14th Artists Against Rape - San Francisco Women Against Rape


14th Artists Against Rape - San Francisco Women Against Rape
San Francisco Women Against Rape
Newsletter & Annual Report 2011-2012
Celebrating 40 Years of
Community, Resilience
& Strength
What’s Inside:
Letter to the Community . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
New Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
14th Artists Against Rape . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2011-2012 Annual Report . . . . . . . . . 6-8
Thank You Supporters . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14
SFWAR Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
3543 18th Street #7, San Francisco, CA 94110, phone: (415) 861-2024 www.sfwar.org
San Francisco Women Against Rape
3543 18th Street #7
San Francisco, CA 94110
Tel. (415) 861-2024
Fax (415) 861-2092
24-hour crisis line (415) 647-7273
(collect calls accepted)
Alma Alfie
Nisha Anand
Nicole Blake
Nadia Khastagir
Heidi Li
Allison Sparks
Volunteer Graduation (October 2012). Photo by Alma Muñoz
Christina Arguello
Director of Counseling
Julie Baltzley
Case Manager
Kristie Chan
Office Manager
Evelyn Garcia
Director of Hotline & Volunteers
Alicia Maldonado
Community Educator
Bhavana Manchanda
Hotline & Volunteer Associate
Alma Muñoz
Development Director
Sandra Sandoval
Director of Community Initiatives
Briana Shewan
Development Associate
Janelle White
Executive Director
SF Walk Against Rape (2007). Photo by Mireya Rodriguez.
Front Cover:
Top : (L to R): Tennis Benefit/Fundraiser (circa 1970s); Self-defense Workshop
(circa 1970s); Walk Against Rape (2012). Bottom: Performer at Walk Against
Rape (2007).
Design by Design Action Collective
As SFWAR Celebrates 40 Years,
There Is Still Much to Do & Much to Honor!
A Letter from the Executive Director
Over the last eight months, the issue of rape has received
wide-spread critical attention. Tragically, Missouri
Republican Senate Candidate Todd Akin coined the
term “legitimate rape,” noting that a woman’s body had
the capacity to “shut down” a pregnancy in these cases,
and underscoring his erroneous belief that pregnancy is
not a possible result of rape.1 Not to be outdone, Indiana
Republican Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock followedup Akin’s comments stating that “even when life begins
with that horrible situation of rape, that is something God
intended to happen.” Forcing women who experience raperelated pregnancies to carry them to term is Mourdock’s
proposition. While the Violence Against Women Act
(VAWA) was finally reauthorized today, February 28th,
it took the U.S. Congress over a year to reauthorize this
critical legislation and, until the end, the GOP mounted
vehement opposition to the legislation based on its specific
protections for native women, immigrant women, and LGBT
communities. Considering the disturbing and outrageous
opinions so freely expressed by Akin and Mourdock, perhaps
it should not at all be surprising that VAWA, which has
not been considered controversial in the 20 years since its
inception, was mired in Congressional gridlock.
The multiple assailant sexual assault and murder of a
23-year old woman who was riding a bus in Delhi, India
garnered international attention. Much has been made
about the misogyny of East Indian culture that gave rise
to this assault. But, not nearly the same level of attention
and cultural critique has surrounded a Steubenville, Ohio
rape happening around the same time.2 In this case a 16year old unconscious girl was carried around to a series of
parties; raped by at least two assailants; video-taped and
photographed (by both those perpetrating the assault and
witnesses); and then the videos and photos were posted
on the Web.3 And, less than a month after the conviction
of Frederick Dozier in December 2012 for the rapes of
three women in the San Francisco Mission District came
a very well-publicized attempted sexual assault in the same
2013 marks the 40th Anniversary of San Francisco Women
Against Rape (SFWAR). Clearly there is still much to do
with regards to changing attitudes, behaviors, and culture
to end rape and, at the same time, SFWAR, as part of the
formidable U.S. anti-rape movement, has made tremendous
strides toward raising awareness about sexual violence and
supporting survivors. While I continue to be pleased with
our core services (i.e. 24-hour sexual assault crisis line;
individual counseling; support groups; medical, legal, and
social service advocacy & accompaniment; adult & youth
prevention education; training and technical assistance),
I’m particularly proud of our more recent critical initiatives
supporting Latina immigrant survivors, women who are
marginally housed, and ‘high-risk’ young women of African
and Latin descent.4 These groups of women and girls are not
only underserved, they experience some of the highest rates
of sexual violence.
In October 2013, SFWAR will hold our 40th Anniversary
Celebration Event. We hope you will join us to celebrate
the work SFWAR has done over these decades, much of
which has only been possible thanks to your personal and
financial support. In addition, this anniversary year provides
us an opportunity to recommit ourselves to SFWAR’s
mission of ending rape and to assess those areas where we
need to shore up our work and concert our efforts. For
example, while VAWA has been reauthorized extending
first ever federal public housing protections for survivors of
sexual assault; increasing and improving efforts to address
the rape kit backlog; explicitly protecting LGBT victims;
and fortifying tribes’ ability to hold offenders accountable,
the sequestration looms and threatens to significantly
compromise funding for violence against women services.
In addition, the relentless attacks on women’s reproductive
rights at both national and state levels significantly
jeopardizes the access of sexual assault survivors to
pregnancy prophylaxis and abortions. Yes, there is still much
to do. And, at the same time, there is much that has been
accomplished that can fortify our on-going efforts and much
for us to honor and revere.
Yours in community,
Janelle L. White
1. A 1996 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology estimated that more than
32,000 women experience a rape-related pregnancy each year.
2. The expansive protests and demonstrations across India demanding justice for
the 23-year old rape victim have also received little attention.
3. As the young survivor was unconscious during these attacks, she actually became
aware of the sexual violence she experienced after learning of the photos and
4. In 2009, SFWAR launched our SRO (Single Room Occupancy) Outreach
& Organizing Project. Through this project, SFWAR trains women who are
marginally housed to be community organizers and engage in sexual assault
prevention efforts in Mission District SROs. Also, in 2009, in response to the
overwhelming linguistic and structural barriers confronted by immigrant survivors
of violence, SFWAR partnered with Mujeres Unidas y Activas to establish a Spanish
language sexual assault crisis line. And, in 2010, SFWAR, working in collaboration
with the Center for Young Women’s Development and Mission Girls Services,
enhanced and expanded intervention and advocacy services to ‘high-risk’ Latina
and African American young women.
Thank you Lisa ThomasAdeyemo, Frolayne Carlos,
Teresa Martyny, and
Camille Bates for your
dedication, strength and
humility in the struggle to
end rape. We wish you all
the best!
Left to Right: Kristie, Alicia, and Christina (2013).
Christina Arguello,
Director of Counseling
Alicia Maldonado,
Community Educator
Christina Arguello is a Bay Area native and has been
involved in the Rape Crisis Movement for 8 years. Upon
graduating with her Bachelor’s in Psychology and Behavioral
Sciences from San Jose State University, Christina worked
at the YWCA of SiliconValley Rape Crisis Center as a
counselor, case manager, and educator. Christina believes
that healing is a life-long process that allows us to find
incredible strengths in ourselves.
Alicia was born in San Diego, California and raised just up
the coastline. She attended the University of San Francisco
(USF) and graduated with a degree in Communications
Studies. While at USF, Alicia ran a queer student group and
motivated community building in the LGBTQ community
for 5 years. Alicia was also active in the modern abolitionist
movement by mapping slavery in San Francisco. This work
gave her a global perspective of the interconnectedness of
oppression and inspired her interest in social movements.
As the Community Educator, Alicia is committed to
promoting safety and empowerment for all individuals and
communities healing from violence. She is honored to be at
SFWAR in the struggle to end sexual violence.
Kristie Chan,
Office Manager
Kristie received her B.A. in History with a minor in Middle
East and Islamic Studies at San Francisco State University.
An Angeleno at heart, she started community organizing in
the San Gabriel Valley area in a social justice organization
addressing topics such as sexual assault and post traumatic
stress disorder in the military, immigration rights, and
budget cuts to public education. She is thrilled to be a part
of SFWAR’s organization as the Office Manager.
Bhavana Manchanda,
Hotline &Volunteer Associate
As our Volunteer and Hotline Associate, Bhavana assists
the Director of Volunteers and Hotline in coordinating
the SFWAR Hotline and Sexual Assault Counselor
Certification Training, which occurs 3 times per year.
Bhavana also assists with planning of annual volunteer
appreciation event; providing counseling on 24-hour crisis
hotline and advocacy/case management services for clients.
