English Version - Cancer Support Team
English Version - Cancer Support Team
Cancer Support Team 2900 Westchester Ave., Suite 103 Purchase, NY 10577 www.cancersupportteam.org 914.777.2777 Life Lines is a publication of Cancer Support Team, a nonprofit organization that provides free support, including nursing, social work and other services, to cancer patients and their families. For information, please call us at 914.777.2777. Life Lines A resource for cancer patients & their families Cancer Support Team Life Lines WELCOME More than 25 years ago we created Life Lines to make it easier for those diagnosed with cancer, as well as those who help care for them, to have fast, easy access to supportive resources. This informative guide, provided free of charge, contains details on many of the local and national organizations that serve the needs of individuals with cancer and their families. Included are brief descriptions, contact information, phone numbers and email and website addresses. We hope you find Life Lines a useful resource. If you need an additional copy for yourself, or for someone you know, please contact us at 914-777-2777. Warmly, Cancer Support Team © 2014, Cancer Support Team LL-9/14 Dedication We dedicate this edition of Life Lines to the late Arnold M. Wald, M.D., a dear friend, co-founder and Chair Emeritus of Cancer Support Team (CST). In the 1970s, while in active practice as a radiation oncologist in Rye, New York, Dr. Wald realized that although his patients with cancer had access to treatment for their tumors, there were few services available to help them and their families with their needs for companionship and support. Along with Gayle Lee, a registered nurse who had experience in patient advocacy, Dr. Wald launched Cancer Support Team in 1978. Today, Cancer Support Team continues to carry out Dr. Wald’s mission – to provide nursing visits, counseling, information and transportation assistance to cancer patients and their loved ones completely free of charge. We are forever indebted to Dr. Wald for his vision and his continued dedication to CST over the years. 914-777-2777 n www.cancersupportteam.org 3 Founded in 1978, Cancer Support Team is a nonprofit organization that provides free nursing care, social work counseling and additional support services to individuals, families and caregivers who live in lower Westchester. Since our inception, we have served thousands of individuals and families. Our focus is to enhance the quality of life for those affected by cancer at any stage of the disease, and to provide ongoing support as their needs and concerns change over time. We do most everything for cancer patients ... except send them a bill Cancer Support Team’s free, comprehensive services include: ■■ Nursing Care Management ■■ Counseling ■■ Advocacy ■■ R eferrals to Community Resources ■■ F inancial and Transportation Assistance ■■ House Calls ■■ Telephone 4 Consultations www.cancersupportteam.org Why Cancer Support Team is unique CST is the only Westchester-based home care program that provides all services free of charge and without regard to insurance coverage. We are also one of the few agencies providing financial and transportation assistance. To find out more about what Cancer Support Team can do for you, please call us at 914-777-2777, visit us at www.cancersupportteam.org and Like us on Facebook. Table of contents How to Use This Guide 6 Topic Index 8 Provider Listing 20 Glossary60 Notes & Phone Numbers 65 acknowledgements Cancer Support Team would like to thank Gina Bruce, Project Manager, Hilary Cantilina, Designer, Lena Trager, student intern, and Donna Gaudet and Joe DiSanto, volunteers, as well as our staff and the many other volunteers who worked so hard to update this edition of Life Lines. In addition, we thank The Community Fund of Bronxville, Eastchester and Tuckahoe for its generous support for this important initiative. Finally, our deepest gratitude to Swim Across America of Long Island Sound for its continuous generosity that allows us to offer free supportive services to those affected by cancer at any stage of the diagnosis. 914-777-2777 5 Cancer Support Team Life Lines HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE BY NAME If you already know the name of the organization, look for it in the A–Z Provider Listing beginning on page 20. There you will find contact information and a brief description. BY TOPIC Don’t know the name of the organization? Go to the Topic Index on page 8. There you will find organizations listed by topic, along with the page number where you can find more information. CAN’T FIND IT? GIVE US A CALL. If you cannot find a resource that you need, please call Cancer Support Team at 914-777-2777 and we will try to help you locate that information. Please keep in mind that there are numerous organizations in Life Lines that offer a wide variety of services, which lack of space does not allow us to include. For example, many hospitals provide acute care, longterm care, rehab, adult day care services, transportation, doctor referrals and more. Again, please call Cancer Support Team for more details – or call the organization directly. 6 Also not included are businesses like medical supply companies and pharmacies. These are generally easy to find through your local telephone book, and, of course, you can call Cancer Support Team at 914-777-2777 for help. NEED A MEDICAL CARE PROVIDER? Should you need the name of a doctor, a therapist, or other medical care provider, Cancer Support Team recommends that you get a referral through your local hospital, a friend or a family member. If you need the name of a resource who can provide you with a referral, please call us at 914-777-2777. Many organizations listed in Life Lines also provide names of physicians and other referrals as part of their services. NEED HELP IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE? A great number of the organizations listed in Life Lines offer bilingual or multilingual services. Although we have identified as many as we are aware of, there may be many more. Please contact the organization directly to learn what language services are available. www.cancersupportteam.org MEDICAL LANGUAGE PLEASE KEEP IN MIND When you have a medical condition, you often hear words that aren’t commonly used in everyday speech, and which may be confusing. To help you understand some of these medical terms, a glossary with pronunciations and brief definitions begins on page 60. Many cancer support websites include glossaries as well. We also encourage you to ask your medical care provider for an explanation when you hear a word or phrase you don’t understand. There are, of course, many more resources available to cancer patients and their families than we have room for in Life Lines. We have tried to include the ones that we have found to be most commonly used by our staff and our patients. MAKE IT PERSONAL The last few pages of Life Lines have space for your notes and important phone numbers such as doctors and emergency contacts. KNOW AS MUCH AS YOU CAN At Cancer Support Team, we believe it is important for you to know as much as you can about your illness, and the treatment options available to you. Therefore, we urge you to: ■■ Draw upon as many resources as you can to get the information that you need. ■■ Ask your doctor or other health care providers to explain anything you want more detail on or don’t understand. We have also done our best to ensure that the organizations we’ve listed are reliable and helpful, and that the information we’ve provided is correct. If you have any problems with any of the resources, or find errors, please call us at 914-777-2777 and let us know. HAVE A SUGGESTION? If you know of a resource that you think would be helpful to others, please contact Cancer Support Team at 914-777-2777 with the details so that we can consider it for our website and the next edition of Life Lines. Note: Cancer Support Team has made every effort to ensure that the information included in Life Lines is up to date and accurate. We are not responsible for printer and/or typographical errors, or for data that changed over time. If you have been unable to contact an organization because the information is incorrect, please contact us at 914-777-2777 so that we can help you find the resource you need, as well as update our records. ■■ Call Cancer Support Team at 914-777-2777 whenever you need extra help or have a question. 914-777-2777 7 Cancer Support Team Life Lines TOPIC INDEX Here is a listing, by topic, of all the organizations and resources in Life Lines. If an organization offers several services, it may be listed under more than one topic header. ■■ Greenwich You can locate an organization by topic, then turn to the page number shown for a detailed description and contact information. You can also find organizations listed alphabetically starting on page 20. ■■ Visiting If you cannot find an organization or service that you need, please call Cancer Support Team at 914-777-2777. We will help you locate that organization, or recommend one that provides similar services and resources. (page 35) ■■ Lawrence (page 40) ■■ My Nurse Association of Hudson Valley (page 56) ■■ Visiting Nurse Services in Westchester and Putnam (page 56) ■■ Visiting Nurse Service of New York (page 57) BEREAVEMENT SERVICES Information and support groups for adults and children mourning the loss of a loved one. ■■ Bereavement (page 23) ■■ Caring Organizations that offer a variety of home health care options to housebound patients. ■■ Hospice ■■ Dominican ■■ Hudson ■■ Expanded ■■ Iona ■■ Family ■■ Jansen Support Team (page 26) Sisters Family Health Services (page 31) In-home Services for the Elderly (EISEP) (page 33) Service Society of Yonkers (page 33) 8 Home Care of Westchester Second Home (page 46) AT-HOME CARE ■■ Cancer Hospital and Hospice Center of Westchester Connections (page 29) & Palliative Care of Westchester (page 37) ■■ Hospice Care in Westchester and Putnam (page 37) Valley Cancer Resource Center (page 38) Marriage and Family Therapy Center (page 38) Hospice and Palliative Care (page 39) www.cancersupportteam.org ■■ Pathways to Care (page 49) ■■ St. Ann’s Church (page 52) ■■ Scarsdale/Edgemont Family Counseling Services (page 53) ■■ Westchester Jewish Community Services (page 57) ■■ Breast Cancer Society, Inc., The (page 24) ■■ Cancer Services Program of the Hudson Valley (page 26) ■■ Cancer Support Community (page 26) ■■ Cancer Support Team (page 26) BEREAVEMENT SERVICES FOR CHILDREN AND TEENS ■■ Children’s Information and support groups for children mourning the loss of a loved one. ■■ Encore ■■ Bereavement Center of Westchester –The Tree House (page 23) ■■ Caring Circle, The (page 28) CANCER-SPECIFIC RESOURCES Information and support services for specific types of cancer. ■■ Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program (page 20) ■■ After Breast Cancer Diagnosis (page 20) ■■ American Brain Tumor Association ■■ American Breast Cancer Foundation ■■ American Cancer Society (page 21) (page 21) (page 21) ■■ American Childhood Cancer Organization (page 22) ■■ Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (page 23) ■■ Blood & Marrow Transplant Information Network (page 24) 914-777-2777 (page 30) Brain Tumor Foundation – Greenwich, CT YWCA (Breast Cancer) (page 32) ■■ Fight Colorectal Cancer (page 34) ■■ Foundation (page 34) ■■ Gilda’s for Women’s Cancer Club Westchester (page 35) ■■ International (page 39) Myeloma Foundation ■■ Kidney Cancer Association (page 39) ■■ Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Westchester/Hudson Valley Chapter (page 40) ■■ Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative, The (page 41) ■■ LIVESTRONG The (page 41) ■■ Lung Foundation, Cancer Alliance (page 42) ■■ Lustgarten Foundation, The (page 42) ■■ Making Headway Foundation (page 43) ■■ Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation (page 45) ■■ National Brain Tumor Foundation (page 46) 9 ■■ National Lymphedema Network, The (page 47) ■■ National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (page 47) ■■ National Prostate Cancer Coalition (page 48) ■■ New York State Prostate Cancer Coalition (page 48) ■■ OncoLink (page 49) ■■ Pancreatic Cancer Network (page 49) ■■ Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation (page 50) ■■ SHARE (Self Help for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer) (page 53) ■■ Skin Cancer Foundation (page 54) ■■ Support Connection (page 54) ■■ Thyroid Head & Neck Cancer Foundation (page 55) ■■ Zero: The End to Prostate Cancer (page 59) CAREGIVER AND FAMILY SUPPORT Organizations that can offer help, information and time off to family members, friends and caregivers of cancer patients. ■■ Cancer Support Community (page 26) ■■ Cancer Support Team (page 26) ■■ Candlelighters NYC (page 27) ■■ Caregiver Resource Service Centers (page 27) ■■ Caring 10 Connections (page 29) ■■ Directions in Aging (page 31) ■■ Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly (EISEP) (page 33) ■■ Gilda’s Club Westchester (page 35) ■■ Guidance Center of Westchester, The (page 36) ■■ Hospice Care in Westchester and Putnam (page 37) ■■ Iona Marriage and