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WARNING! ELEVEN Spectacular Ingredients, with no less than Seven
‘Blubber Busters!’ All backed by solid, evidence-based scientific studies.
Amazing Opportunity Inside: Secrets of How YOU Can Earn a Lifetime Supply of the
Worlds Healthiest Weight-Loss Kaffé (plus have a brand new luxury car paid for too!)
Worlds Healthiest Fat Burning Weight-Loss Coffee
Your Ultimate Weightloss Partner
Panama Boquete Gesha Coffee Bean - Worlds Best Tasting Coffee Bean
- As Voted by the World Coffee Association for the past 12 years in a row
Green Coffee Bean Chlorogenic Acid Extract - Reduces production of
new fat cells, increases the metabolism of fat and reduces fat storage*
Garcinia Cambogia Extract (Concentrated HCA) - Reduces body fat, and
lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides*
Raspberry Ketone Extract - Suppresses appetite, increases fat burning
to release energy and breaks down and destroys fat*
Sinetrol® (Mediterranean Diet Extracts) - Helps fat cells to discharge
stored fat as fuel so the body can reuse and burn it off*
Guaraná - Makes you feel full, increases your ability to think better and
makes you feel more alert.
Never before have I seen such an amazing combination
of ingredients for fast and easy weight-loss, in the most
delicious delivery form... the worlds best tasting coffee!
J Burrows, Brand Partner Kaffé Direct
Order NOW / +44 (0) 843 886 1499
Evodiamine - Spectacular thermogenic (so powerful it can raise your
body temperature), makes you feel good and suppresses your appetite*
Pterostilbene Crystal Caffeine (PURENERGY™) - New, safer caffeine
molecule, patent-protected, fusion of caffeine and pterostilbene*
Chromium Picolinate - Helps to prevent sugar cravings, and make
Garcinia Cambodia even more effective*
Yerba Mate Extract - fat burning cocktail, detoxifies the body, improves
the immune system and acts as an appetite suppressant*
Green Tea Extract (EpiGalloCatechin Gallate: EGCG) - helps to support
the management of blood sugars and fats*
Drink the ‘Worlds Healthiest Weight Loss Coffee’ + Receive FREE Lifetime Supply + Luxury Car Bonus !
*These statements and those in this brochure have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
nor the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), or other Health Authorities.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or be taken as medical advice. Consult
a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. The information provided
here is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your doctor or other health
care professional. Please understand you assume all risk for the use, non-use, or misuse of this information.
Kaffé Direct is a SISEL International Independent Distributor and Brand Partner. “SISEL™, is a trademark of SISEL
International, LLC and/or its affiliates.
Worlds Healthiest Fat Burning Weight-Loss Coffee
Award winning Panama Boquete Gesha Coffee Beans Drying Naturally in the Sun High in the Panamanian Rainforest.
Panama Boquete Gesha Coffee Beans
Traditional processing methods like full
roasting and freeze-drying, destroy a lot of
the healthy beneficial properties of coffee.
But, by using organic pesticide-free
coffee and combining, new and advanced
processing technologies, the delicate oils,
wonderful aroma, and beneficial biological
actives can now be protected.
the beans to perfection with sophisticated
computer controlled infra-red ceramics.
Then, using the latest cryogenic freezing
and patented microgrinding, create an
ultra-fine powder that results in a 100%
whole bean instant soluble coffee.
All Kaffé ‘single-origin’ bean blends (Black,
Using the Worlds Number One tasting Latté or Mocha) deliver on taste, flavour
bean, as rated by the World Coffee and freshness - everything that makes
Association for the last 12 years, we cook freshly brewed coffee so rich & exquisite.
Order NOW / +44 (0) 843 886 1499
Green Coffee Bean Extract
By modifying certain types of enzymes in the liver, the production of glucose
in the body after a meal is slowed down, this may reduce the production of
new fat cells. Scientific studies show that after 60 days of using the correct
amount the average person lost 5.7% of their weight.
Worlds Healthiest Fat Burning Weight-Loss Coffee
‘Revolutionary Fat Buster’
Garcinia Cambogia Extract
Dr. Oz called Garcinia Cambogia a “revolutionary
fat-buster.” In a clinical study, Garcinia Cambogia
extract was shown to not only reduce body fat,
but to lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides,
meaning patients not only lost weight, but they
became healthier.
May also help emotional eaters. Participants in
a study showed an increase in serotonin levels;
improving mood and sleeping patterns.
So why does Garcinia Cambogia work so well?
Here are a few reasons from the most cohesive Garcinia Cambogia extract review:
Targets fat cells, stops new fat cells from forming, boosts serotonin production,
increases mood and reduces stress hormones. But buyer beware... some companies
use so little of the active extract Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) it becomes ineffective.