14th Artists Against Rape
San Francisco Women Against Rape hosted its 14th biennial
Artists Against Rape on October 26, 2012 at Mission High School,
featuring spoken word and art by local poets, artists and activists
speaking out against and healing from sexual violence. The 14th
Artists Against Rape showcased work by youth and work making
connections between youth culture, sexual violence and social issues.
With a community altar created by Mission Girls, the creative vision
of Curator and Creative Director Indira Allegra, the participation
of 13 artists, emcees Erika Vivianna Céspedes of Youth Speaks and
Tonilyn A. Sideco of QWOCMAP, DJ Agana, volunteers from
City College and Young Asian Women Against Violence- a program
of the Community Youth Center of SF, local business support, and
fierce community presence, we enhanced our community strength to
support services for survivors and end rape!
Funding from the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women
made the 14th Artists Against Rape possible.
Indira Allegra shares her experience as the Curator and Creative
Director of Artists Against Rape.
It was my honor this year to be Curator and Creative
Director of the 14th Artists Against Rape (AAR). AAR
has always had a special place in my heart. In 2008, I
screened Blue Covers there and was overwhelmed with how
respectfully and lovingly the work was received. Blue Covers is
an experimental short video based on a poem I had written
about surviving childhood sexual abuse.
It is fitting that I would care for the artistic vision of
AAR five years after the birth of the poem Blue Covers—
contributing to a creative reciprocity between this womenof-color led organization and myself. I feel deeply honored
to have worked with SFWAR this year on an event that was
a healing program for youth and adult artists from the Bay
Area and Toronto. It is my hope that the careers of each
of the artists involved will benefit from the work they have
done this year. In other performance and fine arts contexts,
space isn’t always opened to speak on survival in a direct and
explicit way.
It is important to me that AAR be a stage where the range
of a survivor’s experience can be expressed and it is equally
important that AAR be a nurturing space for both the artists
and the viewers. To this end, we incorporated the music
of DJ AGANA and self care stretches and massages by Ana
María Agüero Jahannes, C.M.T. throughout the evening.
This year’s presentation also included two experimental
video works by Jadelynn Stahl and Olive-or-Oliver and
opened and closed with powerful vocal performances by
Larissa and duo Enajite Loicy Pela and Allysa Evans.
I’m deeply grateful to painter Maren Slobody and illustrator
Sue Williams for lending their talent to us this year, as well as
to our guest textile artist Margarita Herrera whose woven and
printed pieces demonstrated an enormous degree of skill.
Our experiences as survivors are rich and varied with room
for tears as well as laughter, stillness as well as moments of
intense creative production. Ultimately, it is my hope that
AAR will continue to be an opportunity for cultural creatives
to deepen their artistic practices as well as a professional
development platform for emerging artists to experience new
opportunities for collaboration and art making. I know it is
a privilege for me as an artist to do this work.
Indira Allegra is a Lambda Literary Fellow, Banff Centre Writer
and interdisciplinary artist poeting through performance, video
and handwoven textiles. She has contributed work to the Yellow
Medicine Review: A Journal of Indigenous Literature, Art and
Thought, Sovereign Erotics: A Collection of Two Spirit Literature,
Konch Magazine and Make/Shift Magazine among others. Indira
has performed and screened work with Queer Rebels of the Harlem
Renaissance, Mangos with Chili, The Yellow House Project and
Peacock Rebellion. Her experimental videopoems Weep Willow: The
Blues for Lady Day and Blue Covers have screened both nationally
and internationally. In the Bay Area, Indira’s textile works have
shown at the Alter Space and College Avenue Galleries.
In 2012, she was the Curator and Creative Director for Artists
Against Rape and was a member of the artistic core of Sins Invalid
in 2008. A VONA alum, Indira has taught digital storytelling and
poetry workshops at Intersection for the Arts, Geneva Car Barn
and Powerhouse and proj-ectPRO:JECT. She is currently completing
her first collection of poems entitled Indigo Season.
During 2011–2012 fiscal year, SFWAR reached over
8,827 people though our Annual Events, Direct
Services, and Prevention Education Programs.
24-hour Crisis Line
SFWAR served 2,753 people on the crisis line during
the 2011–2012 fiscal year, providing crisis intervention
support to 520 survivors of sexual assault and 169
family members and friends of survivors. Certified
counselors are available 24-hours a day to offer crisis
counseling and community referrals. Multi-lingual
counselors are also available to provide services in
Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean,
Tagalog, Vietnamese, Arabic, Farsi, and Russian.
Volunteers and Interns
SFWAR is alive and thriving because of the
commitment of 70 volunteers. Volunteers staff
the sexual assault crisis line, provide medical
accompaniment to survivors at San Francisco General
Hospital, offer in-person peer counseling, support
prevention education initiatives, join committees to
assist with special events like Artists Against Rape, and
provide administrative office support.
During the 2011–2012 fiscal year, 33 volunteers
graduated and became state-certified sexual assault
counselors. After an intensive 72-hour certification
training, volunteers are required to participate in
continuing education via counselor support meetings
held monthly. In 2011–2012, SFWAR offered 11
counselor support continuing education meetings.
In addition, throughout the year 21 interns offered
support to the Volunteers & Hotline, Counseling,
Community Initiatives and Development Programs.
During the 2011-2012 fiscal year, SFWAR provided
state-certified sexual assault counselor training to 20
Mujeres Unidas y Activas members and staff, all of
whom completed the two month long training in
August 2011 and are now staffing the ALMA (Ahora!
Llame a Mujeres contra el Abuso) crisis line: a Spanish
language rape crisis line staffed by and serving Latina
The SFWAR Counseling Program provides free and
confidential short term in-person peer counseling
to survivors, their friends, and family members. In
2011–2012, 87 survivors received in-person counseling.
We also offered 2 series of multi-week support groups
to a total of 22 survivors. One support group was an
8-week community specific healing group comprised of
13 young women of Latin and African descent who are
clients of Mission Girls Services; this group focused on
healthy relationships, family and community violence,
resilience practices, story-sharing, and building
sisterhood. In addition, SFWAR provides survivors
referrals for long-term clinical counseling and support
groups. The Counseling Program continues building its
capacity to offer survivors somatic healing modalities.
Case Management /Advocacy
Advocates act as a liaison between survivors and
medical, legal and social systems, with the goal of
supporting and empowering survivors of sexual assault.
We provide community resources and advocacy related
to sexual assault and offer accompaniments to legal
proceedings, medical appointments, and meetings with
social service providers. During the 2011-2012 fiscal
year, SFWAR also had volunteer medical advocates oncall weekday evenings and weekends to provide medical
accompaniment to survivors at San Francisco General
Hospital. Our advocacy supported 19 survivors at the
hospital and helped 94 survivors navigate complex legal
and social service systems.
Community Initiatives
The Community Initiatives (CI) Program encompasses
both our adult and youth rape prevention education
efforts and adds the component of supporting
communities in mobilizing to confront (and ultimately
end) rape.
Based on an extensive community mapping process
conducted in 2006, we have focused community
organizing efforts on one geographic community—the
Mission District. Moreover, we prioritized five identitybased groups based on this community assessment;
these groups were prioritized based on both the high
rates of sexual violence they experience and because,
so often, they are underserved. These groups are
youth, immigrants of Latin descent, women who are
marginally housed or homeless, queer/LBT women of
color, and formerly incarcerated women.
During the 2011-2012 fiscal year, 3 marginally housed
women worked as organizers with the SFWAR Peer2-Peer Outreach & Organizing Project (P2P).
Through this effort, SFWAR supports women who
are homeless or marginally housed undertake sexual
assault prevention outreach and organizing efforts
with their peers. P2P organizers conduct outreach and
facilitate popular education sessions in SRO (Single
Room Occupancy) hotels, emergency shelters, and on
the streets making the link between rape, poverty, and
other social problems; provide information on risk
reduction, post-assault medical care, legal resources,
counseling, and other needed social services; assist
in developing bystander intervention strategies to
sexual assault; and stand with their communities in
advocating for policy change to increase safety on
the streets, in shelters, and SROs. From July through
December 2011, P2P organizers, in partnership with
the Women’s Community Clinic, provided weekly
outreach in Mission District SROs, including the Prita,
Star, Westman, and Radha hotels. Starting in February
2012, P2P organizers provided twice monthly outreach
in Mission District hotels and also provided outreach
at Ladies Night twice monthly. Ladies Night is a weekly
drop-in event hosted by the Mission Neighborhood
Resource Center providing a range of services and
support for women who are homeless or marginally
Adult and Youth Education
Our CI Program provided prevention education to
over 5,852 people last year. We organized 31 rape
prevention presentations reaching 363 people; provided
1 Spanish language self-defense classes for 15 Latina
immigrants; tabled at 29 festivals, fairs and community
events reaching over 2,140 people; and conducted 10
presentations for 193 professionals serving diverse
Through STAND (Student Talking about Non-violent
Dating), SFWAR conducted 78 classroom presentations
to 1,946 youth and 27 adults; facilitated 2 student
assemblies for 1,000 young people and 10 adults; held 2
eight-week support groups reaching—one at June Jordan
High School for young women of African descent and
a second Spanish language group for pregnant and
parenting young women at Hilltop High School—for
23 total young women. Additionally, we provided
technical assistance to 6 schools and community based
organizations serving youth attended by 135 total
students, school staff, and service providers.