Family Therapy Center (page 38) ■■ Ken Hamilton Caregivers Center (page 39) ■■ Making Headway Foundation (page 43) ■■ My Second Home (page 46) ■■ Pathways ■■ Project to Care (page 49) Time Out (page 51) ■■ SKIP (Sick Kids Need Involved People) (page 54) ■■ Support Connection (page 54) ■■ White Plains Hospital Senior Services (page 58) CHILDREN AND TEEN ASSISTANCE Information, organizations and support for children and teenagers. ■■ American Childhood Cancer Organization (page 22) ■■ Bereavement Center of Westchester –The Tree House (page 23) ■■ Candlelighters ■■ Caring ■■ Chai NYC (page 27) Circle, The (page 28) Lifeline (page 29) ■■ Danny Fund, The (page 31) www.cancersupportteam.org ■■ Double H Ranch (page 32) ■■ Friends of Danielle, Ltd. (page 34) ■■ Friends of Karen (page 34) ■■ Gilda’s Club Westchester (page 35) ■■ Group Loop (page 36) ■■ Guidance Center of Westchester, The (page 36) ■■ Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, The (page 36) ■■ Kids Cancer Network (page 40) ■■ Make-A-Wish Foundation (page 42) Headway Foundation (page 43) information about how to become involved in a trial. ■■ Cancer 411 (page 25) ■■ ClinicalTrials.gov COUNSELING Services that provide advice and/or information given by either trained professionals or people who have been through the same experience. Counseling can offer everything from practical knowledge to emotional support. ■■ Making ■■ After ■■ Marty ■■ American Lyons Foundation (page 43) ■■ Mental Health Association of Westchester, The (page 45) ■■ Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation (page 45) ■■ National Children’s Cancer Society (page 46) ■■ Pathways to Care (page 49) ■■ Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation (page 50) ■■ SKIP (Sick Kids Need Involved People) (page 54) ■■ Sunshine Foundation (page 54) CLINICAL TRIALS Many organizations provide information about clinical trials and referral services. The following websites are search databases for clinical trials around the country. Please ask your doctor for more 914-777-2777 (page 30) Breast Cancer Diagnosis (page 20) Cancer Society (page 21) ■■ CancerCare (page 25) ■■ Cancer Support Community (page 26) ■■ Cancer Support Team (page 26) ■■ Community Counseling Center of Larchmont/Mamaroneck (page 30) ■■ Directions in Aging (page 31) ■■ Dominican Sisters Family Health Services (page 31) ■■ Family Services of Westchester (page 33) ■■ Guidance Center of Westchester, The (page 36) ■■ Hudson Valley Cancer Resource Center (page 38) ■■ Imerman Angels (page 38) ■■ Iona Marriage and Family Therapy Center (page 38) ■■ Making Headway Foundation (page 43) 11 ■■ Mental Health Association of Westchester, The (page 45) ■■ Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation (page 45) ■■ Pathways to Care (page 49) ■■ Scarsdale/Edgemont Family Counseling Services (page 53) ■■ Support Connection (page 54) ■■ Westchester Jewish Community Services (page 57) different types of financial aid (medical expenses, help with rent, free screenings, etc.). ■■ American ■■ Bone Marrow Foundation, The (page 24) ■■ Breast Cancer Society, Inc., The (page 24) ■■ CancerCare Services Program of the Hudson Valley (page 26) ■■ Cancer Programs that help cancer patients with their fitness and health aside from medical treatment and care. ■■ Child (page 21) Breast Cancer Foundation ■■ Bendheim Integrative Medicine Center at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (page 23) ■■ Encore – Greenwich, CT YWCA (page 32) ■■ Gilda’s Club Westchester (page 35) ■■ Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (page 38) ■■ LIVESTRONG Exercise Program at the Rye YMCA (page 41) ■■ Support Connection (page 54) (page 25) ■■ Cancer EXERCISE PROGRAMS ■■ American Cancer Society (page 21) ■■ Chai Support Team (page 26) Lifeline (page 29) Health Plus (page 29) ■■ Community (page 30) ■■ Danny Health Advocates Fund, The (page 31) ■■ EPIC – Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (page 32) ■■ Friends of Danielle, Ltd. (page 34) ■■ Friends of Karen (page 34) ■■ Genentech® – Patient Assistance Program (page 35) ■■ Genentech® – Access to Care Foundation (page 35) ■■ Healthwell Foundation, The (page 36) ■■ Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Westchester/Hudson Valley Chapter (page 40) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ■■ Medicaid (MA/Medicaid) (page 44) Government, private and nonprofit organizations that can help patients and their families with their expenses. Different organizations may offer ■■ Medicare (page 44) 12 ■■ Needymeds (page 48) ■■ Partnership for Prescription Assistance (page 49) www.cancersupportteam.org ■■ Patient Access (page 50) Network Foundation ■■ Patient Services Incorporated (PSI) (page 50) ■■ Rx Assist ■■ Rx (page 52) Outreach (page 52) ■■ Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults, The (page 55) GOVERNMENT INSURANCE PLANS Government-sponsored medical insurance plans. ■■ Child Health Plus (page 29) ■■ Expanded In-home Services for the Elderly (EISEP) (page 33) ■■ Medicaid (MA/Medicaid) (page 44) ■■ Medicare (page 44) HELP IN OTHER LANGUAGES Many organizations in this guide offer bilingual or multilingual services. Whenever possible, Life Lines cites language assistance availability within the organization’s alphabetical listing. HOSPICE CARE Organizations that offer hospice services, or that refer patients to them. ■■ Calvary Hospital (page 24) ■■ Greenwich (page 35) ■■ Hospice Hospital and Hospice & Palliative Care Association of NY State (page 37) 914-777-2777 ■■ Hospice & Palliative Care of Westchester (page 37) ■■ Hospice Care in Westchester and Putnam (page 37) ■■ Jansen Hospice and Palliative Care (page 39) ■■ National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (page 47) ■■ Pain and Palliative Care Program, The (at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center) (page 49) ■■ Pathways to Care (page 49) ■■ Phelps Hospice (page 51) ■■ Rosary Hill Home (page 52) HOSPITALS/INPATIENT CARE/ OUTPATIENT CARE Hospitals and specialized inpatient and outpatient facilities in the New York metropolitan area that provide services to cancer patients. Please note, this is not a complete listing. ■■ Burke Rehabilitation Hospital, Winifred Masterson (page 24) ■■ Calvary Hospital (page 24) ■■ Dickstein Cancer Treatment Center White Plains Hospital (page 31) ■■ Greenwich (page 35) ■■ Lawrence Hospital and Hospice Hospital Center (page 40) ■■ Lawrence Hospital Center Cancer Survivorship Program (page 40) ■■ Memorial Sloan-Kettering at Phelps Memorial Hospital Center (page 44) 13 ■■ Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (page 45) ■■ Montefiore Mount Vernon (page 45) ■■ Montefiore New Rochelle (page 45) ■■ Northern Westchester Hospital Center (page 48) ■■ Phelps Memorial Hospital Center (page 51) ■■ St. John’s Riverside Hospital (page 53) ■■ St. Joseph’s Medical Center (page 53) ■■ Westchester (page 58) Medical Center ■■ White Plains Hospital Center (page 58) LEGAL HELP AND ADVOCACY Organizations that offer legal support and/or advocacy, insurance, living wills, DNR orders, job-related issues and other legal concerns. ■■ Aging with Dignity (page 20) ■■ Cancer Advocacy (page 25) ■■ Cancer Project, The and Careers (page 25) ■■ Cancer Legal Resource Center (page 26) ■■ Community (page 30) ■■ Directions Health Advocates in Aging (page 31) ■■ Family Service Society of Yonkers (page 33) ■■ Legal Services of the Hudson Valley (page 40) 14 ■■ Medicare (page 44) Rights Center, The ■■ Pace Women’s Justice Center (page 49) ■■ Patient Advocate (page 50) Foundation ■■ Patient Services Incorporated (PSI) (page 50) NUTRITION INFORMATION AND RESOURCES Organizations that provide either meals or other nutrition to patients, or offer support and advice to patients receiving intravenous feedings. ■■ Dominican Sisters Family Health Services (page 31) ■■ Meals on Wheels/Home Delivered Meal Program (page 43) ■■ Oley Foundation (page 48) ■■ Shepherd’s Flock (page 53) PROSTHETIC AND WIG SUPPLIERS Suppliers who provide replacement or cover-up options to patients who have experienced loss of hair, breast or a limb due to cancer or cancer treatment. ■■ Allura (page 21) ■■ Bitz n’ Pieces (page 23) ■■ Chemo Savvy (page 29) ■■ Entre Nous Mastectomy Boutique (page 32) ■■ Especially Yours ■■ Fordham (page 34) (page 32) Wigs of Westchester www.cancersupportteam.org ■■ Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics (page 36) ■■ Hip Hats With Hair (page 36) ■■ Locks of Love (page 42) ■■ Nordstrom In-Store Breast Prosthesis Program (page 48) ■■ Queen’s Wig (page 51) ■■ Tender Loving Care (page 55) ■■ Tiffany Wigs (page 55) ■■ Underneath ■■ Wig It All (page 55) Exchange, The (page 58) ■■ Bendheim Integrative Medicine Center at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (page 23) ■■ Chemo Comfort (page 29) ■■ Continuum Center for Health & Healing, The (page 30) ■■ Dream Foundation, The (page 32) ■■ Gilda’s Club Westchester (page 35) ■■ Hospice and Palliative Care of Westchester (page 37) ■■ Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (page 38) REPRODUCTIVE ISSUES AND CANCER ■■ Jansen Organizations that help cancer patients deal with the fertility problems that can arise as a result of cancer or cancer treatments. ■■ LIVESTRONG ■■ Fertile Action ■■ St. ■■ American Society for Reproductive Medicine (page 22) ■■ FertileHOPE (page 33) (page 33) RESOURCES THAT COMPLEMENT MEDICAL CARE Sources for non-medical treatment options and products for cancer patients. These may include yoga, meditation, massage, acupressure, imagery and others. (Note: Cancer Support Team does not recommend that any non-medical therapies completely replace the care a doctor recommends. But, we do recognize that one or more may be a valuable addition to the medical care one receives.) 914-777-2777 Hospice and Palliative Care (page 39) Exercise Program at the Rye YMCA (page 41) ■■ Look Good...Feel Better (page 42) ■■ Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation (page 45) John’s Riverside Hospital (page 53) ■■ SHARE (Self-Help for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer) (page 53) ■■ Shop Well With You (page 54) ■■ Support ■■ Thru Connection (page 54) My Eyes (page 55) ■■ Traid-In Equipment Exchange Service (page 55) SOMEWHERE TO STAY Residences where cancer patients and/or their families can stay at low or no cost during their treatment. ■■ Hope Lodge (A service of American Cancer Society) (page 37) 15 ■■ Joe’s House (page 39) ■■ Ronald McDonald House (page 52) ■■ Dream ■■ Encore – Greenwich, CT YWCA (Breast Cancer) (page 32) SUPPORT SERVICES AND CANCER INFORMATION ■■ Family Listed here are organizations that provide a wide range of services such as information, publications, websites, referrals, support groups, survivorship programs and more to cancer patients and their families. ■■ Family ■■ After Breast Cancer Diagnosis (page 20) ■■ American Brain Tumor Association ■■ American Cancer Society (page 21) (page 21) Childhood Cancer Organization (page 22) Foundation, The (page 32) Services of Westchester (page 33) Service Society of Yonkers (page 33) ■■ Fight Colorectal Cancer (page 34) ■■ Foundation (page 34) ■■ Friends of Karen (page 34) ■■ Gilda’s Club Westchester (page 35) ■■ Good Wishes Scarves (page 35) ■■ Greenwich (page 35) ■■ American ■■ Guidance ■■ Cancer 411 (page 25) ■■ Cancer and Careers (page 25) ■■ Hope ■■ CancerCare (page 25) ■■ Cancer Hope Network (page 26) ■■ Cancer Support Community (page 26) ■■ Cancer Support Team (page 26) ■■ Cancer Survivors Online (page 27) ■■ CaringBridge ■■ Caring ■■ Chai Connections (page 29) Lifeline (page 29 ) ■■ Chemo Comfort (page 29) ■■ Children’s (page 30) Brain Tumor Foundation ■■ Community (page 30) 16 (page 29) Health Advocates for Women’s Cancer (page 36) Hospital and Hospice Center of Westchester, The Scarves (page 37) ■■ Hospice & Palliative Care Association of NY State (page 37) ■■ Hospice & Palliative Care of Westchester (page 37) ■■ Hospice Journey (page 38) ■■ Hudson Valley Cancer Resource Center (page 38) ■■ International (page 39) Myeloma Foundation ■■ Jansen Hospice and Palliative Care (page 39) ■■ Lawrence Hospital Center Cancer Survivorship Program (page 40) ■■ Leukemia & Lymphoma Society – Westchester/Hudson Valley Chapter (page 40) www.cancersupportteam.org ■■ Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative, The (page 41) ■■ LIVESTRONG (page 41) Foundation, The ■■ Look Good...Feel Better (page 42) ■■ Lung Cancer Alliance (page 42) ■■ Lustgarten (page 42) Foundation, The ■■ Make-A-Wish Foundation (page 42) ■■ Making Headway Foundation (page 43) ■■ MaleCare ■■ Marty (page 43) Lyons Foundation (page 43) ■■ Memorial Sloan-Kettering Survivorship Center (page 45) Health Association of Westchester, The (page 45) ■■ St. John’s Riverside Hospital (page 53) ■■ SHARE (Self Help for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer) (page 53) ■■ Shop Well With You (page 54) ■■ Support ■■ Thru Connection (page 54) My Eyes (page 55) ■■ Thyroid Head & Neck Cancer Foundation (page 55) ■■ Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults, The (page 55) ■■ United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc. (page 56) ■■ United Way of Westchester and Putnam Helpline (page 56) ■■ Vital