good practices
good practices
good practices national rural development network issue 3 YEAR II, OCTOBER 2014 the roots of europe Ministerul Agriculturii și Dezvoltării Rurale REGIONAL OFFICES Support Unit for the National Rural Development Network BRĂILA Bdul Independenţei, nr. 282, et. 1, PO Box 810124, Tel.: 0339 732 009, Fax: 0339 732 016 CRAIOVA Str. Libertăţii, nr. 19, PO Box 200421, Tel.: 0251 460 377, Fax: 0251 423 651 ZALĂU Str. Kossuth Lajos, nr. 49, PO Box 450010, Tel.: 0360 404 056, Fax: 0360 404 158 TÂRGU MUREŞ Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 60, PO Box 540331, Tel.: 0365 430 349, Fax: 0365 430 351 IAŞI Zona de Agrement Ciric - Complexul de Agrement Ciric, PO Box 700064, Tel.: 0332 881 281, Fax: 0332 881 282 TIMIŞOARA Bdul Take Ionescu, nr. 53, et. 2, biroul nr. 26, PO Box 300074, Tel.: 0356 460 982, Fax: 0356 460 983 TÂRGOVIŞTE Str. Vărzaru Armaşu, nr. 7A, PO Box 130169, Tel.: 0345 100 605, Fax: 0345 100 025 BUCUREŞTI Str. Nicolae Filipescu, nr. 39-41, et. 6, Sector 2, PO Box 020961, Tel.: 031 690 0214, Fax: 031 690 0215 The text of this publication is only for information purposes and shall entail no legal liability. Additional information on MARD and NSU may be accessed on the Internet at:, USR, Publication Department ISSN 2285-4185 ISSN-L 2285-4185 © RNDR, 2014 The texts of this publication may be reproduced only subject to the specification of the source. Printed in Romania. Table of Contents FOREWORD 2 PROJECTS FROM ROMANIA 6 CHAPTER 1. LOCAL ACTION GROUPS 8 LAG the Belcești-Focuri Micro-Region -The importance of Belcești-Focuri LAG involvement in the development of the micro-region 8 LAG „Plaiurile Oltețului” - A cooperation example on the Olt River Valley 11 CHAPTER 2. FARMS 14 Argeș: The way an ultramodern pig breeding farm looks 14 Făurei: Broiler farm built from scratch 17 Romanian farms at European standards 20 CHAPTER 3. PROCESSING 23 An integrated production model in a bakery factory in Călărași County 23 CHAPTER 4. NON-AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES 26 Valuing the rural area by tourism related activities 26 Champions also in the tourism services 28 PROJECTS FROM EUROPE 32 GREAT BRITAIN: Solutions for adaptation to climatic changes 34 BULGARIA: A model for the sheep farm expansion 38 SPAIN: Valuing the byproducts resulted from processing citrus fruit 42 GREECE: Wine tourism, from production to tasting 46 SUCCESS FACTORS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF GOOD PRACTICES 50 Copyright photographs: the beneficiaries of the projects described in this publication and Copyright cover photographs: 1 FOREWORD Usually, by “good practice” we understand a method or a technique by which superior results are obtained in comparison with the results obtained by other methods, becoming thus a reference process in comparing results within a certain field. This way, good practice projects can be considered a standard with which the results of a process can relate, for a project, of a policy or of an action performed, for the purpose of quantifying those results. Due to its repeatability, transferability and viability features, a good practice can be taken and introduced into the field for which it is relevant, becoming a usual and standardized practice. Thus, a good practice levels the approach method for the action performed, leading to the attainment of the expected results. Within this publication, the good practices concept refers to those projects developed by public actors or private Beneficiaries of the National 2 Program for Rural Development (PNDR) 2007-2013. The projects presented are characterized by achieving efficiently the objectives aimed for, the innovating, transferable and viable features. The purpose of this publication is to present examples of successful projects in Romania and in the European Union, in regard to: activities performed by local action groups, founding and modernizing farms, processing activities for food and nonfood products, as well as projects regarding the non-agricultural activities. These examples of good practices can support elaborating, managing and evaluating a project financed by means of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). We hope that by supplying these examples from Romania and from the European Union member states holding a wide experience in the field, we will stimulate your interest in promoting successful projects. 3 4 5 PROJECTS FROM ROMANIA LEGEND: The areas from which the examples of good practices have been selected are presented in the following pages 6 7 CHAPTER 1. LOCAL ACTION GROUPS LAG the Belcești-Focuri Micro-Region -The importance of Belcești-Focuri LAG involvement in the development of the micro-region Founded in the year of 2012, the Local Action Group in the Micro-Region Belcești- Focuri is formed of nine administrative units, respectively eight communes and a town, including the communes located in the Central-Northern part of Iaşi County and Dolhasca town located in the South-Eastern part of Suceava County. The purpose of the LAG in the Belcești-Focuri Micro-Region is formed by the economic and social development on a regional and sub-regional level based on sustainable high quality actions which are financially, humanely and institutionally viable. The LAG suggests the cooperation with other Micro-Regions and the unitary representation of the lawful interests of the association in relation with the administration structures on various levels, as well as in relation with centralized or decentralized state 8 authorities, justice authorities, national or European bodies and any other institution, associative entity, natural or legal person operating in the field of rural and urban development, for the purpose of creating and/or improving the framework needed for implementing the local development strategy. Until now, in the area covered by the LAG of the BelceștiFocuri Micro-Region, based on the selection calls released, 35 financing agreements were signed by means of the National Program for Rural Development, having a total value of 2 257 198 euro. The situation of the projects in the LAG is shown as follows: Support for young farmers Lupu Iuliana – Crina is the beneficiary of one of the projects financed by Measure 112 – “Setting up of young farmers” on the level of the LAG in the Belcești-Focuri Micro-Region. The project was selected in the first selection call session launched by the LAG during the period 16th of August 2013 – 2nd of October 2014 and was amounted to 40 000 euro. At the time of submitting the financing request, the beneficiary held a mixed farm with 25 cattle (7 cattle under a year old, 2 male cattle under two years old, 4 female cattle under two years old, 12 dairy cows), 124 birds (100 laying hens, 15 turkeys, 9 ducks) and 5.12 ha of cropped land, as follows: 3.47 ha of grassland, 1.25 ha of alfalfa, 0.10 ha of orchard and 0.30 ha of vine. The main purpose of the project implemented by Lupu Iuliana-Crina was the growth of work productivity, by modernizing (extending) the farm in Erbiceni commune, Iaşi County. The farm will be developed by the purchase of a tractor with minimum 45 horsepower with a frontal charger and a fork for packages. By accomplishing this project, the agricultural exploitation efficiency will grow as a consequence of the purchase of this modern, competitive and environmental friendly equipment. At the same time, work conditions will be improved due to the comfort provided by the newly purchased means of mechanization. The performance of agricultural works will be possible in a timely manner and at high quality standards. For obtaining these results, at the time of filling the financing 9 application, the beneficiary set a series of objectives, among which: raising the incomes of the supported livestock