presentation (2.31 MB. PDF)
presentation (2.31 MB. PDF)
• Audio Visual Media • Publications • Internet • Other Business Areas • Intereconomia Febrero 2011 Investments Intereconomia Group Presentation Intereconomia Group Intereconomía is a multimedia communication group, with activities in different sectors such as radio, newspaper, television, Internet, cinema, training, editorial and news agency. The Group was created in 1995, initially as a radio of economic and financial information. Thirteen years of business activity have been sufficient to make Grupo Intereconomía become an icon in the global market of communication. The business project which began as a radio station in Madrid with economic and financial contents today is a sound, autonomous and independent company which operates in the private television market since 2005 through Intereconomia tv. Thirteen years of business activity have made Grupo Intereconomía become an icon in the global market of communication. Since 1997 it belongs to the current shareholders that have undertaken an ambitious expansion plan, transforming Intereconomía into the leader of economic information in both radio and television in Spain, with an audience of high purchasing power and great growth potential. The growth of the Intereconomia Group is focused towards securing its leadership in economic information with presence in television, radio and Internet.The achievement of this leadership objective is linked to the increase of audience in the TDT Intereconomia TV channel with open national broadcast and to the growth of publicity revenues that allow to obtain sufficient critical mass to be competitive in a market in which large communication groups operate. Page 2 Intereconomia Group Presentation Values It is characteristic of the personality of the Intereconomía Group to live the values in which it believes in. The recognition of the innate and inviolable dignity of each human being. The commitment of effective respect to our rights and fundamental freedom within the framework of a free, just, truthful, supportive and democratic society. The values of the Intereconomía Group are based on the humanism of Christian roots. By means of a dynamic and creative conception open to the future, these roots and their values nourish inspiration, depth and differential novelty to the communication and multimedia information. In all our means, the Intereconomía Group is independent of any political party, confession or religious institution, and of any organization of ideological, economic or social power. This independence allows us, free of any servitude, to serve with quality and objectivity the general interest and the right to truthful information to its audience. Page 3 1 | Audiovisual Media • Intereconomía TV • Business TV • Radio Intereconomía • Radio Inter • Intereconomía Audiovisual Productions Intereconomia Group 1 Audiovisual Media Intereconomía TV Exclusivity Intereconomía TV is the First economic and Financial television of Spain. It currently holds a leading position in supplying news for a public that “does not have time or money to waste” Throughout the last three years, Intereconomia TV has consolidated its position with great prestige and valuation on the part of its public made up mainly of people with medium and high purchasing power. An audience concerned about current Spanish and International business. A new way of watching television Intereconomía TV emits the signal produced in the studios of Intereconomía, being the only Spanish channel with its own 100% production, which informs with an objective vision of the financial markets, both national and international, the companies, the global economy and the opportunities in both investment and businesses. Since 2008, date in which national TDT began broad- casting, the programming has been broadened with more generalist contents, but without abandoning the space segment conquered by the Intereconomia Trademark The target It is made up of urban men and women, between 40 and 55 years old, with a high socioeconomic profile, purchasing power, high savings capacity that allows them to have investment capital. Month Evolution 5000 1.5 MAA(000) % %TTV 4000 MAA(000) 1 3000 2000 0.5 1000 0 ago 09 sep 09 oct nov dic 09 09 09 ene feb mar abr 10 10 10 10 may 10 jun 10 jul 10 ago 10 sep 10 0 Page 5 Intereconomia Group 1 Audiovisual Media How to watch us National TDT - Ono - Imagenio - Euskaltel - – several economic portals in internet and 40 radio stations, from the analogic associated AOTEC network. The economy in the Foreground A programming with live connections with the most important stock markets in the world, comments from the most prestigious analysts, and interviews with the main characters of the Spanish and international economic activity. The programming is completed with spaces of quality general information, and others of diverse subject matter, always adapted to the lifestyle of our viewers. Intereconomía TV has also become a supplier of national information at a world-wide level, by being a correspondent in Spain of CNBC, economic television leader in the North American market. Day after day, with five news connections, in all corners of the world you can hear the voice of an editor of Intereconomía that analises and pinpoints the behavior of Spanish companies in the stock market and their most important strategic decisions. Entertainment When the markets are silent, Intereconomía TV is one firm bet of leisure and entertainment with programs that have impacted Spanish viewers. Among them we emphasize. “The Cat to the Water” (that was the first interactive them we emphasize. “The Cat to the Water” (that was the first interactive program in the Spanish TDT), “The Clones” “More