Options International (page 57) ■■ Mental ■■ Westchester ■■ Miles ■■ Westchester of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation (page 45) ■■ MyLifeLine ■■ My (page 45) Second Home (page 46) ■■ National Cancer Institute (page 46) ■■ National Children’s Cancer Society (page 46) ■■ National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) (page 47) ■■ National LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Cancer Network (page 47) ■■ National Prostate Cancer Coalition (page 48) ■■ Oley Foundation (page 48) ■■ Pathways to Care (page 49) ■■ St. Ann’s Church (page 52) 914-777-2777 Jewish Community Services (page 57) Self-Help Clearing House (page 58) ■■ What Matters Now (page 58) ■■ White Plains Hospital Senior Services (page 58) ■■ Zero: The End to Prostate Cancer (page 59) TELEPHONE SERVICES Help and support over the telephone. May be offered by either a trained professional or someone who has experienced a similar situation. ■■ Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program (page 20) 17 ■■ After Breast Cancer Diagnosis (page 20) ■■ Ask RPCI (page 22) ■■ Bloch Cancer Hotline (page 24) ■■ Bone Marrow Foundation, The (page 24) ■■ Cancer Hope Network (page 26) ■■ Cancer Support Community (page 26) ■■ Fight Colorectal Cancer (page 34) ■■ Imerman Angels (page 38) ■■ L.I.N.K.S. Parent-to-Parent Telephone Support for Families of Children with Cancer (page 41) ■■ LIVESTRONG (page 41) ■■ Lung Foundation, The Cancer Alliance (page 42) ■■ Medicare (page 44) Rights Center, The ■■ Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation (page 45) ■■ Oley Foundation (page 48) ■■ Support Connection (page 54) ■■ United Way of Westchester and Putnam Helpline (page 56) TRANSPORTATION Services (air and ground) that offer transportation for patients traveling to and from medical appointments. Some of these services may be offered at low or no cost, or covered by medical insurance. ■■ Air 18 Care Alliance (page 20) ■■ Air Charity Network (page 21) ■■ Angel Flight Northeast (page 22) ■■ Bee-Line ■■ Cancer ParaTransit (page 22) Support Team (page 26) ■■ Corporate Angel (page 31) ■■ My Network, The Second Home (page 46) ■■ National Patient Travel Center, The (page 47) ■■ Project Time Out (page 51) ■■ RideConnect of Westchester (A program of Family Services of Westchester) (page 51) ■■ Road to Recovery (A service of American Cancer Society) (page 51) ■■ WestFair Rides (page 58) WEBSITES Organizations that only provide online support services to cancer patients and their families. (Please note: Many organizations in Life Lines have websites; see individual listings for website addresses.) ■■ Association of Cancer Online Resources (page 22) ■■ Cancer 411 (page 25) ■■ Cancer Survivors Online (page 27) ■■ CaringBridge ■■ Group Loop (page 36) ■■ Hospice ■■ Kids (page 29) Journey (page 38) Cancer Network (page 40) ■■ MyLifeLine (page 45) www.cancersupportteam.org ■■ Oncochat (page 49) ■■ Oncolink (page 49) ■■ Vital Options International (page 57) ■■ Westchestergov.com ■■ What (page 57) Matters Now (page 58) WIG AND PROSTHETIC SUPPLIERS Suppliers that provide replacement or cover-up options to patients who have experienced loss of hair, breast or a limb due to cancer or cancer treatment. ■■ Allura ■■ Bitz (page 21) n’ Pieces (page 23) ■■ Chemo Savvy (page 29) ■■ Entre Nous Mastectomy Boutique (page 32) ■■ Especially Yours ■■ Fordham (page 34) (page 32) Wigs of Westchester ■■ Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics (page 36) ■■ Hip Hats With Hair (page 36) ■■ Locks of Love (page 42) ■■ Nordstrom In-Store Breast Prosthesis Program (page 48) ■■ Queen’s Wig (page 51) ■■ Tender Loving Care (page 55) ■■ Tiffany Wigs (page 55) ■■ Underneath ■■ Wig It All (page 55) Exchange, The (page 58) 914-777-2777 19 Cancer Support Team Life Lines PROVIDER LISTING ADELPHI NY STATEWIDE BREAST CANCER HOTLINE AND SUPPORT PROGRAM Hotline, website, support groups and referrals to hospitals and social service agencies for people with breast cancer. 1 South Avenue Garden City, NY 11530 800-877-8077 (Toll-Free) www.adelphi.edu/nysbreastcancer breastcancerhotline@adelphi.edu ■■ Community Education Programs ■■ Hotline ■■ Legislative Advocacy ■■ Multilingual ■■ Support (Spanish) Groups AFTER BREAST CANCER DIAGNOSIS (ABCD) One-to-one support for women battling breast cancer. Website includes support services, a helpline and educational programs. 5775 N. Glen Park Road, Suite 201 Glendale, WI 53209 800-977-4121 (Toll-Free) (Breast Cancer Helpline) www.abcdbreastcancersupport.org 20 AGING WITH DIGNITY Providers of “Five Wishes” document, a living will that lets patients appoint someone to make medical decisions on their behalf. P.O. Box 1661 Tallahassee, FL 32302 888-5-WISHES (Toll-Free) (888-594-7437) (Toll-Free) 850-681-2010 www.agingwithdignity.org fivewishes@agingwithdignity.org ■■ Legal Assistance ■■ Printable Spanish Five Wishes Available in AIR CARE ALLIANCE A volunteer flying organization that assists patients with medical transportation. 2060 State Highway 595 Lindrith, New Mexico 87029 888-260-9707 (Toll-Free Patient Transportation Hotline) www.aircareall.org mail@aircareall.org ■■ Online Listing of All Volunteer Flight Organizations in Your Area www.cancersupportteam.org AIR CHARITY NETWORK A nonprofit organization providing free air transportation to specialized health care facilities or distant destinations for people in need. 877-621-7177 (Toll-Free) www.aircharitynetwork.org ALLURA Fittings and styling of full cranial prostheses, as well as help with alternative headwear, scalp care and new hair re-growth. 23 W. Putnam Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 203-869-1234 AMERICAN BRAIN TUMOR ASSOCIATION Information about treatment options, clinical trials and more for patients with brain tumors. Also offers a broad variety of social work resources and services. 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Ste 550 Chicago, IL 60631 800-886-2282 (Toll-Free Careline) 773-577-8750 www.abta.org info@abta.org ■■ Clinical ■■ Services Trial Referral for Children with Cancer ■■ Services for Children with Cancer in Family ■■ Support Groups 914-777-2777 AMERICAN BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION (ABCF) Financial assistance for uninsured and underserved people who require breast cancer screenings and diagnostic tests. 1220 B East Joppa Road, Suite 332 Towson, Maryland 21286 410-825-9388 877-539-2543 (Toll-Free Breast Cancer Assistance Program) www.abcf.org info@abcf.org ■■ Breast Cancer Assistance Program (BCAP) for Diagnostic Services and Screening ■■ Fit for Life Exercise Program ■■ Stay in Touch Awareness Program AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Information, education and support for cancer patients and their families. 2 Lyon Place White Plains, NY 10601 914-949-4800 800-ACS-2345 (Toll-Free) (800-227-2345) (Toll-Free) 24-hour hotline www.cancer.org ■■ Clinical Trial Referral ■■ Educational Materials ■■ Hotline ■■ Multilingual ■■ Reach to Recovery Program ■■ Referral Service 21 AMERICAN CHILDHOOD CANCER ORGANIZATION A youth newsletter, website, education and support for children and their families. 3910 Warren Street Kensington, MD 20895 800-366-2223 (Toll-Free) www.acco.org ■■ Bilingual ■■ Videos (Spanish) for Children with Cancer ■■ Free Books for Children About Cancer AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE Website offering educational information on infertility and other reproductive disorders. 1209 Montgomery Highway Birmingham, AL 35216 205-978-5000 www.asrm.org asrm@asrm.org ANGEL FLIGHT NORTHEAST No-charge air transportation throughout the Northeast for patients requiring lifesaving medical care. Lawrence Municipal Airport 492 Sutton Street North Andover, MA 01845 800-549-9980 (Toll-Free) 978-794-6868 www.angelflightne.org 22 ASK RPCI (A service of Roswell Park Cancer Institute) Free person-to-person contact by telephone with information specialists who can answer questions, provide, information and free literature, and offer referrals to services. 877-275-7724 (Toll-Free) www.roswellpark.org askrpci@roswellpark.org ■■ Bilingual (Spanish) ASSOCIATION OF CANCER ONLINE RESOURCES Directory of more than 140 online cancer communities that provide support to anyone affected by cancer. 173 Duane Street, Suite 3A New York, NY 10013 212-226-5525 www.acor.org ■■ Communities Cancers ■■ Pediatric Listed by Specific and adult communities BEE-LINE PARATRANSIT (A program of Westchester County Transportation Services) Shared rides for disabled residents. Closely follows the Bee-Line Bus transportation services. Reservations must be made at least a day in advance. www.cancersupportteam.org 914-995-PARA (Call for reservations) (914-995-7272) BENDHEIM INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE CENTER (At Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center) An entire suite of services and therapies in a spa-like setting. Open to the public regardless of hospital affiliation. There is a fee for services. 1429 First Avenue (At 74th Street) New York, NY 10021 646-888-0800 ■■ Acupuncture ■■ Classes: Fitness, Movement and Spiritual/Energy ■■ Individual ■■ Medical Therapies Massage ■■ Nutritional and Herbal Counseling ■■ Reiki BEREAVEMENT CENTER OF WESTCHESTER Programs designed to help adults and children move through the pain of grief towards hope and healing. 670 White Plains Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-961-2818, ext. 1317 www.thebereavementcenter.org info@thebereavementcenter.org ■■ Adult Bereavement Support Groups ■■ Community ■■ Individual 914-777-2777 Outreach Bereavement Counseling ■■ School Outreach ■■ The Tree House Support Groups for Children BITZ N’ PIECES An extensive variety of wigs and hairpieces. Prices include styling, sizing and follow-up appointment. 1841 Broadway Suite 201 New York, NY 10023 212-397-0711 www.bitzandpieces.com Please call to schedule an appointment. ■■ Expert Fitters and Stylists ■■ Private Rooms BLADDER CANCER ADVOCACY NETWORK Focused on increasing public awareness of bladder cancer, advancing research, and providing educational and supportive services for those affected by bladder cancer. 4915 St. Elmo Avenue, Suite 202 Bethesda, MD 20814 301-215-9099 888-901-BCAN (Toll-Free) (888-901-2226) (Toll-Free) www.bcan.org info@bcan.org ■■ Clinical Trials Matching Service ■■ Online Support Community ■■ Patient Handbook (Multilingual) ■■ Support Group Listing 23 BLOCH CANCER HOTLINE Toll-free hotline that connects callers to survivors of their specific type of cancer. A program of the R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation. 1 H&R Block Way Kansas City, MO 64105 800-433-0464 (Toll-Free) 816-854-5050 www.blochcancer.org hotline@blochcancer.org BLOOD & MARROW TRANSPLANT INFORMATION NETWORK A not-for-profit organization that serves the needs of the transplant community. 2310 Skokie Valley Road, Suite 104 Highland Park, IL 60035 888-597-7674 (Toll-Free) 847-433-3313 www.bmtinfonet.org help@bmtinfonet.org BONE MARROW FOUNDATION, THE Financial aid, education and emotional support for bone marrow and stem cell transplant patients and their families. 515 Madison Avenue, Suite 1130 New York, NY 10022 800-365-1336 (Toll-Free) 212-838-3029 www.bonemarrow.org TheBMF@BoneMarrow.org 24 ■■ Financial Assistance ■■ SupportLine: Support for Patients Undergoing Transplants ■■ Bilingual (Spanish) BREAST CANCER SOCIETY, INC., THE Direct help and assistance, including financial assistance, supplies, education, referral services and in-home care for women battling breast cancer. 888-470-7909 (Toll-Free) www.breastcancersociety.org support@breastcancersociety.org BURKE REHABILITATION HOSPITAL, WINIFRED MASTERSON Dedicated rehabilitation services for adults to help them regain maximum mobility and independence. 785 Mamaroneck Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 888-99-BURKE (Toll-Free) (888-992-8753) (Toll-Free) 914-597-2500 www.burke.org CALVARY HOSPITAL An acute care hospital for advanced cancer patients. 1740 Eastchester Road Bronx, NY 10461 718-518-2000 www.calvaryhospital.org www.cancersupportteam.org ■■ Home Care ■■ Hospice ■■ Meals/Nutrition Assistance ■■ Multilingual ■■ Pain Management ■■ Pastoral Care ■■ Support Groups ■■ Wound Care Center 286 Madison Ave., 19th Floor New York, NY 10001 212-685-5955, ext. 15 www.cancerandcareers.org cancerandcareers@cew.org CANCERCARE Free information, support groups and more for cancer patients and their families. www.cancer411.org 275 7th Avenue, 22nd Floor New York, NY 10001 800-813-HOPE (Toll-Free) (800-813-4673) (Toll-Free) 212-712-8400 www.cancercare.org info@cancercare.org ■■ Search ■■ Bereavement CANCER 411 Nonprofit organization that helps cancer patients connect with clinical trials. Engine for Clinical Trials for Various Types of Cancer CANCER ADVOCACY PROJECT, THE Legal help and representation provided by volunteer attorneys to cancer patients, survivors and their families. 