exploitation; increasing the number of cattle, while the number of birds owned will decrease whereas they will be raised only for personal consumption and egg trading. The beneficiary planned for the vegetal sector to stay at the same level and for the production to be used for feeding the animals and for personal consumption. New services in Belcești area Another successful project selected within the second selection call session, developed during the 22nd of July – the 23rd of August 2013 in the LAG of Belcești-Focuri Micro-Region, is called “Purchase of office equipment for leasing” and it was financed by means of Measure 312 – “Support for business creation and development”. Although the total non-refundable value is low, amounting to 9 785 euro, the project implemented by Bălășescu Gabriel in the LAG of Belcești-Focuri Micro-Region is highly transferable. This aspect is highlighted by the purpose of the project itself which states the development of a new service in Belcești commune, respectively leasing office devices and equipment with no operator to third parties. At the moment of filling the financing application form, the beneficiary set a series of objectives among which: founding a SME with a new main activity object in the LAG area Belcești-Focuri, purchasing three office equipment pieces with no operator for the leasing activity within a period of over 12 months, creating a job in service provision field. Contact details: President: Aștefanei Vasile Address: Belcești Village, Belcești commune, Iaşi County E-mail: Website: LAG „Plaiurile Oltețului” - A cooperation example on the Olt River Valley The LAG “Plaiurile Oltețului” is located on both sides of Olt River covering 12 localities in the Olt County and 1 locality in the neighboring county called Dolj. The administrative area of the LAG is 558.81 square km and the total number of the inhabitants of this area is 37 742. After the technical apparatus of the LAG organized eight selection calls, 36 projects were evaluated and submitted to the County Office for Rural Investments Financing (OJFIR)/ The Regional Center for Rural Investments Financing (CRFIR) with a total budget of 2 413 455 euro, and 33 projects of the ones mentioned were contracted, whereas two of them are still under evaluation and one project was withdrawn in the contracting stage. In order to illustrate the good practice on the level of the “Plaiurile Oltețului” LAG, three projects were selected and they will be briefly presented in the following paragraphs. Developing the agricultural exploitation performed by the young The first is a project financed by means of measure 112 – “Setting up of young farmers”, having as beneficiary a 21 year old young man named Ionuţ Cătălin Iliescu. He owned at the time of submitting the project 59.50 ha of agricultural land leased and by means of this project he aimed to increase the economical size of the farm from 13.597 ESU in the year 0 to 19.70 ESU in the last implementation year, by increasing the size of the land cropped with vegetables. 10 In order to achieve these results, he set a series of objectives, among which: improving exploitation management, growing the volume of the production meant for trading, growing the exploitation income by improving the general performances of the farm, by adapting production to the market requirements and by complying with the European regulations upon cross compliance, work protection and environment protection. All these were going to be possible by acquiring a seeding machine and a sprayer of herbicides MET, with the 40 000 euro represented by the non-refundable amount obtained through the project. The young Raluca Georgia Stan from Teslui commune, Preajba de Jos village is another beneficiary who found out about the benefits of the National Program for 11 Rural Development, LEADER Axis 4. She decided to access non-refundable funds by means of the Local Action Group “Plaiurile Oltețului” on the 20th of May 2014, Measure 121 – “Modernisation of agricultural holdings”. In the context of the importance that the agriculture sector mechanization has and amid the growth of the use of machinery for obtaining agricultural production, based on the need of modernizing agricultural exploitation owned by the Authorized Natural Person Stan Raluca Georgia, the fundamental idea of the project was shaped, aiming for equipping the agricultural farm with tools that allow the development of the exploitation from an economic-financial perspective. The implementation of new efficient production technologies allowed the growth of work productivity according to the development requirements of the farm. Since 2012, the beneficiary owned an area of 45.40 ha for rent, a land which was cultivated with wheat, corn, sunflower, oatmeal, apple plantations and ornamental plants. The general objective of this project was to increase the competitiveness of the agricultural sector for a better use of the human resources and of the production factor, by complying with the national and European standards. For reaching this objective, three agricultural machinery were acquired, respectively a tractor, a combiner and a combine harvester. At the same time, the project aimed to decrease production costs and raise economic profitability, raising the gross added value (GAV) of the agricultural exploitation and growing the economic viability. For implementing the project, Raluca Georgia Stan received a grant of 106 700 euro, managing thus to decrease by 50% the financial effort needed for making the investment. It is well known that by founding the Local Action Groups within the LEADER Axis 4, the National Program for Rural Development, opportunities were created for accessing European funds allocated for the rural tourism related activities. Therefore, the LAG “Plaiurile Oltețului” hosted a project implemented by means of Measure 313 – “Encouragement of tourism activities” which had as beneficiary young Maria Alexandra Până. Having a passion for the rural traditions and culture and wishing to become an active factor in the tourism field, she decided to start a business in this field in Brebeni commune, where she owned as her personal property a land covering an area of 2 675 square meters. The project with a value of approximately 340 000 euro where 50% was the beneficiary’s contribution, started on the 30th of May 2014. By developing tourism related activities, the project aimed to value the tourism 12 related potential of Region 4 South-West Oltenia and the rural area reunited in the LAG “Plaiurile Oltețului”. Within this project, a tourism pension was built in Brebeni commune, aiming to raise the attractiveness of the area, which is rich in popular traditions and unique natural landscapes. Also, the project considered growing the number of tourists in the area, but also their period of stay. Due to this project, four new jobs were created for young people and for women. In order to value the local and regional cultural heritage, the beneficiary initiated a partnership with the Popular School of Arts and Crafts in Olt, having as object the performance of cultural activities specific to this area within the pension and the organization of exhibitions and craft fairs. Contact details: President: Bărcan Constantin Address: Dobrun commune, Olt County, Main Street, No. 117, Chamber 4 E-mail: Website: 13 CHAPTER 2. FARMS Argeș: The way an ultramodern pig breeding farm looks Title of the project: Farm for breeding and fattening pigs, annexes and fencing at SC AGRO CONSULTING CHIRIAC SRL Project financed through Axis 1 of the National Program for Rural Development, Measure 121 – “Modernisation of agricultural holdings” Beneficiary: SC AGRO CONSULTING CHIRIAC SRL Project location: Slobozia village, Slobozia commune, Argeș County Development