Coalition and Community Building
In order to address all aspects of sexual violence,
SFWAR works in collaboration with multi-disciplinary
organizations. Examples include the San Francisco
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), Expect
Respect San Francisco (ERSF), and the California
Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA).
Toward our goal of organizing to end sexual violence
with prioritized communities of the Mission District,
we continue to strengthen our collaborations with
communities of Latin descent, queer/LBT women
of color, organizations serving homeless/marginally
housed women, advocates of incarcerated and formerly
incarcerated women, along with expanding vital rape
prevention education provided to youth. We continue
our collaboration with Mujeres Unidas y Activas to
provide Spanish language rape crisis hotline services
to Latina immigrants and with the Center for Young
Women’s Development and Mission Girls Services to
expand direct services to ‘high risk’ young women of
African and Latin descent who are survivors of sexual
assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. These
two collaborations are supported by federal funding
through the Department of Justice, Office on Violence
Against Women.
Over half of all SFWAR rape prevention education
presentations continue to be conducted in Mission
District, Tenderloin, and Bay View schools; these three
neighborhoods in San Francisco experience the highest
rates of violent crime. These schools include Balboa
High School, Burton High School, O’Connell High
School, and Marshall High School.
In 2011–2012, SFWAR continued working to expand
our grassroots fundraising approach. We raised $12,005
through our annual Phone Bank and Canvass,
reaching over 2,600 people. In December 2011, we sent
a Holiday Mailing to approximately 3,645 people. This
effort, coupled with the mailing of our Newsletter and
Annual Report, raised $12,067 to support our crisis
intervention services. Private Foundations donated
$9,500. She Who Laughs Lasts, a night of healing
through comedy, raised $3,794 through entrance
donations and silent auction. Our newly launched
Benefit Party Campaign along with our long-standing
Major Donor Campaign raised a total of $7,336.
A specialized and intensive series of 7 sexual assault
SFWAR held on our 7th annual WALK Against Rape
prevention education sessions were provided to El/
in April 2012, which raised $44,472. Over $14,820 was
La Para Trans Latinas. In addition, 3 series of multidonated by individuals and groups who held Special
session rape prevention education workshops focusing
Events benefiting SFWAR. Finally, we want to thank
on healthy relationships were provided to the male and our faithful Monthly Sustainers who donated $11,754
female clients of the Mission Neighborhood Resource
this year. SFWAR thanks everyone who has given so
Center, an organization serving individuals who are
generously this year. Your support allows us to provide
homeless and marginally housed. SFWAR also provided critical services to survivors of rape and sexual assault,
rape prevention education to Central City SRO
while we simultaneously work to end sexual violence.
Collaborative Seneca Hotel residents and for members
of their Sisters Rize! program.
Thank you for all your support!
SFWAR would like to acknowledge the Volunteers, Interns, Corporations, Foundations, Businesses,
Organizations, Donors & Grantors who supported us during the July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012 fiscal year.
Aaron Clement * Alexis Tachiavin *Anna Filipshena * Cesia
Portilla * Denise Gainous * Djoke Steen * Emilia Martinez * Erica
Hernandez *Genevieve O’Gara * Guillermo Sanchez * Hoa My
Au * Jenell M Lester * Jessica Leventhal *John Weiss * Jose J.
Gamiño * Jose Gomez *Katheryn Koppler * Kendra Westlake *
Manar Abughannam * Michael Baldwin * Patricia Cartagena *
Adilia Preciado * Alexandra Armas * Allison Lam * Alma Alfie
* Amanda Ferrandino * Amber Elizondo * Amber Kimmins *
Amber Mercader * Anisa J. Berry * Anna Sterling * Bernadette
Manning * Blyth Barnow * Carolina Lucero * Cassandra
Zawilski * Cat Kim* Cecilia Owen * Chelsea Kirkland * Christa
Brown* Christy Tonel * Cindy Ly * Clarissa Klimek * Claudia
Candelas Prado * Delia Asquel * Devyn Pleasants *Diana
Garcia * Divya Gopakumar * Elda Mendoza * Ellen Frieboes *
Erica Guajardo Johnson * Ginamarie Gianandrea * Gloria Lo
* Helen Feng * Helen Xie * Jasmin Bomanjee * Jen Koonings
* Jen Simeone * Jenna Recupero * Jennifer Shao * Jess
Wainer * Jessica McNinch * Joyce De la Pena * Joyce Wu
* Julia Sills * Kai Teresa Lynch* Katrina Salangsang * Keiko
Koide * Kgothatso Mphenyeke Adams * Kristina Lee * Laurene
Dominguez * Leah Walkowski * Leona Saluta Gomez * Lilian Hu
* Liliana Palacios * Lindsey Reagan * Lisabeth Castro-Smythe
* Liz Hinojosa * Lizbeth Mendoza * Lorraine Medrano * Mari
Dickerson * Marissa Brun * Maryam Khajavi * Meenakshi
Palaniappan * Megan Stoesz * Melissa Aguilar * Minoo
Sarkarati * Misty Johnson * Munda Torres * Nancy Maldonado
* Nayla Raad * Nino Baramia * Nisha Aryal * Olivia Shabb *
Paola Souto * Paulina Maldonado * Phoenix Song * Rachaell
Mondino * Raquel Miller * Salinda Tyson * Sangita Devaskar *
Sarah Beaulieu * Sarah Lum * Sarah Truby * Sarah Won Shim *
Sharon Guynn * Shavone Watts * Shulin Peng * Simone Jobig *
Simonia Lei * Sinem Yilanci * Sirra Ndow * Stephanie Chiquillo
* Stephanie Colorado * Sydney Koliha * Tabitha Sisson * Talia
Barach * Tia Ghose * Tia Katrina Canlas * Vanessa Banks *
Vanessa Remhof * Zoe Thiebault *
A. Bamber * Aaron Koblin * Aaron Marcus * Aaron Nixon * Abbigail
Fontanilla * Abby Burg & Yaro Vinogradsky * Abby Ramirez * Abigail
Rundle * Adam Phillips & Sarah Dennis * Adam Anfdencamp * Adam
Cashman * Adam Cavan * Adam Obernauer * Adam Paul * Adan A *
Adilia Preciado * Aditi Rao * Adriana Arrug * Adriane Gamble * Aimee
Leifer & Tjarko Leifer * Ais Harvey * Akofa Tsiagbe * Alicia WarrenTherien * Alan Leerkamp * Alan Waugh * Alanna Labat * Albert Kim *
Alec Hoffmann & Alison Hoffmann * Alejandra Candelas * Alex Armas
* Alex Bernardin * Alex Collins * Alex Estrovitz * Alex Hessler *
Alexander White * Alexandra Aranha * Alexandra Basak * Alexandra
Chan * Alexandra Desmond * Alexandra Heinemann * Alexandra
Mead * Alfonso Aguilera * Ali Hanson * Ali Ross * Alice Feng * Alice
Fialkin * Alice Luciano * Alicia Choury & Karen Choury * Alicia
Maldonado & Kelsey Boyd * Alicia Arellano * Alicia Ruiz * Alicia
Sandoval * Alicia Strada * Alissa Lawhon * Allison Domicone *
Allison Falk * Allison Sparks * Alma Alfie * Alma Muñoz * Alma Rankin
* Alpesh Patel * Altoy * Alyssa Ayunan * Alyssa Lazaro * Alyssa
Techlenburg * Alyssa Zachariah * Alyssa Zelaya * Amber Dipietra *
Amber McClung * Amber Mercader * Amber Ortiz * Amber Pinson *
Amit Srivastava * Amy Barron & Jo Amanda Covey * Amy Anner *
Amy Apkarian * Amy Boggs-Breschini * Amy Chan * Amy Iams * Amy
Kunkel * Amy Lee * Amy Little * Amy Marsh * Amy Matteson * Amy
Nabong * Amy Stice * Amy Zimmerman * Ana Frias-Bravo &
Guadalupe Bravo * Ana Lopez * Ana Paz * Anajli Kamat * Anand
Khokha & Ellen Khokha * Anand Mandapati * Andrea Christensen *
Andrea del Moral * Andrea Lee * Andrea Nissen * Andrea Nisson *
Andrea Salinas * Andrea * Andrew Chaikin * Andrew Cifuentes *
Andrew Goyhenetche * Andrew Ko * Andrew Onesy * Andrew Peck *
Andrew Valish * Andy Gilden * Andy Li * Andy Lyon * Angelica Loza *
Angelica Perez * Angelina J. Deantonis * Angie Jongejan & Arie
Jongejan * Angie Black * Anita Seghetti * Ann McGowan * Ann
Mercurio * Ann Merrill * Annasara Purcell * Anne Teich * Anne M.