42 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036 212-382-4785 212-626-7383 (Legal Hotline) CANCER AND CAREERS A resource for working women who have cancer, providing tools for coping in the workplace, as well as information on issues such as disability, health insurance claims, legal issues and more. 914-777-2777 Services ■■ Counseling ■■ Financial Assistance ■■ Education Workshops on Specific Cancers ■■ Legal Assistance ■■ Meals/Nutrition Assistance ■■ Multilingual ■■ Physician ■■ Services (Spanish) Referral for Children with Cancer ■■ Services for Children with Cancer in Family ■■ Support Groups and Community Programs 25 CANCER HOPE NETWORK Free telephone support for cancer patients and their families. Two North Road, Suite A Chester, NJ 07930 800-552-4366 (Toll-Free) 908-879-4039 www.cancerhopenetwork.org info@cancerhopenetwork.org ■■ Multilingual ■■ Support (Spanish) Groups ■■ Survivor Support Programs CANCER LEGAL RESOURCE CENTER Provides information and education about cancer-related legal issues to the public through its national telephone assistance line. Also conducts national education and outreach programs for the cancer community. 800 South Figueroa Street, Suite 1120 Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-736-1334 866-999-DRLC (Toll-Free) (866-999-3752) (Toll-Free) www.disabilityrightslegalcenter.org/ cancer-legal-resource-center DRLC@lls.edu CANCER SERVICES PROGRAM OF THE HUDSON VALLEY Free breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening services for uninsured/underinsured Westchester County residents. 26 914-524-4107, ext. 3004 866-442-2262 (NYS Cancer Hotline, Toll-Free) www.health.westchestergov.com/ cancer CANCER SUPPORT COMMUNITY Ensures that all people affected by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action and sustained by community. 1050 17th Street, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 888-793-WELL (Toll-Free Helpline) (888-793-9355) (Toll-Free) 202-659-9709 www.cancersupportcommunity.org help@cancersupportcommunity.org ■■ Cancer Transitions Program ■■ Educational ■■ Support ■■ Online ■■ Web Resources Groups Support Chat Counseling CANCER SUPPORT TEAM Providers of professional services for people with cancer and those who care for them. Cancer Support Team is also the only licensed home care program in Westchester offering free comprehensive support to help people meet the challenges of living with cancer. 2900 Westchester Avenue, Suite 103 Purchase, NY 10577 www.cancersupportteam.org 914-777-2777 www.cancersupportteam.org ■■ Bilingual ■■ Book (English and Spanish) and Brochure Library ■■ Community Referrals ■■ Counseling ■■ Financial Assistance ■■ House Calls ■■ Medical Equipment ■■ Nursing Assessment ■■ Pain and Symptom Control ■■ Ovarian Cancer Support Group ■■ Transportation Assistance CANCER SURVIVORS ONLINE A website offering links to dozens of helpful resources, information on specific types of cancer, connections with other cancer patients, caregiver information and support and more. www.cancersurvivors.org CANCER SURVIVORS NETWORK CANDLELIGHTERS NYC A nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and helping families who have children living with cancer. Assistance available for all stages of cancer: discovery, diagnosis, treatment and remission. 345 East 73rd Street, Apt. 2L New York, NY 10021 www.candlelightersnyc.org info@candlelightersnyc.org CAREGIVER RESOURCE SERVICE CENTERS Located throughout Westchester County, these centers provide advice and services to assist caregivers in their role of caring for elderly family members. There are five Caregiving Management Full-Service Centers and five Caregiver Resource Centers, which provide a designated section where extensive literature on topics of interest to caregivers can be found. Full-Service Centers: Online community for cancer survivors. Provided by the American Cancer Society. Alzheimer’s Association 2900 Westchester Avenue, Suite 306 Purchase, NY 10577 914-253-6860 www.csn.cancer.org ElderServe Home Care 6 Executive Plaza Yonkers, NY 10701 914-368-5500 ■■ Discussion ■■ Personal Boards and Online Chats Survivor Pages ■■ Resource Library 914-777-2777 Senior Programs and Services 9 South First Avenue, 10th Floor Mount Vernon, NY 10550 914-813-6300 27 Yonkers Office for the Aging 435 Riverdale Avenue Yonkers, NY 10705 914-377-6823 Rye Free Reading Room 1061 Boston Post Road Rye, NY 10580 914-967-0480 Please call to make an appointment at the center of your choice. Caregiver Resource Centers: Scarsdale Public Library 54 Olmstead Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-722-1300 Field Library–Peekskill 4 Nelson Avenue Peekskill, NY 10566 914-737-1212 Somers Library Route 139, Reis Park Somers, NY 10589 914-232-5717 Greenburgh Public Library 300 Tarrytown Road Elmsford, NY 10523 914-993-1600 Warner Library–Tarrytown 121 N. Broadway Tarrytown, NY 10591 914-631-7734 John C. Hart Memorial Library 1130 East Main Street Shrub Oak, NY 10588 914-245-5262 White Plains Library 100 Martine Avenue White Plains, NY 10601 914-422-1400 Katonah Village Library 26 Bedford Road Katonah, NY 10536 914-232-3508 Please call for individual library hours. New Rochelle Library One Library Plaza New Rochelle, NY 10801 914-632-7878 Ossining Public Library 53 Croton Avenue Ossining, NY 10562 914-941-2416 Port Chester Library 1 Haseco Avenue Port Chester, NY 10571 914-939-6710 28 CARING CIRCLE, THE (A program of the Visiting Nurse Association of the Hudson Valley) A bereavement program that helps young children share and understand their struggles with loss and grief. 914-666-4228, ext. 336 www.vnahv.org ■■ Art, Music and Game Activities for Children ■■ Bereavement Education ■■ Bereavement Support Groups in New Rochelle, Yonkers and Yorktown www.cancersupportteam.org ■■ Day Camp ■■ Supportive Programs Community Outreach CARINGBRIDGE An online network that lets individuals, families and caregivers stay in touch with family and friends through free personalized web pages. www.caringbridge.org ■■ Support ■■ Sites Planner Scheduling for Caregivers CARING CONNECTIONS Information and support for those who are caring for a loved one, living with an illness or grieving a loss. 800-658-8898 (Toll-Free) (Helpline) 877-658-8896 (Toll-Free) (Multilingual) www.caringinfo.org caringinfo@nhpco.org ■■ Free Resources on End-of-Life Care CHAI LIFELINE A large network of free programs and services and family support created to help children with cancer. Offers a summer camp program, Camp Simcha, for children with cancer and other illnesses. 151 West 30th Street New York, NY 10001 877-CHAI-LIFE (Toll-Free) (877-242-4543) (Toll-Free) 914-777-2777 212-465-1300 www.chailifeline.org info@chailifeline.org ■■ Crisis Intervention ■■ Counseling ■■ Educational Assistance ■■ Financial Assistance ■■ Telephone Support Groups CHEMO COMFORT Kits containing products to help manage the effects of chemotherapy such as mouth sores, nausea, hair loss and stress. 154 Christopher Street, Suite 3C New York, NY 10014 212-675-3744 www.chemocomfort.org info@chemocomfort.org CHEMO SAVVY Low-cost wigs and headwear available through a catalog and online. P.O. Box 175 Green Mountain Falls, CO 80819 888-599-3560 (Toll-Free) www.chemosavvy.com contact@chemosavvy.com CHILD HEALTH PLUS Health insurance for children under age 19 living in New York State. Eligibility is based on family income. 800-698-KIDS (4543) (Toll-Free) www.health.ny.gov/health_care/child_ health_pluschplus@health.state.ny.us 29 CHILDREN’S BRAIN TUMOR FOUNDATION 234 Stanley Ave. Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914-698-7549 www.communitycounselingcenter.org info@communitycounselingcenter.org 274 Madison Avenue, Suite 1004 New York, NY 10016 866-228-HOPE (4673) (Toll-Free) 212-448-9494 www.cbtf.org info@cbtf.org ■■ Sliding Helpful information for parents of children who are undergoing treatment for brain or spinal cord tumors. ■■ Annual Teleconference ■■ Free Resource Guide (English and Spanish) ■■ Parent-to-Parent ■■ Telephone Support Groups ■■ Week-Long Families Network Summer Camp for ■■ Bereavement Programs CLINICALTRIALS.GOV An online database of clinical trials provided by the National Institutes of Health. www.clinicaltrials.gov COMMUNITY COUNSELING CENTER OF LARCHMONT/ MAMARONECK A place where youths and young adults (mostly ages 11–28) and their families can talk about their personal and family concerns in a comfortable and confidential atmosphere. 30 Scale Fees (No One Is Turned Away Due to Financial Constraints) ■■ Staff Comprised of Psychologists, Social Workers and Other Qualified Counselors COMMUNITY HEALTH ADVOCATES (A program of Community Service Society of New York) Free, confidential individual counseling and educational information on various health insurance options. 105 East 22nd Street New York, N.Y. 10010 888-614-5400 (Toll-Free) (Helpline) www.communityhealthadvocates.org cha@cssny.org ■■ Multilingual ■■ Help (170 Languages) with Hospital Bills ■■ Education on Insurance Plans CONTINUUM CENTER FOR HEALTH & HEALING, THE Opportunities for patients to educate themselves about new options in health care, redefine health priorities to promote wellness and prevention, learn about positive lifestyle changes and expand their relationships with health care providers. www.cancersupportteam.org 245 Fifth Avenue (Between 27th and 28th Streets) 2nd Floor New York, NY 10001 646-935-2220 www.healthandhealingny.org CORPORATE ANGEL NETWORK, THE Free air transportation to cancer patients. Westchester County Airport One Loop Road White Plains, NY 10604 914-328-1313 866-328-1313 (Toll-Free) www.corpangelnetwork.org info@corpangelnetwork.org ■■ Available Throughout the U.S. ■■ Corporate Aircraft ■■ Doctor’s Name, Address and Telephone Number Must Be Provided ■■ One Adult May Accompany Adults and Two Adults May Accompany Children ■■ Patient Must Be Going to or from Recognized Treatment, Checkup or Consultation DANNY FUND, THE Financial, emotional and advocacy support for families of children dealing with catastrophic injury or illness. P.O. Box 8271 Pelham, NY 10803 914-777-2777 914-843-8553 thedannyfund.org DICKSTEIN CANCER TREATMENT CENTER – WHITE PLAINS HOSPITAL Patient-focused cancer care in a highly specialized environment, utilizing an approach to treatment that involves the participation of patients, families and doctors. 2-4 Longview Avenue White Plains, NY 10601 914-681-2701 www.wphospital.org DIRECTIONS IN AGING A wide range of services for the elderly and their caregivers and family members. 1333A North Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10804 914-636-7347 www.directionsinaging.com ■■ Counseling ■■ Homecare ■■ Legal for Caregivers Monitoring Referral ■■ Physician ■■ Respite Referral Care Resources ■■ Younger Adults Mental Illness with Physical or DOMINICAN SISTERS FAMILY HEALTH SERVICES A home health agency providing compassionate, comprehensive and 31 family-focused home care. 299 North Highland Avenue Ossining, NY 10562 914-941-1710 www.dsfhs.org Branch Office: 279 Alexander Ave. Bronx, NY 10454 718-665-6557 ■■ Nursing ■■ Nutritional Assistance ■■ Medical Equipment and Supplies ■■ Medical Social Services DOUBLE H RANCH Year-round fun and emotional support provided free of charge to children 6–16 dealing with critical illnesses. 97 Hidden Valley Road Lake Luzerne, NY 12846 518-696-5676 www.doublehranch.org ■■ Support Groups DREAM FOUNDATION, THE A nonprofit foundation that helps make dreams come true for adults facing life-threatening illnesses. 1528 Chapala Street, Suite 304 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-564-2131 www.dreamfoundation.org 32 ENCORE – GREENWICH, CT YWCA Information and informal peer support, as well as pool and floor exercises, to help women recovering from breast surgery maintain a positive self-image. 259 E. Putnam Ave. Greenwich, CT 06830 203-869-6591, ext. 131 www.ywcagreenwich.org ENTRE NOUS MASTECTOMY BOUTIQUE Breast prostheses and fittings, undergarments, bathing suits, bras, turbans and hats. 359 E. Main Street Mount Kisco, NY 10549 914-241-0308 EPIC – ELDERLY PHARMACEUTICAL INSURANCE COVERAGE A New York State-sponsored prescription plan for senior citizens who need help paying for medicine. 800-332-3742 (Toll-Free) www.health.ny.gov/health_care/epic/ epic@health.state.ny.us ESPECIALLY YOURS Website with wigs and hairpieces designed especially for women of color. P.O. Box 105 South Easton, MA 02375 800-952-5926 (Toll-Free) www.especiallyyours.com www.cancersupportteam.org EXPANDED IN-HOME SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY (EISEP) A New York State program that assists people, aged 60 and older, who are not eligible for Medicaid and who need at-home help with everyday tasks and activities. 914-813-6442 (Westchester Program) seniorcitizens.westchestergov.com (Click on the Caregiving link) ■■ Ancillary Services ■■ Fees Based on Patient’s Ability to Pay (Sliding Scale) ■■ Non-Medical ■■ Respite In-Home Services Care FAMILY SERVICES OF WESTCHESTER Support groups and counseling. One Gateway Plaza, 4th Floor Port Chester, NY 10573 914-937-2320 www.fsw.org Branch Offices: Mount Vernon 914-668-9124 Pelham 914-738-1728 Sleepy Hollow 914-631-2022 Yonkers 914-964-6767 White Plains 914-948-8004 FAMILY SERVICE SOCIETY OF YONKERS Home care organization serving Yonkers and the surrounding region. Also provides guardianship services for individuals who have been deemed 914-777-2777 unable to make decisions in their own best interest concerning their personal care and/or finances. 