Wisconsin Public Television Annual Report
Wisconsin Public Television Annual Report
Wisconsin 2003 20 onsin Wisconsin Public Television Annual Report 2003 be more Wisconsin Public Television 821 University Ave. Madison, WI 53706-1412 Telecommunications Operations Center 3319 W. Beltline Hwy. Madison, WI 53713-4296 park falls menomonie-eau claire 800. 422. 9707 608. 265. 2302 (Madison area) 608. 262. 6833 (TTY) e-mail: comments@wpt.org whrm-tv wausau Awards 2002-2003 A part of WPT’s core reason for being – education – reached new heights this year. National Academy of Televison Arts and Sciences/ Chicago Chapter When Wisconsin Was New France Emmy Nominee, Audio Policymakers and leaders of Wisconsin have always put a high stake on education. A Wisconsin innovator founded the nation’s first kindergarten, and its public and private schools at all levels are the envy of the nation. Education for Professional development and continuing adult children and adults education figure is at the core of prominently into that mix as well. This year, we WPT’s service. took significant steps to increase the educational potency of broadcasting with the arrival of digital television across our network. What that means for educators and their students in the future is powerful – tremendous amounts of text, graphics or additional audio and video will move along with the broadcasts. Teachers will be able to download information for lesson planning, and employers can upgrade the skills of their workforce. Home computers and TVs soon can be used as vast libraries of media information to download, save and recall at any time. wlef-tv whwc-tv Education wpne-tv green bay whla-tv la crosse wha-tv madison www.wpt.org Television National Educational Telecommunications Association Awards portalwisconsin.org Winner, Local Communication Campaign Garden Expo 2002 Winner, Special Event Food Fight: Wisconsin’s Biotech Crops Winner, Science and Nature Documentary WPT Annual Report 2002 Nominee, Print Design Digital Television Brochure Nominee, Print Design Wisconsin Stories Nominee, Web site University & College Designers Association portalwisconsin.org Award of Excellence, Web site portalwisconsin.org Award of Excellence, poster Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Be More Alive First Place, Promotional Spot Jeff & Mr. Rogers Merit Award, Promotional Spot Wisconsin Stories: More Than A Game First Place, Feature Length Documentary Wisconsin Stories: Foot Notes Merit Award, Segment Governor Candidate Series Merit Award When Wisconsin Was New France Merit Award USC Annenberg Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence Governor’s Race Coverage Winner in Medium Market Category Northwest Broadcast News Association Wild Places Winner, Photojournalism Wisconsin Stories: Foot Notes Winner, Segment Milwaukee Press Club Wisconsin Stories: Foot Notes Winner, Segment Wild Places Winner, Documentary Photography Nationally renowned seamstress, quilter, author and businesswoman Nancy Zieman appears weekly on Sewing With Nancy. The program is taped in the WPT studios and distributed for broadcast across the country. Lifelong learning has always been the lynchpin of WPT’s service in less technologically based ways, too. There is the monthly presentation of our own production, The Wisconsin Gardener, focusing on Wisconsin’s particular growing conditions. The popularity of our cooking, needle arts, home improvement and travel programs expand horizons and will remain a staple of what we provide to appreciative audiences. The Communicator/Print WPT Annual Report 2002 Award of Distinction ProMax Jeff & Mr. Rogers Gold Award, Promotional Spot Fiscal Year 2003 Revenues - percent of total Outreach 13% General Purpose Revenue 19% Membership 31% Major Gifts 2% No taxpayer dollars were used to fund the printing of this report. printing donated by Park Printing House Ltd. • editor/writer Moira Harrington design Brian Lorbiecki • photography James Gill Production 37% Promotion 9% Auction 3% Community Service Grant 8% Underwriting 5% Development 15% Programming 21% Production and Grants 30% General Purpose Revenue Production This represents state funding to support infrastructure, programs and educational services. We produce more than 300 hours of local programs per year. WPT produces educational programs for the Educational Communications Board, and also offers services to state agencies, the University of Wisconsin System and other non-profit clients. Membership Nearly 55,000 Wisconsin families and individuals voluntarily support WPT through annual membership. Underwriting Wisconsin businesses team with us to offset the cost to acquire, produce and broadcast varied programs. Production and Grants WPT provides video production and teleconferencing services to state agencies and educational organizations on a cost-recovery basis. Foundation grants also support our endeavors. Community Service Grant T his Corporation for Public Broadcasting grant is based on nonfederal revenues generated in part by WPT. Auction Major Gifts If you need this material in an alternate format, please contact WPT’s Audience Services Department at 800. 422. 9707. Administration 5% Other Revenue 2% For more than 28 years, the WHA-TV Auction has provided crucial funds as a measure of community support. Wisconsin Public Television is a service of the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board and University of Wisconsin-Extension Fiscal Year 2003 Expenditures - percent of total Leadership giving from WPT’s Directors Circle, Leadership Circle and Heritage Society. Development This includes fund-raising expenses resulting from garnering individual, foundation and corporate support, along with the Friends of WHA-TV annual Auction. Promotion This includes staff and materials required to provide program and other community service news to local and national media organizations, community groups, schools and individual viewers. Programming We broadcast our own programs, and those from PBS and other sources, 18 hours per day, every day all year. Administration These are costs tied to the general, day-to-day operations of WPT. Outreach These are the costs – in staff time and materials – to complete our mission of delivering community-based services that spark citizen engagement, extending the impact of WPT broadcasts. Preparing an annual report provides an opportunity to reflect on Wisconsin Public Television’s (WPT) mission of enriching, educating and entertaining diverse audiences of children and adults through the innovative use of television, other communication technologies and community outreach. Nova Masterpiece Theatre Mystery! Frontline It provides an opportunity for celebration, inspiration, reflection, and more. This annual report is no exception to such a chance to gauge our performance against our mission. We’re proud of how we measure up and I hope these pages will evoke similar feelings Wisconsin Public for you. Nature Antiques Roadshow Here and Now In Wisconsin Wisconsin World War II Stories Up North Wild Places be more Sewing With Nancy Wisconsin Sports wisconsin Garden Expo Ready to Learn Coming Together: Race in Wisconsin Television brings the wealth of our diverse state to viewers through our own productions, along with peerless PBS offerings. In this report, we’ll celebrate Wisconsin World War II Stories. It’s an ongoing project chronicling – in moving terms – the memories of some “ordinary” Wisconsin citizens who lived through an extraordinary time. We’ll renew the inspiration provided by peerless PBS programming and outstanding local broadcasts that nearly 600,000 Wisconsin viewers each week eagerly choose. We’ll reflect on community outreach initiatives that spread enlightenment and spark conversations in cities and towns across the state. Old World Stories The Wisconsin Gardener First Book Arthur In the last 12 months we at WPT also faced fiscal challenges, including significant reductions in our state budget support. We’ve cast a critical eye on all of our priorities to ensure a vibrant future for WPT’s service, a service that engenders public trust. American Experience American Masters Sesame Street The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood Now With Bill Moyers Evening at Pops P.O.V. Monarch of the Glen SeaChange This Old House Wisconsin World War II Stories This report demonstrates what we achieved with tremendous outpouring of statewide support from individuals, families, businesses and foundations. We are pleased to recognize so many benefactors, as you will note from the enclosed list of supporters, and provide you with a report of our accomplishments and vision for future service to the people of Wisconsin. Malcolm Brett Director of Television World War II veteran Harry Whitehorse shares his memories through a far-reaching and moving history project. Wisconsin’s World War II veterans. They have been called members of America’s greatest generation. Their valor, sacrifice and bravery saved the world from tyranny, and now they are slipping away from us with each passing day. To preserve the legacy of their deeds, WPT has undertaken an ambitious project -- Wisconsin World War II Stories. On it, we partner with the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs and the Wisconsin Historical Society. The effort includes four broadcasts. The first aired in the spring and captured the stories of 16 veterans. Response was swift and heartfelt. “I watched the Wisconsin World War II Stories program and was really touched,” said a Washburn resident. She was one of nearly 100,000 viewers who bypassed stiff competition from network television to tune WPT and its in. Work on the remaining three programs is ongoing. partners are saving pieces of our World War II past for future generations to learn from and cherish. A rich Web site augments the broadcasts. At wisconsinstories.org there are resources, streaming video, an image gallery, and tips to preserve World War II memorabilia and family stories through oral history. Some veterans and their families chose to share their stories through the Web, which expands the depth of the project. Amazing and inspiring public stories have been the result. A veteran who suffered through the Bataan Death March told a tale, as did a veteran who helped establish a memorial in Norway to honor pilots killed over the North Sea. Each story, in its own way, is riveting and represents a piece of the past that WPT is proud to help save for future generations. News and Public Affairs Community Outreach Well-informed citizens are the foundation of an engaged democracy. Recognizing that WPT is a trusted source for such knowledge, this year we premiered two new offerings, Here and Now that is the program of record for legislative and congressional action, and In Wisconsin, a news magazine about the people, places and issues of the state. Local community outreach uses the powerful medium of television to spark discussion and act as a catalyst for change. A case in point: Hundreds of people turned out on a frigid January evening to watch P.O.V. Two Towns of Jasper about race relations in a Texan town, then focused the conversation on race relations in southern Wisconsin. WPT worked with 10 local community-based organizations, including the NAACP, the YWCA and the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County. WPT’s award-winning news and public affairs programs keep Wisconsin’s citizens informed and engaged. Such robust Wisconsin coverage enhances the international and national news and analysis to be found on programs like The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer and Frontline. The glow of our news and public affairs service also draws national attention. WPT won the prestigious USC Annenberg Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Television Political Journalism for its tracking of the 2002 election through a vast Web site, ad watch segments on weekly programs, debates, candidate appearances and innovative coverage of political contests. Last fall, Wisconsin found itself with a new governor, state leaders and local officeholders. Through a televised inauguration and State of the State address, WPT ensured that Wisconsin residents continued to be informed about the political landscape. The Web sites, www.wpt.org/hereandnow, www.wpt.org/inwisconsin and www.wisconsinvote.org offer richer resources on WPT’s news and public affairs services. WPT, along with partners the Wisconsin Historical Society and the Department of Veterans Affairs, created and distributed a special mailing to a targeted audience interested in the first of four broadcasts on Wisconsin veterans’ roles in World War II (left). Frederica Freyberg, anchor of the weekly program Here and Now, talks to the people who make the news and those who have to live with it (above). WPT’s Ready to Learn literacy efforts nurture our youngest generation (right). Even when the television is turned off, WPT creates an impact on people’s lives through local community outreach. That provocative night spawned a long-term diversity project throughout the state with further screenings, and a WPT-led advisory group of committed individuals who are writing curriculum for high school use. The 4-H Youth Leadership Program is our partner on the initiative. We are attuned to curriculum in the earlier years as well and are an enthusiastic participant in a federal Ready to Learn effort that builds literacy and other life skills in young children so they are “ready to learn” when they first attend school. Studies have demonstrated that a child who has access to books will ultimately be a better student. WPT’s First Book project, which provides pre-school children with free books and adult reading volunteers, has 5,500 enrollees and one of the country’s highest participation rates. WPT serves children who are otherwise not likely to own books because of family economic conditions. Our partners on this project are UW-Extension Family Living Programs and the Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education. Finally, WPT and Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR) strive to ensure that public broadcasting is responsive to local needs. Hearing first-hand what those needs are is critical to developing and implementing relevant offerings. This year, WPT and WPR met with community leaders, government officials and business people in Janesville, Oshkosh and Marshfield to get that infusion of input. Preparing an annual report provides an opportunity to reflect on Wisconsin Public Television’s (WPT) mission of enriching, educating and entertaining diverse audiences of children and adults through the innovative use of television, other communication technologies and community outreach. Nova Masterpiece Theatre Mystery! Frontline It provides an opportunity for celebration, inspiration, reflection, and more. This annual report is no exception to such a chance