fei pi ill - Heritage Avon Lake
fei pi ill - Heritage Avon Lake
^5i^ig^I%g^%g^ AVON LAKE 933-! SHEFFIEL *K C1 ,. •''•! 0 fei pi i l l I:.» AVON SHEFFIELD LAKE A NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION IN LORAIN COUNTY 25C •IP Vt',ly^'.3V Around Our Towns Avon Do you operate a business out of your homo? If ao, the Avon Lake Planning Commission and the Zoning Board have an eye on you. It appears various Individuals within the community do operate out of their home. In fact theio has boon a definite Increase over the past few years. What has happened la competitors of these Individuals who pay rent In commercial areas have complained and now something has to be done... maybe. Over the years a number of businesRes have run their operations out of their homes In violation and with the total knowledge of the city. But, no one haB done anything about it. The laws ere very vague on wh-.t can and can't be operated from within a residential area. ?f Via city does redefine the rules and enforce them on "who can" and "who can't" you can bet there will be one heck of a ruckus. The wheels of government turns very slow when handling a sticky situation such as this. In this case the wheels will turn even slower with the local elections only about 0 weeks away. (See related story this Issue). Soon to be deliveredl Avon Lake Fire Chief Richard Butler informs me the new $379,000 elevating platform fire truck recently purchased by the city should be here any day now. Word has It the city will have an Open House to show off the new vehicle. Town Meeting. Congressman Donald Pease will be holding a town meeting this Saturday, September 10th at 1 p.m. The meeting will be hold in the Avon Lake council cambers. A few weeks liack the Press printed a letter about the still unaccounted for Vietnam POW's. We received a call from an individual this week asking us to inform everyone how they may contact their Senator. Should you wish to write that special letter, please note the following: John Glenn 2235 Dirkson Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20105 Howard Motzenbaum 347 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20105 Lake Shoremen Marching Band. Avon Lake's 19th Annual Bandarama The Avon Lake Shoremen Land Aids aro hosting the Avon Lake 16th Annual Bandarama thla coming Saturday, September.10th, 1983 m 6 p.m. in tho Avon Lake Memorial Stadium, located behind the high school. Special music and marching arrangements will be performed by nine Planning Commission/ outstanding hinh Bchool bands. Schools participating are: Avon, Avon Lake, Akron Firestone, Brooklyn, BrookBlde, Kent Roosevelt, Strongsvtilo. Wooster and West Virginia's St. Marys. The band members will perform precision marcUujj and formations Ilka they use in their football half time shown. Special performances by the Flag Bearers. Majorettes, Pom Pom Girls, Drummers and Dram Majors axe also part of iha shows. General Admission tickets will be on Sale at the Gate the evening of Saturday, September 10th at 6:30 p.m. General Admission of $2.50 for Adults and $1.50 for Senior Citizens and Students. Board Discuss Use Of Home for Business By Linda Hawkins Home occupations - businesses carried out in a dwelling as a secondary uso - have been "a thorn in the side" of the Avon Lake Planning Commission for years, according to its chairman Michael Lash. Lash made that statement at the start of a special joint work session of the city planners and the Zoning Board on Aug. 3D. The suasion was called to study complaints received about five home businesses - a photo studio, an auto tunc-up workshop, a saw sharpening operation, a boat motor repair shop and a picnic table maker. Some of the complaints have come from neighbors who object to nois.9 levels, pollution hazards from carelessly discarded oil, television Interference from pGwar equipment and additional traffic created by these home •usinesses, as well as the unsightly appearance of stored vehicles, boats, etc. One complaint was frum a man who says he was told last year by the building Inspector that he couldn't operate his business in a home, but now he finds someone else Is being permitted to do it - while he must bear the expenses of having an office In a business dlsUict, Continued on page 8 Westwinds Breaks Ground "Weatwinds", the largest residential development to date In Avon Lake, has at last been started by Kopf Bulldcru, Inc. Located one-quarter mile west of tho Bay Village line between Lake and Walker Rds., the 196 acre development will feature a harmonious blending of cluster atyle housing and single family homes on large, woo led lots. Avon CouncH Approves Sewer Plan At a special meeting on Friday evenIng, Avon City Council passed an ordinance by a 5-1 vote to conform to E.P.A. wishes for a federal grant for the funding of a city sewer project. Council bad to amend the grant application by Friday to be eligible for federal funds. Councilman David Lawreszuk objected to the cost of the feasibility 3tudy, and cast the only negative vote. City engineer Alex Kanareff said no city monies will be spent on a feasibility study until the grant Is approved. Kanaroff said Avon is "High on the priority list" for federal funds and is optomistic that the grant will be ap- An ordinance passed in 1868 (Sect. 1230.22 of the Avon Lake Planning and Zoning Codes) permits a home occupation which "doen net change the residential character of the neighborhood and also meets tho following qualifications: • It requires the ilse of only customary homa equipment; proved. Anthony Conti, president of the Concerned Citizens group, that is trying to stop tho sewer project, said he was displeased that the audience was not given the opportunity for comments. Only four persons attended this special meeting. In keeping with the future land uso plan of Avon Lake, the low density development will have many open spaces giving way lo smooth pedestrian and traffic flow patterns. Whan completed, it Is estimated the total dollar value of Westwinds will be over $75 million. The development will include an abundance of recreational facilities such as a swimming pool, tennis and outside racquetball courts, basketball courts, a "tot lot", as well es jogging and bike trails. Phase I of Westwinds, which Is being financed by Cardinal Federal Savings and Loan, will contain 127 luxury condominiums and 317 single family homes. The homes will provide some of the latest concepts in housing In the United States. Emphasis will be on Ihe efflContinued on page IS Attention All Local Industry Any local industry wishing to have a display during this year's festival, please contact Henry Mullaney at Arrow Aluminum (933-2020] before 9/14/83, Call now to reserve an area for your display and for any additional needs. DOUBLE COUPONS! Your MonulactUfor'B coupons aro worth DOUBLE ot F«lo'« un Oltu' linnlud la mnnulntlurHii' fill' w>M !)•! mil. uMnnHhMiluiiirn1 Cr-its oil cwip y lf!h^ A uJ!i doHir minimum purehui •• ««Hlwl'" q««'«l'" «"««• wlm r*'eoupom. Eireellw W«d., Sept. 7 thro TuJi., Sopl. 13. 1903 Only Plastic Gallon Bolllo, Hentdgc House Lowfat Dole Bananas Chuck Roast 2% Fresh Qlazod wlm Honey Olde Virginia Baked Ham Quartered Chicken Legs Sliced White Bread Glad 3-Ply Trash Bags Flaky dough wilh apple, checso orpineuppln Illlinn 8-Oz.Pkgs. Frozen Chickon, Beef or Turkey Fresh Baked French Strudel Morton Pot Pies Avon Lake Block Parent Program Tho Block Parent Progrnm nponsorod by tho Avon Lako PTA Council will snon go into effect. Tho grotm und black signs In the front Wlndown of homos show? that homo Is o "sufoty" huuso for uny child com Ing to or going from school who bocomos frightened or nueds liolp. Pnrunls should show Iholr childran tha locutions of Dlock Parent houoos in their neighborhood. Anyone with questions or anyone intorustod In joining Uio program should contact Donnu LoRoy at 033.30-10. Pre-School And Kindergarten Dance Classes Jonn Hofo'zor Full onrollmonl for dbiico antl liu'on classes will begin on September 10. The purpose and gonls of the! class arc to assist llio child in making ud]u3tments from home to school, encourage the growth of sclfdlcciplino, emphasize tho listening ability, share and tako turn?, and build tho attention span and self confidence. Children's music Is used for warm ups. Ballet and tap r.ancl.ig Include songs. Tumbling skills in gymnastics Is Incorporated Into tho progrim and thore Is also baton for marching and twirling. Each class has a limit of 12 childron .and meets two times a week, one1 lasts 1 hour, Pro-schooU - Mon.-Wed,, B:r 3ft.iYr. Old. Pre-sclictrl II - Mon.-Wetl., 10:30/2:00, 4 & 5 Yr. Old., Pro-school I - Tuoa.-Thur., -!30/l:00,4&6Yr.Old. Pre-school II - Tuos-Thur., 10:30/2:00.3^4 Yr. Old. Pro-school II Is only for tho student who has completed lot year of lessons In dnncu school. Tho fee is $15 a month nnd Is due ut open house ruglstratlon. Tho first month Is a irlal. If It Is toll that tho child Is not ready for danca school a full refund will ho made. Open Housa - 1/2 hour, September 10 - 3 year old - 9:30; 4 year old • 10:30; 5yuarold-5:30. Please call In ad vane o so class Sizo will not bo too largo. Only 12 per class will bo acccptid. 'f you wish to form car pools you IJR-. make your own arrangements. You will be provided with a list of names, addresses and phono numbers, For more Information you may call mo at 933-0D02. |oan Hofelzer Is a cntiHed teacher of Dance of America and certified with tho Baton Twirling United States Twirling Association, Summer ^raduatas who received awards for excellence are: Mary and Leslie Holt on, Jacklo and Holly Mullor, Kim Jaulcek, Krlsten Dlllroan, Jenatte Brusky, Suzy Vincent, Kim Smith, Robin and Jacklo Davleau, Dana Welch, Angela Yacobuccl, Stacy Breeze. Alzheimer's Information Night Wostbay Manor ourdng homo will host a froo program an coping with Alzheimer's Disease, Thursday, September 8 at 7:30 p.m. Tho program Is being sponsored in conjunction with the WestUke chapter of the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dlsordors Association (ADRDA). Alzheimer's, a dlsoose , that has received much media attention recent. Iy, affects tha brain's ability to function. It causes increasing memory loss, 'language disturbance'and confusion, expeclally In UIB elderly, There is no known cure at this time. Because the disease progresses slow-. J '-Uy over a length of time, family members of those afflicted often suffer - groat emotional stress. Alzheimer's Disease accounts for 70 percent of thtj sufferers of senility, ac- cording to figures released by tho ADRDA. Br. Vilnls Clemlns, a neurologist affiliated with Palrvlew, Lakewood and Southwest General Hospitals, will speak at Wostbay on the disease, what Is known about Its causes, as well as available treatments. Members of Westlake's ADRDA support group which meets monthly at Westbay will also bo avllablo to discuss their personal experiences with affected relatives or ffiends. The group's purpose Is to os9lat families In coping with the disease, both physically and emotionally. Westbay Manor Is located at 27601 Westchcstor Parkway In Westlake. For more information, contact Peggy Walsh, L.P.N., at Wostbay manor, 8715900. FOR EXAMPLE... WltH ONI COUPON . UNUMIftD touwt 3LARGE ONE DOLLAR an on IACH A iviHr LAttct PIZZA WITH COUPON, EVERY DAY, INCLUDING YOU nu» M ONCI " AT THE LOVIM OVENS 933-4224 or 933-4477 O.K. -EworyDny EXPIRES: DEC 31,1904 FRBDAY & SATURDAY ttllHONI MORE COUPONS AVAILABLE AT THE STORE COUPON BEFORE YOU PAY... ONE DOLLAR UNUMtTIU tooctr oir on IACH a mmr LAUCI PIZZA IIEO. TRADEMARK (TELEPHONE 933-4224 833-4477 933-6708 OPEN! MnN..TrlUnB, 4-ttP.M.. FM.-SAT, 4-1 A.M. SUN. MO P.M. I ADDRESS! 3 » n WALKin nD., A.L (ACROSS FROM B.F. OOODRKMI YOU HUV AT UWCI ATTHELDV1N OVENS 033-4224 or B33-4477 O.K.-EvoryDoy EXPIRES! n t C . 31,1964 SPECIAL AT NAUTLUS NORTHI Tha Ultimata lo Ph yt leal Condiiionlng lor Man ft Woman KARLZIMMER, DIRECTOR i FREE Month With Any Membership! Begin Anytime Before September] 301 Still At Summer Rates! Offer Expires September 14 "The Landings' Rt. 83 & Walker 933-8075 Avon Lake LCCC Late Registration Dates Announced Late registration for Loraln County Community College's Fall Quarter offerings 1B scheduled for Monday, September 12 and Tuesday, September 13. Students can register for fall courses on a space-available basis from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on both dal?s In the College Admissions Ofi'lco. Day, evening and weekend credit courses will be offered Fall Quarter to meet the needs of working adults, presently enrolled students, transient students, homemakers and high school students. Fall Quarter classes begin September 12. LCCC's "open door" admissions, policy extonds educational opportunities to high school graduates and non-high school graduates, 18 years of agi or older who can benefit .from college level instruction. LAKE EROSSON PROBLEMS BUILD YOUR OWN BREAKWALLM Solid Concrete Blocks { w i t h hooks) 3'x3'x3' Approx. Wt. 3,000 ea. 21 95 (as pictured)Also Available For 8 14"or 8 19 9 5 Teletlora's new Honey Jar Bouquet — an adorable ceramic honey jar bursting with iresh flowers. One quick call or visit to our shop sends it to your grandparents, anywhere ir the country. Send the Honey Jar Bouquet for Grandparents' Day. Sunday, Sept. 11. ATURDAVS WEDELIVER CALL Funltttre. 930 Miller Rd., Avon, O. Avon: 337-6264 - Cleve.: 1-835-5775 i "£3C7' f l o w e r s • f u r n i t u r e • gifts ALL OUR FRESH FLOW .S 100% GUARANTEED 871-2299 -— m wS-i^MiS ^£<'!i'q!'t" i ^iB<^BBBB^H Rick Hemmer, Editor & Co-Publisher RJ. HemmerSr., Co-Publisher The Press Is a Newspaper of General Circulation In Loraln County Linda M. Hemmer, Advertfslng Bonnie Horvath, Advertising Tonl Musorove, Advertising Ann Schneider, Accounting Rita Fiaim, News co-ordinator Catherine J.eahen. circulation Manager Letters To The Editor or letters In response to other letters must be brief. It's Important they Include yourname, signature, address and phone number. Allletters are subject to editing. TELEPHONE 933-5100 Send news articles, advertisements to: Box 163, Avon Lake. 0., 4401" A member of the Photojoumal Group which Includes SUBURBAN PRF»S, No. f In East Toledo Suburbs WEST LIFE - No. 11n Westlake, Bay Village, Rocky River, Falrview Park and North Olmsted. 0. VERMILION PHOTOJOURNAL • No. 1 In Vermilion. Ohio ERIE COUNTY REPORTER - No. 1 In Huron. Ohio ANNUAL OUT OP AREA SUBSCRIPTION $16.00 FOR AN EVENING OF CRUISING with Home Lines 7:30 p . m . Thursday Sept. 29,1983 Prizes Wine & Cheese Serving LaHl Avon Lake School News ) i SCHOOL LUNCH MENU (Subject to change) Wed. Sept. 7, Sloppy Joe on Bun, Cheese Wedge, Trl Taters, ChocoChlp Cookie, Milk Thurs. Sept. 8, Toasted Cheese Sandwich, Tomato S-mp, Stuffed Celery, Chilled Fruit, Milk. Fri., Sopt. 9, Pizza Popporoni, Tossed Salad, Green Beans, Choco. Cake, Milk. Mon. Sept. 12, Submarine Sandwich, Chlckon Noodld Soup, Pretzel Stlx, Fresh Fruit, Milk. Tues. Sept. 13, Ham or Eg'j Salad Sandwich, Tomato Soup, Cookie, Fruit Cur,, Milk. Indian Guides 1! i i Don't forget ... Indian. , Savaasmucfisrs1 Guides Uprising (explanation and registration meetings) will bo held Sept. 13th at 7:30 p.m. at BANQUETS the Sheffield Lake Com• W h e n c o m p a r i n g otjf • munity Center, Lake Road, and Sopt. 14th, • ^priro's.vyitKothtr:1 '.•• ..' aroa.restaurantsi! ',' 7:30 p.m., at Erlevtew SCHOOL GALE! MR School, Electric Blvd., Tues. Sept. 6, Choral Ensemmo - Vocal Room Avon Lake, you can at9:30 p.m.; Avon Lake High School PTA Bd, Mtg. tend eithor meeting. Bring Rmt157 Mom and/or Dad, Join Thurs. Sept. 0, Pep Club Mtg. 3:15 p.m'. the fun. Swim nights, Cn'otorlat Inatrumnntal Parents Mtg, 7:30 p.m. Band camp-outs, Naaa tour, Rm. Mohican Canoeing are Fri. Sept. 9, Varsity Pootbr.il at Admiral King ' ' .. . .277-6666 • •• . • some of the scheduled -.Dlddulph Plaia-Drookirn ' Sat., Sept. 10, Avon i-akn Bandorama Meiuorial events' *••.'"•'.,45*0020 •• Stadium 6:00 p.m. Kids, give your parents Tues. Sept. 13, High School Open House 7:3? memories that last a p.m.; ErievJcw Open House 7:30 p.m., Redwood lifetime - foln Indian Opeu House 7:30 p.m. Guides. "OCCUPATIONAL WORK ADJUSTMENTAvon Schools Menu EDUCATION'S COMMITIViKNT TO YOUTH" Wod.,Sept,7 Mixed Fruit This was the theme of a three day conference held Swiss Steak Cookie August 10,11 and 12, at Ashland College. Al Spelglo. Moahed Potatoes MOD., Sept. 12 teacher from Avon Lake High School, attended the Buttered Gr. Beans Sloppy Joe Sand. teacher inservlco conference. Over 400 Occupational or Fruit French Fries Work Adjustment teachers attended the conference Bread ft Butter Buttered Gr. Beans sponsored by the Ohio Department of Education, Thurs., Sept. 6 Fruit Distributive Education ServicesRoast Turkey Cookies Occupational Work Adjustment Is a program for 14 Mashed Pot./Gr, TUBS., Sept. 13 and IS year old youth. The program's instructional Buttered Peas Oven-Fried Chicken components include remediation in math and or Fruit Mashed Pot./Gr. English, career exploration and on-the-job work exBread Aflutter Buttered Beans perience to redirect the student towards graduation. Fri., Sept. 9 or Fruit Some of the twenty different inservtce sessions ofPeppercai Pizza Bread & Butter fered to teachers included: Microcomputers In VocaButtered Corn Cookie tional and Career Education, Positive Classroom Intervention, Using the Newspaper as an Instructional Tool, Procter and Gamble Leadership Institute, Ohio Career Information Systems, Private Sector Employment and Teacher Liability Concerns. Rentals-Repairs-Lessons . The conference concluded with Regional Meetings Gardner's Academy of Music and goals to aim for during the 1983-84 school year. S246EoBtUkoRd. INSTRUMENTS Shol field Ls'to, Ohio 949-7201 THE NATJitAL KITCHEN NO CHARGE 27310 W. Oviatt Bay Village, OH RSVP'835-3000 TA/0576 HALL RENTAL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Weddings - Parties -Moetlngs Air Conditioned -Ample Parking For information Call: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 1783 Moore R*. — 934-4253 If Mo Answer CaBI 933-3926 , CHICAGO RAILHOLIDAY November 25-27,1983 Trovelmart Ino. T-A01ia Tha Landings 933-41B1 Ct«u«. 83S-2710 B*lty QWIWM* H«iniM(n.-M.M Chicago Rail Holiday,'.aboard AMTRAK'S LAKE SHORE LIMITED Is belter.than ever! Spend the weekend at: DRAKE HOTEL, overlooking.... Laky Michigan. ' ' Double BOOTS GALORE... ACME • DINGO • DAN POST TONY LAMA-JUSTIN Ovir 2.000 Palra of Boot) at Back to School Pries* Starting *t'6BM . LEE JEANS AVON GUN & TACK SHOP Avon: 934-5131,Cleve: 871-8981 36775 Detroit Rd., Avon VISA & MASTERCARD WELCOME if your mortgage outlives you, Mortgage Life insurance can help keep your home in the family. Check with State Farm The Natural Kitchen BULK NATURAL FOOD & Kitchenwaro Rt. 83 & Walker Rd. Tha Landings, Avon Lake 933-9032 SPECIAL: TURKISH APRICOTS Reg.'2»lb. A/OIV * I 8 0 Ib. While Supplies Last "FREE" HERB LECTURE "FREE Tues., September 13, 7:30 p.m. l.eorn - Historical usos of hofbs - How you can make herbs work for you - Irldology — Gourmet Coffees — MON-FBI. 10-U. THUHS. 10-8, SAT. 10-B THE NATURAL KITCHEN 5 .AlTERATiONSdolK . BUTTONS SEWN NtEd... • ZippERS REplACEd . L A p E ( s N f l B R 0 W E C j WE CAN ItANdlE AH TNESE ANd MORE. Stop iN SOON. BRITCHS' TAILOR SHOP Rini's Plaza 34289 Center Ridge Rd. N. RidgevUle. O 1-327-2034 WILLIAM THORNHILL 33467 Lake Rd. Avon Lake, Ohio 933-2720 Walleye Contest Winner An OW-pound walleye caught by ]lm Smith, of 159 Berkshire, was tho '.op flah In Avon Lake Hardware's 1083 Walloyo ContoBt. CIOSB on his heals was Elam Bruogger, of 147 Berkshire, who bail registered a 0-po'jnd-14-ounco beauty. As tho top wlnnocs. each was awarded a KUNNAN Rod and a Ponn Reel. A total of more than 200 fishermen wore vying for prizes this year. Nineteen fish entered In the contest qualified for "Fish Ohio Awards". To bo eligible, a walloye haB to be 26 inches or longer. Avon Lake Hardware Is the local headquarters for Fish Ohio, sponsored by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Tho 10 weekly winners In the contest Included four-time winner Scott Bruegger. two-tlmo winner Gary Carlson, Jim Lovelte, Bob Tomanok, Jim Halter. Peter Rekstls, Jr., Jean Novotuy. Dave Keiloy, Tom Evans, Bob Clfranlc, Elam Bruegger, Walter Llppay, Willie Cothran, and Jim Smith. Jim Smith and Elam Bruegger also captured special prizes offered by tho Avon Lake Boat Club for Us members. Baton & Dance Program Enrollment opened for the Q3-U4 snasott. Start class by Sept. 10th and bo <n Avon Lake Homecoming Parade on Oct. 1st. A five week course in Basic Strut & Twirl 1 hour classes. Limit 15 girls in each. I will have promotion In baton expertise based on Individual accomplish* ment. Ages 5-0, 0-11, 12-14 ant! IS & over. I utilize tbi video camera tape Bystem, providing w mediate feedback for student and teacher. Each 5 week session will have a study sheet and complollon will receive a very nice patch for jacket and shirt. A program of advanced stud oats will be given at 1st meeting, Mother la encouraged to share in class with child. ToachtJi/Coech Joan Hotelier Is certified lit Batou United States Twirling Assoc. and in Dance Masters of America and Stale of Ohio. Student accomplishments: Jr. Twirling Jorp. State 83 - 2nd place Juv. Larg.