12th Annual - Midwest Select Sale
12th Annual - Midwest Select Sale
12th Annual April 6, 7 & 8, 2016 Alliant Energy Center • Madison, Wisconsin Held in the New Holland Pavillion #2 Wednesday, April 6 ~ Check In Day Thursday, April 7 ~ 7:00 a.m. - Driving of Driving Horses ~ 9:00 a.m. - Driving Horse Sale ~ 11:00 a.m. - Hitching of Draft Horses ~ 1:00 p.m. - Tack Sale ~ 5:00 p.m. - Draft Horse Preview Friday, April 8 ~ 9:00 a.m. Draft Horse Sale www.midwestselectsale.com Bring this catalog with yo u to the sale! 12th Annual April 6, 7 & 8, 2016 • Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI New Holland Pavillion #2 Sale Day Phone: 507-429-9965 We can take phone bids during the auction with arrangements ahead of sale time. Sale Schedule......................... Cover Sale Committee Members...............1 Alliant Energy Center Info..............2 Area Motels......................................1 Auctioneers, Ringmen, Clerk.........3 Sale Terms and Conditions........ 3-4 Veterinary Services .................... 5-6 Light Driving Sale..........................13 Tack Listing Page..........................15 Preview Order................................21 Draft Horse Sale.................... 23-136 Advertiser’s Index.......................140 Consignor’s Index............... 137-139 2016 Midwest Select Sale Committee Randy Myhre................ 2111 8th St. South, Moorhead, MN 56560............. 507-429-9965 randymyhre@yahoo.com Wilbur Helmuth.......... N5055 Hwy 104, Albany, WI 53502.......................... 608-897-8014 Dan Borntrager........... N5049 Hwy 104, Albany, WI 53502.......................... 608-897-2653 Freeman Kauffman..... W5188 County E, Bonduel, WI 54107..................... 715-745-4148 NO Hoof Blackening on the cement! Unloading Horses: Horses need to be unloaded on the North side of the New Holland Pavillion #2 All horses and equipment MUST BE out of the barn by Friday evening at Midnight for them to get ready for the next event. Area Motels Clarion Suites (On the Grounds).................................................. 608-284-1234 Holiday Inn Express & Suites (Across the Street).......................... 608-709-5050 Roadstar Inn................................................................................... 608-274-6900 Sheraton-Madison (Across the Street)............................................. 608-251-2300 2017 Midwest Select Sale Dates Are April 5, 6 & 7 Page 1 Alliant Energy Center IN THE CENTER OF IT ALL liant Energy Center ad:Layout 1 3/1/11 9:36 PM Page 1 (608) 267-3976 IN www.alliantenergycenter.com THEACCESS CENTER • PARKING OF IT ALL Alliant Energy Center ad:Layout 1 3/1/11 9:36 PM Page 1 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way Madison, WI 53713 ACCESS • PARKING Direstions to Alliant Energy Center Direstions to Alliant Energy Center From Chicago (South): From Chicago (South): I-90142A, to exitwest 142A, Hwy. 12/18, 5 miles to Rimrock Rd. exit I-90 to exit onwest Hwy.on12/18, 5 miles to Rimrock Rd. exit 262262 From Bay Green Bay (North): From Green (North): I-90 to exit 142A, west on Hwy. 12/18, 5 miles to Rimrock Rd. exit 262 I-90 to exit 142A, west on Hwy. 12/18, 5 miles to Rimrock Rd. exit 262 From Milwaukee (East): From Milwaukee (East): I-94 West, I-90 South to exit 142A, west on Hwy. 12/18 to Rimrock Rd. exit 262 I-94 West, I-90 South to exit 142A, west on Hwy. 12/18 to Rimrock Rd. exit 262 From Minneapolis (West): From Minneapolis (West): I-90 South to exist 142A, west on Hwy. 12/18 to Rimrock Rd. exit 262 I-90 South to exist 142A, west on Hwy. 12/18 to Rimrock Rd. exit 262 From Des Moines (South): I-80 East to(South): I-380 North, north on Hwy. 151 to Hwy. 12/18E, exit at Rimrock Rd. exit 262 From Des Moines I-80 East to I-380 North, north on Hwy. 151 to Hwy. 12/18E, exit at Rimrock Rd. exit 262 Veterans Memorial Coliseum • Exhibition Page 2 Hall • Arena • Willow Island Veterans Memorial Coliseum • Exhibition Hall • Arena • Willow Island Welcome to the Midwest Select Sale! Horse Auctioneers: John Marg-WI, WI license #231 Aaron Detweiler, WI license #2848-52 Pedigrees: Lonnie Miller, IN Kenny Yoder, IN Clerk: Steve Schuldt Ringmen: Wayne Yoder, WI Enos Yoder, WI Barb Doering, WI Vernon Miller Robert Helmuth John Paul Kauffman Dan Hershberger Norman Helmuth Phillip Miller Freeman Detweiler Sale Terms and Conditions Hay, Feed and Shavings All consignors are responsible for their own feed. Shavings will be available at the sale. Tack stalls are available for a $25.00 fee. Notice on Bid Numbers When registering for a bidding number, you can use your drivers license or social security number. Registrations The sale requires that all original registrations and transfers be in place before the animal goes in the sale ring. The catalog number of the horse is the sale order number. Terms All consignments must have a new halter and lead rope, otherwise the sale manager will supply one and charge the seller for the cost. No horse will be allowed to leave the barns without a checkout slip indicating full payment. Horses cannot be stalled until 8:00 am Wednesday. All horses must be removed from the barns by Midnight on Friday. All sellers are responsible for their horses up until the time the gavel falls, after which the buyer has full responsibility. The Sale Manager reserves the right to reject a horse for any reason, including but not limited to: unsoundness, pour health condition or improper documentation of registration or health papers. Buyers ALL SALES ARE FINAL. The seller guarantees the identity of the animal as it appears on the registration certificate. All horses will be transferred to the person indicated on the sale slip. Cost to transfer ownership of the consignment to new owners will be deducted from the sale proceeds. Title passes at the fall of the auctioneer’s gavel, at which time all risk and responsibility for the horse passes to the buyer. Warranties Age, heights, markings and physical conditions are approximated and not guaranteed. It is the responsibility and obligation of the buyer to examine the horse before he/she bids as all sales are final. In the case of a typographical error or other error, the auctioneer will announce them, which will take precedence over the printed catalog. Buyers are therefore cautioned to pay attention to the auctioneers announcements. Page 3 Sale Terms and Conditions cont. Guarantees No guarantees whatsoever, expressed or implied, are made by the Sale Manager, the Auctioneers, Pedigree Readers, Bid Spotters, or anyone else associated with Midwest Select Sale as to title or soundness of any consignment. Presentations given in writing by the consignor to the sale manager will be announced at the time of the sale as though by the consignor. Any claims made, based upon said presentations, guarantees, or omissions, shall be made against the consignor only and not the sale manager or any persons related to the sale. Sellers statements of soundness or unsoundness will be announced at the sale. Liabilities Everyone is urged to use caution and care while attending the sale. Midwest Select Sale, all its members and all those associated with the sale in any way shall not be liable for any injuries sustained by anyone attending the sale. All parties entering the grounds where the sale is held, do so at their own risk and further agree that the organization responsible for the sale is hereby released from any liability or responsibility for any injuries sustained by them during the attendance of the sale and its related activities, from any case whatsoever. Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian or they will be denied access on the premises. Private Sales ABSOLUTELY no private sales on auction grounds before or after the sale. All horses brought to the sale must go through the ring. Any private sales after a no sale in the ring must go through the office, and the appropriate commission rates paid. Anyone not following this rule may not be allowed to consign in the future. We are running this sale for YOU the consignor, please be courteous and help us pay the bills so this sale can continue. Commission rates Draft Horses: 7% up to 8,000.00; 2% after $8,001.00; no sale fee = 2% of the last bid. Light Horses: 7% with a $200 max. Vet inspection fee: $8.00 per horse (both light and draft) even with a no sale. $75.00 non-refundable box stall fee for Draft Horses, $25.00 fee for a tack stall. Draft horses must be checked in by 5:00 P.M. on entry day. Sales Tax The state of Wisconsin requires a 5.5% sales tax on tack. Sales tax permits and numbers must be furnished in order to be exempt. Buyers payment Buyer shall pay for the horse(s) prior to the conclusion of the sale by one or more of the following means: cash, approved personal check, money order or cashiers check (US funds). Checks are to be made payable to Midwest Select Sale. A $75.00 service charge will apply to all NSF checks. Notice to Canadian Buyers We will accept Canadian checks with a letter of credit from you bank, guaranteeing checks payable in US funds. Consignor Checks: All checks for draft horses will be mailed out within 21 business days of the sale. Load Out: Buyers must have a release from the office for all load outs. Load out slips must be signed by a trucker and load out security for all animals and equipment. Security: There will be overnight security at the barns. Page 4 Veterinary Services Sale Veterinarian: Anne Clary, DVM, W6744 Rogersville Rd, Fond du Lac, WI 54937 Office: 920-960-3044 Cell: 920-960-0634 Dr. Clary will be on the sale grounds from Wednesday afternoon through the end of the sale. 2016 Health Requirements: ORIGINAL Negative Coggins done within 12 months of the sale; Negative Coggins within 6 months for Canadian export. It is not legal in Wisconsin to bring them on the premises without one. We will need the original coggins only (no copies) We will NOT be pulling Coggins at the sale. Health Certificate Wisconsin veterinarians fill out form AH-IN-4. These are reassignable health certificates. Out of state veterinarians please use a reassignable health certificate if at all possible. HEALTH CERTIFICATES ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL DRIVING and DRAFT horses! Sellers you may put more than one horse on this form, please call if you have questions 920-960-0634 or if your veterinarian needs clarification on the form recommended. Canadian Health Papers will be available on Friday. The federal veterinarian will be on site from 3-5 pm. Please pay for your horses as soon as you can so we can get paperwork done. Please see addendum for additional export requirements. VETERINARIANS please sign the VS-17 form concerning CEM exposure to expe- dite any sale horses going to Canada. Also sign the addendum form of current statements required for export. Rhino/Flu vaccination is recommended within 20 days of sale but not required, please have your veterinarian put date and vaccine used on health certificates. All claims made in the sale ring relative to pregnancy should be verified on the health certificate by your veterinarian within 30 days of the sale or by Dr. Clary prior to your horse entering the sale ring. A confirmed pregnancy claim cannot otherwise be made in the sale ring. Questions? Call Dr. Clary 920-960-0634 anytime. Pager 920-801-3044 Page 5 IMPORT HEALTH REQUIREMENTS OF CANADA FOR HORSES FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CERTIFICATION STATEMENTS 1. The animal was inspected within 30 days prior to export and found to be healthy and free from evidence of communicable disease and exposure thereto. 2. The animal was, to the best of the knowledge and belief of the issuing veterinarian, not exposed to any communicable disease within 60 days preceding the date of inspection; Either: a) The animal has resided in the United States or Canada since birth; OR b) The animal has met all of the import requirements of the United States of America and has resided in the United States of America for the past 60 days; 3. The horse(s) have not been on premises where T.equigenitalis has been isolated during the 60 days immediately preceding exportation to Canada or a premises currently under quarantine or investigation for CEM. Any female(s) in the shipment have not been bred naturally to, or inseminated with, semen from a stallion positive for CEM, or a stallion resident upon a positive premises or under quarantine or investigation for CEM 4. Showed no clinical signs of CEM on the day of inspection. 5. The animals, at the time of the inspection, were found healthy and in a physical condition fit to be transported. 6. The exporter has been advised that any deterioration in health or physical condition of the animals that may render animals unfit for transport may result in the shipment to be refused entry to Canada. 7. During the previous twenty-one (21) days, the animal(s) in this shipment have not been in the State of Texas or New Mexico. 8. All states in which the animal(s) have resided in the past twenty-one (21) days were free from clinical and epidemiological evidence of vesicular stomatitis during the twenty-one (21) days immediately prior to export to Canada. Fit to be transported means: that on the day of inspection, no animal has an infirmity, illness, injury or any other condition that could be aggravated when the animal is being transported and causing the animal to suffer. Issuing Veterinarian Signature:____________________________________________ Name:______________________________ Date:_____________ Endorsing Federal Veterinarian Signature:____________________________________________ Name:______________________________ Date:_____________ Page 6 2015 MIDWEST SELECT SALE TOP-SELLER COFFINS CREEK BELLE $64,000 Record High Belgian Mare! SUBSCRIPTION RATES PUBLISHED QUARTERLY. 1 YEAR U.S. $35 | Canada $43 | Foreign $45 2 YEARS U.S. $62 | Canada $78 | Foreign $82 Canadian & Foreign subscribers pay in U.S. Funds only. Iowa Residents please apply your local option sales tax. DIGITAL & DIGITAL+PRINT SUBSCRIPTION PRICING AVAILABLE ONLINE! Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Fermin P 6 Year Old Friesian Stallion owned by David Miller Standing at Stridequest Equine S. 6405 St. Rd. 154, Hillpoint, WI 53937 Will be on display at the sale! Stud fee for 2016 will be $400 and comes with a two year return privilage. Leffert 306 Mintse 384 Jieldou Fermin P. Teade 392 Sally P. Mare care is $4.00, with foal is $6.00 per day. Nandi Tamme 276 Bontsje Lammert 260 Wieskje Anton 343 Irma van ‘I Zuid Tsjerk 326 Alita J. Fermin is a six year old Friesian stallion sired by Mintse and out of a very desirable Friesian mare, Sally P. He is a powerful stallion, a nice disposition and lots of presence. His first crop of colts turned out very well. If you are looking to add some power and presence to your favorite mare, stop at our stall or visit our farm! Page 11 Page 12 2016 Light Driving Sale Schedule for Thurs., April 7th ~ 7:00 a.m. - Driving in the Inside Arena ~ 9:00 a.m. - Driving Horse Sale Expecting 100 Head of Quality Light Drivers Consign early as the limit is 100 head. Some of our early consignments are: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– (Pictured at Left) 4 year old Dutch Cross Gelding ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– A Proven Rex Stallion ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Several loads of the Standardbreds will be fresh ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– (Pictured Below) Also lots of Standardbreds, Dutch Harness Crosses, Fresian Crosses, Morgans, Morgan Crosses, Hackney Horses, and Saddlebred Cross Horses 4 year old Dutch Cross mare by Taran –––––––––––––––––––––––– Page 13 Page 14 2016 Tack Sale Thursday, April 7th at 1:00 p.m. Expecting Many Good Quality Items Here are a few items already consigned: Another Big Load of New Tack from Indiana –––––––––––––––––––––– New and Used Harness –––––––––––––––––––––– Brand New Eveners A RT Z W H Ferrier Service ’S SC There should be something for everyone! Ferman & Elsie Schwartz Training Horses Shoeing Trimming Fitting for Sales 608-897-3252 N4788 Condon Road • Brodhead, WI 53520 Page 15 B OW M A N B I T S USA M F G. B Y B OW M A N L E A T H E R L L C Pennwoods Percherons using Bowman Bits DRAFT PERFORMANCE SHOW BITS THE Draft & Driving Bits Available! V I C TO RY COME CHECK OUT OUR BOOTH AT THE SALE FOR SPECIALS! Signature Mouthpiece Manufactured with • High grade, hand polished stainless steel shanks • Sweet Iron Mouthpieces • 6 1/4” Mouthpieces (our standard size) • Custom sizes available Best Seller! Nice and thick for comfort Victory Mouthpiece 45°, 5/8” Diameter DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE We have worked with horses all our lives, and have our own horse training facility. This is what makes our customers say... Made for Horsemen by Horsemen Our horses, using our bits! (Henry Bowman) HAN D MA DE AT : B OW M A N B I T S USA M F G. B Y B OW M A N L E A T H E R L L C Mr. Henry W. Miller 2978 150TH ST., BRIGHTON, IA 52540 Page 16 12th Annual April 6, 7 & 8, 2016 • Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI Sale Notes Page 17 12th Annual April 6, 7 & 8, 2016 • Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI Sale Notes Page 18 2016 Stallions on Display during the Sale will be shown in the ring Thursday and Friday before the start of the sale. Bourbon Ridge Belgians Wilbur & Brenda Schrock & Family 549 N. CR 400 E., Arcola, IL 61910 • 217-543-2418 Sale Prep & Show Training For your farrier needs contact Lamar at 217-543-2606 Page 19 Hershberger Farm Machinery Buying and Selling New and Used Small Farm Machinery Also Dealer for I & J and Pioneer Equipment Haybines Discbines Cornpickers Sm Square Balers Hay Rakes Planters Elevator Hay Baskets Pull Type Combines 14’ Chopper Boxes Manure Spreaders Cultipackers Small Straw Bale Choppers Pioneer Equipment in Stock Motor Carts Cultimulchers Carts Tongues Eveners Neck Yokes Organic Mollasses in Totes Organic Liquid Fish Fertilizer in Totes Gas Refrigerators and Freezers If we don’t have it, we will try to find it for you! Henry Hershberger 1 mile south of Montfort on Hwy. 80 and 1.5 miles west on Ebenezer Rd. 649 Ebenezer Rd. Montfort, WI 53569 608-943-6142 Page 20 Draft Horse Preview Thursday, April 7th at 5:00 p.m. Belgian Mares – Yearlings Percheron Mares – Yearlings Belgian Mares – 2 Year Olds Percheron Mares – 2 Year Olds Belgian Mares – 3 Year Olds Percheron Mares – 3 Year Olds Belgian Mares – 4 Year Olds Percheron Mares – 4 Year Olds Belgian Mares – 5 Years and Older Percheron Mares – 5 Years and Older Broke Farm Teams Belgians and Percherons Belgian Geldings – 3 Year Olds Percheron Geldings – 3 Year Olds Belgian Geldings – 4 Years Old and Older Percheron Geldings – 4 Years Old and Older Belgian Stallions – Yearlings Percheron Stallions – Yearlings Belgian Stallions – 2 Years Old and Older Percheron Stallions – 2 Years Old and Older Page 21 Brodhead harness 44DPUDI)JMM3PBEt#SPEIFBE8* 0QFO.POEBZ4BUVSEBZtBNQN 8JMMJBN+.JMMFS 1IPOF /FX6TFE)BSOFTTFTt)BSOFTT1BSUT )BMUFSTt$PMMBSTt)BNFT REPAIRS HARNESSES Works with: t-FBUIFSt#JPt/ZMPO Give us a call for all your harness repair and new and used purchases. Page Page22 1 2016 Draft Horse Sale Friday, April 8th at 9:00 a.m. Following the Stallions on Display Percheron and Belgian Mares, Stallions and Geldings Page 23 Lot 1 - DKH’S SIENNA FARCEUR Consigned by: MELVIN WEAVER, WI Fitted by: MENNO MILLER, MN Bred by: DALE K. HOUSE, WI PARADISE CONQUISTADOR COUNTRY PRIDE REX HACK’S LYNN RG MASTER’S NICK HOUSE’S SHANTEL FARCEUR HOUSE’S SASHA FARCEUR Belgian Mare Light Sorrel DOB: 04/21/09 MASTER’S EDDIE PRINCESS DIANA SUNNYVIEW MARK HACK’S PEARL MASTER’S EDDIE RG CAROL’S AMBER EBERSPACHER’S BRIAN ROXY RUBIS Owners Statement: Light sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, L hind leg white, white mane and tail. Sienna stands 18 hands. Big bottoms, clean hocks. Good moving hitch or broodmare. Broke single and double. Should be bred to Willow Creek Corvette by sale time. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 2 - BLACK BROOK ZEKE’S FIRST EDITION Consigned by: JUDY JOSEPHSON, WI Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: JOHN AND/OR JUDITH A. JOSEPHSON, WI PENNWOODS GRAND CLIMAX Percheron Gelding Black DOB: 03/01/13 BLACKHOME GRANDEUR LYN PENNWOODS MISS JOETTA LAET BLACK BROOK ZEKE LANG’S ELVIRA M.G.’S PRINCE MAVERICK’S LA KATIE WINDERMERE’S JUST INCREDIBLE WINDERMERE’S ELIMINATOR STONY HILLS FELINA WINDERMERE’S CASHMERE KONCARLAET’S GRANDEUR LYLE GABE’S SOPHISTICATED SKEETER STONY HILL’S KARLA KATE Owners Statement: Black. Broke single and double. Edition is a good moving horse with good quality. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 24 Lots 3 & 4 - BILL & BOB Consigned by: HARLEY SCHWARTZ, IN Fitted by: SAME Belgian Geldings Sorrel DOB: 3 YR Owners Statement: A pair of three year old Belgian geldings. Sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Broke well. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 5 - MIKE Percheron Gelding Consigned by: ALLEN S. DETWEILER & TOBY F. DETWEILER, MN Fitted by: TOBY F. DETWEILER, MN Black DOB: 5 YR Owners Statement: Five year old Percheron gelding sired by GT’s Hallmark. Black with stripe. Stands 18 HH. Lead horse material. Farm fresh, clean legged with big feet. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 6 - MIKNELLA MAJIC PRESTO Consigned by: ALLEN WHITE, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Belgian Gelding DOB: 3 YR Owners Statement: Three year old Belgian gelding started in harness. Big strong gelding. Stands 17.3 to 18 hands. Sire: Charlies Majic. Dam: Miknella’s Classic Helen out of K&W Master Ed. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 7 - GRACIE’S CHARMING KIRA Consigned by: DANIEL J. YODER, WI Fitted by: JONAS YODER & SONS, WI Bred by: DEBRA DROST, WI MONETTE’S MASTER MIKE ROSE’S PRINCE CHARMING PATRICK’S ROSE C.J. LEGAND OAK HAVEN’S GRACIE FARLANE SHANIA Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 06/07/12 MASTER’S EDDIE LAKE LEDGE MONETTE LISA’S PATRICK KATE’S FARCEUR ROSE JAY-LOU-SUPREME MARSHALL’S KITT FARCEUR MORNINGCALL CLASSICS BUD Y POINT MASTER’S DOLLY Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white on legs, light mane and tail. Stands 18 hands. Well broke. Will be bred to Willow Creek Corvette. Non-Carrier of JEB. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 25 Lot 8 - ZUBROD’S FLICKA Percheron Mare Consigned by: BLACK LOT DRAFT’S, DOUG & DONNA HOLTORF, IA Black Fitted by: FREEMAN YODER, UT DOB: 01/20/12 Bred by: ZUBROD’S PERCHERONS, LLC, OK MC GEE M.G.’S PRINCE PLEASANT VIEW KING JOANNA LAET BLACKHOME DUKE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE DALEVIEW PEG ROBINLAWN’S BLACK ICE K & M GEORGIA’S GRACIE K & M BEAU’S GEORGIA PEACH WINDWARD’S TORIN ROBINLAWN GEM IRONWOOD BEAUREGARD SHINING EYE SARA MAY Owners Statement: Black; irregular star. Broke 17.3 hands. A great quality mare with a pedigree that speaks for itself. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 9 - ANDERSON’S KINGSTON Consigned by: FREEMAN GINGERICH, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: DAVID H. ANDERSON, CANADA BLACKHOME GRANDEUR LYN G.T.’S HALLMARK STERLING’S HOLLY ALL-STAR’S PRINCE ROCKET BEACHY FARM’S KATELYN Percheron Gelding Black DOB: 04/24/12 HIGHVIEW DRAGANO COLLEGE LYNDA PLEASANT VIEW KING JANET OF GLYNLEA M.G.’S PRINCE M.S. DOC’S ASHLEY BLUE RIBBON FARMS HERCULES BLUE RIBBON FARMS NICOLETTE BLUE RIBBON FARMS GARNET Owners Statement: Black; irregular star. Broke single and double. Stands 18.3 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 26 Lot 10 - BDF MISTY EXCEL Consigned by: LEVON HOSTETLER, IL Fitted by: SAME Bred by: LEVON HOSTETLER, IL HARBOR HAVEN’S EXTREME TWIN OAKS EXCEL H.B. HEIDI SUPREME KYLE’S FINAL RAMB DRAKE WELL MISTY GALLO’S TRICIA Belgian Gelding Sorrel DOB: 01/25/13 KORRY’S CAPTAIN EBH LADY FLASH JAY-LOU-SUPREME L & C MISS JAMINE OAKLAND’S KYLE CHARM ACRE’S BEAUTY CONFEDERATE ORNDORFF’S SUPREME DAISY Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, L fore and L hind legs white, white mane and tail. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 11 - NICK Percheron Gelding Consigned by: ENOS YODER CO. Fitted by: SAME Bred by: DOB: 3 YR Owners Statement: Three year old Percheron gelding. Sire: High Prairie Impressive. Dam: Rush River Beaula. Stands 18 hands as a three year old! Has been used in the wheel and swing. Lots of action and great bottoms. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 27 Lot 12 - RETREAT REQUIEM Belgian Gelding Consigned by: KATHY SCHMITT, WI & DIANA RAMSEY, IA Blonde Fitted by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, WI DOB: 05/05/13 Bred by: GREGG & KATHY SCHMITT &/OR DIANA MENTER, WI L & C KORRY CINDY’S BUSTER BUTTERFLY ACRES CONCERTO BUTTERFLY ACRES CONDORA MARQUETTE’S CINDY BOB BUTTERFLY ACRES TREVA LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE RETREAT RENDEZVOUS RETREAT REBECCA CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS BJ SUPREME LEGACY SHADOW HILL TRISHA Owners Statement: Blonde, stripe, spots on R side of face, white on lower lip, white mane and tail. Hitch horse potential! ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 13 - F.P. ELEVATION Percheron Mare Consigned by: GLEN YODER, IA Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: LLOYD FARNHAM, VT Black DOB: 02/09/13 PENNWOODS CABERNET F.C. FOSTER QUEBEQUUS FOSTERINE WINDERMERE KING CONG VINTAGE CONG’S ELANA BLACK BEAUTY’S TILLIE DONAMERR S MAGNUM CHAMPAGNE J.P. LEO HIGHVIEW DL’S CASSIE BLACKHOME DUKE CAMILLE DALEVIEW IKE FURY’S TOPS Owners Statement: Black. Broke very clean, quality mare. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Page 28 Lot 14 - SHADY GROVE LEXUS Consigned by: ROBERT BERRY, CANADA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: DAVID J. &/OR LAUREEN BORNTRAGER, IA L & C KORRY KORRY’S CAPTAIN CHIEF’S BLOSSOM BJ SUPREME LEGACY SHADYGROVE LEGACY MALISSA Belgian Mare Sorrel DOB: 05/12/08 ALL-EN-TIME JAYSON DEANNA CHIEF K. FARCEUR MARQUETTE’S CINDY JAY-LOU-SUPREME L & C DEIDRA LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE MASTER’S MELODI SPIKE’S MELODI Owners Statement: Sorrel. Star with connected stripe and snip; spot in snip; white on lower lip; white on hind legs; white mane, light tail. Broke single and double. Will be hitched at the 2016 Royal Show. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 15 - MIKNELLA’S MAJIC ODIS Consigned by: JOHN J. YUTZY, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 4 YR Owners Statement: Four year old red sorrel Belgian gelding with white stripe in face, light mane and tail. Odis is a BIG horse. Broke single and double. Wants to be with his brothers in the show ring. Look at page 19 Winter Draft Horse Journal. Full brother to Magnum. Stop by our stalls and check things out. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 16 - BILL Belgian Gelding Consigned by: DAVID L. FISHER, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Blonde DOB: 4 YR Owners Statement: A four year old blonde Belgian gelding with stripe, white mane and tail. Broke single and double. Sire: Derridge Elite Perfection (Captain son). Dam: JRC Candi by Diamond C Dr Jim. His dam also sells. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 29 Lot 17 - N. KAUFFMAN’S SILVER BELLE Consigned by: NORMAN KAUFFMAN, WI Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, WI Bred by: NORMAN KAUFFMAN, WI PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Mare Grey DOB: 05/17/15 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE COUNT DOWN TORGE COUNTESS PLEASANT VIEW KING COTTONWOOD COUNT VALLEY RIDGE DEBBIE M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE SCHOMERS APRIL STORM KAUFFMAN’S REBA’S ROXANN SPIRIT POSEIDON ELDAD’S REBA Owners Statement: Grey; large irregular star extending into wide strip terminating in snip, left hind pastern white, inside right hind pastern white. DNA PIN8487. A maternal sister to the $10,000 yearling stud that sold here two years ago. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 18 - PLEASANT COUNTRY SARGENT Consigned by: JONAS E. HERSHBERGER, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: WILLIAM E. HELMUTH, IA CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE HIDDEN VIEW TRADE MARK MINDY BECKEY PIERCE’S CORY PLEASANT COUNTRY SHANIA CHRIS VICKI Belgian Stallion Red Sorrel DOB: 05/30/15 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS DAKOTA JUSTIN MINDY du MARAIS KORRY’S CAPTAIN LANTOW’S JOLENE WEST CHANCE VICTORY CHRIS JAY Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, snip between nostrils, white mane and tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 30 Lot 19 - PLEASANT COUNTRY SABRE Consigned by: WILLIAM E. HELMUTH, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: WILLIAM E. HELMUTH, IA CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE HIDDEN VIEW TRADE MARK MINDY BECKEY PIERCE’S CORY PLEASANT COUNTRY SHANIA CHRIS VICKI Belgian Gelding Sorrel DOB: 03/29/13 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS DAKOTA JUSTIN MINDY du MARAIS KORRY’S CAPTAIN LANTOW’S JOLENE WEST CHANCE VICTORY CHRIS JAY Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white mane and tail. Stands 17.3 hands. Broke single and double. Full brother to Lot 18. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 20 - ANDERSON’S CHANTAL Consigned by: JOE YODER, IA Fitted by: AMOS YODER, JR., IA Bred by: DAVID H. ANDERSON, CANADA ALL-STAR’S PRINCE ROCKET ROCKETS ALL-STAR FLASH COUNTRY CLUB’S COLETTA Percheron Mare Black DOB: 03/23/13 M.G.’S PRINCE M.S. DOC’S ASHLEY LAKESHORE GIGOLO SOUTH VALLEY VELVET WINDERMERE’S JUST INCREDIBLE WINDERMERE’S ELIMINATOR W.C.’S CHANEL E.T.F.’S EBBY WINDERMERE’S CASHMERE WINDSONG’S JOKER IDAHO ELLIE Owners Statement: Black; small star. Stands 18 hands. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 31 Lot 21 - EMMA LAKE’S BOBBY Consigned by: WADE OTTO, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: WADE OTTO, IN WINDERMERE KING CONG BP PRESTIGE YASMINE WINDING WATERS SKYWALKER EMMA LAKE’S CARRIE Percheron Gelding Black DOB: 04/04/12 BLACKHOME DUKE CAMILLE DREAMTIME’S SILVERADO FLASH IN THE KNIGHT WINDERMERE’S GOLIATH CONFECTION L.D.’S PRINCE MAGIC HAMMERS QUEEN’S MAGIC PRINCESS TIGER MEADOW QUEEN’S CLASSIC Owners Statement: Black; small star, left hind pastern white. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 22 - CENTER LANE LINDY Consigned by: AGRESTORE BELGIANS, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: JOHN WITTNER, JR., IN CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE MCKEE’S MASTER JUSTIN KT’S MASTER ROSIE MAPLE LAWN SCOTT’S DREAM CENTER LANE LIZA AGRESTORE R.J. LILAC Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 05/10/13 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS MASTER KT TRIXIE REMLAP SCOTT MAPLE LAWN MISS FANTASTIC C.J. COLBY MJM LINDY Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on ower lip, R fore and hind legs white, white mane and tail. Great halter mare. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 32 Lot 23 - KAUFFMAN FARMS HIGH ROLLER Percheron Stallion Consigned by: FREEMAN KAUFFMAN, WI Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, WI Bred by: FREEMAN KAUFFMAN, WI PLEASANT VIEW KING Black DOB: 05/01/15 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE COUNT DOWN TORGE COUNTESS PLEASANT VIEW KING COTTONWOOD COUNT VALLEY RIDGE DEBBIE M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE KAUFFMAN FARMS ANITA KAUFFMAN’S ASHLEY DRAGANO CRS JIM BARON’S LADY DRAGANO Owners Statement: Black. Good moving colt. Hitch prospect! ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 24 - KNEPP’S RANGER Consigned by: JACOB & DEREK KNEPP, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: DARIN J. KNEPP, IN HARBOR HAVEN’S EXTREME DOUBLE J JUSTIN K & K’S ANNE BELL PATRICK’S DALE SUPREME KNEPP’S ANGELA Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 03/30/13 KORRY’S CAPTAIN EBH LADY FLASH KURT J GWYNNE K & K’S PEARL LISA’S PATRICK BEAUTY QUEEN MARQUETTE’S CHARLIE ANGIE NADEN’S JOY Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Broke single and double. Stands 18 HH. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 33 Lot 25 - WALNUT EDGE STARBELLE Consigned by: ANDY HERSBERGER, IA Fitted by: SAME Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 02/28/15 Owners Statement: Red sorrel, star, white mane and tail. Sire: Hidden View Trademark. Dam: Lane’s End Sopie, by Korry’s Conqueror. Eligible to register at buyer’s expense. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 26 - ML JOEY Consigned by: DALE AND/OR GALEN SLABACH, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: MARLIN D. HOSTETLER, IN ROCKETS ALL-STAR FLASH BP ESCALADE MYSTIQUE ALL-STAR’S PRINCE ROCKET Percheron Gelding Black DOB: 05/04/12 ALL-STAR’S PRINCE ROCKET COUNTRY CLUB’S COLETTA DREAMTIME’S SILVERADO ATLANTIS M.G.’S PRINCE M.S. DOC’S ASHLEY WINDERMERE’S STARS & STRIPES WINDERMERE’S JUST INCREDIBLE WINDERMERE’S DESIRE WINDERMERE’S KATRINA Owners Statement: Black; small star. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 34 Lot 27 - Y.E.S. VICTORY Consigned by: FREEMAN YODER, UT Fitted by: SAME Bred by: FREEMAN YODER, UT M.G.’S PRINCE G.T.’S ELLIOTT Percheron Mare Black DOB: 03/01/13 MC GEE JOANNA LAET THUNDER VALLEY DONALD’S PRIDE CLEAR SPRING DAWN KERWIN’S FIRST EDITION CLEAR SPRING FANTASY STERLING’S THUNDERSTIK WINDERMERE’S LIMITED EDITION BITTERSWEET XANADU THE SPIRIT OF BITTERSWEET BLACKHOME COLONEL LYN BITTERSWEET NEXT GENERATION Owners Statement: Black. Broke. Stands 17.3 hands. Quality lead mare. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 28 - WALNUT RIDGE JUNIOR Consigned by: S. DUANE MILLER, IA Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: S. DUANE MILLER, IA CLEARVIEW SPIRIT YY EXTREME SHADY CREEK DAISY PLEASANT VIEW DUKE BALDWIN FARMS RAONA RAONA SHOOTING STAR Percheron Stallion Black DOB: 04/27/15 SPIRIT POSEIDON LAKESHORE NEXXUS WINDSONG’S ROULETTE MANORVIEW DUSK M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE GLYNLEA RAVEN RAONA ANNABELLE Owners Statement: Black; star. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 35 Lot 29 - STICHERT’S JACK Consigned by: DANA STICHERT, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: DANA W. STICHERT, WI H.J.M. CAPTAIN’S TRIBUTE KIDRON ROAD FIRESTONE HIDDEN ACRES CANDIS L.A. TAMI’S MAVERICK SUNNY BROOK JENNIFER BROOKFIELD KRISSI Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 05/15/14 KORRY’S CAPTAIN DLB FRONT PAGE NEWS MONETTE’S MASTER MIKE HIDDEN ACRES LASSIE LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE L.A. TAMI’S TASHA CHARLIE H FARCEUR MAY Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, spots in stripe, hind legs white, light mane and tail. A good, young two year old gelding. Good mover. Great head set. Green broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 30 - ORLANDO Consigned by: ELI RABER AND ANDY HERSBERGER, IA Fitted by: ELI RABER, IA Bred by: Belgian Gelding Sorrel DOB: 3 YR Owners Statement: Three year old sorrel Belgian gelding with stripe, light mane and tail. Sire: Hidden View Trademark. Dam: Korry’s Conqueror daughter. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 36 Lot 31 - NVF JANIE’S GEM Consigned by: MARLIN MILLER, IN Fitted by: LONNIE MILLER, IN Bred by: EMANUEL E. MILLER, JR., OH CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE PRAIRE GROVE GORDY Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 05/01/12 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS NEUMANN’S CECIL CONQUERAIS JLM CONNIE CONQUERAIS CIRCLE LANE JUNIOR JUNIOR’S JANIE CONSTRICO-DAN’S-JAN CAROL BROOKSIDE’S GOLDEN EDDIE CIRCLE LANE MYRA’S MARSHA MCCOY’S CONSTRICO DAN GNH JOAN FARCEUR Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, snip on upper lip, white on lower lip, L hind leg white, light mane and tail. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 32 - Consigned by: REE’S FAMILY BELGIANS, WA Fitted by: MENNO MILLER, MN Bred by: Belgian Gelding DOB: 5 YR Owners Statement: Five year old Belgian gelding sired by Harbor Haven’s Extreme. Broke. Good moving hitch horse. Stands 18.1 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 37 Lot 33 - DDC MANDY Consigned by: DANIEL M. CHUPP, IL Fitted by: SAME Bred by: DANIEL M. CHUPP, IL CHIEF SUPREME SWITZERLAND CO. GERONIMO MILL ACRES PEGGY FOUR STAR MCDADE DDC MABLE DDC LORI Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 04/12/15 ORNDORFF’S CONGOLAISE SUPREME CHIEF’S BLOSSOM DRAFTY VALLEY BOBBY CLARAHAN’S KATIE MASTER SANDMAN ALTMAN’S KATIE BRYNE’S GUSTER ANDREW DUTCHESS JUDY Owners Statement: Red sorrel, star, flaxen mane and tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 34 - PAREO JAZMIN Belgian Mare Consigned by: FREEMAN J. HELMUTH, IA & JIMMY PAREO, NM Red Sorrel Fitted by: FREEMAN J. HELMUTH & SONS, IA DOB: 02/08/13 Bred by: JIMMY PAREO, NM BROOKSIDE’S GOLDEN EDDIE CIRCLE LANE JUNIOR OAK HAVEN’S JET EXPRESS GRETTA ORNDORFF’S CAPTAIN FIRE T-ROAD JENNY MAPLE GROVE MISS EASTER CIRCLE LANE MYRA’S MARSHA PIERCE’S CAPTAIN GLORIA CONGOLAISE KORRY’S CAPTAIN ORNDORFF’S U-2 FAITH EVERGREEN DAN CONSUE Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, spot in stripe, light mane and tail. Broke single & double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 38 Lot 35 - AGRESTORE CAPTAIN KEY Consigned by: AGRESTORE BELGIANS, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: MERVIN SCHWARTZ, IN L & C KORRY KORRY’S CAPTAIN CHIEF’S BLOSSOM DOHSE’S L. N. DUTCHMAN PIERCE’S AMY HILLCROFT ANGIE Belgian Stallion Red Sorrel DOB: 04/25/15 ALL-EN-TIME JAYSON DEANNA CHIEF K. FARCEUR MARQUETTE’S CINDY CHARLIE H FARCEUR DOHSE’S JENNIE HILLCROFT JACK KELSEY Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on hind legs, light mane and tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 36 - D.G. LILLY Consigned by: HARLEY SCHWARTZ, IN Fitted by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, WI Bred by: DENNIS GAROUTTE, WI JAY-LOU-SUPREME BJ SUPREME LEGACY L & C DEIDRA OAK HILL ACE SUPREME D.G. ACE’S IRELAND D.G. SPECIAL CRYSTAL Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB:04/23/13 ORNDORFF’S CONGOLAISE SUPREME ELEGANT’S APRIL du MARAIS ALL-EN-TIME JAYSON DEANNA REMLAP’S ACE DESIGN CRAWFORD’S SWEET SACHA MASTER SPECIAL EDITION MAPLE LAWN IMAGES LORETTA Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on L hind leg, flaxen mane and tail. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 39 Lot 37 - RIVER RUN RUBY Consigned by: SHANNON OSTBY, MN Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN,WI Bred by: DALEVIEW PRINCETON LOLA’S CRACKER JACK LOLA’S SUNSETTE Percheron Filly Black DOB: 05/21/15 M.G.’S PRINCE DALEVIEW HEIDI NORTHWOODS MIDNIGHT SUN MI GRANDEUR LYNETTE H.L. ELIMANATER’S IVY Owners Statement: Black; small irregular star. Here is a good quality filly that would mate great with River Run Catilyn (also selling). Don’t miss this heads up pair of fillies. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 38 - RIVER RUN CATILYN Consigned by: SHANNON OSTBY, MN Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN,WI Bred by: DALEVIEW PRINCETON LOLA’S CRACKER JACK LOLA’S SUNSETTE Percheron Filly Black DOB: 05/25/15 M.G.’S PRINCE DALEVIEW HEIDI NORTHWOODS MIDNIGHT SUN MI GRANDEUR LYNETTE HILLSIDE CHERILU Owners Statement: Black; small star. Here’s a good quality filly that would mate great with River Run Ruby (also selling). Don’t miss this heads up pair of fillies. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 40 Lot 39 - MIKNELLA’S MAJIC OLIVIA Consigned by: ALLEN WHITE, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: ALLEN J. WHITE, WI CHARLIE H FARCEUR CHARLIE’S MAJIC SPRUCE HILL BRANDY SUNNYSLOPE REX MIKNELLA CATIE’S IDA SILVER DON’S CATIE Belgian Mare Sorrel DOB: 03/15/12 MARQUETTE’S MIKE JENNIFER’S FARCEUR ANN GREEN HILL SAMSON CAROL RG JAKE GRIFFITHS ROXANNES ROSEANN DOREEN’S SILVER DON CATIE DU MARAIS Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, white mane and tail. Broke, worked on an Amish farm two summers. Good worker. Exposed to Shady Grove Firestone’s Chief. Stands 17.2 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 40 - BDF T-BONE Consigned by: LEVON HOSTETLER, IL Fitted by: SAME Bred by: LEVON HOSTETLER, IL H.J.M. CAPTAIN’S TRIBUTE KIDRON ROAD EXTREME MISTY VALLEY HOLLY CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE BARLE DU CONTILDA JLM CONNIE CONQUERAIS Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 05/12/12 KORRY’S CAPTAIN DLB FRONT PAGE NEWS CASCO’S ASHER RBJ BRENDA LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS NEUMANN’S CECIL CONQUERAIS CAROL Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 41 Lot 41 - Y’DER’S CINDERELLA Consigned by: JONAS YODER, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: JONAS W. YODER, WI Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 04/27/15 CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE DETWEILER’S PRINCE CHARMING MOHR’S MISS LABELLE WILLOW CREEK CORVETTE WILLOW CREEK CANDI COUNTRY ROAD KORRY FOHRMAN’S KORRY ANN GREENLEE’S SALLY ROSE HARBOR HAVEN’S EXTREME LANE’S END CHERRY COUNTRY ROAD FIRESTONE COUNTRY ROAD CHEYANNE QUEEN ANNE MASTER MVR’S SKYE Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, R hind leg white, light mane and tail. Hitch and halter prospect. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 42 - ROCKETS CAPTAIN ARCHER Consigned by: TERRY DROST, WI Fitted by: KURT MEYER, WI Belgian Gelding DOB: 03/23/13 KORRY’S CAPTAIN L.G.F. DUKE KAUFFMAN’S KAYLA ORNDORFF’S CAPTAIN ROCKET T-ROAD ROCKET’S LOUANN P.M.E. HEIDI L & C KORRY CHIEF’S BLOSSOM ORNDORFF’S JIMS ROSCOE PETES MARLETTE KORRY’S CAPTAIN ORNDORFF’S U-2 ROSETTE PEACOCK VALLEY DAN PME ALICE Owners Statement: Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 42 Lot 43 - ELKVIEW TORIN Consigned by: DALE HOCHSTETLER, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: ELKVIEW PERCHERONS, CANADA ROBINLAWN’S BLACK ICE ELKVIEW ICE BERG ELKVIEW KAYLA VALLEY CREEK DARRELL ELKVIEW FALLINA II ELKVIEW LIBBI Percheron Gelding Grey DOB:05/09/13 WINDWARD’S TORIN ROBINLAWN GEM STARLIGHT DIAMOND CHEIF ELKVIEW TANYA ALL-STAR’S PRINCE ROCKET KONCARLAET’S DIXIE PULAROSA BEN ELKVIEW LORI Owners Statement: Grey; irregular star, implanted 985170001762947 neck, left side. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 44 - MHS JANETTE Consigned by: SCOTT AND TERESA ZUBE, WI Fitted by: SCOTT ZUBE, WI Bred by: SCOTT J. &/OR TERESA ZUBE, WI JAYJAY LOYALEA MAN SHAKETA HILLS JAY L&M MIKE’S FRANCIS Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 04/03/14 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE PINE ACRES SUPREME JILL PLEASANT LAKE MIKE APRIL BEE CHICKASAW’S MASTER’S PRINCE THUNDERBRANCH PRINCE WESSAND’S JASMINE WESSAND’S JOSETTA THUNDERBRANCH ANGEL WESSAND’S COLOSCAR WOLF CREEK JOSIE Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white L hind leg, light mane and tail. Great moving filly with lots of quality and foundation. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 43 Lot 45 - ALL-STAR’S ROSE Consigned by: ANDERSON FARMS, CANADA Fitted by: ROBERT DETWEILER, IA Bred by: NICK & CHERIE WAGNER, OH M.G.’S PRINCE ALL-STAR’S PRINCE ROCKET M.S. DOC’S ASHLEY WINDERMERE KING CONG W.C.’S BELLA G.T.’S ERICA Percheron Mare Black DOB: 03/20/12 MC GEE JOANNA LAET MILL CREEK DOC M.S. MISSY SHOWTIME BLACKHOME DUKE CAMILLE M.G.’S PRINCE HIDDEN LAKE SPIRIT Owners Statement: Black. Large irregular prolonged star, right hind heel. Stands approx. 18 hands. Broke single and double. Due to foal April 17, 2016, to Pleasant View King. She’s the last daughter of All-Star’s Prince Rocket. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 46 - RETREAT RETORT Consigned by: KATHY SCHMITT, WI Fitted by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, WI Bred by: GREGG & KATHY SCHMITT, WI CIRCLE LANE JUNIOR BURR OAK JUSTINE SUPREME OAK HAVEN’S JUSTINE J & S PETER THE GREAT JSM MAXIE LAURA’S MISSY Belgian Mare Blonde DOB: 05/25/13 BROOKSIDE’S GOLDEN EDDIE CIRCLE LANE MYRA’S MARSHA DANA’S MASTER JUSTIN RG CINDY CONQUERAIS MISS HOLLY GALLO’S DUKE JENNY’S LAURA Owners Statement: Blonde, stripe, white on lower lip, white on hind legs, white mane and tail. This is a mare that loves to drive. Lead horse potential. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 44 Lot 47 - Consigned by: HARLEY KAUFFMAN, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 5 YR Owners Statement: Five year old red sorrel Belgian gelding. Broke single and double. Stands 17.3 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 48 - AGRESTORE’S KATRINA Consigned by: AGRESTORE BELGIANS, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: MERVIN SCHWARTZ, IN CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE MCKEE’S MASTER JUSTIN KT’S MASTER ROSIE PARADISE CONQUISTADOR PINE GROVE ROSLYN PINE GROVE DONNA SUE Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 05/29/13 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS MASTER KT TRIXIE MASTER’S EDDIE PRINCESS DIANA DOUBLE M JAYCE ROSETTA FARCEUR Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on legs, light mane and tail. Well broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 49 - VICTOR Consigned by: DARIN & JOHN BONTRAGER, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Percheron Gelding DOB: 3 YR Owners Statement: Three year old grade Percheron gelding. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 45 Lot 50 - Percheron Gelding Consigned by: HENRY ROPP, MO Fitted by: JOSEPH STUTZMAN, MO Bred by: Red Sorrel DOB: 3 YR Owners Statement: Three year old Percheron gelding. Red sorrel, stripe, flaxen mane and tail. Sired by Skyview Count On It. Wheel horse that moves like a lead horse. Broke. Stands 18.2 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 51 - BLACK BROOK KODY II Consigned by: JUDY JOSEPHSON, WI Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: JUDITH JOSEPHSON, WI WINDERMERE KING CONG BP PRESTIGE YASMINE CRAWFORD FARMS HUNTER HF HUNTER’S CARMEN HF THUNDER’S SUE TOO Percheron Stallion Black DOB: 04/02/15 BLACKHOME DUKE CAMILLE DREAMTIME’S SILVERADO FLASH IN THE KNIGHT IRISH CREEK COLA PRINCE’S PAM STERLING’S THUNDERSTIK SUETEGET KATHRYN THE GREAT Owners Statement: Black; small star with a few white hairs extending from star. Kody is a long necked good moving stud colt. Could be a stallion or gelding prospect. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 46 Lot 52 - STEELE WHEEL INDIA Consigned by: GARY PARKER, IN Fitted by: BRYANT HAGEMAN, IL Bred by: GARY LEE &/OR CAROLYN M. PARKER, IN CHICKASAW STYLEMAN STYLE’S STYLEMASTER MISS CLORA WEEPING MEADOW MR. CHAMP JAY L. WEEPING HENRIETTA JAY L. HEIDI FERN Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 06/09/12 PRODUCE ACRES STYLE MAN CHICKASAW ROSANNA CONSTRICO DOLLY JANE FARCEUR GLORIA’S MASTER GUSTER DJ’S BRIDGET DOC’S LAZY LADY CHANTEL Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, R hind leg white, flaxen mane and tail. A big mare, bred to Country Road Quest due in April. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 53 - KAUFFMAN FARMS COUNTESS BEAUTY Percheron Mare Consigned by: FREEMAN KAUFFMAN, WI Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, WI Bred by: FREEMAN KAUFFMAN, WI PLEASANT VIEW KING Black DOB: 03/11/15 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE COUNT DOWN TORGE COUNTESS SPIRIT POSEIDON KAUFFMAN’S SPIRIT BETH HIGHWOOD BLACK JESS COTTONWOOD COUNT VALLEY RIDGE DEBBIE SOUTH VALLEY PRINCE HA HA SPRING PRINCESS PAT’S SPYNX LORETTE SHOWTIME Owners Statement: Black; medium star. Good filly don’t miss her. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 47 Lot 54 - BURR OAK ROSE Consigned by: ROBERT BERRY, CANADA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: WILBUR E. HELMUTH, WI CIRCLE LANE JUNIOR BURR OAK JUSTINE SUPREME OAK HAVEN’S JUSTINE DIEHL’S STERLING NORTHFORK STERLING’S JUDY Belgian Mare Blonde DOB: 04/24/12 BROOKSIDE’S GOLDEN EDDIE CIRCLE LANE MYRA’S MARSHA DANA’S MASTER JUSTIN RG CINDY PARADISE CONQUISTADOR C.J. BRIANNE L & C KORRY NORTHFORK KORRY’S NATALIE L.A. SUPREME’S STELLA Owners Statement: Blonde. Star with connected stripe; snip; flaxen mane and tail. Broke single and double. Will be hitched at the 2016 Royal Show. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 55 - CHIP Consigned by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 06/03/13 Owners Statement: Three year old red sorrel Belgian gelding with stripe, light mane and tail. Sired by Diehl’s Sterling. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 48 ofprintjournal Page 49 Page 50 Shady Grove Firestone Chief Foaled: 06/15/2010 Sire: Country Road Firestone Dam: A.M. Conquistador’s Reba by Paradise Conquistador JEB Non-Carrier Majic’s Marker Foaled: 02/13/2005 Sire: Charlie’s Majic Dam: Chief Promise by Chief K Farceur JEB Non-Carrier Co-Owned By: Miknella Belgians Long Lane Belgians Allen J. White & Family 391 W. Oak St., Lancaster, WI 53813 608-732-1831 (cell) 608-723-4831 (Home) Page 51 Henry Hershberger & Family 649 Ebenezer Rd. Montfort, WI 53569 608-943-6142 Page 52 Page 53 1855 Saloon and Grill is the essence of fine-dining. 1855 opened in December 2007 and has been pleasing people from all over Wisconsin, and bordering states, with their great tasting food, wonderful atmosphere, and first class service. Specials Monday ~ 2 For 1 Burger Night Tuesday ~ $10 Pasta Bowl Friday ~ Fish Fry Saturday ~ Prime Rib Music on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Private Banquet Room Available 218 S. Main St., Cottage Grove, WI 53527 608.839.3700 Conveniently located 15 minutes from the Alliant Energy Center between I-90 and I-94 www.1855saloongrill.com Page 54 Follow Us On Facebook & Twitter Page 55 Thank-you to the 2015 sponsors for making this such a great event: AgRestore Farms Bowman Bits Bowman Harness Breeder’s Challenge Breezy Meadow Belgians Coblentz Collars Crystal Springs Farm Des Eck Welding Dublin Valley Farms E.H. Perkins Construction Great Lakes Draft Horse Sale Hershberger’s Farm & Bakery Hoffman’s Horse Minerals Holmes Lumber Homestead Nutrition (Equi-lete) Lake Erie Draft Colt Sale Lor-Rob Dairy Farm Mid-American Draft Horse Sale Mid-Ohio Draft Horse & Carriage Sale Millers Scotch Shoes Millerview Belgians Moonlight Acres N & A Harness Shop NABC 8 Oak Haven Belgians Precision Metal Designs R & R Equine Enterprises Sharp Turn Farms SHF Equine Slate Acres Stables Springhill Construction Springhill Dimensions Springhill Farms Steve & Seth Andrews Auctioneers Sunny Brook Farm Sunrise Supply (Nutra-Glo) Watersedge Belgians Weaver Wagons Willow Creek Belgians Windwood Farm Yoder Blacksmith Supplies For more information contact: Steve Hostetler: (217) 273-2237 – Joseph Yoder: (217) 543-3075 Marion Yoder: (330) 231-3937 – David Stutzman: (563) 608-3903 Page 56 Service Fee $650 with a 2-Year Guarantee We would like to thank the people who bred to our stallions last year also. We would like to thank Wilbur & Suzie for handling the AI service last year and for providing the service again this year. Cinderella, Corvette's daughter, is a very well balanced, outstanding filly that will lead a six-horse hitch one day as a four-year-old. Jonas W. Yoder & Sons 715-669-3530 N1517 8th Ave., Lublin, Wisconsin 54447 Page 57 NUTRA-GLO Nutritional Feed Supplement for Horses, Ruminants, Organic Ruminants, Dogs and Poultry (Liquid Product) TM oice ...the 1st Chorsemen of H Supplement ever ywhere! ss Shops, Available at Harne and Blacksmith Shops re! he yw Feed Stores ever Visit our Booth at the Sale Discover Your Herds Maximum Potential! Wisconsin Distributer S Schrock Construction (Samuel Schrock) 32699 Keller Rd Cazenovia WI 53924 608 • 985 • 8761 VM #2 Page 58 © FOREMAN DESIGN GROUP, LLC Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 12th Annual April 6, 7 & 8, 2016 • Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI Sale Notes Page 65 Lot 56 - DOUBLE R JANET Consigned by: JOHN O. HERSBERGER, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: REUBEN J. YODER, IL KORRY’S CAPTAIN HARBOR HAVEN’S EXTREME Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 05/15/12 L & C KORRY CHIEF’S BLOSSOM ORNDORFF’S CONGOLAISE CLASSIC EBH LADY FLASH FOUR STAR DANTE KB JENNIFER EL-JO AMBER SHIRLEY FLASH C.J. LEGAND FOUR STAR JASMINE FOX’S MIKE FARCEUR ROWDY’S PRIDE PATTY Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on left hind leg, flaxen mane and tail. Broke single and double. Should be bred by sale time. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 57 - P.H.F. SHABBAT BEKKAH Consigned by: GLEN YODER, IA Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: MICHELLE ROSS ROBINSON, VT PENNWOODS CABERNET F.C. FOSTER QUEBEQUUS FOSTERINE BLUE RIBBON FARMS JUPITER Percheron Mare Black DOB: 06/01/13 DONAMERR S MAGNUM CHAMPAGNE J.P. LEO HIGHVIEW DL’S CASSIE HAPPY HILL MIDNIGHT BLUE RIBBON FARMS DUKE’S EBONY MILLFARM ROXEY J.D. ROSE MASTER J.D. OSTRALIEN’S MAC BESS MASTER Owners Statement: Black; large prolonged star, snip. Broke. Big footed mare. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 66 Lot 58 - COUNT ON LYDIA Percheron Mare Consigned by: ANGEL ACRES PERCHERONS, SUSIE CIHAL & MIKE KINNETT, NEBlack Fitted by: AMOS YODER, IA DOB: 03/23/12 Bred by: ANGEL ACRES PERCHERONS, NE M.G.’S PRINCE PLEASANT VIEW KING NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE SKYVIEW COUNT ON IT TORGE COUNTESS CLEARVIEW SPIRIT KAUFFMAN’S CELEBRATION FOUR STAR JEWEL COTTONWOOD COUNT VALLEY RIDGE DEBBIE SPIRIT POSEIDON LAKESHORE NEXXUS EMERALD FARM SMOKEY LAET MISTY ANNE Owners Statement: Black; small star. Drives single and double. Full sister to Celebrate Adelgenes. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 59 - ANGEL ACRES CELEBRATE ADELGENES Percheron Mare Consigned by: ANGEL ACRES PERCHERONS, SUSIE CIHAL & MIKE KINNETT, NEBlack Fitted by: AMOS YODER, IA DOB: 03/13/13 Bred by: ANGEL ACRES PERCHERONS, NE M.G.’S PRINCE PLEASANT VIEW KING NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE SKYVIEW COUNT ON IT TORGE COUNTESS CLEARVIEW SPIRIT KAUFFMAN’S CELEBRATION FOUR STAR JEWEL COTTONWOOD COUNT VALLEY RIDGE DEBBIE SPIRIT POSEIDON LAKESHORE NEXXUS EMERALD FARM SMOKEY LAET MISTY ANNE Owners Statement: Black; small star. DNA PN7931. Drives single and double. Full sister to Count on Lydia. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 67 Lot 60 - AGRESTORE OPLOTNIK Consigned by: LEON MILLER, MN Fitted by: MENNO MILLER, MN Bred by: JONAS B. WITTMER, IN COUNTRY ROAD FIRESTONE PARADISE SARAHS DUDE FIRE DOUG’S SARAH J.K. ACE HIGH AGRESTORE KIM AGRESTORE R.J. KIMBIRLY Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 04/23/12 KORRY’S CAPTAIN ORNDORFF’S SUPREME VIDA MARQUETTE’S DOUG TAYLOR CREEK’S HEIDI PINE GROVE ACE DESIGNER PAHL’S DAISY DUKE MAPLE LAWN SCOTT’S DREAM AGRESTORE R.J. CALA Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, R hind leg white, white mane and tail. Nick stands approx. 17.3 hands. Broke single and double. Modern, super driving hitch horse. Good action. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 61 - PINE GROVE BETHANY Belgian Mare Consigned by: WILBUR E. HELMUTH, WI & FREEMAN J. HELMUTH, IASorrel Fitted by: FREEMAN J. HELMUTH & SONS, IA DOB: 04/27/13 Bred by: WILBUR E. HELMUTH, WI KORRY’S CAPTAIN COUNTRY ROAD FIRESTONE OAK HILL INFERNO OAK HILL ACE’S FINAL PAGE DIEHL’S STERLING PINE GROVE BETH OAKWOOD’S BETH ORNDORFF’S SUPREME VIDA REMLAP’S ACE DESIGN CRAWFORD’S SWEET SACHA PARADISE CONQUISTADOR C.J. BRIANNE OAKWOOD’S PATRICK OAKWOOD’S MISTY Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white on L hind leg, light mane and tail. Broke single and double. Stands 18.1 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 68 Lot 62 - BLOOMING PRAIRIE TIA Consigned by: DAVID OR SANDRA GRANT, MN Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: DAVID OR SANDRA GRANT, MN PLEASANT VIEW MICHAEL DOUBLE “G” TULSA DOUBLE “G” MISS SHELLEA PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Mare Black DOB: 04/22/13 M.G.’S PRINCE PLEASANT VIEW MICHELLE OSTRALIEN’S LA MIKE BLACKHOME D FANTASY M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE MISHA DE LE ROI ZIM’S MAGDALINE V. REMINGTON S.D. LINZ FARMS SUPREME LADY Owners Statement: Black. DNA PN7450. Broke. Long neck quality mare. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 63 - ROCKY BAR NASH Consigned by: NICK DENBROK, CANADA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: NICK DENBROK, CANADA MAPLE LAWN SCOTT’S DREAM GREENE MEADE KEYSTONE GREENE MEADE BESS PINE GROVE MARQUETTE ROCKY BAR SALSA ROCKY BAR SENRA Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 05/20/12 REMLAP SCOTT MAPLE LAWN MISS FANTASTIC ORNDORFF’S U2 CHARLIE SUMMERTREE’S BETH PARADISE CONQUISTADOR PINE GROVE SHERELLA MAPLE GROVE CONTINUE GEHRING’S ROYCE’S JAN Owners Statement: Red sorrel, star; white on hind legs; red mane and tail. Four year old gelding has been shown in team, unicorn and four horse hitch. Will be shown at the Royal Winter Fair in 2016. Great wheel horse. Well broke single and double. Stands 18.2 1/2 HH and is a full brother to Rocky Bar Tarzan. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 69 Lot 64 - ROCKY BAR TARZAN Consigned by: NICK DENBROK, CANADA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: NICK DENBROK, CANADA MAPLE LAWN SCOTT’S DREAM GREENE MEADE KEYSTONE GREENE MEADE BESS PINE GROVE MARQUETTE ROCKY BAR SALSA ROCKY BAR SENRA Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 05/24/13 REMLAP SCOTT MAPLE LAWN MISS FANTASTIC ORNDORFF’S U2 CHARLIE SUMMERTREE’S BETH PARADISE CONQUISTADOR PINE GROVE SHERELLA MAPLE GROVE CONTINUE GEHRING’S ROYCE’S JAN Owners Statement: Red Sorrel, star, light mane and tail. Three year old gelding will be shown at the Royal Winter Fair in 2016. He was shown in the Manitoba Draft Horse 2 Yr Old Futurity and ended up 4th overall. Broke single and double. Stands 18.3 HH. Excellent wheel horse prospect. Full brother to Rocky Bar Nash. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 65 - R.G.’S COLE Consigned by: GINGERICH PERCHERONS, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: MERLE, MERVIN OR LEROY GINGERICH, IA PLEASANT VIEW KING KAUFFMAN’S ANN’S ACE PATSY ANN Percheron Stallion Black DOB: 04/28/15 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE PINE HILL CHAMP PATRICIA LEE RYAN DAY DIAMOND ERNIE DRAGANO STARLIGHT DIAMOND CHEIF ELKVIEW KANDI ELKVIEW CHELSEY BLACK’S BELL PAUL GENERAL LEE ELKVIEW GEM Owners Statement: Black; few white hairs in forehead. Nice moving colt. Show quality and All American nominee at a Class A Show. Stallion or hitch project. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 70 Lot 66 - YODER’S MOLLY’S EXTREME Consigned by: DAN L. BORNTRAGER, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: JONAS W. YODER, WI MARKET WAYS MASTER MARK MELODY ACRES GRANT S.G.F. JUDY MICK’S FALCON YODER’S MOLLY I JO-MAX R.C. REBA Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 06/26/10 GLORIA’S MASTER GUSTER MAPLE VALLEY MARLET RKD EDDIE S.G.F. U-VETTE OAKLAND’S MICK HOLLY LARK R. C. PATRICK PAULA JAN FARCEUR Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white hind legs, white mane and tail. A well broke gelding in his prime. Heads up with a lot of will power. Ready for what life brings. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 67 - ROCKY TOP’S OLIVER Consigned by: DARIN KNEPP, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: FREEMAN M. MILLER, IN KORRY’S CAPTAIN DDM IMPRESSIVE CAPTAIN Belgian Gelding Sorrel DOB: 04/08/13 L & C KORRY CHIEF’S BLOSSOM PRAIRIE GROVE IMPRESSIVE MINDY EASTER SUNDAY CINDY COUNTRY ROAD FIRESTONE OAK HAVEN’S AMELIA EL-DEN ACRES CRYSTAL KORRY’S CAPTAIN ORNDORFF’S SUPREME VIDA DRAFTY VALLEY BOBBY EL-DEN ACRES PEARL Owners Statement: Sorrel, strip, snip between nostrils, white on R hind leg, white mane and tail. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 71 Lot 68 - MAK ACLAIM’S EXCEL aka JOE Consigned by: NORMAN YODER, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: JERRY &/OR MARY JEAN MAKER, IA KORRY’S CAPTAIN T.S.F. GV KORRY’S ACLAIM T.S.F. PRINCESS HOPE BAYLES BLESSED WITH STYLE MAK ELLA MAKER’S MASTER’S EDA Belgian Gelding Sorrel DOB: 04/26/12 L & C KORRY CHIEF’S BLOSSOM JAY-LOU-SUPREME T.S.F. CHOUETTO STYLE’S STYLEMASTER BJ BLESSING WELSHIRE CAPTAIN NEMO MAKER’S MASTER’S ELLIE Owners Statement: Sorrel, star, flaxen mane and tail. Big, good moving hitch horse. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 69 - YF’S NOBLE Consigned by: JOE YODER, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: JOE A. AND/OR ESTHER YODER, IA L.D.’S PRINCE LEGACY YF’S LEDGER G.T.’S HILLARY PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Stallion Black DOB: 05/06/15 M.G.’S PRINCE GILT EDGE SARAH M.G.’S PRINCE G.T. MARIAH’S BABE M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE A & B FARMS MADELINE WILLOWDALE MELISSA JUSTA-CLASSIC LAKESHORE LARISSA Owners Statement: Black; small star. A big heads up colt that can move. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 72 Lot 70 - HIDDEN VIEW TOPPER Consigned by: JOHN J. HERSBERGER, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: JOHN J. HERSHBERGER, IA CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE HIDDEN VIEW HIGHROLLER WINDY OAK’S MEGAN DAKOTA JUSTIN MINDY BECKEY MINDY du MARAIS Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 02/26/11 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS BELGIAN ACRES JUSTIN SISSY du MARAIS MASTER’S SUCCESSOR MODEL LOU CHRIS K. FARCEUR MAE DU MARAIS Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white on L fore and hind legs, white mane and tail. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 71 - PINE ACRES JETSETTER Consigned by: DAN & SONY NISLEY, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: DAN L. NISLEY, IA COUNTRY ROAD FIRESTONE ROSE ACRES LINCOLN TIMMONS’S SADIE SUPREME HAWKEYE STATE IMPRESSIVE JILL ANN JY ELM LAWN SHARON V Belgian Stallion Red Sorrel DOB: 03/27/15 KORRY’S CAPTAIN ORNDORFF’S SUPREME VIDA BAR B PRINCESS’S PIERRE BECKS KATY CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE NV DELMAR-ROYALE SUNSHINE CHARLIE’S DEXTER ASH LAWN SHERRI Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, spot in stripe, light mane and tail. Stallion or gelding prospect. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 73 Lots 72 & 73 - LUKE & LONNIE Consigned by: DAN A. YODER, MN Fitted by: SAME Percheron Geldings Black DOB: 5 YR Owners Statement: A pair of five year old Percheron geldings, both black with stars. Stand 18 HH and broke to drive. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 74 - MIKNELLA MAJIC POLLY Consigned by: ALLEN J. WHITE, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: ALLEN J. WHITE, WI CHARLIE H FARCEUR CHARLIE’S MAJIC SPRUCE HILL BRANDY SUNNYSLOPE REX MIKNELLA’S JODIE SUPREME MIKNELLA’S CAMILLES GALE Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 04/15/13 MARQUETTE’S MIKE JENNIFER’S FARCEUR ANN GREEN HILL SAMSON CAROL RG JAKE GRIFFITHS ROXANNES ROSEANN WINDY OAKS HIGH FEVER MIKNELLA CLASSIC CAMILLE Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Started in harness. Open, never been exposed. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 75 - WALNUT EDGE DELILA Consigned by: ANDY HERSBERGER, IA Fitted by: SAME Belgian Mare Blonde DOB: 03/20/15 Owners Statement: Blonde, stripe, white mane and tail, right hind ankle white. Sire: Korry’s Conqueror son. Dam: Chickasaw Master Prince daughter. Eligible to register at buyer’s expense. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 76 - THUNDER Consigned by: JOHN J. YUTZY & CHESTER KAUFFMAN, IA Fitted by: JOHN J. YUTZY, IA Bred by: Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 4 YR Owners Statement: Four year old red sorrel Belgian gelding with white stripe in face, white mane and tail. Thunder is broke single and double. A big horse with a long neck. Swing or wheel horse. Sire: Hidden View Trademark. Stop by our stalls and check things out. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 74 Lot 77 - G.T.’S NAOMI Consigned by: SHANNON OSTBY, MN Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, WI Bred by: LEROY & CAROLYN GRAY, IA DALEVIEW PRINCETON LOLA’S CRACKER JACK LOLA’S SUNSETTE SKYVIEW COUNT ON IT E.R.’S DEBBIE HIGH PRAIRE LADY GIRL Percheron Mare Black DOB: 04/29/09 M.G.’S PRINCE DALEVIEW HEIDI NORTHWOODS MIDNIGHT SUN MI GRANDEUR LYNETTE PLEASANT VIEW KING TORGE COUNTESS NORTH STAR ALEXANDER LOVESONG DID’S LADY SERINA Owners Statement: Black. DNA PN4142. Seven year old mare stands 17.2 hands. Granddaughter of “Skyview Count On It”. Open. Has had a foal. Broke single and double. Here is a good quality mare. Check her out! ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 78 - AGRESTORE’S JW VEGAS Consigned by: AGRESTORE BELGIANS, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: JESSE B. WITTMER, IN COWBOY CHIEF ANNIE’S LEGACY CHIEF Belgian Stallion Red Sorrel DOB: 05/07/15 GREENE MEADE BROCK CONNIE’S CHARLOTTE ORNDORFF’S EDDIE DEBUT AGRESTORE’S JW MISS RENEA ORNDORFF’S CAPTAIN ROXIE KORRY’S CAPTAIN STRAWN’S SWEET VIXEN CRAWFORD’S SWEET VICKI L & C KORRY CHIEF’S BLOSSOM MASTER SANDMAN CRAWFORD’S SWEET VERNA Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, hind legs white, white mane and tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 75 Lot 79 - OAK HOLLOW ACE Consigned by: RAYMOND HELMUTH, IA Fitted by: JONAS HELMUTH, IA Bred by: PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Gelding Black DOB: 04/12/12 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE LANE’S END VEGAS PENNWOODS BON-FIRE NORTH STAR MAGNUM KERWIN’S HADDIE BROWNVILLE CHRISSY BLACKHOME GRANDEUR LYN L.D.’S PRINCE’S BONNIE VALLEY VIEW CAPTAIN NORTH STAR MONET VALLEY VIEW JOE FURY’S CHRISTY Owners Statement: Black; small star, left hind hoof and pastern white. Ace is a four year old gelding with lots of neck and a big foot that stands 18.2 hands. Broke very well single and double and loves to drive. If you’re looking for a wheel horse that can move and knows how to drive check him out. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 80 - PINE ACRES MARY LOU Consigned by: DAVID FISHER, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: DAN L. NISLEY, IA AW WARLOCK AW COMMANDER A W GOLDEN GIRL HFB GABRIEL’S LIGHT L.B. GALE’S GABRIELL L.B. VICTORY GALE Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 04/12/08 A W PRIME DESIGN DOUBLE H DANA CONFEREE AW SUNSHINE REMLAP CHIP du MARAIS KRABBEN’S TWIGGY’S CORA H.B. VICTORY SUPREME T’S JANIE Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white hind legs, flaxen mane and tail. Broke. Good broodmare. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 76 Lot 81 - ZUBROD’S BRISTOL Percheron Mare Consigned by: BLACK LOT DRAFT’S, DOUG & DONNA HOLTORF, IA Black Fitted by: FREEMAN YODER, UT DOB: 01/19/12 Bred by: ZUBROD’S PERCHERONS, LLC, OK WINDY HILL BATMAN ROSE HILL MORGAN EYEBRIGHT’S FURY GLYNLEA FANTASIA PLEASANT VIEW KING BLENCATHRA’S MAUD KONCAR SHOWTIME FURY JOAN OF GLYNLEA M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE LANE’S END VENUS PENNWOODS BON-FIRE BLACKHOME GRANDEUR LYN L.D.’S PRINCE’S BONNIE Owners Statement: Black; medium star, left hind pastern white with black spots in coronet, right hind pastern white higher inside with black spots in coronet. Broke. Stands 17.3 hands. Big footed good quality mare. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 82 - MEL MAR DREW SAMMY Consigned by: JONAS YODER, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: MELVIN G. GREENLEE, MN HARBOR HAVEN’S EXTREME LAWN ROCK DREW MEADOW CREST MISTY’S IMAGE COUNTRY ROAD KORRY FOHRMAN’S KORRY SARA FOHRMAN’S MASTER’S PATTY Belgian Stallion Sorrel DOB: 04/27/15 KORRY’S CAPTAIN EBH LADY FLASH C.J. COLBY KJ CLASSIC MISTY COUNTRY ROAD FIRESTONE COUNTRY ROAD CHEYANNE CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE GREENLEE’S MASTER LILY Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, spot between nostrils, white on hind legs, light mane and tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 77 Lot 83 - KAYLA’S KELLY Consigned by: FREEMAN J. HELMUTH, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: LARRY SIMMONS, WI CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE THUNDERBRANCH PRINCE THUNDERBRANCH ANGEL DANA’S MASTER JUSTIN OAK HAVEN’S KAYLA RG CINDY Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 02/24/13 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS ORNDORFF’S U2 CHARLIE MEG OF THUNDERBRANCH MONETTE’S MASTER MIKE J.J.’S DANA FARCEUR JAY-LOU-SUPREME FIBER’S PRINCE’S BRENDA Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, fore and R hind legs white, light mane and tail. Broke single and double. Non-Carrier of JEB. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 84 - SCHAEFER’S LAVENDER Consigned by: MIKE RYAN, IA Fitted by: DEVIN RYAN, IA Bred by: SCHAEFER BELGIAN FARMS, INC., SD KORRY’S CAPTAIN DERRIDGE PRESTIGE ED DERRIDGE MERCEDES MEADOW VIEW CRAIG’S COLOR SCHAEFER’S ZARAH SCHAEFER’S QUEST Belgian Mare Sorrel DOB: 04/07/14 L & C KORRY CHIEF’S BLOSSOM DERRIDGE CLASSIC NEUMANN’S GAY FLORENCE MASTER’S CRAIG JOYCE FARCEUR REMLAP KIRK SCHAEFER’S FAME Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, spot in stripe, white hind legs, white mane and tail. The next three are all two year old Belgian fillies that I got from Schaefer’s Belgians as colts. Will come in together, selling choice. Top bloodlines. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 78 Lot 85 - SCHAEFER’S LINDA II Consigned by: MIKE RYAN, IA Fitted by: DEVIN RYAN, IA Bred by: SCHAEFER BELGIAN FARMS, INC., SD C.J. IRVIN RX ACRES CRUISER IMPERIAL HAYLEY DERRIDGE PRESTIGE ED SCHAEFER’S GAIL Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 05/04/14 STYLE’S STYLEMASTER MAKER’S TERA IMPERIAL LAD OF GREENTOP ASHER CREEK KATE KORRY’S CAPTAIN DERRIDGE MERCEDES BUERCKLEY’S CONQUEROR JOHN SCHAEFER’S TESSIE SCHAEFER’S LINDA Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white mane and tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 86 - SCHAEFER’S LINDY Consigned by: MIKE RYAN, IA Fitted by: DEVIN RYAN, IA Bred by: SCHAEFER BELGIAN FARMS, INC., SD C.J. IRWIN RX ACRES CRUISER IMPERIAL HAYLEY DERRIDGE PRESTIGE ED SCHAEFER’S GRACE SCHAEFER’S OMEGA Belgian Mare Blonde DOB: 05/31/14 STYLE’S STYLEMASTER MAKER’S TERA IMPERIAL LAD OF GREENTOP ASHER CREEK KATE KORRY’S CAPTAIN DERRIDGE MERCEDES SCHAEFER’S EDDIE SCHAEFER’S ILENE Owners Statement: Blonde, stripe, white mane and tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 79 Lot 87 - SCHAEFER’S LACEY Consigned by: MIKE RYAN, IA Fitted by: DEVIN RYAN, IA Bred by: SCHAEFER BELGIAN FARMS, INC., SD C.J. IRVIN RX ACRES ADMIRAL FAR LANE CARRIE MEADOW VIEW CRAIG’S COLOR SCHAEFER’S BETTY SCHAEFER’S OMEGA Belgian Mare Blonde Sorrel DOB: 05/18/14 STYLE’S STYLEMASTER MAKER’S TERA CLAY-CREST COTY SUNNY BRAE TILLIE MASTER’S CRAIG JOYCE FARCEUR SCHAEFER’S EDDIE SCHAEFER’S ILENE Owners Statement: Blonde sorrel, stripe, spot in stripe, white mane and tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 88 - H & K’S AMBER Consigned by: HERMAN GINGERICH, IA Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: HERMAN GINGERICH, IA CLEARVIEW SPIRIT YY EXTREME SHADY CREEK DAISY PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Mare Black DOB: 04/21/13 SPIRIT POSEIDON LAKESHORE NEXXUS WINDSONG’S ROULETTE MANORVIEW DUSK M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE EYEBRIGHT’S VANESSA GLYNLEA SILKEN KONCAR SHOWTIME FURY GLYNLEA BEAUTY Owners Statement: Black; large star. Broke. Long neck. Lots of drive. Will mature to 18 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 80 Lot 89 - CREEKSIDES JUSTINS JORDAN Consigned by: DALLAS RABER, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: DALLAS RABER, IN HARBOR HAVEN’S EXTREME DOUBLE J JUSTIN K & K’S ANNE BELL DRAFTY VALLEY BOBBY CAMILLA SUPREME H.B. TINA SUPREME Belgian Gelding Sorrel DOB: 04/11/12 KORRY’S CAPTAIN EBH LADY FLASH KURT J GWYNNE K & K’S PEARL CONQUERAIS ANNIE JAY-LOU-SUPREME TERR-A-WAY ODELLA du MARAIS Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, spot in stripe, white on lower lip, R hind leg white, light mane and tail. Broke single and double, works either side. Stands 18 HH. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 90 - ADAMS ACRES PISTOL Consigned by: TODD ADAMS, MO Fitted by: SAME Bred by: TODD & TINA ADAMS, MO ROCKETS ALL-STAR FLASH NAVIGATOR BLOOMING GROVE GRENETTA STONY HILLS CYCLONE CAPTAIN ADAMS ACRES SCARLET ROBINLAWN GEM Percheron Stallion Black DOB: 04/21/15 ALL-STAR’S PRINCE ROCKET COUNTRY CLUB’S COLETTA DREAMTIME’S SILVERADO OAKSTONE GRETCHEN MEADOWLARK’S MIDNIGHT CYCLONE LONGVIEW’S BELLE SPIRIT POSEIDON JOCARNA’S JUBILEE JILL Owners Statement: Black; star. Good quality, upheaded colt with action. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 81 Lot 91 - HILLTOP RIDGE DELIGHT Consigned by: DAVID STUTZMAN, IA Fitted by: DAN J. HERSBERGER, IA Bred by: DAN J. HERSHBERGER, IA CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE HIDDEN VIEW TRADE MARK MINDY BECKEY HIDDEN ACRES CADET KJ CADET’S MISS JUDY AMOS’S PRIDE AND JOY Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 05/08/12 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS DAKOTA JUSTIN MINDY du MARAIS MONETTE’S MASTER MIKE J.J.M. BETH REMLAP AMOS DILLINGER’S DELIGHT Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white hind legs, white mane and tail. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 92 - KAUFFMAN FARMS BETHANY Consigned by: FREEMAN KAUFFMAN, WI Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, WI Bred by: FREEMAN KAUFFMAN, WI M.G.’S PRINCE PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Mare Black DOB: 04/07/13 MC GEE JOANNA LAET BLACKHOME DUKE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE DALEVIEW PEG SPIRIT POSEIDON KAUFFMAN’S SPIRIT BETH HIGHWOOD BLACK JESS SOUTH VALLEY PRINCE HA HA SPRING PRINCESS PAT’S SPYNX LORETTE SHOWTIME Owners Statement: Black; medium irregular star. Broke single and double. The best of breeding. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 82 Lot 93 - EMMA LAKE’S CORBIT Consigned by: WADE OTTO, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: WADE OTTO, IN WINDERMERE KING CONG BP PRESTIGE YASMINE WINDING WATERS SKYWALKER EMMA LAKE’S CARRIE Percheron Gelding Black DOB: 04/27/13 BLACKHOME DUKE CAMILLE DREAMTIME’S SILVERADO FLASH IN THE KNIGHT WINDERMERE’S GOLIATH CONFECTION L.D.’S PRINCE MAGIC HAMMERS QUEEN’S MAGIC PRINCESS TIGER MEADOW QUEEN’S CLASSIC Owners Statement: Black; few white hairs in forehead. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 94 - FISHERS CAPTAIN AWESOME Consigned by: STEVEN HOSTETLER, IL Fitted by: SAME Bred by: JOHN J. YODER, OH L & C KORRY KORRY’S CAPTAIN CHIEF’S BLOSSOM KURT J GWYNNE SUE’S ANGELA FARCEUR SUE FARCEUR Belgian Mare Sorrel DOB: 04/12/05 ALL-EN-TIME JAYSON DEANNA CHIEF K. FARCEUR MARQUETTE’S CINDY MONETTE’S MASTER MIKE LYNNETT J FARCEUR OAKLAND’S MARC SANDRA LOU FARCEUR Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, white mane and tail. Broke. Bred to Pervenche’s Master Prince for 2017. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 83 Lot 95 - MHS ETHEL Consigned by: SCOTT AND TERESA ZUBE, WI Fitted by: SCOTT ZUBE, WI Bred by: SCOTT J. &/OR TERESA ZUBE, WI JAYJAY LOYALEA MAN SHAKETA HILLS JAY L&M MIKE’S FRANCIS RKD EDDIE ORNDORFF’S U-EDIE Belgian Mare Sorrel DOB: 05/15/15 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE PINE ACRES SUPREME JILL PLEASANT LAKE MIKE APRIL BEE MASTER’S EDDIE RKD HEIDI ORNDORFF’S CONGOLAISE SUPREME ORNDORFF’S SUPREME URISSA OAKLAND’S UNIFON Owners Statement: Sorrel, star, stripe, light mane and tail. Great moving filly with lots of quality and foundation. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 96 - WESTWIND TALISMAN’S ALEXIS Consigned by: STEVE AND KARLA WERKMAN, UT Fitted by: AMOS YODER, JR., IA Bred by: STEVE &/OR KARLA WORKMAN, UT PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Mare Black DOB: 04/29/12 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE WESTWIND KING’S TALISMAN ALMOST HEAVENS ROSE WESTWIND HIGH FLIGHT WESTWIND FLIGHT’S KISMETTE GLENVIEW COUSTEAU’S COLETTE COUSTEAU RHODA PLEASANT VIEW KING SPRING MOUNT’S FABLE COUSTEAU GLENVIEW JUDITH Owners Statement: Black; very small faint star. Broke single and double. Full sister to Westwind Talisman’s Allure. Stands 17.3 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 84 Lot 97 - WESTWIND TALISMAN’S ALLURE Consigned by: STEVE & KARLA WERKMAN, UT Fitted by: AMOS YODER, JR., IA Bred by: STEVE &/OR KARLA WERKMAN, MO PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Mare Black DOB: 04/10/11 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE WESTWIND KING’S TALISMAN ALMOST HEAVENS ROSE WESTWIND HIGH FLIGHT WESTWIND FLIGHT’S KISMETTE GLENVIEW COUSTEAU’S COLETTE COUSTEAU RHODA PLEASANT VIEW KING SPRING MOUNT’S FABLE COUSTEAU GLENVIEW JUDITH Owners Statement: Black; small faint star. Broke single and double. Full sister to Westwind Talisman’s Alexis. Stands 17.3 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 98 - BEN Belgian Gelding Consigned by: LONNIE MILLER, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Blonde DOB: 4 YR Owners Statement: Four year old blonde Belgian gelding with narrow stripe, white mane and tail. Broke single and double. Nice driving gelding with good feet and legs. Sired by BJ Supreme Legacy. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Your support of our sale means the world to us. A Special Thanks to all of you... Consignors, Buyers, Attendees, Advertisers Without you – our sale would not be a success! Page 85 Lot 99 - HARWOOD BOB Consigned by: HARLEY J. BORNTRAGER, IA Fitted by: DAVID BORNTRAGER, IA Bred by: HARLEY J. BORNTRAGER, IA COUNTRY ROAD FIRESTONE ROSE ACRES LINCOLN TIMMONS’S SADIE SUPREME JAYRICHO STACEY Belgian Stallion Sorrel DOB: 04/16/15 KORRY’S CAPTAIN ORNDORFF’S SUPREME VIDA BAR B PRINCESS’S PIERRE BECKS KATY CONVIEW JAY JAY LAKE LEDGE MONIQUE ERB’S C.J. KANDY OAKLAND’S KERI Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, white mane and tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 100 - WESTWIND TALLY’S TRACE Consigned by: BRENDA GRANT, NE Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: STEVE OR KARLA WERKMAN, MO PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Gelding Grey DOB: 05/07/13 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE WESTWIND KING’S TALISMAN ALMOST HEAVENS ROSE LA BRAD GLORY’S JENNY IRON ROSE ROBIN’S GLORY COUSTEAU RHODA CASH KONCARLAET LA MARGE DAN DEGAS RENA’S ROCKIN’ ROBIN Owners Statement: Grey. Coming three year old grey gelding with tremendous headset. Broke single and double. Stands 17.3 hands. Good action. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 86 Lot 101 - WILLOW CREEK BONANZA Consigned by: MATT FRIEDEN, IL Fitted by: SAME Bred by: MATT &/OR SUE FRIEDEN, IL CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE DETWEILER’S PRINCE CHARMING MOHR’S MISS LABELLE HARBOR HAVEN’S EXTREME WILLOW CREEK BETTY BELLE MARK’S BETTY Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 03/09/11 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS JAY-LOU-SUPREME MOHR’S LADY KORRY’S CAPTAIN EBH LADY FLASH OAKLAND’S MARCON DAFKA’S CARRIE Owners Statement: Red sorrel, strip, snip on upper lip, white on lower lip, white mane and tail. Five year old Belgian gelding sired by Detweiler’s Prince Charming, out of a Harbor Haven’s Extreme daughter. Broke single and double. Stands 18 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 102 - TWIN OAKS GEORGI Consigned by: JAMES AHART, IA Fitted by: FLOYD BONTRAGER, IN Bred by: OBA C. HERSCHBERGER, IL Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 04/03/12 CONGOLAISE ORNDORFF’S CONGOLAISE SUPREME ORNDORFF’S HIGHLAND SUE CHIEF SUPREME CHIEF’S BLOSSOM CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE PARADISE ACRES MISS GOLDIE REMLAP MADAME CHIEF K. FARCEUR MARQUETTE’S CINDY LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS CREEK LANE PAT REMLAP CONSTANCE EDIE JOHNE Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white mane and tail. Broke single and double. Hitch mare. Stands 18.1 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 87 Lot 103 - N. KAUFFMAN’S CINDY’S KANDI Consigned by: NORMAN KAUFFMAN, WI Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, WI Bred by: NORMAN KAUFFMAN, WI PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Mare Black DOB: 05/12/15 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE KAUFFMAN FARMS HI STEPPER KAUFFMAN’S SPIRIT STARLENE WINDERMERE’S DESPERADO KAUFFMAN’S CANDY’S CINDY SPIRIT POSEIDON WASHAHO STARLET DREAMTIME’S SILVERADO WINDERMERE’S KATRINA KRUGER’S EASTER CANDY WILLOWCREST LADD’S DIANE Owners Statement: Black; small irregular star. Good filly. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 104 - SODAK’S QUINN Consigned by: PAUL VANDERVLIET, SD Fitted by: MENNO MILLER, MN Bred by: PAUL VANDERVLIET, SD PLEASANT VIEW DUKE Percheron Mare Black DOB: 04/27/13 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE D.B’S TEDDY MAGNOLIA’S FALLON MI GRANDEUR BRETT RYAN’S JAZZ CEDARVIEW LONESOME WEE WILLIE IV WEE WILLIE PRINCE SODAK’S HAYLEE SODAK’S BRITTANY KIRBY SKIPPER’S AMY GREENBELT BO HVF SHOES Owners Statement: Black; large irregular prolonged star. Quinn stands approx. 18 hands. Long necked, big footed, modern hitch mare. Broke single and double. Pleasant View Duke granddaughter. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 88 Lot 105 - TRIPLE H SPARKY Consigned by: HARLEY SCHWARTZ, IN Fitted by: Bred by: Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 5 YR Owners Statement: Five year old red sorrel Belgian gelding with a stripe, white mane and tail. Sired by AgRestore Director Captain. Broke single and double. Hitch prospect. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 106 - KAUFFMAN’S KING Consigned by: DAN KAUFFMAN, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: DAN KAUFFMAN, IA CLEARVIEW SPIRIT YY EXTREME SHADY CREEK DAISY PLEASANT VIEW DUKE Percheron Stallion Black DOB: 04/22/15 SPIRIT POSEIDON LAKESHORE NEXXUS WINDSONG’S ROULETTE MANORVIEW DUSK M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE KAUFFMAN’S CARRIE KAUFFMAN’S SHARI CLEARVIEW SPIRIT MG MAGEE Owners Statement: Black; large star. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 89 Lot 107 - SAH WILLOW Consigned by: BRENDA HUNTER, CANADA Fitted by: Bred by: STACEY HOBMAN, CANADA Percheron Mare Grey DOB: 05/17/13 VALLEY VISTA KNIGHTIME STOREY CREEK KNIGHT’S CHARGER HIGHVIEW TRISHA MAR-CREEK CHARGER’S NERON DONAMERR’S MISS RHONDA VALLEY VIEW TUCKER SAH DIXIE VALLEY VIEW RANDI BLACKHOME GRANDEUR LYN DONAMERR MISS REBA LYN VALLEY VIEW ROWDY CONDELICHTE BETTY SCHULZ’S FLASH LAET LLOYMAR CINDY DEGAS Owners Statement: Grey. Star and connected short stripe. Broke single and double. In the 2016 NAERIC Draft Horse Classic Futurity in Brandon, MB. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 108 - SUNNY BROOK JENNIFER Consigned by: DANA STICHERT, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: JOHN R. SCHLABACH, OH LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE L.A. TAMI’S MAVERICK L.A. TAMI’S TASHA CHARLIE H FARCEUR BROOKFIELD KRISSI Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 04/29/04 REMLAP AMOS WHALEY’S MISS GOLDIE REMLAP SPIKE KINNEY’S TAMI DU MARAIS MARQUETTE’S MIKE JENNIFER’S FARCEUR ANN DANDY BOY MAJOR MAY ASH LAWN MAY Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, spots between nostrils, white on lower lip, white hind legs, light mane and tail. Been a good mare for me. Good bottoms. Very clean and athletic. Bred to Kidron Road Firestone (S67186). ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 90 Lot 109 - SIMPSONS SAPHIRE Consigned by: CLETUS SCHWARTZ, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: DAN SIMPSON, CA ALL-STAR’S PRINCE ROCKET KIRBY FARMS ALL STAR KRIBY FARMS SWEET VIDALIA CLEARVIEW SPIRIT BAR Y’S SPIRIT’S SHIELA LAYDEE CHARLENE Percheron Mare Black DOB: 03/11/08 M.G.’S PRINCE M.S. DOC’S ASHLEY DALEVIEW HOUDINI LADY CHRISTINE SPIRIT POSEIDON LAKESHORE NEXXUS CHARLIE’S LA BELL LUCASIA CONNIE Owners Statement: Black; medium irregular star, microchip # 4849307B23. DNA PN5254. 18.2 hand mare will be bred to Westwind King’s Talisman. Full sister to the $30,000 mare two years ago in Madison. Broke good. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 110 - BURR OAK’S BRITTNEY Consigned by: DAN BORNTRAGER, WI Fitted by: STONECREST FARM, WI Bred by: DAN BORNTRAGER, WI COUNTRY ROAD FIRESTONE OAK HILL INFERNO OAK HILL ACRE’S FINAL PAGE Belgian Mare DOB: 04/16/13 KORRY’S CAPTAIN ORNDORFF’S SUPREME VIDA REMLAP’S ACE DESIGN CRAWFORD’S SWEET SACHA BUERCKLEY’S CONQUEROR JOHN GREENTOP CODY CODY’S MINDY PINE GROVE DAISY GREENTOP LISA DOUBLE M JAYCE DONNA DU MARAIS Owners Statement: Broke ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 91 Lot 111 - MILLVILLE’S PEDRO Consigned by: HOMER MILLER, IL Fitted by: STEVEN HOSTETLER, IL Bred by: JOSEPH ZEHR &/OR HOMER MILLER, IL SB POWER PLAY L-VALLEY DOUBLE POWERBALL Belgian Stallion Sorrel DOB: 05/07/15 L.A. TAMI’S MAVERICK SB MASTER DREAM PRINCE CHARMING DIXIE SUNNYSLOPE DEBRA KORRY’S CONQUEROR ORNDORFF’S CQ. SWEETHEART ORNDORFF’S UC SWEETHEART L & C KORRY CHIEF’S BLOSSOM ORNDORFF’S U2 CHARLIE ORNDORFF’S HIGHLAND SWEETHEART Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white mane and tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 112 - ROCK BOTTOM’S MELINDA Consigned by: ADAM HEBL, IA Fitted by: JOHN J. HERSBERGER, IA Bred by: ADAM M. HEBL, IA CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE Belgian Mare Sorrel DOB: 06/06/13 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS DETWEILER’S PRINCE CHARMING MOHR’S MISS LABELLE ORNDORFF’S CAPTAIN MARK RBB FARMS MELLISA KINNEY’S MARCY JAY-LOU-SUPREME MOHR’S LADY KORRY’S CAPTAIN ORNDORFF’S FLASHY U ELLEN RG JAKE SPIKE’S MARGIE Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, Fore and R hind legs light, white on L hind leg, light mane, white tail with some sorrel hairs. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 92 Lot 113 - D & D NAVIGATOR Consigned by: DALE AND/OR GALEN SLABACH, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: DAVID R. BONTRAGER, IN ROCKETS ALL-STAR FLASH BP ESCALADE MYSTIQUE BLOOMING GROVE MIDNIGHT D & D’S JOAN D & D’S THUNDERS ELLIE Percheron Gelding Black DOB: 03/22/13 ALL-STAR’S PRINCE ROCKET COUNTRY CLUB’S COLETTA DREAMTIME’S SILVERADO ATLANTIS DREAMTIME’S SILVERADO QUEBEQUUS JULIENNE STERLING’S THUNDERSTIK ROLLING HILLS AMY Owners Statement: Black; small star. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 114 - CRUISER Consigned by: WILLIAM DETWEILER, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Belgian Gelding Light Sorrel DOB: 3 YR Owners Statement: Three year old light sorrel Belgian gelding with stripe, white mane and tail. Broke. Stands 17.3 hands. Hitch prospect. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 115 - JEFF Consigned by: CHRISSIE GINGERICH, WI Fitted by: SAME Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 06/04/10 Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Sire: J.L.M. Captain King, Korry’s Captain son. Dam: G.K.D. Jessie. Broke single and double. Big, tall, upheaded, hitchy gelding. Stands approx. 18.3 HH. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 93 Lot 116 - HAWKEYE SPECIAL CANDY Consigned by: THERESA LEMONS, IA Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: RUSS VANDER WEERDT, IA CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE HAWKEYE STATE IMPRESSIVE NV DELMAR-ROYALE SUNSHINE MASTER SPECIAL EDITION ORANGE BLOSSOM SPECIAL MASTER’S GEORGIA Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 05/28/13 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS BJ VISION DEL-MAR ROYAL CHIP MASTER’S EDDIE DOUBLE M LIBERTY MASTER’S EDDIE GLORIA CONGOLAISE Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Nice young mare. Drives nice single and double. Stands 17 hands. Has a good foot. Will make a nice addition to anyones program. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 117 - SCHUMACHER’S IDEAL IMAGE Percheron Gelding Consigned by: WILLIAM, LISA &/OR JARED HANSON Fitted by: JARED HANSON Bred by: M.G.’S PRINCE PLEASANT VIEW KING Black DOB: 05/31/12 MC GEE JOANNA LAET BLACKHOME DUKE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE DALEVIEW PEG LONE OAK SKYHAWK O. LA-JO’S HONEYSUCKLE O.LA-JO’S HOPE EBONY OF GLYNLEA SPRUCEDALE HOLLY LONGVIEW’S CAVALIER ANCOR’S APRIL Owners Statement: Black; inside and back of right hind pastern white. “Dealer” is a quality hitch and halter gelding waiting for his turn in the show ring. Stands approx. 