to gauge our performance against our mission. We’re proud of how we measure up and I hope these pages will evoke similar feelings Wisconsin Public for you. Nature Antiques Roadshow Here and Now In Wisconsin Wisconsin World War II Stories Up North Wild Places be more Sewing With Nancy Wisconsin Sports wisconsin Garden Expo Ready to Learn Coming Together: Race in Wisconsin Television brings the wealth of our diverse state to viewers through our own productions, along with peerless PBS offerings. In this report, we’ll celebrate Wisconsin World War II Stories. It’s an ongoing project chronicling – in moving terms – the memories of some “ordinary” Wisconsin citizens who lived through an extraordinary time. We’ll renew the inspiration provided by peerless PBS programming and outstanding local broadcasts that nearly 600,000 Wisconsin viewers each week eagerly choose. We’ll reflect on community outreach initiatives that spread enlightenment and spark conversations in cities and towns across the state. Old World Stories The Wisconsin Gardener First Book Arthur In the last 12 months we at WPT also faced fiscal challenges, including significant reductions in our state budget support. We’ve cast a critical eye on all of our priorities to ensure a vibrant future for WPT’s service, a service that engenders public trust. American Experience American Masters Sesame Street The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood Now With Bill Moyers Evening at Pops P.O.V. Monarch of the Glen SeaChange This Old House Wisconsin World War II Stories This report demonstrates what we achieved with tremendous outpouring of statewide support from individuals, families, businesses and foundations. We are pleased to recognize so many benefactors, as you will note from the enclosed list of supporters, and provide you with a report of our accomplishments and vision for future service to the people of Wisconsin. Malcolm Brett Director of Television World War II veteran Harry Whitehorse shares his memories through a far-reaching and moving history project. Wisconsin’s World War II veterans. They have been called members of America’s greatest generation. Their valor, sacrifice and bravery saved the world from tyranny, and now they are slipping away from us with each passing day. To preserve the legacy of their deeds, WPT has undertaken an ambitious project -- Wisconsin World War II Stories. On it, we partner with the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs and the Wisconsin Historical Society. The effort includes four broadcasts. The first aired in the spring and captured the stories of 16 veterans. Response was swift and heartfelt. “I watched the Wisconsin World War II Stories program and was really touched,” said a Washburn resident. She was one of nearly 100,000 viewers who bypassed stiff competition from network television to tune WPT and its in. Work on the remaining three programs is ongoing. partners are saving pieces of our World War II past for future generations to learn from and cherish. A rich Web site augments the broadcasts. At wisconsinstories.org there are resources, streaming video, an image gallery, and tips to preserve World War II memorabilia and family stories through oral history. Some veterans and their families chose to share their stories through the Web, which expands the depth of the project. Amazing and inspiring public stories have been the result. A veteran who suffered through the Bataan Death March told a tale, as did a veteran who helped establish a memorial in Norway to honor pilots killed over the North Sea. Each story, in its own way, is riveting and represents a piece of the past that WPT is proud to help save for future generations. News and Public Affairs Community Outreach Well-informed citizens are the foundation of an engaged democracy. Recognizing that WPT is a trusted source for such knowledge, this year we premiered two new offerings, Here and Now that is the program of record for legislative and congressional action, and In Wisconsin, a news magazine about the people, places and issues of the state. Local community outreach uses the powerful medium of television to spark discussion and act as a catalyst for change. A case in point: Hundreds of people turned out on a frigid January evening to watch P.O.V. Two Towns of Jasper about race relations in a Texan town, then focused the conversation on race relations in southern Wisconsin. WPT worked with 10 local community-based organizations, including the NAACP, the YWCA and the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County. WPT’s award-winning news and public affairs programs keep Wisconsin’s citizens informed and engaged. Such robust Wisconsin coverage enhances the international and national news and analysis to be found on programs like The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer and Frontline. The glow of our news and public affairs service also draws national attention. WPT won the prestigious USC Annenberg Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Television Political Journalism for its tracking of the 2002 election through a vast Web site, ad watch segments on weekly programs, debates, candidate appearances and innovative coverage of political contests. Last fall, Wisconsin found itself with a new governor, state leaders and local officeholders. Through a televised inauguration and State of the State address, WPT ensured that Wisconsin residents continued to be informed about the political landscape. The Web sites, www.wpt.org/hereandnow, www.wpt.org/inwisconsin and www.wisconsinvote.org offer richer resources on WPT’s news and public affairs services. WPT, along with partners the Wisconsin Historical Society and the Department of Veterans Affairs, created and distributed a special mailing to a targeted audience interested in the first of four broadcasts on Wisconsin veterans’ roles in World War II (left). Frederica Freyberg, anchor of the weekly program Here and Now, talks to the people who make the news and those who have to live with it (above). WPT’s Ready to Learn literacy efforts nurture our youngest generation (right). Even when the television is turned off, WPT creates an impact on people’s lives through local community outreach. That provocative night spawned a long-term diversity project throughout the state with further screenings, and a WPT-led advisory group of committed individuals who are writing curriculum for high school use. The 4-H Youth Leadership Program is our partner on the initiative. We are attuned to curriculum in the earlier years as well and are an enthusiastic participant in a federal Ready to Learn effort that builds literacy and other life skills in young children so they are “ready to learn” when they first attend school. Studies have demonstrated that a child who has access to books will ultimately be a better student. WPT’s First Book project, which provides pre-school children with free books and adult reading volunteers, has 5,500 enrollees and one of the country’s highest participation rates. WPT serves children who are otherwise not likely to own books because of family economic conditions. Our partners on this project are UW-Extension Family Living Programs and the Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education. Finally, WPT and Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR) strive to ensure that public broadcasting is responsive to local needs. Hearing first-hand what those needs are is critical to developing and implementing relevant offerings. This year, WPT and WPR met with community leaders, government officials and business people in Janesville, Oshkosh and Marshfield to get that infusion of input. Preparing an annual report provides an opportunity to reflect on Wisconsin Public Television’s (WPT) mission of enriching, educating and entertaining diverse audiences of children and adults through the innovative use of television, other communication technologies and community outreach. Nova Masterpiece Theatre Mystery! Frontline It provides an opportunity for celebration, inspiration, reflection, and more. This annual report is no exception to such a chance to gauge our performance against our mission. We’re proud of how we measure up and I hope these pages will evoke similar feelings Wisconsin Public for you. Nature Antiques Roadshow Here and Now In Wisconsin Wisconsin World War II Stories Up North Wild Places be more Sewing With Nancy Wisconsin Sports wisconsin Garden Expo Ready to Learn Coming Together: Race in Wisconsin Television brings the wealth of our diverse state to viewers through our own productions, along with peerless PBS offerings. In this report, we’ll celebrate Wisconsin World War II Stories. It’s an ongoing project chronicling – in moving terms – the memories of some “ordinary” Wisconsin citizens who lived through an extraordinary time. We’ll renew the inspiration provided by peerless PBS programming and outstanding local broadcasts that nearly 600,000 Wisconsin viewers each week eagerly choose. We’ll reflect on community outreach initiatives that spread enlightenment and spark conversations in cities and towns across the state. Old World Stories The Wisconsin Gardener First Book Arthur In the last 12 months we at WPT also faced fiscal challenges, including significant reductions in our state budget support. We’ve cast a critical eye on all of our priorities to ensure a vibrant future for WPT’s service, a service that engenders public trust. American Experience American Masters Sesame Street The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood Now With Bill Moyers Evening at Pops P.O.V. Monarch of the Glen SeaChange This Old House Wisconsin World War II Stories This report demonstrates what we achieved with tremendous outpouring of statewide support from individuals, families, businesses and foundations. We are pleased to recognize so many benefactors, as you will note from the enclosed list of supporters, and provide you with a report of our accomplishments and vision for future service to the people of Wisconsin. Malcolm Brett Director of Television World War II veteran Harry Whitehorse shares his memories through a far-reaching and moving history project. Wisconsin’s World War II veterans. They have been called members of America’s greatest generation. Their valor, sacrifice and bravery saved the world from tyranny, and now they are slipping away from us with each passing day. To preserve the legacy of their deeds, WPT has undertaken an ambitious project -- Wisconsin World War II Stories. On it, we partner with the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs and the Wisconsin Historical Society. The effort includes four broadcasts. The first aired in the spring and captured the stories of 16 veterans. Response was swift and heartfelt. “I watched the Wisconsin World War II Stories program and was really touched,” said a Washburn resident. She was one of nearly 100,000 viewers who bypassed stiff competition from network television to tune WPT and its in. Work on the remaining three programs is ongoing. partners are saving pieces of our World War II past for future generations to learn from and cherish. A rich Web site augments the broadcasts. At wisconsinstories.org there are resources, streaming video, an image gallery, and tips to preserve World War II memorabilia and family stories through oral history. Some veterans and their families chose to share their stories through the Web, which expands the depth of the project. Amazing and inspiring public stories have been the result. A veteran who suffered through the Bataan Death March told a tale, as did a veteran who helped establish a memorial in Norway to honor pilots killed over the North Sea. Each story, in its own way, is riveting and represents a piece of the past that WPT is proud to help save for future generations. News and Public Affairs Community Outreach Well-informed citizens are the foundation of an engaged democracy. Recognizing that WPT is a trusted source for such knowledge, this year we premiered two new offerings, Here and Now that is the program of record for legislative and congressional action, and In Wisconsin, a news magazine about the people, places and issues of the state. Local community outreach uses the powerful medium of television to spark discussion and act as a catalyst for change. A case in point: Hundreds of people turned out on a frigid January evening to watch P.O.V. Two Towns of Jasper about race relations in a Texan town, then focused the conversation on race relations in southern Wisconsin. WPT worked with 10 local community-based organizations, including the NAACP, the YWCA and the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County. WPT’s award-winning news and public affairs programs keep Wisconsin’s citizens informed and engaged. Such robust Wisconsin coverage enhances the international and national news and analysis to be found on programs like The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer and Frontline. The glow of our news and public affairs service also draws national attention. WPT won the prestigious USC Annenberg Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Television Political Journalism for its tracking of the 2002 election through a vast Web site, ad watch segments on weekly programs, debates, candidate appearances and innovative coverage of political contests. Last fall, Wisconsin found itself with a new governor, state leaders and local officeholders. Through a televised inauguration and State of the State address, WPT ensured that Wisconsin residents continued to be informed about the political landscape. The Web sites, www.wpt.org/hereandnow, www.wpt.org/inwisconsin and www.wisconsinvote.org offer richer resources on WPT’s news and public affairs services. WPT, along with partners the Wisconsin Historical Society and the Department of Veterans Affairs, created and distributed a special mailing to a targeted audience interested in the first of four broadcasts on Wisconsin veterans’ roles in World War II (left). Frederica Freyberg, anchor of the weekly program Here and Now, talks to the people who make the news and those who have to live with it (above). WPT’s Ready to Learn literacy efforts nurture our youngest generation (right). Even when the television is turned off, WPT creates an impact on people’s lives through local community outreach. That provocative night spawned a long-term diversity project throughout the state with further screenings, and a WPT-led advisory group of committed individuals who are writing curriculum for high school use. The 4-H Youth Leadership Program is our partner on the initiative. We are attuned to curriculum in the earlier years as well and are an enthusiastic participant in a federal Ready to Learn effort that builds literacy and other life skills in young children so they are “ready to learn” when they first attend school. Studies have demonstrated that a child who has access to books will ultimately be a better student. WPT’s First Book project, which provides pre-school children with free books and adult reading volunteers, has 5,500 enrollees and one of the country’s highest participation rates. WPT serves children who are otherwise not likely to own books because of family economic conditions. Our partners on this project are UW-Extension Family Living Programs and the Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education. Finally, WPT and Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR) strive to ensure that public broadcasting is responsive to local needs. Hearing first-hand what those needs are is critical to developing and implementing relevant offerings. This year, WPT and WPR met with community leaders, government officials and business people in Janesville, Oshkosh and Marshfield to get that infusion of input. Wisconsin 2003 20 onsin Wisconsin Public Television Annual Report 2003 be more Wisconsin Public Television 821 University Ave. Madison, WI 53706-1412 Telecommunications Operations Center 3319 W. Beltline Hwy. Madison, WI 53713-4296 park falls menomonie-eau claire 800. 