Hipskind & Tim Roberts * Annie Tillery * Antoni Wandycz * Antonio
Diaz * Anzea Smith * April Picasso * Arcely Paredes * Arief Romero
Nagara * Arit Butani * Arlene Miller & Irene Obera * Arlene Chavez *
Arnez Curry * Aron Shafran * Arturo Moreno * Asher Bauer * Ashley
Karin & Dan Roth * Ashley Cownan * Ashley Medley * Ashley Miller *
Ashley Wolff * Ashley Young * Aspen Branch-Moore * Audineh Asaf *
Audrey Bahr * Audrey Ching * Austin Ellis * Avital Oliver * Azeen
Keramati * Azin Farassat * Badger McInnes * Barbara Attard *
Barbara Hynes * Barbara Kalister * Barbara Odell * Barnali Ghosh *
Barry Forman * Becca Rufer * Becky Pier * Beja Tinsley * Belen
Sanchez * Ben Fife & Sean Durham * Ben Kauffman * Ben H Kram *
Benastal Laronce * Benjamin Jimenez * Benjamin Swanson * Benny
Hom * Benson Chan * Bernadette Kunz * Bernal Cutlery * Bernard
Weiner & Heide Linsmayer * Bert Feuss & Norma Feuss * Berta Lopez
* Beth Baron * Beth Fishback * Betsy Strausberg * Betty Shanahan &
Rosemary Shanahan * Betty Watson * Bill Reagan & Lindey Reagan *
Bill Bianchi * Bill Lum * Bill Rivers * Billie Mandel * Blanca Terry *
Thank you to our donors, continued
Blyth Barnow * Bonita Decker * Bonnie Ripple * Brandon Jensen *
Brandon Moreno * Brandt Wolkin * Brandy A. Mora & Brian Hart *
Brea Bianco * Breedeen Murray * Brenda Sandoval * Brian
Delahunty * Brian Egan * Brian Kurtz * Brian Mathews * Brian
Orion * Brian Patterson * Brian Spence * Briana Shewan * Bristol
Sorensen * Brita Thompson * Brittani Morgan * Brittnay Stenberg *
Brooke Kuhn * Brother James Paul * Bruce Rollin * Bryan Espino &
Philp Sy * Caitlin Doherty * Camille Taiara * Candice Caldera *
Carissa Anderson * Carlene Ung * Carlo Martini * Carlos Callejas *
Carmen Wedge * Carol Ann Britschgi * Carolina Hoyos * Caroline
Calderon * Caroline Green * Caroline Nguyen * Carolyn Howie
Boyle & Peter Boyle * Carolyn Gray & Richard Gray * Carolyn
Reiser * Carrie Smith * Carrie Su * Casey Kloehn & Catherine
Kloehn * Casey Wilmot * Cassandra Grant * Catalina Chavez *
Caterina Rindi * Catherine Cliche & Benoit Cliche * Catherine
Dompe * Catherine Kim * Catherine Sanchez * Catherine Steinbach
* Cathy Caramanica * Cathy Merrill * Cecilio Martinez * Celeste
Howell * Chancelor Daniel * Chanel Trevino-Hurtado * Char
Crawford * Charity Reyes * Charlene Obernauer * Charlene
Shaughnessy * Charles Moser & Blair Moser * Charles Bender *
Charles Dorris * Charles Mopur * Charlie Williams * Cherisse
Boland * Cheryl Westeren & Stanley Westeren * Cheryl Langhans
& Thomas Langhans * Cheryl Soltis * Cheryl Spikes * Chloe A.
Milne * Chris Dong * Chris Rupaat * Chris Sinatra * Chris Victoria *
Christie Pearl * Christina Davila & Mauricio Davila * Christina
Gilyutin * Christina Loya * Christina Wilson * Christine Berman *
Christine Johnson * Christine Mead * Christine Mende *
Christopher Graff * Christopher Liberti * Christy Aneja * Christy
Colcord * Chuck’s Store * Cindy Bruce & Noah Wendler * Cindy Ly *
Cindy Russey * Cinthya Garcia * Clarke Weatherspoon * Claudia
Gomez * Claudia Gonzalez * Claudia Skelton * Clelia Friscia * Clyde
McConnell & William McConnell * Colin Kemper * Colleen Greene
* Colleen Isaacs * Collette Frawley & Patrick Frawley * Colm Davis
* Connie Gibson * Conor Egan * Corrin Buchanan * Corry Seibert *
Cristina San Agustin * Crystal R. Williams * Cy Wagoner * Cyndi
Cannon * Cynthia Zimmerman & David Zimmerman * Cynthia Bittar
* Cynthia Louie * Cynthia Recupero * Daljit Singh * Dan Raile *
Daniel Massey & Matthew Gibson * Daniel Carter * Daniel Dunkley
* Daniel Frias * Daniel Hart * Daniel Houghton * Daniel Killar *
Daniel Perea * Daniel Roth * Daniel Schmidt * Daniel Sternberg *
Daniel Torres * Danielle Boehmke * Danielle Broad * Danielle
Mayer * Danielle O’Hare * Dannette Lambert * Danny David *
Danny Reyes * Dante Caruso * Darius Kemp * Darlene Crisp &
Michael Crisp * Darlene Flanders * Darren Starwynn * Darril Tighe
* Daryl Rodillas * Dave Gamble * Dave M. * David Porter & Audrey
Porter * David Van Dommelen & Deborah Van Dommelen * David
Shamszad & Leanne Wilkie Shamszad * David Martyny & Lisa
Martyny * David Burdette * David Garner * David Gladden * David
Grogan * David Jackson * David Kremer * David Luu * David
McDonnell * David Mullanda * David Sturm * David Young * David
Raman Sarkis * Davis Baltz * Dawn Cavalieri * Dawn Kobata *
Dawn Romano * Dawna Knapp * Dean Marling * Deane Collins *
Deb Janes * Debbie Viggers * Debjani Roy * Deborah Balzhiser *
Deborah Bingham * Deborah Gallegos * Deborah Gold * Debra
Callen * Debra Nathanson * Deirdre Tansey & Robert Chamberlin *
Delphine Reynier * Demetre Lagios * Deni Shulamith Asnis * Denise
Gonzales Cates * Denise Mooney * Denise Sauerteig * Denise
Thompson * Denisse Reneau * Dennis David & Patricia David *
Dennis Cates * Derek Boswell * Derek Taylor * Derrick Castro &
Gina Castro * Desiree Smith * Deverie Gehlen * Devin Richmond *
Devon Cutler * Devon Flynn * Diana Battle * Diana Cruz * Diana
Ferrer * Diana Gamez * Diana Hanafy * Diana Kerr * Diana
Lawrence * Diana Showalter * Diana Verhalen * Diane Cheng * Diane
Sabin * Diane E. Aurelius * Dianna Schonfield * Don Hoang * Donald
Day & Jaqueline Day * Donald Berger * Donald F. Schaan & Caya
Schaan * Donald K. Smith * Donna Waldfogel & Dean Waldfogel *
Donna Bishop * Donna Theisen * Donnamarie Martinez * Doreen
DiLavore * Doris Meier * Doris Tiller * Doris Vasquez * Dorothee Ring
* Ed Frauenheim * Eduardo Amaro * Eduardo Najarro * Eduardo
Rocha * Edward Kinchley * Edward Matchak * Edward Von Pohle *
Edwin Waite & David Waite * Edwin Billiot * Eileen Copeland * Eileen
Williams * Eladia Alcaraz * Elaine Albanesi * Elaine Tse * Elayna
Cross * Eleanor Gerber-Siff * Elena Botkin-Levy * Elena Flow * Eli
Cohen * Elisa Paik * Elizabeth Chur & Lillian Chur * Elizabeth
Bannerman * Elizabeth Brown * Elizabeth Chavez * Elizabeth Garcia *
Elizabeth Henry * Elizabeth Lim * Elizabeth McCarthy * Elizabeth
Rodriguez * Elizabeth Tennent * Ellaine Mariano * Elle Ko * Ellen
Frieboes * Ellen Gaines * Ellen Nauertz * Ellen Ritchie * Ellen
Sweeney * Ellie Salmon * Elline Filcher * Ellyn Roberts * Elva Garcia *
Ema Kye * Emily Wilkins & Michael Wilkins * Emily Fiel & William
