English Edition - MY
English Edition - MY
03 | 2013 Interesting Information from the Marché® World of Freshness S W E N FRESH “Hot Drinks”: Do it yourself Fresh, fresher – ® tea at Marché marche-restaurants.com e-ups at M -m k ic p g in rm a Heart-w Sweet temptation s from Heavenly treats e around the glob arché® lly fair Totally organic, fu – Enjoy your co ffee ay w the resp onsible e e m u! k a T h yo w it Dear Guests! If this is missing in the morning then nothing seems right – your beloved cup of coffee. In many places, coffee – right behind water – is the most popular beverage. That’s a good reason to take a closer look at this pick-meup by peeking behind the scenes: Marché® celebrates the responsible enjoyment of coffee by using Mövenpick Bio/Fairtrade coffee beans in many countries. As we are on the topic of quality, we should also mention that tea is not always simply tea. we rely totally on our specialised tea suppliers, like Vreni Federici. we purchase fresh tea leaves from our tea expert in Davos, switzerland, and our guests can enhance their tea enjoyment at our tea bar by adding home-made syrup or dried fruit. You can read more about how to do this on the following pages. And what goes perfectly with tea or coffee? Of course, cake! we’ve done some poking around and found out which kinds of cake are most popular in the various Marché® countries – read on and take a look for yourself. On this note, I would like to wish all of you many warm and “sweet” moments at Marché® ! Oliver Altherr CeO Marché International and his team 2 Fresh News 03 | 2013 Marché Mövenpick Zürich It’s time for something really fresh The strengths of the two brand names “Marché” and “Mövenpick” have joined forces: Freshness and front-cooking blend with the pleasurable and full-service Mövenpick concept. “ The heart of the full-service restaurant is the open kitchen with its large grill.” swiss grilled dishes are prepared right in front of the curious eyes of our guests. One part of the restaurant Marché Mövenpick Asia Square Marché Mövenpick Zürich was opened in October 2013 and is the flagship restaurant for the new concept at “Marché Mövenpick”. T r e p x e a e T Th e ssion rici turned her pa de Fe i en Vr o ag eighteen year s g her own tea rtunit y by op enin po op er re ca a to in s, ekanne”, in Davo shop, “Vreni’s te ché® guests in Switzerland. Mar now also enjoy Switzerland can . her specialt y teas reminds you of a cozy inner courtyard, classy wines are waiting for you at the wine bar and the elegant Business Area is the perfect place for meals with your professional associates. All in all, Marché Mövenpick Zürich offers seating for a total of 300 guests. whether at the bar or in the restaurant – tender grilled specialities, crispy salads, fresh juice creations or a classic Mövenpick tartar – enjoyment and comfort are the main focus at Marché Mövenpick Zürich. Moving up in singapore ngapore Our expansion in singapore is now moving into the fifth round: In November 2013, Marché Mövenpick Asia square opened its doors for the first time. In 2007, Marché® opened its first restaurant in singapore – Marché VivoCity – and thanks to on-going growth, Marché®, only six years later, is now operating its fifth location at various areas in this seemingly european metropolis. Vreni Federici Lending a hand in India: Vreni Federici (left) often helps out with the harvesting of the tea on the plantations. VreniS FAScinAtiOn with teA Cheerful and easy-going Vreni Federici is passionately enthusiastic about tea: “I am fascinated by the culture around tea, the feeling of relaxation from tea and its therapeutic qualities. That’s why I want to offer only the best possible quality to my tea-lovers.” And this dedication to quality fits perfectly with what is also expected in Marché® restaurants: “Marché® prepares its fresh products for the guests with a great deal of care – our fresh teas fit right in.” the Secret OF the teA LeAF The swiss Marché® restaurants get their black and green teas, as well as their rooibos, herbal and fruit tea blends, from Vreni Federici. The tea expert was “discovered” by the former store man- ager at Marché heidiland. And what is the secret of Verni Federici’s good tea? “we sell only tea leaves, and this means only whole or partial leaves – never finely broken tea leaves like those used in a typical tea bag. If you ever have the pleasure of enjoying exquisite tea leaves, you will never go back to another kind of tea.” “ My favorite kind of tea: Darjeeling green tea, as well as my own personal blends, to which I only add natural things like blossoms, spices, herbs, fruit or vanilla.” Vreni Federici, www.vrenisteekanne.ch Vreni Fed eri ci pe rso nally delivers a shipm ent