422. 9707 608. 265. 2302 (Madison area) 608. 262. 6833 (TTY) e-mail: comments@wpt.org whrm-tv wausau Awards 2002-2003 A part of WPT’s core reason for being – education – reached new heights this year. National Academy of Televison Arts and Sciences/ Chicago Chapter When Wisconsin Was New France Emmy Nominee, Audio Policymakers and leaders of Wisconsin have always put a high stake on education. A Wisconsin innovator founded the nation’s first kindergarten, and its public and private schools at all levels are the envy of the nation. Education for Professional development and continuing adult children and adults education figure is at the core of prominently into that mix as well. This year, we WPT’s service. took significant steps to increase the educational potency of broadcasting with the arrival of digital television across our network. What that means for educators and their students in the future is powerful – tremendous amounts of text, graphics or additional audio and video will move along with the broadcasts. Teachers will be able to download information for lesson planning, and employers can upgrade the skills of their workforce. Home computers and TVs soon can be used as vast libraries of media information to download, save and recall at any time. wlef-tv whwc-tv Education wpne-tv green bay whla-tv la crosse wha-tv madison www.wpt.org Television National Educational Telecommunications Association Awards portalwisconsin.org Winner, Local Communication Campaign Garden Expo 2002 Winner, Special Event Food Fight: Wisconsin’s Biotech Crops Winner, Science and Nature Documentary WPT Annual Report 2002 Nominee, Print Design Digital Television Brochure Nominee, Print Design Wisconsin Stories Nominee, Web site University & College Designers Association portalwisconsin.org Award of Excellence, Web site portalwisconsin.org Award of Excellence, poster Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Be More Alive First Place, Promotional Spot Jeff & Mr. Rogers Merit Award, Promotional Spot Wisconsin Stories: More Than A Game First Place, Feature Length Documentary Wisconsin Stories: Foot Notes Merit Award, Segment Governor Candidate Series Merit Award When Wisconsin Was New France Merit Award USC Annenberg Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence Governor’s Race Coverage Winner in Medium Market Category Northwest Broadcast News Association Wild Places Winner, Photojournalism Wisconsin Stories: Foot Notes Winner, Segment Milwaukee Press Club Wisconsin Stories: Foot Notes Winner, Segment Wild Places Winner, Documentary Photography Nationally renowned seamstress, quilter, author and businesswoman Nancy Zieman appears weekly on Sewing With Nancy. The program is taped in the WPT studios and distributed for broadcast across the country. Lifelong learning has always been the lynchpin of WPT’s service in less technologically based ways, too. There is the monthly presentation of our own production, The Wisconsin Gardener, focusing on Wisconsin’s particular growing conditions. The popularity of our cooking, needle arts, home improvement and travel programs expand horizons and will remain a staple of what we provide to appreciative audiences. The Communicator/Print WPT Annual Report 2002 Award of Distinction ProMax Jeff & Mr. Rogers Gold Award, Promotional Spot Fiscal Year 2003 Revenues - percent of total Outreach 13% General Purpose Revenue 19% Membership 31% Major Gifts 2% No taxpayer dollars were used to fund the printing of this report. printing donated by Park Printing House Ltd. • editor/writer Moira Harrington design Brian Lorbiecki • photography James Gill Production 37% Promotion 9% Auction 3% Community Service Grant 8% Underwriting 5% Development 15% Programming 21% Production and Grants 30% General Purpose Revenue Production This represents state funding to support infrastructure, programs and educational services. We produce more than 300 hours of local programs per year. WPT produces educational programs for the Educational Communications Board, and also offers services to state agencies, the University of Wisconsin System and other non-profit clients. Membership Nearly 55,000 Wisconsin families and individuals voluntarily support WPT through annual membership. Underwriting Wisconsin businesses team with us to offset the cost to acquire, produce and broadcast varied programs. Production and Grants WPT provides video production and teleconferencing services to state agencies and educational organizations on a cost-recovery basis. Foundation grants also support our endeavors. Community Service Grant T his Corporation for Public Broadcasting grant is based on nonfederal revenues generated in part by WPT. Auction Major Gifts If you need this material in an alternate format, please contact WPT’s Audience Services Department at 800. 422. 9707. Administration 5% Other Revenue 2% For more than 28 years, the WHA-TV Auction has provided crucial funds as a measure of community support. Wisconsin Public Television is a service of the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board and University of Wisconsin-Extension Fiscal Year 2003 Expenditures - percent of total Leadership giving from WPT’s Directors Circle, Leadership Circle and Heritage Society. Development This includes fund-raising expenses resulting from garnering individual, foundation and corporate support, along with the Friends of WHA-TV annual Auction. Promotion This includes staff and materials required to provide program and other community service news to local and national media organizations, community groups, schools and individual viewers. Programming We broadcast our own programs, and those from PBS and other sources, 18 hours per day, every day all year. Administration These are costs tied to the general, day-to-day operations of WPT. Outreach These are the costs – in staff time and materials – to complete our mission of delivering community-based services that spark citizen engagement, extending the impact of WPT broadcasts. Wisconsin 2003 20 onsin Wisconsin Public Television Annual Report 2003 be more Wisconsin Public Television 821 University Ave. Madison, WI 53706-1412 Telecommunications Operations Center 3319 W. Beltline Hwy. Madison, WI 53713-4296 park falls menomonie-eau claire 800. 422. 9707 608. 265. 2302 (Madison area) 608. 262. 6833 (TTY) e-mail: comments@wpt.org whrm-tv wausau Awards 2002-2003 A part of WPT’s core reason for being – education – reached new heights this year. National Academy of Televison Arts and Sciences/ Chicago Chapter When Wisconsin Was New France Emmy Nominee, Audio Policymakers and leaders of Wisconsin have always put a high stake on education. A Wisconsin innovator founded the nation’s first kindergarten, and its public and private schools at all levels are the envy of the nation. Education for Professional development and continuing adult children and adults education figure is at the core of prominently into that mix as well. This year, we WPT’s service. took significant steps to increase the educational potency of broadcasting with the arrival of digital television across our network. What that means for educators and their students in the future is powerful – tremendous amounts of text, graphics or additional audio and video will move along with the broadcasts. Teachers will be able to download information for lesson planning, and employers can upgrade the skills of their workforce. Home computers and TVs soon can be used as vast libraries of media information to download, save and recall at any time. wlef-tv whwc-tv Education wpne-tv green bay whla-tv la crosse wha-tv madison www.wpt.org Television National Educational Telecommunications Association Awards portalwisconsin.org Winner, Local Communication Campaign Garden Expo 2002 Winner, Special Event Food Fight: Wisconsin’s Biotech Crops Winner, Science and Nature Documentary WPT Annual Report 2002 Nominee, Print Design Digital Television Brochure Nominee, Print Design Wisconsin Stories Nominee, Web site University & College Designers Association portalwisconsin.org Award of Excellence, Web site portalwisconsin.org Award of Excellence, poster Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Be More Alive First Place, Promotional Spot Jeff & Mr. Rogers Merit Award, Promotional Spot Wisconsin Stories: More Than A Game First Place, Feature Length Documentary Wisconsin Stories: Foot Notes Merit Award, Segment Governor Candidate Series Merit Award When Wisconsin Was New France Merit Award USC Annenberg Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence Governor’s Race Coverage Winner in Medium Market Category Northwest Broadcast News Association Wild Places Winner, Photojournalism Wisconsin Stories: Foot Notes Winner, Segment Milwaukee Press Club Wisconsin Stories: Foot Notes Winner, Segment Wild Places Winner, Documentary Photography Nationally renowned seamstress, quilter, author and businesswoman Nancy Zieman appears weekly on Sewing With Nancy. The program is taped in the WPT studios and distributed for broadcast across the country. Lifelong learning has always been the lynchpin of WPT’s service in less technologically based ways, too. There is the monthly presentation of our own production, The Wisconsin Gardener, focusing on Wisconsin’s particular growing conditions. The popularity of our cooking, needle arts, home improvement and travel programs expand horizons and will remain a staple of what we provide to appreciative audiences. The Communicator/Print WPT Annual Report 2002 Award of Distinction ProMax Jeff & Mr. Rogers Gold Award, Promotional Spot Fiscal Year 2003 Revenues - percent of total Outreach 13% General Purpose Revenue 19% Membership 31% Major Gifts 2% No taxpayer dollars were used to fund the printing of this report. printing donated by Park Printing House Ltd. • editor/writer Moira Harrington design Brian Lorbiecki • photography James Gill Production 37% Promotion 9% Auction 3% Community Service Grant 8% Underwriting 5% Development 15% Programming 21% Production and Grants 30% General Purpose Revenue Production This represents state funding to support infrastructure, programs and educational services. We produce more than 300 hours of local programs per year. WPT produces educational programs for the Educational Communications Board, and also offers services to state agencies, the University of Wisconsin System and other non-profit clients. Membership Nearly 55,000 Wisconsin families and individuals voluntarily support WPT through annual membership. Underwriting Wisconsin businesses team with us to offset the cost to acquire, produce and broadcast varied programs. Production and Grants WPT provides video production and teleconferencing services to state agencies and educational organizations on a cost-recovery basis. Foundation grants also support our endeavors. Community Service Grant T his Corporation for Public Broadcasting grant is based on nonfederal revenues generated in part by WPT. Auction Major Gifts If you need this material in an alternate format, please contact WPT’s Audience Services Department at 800. 422. 9707. Administration 5% Other Revenue 2% For more than 28 years, the WHA-TV Auction has provided crucial funds as a measure of community support. Wisconsin Public Television is a service of the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board and University of Wisconsin-Extension Fiscal Year 2003 Expenditures - percent of total Leadership giving from WPT’s Directors Circle, Leadership Circle and Heritage Society. Development This includes fund-raising expenses resulting from garnering individual, foundation and corporate support, along with the Friends of WHA-TV annual Auction. Promotion This includes staff and materials required to provide program and other community service news to local and national media organizations, community groups, schools and individual viewers. Programming We broadcast our own programs, and those from PBS and other sources, 18 hours per day, every day all year. Administration These are costs tied to the general, day-to-day operations of WPT. Outreach These are the costs – in staff time and materials – to complete our mission of delivering community-based services that spark citizen engagement, extending the impact of WPT broadcasts. Wisconsin Public Television Annual Report 2003 Supporters Wisconsin Public Television could not do what it does – provide a robust educational and entertainment service to the people of Wisconsin for 365 days a year – without the support of a lot of people. Those people are individuals and families who value the local productions, PBS programs and community outreach we offer in a non-commercial setting. Other supporters are just as integral to the mix of delivery. Foundations, businesses, community-based organizations and government also provide generous means to ensure a continuation of our reach to more than 600,000 viewers across Wisconsin each week. Volunteers, too, provide immeasurable contributions to what WPT accomplishes on air and through community events. Whatever the source, be assured that we make the most of this generosity – making the funds go as far as they possibly can. And, whatever the source, know that we are grateful. 2003 Program Underwriters Wisconsin’s business community generously supports highquality public broadcasting through its resources. Public and private foundations add to the effort as well. The following underwriters supported WPT as of June 30, 2003. For information about underwriting, please call Mary Clare Sorenson at 608. 265. 