Harrison * Emily Hamman * Emily Katz * Emily C. Cohen * Emma
Ludwick & Theo Ludwick * Eno Chukwujindu * Eric Celosse & April
Celosse * Eric Huynh * Eric Porter * Eric Quon Lee * Erica Botz *
Erica Harris * Erica Hilton * Erica Schoenberg * Erica Woodland *
Erica G. Johnson * Erick Krouse * Erik Eiane * Erik Shewan * Erin
Forman * Erin Horne * Erin McCoy * Erin McMahon * Erin Singer *
Erin Smith * Ernest Lee * Ernie Hsiung * Erwin Montalvo * Esmeralda
Preciado * Estefania Barrera & Nancy Barrera * Estella Ramos *
Esther Landau * Eva Silverman * Evan Clark * Evan Gattozzi * Eve
Levine * Evelyn Garcia * Evi Altschuler * Faith Petric & Carole Craig *
Felice Espiritu * Fenitra Funches * Fernando Marti * Fiaz Hossain *
Flora Brahmbhatt * Florence Kwo * Florent Dean Divina * Fluffy Lo *
Frances Verrinder & Michael Griffith * Frances McAteer Farrimond *
Francesca Crobak * Frank Harris & Christine Lee Harris * Frank Young
* Fred Adler * Fred Williams * Freddie Alvarado * Freddie Kirchner *
Frederick Boyer * Frederick Hutchison * Freuck Barra * Frolayne
Carlos-Wallace * Galatea King * Galina Yudovich * Garin * Gary
Walker & Ed Valenzuela * Gary Kloehn & Karin Kloehn * Gary
Fullwood * Gaurav Dua & Madhu Dua * Geoff James * George
Aragon * George Carter * George Pelayo * Georgi Costello * Georgina
Costales * Gilbert Beltran * Gilda Jaime * Gina Li * Gina Petrone *
Ginamarie Gianandrea * Giovanni Cruz * Glenda Green * Glenda Tom
* Gloria Amell * Gloria Compeau * Gloria Perez * Grace Eacret &
Robert Eacret * Grace Kim * Grace McKeone * Grace Phoebe Kuo *
Graciela Rosillo & Emilio Rosillo * Greg Felter * Greg Morantz * Greg
Ulrich * Gregorio Margarita * Gregory Chu * Gregory Hernandez *
Gregory W. Johnson & Natali Gulbahce Johnson * Grendl Lofkvist *
Greta Carey * Gretchen Atwood * Gustavo Huber * Hafsah Al-Amino
* Haidee Lim * Hal Wilkes * Haley Waterson * Hanna Pastrano *
Harmony Pittet * Harriet Damon & Elena Dillon * Harvey Hacker *
Harvey Lozada * Healey Cypher * Heather Barlin * Heather Hardeman
* Heather O’Donnell * Heather Stamatelatos * Heather Vogel * Heidi
Li & Sneha Oberoi * Heidi Hardin * Heidi Moore * Helen Desai & Raj
Desai * Helen Maese * Helen Swingle * Helen Wong * Henrietta
Currier * Henry Lee * Henry Jack Pytel * Herbert Wainer * Hilary
Klein * Hilda Deeds * Hillary Tandrow * Holly Gruber & Jon Gruber *
Holly Sisson * Holly-Anne L. Huebscher * Hunter Walk * Ian Keighley
* Inbal Rubin * Inga Marie Davis * Ingrid Davis * Innosanto Nagara *
Irma Gonzalez * Isabel Sandoval * Israel Garcia * Itzel BarreraRodriguez * Ivan Cruz * J.D. Devine * Jack Owen * Jack Praetzellis *
Jack Whiteford * Jackie Alcantara * Jackie Palms * Jaclyn Pitera *
Jacob Bartlett * Jacqueline Marzan * Jacqueline Mendoza *
Jacquelyn Callas * Jade Moore * Jade Rivera * Jaeeun Kwak *
Jaime Hennessey * Jaime Romerb * Jaiya Alamia * James Casey &
Kathleen Casey * James Espinas * James Fishman * James Hill *
James Kennedy * James Oey * James Perencevich * James Stauffer
* James Wen * James C. Freeman & James Archibald * Jamie
Thank you to our donors, continued
Emmons & Craig Emmons * Jamie Coate * Jamie Henn * Jamie Lee
Evans * Jan Nixon * Jan * Jana Marie Barber * Jane Guinn * Jane
Schoofs * Janel Holland * Janelle White & Lori Fryzel * Janet Arnesty
& John Good * Janet England * Janet Gee * Janet Lumberg * Janet
M. Roitz & Hunter Cutting * Janine Nolfi & Mark Nolfi * Janna Woods
* Jasmine Dominguez * Jason Bobe * Jason Brownstein * Jason
Cuaderes * Javier Cantu * Javier Perez * Jay Schneider * Jay Walsh
* Jay A. Fossier * Jayson McCauliff * JD Lumpkin * Jean Wolf &
Katie Wolf * Jean Evans * Jean O’Connell * Jeanette Little * Jeanne
Cramer * Jeanne Gerrity * Jean-Noel Moyne & Brigitte Cowell * Jeff
Aitken * Jeff Farris * Jeff Lin * Jeff O’Connell * Jeff Pollet * Jeff
Roberts * Jeffrey Maso & Beverly Langer * Jemuel Gardner * Jenan
Fiel * Jen-Mei Wu * Jenna Bauer * Jennie Bartlett * Jennie Chen *
Jennie Vance * Jennifer Hamm & Cameron L. Hamm * Jennifer
O’Keefe & Kevin O’Keefe * Jennifer Adams * Jennifer Argueta *
Jennifer Bergeron * Jennifer Bordean * Jennifer Boyden * Jennifer
Caballero * Jennifer Ferrigue * Jennifer Jones * Jennifer Newton *
Jennifer Nguyen * Jennifer Powell * Jennifer Rabon * Jennifer Shao
* Jennifer Simeone * Jennifer H. Fan * Jenny Chu * Jenny Jen *
Jenny McIntosh * Jenny Nguyen * Jenny Urbano * Jenny Weston *
Jeramiah Cadigan * Jeremy Bennett * Jeremy Meyer * Jeremy Olsen
* Jeremy Weinrub * Jeric Juria * Jerwin Fajarito * Jess Wainer *
Jesse Langham * Jessica Rodriguez & Tony Rodriguez * Jessica
Aguirre * Jessica Blickley * Jessica Brown * Jessica Davis * Jessica
Jankowsky * Jessica Miller & Lambda Theta Alpha * Jessica
Sahaydak * Jessica Young * Jessy Mathew * Jesus Gomez * Jesus
Robrero * Jesus Trejo * Jesus Verdin * Jil Ratner * Jilchristina Vest *
Jill Guenza * Jill Nierman * Jillian Sandell * Jim Parraguirre * Jimmy
Spivey * Jimmy Teng * Jo Ann Yang * Joan Amonette * Joan Grant *
Joanna Marie & Van Brusselen * Joanne Weidman & Eric Weidman *
Joanne Bent * Joanne Marlowe * Jocelyn Boreta * Jocelyn
Bourgault * Jocelyn Pietsch * Jodi Schwartz * Jodie Sigmond * Joe
Stillwater * Joel Sullivan * Joeline Navarro * Joey Osbourne *
Johanna Creighton * John Giordano & Christine Giordano * John
Collins * John Dubin * John Fuqua * John Hammett * John Pangelina
* John Pilgrim * John Reed * John Regan * John Sasser * John
Watts * John Williams * Johnnemann Nordhagen * Jonas Vaughn
Heineman * Jonathan Frank * Jonathan Ly * Jonathan Wetmore *
Jonathan Young * Jonathan W. B. Cosby & Kathi Gwynn * Jonathon
Campion * Joni Kilpatrick * Jordenne Nash * Jorge Mebis * Jose
Melgar * Jose Sepuleda * Joseph Steinberger & Rebecca
Steinberger * Joseph Malcoun * Josh Cohen * Josh Ross * Joshua
Markowitz & Karol Markowitz * Joshua Higgins & Katherine Higgins
* Joshua Herbach * Joshua Katz * Joshua Korson * Josiah Loh *
Josie Lehrer * Josie Maxwell * Joyce Ycasas & Angie Wang * Joyce
Wu * JP Gayner * Juan Aguilar * Juan Estrella * Juan Frias * Juan
Marquez * Juan Luiz Zepeda * Juana Araiza * Juanita Contreras *
Judith Abbett * Judith Ahrens * Judith Gerber * Judy Lee * Judy Parr