was lost in Cuba” or “Spain in the Memory”. Target %TTV MAA(000) Perfil% AA(000) .3 4404 100 24117 1.5 2426 54 12066 MUJERES 1.1 1978 46 12051 4 a 12 0.1 112 0.7 1404 13 a 24 0.5 255 3.2 2364 25 a 44 0.7 1202 17.1 8125 45 a 64 1.3 1557 32.9 7446 Ind. 4+1 HOMBRES > 64 2.5 1278 46.1 4779 A/MA 1.9 1159 32.8 5905 MED 1.1 1797 37.6 10205 B/MB 1.1 1448 29.7 8007 Page 6 Intereconomia Group 1 Audiovisual Media Business TV Business TV is conceived as the first global economic and financial television channel for Spanish-speaking audience, with programming on markets, companies and news. IB wants to position itself using quality and rigour, as the leader in economic, business and market news both in Spain as well as in Latin and North America; a true “GLOCAL” (global and local) positioning. With programming focused on the opening and closing of world markets in Europe, Asia and the United States. Programs for economic analysis, business leaders and their vision, business strategies, growth, success and quality of life. Thirteen years of business activity have made Grupo Intereconomía become an icon in the global market of communication. Rigorous real-time information on key points in the world concerning business, economy and markets. In the United States, one in three inhabitants invests with brokerage or investment companies; in Spain, this is one in five, and in Mexico, one in 100 (according to the Mexican Banking and Securities Commission, or “CNBV”). Therefore the growth potential can clearly be seen, as well as these investors’ need to be informed in their native language. IB’s vision is that of keeping over 500 million Spanish speakers worldwide informed and prepared anywhere in the world. The different tools which today’s globalized world provides us, such as the internet and social networks, new IP satellite transmission technology, digital terrestrial television, improvements in cable television broadcasting and the new situation created by the worldwide economic crisis are realities which make us believe in the ability to achieve the objectives we propose. Page 2 Intereconomia Group 1 Audiovisual Media Radio Intereconomía The formula The economic and financial information in the forefront, is combined with general information (politics, cultural, social...) and other entertainment contents. A unique formula which combines economic and general information. Specialized Contents Intereconomia Radio pays special attention to the financial market information from all over the world in real time, as well as to other contents dedicated to businessmen, executives, self-employed professionals, etc. The main characters of the news These are people from the economic and political scenario of Spain and the world. Regularly, many businessmen, high executives, experts in the economic field and other opinion leaders participate live. The hightest valuation A survey carried out by Sigma 2 reveals that 66% of those interviewed considers that Intereconomia Radio has the best Stock Market contents in Spanish radio. Programming The programming of Radio Intereconomía is divided in four blocks: Economy and Business, Politics and current events, Culture and lifestyle, and Music. Audience The listener of Intereconomia Radio is an urban individual, mainly investors, that develop their activity in the business and company environments. Our audience are Internet and new technologies users. As investor and buyer, our public dedicates towards savings and investment an important part of their revenues and accepts risk and new products. (Source EGM, Sigma2 and Nielsen). Page 7 Intereconomia Group 1 Audiovisual Media Intereconomia Audiovisual Productions The Intereconomia Group has a television production company that is in charge of the production of programs for thematic and general interest channels for televisions from both state and autonomous. Intereconomía Productions has produced programs for Channel 9, Punt2, IB3, Channel 7 Region de Murcia, Telemadrid, TVG, TVE International Channel and channel 2 among others. Intereconomia Productions carries out specialized economy programs,pieces of informative economy, economic news, documentaries of economic essence... they also produce informative documentaries about culture, new technologies and audiovisual news for Web. Of special interest, are the debate shows about current affairs which are presented and directed by prestigious journalists. Intereconomía Productions has produced programs for Channel 9, Punt2, IB3, Canal 7 Region of Murcia, Telemadrid, TVG, TVE international channel and channel 2 among others. Intereconomía Productions has produced programs for Channel 9, Punt2, IB3, Canal 7 Region of Murcia, Telemadrid, TVG, TVE international channel and channel 2 among others. Page 8 2 | Publications • La Gaceta • Época • Alba • Diplomacia S. XXI Intereconomia Group 2 Publications La Gaceta “La Gaceta de los Negocios” is a daily economic newspaper printed from Monday to Saturday; it also provides up-to-date 24/7 news through its two web pages: and “Gaceta de los Negocios” will be soon be transformed into a general information daily newspaper published seven days a week. LA GACETA DE LOS NEGOCIOS. Número 6.440. Viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010. Precio: 1,20€. “Gaceta de los Negocios” is firmly committed with defence of human life, free initiative, private property, free market and economic and political systems expressed in a state based on the rule of law. El PP se querella contra Garzón por prevaricación en el ‘caso Usabiaga’ LLos populares consideran que el magistrado liberó al etarra “sin ninguna base” LLe excarceló para que cuidara a su madre pero no ha aparecido por su casa de Lasarte Baltasar Garzón, que acumula tres