3852. AAA of Wisconsin All Metal Stamping Alliant Energy American Family Insurance American Fence Co. Amish Furniture Gallery An advised fund of the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin An Siopa Eire ANIU Salon 2000 Appleton (f.k.a. Appleton Papers Inc.) Ardyth's Sew-N-Shoppe Ariens Foundation Associated Banc-Corp. Audio Video Lifestyles/Sound World Aylward Family Foundation Badger Coaches Bagels Forever Inc. Banta Corp. Bemis Co. Inc. The Boldt Company Century House Inc. CenturyTel Children With Special Healthcare Needs/St. Vincent Hospital Creative Sewing Machines Cress Funeral & Cremation Service The Cutting Edge Denil Wall Olds-Cadillac Edgewood College Evjue Foundation Inc./The Capital Times First Weber Group Inc. Fiskars Consumer Products Inc. Fox Cities Magazine Franciscan Skemp Healthcare Fred J. Peterson Foundation General Casualty Companies Goodman’s Jewelers Great American Backyards Greenheck Fan Corp. Group Health Cooperative HMO H Window Co. The Hamilton Roddis Foundation Hartje Lumber Co. Hausmann-Johnson Insurance Inc. Philip J. and Elizabeth B. Hendrickson Hooper Corp. Hurd Millwork Co. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Isthmus Manufacturing & Engineering Cooperative Isthmus Publishing Co. J. Rose Sewing Studio Janesville Foundation Inc. Jerry’s Sewing and Vacuum Jung Seed and Nursery Co. The Halbert and Alice Kadish Foundation Kitz & Pfeil True Value Hardware Stores Kraemer Brothers Inc. Kress Family Foundation Kress Inn/Bemis Conference Center Landmark Staffing Resources LaserTech Inc. M & I Bank Madison Community Foundation Madison Chiropractic LLC The Madison Concourse Hotel Madison Gas & Electric Madison Magazine Madison Repertory Theatre Marshfield Clinic McLeod USA Publishing Co. Mead Witter Foundation Inc. Mendota Gridiron Club Meriter Hospital Mill House Quilts Ministry Home Care Minor Procedures Mosaic Funds/Madison Investment Advisors The Nature Conservancy Necchi-New Home Sewing Center The Nelson Foundation Inc. NorthNet Oneida Community Integrated Food Systems Orange Tree Imports OshKosh B’Gosh Park Printing House Ltd. Penzeys Spices Pfaff PAS Pieschek Protective Services Pomp’s Tire Service Qual Line Fence Corp. Quilts ‘n Silks Rayovac Corp. Reimer Jewelers Inc. Reindl Printing Inc. Reynolds Transfer & Storage Rural Insurance Companies Sara Lee Foods Schenck Business Solutions SCWD - NMRA Sew Complete Sew ‘n Sew ShopKo Smith Motors Society Insurance South Central Library System Springs Window Fashions Division Inc. St. Marys Hospital Medical Center St. Norbert College Stein Garden Centers The Stool Store Strong Financial Summit Credit Union The Swiss Colony The Manitowoc Company Inc. Thomas H. Jacob Foundation Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Triple M 105.5 FM UW-Madison Athletic Department Vondra Engraving Inc. Walter Alexander Foundation Wartmann Chandler Appraisal Associates Wausau Tile Inc. Webcrafters Inc. Wheeler, Van Sickle & Anderson SC WIBA-AM Radio Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters Wisconsin Clearinghouse for Prevention Resources Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) Wisconsin Energy Co. Wisconsin Farmers Union Foundation Wisconsin Landscape Contractors Association Wisconsin Master Gardener Association Wisconsin Medical Society Wisconsin Public Service Corp. WMGN Radio Magic 98 Wollersheim Winery Woodcraft Xcel Energy Zoltan’s Sewing Center Rockford, Ill. Directors Circle These dedicated friends of WPT support a commitment to the highest quality of service through their generous gifts. The following are members The Director’s Circle as of June 30, 2003 For information about leadership giving, please call Diane Agans at 608. 265. 4437. Joanne and John Anderson Janesville Ron and Patty Anderson Middleton Wanda and Robert Auerbach Middleton Roger and Mitzi Axtell Janesville Amy Jo Aylward Neenah Frederick E. and Patricia Baer Green Bay Ken and Diane Ballweg Middleton Dr. Ann Bardeen-Henschel Oconomowoc Lee and Alma Baron Middleton Tom and Sally Basting Madison Niles and Linda Berman Madison Robert and Lynn Berman Madison Judith Jensen Bero Neenah Dr. Charles R. and Joy Boardman Beloit Oscar C. and Pat Boldt Appleton Robert & Anne Bolz Charitable Trust Madison Malcolm and Penny Brett Oregon Gisela and John Brogan Green Bay Dr. Lynn Budzak De Pere Susan and Jim Cargill II Birchwood CenturyTel La Crosse Clifford A. Schuette Family Foundation Wausau Keith and Linda Clifford Madison Mildred and Marv Conney Madison Elaine and Erroll Davis Madison Nancy K. DesMarais Menasha Ruth Deterville New Franken Marcia Deutsch Green Bay Stan and Jean Druckenmiller Madison Dale Druckrey Bonduel Robert M. and Susan Engelke Madison Epic Systems Corp. Madison Leota and Lee Ester Appleton Judy and Gordon Faulkner Madison Rozanne Flesch Madison Fotsch Foundation Elm Grove John J. Frautschi Family Foundation Madison W. Jerome Frautschi and Pleasant T. Rowland Madison Elaine and Larry Frisinger Janesville Roberta and Daniel Gelatt La Crosse Bob and Sharon Gilson Middleton Viola Ginzl Crandon Dwight W. Gleasman Rockton, Ill. Jack Gray Middleton Ann Guhman and Bruce Koci Middleton Elizabeth and Gunnar Gundersen La Crosse Dr. Sigurd B. Gundersen Jr. La Crosse John and Carolyn Gusmer Waupaca Robert S. Hagge Jr. Hazelhurst Nancy and Jay Hamann Green Bay Phil and Marilyn Hansotia Marshfield Charlotte and Orrin Helstad Madison Gerry Henseler Menasha Margaret and Jim Hickman Madison Joan Laurie Hislop Sturgeon Bay Marian H. Hislop Sturgeon Bay Dr. James L. Hoehn and Nancy J. Goldberg Marshfield Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hyde Oshkosh Dr. Stanley L. and Shirley S. Inhorn Madison International Association for Integrated Medicine Madison Rosemary B. Johnson Middleton Julian Price Family Foundation Madison Richard and Patsy Kabaker Middleton Martin and Rita Kades Beloit Paul and Anne Karch Appleton Andreas and Valerie Kazamias Madison Kikkoman Foods Foundation Inc. Walworth Larry and Carol Klapmeier North Freedom Herbert H. Kohl Charities Inc. Milwaukee Margaret and Scott Kramer Madison Bill Kraus and Toni Sikes Madison Krause Foundation Iola Irene Daniell Kress Green Bay Kress Family Foundation Green Bay Hans and Mary Lang Sollinger Madison Mark and Ilene Laufman Madison Robert J. Lenz Waunakee Ruth A. Luther Oshkosh William and Julia Malooly Green Bay Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. Mayer Madison Mary K. McCall Oshkosh Tom and Margaret Metcalfe Monona Julie and Larry Midtbo Edgerton Charles and Carolyn Mowbray Janesville Thomas B. Mowbray Park Falls Gordon and Marsha Neese Caledonia, Ill. Evaleen and Joseph Neufeld De Pere Eldon and Joy Newcomb Madison Edward J. Okray Foundation Plover Dan and Kathryn Olszewski Madison Mary E. Pautz Madison Virgie and Stan Peloquin Madison Ellsworth and Carla Peterson Foundation Sturgeon Bay PPG Industries Foundation Pittsburgh, Penn. Rawson and Mary Price Gillett Price Electric Cooperative Phillips Don and Roz Rahn Madison Donovan E. Rasmussen Dresser Gordon and Janet Renschler Madison Ernest W. Reynolds Madison Robert T. & Betty Rose-Meyer Family Foundation Green Bay David Sanks and Susan Scholfield Madison Liz Schaub Green Bay Mary Ellyn and Joe Sensenbrenner Madison John C. Seramur Stevens Point Joe and Jeanne Silverberg Madison Lois C.A. Smith Irving, Texas Sandy and Mike Stamn Mount Horeb Barb Stanek Oshkosh David and Dawn Stucki Waunakee John and Leslie V. Taylor Madison Patricia and Claire Thomas Madison Caroline G. Thompson Madison Barbara J. Swan and Roy Tull Madison Stuart and Elizabeth Sykes Madison Duard and Dorothea Walker Madison Bernice B. Ward Green Bay William and Karen Weber Verona Charles and Jean Webster Two Rivers Frances L.Weinstein Madison Helen L. Wineke Madison Tom Wolfe and Pat Powers Madison Jeanan Yasiri and Scott Coon Madison Don and LaVonne Zietlow Onalaska 14 and Fourteen Donors Who Wish to Remain Anonymous Principle Gifts The following donors have made gifts to help initiate new services and programs. They made these commitments prior to June 30, 2003. The Boldt Company An advised fund of the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin Mildred and Marv Conney Elizabeth B. and Philip J. Hendrickson Julian Price Family Foundation 3 Duard and Dorthea Walker Margaret Winston Thomas R. Wolfe and Pat Powers and Three Donors Who Wish to Remain Anonymous The Leadership Circle Cultural programming, unparalleled children’s service, history offerings, and science and nature experiences are hallmarks of public broadcasting. The support of The Leadership Circle helps make this possible. The following people joined The Leadership Circle as of June 30, 2003. For information about The Leadership Circle, please call Diane Agans at 608. 265. 4437. Michael S. and Mary Ariens Brillion Marian and Thomas Ashman Middleton Jeff and Jill Ball Fort Atkinson Darlene Ballweg Sauk City Merton R. Barry Mazomanie Pamela and William Bass Madison Barry Berman Madison Barbara Besadny Madison Collette and Paul Beuther Neenah Allan R. Birschbach Oshkosh John A. and Marian Bolz Madison Priscilla S. Bondhus Middleton Steve and Mary Bradley Antigo Mary L. Brock Baraboo Jeffery C. Brown Manitowoc Helen T. Burger Oshkosh Mark D. Burish Madison Ellen Burmeister Madison Peter and Kathyrn Carlson Oshkosh William Cary Richland Center Lauritis R. and Dianne Christensen Madison Charles Cohen and Christine Schindler Madison Ernst Conrath Sun Prairie Guerdon and Jan Coombs Middleton Diana and Grant Cottam Madison Countryside Animal Clinic Madison James Crow Madison Michael Cullenward and Joan M. Knoebel Madison Ronald L. Daggett Madison Charles and Hermine Davidson Madison Carl de Boor and Helen Bee Madison Judy Devereux Madison Robert and Marilyn De Witt Black Earth Robert H. Dott Jr. and Nancy Dott Madison Spencer W. Doty Wausau Loyal and Bernice Durand Cross Plains Mark Ediger and Jocelyn Milner Madison Anne and Richard Egan Sister Bay Sandra N. Eimen Portage Joann and Joe Elder Madison Jean Ellarson Barneveld Diane Elson Madison Thomas E. and Eleanor D. Fairchild Madison Bruce and Diane Lind Fenster Green Bay Leslie and Barbara Fishel Madison Carla Fisher Janesville James Robert Fowler La Crosse Lemuel A. Fraser Madison Nancy P. Frawley Wausau D. J. and Mary Clare Freeman Wausau William and Jessie Fuller Oshkosh Marc and Eve Galanter Madison Robert and Mary Garton Elkhart Lake Chet and Barbara Gerlach Madison Judy Ghastin Appleton David D. Gilboe Madison Alicia and Jerry Goehring Madison James Golz Wausau Jane Graff Madison Dr. Erik Gundersen and Sophia Ferris La Crosse Willy Haeberli and Gabriele Haberland Madison Gary and Marie Harrison Wausau Ira Hartoch Green Bay Larry and Jeanette Heath Marshfield Lillian Herman Sheboygan Tom and Marley Herrin Antigo Lois Hibbard Appleton Lola Gordon Hickey Middleton Mae D. Hoel Stoughton Hoffman Wood Fiber LLC Tilleda Marion Holmes Bonduel Timothy P. Horan Eau Claire Barbara A. and John R. Horner-Ibler Brookfield Hugh H. Iltis Madison John and Virginia Irvin Monroe Ironwood Foundation Appleton Kenneth Jacobs Hartford Karen M. and John Jaeschke Verona Newell D. and Helen Jasperson Wisconsin Rapids Tom Jefferson Madison Mary Ella Jerome Barron Frank & Theresa Joswick Family Fund De Pere Mr. E.T. Juday Land O’ Lakes Dr. and Mrs. Howard Kidd Neenah Lorraine T. Kindschi Baraboo Sara Krebsbach and Glenn Reinl Madison Joseph Krupp and Diana Grove Middleton Mable E. La Cosse Green Bay Kent and Diane Langdon Oshkosh Phyllis Leach Oshkosh M.J. Levy Madison Vic and Sue Levy Madison Fran Lindemuth Kaukauna John and Ann Lindstrom Appleton Arlene Lissack Chippewa Falls Janet and Jay Loewi Madison Vince Lubenow Madison Edna Lukens Blanchardville Elsebet Lund and James Dahlberg Madison Jean Lund Onalaska Katharine Lyall Madison David and Marjory Lyford Madison Dennis and Gail Maki Madison M & I Bank Madison Wisconsin Public Television Annual Report 2003 Supporters Wisconsin Public Television could not do what it does – provide a robust educational and entertainment service to the people of Wisconsin for 365 days a year – without the support of a lot of people. Those people are individuals and families who value the local productions, PBS programs and community outreach we offer in a non-commercial setting. Other supporters are just as integral to the mix of delivery. Foundations, businesses, community-based organizations and government also provide generous means to ensure a continuation of our reach to more than 600,000 viewers across Wisconsin each week. Volunteers, too, provide immeasurable contributions to what WPT accomplishes on air and through community events. Whatever the source, be assured that we make the most of this generosity – making the funds go as far as they possibly can. And, whatever the source, know that we are grateful. 2003 Program Underwriters Wisconsin’s business community generously supports highquality public broadcasting through its resources. Public and private foundations add to the effort as well. The following underwriters supported WPT as of June 30, 2003. For information about underwriting, please call Mary Clare Sorenson at 608. 265. 3852. AAA of Wisconsin All Metal Stamping Alliant Energy American Family Insurance American Fence Co. Amish Furniture Gallery An advised fund of the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin An Siopa Eire ANIU Salon 2000 Appleton (f.k.a. Appleton Papers Inc.) Ardyth's Sew-N-Shoppe Ariens Foundation Associated Banc-Corp. Audio Video Lifestyles/Sound World Aylward Family Foundation Badger Coaches Bagels Forever Inc. Banta Corp. Bemis Co. Inc. The Boldt Company Century House Inc. CenturyTel Children With Special Healthcare Needs/St. Vincent Hospital Creative Sewing Machines Cress Funeral & Cremation Service The Cutting Edge Denil Wall Olds-Cadillac Edgewood College Evjue Foundation Inc./The Capital Times First Weber Group Inc. Fiskars Consumer Products Inc. Fox Cities Magazine Franciscan Skemp Healthcare Fred J. Peterson Foundation General Casualty Companies Goodman’s Jewelers Great American Backyards Greenheck Fan Corp. Group Health Cooperative HMO H Window Co. The Hamilton Roddis Foundation Hartje Lumber Co. Hausmann-Johnson Insurance Inc. Philip J. and Elizabeth B. Hendrickson Hooper Corp. Hurd Millwork Co. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Isthmus Manufacturing & Engineering Cooperative Isthmus Publishing Co. J. Rose Sewing Studio Janesville Foundation Inc. Jerry’s Sewing and Vacuum Jung Seed and Nursery Co. The Halbert and Alice Kadish Foundation Kitz & Pfeil True Value Hardware Stores Kraemer Brothers Inc. Kress Family Foundation Kress Inn/Bemis Conference Center Landmark Staffing Resources LaserTech Inc. M & I Bank Madison Community Foundation Madison Chiropractic LLC The Madison Concourse Hotel Madison Gas & Electric Madison Magazine Madison Repertory Theatre Marshfield Clinic McLeod USA Publishing Co. Mead Witter Foundation Inc. Mendota Gridiron Club Meriter Hospital Mill House Quilts Ministry Home Care Minor Procedures Mosaic Funds/Madison Investment Advisors The Nature Conservancy Necchi-New Home Sewing Center The Nelson Foundation Inc. NorthNet Oneida Community Integrated Food Systems Orange Tree Imports OshKosh B’Gosh Park Printing House Ltd. Penzeys Spices Pfaff PAS Pieschek Protective Services Pomp’s Tire Service Qual Line Fence Corp. Quilts ‘n Silks Rayovac Corp. Reimer Jewelers Inc. Reindl Printing Inc. Reynolds Transfer & Storage Rural Insurance Companies Sara Lee Foods Schenck Business Solutions SCWD - NMRA Sew Complete Sew ‘n Sew ShopKo Smith Motors Society Insurance South Central Library System Springs Window Fashions Division Inc. St. Marys Hospital Medical Center St. Norbert College Stein Garden Centers The Stool Store Strong Financial Summit Credit Union The Swiss Colony The Manitowoc Company Inc. Thomas H. Jacob Foundation Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Triple M 105.5 FM UW-Madison Athletic Department Vondra Engraving Inc. Walter Alexander Foundation Wartmann Chandler Appraisal Associates Wausau Tile Inc. Webcrafters Inc. Wheeler, Van Sickle & Anderson SC WIBA-AM Radio Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters Wisconsin Clearinghouse for Prevention Resources Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) Wisconsin Energy Co. Wisconsin Farmers Union Foundation Wisconsin Landscape Contractors Association Wisconsin Master Gardener Association Wisconsin Medical Society Wisconsin Public Service Corp. WMGN Radio Magic 98 Wollersheim Winery Woodcraft Xcel Energy Zoltan’s Sewing Center Rockford, Ill. Directors Circle These dedicated friends of WPT support a commitment to the highest quality of service through their generous gifts. The following are members The Director’s Circle as of June 30, 2003 For information about leadership giving, please call Diane Agans at 608. 265. 4437. Joanne and John Anderson Janesville Ron and Patty Anderson Middleton Wanda and Robert Auerbach Middleton Roger and Mitzi Axtell Janesville Amy Jo Aylward Neenah Frederick E. and Patricia Baer Green Bay Ken and Diane Ballweg Middleton Dr. Ann Bardeen-Henschel Oconomowoc Lee and Alma Baron Middleton Tom and Sally Basting Madison Niles and Linda Berman Madison Robert and Lynn Berman Madison Judith Jensen Bero Neenah Dr. Charles R. and Joy Boardman Beloit Oscar C. and Pat Boldt Appleton Robert & Anne Bolz Charitable Trust Madison Malcolm and Penny Brett Oregon Gisela and John Brogan Green Bay Dr. Lynn Budzak De Pere Susan and Jim Cargill II Birchwood CenturyTel La Crosse Clifford A. Schuette Family Foundation Wausau Keith and Linda Clifford Madison Mildred and Marv Conney Madison Elaine and Erroll Davis Madison Nancy K. DesMarais Menasha Ruth Deterville New Franken Marcia Deutsch Green Bay Stan and Jean Druckenmiller Madison Dale Druckrey Bonduel Robert M. and Susan Engelke Madison Epic Systems Corp. Madison Leota and Lee Ester Appleton Judy and Gordon Faulkner Madison Rozanne Flesch Madison Fotsch Foundation Elm Grove John J. Frautschi Family Foundation Madison W. Jerome Frautschi and Pleasant T. Rowland Madison Elaine and Larry Frisinger Janesville Roberta and Daniel Gelatt La Crosse Bob and Sharon Gilson Middleton Viola Ginzl Crandon Dwight W. Gleasman Rockton, Ill. Jack Gray Middleton Ann Guhman and Bruce Koci Middleton Elizabeth and Gunnar Gundersen La Crosse Dr. Sigurd B. Gundersen Jr. La Crosse John and Carolyn Gusmer Waupaca Robert S. Hagge Jr. Hazelhurst Nancy and Jay Hamann Green Bay Phil and Marilyn Hansotia Marshfield Charlotte and Orrin Helstad Madison Gerry Henseler Menasha Margaret and Jim Hickman Madison Joan Laurie Hislop Sturgeon Bay Marian H. Hislop Sturgeon Bay Dr. James L. Hoehn and Nancy J. Goldberg Marshfield Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hyde Oshkosh Dr. Stanley L. and Shirley S. Inhorn Madison International Association for Integrated Medicine Madison Rosemary B. Johnson Middleton Julian Price Family Foundation Madison Richard and Patsy Kabaker Middleton Martin and Rita Kades Beloit Paul and Anne Karch Appleton Andreas and Valerie Kazamias Madison Kikkoman Foods Foundation Inc. Walworth Larry and Carol Klapmeier North Freedom Herbert H. Kohl Charities Inc. Milwaukee Margaret and Scott Kramer Madison Bill Kraus and Toni Sikes Madison Krause Foundation Iola Irene Daniell Kress Green Bay Kress Family Foundation Green Bay Hans and Mary Lang Sollinger Madison Mark and Ilene Laufman Madison Robert J. Lenz Waunakee Ruth A. Luther Oshkosh William and Julia Malooly Green Bay Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. Mayer Madison Mary K. McCall Oshkosh Tom and Margaret Metcalfe Monona Julie and Larry Midtbo Edgerton Charles and Carolyn Mowbray Janesville Thomas B. Mowbray Park Falls Gordon and Marsha Neese Caledonia, Ill. Evaleen and Joseph Neufeld De Pere Eldon and Joy Newcomb Madison Edward J. Okray Foundation Plover Dan and Kathryn Olszewski Madison Mary E. Pautz Madison Virgie and Stan Peloquin Madison Ellsworth and Carla Peterson Foundation Sturgeon Bay PPG Industries Foundation Pittsburgh, Penn. Rawson and Mary Price Gillett Price Electric Cooperative Phillips Don and Roz Rahn Madison Donovan E. Rasmussen Dresser Gordon and Janet Renschler Madison Ernest W. Reynolds Madison Robert T. & Betty Rose-Meyer Family Foundation Green Bay David Sanks and Susan Scholfield Madison Liz Schaub Green Bay Mary Ellyn and Joe Sensenbrenner Madison John C. Seramur Stevens Point Joe and Jeanne Silverberg Madison Lois C.A. Smith Irving, Texas Sandy and Mike Stamn Mount Horeb Barb Stanek Oshkosh David and Dawn Stucki Waunakee John and Leslie V. Taylor Madison Patricia and Claire Thomas Madison Caroline G. Thompson Madison Barbara J. Swan and Roy Tull Madison Stuart and Elizabeth Sykes Madison Duard and Dorothea Walker Madison Bernice B. Ward Green Bay William and Karen Weber Verona Charles and Jean Webster Two Rivers Frances L.Weinstein Madison Helen L. Wineke Madison Tom Wolfe and Pat Powers Madison Jeanan Yasiri and Scott Coon Madison Don and LaVonne Zietlow Onalaska 14 and Fourteen Donors Who Wish to Remain Anonymous Principle Gifts The following donors have made gifts to help initiate new services and programs. They made these commitments prior to June 30, 2003. The Boldt Company An advised fund of the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin Mildred and Marv Conney Elizabeth B. and Philip J. Hendrickson Julian Price Family Foundation 3 Duard and Dorthea Walker Margaret Winston Thomas R. Wolfe and Pat Powers and Three Donors Who Wish to Remain Anonymous The Leadership Circle Cultural programming, unparalleled children’s service, history offerings, and science and nature experiences are hallmarks of public broadcasting. The support of The Leadership Circle helps make this possible. The following people joined The Leadership Circle as of June 30, 2003. For information about The Leadership Circle, please call Diane Agans at 608. 265. 4437. Michael S. and Mary Ariens Brillion Marian and Thomas Ashman Middleton Jeff and Jill Ball Fort Atkinson Darlene Ballweg Sauk City Merton R. Barry Mazomanie Pamela and William Bass Madison Barry Berman Madison Barbara Besadny Madison Collette and Paul Beuther Neenah Allan R. Birschbach Oshkosh John A. and Marian Bolz Madison Priscilla S. Bondhus Middleton Steve and Mary Bradley Antigo Mary L. Brock Baraboo Jeffery C. Brown Manitowoc Helen T. Burger Oshkosh Mark D. Burish Madison Ellen Burmeister Madison Peter and Kathyrn Carlson Oshkosh William Cary Richland Center Lauritis R. and Dianne Christensen Madison Charles Cohen and Christine Schindler Madison Ernst Conrath Sun Prairie Guerdon and Jan Coombs Middleton Diana and Grant Cottam Madison Countryside Animal Clinic Madison James Crow Madison Michael Cullenward and Joan M. Knoebel Madison Ronald L. Daggett Madison Charles and Hermine Davidson Madison Carl de Boor and Helen Bee Madison Judy Devereux Madison Robert and Marilyn De Witt Black Earth Robert H. Dott Jr. and Nancy Dott Madison Spencer W. Doty Wausau Loyal and Bernice Durand Cross Plains Mark Ediger and Jocelyn Milner Madison Anne and Richard Egan Sister Bay Sandra N. Eimen Portage Joann and Joe Elder Madison Jean Ellarson Barneveld Diane Elson Madison Thomas E. and Eleanor D. Fairchild Madison Bruce and Diane Lind Fenster Green Bay Leslie and Barbara Fishel Madison Carla Fisher Janesville James Robert Fowler La Crosse Lemuel A. Fraser Madison Nancy P. Frawley Wausau D. J. and Mary Clare Freeman Wausau William and Jessie Fuller Oshkosh Marc and Eve Galanter Madison Robert and Mary Garton Elkhart Lake Chet and Barbara Gerlach Madison Judy Ghastin Appleton David D. Gilboe Madison Alicia and Jerry Goehring Madison James Golz Wausau Jane Graff Madison Dr. Erik Gundersen and Sophia Ferris La Crosse Willy Haeberli and Gabriele Haberland Madison Gary and Marie Harrison Wausau Ira Hartoch Green Bay Larry and Jeanette Heath Marshfield Lillian Herman Sheboygan Tom and Marley Herrin Antigo Lois Hibbard Appleton Lola Gordon Hickey Middleton Mae D. Hoel Stoughton Hoffman Wood Fiber LLC Tilleda Marion Holmes Bonduel Timothy P. Horan Eau Claire Barbara A. and John R. Horner-Ibler Brookfield Hugh H. Iltis Madison John and Virginia Irvin Monroe Ironwood Foundation Appleton Kenneth Jacobs Hartford Karen M. and John Jaeschke Verona Newell D. and Helen Jasperson Wisconsin Rapids Tom Jefferson Madison Mary Ella Jerome Barron Frank & Theresa Joswick Family Fund De Pere Mr. E.T. Juday Land O’ Lakes Dr. and Mrs. Howard Kidd Neenah Lorraine T. Kindschi Baraboo Sara Krebsbach and Glenn Reinl Madison Joseph Krupp and Diana Grove Middleton Mable E. La Cosse Green Bay Kent and Diane Langdon Oshkosh Phyllis Leach Oshkosh M.J. Levy Madison Vic and Sue Levy Madison Fran Lindemuth Kaukauna John and Ann Lindstrom Appleton Arlene Lissack Chippewa Falls Janet and Jay Loewi Madison Vince Lubenow Madison Edna Lukens Blanchardville Elsebet Lund and James Dahlberg Madison Jean Lund Onalaska Katharine Lyall Madison David and Marjory Lyford Madison Dennis and Gail Maki Madison M & I Bank Madison Wisconsin Public Television Annual Report 2003 Supporters Wisconsin Public Television could not do what it does – provide a robust educational and entertainment service to the people of Wisconsin for 365 days a year – without the support of a lot of people. Those people are individuals and families who value the local productions, PBS programs and community outreach we offer in a non-commercial setting. Other supporters are just as integral to the mix of delivery. Foundations, businesses, community-based organizations and government also provide generous means to ensure a continuation of our reach to more than 600,000 viewers across Wisconsin each week. Volunteers, too, provide immeasurable contributions to what WPT accomplishes on air and through community events. Whatever the source, be assured that we make the most of this generosity – making the funds go as far as they possibly can. And, whatever the source, know that we are grateful. 2003 Program Underwriters Wisconsin’s business community generously supports highquality public broadcasting through its resources. Public and private foundations add to the effort as well. The following underwriters supported WPT as of June 30, 2003. For information about underwriting, please call Mary Clare Sorenson at 608. 265. 3852. AAA of Wisconsin All Metal Stamping Alliant Energy American Family Insurance American Fence Co. Amish Furniture Gallery An advised fund of the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin An Siopa Eire ANIU Salon 2000 Appleton (f.k.a. Appleton Papers Inc.) Ardyth's Sew-N-Shoppe Ariens Foundation Associated Banc-Corp. Audio Video Lifestyles/Sound World Aylward Family Foundation Badger Coaches Bagels Forever Inc. Banta Corp. Bemis Co. Inc. The Boldt Company Century House Inc. CenturyTel Children With Special Healthcare Needs/St. Vincent Hospital Creative Sewing Machines Cress Funeral & Cremation Service The Cutting Edge Denil Wall Olds-Cadillac Edgewood College Evjue Foundation Inc./The Capital Times First Weber Group Inc. Fiskars Consumer Products Inc. Fox Cities Magazine Franciscan Skemp Healthcare Fred J. Peterson Foundation General Casualty Companies Goodman’s Jewelers Great American Backyards Greenheck Fan Corp. Group Health Cooperative HMO H Window Co. The Hamilton Roddis Foundation Hartje Lumber Co. Hausmann-Johnson Insurance Inc. Philip J. and Elizabeth B. Hendrickson Hooper Corp. Hurd Millwork Co. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Isthmus Manufacturing & Engineering Cooperative Isthmus Publishing Co. J. Rose Sewing Studio Janesville Foundation Inc. Jerry’s Sewing and Vacuum Jung Seed and Nursery Co. The Halbert and Alice Kadish Foundation Kitz & Pfeil True Value Hardware Stores Kraemer Brothers Inc. Kress Family Foundation Kress Inn/Bemis Conference Center Landmark Staffing Resources LaserTech Inc. M & I Bank Madison Community Foundation Madison Chiropractic LLC The Madison Concourse Hotel Madison Gas & Electric Madison Magazine Madison Repertory Theatre Marshfield Clinic McLeod USA Publishing Co. Mead Witter Foundation Inc. Mendota Gridiron Club Meriter Hospital Mill House Quilts Ministry Home Care Minor Procedures Mosaic Funds/Madison Investment Advisors The Nature Conservancy Necchi-New Home Sewing Center The Nelson Foundation Inc. NorthNet Oneida Community Integrated Food Systems Orange Tree Imports OshKosh B’Gosh Park Printing House Ltd. Penzeys Spices Pfaff PAS Pieschek Protective Services Pomp’s Tire Service Qual Line Fence Corp. Quilts ‘n Silks Rayovac Corp. Reimer Jewelers Inc. Reindl Printing Inc. Reynolds Transfer & Storage Rural Insurance Companies Sara Lee Foods Schenck Business Solutions SCWD - NMRA Sew Complete Sew ‘n Sew ShopKo Smith Motors Society Insurance South Central Library System Springs Window Fashions Division Inc. St. Marys Hospital Medical Center St. Norbert College Stein Garden Centers The Stool Store Strong Financial Summit Credit Union The Swiss Colony The Manitowoc Company Inc. Thomas H. Jacob Foundation Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Triple M 105.5 FM UW-Madison Athletic Department Vondra Engraving Inc. Walter Alexander Foundation Wartmann Chandler Appraisal Associates Wausau Tile Inc. Webcrafters Inc. Wheeler, Van Sickle & Anderson SC WIBA-AM Radio Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters Wisconsin Clearinghouse for Prevention Resources Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) Wisconsin Energy Co. Wisconsin Farmers Union Foundation Wisconsin Landscape Contractors Association Wisconsin Master Gardener Association Wisconsin Medical Society Wisconsin Public Service Corp. WMGN Radio Magic 98 Wollersheim Winery Woodcraft Xcel Energy Zoltan’s Sewing Center Rockford, Ill. Directors Circle These dedicated friends of WPT support a commitment to the highest quality of service through their generous gifts. The following are members The Director’s Circle as of June 30, 2003 For information about leadership giving, please call Diane Agans at 608. 265. 