of tea to on e of the em plo ye es at March é Glarnerland . riGht there where it GrOwS Most of our teas come from private plantations in India, sri Lanka or China, where Vreni Federici and her daughter Carmen often visit and lend a hand. That’s how they check the quality, the environmental conditions, and also the fair treatment of the tea pickers and the people who work in the plants there. whenever possible, the trained druggist, Vreni Federici only buys organic teas that have a Demeter International certificate and these are then immediately airshipped to switzerland: This guarantees freshness far and above that which can be achieved by land and sea freight. Fresh News 03 | 2013 3 Do it yourself – r e h s e r F , h s e Fr That makes a warm, cuddly feeling deep inside: From 15 January until 12 February 2014, “Hot Drinks” will be the major theme at Marché®. ® é h C r a Tea aT M sy rup, a drop of ho ney or a t, in m er pp pe A tw ig of fr esh pr esto, your ho t water – and , ge an or d ie dr few pieces of ts can se le ct M arché® our gu es At y! ad re is a te enjoyabl e their ow n tea. ients and make ed gr in e it ur vo their fa Chai Latte & Chai spice blend ingredients for 1 tea cup of chai Latte : 50 ml Ceylon or Assam tea 220 ml milk 1 – 2 tsp Chai spice blend Preparation of chai Latte: Fill about 1/5 of the pre-warmed cup with the brewed tea. Froth the milk and pour it over the tea. Then sprinkle the Chai spice blend generously over the frothed milk. sUGGesTION FrOM The experTs You shouldn’t add boiling water to every kind of tea: “Boiling water is fine for black tea, but when preparing white or green tea, the water should cool down to about 80° C (175° F). Only then can the tea leaves develop their full aroma”, says our tea expert, Vreni Federici (see page 3). SniFF, BLenD, tASte Large tea mugs are waiting for you, right next to the different kinds of teas – carefully selected and without any preservatives or artificial colors: various black and green teas, chamomile blossoms, rose hip tea, or rooibos, are sometimes filled into small bags by the staff. when fresh herbs and peppermint are available they join in, along with lemon balm and thyme. with a slogan like sniff, blend, taste, it’s clear that a visit to the tea bar will be an enjoyable experience. 4 Fresh News 03 | 2013 A SPeciAL tOUch Instead of normal sugar or rock sugar, you often have the chance to sweeten your tea creations with our home-made orange or lemon sugar, a dash of mint, or vanilla syrup. Are you now done? Not quite. with freshly sliced oranges and lemons, or even with dried seasonal fruit such as apples, strawberries, pineapple, kiwi, or oranges, you can put the final touch on your individual tea. Now all you have to do is add hot water for the perfect cup of tea! ingredients of chai spice blend for 250 g: 75 g 50 g 25 g 25 g 25 g 50 g ground cinnamon ground coriander ground ginger ground cloves ground cardamom palm sugar Preparation of chai spice blend: Mix the ground spices together and crush with palm sugar using a mortar and pestle. Put the spice blend into a container and seal tightly. You can discover many more heartwarming “Hot Drinks” recipes in our new, free seasonal recipe booklet in all participating Marché® restaurants starting 15 January 2014! S RIN INKKS DR OTT D HO H winter ks for for winter drinks ingdrin arming rt-wwarm HeartHea taurants.com marche-restaurants.com marche-res and ed one m e an Takeatonho y home Ta trke at tr y Fresh News 03 | 2013 5 Feel like a little sn ack? s T I h y r e K ba N d T h e G L O b e F rO M a rO U KITCheN hITs FrOM arOUNd The WOrLd aT MarChé®: when in need of a sweet treat, guests at our Norwegian Marché® restaurants love waffles, in Canada cheesecake is tops, fruit tarts are popular in switzerland and in hungary “somlauer Nokerl” are a big hit. The following numbers make it clear how popular various cakes, pies and candy are in lots of different countries: A wintery treat: GINGerbread MUFFINs canada: Cheesecake norway: waffles Switzerland: Fruit tarts Germany: Cheese cake Austria: Apple strudel er is still hind you and dinn be l el w is h nc lu what to do when arché® of fers piece of cake ! M a ve ha t no hy a long ways? w delicious pastry raight from our st n” tio lu so te an “immedia r kind s of cake s th e m os t po pula of e m so g rin fe sh op by of wor ld . fr om ar ound th e hungary: “somlauer Nokerl” Slovenia: Cream cake croatia: Cherry cobbler Singapore: “sweet Crepe” Malaysia: Chocolate fudge cake indonesia: Carrot cake ingredients (for 10 to 12 muffins): 450 g 150 g 1 dash 1 level tspn 1 package 100 g 100 g Apple strudel “Sweet crepe” 250 g 150 g 125 g 1 wheat flour sugar salt ginger bread seasoning baking powder nuts (walnuts) coarsely