- Dance Twirl Team 03 state champion • 1st soto 83 Strut 7 yr. old champ Beth. 'Drthcott of Avon Lake. Solo 1st Region'il BBg. Kristin Newman of Avon Lake. Current Cuyahoga County Fair Pageant winners - JOBBICB George of Avon 6 /ra old, Corl Haslck of Avon Lake 8 y;a* old, Kristin Nowman & Hally Vogul to yr. old Ho and Jenny Glyde 12 yr. oli' tram day Village won age group and title of over all. She received $20.00 and !> trophy's that day. A lot of flood times and ha.'d work await your child. Get involved and Join the fun. For AIOH Informartlor you may call 633-8802. STEPHEN'S STUDIO 2nd YEAR ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ONE FREE SITTING * to the first 20 people who bring in this ad. NAME . - _ _ _ ADDRESS CITY _ PHONE ' 1. One coupon per family. 2. Does not ap^ty towards senior portraits. 3. Maximum 5 people per sitting. 4. Appointment date must be between September 19th and October 7th •The Landings" 933-5763 Did AlcohoS Ruin Your Holidays? "enior Citizen Registration At LCCC Senior citizens may register to audit credit couraaa at Lorain County Community College on a tultlon-free, apace available basis. Wednesday, September 14. Day, evening and weekend credit courses are of Fored this Fall Quarter at the Collage. Although the course fee Is walvered. senior citizens must pay a one-time only application .'io, aud material ncd bookcosta. Registration vtlll be held from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. la the College Admissions Office loaded on the socond floor of the CollefiU Center. Fall quarter classes begin the week of Soptembor 12. To The Market For Antiques And Good Food Many quality licensed dealers will be on hand at the twentieth annual Antique Market & Country Store on Saturday. September 17, 1983, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the grounds of thn Avon United Methodist Church, 3771.. Detroit Kd., Avon. (Rt. Z54 - U mill west of Ri. 611). Admission Is free and unlimited parking (free) Is provided. The Country Sto*j featuring-fresh local produce will be hi the pavilion where the men of tint chtr in will ba hoppy to assist you. There will Us many home-baked dolicacirc in the barn along with booths of antiques, crafts and books. Plan on eating some good home-cooked foods prepared by the women of the church. Our famous home-made donuts \s 111 also be available. Come out end enjoy a day In the country! GET READY!!! Let Us LRKELfmD n/TTTLTTE •II A compr*h«nshifl Iraatmenl program for alcoholism / chemical dtpandency. Offering tp*c{aliz0dprogrami for adoletcanU and woman. 3500KOLBEOC*D LOftAIN, OHIO 44033 (216)282-7106 In Ohio Call 800-362-1039 .. An AHHIaled Non-Proflt Program ol Loraln Community Hospllal e how., .serve later HARD WINTER? y Seal-A-Meal BI SAVE *25 to *35 On Towing NEED ENGINE TUNE UP?? 4 Cylinder Parts Extra 1 Lb. Bag Potato Chips With FIll-Up $ 1 79 1 Fix your own boil-in-the bag foods with convenient system featuring 10" wide pouch capacity, pouch storage & E-Z Cutter". No. SAM II. ti Dazey® Seal-A-Meal II Cooking Pouches DOST NOW!! AVOID THE RUSH!! For use with Dazey® Seal-A-Meal II. 10"W, 20'L. No. 6010. Auto Care 4618 Lake F^tcl. Sheffield Leke 949-iB28!6V; MOORE & WALKER HD., AVON LAKE, O. m g^|£££p^ Autumn Antique Festival ' - - ' " * * - '"' • • "• ^ ^ ^ V H H f ^iatlllll#*'^[iW ''J^ii» 'saiitlllliBf ^ ^ ^ ^ ^LBLIIBI* ^r' ' ' • ^ ^ V I ' ' •' '* '' ' '''**'• V 19JS BrbndwdV^L'driiln '. jHo/p, Now Cars Are Selling Greetlf Now Vve got tho vsharpest trades, but I have toe many of them. To move I thorn quickly, Vve knocked the prices way down—stop Infir| pea them. Pick out the right car for youl! |This isnd pa partial listing at these prices - you gotta see 'emll B1 " ".9LL". " - • - •' ' « Brouuhnm (TT|ndeatanal f" 2 l " n d P t l " <BHwarl B1Choloet>f2-T1W» !3-8Dr.( JIMitmng 80 Grand PHK , 80 Cltatlona>B Dr. 80 Fairmont 70 BonnowlIlM (eholtm of B! 3-Braunhntna 1-4 Dr. 1-Cnupo 7St.kvlnrh TDMxdo 78 Mam> Wagon 78 Fairmont TSnabbll 71 Banmtullle Brounhom (4 dr.) 77 Grand Prix (choice of 21 71 Cutlaaa Plus Many Mo re II See Them Todayli Lor. 244-6201, Clove. 871-8260 Antlquco, scarccrowa, apple huttor, cabooao and ffro uiigine rides will nil conlrlbulu In a fun filled country weekond In Avon'a Frnnch Crook District on Sal., Sept. 17th, 0 to S und Sun., Sept. lfllh, D-G. The French Creek Asboc. In again sponsoring the Autumn Antique Festival. Oulslde antique and craft markets, aldownlk ouloa, und Americana croft denionslratlons and tasty Food will bo featured at the participating nhopa located in buildings dating back to IHOO's along Detroit Rd. (Rt. 254) Stonoy Ridge Rd. In Avon, O. 1 south o'.MHi. The Avon Methodist church v» wlliS hold their annual Outdoor Antique^ Market at 37711 Detroit Rd. on'Sat ."'I from 0 to 4. To finish off tlm ovonta BC--§ tlvitios on Sun. from 4 to 7 tho l'lraihiitOq will have their annual Clem-Stunk Bako^-i at Tom'a Country PInco, 3442 # Ridge Rd. Tickets arc at the door. Avon Historical Society Tho first mooting for this year will be on Monday, Sept. 12th at 0:00 p.m. ' tho Town Hall of 1071. If you bollevo In the historic preservation of Avon, then wo noed your input. Wo need to organize and define the rah of the Avon Historical Sucfely as it yr3 .fllatestooiircity. * All regular members, forinet h,, members, and interested now poisons fi are urged to attend. We would like the f whole town to show upon Sopl 12th, COHPVTBn CUSS3S... You're doing more... so you need the card that does more. Computer Update Borvicoa, I n c . , located in downtown Lorain, is offering various typos ot cunputer claaa«s for indivlduala wanting to learn or expand their knowledge in the following a r w n . 1 •: Coucioa being oEEered' at this tim« includsi . 1. 2. 1. ' 4. Introduction to Computers (3i5 h Beginning PrograBoing [12.houra) Mord Pconiiing I (A hoar a) ' Blactronie'Sprtid Sheet/vliU Ic (9 houral These clasaeB featur«...hands on experience a n d . . . t h e option to own1 the computer yoiitare trained onl (CUsaoa i t j r t a t 929:00). Ho conputor knowledge or experience is req tired far our introduction class. ii •1 V i ;> ! i •i. '•'. The Owl CarcL.with more services and locations than any other card of its kind. Use it to make deposits, pay bills, transfer funds, and get cash whenever and wherever you need it. You're doing more today...and have less time to do it. So you need the card that does more. Go ahead. Use your Owl Card and see how really convenient it is. If you don't have one, ask for it today. You'll like using your Owl Card because The Owi is simple to use. Call now to rt*nrve a seat in. the September* and Ot^-ober cldP^cj, . COHPUTBP UPDATE SERVICES, INC, '-. 215-2410 An Innovative Data I'toceiiing: Consulting Pirn by Judi Sheppard Missett ') 11 »• I t ', AVON MIDDIE SCHOOL DETROIT ROAD BETWEEN RTS. 83ft611 !NSTRUCTOR4>EB POUOCK Monday & Wednesday CLASSES AT 5:45 & 7:00 Friday OASSESAT 7:00 CALL NOW 949-2615 .THE CENTR^TRUSTCOMPANY Your Financial Center TO REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION ••?$••>, L + ? ^ i 4 i i i ^ ^j*5l\ii^ Hams 4 pricos In Ihls ad aro ollocllvo thru Sal Sept. to, 19B3 at your 4100 IvanltDoHd., Sliolliuld Lake and 5290 Doltcl! ltd., Elvrla Kroner Stores. ADVERTISED ITEM PfM.ICYn.tf. «i i WF3-» MUWMl Of SOtVttUE 0*111*. IFFICH1I 1M«U B»t..!in, to. m i Jtl ligii lit tfilHl. niritxiitm eonnwmt. ion) tuiniiooinco ou*xtit< RIOHII m i i Hoses mean we're friendly people Rows, aro earned by our employees for their friendly, personal service. II you have a complaint wo want to know, but II someone has done an excellent Job In serving you, i t'ii IIHolo know "hat, too, WITH THESE FREE! ITEMS ONE5CT. PKG. 1 LB. LVS. FROZEN ONE 10-12 OZ. PACKAGE FROZEN ASSORTED VARIETIES WKiN YOU GUY ONE 5 CT. PKG. 1 LB. 1VS. AT -.'OULAR RETAIL WHEN YOU BUY TWO 10-12 OZ. PKGS AV REGULAR RE/AIL ONE24OZ. BOTTLE Pancake Syrup SAV: ¥51.89 u'.<IE 20 OZ. LOAF KROGER f LICED PLAIN OR SEEDED ONE 1 L8. PACKAGE DAILY DELIGHT SAVE % SAVE 8 . 8 9 Sandwich Cookies WHEN YOU bUY ONE 16 OZ. PKG, AT REGULAR RETAIL ONE 24 CT. PACKAGE COUNTRY OVEN FAMILY PACK ASSORTED VARIETIES Cake EUonuts Polish Style Gherkins WHEN YOU BUY ONE 24 CT. PXG. AT REGULAR RETAIL WHEN YOU BUY ONE 22 OZ. JAR AT REGULAR RETAIL SAVERS 1.89 SAVE S5 1.35 ONE 16 OZ. TUBE KROGER REFHIGERATED PACK PEANUT BUTTER. CHOCOLATE CHIP OR O N E 8 OZ. C U P ASSORTED FLAVORS YOGURT Sugar Cookies WHEN YOU hlii ONE 16 GZ. TUBE AT REGULAR RETAIL WHEN YOU BUY ONE 8 OZ. CUP AT REGULAR RETAIL llmlSAVETS tn« (Him fi linDt..66 ViM i Kiwt M l ( H I . . 1»H U. 1111. Wieners Citrus Punch WHEN YOU BUY ONE Vi GAL. JUG AT REGULAR RETAIL SAVE TO 1-20 ONE 7-7W OZ. BAG COUNTRY OVEN HEXITOS. NACHO OR ONE B OZ. BOX KROGER WHEN YOU BUY ONE 7-7Vi OZ. BAD AT REGULAR RETAIL WHEN YOU BUY ONE 9 OZ. BOX AT REGULAR RETAIL ONE PAIR-ONE SIZE FITS ALL FASHION COLOH LINE NO NONSENSE ONE PAIR-ONE SIZE FITS ALL CONTROL TOP PANTV HOSE FASHION COLOR LINE SAVE SK 1.59 SAVE;; .54 KROGER ONE Vt GALLON JUG SUNGOLD SAVETSI. ONE 1B OZ. PACKAGE COUNTRY OVEN ASSOHTED VARIETIES WHEN YOU BUY ONE 8 OZ. CUP AT REGULAR RETAIL ONE 1 LB. PACKAGE KROGER WHEN YOU BUY ONE 1 LB. PKG AT RERULAR RETAIL WHEN YOU BUY ONE 1 L B . PKD AT RESULAR RETAIL WHEN YOU BUY ONE 20 0Z. LOAF AT REGULAR RETAIL ; ONE 22 OZ. JAR Ice Cream WiiEK YOU BUY ONE </> G A L CTN AT REGULAH RETAIL SAV'.:?£2.05 ONE 8 02. CUP ASSORTED FLAVORS ONE Vi GALLON CARTON KROGER NATURAL FLAVORED VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE j I SAVEVS1.71 Llnll « • w w H> •••**• VDW It WI(H tM« Tut.. Sl|t. 13. 1»». | ' WHEN YOU BUY BNE PAIR KNEE HIGHS AT HEGULAR RETAIL SAVE ¥51.29 Llnil DM CHIHH p« limit), Vt»d it Krmi inn Iu«l.. I » l . 11.1111. ONE PAIR-ONE SIZE FITS ALLFASHION COLOR LINE SHEER TO THE WAIST PANTY HOSE No Nonsense WHEN YOU BUY ONE PAIR SHEER TO 1HF WAIST PAHTY HOSE AT REGULAR RETAIL SAVE ¥£2.49 No Nonsense WHEN YOU BUY ONE PAIR AT REQULAfl RETAIL SAVE^ 2.99 ONE3-CARTON PACK ASSORTED FLAVORS "NEW OCEAN SPHAY COCKTAIL WHEN YOU BUY ONE 3-CTN. PACK AT REGULAR RETAIL SAVE % 1.19 LMN *M WHO ft bm*r. VtN ll *ntn itn Int.. %n\, D. i i u . Zoning Board 37160 Detroit R<f, Avon, Ohio 440111 934-6516 or 1-800-562-0431 ;: :-/! A Flea Dip - $10.00! For dogs, a- cats. Or try our Proban tablets for dogs. Don't forget to do the house with Siphotroi Premise Spray - it kills fleas up to 10 weeks. PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT PICK UP SOME TODAY thru Saturday ••":•-A. in *:. COS1SSOIITTLE...SAYSAL0T! flowers • furniture • gifts ALL OUrt FRESH FLOWERS 100% GUARANTEED • No person is employed for that purpose! ' There Is no selling of a commodity on tho premises; • Wo sound or odor Is emitted from the premises; • No sign or other outward evidence of the occupation Is displayed on the premises," Another 15-year-old ordinance (Sect. 1270.10] liBta permitted "accessory uses" for dwellings which are primarily usad as a residence. It says. "accessory uses shall be understood to Include an office of a physician, danUst, surgnon, engineer, architect, attorney, musician, artist or otberprofessional person (except morticians} ... and also ... such home occupations as dressmaking or millinery..." "This section further states, "adeqi'tite off-Btrcet parking muut bo provided for those visiting the promises by reason oi tuic'jt accessory use.'' Everyone present at the work session - city planners, zoning board members, the city engager, tho law director and the building Inspector - all seemed to agree the present logulallons are vague and difficult to Interpret and apply to the five specific complaints they were reviewing. For Instance, the photo studio seems to comply to Sect. 1230.22 by not emitting "sound or odor" end not having a "sign or othor outward evidence of the scsiipafton displayed on the premises." But, Lash said ho interprets the nowspapeiv advertising being done by the photo studio as "outward evidence of the occupation" - oven though It Is not "on the premises." Ho also stated It was "the advening, rather than the activity" that he fo;md obJQctloLjble. "My opinion is," Lash said, "unless the follow crises advertising, we may have to take some fiction." Zoning Board member Ron Andolsen disagreed. "I don't see bow we can control advertising." ho said. "It's one of tblK country's freedoms." ' George Vasiloff. member of both tho Planning Commtoolon and Zoning B'.iwd said, as far as he was concerned, advertising made the photo studio a business rather thar a home occupation. There was also some question as to whether the photo studio was using "only custom?ry home equipment", and K there was "suiting of a commodity on the premises." A furthar complication was brought up by Building Inspector Ken Grano. He pointed out that Sect. 1270.15 Huts SOMEDA Y YOU MAY NEED HOME HEALTHCARE? Effective September 15, 1983, St. Joseph Home Health Care Program is accepting patients. This type of health care service satisfies patients, families, and physicians. It provides an acceptable alternative to continued hospitalization or nursing home care. For patients who are homebound, needing health services and live within Lorain County - St. Joseph Home Health Care Program can provide a less costly form of quality and personal care. Some of the benefits you may receiveare... . iL . . , ^ , ... recovery in the privacy and comfort of your home. ..health care provided by an experienced and skilled team of professionals who have the credentials of practicing in a hospital . .services are available as ordered by your physician on a daily, weekly or as needed basis but in the case of an emergency our staff is ready to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ..reduction of hosp'tal stay. ..decreased need to be readmitted to the hospital. ..less reliance on Nursing Home care. ..and more. For mora information concerning St. Joseph Home Health Care Program please contact Barbara Gubeno, R.N., Director of Home Health Care, 245-6851, ext. 392. Continued from page 1 [ the "officb of an artist" as a permitted [,' necessary uso for , a dwelling * "Wouldn't a photographer bo con stdered an artist?", ho asked. ' Law Director Dale Barnard said that was a decision for a court of law to {•, make; :. j Planning Commission membur Joan ^ Bair suggostod, "Let's address the ^ Issue of what we want in our communl X ty, and then work backward to roviBO our codes to accomplish that. "Are we going to permit tho making of draper!oa, dresses, cakes and flower arrangements? Do wo want to list nan objectionable homo occupations?'! RUBB Lynch, City Council's represoti ' & talivo to the Planning Commission 4' montloned that occupations which In volve the use of gasoline or chemicals should be prohibited because of /the danger it neighbors., . ' .-. Commission Chairman Lash stated that a review of the city's planning and zoning codes was begun last spring, but was suspended for the summer before there was time to study ithe horaeoc-t cupatlonsection. . ';';,:;,.- w City Engineer Jesse Kalourfa recom mended Council bo asked to pass an or- s dinance requiring permits for home oa cupatlon. Ha said when a pornoncanVf. In for a permit, a determination wfiuld| be made if the occupation conformed to tha codes. . •-,.••;,• • "If my department can't settta It. we'll bring it to the Planning Conmlaslon or Zoning Board for a decision," , h e s a i d . ' " '•• ' •'. '\' v ' _""-.)'. . lit 8'tpport of the permit proposal) ^ Law Di^ctor Barnard said, "I egros . with Jesse..In our code we don't have { any way of reviewing (an occupation) before it becomes a problem. Now wo only act if there's a violation."; It was agroed that Planning Commission would draft a recommendation lo*"1 Council calling for the passago of an ordinance requiring a permit for: oporatlon of a home-based business. The City 'Engineer and the Law i Director will mvlaw tho five homo businesses which are presently in quostlon and make a report tc the City Prosecutor Who will decide what action to tafce, accoTding to Lash, "to prpserve the residential character "• of our neighborhoods.*' ^ :, Proposed changes In the sire llmltatlons for accessory biilldlng and tha %« amoimt of , frontage!.! required for * bulldable lots on streets which are 60 i percent developed, were alsodlsrussod at the Joint work session. Planning Commission will address these Inouoa further at their next meeting. ALFONSO 6. GOZARM.D. General Practice The Landings Professional Bldg. 32730 Walker fld.f Avon Lake, O. Phone 933-5212 Evo Hour Ans. Service on OMA Z//-9JUU "'"p' Co " "for Appotniment Mon.-Frl.9to5 Sat. 9 to 12 'AT THE LANDINGS FOR FOOTBALL SHOWERS HOURS Tuos.,Wfld. frMO-B Thurs. 10-8 Sat. 10-5 Closed Sun. & Mon. 933-4S43 Big Wheel Celebrates 70th Birthday Donna Suienda French, manager of tho Avon Lake Big Whool has nnnouncud that tho chain or 09 discount stoics Is celebrating Its 70th birthday sale next week. Ms. Surenda French says customers can join the celebration at Avon Lake all naxt weak (or valuable giveaways, special birthday sale savings and more. Freti cake will be provided on Sunday 9-11-83. The Fishers Brothers, Ed. Dan and Mike, opened their fixe* clothing store In New Castle, PA in 1914. Over the years, business prospered considerably and developed Into a chain of clothing stores. In the lflGO'a, Fishers expanded even more, offering customers both hard and soft goads under ono roof. Today each store features carpeted fashion department, wide shopping aisles and a bright, cheerful atmosphere with ovor 80 departments Including domeatlca, housawares, health and beauty aids and more, Ed Fisher, one of the throe original founders, still serves as Chairman of tho Board and takes an active port In the organization. According to Ma. Surenda French, the Avon takb Big Wheel opened for buslnesa 1MB-74. Flshara Big Wheel, Inc., with Its corporate office hi New Castle, currently operates atortiB hi Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, New York, Michigan, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Why settle for less when you can have the BEST? 3 LARGE ONE ITEM PIZZAS $ 1 0 . 0 0 AVONUKE "THE LAN DIN OS" KMW1 ! • > TO-GO-ONLY SUN.-THURS. MMItt 54Q2Uk*Rd. SHEFFIELD UKE ; Valuable Conpo $ 00 Valuable Coupo I OFF »1°°OFF Any large ptxxa with ona'or mora Itants In our dining room or to go. ' ' SEPTEMBER 12 & 13 Any targ* plsu with one of more Itsms In our dining roam ortogo. SV, SEPTEMBER 12 & 13 Adapted Aquatics Program A Success Another successful year for the American Red Cross Adapted Aquatics program In cooperation with Buster Seals, came to a close at the graduation ceremonies hold Aug. 14th at the Avon Lake Municipal Pool. Swimmers of all ages and at all swimming levels (beginner to Intermediate) demonstrated their skills for families and friends as Paul Drown, program director, Informed tho audience of Individual achievements. < The students: Chrlssy Leonard, Tina Burns, Julie Sobol, Christopher Quinlan, Keith Durt, Sherrle Kuhn, Linda Roden, Donald Perrlne, Katbleon Prrlne, Matthew Manner, Pam Hoicog, Steve Herceg, Katherine Bowes, Kenny Halligan, Kathy Neelon, Tracy Seracl, Dan Beeman were present with t r o p h i e s and p a r t i c i p a n t PU- Mayor's Report The Charter Review Commission has recommended revisions to the-City Charter,' which will appear on the November ballot. I feel those revisions need to be fully explained to the public. To accomplish this, I have arranged, with the cooperation of the school system, the following dateB and locations for the various Wards: Ward I, September 7th, Eastview School;' Ward H, September '21at, Erlevlew School; Ward HI, September 14th, Redwood School; and Ward IV, September 28th, Westvlew School. Each meeting will be held In tho . school's cafeteria at 7:30 p.m. , I would like to personally thank Tom Beat. Chairman of the Charter Review Commission, as well as the other mombers, for all their time, efforts and assistance In this matter. Please drive carefully, most especially through the school zones. Our PoRce Department will be checking these zones, keeping a watch for our chiiJrens' safety. Branch Pickup - Our Branch and Lent Pickup Program will begin September , 15,. 