30 South Broadway, 5th Floor Yonkers, NY 10701 914-963-5118 www.fssy.org info@fssy.org FERTILE ACTION An organization ensuring that fertile women touched by cancer can become mothers through advocacy, education, support and financial aid programs. PO Box 3526 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 877-276-5951 (Toll-Free) www.fertileaction.org ■■ Fertility ■■ Online Grant Program Support Groups ■■ Parenthood After ■■ Treatment Cancer Grant Program ■■ Peer-to-Peer Support FERTILEHOPE A national LIVESTRONG initiative that offers reproductive information, support with physical and emotional issues, and hope to cancer patients whose medical treatments may affect their fertility. 855-220-7777 (Toll-Free) www.fertilehope.org ■■ Financial Assistance 33 FIGHT COLORECTAL CANCER Education and support including a webinar series, newsletter and clinical matching service for people with colorectal cancer (including cancer of the colon, rectum, anus and appendix) as well as for their family, friends and caregivers. 877-427-2111 (Toll-Free) (Answerline) 866-278-0392 (Toll-Free) (Clinical Matching Service) www.fightcolorectalcancer.org answerline@fightcolorectalcancer.org FORDHAM WIGS OF WESTCHESTER A very large selection of in-stock wigs (both human and synthetic hair), turbans, head coverings and accessories. Specializes in helping individuals undergoing chemotherapy. 271 North Avenue, Lobby New Rochelle, NY 10801 914-576-1636 www.wigstudio.com ■■ Appointments Recommended ■■ Insurance Accepted Covered) ■■ Private (If Individual Is Booths FOUNDATION FOR WOMEN’S CANCER Website offering extensive information on the cancers that affect women. 230 W. Monroe, Suite 2528 Chicago, IL 60606 34 312-578-1439 800-444-4441 (Toll-Free) (Hotline) www.foundationforwomenscancer.org info@foundationforwomenscancer.org FRIENDS OF DANIELLE, LTD. Financial support for adults and children who have experienced a catastrophic illness. 180 Pennsylvania Avenue Mount Vernon, NY 10552 914-699-9775 www.friendsofdanielle.org friendsofdanielle66@gmail.com FRIENDS OF KAREN Emotional and financial support for families of children with lifethreatening illnesses. 118 Titicus Road North Salem, NY 10560 914-277-4547 www.friendsofkaren.org ■■ Bereavement Support and Funeral Arrangements ■■ Case Management ■■ Child Care for Patient’s Siblings ■■ Meals/Nutritional Assistance ■■ Multilingual (Spanish) ■■ Services for Children with Cancer ■■ Services for Children with Cancer in Family ■■ Support Groups ■■ Transportation www.cancersupportteam.org GENENTECH®– PATIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Financial help for cancer patients. 877-GENENTECH (436-3683) (Toll-Free) 866-422-2377 (Toll-Free) (Patient Assistance) 888-662-6728 (Toll-Free) (Clinical Trial Hotline) www.genentech.com GENENTECH ACCESS TO CARE FOUNDATION ® Helps people who do not have a health care plan or for those who have been denied coverage for specific cancer drugs like Tarceva®. 800-530-3083 (Toll-Free) www.genentech-access.com/patients GILDA’S CLUB WESTCHESTER Free, nonprofit support community for people living with cancer, their families and friends. 80 Maple Avenue White Plains, NY 10601 914-644-8844 www.gildasclubwestchester.org info@gildasclubwestchester.org ■■ Arts and Crafts Programs ■■ Educational ■■ Fitness ■■ Look Programs Programs Good...Feel Better Program ■■ Meditation ■■ Multilingual 914-777-2777 ■■ Services for Children with Cancer ■■ Services for Children with Cancer in Family ■■ Social Events ■■ Support Groups ■■ Workshops and Lectures ■■ Yoga GOOD WISHES SCARVES A nonprofit that provides a free head scarf to anyone experiencing hair loss as a result of an illness or treatment. 888-778-5998 (Toll-Free) www.goodwishesscarves.org info@goodwishesscarves.org ■■ Made of Silky, Breathable Material ■■ Various Patterns and Colors GREENWICH HOSPITAL AND HOSPICE Inpatient hospital care, home and hospice care, and opportunities for those diagnosed with cancer, as well as for their families, friends and caregivers to share experiences, take part in educational programs and provide mutual support. 5 Perryridge Road Greenwich, CT 06830 203-863-3000 203-863-4750 (Spanish) www.greenhosp.org ■■ Counseling ■■ Pastoral Care ■■ Support Groups 35 GROUP LOOP Connects teens touched by cancer in a safe and supportive online community. 888-793-9355 (Toll-Free) www.grouploop.org grouploop@cancersupportcommunity. org ■■ “Re-Mission” and Podcasts Cancer Game, Videos ■■ Resources for Dealing with Emotional Side Effects of Cancer GUIDANCE CENTER OF WESTCHESTER, THE Various support programs that promote health and well-being for people dealing with difficult issues. 256 Washington Street Mt. Vernon, NY 10553 Locations in Tarrytown and New Rochelle 914-636-4440 www.theguidancecenter.org ■■ Centers ■■ Early for College and Careers Childhood Programs ■■ Individual, Counseling ■■ Substance Family and Group Use Programs HANGER PROSTHETICS AND ORTHOTICS A wide variety of prosthetic and orthotic products. Locations in the Bronx, Manhattan and Westchester. 36 222 Westchester Avenue, Suite 401 White Plains, NY 10604 914-328-2231 877-4HANGER (Toll-Free) (877-442-6437) (Toll-Free) www.hanger.com info@hanger.com HEALTHWELL FOUNDATION, THE A nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to patients who cannot afford medication and therapy costs such as copayments, health care premiums and deductibles. P.O. Box 4133 Gaithersburg, MD 20885 800-675-8416 (Toll-Free) www.healthwellfoundation.org info@healthwellfoundation.org HIP HATS WITH HAIR Unique “hair hat” wig alternatives for women and girls. 4707 North Nebraska Avenue Tampa, FL 33603 877-447-4287 (Toll-Free) www.hatswithhair.com info@hatswithhair.com ■■ Order Online HOLE IN THE WALL GANG CAMP, THE A nonprofit free-of-charge summer camp for children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. Yearround programs and activities are also provided both at the camp and in communities throughout the country. www.cancersupportteam.org 565 Ashford Center Road Ashford, CT 06278 860-429-3444 www.holeinthewallgang.org ashford@holeinthewallgang.org HOPE LODGE (A service of The American Cancer Society) Free, temporary housing facilities for cancer patients who are undergoing treatment and their families. Accommodations and eligibility requirements may vary by location. 800-ACS-2345 (Toll-Free) (800-227-2345) (Toll-Free) HOPE SCARVES A nonprofit organization that allows cancer survivors to share scarves and their stories with women facing cancer. 3017 Beals Branch Dr. Louisville, KY 40206 502-264-3215 www.hopescarves.org ■■ Request a Scarf at No Charge Individually, or as a Gift for a Friend or Family Member HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE CARE ASSOCIATION OF NY STATE Information about end-of-life care. 2 Computer Drive West, Suite 105 Albany, NY 12205 518-446-1483 800-860-9808 (Toll-Free) www.hpcanys.org 914-777-2777 ■■ Hospice Referral HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE CARE OF WESTCHESTER Comprehensive, compassionate support and care for the terminally ill. Medicare and most private insurance cover hospice. Also offers numerous professionally led bereavement support groups for adults grieving the recent loss of a loved one. 311 North Street, Suite 204 White Plains, NY 10605 914-682-1484 www.hospiceofwestchester.com info@hospiceofwestchester.com ■■ Bereavement Groups Services and Support ■■ Counseling ■■ Non-Medical Treatment Options for Hospice Patients HOSPICE CARE IN WESTCHESTER AND PUTNAM At-home support and care program for patients and families dealing with incurable diseases. 540 White Plains Road, Suite 300 Tarrytown, NY 10591 914-666-4228 www.vnahv.org hospice@vnahv.org Services include but are not limited to: ■■ Bereavement Counseling Services and 37 ■■ Home Health Aides and Nursing Care ■■ Meals and Nutritional Counseling ■■ Medical Equipment and Supplies ■■ Medical Social Work ■■ Medications Control for Pain and Symptom ■■ Physical, Occupational, Speech and Respiratory Therapy ■■ Respite Care ■■ Short-Term ■■ Support Hospital Care Groups HOSPICE JOURNEY Free personal websites for people facing terminal illnesses. Allows patients to connect with family and friends and give them the latest news. ■■ Retreats ■■ Bereavement ■■ Extensive Services Cancer Resources IMERMAN ANGELS Provides one-on-one support (on the phone or in person) for cancer fighters by connecting them with cancer survivors. 205 W. Randolph, 19th Floor Chicago, IL 60606 312-274-5529 877-274-5529 (Toll-Free) www.imermanangels.org INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE SERVICE AT MEMORIAL SLOAN-KETTERING CANCER CENTER HUDSON VALLEY CANCER RESOURCE CENTER Programs and information designed to complement mainstream medical care and address the emotional, social and spiritual needs of patients and families. Includes inpatient and outpatient clinical care, research, education and training. Hospital patients can receive these services at no charge. 100 Ward Street, Suite A Montgomery, NY 12549 845-457-5000 www.hudsonvalleycancer.org info@hudsonvalleycancer.org Main Campus 1275 York Avenue (Between 67th and 68th Streets) New York, NY 10065 212-639-2000 800-525-2225 (Toll-Free) (Appointments) www.mskcc.org 877-365-5533 (Toll-Free) www.hospicejourney.org info@hospicejourney.org Provides advocacy and support for the Hudson Valley community of people living with and affected by cancer. ■■ Support ■■ Camps 38 Groups IONA MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY CENTER Counseling services as well as www.cancersupportteam.org referrals for individuals and families. Fees based on a sliding scale. 45 St. Paul’s Place New Rochelle, NY 10801 914-633-2074 914-633-2418 ■■ Support Groups ■■ Individual Therapy ■■ Bereavement Support INTERNATIONAL MYELOMA FOUNDATION Nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of myeloma patients and their families. 12650 Riverside Drive, Suite 206 North Hollywood, CA 91607 800-452-2873 (Toll-Free Hotline) 818-487-7455 www.myeloma.org ■■ Clinical Trial Information ■■ Resources ■■ National on Treatment Options Support Group Directory JANSEN HOSPICE AND PALLIATIVE CARE Support and care for patients at home, in hospitals or in nursing homes during the last stages of life. A team of professionals and volunteers assists individuals with serious health issues to manage symptoms and promote quality of life. 914-777-2777 670 White Plains Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 www.jansenhospice.org info@jansenhospice.org 914-787-6158 ■■ Complementary Therapies ■■ Meals/Nutrition Assistance ■■ Pain Management/Relief Services ■■ Palliative Care ■■ Pastoral Care ■■ Support Groups ■■ Bereavement Counseling JOE’S HOUSE Directory of places to stay across the country that give discounts to cancer patients and their families. 877-563-7468 (Toll-Free) www.joeshouse.org info@joeshouse.org KEN HAMILTON CAREGIVERS CENTER A division of Northern Westchester Hospital dedicated to supporting caregivers of the seriously ill. 400 East Main Street Mount Kisco, NY 10549 914-242-8128 KIDNEY CANCER ASSOCIATION An international organization providing resources for those who are affected by kidney cancer. 39 P.O. Box 96503 #38269 New York, NY 10163 646-657-2666 (NYC Office) 800-850-9132 (Toll-Free) 503-215-7921 (Nurse Hotline) www.kidneycancer.org office@kidneycancer.org ■■ Kidney Cancer Educational Resources ■■ Medicine ■■ Clinical ■■ Online Information Trial Searches Chat with a Nurse ■■ Cancer Help for Young Adults and Children ■■ Multilingual KIDS CANCER NETWORK Website with news, resources, connections and a free newsletter for both kids with cancer and their families. P.O. Box 4545 Santa Barbara, CA 93140 www.kidscancernetwork.org info@kidscancernetwork.org LAWRENCE HOME CARE OF WESTCHESTER Certified, nonprofit home health agency offering professional nursing, home health aides, physical, occupational and speech therapy, and medical social work. 670 White Plains Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-787-6158 40 www.lawrencehomecare.org info@lawrencehomecare.org LAWRENCE HOSPITAL CENTER 55 Palmer Avenue Bronxville, NY 10708 914-787-1000 www.lawrencehealth.org LAWRENCE HOSPITAL CENTER CANCER SURVIVORSHIP PROGRAM Education and support programs for people dealing with the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of life after cancer. 55 Palmer Avenue Bronxville, NY 10708 914-787-4115 LEGAL SERVICES OF THE HUDSON VALLEY Free legal counsel and representation for low-income individuals to help protect their basic necessities of life. 90 Maple Avenue White Plains, NY 10601 914-949-1305 Yonkers: 914-376-3757 877-LSHV-LAW (Toll-Free) (877-574-8529) (Toll-Free) www.lshv.org/ LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA SOCIETY –WESTCHESTER/HUDSON VALLEY CHAPTER Information and programs for those with leukemia, Hodgkin’s and non- www.cancersupportteam.org Hodgkin’s lymphoma and myeloma, as well as for the people and professionals who care for them. 1311 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 330 White Plains, NY 10605 800-955-4572 (Toll-Free) 914-949-0084 www.lls.org ■■ Financial Assistance ■■ Multilingual ■■ Patient ■■ Peer (Spanish) Education Programs Support Program ■■ Support Groups ■■ Videos and Brochures for Children with Cancer LIDDY SHRIVER SARCOMA INITIATIVE, THE Provides educational resources and personal support for everyone dealing with sarcoma. 