chopped chocolate (leftovers of chocolate Santa Clauses or from the chocolate Christmas tree decorations) buttermilk sunflower oil honey egg Preparation (20 minutes): At Marché® in slovenia, almost 144,000 slices of cream cake are sold every year – that works out to 395 pieces every single day! singaporeans are more into “Sweet crepes” and consume around 25,000 every year and in Austria, 10,790 pieces of apple strudel are bought yearly! hé® spelt whea t Popular with youn g and old: Marc choc olate. or nuts fruit, muff ins with seaso nal 6 Fresh News 03 | 2013 It’s no surprise: The fresh, home-made pastry shops at Marché® offer a wide range of seasonal and “countrysuited” items and seem to be pretty popular for that reason. The cakes and tarts are freshly made around the clock right in front of our watchful guests. And if you are one of those people who prefer a healthier snack, then one of our spelt wheat selections is perfect for you. Cream cake Fruit tarts Mix the wheat flour, sugar, salt, ginger bread seasoning and baking powder in a bowl. Add the nuts and the coarsely chopped chocolate to the other dry ingredients. In a second bowl, whisk the buttermilk, sunflower oil, honey and egg and then add to the dry ingredients. Marché® suggestion: To make sure your muffins are light and fluffy, don’t blend all of these ingredients too vigorously. Also, a whisk is better than an electric mixer. Cheesecake Chocolate fudge cake Cut baking paper into small squares of about 5 x 5 inches (13 x 13 cm) . Now press these into the muffin tray and using a spoon add a small amount of dough. Bake in a pre-heated oven for 25 – 30 minutes at 175°C (350°F) (circulating air oven). Fresh News 03 | 2013 7 SAMeDAn: IN The FOOTsTeps OF GreaT ThINKers A dif fere the snow nt kind of fun in G N I T N a h C eN G N I K I h r e T WI N Your legs are not the only part of you kept busy during this two-hour trek: You will find signs with words of wisdom from socrates, sartre and Nietzsche along the Philosophenweg. This is the perfect spot to contemplate the wonder of creation – because the vistas are beautiful beyond compare. The engadine lake district from st. Moritz to Maloja lies – literally – at your feet. The Philosophenweg, for this reason, is one of switzerland’s most beautiful winter hiking routes. The starting point of this circular route is at the stand cable car station which then takes its passengers from samedan/Punt Muragl to Muottas Muragl. ed ! the snow-cover er sp or t? n o way m m su a ly on d is hiking ace and quie t an l-clear air, the pe ta ys cr e th e, ap all of these landsc y step you take – er ev r de un es rience. snow that crunch uly unique expe tr a ng ki hi r te in things make w GrinDeLwALD: FaCe TO FaCe WITh The NOrTh WaLL OF The eIGer The area of Grindelwald First (just above Grindelwald) offers splendid views of the wetterhorn, schreckhorn and the north face of the eiger. This three-hour winter hike leads right into the face of this impressive trio. From the valley station, we head gradually up to the Gummihütte. On the way you will pass Bachtal Lake – which is frozen solid in winter – and is a treat to look at. here the path branches off: to the right up to the Faulhorn – a real insider tip for experienced winter hikers – or to the left back into the valley via Bachläger to the waldspitz. After walking through a magical winter forest, you will reach Bort and the cable car station. LeS DiABLeretS: UNder The speLL OF The “TeUFeLsberG” Find more information about the Swiss world of lakes and many other adventures at: www.MySwitzerland.com 8 Fresh News 03 | 2013 The mountainous mass of “Les Diablerets” rises monumentally above the village with the same name. when part of the mountain broke off in 1714 and devastated Alp Derborence in wallis, people were convinced that the devil – le diable – lived inside. The starting point of the almost one and a half hour high altitude hike can be reached by PostBus from Gstaad or Les Diablerets. The route leads from Col du Pillon over snow-covered meadows, though mountain forests to Lac retaud – here you can enjoy a splendid view of the mountain chain – and then on to Isenau. From there a cable car will take you back to Les Diablerets. Fresh News 03 | 2013 9 enjoyment, Delicious coffee ay the responsible w C I N a G r O y L L a T TO FULLy FaIr “Did you know that ... Picky’s winter punch ... Americans don’t measure their temperature in celsius?” A really fruity drink packed full of vitamins to warm you up – perfect for every winter children’s party with igloos and snow bar! In the USA, temperatures are measured on a scale developed by Daniel Gabriel And this is how you make it: Fahrenheit. The Fahrenheit scale was boil and add two fruit tea bags. slice Bring 17 fluid ounces of water to a Fahrenheit. 