1903 and continue until Ocf ir 15, 19B3. Please do your trimming of trees so they may be picked up within this time period. Your cooperation In this matter will bo greatly appreciated, Mayor Robert E. Allen compllshmenta. And special awards were presented to Julio Sobol and Kathy Neelon for their uffortB to raise monoy for the Easter Seals through the Easter Seals Splash-a-Thon hold at tho Avon Lake Pool on July 27th. A very special thank you In appreclution wan given to all thosu who aided the students and gave unselfishly of their time and help and often words of encouragement. Another very special thankc Is given to Jim Tones who provided the entertainment for the evening with his expertise In basketball trickery. The evening came to a close with an informal reception with ice cream and cake. All those who were a part of Avnn Lake's Adapted Aquatics program left with a smite, a Bcnse of pride, and some very good friends. Letters • i (AT "THE LANDINGS") kICHAEL J. KEARNS, D.D.S. JOSEPH E. RUSSELL, D.D.S. INSURANCE ACCEPTED PERIODONTALTREATMENT • TOOTH BONDING MINOR ORTHODONTICS • DENTURES CROWNS •ROOTCANAL FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE SA TURDA Y AND EVENING OFFICE HOUtiS 871-4678 • Can't Believe Caro System Suggestion!I 933-4486 ~i ; . This letter Is directed at the "Concerned Citizen" advocating a card system by which to control the American public. My first reaction, and Mill Is, that of Incredulity. I couldn't believe my eyes. Is It a joke? As the Editor's note said, "You have got to be kidding". This cord system Is In every v/ay a violation of our constitutional rijhts. Granted, this country has Its problems In every facet and we all need to do aur part to make our government work. But shadeB of 1984 and/or the Kremlin.' this system suggested Is hardly the answer. But, alas, tha author Is aerloualll . I would Buggest to the author of this let tar In question that If he/she thought the system so attractive, palatable and of such high quality, he/she Bb=ulhave fully supported It ,'jy signing his/her letter for publir viewing so that he/she could bo the flret to go down the tubes. I would Imagine that the editor has a different expletive from each shocked and flabbergasted render. As for myself, If 1 have something to say, I will elwayB back it up with my name in caps. BARBARA A. YOUNG FOR EVERYBODY A D U R T CLASSES JR. WARRIOR CLASSES PEE WEE CUSSES GIRLS AND BGVS 9AND UNDER SELF CONFIDENCE SELF-DEFENSE DISCIPLINE COORDINATION BALANCE STRENGTH ENDURANCE AND STAMINA 933-3101 AH Security Center KEYS MADE LOCKS-ALARMS SAFES INSTALLED Family Dentistry 24 HOUR RADIO DISPATCHED EMERGENCY SERVICE COME IN TODAY FOR YOUR TRIAL LESSON "The Landings" OR GIVE US A CALL Rt. 83 & Walker Rd 158 LEAR RD. AVON LAKE. O. 933-3101 'We Have The Key To Your Security. Don Am«: Locksmith V " • / * • . ;fi linjill.1 tlpf'llf'I. SHEFFIELD-SHEFFIELD LAKE CITY SCHOOLS MENU Monday, September 12 - CheosoburKur, French Frioa, Pineapple Chunks, Milk. Tuesday, September 13 - TUCOB w/Lettuco and Cheese, Broad & Butter, Corn, Milk, Wednesday, September U - Chicken Patty Sandwich, TrI Tatora, Julio w/Frult, Milk. Thursday, September 15 - Cheoao Pizza, TooBod Salad, Fruit/Pudding, Milk. Friday, September 16 - Flah Sandwich, French Frloa, Apple Crisp, Milk. BROOKSIDE HIGH SCHOOL Brookaldo High School saw Its 59th annual opening on Aguuflt 29, 10B3. Many Btudents and staff, howover, began the 1083-B4 school your earlier. The Cheerleaders practiced and participated in competition at Bummor camp where they took second place put or some forty schools competing. Mr. Steve Kovaca ushered in the gridiron season with a weightlifting program followed by twlcp-a-day practices. Brookalde faced Avon High School on Sept. 2nd for If you also ownahome Cnanc«i t i t you c m g*l m x t " M i n c f proltchoo lor jouf «uto and homt Mtuf tnwdoMrwiifi P C P — P M O M I Conv f * ( l * f l iivi ProWeHon—rh« tptciit loiutmc* poaey M m ConWwnttl Iniwanc*. tfyp w yooffwnw, ear. pbp f y ifcgft convsnianl poley. Yougtt • tingit. high lam totUbwy~on d*m» v U i g him jow t o n * of u r o t n w t N p w you pwtond KWittw.ftu&d • itnpo. hljti toti on I M M * lo you! hon». B»tO« tnd hauuhoU Iwtfjhing*. You e«tMlo<n*lic nfliben CWti' • g * lot your horn*—to Iwtp up w«irilingnbuMngcnH Vougti M l mptteemont M M pWKflon— i—toi w«r I ' K I W M I property. b«tl t*utanc« vilut* ivntiWt wmtni It's cc*«i* So, it you Owna home ano a MF. k i d out how PCP can giv« you . t w o EKO1tct>on la' | JU> mturanco tfllS ui RAYMOND F. BLAKESLEE & SOUS CO. ...» . - the Brook.'jIdG Cardinal 'Football team mooting Loroln Catholic on Sopl. Uth, at the Loraln Catholic Hold, anr! Southview High School on Sept. 10th at HronksUIn's home field. The volloyball loam undei the direction of Mr3. Kolll Wright, took to the floor In niid-AL.guBt in preparation for Its season oponor which was at Mlilviow High School on Auguat 30th Tholr home opener was lisld In the Brookalde High School gym on Sjpt. 1st whon they faced Clearvlew High School's volleyball team. The harriers of Brookslde High School under the tutorlodgo of Mr. Bill Chiborowski are found running over hill and dale with tholr introduction to the 1003 Cross Country soason at the Avon Lake High School Invitational which took place on tho grounds of Loraln County Community College, Saturday. Sept. 3rd. Mr. Mark Oil and the Brookside High School Marching Band ended Its pro-school preparations with an ice creum social hoatod by the Band Boosters on AUBUSI Z5th. The week of August 22nd sow tho band encamped at Baldwin Wallace College working hard early In tho morning to lute In the evening. Members oi the Flag Corps are sporting newly deslgued flags for the forthcoming year. Ma. Barb Tripp.pl will bu the advisor for the Corpfl this year. Other than playing at football games, concerts throughout the year, the Cardinal Marching Band will be participating at the Avon Lake Bandarama on Sept. 10th. Dr. Don Chlavetta, Brooksldo High School principal, la quite pleaBcd with the beginning of the school year. "Parents, students and staff are to be commended fur tho good tone which has been set at the beginning nf the school year. All phasos of the program have gotten off to a good start and wi should sham the results in acadomlcs as w?U as extra-curricular areas," stated Dr. Chlovetta. ThopV forts of the building custodial staff should also be recognized for it is through their work that wo can step buck Into a revitalized building each year. The following are 1983-04 Calendar Dates to, Remember: Sept, 5 - Labor Dav - No School. Oct. 14 - NEOTA Day - No School. Oct. 28 • End of tho first grading period. Oct. 31 - Teacher Workshop - No School for students. Nov. 7-10 - Paront/Teacher Corferencea. Nov. 24.25 - Thanksgiving Recess - No School. Dec. 19-30 - Win*-*- Rjceas - No School. Jan. 2 - School Resumes. Jail. 13 • End of tho first semester. Jan. 16 - Martin Luther King Day - No School; Teacher Inservice. Feb. 20 - President's Day - No School. March 22 - End of the third grading period. March 2a - Teacher Inservlce - No school for students. .. Mar. 29-30 . Parent/Teacher Confeiancoa. Apr. 20-27 • dprlng Recess. April 30 - School resumes. May $0 - N!emorlal Day - No School. June 3 - Graduation Day for 1984 graduates. June 9 • Toucher inuurvicu/HurDrdo Day. NOTE: Drookslde High School's I0D3 yearbook 1B hilt' Anyone who ordototl one may pick tt up iu tho office. Monday through Friday between tho hours of 7 00 a.m. oud 3:00 p.m. PIOBSO come in purson or send nn Immediate family moinbor. Bo curtain to have'a receipt and tho balance duo, If any. KNOLLWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GET ACQUAINTED W;iTHI We would llko to wltih everyone a warm welcome to the new school year lioro Bt Knollwood. Our staff and studentlu greeted aeveral new people on opening day. Mr. Karahuta has been rea&slsned us. our building principal. Since hn Is also principal at Forostlawn, Mrs. Totiar has betm reassigned to Knollwood to teach fifth grado and assume tho duties 'of Head Teacher when Mr. Karahuta Is at Ills otherassigned school. In tho office wo also welcomed; Mrs. Van Buron who replacod Mrs. Paskavanks building secretary. . . . We'd also like to extend a hearty welcome to Mrs; S. delCorral, 1st grades Mrs. C. Keiser, 2nd gradej Mrs. B. JODOS, 2nd grade and Mrs. C. Yunaska, our Chapter 1 reading Instructor. While these staff members are not now to tha district, they aro new to Knollwood We wish everyone a happy and successful yeart PARENT'S CORNER: Parent's aro reminded to chock with their children tor copies of supply lists and workbook fees for their £ | grado level. Fourth andiif»h pradc students need gym rf3 clothes on tholr scheduled days, all other grades need i gym shoes only. We have also stint flyers regarding nur lunch program guidelines should you need them As in any program, bains prepared is vary Important^, to success- We appreciate your help in prcmptiy tak* ^ ing care of supplies, fees; und annual emergency ja »;ards. As always, fenl free to telephone or visit ourf/| school anytime the need arises. t[ CLASSROOM NEWS: \ Knollwood students will be enjoying an expanded; library facility. Our new resource room will be available to teachers and studeuts very c-"~ Each class will have a weekly visitation scheduled to:incorporate books and materials Into other classroom; assignments. Students will also sign put books for home use as In the past. It should be a great opportunity to enrich our curriculum Heads In tho various aubject areas. Take time to browse around at our annual open. house. Thmg$ Have Changed!! . iComp In & Meet-.. Our New Manager • Roaches, Fleas, Spiders, Ants, Rats, Bees Termite Inspections A-BUGS EXTERMINATING CO. i0o%/: p We're Looking Forward .•• To'Seoing You! . SPECIALIZING IN DOMESTIC PEST* HSAVONBELDENRD. AVON LAKE, 0 . ALL WORK GUARANTEED 933-9333 TTwConlincntolmtunmcoComponioa Jose L. Rodriguez 13 Yrs. Exporloncw Owner. Operator Licensed. Fully Insured Ray Rodriguez 282-4081 - 282-7768 Mike Rodriguez 949-8411 !SMOttQA3BOftD LORAIAI STORE ONLY K-Mart Ploze • Lofofn Girl Scout Registration Shoffleld-Sheffielcl Lako Girl Scout registration will be on Thursday, r "it. 8th from 7:00 -8:30 p.m. at the Braokslde High S c h o o l This registration Is far all levels of Girl Scouting, m I n i - B r,o w n 1 e ) , Brownies, Juniors Cadettas and Seniors. The registration free is $3.00. Register your daughter into the Scouting family. Agenr for Atro M' yflowir Tmnii! Com pom tnt." "I.C.G NO. MC 2V34 PET CARE John H. Simpson, -Veterinarian- LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE & INTERNATIONAL •RESIDENTIAL • ELECTRONICS CONTAINERIZED STORAGE FREE ESTIMATES & MAYFLOWER MOVING KIT CLEVELAND777-5055 ELYRIA323-63S3 LOCATED: Loraln County OFFICE & COMMERCIAL BUSINESS MOVES Pro-Manning moan* no bu f inoss Interruption. Trained c;,oclaHats & equipment to •landto eIocironies Including Jlipiays & exhibits for trade shows. No Job too largo or too small. ' Coocldlosls, a parasite, protozoal disease seen in puppies and kittens, is most commonly associated with poor sanitation, and crowded quarters. test. The coccidia, a tiny microscopic should microscopic-sized Treatment begin immediately. protozoa, invades the This message Is lining of the pup's in- brought to you as a teBtinos, and can public service from cause d i a r r h e a , Dr. John H. Simpson, bloody f e c e s . Avon Lako Animal dehydration, and Clinic, Inc., 124 discharging oyes and Miller Rd., Avon nose. The parasite Lake. Phone 933can be detected by a 52H7. 4 r*30% OFF Entire Stock Men's & Ladies Flannel Shirts School Supplies Coke, Tab, Sprite, Diet Coke Entire Stock Of Candy Bars •Golden Rod Tablet •10-Pack Pencils •100 Reg. or 50 Legal Envelopes •Elmer's Glue •Theme Book •Big Wheel Tape «200 Ct. Filler Paper Punch or Trend Ladies' Tailored & Lace Trim Briefs Terryy & Woven i Kitchen Towels Gndenvear Ladies' Knee Socks •Opaque *Cable «FIat Knit Management reserves the right to limit quantities. i£$gxg3&£&gkg£&^^ mam. Carl Register Now For Fall Leagues MONDAY EVENINGS Women's Single Scratch-(165 Avg. or Better) Now Farming WEDNESDAY 9:30 a.m. - Women's League (3 per Team or Individuals) 12:00 p.m. - Teams & Individuals (3 per Team) 9:30 p.m. - Women's League (3 per Team or Individuals) THURSDAY Nfled 9:30 a.m. - Women's League 8-3 per Team) 1 Women 1:00 p.m. -Women's Leagr.e (4 per Team a. individuals) 6:30 p.m. - Women's League (4 per Team or Individuals: 6:30 p.m. Father & Son League - Now Forming FRIDAY 6:45 p.m. -Women's Scratch (155 Avg. or Detter) Needs Ono Toam (3 per Team) FRIDAY-SATURDAY OR SUNDAY EVENINGS Mixed Couples League - Couples or Teatr.o Needed For More Information On Registration Call933-3228 Tha League of Women Voters of Avon I.ake will kick-off an ambitious meipjorship drive, part of an effort by ht'^drads of Leagues across the coun,ry to incrcane tho number and diversity of tholr mombers. An Informative evuntng program w.ll bo held September 14, 7:30 p.m. at the Avon. T ake Public Library. Anyone interested In fnbing the League or membership is opevt to anyone 10 yrs. or older. Further details or information may be ob- 371 U Colorado Ave Avon, Ohio *VM3 talned b y . calling League JohnJlndra at 033-6905.:; ', The League of Women Voters Avon Lake Is a non-partisan citizens 1 organlz&tlbn working to; Improve and enbanct',the political'priicoss through Inv olvement In local, stats and national K v< issues. It actively .supports meaaaccs t o ^ protect the envlronmont, .onsure \ ctlng? ' rights and promote fnir housing, nnd Isrj currently concluding a major btuily National Secunty Awana Cfub Starting "Tho Good Guys" Rebui'ts — Exchange ALTERNATORS CALIPERS MASTER CYUIMDERS WATER PUMPS Isn't Honesty the Best Policy? — in the long run— /; t Auf WiederaehnN • . »Carl Meier, A.LV-& LWV Membership Drive 184 MiUei Rd., A\ron Lake 933-3228 • • • • HAVE A PLBABANT OAY wn*H YOUR LOVED ONES, R1CKI He who onduroo to the End, shall be happy. It certainly tocJc a lot of endurance during that long dry spell w e Gardeners and Farmers had to put up with, till finally, Thanks Coo, at the <3nd of AugUBt w e got about £ '.iches of Rain. And now what Joy * fitL It Is to See the Abunrlaice of'frultn i n the Trees, and Vegetables in the Giirt'en. as just hbout 17-16 yrs. ago, thit name spot of Land where Adam MUUor soino 160 yro. back muds his living >-j\% was covered with thorns and thls'jes which I cut down and burned, an»i tnen Berate Hubert rototllled about ".Jxioa ft, then looked at It and said, '"Jail you have B good piece of Land bare," and how well 1 know and appreciate It, Now the Good Months without that "R" a n ovev, and the next 6 Months wllh that "B" In them, are not fit for growing iood here In Ohio — BO if you didn't hit the Iron while It WLS goo^ and rod hot — sorry, too late now. Well th«»ve \i a Time to sow, and a Time to re*r,, thu Law of Nature, and the more wo observe and co-operate with thai Law, thai much more benefit and pleasure and Se.lf-BQtisfaclion w e got out of our few years we spend here on Mother Earth as w e brighten up the corner wharo We are, and mako gootl use of it, that, as I see Rick, Is a worthy and lovely purpose of Life Well our Old U.S. Post Office will soon bo replaced by a now addition of 6000 sq. ft. floor space, double what the Old One had. Thu walla are going up to Just as high as lha building next to It, and all things going well they'll have the Rooi on by October. 8x10 Ctiment blocks ore for tho Inner Wall and bricks on the outside, tight together evory 10 niches with oxtra binding wlra Thorni export brick-ley era put up about 200400 of those 0x10 blocks In one day, slow but vory sure and accurate, Its fun to watch them while they work — but Us Actions what counts In Lifo. Right? Foresight Is bettor than Hindsight, and how much more harmonious our Lives would be, If w e Mon would ask ourselves concerning a Hnppy Mar* rioge — Have you glvan uer all of your time you could spore? HOAO YOU tried to mcke amonda to her for t^s loss of liur friends? Have you Joined wlthi\*r ; lu htir endeavors to opon the Mind* of your children and give them good moral lessons? Huve You strengthened her Mind with advice,, kindness and good books? Have You spent your evenings wttb hor In the cultivation of Intellectual, moral or social excellence? Have You looked upon hex, -a well-'M 'J $ Yourself, as an immortal Suing?V Has her Improvement b o m ds much Your aim as your owu7 1B Your dsslrei'o always "Lovo her" a n d t o s o e her holy aud without blemish?? Did your kind wotris soothe hor and your arm support her hi the days of trial and trouble7 — Have You truly been n Helpmato to her as You promised and swora before GDd and Man to love and cherish hBr??? —"-*1 Do both of you truly -1 mat In ene : another?? ,* *34306 up •22aB.&up *277S&uP *12 15 au D RAYBESTOS - QUALITY BRAKE SHOES * 9 0 0 $ 00 DISC PADS 9 The Awana club will be starting on September 14 at 8:J0 p.m. at Calvary Baptist Church, 32007 Electric Boulevard, Avon Lake. AWANA means "Approved Workmen are Not Ashamed." This motto is taken from H Timothy 2:15, "Study to show thyaelf approved unto God, a workman that nocdeth not lo be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." AWANA clubs ore Chrlsl-centored weekday clubs, designed to tsa^h boya and girls about the love of C\ -]. L. Sports activities are replayed to reach tho boys and girls but they; message tnkee first place Tho message^? Is clearly the Gospel of the grace ^of^g God. A doctrinally sound study pro J gram is used emphasizing salvation by^ grace, a separated life service for the^ Lord and interesting ^lojecls for earh age group. i* , The A W / N A club is held" onf Wednesdays from 6 30 B 00 p m for Kindergarten through 6th grade On opening night September 14 the club < will run until 8 30 p ra and registration will begin at 6 35 p m Everyone is h'elcome to attend PHOKE ELTRU EXHAUST PRi m-nn CLEVEUKD m-uoi LO»IN 93UI93 New Regulators € o u p o N -COUPOW---------•* ANY PURCHASE CAR PARTS II C O Good Thru Oct. 1,1983 u p o COUPON---------- N CADILLAC Sheffield-Si News HUKWIKIA) l.AKK S E N I O R t;l,UM ii-lii-rji;)7. DINIIIIIMI) for i'litmln^ i;i •!(.I<II"»T Htlh, HIIK), CHAl-'TIJAXAAIt K -X Jill Hii7.an! .is IJIIIIIK !ipimMin:il by Itlr: !-'rii'mi:i ft Nr:lnMl<ll"» (Miili. II will In: liuM mi (Jcl nth nnil Dili Innn 1U a.tn to I' p.m. .il lln: Slirfili.'lil I.nki.1 lltirnmuiil- ill •;11111>r;. •jumK\i< In? Sheffield I,like .S(!iilur lilnh IIIKCMII will :i!iirl up (i^nlii nl noon Wndncsdfi S(!pt«mbi)r M i l l . All iin;inl)i:n( \<r\uy, p i :IK<" Imn;lnNin:i will in: held DID •,<• coml [•'ridnv ol i>»u:li nontli, u d dih l UIIJMY u v i t r y m i cuvorud di;jh mnl Juynhh; sod ill llnir visit lUK w " l i nil ynur frlunds mill imiutiitK muv friundH :il I tic S In; f fluid l.jiki: C o m m u n i t y Ctintor. SOUP LUNCHKONU KK.SUMK United Uiurch uf Chrlal of Slicfflultl t.aku lucutwd nt 003 Sunuot Ur. will liuld Its first uuup luncheon of thu l-'nll Scnsun on Friday. Sopt. ilth from 11 u.tii. until l p.m. Tho monii cnnylatri of r,TH ANNUAL ART SHOW .Sluiffitilii l.nkn A l l A.-CHMiiiillon will In; holding Ihi'ir 5tli An mm. An Sliow, October l l l - ^ l n l , wlilch will ooiuibl of iti^nlur and mlnlutnn! iirt, II IH H N:itlonul Hliow d!i art pIci.L'it i.rc urrivlnn from muny purt;J of tin- Unliud Slutes, Tlio show will ho hold nt tin) Shuffled l.nko Coninniiiity Center. Anyone; Intoruytod in out or Ing tliulr urt work in tin,1 -1th Annunl Art Show, Iv !i't!!iti;r. Konl yuiir talilc now liy railing ['iilmni • fl-ill-(J.)2(l iifli;t'.<p.m. ur l.vnolti! - IM!1r . i;i:il nfloi tl p.m. l.usl iliilc fur riMiliiiK u tnlilu i;j ,Si'|)ti[[nlH!r 2rilli. I'nbllclty pi:r;:(i:in of Sliutfli-Iil Lake 'irnanlzaliuti3 am] duon cull or SHIKI your info mm I ion In !>y Thursday buTon- you wnnl II prinliid to (nnul Coff«y, cull- n:i:)-»i»r» or uund tu iso Harvuy I'kwy.. A vim Liiku, CJlilti. Childbirth Education Classes Simi up Imiiiv fur Cliildliirlli Kilnc;itniti I :ii|.'i.M<:i ilnniij:h Chlhlblrlh !';diu:i<ll<in ,A;,.'iiii:iiiiluti It's nul Inn i.-ui'ly! f:ia:t!,i;.'; 'itiiil 1 hi- lltsl nf i• si•: 11 niontll •uid ;in> n I f m i ' i l all nVIM [.uialn CountVrhii'iK i:l:i:i;:u:i atu Inufjll only hy n;nl;itcn!d illirrii!:.. Wu iMiiplmsteu n?l«xiHiun and I,nIri;ii*(- hrcdtliing IIJI:]IIII(]IH!D UH wi;ll mi tfiviiiK kntnvliidffu iihoul prutiiHiil, labor und dullvtiry, und posl purlum i:«r« for Iliu untlru family. We limit fiiir Lillian alzo no cni;li person Keltt indivliluiil nttciillon so cull now In rujiiMltjr. Huv Golalur, 3(15-uai(J cu Lori Hudson. 22-1-3M5, VISIT OUR PROFESSIONAL LOAN OFFICERS AT 14 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS S*MUEBEALIIQFLWAtKEfJRfl. m iimfe! mm ,. P: JAMES COOK.: . • MDR-LOfWIN •.-! ,* • •; $4 ROGER W.HOBTOM ASST. VICEPflES.; MGBliGMNGE •WOR-WELLINCTOH HICHflELJ/WELCH ' ' ; - : ^MGH-wEsrsiDE-,;.;:;;,;;: ••; ' " • ' • , . • ' , • / : • • ' ' • • / • - • • 7: % 5 im wmti WKBS zpMi f lining JfiSliT VII:I HH.: 'SHIBUY WILLIAM; ftSST VICE "Bf" VISA asj m i&U fefflF •'vw ' Jfif Ml mi rt-T * .