* Julia Wessman * Julian Jonker * Julie Kinloch * Julie Kuykendall *
Julie Lemieux * Julie Thies * Julie Anne Hamwood * Julie Aude
Lagarde * Jun Okada * Jungwon Kim * Justin Chang * Justin Gesler *
Justine Sigars * Kaela Mahon * Karen Decker & Arvind Mandhani *
Karen Thompson & Thomas Thompson * Karen Gehrman & Fred
McCord * Karen Harkins * Karen Ho * Karen Inthinavong * Karen
Scarpulla * Karen Schiller * Karen Sidey * Karen F. Walsh * Kari
Jones * Karin Vajevik * Karin Vargervik * Karla Castillo * Karla
Ferrufino-Simon * Karol Gardner * Karolyn King * Kashya Shei &
Joshua Greenberg * Kate Chu * Kate Getty * Kate Richardi * Kateri
Tyre * Katherine Perl & Mark Perl * Katherine Black * Katherine
Green * Katherine Mahoney * Katherine Owens * Katherine Walsh *
Kathi Balbi * Kathleen Fernandez * Kathleen Kahler * Kathleen Kuhle
* Kathleen Murphy * Kathleen Recupero * Kathryn Sayer & James
Sayer * Kathryn Putman * Kathryn M. Bruin * Kathy Cristobal *
Kathy Gaines * Katie Bostwick & James Bostwick * Katie Audre *
Katie Judson * Katie Saunders * Katie Steele * Katrina Peters *
Katrina Salangsang * Kay Hefferlin * Kayce Brown * Keira
Dubowsky * Keith Jantzen & Scott Beth * Kelley Kelly & John Kelly
* Kelly Looyd * Kelly Marker * Kelly Parsons * Kelsea McDonough *
Kenji Yamamoto * Kenneth Duigenan * Kenneth Er * Kenny Taylor *
Kerynne O’Malley * Ketul Parikh * Kev Phouthavone * Kevin
Davidson * Kevin Dorry * Kevin Huang * Kevin Tam * Kiansu
Ramirez & Teresa Ramirez * Kim Beaudry * Kim Handel * Kim
Moore * Kim Segna * Kim Tran * Kim Tsui * Kimberly Berger *
Kimberly Simon * Kimberly Sylvester * Kirk Pessner * Kirsten Mills
* Komal Ramchandani * Kris Cummings * Kris Zimmer * Krista
Gaeta * Krista Herbe * Kristen Crisp * Kristen Stemack * Kristian
Simsarian * Kristie Yoo * Kristina Thomas & Anatasiya Webb *
Kristy Blanchfield * Kurt Hurtado * Kusum Crimmel * Kyoan Duona
* Lachmin Singh * Lalique Bruzzi * Lana Smith * Lance Gillette *
Lani Rodriguez * Lara Cushing * Laraine Touw * Larena Burnham *
Latrina Hill-Greer * Laura Allen * Laura Lasky * Laura Shields *
Laura Silvestri * Laura Walker * Laura Wybierala * Laura Yoshiara *
Lauren Baranco * Lauren Greene * Lauren Gunderson * Lauren Hall
* Lauren Martinez * Lauren Ortiz * Lauren Recupero * Laurene
Dominguez * Laurie Kaminski * Lawrence Maas * Lawrence Strick
* Lea Francisco * Leah H. Nichols * Leanel Liwanag * Leanne
Villanueva * Lee Sinclair * Leonard Fisher * Leora Adams * Lesli
Pocock * Leslie Mulligan * Leslie Sanchez * Leslie Simon * Leticia
Garcia * Liam Doherty & Meghann Doherty * Libby Martinez * Lidia
Terry * Liensa Rouse * Lijia Lumsden * Lilian Pereira * Liliana
alacios * Linda Garber & Barbara Blinick * Linda Kattwinkel & Gary
Ceralde * Linda Devore * Linda Edelstein, Ph.d * Linda Obernauer *
Linda Pippin * Linda West * Linda A. Cicero & Robert Kennedy *
Linden Cady * Lindsey Fletcher * Lindsey Low * Lindy Nguyen &
Thuha Tran * Linge Dewulf * Lisa Schiff & Tim Lennon * Lisa Chan *
Lisa Dedrick * Lisa Denney * Lisa Dettmer * Lisa Gershter Franks *
Lisa Landes * Lisa Rudman & Diane Livia * Lisa Welch * Lisabeth
Castro-Smyth * Lisel Fay * Livia Blankman * Liz Abbett * Liz Prueitt
* Lizbeth Mendoza * Lizelle Festejo * Lora Thomason * Loren
Robertson * Lorenzo Benedicty * Loretta Litke * Lori Ottolini & Kevin
Geno *Lori Lee & Nicole Mandel * Lorraine DiLavore & Salvatore
DiLavore * Lotus Goldvuhl * Lou Vaile * Louana Nuti Fassett * Louis
Cassanego * Louise Lo * Lucy Davis * Luis Vasquez-Gomez * Luiz
Guevara * Ly Ha * Lynda Gammell * Lynn Stone * Lynn Strandberg *
Lynn West * Lynn L. Laupheimer & Ronald Laupheimer * Lynne
Shewan * Madeleine Mullane * Madeline Behrens-Brigham *
Madeline Snyder * Madison Smith * Maggie Mahaffy * Maggie
Mullen * Maisha Johnson * Maiysha Dickerson * Malachi Rose *
Mallory Cain * Manali Karmarkar * Mandy Hu * Mani Jackson *
Manuel Melendez * Manuel Samaniego * Marc Chaikin & Sandra
Betner * Marcia Kimpton * Marco Hernandez * Margaret Libby *
Margaret Slattery * Margaret Whitehead * Margaret T. Law *
Margarita Campillo * Margo Watson * Maria Arias Valdez * Maria
Duenas * Maria Garcia * Maria Hanafy * Maria Jones * Maria
Naval * Maria Reyes * Maria Tran * Maria Waters * Maria Zamora
* Maria Zarate * Mariama Nance * Marianna Sarver * Marianne
Nilsson * Marianne Sommerville * Maricar Ronas * Marie Baeta *
Mariella Demey * Marilyn Cornejo * Marilyn Davis * Marilyn
Moodie * Marina Hudgens * Marina Lopez * Mario De Anda *
Mario Ruiz * Marisa Taylor * Marisela Cardona * Marisela Flores *
Marissa Mossberg * Mark Watson & Clare Winterton * Mark
Langan & Kathryn Mazaika * Mark Cook * Mark Goldman * Mark
Miller * Mark Schlagenhauf * Mark Scott * Mark J. Lynch &
Anthony Grealy * Marla Chaikin * Marlene Raderman * Martha
Duenas * Martha Lackritz * Mary Burg * Mary Burnham * Mary
Fontana * Mary Lavelle * Mary Peterson * Maryann Rodriguez *
Mascha Jansen Op de Haar * Matt Quilter & April Quilter * Matt
Thank you to our donors, continued
Baker * Matt Cahill * Matt Koalkin * Matt Miles * Matt D. Hill *
Matthias Mormino * Maulie Dass * Maura Rojas * Maura
Whelehan * Maureen Chukwujindu * Maureen Downs * Maureen
Willhoite * Max Benedict * Mayra Castillo * McKenzie Mullen *
Meara Day * Mechtild Van Den Hombergh * Megan Stoesz &
Marcus Stoesz * Megan Cristina * Megan Hynes * Megan McVay *
Megan Mock * Megan Shutzer * Megha Saghal * Mehul Thakker &
Pallavi Somusetty * Mel Morales * Melanie Buntichai * Melanie
Cervantes & Jesus Barraza * Melinda Matsumoto * Melinda
Quesenberry * Melissa Dodd * Melissa Manousos * Melissa
Weston * Melissa Wilson * Mercy Sequeira * Merideth Shamszad *
Mgoc Ha Nguyen * Michael Bozym * Michael Burg * Michael Chin
* Michael Dimital * Michael Griffith * Michael Henes * Michael Lee
* Michael Mueller * Michael Reynnells * Michael Ritter * Michael
S. Graziano, Jr. * Michele Schaal * Michele Waldman * Michelle
Tellez & Juan Tellez * Michelle Batoon * Michelle Fanner *
Michelle McCarthy * Michelle Puckett * Michelle Snyder *
Michelle White * Michelle R. Meeker * Miguel Herrera * Miho Kim
* Mihoko Sekido * Mike Galu * Mike V. * Miles Conrad * Milo B.