Region: South-Muntenia Implementation period: July 2011 - July 2013 Total budget: 8 684 515 lei Grant: 3 473 602 lei (40% of the eligible value of the project) Co-financing (contribution of the beneficiary): 5 210 913 lei (60% of the eligible value of the project) Subject: modernizing agricultural exploitation, raising the farm’s productivity The case below is an example of business adapted to the requirements of the market: amid a continuous growth of pork demand, a company in Argeș County obtained European financing for building a farm. The financing file was submitted in the session held in October 2010 and on the 5th of July 2011 the financing contract was signed with the Agency for Financing Rural Investments. The farm is located in Slobozia commune, a locality with a long tradition in performing activities related to agriculture and agribusiness. The main idea of the investment project based on the activity field of the company was to create a pig breeding farm with a production capacity of 6 000 pigs/cycle, distributed in three halls. The new unit resulted from the implementation of the project was conceived and equipped so that the pig breeding and fattening process could be performed at a higher pace by using the 14 newest and highest performance technologies in the field, according to the European Union. The modern technology used within the farm, together with the genetic material represented by high quality hybrids are the factors contributing to breeding pigs producing high quality cases, with a low fat layer and a high meat percentage, according to the requirements of the market. Under these conditions, the technology used contributed directly to the growth of the work productivity and implicitly it contributed to the administration of the farm in high profitability conditions, achieving optimal work conditions and being environmentally friendly at the same time. The particular objectives of the project consisted of introducing and developing new technologies and procedures, adjusting the profile, the level and the quality of production to the market requirements and growing the incomes. The exploitation technology aims to value the biologic potential of the animals, using rationally the forages, the equipments owned, the shelters and the labor force, for the purpose of achieving a rhythmical and constant production in terms of quality and cost effectiveness. Within this project, three pig breeding halls complying with the European standards were created and equipped with specific equipment (for feeding, ventilation and watering), providing all the comfort needed for the animals, each hall having a built area of 1 991,11 square meters with two compartments of 1 000 places per each compartment, connected to a 48 meters long connection tunnel and having the total capacity of 6 000 fat pigs with the weight between 35 and 110 kg. Aside from this, a hall-factory was built for combined forages and a sanitary filter was purchased for the total area 820 square meters and a sanitary filter for four employees. Based on the investments in the project, the farm was equipped with a series of facilities providing the premises needed for growing productivity: a collection tank for manure with an area of 24 square meters, a transformation post MT/JT of 420 KVA with a 25 square meters platform, a premises for road disinfection covering an area of 72 square meters, water household, deep drilled well with an area of 55 square meters and with a 4 774 square meters manure storage lagoon with a capacity of 10 000 cube meters. This type of project had a considerable contribution to the improvement of the weak points of the Romanian pig breeding sector: numbers of animals with low potential, flawed quality, low technical equipment, low work productivity and low education and competence in agriculture. 15 On a local level, the social impact was materialized by creating and maintaining nine jobs and the economic impact was materialized by creating a competitive company bringing incomes to the local budget. The project is a good practice because the construction solution chosen at that moment is unique, by the semi-round hall system, efficiently managing the space through the air recirculation level and the construction period being reduced. The building was provided with a complex lighting system (roof incorporated lights) and the lateral walls were built of hard plastic panels, whereas the cleaning process needed is made by washing. Practically, inside the halls there are no brickwork walls. The heating is made with the support of a system for taking over the heat within the liquid manure discharged into the channels and the feeding is made automatically, being controlled by the forage production system, due to the breeding technology chosen. The company hired three persons for the actual care of the animals. Făurei: Broiler farm built from scratch Similar projects can be adapted in other areas too, taking into account the permanent growth of the demand for pork both locally and nationwide. The project consisted of building a broiler breeding farm outside the build-up areas of Făurei town and equipping it with modern technological equipment according to the standards of the European Union and to the enforced legislation requirements in the sanitary, sanitary-veterinary and environment protection fields. Project title: Broiler breeding farm in Făurei locality, Brăila County Project financed through Axis 1 a The National Program for Rural Development, Measure 121 - „Modernisation of agricultural holdings” Beneficiary: SC ECOAVIS BEST PROIECT SRL Project location: Făurei town, Brăila County Development region: South-East Implementation period: 2011-2012 Total budget: 2 049 846 euro Grant: 819 938 euro Co-financing (contribution of the beneficiary): 1 229 908 euro Subject: raising the productivity of agricultural farms The activity of the farm consists in breeding broilers at a fast pace using the technology of breeding on the ground, on permanent vegetal waste land. The necessity for implementing this project appeared as a consequence of the demand for breeding live chickens for the slaughterhouse capacities in the area. In this regard, the beneficiary submitted the financing file with all the documents needed to obtain the grant for this type of investment within the second session held in October 2010 afferent to Measure 121 – “Modernisation of agricultural holdings”. The project required building five production halls and outbuildings needed for performing the activity of breeding broilers, consisting of a warehouse for the hay bedding, 16 platform for manure collection and for bedding, sanitary filter, road disinfector, weighing machine and refrigeration unit. The halls for broiler breeding were equipped with modern technological systems with forage storage silos, transporters, specialized feeding and watering systems, ventilation and lighting systems and process computers. The project included activities for connecting the farm to public services (water, sewerage, electricity supply and natural gas), building the infrastructure and fencing, in order to provide access to all the locations of the complex. The technological process is continuously under development: it begins by disinfecting the halls where broilers are bread, storing the forage, automatically feeding the broilers, the micro-climate needed during any season and it ends by eliminating the exhausted bed and the manure. The technological process, the growth system, the types of equipment and the collection, discharge and treatment process for manure are in 17 accordance with the best techniques available stated in the specialized documents. By means of this project, a series of objectives were reached, in correlation with the objectives of Measure 121 and implicitly with the objectives of the National Program for Rural Development. By equipping the halls with modern last generation equipments and systems, an increased effectiveness was obtained and losses were eliminated, while the quality of the broilers was improved, along with the quality control. At the same time, the minimal requirements upon food safety were complied with and the control of the sanitary conditions in production halls was improved, as well as the life conditions of the broilers, resulting thus in a considerable growth of the quality of the poultry. 