querellas por los casos de las fosas, los cobros del Santander y las escuchas del Gürtel, se enfrentará en breve a una cuarta. El Partido Popular en el País Vasco ha decidido actuar contra el magistrado porque, con los datos de los que dispone, considera que éste ha podido cometer un nuevo delito de prevaricación al excarce- lar “sin ninguna base” al ex dirigente de LAB Rafael Díez Usabiaga. Garzón le liberó para que cuidara a su madre dependiente, pero por el momento no aparece documento alguno que acredite su condición de dependiente con derecho a prestaciones. Págs. 8 y 9 Bono a LA GACETA: “La verdad es un arma de destrucción masiva” A. L. Pamplona El presidente del Congreso, José Bono, no quiso ayer responder a las declaraciones de la decoradora de sus casas de Salobre y Olías del Rey, que pagó Rafael Santamaría. “La verdad es un arma de destrucción masiva”, se limitó a decir. Pág. 16 El Gobierno frustra por su intransigencia el pacto educativo Garzón, a por su cuarta querella... / AFP ...Usabiaga, ahora, no aparece... / Efe ...y el PP dice: “Esto huele mal”. / Ch. Barroso LA RED EN LA QUE FUERON DETENIDOS DIRIGENTES DE CONVERGÈNCIA Y EL PSC Corbacho adjudicó como alcalde de Hospitalet contratos a las empresas de la ‘trama Pretoria’ Cristina Herrera. Madrid Gobierno y Partido Popular rompieron ayer cualquier posibilidad de firmar un nuevo pacto educativo por la negativa de Gabilondo a un cambio integral de modelo. Pág. 39 Pág. 14 En el día de hoy Cristiano “Gaceta de los Negocios” wishes to contribute towards a better organisation of society in which no person or Group could be felt left out. To that aim it will make known different economic and social initiatives particularly those concerned with solidarity. EL DIARIO DE MAÑANA L EXCLUSIVA Miguel Gil y Alberto Lardiés. Madrid “Gaceta de los Negocios” is a non partisan paper independent from any ideological, economic and social organisation, political party or religious institution. L 7 Al lado de Cristiano, el Real Madrid parece un equipo de catecúmenos. Un castizo diría que los colegas del portugués están todos sin cristianar. Menos mal que él les arregla la salvación. Es Cristiano, con seguridad, el jugador que mejor representa la evolución del fútbol. Di Stéfano inició la nueva época y este Ronaldo aguerrido, atlético y pujante la culmina. Tiene un punto de chulería que conviene mucho a los líderes deportivos, pero no es como Maradona, un despojo humano repulsivo. Por ahora, Cristiano es un ejemplo probablemente irrepetible porque sujetos como él no nacen todos los días. Lo mejor de él es que resulta ‘ilesionable’; rompe el principio de impenetrabilidad de los cuerpos. Lo único que tiene feo es la nuez, que parece más una vértebra que una laringe. Carlos Dávila. Director LLEGÓ A CAER UN 9% Un error desata el pánico en Wall Street Pág. 23 Cameron gana las elecciones sin mayoría absoluta Págs. 32 y 33 “Gaceta de los Negocios” considers traditional family as the backbone of society, it will also promote and support initiatives that protect family, freedom of education, and institutions involved in child and youth defence. Page 11 Intereconomia Group 2 Publications Época (Siete Días) A reference For more than 20 years, Epoca has been one of the reference mastheads in the kiosk, one of the most influential weekly publications in the political, social and economic environments . At the present time, the magazine managed by Carlos Dávila has opted for a defined and self-conscious editorial. The Magazine - Covers ´Epoca’ is focused towards a specific and very numerous target audience: the reader of “the right wing” the highest interest and profitability for advertisers. line: Epoca is a politically incorrect weekly publication that bets on freedom and defends the values of western civilization, with rigor and courage; A clear and differentiating positioning which is at the same time a brand strategy. ´Epoca’ is aimed towards a certain and very numerous target audience: the reader of “the right wing” , a target of the highest interest and profitability for advertisers. Contents Investigation Journalism, analysis of current affairs, reports on relevant people, International, Economy and Society, (Civilization, Communication, Motor and Leisure...). A target of the highest interest Up to now, the reader of ´Epoca’ has been male, between 30 and 50 years old and middle class and middle-upper class. But the social changes and the progressive de-self conciousness of the citizens of the right wing are opening the range sensibly. Besides preserving their long-time readers, nowadays a interested in current politics, between 25 and 25 years old, without complexes, urban, with family, with aspirations in life… Page 12 Intereconomia Group 2 Publications Alba A weekly publication of values and family In the last few years ' Alba' has consolidated in the Spanish kiosks as the only weekly publication that tackles the diverse aspects of current events nowadays from the perspective of values and family. An editorial line in which it continues to bet on in its new stage, started in 2007, which intensifies the family subject matter and the positive approach of the information. Specialization is an advertising value that differs the weekly publication and it transforms it into a vehicle without competition for advertisers whose ' defined target' is the family group. The Magazine - Covers A new more readable and visual design New layout, new combination, new distribution of contents... In their new stage, ' ALBA' has become a much more readable and more current newspaper that preserves all that which has transformed it into a unique weekly publication in the kiosks: the best information about present time from a family and Catholic perspective. The