4437. Joanne and John Anderson Janesville Ron and Patty Anderson Middleton Wanda and Robert Auerbach Middleton Roger and Mitzi Axtell Janesville Amy Jo Aylward Neenah Frederick E. and Patricia Baer Green Bay Ken and Diane Ballweg Middleton Dr. Ann Bardeen-Henschel Oconomowoc Lee and Alma Baron Middleton Tom and Sally Basting Madison Niles and Linda Berman Madison Robert and Lynn Berman Madison Judith Jensen Bero Neenah Dr. Charles R. and Joy Boardman Beloit Oscar C. and Pat Boldt Appleton Robert & Anne Bolz Charitable Trust Madison Malcolm and Penny Brett Oregon Gisela and John Brogan Green Bay Dr. Lynn Budzak De Pere Susan and Jim Cargill II Birchwood CenturyTel La Crosse Clifford A. Schuette Family Foundation Wausau Keith and Linda Clifford Madison Mildred and Marv Conney Madison Elaine and Erroll Davis Madison Nancy K. DesMarais Menasha Ruth Deterville New Franken Marcia Deutsch Green Bay Stan and Jean Druckenmiller Madison Dale Druckrey Bonduel Robert M. and Susan Engelke Madison Epic Systems Corp. Madison Leota and Lee Ester Appleton Judy and Gordon Faulkner Madison Rozanne Flesch Madison Fotsch Foundation Elm Grove John J. Frautschi Family Foundation Madison W. Jerome Frautschi and Pleasant T. Rowland Madison Elaine and Larry Frisinger Janesville Roberta and Daniel Gelatt La Crosse Bob and Sharon Gilson Middleton Viola Ginzl Crandon Dwight W. Gleasman Rockton, Ill. Jack Gray Middleton Ann Guhman and Bruce Koci Middleton Elizabeth and Gunnar Gundersen La Crosse Dr. Sigurd B. Gundersen Jr. La Crosse John and Carolyn Gusmer Waupaca Robert S. Hagge Jr. Hazelhurst Nancy and Jay Hamann Green Bay Phil and Marilyn Hansotia Marshfield Charlotte and Orrin Helstad Madison Gerry Henseler Menasha Margaret and Jim Hickman Madison Joan Laurie Hislop Sturgeon Bay Marian H. Hislop Sturgeon Bay Dr. James L. Hoehn and Nancy J. Goldberg Marshfield Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hyde Oshkosh Dr. Stanley L. and Shirley S. Inhorn Madison International Association for Integrated Medicine Madison Rosemary B. Johnson Middleton Julian Price Family Foundation Madison Richard and Patsy Kabaker Middleton Martin and Rita Kades Beloit Paul and Anne Karch Appleton Andreas and Valerie Kazamias Madison Kikkoman Foods Foundation Inc. Walworth Larry and Carol Klapmeier North Freedom Herbert H. Kohl Charities Inc. Milwaukee Margaret and Scott Kramer Madison Bill Kraus and Toni Sikes Madison Krause Foundation Iola Irene Daniell Kress Green Bay Kress Family Foundation Green Bay Hans and Mary Lang Sollinger Madison Mark and Ilene Laufman Madison Robert J. Lenz Waunakee Ruth A. Luther Oshkosh William and Julia Malooly Green Bay Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. Mayer Madison Mary K. McCall Oshkosh Tom and Margaret Metcalfe Monona Julie and Larry Midtbo Edgerton Charles and Carolyn Mowbray Janesville Thomas B. Mowbray Park Falls Gordon and Marsha Neese Caledonia, Ill. Evaleen and Joseph Neufeld De Pere Eldon and Joy Newcomb Madison Edward J. Okray Foundation Plover Dan and Kathryn Olszewski Madison Mary E. Pautz Madison Virgie and Stan Peloquin Madison Ellsworth and Carla Peterson Foundation Sturgeon Bay PPG Industries Foundation Pittsburgh, Penn. Rawson and Mary Price Gillett Price Electric Cooperative Phillips Don and Roz Rahn Madison Donovan E. Rasmussen Dresser Gordon and Janet Renschler Madison Ernest W. Reynolds Madison Robert T. & Betty Rose-Meyer Family Foundation Green Bay David Sanks and Susan Scholfield Madison Liz Schaub Green Bay Mary Ellyn and Joe Sensenbrenner Madison John C. Seramur Stevens Point Joe and Jeanne Silverberg Madison Lois C.A. Smith Irving, Texas Sandy and Mike Stamn Mount Horeb Barb Stanek Oshkosh David and Dawn Stucki Waunakee John and Leslie V. Taylor Madison Patricia and Claire Thomas Madison Caroline G. Thompson Madison Barbara J. Swan and Roy Tull Madison Stuart and Elizabeth Sykes Madison Duard and Dorothea Walker Madison Bernice B. Ward Green Bay William and Karen Weber Verona Charles and Jean Webster Two Rivers Frances L.Weinstein Madison Helen L. Wineke Madison Tom Wolfe and Pat Powers Madison Jeanan Yasiri and Scott Coon Madison Don and LaVonne Zietlow Onalaska 14 and Fourteen Donors Who Wish to Remain Anonymous Principle Gifts The following donors have made gifts to help initiate new services and programs. They made these commitments prior to June 30, 2003. The Boldt Company An advised fund of the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin Mildred and Marv Conney Elizabeth B. and Philip J. Hendrickson Julian Price Family Foundation 3 Duard and Dorthea Walker Margaret Winston Thomas R. Wolfe and Pat Powers and Three Donors Who Wish to Remain Anonymous The Leadership Circle Cultural programming, unparalleled children’s service, history offerings, and science and nature experiences are hallmarks of public broadcasting. The support of The Leadership Circle helps make this possible. The following people joined The Leadership Circle as of June 30, 2003. For information about The Leadership Circle, please call Diane Agans at 608. 265. 4437. Michael S. and Mary Ariens Brillion Marian and Thomas Ashman Middleton Jeff and Jill Ball Fort Atkinson Darlene Ballweg Sauk City Merton R. Barry Mazomanie Pamela and William Bass Madison Barry Berman Madison Barbara Besadny Madison Collette and Paul Beuther Neenah Allan R. Birschbach Oshkosh John A. and Marian Bolz Madison Priscilla S. Bondhus Middleton Steve and Mary Bradley Antigo Mary L. Brock Baraboo Jeffery C. Brown Manitowoc Helen T. Burger Oshkosh Mark D. Burish Madison Ellen Burmeister Madison Peter and Kathyrn Carlson Oshkosh William Cary Richland Center Lauritis R. and Dianne Christensen Madison Charles Cohen and Christine Schindler Madison Ernst Conrath Sun Prairie Guerdon and Jan Coombs Middleton Diana and Grant Cottam Madison Countryside Animal Clinic Madison James Crow Madison Michael Cullenward and Joan M. Knoebel Madison Ronald L. Daggett Madison Charles and Hermine Davidson Madison Carl de Boor and Helen Bee Madison Judy Devereux Madison Robert and Marilyn De Witt Black Earth Robert H. Dott Jr. and Nancy Dott Madison Spencer W. Doty Wausau Loyal and Bernice Durand Cross Plains Mark Ediger and Jocelyn Milner Madison Anne and Richard Egan Sister Bay Sandra N. Eimen Portage Joann and Joe Elder Madison Jean Ellarson Barneveld Diane Elson Madison Thomas E. and Eleanor D. Fairchild Madison Bruce and Diane Lind Fenster Green Bay Leslie and Barbara Fishel Madison Carla Fisher Janesville James Robert Fowler La Crosse Lemuel A. Fraser Madison Nancy P. Frawley Wausau D. J. and Mary Clare Freeman Wausau William and Jessie Fuller Oshkosh Marc and Eve Galanter Madison Robert and Mary Garton Elkhart Lake Chet and Barbara Gerlach Madison Judy Ghastin Appleton David D. Gilboe Madison Alicia and Jerry Goehring Madison James Golz Wausau Jane Graff Madison Dr. Erik Gundersen and Sophia Ferris La Crosse Willy Haeberli and Gabriele Haberland Madison Gary and Marie Harrison Wausau Ira Hartoch Green Bay Larry and Jeanette Heath Marshfield Lillian Herman Sheboygan Tom and Marley Herrin Antigo Lois Hibbard Appleton Lola Gordon Hickey Middleton Mae D. Hoel Stoughton Hoffman Wood Fiber LLC Tilleda Marion Holmes Bonduel Timothy P. Horan Eau Claire Barbara A. and John R. Horner-Ibler Brookfield Hugh H. Iltis Madison John and Virginia Irvin Monroe Ironwood Foundation Appleton Kenneth Jacobs Hartford Karen M. and John Jaeschke Verona Newell D. and Helen Jasperson Wisconsin Rapids Tom Jefferson Madison Mary Ella Jerome Barron Frank & Theresa Joswick Family Fund De Pere Mr. E.T. Juday Land O’ Lakes Dr. and Mrs. Howard Kidd Neenah Lorraine T. Kindschi Baraboo Sara Krebsbach and Glenn Reinl Madison Joseph Krupp and Diana Grove Middleton Mable E. La Cosse Green Bay Kent and Diane Langdon Oshkosh Phyllis Leach Oshkosh M.J. Levy Madison Vic and Sue Levy Madison Fran Lindemuth Kaukauna John and Ann Lindstrom Appleton Arlene Lissack Chippewa Falls Janet and Jay Loewi Madison Vince Lubenow Madison Edna Lukens Blanchardville Elsebet Lund and James Dahlberg Madison Jean Lund Onalaska Katharine Lyall Madison David and Marjory Lyford Madison Dennis and Gail Maki Madison M & I Bank Madison The Leadership Circle continued Dr. David A. Manke Oneida Maplewood School Sparta Charles and Leatrice Markle Sun Prairie John Markley and Diane Seehan Madison H. Marshall Matthews Sheboygan Jack and Sue McCoy Madison Jean McNary Madison Irene and Thomas C. Meyer Madison Marilyn Meyer Potter Oshkosh Jennifer Miller and Bruce McPhee Cambridge Norman Miller Foundation Green Bay Elizabeth and John Moore Middleton Stephen Morton Madison Bruce C. and Amy R. Moser Madison Carol Mueller Madison David F. and Jane Nelson Edgerton Mary and Bill Niedermeier Madison Gene E. Niesen Appleton Ray and Rosie Norlin Tomahawk James R. and Alice Ohlrogge Middleton Patricia A. and Joe Okray Plover Richard J. and Jean Olson Merrill Richard and Marcia Olson Madison Roland and Marjorie Olson Fort Atkinson Richard and Margaret Osborn Oshkosh Tana and John Palmer Oregon Joan Pedro Madison George Penn Madison Mary and Lowell Peterson Appleton L.E. Phillips Family Foundation Eau Claire Hannah Pickett Madison Marcea and David Plonka Madison Reetz Foundation Sheboygan Kevin and Kate Reilly Madison Hugh T. and Mildred Richards Menomonie Dan and Jane Rich Madison Virginia Rosemann Green Bay Carol M. Schappel Oregon Lawrence Schirmer Three Lakes Joan Schmit Madison Edward and Harriet Schulz Neenah John and Mary Sensenbrenner Neenah Stephen P. and Mary Shanesy Verona Don and Carolyn Shelp Madison Dr. Philip Shultz Middleton Paul and Ellen Simenstad Madison Alexander and Margaret Skinner Madison Curt and Jane Smith Brooklyn Mowry Smith III Menasha Rob and Claire Spear New London Judith Stadler Appleton Mary E. Stafford Madison David and Denise Statz Baraboo Wayne E. Stork Janesville Suzanne and Jack Swanson Appleton Patricia Takemoto and Robert Morse Madison John Jay and Linda Taylor Ripon Robert E. and Caryl Terrell Madison Roger and Susan Thicke La Crescent, Minn. Constance Threinen Middleton Norris and Alice Tibbetts Madison Herbert Tjossem Appleton Jan Trow Fremont Deborah Turski Madison David Vogel Madison Gary Wagner Eau Claire Beverly Wallace Newton William Wartmann Edgerton Stella Webb Madison Janet Wengert Madison Roger and Patricia Westphal Rhinelander Pamela Williams Whitewater Tom and Virginia Williams Wausau Robert Wixson Family Madison Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Princeton, N.J. Jacquelyn L. Wrycha Menasha Mary Yeakel and Virginia A. Metcalf Wisconsin Dells Darrel J. Yohnk Oconomowoc John A. Zeinert Neenah Rose Zerwick Madison 10 and Ten Donors Who Wish to Remain Anonymous The Heritage Society The Heritage Society recognizes those friends with the foresight to include WPT in their will or estate plans. For information about The Heritage Society, please call Diane Agans at 608. 265. 4437. Joanne and John Anderson Janesville Jake and Lucy Altwegg Madison David M. and Violet Bailin Appleton Dr. Ann Bardeen-Henschel Oconomowoc Anna Benson Waupaca Jane Bjorklund Merrill Vlasta K. Blaha and Stanley Dale Colby Malcolm and Penny Brett Oregon Ione Kulis Carr Kiel Richard Damro Colfax Robert Destree Green Bay Richard and Nancy Dietz Larsen Wilbert and Mary Dee Dupont Green Bay Ted J. Eischeid Fond du Lac Colleen and Bill Feist Middleton Mildred F. Freymiller Elroy Paul W. Fuerstenau Madison Russell and Suzanne Gardner Madison Diane L. Glodoski Madison James and Debra Greenwald Berlin Phil and Marilyn Hansotia Marshfield Tim V. and Catherine Hartnett Bayfield Wayne Hatz Baraboo Ivan R. and Sandra Haynes Madison Bryce Hinsch Fremont Barbara A. and John R. Horner-Ibler Brookfield Frances W. Hurst Madison Sandra and Harold Inda Ripon Earl and Carol Jewett Fond du Lac Mary C. Karau Madison Scott and Margaret Kramer Madison Harold and Rita Kreitz Middleton Matthew Neil Kurtz Antigo Floreine J. Kurtzweil Edgar David and Darlene Lee Wausau Robert J. Lenz Waunakee Todd M. Liebergen Middleton Arlene Lissack Chippewa Falls Rick and Joyce Lohr Marathon Donna Lotzer Madison Mike and Barb Madden Sturgeon Bay Angus McIntyre Appleton Rose M. Messina and Mark Anderson Madison Margaret Misdall Oshkosh H. Clarence Mitchell Mount Morris Nancy Newell Moore Stevens Point Norm and Peg Munson Appleton Wilbert (Bill) Noltemeyer Madison LaRay and Rosie Norlin Tomahawk David and Kathy Ott Madison Jack E. Pederson Tony Norbert L. Pitterle Two Rivers Mrs. Marilyn M. Potter Oshkosh Charles and Lucille Ramshaw Mount Horeb Richard and Marie Reetz Appleton Richard Rost and Donnamae Klotz Rost Tomahawk Bruce B. Runnels Wautoma Robert P. and Ann Rusch Rib Lake Karen Scheibe Appleton William Scherwitz Fort Atkinson Karen R. Shevet Dinah Madison Alice Jean Smith Neenah Joseph and Betty Spradling Madison Sharon Stark Spring Green David and Dawn Stucki Waunakee Jayne C. Redman Fall Creek Judith O. Sutton Madison Robert and Margaret Swanson Menomonie Nevin O. Taylor Chetek Lorelei Walczak Stevens Point Joseph W. Walton Farley Florence Whitefield Madison Helen Wineke Madison 4 and Four Donors Who Wish to Remain Anonymous We Remember We have been honored by gifts from the estates of these friends, ensuring the legacy of the organization for future generations. Ione Kulis Carr Tim V. and Catherine Hartnett Clarence H. Mitchell Robert P. and Ann K. Rusch Alice Jean Smith Joseph and Betty Spradling Planned Giving The following estates have generously provided gifts of bequest and other planned gifts to WPT. With deepest regards, we commemorate those departed friends who have honored us with this commitment. Hilber E. Anderson Antigo Georgiana Mae Bentley Nekoosa Donald Bronk Wausau 1 Jesse & Millie Fusfeld Trust Wausau Susan F. Welty Beloit and One Donor Who Wishes to Remain Anonymous WHA-TV Auction Since 1976, WHA-TV Auction has been a popular community event and fund-raiser for WPT. The 2003 event was one of the most successful ever. We appreciate this outpouring of support. For information about WHA-TV Auction underwriting and donations, please call Kelly Joerres at 608. 262. 