18 Environment friendly production methods were promoted also raising the opportunities for creating new jobs in the rural area and for maintaining the existing ones. The result aimed for and reached by implementing this project consisted of imposing their products on the local and regional market, an aspect based on the net quality and on the sale price level of the products. The beneficiary directed his activity towards raising the range of clients and perfecting the sale strategy for his products. After implementing this project, the beneficiary obtained considerable increases of the daily average gain, by administering a rational alimentation and by using high performance maintenance systems. 19 Romanian farms at European standards two trailers with a capacity reaching 18 tonnes. Project title: Building a mechanized stable for 350 dairy cows, a milking hall with 24 seats, manure squeezer, access road to SC AGROIND FOCȘANI SA, work point: Doaga village, Garoafa commune, Vrancea County Project financed through Axis 1 of the The National Program for Rural Development, Measure 121 - „ Modernisation of agricultural holdings” Beneficiary: SC AGROIND FOCȘANI SA Project location: Doaga village, Garoafa commune, Vrancea County Development region: South-East Implementation period: 36 months Total budget: 7 992 132 lei Grant: 3 996 066 lei Co-financing (contribution of the beneficiary): 3 996 066 lei Subject: valuing the agricultural potential and raising the productivity of agricultural farms The project for modernizing the agricultural farm in Garoafa commune comes to complete a series of investments that the beneficiary made by means of non-repayable grants ever since 2005. The investment made by the National Program for Rural Development, Measure 121 - „Modernisation of agricultural holdings” aimed to constructively develop the farm, while using the highest performance technologies for breeding cattle, with the permanent increase in the quality of the products obtained and the health status and welfare of the animal livestock. Currently, the farm can be considered one of the most modern and competitive cattle exploitations in the country, being comparable in performance with farms located in other countries of the European Union. The financing file was submitted at the specialized institution within session five afferent to Measure 121 on the 2nd of October 2009. The project was implemented for a period of 36 months. For the design and consultancy 20 services, the unit specialized companies. contracted By this investment, the farm adopted a system for sheltering dairy cows in free stalls, in a mechanized environment and by applying certain efficient cattle breeding methods. The construction is modern; it has a wood building structure with semi-open walls, an air ventilation system and an automatic cleaning system with a scraper plow. The stable has a central access path which can be used by a technological trailer for animal feeding and on the left and right sides of the access path the watering boxes are placed, next to the scratching systems for the cattle and next to the ventilators. The manure is collected in a sewerage and underground lagoon system, where they are decanted in order to be used consequently as natural fertilizer. The shelter is provided with an access path for cattle to the milking hall and with a parallel system of 12 seats on each side replacing the old pipe milking system used before this investment. The milking hall is provided with a computer for each seat, monitoring the quality and quantity of the milk offered by each animal. The construction was equipped with a conditioning and ventilation system for ensuring a normal technological temperature, maintaining an adequate micro-climate during the entire year when the natural ventilation is not sufficient. The watering system is capable of ensuring the uniform distribution of the water quantity needed, by a constant f low, sized for the actual number of the cattle in the unit. At the same time, the farm complies with the national and European requirements upon environment protection and with the European regulations in the sanitary and sanitary-veterinary field. The project required building a mechanized stable for 350 cattle, an access road to the farm, building a milking hall with 24 seats equipped with manure squeezer, purchasing the equipment and systems needed for performing the activities in the farm: a milking system, a hay harvesting cropper, a corn harvesting cropper, a tractor, a herbicide sprayer, a seeder, a plowing machine, a scale with the capacity reaching 60 tons, equipment needed for processing dairy products, a vehicle for animal transport, a technological trailer, a generator and 21 At the same time, animals have individual berths where they rest on puffed sand – an extra fine sand extracted from the riverside of Siret River. This type of bedding absorbs moist very well and it does not affect the legs of the cattle. The farm holds currently 750 cattle out of which it holds 350 milkers. The daily average production is 26 liters of milk/ cow. The milk obtained in the farm is distributed to one of the biggest dairy products manufacturer in the country. The systems and equipments purchased allow the development of the cattle exploitation and breeding process in optimal conditions, whereas the technologies used lead to obtaining high quality products with high yields in high work effectiveness and productivity conditions. From the perspective of the opportunities and lessons learnt from this kind of investments, relevant aspects are shown on the level of the market sector and on the level of the labor force sector, having a favorable impact upon the local economy development. Currently, the production activity for dairy products is ascending nationwide, especially due to the increase of the increase of the demands regarding the quality of the food products and the increase of local products consumption, to the disadvantage of the imported products. According to the statements of the beneficiary, the productivity of the farm grew after the implementation of the project by approximately 30% and the forecast for the future is favorable. CHAPTER 3. PROCESSING An integrated production model in a bakery factory in Călărași County Project title: Bakery factory construction - SC AGROPAN SRL Roseți commune, Călărași County Project financed through Axis 1 of the The National Program for Rural Development, Measure 123– “Adding value to agricultural and forestry products” Beneficiary: SC AGROPAN SRL Project location: Roseți village, Roseți commune, Călărași County Development region: South-Muntenia Implementation period: May 2009 - February 2013 Total budget: 11 317 450 lei Grant: 5 658 725 lei (50% of the eligible value of the project) Cofinancing (contribution of the beneficiary): 5 658 725 lei (50% of the eligible value of the project) Subject: improving the competitiveness of the company The company headquartered in Roseți commune, Călărași County was founded in 2008 having as main activity object bread, cakes and fresh pastry products manufacturing. The reasons forming the base of the project idea were: the existence of a high demand for bread both on the local