Order NOW / +44 (0) 843 886 1499
Raspberry Keytones
Raspberry ketone is the aroma
compound of red raspberries. This
compound regulates adiponectin,
a protein used by the body to
regulate metabolism. Raspberry
ketone causes the fat within
your cells to get broken up more
effectively, helping your body burn
fat faster. Scientific Studies show
that raspberry ketones decreased
the amount of fat in the liver and
abdominal fat cells.
Worlds Healthiest Fat Burning Weight-Loss Coffee
Shape Up Your Silhoutte
Reduces Waist Size
Reduces Hip Measurement
Significant Body Fat Loss
In a 12-week, randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled, human
intervention study, both waist and
hip circumferences continuously
decreased significantly -5.15cm waist*
The participants in the trial took
Sinetrol twice a day (think 2 mugs
of Kaffé) the average hip size was
dramatically reduced by -5.17cm Plus
increases in SOD and Glutathione*
Abdominal fat loss was also very
significant with a 10 fold increase in
the release of free fatty acids into the
bloodstream that were then able to be
burnt as energy for the body*
Sinetrol® increases fat burning more than 600% (compared to placebo)
Using 100% natural Mediterranean citrus fruit extracts, including red orange and
grapefruit through the inhibition of phosphodiesterase (PDE), Sinetrol® is a proven
fat burning solution that can also help to shape up your silhouette, and increase fat
burning, with no adverse effects. Now it’s easy to keep the weight off with your daily
mug of Weight-Loss Kaffé *
Order NOW / +44 (0) 843 886 1499
This amazing Amazonial plant is an effective stimulant and has the ability to keep
you energised all day. Rich in caffeine (twice that of coffee), its wonderful effect on
the brain has been proven to increase your memory, alertness and mood; as seen in
a 2007 human study. Haskell CF, Kennedy DO, Wesnes KA, Milne AL, Scholey AB (January 2007). “A double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-dose evaluation of the acute behavioral effects of guaraná in humans”. J. Psychopharmacol. PMID 16533867
Studies show when Guaraná is used together with Sinetrol® fat burning accelerates!
Helps you to feel satisfied
Research has shown guarana
may affect how quickly the body
perceives itself to be full. One
study showed an average 5.1 kg
(11.2 lb) weight loss in a group
taking a mixture of yerba mate and
guarana, compared to an average
1 lb loss in a placebo group after 45
Anderson T, Foght J (2001). “Weight loss and delayed
gastric emptying following a South American herbal
preparation in overweight patients”. J Hum Nutr Diet
14 (3): 243–50. PMID 11424516
Worlds Healthiest Fat Burning Weight-Loss Coffee
(US market only)
Evodiamine Doubles Fat Burning According to a Japanese Study.
Evodiamine is a chemical extracted from
a tree found in tropical and temperate
climates around east Asia. Evodiamine is
a thermogenic. Thermogenics is a name
applied to supplements that increase
heat through metabolic stimulation.
Unlike most other stimulating ingredients
Evodiamine does not cause the increase
in nervousness, headaches, anxiety,
jitteriness, or insomnia that you would
expect from a stimulant. Evodiamine
increases body temperature as well as
disapates heat. British Navy records reveal
sailors suffering Hypothermia recovered
far better when given Evodiamine thanks
to the increase in their body temperature.
Maximise Your Mood When You Drink Weight-Loss Kaffé
Evodiamine’s Additional Benefits:
Acts as an appetite suppressant
May help with cholesterol & lipid levels
Provides a variety of antioxidants
Increases energy and balances mood
Improves mental concentration/focus
If all that wasn’t enough, Evodiamine may
also increase the number of serotonin
transporters available in the brain,
enhancing the reuptake of serotonin,
known as the ‘feel-good’ hormone,
because of its positive effect on mood.
A very important point to remember... SISEL take the extracts and concentrates the
active compounds in them, to make them as powerful as they can be!
Does Evodiamine sound like an ingredient you could use?
Order NOW / +44 (0) 843 886 1499
Rapid Sustained Energy Boost
All day energy*
Weight management*
6 hours after taking PURENERGY™,
there was 51% more caffeine in the
blood compared to ordinary caffeine
alone & subjects showed significantly
less fatigue and greater concentration.
PURENERGY™ offers significant benefits in performance, and delivery of
caffeine into the blood by more than
30% and is active longer by a factor of
8 compared to ordinary caffeine.
PURENERGY™ i s the first product
that bonds pterostilbene and caffeine
as a co-crystal, this may help support
healthy blood sugar levels by raising
the body’s production of insulin.
