CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVÃO S.A. C O N S T R U TO R A Q U E I R O Z G A LVÃ O S . A . 2 B A L A N Ç O S P AT R I M O N I A I S C O N S O L I D A D O S Em 31 de dezembro de 2008 e 2007 (em milhares de reais) MANAGERIAL REPORT To the Stockholders, In accordance with the by-laws, we are submitting for your consideration the annual report of the management, and the related financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2009, of Construtora Queiroz Galvão S.A. The Management is grateful to all those who contributed toward the results achieved, especially our team of collaborators for their hard work and dedication, to suppliers and service providers for their good quality and punctuality and to clients for their faith in our work. Rio de Janeiro, April 12th, 2010. BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE BOARD Advisory Council: Directors Maurício José de Queiroz Galvão President André Gustavo de Farias Pereira Ildefonso Colares Filho Luiz Evaldo Rios Leite Luiz Ronaldo Cherulli Nilton Marchetti Petrônio Braz Junior Ricardo da Bôa Viagem Parahyba Rui Novais Dias Rui Vaz da Costa Filho Urbano Ramos de Andrade Lima Fernando de Queiroz Galvão Vice President Marcos de Queiroz Galvão Ricardo de Queiroz Galvão Counselor Accountant Edson Ferreira CRC-RJ 59.443/0-0 C O N S T R U TO R A Q U E I R O Z G A LVÃ O 3 S . A . C O N S O L I D AT E D B A L A N C E S H E E T S At December 31, 2009 and 2008 (in thousand of US dollars) CONSOLIDATED ASSETS 2009 HOLDING COMPANY 2008 2009 2008 Current assets: Cash 100,209 63,093 40,502 9,160 Marketable securities 597,393 393,762 461,305 231,767 Trade accounts receivable 452,186 294,058 532,708 321,018 Inventories 141,554 114,492 103,112 39,834 Tax recoverable 43,075 6,542 2,721 341 Prepaid expenses 19,998 11,705 3,764 3,480 Other receivables 16,384 30,294 1,020 354 Total current assets 1,370,799 913,946 1,145,132 605,954 13,450 9,028 13,450 9,028 5,848 4,044 - - 72,495 72,700 277 171 - - 287,909 203,088 30,398 15,744 2,226 1,751 770,423 421,389 160,430 101,638 26,400 16,973 20,048 14,752 Non current assets: Long-term assets: Marketable securities Deposits for fiscal investiments Other accounts receivable Investments in subsidiaries and affiliates (note 6) Other investments Fixed assets (note 5) Intangible assets Deferred assets Total non current assets 7,999 2,866 - - 927,013 542,744 484,340 330,429 2,297,812 1,456,690 1,629,472 936,383 (continued) See notes to financial statements. C O N S T R U TO R A Q U E I R O Z G A LVÃ O 4 S . A . C O N S O L I D AT E D B A L A N C E S H E E T S At December 31, 2009 and 2008 (in thousand of US dollars) CONSOLIDATED LIABILITIES HOLDING COMPANY 2009 2008 2009 2008 Trade accounts payable 214,795 188,476 52,622 23,686 Loans 296,481 104,656 63,692 39,679 Payroll and social securities and tax and social contribution payable 80,585 49,689 40,590 19,673 Other accounts payable 42,491 16,935 15,149 635 634,352 359,756 172,053 83,673 474,524 233,336 168,492 49,692 Tax and social contribution payable 12,358 11,634 10,904 9,372 Related parties 25,637 82,745 84,221 62,204 Other accounts payable 42,671 26,433 - - Deferred income tax and social contribution 27,227 21,267 27,227 15,342 Discount of price (5,255) (1,535) - - Deferred income 116,470 40,709 116,452 34,202 Total non current liabilities 693,632 414,589 407,296 170,812 Minority interest (80,295) 447 - - 482,452 299,529 482,452 299,529 4,446 3,312 4,446 3,312 21,498 16,548 21,498 16,548 Current liabilities: Total current liabilities Non current liabilities: Loans Shareholders’ equity: Capital stock (note 7) Capital reserve Revaluation reserve Earning reserve Total shareholder’s equity See notes to financial statements. 541,727 362,508 541,727 362,508 1,050,123 681,898 1,050,123 681,898 2,297,812 1,456,690 1,629,472 936,383 C O N S T R U TO R A Q U E I R O Z G A LVÃ O 5 S . A . C O N S O L I D AT E D S TAT E M E N T S O F I N C O M E Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (in thousand of US dollars) CONSOLIDATED 2009 HOLDING COMPANY 2008 2009 2008 Service income 3,000,765 1,633,562 2,317,765 1,201,063 - - 62,621 7,172 (2,434,962) (1,331,618) (1,939,515) (985,398) 565,803 301,944 440,871 222,837 (281,332) (148,625) (97,679) (58,072) Depreciation (27,011) (19,842) (10,159) (10,233) Tax expenses (16,315) (8,727) (11,895) (5,549) Other (15,581) (28,443) 1,177 490 (340,239) (205,637) (118,556) (73,364) Equity in earnings of subsidiaries and affiliates Cost of services Gross profit Operating income (expenses): Administrative Financial income 187,830 134,492 44,383 31,989 Financial expenses (96,412) (48,792) (54,101) (14,644) Financial expenses - interest on shareholders’ equity (53,986) (34,232) (53,986) (34,232) 53,986 34,232 53,986 34,232 91,418 85,700 (9,718) 17,345 Profit before social contribution and income tax 316,982 182,007 312,597 166,818 Social contribution (15,704) (6,625) (9,717) (3,312) Income tax (33,088) (23,057) (26,057) (12,144) 