5259. Auction Underwriters Alliant Energy American Family Insurance Bank One CUNA Mutual Dean Health System Group Health Cooperative HMO J. H. Findorff & Sons Inc. Madison Dairy Division of Land O’Lakes Pizza Hut of Southern Wisconsin Restaino Bunbury & Associates Robert W. Baird TDS Metrocom The Stark Company, Realtors Tri-North Builders Inc. Major Auction In-kind Donors Burton and Mayer Inc. Buynsellit.com Capital Newspapers Gaylord Catering Gordon Flesch Co. Inc. Greater Northshore Appraisals H M I Catering Mazo Deli Catering Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Queen Anne’s Catering Schoeps Ice Cream Co. Inc. Suttle-Straus Inc. Swanson Kitchens Major Auction Donors Academy Electric Inc. Albion Armorers International Amcore Bank American TV & Appliance AnchorBank fsb Anderson and Shapiro Eye Care Arbor Hills Apartments Benjamin Plumbing Inc. Best Built Garage Builders Brothers Main Appliance & TV Budget Bicycle Center Camp Manito-wish YMCA Carl F. Statz & Sons Catfish River Arts & Antiques Century 21 Affiliated Chula Vista Resort Comfort Shoppe Condon Jewelers Cortland Pond Apartment Homes Creative Sewing Machines Culligan Total Water Treatment Dale Carnegie Training Don’s Oak Furniture Eichhorn, Susan & Henry Elkhart Lake’s Road America Ericson, Greg Explorama Lodges Fine Designs Sofa Gallery General Beverage Sales Co. Goodman’s Jewelers Gordon Flesch Co. Gypsy Villa Resort In Business Magazine Iron River Area Chamber of Commerce Janus Galleries JSM Properties Kennedy Manor Dining Room & Bar Land Resource Company LLC La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries Lemke Facial Surgery Lighthouse Lodge and Suites Madison Area Mortgage Bankers Association Marling Distributors Marshall Towne Millwork McGilligan’s Interiors Meicher & Associates Middleton Community Bank Miracle-Ear Hearing Centers Nonn’s Flooring Occidental Hotels and Resorts Park Printing House Ltd. Parr McKenna, Kathleen PARTS NOW! Redbone Creations Rocky Rococo Pan-Style Pizza Rubin’s Rutabaga Sergenian’s Floor Coverings Shadow Fax Smart Toyota Steve’s Liquor & Biaggi`s Restaurant Stoughton Country Club Studio Jewelers Sub-Zero Freezer Company Sullivan Landscaping Sundara Inn and Spa Sunrise Glassworks T.Q. Diamonds The Blacksmith Inn The Edgewater Hotel The Friendship Tour The Great Wolf Lodge The Kalahari Waterpark Resort Convention Center The Madison Club The Madison Concourse Hotel & Governor’s Club The Maytag Store The Twisted Twig Furniture Gallery Thebco Windows, Doors & Siding UW Athletic Department Vintage Door Vukich, Dr. John A. Ward-Brodt Music Mall Waunakee Remodeling Weiss, Lee Welton Enterprises Wilderness Hotel & Golf Resort William Thomas Designs Williamson Bicycle Works Wisconsin Flooring & Cascata Bath & Tile Gallery Woodworks Furniture Young, Susan Zazen Gallery ZOLL Zoroufy’s Volunteers Each year, tremendous things happen in the studios of WPT, and in the towns, cities and villages of Wisconsin thanks, in part, to the contributions of volunteers. Nearly 2,000 people assisted with membership drives, the WHA-TV Auction, general office tasks, community events, and more in the last year. WPT is deeply grateful for this support. Below are a few of the groups and individuals cited for special recognition for their contributions in 2003. 2,000 For more information about volunteering, please call Don Sanford at 608.265.4436. For 11 years, WPT has enriched the community with its educational offerings that are a central part of Garden Expo. Auction 2003 - New Civic Group Middleton High School-National Honor Society Auction 2003 - New Corporate Group Wisconsin Physicians Service On-Air Pledge - New Civic Group Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Dane County On-Air Pledge - New Corporate Group Fiskars Inc. Volunteers of the Year Pete Jahn and Ingrid Lind-Jahn The 2003 event attracted more than 17,000 people in early February from around Wisconsin. Enthusiasts shared advice on plants, gardens, lawns, and more through seminars and demonstrations. More than 300 exhibitor booths also were a part of the event that is held in Madison. Viewers Garden Expo 300 WPT, Friends of WHA-TV and University of Wisconsin-Extension Cooperative Extension Horticulture Team present Garden Expo. For information about Garden Expo, please call DeAnne Massey at 608. 262. 5256. Garden Expo Underwriters Madison Gas & Electric Wisconsin Landscape Contractors Association Local Community Outreach The impact of WPT’s broadcasts is amplified through local community outreach projects – screenings, workshops, discussions, online conversations, and more. Foundations and other institutions and groups help make local community outreach possible. For more information about local community outreach, please call Lynne Blinkenberg at 608. 265. 6331. 4-H Youth Development First Unitarian Society Independent Television Service National Center for Outreach P.O.V. South Central Library System University of WisconsinExtension Chancellor’s Office Urban League of Greater Madison UW Health Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education Wisconsin Education Association Council “All of us still sit down sometimes to watch a bit of Mr. Rogers. His message that one can be liked just the way s/he is was very important to me growing up and I’m sure continues to be of cardinal importance to children.” Paul from Pierce County “My window to the past, present and future is always Wisconsin Public Television.” Annie from Brown County “Thank you for presenting the various governor and lt. governor candidates through five-minute segments. It is the essence of democracy. Views should be exposed to the open air – the way that views can best be evaluated… Thanks for nurturing democracy in Wisconsin. Nothing in our system should be a foregone conclusion. It should all be open to debate.” a male viewer “I am an English/communications teacher. I recently viewed Teen Connection. Very simply, I must express my deepest appreciation and compliments on such fine programming. Your format and level of information is both appropriate and effective.” Jerome from Green County “P.O.V. Two Towns of Jasper, it was powerful stuff. Disturbing, troubling, thoughtful and thought provoking, even encouraging and ultimately hopeful. It was television at its best. Live theater! A revealing human drama with echoes reaching all across our country.” a female viewer be more The Leadership Circle continued Dr. David A. Manke Oneida Maplewood School Sparta Charles and Leatrice Markle Sun Prairie John Markley and Diane Seehan Madison H. Marshall Matthews Sheboygan Jack and Sue McCoy Madison Jean McNary Madison Irene and Thomas C. Meyer Madison Marilyn Meyer Potter Oshkosh Jennifer Miller and Bruce McPhee Cambridge Norman Miller Foundation Green Bay Elizabeth and John Moore Middleton Stephen Morton Madison Bruce C. and Amy R. Moser Madison Carol Mueller Madison David F. and Jane Nelson Edgerton Mary and Bill Niedermeier Madison Gene E. Niesen Appleton Ray and Rosie Norlin Tomahawk James R. and Alice Ohlrogge Middleton Patricia A. and Joe Okray Plover Richard J. and Jean Olson Merrill Richard and Marcia Olson Madison Roland and Marjorie Olson Fort Atkinson Richard and Margaret Osborn Oshkosh Tana and John Palmer Oregon Joan Pedro Madison George Penn Madison Mary and Lowell Peterson Appleton L.E. Phillips Family Foundation Eau Claire Hannah Pickett Madison Marcea and David Plonka Madison Reetz Foundation Sheboygan Kevin and Kate Reilly Madison Hugh T. and Mildred Richards Menomonie Dan and Jane Rich Madison Virginia Rosemann Green Bay Carol M. Schappel Oregon Lawrence Schirmer Three Lakes Joan Schmit Madison Edward and Harriet Schulz Neenah John and Mary Sensenbrenner Neenah Stephen P. and Mary Shanesy Verona Don and Carolyn Shelp Madison Dr. Philip Shultz Middleton Paul and Ellen Simenstad Madison Alexander and Margaret Skinner Madison Curt and Jane Smith Brooklyn Mowry Smith III Menasha Rob and Claire Spear New London Judith Stadler Appleton Mary E. Stafford Madison David and Denise Statz Baraboo Wayne E. Stork Janesville Suzanne and Jack Swanson Appleton Patricia Takemoto and Robert Morse Madison John Jay and Linda Taylor Ripon Robert E. and Caryl Terrell Madison Roger and Susan Thicke La Crescent, Minn. Constance Threinen Middleton Norris and Alice Tibbetts Madison Herbert Tjossem Appleton Jan Trow Fremont Deborah Turski Madison David Vogel Madison Gary Wagner Eau Claire Beverly Wallace Newton William Wartmann Edgerton Stella Webb Madison Janet Wengert Madison Roger and Patricia Westphal Rhinelander Pamela Williams Whitewater Tom and Virginia Williams Wausau Robert Wixson Family Madison Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Princeton, N.J. Jacquelyn L. Wrycha Menasha Mary Yeakel and Virginia A. Metcalf Wisconsin Dells Darrel J. Yohnk Oconomowoc John A. Zeinert Neenah Rose Zerwick Madison 10 and Ten Donors Who Wish to Remain Anonymous The Heritage Society The Heritage Society recognizes those friends with the foresight to include WPT in their will or estate plans. For information about The Heritage Society, please call Diane Agans at 608. 265. 4437. Joanne and John Anderson Janesville Jake and Lucy Altwegg Madison David M. and Violet Bailin Appleton Dr. Ann Bardeen-Henschel Oconomowoc Anna Benson Waupaca Jane Bjorklund Merrill Vlasta K. Blaha and Stanley Dale Colby Malcolm and Penny Brett Oregon Ione Kulis Carr Kiel Richard Damro Colfax Robert Destree Green Bay Richard and Nancy Dietz Larsen Wilbert and Mary Dee Dupont Green Bay Ted J. Eischeid Fond du Lac Colleen and Bill Feist Middleton Mildred F. Freymiller Elroy Paul W. Fuerstenau Madison Russell and Suzanne Gardner Madison Diane L. Glodoski Madison James and Debra Greenwald Berlin Phil and Marilyn Hansotia Marshfield Tim V. and Catherine Hartnett Bayfield Wayne Hatz Baraboo Ivan R. and Sandra Haynes Madison Bryce Hinsch Fremont Barbara A. and John R. Horner-Ibler Brookfield Frances W. Hurst Madison Sandra and Harold Inda Ripon Earl and Carol Jewett Fond du Lac Mary C. Karau Madison Scott and Margaret Kramer Madison Harold and Rita Kreitz Middleton Matthew Neil Kurtz Antigo Floreine J. Kurtzweil Edgar David and Darlene Lee Wausau Robert J. Lenz Waunakee Todd M. Liebergen Middleton Arlene Lissack Chippewa Falls Rick and Joyce Lohr Marathon Donna Lotzer Madison Mike and Barb Madden Sturgeon Bay Angus McIntyre Appleton Rose M. Messina and Mark Anderson Madison Margaret Misdall Oshkosh H. Clarence Mitchell Mount Morris Nancy Newell Moore Stevens Point Norm and Peg Munson Appleton Wilbert (Bill) Noltemeyer Madison LaRay and Rosie Norlin Tomahawk David and Kathy Ott Madison Jack E. Pederson Tony Norbert L. Pitterle Two Rivers Mrs. Marilyn M. Potter Oshkosh Charles and Lucille Ramshaw Mount Horeb Richard and Marie Reetz Appleton Richard Rost and Donnamae Klotz Rost Tomahawk Bruce B. Runnels Wautoma Robert P. and Ann Rusch Rib Lake Karen Scheibe Appleton William Scherwitz Fort Atkinson Karen R. Shevet Dinah Madison Alice Jean Smith Neenah Joseph and Betty Spradling Madison Sharon Stark Spring Green David and Dawn Stucki Waunakee Jayne C. Redman Fall Creek Judith O. Sutton Madison Robert and Margaret Swanson Menomonie Nevin O. Taylor Chetek Lorelei Walczak Stevens Point Joseph W. Walton Farley Florence Whitefield Madison Helen Wineke Madison 4 and Four Donors Who Wish to Remain Anonymous We Remember We have been honored by gifts from the estates of these friends, ensuring the legacy of the organization for future generations. Ione Kulis Carr Tim V. and Catherine Hartnett Clarence H. Mitchell Robert P. and Ann K. Rusch Alice Jean Smith Joseph and Betty Spradling Planned Giving The following estates have generously provided gifts of bequest and other planned gifts to WPT. With deepest regards, we commemorate those departed friends who have honored us with this commitment. Hilber E. Anderson Antigo Georgiana Mae Bentley Nekoosa Donald Bronk Wausau 1 Jesse & Millie Fusfeld Trust Wausau Susan F. Welty Beloit and One Donor Who Wishes to Remain Anonymous WHA-TV Auction Since 1976, WHA-TV Auction has been a popular community event and fund-raiser for WPT. The 2003 event was one of the most successful ever. We appreciate this outpouring of support. For information about WHA-TV Auction underwriting and donations, please call Kelly Joerres at 608. 262. 5259. Auction Underwriters Alliant Energy American Family Insurance Bank One CUNA Mutual Dean Health System Group Health Cooperative HMO J. H. Findorff & Sons Inc. Madison Dairy Division of Land O’Lakes Pizza Hut of Southern Wisconsin Restaino Bunbury & Associates Robert W. Baird TDS Metrocom The Stark Company, Realtors Tri-North Builders Inc. Major Auction In-kind Donors Burton and Mayer Inc. Buynsellit.com Capital Newspapers Gaylord Catering Gordon Flesch Co. Inc. Greater Northshore Appraisals H M I Catering Mazo Deli Catering Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Queen Anne’s Catering Schoeps Ice Cream Co. Inc. Suttle-Straus Inc. Swanson Kitchens Major Auction Donors Academy Electric Inc. Albion Armorers International Amcore Bank American TV & Appliance AnchorBank fsb Anderson and Shapiro Eye Care Arbor Hills Apartments Benjamin Plumbing Inc. Best Built Garage Builders Brothers Main Appliance & TV Budget Bicycle Center Camp Manito-wish YMCA Carl F. Statz & Sons Catfish River Arts & Antiques Century 21 Affiliated Chula Vista Resort Comfort Shoppe Condon Jewelers Cortland Pond Apartment Homes Creative Sewing Machines Culligan Total Water Treatment Dale Carnegie Training Don’s Oak Furniture Eichhorn, Susan & Henry Elkhart Lake’s Road America Ericson, Greg Explorama Lodges Fine Designs Sofa Gallery General Beverage Sales Co. Goodman’s Jewelers Gordon Flesch Co. Gypsy Villa Resort In Business Magazine Iron River Area Chamber of Commerce Janus Galleries JSM Properties Kennedy Manor Dining Room & Bar Land Resource Company LLC La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries Lemke Facial Surgery Lighthouse Lodge and Suites Madison Area Mortgage Bankers Association Marling Distributors Marshall Towne Millwork McGilligan’s Interiors Meicher & Associates Middleton Community Bank Miracle-Ear Hearing Centers Nonn’s Flooring Occidental Hotels and Resorts Park Printing House Ltd. Parr McKenna, Kathleen PARTS NOW! Redbone Creations Rocky Rococo Pan-Style Pizza Rubin’s Rutabaga Sergenian’s Floor Coverings Shadow Fax Smart Toyota Steve’s Liquor & Biaggi`s Restaurant Stoughton Country Club Studio Jewelers Sub-Zero Freezer Company Sullivan Landscaping Sundara Inn and Spa Sunrise Glassworks T.Q. Diamonds The Blacksmith Inn The Edgewater Hotel The Friendship Tour The Great Wolf Lodge The Kalahari Waterpark Resort Convention Center The Madison Club The Madison Concourse Hotel & Governor’s Club The Maytag Store The Twisted Twig Furniture Gallery Thebco Windows, Doors & Siding UW Athletic Department Vintage Door Vukich, Dr. John A. Ward-Brodt Music Mall Waunakee Remodeling Weiss, Lee Welton Enterprises Wilderness Hotel & Golf Resort William Thomas Designs Williamson Bicycle Works Wisconsin Flooring & Cascata Bath & Tile Gallery Woodworks Furniture Young, Susan Zazen Gallery ZOLL Zoroufy’s Volunteers Each year, tremendous things happen in the studios of WPT, and in the towns, cities and villages of Wisconsin thanks, in part, to the contributions of volunteers. Nearly 2,000 people assisted with membership drives, the WHA-TV Auction, general office tasks, community events, and more in the last year. WPT is deeply grateful for this support. Below are a few of the groups and individuals cited for special recognition for their contributions in 2003. 