NEC Biometrics NeoFace


NEC Biometrics NeoFace
NeoFace Surveillance
Facial Recognition
NeoFace Facial Recognition
Surveillance and Monitoring
Facial Recognition Enabled Surveillance
Face capture and recognition as a surveillance tool provides strengthened security by providing security staff
near real-time alerts and warnings. Registered persons
on the watch-lists can include banned, wanted or
VIP persons and the system can give audible, remote
or visual warnings to your security staff. NEC’s
NeoFace™ engine provides a high level of accuracy
with surveillance quality imagery due to unique nature
of the matching algorithms. Face matching is still possible with dark glasses, badly lit areas, shadowing,
varying angles and partial face cover.
video footage. A click to view function can also integrate
into your existing DVR systems for video playback.
Early Warning Alerts
Monitoring entrances means visual and audible warnings are possible before unwanted persons enter. These
can also be used for notification of a VIP’s arrival.
Face Logging
Simply search or browse captured faces within a date
and time range or save any captured image for external
use. Faces are automatically cropped when stored.
Post Event Searching
2d Facial Recognition with 3d Compensation
All faces are captured and held in the database, if an
event happens or you are looking for a suspect, you
can search the entire capture history or a date and time
range to find when they arrived, exited, or where they
have been. A process that takes seconds compared to
the lengthy process of manually indexing and searching
NEC’s Perturbation Space Method (PSM) algorithm
counteracts the adverse affect of varying facial angles
and the NEC Adaptive Regional Blend Matching (ARBM)
algorithm reduces the impact of facial expressions,
caps, glasses etc on the facial matching process.
Image Quality Control
Built-in quality checking on the enrolment images and captured imagery ensures the matching process or results are
not tainted by bad quality imagery.
Drag’n’drop Operation
Searching and enrolling can be as simple as drag’n’drop of
Scalable and Unlimited Database Size
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hno ition
This solution is scalable to process the total number of
cameras and watch list size that you require.
Ranked No.1 by NIST MBE 2010*
Solution Scalability
The software modules can be balanced, separated and replicated
across industry standard servers. Supporting a single camera on
one server through to hundreds of cameras.
Software Modules
Face Detection
Post Event Searching
Early Warning Alerts
Face Logging
Image Quality Control
Drag’n’drop Operation
Scalable with an Unlimited
Facial Matching
Age, Gender, Action
Admin & Alerting
Database Size
*For NIST results see:
2d Facial Recognition with
3d Compensation
Level 6, NEC House
40 Taranaki Street
+64 4 3811111
Because it’s your Identity
Level 1
7-9 Fanshawe Street
+64 9 3040430