0° Celsius represents 32° the vanilla bean length-wise and also used in Europe until it was replaced Marché® in cup of co ffee at d ve lo be ur yo y enjo with a clear many and Austria er G , nd la er itz Sw ee specialties use all of our coff conscience – beca irtrade Mövenpick Bio/ Fa are prepared with coffee beans. scrape out the seeds. Mix the seeds by the Celsius system we know today. into the fruit tea. Place the skin of ... punch actually comes from india?” the vanilla bean along with the cinnamon sticks and clove in a strainer Punch was originally a hot beverage in India. English sailors brought it to and then lower it into the tea. Let it Europe in the 17th For 8 servings you will need: meantime there are V l freshly-pressed orange juice, century. In the many types of punch available – including Picky’s winter punch! simmer for one hour. V l fruit tea, 1 l fresh apple juice, remove the strainer and then add V l freshly-pressed mandarin juice, freshly-pressed orange and manda- 2 sticks of cinnamon, 1 vanilla bean, 2 cloves, 2 tbsp of rapeseed honey, 1 apple, 2 oranges the honey, apple juice and the rin juice. Cut the apple and oranges into thin slices and then heat briefly. You’re done! ’s Tricks Coffee is one of the most heavily exported goods in the world – and about 25 million people in Latin America, Africa and Asia live from the cultivation of these valuable beans. Caring for the coffee plants, as well as the harvesting and preparing the beans, are laborious tasks. And the revenues often don’t even cover the costs of the cultivation and the production. That makes it really hard for coffee farmers to survive. “ Fair trade is a good deal for the farmers, because it reduces poverty. This allows the farmers to invest in their own futures, as well as that of their children.” Sandra Frieden, Max Havelaar-Foundation Schweiz FAir BUSineSS FOr SMALL FArMerS The Fair Trade seal – represented by the Max havelaar Foundation in switzerland – guarantees the collectives of small farmers stable minimum prices and a fair trade bonus that can be used for community projects. Farmers, who cultivate their fields in an organic manner and thereby protect the environment, also receive supplemental payments. The fair trade stan10 Fresh News 03 | 2013 dards forbid every form of child labour and guarantee longterm business relationships. The added revenues that result from fair trade practices are invested in communal projects by the collectives, such as the building of schools or setting up of medical care facilities. Find five mistakes! “hi, Kids! here are two puzzles for you! they range from easy (b) to hard (b b).” G ame 1: MArchÉ ® ASSUMeS reSPOnSiBiLitY In all of the Marché® restaurants in switzerland, Germany and Austria, only Mövenpick Bio/Fairtrade coffee beans are used. This means that the beans are produced under social conditions that are enforced world-wide, in an ecologicallyfriendly manner and are fairly traded. They originate from fair trade collectives in Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and Peru. How many beans do you have to move to make the equation correct? G a m e 2: “we are very pleased that Marché® follows the principles of fair trade when setting up its coffee offering and, therefore, rightfully assumes responsibility”, says sandra Frieden. Figure out which math symbols are missing in these rows of sugar cubes. How many sugar cubes are in the answer in the 3rd row? All of the solutions are on the last page. … … … … … … = = = Fresh News 03 | 2013 11 03 | 2013 Interesting Information from the Marché® World of Freshness Enjoyingfreshtea: Andrea Panajotowaworks atMarché®asaMarketing Managerandlovesfreshtea. 5 x RM 40 to be What wi won at Marché ® eme at March ll be the major th Pumpk ins Win é® from 15 Januar s! ry 2014? Fish Ho t Dr inks mar kt st an d@ m er by e- mail to : Send your answ E: 7 APRI L 20 14 ENTRy DE AD LIN y until 12 Februa hu wit ar ch e- in t.com be drawn from er. Winners will years of age or old Internati onal ite d to people 18 sta ff of March é lim is The ion al. pat rke t fin tici are y be use d for ma All decisio ns ut the contest: Par s inf ormati on ma no tifi ed by mail. Information abo winner s will be tha t the ir addres ee The rs. agr ts we pan ans t tici all cor rec e. All par may no t par ticipat and the ir family ertising pur pos es. res earch and adv ER : IMPRINT | PUbLISH or, The Curve, , G87. Ground Flo Marché The Curve Jaya, Selangor, ing tal Pe 00 ara, 478 ts.com Mutiara Damans marche-restauran w. ww 1, (3) 7727-846 Reser vations : 60 SO LUTI ON S FO RM Game 1: Game 2: PAGE 11:
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