cost of buying winter tires
is less than the deductible on
many insurance policies and
certainly worth the peace of
mind control provides.
Final thoughts
Winter tires are safer. Period.
They allow for better adhesion and
therefore traction. They are compounded for the temperatures we
get in New England. This allows
them to stop quicker. This is important in the varied driving conditions
we have. You change your shoes
with the season, so you should
change your car’s “shoes”. If you
leave your summer or “all season”
tires on your car in the winter, you
are likely to wear them out faster
over the same mileage because they
aren’t compounded for our colder
temperatures and our New England
temperature fluctuations.
Choosing a winter tire is not unlike choosing your shoes. The main
questions for determining your winter tires are: For what purposes do
you use your car? In what weather
conditions do you drive? Do you
ski and drive in the hazardous road
conditions up north? Do you do a
lot of highway driving during the
winter? Should you downsize the
wheels for winter? (Downsizing
also allows you to save some money
on the price of the tire). As Mike
said, “They are the only feature of
your vehicle that contact the road
and you want to keep it that way.”
Winter tires save money. Most car
insurances carry $500 to $1,000 deductibles. If you save yourself from
one accident, you’ve paid for the
tires not to mention the stress and
wear and tear on your self and perhaps your passengers. In addition,
if you lease your car, by switching
from summer to winters, the original tires will probably last the life
of the lease and have enough tread
for the lease return.
Buying winter tires from a reputable dealer is your best bet. Any
of the above interviewees’ staff (or
mine) will be glad to help you figure out what you need and within
your budget. I use Nokian WRs each
winter and have them on my car and
my daughter’s car year round. The
Finnish government requires all
cars have what they call “Snow and
Ice tires” that meet their severe service requirements for eight months
of the year. I figure if they’re good
for the Finnish government, they’re
good for New England. However,
much as I love the whole line of
Nokians, they don’t make sizes for
every car and they aren’t necessarily appropriate for your car or your
driving needs.
Hopefully, you’ve learned or
reinforced your winter tire knowledge and understand what you
need to know about choosing winter tires. Next issue we’ll be looking
at detecting the source of car vibrations. Walter Adams, a customer
and BMW CCA member suggested
that topic. Please feel free to submit
suggestions for topics for this column (on wheels and tires) to me at
BMW Chapter’s
Annual Holiday Party
January 19 • 7 p.m.
Lombardo’s • Randolph, MA | 29
Fall wine tasting party wets palettes for travel to Oregon
ur Chapter wine expert, John Calladine, once again
led an enthusiastic Boston Chapter crowd through
a tasting tour of one of the great wine regions of
the United States. This time, John led us on a tour of
Oregon state wines at AlphaCars in Boxboro, MA. John’s
wine adventure included an entertaining PowerPoint
The main event!
A dramatic facility for cars and wine
presentation that gave participants a firsthand look
at the region and its wines without ever leaving New
England. The crowd was surprised at the unusual
geography and weather that characterize the Oregon
wine region and how they have ideal conditions for
the production of world class wines. They also learned
An unexpected highlight of the event was the
opportunity to see the new AlphaCars facility which is
an impressive post and beam building that includes a
collection of model cars and car memorabilia mounted
in collages on several walls. AlphaCars has been a
long time supporter of the Boston Chapter and stores
John Callandine’s presentation
sets the stage for an adventure
that Oregon wines have become so popular that they
are getting rather expensive, especially for the Pinot
Noir varieties. John Sullivan, who has traveled in the
region, was able to provide additional insight into the
area and its wineries to supplement John’s discussion.
The wines were supplemented with some exceptional
New England appetizers and desserts provided by
The view from the balcony
30 | Boston Bimmer • Holiday Issue 2007
our Autocross van as a service to the club. If you’ve
never been to AlphaCars, it a short drive off US495 at
the Boxboro exit. They specialize in sales of pre-owned
BMW and Mercedes automobiles as well as service
for the German Marques. If you stop by, say thanks to
Dimitri for his support of the Boston Chapter and its
events. ♦
One of AlphaCars’ auto-related collages
An incredible spread enhanced the wine
Building up to the next wine
Dinan authorized dealer able to create the high
performance BMW or MINI of your Dreams!
Five expert auto technicians with over
100 years of experience
Now servicing BMW, MINI, Audi, Volvo, and Porsche
at our state of the art Facility
Come see our 50+ inventory of hand-selected
pre-owned BMWS and MINIS
169 Dover Rd. Chichester, NH 03258 • www • (603) 798-3700 • (800) 477-2697 | 31
Boston Bimmer
Boston Chapter
P.O. Box 51448
Boston, MA 02205-1448