17 Bethea Drive Ossining, New York 10562 914-762-3251 www.sarcomahelp.org L.I.N.K.S. PARENT-TO-PARENT TELEPHONE SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES OF CHILDREN WITH CANCER (A program of Westchester Jewish Community Services) Matches parents who have children with cancer to other parents whose children have had the same kind of cancer. 914-777-2777 845 N. Broadway White Plains, NY 10603 914-761-0600, ext. 308 914-761-5859 ■■ Support Groups LIVESTRONG EXERCISE PROGRAM AT THE RYE YMCA A research-based physical activity and well-being program designed to help adult cancer survivors reclaim their total health. 21 Locust Avenue Rye, NY 10580 914-967-6363 www.ryeymca.org/livestrong.htm livestrong@ryeymca.org ■■ Free 12-Week Membership to the YMCA ■■ Full Access to the Rye YMCA LIVESTRONG FOUNDATION, THE Nonprofit organization that helps cancer patients with insurance problems, provides information about cancer treatments and clinical trials, and offers support services. 2201 East Sixth Street Austin, Texas 78702 877-236-8820 (Toll-Free) 855-220-7777 (Cancer Support Line) www.livestrong.org ■■ Cancer Guidebook and Educational Resources ■■ Clinical Trial Search 41 LOCKS OF LOVE Nonprofit organization providing hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under 21 who suffer from medical hair loss from any diagnosis. 234 Southern Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33405 888-896-1588 (Toll-Free) 561-833-7332 www.locksoflove.org info@locksoflove.org LOOK GOOD...FEEL BETTER Free non-medical, brand-neutral, national program created to help cancer patients improve their selfesteem and quality of life. Provides information and kits, as well as instructional sessions. 800-395-LOOK (Toll-Free) (800-395-5665) (Toll-Free) www.lookgoodfeelbetter.org ■■ Free Self-Help Kits (Video and Tips Booklet) ■■ Programs Teens ■■ Group for Women, Men and Programs for Women ■■ Multilingual (Spanish and Other ■■ One-on-One Individual Sessions Languages) ■■ Interactive Website for Teens: www.lookgoodfeelbetter.org/2bMe/ people living with or at risk for lung cancer. 888 16th St., NW, Ste 150 Washington, DC 20006 800-298-2436 (Toll-Free) www.lungcanceralliance.org support@lungcanceralliance.org ■■ Clinical Trial Matching Service ■■ Financial ■■ Phone Resources Buddy Program ■■ Support Groups LUSTGARTEN FOUNDATION, THE An organization dedicated to advancing the scientific and medical research related to the diagnosis, treatment and cure of pancreatic cancer by fundraising and public awareness. 111 Stewart Avenue Bethpage, New York 11714 866-789-1000 (Toll-Free) 516-803-2304 ■■ Clinical ■■ Patient Trial Matching Service Information Services MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION Nonprofit foundation that grants wishes to children facing lifethreatening diseases and conditions. Hudson Valley Chapter: LUNG CANCER ALLIANCE Support, education and advocacy for 42 832 South Broadway The Wish House Tarrytown, NY 10591 www.cancersupportteam.org 914-478-9474 800-722-9474 (Toll-Free) www.wish.org www.hudson.wish.org hudson@hudson.wish.org MAKING HEADWAY FOUNDATION Provides care and comfort to children with brain and spinal cord tumors, as well as to their families. 115 King Street Chappaqua, NY 10514 914-238-8384 www.makingheadway.org info@makingheadway.org ■■ Ongoing ■■ Support Care Program at the Hospital MALECARE A volunteer men’s cancer support group and an advocacy national nonprofit organization. 419 Lafayette Street, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10003 212-673-4920 www.malecare.org info@malecare.org ■■ Online Support Groups ■■ In-Person Support Groups ■■ Treatment Discussion and Information MARTY LYONS FOUNDATION Dedicated to fulfilling the wishes of 914-777-2777 children ages 3 to 17 who have been diagnosed with serious illnesses. 326 West 48th Street New York, NY 10036 212-977-9474 www.martylyonsfoundation.org MEALS ON WHEELS/HOME DELIVERED MEAL PROGRAM Provides up to two meals per day (lunch and supper) to Westchester residents who are housebound because of illness or other reasons. 914-813-6300 (Main Number) Local Telephone Numbers: (all 914) Ardsley 693-8997 Bronxville 787-3027 Dobbs Ferry 693-0787 Chappaqua Eastchester Greenburgh Harrison Hawthorne 238-2093 337-0390 693-8997 835-2000 592-6441 Larchmont/Mamaroneck Town 381-7840 Mount Kisco 666-8931 Mount Vernon Armory Senior Citizens Ctr. 665-2434 Rev. Shelton Doles Comm. Ctr. 665-2447 New Rochelle 576-3865 Peekskill 734-4250 Ossining Pelham 762-8953 738-2842 43 Port Chester/Rye/ Rye Brook 939-4975 Sleepy Hollow 366-5109 Scarsdale Somers 723-4342 232-0807 Tarrytown 631-2717 White Plains, Fairview-Greenburgh 946-6878 Valhalla 769-0155 Yorktown Heights 962-7447 Yonkers 963-2460 program that helps with medical coverage for many people who are over 65, or for younger people who are disabled. Patient may have to pay certain premiums, deductibles or other costs. 800-Medicare (Toll-Free) (800-633-4227) (Toll-Free) www.medicare.gov MEDICARE RIGHTS CENTER, THE Nonprofit organization that helps older www.westchestergov.com/aging/ adults and people with disabilities NutritionSites.htm have access to affordable health www.mowaa.org care through counseling, advocacy, educational programs and public ■■ Nutrition Education and Counseling policy initiatives. ■■ Professionally Meals Prepared Nutritious ■■ Special Dietary Requests Addressed When Possible MEDICAID (MA/MEDICAID) Financial help for people who cannot afford to pay for all of their medical care. Most medical assistance in Westchester County is provided through Medicaid Managed Care. Mt. Vernon 914-813-6129 Peekskill 914-862-5173 White Plains 914-995-5888 Yonkers 914-231-2221 800-505-5678 (Toll-Free) www.socialservices.westchestergov. com/medical-assistance MEDICARE 520 Eighth Avenue North Wing, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10018 212-869-3850 800-333-4114 (Toll-Free Helpline) www.medicarerights.org info@medicarerights.org ■■ Biweekly Medicare Newsletter about ■■ Multilingual MEMORIAL SLOAN-KETTERING AT PHELPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CENTER Westchester Campus 777 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 914-366-0664 (Medical Oncology) 914-366-0702 (Radiation Oncology) A U.S. Social Security Administration 44 www.cancersupportteam.org MEMORIAL SLOAN-KETTERING CANCER CENTER Main Campus 1275 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 800-525-2225 (Toll-Free) 212-639-2000 www.mskcc.org MEMORIAL SLOAN-KETTERING SURVIVORSHIP CENTER Adult and pediatric survivorship clinics featuring programs on fertility, nutrition, rehabilitation and a longterm survivor follow-up program. 1275 York Avenue New York, NY 10065 646-888-4740 MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION OF WESTCHESTER, THE Support groups and counseling. 580 White Plains Road, Suite 510 Tarrytown, NY 10591 914-345-5900 Clinics: Mt. Kisco 914-666-4646 White Plains 914-345-0700 and 914-949-1212 www.mhawestchester.org ■■ Counseling Services ■■ Hotlines ■■ Multilingual (Spanish) ■■ Services for Children with Cancer in Family ■■ Support MILES OF HOPE BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION Nonprofit foundation dedicated to providing funds to various support programs for people in the Hudson Valley affected by breast cancer. P.O. Box 405 Lagrangeville, NY 12540 845-264-2005 www.milesofhope.org ■■ College Scholarships for Graduating High School Seniors ■■ Complementary Medicine Resources ■■ Peer-to-Peer Program for Breast Cancer Patients Montefiore Mount Vernon Hospital 12 N. 7th Avenue Mount Vernon, NY 10550 914-664-8000 www.montefiore.org Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital 16 Guion Place New Rochelle, NY 10802 914-632-5000 www.montefiore.org MYLIFELINE Personal websites for cancer patients and caregivers that create an online support community of Groups 914-777-2777 45 family and friends to promote positive connections, inspiration and healing. www.mylifeline.org support@mylifeline.org MY SECOND HOME (A service of Family Services of Westchester) Intergenerational day care offering supervision, wellness activities, personal care, nutrition and transportation services and day care for children and elderly people. 95 Radio Circle Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 914-241-0770 www.fsw.org/our-programs/mysecond-home ■■ Home Care ■■ Recreational Activities (Fitness, Crafts, Cooking, Gardening, etc.) ■■ Respite Care Resources ■■ Support Groups ■■ Transportation (Fee Required) NATIONAL BRAIN TUMOR FOUNDATION National nonprofit organization that provides information and support to brain tumor patients, family members and health care professionals. 55 Chapel Street, Suite 200 Newton, MA 02458 800-934-CURE (Toll-Free) 46 (800-934-2874) (Toll-Free) 617-924-9997 www.braintumor.org NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE Government-sponsored website offering information about all types of cancer, data and statistics, clinical trial info, treatment information and more. BG 9609 MSC 9760 9609 Medical Center Drive Bethesda, MD 20892-9760 800-4-CANCER (Toll-Free) (800-422-6237) (Toll-Free) www.cancer.gov ■■ Multilingual (Spanish) ■■ Live Online Assistance (Cancer Information Service) NATIONAL CHILDREN’S CANCER SOCIETY Nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children with cancer. One South Memorial Drive, Suite 800 St. Louis, MO 63102 314-241-1600 www.thenccs.org ■■ Beyond the Cure Survivorship Program ■■ Parent Resources ■■ Scholarship Programs www.cancersupportteam.org NATIONAL COALITION FOR CANCER SURVIVORSHIP (NCCS) Information and support to cancer patients and their families. Helps advocate for insurance, legal and employment rights. Offers “The Cancer Survivor Toolbox,” a free audio program that helps cancer patients cope with their illness. 1010 Wayne Avenue Suite 770 Silver Spring, MD 20910 877-NCCS-YES (Toll-Free) (877-622-7937) (Toll-Free) 301-650-9127 www.canceradvocacy.org info@canceradvocacy.org ■■ Multilingual (Spanish) NATIONAL HOSPICE AND PALLIATIVE CARE ORGANIZATION Information and referrals for terminally ill people and their families. 1731 King Street, Suite 100 Alexandria, VA 22314 800-658-8898 (Toll-Free) 800-646-6460 (Toll-Free Solutions Center) 703-837-1500 www.nhpco.org nhpco_info@nhpco.org ■■ Multilingual ■■ Physician Referral NATIONAL LGBT CANCER NETWORK 914-777-2777 Education and advocacy for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people affected by cancer. 136 West 16 St., #1E New York, NY 10011 info@cancer-network.org 212-675-2633 NATIONAL LYMPHEDEMA NETWORK, THE Nonprofit organization providing education and guidance on management, treatment and risk reduction practices to lymphedema patients and the general public. 116 New Montgomery Street, Suite 235 San Francisco, CA 94105 415-908-3681 800-541-3259 (Toll-Free) www.lymphnet.org NATIONAL OVARIAN CANCER COALITION Information, education and links to resources. 888-OVARIAN (Toll-Free Info Line) (888-682-7426) (Toll-Free Info Line) 631-672-2077 (Long Island Chapter) www.ovarian.org NOCC@ovarian.org NATIONAL PATIENT TRAVEL CENTER, THE Information about patient transportation and referrals to other help services in the national charitable medical transportation network. 47 4620 Haygood Road, Suite 1 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 800-296-1217 (Toll-Free National Patient Travel Helpline) www.patienttravel.org info@nationalpatienttravelcenter.org ■■ Long Distance Air and Ground Transportation ■■ Resources on Discounted and Charitable Airline Tickets ■■ Special-Lift and Child-Lift Programs NATIONAL PROSTATE CANCER COALITION Advocacy organization dedicated to supporting those affected by prostate cancer. 212-673-4920 www.newyorkprostate.org info@newyorkprostate.org NORDSTROM IN-STORE BREAST PROSTHESIS PROGRAM A complimentary in-store service for women who have undergone mastectomies, lumpectomies or reconstructive breast surgery. 135 Westchester Avenue White Plains, NY 10601 914-946-1122 ■■ Accepts Medicare and Other Insurance ■■ Appointments Needed 10250 Constellation Blvd., Suite 2320 Los Angeles, California 90067 877-NASPCC-8 (Toll-Free) (877-627-7228) (Toll-Free) www.naspcc.org info@naspcc.org NORTHERN WESTCHESTER HOSPITAL CENTER NEEDYMEDS OLEY FOUNDATION A website offering information on financial assistance for pharmaceuticals. www.needymeds.com NEW YORK STATE PROSTATE CANCER COALITION A website providing a New York State listing of many prostate cancer support groups and other educational resources. 48 400 East Main Street Mount Kisco, NY 10549 914-666-1200 Free information and support about tube-fed nutrition at home. 214 Hun Memorial, MC-28 Albany Medical Center Albany, NY 12208 800-776-OLEY (Toll-Free) (800-776-6539) (Toll-Free) www.oley.org ■■ Telephone Support www.cancersupportteam.org ONCOCHAT Online global support community for people who have been affected by cancer. www.oncochat.org ONCOLINK (Of the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania) Website with various specific cancer resources and information about all stages of the disease. www.oncolink.org PACE WOMEN’S JUSTICE CENTER Free legal assistance with living wills, health care proxies, Social Security, estate planning and other issues. 