* sc^.j v r >-»' *' tf^M^VM' ^J^ca***' By Jim Flanlgan, Director JUNIOR & SENIOR BOWLING LEAGUES FRIDAY PREP LEAGUES REGISTRATION: SEPT. 9th AT4:30 PM STARTING DATE: SEPT. 16th -."Art REGISTRATION SATURDAY SEPT. 10th Str ng Date Sept. 17th PREPS 9:30 A.M. JUNIORS & SENIORS 12:00-2:00 P.M - LEAGUE STARTING TIMES Friday Leagues- Start4:30 p.m. - Sept. 16th Saturday Leagues - Start 9:30 a.m. - Aft. 12 Noon Sept. 17th Prep I - 8 yrs, & undor Prep I I - 9 thru 11 yrs. Juniors-12 thru 14yrs. Seniors -15 yrs. 8- older Ladles participate In the new "Aquonasttcs" program sponsored bo used when flying the planes not to by the AL Hoc. Dopt. at the pool. endanger or Interfere others using the park. Aquanasllcs Program Report Fait and Winter This trial session has turned out to bo Programs Being Planned very successful as 24 woman turned The following Recreation programs out to give it a try. Participants are us- are bolng planned for (his fall and ing tnusclos that they weren't uvvoro winter at the Civic Center and other they had as instructor Linda Leszyrskl facilities in Avon Lake: "Ah Evening guides thorn through the program. Wo with the Arts", Teen Parties and are planning to offer this program as Dances, Holiday Arts and Crafts one of our pool classes noxi summer. If Classes, Jazzerclzo Classes, Fine :Arts you are Intarostad, watch this column Classes, Theatre Plays, Photography next Spring for further anClasses, Kiddles Cartoons and Moviea, nouncements, Safe Boating Class, Senior Citizen Model Airplane Ec hualoalB Hayrlde, Sr. Clt. Valentine's Party, The Recreation :jpt. Invites persons Volleyball League, Basketball League, wishing to fly model airplanes to do so Sr. Cit. Arts and Crafts, Cooking at Weiss Field between the ballfields Classes, Travelogues, Kindordance, *ce and the horse corral or south of the Pond Winter Olympics, end many more horse corrals. This open nroa will proto come. Watch this column for anyHe plenty of apace and should nouncements on these and additional eliminate ai*> i.eba problems with your upcoming ,iow programs. neighbors. Wo ask thai common sense What Is Chemical Dependency? Center in The Landings, 445 : Avon Because thu Human Resources Belden Road, Avon Lake. Cunter and The Loraln County Council on Alcholism and Drug Ahuse The meetings are open to the public and recognize that chemical will cost $2.00 per session. Questions abuse/dependency Is an Illness which may be referred to Catherine Sheshan, affects not only the dependent person 202-4552 or Dill Vanek, 933-5022. but-his family and significant others. We are offering residents In the NorSchool Calendars theastern Lorain County area an ongoing educaUonuI series. Need to know when the kids have The above mentioned series will off, a band concert, the noxt P.T.A opeak to youth, parents and other con- meeting, when, where and who the cerned persons providing them with next game will be against For a small knowlodgo of the disease, how to Iden- $1.00 donation you can purchase a tify behaviors of those who may bo In calendar that covers all Avon Lake trouble with alcohol and other drug schools including St. Joseph's, In addiuse. tion to the meeting schedules for the ciThe first 2 hour session In the lertes ty'B Zuning Board and Planning Comwill begin on Thursday, September 22 mission at both the Convenlents, Drug at 0:00 p.m., at the Human Resources Mart and the Avon Lake Drug Store. 184 Miller Rd., Avon Lake 933-3228 WEWSIDE VOLkswlfcr^ .tuo ' ': ^ H OLMST.ED, OH ^34^2000 Blue Water Adventure. We hawc ii lnv<< iiif.iir cjolng with n bountiful s ^hooncr In thi* tropical Caribbean. Inn your hide, soothe your soul, and share the iidi-nUn.' of a lifetime v;ilh .ith«r (reo apltits. S*M day. of sun, s»u anJ s;imi. -Six lights of music, ••.l.tf'J i l f l i l Utilit Lxplw C'i inn: Ifuc, fin hl-nich wi'li n;imtr. Hint an' <.,.,(>ltm',i. Aniutll.l fju.virliiuph', lilili'.CinTiiid.i M •>•• liltk.i". ^.i','!). Wednesday Night AIR CONDONING J.QQ K OF C HALL 1783 MOORE RD. AVON, OH. I.HU-llr lr-..fl|ll(.l|..t SPECIAL JACKPOT Mi.lr'm H-o 'i.fl.iriilt !.tH'J Weekly Door Prizes $ W00 00 O N50 NUMBERS 00 September 28,1983 Arnana Radar Range Micro-Wave Oven W Festival Queen Deadline Set Tho A v o n Lako Homecoming and her attendants will ba solectod on Festival commlttoo has sot 6 p.m. on tho baBls of Iholr polso, appoaranco, Thursday, September 15th as tho personality, ability to represent Avon deadline for acceptance of ontrlos for Uko and an entry letter of not more tho oulectlon of tho Homocomlng than 50 words completing the aontonco, FonHval Queen, "I like Avon Lake because.,." AH unmarried Avon Luke young Entries should bo mailed to: Festival ladles from 10 through 21 yoara of ago Committee, 33153 Redwood Blvd., aro invltod to ontor tho MIBS Avon Lako Avon Lake. Ohio. 440Z1. Festival Quoen Contest. Tho Quuon V. ' NAME. AGE. ADDRESS. Clean-Up Week In Avon The Avon transfer station located at tho Avon Service Garage, 35000 Detroit Road, v/Ul bo open from Monday, September 12 through Saturday, September 17, 10B3, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Dump tickets may bo purchased at the Avon City Hall, 30774 Detroit Road. ENTRY FORM AVON LAKE HOMECOMING FESTIVAL QUEEN One other Clean-Up Week scheduled for thl3 year Is: October 17 through October 22,1003. The uso of tho transfer station Is restricted to Avon residents, who must have B ticket before they will bo allowed to dispose of their rofuBe. ENTRY MUST INCLUDE LETTER COMPLETING THE SENTENCE, "I LIKE AVON LAKE BECAUSE..." MallL. iryTo: . Festival Commltteo 33153 Rodwood Blvd. Avon Lako, Ohio 44012 Westwinds Breaks Ground Urgent Care by Elyria Physicians Continued from page 1 ciunt uso of space, with elegant ontrios, completely modern kitchens and luxurious baths with the latest In "hot baths" and showers, using the most efficient plumbing fixtures available. A multitude of architectural styles will be available with sunrooms, vaulted ceilings, sluing rooms off the master bedrooms, open balconies with lofts, skylights, angled walls and cur, vllineal staircases. Modern kitchens will include the latest In contemporary convenlonces and appliances, and some will foaturn greenhouse windows. There will be extensive aesthetic use of Insulated glass In these homes designed by The Martin Organization of Philadelphia, 1882 winners of the "Professional Architect of the* Year" awarded from "Professional Builder'* magazine. Gas and electric will bo available fc ' heating and cooling, and reclrculatin j fireplaces will take the nip out of tho air on cool nights. Special emphasis will bo given to landscaping in the garden courtyard areas of tho condominiums, and each unit will have a two-ca<- attached garage. National award winning Kopf Builders, Inc. Is a local company with a long-standing reputation for tneutlri the neodB of the public with quality housing, and for having a commitment to senalble growth in the community. Kleinoeder, Schmidt of Elyria will engineer the Westwinds project, which will take an estimated 10 years to complete. Open evenings. Seven dr/s a v.eek. No appointment necessary offering convenient medicsl care with a full range of Medical services of a non-life threatening nature, including repair of lacerations (cuts), X-ray, Laboratory and Electrocardiogram. •HOURS* Mon., TUBS., Thura., Frl. 6 P.M.-11 P.M. Wad. & Sot. 11 A.M.-11 P.M. Sundays & Holidays 3 P.M.-i I T M. 386 Daya a Year 252 East Broad Street (between Hark & Gar-ford Avos.) 216-323-4224 or 323-1159 Elyria, Ohio 44035 PENCIL SHARP DEALS AT GREAT SELECTION YEAR-END PRICES CAVAtlEW OUPE STOCK X-23G EQUIPPED PLUBTAX&riLINQ Tinted glass, body slue molding, wheel opening molding, heavy duty suspension, rear stabilizer bar, power steering, w/wall tiros, A M radio, cigarette lighter, cloth seats Offer Good Thru 9-10-83 buttryusoutatleastonceatourLorainOutletStorelj T Thoro'a no frN's end fluff at our store. Thorn v. aro bargains, and thoso bargalna are available • year-round. Than what's so apodal about •-. Oulles Shoo Warehouse??? It's exactly what *C tho name !mpllos...a masarve warehouse with over 160,000 pairs of shoes. A t Dulls*, the quality Is equal to that of other stores. In V ^ Lorain, Dallas Shoe Warehouss has on out lot store with thousands of high quality shoes ' but without the frills so you pay loos. •/(• '83 CHEVETTE SCOOTER Famous designer brands, nth I otic shoes, loathor shoos and boota for tho whole famUy...AT DISCOUNT PRICESI Most sail tor under »10...wilh values up to (166IM If you don't like fun, odventuro, good shooa, and a grant bsrnain, Dallas Shoo Worcliuuse probably Isn't for you- But for the "true bargain hunter...it's paradlsel So como try us •Ut...o( lenst once at our Lorain Outlet Storo. We're certain you'll want to keep coming backl Includes 300 Hebate In Lieuof10.9 Financing MOST LAQ1ES SHOES $IQ.QG> •YV ANNE KLEIN • GLORIA VANDEBBIUT. BRUNO MAQLI* 9 WEST • • CANDIES • HIPOPOTAMUS • GEOFFREY BEANE• SOFT SPOTS i - , > ft* v• / v o / i i..-^-""^c / . l,.-'—s S . LORAIN OUTLET Layaway Available i EMtSMcWarahouM 1B807Mllea Rd. WarrjnsivlilB Hts. Lorain Plaza Shopping Center OberlinAve., Lorain 4764218 Mon.-Wed. 10-8:30 (NextToT.J.Maxxi Thurs.-Fri. 10-9 West Side Outlat Sat. 10-8 12192 York Rd. IHMUNontisim.HI Sun. 12-5 2-Dr., automatic body side molding AM radio cloth Interior, BUYNOW AND SAVE! '83 FULL SIZE PICKUP EQUIPPED NOT STRIPPED Body side molding, bright mirrors, front stabilizer, H.D. rear springs, power brakos-, automatic, power steering, AM-FM, step bumper gages. STOCK X-187 WBHAVESBVERAl 1383 CHEVROLET CARS AND TRUCKS IN STOCK AT YEAREND SAVINGS. YOU'LL LIKE OUR PRICES YOU'LL LOVE OUR STOCK X-222 SERVICE... 1981 CUTLASS SUPREME 2-DR., AIR, STEREO $ 7 2 9 5 9 1979 MUSTANG 2-DR., 4 SPD. 4 CYLINDER 3295 1931 MERCURY LYNX4SPD, SUNROOF '4295 $ 1979 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 6 CYL., 5 SPEED 2795 1981 MALIBU WAGON 6 CYL.. AUTOMATIC *6095 AVON LAKE 933-6151 CLEVELAND 835-3533 GMACBANK FINANCING LUPE CHEVROLE GARYLUPE DANZEGARAC BARNEY ROTHGERY % MILE SOUTH OF AQUAMARINE^ 607 MILLER RD., AVON LAKE, O. N, Royaiton 237-9996 WS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ QUANTTTY RIGHTS RESERVED? us PORK LOIN CENTPR CUT .Q LOIN PORK CHOPS , ,LB.' PORK LOIN COUNTRY STYLE PORKSPARERIBS ^^S ^ .6 OZ. A A C PANS S f * J HALVES OR SLICES IGA PEACHES ,C LOIN END ROAST MUELLER'S ELBOW MACARONI, SPAGHETTI OR 4J) , L B THIN SPAGHETTI PKG. IGATABLERITE QUALITY SLlCEC1LBlj^ ; 09 48 OZ. JAR SUPERIOR •••<• P K Q ' EFFERDENT TABLETS RAGU SPAGHETTI SAUCE 60 CT. TABLETS OR 60 CT. CAPSULES ••.•-• EXTRA S T R E N G T H DATRIL PKG 160'OFFLABEU SLICED BACON \24OZ. LISTERINE MOUTHWASH ......... BTL. izoz-S1* 53 AMERICAN, PIMENTO, SWISS 24oz $ 4 19 CTN KRAFT SINGLES * PKG FROZFtJ eoz JENO'S PIZZA ROLLS PKG * _ _ ^ _ — _ 12KOZ$< 49 MRS PAUL S FROZEN FISH STICKS PKQ GOOD VALUE FROZEti Jt 5LB < FRENCH FRIES OR CRINKLE CUTS BAG *-, FOUNTAIN TOP FROZEN ' \ APPLE PIE r • • • v fr ; ( ^ •- 2 6 O Z 1 $ J F 3 9 [rV rff^&i^1 1 i e o z $ * 79 CAINS BAG POTATO CHIPS /Si +i Z , t i f rf % ^ Jt. ft 7^ J I, v 1 1 k In? iS ^ ti>oz * $ UJO» to* M* •o-i? &J$t- mm • i*&' ~\4 \ V 5? K ^ ' tfSSSS GA • ^ (*::• T ;p,aoH it 6ACtt ono^ 7/»9! V WrTHTHISCOUPONATtOA Billing hunt b Avon Laka (RKOULAD OR UNSALTEO) DRY ROASTED OR COCKTAIL PLANTER'S PEANUTS I LB. LUNCHEON M E A T S ! . . . PKG.J (MEAT- MUSHROOM - PLAIN) J LQ. PORK LOIN 12 $ C?£R. 1 ,AUNT JEMIMA WITHTHI8C0UPONATI0A BHIInghuf»t&AvonL.,J<» i(HWI-17' W1NHEX REFILLS. 49 Ji LIMIT1COUPONPERFAMILY I.OFFEHEXPIRESSATySEPTJOJBg WITH THIS COUPON AT (OA Bllilnohunt & Avon Laka aiPTON j mon.-fri. 9a.m. to9 p.m. sat 9 a m t o 6 37525 COLORADO AVE. AVON. OHIO Pm934-5109 sun. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m tm; ;.PKQ. fGOODTHRU SAT., SEPT. 10.1983 mW'Wm, •rf) '$• IGATABLERITE QUALITY "£ FAMILY PACK ; BEEF CUBE STEAK LB. :: IGATABLERITE QUALITY FAMILY PAK STEW BEEF LB. •1" WILSON FESTIVAL (WHOLE OR HALF)* * BONELESS HAM LB. 1 . tw&ta IGATABLERITE QUALITY BONELESS c <• QQ HAM SLICES LB USDA CHOICE BONELESS 110-12 LB.AVG.) WHOLE BEEF RIB EYE It $_139 L!3 *fr iWsLICED DOW JUICE PACKED' |&:.> 2>V eg PORK LOIN CENTER CUT RIB $ 4 PORKCHOPS QUARTER PORK LOIN SLICED 79 LB. A $ 1 59 LB. A -At £ •3!! ;;...:.;;.;:•; ;•!. .•;;; . • ; * . . i. .CAN;; 16OZ; USDAGRADEA C O M PRODUCE SPECIALS ICEBERG HEAD LETTUCE CARROTS I.FRESH GREEN 1 ^ ;KLGBS-. CABBAGE. NEW GREEN RAMBO APPLES BARTLETT PEARS MUSHROOMS .. 3LB. $ 1 19 ..BAG A e ....u,49 39 HONEYDEW MELONS ... EACH *1 FAMOUS DRISCOLL $ 1 STRAWBERRIES ONIONS SNO-WHITE LB. i. ''a 29 A HOMEGROWN ' $ 4 29 CONCORD GRAPES... QUART A ^ 1554 OZ. Q Q C .<» CANS W 18OZ. $149 IGA CUT OR FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS KEEBLER (BONUS PACK) PECANSANDIES PKG KEEBLER (BONUS PACK) 16OZ. PKG RICH-N-CHIPS. . * $149 * tiCLIRMOUPOIk, II f!OUND WtTH THIS COUPON AT IQA BllllnBhurtt&AvonUkt • ! 1 H1 DllltnghurtteAvonLaha II |l (REa.,ELEC. PEHK.ADC) „« I wSSt - f t O « !! MAXWELLH0USEo$B99 BROWNIE WBL--&S^ 1\C0?1^C6^OHP^AX^ M .^SffJSSSSSSSSX^m j • ^ i - '^LA 1 ^ . ' ———— 7.OFFEBEXPIBCBSAT..8EPT.,0.1W3 MON.-FRI. 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. 9A.M.TO5P.M.SUIMDAYS t.s i i _ _ _ _ _ 3 3 4 7 9 C LAKE 1 LAKE,OHIO £S!S£'l fl t_S_?_____ ? T^ n ^^ i^a__»^^aiw_ss»gf Demaline - Jalkanen Wedding Cathy Lymia Demollne and Mark a btophen Jalkanen wore married in St. » Bornatielte'B Church, Woatlako. Ohio £ o n August 20. 1B03. Ofriciant of tho | ceremony was Rev. Fr. Robert Colo. s Parents of tho newluywoda are Mr. and K Mrs. Lester Domallno, Avon, Ohio and t) Mis. Ray Crane, Vermilion,-Ohio and £ the late Wm. Jalkanon. J2 Rhonda McCummins served as K matron of honor with Kalhl Barnum, m Barbara Domallno, Lynda LHSorella and £ Pam Novak as bridesmaids. Krlsll Racz waB floworglrl, Jim Kramer served as rrntt mnn nnd Dan Dunham, Tom Domallno, Larry Jalkanon and Terry Jalkanon ushered. Nathan Racz was ringboarer. tho bride graduated from Avon High School in 1077, and Ohio State University In 1901. The groom graduated from Elyrla Catholic High School in 1972 and la a 1074 gradualo of the Ohio State University-ATI at Wooster, Ohio. The couple ara both employed by Willow ay Nurseries hi Avon. OhioFallowing o honeymoon In Quobnc, Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Jalkanon will reside in Sheffield Township, Ohio. Aufdenkamp Halstead Engagement Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Aufdonkamp of Avon Lake, announcu tho engagement of their daughter, Ann Mario, to Russell Allen Halstead, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Halutead 'of Uhnfftbld hake. Mfsa Aufdenkamp graduated from Avon Lake High School In 1963. Hor fltmuj graduated from Brookslde High School in 1983 and Is employed at 'JO family owned und onorated business, F.J. Miller - Sewor Service Inc. A summer of 1864 wedding Is planned. Strauss - Luedeman Wedding Gell Strauaa and Donald Roborl Luodompn, Jr., wore mBrrlod July 23rd by Rov. Bovan Kim moll in Lako Shore Methodist Church. Pa'onta of the nowlywods aro Mr. and i<lra. Dale H. Strauss of 130 Ashwood Dr., Avon Lake, and Mr, and Mrs. Donald R. Loudeman, Sr., of Portage, Wisconsin. Gull's sister. Kelly Struass, served as her Maid of Honor along with Dobrah Markle of Avon Lako und Pamela Christian of Governor's Island. Nuw York, also slaters of tho bride, and Sue Ann Graham of Avon Lake an bridesmaids. Timothy Raimor served as Best Man with tho groom's brother, Thomas Luedeman, Daniel Hartman, and Richard Wagner, f n m Portage, Wisconsin, as ushers. The wedding recoptton, following the coromony, was hold at the Beaver Creek Boat Club in Loraln with family and friends 'if the happy couple. The bride graduated from Avon Lako High School in 1982 end received her E.M.T. From Loraln County Community College in Juno 1003. Her husband graduated from Portage High School In 1074, enlisted In the U.S. Coast Guard Mr. and M.u. Donald R. Lu adorn on, Jr. in 1077. serving In Florida, Puerto Rico, and Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Tho newlywoda ore residing at 945 Kukul Drive, Honolulu, Hawaii, 0O019. where Don Is stationed as a Damage Controlman, Second Class. Thoy would welcome hearirg from Avon Lako friends. , Hey, Alumni - We Need You! Ann Mario Aufdonkomp and Russell AVON LAKE "ALUMNI" BAND MEMBERS ft MAJORETTES: Please Soup Luncheon The women of the -Sheffield Lako United Church of Christ will again serve their soup luncheons in the church hall on the corner of Sunset and Richelieu Ave., starting Sept. 9, 11:00 • 1:00, and continuing on the second Friday of each month. The menu Includes aoup, sandwich, beverage and dessert for $2.50. contact your fellow alum- 3706 or Kathy Bettrldge at ni band member* & ma- 933-6908. forettes and spread the word...We are putting together an "alumni" band to march In tho Avon Lake Homecoming Festival Parade on Saturday, October lstl We are hoping to have alumni members from as far back as possible. Music and instruments will be provided. There will be a "social" beginning at 9:30 a.m. that mornings You ip«nd •nouijh tlmt i t ' and a short rehearsal, at your b u i l n t i t , It mtght • • wall: 11:00 a.m. in the band' bayouritoandhomt.; ']'•;.; •';•• Pratiot your horn* and your' room at tho high school. butlnai*. On* Natlonwld* For' more details, call •gant o«n ptovlda you. wltH1 complttt oov«r«g« far Vour. Mrs. McKercher 033homt:'and family.', And alia halppralaciyaurbuilnaiiand 5261, Mrs. Weaver 83311 Protect your home and your home away from home. e •mployaaa...- ;; '.'.. •,••"• •',.'. "t ". Call - a . Natlunwlda agantt Q d o y . . LIMITED TIME OFFER! APPLIES TO ANY MAKE. RESIDENTIAL GAS FIRED FURNACE WE DO ALL THIS TO RESTORE FURNACE EFFICIENCY AND PREVENT BREAKDOWNS • Inspect flue pipes and ' drail divorter • Inspect air fillers • Chock blower boll tension, alignment & lube. • Check blower moloi and lubricate . . • Check blowor lor cleanliness • Test (or gas leaks In furnace • Test and adjust pressure regulator • Clean and adjust pilot assembly • Check gas filter lor pilot • Clean and adjust all cotilrols Check opor.illon of safely controls Test lor combustion leaks Clean interior ol vestibule Clean and adjust thenno'slat Adjust burner lor efficiency Check gas wnlvo Check furnace operation Inspect (Airing on furnace Check thermocouple Chock heat exchanger Chock drafl at breaching Check lor combustible material near lurnnce We Service All Makes, And For Replacement We Carry . . . Mian [HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING .. CALL ANYTIME 24 HR. SERVICE Refrigeration Services, Inc. 311 Avon Beldan Road • Avon Lotto, Ohio Avon Lake 933-2536 Cleva: 836-33S9 - Elyrla: 366-2100 .••'>••" • • • .•vl MONDAY I ; • SENIOR CITIZENS' . :;.".• - • ' D A Y . - ' ; - . ••'-• • WELCOME WAGON WANTS TO VISIT YOU Just engaged? Now parent? Moved? I'd like to visit you. I'll bring useful gifts, Information and cards you can redeem for mure gifts at local businesses. All free to you. Avoii Laka-Mory Joan Garten, 933-G37B Avon Lake-BaibiraKrabf,933912? North Rfdanwllle-Roie Vopot. 324-7404 Avon-Audrey Flocko», 934-5334 Shafflald-Hllda Van Horn. M9-5472 Shofffo'd Lake-Haglnard WInbuth, .•Si 323^470 — " " We can arrange to get together in . your home fora' brief visit. '•$ffl LARRY VAN AEROORD; Representative '' 32254 Electric Blvd., PiO. Box 182 Avon Lake, OH. 44012 Phone:933-6277 Ros.:?33-2595 !A3BOflD KFAST. SUNDAYONLY n ' a 'K-Marf PlncatLoraln 1 • [NATIONWIDE ! INSURANCE .1 fllock W. C.odor.Pomt; • BnniKiiky ••', mm DENTALNOTES ztssssssssssssssss 1982 Dodge Aries 4 Dr. n a M Automatic Power Steering Power Brsket By: Robert L. Rassie, D.D.S. BE READY FOR COLD WEATHER! - DO C O M P L E T E DENTURES REQUIRE REMOVAL OF ALL TEETH? NO! In fact, tliti loots of teeth that have good bone support aro treated and retained In the ridge underneath the denture. These root stubs support the denture and reduce irritation to the tissue and prevent the ridge from shrinking. This reduces the frequency of rellnIng and dental coats to the patient. An added advantage Is "retentive buttons" can bo placed on the root Btubs which fasten Into the denture, thereby Increasing the i Road Wheeli AM/FM Stereo mttnnU Tinted Glass 00 1980 Mustang 2dr., 4 speed, air condltlonlnH, AM/FM Voreo, power stwring h brakn. 1979 Honda Civic Automatic, radio, buckal seats. '1978 Pontiac SunbJrri Hatchback, A MHwd, bucket seats, radio, 23,717 retention and preventing "floating" or loose dentures. This message brought to you in the interests of better dental health from tho office of Dr. Robert L. Rassie, Z28 Miller Rd., Avon Lake. Phono 033-2S40. 