Terry * Min Min * Mindy Spatt * Miriam Parrott * Mirit Cohen &
Anthony B. Kendall * Misty Johnson * Mo Ryan * Molly Weiss *
Monica Carrasco * Monica Girvan * Monika Varga * Monique Allen
* Monique Rojas * Monique Solano * Morgan Hankins * Myesha
Williams * Myra Levy * Nadia Khastagir & James Whitehead *
Nancy Achorn * Nancy Coliz * Nancy Ghilotti * Nancy Kaufmann *
Nancy Perry * Nancy Vu-Ha * Nancy Wang * Naomi Evarts * Naomi
Worthington * Natali Johnson * Natalia Jonas * Natalie Rome *
Natalie Wolff * Natasha Dedrick * Nathan Kanner * Nathaniel
Gloekler * Nathaniel Lozano * Navjot Mahal-Gill * Neil Koren & Amy
Traum * Neil Geoghagen * Neshma Friend * Nestor Ceson *
Nicholas DiBlasio * Nicholas Elser * Nicholas Smith * Nick Chaffee
* Nick Stone Hocker * Nicolas Woo * Nicole Walicki & Jason
Cramer * Nicole Blake * Nicole Brodeur * Nicole Ciomek * Nicole
Follett * Nicole Horner * Nicole Rongcal * Nicole Sanchez * Nina
Yeboah * Nisha Gurbuxani & Vishal Gurbuxani * Nisha Anand *
Noadiah West * Noelani Low * Noemi De Alba * Nora Roman *
Nora Yousri * Norma Carcamo & Len Carcamo * Norma Smith *
Oana Tamas * Ogechi Chukwu * Olga Manlapaz * Olga Meza-Reid *
Olga Trigonez * Omoniyi Omotoso * Orchid Pusey * Orquidia Gomez
* Paige Bennetts * Palak Joshi * Pallavi Somusetty * Pam Coxson &
David Fairley * Pamela Hava & James Usher * Pamela Armstead *
Pamela Miller * Pamela Risho Pereira * Pamela Rojas * Pamela B.
Jones * Paola Trigari * Pat Gibbons * Pat Goedtel * Pat Nye * Pat
Wynne * Patricia West & John Igaz * Patricia Mundera & Kristina
Mundera * Patricia Becker * Patricia Berne * Patricia Cosgrove *
Patricia Marvin * Patricia Murphy * Patricia S. Foy * Patrick Hayes
* Pattrice Jones * Patty Caruso * Paul Fong * Paul Sathe * Paulie
Anne Duke * Paulina Maldonado * Pauline Mifsud * Peggy Medina
* Penelope Kastagir * Perla Frias * Peter Arroyo * Peter Cecil *
Peter Collignon * Peter Coughlan * Peter Cownan * Peter Forni *
Peter Holman * Peter Ulman * Pharmicia Mosely * Phat Ly * Phil
Hwang * Philip Crawford * Phillip Minnich * Phoebe Grott * Phyllis
Gomez & Henry Gomez * Phyllis Hambleton * Phyllis Klein * Phyllis
Magee * Phyllis Schoenwald * Polina Shamariyeva * Poonam
Whabi * Prabha Milstein & Seth Mausner *Preston Chang * Priya
Agrawal * Purva Dandona * Quan Ha * Quandra Chaffers *
Queennandi Shabazz * R. Carsch * R. Jones * Raashi Dua Schmitter
* Rachael Domingo * Rachaell Castro * Rachel Barnett * Rachel
Foodman * Rachel Gomez * Rachel Hernandez * Rachel James *
Rachel Katz * Rachel McCloskey * Raina Crawford * Ramsey
Campbell * Randa Rielly * Randina Casenza * Randy Ann Seanor *
Raquel Perez * Rasika Kumar * Raul Aguilar * Ravikanth Rao *
Rebecca Wolf-Prusan & Peretz Wolf-Prusan * Rebecca Rolfe &
Susan Mooney * Rebecca Boissaye * Rebecca Miller * Rebecca T.
Vershbow * Reinaldo Poblano * Renee Caren * Renee Hahn *
Rhiannon MacFadyen * Rhonda Garcia * Ricardo Hurtado & Jasmin
Nevarez * Rich Stump * Richard Carell & Aileen Carell *Richard
Crisp & Sandra Crisp * Richard Leeds & Sharonjean Leeds *
Richard Decker * Richard Wright * Richard Yurman * Richiel Sta.
Maria * Rivianna Hyatt * Robert Raisler & Elizabeth Raisler * Robert
Levander & Mary Levander * Robert Frank & Mary Dee Beall *
Robert Lin * Robert Milholin * Robert Sanchez * Robert Shewan *
Robert Sweeney * Robert Wells * Robert Wright * Roberto Vallejo *
Robin Averbeck * Robin Crawford * Robin Kemper * Robin Smith *
Robon San Miguel * Robyn Miller * Rochelle Wordsworth * Roger
Recupero * Rom Srinivasan * Roma Guy * Romina Kluss * Ronny
Grooms * Rosa Mora * Rosa Solorzano * Rosalia Frias-Valdez &
Eduardo Valdez * Rosana Callejas * Rosario Reyes * Rose Johnson
* Rose Tutera * Roseanne Gould * Rosie Lopez * Ross Merkel *
Roxane McDaniel * Roxy Smith * Ruben Acevedo * Ruchira Shah *
Russell Baruffi * Ruth Hagopian & Dennis Gallagher * Ruth
Voigtmann * Ryan Johnson * Ryan Rodriguez * Ryan Whisnant *
Sabiha Basrai * Sadie Wilcox * Sage Schaan * Sal Alper * Sally
Kaufmann & Paul Kaufmann * Sally Urbano * Sam Wainer *
Samantha Aunet * Samantha Gottlieb * Samantha Lyn Avnet *
Samuel Failor * Sandra Ruiz & Martha Duenas * Sandra Hagood *
Sandra Ocamb * Sandra Olivar * Sarah Bennett * Sarah Burt *
Sarah Field * Sarah Insel * Sarah Irvine * Sarah Jennings * Sarah
Karni * Sarah Lum * Sarah Mangan * Sarah Powell * Sarah Reilly *
Sarah Stowers * Sarah Vickers * Sarah Whiyscaw * Sarah Wilson
* Sareena Singh * Sarena Baltzley * Sarena Young * Sari Bilick *
Sarita Comyns * Sasha Cuttler & Lauren Cuttler * Sashee Chandran
* Saul Garcia * Saun-Toy Trotter * Saydeah Howard * Schuyler
Bailey * Scott Kildall & Victoria E. Scott * Sean McLeary * Sean
Minnig * Sebastian Gutierrez * Semiramis Shabbas * Serena Arge *
Sergio Hernandez * Setareh Sarrafan * Shane Balanon * Shane
Boal * Shannon Batinich * Shannon Williams * Shanti Tharayil *
Sharmistha Majumdar * Sharn Matusek & Tom Bleecker * Sharon
Varga & Laszlo Varga * Sharon Barkwill * Sharon Yau * Sharone
Negev * Shauna Axton * Shawna Freeman * Shayne Figueroa *
Sheila Weisblatt * Shelley Ginenthal & Rochelle Ginenthal * Sherry
Aro * Sherry Smith * Shilpa Jain * Sholeh Mirzai * Shonali Shome &
Rajesh Gupta * Shonte Stephenson * Shulamit Baram * Sid Martin
* Simon F Lessard * Simon Torres * Simone Dixon * Sinem Yilanci *
Siobhan Doherty * Sister Lucy Calvillo * Sita Goetschius * Skekera
Campos * Skott Pierce * Skye Alexander * Snehlata Oberoi * Sonya
Davis * Sophie Rowland * Sophie Song * Souann Meas * Stacey
Cadigan * Stacey Long * Stacie Nguyen * Stacy Hoska * Stacy
Sciortino * Stan Koehler * Stanislav Mikhailova & Tatiana
Mikhailova * Stephanie Allen * Stephanie Burns * Stephanie Carthy
* Stephanie Colorado * Stephanie Gluch * Stephanie Heim *
Stephanie Helm * Stephanie Turner * Stephen Gerringer * Steve
Boyles * Steven Linder * Subhash Upadhye * Sue Johnston & Eric
Johnston * Sue Kelton & Kenneth Kelton * Sue Crisp * Sue Minsuk
* Sue Hee Sung * Suhan Zheng * Sui La * Sumedh Dandge * Sun
Choe * Susan Eto & David Nicola * Susan Quinlan & James Best *
Susan Chen * Susan Chiu * Susan Doherty * Susan Dolan * Susan
Moneyhun * Susan Osgood * Susan Ozawa * Susan Ring * Susan
Ross * Susan Westbrook * Susan Yascolt * Susan Yelda * Susan E.