Pterostilbene Crystalline Caffeine (PURENERGY™)
Promotes heart health by helping to maintain healthy systolic and diastolic blood
pressure levels already within normal ranges. May improve memory and mental focus
and may reduce stress, anxiety and nervous tension. May help support healthy blood
sugar levels by raising the body’s production of insulin. May help fight free radicals
caused by oxidative stress. Supports vasodilation, cell growth and sports recovery.
Worlds Healthiest Fat Burning Weight-Loss Coffee
Chromium Picolinate
Chromium plays a major roll in the way the
body decides to use insulin. Insulin, the fat
storage hormone, makes it easier for cells
to take up glucose from the blood and to
convert it to fat. Insufficient chromium can
put people at a higher risk for depression,
weight gain, diabetes, heart disease
and polycystic ovary syndrome. Insulin
resistance has been linked to the absence
of chromium. Chromium is sometimes
referred to as Glucose Tolerance Factor
due to the vital role it plays in the
metabolism of sugar for energy. Chromium
helps to breakdown cholesterol from food,
keeping it lower and stable, benefiting
people with high cholesterol levels.
Reduce Body Fat, Build Lean Muscle and Increase Energy.
Although chromium is present in foods
such as tomatoes, potatoes, onions,
oysters and whole grains, the processing
tends to destroy it. Renowned cardiac
surgeon, Dr. Oz says, “We estimate that up
to 90% of you may not be getting enough
chromium or absorbing it into your body.”
Major hospital and university studies
have suggested that supplementation
may reduce body fat, help build lean body
muscle, regulate blood sugar and lower
elevated cholesterol. Chromium is also
used to improve athletic performance
and to increase energy.
Thirteen of 15 clinical studies (including 11 randomized, controlled studies) involving
a total of 1,690 subjects reported significant improvement in at least one of; reduced
blood glucose, insulin, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels plus reduced medication.
Order NOW / +44 (0) 843 886 1499
Yerba Mate Extract: A ‘Clean’ Caffeine Buzz Without the Jitters!
Containing a triple fat burning cocktail of caffeine, theobromine and theophylline.
Theobromine is an effective vasodilator (caffeine is a vasoconstrictor) relaxing the
smooth muscle in blood vessels and allowing better blood flow, resulting in lower blood
pressure. A controlled trial found drinking 1 cup containing Yerba Mate for just 40 days,
participants had an 8.7% reduction in LDL (bad cholesterol), and a 4.4% increase in
HDL (good cholesterol). South Americans have known about the potent rejuvenating
power of Yerba Mate for centuries, drinking it to help increase clarity and vitality.
Additional Benefits
A variety of studies have indicated
that in addition to burning more
calories and acting as an appetite
suppressant the antioxidants
and nutritional benefits of Yerba
Mate combine to help improve the
immune system, detoxify the body,
relieve allergies, reduce the risk
of diabetes and hypoglycaemia,
increases the supply of nutrients
and oxygen to the heart, may
reduce the risk of heart attacks and
strokes, increases mental energy
and focus, improves mood, and
promotes a deeper sleep!
Worlds Healthiest Fat Burning Weight-Loss Coffee
Green Tea Extract (Epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG)
EGCG, is a polyphenol found in green tea along with catechin, epicatechin, and
proathocyanidins. Although, researchers use such high concentrations of EGCG that
you are unlikely to get enough from drinking green tea alone. However, as always,
SISEL maximises the concentrated extract to deliver results. In fact, research shows that
EGCG may help increase your energy levels, burning stored body fat for energy. Plus,
EGCG may alter levels of Ghrelin, PYY and Leptin known as the “hunger hormones”,
thus helping to curb your appetite and stop you from going into ‘binge mode’.
Activate Fat Burning Genes
Research at Tufts University
indicates that EGCG in green tea,
like other catechins, activates fatburning genes in the abdomen
to speed weight loss by 77% and
may help prevent breast cancer.
In addition, it keeps energy stable
by balancing blood sugar levels.
EGCG also improves insulin use in
the body to prevent blood sugar
spikes and crashes that can result
in fatigue, irritability, and cravings
for unhealthy foods. The American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition says,
“Green tea can boost brainpower”.
Order NOW / call (0843) 886 1499
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or giveaway your details to anyone, ever.) Take a photo of the form
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Want to Get Paid to Drink the Worlds Healthiest Weight-Loss Coffee ?
Could this be your once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to enjoy a socially, ethically
rewarding activity, to spread the word...
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We are now selecting suitable ‘Kaffé
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If this sounds like you, we should talk.
(*Luxury Car Bonus also available up to £495 / mth)
“Taste It Once, Get Paid Forever.™”
Address: First Floor, 3 Fore Street, Looe. PL13 1HH. United Kingdom
+44 (0) 843 886 1499
+44 (0) 7902 085 200