Egyptian Holding Company for Silos and Storage (EHCSS)
Egyptian Holding Company for Silos and Storage (EHCSS)
• ""· ~ Egyptian Holding Company for Silos and Storage (EHCSS) 19, El-Gomhoria Street, 9th floor, Cairo-Egypt Application Form for Pre-Qualification As a partner or Subcontractor For the design, manufacturing, supply, installation, start-up, commissioning, handingover and training of EHCSS technical staff of the Mechanization Plants of ten ( 10) automatic horizontal silos, handling warehouses for wheat storage on turnkey basis. The location and storage capacity of each facility is as follows:Table 1: Location and storage capacity of facilities • Location Total Storage capacity (Governorate) (MT) El Hossayneya 101 ,837 Al Khanka 12,730 San El hagar 38,188 Damietta 38, 188 Qom Abou Rady 19,095 Total 2 10,038 EHCSS reserves the rights to change the above mentioned locations of the automatic handling warehouses under certain circumstances INTRODUCTION The Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade (MSIT) has received a fund from the Italian-Egyptian Debt for Development Swap (lEDS) to finance the execution of the IEDS Shona Project. EHCSS on behalf of The Ministry o~Sl!J?ply and Internal Trade (MSIT) - intends to use this fund to cover the cost of the establ-is1unent of ten ~-!~-~-.~ ~~l· """""'~)~ (10) automatic horizontal warehouses/ horizontal silo complexes. Each silo facility has a storage capacity of wheat as shown in table I .the estimated cost is 6.5 million USO. EHCSS reserves the rights to change the locations of the automatic handling warehouses/ horizontal silo complexes indicated in table I under certain circumstances. Payment by the Fund will be made at the request of EHCSS and upon approval by Italian-Egyptian Debt for Development Swap (IEDS) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the fund agreement, and will be subject in all respects, to the terms and conditions of that agreement. Except as the Italian-Egyptian Debt for Development Swap (IEDS) may specifically otherwise agree, no party other than the Egyptian Holding Company For Silos and Storage (EHCSS) shall derive any rights from the fund Agreement or have any claim to proceed with the financial assistance. 1 Source of Funds (a) ltaJian-Egyptian Debt for Development Swap (IEDS). 2 Contracting Authority The Egyptian Holding Company for Silos and Storage (EHCSS) 19, El-Gomhoria Street, 9th floor, Cairo-Egypt Tel. +(202)-23938542 Fax. -t (202)-23938546 E-mail: 3 Selection Criteria The following selection criteria will be applied to the candidates Partners/Subcontractors: 1. Yearly turnover in the last 3 years not less than 10 million USO. 2. Yearly cash and cash equivalents the last 3 years must be positive. 3. Evidence on having designed, supplied installed and started-up as main contractor, or subcontractor for mechanization component (electro mechanical), of at least 10 Silos projects, of which at least 5 out of Residence country and at least two silos executed in the last 5 years. 4. Experienced staff in similar project. 5. Candidates should be able to manufacture partially the component of the warehouse/complex. 6. Holding the certificate ISO 9001. 7. Holding the certificate N 1090- 1 / .;,' ,---~---- -~1411.i :-.. ~..;.. ,,...-~ ~ l: APPLICATION FORM 1 IDENTITY OF CONTRACTOR Nationality Name(s) of legal entity or entities submittina this application 2 CONTACT PERSON Name Organization Address Telephone Fax e-mail 3 ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL STANDING Average End of End of End of 2014 2013 2012 Financial data Cupitul (USO) Vulue of works for euch yeur (USO) Yearly profit/loss (USO) Liquid assets (USD) 4 STAFF RESOURCES FOR FIELDS RELATED TO Tms CONTRACT Eqineen technicians Others ~an power Permanent staff Part time staff /----...... Total 5 IN HOUSE MANUFACTURING/CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT RELATED TO THIS PROJECT Remarks Present value Year Type Model Name of legal entity Ii f (US$) Total Vulue = 6 ISO CERTIFICATION RECORDS Issuing Authority Issuing Date Registration No. ISO Certificate No. Name of legal entity 6 EXPERIENCE Please complete the following table to summarize the major similar projects related to this contract executed in the past 5 years by the Main Contractor and Subcontractors making this application. Name of partners if any Fines or d aims against entity (yes/no) Work completed on time Dates (start/end) O"'inor fundi•g Noor staff provided Type or work Hd propordoo carried out by legal entity (% ) (yes/no) Projttt 1itle Total project Client value (USS) ... ... Type of services provided Notes: - give contact details for each client - for projects not completed on time please give reason(s) - in case of fines or claims against the applicant, please give details Detailed description of project (e.2. storage caoocity,.•.etc) Co11Dt ry RefOI "'·' Na me of legalendty 7 DECLARA TION(S) As part of his or her application, each legal entity identified under Section 1 of this application, must submit a signed declaration using the attached fonnat. The declaration must be a signed original. 8 STATEMENT I, the undersigned, being the authorized signatory of the above Candidate , hereby declares that we have examined the procurement notice for the prequalification procedure referred to above. If our application is short-listed, we fully intend to submit a tender to provide the services requested in the tender dossier. Signed on behalf of the Candidate iamc ignaturc ate 9 SUBMISSION OF EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) AND PREQUAL FJCATION DECUMENTS EOI & Documents should be sent to the following address : The .Egyptian Holding Company for Silos and Storage (EHCSS) 19, El-Gomhoria Street, 9th floor, Cairo-Egypt Tel. +(202)-23938542 Fax. +(202)-23938546 E-mail: silos And copy to ITALIAN EMBASSY IN CAIRO