market and nationwide and the fact that the location where the company performed its activities was placed in an area renowned for the tradition of cropping cereals. The project took into consideration the obtaining several pastry products and developing the f lour processing sector. For a high processing yield with low energy consumption, a modern technology was introduced for heating the ovens with pellets obtained from vegetal waste. The implementation of the project contributed to the development of the technological level in the field of bakery and to the increase of the 22 company’s competitiveness. At the same time, the provision with modern technology provided in the area a technology transfer which is worth following by other potential processors. Aside from the increased bread quantity, the quality of the product has grown because the beneficiary acquired by means of this project a leaven making system. The leaven is a fermentation and leavening agent used in the f lour containing pastry (bread, sweet bread, biscuits etc.), it replaces the yeast and it is completely natural. Thus, the bread obtained is healthy, nutritive and tasty. The diversification, the production increase and introducing new assortments on the market are actions ref lecting the viability of the project. The direct results of the project resided in building the bakery factory according to the European standards, with the following technical features: system for charging f lour silos; four 23 f lour silos equipped with level sensors; pneumatic f lour transporter; system for dosing f lours with a capacity reaching 100 kg; masticator with a maximum capacity of 150 kg of dough; a centrifugal sieve; a shredding dispenser; system for aspiring and dust filtering mixer; leavening chamber; hearth furnaces; charger/discharger for ovens and system for preparing and shredding vegetal waste. process, that involves building a grain mill. The two investment projects form a part of an integrated production scheme, to which a pellet factory is added, producing fuel for the bread factory. All these represent a well structured integrated system showing currently maximum efficiency. Indirect results of the project are found in the growth of the turnover and of the profit of the company. Also, the growth of the productivity and the reduction of the intermediary consumption led to the increase of the added value at the company level. By means of these projects, the beneficiary created 100 jobs. The activities are performed continuously in the factory, whereas the work is done in shifts, producing daily 25 000 breads ending their trading path in the stores of Călărași and Ialomiţa Counties. The vision of the beneficiary upon the investment project was much more complex, having another project under development which completes the bread manufacturing The implementation of the project aimed to create a complex technological f low, from the production of the raw matter and to the finished product. 24 25 CHAPTER 4. NON-AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES Valuing the rural area by tourism related activities Project title: Agricultural guesthouse Project financed through Axis 3 of The National Program for Rural Development, Measure 313 - „Encouragement of tourism activities” Beneficiary: TĂNASE ZINA PFA Project location: Tisău commune, Buzău County Development region: South-East Implementation period: 2013–2014 Total budget: 438 578 lei Grant: 306 166 lei Cofinancing (contribution of the beneficiary): 132 412 lei Subject: improving the quality of life in rural areas, developing/ diversifying tourism related services and valuing the tourism potential Starting from the necessity of valuing natural beauties and promoting traditions in the area of Tisău, Tănase family reached the conclusion that an agricultural guesthouse would be the ideal solution. This project aimed to combine agricultural activities within the family’s household with particular tourism related activities and with the creation of new jobs on the market. renounced to the request for the advance and started the investment from his own personal funds. In the implementation period, the beneficiary used the services of a specialized consultancy company. Based upon the support obtained by means of the grant, the beneficiary built a modern guesthouse equipped with solar panels and traditional decoration objects. The first step was elaborating the file of the financing application needed in order to access Measure 313 “Encouragement of tourism activities”. The project was submitted in the financing session held in July 2010. After two years and a half, the project was declared eligible and the beneficiary received the amount of 306 166 lei. The accommodation unit has four rooms, a living and a kitchen, disposing of eight accommodation places. The project was finalized at the beginning of the year 2014. During the implementation period, the beneficiary had difficulties regarding the attainment of the advance for starting the project. For paying in advance the eligible non-repayable expenses, the beneficiary asked a commercial bank to grant him a creditworthiness letter for a percentage of 110% of the value of the advance. The commercial bank selected was unable to release a creditworthiness letter corresponding to the provisions of the financing contract. Thus, the beneficiary 26 environment. It is highly transferable and it can represent an important aspect for the development and revitalization of the rural economy. From this project one can also learn about the need for the compliance with the instructions of the Agency for Financing the Rural Investment upon the compulsory content of the creditworthiness letter for obtaining the advance. The tourists reaching the agricultural guesthouse of Tănase family can admire fairytale landscapes, they can hike the hills of Tisău, they can ride the bike on well structured routes or they can visit tourism attractions. Moreover, the area of Tisău is in process of development, especially because cycling competitions are organized in the area and this generates a high demand for accommodation. For this reason, Tănase family is thinking of accessing new European funds. The project is an example of good practices upon the diversification of the non-agricultural services in the rural 27 Champions also in the tourism services Project title: Arranging a pontoon for tourism services Project financed through Axis 3 of the National Program for Rural Development, Measure 313 - „Encouragement of tourism activities” Beneficiary: SC Olimpyade Danube Tour SRL Project location: Berteștii de Jos commune, Brăila County Development region: South - East Implementation period: May 2009 - May 2011 Total budget: 1 472 688 lei Grant: 736 344 lei Cofinancing (contribution of the beneficiary): 736 344 lei Subject: improving the quality of life in rural areas and promoting tourism The project “Arranging a pontoon for tourism services” is an investment initiated by the Olympic, European, multiple and medalist swimming champion, Camelia Potec, by means of whom a former bedroom ship was turned into a floating three stars hotel. that involved the transformation of a former bedroom ship into a floating three starts hotel. By means of this project, the beneficiary aimed to promote the natural landscape specific to the area and to create a tourism infrastructure which offers excellent possibilities for practicing tourism, an aspect that allows the recreation into the rural décor, experimenting innovative activities and visiting attraction area which are not available in the urban areas. By its profile, the project contributed to the growth of the attractiveness of Berteștii de Jos commune and ensured new jobs for the inhabitants of this commune. The submission of the