1979 Dodge Omni >2S>95 0D '24195° 4 dr., aytomstlc, AM/FM, power aleerlrtg, sun roof, wire wheeli, whltewoNa, 2-tona blun Dick Baker Dodg 00 CFM/DeMarco Take Top Awards {Plv'o lop awards woro prttduntud la DoMorco. ProBidont of CanSun Inc., headquartered In Ohio. The awordB woro presented by Convenient Food Mart lijyBtora. at thoir Annual Executives' SCpnforonce. Tho conforenco was hold fin Chicago. Attending were executives ([from the system'B 44 regions. Mr. tDomarco 1B Prosldont of a 32 store SReglon. *-1>. ji^'Tho Convenient Food Mart Inc. ^Regional Franchisor Awards uro fpresented annually for outstanding perIformaDce of a Roglon based on criteria ^Q which all Regions of tho system are DoMarco 1 o nwards were as PRESIDENT AWARD - Proaontud to an outstanding Convoniont Food Mart Hoglonal, 10(33. MERCHANDISING AWARD Presented for outstanding porformunci In tho Haiti of merchandising, 1003. SALES AWARD - Prosontod for oxcoptlouul sales dtMovomont, 1003. MR. CONVENIENT AWARD Presented In appreciation of accomiJliahmontB achieved through alncero and devotod offortB, 1803, COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD Prosentod for developing deep roots and strong ties in com muni tics, 1003. Mr, DoMarco has boon president of ConSun Food Industrlosi Inc. sinco 1970. follow t --••i Loft to right: James Shuman, Director of Selea end Purchasing; Leo Kaliszawski, Operations Manager and Treasurer; Robert Rlsberg, President and CEO of Convenient Food Mart National; Dennis J. DoMarco, President, ConSun Food Industries and Roger McVatto, Vice Prosldont. 453 AVON-BELDEN RD. AVON LAKE •Convenient •^<:'-- :v'*.«•: F o o d Mart i t SEIF SERVICE MEATS 137 LEAR RD. CUSTOM DEU SHEFFIELD LAKE 4786IAKE RD. SELF SEHV1CE MEATS • PRODUCE FEATURES SPECIALS AVAILABLE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 THRU TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 MEAT FEATURES SUNSHINE FARM5 FRESH, LEAN GOIDEN, RIPE POUND SIRLOIN STEAK GARDEN FRESH U5DA CHOICE PLASTIC GALLON POUND WONDER SUNSHINE FARMS-PURE FRESH 22 1 / 2 GALLON OUNCE LOAF FREE 2 0 OUNCE PLASTIC COKE TUMBLER WITH PURCHASE OF CONVENIENT FOOD MART TAB, COCA COLA 8 , OUNCE 1 BAG FRESH SLICED LUNCH SPECIAL LAND O'LAKES HAM AND CHEESE Sugardale 16 OUNCE • PLUS BOTTLES "DEPOSI SPIOED HAM CHEESE POUND .—/ WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS POUND POUND ALL 30 ( VARIETIES WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CORRECT PRINTING ERRORS AND TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ADVERTISED ITEMS AVAILABLE IN PARTICIPATING STORES. WE REDEEM MANUFACTURERS' COUPONS €OLD BEER & WflNE Available m WINE ON SUNDAYS ATEK 1:00 P.M. OPEN 7 DAYS TIL MBDNBGHTf ROASTED OR SALTED IN SHELL c%a OUNCE eJ\ BAG Aerobic Fitness Begins Soon e Labor Day signifies (ho ond of summor, but It also signifies a boglnnlng. On Tuesday, September 13, tho Aerobic Fitness Program, aponaorod by the Avon Rocroallon Department, will P.°8ln- Aerobic Fltnosa la a program that blonda dance, cxerciso and cardiovascular conditioning done to mualc ranging from big band liita to loday's Top I o n . A typical suasion begins with ton to 15 minutes of slow warm-ups followod by 30 to 40 mlnutoa of dancing A.L.H.S. P.T.A. 1st Meeting Avon Lake High School P.T.A. will hold it's firat unit meeting Monday, September 12th at 7:30 p.m. which will bo held In (ho High School Cafeteria. Principal Bobby J. Walker will prosent tho ruins, operational procedures of tho high school and other Information about the high school program. Tills program Is designed to help parents of new high ai;hool students (9th graders and othor new students}. Principal Wolkor, Asst. Principal Dave M o n o s , and tho s c h o o l ond floor exorcises. To bring tho heart ralo back down gradually and ronlrotch thoao niuaclcs, class always ends with a cool-down period. Instructor Annutto Greco also takes time to work on trouble apots like stomachs an hips. Classaa are scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday ovenings from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. and on Saturday mornings from 10 to 11 a.m. Each session costs $1.50 on a pay-as-you-go basis. counselors will be there to answer your questions about tho high school, A tour of tho High School will take place, if enough people request it at tho mooting. Officers for this school year ore: Joanne Polacok and Kathy Keelon, CoProsldentj Tanya Thompson, 1st VicoProBldent; Jo Groapltch, Znd VicePresident; Dave Monos, 3rd VicePresident; Donna Halasy, Secretary and Gail Fullorton, Treasurer. INSIGHTS: ARE VIDEO GAMES BAD K M THE EYES? Joe Fil-ment's Extended LABOR DAY Some paronts havo expreaaed their concern about the effect of TV caoBelte games on their children's future vision. "Not To Worry", says eye specialist. In fuel, the exercise which these cassette games provide to a child's visual and manual, coordination can be beneficial. Anyone who has watched tho swift and constant action In the eyes of a child while playing these games can see what demands the garaoB make on coordination, And any parent who has played these games knows how outck the eyes and hands must be. Today some vision training experts are •actually using these games as part of their training procedures. 1983 CAPRICE CLASSIC 4 dr., V-6, auto., air, p/steerlng, p/brakes, tint, stored, cruise, tilt mirrors, wire whoel covers and morol 1250 Presented In Tho Interest Of Bettor Eye Care Includes Freight & Prep. E.B. BRAZ3NA, CD, ST. #8769 933-8300 TAKE YOUR PICK Last 2 New 1982 LUV PICK-UPS 10.9% Financing* DODGE 4 0 0 CONVERTIBLE S30D C/fsH BACK CHOICE OF 2 4x4 Diesel KVSKfl 4x2 Diesel me&Mfam 1983 CHEVETTE Includos Ffeloht & Prep. Brand New 1983 USED TRUCKS FflBWnRKfcPlflY 1979 FORD PICK-UP m Cab. radio, aulo., plslcenng *P«I« cwHtollw Miy Hffttl CHWJIT CKI cm, power windows, cruise, slerto and more! St. #8753, V-6, automatic, power steering and brakes, air, tint, stereo, radial CAMARO . ^ , ^ 4Cy!.,4Speod HOW *9325 A 32730 Walker Rd. SHARPEST USED CARS IHI 19B1 C H E V Y VA T O N SpDit windows nit, stereo, air. juto, pislterfnj, law miles 1976 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME 1979 CAPRICE CLASSIC 2 DOOR I M . nmdX. talit • MWMM r.iy\ ml. ! " • tWI o n kiln. IIFN IU*. Mttn, S flMOTNTY Slerto. air. Imdiu root ^995 __!4995 1979 BLAZER 1978 DODGE RAMCHARGER full size, iti, Cheyenne pjckiic lulDinillc, pfjleetin:, ifr, In lone, mid whetd. 4x4, radio, wlornilic, plow S M995 1980 FORD . « ^ TON VAN 6595 littwM inl» W tMlwK ( m i HHIM< N kiln IKK ttittf (MniDi MtH iirm 11 S 1978 OLDS DELTA R-OYALE 2 DOOR Rial), jutaiilc, all, latdiu S 1977 CHEVY IMPALA WAGON Radio, mm, pljteeiinj. mi wheels. 1978CAMARO )tidli>,Hloai)llc,pfilee(inE,toail. wheels 1982 CHEVETTE 4 DR. DIESEL tit IHTH, hciiH. Hlilltiiilli. wheel aim. 3795 S 4995 4895 r •H 1978 DODGE MONACO 2 DOOR Radra. wimatlc. plsleeriif. I100B ^ S 3495 'Z —*w' n NBtoNMfe. nas ways t ^ ^ . First, ^ Such as discounts for Orforpeoptewhowntwoc.rnorecanj. J^WE^BE-DEALINBl .-. AC . Daily 'Doy. •,•••: William H. Boomer 934-4510 ^W:e MAKE DEALS OTHERiSmLK ABOUT RJ. 57 ,2 MILES NORTH OF M I W A Y ' M A E I J i 6 h A i ^ V 277-5700- 324=5866 ^835-12t8": Michael VV. Bommer 934-4313 36971 Detroit Rd., Avon, O. Serving The Aroa Slnco 1932 NATIONWIDE INSURANCE Is on your ildo NatHslO ! ! ffl Health Resource Center Fall Classes Loraln Community Hoapllul's Health Resource Cent or Is ploahud lu unnuuncc jljoprograms schedultsd fur Hits fall. Aikldo Alkido is u Japnnusu muvomunt url of Bclf-dofatiso which omphusizoH many principles of stress management. The instructor will bu Joiiy TululuirRichards, Ph.D.. u second du^rcu black bolt. Sooslono consist of ssven 1 Vi hour classes on Thursday:!, beginning SBptembor 22, 1903 from 0-7:30 p.m. Tbocoflt loS-15. Back School A series of 3 I wo-hour classes offored on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. September 12, 14 and 10, 1003 from 4:30-0.10 p.m., to assist the individual who ims or has had low bpek pain develop a back consciousness and become an active partner in the management and prevention of further buck pain. The instructor is Christopher Taylor, a Clinical Snoclnllut In llm Physical Therapy Dopnrtmcnl. Tho cost is covered ljy mas! medical insurance:! and rufurral by a physician la required. Yoga An experience for body, mini] and spirit. This class tuuehes exercised lor stretching, toning, firming, balancing and body tiwareni!!m. Guided meditation will bu explored to help yon find tools to live a more healthy, alert and creative life. Sessions consist of eiglil 1W hour classes bold on W«dnestlay«, beginning September 21, 1UU3 from 70:30p.m.Thucasll8$27. X-rsizo The Aerobic Way An aerobic exercise program with music ia designed for a total body workout that will enhunce muscle lone und curdloresplratory conditioning. Thu class 11I30 offors modiflcntlons for thuse with special needs, such as, senior citizens, pre-teens, overweight. Read und Use The Classifieds otc, Suasions conoisl of 12 one-hour clamtoB on Monduy and Wednesday from 0-7100 p.m.. or Tuesday and Thursday from 0:30-10:30 a.m.. beginning Saptombor 10, 1003. The cost Is S20. Morning Exnrcluu Clnsn Do you work nljilitu and iniu!) all Ihnse fun classes nr.heduled during the day? Hure's.your opportunity to enjoy mi exercise class done to music. desi«niid to slim and trim. Tim suasions consist of IB one-hour clauses to lie hold on Tuesday and Thursday from 0-9 -a.m.. beginning September U0. 1UO:J. The cost Is $20. A Posltlye Approach to Weight Control Luarn |',ow to change: your eating habits through behavior modification techniques, Participants receive an Individualized meal plan, Nutrition education includes guidelines for dining out und low caiorlo wok cooking. Final clnaa will Include a wok prepared entree. Thu sessions consist of four onehour elns3n.n on Thursday from G-0 p.m., buginnlng September 2Ii. 1013:1. The cost Is $30. Stress Management Whnl effnet Is stress having on your life? A series of four classes is being offered In help individuals luarn more about their pnrsonnl health risk factory. A computer scored health risk appratsnl will be given and blood work (choloBleral/HDL ratio) la also avnllablc Tliu classes are ofrorod on Mondnys from 7-U:ao p.m. oeglnnlnjj Soplou.bor 19. lOtiJ. Tho cost la $30, Slop Smoking Clinic Want to break the cigarette habll? The Aniolcan Heart Association will be offo.lng a program tn help you onTuasda>, September K), and October 2G. 10(13 from 7-0 p.m. The Class uaus relaxation techniques based on hypnosis to Italp individuals quickly, painlessly, und almost effortlessly quit smoking. The cost Is $40. C.P.R. Training The C.P.K. (Curdio Pulmonary Resuscitation) course will tca'-h the techniques of Uaslc Life Support In a one-day session. Thu heart-savor class for the general public will bo offered September 24, and November 10, lBOa from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. A basis riiscurer class for health core professlonnl and para-professionals will be offered October 22.1003. Thu course will be taught by a trained C.PlR. professional. Tho cost i3$10. For uddltlonat Infoi .nation or to register for any of the abovo Haled courses, please contact this Health Resource Center al Lorn In Community Hospital, 202-5040. Where you can adopt gently worn clothes orphaned by someone else. ForWomon, Man, Children, II Ra SAVE UP TO 75% Winter Clothes Now On Display! Coats -Shoes- Booto • Rolo-Tenna • Children* Shoes • Chost ol Draworn Typowiltat Table BISMII bwoupor Come In & shop thts beautttul slow, It's Hhn a Department Slorc, SORRY NO CONSIGNMENTS TAKEN ON SUNDAYS & MONDAYS SB THR'FTYDAN'S 5404 E. Lake Rd. Sheffield Lake. 0.9-19-B676 Daily n 7. Sal. 11-5 Sun. 12-4 110 Mooro Road • Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 (Corner of Lako, Mooro & Electric) CANT PAV YOUR BILLS ON TIME? There are often alternatives to bankruptcy, wage earner plans, and trusteeships although sometimes these are the best procedures to follow. OFFICE Mon.,Tu«..Thuw. 9:00A.M..10;P0P.M. Wed. & Frl. 9:00A.H.-5:30P.H. 9:OOA,H.-4:0OP.H. Satm PHONE: LORAIN: ELYRIA CLEVELAND: SANDUSKY: 933-3231 365-9092 871-2228 f419) 625-1693 FALL SPECIAL 4 NIGHTS Oct. 2* thru Oct. 28.1383 AIR & HOTEL PACKAGES I'Jcl I n . (r 1 , . " . ' , . . ltjtiul>i«urruniincvl L.,y Cnu Mlnul' " » • • • AvuHnttii. ' Udy Luck • Hietcndt ' Msrlna •Sandi *Mnx!m )2E4.l)0 274.M ZM.CO ;....31.00 233.00 • Sundance ' Wasiwoiil Ho • Holiday Inn-Canter — . . • Fnlmlngo Hilton • Us Vagus Hilton J233.Q0 299.00 .331.00 334,00 354,00 We Spectntita In Individual & Group Bookings By Land, Son or Air Out Scrvicti Will Bo Tlintot V Out Exutvionce & Knowledq<! Is YoursFHECI VNoSfJWieoCharjiu. Karin U,u»t, Ownsr Mjnaqor Piionu9-19-G121 SHEFFIELD LAKE TRAVEL CENTER •VMS E. Luki> Rd., S h c l l i o l d Lake I MON FRI y ' With ci Touch-Call phone, you don't have to.make all those 'boring circles with the dial to place a call. in fact, you don't make any circles. You just make time by pressing buttons. And y vive time with every call. So it's very convenient when you want to get in touch fast. And 'Ibuch-Call phones come in a variety ol styles and colors to suit both your taste and decor, T'i see the complete selection, simply make a •itraight line for your nearest Centel Pick-n-Phone Center. \ Pot Luck Supper Tonight also bo paid at this mooting. All members, uaaoclate memburs and Social tlmo begins at 0:30 followed u] ntiw Avon Lake residents, plooao by a buffet euppor at 7:00 p.m. « remember the annual Welcomo Wagon Members are asked to bring a salad, w Pol Luck Supper Wocliiosday, vegetable, or dessert for the buffot P ^optombor 7th at the Public Library, tublo, along with the roclpo for that 32040 Electric Ulvd. dish, DB thoy will bo used lalor in Iho New programs for tho 1903-04 year will bo distributed In addition to (hu evening fur a recipe oxcliango activity. many hobby, Internal and sport groups GuoslB nuod only bring silverware. Join us for a most enjoyable ovoning. available for sign-up. Yearly dues may OT- Sheffield Lake Women's Club Sheffield Lako Women's Club will on November 4th and 5th. Interested moot on Wednesday. September 7, partios may contact tho General Chair1003 In the Sheffield Lake Community man Hilda VanHorn at 940-5472 for table rental which the foe will be $10 Center, Lake Road at 8:00 p.m. The Program will be presentod by per table. Wanlta Pong who will speak on Now members or guostB are most "Behind Closed Door's." welcome and may contact memborahip The annual Wnmon's Club Bazaar Chairman Dawn Langin at 049-09Bl for "Holiday Surprlr . i " Is going to be at further Information, the Sheffield Lake Community Center Somo lucky parson will win this beautiful handmade quilt on Octoboi 2nd. Your Amiable Hosts David & Joel Arredondo Request the honor of your presence at their 2nd Annual Mexican Independence Day Celebracion SEPTEMBER 15-17,1983 MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE g , Thursday,S*pt. 15 MEflU ESPECIAL '.i p.m. EIGritode Independoncia Friday, sept. 16 Saturday, S . 17 MENU ESPECIAL MENU ESPECIAL Live Mexican Live Mexican Music 6-9 p. rn. Music 6-9 p.m. Al Foster 10 p.m.-2 a.m.Jazz by Satin Son 10p.m.-2a.m. Be A Winner The Avon Lako Homecoming Festival Committed will be awarding a beautiful handmade quilt to some lucky person October 2nd. The quilt Is tho Grai.d Prize. There will be additional prlzen u the form of gift certificates donuted by various buolnosaea in Avon Lake to bo announced next week. The quilt is now on display at Siflson's Flowers & Furniture through Enioy our MENU ESPECIAL, a six course dinner consisting of truly Mexican Specialties not on our menu " *7-50 !as Botanzs (appetizer), las Sopas (soup), elarroz (rice), Frijoles (beans), Lo Platos (main dish), los ostres (dessert) and cafe o te' Los Panchos Mexican Restaurant 5380 Lake Rd. (U.S. 6) Sheffield Lake, 949-6102 R.S.V.P. Saturday, Sept. lotb It will then be at E3T, Lake Rd. branch Sept. 12th-17th; then it can be seen at the Library Sept. 18th at their Open House. It will then bo at The Natural Kitchen from Sept. 10th through Sept. 24th. Tickets will bo on sale at theae places and also at the EST, Walker Rd., office, Central Trust and Chicago Plna F«>b. Tickets sell for $1.00 each or a book of six for $5.00. Barbecued Chicken Dinner If the smell of charcoal fills tha air In the area of Sunset and Richelieu Ave., it is bscauao barbecuers Jack Springowskl, BUI Burbank, Paul Voach and Tom Welter are barbecuing chicken on grills on the lawn of the Sheffield Lake United Church of Christ, Sept. 17, G-7 p.m. The barbecued chicken will be served smorgasbord style in tha dining hall with corn-on-the-cobh, choices of salad, rolls, beverage and home-made pie. Tickets are available from members at $4.76 for adults, $2.50 for children under 12 and free for children under ' three years. , Call Jonnifer Schulpbach. at 949-2959 or Lots Wlngate at 949-8373 for tickets or reservations. Carry-outB are available If you bring your own containers. Avon Community Calendars Have you forgotten to purchase your Community Calendar? Do you have a problem knowing what is going on In Avon? Help the Avon Women's Club Student Loan Fund and yourself by purchasing a Family dining with something for calendar from BIlltnghurst's 1GA, Smith Country Store. orL'Hommodleu'o Chemist Shop. The c a l e n d a r s a r e available for the same price of $1.25 as last year. everyone'Spec!alChildrens& Senior Citizens Menu* Each Day Our Chef Prepares A Homemade Soup tt Dinner Special! Wed. Thurs. Fri. DAILY DINNER SPECIALS 3:30-10:00 MONDAY -SirloinTips •4" TUESDAY - Fried Chicken *4 aD WEDNESDAY-Popper Steak M"" THURSDAY- Roast Briskatt of Beef •4" SATURDAY- Breaded Pork Chops *5 2tt SUNDAY -Swiss Steak M " Roast Briskett of Beef *4 B " Philadelphia Peppor Steak Fresh Pike (All You Can cat) Braisod Sirloin Beef Tips Over Noodles All The Lake Perch You Can Eat St. Louis BBQ Ribs Virginia Baked Ham Thoso spsciata Include cup of SOUD de lur, salad, potato or veqotable, bioad & buttor. ALL YOU CAN EAT. NO PERCH TILL NOTIFIED fumllv *CBB F R I D A Y FISH FRY PICKEHEL Styl6 f .™Ln SUNDAY LIQUOR 4798 Z.LPKE ROAD SHEFFIELD LAKE-OHIO OFF j'l- A T F f f i A A W ^ j }[-( f .,lniClll™.iM«», • L^-.-.O-^J A"S F ^ v - i " I - . - ti! |" - I. MI- i,.W.l.pm. - ^ . >j^ j , . UAMOUET FACILITIES AVAILAtJLH I-OH I'li/'.T'T-PtiCIA!.." C/'iTi:;.;!-,^,]^ O|Jlill i"!.lllV 1 1 •i.lh.-KJ p . „ , , \",',i-'-(j,-,y;, 11 i i . i i i . - 1 i f j . i f : . ; t i . Ji Sat. Uciuti I l i u i i . S U I AVON LAKE'S UNIQUE EATERY COMPLETE LUNCH & DINNER M E N U BAR-B-Q EVERY SUNDAY ALL YOU CAN EAT Including corn on the cob and coleslaw FRIDAY FISH FRY LAKE ERIE PERCH DINNER OR SHRIMP DINNER * 4 5 SATURDAY PRIME RID 0 DINNER 5 7 " TRY OUR ALL MEW SUMMER MENU Piicod at '2"-'fl" Modeling School Offers Glamou Who* doG3 ihc Plum and th-j I ] | s A],- r umbus, and Is u member of tho Model' ing Asuociuliun of Am or leu, Intcrnu- pie have in common, In North Olmstud? Cluinourll You. will find it at Ihu John Roburt Powors Modolinji School und Agency In tliu Groat Northern Shopping Conlor. A complimentary lour will tuko you Into Iho glamourous' mirraund Ings' of Scroon TGSIB, Toluvlaion Commorclala, Profoaalonnl Make-Overs, Mnko-Up Artistry, Jazzorclso and, of courso, Modeling. - The Powers School 1B licensed and certified with the Department in Col- Dinner &. Entertainment lioiml, Director, Ms. Mary Kuy Gannon 13 now screening for potential moduli! from Cleveland and surrounding nrous, Enrollment will bo limited regarding those persons qualified. In order to represent John Robert Powers al the Big Apple's 14th Annual Convention at Now York's Waldorf-Astoria April 24 thru April 20, 1004. Interview by appointment only. John Robert Powers, 777-8117. Fairway Lounge Enjoy dinner and the live music of Ted Zaborniak $8.95 to $15.95 Closed .'Sundays Holy Trinity Chicken Dinner Chicken Dinner ft Rattle: Sunday, September 11, 1U03. Our annual chicken dinner has more significance than svor In this, our 150th Anniversary Year. FDryoarB boyond remembrance it has boon ono of our biggest ovents. This year the cost of the dinner Is $5.SO for adults and $2.50 for children under 12. C? noo Is the first prize plus six $150 and S100 prize. An added ruffle of a white afglian and a log cabin quilt (In remembrance of our first Masses being celebrated in a log cabin) Is available to all. Nightly Specials from . . . $4.99 Crab Leg Buffet Saturday Night , Ni0ht on .the Tov<n Program For •" Beginwithdinherin'thc,. , ;• Fairway; Lounge or'Miarni Roopi ^'' randtpptheeyepfrigbff:atthe-*" ;. ( : :; ;% 12th EditionNjt^Club.;',' ';''•..• •••' Low Visioned THt WEST SIDES FINEST NIGHT SPOT FEATURING OHIO'S TOP ROCK AND BLUES BANDS-LIVE SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAY THURSDAY P.F. 8 Pleasure Unit FLYER FRIDAY SATURDAY 9 Enlourago It iy 10 There will bo atalkand movie for the low vlalonod to be hold Monday, September 12th at 12-30 p.m. at the Beach Pork Tower, 33BB7 Lake Rd. In the main auditorium. This Is under Hi« v^nlcea of f'-r. Z. ,v.er for the visually Impaired. The public Is welcome. RAM ADA1 _ A QUA MARINE! MS Millet Roid. Avon ' . m • 913.1000 R E S O R T I 933-5571 Apocalypio M O N D A Y NITE FOOTBALL on our LARGE SCREEN TV. complimentary Chicken Wings DRAFTNIGHT i HAPI*y HOUR ATOUR BAH M O I M W . 