only weekly newspaper which tackles the diverse aspects of current events from the family point of views. A wide coverage of present time news Week by week, 'Alba' pays attention to the issues of current affairs in the most diverse fields: economy, culture, education, society, communication, leisure and free time… Information committed to family values and elaborated by prestigious professionals: Rafael Miner (Director), Sonsoles Calavera, Gonzalo Altozano, Iván de Vargas, Carlos Esteban, Kiko Méndez-Monasterio… A faithful and well defined reader More than 100.000 people read 'Alba' weekly (EGM). Middle and middle-upper class readers, interested in general current events, with a formed opinion and with familiar consumer habits. They are also fully identified with the editorial line of the weekly publication, which reverts in a high degree of trust also towards the publicity inserted in its pages. Page 14 Intereconomia Group 2 Publications Diplomacia S. XXI The magazine ‘Diplomacia’ builds, from its pages, a solid bridge between the world of international politics and international trade, essential for those interested in expanding their business horizons. The Magazine - Covers Contents Personalities from the area of diplomacy and international relationships analyze in each number the world outlook. - Specially highlighted is the section dedicated to Europe, the interview and the follow up of the activity of the Ministry of External Affaires. - The protocol supplement analizes the most important issues in the world of high institutional relationships and the state ceremonial. - Given the internacional charácter of the magazine, a summary of the main contents is included in english. The magazine ‘Diplomacia’ builds, from its pages, a solid bridge between the world of international politics and international trade Our signatures External affaire Ministres, Spanish and foreign diplomats, and protocol specialists. The reader of ‘Diplomacia’ We offer our advertisers the possibility to specifically address a well defined segment of readers and with a high purchasing power: foreign diplomats in Spain, Spanish diplomats and the Ministry of External affairs. Page 15 3 | Internet • • • • Intereconomia Group 3 Internet The Spanish financial portal of reference The changes and new features in have made it, in its new stage, the most useful and practical Spanish finan¬cial portal: -Digital encounters and collaborations of opinion leaders organizes digital encounters with the main characters of current events, and also counts with EXCLUSIVE collaborations from prestigious experts and analysts that transform it into a portal without competition. The most practical and complete Spanish financial portal dedicated to economic information -Thread of the latest news from Fax Press agency has 24 hr connection with the thread of Fax Press agency, which allows to show right away all the news generated by daily events. -Live broadcasting of Intereconomía TV and Radio Intereconomía. Live Broadcast windows of the channels signal that provides the best programmes on economic information from the Spanish radio and televisión: -Navigable and attractive design. The design of is very attractive and it´s aim is to make browsing/surfing easier, organizing the contents in a more practical way and facilitating its identification. -More multimedia contents and files. offers the most extensive information and of highest quality of all the financial portals in Spanish. It has all the files, organised by dates in order to download them, from all the programming of Radio Intereconomía and Intereconomía TV. -With the support of a great multimedia group: Belonging to the Intereconomia groups allows to have availabe the best posible human and technical resources, and counts normally with the collaboration of renowned professionals of the group specialized in economic issues/information. The most practical and complete Spanish portal dedicated to economic information. Page 17 4 | Other business areas • Intereconomía Training • Intereconomía Conferences • Editorial Homo Legens Intereconomia Group 4 Other Business Areas Intereconomia Conferences Organisation of conferences and seminars which deal with different matters, always related to the financial and business sector: Business management, investment possibilities, new legal system, market sectors analysis… Conferences - Programmes the latest news on the subjects dealt with and the stature of the different speakers and professors have made the conferences organi¬sed by Intereconomía a benchmark in the business training sector. Page 23 Intereconomia Group 4 Other Business Areas Editorial Homo Legens A Project driven by editorial and philological excelence Through the editorial Homo Legens, Grupo Intereconomía carries out a never ending cultural work, marked by literary excellence and the recovery of the book as an object of extreme value. Library Homo Legens Editorial quality and philological excellence are the guidelines of a collection intended to be part of the family patrimony. Claiming the values of western Christian culture. The collection recovers masterpieces of universal literature written by the greatest authors, in luxury editions thought of to transform reading into an unequalled pleasure and at a price without competition in the market thanks to the possibility of subscription. A Project driven by editorial and philological excelence Cvm Lavde Cum Laude is the trial and thought collection of Homo Legens Editorial. Their titles bring the reader nearer towards the opinion of the most important thinkers about the key topics for the understanding of science, history, politics, the economy... Page 24 Paseo de la Castellana, 36-38 Madrid - Spain Phone: 902 99 65 56