project took place within the second session of Measure 313 – “Encouraging tourism 28 related activities”, in the period November – December 2008. The beneficiary contracted specialized consultancy and design services for preparing the financing file. After signing the financing contract, the beneficiary performed all the activities of the project without meeting major problems in its implementation. During the entire implementation period, he complied with the provisions of the financing contract and maintained a constant relation with the representatives of the County Office for Financing Rural Investments of Braila. Aside from arranging the bedroom ship and turning it into a floating hotel, the project required equipping the hotel with a 60 seats restaurant, where festive events, private parties and business events can be organized. double-sized bed, equipped with television, internet, air conditioning, telephone and room service. In the neighborhood of the pontoon, a recreation area was also arranged, where boat rides can be organized with the rowboat and with the motorboat. The tourists who want to fish during the cruise are offered licenses and equipments. This project is an innovating one, being a good example for integrating tour ism and recreat ion act iv it ies for promot ing t he r ura l landsc apes and for developing r ura l economy. The project is unique in t he area and by t he rehabilitat ion of t he bedroom ship, it contr ibutes to t he sustainable development and it facilitates high qua lit y tour ism development, st imulat ing t he development of similar f ut ure projects. The hotel was built mostly of glass material, so that tourists can admire the view offered by the Small Island of Brăila during the cruises organized. The hotel, arranged by means of the grant offered by the Agricultural European Fund for Rural Development, disposes of ten rooms with a 29 30 31 PROJECTS FROM EUROPE LEGEND: The states from which the examples of good practices have been selected are presented in the following pages 32 33 GREAT BRITAIN Solutions for adaptation to climatic changes Project title: The future of Cheviot Region – United in a permanently changing rural landscape Project financed through Measure 421 – “Implementing cooperation projects” Beneficiaries: Tweed Forum – The main beneficiary, the farmers and land administrators, the Northumberland National Park, the Northumberland Uplands LAG, the Scottish Borders LAG, the Environment Agency, including the Regional Committee for the Defense against Flooding, members of the Cheviot Futures Monitoring Committee Project location: Cheviot Hills, starting on the English side of Northumberland National Park and continuing over the borders, in Scotland Development region: North – East of Great Britain Implementation period: February 2009 – February 2014 Total budget: 254 220 euro Grant: 93 907 euro Cofinancing (contribution of the beneficiary): 160 313 euro Subject: raising awareness, combating climatic changes, arranging the territory, LEADER approach, inter-territorial cooperation „Cheviot Futures” is the first project located in the mountain area of Northumberland Region, at the borders with Scotland. Initially, an independent study was performed regarding the impact of potential climatic changes upon Cheviot Hills. A short while after performing the study, the region was affected by extreme flooding which acted as a catalyst for performing a pilot project. The project aimed to raise awareness upon the climatic threats, as well as to identify the actions which should be performed. The most frequent threats against the livelihood of farmers, intensified by climatic changes are flooding, erosion caused by the wind, vegetation fires and drought. The purpose of the project was to identify key problems related to climatic changes which the individual farms have to face, aside from developing their adaptation capacity 34 by performing resistance plans. The plans require identifying the measures which should be taken in order to help the farm to face climatic changes, including also the emergency measures in case of flooding, with the purpose of minimizing damages and costs. The general objective was to encourage other persons interested in the region to invest in the adaptation to climatic changes, once the benefits of the new techniques (have been) are proven. The quality control was performed by several agencies and farmer groups who met frequently in order to monitor the implementation and evolution of the project, but also by a member of the LAG, with the purpose of supporting the monitoring and the communication within this project. This control included periodical revisions of the results, evaluations of the effectiveness of the new technologies and techniques supported by means of the project. The project focused on actions involving the identification and implementation of adequate solutions for decreasing the number of problems caused by climatic changes. The actions performed included: raising awareness upon the threats and opportunities related to the climatic changes forecasted; practical approaches for managing the lands; good practices transfer for supporting and, if needed, for diversifying business in the rural area; testing new sustainable solutions and implementing solutions which are under development in regard to the effects of the climatic changes. At the same time, a demonstrative website network was created with the purpose of disseminating information related to these new technologies for the agricultural community. By events as the demonstrative days, the project wished to encourage other land administrators to invest in similar measures, once the value of this project (had been) is proven. The project could act as a catalyst for a better integration of the key agents involved in aspects related to climatic changes and of the persons performing activities at the border with Scotland. A joint approach would be thus supported for the entire community to use in combating climatic changes. This project reunited a coordination group formed of several institutions: Northumberland National Park, Tweed Forum and the Environment Agency, who worked together within the Northumberland Uplands LAG in the area of Cheviot Hills. The results of their efforts lead to developing this inter-territorial cooperation project with the Scottish Borders LAG. 35 combating the effects of climatic changes. New knowledge gained by approaching several agencies, together with the practical experience of the agricultural community lead to the creation of a coordination group lying at the base of this project’s success. This partnership of persons and organizations was able to support the project to become more effective on the ground. This was completed by the authentic passion and by the work ethics of the project staff who assumed the engagement of producing a positive change in the Cheviot Hills. The project reached all the indicators suggested: 35 active or semi-active resistance plans and works or work agreements were finalized until December 2013. These activities and events, as the demonstrative days, recruited over 670 persons, among whom 75 farmers and land administrators. A series of case studies were also performed by the coordinator, who offered guidance and advice in regard to the legal agreements needed, the technical specifications and the contact details for the relevant natural persons within the competent agencies. The project determined farmers and land administrators to feel motivated in adapting their business to climatic changes. They started to think more of the effects of climatic changes as an 36 unusual element for business plans and they became more proactive and dynamic in approaching the future. Despite the results, the coordination and management