3110*30 P.M. St.' I9S OVER PROPER ID REQUIRED Two week Engagement m. n a W I I N IW., A.L man vw VIM. Maw o * n 6 Amtriun l m ~ Come in... ;114 MOO'RE RPiAVOIV L A K ^ WE DELIVEBl! • Pizza* Salads > Sandwiches .Mill:. .Til.IF 4 CM V ' j I l M fd.''.S.n •» ['M'lJ.Jii AM . •IIKI 4|!M i l l CM! ...and try our Tuesday - Beer & Wine IMite OLD SCOOP "ALL THE FISH YOU CAN EAT" Wednesday-Men's Night Thursday-Ladies Night SALAD BAR Burning Bridges Served With delicious tater curls, ate slaw roll & butter •DAILY SPECIALS* Having A Party? We Have Sheet Pizza's Available - Call to Ordor WednesdayftFrM Entertaining Every Frl. &Sot. Night During September 9:30 p.m.-2:00 o.m. Lunch Time Happy Hour 11 3 934-4210 37040 Detroit Rd. Avon, Ohio , Corner of Rt. 264 & S11 223 Miller Rri,, Avon Ljko. Carry Out 933-2484 Try Our Delicious... Dally Luncheon specials LOUNGE Featuring LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY 8- SATURDAY MUSIC BY PARTY LIGHTS 10 P.M. TIL 2A.M. (21 a OVER} TUESDAY DRAFT BEER NIGHT 244-6717 Lorain 114114th St. Avon Lake 227 Miller Rd. OPEN m. to 11 p.rn >evun Days A Week PIZZA -BBQ RIBS SPAGHETTI-CHICKEN Dally Lunchaon Snaclali 933-9781 or 933-3318 Dinners Served Till 10 p.m. 33424 Lake Rd., A . L WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY DAVE SANCHEZ Spins Your Favorites From 50*8 & 60's Featuring an extensive menu plus a variety of da'ly specials. Luncheon Specials from 11:30a.m. -3:30 p.m. Our Full Course Dinners contln ue to feature our Early Bird Specials... served from 3:30 til 6 p.m. Tuesday thru Friday All Meals Include Our Homemade "Sticky Buns" And Our Homemade Rolls Banquet Facilities for Lunch and Dinner Opon Dally Except Monday Tuosday thru Thursday Friday and Saturday Sunday >. 11:30-10 p.m. 11:30-11 p.m. Noon-8 p.m. 32045DETROITRD.-AVON Avon 937-6864 Cleveland 871-3054 ' "Wheels For Life n Avon, Au 8 .30, 19U3 ... 3iko-A-thon chairman Lawrenco J. McGGrvoy today nuked Avon resldonts (o parliclpato In a too St. Judo Chlltlron'fl Research Hotipltal "Whools-for-Llfo" Blko-Athon to be hold Oct. l, at Holy Trinity Schoolyard. Volunteer workoro and rldors ore needed for the Biko-A-thon to tateu funds for tho worltMamoUB roooarr.h cantor and Its battlo against childhood cancer »sil other childhood diseases. Mr. McGorvey said this year's ride Is being dedicated to Terry, e leukemia patient at St. Judo. "By riding for Terry wo'll really bo helping all stricken children since rosoarch la the only way those Illnesses can be conquered," Mr. McGervoy said. "We're looking for people who will contribute some of thoir time and nnorgy to help children Festival Parade Needs Cars live. Wo really need bike riders, slnco they arc the anas who can make this Blke-A-thon auccoBsful," In the Biko-A-thon, riders onlist sponsors who donate a sum of monoy for each mile completed. Prizes go to tho riders who rolso tho most money. Sponsor farras are available at all schools inAvon. "You can put your muscles to work for a chlld'p llfo In this Blko-A-thon," McGorvoy said. "Wo nood ovory biko andevoryrldor." Interested persons can contact Lawrence J. McGorvey, 2043 Joseph St. Avon, Ohio 44011, 037-5353, St. Judo Hospital was founded by determiner Danny Thomas, and operatoB primarily from public contributions. Tho Homecoming Festival Parade on Oct. 1, 1963 noods convertibles and ttop cara for display in tno paradi* and to transport dignltarlou and honored flUOBtB. Pooplo wishing to volunteer their car Film Series To Begin The Chuck Swindell film series, "Strongthoning Your Grip", will bo shown on Sunaiy ovonIngs at Calvary Baptist Church, 32007 Electric Boulevard, Avon Lako. Tho first showing will be on September 25 starting at e:oo p.m. The public is Invited to these film series. CHEF HENRI'S Cleaners PARTY CENTER The Good Food We Serve Is Excelled Only By The AWonderful People Who ' ' *^'"ivC >* Break Bread With Us V* '^-J J Day After Doyl * \ I / ih Enjoy Breakfast And Lunch With Us! CASH A CARRY ONLY! Party Tioys Our Specialty Oolicatassan Caftan Shop Banatwt Hall t«flup Valid thiuS«pt.3Dlh CLEANERS AVON LAKE .933-3164 116 MOORE RD. CHRIST LUTHERAN 13 AVON LAKE CHURCH' SOFTBALL LEAGUE C H A M P I O N . Chrla*' Lutheran went undefeated through a ticjh.e ellmlnatin playoff to win the championship h< the six team Avon Lpko Church Softball League Membors of the championship taam ara shown In the photo. Front row, L. to R.: Dick Barnlck. Voro Barnlck, Roy Nielsen, Mike Uszak; Stove Hlava. Back Row, L. to R.: Dave Helby, Tim Horvath, John Polacok Mike Storlch, Mark Hlava, Karl Hlava, Bill Farmer, Bob Hlava, Paul Ford Missing: Mike Prossnell, Andy Prossnell, Sue Roc^as, Dove Bender, Bruce Emrick, Jim Bar nick. Brunttfnat Survad 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch Survad 1.1 a.m. to 3 p.in with • LUBE, 0IL& FILTER I HE'VRI B JENNIE SIMON COMPLETE CLEANING SERVICE ™ . ^ onAPEnv PROCESSORS COMPLETE TAKE DOWN, PROCESS 6 HEHANQ SERVICE • Of F SEASON QAHMENT STORAGE may do so by caUtag Fritz Belnoff 11 033-3830 or paraiio co-chalrperooia Vesta and Russ Lyuch at B33-4328 Frltx Belnhoff would especially Ufa to hear from owners of Comoro Z2B'a, TransAm, and Corvettes. (Regular Price) MtXTOOOIttOA.L. Opon Sunday 8 to 3 Open Dally 8a.m. to3p.m. 933-2420 SPECIAL PURCHASE Yamaha LCD Men's Watch SO 95 ISDIW StalnleuStraJ) * # - Whllo Supply Lsati . ' ^ r , , Famiiy Phon D I<'ievuvlhln*younavartxpKtedc«rrt[ii[ri1obe. '",'•" 33501-H Lake Rd., A.L. / V PHIL'S AUTO CAJRE SERVICE CENTER (next to Dan'u Dell) 933-9235 [335b? LAKE RD. AVON LAKE933-8710| Phonos Aro Groat ChrUttmos. Gifts — Use Our Layaway Plan — Decorator Phones • Darth Vader • PacMan • Mickey Mouse COME SN & SAYHELLO! The Service You've Been Waiting Forl SALES-INSTALLATION-REPAIR ?" ^ l Mon. & Frl. 10-B. Wod. & Sat. 10-1 Hours: Tues. £r Thurs. 10-7 \ Now Showing THE PERFECT ANYTIME GIFT 1. Risky Business R 2. Hercules PG 3. Mr. Mom PG nes ONE YEAH FHUM SAMPLE 1, Return of the Jedi PG ONE TICKET M fTlovie fTloney® REDEEMABLE A T ™ E BOX OFFICE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS ON I >'E HACK OF THIS COUPON. Starts Frl. 1. Risky Business R 2. 1990 Bronx Warriors R •iiiiii••IIIIII•••i•••••••i••iiaii•iiiii•r WEST LAKE no INQUIRE ABOUTOUR SPECIAL PARTIES, BIRTHDAY, CHURCH, COMPANY, SCOUTS • Cordless • Genie • Others To Choose From Adults 92.00 Until G:00 p.m. Won, thru 3at. & First Show O, Capacity Sun. & I Hclidnys. \ckc\r, Sold 30mm. Mln.uuloro DuloroIII oia JU Showtim-. Phono Liifiifn. D33-31E5 -B Elyrlo, 1-3:M -2151. g 3- Mr. Mo G .0 CALL 933-8800 Skating 1$ For Everyone! Monday Reserved Party Skating Only Tuesday & Thursday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Open Skating Wednesday Family Night 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Fri.&Sat. Eves. 8 to 11 Sat. & Sun. Afternoons 1 to 4 4. IN THE AVON LAKE SHOPPING CENTER LAKE RD.W. OF SADDLE INN SKATING HOURS SENIOR ADULT NEWS This Page Is Sponsored As A Community Sorvlco By Tho^ Avon Uko Press * 4575 LAKE R D , SHEFFIELD LAKE, OHIO 949-8146 SERVING AVON LAKE, AVON, SHEFFIELD LAKE, SHEFFIELD Calendar Of Events Avon Lake Golden Agora mo el on Wednesday. September 7, at tho United Church of Christ, 32801 Electric Blvd., for a brown bag lunch at noon, ) >ake Erio Seniors meet every Thursday for a catnred luncheon at the United Church of Christ, 3ZB01 Electric Blvd. at noon. Call 940-5840 by Tunsday for a roaervation. Homespun Crafts held tholr monthly sale on Friday. September 0, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the Sheffield Lake Civic Club, 4576 Lake Rd. Autumn Robots moot on Tuesday, September 13th and 27th at the Barn • 37711 Detroit Rd., Avon, at noon for a colored luncheon. Call 934-5449 by the Sunday before for reservations. Sheffield Lake Sonlors meet on Wednesday, September 7, at the Sheffield Lake Community Center, 457b Lake Rd., noon, for a potluck lunch. Trl-Clty Offlco an Aging. Board of Directors, meet ou Friday. September 2, at the Sheffield Lake Community Cenlor, 4575 Lake Rd. Visitors are welcome. A.A.R.P. Chapter 3843 meet on September 2tf at tho United Church of Christ, 32801 Electric Blvd., at noon for a brown bag lunch. F|u Shots ' : Sunday, October 2. at LCCC, Center Mall; from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. flu shots from Brothers & Brothers Foundation will be given for $5 a shot. ' A once-in-a-Ilfetlme pneumonia shot wlllbefelvenfor$10. Taping TV Show On September 9, wo are taping a TV show for cable showing our Meals-onWheela routine, Homespun Crafts, Medicare and Blue Cross assistance. We know you will find this most Interesting and hope you have an opportunity to view this program on Westlnghouse Cable, North Ridgevllle, Ohio. Guy Lamson's Corner Doctor Lucklosh, Nola Park, in his book on U.V. wondered why special rooms could not be started up to provide tanning Indoors from a fluorescont-ntyle germlcldal tube. This was all new at that time. The idea was to prevent the danger of sun bathing, dangerous then and more so today. Tubes In a regular 2-40 watt fixture. Tubes may bo used In tho home, too. This is to adviso you that this Idea has started and while It may not be In our area yet, you should be advised regarding Its use. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests a doctor be on duty at these places and to make sure there is adequate ventilation because ouone Is given off from these tubes and could cause breathing difficulty. Also check with your doctor to make sure this type of tan Is safe for your skin. If used at homo lot It bo of short duration and wear Bun glasses. Increase time each day. This information, Seniors, 1B SO that you may help the youngor generation. Services Offered ByTri-City Office On Aging Meals-on-wheels 1B offered by this office for Avon Lake and Sheffield Lake. If you or someone you know are In neod of a dally hot meal to be delivered to the home, call our office at 049-8140. The cost Is $2 per day, but arrangements can be made If that price would be a financial hardship. If you don't need the meals, but could volunteer some time to help deliver or pack the meals, w e would appreciate this too. In Avon, call Marge Spetafore at 037-6010 to arrange for meals in this area. Help with Medicare and Supplemental Insurance Farms Is also done both In the office and with volunteers In the community. If you are having problems in this area, please give us a call and we'll see If we can help. Transportation is not directly offered by us, but we will see that you get to the right office for halp. In Avon/Avon Lake you have the mlnl-bu3. Call 9338141 for a reservation as early as possible. In Sheffield Lake call 949-0146 for a reservation 24 hours in advance for pickup on Tuesday and Friday. If you need a Golden Buckeye Card, «• Homestead Exemption Form, blank Medicare or Blue CICJS forms, income tex formB, and In the next two weeks the Interest exemption forms, corns in, or ca!2 us. We have them all. NOTE: The Ohio Energy Credit Application has been extended to December 30.1983. Perhaps the article in the "letters" on July 13th should be made clear which stated that Ultra Violet does not penetrate ordinary glass. Thickness does make a difference because of the amount of Iron Included. However, in order for germicldal rays to penetrate a special glass Is used. Therefore, those tubes for tanning mentioned hi the artl- , cle on July 20th and other special U.V. tubes for germlcldal use are made from a spucial sand from South America. Quartz was UBed first. A Dr. Sawyer was the first to make artificial quartz. His business in Cleveland and later In Willoughby, the Sawyer Research Laboratory, started use of this product. Since the recent move to 4575 Lake Later another company started Rood, the results of each sale has been manufacturing quartz, located In the most gratifying. Will Toll, the coorEuclid Avenue area. General Electric dinator of this project, sets up all the may own them now. display of those articles among which are many of his own. Dr. Sawyer used a special sand, usWe wish to call your attention to the ing heat and pressure Inside a cylinder fact that Christmas is just around the that was rocked. To prove that this was corner and many selections may be obbeing done, he placed a silver chain in tained at these sales which you would the sand and when completed the chain be happy to offer as gifts. was imbedded in the quartz. A picture Our next Home Spun Craft Sale will . of the product was on the front page of be held on Friday, September eth. You the Sunday Plain Dealer magazine at are moat welcome to browse and buy. that time, perhaps 20 years ago. Home Spun Crafts Adult Health Clinics Adult Health Clinics arc held for seniors of all three cities every month. They offer blood pressure readings, diabolic screenings, blood tests for hemoglobin, urine tests, physical assessment, health counseling, nutritional guidance, assistance with special diets, testing for fecal occult blood, vision screening, hearing screening, health tips to keep well, and Belf-broast examination procedures. To Bchedulo an appointment, call 244-3418 if you live In Sheffield Lako or Avon. If you: live In Avon Lake, call 245-8B30. You may not be able to get an appointment Immediately, but the watt will be worth it ODCO you arc seen for the first time. Please give them a call to supplement your routine doctor visits. A.A.R.P. It's "Back to A.A.R.P." month. In honor of the 25th anniversary of A.A.R.P. and Its Founder. Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus. N. E. Loraln County, Chapter 2843, will have a special program of information nr.-i entertainment at its regular meeting on September 20th, 12:00 noon, at the Avon Lake United Church of Christ. The Assistant State Director In North Central, Ohio. Bernard Celek, will visit our chapter. He will show new slides "To Serve • Not To Be Served," the A.A.R.P. motto. Our program chairperson. Isabella Weaver, has arranged for the Keenagers Kitchen Band to entertain us with their lively music. Bring your "Brown Bag" lunch, Join your friends; meet new ones; have a good time en Tuesday, September 20. Visitors are always welcome. Reach Out And Touch Someone We feel it very fitting to award the Reach Out and Touch Someone citation to tho Stocker Foundation. Thunks to the foundation, who so generously derated us a grant of $6i400, we are now .iblo tn rofurnlsh our kitchen and go forward with our plans for congregate meals to be served hore. Thanks again. Dear Friends; September Is here already -- where has 1083 gonel It's time to Btart thinking about getting ready for Winter. With that hi mind, the flu add pneumonia shotB will bo given In October. More about that Is available on this page. Also, accompanying Winter will be the high gas and electric bills I If you are 05 or over,' or totally and permanently disabled, the Ohio Energy Credit may help you. If your Inconve Is urder $9,000, you could bo eltgiMe. Tho date for applications has been extonded to September 30. Call us at 949-8148 If you need an application. • -' Many of you have called about HEAP, which Is a federal energy program, based strictly on Income. At % mooting I attended recently, a date of November 24th waB given as a starting date for this program. We'll notify you immediately about HEAP. Remember, if you're eligible for both programs, you can receive help from both. WE HOPE TO MAKE A MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT MONTH SO WATCH FOR OUR OCTOBER NEWS1 !•"[ * BOTKKON or THE FOOT INC. MORt HELPFUL FOOT-CARE INFORMATION The heel spur Is a disorder associated with sharp burning or aching pain in the heel of one or both feet. It is usually painful upon first getting out of bed ... then gradually the pain subsides^ It may also occur after being on your feet for a short time, or by the end of the d a y . H e t l s p u r s c a n be accompanied by swelling around the ankle, and can become, more painful with weather changes, much WANT TO LVSE WEIGHT? •'. - • : .' A S K U S ' . • • , • ' •• .. • For your convanlonca out office hour* •ra Monday, Tuesday, Thursday tt Friday froml[..n...7p.«.. 1W2ATM like arthritis. Usually, the heel spur is symptomatic of stress to the sole of the foot ... however, it can be indicative of more major diseases. Most heel spurs can be resolved without surgery ... If you think you may have a heel spur, see your podiatrist. Di. Many presents this Information In the Interett of your foot haalth. For a FREE INITIAL EXAMINATION AND CONSULTATION call Dr. Magy at 327-2440. Dr. Arnold T. Many. Physician and Surgaon of the Foot. Office* in Mills Craak Common*. 32M8 Canttr Rldg* Road; North RMgavilla. /'• i .-*J' : ••• F ^ E S H • . : , , -'.: Broqd»Bokbd • ., •••LUNCH a QINN& WHILE' • ' :\SUPPUESIA'ST:''••;• SMOR0A3DORD . Avon Women's Club News A FULL SERVICE AGENCY SINCE 1952 NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN WHITE FISH". The first Full mooting for the Avon Womon'a Club will ho hold at Iho Faith Lutheran Church on Gordon Drive in Avon, Monthly overling Saptetnbur 12th. It will bo un Oriontui dinner with club members bringing a largo variety of apecialilen to tU3te. Mombors of the community who would like to attend to become bolter acquainted with the activltioo of the club and to considur membership should contact Linda at 934-4072, A cooking demonstration featuring Oriental Cuisine will bo given by Susan Jawarowskl who Is nlso thu hoad hostess for tho evening. Helping Bob Allen Auto, Home, Life, Tax Shelters, Annuities, Group, Commercial, Pension, Bonding, Boat, Disability. Hospitalization, Motorcycle. t»iiLotiln her will bo Sue Draun, Dorrle Bo mm or, and Htldti Singloton. Avon Women's Club began In 1940 with tho purpnso of serving tho Avon Community with u variety of projects, This year the club will bo continuing witli Its long torm services of a Nursery School Tor three and four year olds, a Student Loan Fund for the.citizens of Avon, various safety programs, involvement In a commmunity Halloween Party, and Candidates' Night. Fund raising events nro an important part of club llfo oo those support tho projects. Plan to moot the club ut 0:30. BfddiilphPliiii-BrooMyn )t;t E t S University Of Life Read and Use The Classifieds State Auto, New York Life, Grange, Beacon, Transamerica, Progressive and many others. 9:00-5:00 Daily 9:30-12:00 Sat. 444 CENTER RD. AVON LAKE £ D T.OMKO''•:•-. ' 1902 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER Loaded S Don Jones CLEVE. 835-7242 DOW JONES 933-4734, BOB ALLEN 933-6260 9995 Move ahead In tho 60'a with adult education classes tollorod to meet tho noods of busy Individuals. Sponsorod by tho Avon United Methodist Church, and concentrating on the continuing educational growth of adults in the community area are weeknlght and weekend classes. Selections offorod this fall are: Learn to Knit - Begins Mon. Sept, 12th-7:3Op.ra.,$0.OO. A Support Group for Porsous Dealing with Aging in their Family - Begins Mon. Sept. 10th, 7:30 p.m., BlMonthly. Carol's Body Movement - Aerobic ExBrclsvs, Ongoing, Mon. & Thur. 121:00 p.m., TUOB,. & Thnrs. 7-0:00 p.m. S12/M.onth or $Z walk-In. A Otudy of 1st Corinthians - Begins Wed, Sopt. 21, 7:30 p.m. $0.00. . A Look at American Music - Begins R«pt. 11th, Sun, Morn. 11:00 a.m. Images of Jeaus - Begins Sept. 11th, Sun. Morn. 11:00 a.m. 58.00. Classes are open to all on a first ' come, first serve basis. For more In- :n> formation and to register by phono or In person any weakday morning at. the ' Avon United Methodist Church Office.034-5121, 37711 Detroit Rd., Avon, ' Ohio 44011. 1981 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX Sharp, Loaded S 6995 1979 PLYMOUTH TRAIL DUSTER 4x4 '4495 1979 FORD THUNDERBIRD S 3695 END OP SUMMER SALE 1979 DODGE ASPEN 4-DR. Nice S 90 DAYS — FURNITURE YOU CAN BUY FURNITURE AT AN AVERAGE OF SAME AS CASH NAPPROVED CREDIT 2995 BELOW ANY OF OUR COMPETITORS 1970 CHRYSLER CORDOBA Ready to oo S BESTSALE PRICE 2995 1978 PONTIAC LeMANS 4-DR. WHY PAY MORE! Low miles S ANYWHERE! A BEDROOM SET i 2995 EXAMPLES 978 PLYMOUTH FURY PORTS SUB. WAGON 9 passenger S 2695 1977 CHRYSLER CORDOBA Sun roof & Loaded S 1995 1978 PLYMOUTH ARROW 4-speod S 1995 Reg. '795 SALE 4 9 5 1976 DODGE CHARGER Nicely equipped S OUR PRICE $ OUR PRICE 1995 1977 PLYMOUTH FURY SPORT 2-DR. Hurry lor this one S 1495 SALE 197* .VEGA Transportation Special BEST PRICE OURS IS THE BEST PRICE "•; ED , •:-:. T O M K O /• .Y!)Lt|l PLYMOU.r'H. rtili.'nii'Mdfci fid ". . AVON i. A K f • '-, 533-3500, : OURS IS THE $ 35100 CENTER RIDGE RD. NORTH HtDGEVILLE 777-0607/327-3409 FURNITURE HOURS: , SAT. 10-6 SUN. 11-6 MON.-FRI. 10-9 ztp&m ^^re^s*?^ BEAUTIFUL WOODED LOT 57839"."* Bultdablo 1OO'x31G' on front half. Locatotl In ti mn.