78 North Broadway White Plains, New York 10603 914-287-0739 (Helpline) www.law.pace.edu/wjc PAIN AND PALLIATIVE CARE PROGRAM, THE Administered through Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center, this program offers pain control clinics specifically for cancer patients 65 years old and older. Patients must be referred by their oncologist or primary physician. 1275 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 646-888-4741 www.mskcc.org/pain 914-777-2777 PANCREATIC CANCER NETWORK A nonprofit patient-based advocacy foundation dedicated to advancing research, supporting patients and creating hope for those affected by pancreatic cancer. 1500 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 200 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 877-272-6226 (Toll-Free) 310-725-0025 www.pancan.org pals@pancan.org ■■ Community Outreach Programs ■■ Patient and Liaison Services (PALS) (One-to-One Support) ■■ Free Educational Packets PARTNERSHIP FOR PRESCRIPTION ASSISTANCE Helps qualified patients who do not have prescription drug coverage to get necessary medicines for free or at discounted prices. 888-4PPA-NOW (Toll-Free) (888-477-2669) (Toll-Free) www.pparx.org PATHWAYS TO CARE (A program of Westchester Jewish Community Services) Offers individual and family counseling, homecare assistance and supportive connections within a Jewish context to those facing terminal illness. 49 845 North Broadway White Plains, New York 10603 914-761-0600 www.wjcs.com ■■ Support and Care Management ■■ End-of-Life ■■ Spiritual Care Counseling ■■ Bereavement and Chronic Illness Support Groups ■■ Grief Counseling and Psychotherapy PATIENT ACCESS NETWORK FOUNDATION Financial assistance and hope to people with life-threatening illnesses who cannot afford breakthrough medical care and treatments. 866-316-PANF (Toll-Free Helpline) (866-316-7263) (Toll-Free Helpline) www.panfoundation.org ■■ Copayment Assistance ■■ Financial Assistance Specific Cancers Resources Programs for ■■ Online Application ■■ Support Resources PATIENT ADVOCATE FOUNDATION Helps patients solve problems with insurance companies, employers and creditors that may have come about because of their chronic or lifethreatening illness. 800-532-5274 (Toll-Free) www.patientadvocate.org help@patientadvocate.org ■■ Case Management Assistance ■■ Multilingual PATIENT SERVICES INCORPORATED (PSI) Nonprofit organization that helps patients who need financial assistance. P.O. Box 5930 Midlothian, VA 23112 800-366-7741 (Toll-Free) www.uneedpsi.org uneedpsi@uneedpsi.org ■■ Assists with Medicare Part D Co-insurance ■■ Helps with Advocacy for Social Security Disability ■■ Provides Co-payment Assistance PEDIATRIC BRAIN TUMOR FOUNDATION A nonprofit organization that aims to find a cure for pediatric brain tumors and to support families and patients affected by these types of cancer. 302 Ridgefield Ct. Asheville, NC 28806 828-665-6891 800-253-6530 (Toll-Free) www.curethekids.org info@curethekids.org 421 Butler Farm Road Hampton, VA 23666 50 www.cancersupportteam.org ■■ Online Resource Library ■■ Scholarship Program for Students PHELPS HOSPICE At-home hospice care for terminally ill patients and their families. 701 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 914-366-3325 www.phelpshospital.org/clinicalservices/hospice ■■ Children’s Care ■■ Meals/Nutritional Assistance ■■ Multilingual ■■ Pain Management/Relief Services ■■ Support Groups PHELPS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CENTER 701 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 914-366-3000 www.phelpshospital.org PROJECT TIME OUT Companion/sitting and medical transport service for limited-income seniors. 845 North Broadway, Suite 2 White Plains, NY 10603-2427 914-761-0600, ext. 344 www.wjcs.com ■■ Multilingual (Spanish) ■■ Respite Care Resources ■■ Support Groups QUEEN’S WIG A large variety of human hair and synthetic wigs and hairpieces. 505 Main Street New Rochelle, NY 10801 914-633-6365 www.westchesterwig.com RIDECONNECT OF WESTCHESTER (A program of Family Services of Westchester) Nonprofit organization dedicated to finding rides for older adults, the disabled and home health professionals in Westchester. 116 Radio Circle Suite 305 Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 914-242-7433 www.rideconnectwestchester.org ■■ Information on Other Westchester Transportation and Referral Services ■■ “The Weekly Shopper” Bus Services ■■ Volunteer Driver Program for Residents of Northern Westchester ROAD TO RECOVERY (A service of American Cancer Society) Free rides for patients to and from their medical appointments. ■■ Fees Based on Patient’s Ability to Pay 914-777-2777 51 2 Lyon Place White Plains, NY 10601 800-227-2345 (Toll-Free) 914-949-4800 RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE A “home away from home” for children undergoing cancer treatment and their families. 405 East 73rd Street New York, NY 10021 212-639-0100 www.rmh-newy ork.org (New York City) www.rmh-ghv.org ■■ Multilingual ■■ Pain (Spanish and Others) Management/Relief Services ■■ Referral Service ■■ Support Group Referral Service RX ASSIST Online resource center with information on patient assistance programs, as well as practical tools and news for patients who need help paying for their medications. www.rxassist.org info@rxassist.org Partner Hospitals: – Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center – Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center Greater Hudson Valley 80 Woods Road Valhalla, NY 10595 914-493-6455 ■■ Patient Assistance ■■ Sliding P.O. Box 66536 St. Louis, MO 63166 800-769-3880 (Toll-Free) www.rxoutreach.org questions@rxoutreach.org Scale (No More Than $15 per night) ROSARY HILL HOME Skilled nursing care for terminally ill cancer patients. 600 Linda Avenue Hawthorne, NY 10532 914-769-0114 www.rosaryhillhome.org ■■ Hospice ■■ Meals/Nutrition Assistance 52 Directory ■■ Prescription Program Discount Card RX OUTREACH A mail order pharmacy providing affordably priced prescription drugs to those in need. ST. ANN’S CHURCH A bereavement support group offered two times a year (fall and spring for four weeks each). 854 Midland Avenue Yonkers, NY 10704 914-965-1555 www.cancersupportteam.org ■■ Support Groups ST. JOHN’S RIVERSIDE HOSPITAL Multiple locations. See below. www.riversidehealth.org info@riversidehealth.org Andrus Pavilion 967 North Broadway Yonkers, NY 10701 914-964-4444 ParkCare Pavilion 2 Park Avenue Yonkers, NY 10703 914-964-7300 St. John’s Riverside Hospital Dobbs Ferry 128 Ashford Ave Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 914-693-0700 ST. JOSEPH’S MEDICAL CENTER 127 South Broadway Yonkers, NY 10701 914-378-7000 www.saintjosephs.org SCARSDALE/EDGEMONT FAMILY COUNSELING SERVICES Family therapy clinical services. Outreach programs for the elderly housebound. 14 Harwood Court Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-723-3281 914-777-2777 www.sfcsinc.org info@sfcsinc.org ■■ Bereavement ■■ Bilingual ■■ Support Services (Spanish) Groups SHARE (SELF-HELP FOR WOMEN WITH BREAST OR OVARIAN CANCER) Free support and programs for women with breast or ovarian cancer and their families and friends. 1501 Broadway Suite 704A New York, NY 10036 866-891-2392 (Toll-Free) 212-719-0364 Breast Cancer Hotline: 212-382-2111 Ovarian Cancer Hotline: 212-719-1204 Information in Spanish: 212-719-4454 www.sharecancersupport.org ■■ Educational Programs ■■ Hotlines ■■ Latina Share Program ■■ Support Groups ■■ Wellness Programs SHEPHERD’S FLOCK (Of the Sisters of the Divine Compassion) An outreach ministry that serves the working poor by assisting them with food, clothing and other basic necessities. 53 52 North Broadway White Plains, NY 10603 914-539-1657 ■■ Care at Home Program ■■ Family Education and Training SHOP WELL WITH YOU SUNSHINE FOUNDATION A nonprofit organization that helps female cancer survivors with bodyimage changes. A nonprofit organization that fulfills the dreams of seriously ill children ages 3–18 whose family has financial strain due to the illness. P.O. Box 1270 New York, NY 10009 800-799-6790 (Toll-Free) 212-226-0466 www.shopwellwithyou.org info@shopwellwithyou.org 1041 Mill Creek Dr. Feasterville, PA 19053 215-396-4770 www.sunshinefoundation.org philly@sunshinefoundation.org SKIN CANCER FOUNDATION SUPPORT CONNECTION 149 Madison Avenue, Suite 901 New York, New York 10016 212-725-5176 www.skincancer.org 40 Triangle Center, Suite 100 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 800-532-4290 (Toll-Free) 914-962-6402 914-962-1836 (Support Hotline) www.supportconnection.org info@supportconnection.org An international organization devoted to education, prevention, early detection and treatment options for the skin cancer community. SKIP (SICK KIDS NEED INVOLVED PEOPLE) Assistance for families caring for seriously ill or disabled children at home. 60 West 26th Street, Suite 522 New York, NY 10001 212-268-5999 www.skipofny.org ■■ Case Management ■■ Children 54 with Cancer Offers free and confidential support services to people affected by breast and ovarian cancer. ■■ Breast and Ovarian Support Groups ■■ 1-to-1 Counseling (on the Phone and in Person) ■■ Educational ■■ Wellness Forums Classes (Yoga, Meditation) ■■ Workshops on Nutrition and Stress ■■ Support for Children and Family Members ■■ Newsletter www.cancersupportteam.org TENDER LOVING CARE (TLC) TIFFANY WIGS 800-850-9445 (Toll-Free) www.tlcdirect.org 100 Triangle Shopping Center Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 800-427-WIGS (Toll-Free) (800-427-9447) (Toll-Free) 914-245-5800 www.tiffanywigs.com A nonprofit website and catalog of the American Cancer Society that provides wigs and other hair loss products and mastectomy products at affordable prices. THRU MY EYES Free, in-home, clinically guided videotaping for people with lifethreatening illnesses who want to leave legacies for loved ones. P.O. Box 31H Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-725-1836 www.ThruMyEyes.org info@thrumyeyes.org Suppliers and expert fitters of wigs and hair prosthetics. Participating provider for most insurance companies. TRAID-IN EQUIPMENT EXCHANGE SERVICE A free New York State program that connects people who have assistive devices to give away with people who are in need of those devices. 800-624-4143 (Toll-Free) www.ny.gov (Search: TRAID-IN) THYROID HEAD & NECK CANCER FOUNDATION ULMAN CANCER FUND FOR YOUNG ADULTS, THE 10 Union Square East, Suite 5B New York, NY 10003 212-844-6832 www.thancfoundation.org info@thancfoundation.org 6310 Stevens Forest Road Columbia, MD 21045 888-393-FUND (Toll-Free) (888-393-3863) (Toll-Free) 410-964-0202 www.ulmanfund.org info@ulmanfund.org Supports research, community awareness and education about thyroid, head and neck cancer through patient outreach and support programs. ■■ Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer (SPOHNC) ■■ Patient-to-Patient Support Groups, See www.spohnc.org for more info. 914-777-2777 Financial scholarships, as well as free support programs and resources for young adults and their families and friends dealing with cancer. UNDERNEATH IT ALL Breast prostheses, surgical bras, swimwear, wigs and headgear. 55 320 5th Avenue, #1009 New York, NY 10001 212-717-1976 www.underneathitallnyc.com underneathitall@verizon.net ■■ Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and Aetna Accepted ■■ Searchable Programs Database for Counseling VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION OF HUDSON VALLEY Professional nursing for patients of all ages. Corporate Office: UNITED OSTOMY ASSOCIATIONS OF AMERICA, INC. A nonprofit organization with a website containing extensive information for ostomy patients. See local chapter information for support groups and services. P.O. Box 512 Northfield, MN 55057 800-826-0826 (Toll-Free) 914-699-8476 (Westchester Support Groups) www.ostomy.org info@ostomy.org NY Chapter www.ostomyassocny.org UNITED WAY OF WESTCHESTER AND PUTNAM HELPLINE Free and confidential bi-lingual information and referral service that connects people in need with services that can help. 336 Central Park Avenue White Plains, NY 10606 914-997-6700 Dial 211 for a Specialist www.hudson211.org www.uwwp.org info@uwwp.org 56 540 White Plains Road, Suite 300 Tarrytown, NY 10591 914-666-7616 www.vnahv.org Branch Office: 20 Milltown Road, Suite 101 Brewster, NY 10509 845-278-4068 ■■ Home Health Aides ■■ Hospice ■■ Pain Care Management/Relief Services ■■ Physical, Therapy Occupational and Speech ■■ Physician ■■ Social Referral Work ■■ Support Groups ■■ Telehealth, Visits” “Virtual Home Care VISITING NURSE SERVICES IN WESTCHESTER AND PUTNAM Professional nursing for patients of all ages. 360 Mamaroneck Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 888-FOR-VNSW (Toll-Free) www.cancersupportteam.org 914-682-1480 www.vns.org info@vns.org ■■ Hospice www.vitaloptions.org info@vitaloptions.org Referral ■■ Meals/Nutritional Assistance ■■ Multilingual ■■ Pain Management/Relief Services ■■ Respite Care ■■ Support Groups VISITING NURSE SERVICE OF NEW YORK Professional nursing for patients of all ages. Serves all New York City boroughs as well as Westchester, Nassau and other locations. 