2,000 For more information about volunteering, please call Don Sanford at 608.265.4436. For 11 years, WPT has enriched the community with its educational offerings that are a central part of Garden Expo. Auction 2003 - New Civic Group Middleton High School-National Honor Society Auction 2003 - New Corporate Group Wisconsin Physicians Service On-Air Pledge - New Civic Group Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Dane County On-Air Pledge - New Corporate Group Fiskars Inc. Volunteers of the Year Pete Jahn and Ingrid Lind-Jahn The 2003 event attracted more than 17,000 people in early February from around Wisconsin. Enthusiasts shared advice on plants, gardens, lawns, and more through seminars and demonstrations. More than 300 exhibitor booths also were a part of the event that is held in Madison. Viewers Garden Expo 300 WPT, Friends of WHA-TV and University of Wisconsin-Extension Cooperative Extension Horticulture Team present Garden Expo. For information about Garden Expo, please call DeAnne Massey at 608. 262. 5256. Garden Expo Underwriters Madison Gas & Electric Wisconsin Landscape Contractors Association Local Community Outreach The impact of WPT’s broadcasts is amplified through local community outreach projects – screenings, workshops, discussions, online conversations, and more. Foundations and other institutions and groups help make local community outreach possible. For more information about local community outreach, please call Lynne Blinkenberg at 608. 265. 6331. 4-H Youth Development First Unitarian Society Independent Television Service National Center for Outreach P.O.V. South Central Library System University of WisconsinExtension Chancellor’s Office Urban League of Greater Madison UW Health Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education Wisconsin Education Association Council “All of us still sit down sometimes to watch a bit of Mr. Rogers. His message that one can be liked just the way s/he is was very important to me growing up and I’m sure continues to be of cardinal importance to children.” Paul from Pierce County “My window to the past, present and future is always Wisconsin Public Television.” Annie from Brown County “Thank you for presenting the various governor and lt. governor candidates through five-minute segments. It is the essence of democracy. Views should be exposed to the open air – the way that views can best be evaluated… Thanks for nurturing democracy in Wisconsin. Nothing in our system should be a foregone conclusion. It should all be open to debate.” a male viewer “I am an English/communications teacher. I recently viewed Teen Connection. Very simply, I must express my deepest appreciation and compliments on such fine programming. Your format and level of information is both appropriate and effective.” Jerome from Green County “P.O.V. Two Towns of Jasper, it was powerful stuff. Disturbing, troubling, thoughtful and thought provoking, even encouraging and ultimately hopeful. It was television at its best. Live theater! A revealing human drama with echoes reaching all across our country.” a female viewer be more The Leadership Circle continued Dr. David A. Manke Oneida Maplewood School Sparta Charles and Leatrice Markle Sun Prairie John Markley and Diane Seehan Madison H. Marshall Matthews Sheboygan Jack and Sue McCoy Madison Jean McNary Madison Irene and Thomas C. Meyer Madison Marilyn Meyer Potter Oshkosh Jennifer Miller and Bruce McPhee Cambridge Norman Miller Foundation Green Bay Elizabeth and John Moore Middleton Stephen Morton Madison Bruce C. and Amy R. Moser Madison Carol Mueller Madison David F. and Jane Nelson Edgerton Mary and Bill Niedermeier Madison Gene E. Niesen Appleton Ray and Rosie Norlin Tomahawk James R. and Alice Ohlrogge Middleton Patricia A. and Joe Okray Plover Richard J. and Jean Olson Merrill Richard and Marcia Olson Madison Roland and Marjorie Olson Fort Atkinson Richard and Margaret Osborn Oshkosh Tana and John Palmer Oregon Joan Pedro Madison George Penn Madison Mary and Lowell Peterson Appleton L.E. Phillips Family Foundation Eau Claire Hannah Pickett Madison Marcea and David Plonka Madison Reetz Foundation Sheboygan Kevin and Kate Reilly Madison Hugh T. and Mildred Richards Menomonie Dan and Jane Rich Madison Virginia Rosemann Green Bay Carol M. Schappel Oregon Lawrence Schirmer Three Lakes Joan Schmit Madison Edward and Harriet Schulz Neenah John and Mary Sensenbrenner Neenah Stephen P. and Mary Shanesy Verona Don and Carolyn Shelp Madison Dr. Philip Shultz Middleton Paul and Ellen Simenstad Madison Alexander and Margaret Skinner Madison Curt and Jane Smith Brooklyn Mowry Smith III Menasha Rob and Claire Spear New London Judith Stadler Appleton Mary E. Stafford Madison David and Denise Statz Baraboo Wayne E. Stork Janesville Suzanne and Jack Swanson Appleton Patricia Takemoto and Robert Morse Madison John Jay and Linda Taylor Ripon Robert E. and Caryl Terrell Madison Roger and Susan Thicke La Crescent, Minn. Constance Threinen Middleton Norris and Alice Tibbetts Madison Herbert Tjossem Appleton Jan Trow Fremont Deborah Turski Madison David Vogel Madison Gary Wagner Eau Claire Beverly Wallace Newton William Wartmann Edgerton Stella Webb Madison Janet Wengert Madison Roger and Patricia Westphal Rhinelander Pamela Williams Whitewater Tom and Virginia Williams Wausau Robert Wixson Family Madison Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Princeton, N.J. Jacquelyn L. Wrycha Menasha Mary Yeakel and Virginia A. Metcalf Wisconsin Dells Darrel J. Yohnk Oconomowoc John A. Zeinert Neenah Rose Zerwick Madison 10 and Ten Donors Who Wish to Remain Anonymous The Heritage Society The Heritage Society recognizes those friends with the foresight to include WPT in their will or estate plans. For information about The Heritage Society, please call Diane Agans at 608. 265. 4437. Joanne and John Anderson Janesville Jake and Lucy Altwegg Madison David M. and Violet Bailin Appleton Dr. Ann Bardeen-Henschel Oconomowoc Anna Benson Waupaca Jane Bjorklund Merrill Vlasta K. Blaha and Stanley Dale Colby Malcolm and Penny Brett Oregon Ione Kulis Carr Kiel Richard Damro Colfax Robert Destree Green Bay Richard and Nancy Dietz Larsen Wilbert and Mary Dee Dupont Green Bay Ted J. Eischeid Fond du Lac Colleen and Bill Feist Middleton Mildred F. Freymiller Elroy Paul W. Fuerstenau Madison Russell and Suzanne Gardner Madison Diane L. Glodoski Madison James and Debra Greenwald Berlin Phil and Marilyn Hansotia Marshfield Tim V. and Catherine Hartnett Bayfield Wayne Hatz Baraboo Ivan R. and Sandra Haynes Madison Bryce Hinsch Fremont Barbara A. and John R. Horner-Ibler Brookfield Frances W. Hurst Madison Sandra and Harold Inda Ripon Earl and Carol Jewett Fond du Lac Mary C. Karau Madison Scott and Margaret Kramer Madison Harold and Rita Kreitz Middleton Matthew Neil Kurtz Antigo Floreine J. Kurtzweil Edgar David and Darlene Lee Wausau Robert J. Lenz Waunakee Todd M. Liebergen Middleton Arlene Lissack Chippewa Falls Rick and Joyce Lohr Marathon Donna Lotzer Madison Mike and Barb Madden Sturgeon Bay Angus McIntyre Appleton Rose M. Messina and Mark Anderson Madison Margaret Misdall Oshkosh H. Clarence Mitchell Mount Morris Nancy Newell Moore Stevens Point Norm and Peg Munson Appleton Wilbert (Bill) Noltemeyer Madison LaRay and Rosie Norlin Tomahawk David and Kathy Ott Madison Jack E. Pederson Tony Norbert L. Pitterle Two Rivers Mrs. Marilyn M. Potter Oshkosh Charles and Lucille Ramshaw Mount Horeb Richard and Marie Reetz Appleton Richard Rost and Donnamae Klotz Rost Tomahawk Bruce B. Runnels Wautoma Robert P. and Ann Rusch Rib Lake Karen Scheibe Appleton William Scherwitz Fort Atkinson Karen R. Shevet Dinah Madison Alice Jean Smith Neenah Joseph and Betty Spradling Madison Sharon Stark Spring Green David and Dawn Stucki Waunakee Jayne C. Redman Fall Creek Judith O. Sutton Madison Robert and Margaret Swanson Menomonie Nevin O. Taylor Chetek Lorelei Walczak Stevens Point Joseph W. Walton Farley Florence Whitefield Madison Helen Wineke Madison 4 and Four Donors Who Wish to Remain Anonymous We Remember We have been honored by gifts from the estates of these friends, ensuring the legacy of the organization for future generations. Ione Kulis Carr Tim V. and Catherine Hartnett Clarence H. Mitchell Robert P. and Ann K. Rusch Alice Jean Smith Joseph and Betty Spradling Planned Giving The following estates have generously provided gifts of bequest and other planned gifts to WPT. With deepest regards, we commemorate those departed friends who have honored us with this commitment. Hilber E. Anderson Antigo Georgiana Mae Bentley Nekoosa Donald Bronk Wausau 1 Jesse & Millie Fusfeld Trust Wausau Susan F. Welty Beloit and One Donor Who Wishes to Remain Anonymous WHA-TV Auction Since 1976, WHA-TV Auction has been a popular community event and fund-raiser for WPT. The 2003 event was one of the most successful ever. We appreciate this outpouring of support. For information about WHA-TV Auction underwriting and donations, please call Kelly Joerres at 608. 262. 5259. Auction Underwriters Alliant Energy American Family Insurance Bank One CUNA Mutual Dean Health System Group Health Cooperative HMO J. H. Findorff & Sons Inc. Madison Dairy Division of Land O’Lakes Pizza Hut of Southern Wisconsin Restaino Bunbury & Associates Robert W. Baird TDS Metrocom The Stark Company, Realtors Tri-North Builders Inc. Major Auction In-kind Donors Burton and Mayer Inc. Buynsellit.com Capital Newspapers Gaylord Catering Gordon Flesch Co. Inc. Greater Northshore Appraisals H M I Catering Mazo Deli Catering Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Queen Anne’s Catering Schoeps Ice Cream Co. Inc. Suttle-Straus Inc. Swanson Kitchens Major Auction Donors Academy Electric Inc. Albion Armorers International Amcore Bank American TV & Appliance AnchorBank fsb Anderson and Shapiro Eye Care Arbor Hills Apartments Benjamin Plumbing Inc. Best Built Garage Builders Brothers Main Appliance & TV Budget Bicycle Center Camp Manito-wish YMCA Carl F. Statz & Sons Catfish River Arts & Antiques Century 21 Affiliated Chula Vista Resort Comfort Shoppe Condon Jewelers Cortland Pond Apartment Homes Creative Sewing Machines Culligan Total Water Treatment Dale Carnegie Training Don’s Oak Furniture Eichhorn, Susan & Henry Elkhart Lake’s Road America Ericson, Greg Explorama Lodges Fine Designs Sofa Gallery General Beverage Sales Co. Goodman’s Jewelers Gordon Flesch Co. Gypsy Villa Resort In Business Magazine Iron River Area Chamber of Commerce Janus Galleries JSM Properties Kennedy Manor Dining Room & Bar Land Resource Company LLC La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries Lemke Facial Surgery Lighthouse Lodge and Suites Madison Area Mortgage Bankers Association Marling Distributors Marshall Towne Millwork McGilligan’s Interiors Meicher & Associates Middleton Community Bank Miracle-Ear Hearing Centers Nonn’s Flooring Occidental Hotels and Resorts Park Printing House Ltd. Parr McKenna, Kathleen PARTS NOW! Redbone Creations Rocky Rococo Pan-Style Pizza Rubin’s Rutabaga Sergenian’s Floor Coverings Shadow Fax Smart Toyota Steve’s Liquor & Biaggi`s Restaurant Stoughton Country Club Studio Jewelers Sub-Zero Freezer Company Sullivan Landscaping Sundara Inn and Spa Sunrise Glassworks T.Q. Diamonds The Blacksmith Inn The Edgewater Hotel The Friendship Tour The Great Wolf Lodge The Kalahari Waterpark Resort Convention Center The Madison Club The Madison Concourse Hotel & Governor’s Club The Maytag Store The Twisted Twig Furniture Gallery Thebco Windows, Doors & Siding UW Athletic Department Vintage Door Vukich, Dr. John A. Ward-Brodt Music Mall Waunakee Remodeling Weiss, Lee Welton Enterprises Wilderness Hotel & Golf Resort William Thomas Designs Williamson Bicycle Works Wisconsin Flooring & Cascata Bath & Tile Gallery Woodworks Furniture Young, Susan Zazen Gallery ZOLL Zoroufy’s Volunteers Each year, tremendous things happen in the studios of WPT, and in the towns, cities and villages of Wisconsin thanks, in part, to the contributions of volunteers. Nearly 2,000 people assisted with membership drives, the WHA-TV Auction, general office tasks, community events, and more in the last year. WPT is deeply grateful for this support. Below are a few of the groups and individuals cited for special recognition for their contributions in 2003. 2,000 For more information about volunteering, please call Don Sanford at 608.265.4436. For 11 years, WPT has enriched the community with its educational offerings that are a central part of Garden Expo. Auction 2003 - New Civic Group Middleton High School-National Honor Society Auction 2003 - New Corporate Group Wisconsin Physicians Service On-Air Pledge - New Civic Group Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Dane County On-Air Pledge - New Corporate Group Fiskars Inc. Volunteers of the Year Pete Jahn and Ingrid Lind-Jahn The 2003 event attracted more than 17,000 people in early February from around Wisconsin. Enthusiasts shared advice on plants, gardens, lawns, and more through seminars and demonstrations. More than 300 exhibitor booths also were a part of the event that is held in Madison. Viewers Garden Expo 300 WPT, Friends of WHA-TV and University of Wisconsin-Extension Cooperative Extension Horticulture Team present Garden Expo. For information about Garden Expo, please call DeAnne Massey at 608. 262. 5256. Garden Expo Underwriters Madison Gas & Electric Wisconsin Landscape Contractors Association Local Community Outreach The impact of WPT’s broadcasts is amplified through local community outreach projects – screenings, workshops, discussions, online conversations, and more. Foundations and other institutions and groups help make local community outreach possible. For more information about local community outreach, please call Lynne Blinkenberg at 608. 265. 6331. 4-H Youth Development First Unitarian Society Independent Television Service National Center for Outreach P.O.V. South Central Library System University of WisconsinExtension Chancellor’s Office Urban League of Greater Madison UW Health Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education Wisconsin Education Association Council “All of us still sit down sometimes to watch a bit of Mr. Rogers. His message that one can be liked just the way s/he is was very important to me growing up and I’m sure continues to be of cardinal importance to children.” Paul from Pierce County “My window to the past, present and future is always Wisconsin Public Television.” Annie from Brown County “Thank you for presenting the various governor and lt. governor candidates through five-minute segments. It is the essence of democracy. Views should be exposed to the open air – the way that views can best be evaluated… Thanks for nurturing democracy in Wisconsin. Nothing in our system should be a foregone conclusion. It should all be open to debate.” a male viewer “I am an English/communications teacher. I recently viewed Teen Connection. Very simply, I must express my deepest appreciation and compliments on such fine programming. Your format and level of information is both appropriate and effective.” Jerome from Green County “P.O.V. Two Towns of Jasper, it was powerful stuff. Disturbing, troubling, thoughtful and thought provoking, even encouraging and ultimately hopeful. It was television at its best. Live theater! A revealing human drama with echoes reaching all across our country.” a female viewer be more