-i of Avon Lake. Coll BOB FHAZIER, 933BliBj for complete dotolls. ""TV.1 ^ • ^ - P J l l l R M ^ J P R I C E D TO SELL 20 OFFICES-SERVING ALL OF NORTHEASTERN OHIO AVON LAKE OFFICE 933-6195 Lovoly 3 Hdrm. rancli with dining room ond larco family roam, plus scruonod porch (or axiondad soosor, il uim • at 200 South Point .Drive off Loko Rd. Call ED MITJCHELL, 033-619S. CLE. 871-7273 ELY. 3663761 AVON LAKE SPLIT EirtlHono decorating enhances this 4 bodroom, 7 bath ' split lovoi. Also includos family room with woadburner and 2 car ooroge. Outstanding landscaping.. Coll for uppt. LINDA EHLE, 933-6196. FREE TIME 67940. Thtro is moro of It when you llvo in a condo, you know for golf, booting, otc. Soo this 2 bedroom gordon with a bath and half, one tjoroge ond ono parking spocu, pool for oil, Call BOB FRAZIER. 833-fl18C. ECONOMY HEATIWQ AND MAINTENANCE Nfiw2bodrooma p jm. ranch next to large :jark-like area on deadend stieot Is ready for the now buyer or retiree tpenjo". cDMITCHELL,833-6186. AVON LAKE LAKEFRONT W143, You must see this 3 bedroom, 3 bath multi-lovel homg with patio and stairs to tho lake. Only 869,900. Call JANICE or GEORGE GOVELOVICH, 933-6196. BET YOU D I D N ' T KNOW I HAD 8 0 M U C H BOOM 86926. Smuggler's Cove townhouse, 2 bedrooms, 1W baths, enclosed patio, walk-up attic, attached garage with door opener, only 849,900. Call ADA TAYLOR, ONE OF AVON LAKE'S LOVELIEST STREETS 58009. This 3 bedroom, 3 bath split Is In move-In condition. New appliances, carpet & flooring. All appliances stay Including a new microwave. Woodburner In family room and a new glass enclosed porch ere some of the amenities. Excellent location for children. SARAH CHURCH, 9334196. LAKEFRONT LUXURY THEHOMEFORYOU Special bank financing on this 4 badroom Cape Cod at end of street with large fenced yard, 1 car garage, 647,900. Call today JANICE ov GEORGE GOVELCVICH, 933-6196. U.'.'E IN THE LAP OF MfXUHV-FOR LESS Landings contemporary split level 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, fantastic fpinlly room with wet bar, oversized garage, separate dining, central air, decorated In earth tones, pool, tennis court, party center available through association. Cnll the lister ADA TAYLOR, 9X34196. BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM RANCH, •72,500 This charming homo Is as attractive bsWo as it is outside. 114 baths, 2 eating areas, family room, new screened porch, plus 2J4 car garage. MARY ANN TILDEN, B33-8196. 67666. Do to health reasons this home must be sold quickly! A home with so many future possibilities. Snuggled on elmost W A. Beautiful in-the*ground pool with privacy fence plus bathhouse. Plenty of room for the kids to roam or garden space. S60's. Call CAROL J . QBE8CO, 9334196. FANTASTIC t AKEFRONT. »124.600 Charm thrur j t . Park-like setting, this delightful home Is ready to --love into. One b*droom, full bath on first floor, 2 b adrooms (master- 24' long) and full bath on second. ? marble flreplacts, 3 car garage, and so much morel MARY ANN TILtlEN. 9334196. STARTING UP OR SLOWING DOWN 55801, You muat see this distlnctlvely-doBlgned home, featuring a fargn living room, woodburnlng fireplace, Florida room, beautifully equippad kitchen, isolated Inlaw suits with its own elegant lake view. Additional features: access ramp to lake, private '"fat dock and boathousa. 14 foot concrete sea wall & pier for a private tour. Call JANICE or GEORGE QOVELOV1CH, S33•1&6. OWNER MUST SELL "NOWH 57219. This 3 bedroom iiome is perfectl 2 dining areas, well maintained. Close to schools and recreation. Prlcod at $49,900. Call BETTY WAKEFIELP. B33-6196. ALL THIS FOR WJZA 68166. This 3 bedroom aluminum sided home features large living room, dining area, screened porch, full basement. A must seel Call BETTY WAKEFIELD, S336196. AVON LAKE LAKEf RONT - •78.900 67300. There Is much potential with this 2 bedroom Cape Cod. It's an interesting property In a unique area. Call SARAH CHURCH, 033-4196. OWNER WILL CONSIDER FINANCING 56944. This excelbnt Investment property. 3 bdrms. each side, t car gerage, large lot, excellent area. MARY ANN TILDEN, 933-01W. JUST LISTED • M I N T CONDITION A HARE OPPORTUNITY 13568. Large private fenced yard, full basement, 2 car detached garage, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, eat-In kitchen, morel $49,9001 Coll the lister, A D A TAYLOR, •33-6196. "LAKE ROAD LOT" Beautiful wood lot reduced $4000, situated In Sheffield Lake just steps away from lake and park. Use your builder or ours, or buy now and plan for your future end build later. What a deal at $12,500. Call CAROL J . GRESCO, 933-6196. THIS BEAUTIFUL 56911, Split colonial has 4 spacious bedrooms, huge family room with fireplace, 2 baths, formal dining, eat-in kitchen with appliances, security system, central air, wooded lot. Call BOB FRAZIER, 933-6196. TOWNHOUSE WITH A VIEW 582U0. 3 bedrooms, \Y» baths, garage, patio, view of woods, $58,900. Call HELEN 8CHATSCHNEIDER, 933-6196. BUILDABLE LOT 100x473-»12,000 SHEFFIELD Recontly split parcel, residential zoning, utilities Bvaile'jli, good location, near Rt. 2 and 1-90 access. Horse permitted area. ADA TAYLOR, 871-7273. OWNfcfl WILL CONSIDER LEA8F PURCHASE For this charming 2 bedroom condo. All kitchen appliances, close to golf course. Maintenance fee Includes water and hoot! $44,9001 MARY A N N TILDEN, 933- S195. AVON LAKE BRICK RANCH WITH BASEMENT -M2.M0 Spacious 3 bedroom, huge country kitchen, 44 foot rec room, workshop, expansion »pace, 2 car garage with door oponer. Lovely woodland setting. Call the lister ADA TAYLOR flt 871-7273. Don't miss this rare op- COTTAGE ON Vi ACRE-*19,900 In Avon, has 3 bedrooms, plus 2 bams, nice wooded area back to 1-90. Call the lister ADA TAYLOR, 0336196. portunity. NEW LISTING/VERMILION 58203. Like now - gorgeous 3 bedroom Capo Cod, 114 baths, two car garage, private fenced yard, radiant heat, 955,000. JUNE JUNEJA, 933-8195. ; - IN AVON I have 2 homes foi mnl. I*"' 1 ' " ' , , .,,„, 1 loco!"' " " ., , 1 _ .... .-. .icttss ol I.mil. Out! (HIS ^i - Ixnffoiifi ii|Miii r.a\l irM'i h..( tl-tiit!'.. SARAH CHURCH. 0X1 NANTUCKET CO! «••'•-• " • <"•-• . —..IMI-IS « - o « LAKE S BEST BUY 97370. Attention young ux'Jcutlvos this cronm puff, 4 liedidom. Z'/i both rape has family rocrn wilh wooriliiimur, ovursi/ml si;ir;i(|L\ oxUii offico or dtussing roo'ii . nff u[>s)nii'iKiiim, muuhniore.indan unbeliovablo prii.v. Lai! tho lufiet ADA TAYLOR fordotalla, 533-S1S5. LAKEFRONT LOT 5G183. Build your drHOni homo on tha take. For mora Informytion o i l GEOnGE or JANICE GOVELOVICH, 933-6195. • \ % Jim Miller & Associates Realtors 660 Dover Contor Road 27 Dover Junction Mall Bay Village. OH 44140 Clove. Loraln 835-6600 933-0560 Thinking Of Selling? Please fool free to call CarolJudge For A No Obligation Consultation LANDINGS OUTSIDE TOWWHOU8E-2 BEDBM. 12248. So well decorated - so cloan & frpshl You will bo dfillghtod with this 2 bedroom unit with stona fireplaco, secludod private patio, partially finished bosemont and charm galore. Carol Judge, 933-6560. SPACIOUS THREE BEDROOM COLONIAL - Complatufv tedecoratod throughout, new plumbing, wiring, IntulatJun, carpeting. An absolute beauty on a nke tro-Ened ttreet. Priced Btt32.600.CallS33^4G0. THAPE? - QHEAT FAMILY MElOHBORHOOP 66208. Assumable loan at 12J4% - Great 3 bedroom ranch, clean and fresh and looking for B family to enjoy It. Call for an appolnlmont to see. Owner is willing to trade for comparablo home In quiet area. Carol Judge, 933-6660. QUIET, W5LL KEPT CONDO • S8SB1. [n baautHul Avon LIIIB, gas end water Included b monthly maintenance t w . Owner win W p finance. Call 6334450. MARBLEHEAD NEAR LAKESIDE 57697. Newer beautiful building - sharp one and two bedroom units from 940,900. Islandvlew Manor offers pool, clubhouse, lake access, fishing deck. Coll for details. Carol Judge, 933-6195 ONE YEAR WARRANTY • 68446. Cap, Cod 4 bedroom, aluminum siding, 2 cor garage, alternate woodbumlng fumaca equals low, low heat bills. Call 8334iG0. 6TIOUETTE CUSSES! Co-Ed/Aaei' 3-D years starting Tuesday,' Sept,- rftj 20th. Two neeelons • 10 a.m. • Noon! -••!; 1:00 • 3:00 p.m. C M 940-B4S7-11 r C enroH your chHd, Four k For Rent SECLUDED LAKEFRONT8TREETI111H% INT. PRICE ME GOT1 ABLE • DESPERATE 96422. This handsome Garrison Colonial has a great lakevlowll 2 woodburnorsll 20x20 family room & 19x14 den with wot barll Large living room, formal dining room & a bor.i s of a heater greenhtjso off fam. room. Baseboard h e ; water hoat with newer boiler. Only (86,000. Call .'.m or Carol Judge, 933-6550 or 835-6600. OFFICE SPACE - Tha perfeet UKIUonl S2S Avon BeWm Rd. tflt. B3I rear Walker fld. In Avon Like. 1600 •q. tt. tncludee taaMhokU. oat haat. Eailly aeceeiWe to 1-90,933-WO6. LEASE OPTION - 2 BEPHM. - PATIO 66898. Immaculate, newly carpeted and pointed unit, lovely deck and convenient to pool, tunnls and clubhouse. Carol Judge, 933-6560. Area Girls In College Game At A. L. Collosn Kerg, Baldwin-Wallace freshman from Avon, and Gall Schuh, Ashland College sophomore from Avon Lake, will: be playing In a pre-eeaBon volleyball u match at Avon Lake High School on Saturday, Sept. 10. Thn Ashland College-Baldwin Wallace Collogs gamer/ill begin at 2 p.m. It will be a 3 out of Cgame match. Admission fee will be 50 cents for students and 31.00 for adults. . Fifteen; girls frem Northern Ohio play on the Baldwin-Wallace College team Including two from th« bcuthwest Confeience and one from the Inland Conference. Their 19B2 record was 41 wins and 6 losses and the team ranked 6th in the MidweBt Region of the N.C.A.A. Division III. Ashland College was the Conference champions in the Greater Ohio Athletic Conference. Their record for the season WCB 28-14. Aoh'.and College is a Division n team. Avon Lake Women's Golf League 00 Avon Lake Py Owner, F.H.A. upprated, 158,000 K H % itaed rat* 30 year flnancina. 2 bedroom Cam Cod (axpendabla 2nd flow), beeement, ctntotn bBntta'. carpeting, eppeances. CrtlB33g80B BY OWNER, Avon Lake 2 bedroom eondo, 1H beths, Mreoe, *a m*)or appliance*. Low W i . W3-2Z13. O r OWNER, 3 bedroomranch,4/10 of en eeni l o t two new bathroome, full basement with finished femly room, fourth bedroom, ntw kftcnen, woodbuintng fireplace,n*w carpeting throughout, 933-0S76 betwaon 3:00 e- 10;Q0 p.m. tfaByAVON LAKE, nowyoucenilveatThe Lending* ki tW* beautiful 3 bedroom , and townhouM condo, HU.000. Ca» 833-S19B. ; FOR SALE By Owner, A.L. 2 ' bedroom home, expendable second floor, aluminum ekflng, 2 car penoe, low Mffa. Opan H O U M Sunday, M p.m., 200 Lekawood Dr., B33-6M1. 04 Betty Frledrlch. Best Ringer Scores The Avon Lake Women's Golf Class A-Bert Kostohryz, Class B-Joan League closed their season with a beautiful golfing day and an Awards Gould, Class C-Sue Culberson. Last Day luncheon at Sweotbrter. The win- and certainly not least Pat Rust madu a ners were . . . 1963 Flights - Class A-Vl hole In one. West. Class B-Jeanno Slsson, Class CThe following ore the new officers Sue Culborson. Medalist Tournament for 1984. President Fran Hyatt, VICHLow Gross - Class A-Bert Kostohryz Prealdcnt Martha Brown, Secretary and Loretta Bain, Class B-Peggy Otto, Barbara Purdy, Treasurer Mary Lou Class C-Luutse Hotan. Low Not Clasd Korney, Handicap Lorotta Bain, PairA'Loretta Bain, Class B-Peggy Otto, ings Queena Mae Eminlan, Ringer CIBBB C-Betty Frledrich. Low Putts Mura Blckford. Plan to join us next Class A-Vl West and Rones Pimsner, year. Class B-Arlene Lundbsrg, Class C- Homes for Sale Lots and Acreage For Sale BUHDABLE LOT In Avon • e«eHeiii tin andtecatten.Phone 833-43M. 12 Business Opportunities FOR SALE. Tho Looking 6 l a H Beouty Salon, S.L. Colt owner, 277-4261 after 8 p.m. LOG HOME SALES SKY-ROCKET t BILLION DOLLARS IN LOO KIT SALES PROJECTED FOR 19U Mtnulactuier ttktng 4cplictllont lor • dettn in thtt via. Oflvt can ataraga U.SOQ on a log kit sal* along.. ANTIQUE AND COLLECTIBLES BE BACKERS" INC. — FEATURING — • • • • • • • ANY ITEMS WITH THIS AD UNLIMITED Income PotenMal (LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER) — " n i i PCT1BLES. JEWELRY, CLOCKS, CERAMIC SUPPLlbs, . ^ * . SAFES, GUNS, COINS, WOOD CARVINGS AND MUCH MORE! D.,N.RJDGEVILLE RD. OB EXTT9OHIO TURNPIKE B" solid, uniform, liealsd log* Fill ot roond Inlnlor WBlti HanO-hewn eitaHat look Custom, commvrclal ind conlempotaty bulldlnot •••liable ProlsclM l«(Jloiy Two-day lint Irsining school Now Intioduclng lo 1ha trv dusiry pto - uMmblld log walli (i-day shall *r eel ton on mosl models) — REQUIREMENTS — • Musi be capable ol purchasing • S13J7S model home • M»et our htgh itandwdi » UesKa lo weeeecj Call Mt. Taylo. COLLECI lot an uppliceiion JK^J 933^137 YBilnyut Loo Home*. P. O Do* 10*6. Mooiesvillo. N.C 301)3. 28 HURON - LIKE NEW DUFL-Ot, 2 bedroom, eppKencee, parFKted, utility loom, near ahopplrfl and Lfi?ch. Laaaa, uiHiUea, security. tZOU r,w. Ph 433^008 OFFICE SPACE • Suite available In Professional Building, 1000 Sq. Ft., BSM314. 3 BEDROOM ranch, full beeement, bath end half, fireplace. 2 ear uerege, H acretot,937-6738. 4 BR RANCH, 1H b*tha, Z w r gereoe, targe lot, many entree, d o t * to ehuttthe* & ectmol*, leeae, uttttlee, eecurity deposit, MGQ.00 month. Can Public Notice law Cost H««1f*t«>rwnt« Avtaft H M M Wmutmi 32 Parsonalt ST. JOSEPHS Friday, Nht m a n a i bowinfl M o w at Aqua Marine Leneaineed* e d * addRb addRbnel (eemt.. mt. H H (ntere (nterettetf^ caVDannl*XeRaeweU,327-3ia7 R SMUOGLERS Cove, Ccndo, 2 B H , . I K bath*, new carpeting, meny ex* , tree. HGO per Month, heel Included. C*« 0334378 after 0 p.m. or 323-2632 before. . SMUGOUHS COVE, 2 BR, 1 H . 40 1 ,,'Servlcea^. : ;: v .;._ ^ bathe, eiapp^rtcee, ej78.933-JWC..'3 CHALBio, b M d i close, fireplace, Buck** Htrdwan, 37079 Oetroh nd^ »42S-$47B, no pet*. B33-S337. Avon.'Storm: window end ecreen, repair.CaU934H»IB. '_ • FREE' LANCE,PHOTOGRAPHER . ^ Color ' wedding* my ,tpe«biltf^; 18 WontpdToRont RESPONSIBLE FAMILY wante 3 or 4 933-B7B3.'-' •• ' •-'- ' • • bedroom home- to leu* or rent PUNO.TechnWan, Peirt _ __ „ • " ' p Oct. 1st In Avon Laka M M . tuning*- repetrino,'ngulttlng.iJCBRs^ 20 Help Wanted Mhner Ptono Tuning B Repair; plan lee»pn*i.. ri—oneble). ratta.-:c*a3 •949-2902.'- ' ••• •-'•'•"••-•••.•••^ ' • ' . • . ; - y : JOB OVERSEAS • Big money fett.- ,Coptf» made 20 eoth. A'/on'.Lafce: Pn»»omce,18BLeernd,,A.t. ; w'y t20,00 to 180,000 phi* per veer. Can 1-71fl-W-Oro0.6w.3789. LADIES, UndorcovarWearorlerarun, eaiy booUnoa and greet 'r.uome. No collecting or delivery. Make your own noun. Have a party, then decide, 933-3730, . ;__ WEBflFFSElSli PRINTING: L BABYSITTER needed evwy Tuesdey. 9-0 p.m. M U M mnsport children tc school, rgfenmcuf, 833 QMS. h EARN MONEY For Xm«a by eellfng Beellne Fashkme, NO Inveetmani, NO delhrerinfl, over 21 • Phone 934-6362. , Video Typesettings, •$>!': •Tobloid* •Circular!^ • Newspaper* • MagBilna*;!' •NowsprintorOffMtpapef <..^ NEED babydtter for B mo*, oh) intent lo Belmar erae from tO-0 p.m., Mon. thru Wed., 933-9331. ; MATURE WOMAN to babyilt In my homo aftor Ki;^ol & Saturdays, 933- PHOTOJOURNAti^ • Addressing • Ssndu*ky,0H44B70 WANTED: Beautician with foltowfrw. Call for more Inrormatlon. 933-6074, mtk tor Bonnie. ROOFER, some experience. Call after 6:00p.m.,033-B231. " GOVERNMENT JOBS - Thousands ol vacancies must be filled tm< medittsly, 117,534 to * » , 1 1 2 . CeN 42-M00,E«t.31B7. 22 Situations Wanted Will babvth In my home. Eastvtew erea.CiH 933-9610. GRASS CUTTING, rree catimales, C'-icount to senior citizens. Cell Steve 93J-4911. DEPENDABLE, experienced mother wtih excellent refefencei, will babysit In my home on TomaKawk Dr.. Eawvlew School ditrfcl, 933-9301, BABYSITTINQ, my home, Eashriew School dKtrict days or nlghta, no weekends, f e a t o n e b t ? rates, pUvmaiea. Cap eftw 12:00,9^^8790. BABYSITTING, my home or you™, experienced mother, 933-0837. 24 Education and instruction I ' I A N O INSTRUCTION t y conwrvatory trained, experienced teacher. AH levels. IM9-20W. ARTISTS SUPPUES PAINTS•BRUSHES-PAPER SNURRS HARDWARE •••.;)•?•• •'-[:,', 1-419-625-5825 g 4BB3. CUSTODIAN - Avon Branch Library, 12-1B noun per week, I3.GB per hour. AppK/ by Sept. 16th to Avon Branch Library, 2400 flldoalend Dr., Avon 4*01 f . An equal opportunity emptoyer. .'•• EdToomey . - • ; . „ : 1 A-1 ELECTRICAL WORK, repeir* O i new Inttanattoni. - Phone 933-6804, : l 933-4396 anytime. W»flll' • - • •- , . rr,,.; PROPANETANKSim Maator Mower Service, 000 Avon-, Beldon, Avor ' i k a , D33-4400,^ Mon.-Siit.,9:M-u!j0p.m.r "•'-'HOUSE CLEANING in the LancSng* area, raforoncff. Call between 1 & 0 , ; : 037-8843. MARY KAY COSMETICS Ooria , .a Webb, Independent Beauty Conwt- ^ 1 tant, 933-4470. Chimneysweep For Safe, Efficient Fireplace Can Bob 9 3 3 - 3 0 4 0 QUALITY Into end repair on carpet O' linoleum. Cell Scarvem InttailBtfon B' Repair, 282-1449. PERSONAL or .'unity Problems? Professional Counseling available, Human Resrurce* Center, The Landings, Avon Laka. Call 933-B022 for day or evenng appointment*. State and county subsidised fees. HANDYMAN, pointing, deen gutttn, light hauling, 933-0837. HOUSbtLcni . nl arencBs, flB3-2903: INTERIOR-EXTERIOR Painting. C*D nob Barrett, 933-S37B, free estlmete*. PERSONALITY foatures this 3 bedroom ronch with 1 Y> boths, nice living and dining room, caipeted throughout, ocrooned porch with BAR-B-Q gdB grill. Low guo hBBtlng budget, attachod garogo. Nice stiod lot. CIOBO to schools and transportation. MLS 57393, Priced dt $68,900. Coll John Loabu for details. IMMACULATE Maintenance free split with 3 bedrooms, family room, kitchen with eating apace, formal dining room, garogo and fenced yord. Many oxtras ond In mint condition. Priced ot $76,900. MLS 64379. Call John Leabu for morodotells. . ' EXCELLENT VALUE FOB THE HIQHT COUPLE Two bedroom townhouio with brand now carpeting. Earth tones to blond your taste In decorating. Only $54,900. Coll Joanne Cutts for more Information. MLS 55337. OWNER ASSISTANCE THE CO. Is offered with this 3 bedroom bungalow which foaturos l A bmha, full bascmont, fireplace in latga living room, formal dining room with built-in hutch, gsrago and much more. MLS 53139. Priced at $67,900. Coll Carol Black for a personal tour. 32745 WALKER RD. NATIONAL RELOCATION Avon Lake 933-2500 CENTER Cleveland TRADE IN PROGRAM 871-5255 BHARP STARTER! """. Two bedroom ranch on a doublo tot features a now kitchen and bath, full basotnont with lav., and woodburnor In D-'Ing room. Plenty of storago In the 3 garagas, and c l c ^ to RTA. Only $47,900. MLS 56544. Call Jackio Carraway for more Information. QUICK POSSESSION 3 bedroom ranch, now carper, end pdint. Attached garage, walking distance to HTA, schools and shopping. Owner assistance on financing. Priced at $4u,c>00. MLS 57440. Call Roso Kllmkowskl for details. WmmmSmm THE SPACIOUSNESS OF COUNTRY la featured with this 2 badroor- ranch which offers a separate dining room, oat-ln spajo In tho kitchen, full basement, fenced yard all of which is situated on a lovely tot. Close to shopping and schools, Priced at $56,000, MLS 57804. Coll Cathy Hugick for a peraonal tour. LARGE FAMILY HOME LOOKING FOR PEACE AMD QUIET? This 3 bedroom homo la just the place. Located on a quiet street with fruit trees It features an extra largo 2% cat garage. Fenced yard with a full basement which offers a vanity and shower. Priced at $50,000. M LS 53688. Call Rosa Kllmkowsk! for mure Inform at-'in. 40 Services 48 Garage Sales 1.001 REPLACEMENT BAR-B-Q QRILl PARTS. SNURFVS HARDWARE. ARTISTS SUPPLIES - PAINTS, BRUSHES, PAPER. SNURR'S HARDWARE. CAKES • alt occatlon, E.T., Smurf 8 GARAQE SALE, Thun., Frl.. Sapl. B0, 9-3 p.m., lawn mower. furtiitU'a, muchmrac, 220Mooiewood. A.L. FOUR F A M I L Y garage aale, everyihrno from A-Z, 31B35Newbury Dr. (otl Brunawlek In A.L.I, Thura., Sept. Bth.fl-2 p.m., • BARGAIN BASEMENT! Thura. & Frf., Sept. B B 9 , M p.m., 32000 Belle Rd.. A.L. _ FURNITURE UPHOLSltHINQ Sept. B, 9-6 p.m., 107 Lear, Large Fabric Sanction. 20% dli- THURS., Daby Itema, a c l o l h n ; bedapteada; count. Prompt Service. tvKker headboard; old ttove a much • M&OCo, mlic, 1-830-Z721 SALE - poker teble, aawing OtffllSTMAB CAHOS • Poraorul or fiOVIHQ t c h l n e , m u c h m l a c , very Duttnm, Imprinted w Plain, 20% ofl m reasonable, Sept. B, s, 10, Thun., , book priCM plua - if ordored by Sapt. Frt., & Sat. B-Sunday, 222 JameaClr10th, tnt •nvalopa Imprinting. Trw cle.A.L. PritriiQllB3320O42a3aHB SATURDAY, Sept. 10th, 9-0 p.m., Including glaMahower doora, tub iurroorid. beby Itwna, 32911 Etoctrle BMi, A.L. SATURDAY, Sept. 10th, 10-6 only, Murtl-ram»V Sale, School clothea, houaahoid. miac.. BOS Roborf, S.L. 30FA, chalnt, lam pa, glria clolhlng, decorathre & mlac. Kama, 32372 Orchard Park Dr., A.L. loll Jeycoxl, Thun. & Ft!.. B-E p.m. . NEIGHBORHOOD SALE, 4B0, 456, S02 Abbe Rd., S.L. 36" bathroom vanity, l o o m , achool clothe*, Sales & Service houaehold gooda, booka, much ml*e., Sept. 7 thru U . pFGenie Door GOOD NEIGHBOR THRIFT SHOP, 140 Lear Rd., Avon Luke, 933S027. YARD SALE. Iota of bookil Clothea, Openers game* & ntoio, 140 Beck Rd., A.L., • Electric Thura.-So)., 10a.m. -4 p.m. HUGE MOVING SALE I Thuraday, Installations Sept. Bih Only. 203 Belmar Blvd., A.L., B-3 p.m., much mlac. AVON LITE ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. 