800-675-0391 (Toll-Free) www.vnsny.org ■■ Skilled Nursing ■■ Physical ■■ Stroke Therapy Care ■■ End-of-Life ■■ Senior ■■ Grief Care Care Support VITAL OPTIONS INTERNATIONAL A nonprofit organization focusing on cancer communications with the mission to facilitate a global cancer dialogue®. 4419 Coldwater Canyon Avenue, Suite I Studio City, CA 91604 914-777-2777 ■■ Many Informational Resources Online ■■ Online Groups and Telephone Support WESTCHESTERGOV.COM Information on health-related issues and services, news, activities, financial assistance and more in Westchester County. www.westchestergov.com WESTCHESTER JEWISH COMMUNITY SERVICES A wide variety of community counseling and support services. (Also, see L.I.N.K.S. – Parentto-Parent Telephone Support for Families of Children with Cancer, and Westchester Self-Help Clearing House – Support Group Referral.) 845 North Broadway White Plains, NY 10603 914-761-0600 www.wjcs.com hdq@wjcs.com ■■ Counseling for Patients and Families ■■ End-of-Life Care and Bereavement Center ■■ Personal Systems ■■ Support Emergency Response Groups 57 WESTCHESTER MEDICAL CENTER 100 Woods Road Valhalla, NY 10595 914-493-7000 877-962-3627 (Toll-Free) (Physician Info) www.westchestermedicalcenter.com WESTCHESTER SELF-HELP CLEARING HOUSE Referrals to specific cancer support groups for patients and their families. 845 North Broadway White Plains, NY 10603 914-761-0600, ext. 308 WESTFAIR RIDES Community-based, volunteer transportation services for older adults (age 60+) and people with vision impairments who reside in Westchester County. 487 East Main Street, #218 Mount Kisco, NY 10549 914-764-3533 www.westfairrides.org info@westfairrides.org WHAT MATTERS NOW A nonprofit organization that provides free personal websites to those affected by serious illnesses so they can share information about their condition. 20660 Stevens Creek Blvd., #320 Cupertino, CA 95014 877-365-5533 (Toll-Free) 58 www.whatmattersnow.org info@whatmattersnow.org WHITE PLAINS HOSPITAL CENTER 41 East Post Road White Plains, NY 10601 914-681-0600 Cancer Program: 914-681-2701 www.wphospital.org WHITE PLAINS HOSPITAL SENIOR SERVICES A variety of support groups and services including respite care, for elderly patients and their loved ones. 69 East Post Road White Plains, NY 10601 914-681-1249 www.wphospital.org ■■ Caregiver Support Group ■■ Health Access ■■ Mall Walkers ■■ Nursing Home Placement ■■ Outpatient Services ■■ Respite Care Resources ■■ Support Group Referrals ■■ Telephone ■■ Voice Reassurance Care WIG EXCHANGE, THE Nonprofit organization that lends high-quality, gently used wigs to women going through chemotherapy. A nominal fee to cover cleaning is requested when the wig is returned. www.cancersupportteam.org 914-412-4884 www.thewigexchange.org info@thewigexchange.org ZERO: THE END TO PROSTATE CANCER An organization dedicated to reducing prostate cancer deaths through research funding and awareness programs. 515 King Street, Suite 420 Alexandria, VA 22314 202-463-9455 www.zerocancer.org info@zerocancer.org 914-777-2777 59 Cancer Support Team Life Lines GLOSSARY Adenocarcinoma (ad-du-no-car-ci-noma) A type of cancer that develops in a gland forming tissue. Advanced Cancer A general description often used to refer to cancer that has spread from its starting point to other areas in the body. Atypical (ay-tip-ik-al) In a pathology report, atypical is used to describe something that is abnormal or unusual. Something that is atypical can be the result of inflammation or infection. Benign (bih-nine) Without cancer. Often used to describe a tumor that is noncancerous. Bilateral (by-lat-er-al) On or within both sides of the body. Bereavement (burr-reeve-ment) The time spent grieving (feeling sad about or mourning) a loss. Bereavement periods can last anywhere from days to years. 60 Bone Scan A way of viewing the bones to determine abnormalities such as cancer and learn important information about it. Brain Scan A test that allows doctors to view the structure of the brain and detect any abnormalities. Carcinogen (car-sin-o-gen) A substance that causes cancer. Carcinoma (car-sin-oh-ma) A type of cancer that begins in the lining layers of cells. Most cancers are carcinomas. CAT Scan (cat skan) A painless medical procedure that takes a large number of x-rays from different angles to create a more complete picture of the inside of the body. Chemotherapy (kee-mo-ther-a-pee) Treatment with drugs that destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy is usually given by a needle inserted into the vein (called an IV drip) though some may be given by mouth (orally). Most www.cancersupportteam.org chemotherapy treatments take place over several months and may continue even after the patient is in remission so that any cancer cells that have scattered throughout the body are also destroyed. Genetic Testing (gen-et-ik test-ing) Tests performed to see if certain genes or gene changes have been inherited, which may make a person more likely to develop certain types of cancer. Clinical trials (clin-icul tri-yuls) Tests of drugs or treatments before the government approves them. The purpose of clinical trials is to see if the drugs have the effect they are supposed to, and are safe. Clinical trials also help the drug makers identify the proper dose to give, and find out if the drugs have side effects. Health Care Agent A person (usually a family member or close friend) who is allowed, by law, to make medical decisions on behalf of a patient who cannot make those decisions on his or her own. Comorbidity (co-more-bid-i-tee) An additional disease or illness that a patient gets along with a pre-existing disease like cancer. Diagnosis (dy-ag-no-sis) A decision, made by doctors, often with the help of tests, of exactly what a patient’s disease is, or what the symptoms indicate. Once a diagnosis is made, the doctor can then prescribe medicine or treatments. Genetic Counseling (gen-et-ik koun-sel-ing) Advice and information given to people who are at higher risk for certain types of cancer because of family history or genetic makeup. 914-777-2777 Health Care Proxy Form (hell-th kare prock-see form) A legal document that allows one to choose someone (usually a family member or close friend) to make medical decisions on his or her behalf, if he or she is unable to do so. The proxy form also allows one to provide clear instructions about one’s wishes. Health care proxy forms can be obtained though many hospitals, hospice and home care programs. They can also be downloaded at the New York State Department of Health website, www.health.state.ny.us. Cancer Support Team can also provide you with a proxy form. High Risk A phrase used to describe an increased likelihood that a person could develop a certain type of cancer, or have a past cancer return. 61 Hospice (hoss-pis) An organization that provides special treatment to people who are close to the end of their lives. Hospice care may be offered in a patient’s home, at a hospital or at a special facility such as a nursing home. Services can include pain management (making the pain less severe), care and assistance with personal needs as well as with medications, medical supplies and equipment, and with the emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of dying. Imaging (im-ih-jing) Using sophisticated (usually computerized) equipment to create a picture of a part of the body in order to make a diagnosis. Some imaging techniques are mammograms, sonograms, PET scans and MRIs. Infuse (inn-fuze) To put a liquid into a vein. For example, chemotherapy drugs can be infused through an IV (intravenous) drip. Invasive Cancer (in-vay-siv kan-ser) Cancer that has spread from its original location to other normal tissues. Leukemia (loo-kee-mee-ya) Cancer that affects the blood or bone marrow. There are many different kinds of leukemia. 62 Lymphatic System (lim-fa-tic sis-tim) A system in the body that helps people fight infection. Cancer of the lymphatic system is called lymphoma. Lymphedema (lim-fa-dee-ma) A buildup of fluid, which causes swelling in various tissues of the body. Malignant (ma-lig-nent) Cancerous, or not benign. When a tumor is called malignant, it means that the tumor has cancerous cells. Mammogram (mam-o-gram) An image of the breast created by an x-ray. Mastectomy (ma-stek-toe-me) Surgical removal of the breast. Medicaid (med-i-cade) Also known as medical assistance (MA). MA/ Medicaid is a government program that helps with medical coverage for people who have limited income. Medicare (med-i-kare) A program from the U.S. Social Security Administration that helps with medical coverage for people who are over 65, or younger people who are disabled. www.cancersupportteam.org Metastasize (me-tas-ta-size) When cancer cells spread from one part of the body to another. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) MRIs are medical tests that use magnetism, radio waves and a computer to provide detailed images of what is going on inside the body. Mutation (mew-tay-shun) A change in the DNA of a gene or chromosome of a cell that occurs normally but can also lead to cancer in some individuals. Needle Biopsy (nee-duhl by-op-see) A procedure where a sample of fluid, tissue or cells is removed with a needle to check for signs of cancer and possible changes in the disease. Oncologist (on-ca-lo-gist) A doctor who specializes in the treatment of cancer. There are different kinds of oncologists including medical oncologists, radiation oncologists and surgical oncologists. Oncology (on-ca-lo-gee) The practice of treating cancer. Palliative care (pal-li-a-tiv care) Care that is focused on giving physical comfort or pain 914-777-2777 relief to the patient, rather than trying to cure the disease. Pathologist (path-a-lo-gist) A doctor who studies abnormal cells and tissues under a microscope in order to detect diseases. Pathology (path-a-lo-gee) The study of disease. Pediatric (peed-ee-at-trick) About children. PET Scan (pet skan) A diagnostic test that shows a sectional view of the body, or part of the body, created by positron-emission tomography – a nuclear medical imaging technique. Portocath or Port (por-toe-cath) A thin, flexible tube surgically implanted under the skin and connected to a vein, that makes it easier to administer chemotherapy drugs. Prognosis (prog-no-sis) A prediction of a disease’s outcome. In other words, what is likely to happen to the patient. Prosthesis (pros-thee-sis) An artificial device created to replace a part of the body that has been removed by surgery or as the result of an accident or wound. Some examples of prosthetic devices are artificial arms, legs and breasts. 63 Radiology (raid-ee-ol-o-gee) The area of medicine that uses radiation therapy to diagnose and treat disease. Sonogram (son-e-gram) An image of a body part created by sound waves. (See Ultrasound.) Radiation Therapy (raid-ee-ay-shun ther-a-pee) A procedure that uses high-energy radiation, like x-rays, to kill cancer cells and reduce tumor size. Staging A system that describes how much cancer a patient has and how far it has spread in the body. Staging can also help medical professionals decide what kind of treatment to use. Relapse (ree-laps) When the symptoms of a disease return. Remission (ree-mish-in) The period of time during which a patient with cancer, or other disease, stops showing signs or symptoms of that disease. Respite Service (ress-pit service) Temporary relief for the caregivers of patients. Sarcoma (sar-coma) Cancer of the connective tissue. Connective tissue surrounds other tissues and organs of the body. Examples include bone, cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Side Effects Problems that are caused by medicines or medical treatments. Some side effects can be treated to make them easier to deal with. 64 Symptom (simp-tum) A sign that a person may have a certain disease. For example, pain, fever, sore throat, unexplained bruises, lumps, unusual discharge or a persistent cough may be among the symptoms that require medical attention. Toll-Free Telephone Numbers In addition to 800 numbers, other toll-free numbers begin with 866, 877, 888, 855 and 844. Tumor (too-mur) A lump of body tissue that is abnormal, and can grow. Tumors can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (without cancer). Ultrasound (ull-tra-sow-nd) A medical test that uses the echoes of sound waves to create a “picture” of internal body parts. www.cancersupportteam.org Cancer Support Team Life Lines NOTES & PHONE NUMBERS 914-777-2777 65 66 914-777-2777 n www.cancersupportteam.org Cancer Support Team 2900 Westchester Ave., Suite 103 Purchase, NY 10577 www.cancersupportteam.org 914.777.2777 Life Lines is a publication of Cancer Support Team, a nonprofit organization that provides free support, including nursing, social work and other services, to cancer patients and their families. For information, please call us at 914.777.2777. Life Lines A resource for cancer patients & their families