of the director group consumed more time than it was initially estimated, because the involvement of certain members decreased until the project was finalized. Although the importance of building relations was acknowledged during the planning stage, more time could have been allocated in this project for this purpose. One of the challenges which the management group still faces is the way in which the knowledge and the networks created can be maintained after the experts are withdrawn from the project. In a rural community as Cheviot Hills, a long period of time is needed for people to respect and trust an organization. Thus, once the financing is over, all these relations created can be lost if a final project strategy is not set up. The agricultural community involved in the project is currently searching for solutions, refusing to believe that things cannot change. This proactive approach made people more positive in regard to the future of mountain agriculture. By the engagement of the agricultural community, a powerful collaboration culture was developed and the creation of networks between agricultural enterprises was stimulated. This project had an approach which truly benefits the environment, by activities as the habitat connectivity and by improving biodiversity, intensifying the sustainable development of agricultural companies and promoting measures which protect communities. Farmers and land administrators became ambassadors in their fields for implementing the new techniques for 37 BULGARIA A model for the sheep farm expansion Project title: The development of a farm Project financed through Measure 112 - „ Setting up of young farmers” Beneficiary: Filiz Mustafova Alibasheva Project location: Gorsko Slivovo village, Lovech region, Bulgaria Development region: Lovech Implementation period: May 2009 – April 2014 Total budget: 364 128 euro Grant: 94 673 euro Cofinancing (contribution of the beneficiary): 269 455 euro Subject: diversifying farms, breeding animals The beneficiary started this project with a farm holding 3, 31 economic units, the equivalent of 18 sheep, and agricultural land covering 352, 694 ha. The objective suggested by the beneficiary was raising the economic size of the farm so that in the last year of implementation the economic values would reach 10, 44. Raising the economic size was performed by developing the farm. In order to reach the value aimed for, the beneficiary decided to invest in purchasing sheep, so that at the end of the project he would own approximately 300 sheep. The beneficiary also purchased several agricultural areas summing up to approximately 100 ha, as well as cars and agricultural equipment; he also built spaces used for agricultural purposes, a unit for keeping the compost and a milk collection point. Through this project, the beneficiary aimed to turn the farm into a competitive one, oriented towards the market, in order for it to become a main income source for the family. The beneficiary has wide experience in breeding animals and especially sheep. 38 The passion with which he performs the daily activities determined him to think this project for the farm’s development, yet without the financial support that he benefitted of by means of this project, he couldn’t have invested in the development. The main objectives of the project were encouraging agricultural activities in rural areas; stimulating the labor force employment, especially the young people and the females; raising agrifood production at the farm’s level; directing the farm towards the market for generating incomes for the family; growing the capacity of the farm and the size of the agricultural land. The project was submitted to the Regional Payment Agency, which is the institution responsible with generally checking the documentation and with the preliminary verification of the candidate’s eligibility. The procedure is that in case of certain irregularities, the documentation would be sent back to the applicant with details regarding the reasons for its return. The candidate had 10 working days left to send the additional documents for eliminating the irregularities. Another important aspect considered by the applicant was elaborating the project according to the Measure and to the local development plans, whereas this detail was decisive in the approval of his project. After receiving the official approval document for the project, the applicant had 15 working days available to sign the financing contract. The difficulty faced by him was that from the date of the file submission and until the financing was granted, approximately nine months had passed. The activities of the project performed for a period of five years covered a wide purchase and construction range. Their purpose was to extend the application field for agricultural activities and to ensure the jobs needed to finalize the project. Unemployment is quite high in the region due to the fact that the main occupation of the inhabitants is agriculture and young people show no interest for this activity. In order for the activities suggested to be successfully implemented, the entire family was involved, along with other people – mostly young people and women. The implementation of the project considered both the economic growth of the farm and the compliance with the EU standards in regard to the sanitary-veterinary requirements, the good hygiene conditions and the ideal work conditions. The success of the project was reached due to the experience of the beneficiary in the animal breeding field and due to his good cooperation with the institution responsible for the evaluation of projects. An important aspect of the successful implementation is the provision of the financial support for the entire period of the project’s development. 39 40 41 SPAIN Valuing the byproducts resulted from processing citrus fruit Project title: Processing system for raising the added value of the citrus fruit byproducts Project financed through EAFRD, Measure 123 - „ Adding value to agricultural and forestry products” Beneficiary: Citrotecno Project location: L’Horta, Valencia, Spain Development region: Valencia Implementation period: November 2009 – June 2012 Total budget: 15 130 190 euro Grant: 3 782 547 euro Co-financing (contribution of the beneficiary): 11 347 642 euro Subject: competitiveness in agriculture and forestry, restructuring and developing the physical potential and promoting innovation. By this project the beneficiary managed to turn the problem of byproducts resulted from processing citrus fruit into an opportunity for the agrifood industry. This was possible due to the founding of the first system in the world dedicated to the treatment and use of citrus fruit residue. By means of (Thanks to) this system, aside from the raw matter used for feeding animals, essential oils can be obtained, D-limonene, pure water and second generation bioethanol. The company which set up this project was founded based on the initiative of a group of producers in Valencia, who were actively involved in agriculture and husbandry. Their engagement to these sectors and their permanent search for innovating solutions lead to identifying and developing a modern technology which meets the specific needs and problems more efficiently. 