Caston * Susan M. George * Susana Olcese * Suzanne Landucci *
Suzette L. Davidson * Sybil Judd * Syed Yasir Sadeque * Sylvia
Stevens * T. Gallo * T. Otis Paul * Tabatha Thomas * Tako Oda * Tali
Poran * Tamara Nieto * Tami Grayevsky * Tammy Zeng * Tanay
Nagjee * Tara Ramanathan * Taryn Mead * Tchie Tao * Teresa
Davis * Terri Massin * Terri Sorrell * Terry Sole * Tessa Kemp *
Tessa Riley * Thanh Chuc Nguyen * Theresa Lopez & Christopher
Delucchi * Theresa Benitez * Theresa Foglio * Theresa Gee *
Thank you to our donors, continued
Graphic Design by ARTDeezine
Theresa Ann Weeks * Thomas Schenck & Diane Dowlgielevicz *
Thomas Sipple * Tia Ghose & Mitchell Slep * Tid Cooney * Tierney
Alexander * Tiffany Chen * Tiffany Elizabeth Tan * Timothy Kastagir
*Timothy Fogarty * Timothy Yuen * Tina Holeman * Tirzah Tyler * Tom
Chu * Tom Nardone * Toni Lobsenz * Tony Ayala * Torben Bruck *
Tracey Fisher * Tracy Avelar * Tracy Chinn * Tracy Lerman * Tracy
Zhu * Trang Nguyen * Trilce Santana * Tristen Fredrickson * Troy
Sandal & Megan Prentiss * Troy Peckenpaugh * Trudy Lionel *
Tuhina Rasche * Tuong Ha * Uvaldo Villegas * Valerie Green * Valerie
Simpson * Vandana Makker * Vanessa Abenojar * Vanessa
Cervantes * Vanessa Hsu * Varun Maharaj * Vaughn Quoss * Velma
Kingsbury * Veronica Garcia * Veronica Suazo * Vi Linh Tran * Victor
Martin * Victoria Mendoza * Victoria Skudlarek * Victoria Wieldt *
Vikki Riverstone * Vincent Castelle * Vincent Leddy * Vinh Nguyen *
Vivian Holley * Viviana Galvan * Vy Vu * W. R. Stelter * Wai Ling &
Chan Luk * Walee Sitachitt * Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg * Ward Hunt
* Warren Yoshida * Wendy Bardsley * Wendy Walsh * Whitney Miller
* Whitney Moses * Will Banks * Will Mckleroy * William Clark &
Polly Clark * William Cahill * William P. Kee * Willy Leung * Wu Li
Leung * Wyatt Frye * Xinia Magdalena Morales * Xoe Bien * Yajaira
Martinez * Yalith Fonfa * Yaswanth Reddy * Yelena Nedelko * Yoko
Olsgaard * Yolande Sterling * Youssef Errami * Yulanda Hendrix *
Yung Suk & Julian Sapirstein * Yvonne Israel-O’Hare & David O’Hare
* Yvonne Bonnie” M” Dickerson * Zabet Gerber * Zach Morgan *
Zachary Wilson * Zak Parpia * Zoe Cohen * Zoe M Fyfe * Zubin
Goldman * Zubin Verma * Zully Batres *
* A Safe Place (SFSU) * Air Traffic Control Education Fund,
Inc. * Andalu * Arizmendi Bakery (Sunset & Mission) *
Arriba Juntos * Asian Women’s Shelter * Bank of America
Foundation, Inc. * Bay Area Legal Aid * Beretta * Bi-Rite
Market * Bissap Baobab * Brava Theatre * Brass Liberation
Orchestra (BLO) * CalEMA * Cabot Cheese Co-Op * California
Coalition for Women Prisoners (CCWP) * California Department
of Public Health * Castro Patrol * CCSF Project Survive*
Center for Independent Documentary, Inc. * Center For Young
Women’s Development * City College of San Francisco *
Clorox Employee Giving Campaign * Code Pink * Community
Thrift Store * Community United Against Violence * Crixa
Cakes * Donate For Charity, Inc. * GG Tukuy * Genentech
Givingstation * Girls on the Run Bay Area * Give With Liberty
Employee Donations * Good Samaritan * Goodsearch *
Google Matching Gifts Program * Horizons Foundation * Ike’s
Place * Jay’s Philly Cheesesteaks * Kasa Indian Eatery * Katz
Bagels * L’s Caffé * La Casa de Las Madres * Larkin Street
Youth Services * LYRIC * Laborer’s International Union of
North America- Local 261, AFL-CIO * LGBT Historical Society
* Loco Bloco* Mavataj, Inc. * Med Thrive Cooperative Inc.
* Mills College * Mission Girls * Mission Minis * Mission
Neighborhood Centers, Inc. * Mujeres Unidas y Activas * Napa
Valley Bike Tours * Network for Good * Network on Women
in Prison * Office on Violence Against Women * Papalote *
Phat Philly * PG&E Corporation Campaign for the Community *
Philanthrofund Foundation * Phyllis Klein of Women’s Therapy
Services * Planned Parenthood Shasta Pacific * Pro Transport
1 * Qumbia Qrew Collective * QWOCMAP * Rainbow Grocery
* Rodger’s Coffee * Roxie Food Center * Roxie Theatre *
San Francisco Department on the Status of Women * San
Francisco Women’s Center * Schwab Charitable Fund *
Semi-Freddi’s Bakery * SF LGBT Community Center * Sistahs
of the Drum * Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Inc. * Skate
Like a Girl * Sports Basement * Students for a Safe Campus
(SFSC) * Surviving and Thriving * Survivors Network of Those
Abused by Priests (SNAP- SF) * Tartine Bakery * Tea Cake
Bakeshop * The University Corporation, SF State * The William
G. Gilmore Foundation * The Women’s Building * Toeniskoetter
Development * Trader Joe’s (9th Street & Masonic Ave) *
University of San Francisco * Valencia Whole Foods * Voila!
Juice * Whole Foods (24th St) * Women Organized to Make
Abuse Nonexistent, Inc (WOMAN, Inc) * Xiuhcoatl Danza
Azteca *
Contact Briana Shewan at
brianashewan@sfwar.org or (415) 8612024 ext.305 about Benefit Parties!
Highlights from the past 40 years SFWAR has provided crisis line services, individual peer counseling, support
groups, advocacy, prevention education, and community programs in the San Francisco Bay Area.
• SFWAR is founded as a 20-hour per week rape
crisis hotline
Early 1980s
• SFWAR expands services to include a 24-hour
hotline, in-person individual counseling, and
support groups.
• SFWAR becomes a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
• SFWAR is invited to join the San Francisco
Commission on the Status of Women
Domestic Violence Committee.
• •SFWAR becomes a 501.C.3 Non-profit.
• SFWAR begins its rape prevention and
education program, producing first video for
teens and publishing first Spanish, Chinese,
and Vietnamese brochures.
• SFWAR establishes its medical and legal
advocacy program. The first Poets Against
Rape is held and becomes Artists Against
Rape, encompassing all forms of cultural
expression, in 2004.
• SFWAR becomes a member of the City of San
Francisco’s Adult Sexual Assault Task Force
and Sexual Assault Response Team.
• SFWAR becomes a majority women of color
organization at all levels (i.e. volunteer, staff,
ED, and board).
• SFWAR launches its Community Initiatives
Program to develop and support communitybased primary prevention approaches to
ending sexual violence.
• SFWAR holds its first WALK Against Rape.
• SFWAR initiates collaboration with Mujeres Unidas y Activas to launch ALMA (Ahora! Llame a
Mujeres en contra al Abuso), a Spanish language
sexual assault crisis line. SFWAR launches its
SRO (Single Room Occupancy) Outreach & Organizing Project. Through this program marginally
housed women are trained and supported to engage in rape prevention efforts in Mission District
SROs and at community-based groups.
• SFWAR affirms its commitment to women of color
leadership and develops working principles to
sustain the leadership of women of color at all
levels of the organization.
• SFWAR partners with the Center for Young
Women’s Development and Mission Girls to
enhance and expand direct services to young
• SFWAR celebrates 40th Anniversary in October
2013! Please join us! For more information visit the
SFWAR website at www.sfwar.org.
San Francisco Women Against Rape
3543 18th Street #7
San Francisco, CA 94110
Return Service Requested
MARCH 2013
APRIL 2013
March 21: Volunteer Training Program begins
Saturday, April 27 10AM
START: The Women’s Building, 3543 18th St.
FINISH: La Raza Park, 24th & Potrero
3.5 mile walk, with rally and festival at finish!
More info: www.sfwar.org
Contact: Alma Muñoz, almamunoz@sfwar.org
March 26: SFWAR Phone Bank begins
services to survivors of rape and sexual assault,
providing prevention education to the community,
and being a leader in the movement to end sexual
More info: www.sfwar.org
Volunteer Gaduation (2012)
For more SFWAR events please check out: