File - Sweet Medicine Australia


File - Sweet Medicine Australia
JAN 2015
Editor’s Welcome
Medicine Gifting by
Janneke Koole
News from Red Lodge Oz
Developing Physical
Mastery – Annetta Luce
- White Tigress Fan Kata
- Moving Eros
Healing Our Internal
Ecology by Mukee Okan
Chuluaqui Quodoushka
Upcoming Events and
Community News
A Walk around the Infinity
Wheel by Neil Black
Panther Warrior
Sun Bear’s Astrology cont..
Red Lodge 2014
(Dates for Yr. 1 only)
Mar 5-8 May 1-3
July 30 - Aug 2
Eagle Dance: Aug 28-30
Ceremonial Wk: Aug 31- Sept
3 Oct 29 to Nov 1 Dec 10-13
A Weekend with Annetta –
Developing Physical
Mastery Byron Bay
-White Tigress Kata Jan 31
- Moving Eros Jan 31
- White Tigress Kata Feb 1
Q1 Q2 Q3 Byron Bay NSW
Q1: March 12 – 15
Q2: March 19 – 22
Q3: March 26 – 29
Red Lodge Lineage
Address, Coorabell NSW
March 5
Preview Nights Byron Bay
Red Lodge Feb 25
Shamanic De-Armoring TBA
Conscious AssemblageGold Coast 26 Feb
A Life Lived in Balance and
Alignment Brisbane
Mar 10
Shamanic De-Armoring
Australia– Byron Bay area,
NSW 9-23 August
By Bronwyn Buckley
Welcome to the Summer and first edition of the 2015 Sweet
Medicine Australia newsletter. Each season we
publish the latest news, updates, upcoming
programs and events and articles of interest
from the Australian community of the Sweet
Medicine SunDance path. Feel free to pass it
on to family and friends who may be
Teachings from this path take the shape of a wheel,
with each direction on that wheel providing a structure which is
used to tell stories, discern patterns, hold an energetic vibration
or hold a key teaching.
The season of summer sits in the east of the wheel. It is the place
of spirit, of fire and hearts full with expansion of life, vibrancy
and joy. It is the place of illumination, enlightenment, pleasure
and beauty. It has the attributes of speed of self-growth.
The human world also sits in this direction. As humans we are
the determiners of energy. We are created with free will and selfdetermination. As we grow in our human maturity we have the
willingness to assume authority and the ability to take full
responsibility for our lives. We have the desire to co-empower
self, life and others and we have the knowledge to stand fully
accountable so we can gain the wisdom of full maturity. This
gives us the huquas– health, happiness, humour, hope and
This season and for all of 2015, I wish all readers and members
of the Australian Sweet Medicine community all of the 5 huquas
in abundance. May the fire, illumination and expansion of our
spirit grow as we weave positive, creative, dharmic
patterns in our life.
What part of the east wheel is strongly felt by your
soul now? How might your soul soar in 2015?
Medicine Gifting
by Janneke Koole
Adapted from Red Lodge lineage address October 2014
SwiftDeer told us many stories about his teachers who were powerful healers and who did
many acts of kindness. People who participated in any ceremonies they held were asked to put
medicine gifts on the blanket or in the basket. Then at the end of the ceremony these
grandfathers would first take those items first to their families to give them what they needed.
This was how they supported their families. Then if one of them knew he needed something to
sustain himself he would take that. The rest would then be given away.
In the modern world we are no longer inside this stream of gifting as a way of making a living
but medicine gifting remains one of our fundamental SMSD protocols.
On our path, we honour a strong code to not charge for ceremony. When attending a
purification lodge, a healing ceremony or a gateway ceremony, participants may be asked to
share the actual physical costs of the ceremony. But the ceremony itself is honoured with a
medicine gift.
There are two parts to a medicine gift: one is tobacco and the other is a heart gift. Tobacco is
essential. In this lineage it represents a connection to spirit. Offering tobacco is saying to the
person that is leading the ceremony as well as to Spirit, )'m here with my full intent. ) desire
this ceremony. I am willing to listen and to learn.
We offer the medicine heart gift to keep energy in balance. Most times in ceremony there are
many people taking part in the ceremony, as well as many other people in service making it
possible to run the ceremony. In order for us to have balance, there needs to be an energy
The key to medicine gifting is that it is done through our child spirit shield. This aspect of us
has the spiritual determination to give and be part of the return. It is more than just WHAT we
give. The act of giving sets the law of return in motion. Our child spirit shield does this happily
because it doesn’t know lack.
Types of Medicine gifting
The different types of medicine gifts are
categorized through the wheel. Each direction has
an energetic input.
In the South are medicine gifts that nourish and
provide for the care, happiness and opening of the
heart. It may nurture physically. Giving this type of
gift gives life.
In the North are gifts of skills exchange. We may
know this as bartering and includes offering skills
which can make a difference. Perhaps these are skills that you can do with ease and can
support others.
In the West are medicine gifts for home and from your hearth. The hearth is traditionally
known as the place in the home around the fire where people gather to share stories or be
together. A gift of hearth can be practical, beautiful or just something you choose to share that
helps one’s home become warmer, cosier, or filled up.
East medicine gifts take the form of creative gifts. These gifts may be handmade and express
creative originality of the maker.
Medicine gifts from the South East direction include lineage gifts. These gifts have been passed
onto you and you then pass them onto another person. They have been part of your family or
blood line.
South West medicine gifts support realising another’s dream. By being aware of what another
is dreaming or desiring, you can make this a personalised gift.
North West medicine gifts offer a reflection of either your or the other person’s shining. This
gift recognises what that person’s shining is. We may know it as that gift has her name all over
North East gifts are practical in nature. They may be gifts that make life easier for the other. An
example of a gift from this direction could be to mow another’s lawn, do someone else’s
housework, bring over a pot of soup, etc.
The centre is the place of the void, the infinity loop. It is the place for the flow of abundance.
Gifting allows different ways to participate in the infinity movement of the abundance dream of
the universe. Whatever you give sets into motion the law of return. Think of the idea of a wave.
The wave hits the shore but it is the pull of its return that is the most powerful part of the wave.
Some reflections on gifting and
How does gifting feed the abundant
stream of the universe?
What do my beliefs or philosophies say
about abundance?
Do I have beliefs that hold me back from
living an abundant and generous life?
Do I believe that the resource pie is finite
or infinite?
The way generous people think
Generosity makes us happy. Giving leads to greater happiness.
Success grows when I help others succeed.
Changing even one life is worthwhile.
Others can and will use what I give.
Life is short – enjoy it!
I have more to give than just money
I am content to live with less
) don’t dream small – I can have big dreams for my money and other resources.
News from Red Lodge OZ!
2014: A year of determination!
Well what an incredible final weekend it was for the completion of 2014
Red Lodge. I am in awe and gratitude for the community of Red Lodge for each of us that showed up in all our shining, our vulnerabilities, our
willingness to stand in the fires of transformation and make a difference
for ourselves, our families, friends and the world we live in.. We indeed
walk our path of heart with beauty and power. The heartbeat of our
community is very much alive and thriving in Oz!
(ere’s what Malcolm Year
had to say:
I have now attended Red Lodge for close to four
years and I continue to be astounded and
inspired by the depth and the strength of this
lineage and its teachings. I have learnt so much
about the human condition and how to strive for
balance; internal balance of my aspects, external
balance in my relationships, and global balance
as I walk as a man on this planet.
And yet again I realise following this weekend that I am still scratching at the surface of what
is accessible to me via this profound body of work. The teachers who devote their lives to their
path of heart so that we might benefit from these teachings are THE most generous, open
hearted, leaders with integrity I have ever encountered. They are wise, humble and shining
examples of the value of living one’s life aligning with Universal Law. Each of these teachers
are still, and will continue to be, active apprentices and students on the path in pursuit of
their own personal refinement.
The outstanding bonus of Red Lodge for me is the community that inhabits it. Such a diversity
of people – from hippies to polished professionals, plumbers to PhD graduates, musicians to
mountain climbers, construction workers to healers, teenagers to grandparents, pensioners to
abundant entrepreneurs, sex workers to priests … we’ve got the lot! And each one is here to
support me, to offer reflections, feedback or just have a laugh around the camp kitchen. We
laughed a lot this weekend. Thank you Red Lodgers one and all.
I invite anyone who enjoys wisdom, challenge, magick and new tools, anyone who has a desire
to give more to and/or gain more from their lives (via maximum effect for minimum effort);
anyone who has a respect for ancient global indigenous wisdom, anyone who wants more
happiness, health, humour, hope and harmony – come and have a look at what Red Lodge has
to offer – you will not be disappointed.
Awanestika! (You dance in my heart)
Perhaps something here strikes a chord within you? Perhaps
you’ve been thinking about Red Lodge for a few years now?
Perhaps you know someone doing Red Lodge? Perhaps this is
your first time you’ve heard the term Red Lodge and want to
find out more?
Enrolment for the 2015 program is well underway! Early Bird specials end January 31st 2015.
Visit to learn more.
What is Red Lodge? from www
The Red Lodge Longhouse program is the basic training program of the Sweet Medicine
SunDance Path. It contains teachings, ceremony, and experiential learning that help you to
connect with your inner intent, access different levels of consciousness, enter heightened
awareness and gain happiness, harmony, health, connection and meaning in your life.
Developing Physical Mastery – Upcoming events with Annetta Luce
Within the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path, the "gateway process involves the balanced
development of all aspects: emotional, mental, spiritual, soul force energy and physical.
The study of martial arts is excellent way to develop our physical mastery.
White Tigress Fan Kata
White Tigress uses the fan as a
potential weapon that teaches
you how to extend your Ki
energy and command presence
in the space. A Kata is a
postures/movements that form
a set. The entire Kata, of which
there are 24 postures, can be
done in less than 10 minutes.
But the "how" is the important
factor since it is packed with
discernments about how to
move with efficiency and grace.
Some of the benefits include:
stepping into your warrior
having a personal practice
acquiring physical mastery and enhanced body knowledge
transferring these skills into your daily life
applying them to self-defence.
Moving Eros
Be the connoisseur of your body. The body is the source of our felt
knowledge. One’s sensual sexual practice is a lifetime of unravelling
beliefs that inhibit our naturalness and mask our individuality.
Movement can offer a playful and conscious exploration of the Erotic
inherent in all life, and the basic need for healthy contact, touch and
intimacy. This workshop will involve components from Erotic
Anatomy, Contact Improvisation and Feasting the Body.
In this workshop, you will experience:
 grounding in the foundation of desire with evolutionary
movement patterns
increasing your magnetism and attraction
cultivating and moving your creative life force sexual energy
feeling the congruency of our core with our voice supporting boundary setting skills
adding dimension and shape to No. or Yes
priming the senses through a shamanic approach.
Weekend schedule and costs
 Saturday 31 Jan - White tigress Kata Taster 14pm = $40
 Saturday 31 Jan - Moving Eros 6-9pm = $60
 Sunday 1 Feb - White Tigress Kata 8am-5pm
Those attending whole program $180
You will need to purchase a fan if you are attending
Kata workshops (unless you own one) – $12
All events will be held at 144 Johnson St Byron Bay
To register contact Cheryl Duplock: 0415 216 331
About Annetta: Annetta Luce is a Sweet Medicine SunDance apprentice living in Phoenix.
She holds rank of Blue Belt in Shorei Kenpo Karate at the Rainbow Powers Center’s Ten No
Kishi Dojo. Her personal practice is also based on a
foundation of work with the Nagual, Lujan Matus. The
White Tigress Fan was taught to her by assistant
teacher of Hsi Lai, the author of "Sexual Teachings of
the White Tigress." Her current interest is Aikido with
Philip Trice (Thunder Panther). She is a Certified
Movement Therapist and has an extensive background
in Iyengar yoga, Body Mind Centering, dance, Capoeira
(Brazilian Martial Arts) and more.
Annetta’s teaching spans cultural borders – from a
performance collaboration with Sydney’s Capoeira
community, to an Urban Tribal Dance at Sydney Dance
Company’s studios, to time in a rural Maasai village in
Kenya, to Sexy Spirits in New York City. Her vision of
Moving Eros continues the parallel trajectory of a life
path, bridging dance and sexuality with shamanic
practice. Her current focus is studying with the Nagual
Lujan Matus in Thailand &Costa Rica.
Red Lodge Preview Night February 25th
Byron Bay area Time 7:00pm – 8:30pm
With the start of the Red Lodge year approaching (March 5 2015) there are many asking
questions about the program. Come along to the preview night and talk directly to Red
Lodge teacher Kristin Viken. Kristin is the lineage advocate for Sweet Medicine SunDance
programs here in Australia and has been teaching Red Lodge for many years.
RSVP or call Bronwyn 0412648856
Healing Our Internal Ecology by Mukee Breezes Love
Batty ThunderBear says, To become a sexually fulfilled
human, a better lover and partner can be learned like
anything else – as well as to be totally present in the
moment, engaging with a clear intent from a healed inner state of
self-love with life, others and spirit.
Transcend within your mind, as well as in your sexual connection,
the limitation of the separated ego. Then you can experience through
ecstatic soul sex, yourself and your partner, as the transpersonal
divine energies waiting to be actualized within you.
Chuluaqui Quodoushka, as the catalyst teachings of the Sweet
Medicine SunDance Path has been broadcasting to
Batty Thunder Bear
the planetary collective for over 30 years now. To
broadcast is to transmit, to scatter seeds, to spread
widely. Many lives have been transformed and opened up to the
unlimited capacity to heal self through reclaiming the Natural Self.
Thunder Strikes, Twisted (airs Naqual Elder has said Repression is
hazardous to humanity, because when you repress a person’s sexuality
you retard their maturity and destroy their soul. Religions and political
structures around the world that restrict people from discovering their
full potential as men and women thwart the evolution of humanity and
make it impossible for people to discover who they really are. If you
cannot fully express yourself and stand accountable for your actions, you
cannot find the fulfilment that every human being deserves. from the
foreword of The Sexual Practices of Quodoushka, by Amara Charles)
Often our attention is on the external ecology, rather than diving into the
mystery of the internal ecology. The body, senses, mind, and intellect are
instruments of the life force, chuluaqui. The body is given as an
instrument of the Grand Design, so each individual can fulfil their role as a
cell in the body of Great Spirit.
Everything in the Everything is composed of the elements of the cosmic
nature. At the source everything is the same. Every form is a unique
configuration of the same energy, chuluaqui —
pure, white light orgastic energy. Chuluaqui
connects us all and is the source of Oneness.
Every speck of creation is within a matrix of
energy – each with a role, a purpose and a
The eternal principles that everything springs
from — all things are born of the Feminine,
sparked by the Masculine, returns us to the
beauty and power of our internal ecology. This is
the heart of Quodoushka.
Next Q1 & 2 in Australia is March 2016 • Next Q3 is 2017.
Quodoushka Spiritual Sexuality
for Singles & Couples • March 2015
Residential Retreats at Ballina Beach Village
with Batty ThunderBear, Mukee Okan,
Kristin Viken and assisted by John Kent
Quodoushka is profoundly practical and expansive.
A shamanic approach to spiritual sexuality that
increases your pleasure, knowledge and aliveness.
Quodoushka 1: 12 – 15 March
Experience more self-love, appreciation and self-acceptance. You are invited to — awaken to the beauty of your natural
self and enjoy the expression of your sexuality; let go of living in the past and enjoy the power of now.
Quodoushka 2: 19 – 22 March
Q2 explores male/female instinctual differences. Gain through unconditional giving. Increase your ability to feel and
receive pleasure and give as a lover; enhance intimate communication; create healthy agreements with self and others;
and explore your spiritual sexual edges – satisfying your soul’s desire to live fully. Q1 is a prerequisite.
Quodoushka 3: 26 – 29 March
Q3 is about being a healthy, mature adult, creating a sexual magickal relationship. The focus of Q3 is transcending sexual
limitations. In intimate exercises and ceremony with your partner. 20 couples only. Q1 and Q2 are prerequisites.
Within a safe, guided, ceremonial space of beauty and power, you will learn how —
• to apply the power of your sex energy in daily life for energy gains and elemental balance
• to create new life patterns of pleasure
• orgasm is first for your health and well-being
• to make and communicate mature clear honest agreements
PROGRAM PRICE INCLUDES: Friday, Saturday & Sunday lunch, refreshments & snacks, Q manual for
each Q • $895 for SMSD apprentices • AND best discounts for all the sooner you register
* Does not include accommodation: book your own @ Ballina Beach Village • 02 6686 3347
register online or via direct deposit
for more info contact
Q inspires you to shine your light and say YES to your life!
Up Coming Events and Community News
A Life Lived in Balance and Alignment
– with Razel Wolf
 Tuesday 10 March 2015
South side of Brisbane 6:30-9:30pm
Cost $30
 RSVP essential – to register Contact Bronwyn on
 email
How do you measure a good day? How do you evaluate
your life; is it truly rich and fulfilling? Are your
determinations based on material possessions? Or
skating through a day without incident? Or the number
of diplomas on your wall or friends on your Facebook
Join us as we draw on ancient wisdom from the seekers from the
Twisted Hair Lineage. These wise ones discovered a very simple
and profound approach to alignment and balance within ourselves
and with the world around us. We will discuss the hows of a life
well-lived. And in an interactive working, we will explore our 5
basic human aspects: our emotions, mind, body, spirit, and soul
force/sexuality in relation to the 5 elements: water, wind, earth,
fire, and the void.
If you have ever desired a more effective way to get the most
from your life experience, please come a share these insights
and evening with us.
)f you’d like to know more about these teachings go to
Join us for the next Resculpting Session in Australia
March 3rd 2015
6:00pm until 11pm
Cost: $150 AUS
(APA readings also available during
Resculpting for discounted fee of $100!)
We’d love to have you join us!
To register please contact Elka:
T: 040 6769 338
Conscious Assemblage
Conscious contractual assemblage is an essential tool for living in Dharma.
Being conscious in this way insures that we create our life moment to moment with awareness
and presence. Conscious contractual assemblage transforms the challenges of life into a
playground of opportunities. Thunder Strikes urged us to use this tool every day in every way to
embody more and more of our shining and what it means to live in dharma.
The next gathering will be held on the Gold Coast - This class is BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE level,
continuing from where we left off at the last class in December.
Thursday 26th February, 2015
Price: $35
Location: Currumbin, Gold Coast
Time: 6.30pm - 9.30pm (Qld time)
Start: Registration begins at 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start time, please be prompt.
Booking is necessary (for preparation of room space, seating and printing) - please RSVP
to Sonia 0408 280 651
Contact Sonia if you do not have a Book of Life reading - 0408 280 651
Opportunity to engage in a DREAM MANDALA Workshop – with Sonia Weston in
March 2015
Sonia is offering a dream mandala workshop to anyone wishing to engage in the Red
Lodge program or wishing to find choreography via dream mandala to deepen their
connection with the medicine. There is an offering to do
this for the exchange of a medicine gift plus tobacco (see
main article by Janneke Koole)
If you wish to create a dream mandala for other parts of
your life the exchange would be $50.
Contact Sonia for more information on 0408280651 or
via email
Date Claimer Red Lodge Lineage Address
Presented by Kristin Vikin
WHEN: March 5 2015 WHERE: Coorabell Hall, Coorbell NSW
TIME: 7:00pm Cost:$15
This event is open to all. RSVPS appreciated.
Call Bronwyn 0412648856 or email
Sweet Medicine End of Year Celebration
Just before Christmas, about 50 people attended a
relaxed evening as an end of year celebration of the
sweet medicine community. Some good food, great
company and whacky entertainment (thanks Mal!)
was just what we needed after a big and busy year.
Entry tickets on the night went into a raffle that
resulted in a prize of $500 for the lucky winner to
use towards an Australian sweet medicine
program in 2015. Congratulations to winner Dave
who will joining Red Lodge in 2015! There was also lots of sharing about the gifts that
attending these programs has given to people! Thanks to Mukee and Jen for organising it,
Peter for hosting it and for all those who came and had a fun night.
Self Defence Course 2014 by Josh Cook
In November in the Byron Shire, a group of red lodge students enjoyed a weekend of training with
self defence expert Shirsha Marie. Shirsha is a master of five different martial arts styles including
Taiji & Qigong, Hapkido, Hapkiyusul, Soo Bahk Do & Wu Shu. Shirsha gave us a wealth of knowledge
and guidance as we all stepped onto the mat! The Tanjen breathing, Ki energy and Qigong
breathing to start the seminar was an excellent introduction for all. We then jumped into a full
Hapkiyusul range of conditioning exercises, stretching exercises, power strikes and kicks on targets
and break-falling skills for a full day on Saturday. On Sunday we expanded into many self-defence
techniques – grabs, punches, chokes, headlocks, bear hugs and blocking punches. There were many
smiles on graduation, as we felt the increased focus, balance, harmony, humour and self-confidence
we had gained and shared amongst the group, not to mention a few bruises and much more to
A Walk Around The Infinity Movement Wheel With Grandfather Sun
by Neil Roberts, Black Panther Warrior
Summer Solstice is the time of year that Grandfather Sun is at his most powerful in our
hemisphere. It is at this time of year that I like to reflect on a very strong symbol of the
masculine and a massive image maker in my life.
For this reason I decided to put an infinity movement using Grandfather Sun as the focus and see
what lessons I can bring into my life using this light mirror.
1 Focus – Original Creativity (East) : So I see Sohotomah burning away with such lust and fiery
passion. How can I get more of that I wonder? How do I cultivate the focus so that I can bring the
power of the sun into my own life and totally spark my reality with lust and passion? Through
the determination of my own creative originality, I have the capacity to let go of my moulding,
sculpting and armouring to totally step into my naturalness.
What does this actually mean? Well, the more I dare to express myself from a place that is in
alignment with my true nature, the more I am able to put out my shining in a way that expresses
my uniqueness. I can bare all my talents and abilities, plus a few skills I pick up as I dare to
confront the unknown.
2 Substance – Prowess and Strength (West): Having the determination to be my natural self
impacts my reality. I need to go within myself to discover what my skills, gifts and abilities
actually are. What are my weaknesses and how do I turn them into strengths? Through
introspection I am able to bridge the earth mind and reach my intuition. I know what my next
step is. I intuit how to gain skills and refine the ones I have. What do I need to let go of? What
must die in me in order that I can transform? How do I hold a greater measure of myself even
when I am fumbling or making mistakes as I engage a new edge? This is a truly intimate space to
hold as intimacy is in-to-me ) see.
3 Form – Open and Inquisitive Exploration (South West): Things are less scary when I am not
taking myself so seriously or making everything a life or death situation (pick the psychopath
stance). I realise I like learning new things, I open a new space within myself where it is okay not
to know everything. I am the explorer and I am just having a look around in order to glean more
from life. With this inner resolve, I close the distance between myself and my dark mirrors. Heck,
they are not so scary after all! In fact there are hidden gems in there and I see a whole lot of
symbols that trigger me into unproductive patterns. I have the tools to fix them so I can
approach new spaces I never really dreamed of before. I see my shining is my willingness to
engage my shadow and enter the unknown.
4 Determination – Intimate Fluidity (South): What will I do? I am at choice because I have erased
so much of my personal history and realise that the past does not equal the future. Again
intimacy is here and the way I seek that intimacy is to engage with the flow of life. Giving from
my heart space, allowing my heart to open more and more as I trust myself on deeper and
deeper levels is my mantra here. No matter what mistakes I may make, I know they were
innocent for I wish no harm. Here I learn that to truly flow, whether it be in traffic or in my own
energy levels, I can bring a level of happiness and joy that I rarely experience when I try to push
and shove my way through.
5 Understanding – Flexible Clarity (North): Crossing the void and communicating my
determination to the world brings knew knowledge that builds itself into wisdom. I am
receptive to the messages of the world which typically bring great humour as I witness my
own folly. I am light in my philosophies like the cool summer breeze and I see people
laughing with me as I spin my cunning to make light of situations. I understand from
multiple viewing points how I impact the space. People are receptive to me, they also gain
greater insight into what is playing out for them.
6 Imagination – Free Will (North East): What is the outcome of my engagement? I see that
people are more themselves around me and our engagements are relaxed and easy going.
Underneath that easiness, I discern a focus as people actively engage with me and the
others I am with. I imagine living in a community like this, where people gather and share,
where we prioritise our pleasure and make choices that feed us. People come and go as
they see fit, without having to excuse themselves or apologise for engaging as they will.
7 Freedom (Taking Responsibility) – Maturity (South of Centre): How obvious it becomes
to me that in order to live in freedom, I require great maturity. I am responsible for my
actions. I am responsible for my creations. Maturity brings the wisdom I need. How do I
choose to live a life of beauty? (ow do ) experience the warrior’s freedom? ) am free to act
as I wish yet there is only one choice — to be completely in my integrity.
8 Receptive – Autonomy (North West): Here I receive a greater vision of my sacred self and
my sacred dream. I see myself growing into a dharmic warrior. I see how my sacred vision
fits with the grand design of Great Spirit. I truly know myself as a cell in the body of Great
Spirit. My service to my community is to share my wisdom through walking my talk.
9 Active – Individuality (South East): It is interesting to me, as a South-East sitter, to totally
understand that my way is the right way for me. How I choose to express my walk in the
world affects my world view and concepts of self. I choose a life of beauty and wonder. I
dare to be my authentic self. In this act of individuality, I impact the world view of others. I
do not seek to be an image maker for others, yet I do not shy away from that either. I have
come to the complete understanding that my attitude and approach is totally my choice. I
choose to learn though pleasure!
10 Completion (Freedom Exercised) – Liberty / Freedom (North of Centre): Completion is
really the beginning of the next evolutionary spiral. Here I learn what it takes to truly live a
life of liberty when I am not at the effect of any person, place or thing, including my
pretender voices. Is there any greater freedom than that?
Wado Grandfather Sun. Thank you for your brilliance and shining. I have enjoyed my walk
with you.
Sunbear’s Astrology continued…
)n the last few newsletters we’ve been sharing Sun Bears Astrology chart. We can learn so much
about our natural selves from the animal world including how to be efficient and balanced with
our everyday (source: DTMMS Facebook page)
Snake Animal Totem: Mysterious, Adaptable and Transformative
October 24 to November 21 have the snake as their birth animal
totem. Throughout the world, there are approximately 2500
species of snake! We can learn so much about our natural selves
from the animal world, including how to be more efficient and
balanced with our everyday energy. Did you know? Snakes are very
adaptable to their environment, sometimes changing their color to
blend more closely with landscape. They are highly sensitive to touch and vibrations. Snake
totem people, contrary to a snake’s cold blood, can be highly sexual beings. Spiritually, snakes
hold the secrets of spiritual sexuality. Change may not come easily to a snake person, but when it
does, it’s usually a permanent one. Snake totem people are highly adaptable and able to shed
their old skin of thoughts, perceptions and philosophies when it’s time to transform into a new
phase of life. They are teachers of fear and the many deaths that occur in life as a part of change
and transformation.
Elk Animal Totem- Those born from November 22 to December 21 have the
elk as their birth animal totem. The elk is the largest and considered the most
regal of the deer family. We can learn so much about our natural selves from
the animal world, including how to be more efficient and balanced with our
everyday energy. Did you know? The antlers of an elk resemble a tree and
are shed annually. During mating season, male bulls charge each other until
one succeeds in knocking the other from his feet and gores him. The winner
emerges with the female while the other male limps away. Calves are kept
hidden for the first six months of their life to ensure their safety while mom
goes out foraging for food. Spiritually, they are considered the keepers of thunder and lightning,
and as such, help awaken our unconscious.
Snow Goose Animal Totem Dec 22 - Jan 19: Snow Goose people have clear ambitions, and their
imaginative minds, strong determination, sheer energy, and bubbling enthusiasm can make the
seemingly impossible become attainable for them. Their
persistence and determination often makes them successful
at attaining long-term goals that they have set out for
themselves. Like their totem, Snow Geese people are usually
very social and enjoy being in the company of others.
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