42 The general objective of this project was the integrated processing of the residue generated after processing citrus fruit in the agrifood industry. By this investment, the byproducts resulted from the citrus treatment process are valued. the sustainable development and the protection of the area possible. Considering the high demand highlighted in the area, it is estimated that in the immediately following period, the system purchased by non-repayable funds will reach a capacity of approximately 40 tons/hour and it will operate approximately 6 800 / 7 500 hours per year. Despite the financial and technical difficulties met in the implementation period, the creativity and engagement of the beneficiary led to the successful implementation of the project. Additionally, by this project, new research and exploration directions were open in regard of the feasibility of the methods for treating and valuing byproducts resulted from fruit and vegetables processing (for example watermelon, pineapple) and from other agricultural residue (as for example lettuce or rice straws), forming a serious environment problem for the region of Valencia. The project mentioned is highly transferable in other similar areas and it can be an inspiration for identifying new techniques for valuing byproducts resulted from fruit and vegetables processing. The activities performed by the project with a grant from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development included forming and commissioning the system for using efficiently the citrus fruit byproducts. The system was designed for a capacity of approximately 15-25 tons / hour. This production provides an adequate yield and a fast recovery of the investment. In regard to the results and benefits obtained, the modern technology implemented enjoyed encouraging opinions from the actors involved in the regional agrifood sector. By valuing the byproducts resulted from the treatment process of the citrus fruit, the system makes 43 44 45 GREECE Wine tourism, from production to tasting Project title: Setting up a wine tasting space in an open area for the visitors of the winery Project financed through Measure 313 - „ Encouragement of tourism activities” Beneficiary: non-agricultural or non-forestry companies Project location: Olenia, Greece Development region: Dytiki Ellada Implementation period: February 2012 - April 2013 Total budget: 86 075 euro Grant: 51 645 euro Co-financing (contribution of the beneficiary): 34 430 euro Subject: improvement of the rural life quality and diversifying the rural economy; Encouraging tourism related activities The purpose of the project was to build a wine unit which is easily accessible for visitors during the entire year, whereas each season is characterized by different stages of the winemaking process. The particularity of this project is given by the idea of an extended area destined for guests, so that they can visit the entire winery and taste the different types of wines, the vineyards being organically cultivated. The improvements needed were related to infrastructure and visitors were offered the possibility to participate closely to the entire production process, starting by visiting the vineyard, observing the production process, and continuing with the bottling and with the consequent sale of the wines. Initially, the relatively small internal area and the weak infrastructure around the winery allowed for a small number of persons to visit it. By means of this project, the infrastructure was reconsolidated and the area was extended outside the winery in order to receive more visitors and grant them the possibility to taste the wine and the products of the winery. The investments made in infrastructure lead to an increase in the number of visitors of the wine factory, turning the winery into a reference point of the region. To the same extent, an evolution was observed in the public opinion’s awareness upon agricultural practices complying with the environment related regulations and upon the old methods for producing wine. Thus, the development of the region is expected on two types of tourism: educational tourism and viticultural tourism. The relevance of this project is offered also by the capacity of the 46 initiators to implement an investment plan from the viticulture field and one of the conditions needed to engage in such an activity is the rebirth of local varieties in that region. The visitors having the occasion to see the Sant’or winery have the opportunity of living a different experience, whereas they can attend each stage of the wine production in a Hellenic traditional atmosphere. The project can be transferred to contexts with similar characteristics and is a good example in supporting the local economy by increasing the number of tourists. 47 48 49 SUCCESS FACTORS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF GOOD PRACTICES Good practices are considered the motor for the multiplication of projects, strategies and procedures and they can contribute to the growth of the competitiveness in the rural economy. Empirically, the purpose of the good practices is to learn from the success of similar projects and transfer the knowledge achieved to one’s own project. The good practice starts from the idea that there are superior solutions leading to solving certain problems in certain contexts. Each project selected and presented as good practice is characterized by certain success factors. In order to consider a project an example of good practice, a series of factors must be complied with. The most frequent success factors are generated by the following elements: 1. Management. Ensuring a proper management during the entire implementation period of the project was indicated by most of the beneficiaries as being the most important success factor. The proper management of the project leads to a good implementation and to the attainment of the results wished for in the previously established conditions. The beneficiaries of the projects implemented by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development also mentioned the application process as a success factor. The period before submitting the project (preparing the project, setting the objective, preparing the activity plan, estimating the costs and the expenses, establishing the results etc.) is considered a critical point contributing to the implementation of the project. good 2. Human resources. The support granted on a local and regional level, a good cooperation, enthusiasm and involvement were mentioned as very important factors contributing to the success of a project. In the projects described as good practices, certain mutual aspects were observed: the existence of efficient partnerships, the active involvement of experts and professionals in the field in which the project was implemented and a good structure organization. These aspects contributed to the attainment of the expected results and they are considered success factors for projects financed by means of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. 50 3. The content of the project and the business plan. The experience of the beneficiaries and projects of good practices presented nationwide and on a European level have proven that a well written project with clear and concise objectives, with time determined activities and a realistic business plan contribute to the good implementation of the project and to ensuring the sustainability of the business. The success factors mentioned can be used in the projects submitted by beneficiaries in the following program period. The compliance with these factors will contribute to obtaining the results aimed for and it will have the impact you wish for your project. 52 Open to the Future The Roots of Europe CONTACT: The National Office for Network Support Unit (NSU) Str. Nicolae Filipescu, nr. 39-41, et. 6, Sector 2, Bucharest, PO Box 020961 Tel.: 031 690 0214, Fax.: 031 690 0215 E-mail:, Internet: This material was drafted by the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, within the project “Setting up and supporting the National Rural Development Network”. Project co-financed through EAFRD, Measure 511 from NRDP 2007 - 2013. 2014 The content of this material does not necessarily reflect the official position of European Union. Free copy.