18 hands and is broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 94 Lots 118 & 119 - JIM & JACK Consigned by: DANIEL E. BONTRAGER, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Belgian Geldings Blonde Sorrels DOB: 7 & 15 YRS Owners Statement: A team of 7 and 15 year old Belgian geldings. Blonde sorrels, stripe, light mane and tails. A big pair that is very well broke. Farm team. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 120 - R.G.’S DEXTER Consigned by: GINGERICH PERCHERON’S, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: MERLE, MERVIN OR LEROY GINGERICH, IA PLEASANT VIEW KING KAUFFMAN’S ANN’S ACE PATSY ANN Percheron Stallion Black DOB: 05/03/14 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE PINE HILL CHAMP PATRICIA LEE RYAN DAY DIAMOND ERNIE DRAGANO STARLIGHT DIAMOND CHEIF ELKVIEW KANDI ELKVIEW CHELSEY BLACK’S BELL PAUL GENERAL LEE ELKVIEW GEM Owners Statement: Black; medium star. Has enough quality to be a stallion. Nice moving colt. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 95 Lot 121 - ANDERSON’S BRITNEY Consigned by: ANDERSON FARM’S, CANADA Fitted by: ROBERT DETWEILER, IA Bred by: DAVID H. ANDERSON, CANADA ALL-STAR’S PRINCE ROCKET ROCKET’S ALL-STAR FLASH COUNTRY CLUB’S COLETTA WINDERMERE KING CONG W.C.’S BERNICE G.T.’S DESIREE Percheron Mare Black DOB: 04/05/14 M.G.’S PRINCE M.S. DOC’S ASHLEY LAKESHORE GIGOLO SOUTH VALLEY VELVET BLACKHOME DUKE CAMILLE M.G.’S PRINCE HIDDEN LAKE SPIRIT Owners Statement: Black. Large star. Stands approx. 18 hands. Show quality filly was shown as a foal. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 122 - RIVERGLEN’S PRINCESS EMMA Consigned by: DAVID RUNYON, IA Fitted by: JOHN J. HERSBERGER, IA Bred by: DAVID RUNYON, IA PRINCE CHARMING CHICKASAW PRINCE VANDY CHICKASAW CONNIE PATRICK’S DALE SUPREME BLACKLAND MISS SHIRLEY SHOWBOAT SHIRLEY Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 04/29/05 ORNDORFF’S CONGOLAISE SUPREME OAKLAND’S CHARM OAKLAND’S CONGO MITCHELL’S CONNIE JOLENE LISA’S PATRICK BEAUTY QUEEN RED MAN’S SHOWBOAT FANCY QUEEN RUBIS Owners Statement: Dark red sorrel, white mane and tail, stripe, white front ankles and white hind legs to below hocks. Good broodmare. Exposed to Hidden View Topper June 15-19, 2015. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 96 Page 97 Equine Veterinary Clinic a anda Care A Ambulatory A Animal Chiropractic Care Anne B. Clary DVM, CAC Andrea M. Gade DVM, CAC 920-960-3044 pegasusclinic@charter.net www.pegasusclinic.com W6744 Rogersville Rd Fond du Lac, WI 54937 Page 98 Page 99 Page 100 Page 101 Page 102 Chad, Rhonda & Jordan Cole • John & Susan Cole 128 Dogtown Road • Centre Hall, Pennsylvania 16828 814-364-9917 (House) • 814-364-2183 (Barn) Page 103 EASTWIND KIRK’S SUPER NOVA BELLE VIEW CROWN ROYAL WESTWIND KING’S TALISMAN Background: PLEASANT VIEW KING Brian Richman photo • Design ©The Draft Horse Journal Hidden Valley Farms The Home of Bank Barn Cruizer • Horse Breaking and Training • Shoeing Draft and Light Horses • Fitting For Sales Chester Mast 23376 Harvest Rd. Edgewood, IA 52042 Page 104 Page 105 GPS Equipped – Improves Efficiency and Tile Depth Accuracy 30 Years Experience Serving Wisconsin & Northern Illinois We Offer FREE Estimates - In Person! Call Now! We offer very excellent rates and get the job done. Rudy Detweiler (608) 897-8350 7-8am Mark Detweiler (608) 897-8775 4-6am or pm Page 106 Page 107 Lot 123 - RIVERGLEN’S TOP PRINCE FRITZ Belgian Stallion Consigned by: DAVID RUNYON, IA Fitted by: JOHN J. HERSBERGER, IA Bred by: DAVID RUNYON, IA HIDDEN VIEW HIGHROLLER HIDDEN VIEW TOPPER MINDY BECKEY CHICKASAW PRINCE VANDY RIVERGLEN’S PRINCESS EMMA BLACKLAND MISS SHIRLEY Red Sorrel DOB: 05/21/15 CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE WINDY OAK’S MEGAN DAKOTA JUSTIN MINDY du MARAIS PRINCE CHARMING CHICKASAW CONNIE PATRICK’S DALE SUPREME SHOWBOAT SHIRLEY Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, spots in stripe, white on lower lip, light legs, white mane, light tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 124 - KAUFFMAN FARMS SUPER COUNT Consigned by: FREEMAN KAUFFMAN, WI Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, WI Bred by: FREEMAN KAUFFMAN, WI PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Stallion Black DOB: 04/14/15 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE COUNT DOWN TORGE COUNTESS KAUFFMAN’S MERCEDES MIKE KAUFFMAN FARMS SANDRA KAUFFMAN’S SPIRIT STARLENE COTTONWOOD COUNT VALLEY RIDGE DEBBIE ROBINLAWN’S BLACK ICE RIVERVIEW MERCEDES CL SPIRIT POSEIDON WASHAHO STARLET Owners Statement: Black; small star. Another good Count stud colt. Don’t miss him. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 108 Lot 125 - STERLINGS ANN Consigned by: MENNO SCHWARTZ, WI Fitted by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, WI Bred by: PARADISE CONQUISTADOR DIEHL’S STERLING C.J. BRIANNE BURR CREEK DOUG YONKE’S DOUG MOLLY HILDEE’S TRIPOLI BY PRINCE Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 06/2013 MASTER’S EDDIE PRINCESS DIANA JOY-LOU-SUPREME GREENTOP MARGIE ORNDORFF’S FLASHY PRINCE IRISH INDIAN BOOMER KATE WINDWARD’S PRINCE PENN HILDEE’S LYNN Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 126 - Consigned by: ROSS HONSBERGER, MI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Percheron Gelding DOB: 3 YR Owners Statement: Three year old Percheron gelding. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 109 Lot 127 - AGRESTORE PALADIN Consigned by: AGRESTORE BELGIANS, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: JONAS B. WITTMER, IN ORNDORFF’S EDDIE DEBUT AGRESTORE DYLAN ORNDORFF’S CAPTAIN GLORY KORRY’S CONQUEROR Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 03/22/14 RKD EDDIE OAKLAND’S VICKI LYNN KORRY’S CAPTAIN ORNDORFF’S U.C. GINGER L & C KORRY CHIEF’S BLOSSOM ORNDORFFS CONQUEROR GOLDIE ORNDORFF’S U2 BLAZE ORNDORFF’S SUPREME U2 ORNDORFF’S FLASHY SPEC Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white mane and tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 128 - COREY’S ROCK Belgian Stallion Consigned by: DIANE COREY, MN Fitted by: FELTY YODER, MN Bred by: DIANE M. COREY, MN Red Sorrel DOB: 03/31/15 DOUBLE O MASTER ED MALISA’S MASTER HILLSIDE ACRES MALISA DIAMOND C DR. JIM JRC REBA CHICKASAW ROSALIE K & W MASTER’S JR MASTER’S MISTY R.C. PATRICK LISA TERR-A-WAY GUSTER du MARAIS KIM’S LADY BRUILLE OAKLAND’S CONGO CHICKASAW ROSIE Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white on R hind leg, light mane and tail. Out of an 18.1 hand stud and an 18 hand mare. 7/8 brother to Corey’s Red. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 110 Lot 129 - COREY’S RED Belgian Stallion Consigned by: DIANE COREY, MN Fitted by: FELTY YODER, MN Bred by: DIANE M. COREY, MN Red Sorrel DOB: 04/09/15 DOUBLE O MASTER ED MALISA’S MASTER HILLSIDE ACRES MALISA DIAMOND C DR. JIM JRC RITA CHICKASAW ROSALIE K & W MASTER’S JR MASTER’S MISTY R.C. PATRICK LISA TERR-A-WAY GUSTER du MARAIS KIM’S LADY BRUILLE OAKLAND’S CONGO CHICKASAW ROSIE Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, spots in stripe, white on R hind leg, white mane and tail. Out of an 18.1 hand stud and a 17.3 hand mare. 7/8 brother to Corey’s Rock. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 130 - ZUBROD’S MIRANDA Consigned by: CHAD ZUBROD, OK Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: CHAD J. ZUBROD, OK ROSE HILL MORGAN EYEBRIGHT’S FURY GLYNLEA FANTASIA PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Mare Black DOB: 02/16/12 WINDY HILL BATMAN BLENCATHRA’S MAUD KONCAR SHOWTIME FURY JOAN OF GLYNLEA M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE SLATE ACRE’S ANNABELLE CEDAR LEA GRANDE HOPE BLACKHOME GRANDEUR LYN PATSY’S PATTY Owners Statement: Black; medium star. DNA PN6150. Broke. Has been driven in all positions. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 111 Lot 131 - K&R KELSEY’S MATILDA Belgian Mare Consigned by: DAN KAUFFMAN, JR. AND ELI RABER, IA Sorrel Fitted by: ELI RABER, IA DOB: 04/13/13 Bred by: DAN A. KAUFFMAN, JR. &/OR ELI H. RABER, IA LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE HIDDEN VIEW TRADE MARK MINDY BECKEY KORRY’S CONQUEROR WINDY OAKS KELSEY BUTTERFLY ACRES CHRISTY CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS DAKOTA JUSTIN MINDY du MARAIS L & C KORRY CHIEF’S BLOSSOM MAPLE LAWN CLASSIC’S PRINCE BUTTERFLY ACRES CRYSTAL Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white mane and tail. Broke single and double. Stands 18.1 hands. Non-Carrier of JEB. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 132 - WILLY Consigned by: NICK DENBROK, CANADA Fitted by: SAME Belgian Gelding Sorrel DOB: 5 YR Owners Statement: Five year old sorrel Belgian gelding stands 18 HH. Well broke single and double. Was shown in cart, team and four horse hitch. Will be shown at the Royal Winter Fair in 2016. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 112 Lot 133 - SUNNY BROOK ROCKY Consigned by: DAVID STUTZMAN, IA Fitted by: DAN J. HERSBERGER, IA Bred by: ROMAN A. YODER, OH L & C KORRY KORRY’S CONQUEROR CHIEF’S BLOSSOM BJ THEORY BEECHWOOD I’M A THEORY CHESTNUT’S HOLLY Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 05/21/12 ALL-EN-TIME JAYSON DEANNA CHIEF K. FARCEUR MARQUETTE’S CINDY REMLAP PETE 2ND KAYLA CONSTRICO MARQUETTE’S JUDY Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white on R hind leg, white mane and tail. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 134 - HILLANVALE’S JERRY Consigned by: TOBY F. DETWEILER, MN Fitted by: SAME Belgian Gelding Sorrel DOB: 05/05/13 Owners Statement: Three year old Belgian gelding, sorrel with a stripe. Sire: Hidden View Trade Mark. Dam: Charlie’s Master Peace June. Big and broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 113 Lot 135 - MAR-ENE’S READY Consigned by: MARCUS GINGERICH, IA Fitted by: HARLEY KAUFFMAN, IA Bred by: MARCUS GINGERICH, IA ORNDORFF’S CAPTAIN REIGN DEBAR ACRES MASTER M.E.B. MAPLE’S LYNN EBERSPACHER’S BEN FOX VALLEY ANGELA SUNNYSLOPE DOLLY Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 04/15/12 KORRY’S CAPTAIN ORNDORFF’S U-2 ROSETTE ROSE ACRES DON WALKER’S MAPLE REMLAP FIRE EBERSPACHER’S AUBREY PRAIRIE GROVE KENDALL DOTTY Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, spot on upper lip, white on lower lip, white hind legs, light mane and tail. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 136 - EMMA LAKE’S DEKOTA Consigned by: WADE OTTO, IN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: WADE OTTO, IN WINDERMERE KING CONG BP PRESTIGE YASMINE WINDING WATERS SKYWALKER EMMA LAKE’S CARRIE Percheron Stallion Black DOB: 05/21/14 BLACKHOME DUKE CAMILLE DREAMTIME’S SILVERADO FLASH IN THE KNIGHT WINDERMERE’S GOLIATH CONFECTION L.D.’S PRINCE MAGIC HAMMERS QUEEN’S MAGIC PRINCESS TIGER MEADOW QUEEN’S CLASSIC Owners Statement: Black. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 114 Lot 137 - ANDERSON’S AMELIA Consigned by: JOE YODER, IA Fitted by: AMOS YODER, JR., IA Bred by: DAVID H. ANDERSON, CANADA M.G.’S PRINCE PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Mare Black DOB: 02/10/13 MC GEE JOANNA LAET BLACKHOME DUKE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE DALEVIEW PEG WINDERMERE’S JUST INCREDIBLE WINDERMERE’S ELIMINATOR W.C.’S CARRIE J. P. CORRISA WINDERMERE’S CASHMERE STARDUST ROYAL COMMAND GLENVIEW COUSTEAU’S COLETTE Owners Statement: Black; star, snip. Stands 18 hands. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 138 - HIDDEN VIEW MAKAYLA Consigned by: JOHN J. HERSBERGER, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: JOHN J. HERSHBERGER, IA CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE HIDDEN VIEW HIGHROLLER WINDY OAK’S MEGAN Belgian Mare Blonde DOB: 05/20/13 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS BELGIAN ACRES JUSTIN SISSY du MARAIS LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE HIDDEN VIEW KAYLENE HIDDEN VIEW JESSICA CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS MAPLE LAWN CLASSIC’S PRINCE MINDY BECKEY Owners Statement: Blonde, stripe, spot below stripe, white on lower lip, white mane and tail. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 115 Lot 139 - 4-EVER JUSTIFIED “DRAKE” Consigned by: DIANA RAMSEY, IA Fitted by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, WI Bred by: DIANA L. LUEBKE-MENTOR, IA CIRCLE LANE JUNIOR BURR OAK JUSTINE SUPREME OAK HAVEN’S JUSTINE WELSHIRE CAPTAIN NEMO MAK EMMA J.Z. MASTER’S MARIA Belgian Gelding Sorrel DOB: 04/27/13 BROOKSIDE’S GOLDEN EDDIE CIRCLE LANE MYRA’S MARSHA DANA’S MASTER JUSTIN RG CINDY KORRY’S CAPTAIN WELSHIRE SUPREME NELLIE NADEN’S BILL’S MASTER STYLEMAN’S JULIE Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, white hind legs, white mane and tail. Broke. Wheel horse prospect. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lots 140 & 141 - Consigned by: BRAD MESSERSMITH, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Percheron Geldings Black DOB: 4 YR Owners Statement: A pair of four year old black Percheron geldings. Broke good. Stands 17 hands. A handy pair. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 116 Lot 142 - MOLLY R ANN Consigned by: AARON GINGERICH, IA Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: WALLACE COBLENTZ, MO PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Mare Black DOB: 07/23/13 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE SKYVIEW COUNT ON IT TORGE COUNTESS M.G.’S MAVERICK DIAMOND S TABOO DIAMOND S GLENDA COTTONWOOD COUNT VALLEY RIDGE DEBBIE MC GEE PATRICIA LEE PINE HILL PRINCE DIAMOND S KATE Owners Statement: Black. DNA PN7576. Broke. Big footed good moving mare. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 143 - G.T.’S NICOLE Consigned by: SHANNON OSTBY, MN Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, WI Bred by: LEROY GRAY, IA DALEVIEW PRINCETON LOLA’S CRACKER JACK LOLA’S SUNSETTE M.G.’S PRINCE LANG’S BRIGHT STAR LANG’S ROSEBUDD Percheron Mare Black DOB: 04/22/09 M.G.’S PRINCE DALEVIEW HEIDI NORTHWOODS MIDNIGHT SUN MI GRANDEUR LYNETTE MC GEE JOANNA LAET SOUTH VALLEY DID-IT MAVERICK’S LA KATIE Owners Statement: Black; small star, little white on outside left hind pastern. DNA PN4136. Seven year old mare stands 18+ hands. Broke single and double. Open. Here is a mare that could be ready to go in any hitch. Don’t miss her! ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 117 Lot 144 - CIRCLE M ROSE Consigned by: ROBERT BERRY, CANADA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: NELSON &/OR JOANN OTTO, OH L & C KORRY KORRY’S CAPTAIN CHIEF’S BLOSSOM ORNDORFF’S EDDIE DEBUT JO-NEL’S LIL DEBBIE DEBUT SIMPLY SPICE Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 02/17/11 ALL-EN-TIME JAYSON DEANNA CHIEF K. FARCEUR MARQUETTE’S CINDY RKD EDDIE OAKLAND’S VICKI LYNN WHIT’S CLASSIC CUPID GINGER JOY Owners Statement: Red sorrel. Star with connected stripe and snip; light mane and tail. Broke single and double. Will be hitched at the 2016 Royal Show. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 145 - SIMPSONS ZIVA Percheron Mare Consigned by: BLACK LOT DRAFT’S, DOUG & DONNA HOLTORF, IA Black Fitted by: FREEMAN YODER, UT DOB: 02/12/13 Bred by: DAN SIMPSON, CA COUSTEAU IRONWOOD BEAUREGARD H.F. THUNDER’S BEAU DIDDLEY HARDY FARM’S THUNDER’S ELLI CLEARVIEW SPIRIT BAR Y’S SPIRIT’S SHIELA LAYDEE CHARLENE BLACKHOME SHIRLEY LYN STERLING’S THUNDERSTIK HARDY FARM’S LAURA SPIRIT POSEIDON LAKESHORE NEXXUS CHARLIE’S LA BELL LUCASIA CONNIE Owners Statement: Black. Broke. Stands 17.3 hands. High headed, great driving mare. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 118 Lot 146 - RANGER Consigned by: JACOB & DEREK KNEPP, IN Fitted by: SAME Belgian Gelding DOB: 3 YR Owners Statement: Three year old grade Belgian gelding. Broke single and double. Stands 18.1 HH. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 147 - PINE GROVE GLOW Belgian Gelding Consigned by: WILBUR E. HELMUTH, WI & FREEMAN J. HELMUTH, IA Red Sorrel Fitted by: FREEMAN J. HELMUTH & SONS, IA DOB: 4 YR Bred by: Owners Statement: Four year old red sorrel Belgian gelding with stripe, white legs, light mane and tail. Sire: Oak Hill Inferno. Broke single and double. Stands 18.1 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 148 - DDC ROMAN Consigned by: DANIEL M. CHUPP, IL Fitted by: SAME Bred by: BRETT &/OR ANNETTE WEST, IL KORRY’S CAPTAIN INDIAN RIDGE ROMEO MAPLE VIEW KRISSY AW COMMANDER WHITE WATER CREEK KAYLA PRAIRIE THORNE KELSEY Belgian Stallion Red Sorrel DOB: 04/13/15 L & C KORRY CHIEF’S BLOSSOM PARADISE CONQUISTADOR MAPLE VIEW JOAN AW WARLOCK A W GOLDEN GIRL JAYRICHO OAKLAND’S KERI Owners Statement: Red sorrel, star, strip, snip on upper lip, flaxen mane and tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 119 Lot 149 - CLEARLY ADANNA Percheron Mare Consigned by: ANGEL ACRES PERCHERONS, SUSIE CIHAL & MIKE KINNETT, NEBlack Fitted by: AMOS YODER, IA DOB: 04/22/12 Bred by: ANGEL ACRES PERCHERONS, NE SOUTH VALLEY PRINCE HA HA SPIRIT POSEIDON CLEARVIEW SPIRIT LAKESHORE NEXXUS PLEASANT VIEW KING SPRING PRINCESS PINE HILL CHAMP LAKESHORE JONESI M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE KING’S ASHLEY M.L.C. CHARLIE ROBINLAWN’S BLACK ICE J. P. CELESTE Owners Statement: Black; large star. DNA PN6797. Drives single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 150 - GREENTOP JANE Consigned by: HARLEY SCHWARTZ, IN Fitted by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, WI Bred by: HARBOR HAVEN’S MAJESTIC PINE RIDGE BOOZER DEER RUN RHEA UAB CAPTAIN’S COLONEL GREENTOP KELLY GREENTOP MOLLY Belgian Mare Sorrel DOB: 03/13/13 MAPLE LAWN SCOTT’S DREAM EBH LADY FLASH ORNDORFF’S U2 CHARLIE L&C REBECCA KORRY’S CAPTAIN ORNDORFF’S U-2 VERONICA EGALACRES LINCOLN GREENTOP EMMY LOU Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, spot above l nostril, white on lower lip, white hind legs, white mane and tail. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 120 Lot 151 - BDF STORM’S BRUCE Consigned by: STEVEN HOSTETLER, IL Fitted by: SAME Bred by: PETER MAHER, ON MAJIC MARKER GREENE MEADE BRUCE GREENE MEADE UC BRENDA MASTER HOLIDAY SPRINGLANE HOLIDAY BEA’S STORM HONEYVILLE BESS BEA Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 03/06/13 CHARLIE’S MAJIC CHIEF PROMISE ORNDORFF’S U2 CHARLIE COURTNEY’S BRICOLE MASTER’S EDDIE MISS HELEN ROSE ACRES DON HONEYVILLE BONNIE BESS Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 152 - HAWKEYE SPECIAL JAKE Consigned by: THERESA LEMONS, IA Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: RUSS VANDER WEERDT, IA CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE HAWKEYE STATE IMPRESSIVE NV DELMAR-ROYALE SUNSHINE MASTER SPECIAL EDITION ORANGE BLOSSOM SPECIAL MASTER’S GEORGIA Belgian Stallion Roan DOB: 06/05/15 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS BJ VISION DEL-MAR ROYAL CHIP MASTER’S EDDIE DOUBLE M LIBERTY MASTER’S EDDIE GLORIA CONGOLAISE Owners Statement: Roan, stripe, hind legs white, light mane and tail. Heads up stud colt. Good foot. Shows a lot of potential. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 121 Lot 153 - BARNEY Consigned by: JAKE BORNTRAGER, IA Fitted by: FREEMAN GINGERICH, IA Bred by: Percheron Gelding Black DOB: 4 YR Owners Statement: A four year old black Percheron gelding with irregular star. Broke single and double. Stands 17.2 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 154 - Consigned by: HARLEY KAUFFMAN, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Percheron Gelding DOB: 3 YR Owners Statement: Three year old Percheron gelding sired by Skyview Count On It. Broke single and double. Stands 17.3 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 155 - GR TUFFLILL’ HAWK Consigned by: GLENN R. MILLER, IL Fitted by: SAME Bred by: GLENN R. MILLER, IL KORRY’S CAPTAIN GREENE MEADE CAPTAIN HAWK GREENE MEADE HANNA J & S PETER THE GREAT JSM TUFFLILL’ COOKIE NASH ACRE’S CINDY Belgian Stallion Sorrel DOB: 05/07/15 L & C KORRY CHIEF’S BLOSSOM ORNDORFF’S U2 CHARLIE SOUTHWIND NINA CONQUERAIS MISS HOLLY UAB CAPTAIN’S COMMANDER WOODLAND’S VIVIAN Owners Statement: Sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light legs, flaxen mane and tail. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 122 Lot 156 - F.P. EPIC Consigned by: MARK DECOOK, IA Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: LLOYD FARNHAM, VT PENNWOODS CABERNET F.C. FOSTER QUEBEQUUS FOSTERINE WINDERMERE KING CONG VINTAGE CONG’S ELANA BLACK BEAUTY’S TILLIE Percheron Stallion Grey DOB: 03/16/14 DONAMERR S MAGNUM CHAMPAGNE J.P. LEO HIGHVIEW DL’S CASSIE BLACKHOME DUKE CAMILLE DALEVIEW IKE FURY’S TOPS Owners Statement: Grey; irregular star. Very clean joints and legs. Good foot. Very good disposition and easy to handle. Great bloodlines. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 157 - PEGASUS FARM’S MELANIE Consigned by: ANNE CLARY, WI Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, WI Bred by: PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Mare Black DOB: 03/01/10 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOODS STARLIGHT NICOLE SPRING MOUNT’S JACKSON STONEHAVEN’S JULIE MCKNIGHT’S CAPTAIN ROSE COUNTRY HEIR DESTINY SHANANAGN CHIEF JAKPINE MONKONA’S KAYLA M.G. MCKNIGHT MONITA LAET SCHULZ’S FLASH LAET VILLAGE EDGE ANDY’S DOREEN Owners Statement: Black, small star. She’s been shown successfully in halter and hitch. Has been everywhere in the six. A terrific cart and team mare. She was used in a sleigh ride business over the winter. Stands about 17.2 hands. Can be driven by anyone. One of the best footed mares in my barn. Will be bred to Kauffman Farm’s Generation by sale time. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 123 Lot 158 - BELL FARMS OAB BELLA Consigned by: AGRESTORE BELGIANS, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: OWEN &/OR AMY BELL, MI CHARLIE H FARCEUR CHARLIE’S DEXTER BRIDGEND MISS ABIGAIL Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 04/01/13 MARQUETTE’S MIKE JENNIFER’S FARCEUR ANN LAKE LEDGE MANIFEST ABBY’S MUFFIT DEE CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE DETWEILER’S PRINCES DIAMOND MOHR’S MISS LABELLE RIVERDALE BEAUTY RIVERDALE ROBS BECKY MASTER ROUND ROBIN THISTLEDOWN JAMIE Owners Statement: Red sorrel, snip between nostrils, light mane and tail. Well broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 159 - JIM Consigned by: GINGERICH PERCHERONS, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Percheron Gelding Black DOB: 3 YR Owners Statement: Three year old black Percheron gelding with a star. Heads up hitch gelding. Broke single and double. Has a nice way of going with a big foot. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 124 Lot 160 - APOLLO’S DREAM Consigned by: GARY KOSS, WI Fitted by: MENNO MILLER, MN Bred by: JOSHUA A. KOSS, WI ALL-STAR’S PRINCE ROCKET ROCKET’S ALL-STAR APOLLO ALL-STAR’S FANCY REGUARD Percheron Mare Black DOB: 04/09/12 M.G.’S PRINCE M.S. DOC’S ASHLEY IRONWOOD BEAUREGARD BRAEHOLM LEESA EMERALD FARM SMOKEY LAET FOUR STAR MOE CASH CASH’S DREAM ON ROCKY BAR JAMIE YODER FARM’S TESSIE LEIGH ROSE HILL BUD AMANDA OF FIVE H Owners Statement: Black; small star. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 161 - LDM CRYSTAL Belgian Mare Consigned by: LOREN MAST, IN Fitted by: HARLEY SCHWARTZ, IN Bred by: RICHARD H. MILLER, IN Red Sorrel DOB: 05/05/09 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE JSS PRINCE JUBILEE CLARAHAN’S NADER JANE BJ VISION C.J. HELENA CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS GREENTOP PEARL’S HECTOR HIGHLAND JEAN JAY-LOU-SUPREME PRODUCE ACRES MISS MEAGEN ORNDORFF’S CONGOLAISE CLASSIC MAPLE LAWN CLASSIC’S GWEN OHF CONSTRICO’S GWEN Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, flaxen mane and tail. Broke to all farm machinery. Should be bred to Agrestore Director Captain by sale time. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 125 Lot 162 - ELM LANE’S DOLL Consigned by: MIKE RYAN, IA Fitted by: DEVIN RYAN, IA Bred by: J.W. &/OR JANE SALLEY, MO OAKLAND’S MAJOR BRUCE CIRCLE LANE’S CHADWICK QUAINT HAVEN CATHY GREENTOP AUSTIN ELM LAWN CRYSTAL Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 05/12/09 CONQUERAIS OAKLAND’S LINDA EDDIE DU MARAIS CONCORD’S STELLA PETE’S DAN FARCEUR GREENTOP SONJA ELLA’S CONQUEROR KINGSTON CONQUEROR QUEEN ROSETTE CONQUEROR QUEEN Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, spot beside R eye, white on legs, light mane and tail. Broke good to work and has had some very good colts. Selling open this year. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 163 - JRC Candi Consigned by: DAVID L. FISHER, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: ROGER L. &/OR MARY JEAN J. CARLSON, MN Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 05/02/1999 REX du MARAIS TERR-A-WAY GUSTER du MARAIS RKD DELLA DIAMOND C DR. JIM KIM’S LADY BRUILLE A.J.’S CYRUS JRC CHARLENE ANN IAMS’ LIL ANN REX D. BRUILLE TRIPSIES B.F. KIM CONSTRICO TRISHA ORNDORFF’S du MARAIS FRED ORNDORFF’S LIL Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light fore legs, white hind legs, light mane and tail. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 126 Lot 164 - BURR OAK INFERNO’S KRYSTAL Belgian Mare Consigned by: WILBUR HELMUTH & DAN BORNTRAGER, WI Red Sorrel Fitted by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, WI DOB: 04/06/13 Bred by: KORRY’S CAPTAIN COUNTRY ROAD FIRESTONE OAK HILL INFERNO OAK HILL ACRE’S FINAL PAGE DIEHL’S STERLING STONE HILL STERLING JEWEL STONE HILL KIDS KIT ORNDORFF’S SUPREME VIDA REMLAP’S ACE DESIGN CRAWFORD’S SWEET SACHA PARADISE CONQUISTADOR C.J. BRIANNE STONE HILL CAPTAIN KID BORROWED ACRES JUBILIEE Owners Statement: Red sorrel, strip, light mane and tail. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 165 - H & K’S BRANDON Consigned by: HERMAN GINGERICH, IA Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: CLEARVIEW SPIRIT YY EXTREME SHADY CREEK DAISY HAZELWOOD LYNDA’S BRAVO IDAHO KATARINA’S BRAVADA KATARINA Percheron Gelding Black DOB: 04/29/14 SPIRIT POSEIDON LAKESHORE NEXXUS WINDSONG’S ROULETTE MANOR VIEW DUSK BLACKHOME COLONEL LYN HAZELWOOD LADY’S LYNDA SOUTH VALLEY HI HO SELASSIE Owners Statement: Black, several white hairs in forehead. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 127 Lot 166 - K.F. BONNIES LAST BABE Consigned by: RAYMOND MAST, IL Fitted by: SAME Bred by: FREEMAN KAUFFMAN, WI PLEASANT VIEW KING COUNT DOWN TORGE COUNTESS SPIRIT POSEIDON KAUFFMAN’S BABE’S BESS KAUFFMAN’S BEAUTY BABE Percheron Mare Black DOB: 02/28/12 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE COTTONWOOD COUNT VALLEY RIDGE DEBBIE SOUTH VALLEY PRINCE HA HA SPRING PRINCESS BUCKEYE PATRICK GLENVIEW BABE Owners Statement: Black; large star extending into long narrow strip. Broke single and double. In foal to Briar Hill Bonner for 2017. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 167 - COUNTRY PRIDE CHELSEA Belgian Mare Consigned by: FREEMAN J. HELMUTH, IA & DEAN REICHERT, WI Red Sorrel Fitted by: FREEMAN J. HELMUTH & SONS, IA DOB: 05/30/12 Bred by: DEAN REICHERT, WI KORRY’S CAPTAIN COUNTRY ROAD FIRESTONE OAK HILL INFERNO OAK HILL ACRE’S FINAL PAGE ORNDORFF’S SUPREME VIDA REMLAP’S ACE DESIGN CRAWFORD’S SWEET SACHA ORNDORFF’S CONGOLAISE SUPREME JAY LOU SUPREME HB CHELSEA SUPREME PRODUCE ACRE’S DELIGHTFUL ELEGANT’S APRIL du MARAIS PRODUCE ACRES CON MAN PRODUCE ACRES DENISE Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 128 Lots 168 & 169 - PAT & PRINCE Consigned by: HARLEY SCHWARTZ, IN Fitted by: SAME Belgian Geldings DOB: 3 & 4 YR Owners Statement: A pair of three and four year old Belgian geldings. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 170 - KAUFFMAN FARMS ANNETTA Consigned by: FREEMAN KAUFFMAN, WI Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, WI Bred by: FREEMAN KAUFFMAN, WI WINDERMERE KING CONG BLOOMING GROVE RAMBLER BLOOMING GROVE GRENETTA WINDERMERE’S DESPERADO KAUFFMAN’S ASHLEY ANN KAUFFMAN’S ASHLEY DRAGANO Percheron Mare Black DOB: 03/23/13 BLACKHOME DUKE CAMILLE DREAMTIME’S SILVERADO OAKSTONE GRETCHEN DREAMTIME’S SILVERADO WINDERMERE’S KATRINA CRS JIM BARON’S LADY DRAGANO Owners Statement: Black. Big mare. Broke single and double. Check her pedigree! ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 171 - DURAMAX Consigned by: RUDY GINGERICH, MN Fitted by: MENNO MILLER, MN Bred by: Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 4 YR Owners Statement: Four year old Belgian gelding. Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Broke single and double. Stands 18 hands. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 172 - AUDRY Consigned by: DALE E. HOCHSTETLER, IN AND SLATE ACRES STABLES, OH Fitted by: SAME Percheron Gelding Black DOB: 3 YR Owners Statement: Three year old black Percheron gelding. Broke single and double. Sired by Rocket’s All-Star Domino. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 129 Lot 173 - YF PRINCESS EXTREME Consigned by: AARON HERSBERGER, OH Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, IA Bred by: JOSEPH A. AND ESTHER YODER, IA CLEARVIEW SPIRIT YY EXTREME SHADY CREEK DAISY M.G.’S PRINCE Percheron Stallion Black DOB: 04/28/12 SPIRIT POSEIDON LAKESHORE NEXXUS WINDSONG’S ROULETTE MANORVIEW DUSK MC GEE JOANNA LAET YODER FARM’S PRETTY PRINCESS LAZY DAZE PEARL K-DON CHIEF LISAN Owners Statement: Black; small star. Great conformation. Easy to handle. Last son of Pretty Princess. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 174 - RAMBO Consigned by: ELI RABER, IA AND NORMAN MAST, WI Fitted by: ELI RABER, IA Bred by: Belgian Gelding Red Sorrel DOB: 4 YR Owners Statement: Four year old red sorrel Belgian gelding with stripe, flaxen mane and tail. Sire: Hidden View Trademark. Dam: Circle Lane Chandelier daughter. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 130 Lot 175 - MHS DARCY Consigned by: SCOTT AND TERESA ZUBE, WI Fitted by: SCOTT ZUBE, WI Bred by: BRETT &/OR ANNETTE WEST, IL STYLE’S STYLEMASTER MILLVILLE’S STYLIST 47’S FRANCIE C.J. LEGAND BJ WWW DOT COM L & C DEIDRA Belgian Mare Sorrel DOB: 05/27/15 CHICKASAW STYLEMAN MISS CLORA L & C TREVOR C.J. ALISA JAY-LOU-SUPREME MARSHALL’S KITT FARCEUR ALL-EN-TIME JAYSON DEANNA Owners Statement: Sorrel, star, light mane and tail. A sweet filly with a lot of potential. Parentage Verified JEB Non-Carrier. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 176 - HIDDEN VIEW MARIAH Consigned by: JOHN J. HERSHBERGER, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: JOHN J. HERSHBERGER, IA CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE HIDDEN VIEW HIGHROLLER WINDY OAK’S MEGAN Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 03/26/13 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS BELGIAN ACRES JUSTIN SISSY du MARAIS ORNDORFF’S CONGOLAISE CLASSIC MAPLE LAWN CLASSIC’S PRINCE HIDDEN VIEW JESSICA MINDY BECKEY CHARLENE K. FARCEUR DAKOTA JUSTIN MINDY du MARAIS Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 131 Lot 177 - WALNUT EDGE BETZ Consigned by: ANDY HERSBERGER, IA Fitted by: SAME Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 03/16/15 Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Sire: Hidden View Trademark. Dam: Hidden View Silver Belle, by Oakland’s Silver Mark. Eligible to register at buyer’s expense. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 178 - HILLANVALE’S HARRY Consigned by: CRISTY & SAMUEL MAST, MN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Belgian Gelding Blonde DOB: 06/17/12 Owners Statement: Blonde, stripe, white on lower lip, white mane and tail. Broke single and double. Stands 18.1 hands. Sired by Hidden View Highroller. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 179 - SOAP CREEK HUMMER Consigned by: DAN KAUFFMAN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: CLEARVIEW SPIRIT YY EXTREME SHADY CREEK DAISY PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Gelding Black DOB: 03/30/13 SPIRIT POSEIDON LAKESHORE NEXXUS WINDSONG’S ROULETTE MANOR VIEW DUSK M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE COUNTRY HILL EXCLAIMATION Owners Statement: Black. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 132 Lot 180 - DJP NETTIE Consigned by: JOHN & DAVID YUTZY, IA Fitted by: SAME Bred by: DONALD &/OR JOYCE POWERS, IA CHICKASAW MASTER’S PRINCE GKD SILVER BULLET ELEANOR’S SILVER LACE RANGELEY TOM DJP NANCY BRY-DON’S NICKI Belgian Mare Light Sorrel DOB: 04/25/13 LOYALEA EDDIE MASTER PEACE CHICKASAW FAIRIE PRINCESS PRAIRIE GROVE KENDALL DORADO ELEANOR FARCEUR DOWDY’S FASCINATOR ELVIRA MAYBE MATTHEW S. DOLLIE’S CRYSTAL Owners Statement: Light sorrel, stripe, spot in stripe, white mane and tail. Broke single and double. Stop by our stalls and check things out. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 181 - A & W’S MAXIMUS Percheron Stallion Consigned by: A&W FARMS, KEN & CAROLINE WUNROW, WI Black Fitted by: HENRY MAST, WI DOB: 02/22/14 Bred by: KENNETH &/OR CAROLINE WUNROW M.G.’S PRINCE ALL-STAR’S PRINCE ROCKET ROCKETS ALL-STAR FLASH COUNTRY CLUB’S COLETTA SHADY CREEK BRANDON RUSH RIVER’S CARRIE CLEAR VIEW SPIRIT’S DIANE M.S. DOC’S ASHLEY LAKESHORE GIGOLO SOUTH VALLEY VELVET IRONWOOD BEAUREGARD HIDDEN LAKE PRINCESS CLEARVIEW SPIRIT MC GRATH’S DONNA HAZEL Owners Statement: Black. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 133 Lot 182 - COLONEL Belgian Gelding Consigned by: ALLEN MILLER, MN Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Red Sorrel DOB: 06/04/12 Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Four year old Belgian gelding. Big red horse with lots of drive. Stands 18.2 to 18.3 hands. Broke. Sired by Diehl’s Dakota. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 183 - COUNTRY HEIR ENVEY Consigned by: ED BRANDT, WI Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, WI Bred by: ROGER O. UTTECH & CANDICE L. REYSEN, WI PLEASANT VIEW KING Percheron Mare Black DOB: 03/06/14 M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE KAUFFMAN FARM’S ELITE ROBINLAWN’S VALENTINE EVE ROBINLAWN’S BLACK ICE COUNTRY HEIR ELISE B & L HANSON’S LISA WINDWARD’S TORIN ROBINLAWN GEM WINDWARD’S TORIN ROBINLAWN GEM M.G.’S BLACK DIAMOND PEGGY MC KNIGHT Owners Statement: Black; small star. DNA PN7342. She is a ncie, big two year old with big bottoms. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 134 Lot 184 - K-JENS JEWELS Consigned by: DAVID L. FISHER, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: KEVIN &/OR JENNIFER ANKLAM, WI OAK HILL ACE SUPREME OAK HILL JACKPOT BOBBY’S KATE WILLOW CREEK VIC K-JENS JV CREEK JOSIE ASHER CREEK JULIE Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 04/07/09 REMLAP’S ACE DESIGN CRAWFORD’S SWEET SACHA COUNTRYSIDE’S BOBBY CHIEF CORY DOUBLE M BUD LA KEENLAND’S VICTORAIS CHARLIE H FARCEUR SPRUCE HILL BRANDY Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white legs, flaxen mane and tail. Broke. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 185 - MARCIA Belgian Mare Consigned by: ALLEN WHITE, WI Fitted by: SAME Bred by: Red Sorrel DOB: 5 YR CHARLIE H FARCEUR CHARLIE’S MAJIC SPRUCE HILL BRANDY TWIN OAK’S JAN MARQUETTE’S MIKE JENNIFER’S FARCEUR ANN GREEN HILL SAMSON CAROL PROVOST CELEBRATION DYLAN AIRY VIEW PENELOPE du MARAIS KATE PRARIE THORNE LINDA PIERCE’S MARK JOLEA Owners Statement: Marcia is a grade mare that is broke. Will work all day. Stands 17.1 hands. Open. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 135 Lot 186 - T-ROAD ROCKET’S LOUANN Consigned by: TERRY DROST, WI Fitted by: KURT MEYER, WI Bred by: ORLA W. YODER, IN KORRY’S CAPTAIN ORNDORFF’S CAPTAIN ROCKET ORNDORFF’S U-2 ROSETTE Belgian Mare Red Sorrel DOB: 04/09/07 L & C KORRY CHIEF’S BLOSSOM ORNDORFF’S SUPREME U2 ORNDORFF’S HIGHLAND ROSETTE PEACOCK VALLEY DAN P.M.E. HEIDI PME ALICE SANDY’S DAN MITZY’S KAY COUNTY LINE CONGO STERLING’S LADY JANET Owners Statement: Red sorrel, stripe, spot on upper lip, white hind legs, light mane and tail. The dam of the gelding Rocket’s Captain Archer. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lot 187 - Eli Belgian Gelding Consigned by: WILBUR E. HELMUTH, WI & FREEMAN J. HELMUTH, IASorrel Fitted by: FREEMAN J. HELMUTH & SONS, IA DOB: 4 YR Bred by: Owners Statement: Four year old sorrel Belgian gelding with stripe, light mane and tail. Broke single and double. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 136 Lot 188 - PLUM CREEK’S I’VE GOT A SECRET Percheron Mare Consigned by: DAVID BROWN, IL Fitted by: SAME Bred by: PLUM CREEK PERCHERONS, DAVID & RENEE BROWN, IL HIGH PRAIRIE IMPRESSIVE Black DOB: 03/30/14 CORILDA BRIT PRINCESS YODER FARM’S IMPRESSIVE CRUISER GLENVIEW PAIGE COUSTEAU PLEASANT VIEW KING COUSTEAU GLENVIEW JUDITH M.G.’S PRINCE NORTHWOOD’S STARLIGHT NICOLE GFP LACEY DAWLEY’S DANUBE LILLY MG’S CORDARRO RYAN’S KOURTNEY Owners Statement: Black; few white hairs in forehead, inside left front coronet white. DNA PN8164. “Ivy” is a two-year-old mare who has a lot of growth and size. She is well bred and will be sold with a full tail. Her mother worked in both the wheel and swing of our six-horse hitch. Whether your looking for a hitch or utility mare, this mare will work for you! ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 137 Consignor’s Index A A&W FARMS, KEN & CAROLINE WUNROW, WI Fitted by: HENRY MAST, Wisconsin Wisconsin................................................181 ADAMS, TODD Missouri.....................................................90 AGRESTORE BELGIANS, Indiana.....................22, 35, 48, 78, 127, 158 AHART, JAMES Fitted by: FLOYD BONTRAGER, Indiana Iowa.........................................................102 ANDERSON FARM’S Fitted by: ROBERT DETWEILER, Iowa Canada...............................................45, 121 ANGEL ACRES PERCHERONS, SUSIE CIHAL & MIKE KINNETT Fitted by: AMOS YODER, Iowa Nebraska......................................58, 59, 149 B BERRY, ROBERT Canada.........................................14, 54, 144 BLACK LOT DRAFT’S, DOUG & DONNA HOLTORF Fitted by: FREEMAN YODER, Utah Iowa...............................................8, 81, 145 BONTRAGER, DANIEL E. Wisconsin........................................118, 119 BONTRAGER, DARIN & JOHN Indiana.......................................................49 BORNTRAGER, DAN Fitted by: STONECREST FARM, Wisc. Wisconsin................................................110 BORNTRAGER, DAN L. Wisconsin..................................................66 BORNTRAGER, HARLEY J. Fitted by: DAVID BORNTRAGER, Iowa Iowa...........................................................99 BORNTRAGER, JAKE Fitted by: FREEMAN GINGERICH, Iowa Iowa.........................................................153 BRANDT, ED Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, Wisc. Wisconsin................................................183 BROWN, DAVID Illinois......................................................188 C CHUPP, DANIEL M. Illinois................................................33, 148 CLARY, ANNE Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, Wisc. Wisconsin................................................157 COREY, DIANE Fitted by: FELTY YODER, Minnesota Minnesota........................................128, 129 D DECOOK, MARK Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, Iowa Iowa.........................................................156 DENBROK, NICK Canada.........................................63, 64, 132 DETWEILER, ALLEN S. & TOBY F. DETWEILER Fitted by: TOBY F. DETWEILER, Minn. Minnesota....................................................5 DETWEILER, TOBY F. Minnesota................................................134 DETWEILER, WILLIAM Iowa.........................................................114 DROST, TERRY Fitted by: KURT MEYER, Wisconsin Wisconsin..........................................42, 186 F FISHER, DAVID Wisconsin..................................................80 FISHER, DAVID L. Wisconsin..................................16, 163, 184 FRIEDEN, MATT Illinois......................................................101 G GINGERICH, AARON Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, Iowa Iowa.........................................................142 GINGERICH, CHRISSIE Wisconsin................................................115 GINGERICH, FREEMAN Iowa.............................................................9 GINGERICH, HERMAN Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, Iowa Iowa...................................................88, 165 GINGERICH, MARCUS Fitted by: HARLEY KAUFFMAN, Iowa Iowa.........................................................135 GINGERICH PERCHERONS Iowa...........................................65, 120, 159 GINGERICH, RUDY Fitted by: MENNO MILLER, Minnesota Minnesota................................................171 GRANT, BRENDA Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, Iowa Nebraska..................................................100 GRANT, DAVID OR SANDRA Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, Iowa Minnesota..................................................62 H HEBL, ADAM Fitted by: JOHN J. HERSBERGER, Iowa Iowa.........................................................112 HELMUTH, FREEMAN J. Iowa...........................................................83 Page 138 Consignor’s Index HELMUTH, FREEMAN J. & DEAN REICHERT Fitted by: FREEMAN J. HELMUTH & SONS, Iowa Iowa and Wisconsin................................167 HELMUTH, FREEMAN J. & JIMMY PAREO Fitted by: FREEMAN J. HELMUTH & SONS, Iowa Iowa and New Mexico..............................34 HELMUTH, RAYMOND Fitted by: JONAS HELMUTH, Iowa Iowa...........................................................79 HELMUTH, WILBUR & DAN BORNTRAGER Fitted by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, Wisc. Wisconsin................................................164 HELMUTH, WILBUR E. & FREEMAN J. HELMUTH Fitted by: FREEMAN J. HELMUTH & SONS, Iowa Wisconsin and Iowa..................61, 147, 187 HELMUTH, WILLIAM E. Iowa...........................................................19 HERSBERGER, AARON Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, Iowa Ohio.........................................................173 HERSBERGER, ANDY Iowa.............................................25, 75, 177 HERSBERGER, JOHN J. Iowa...........................................70, 138, 176 HERSBERGER, JOHN O. Indiana.......................................................56 HERSHBERGER, JONAS E. Iowa...........................................................18 HOCHSTETLER, DALE Indiana.......................................................43 HOCHSTETLER, DALE E. AND SLATE ACRES STABLES, OH Indiana and Ohio.....................................172 HONSBERGER, ROSS Michigan..................................................126 HOSTETLER, LEVON Illinois..................................................10, 40 HOSTETLER, STEVEN Illinois................................................94, 151 HUNTER, BRENDA Canada.....................................................107 J JOSEPHSON, JUDY Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, Iowa Wisconsin..............................................2, 51 K KAUFFMAN, DAN Iowa.................................................106, 179 KAUFFMAN, DAN, JR. AND ELI RABER Fitted by: ELI RABER, Iowa Iowa.........................................................131 KAUFFMAN, FREEMAN Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, Wisc. Wisconsin......................23, 53, 92, 124, 170 KAUFFMAN, HARLEY Iowa...................................................47, 154 KAUFFMAN, NORMAN Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, Wisc. Wisconsin..........................................17, 103 KNEPP, DARIN Indiana.......................................................67 KNEPP, JACOB & DEREK Indiana...............................................24, 146 KOSS, GARY Fitted by: MENNO MILLER, Minnesota Wisconsin................................................160 L LEMONS, THERESA Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, Iowa Iowa.................................................116, 152 M MAST, CRISTY & SAMUEL Minnesota................................................178 MAST, LOREN Fitted by: HARLEY SCHWARTZ, Indiana Indiana.....................................................161 MAST, RAYMOND Illinois......................................................166 MESSERSMITH, BRAD Iowa..................140, 141 MILLER, ALLEN Minnesota................................................182 MILLER, GLENN R. Illinois......................................................155 MILLER, HOMER Fitted by: STEVEN HOSTETLER, Illinois Illinois......................................................111 MILLER, LEON Fitted by: MENNO MILLER, Minnesota Minnesota..................................................60 MILLER, LONNIE Indiana.......................................................98 MILLER, MARLIN Fitted by: LONNIE MILLER, Indiana Indiana.......................................................31 MILLER, S. DUANE Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, Iowa Iowa...........................................................28 N NISLEY, DAN & SONY Iowa...........................................................71 O OSTBY, SHANNON Fitted by: JOHN WAYNE KAUFFMAN, Wisc. Minnesota..............................37, 38, 77, 143 Page 139 Consignor’s Index OTTO, WADE Indiana.........................................21, 93, 136 P PARKER, GARY Fitted by: BRYANT HAGEMAN, Illinois Indiana.......................................................52 R RABER, DALLAS Indiana.......................................................89 RABER, ELI AND ANDY HERSBERGER Fitted by: ELI RABER, Iowa Iowa...........................................................30 RABER, ELI AND NORMAN MAST Fitted by: ELI RABER, Iowa Iowa and Wisconsin................................174 RAMSEY, DIANA Fitted by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, Wisconsin Iowa.........................................................139 REE’S FAMILY BELGIANS Fitted by: MENNO MILLER, Minnesota Washington................................................32 ROPP, HENRY Fitted by: JOSEPH STUTZMAN, Missouri Missouri.....................................................50 RUNYON, DAVID Fitted by: JOHN J. HERSBERGER, Iowa Iowa.................................................122, 123 RYAN, MIKE Fitted by: DEVIN RYAN, Iowa Iowa.................................84, 85, 86, 87, 162 S SCHMITT, KATHY Fitted by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, Wisconsin Wisconsin..................................................46 SCHMITT, KATHY & DIANA RAMSEY Fitted by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, Wisc. Wisconsin and Iowa..................................12 SCHWARTZ, CLETUS Indiana.....................................................109 SCHWARTZ, FERMAN Wisconsin..................................................55 SCHWARTZ, HARLEY Indiana.............................3, 4, 105, 168, 169 SCHWARTZ, HARLEY Fitted by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, Wisc. Wisconsin..........................................36, 150 SCHWARTZ, MENNO Fitted by: FERMAN SCHWARTZ, Wisc. Wisconsin................................................125 SLABACH, DALE AND/OR GALEN Indiana...............................................26, 113 STICHERT, DANA Wisconsin..........................................29, 108 STUTZMAN, DAVID Fitted by: DAN J. HERSBERGER, Iowa Iowa...................................................91, 133 V VANDERVLIET, PAUL Fitted by: MENNO MILLER, Minnesota South Dakota...........................................104 W WEAVER, MELVIN Fitted by: MENNO MILLER, Minnesota Wisconsin....................................................1 WERKMAN, STEVE & KARLA Fitted by: AMOS YODER, JR., Iowa Utah.....................................................96, 97 WHITE, ALLEN J. Wisconsin................................6, 39, 74, 185 WILLIAM, LISA &/OR JARED HANSON Fitted by: JARED HANSON .................................................................117 Y YODER, DAN A. Minnesota............................................72, 73 YODER, DANIEL J. Fitted by: JONAS YODER & SONS, Wisconsin Wisconsin....................................................7 YODER, ENOS Colorado....................................................11 YODER, FREEMAN Utah...........................................................27 YODER, GLEN Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, Iowa Iowa.....................................................13, 57 YODER, JOE Iowa...........................................................69 YODER, JOE Fitted by: AMOS YODER, JR., Iowa Iowa...................................................20, 137 YODER, JONAS Wisconsin............................................41, 82 YODER, NORMAN Iowa...........................................................68 YUTZY, JOHN & DAVID Iowa.........................................................180 YUTZY, JOHN J. Iowa...........................................................15 YUTZY, JOHN J. & CHESTER KAUFFMAN Fitted by: JOHN J. YUTZY, Iowa Iowa...........................................................76 Z ZUBE, SCOTT AND TERESA Fitted by: SCOTT ZUBE, Wisconsin Wisconsin....................................44, 95, 175 ZUBROD, CHAD Fitted by: RICHARD YODER, Iowa Oklahoma................................................130 Page 140 Advertiser’s Index 1855 Saloon & Grill................................... 54 All American Belgians, LLC................ 62-63 Alliant Energy Center.................................. 2 Belgian Draft Horse Expo.......................... 56 Bourbon Ridge Belgians............................ 19 Bowman Bits.............................................. 16 Brodhead Harness...................................... 22 Creekside Farms........................................ 8-9 DAC Feeds................................................. 50 Draft Horse Journal...................................... 7 Dutch Valley Driving Horse Sale.............. 61 Dutch Valley Equine - Hebrews DCS..................................... 60 Emma Lake’s Percherons.......................... 64 Hershberger Farm Machinery.................... 20 Hidden Valley Farms............................... 104 Hidden View Percherons........................... 97 Kauffman Farms Percherons - Freeman, Amanda & Sons................. 52 Kauffman Farms Percherons II - John Wayne & Katie.......................... 53 Lawn Rock Belgians................................ 100 Lawrence Wagon Works............................ 12 Miknella & Long Lane Belgians................ 51 Millers Scotch Shoes.................................. 14 Mystery Hills Stable................................ 101 Nutra-Glo – Samuel Shrock....................... 58 Oak Hill Farms......................................... 102 Pegasus Clinic, Inc..................................... 98 Pennwoods Percherons............................ 103 Pine Grove Belgians.................................. 55 Regal Marketing Group........................... IFC Schwartz’s Ferrier Service......................... 15 Shady Grove Stables.................................. 59 Shipshewana Harness & Supply..............IBC Shipshewana Trailer Sales & Service................................... 107 Southern Wisconsin Farm Drainage........ 106 Spring Hill Farms....................................... 99 Stridequest Equine – Fermin P.................. 11 T-Road Collar Shop................................. 105 Triple H Belgians....................................... 10 Twin Pines Horseshoeing & Scotch Bottom Shoes...................... 104 World Draft Horse Network...................... 49 Yoder’s Belgians........................................ 57 We would like to thank all the consignors and everyone who attended the sale this year. We hope to see you all next year. Mark your calendars for April 5, 6 & 7, 2017. To the businesses listed above, thank you for advertising the catalog. Your support is appreciated. We would also like to thank Kim Bucknell at the Charles City Press for putting the catalog together. You do a wonderful job! And to Sutherland Companies for the printing. Charles City Press 801 Riverside Drive, Charles City, Iowa www.charlescitypress.com SUTHERLAND COMPANIES 525 North Front Street, Montezuma, Iowa www.sutherlandprinting.com Page 141 12th Annual April 6, 7 & 8, 2016 • Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI Sale Notes Page 142 12th Annual April 6, 7 & 8, 2016 • Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI Sale Notes Page 143 12th Annual April 6, 7 & 8, 2016 • Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI Sale Notes Page 144 Held in the New Holland Pavillion #2 Unload horses on the North side. Midwest Select Draft & Driving Horse Sale N5055 Hwy. 104 Albany, WI 53502 Check us out at the Sale on April 6, 7 & 8, 2016 PRESORTED FIRST-CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAgE PAID BRODHEAD, WI PERMIT NO. 9
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