446 Center Rd. Avon Lake, 0. • Ranges • Dryers • Outlets • New Services Installed 30 Yrs._ Experience 933-8539 48 Oarage Sales 54 Farm Produce U-PICK TOMATOES Round & Italian Plum Tomatoes WE HAVE ALREADY PICKED ALSO Bring your own containers 9a.m. - 7 p . m . OflE OAY ONLY, Thura., SeptTaTEMi P.m., 32632 Carriage U n a , A.L., chltdren'a summer and wlntor dolrUM, 3T Q up, CD radio 8 mfoc. SEPT. flih. Thura., B-3Vp.m., 3M53 Greenwood, A.L. B M ui*o pana, polf pull-catt, dolhin, Idmpa, ttc. GARAGE SALE, 32B40 Greenwood Dr., A.L., thura., Sopt, 8th, 10a.m. • 2 p.m. Man'a aulta; G 00 • 14 Inch jlrai, fllila clothing, mlac. OARAGE .SALE, 181 Vlnowood. A.L., ThUra., Sopl. 8. 10-3 p.m., Grandma moved. Soiling her entiaa. Some lurnlluro, llrmria, collacllbloi, 381S CENTER RD. houtahold llama, •'.to somu clothing, AVON 934-5000 (Rt. 83) loyi 6 much nilac. Last hour. big. • mark-down a. A FAMILY Gam go Salo, toy*, gamos. dlnlno room to I, clothot B much Appliances mora. Thura., Sapi. Bih, 9-A p.m.. 56 188Parliwood, A.L. HOUSEHOLD SALE, quality children Cha! Mtcrowovu Ovnn. SBS. Call 333& adult clothing, Fil., Sat., 9-6 p.m., 0707, _ _ „ _ . ._ _ 36315 Orchard St.,A«in. FRIGIDAIRE rofriaaralof, (IBOorbiwi YAnD SALE, Sept. 811^30851 Douorollor, fa'f condiilon, 933-BJOa. _ dale, Avon. Good, small girls ichoolMAYTAG wrlnflor aqunre aluminum Vraar & lota more. 9 3 p.m. _ vvoilicr, (BO, 933-30(M, Cull botwocn SMALL electrics I appiioncrra. ptirsast, CB homo Mt b pana, oHico luppllns, caiculalor, otc. No early IBIOS. Frl,, Sjpt. 9lh, H-4 p.m. Corner ol Rt, B3 & 58 Household Goods Chwiar In Avon. SUPER BUY! rockor, »20; Qtoan THURS. thru Sat,, 10-7. Dal'is, Avon uphalatorod chair, »2F: utllcn boltl« & mlac., 35410 nsliun M., tvpowrllm, 51S. Q33.3M7. Avon. SEPT. 8. 9,"lO, 10-4r.'m.,'much~rW ware, atsoriod household llnms, 60 Wanted much, m-ich mora. 3JOS7 Lakn ltd, Miscellaneous YARD SALE, 2S5 South PHnfbr.,' Thura.. Frl., 10-3p.m.. much rnisc. WANTED; LJsod 2IV25 HP outboard THREE FAMILY garagV"wlo.~2fX)t molar, HUB ton^ otso II nvnltabla. Call Mlrfam, Awon, Sent. B b 9, nltt wron, 933-3S») dn/s. , itallonarv, ribbon, eandlos, scratch WANTEUUdod 20-25 lip, outboard Pad I, pottofB. t|»mti« 6 do thin fl. •nalii', (ins Innk nUu tl nvnllablif. Cull AMATEUR rock-hound hronkinij up 033:9520 rtnys collection, hoigoin pricoal Sept *lth. FULL SIZE plnypon tinoilnii. Cnll UXf 10lh. from B:3O n.m, lo !>:00 p.m., JJ231. JJ520Jonni«H.1.| Avon. 0.41011. WANIL1J Olil woikip-u 1101 atom-, GARAGE SALE, f-idluv. 3::iO • 4M ijK«ttlilu. tii!l'J33 2033 only, 33t Dollv.oorf. A.L. MAYTON FARMS In excellent condition features 3 bedrooms, full finished roc. room with woodburner, finished breozeway, large living room with woodburnor, Vh car attached garage, now furnaco, siding and new carpet throughoutl Excellent voluo at $87,500. MLS 1:6684. Call Jackie Carrewaytosoe. ASSUME LOAN on this excellent 3 bedroom home with larger kitchen, now carpet, 1)4 car garago, ond fenced yard. In mint condition and priced right flt 849,900. MLS 57993. Coll Bon Russell for more Information. • WALISTATE UPDATE REAL ESTATE APPRAISING Residential - Probate - Divorce Farm And Commercial Reasonable Fees FMARK LUNDY, REALTOR JAMES A. RESAR PRICE OUTWEIGHS INTEREST Real Estate Broker 713 Jaycox Rd., Avon Lake, 0 . 25 Yrs. Experience n*9Q In Lorain County 3OO*"O9 19 Read and Use The Classifieds 62 Miscellaneous For Sate WUI pick up unwanted appliance* Q TV'i, rnnimum IE yt» old, 049-B601. REPLACEMENT BAR-B-Q Grill Parti SNUPRS HARDWARE RICOH 35 mm camera with ac> ceitorie*, 1225,00, save 1100.00. Call bnroto3p.fn.l864-2g37. POST HOLE DSooer. 4 h.p., 22" Toro mow thiowei, men'a 26" 3 speed bike. International 12.S Cub Cadet tractor with 42" mower dock, Billy Goat lawn vacuum, 5 h.p., 933-5106. 22,000 BTU Keioaena Healer, 1100: humldlfle', 170; lour H78 x IB WW tirw, Q.C., *20 all, 933-6674. IBM Sriecttlc II with cover, astro type ball, ribbon* 6- correcting tnpo, excallent condition, IE60,327-EO69. 7 KT. Senra Pool table, *3S; Family eierclter, I2B, B33-4162 alter 5;30. AVOCADO TV'RED chair, »66, sola. Avocado, Bold, Belt,*, IBS; router table, W; Siiow bsb, I2S; piano rolla, EO', 333-63M. POYS SHIRTS, aiiei IS & 20, Med., goou to vary good condition, 9338876. SCHWINN BICYCLES and Lawn Boy Mower and Factory trained Borvlca. Truda-im accepted. Roger & Wiay'a, Bay Shopping Center. 1-B71-2060. CAR TOP CAHRIER, watorpruol, tiellor hllch lor VW Rabbit, Dodge Omni or Plymouth Horlion, 1974 Camrjl Tenl Campet, can be towed by euy compact car, Atlai 5 h.p. enow Ihrowur, while tlborgiasi cop for long bad Ford Ranger, Call odor 5 p.m., 033J>066._ LIONEL T3AIN SRT5 lor Se1e."SMrt your Xmai shopping onrly, Mony to cttooto from. Itaoionatilo ptlcea. 9330101. coll ohor Noon. ___ GIRLS 4 pleco Frunch Provincial I;at)room tulle (cnnopyl, Ilko now. )325^33JCa ONE WOdCmCH hunlino suit, .ed ptoid, panti nilu 40, coat s\i» 44, worn Iwlco, tUO. B33 88CB. 66 Musical Instruments KING' rn6MBONE.~iiood"condition! good ben In nor InBtrumerii, OS, 933&493. 72 Household Pete All tJrnod Groomlnp,. don training claw Ot private, call 933-4711. LOW'COST SPAVIrVT B^NELtTEfi^ !NG, Call.937-5655. Afford a bla ipaylnn and naulorlno SPAYCO, CHI 934^516 or 1.800-5620431, FREE CUPPIES, 3JB Inwood. A.L.i B33'!55t, Ca[l_nttDrBp.m. _ WANTED • Good homo /n country lor bxoLiiilul 2 yunr old don. lomolo, mixed brood, mostly Lob, spayod, all .hols.Cnll 746-1550 eflqr 7 p . m ^ FOHSALE • ralfclnn Albino Cockot'iii cn[|o i»cluddSSO ? 3 1 » i 7 _ AKC RoQlMcrnd Block i n b ' V u p s , CIJO, nood linss, 034-5131. days. QUESTION! With lateral n t a w Ugfc>todfl7, cm jo* *m atped lo Mdw moutj an the p«thMc IHI H U of n d OC1C 80 Motorcycles & Mini Bikes ANSWER: It'i the future SBLLINO PRICE, not the Interest raw which determine* the profit on i o k . Internt ITS FUTURE SELLING rate conccnu only the cwt or PRICE — not Intanst wNch paying tho loan. Ral ettue dtlcanlnM profit wlU never be lower In price thin it ii today. Every economist I've read or liitened to J ) M MILLER & agrees thit umatlon wfl] conttoue and the price of red eiute will tuy in the forefronl HEALTttQS of this price riie. So, you a n expect a well bought piece of PPi—Jyotton M i l property lo tncreue tn value. Suzuki flM I i 5 , good condiilon. Call 833-4311, 11)79 YAMAHA 1100 XS Special, aikIng 12300, 933-8890 day*. 933-ES94 evea, 62 Cai.:r»ara& Vans DODGE 197B window van, loaded, good condition. Often above 13800, 034-4511. 88 Trucks for Sale 1S7B CHEVY Plck-Up Truck, 20 eerlea, C cap, eir conditioning, power •tearing, power brakea, (3700, 93341B2tGX 90 A-'tos for Sale FOR A GOOD USED CAR i t a fair price, aoe Bruce or Dan at Gerblck Molora, 1800 Colorado Ave., Lorain. Phone 288-0246. 1080 OLDS CUTLASS, 4 dr or, air, crulae, M.SSO. 837-E30S. 12 CADILLAC Coupe DeVllle, 69,000 ectual mileage, new battery, now tlroa.e»ttfa ruit but runt good, 1Q00, 033-6388. 92 Boats & Motors SUNFISh SAILBOAT, 16 It., good condition, no trailer, S33-3S3S ettar 6 P.m. KL1NGSHIRN WINERY PLUiyiBlNGI Featuring eight outstanding winos produced on our form from our own local grapes QF-PLM-MBINd SERVICE • • ' - 1 . ' • • ' ; ' ' . '•"•• •' CLOSED DISPLAY 933-8686' PIANO TUNING CoBaprthtnarre PUao Scrrlcc Pl AppnUab H.D.KOCHENOWER 933-5026 RESIDENTIAL GARAGE DOOn REPAIRS Automatic Openers Installed FREE ESTIMATES CALL GARY 933-2084 NAGY'S LANDSCAPE SERVICES •PR0FE5SI0HALDESIGNING •TRADITIONAL GARDENS 'JAPANESE GARDENS •BRICK OR STONE PATIOS •LAWN MAINTENANCE * FERTILIZING PROGRAM •SHRUB TRIMMING „ , 0VER1SYEAHS1JXPEHIENCE CALL 933-4333 TRY THEM IVtOMCSQAV- • ; F A U " r s ' • ' .^Emergonny No.: Avon Lake; OH IVBD Builders Building and Homo doling Ooragot-Hood and Aluminum Siding FREE ESTIMATES CALL 934-4716 _ IBASEMENTREPAIRI Brickwork Chimneys-FlropJacas J Blockwork ]iao CALL 934-5074 Located Off Rt. 83 at 33050 WGhbarRd. Avon Lai'tn Hn.:12-0 Doily; 9-6 Sat. MJ 110-TF) . Lenny's Glass Service Company CALL 949-5442 ANYTIME . Storms-Scrnens BepolrDtl. 'Distressed by Pregnancy? Calf Birthright at 3224652 or 244-4652. HEIST & SON TRUCKING MARK MILLER Specializing in smnll residential loads. Limestone, Send, Gravel, Topsoll PROFESSIONAL PAPERHANGING tt PAINTING 10 YFJS, EXPEHIZNCE ESTIMATES 9 3 3 " u 5 2 8 mo 327-3205 WE CARE* PABNTCNG INTERIOR/EXTERIOR WALLPAPER FREEESTir.ATES CAURUSSHARKINS 81B-6&75 w$*&^^ a w S ^ ^ «aiaS«igjffi^^ GATES ROOFING Reroofing Specialists. Seamlsss gutters. Workmans compensation and liability insurance to fry ttv.'ooi Vou Buy • ontscoi MUSIC c o . ««5 Ulortdm.y 74<Mijr<J Lomln, Ohio protect our customers. Free Estimates KEARNEY CONSTRUCTION Wood an upstnlrs llnljhod adillntj on n family room V Ijatiiiju'' For mo|or or ml not mpalii: call l u ' a Uen ojllmnlo 937-63:17 »*• i BALDV.'IN PIANOS LCNGCN D E C O R A T I N G £f PAINTING I'opur Hanging & Custom Painting. Frco Estimates 288-9371 ,.» Insured & Llctinaod Leonard's Plumbing ft Hunting Complola Sales B Service. Lanka, Puddlos or Flood™ Call 933-2330 1111 PIAZZA'S SOIL FARMS • Top Dressing Soil a • Fill Dirt » * Organic Top Soli Mix turns 1-327-8353 Sinca 1052 5350 Rt. 83, N. Rldgovlllo CRABG INSULATION •'fioOtVi CiVlyiV-WBit). Paii6j1'"-1t 'Parting His;. FoiiiUlatiunt, pulrip.' All Types Of Insulation jnstnllud 933-8827 ^ Stono. Brick. Block and Concrolo Work. NEW and REPAIR C A t L E B E 949-26 SPECIALIZING IN 0MVEWAYS • SIOIVVALKI • PATIOS • ETC. RESIDENTIAL CONCRETE WORK REMODELING • • • • • • NEW HOMES SMALL REPAIF15 GARAGES PROFESSIONAL SERVICE COMPETITIVE PRICES ESTIMATES STEVE SYLVESTER 933-4539 8=REY PLUMBING AND HEATING, INC. COMPLETE PLUMBING. HEATING AND SEWER CLEANING SEHVICE U.R.&J.CONTHACTINGI Etocufcal, CanMntry., Coment, Plumbhtg, ate', " W e Can Do It A l l " Ft mm E > t ( m * t a a tin HENBV WHITE Ctll Alt»rB:O0 C A L L 933-4426 • PARTS • OIL • TUNE-UPS • RENTALS "ACCESSORIES 'SHARPENING • PROPANE MASTER MOWER SERVICE. 690 AVON BELDEIM, RT. 83 INEXTTOSISSON'S) J O H N GUGGENBILLBR 933-4400 NO JOB TOO SMALL! Traxier DANNY GEORGE 937-5826 „, COMPLETE REMODELING 933-9421 , MARION MARSIGLIA RICH TOP SOIL KILL SAND DRIVEWAY SLAG LIMESTONE mi AVON 937-6664 SERVICE TOP SOIL FILL SAND LIMESTONE DRIVEWAY SLAG AVON 937-5352 SpoclDllzlnrj In BATHROOMS A N D KITCHENS CnllGoorgoot 933-2207 oher B;00 FREE ESTIMATES MASONRY & CONCRETE WORK Palio*. BaMrrwnl Waiii Ropaired, Addlllwi* & Re mod sling, Orlvav<ay«. Flreplacat Our Spadilty, W.P. CHAPLIN SERVICE & INSTALLATION EXPERTS-24 HR. SERVICE 933-5432 ADIiER ROOFING CO. APPLIANCE SERVICE INtTALLATION SAL I * WIRINQ 173 LEAR R D . A V O N L A K E , O. 44012 ICE ALL MISSING SHINGLES OH SLATE • • • S E * t . f i > * U l / NORTHCOAST TELEPHONE SERVICE CO., INC. Ports Dept. Open 6 Days 933-2922 FACTORY AUTHORIZED SERVICE On Over60 Manufacturers Brands WHIRLPOOL-JENN-AIR-NOnGE-ADMIftAI MAGIC CHEF -CALORIC -SHARP. WASTE KINO • ISE - PANASONIC • ROPER-ETC. W o S s r v l n a AM M a | o r A p p l i a n c e * M o n . - F r l . 9-6, Sat. 9-1 p . m . a a Factory Trained Paminnal REPAIR 5 P A W T - ' A L L V A U I Y S HISIOCNTIAL - COMUIftCMU. - INOUSTHIM. IPVINJ. SHAHEBN Specialize In: • Armstrong Floor Coverings • • Ceramic Tile • Kitchen Carpeting • • Cory Tile • Bathroom Remodeling • D.B.L. PLUMBING & HEATING RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SEWER CLEANING & 2« HOUR SERVICE DAN B.LEONARD S7SDUNNV AVENUE SHEFFIELD LAKE. OHIO 44054 Heating, Plumbing & Cooling Den Sepesi Contracting (216)233-5141 I Licensed Bonded ..-• +r R O B E R T J CSLEIUN, SUPERIOR CLEANIIMG'CO., IIMC. A Sorvlco Campnny That Really Cmron CARPET & FURNITURE STEAM CLEANED ' 2 5 " any size sofa 1st room any site M 5 " chair En oh Additional Doom 13B0 •35" sofa & chair Odor Co"irol, B.nltl.lr.o It Oanm t h . „ „ , „ d Carpal Sh!»tJ Avallabla Furnlturo ahUld available W» fraar yourcttpat B luml'una* It It W M our.own. CallAnylima 10% s«nlorCIUx*n OlMoun< Avon037-6482 Ely.3S5-2118 Clave. Q71-7742 , WE MOVE THEHJflNITUKE .GUARANTEED OR OONIT.PAY , 19° LAKE SHORE QUALITY CONCRETE WORK • Driveways • Patios - sidewalks • Floors ••Footers • Parking Lots id Free Estimates /n 9 3 3 - 2 5 1 9 call after 5pm Ol Frank AVON HUTTER'STLUtVIBING Siding • General Repa'rs • Rooling Insulalirn • Storm Doors & Windows 2236 Wrist Erie Ave. Larp.in, Ohio 44052 934-6960 HUTCH All Phases Of Home Repair HUITER 934-6960 Avon flU'GUTTEHS ANDY'S APPLIANCE SERVICE * * i _ T - .- •• ALL MAKES £r MODELS!! • Wuhan * DUhwMhara p * Ory*r* ' AlrCond * n*frifltnitor* PARTS DEPT. OPEN SIX DAYS 99 a.m. a.m. to to 66 p.m. p.m. , A A A CJftftf 33465 LAKE RD. O-J-5-D/30 g Resurface Your Existing ^4 ^4 Kitchen i t h or Bathroom th ccabinets! with An Attractive/Durable;;^ Formica Finish. ;f • O v e r 100 Finishes ^ 3 | • S h o w r o o m & References ^ • A l l W o r k Done By PROFESSIONALS • ',' )\^* CALL TOM RHODES 933-3564 | ROOFING 933-3617 | FOR FREE ESTIMATES DAYORNSGHT ; . v ^ 933-4249 • Tree Removal • Trimming • Topping > REROOFS* REPAIR j BUILDUP F JOFS • SEAMLESS GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS HOOFMAir TENANCE CALL COLLECT IF NO ANSWER CALL ' •. •Dehumtdifers aw "Air Conditioners "HotWatar Tanks RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL 933-2517 •' • ' APPLIANCE »:•" SERVICE 933-5565 "Dishwashers "Ranges "Disposals i ' . $ 5 0 . 0 0 SPECIALIZED REPAIR SERVICE •Refrigerators •Washers •DryBrs N - * .• - . - . ; : ^ J . _ . : . J ' " • U n c o m p a r a b l e Prices FAIRWEATHER 9 3 4 - 6 1 8 7 Desmit 953-4490 . • • • ' • - ; • . . . ., • .1;ELYRIA3Z<1.3973EXI aDfisRxL. / • FREE.fcsTiMAthr&"0 \ ^CLfVE 734 1011 EX I- •3flli!il!Vf| /cat Avc.E.lfria;Ohio 4403S ; .' • . • . [I'vtj • Cabling a ••'• • .CHIMNEY FLASHING & SOIL STACKS CLEAH NIW CON1THUCTION BIOS Sanlor Citizen Discount •..'•• BOM M M . S H I F F I C L O LAMS, O H I O * 4 0 5 « TELEPHONE: (216) 949-8*41 ft* ' • Stump Removal • Firewood . . • Wood Chips • Root Feeding Lot Clearing & Brush Chipping FULLY Storm Damage .„. 24 Kr. Service INSURED 933-4249 Senior Citizen Discount MARUNA8R0S. BODY SHOP tiiB)irniii:n Clnlmu. Collision Wiirli, flupnlr O nullitlnli 763 Avon Boldo'n Rd. 933-6988 u , PLASTERING ADDITIONS CEILINGS STUCCO NEWOR REPAIR 937-5569 BOB RICHMOND PROFESSIONAL PAINTING INTERIOR 0 EXTERIOR 16 Y r s . Expurloncu fiotarancas Upon Roquoat ALL WOHK QUAtlANTEEO FREE ESTIMATES 949-2687 ... OR 779-7924 WEEKDA YS AFTER B P. M. BUDNAGEL Roots, Guttera, Chlmnsyi We've Boon Doing It Since 1000 ABLE ROOFING STORM SIDOCK 949-2OS2 „ ' Ena>BV Efficient Sliding Doon FREEESTIMATES CONCRETE-MASONARY •Drluaa • Flr«placai • Sawar ft Waur Una* • Patio •Sldawalki • Osiamanta Bnckhoa Ranlol •Footan 'Brickwork •Floora *Naw&R«pair DoiarRantal 933-9231 GARAGE DOORS it OPERATORS Rosldontlnl & Commercial • Quality Products • Roosqnobta Rates DOOR " Fust Survlco * Ropnlr on All Mukas " Btoknn Spring Spoclnllstn AftorBpmColl933-B029 934-5807 our business is keeping your business clean, commercial, industrial Office. FREEESTIMATES LANDSCAPING SERVICE • DESIGN • PLANTING • MAINTENANCE COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL -RESIDENTIAL « SP.RiNG'ANb FALL CLEAN.-UP '\ All typos -Orlck, Block, Stone. RepulrWork Foundations, Basements, Fireplaces, Etc. Free Estimates - Rofo/roncos Seeding Lighting •Shrubs 'Mowing Call Richard - 933-5050 933-8252 2 33-5O75 K-4 LANDSCAPING SCHLEICKER Masonry Professionally installed Full Or Part Time • Aluminum • steel • wood or PHONErnurac. 9338581 BONDED-INSURED E»timatBH 940-5360 or B71-0360 Jim's Maintenance Cleaning, inc. KENDERA CONSTRUCTION, INC. Fr&o Estimates " • • Wood Aluminum Clad noplocomnnt Windows Sloim Windows and Doari Over 16 Yews Expmienco Additions Improvement NORTH OLMSTED ROOFING AND REMODELING SPECIALIZING ALL TYPE HOME REPAIRS - Roots .GIUBB •Sldlnu • InsuFotlng G l s n • Guttorn • Stormo • Pointing • Screono S*Hl Replncomenl D0011 .„„,,,„ Roofer, Sider Home AFTER 4:30 P.M. McNeeley Contracting • Acldltlunn . Ouullty Built Homos " '"'""Utttlno • Enoruy Efllclont Moollnti Windows & Doom Fro« Eatlmutoa • Guoruntood Workmanship C A L L T i m M c N e o I o y 933-6715 w» 'Grading * Patios * Trees 'Sodding FOR PROFESSIONAL CARE CALL 949-6006 B ft. x O ft B f t . H 1O f t 1O f t . » 1O f t 1O f t . H IB f t 1O f t . X 2O f t 1O f t . X 26 f t 1O f t . x 3D f t SELF STORAGE 998 AVON BELDEN (ROUTE 83) AVON, OHIO 44011 934-6070 or 933-3818 W&BCOUCREtE • , • • • • Starting at '12.60 ' . • ' • • •:• :--:\',•,.•.": OUTSIDE STORAGE AVAILABLE For Mobllo Homoo, Boats. Trailers, etc. . • ' ' ' ^ , • ' • ' . ' ' , ' • • . • • • • • • • ' . . . • : • : ' Alltypes of 0oncVete work ^ '15 ¥ears;Experience '"-.-. '•,,;'"•. •phcreXe piers £f steel steps , Broken concrete by for dale. 93^-5086 : , thertrtitiktdads},^ 835T3725 IIIIIITTIIUTTTT IT'S 1983 MODEU CLOSE-OUT TIME NOW !S THE TIME TO MAKETHkE BEST DEAL it! 19S4 MODELS 198JW10DEL BARGAIN HUNTER SPECIALS s ESCORT ^5480 ESCORT ^ ^ $ PICK-UPS 5780 BRAND NEW 19B3 BRAND NEW 1904 s $ F100 6 4 8 0 RANGER RANGERS EXP 6280 6 CYLINDER ENGINE 6780 TEMPO AUTOMATIC. $ " 7 / 1 O i l $ BRAND NEW 1984 PICK-U TRANS. f tOU 6380 RANGER OINE RANGER $ THUNDERBIRD TURBO COUPE s BRAND NEW 8280 4x4 s 7980 ,r,S1 0,480 AFTER REBATE F150 4SPEE0 0UERDHIUE XLTTHIM AOEAUTYI •: 6CYLINDEREH v I i 1 "'BHAND NEW 1983 BRAND NEW 1984 CARGO VAN Af-TEH REBATE PRICE'S SHOWN INCLUDE FREIGHT1 ANDPRICES DEALER PnEPARATI(JN\'ADU SALES TAX ANti TITLE FEE;. PRICES GOQD -'SEPTEMDEH 7-1<1 STOCKUNItSONLY- 1981 1981 1981 1fiBQ 1981 1980 196b 1979 1981 1980 1976 Bulck LoSabro. a i r Buick Rogal, sharp .=6895 S Mallbu Classic wagon G795 S Chevy Malibu Classic 5695 Chevy Impala, a i r . . . . : S 5695 Pontlac LeMans 4 door '5495 Chovy Impala 4 door '5495 * " S Olds Delta 88, air 4695 1978 Ford Bulck Century 4 d o o r . . . . . .'4495 Mustang Chevy Malibu 4 door . . . . . . ' 3 8 9 5 • Automatic s Chovy Mallbu Classic 995 1979 OLDS Cutlass Supremo t l n j j g l i a m Pky . tiinl'HV ••>- " > " ••-» l u u ! ^ iiinl IIIIIMJ'J li'-i' I > • =1. • * el nrti . ' 'I (loot, l;u:1urv i;ir. Sarvicutl ;IIKJ ruiidy " 1 " Jtt" Si m. J^. .EL 1977 Ford Granada 1380 Ford Fiesta Econdmy. $ 3295 CDMPARE OUR: PftlCESV- °? ESCORTS I • 1983 GL Wagon 1979Dodgo Aspen 1 ;ir;li:tv Mr *599S S 1B82 Wagon, automatic. . 4995 19(i2 4 Doar *36m 1979 Mercury Monarch Tu-lono S S 2995 1975 Ford;Torino Wagon Automatic 4795 19B11 2 Door •4595 1981 2 Door, automatic,' powor steering M 1 9 5 »81 GL. 2 door tiUlnm.ilic, Jaclnry'air. power 5 1979 Mercury XR7 Musi1 Set! 1295 Faclor^Ajr •'•.'. i i WE W/LL HJEDJEJEM DO UBLE THE FACE ALL OUR '."-r riflEATIS v VALUE OFMANUFACTUREBS COUPONS UP TO 5Oct ALL OTHERS AT FACE VALUE. SUPER BONUS SAVINGS SHURFINE C g| TRASH CAN LINER ios HELLMANNS MAYONNAISE 32 oz. SAVE 50° USDA CHOICE SPECIAIRETAIL $1.09 SAVE 39 QUALITY SERVICE SINCE1950 40° SPECIAL RETAIL $ I . S 9 NORTHEHN . ;••. • • • . . W E R E S E R V E T H E , - ' " • . SAVE 40 BATH TISSUE 4s ( $ 9 SPECIALRETAIL $1.09 WISHBONE BONUS 20OZ.BOTTLE Q f t C SAVE 70° ITALIAN SALAD DRESSING 3 d 5^cM^m/c $1.09 * YOUR CHOICE WITH EACH & EVERY $10.00 IH PURCHASES * EXCLUDING TOBACCO. ALCOHOL, COUPON AND BONUS ITEMS PEANUT SAVE 50* SHl'HFINE SAVE WHOLE OH i 5 c CREAM 17 OZ. LEAN" SPAGHETTI DETERGENT \A)\ LAKXL rLA&lKfUrALLUn i7Q /a 120Z, ""Sf > ; $ l 39 S l 59 <?«•• ICE TEA MIX •>• « • • , • ( * I B4OZ.IUG FOLGERS HI POINT $ 3 UBUJ&mCMZittt} 0 9 ! INSTANT COFFEE BONUSJAH9O2. FOOD STORAGE BAGS HONEYDEWS POTATOES 29 4 « iCPN.SAVE'UlO I " • * ^ * " * • " ** * * ** ^ * * • ^ * • * ^ * * ^ ^" ™* ** ™ * *" * • •• ^B ^B VI • • VI BP • • •• •• i* Ml Wt • • CALIFORNIA EETIUMBO NEWCROP RED<: HRU > BANANAS HIPE SPANISH ONIONS 59 GLAD SW "GOLDEN SSET _ _ * EACH 9 9 ^ 5i B. 99* >»-99c SWEET ^ 29C MORE SALAD BOWL FAVORITES: CALIFORNIA BARTLETT PEARS SWEET JUICY PEACHES PRUNEPLUMS YOUBCHOIC* FHUIT FLAVORED $ Mi ' . CHSPRING c GRAPE JAM OR JELLY CUT OR FRENCH SA VE 35* c SHURFINE GREEN BEANS «*oz r ORANGE JUICE SHURFINE CONCENTRATE CAULIFLOWER OR BIRDSEYE BROCCOLI SPEARS FRENCH FRIED LYDENFARMS O«C POTATOES 3aoz.:.i.JJSlf FISH FILLETS VANDEKAMPFR0ZEN « « • $ 3 2 9 UPTON LEMON ott SMUCKER OLD-FASHION • .CHIFFON SOFT STICK 16 OZ. MOZZARELLA MONTEREY JACK J ™ " " 1 BUMBLEBEE BOBDEHSIG.,SM.OR =S 8/16 OZ. FRUIT PIES iD I Unttibb.™uHE 43 OZ. DEPOSIT 'AJTTT 1EF PATTRPt r«urrep TIDE SAVE 40" REGULAR. DIET OR FREE Vz % MILK BOHDEMS ##™.?™£?!' 4* 1 ITB I I • IV 1 PREGO YOUR CHOICE SAVE30' 32 OZ. SHURFINE SAVE 43 DINNER BORDENS 2 /O SHURFINE CHUNKY OR CREAMY 18 OZ. CHUCK ROAST NECKBONES CHUCK ROAST ™ C ULB.T BONELESS LB, FAMILY STEAKS E CUT ROAST ™ LEAN/ GROUND BEEF LEAN. MEATY BEEFSTEW LB. SLICED AMERICAN CHEESE LB. CHIPPED CHOPPED HAM T™, FRESEf STUFFED PORK CHOPS 0/ PRtCEStFFECTIVE1 ,'••• ••WED. THRU SAi: : -- Q O T g A Wl - G ? I LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. i & 0 % GUARANTEED SATjISFACTIOM BLADE CUT LB. >;>-: v . ' c o ft C IB. ° ASSORTED FLAVORS WYLER CRYSTALS « 2 2 9 j JELLO GELATIN 3/63* * COUPONSAVES4'