13,340 (951) - - 281,530 151,374 276,823 151,362 (4,707) (12) - - 276,823 151,362 276,823 151,362 0.33 0.18 843,584,781 843,584,781 Reversion - interest on shareholders’ equity Reversal of deferred income tax and social contribution Income before minority interest Minority interest Net income Earning per share Number of shares of the capital stock See notes to financial statements. C O N S T R U TO R A Q U E I R O Z G A LVÃ O 6 S . A . S TAT E M E N T S O F C H A N G E S I N S H A R E H O L D E R S ’ E Q U I T Y Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (in thousand of US dollars) CAPITAL STOCK ADVANCE FOR FUTURE INCREASE IN CAPITAL CAPITAL STOCK RESERVE EARNING RESERVE REVALUATION LEGAL REALIZABLE RESERVE RESERVE PROFITS RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL Balances at December 31, 2007 302,116 14,112 4,370 22,646 29,523 - 389,307 762,074 Gain on translation (73,131) (3,416) (1,058) (5,482) (7,146) - (94,237) (184,470) Capital increase 70,544 (10,696) - - - - (59,848) - Parcial split off - - - - - - - - Realization of the revaluation reserve - - - (616) - - 616 - Dividends paid - - - - - - (12,837) (12,837) Net income for the year - - - - - - 151,362 151,362 Constitution of earning reserve - - - - - 332,563 (332,563) - Financial expenses - interest on shareholders’ equity - - - - - - (34,232) (34,232) Legal reserve - - - - 7,568 - (7,568) - Balances at December 31, 2008 299,529 - 3,312 16,548 29,945 332,563 - 681,898 Gain on translation 102,493 - 1,134 5,663 10,246 113,797 - 233,332 80,430 - - - - - - 80,430 Realization of the revaluation reserve - - - (713) - - 713 - Dividends paid - - - - - (168,374) - (168,374) Net income for the year - - - - - - 276,823 276,823 Constitution of earning reserve - - - - - 209,709 (209,709) - Financial expenses - interest on shareholders’ equity - - - - - - (53,986) (53,986) Legal reserve - - - - 13,841 - (13,841) - 482,452 - 4,446 21,498 54,032 487,695 - 1,050,123 Appropriation of earnings: Capital increase Appropriation of earnings: Balances at December 31, 2009 See notes to financial statements. C O N S T R U TO R A Q U E I R O Z G A LVÃ O 7 S . A . S TAT E M E N T O F C A S H F L O W Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (in thousand of US dollars) CONSOLIDATED HOLDING COMPANY 2009 2008 2009 2008 276,823 151,362 276,823 151,362 87,684 (4,707) 11,309 (91,418) 279,691 56,148 (4,349) 8,426 (85,700) 125,887 44,404 (62,621) 4,623 9,718 272,947 29,208 (7,172) 5,131 (17,345) 161,186 (158,128) (27,062) (36,533) (403) (57,108) 26,319 (8,241) (43,763) 8,765 (89,322) 82,745 29,985 (211,690) (63,278) (2,380) (5,478) 22,017 28,936 (52,822) (28,488) 617 (3,215) 3,278 30,896 39,777 97,448 (96,412) 13,718 33,317 153,091 (48,791) 20,917 110,180 172,172 (54,101) 7,400 73,788 161,744 (14,644) 1,036 104,300 118,071 147,100 (472,535) (292,872) (113,114) (64,236) 187,830 134,492 (22,675) 44,383 36,103 31,989 (284,705) (158,380) (91,406) 3,856 433,013 80,430 226,012 - 142,813 80,430 39,270 - (222,360) (47,069) (222,360) (47,069) 291,083 178,943 883 (7,799) 7,415 124,863 27,548 143,157 Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the year 456,855 438,021 240,927 224,260 Cash and cash equivalents, end of the year 697,602 456,855 501,807 240,927 (233,332) 106,029 (233,332) 126,490 7,415 124,863 27,548 143,157 Cash flows from operating activities: Loss for the year Adjustments for: Depreciation Equity in earnings of subsidiaries and affiliates Minority interest Net value of fixed asset written off Interest expenses Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable Decrease (increase) in inventories Decrease (increase) in recoverable taxes Decrease (increase) in other accounts receivable Increase (decrease) in related parties Increase (decrease) in suppliers Increase (decrease) in salaries, charges and tax obligations to pay Increase (decrease) in other trade accounts payable Cash flows from operating activities (-) Interests paid Net cash used in operating activities Cash flows used in investing activities (-) Additions in fixed assets (-) Additions in invest.In affiliates and subsidiaries Interests received Net cash used in investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Financing Capital increase Financial expenses - interest on shareholders’ equity and dividends Net cash used in financing activities Increase in cash and cash equivalents Gain on translation Increase in cash and cash equivalents See notes to financial statements. C O N S T R U TO R A Q U E I R O Z G A LVÃ O S . A . 8 N O T E S T O C O N S O L I D AT E D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (in thousand of US dollars) (A translation of the original report in Portuguese containing financial statements prepared in accordance with accounting practices generally accepted in Brazil) 1 > OPERATIONS The company is primarily engaged in the engineering construction field, including construction of bridges, tunnels, barriers, roads, buildings, airports and other related works. 2 > PRESENTATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil, which include the criteria established by Law nº 6404/76 with changes introduced by Law nº 11.638/07 additional rules of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM, and the Brazilian Independent Accountants Institute (IBRACON). 3 > SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES a.Income and expenses •Income and expenses are recorded for in accordance to the accrual basis method of accounting. •The income tax expense is calculated at the rate of 15% applied on taxable income plus a 10% surcharge and includes fiscal incentives. •The social contribution expense was computed at the rate of 9% applied on adjusted taxable income before income tax, in accordance to current legislation. •Deferred income tax and social contribution relate to income and expenses recorded for in accordance to Brazilian generally accepted accounting principles but regarded as taxable or deductible in different periods for tax purposes. b.Marketable securities Marketable securities are represented by investments in fixed income securities and are stated at cost, plus accrued income to the balance sheet date, which do not exceed the market value. c. Trade accounts receivable Trade accounts receivable are represented by invoices or promissory note not paid in balance sheets date, as well as executed service, but which income didn’t happen yet. d.Inventories Inventories are stated at the lower of the average cost or market. e.Permanent assets Permanent assets are stated at cost (monetarily corrected cost up to December 31, 1995), including the following: • Investments in subsidiaries and affiliates are accounted for by the equity method based on the invested financial statements. Other investments are stated at cost. C O N S T R U TO R A Q U E I R O Z G A LVÃ O S . A . 9 N O T E S T O C O N S O L I D AT E D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (in thousand of US dollars) • Depreciation of fixed assets is calculated using the straight-line method over the useful lives of the assets. • Deferred assets are represented by actual disbursements, net of related income. The amortization is calculated using the straight-line method at annual rates of 10% and 20%. f. Deferred income tax and social contribution Deferred income tax and social contribution were calculated relate to income and expenses recorded in accoun ting principles but regarded as taxable or deductible in different periods for tax purposes. g.Deferred income cost Income and cost of short-term constructions are recognized as “Deferred Income” being credit and charged to income at the conclusion of the construction. Income and cost sales of units under construction or constructed are accounted for as “Deferred Income” at the tine of signature of the formal sale’s contract. The recognition in the income statement occurs at the time the company receives the installments from the clients. h.Translation into United States dollars The United States dollar amounts result from translation of the financial statements at the year-end rate of exchange as follows: 2009 2008 R$ 1.7412 per US$ 1.00 R$ 2.337 per US$ 1.00 The translation should not be construed as representation that the real (R$) amounts actually represent or have been, or could be converted into United States dollars. 4 > CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 comprehend the holding company Queiroz Galvão S.A. and the subsidiaries mentioned on note 6. Such financial statements have been prepared based on rules and procedures established by the Brazilian Security and Exchange Commission – CVM (CVM Instruction nº 247/96). The process of consolidation of the balance sheet and income statement accounts correspond to the sum of accounts of the assets, liabilities, income and expenses, by nature, and adjusted by the elimination of: •Income and expenses and reserves among them. •Any asset or liability balance among them. •The effects originated from transactions realized among the consolidated companies. •Excess and discount of price over the carrying value of the investments were based on future results expectation, which in accordance with the Instruction of the Security and Exchange Commission – CVM, have been classified as deferred income. The minority interests are demonstrated on the liability side. C O N S T R U TO R A Q U E I R O Z G A LVÃ O 10 S . A . N O T E S T O C O N S O L I D AT E D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (in thousand of US dollars) 5 > FIXED ASSETS AND INTANGIBLE ESTIMATED USEFULL LIVES (YEARS) 2009 2008 2009 Field equipments 5 268,695 198,445 221,787 132,248 Fixed assets in progress 4 431,609 179,780 - - Vehicles 5 182,251 138,435 90,509 58,943 Buildings 25 18,924 10,573 2,750 1,846 Mainteinance equipments 10 33,697 21,307 8,695 5,817 Lands - 10,227 10,673 22,832 14,195 Furniture and fixtures 10 85,025 34,730 3,245 2,371 Other fixed assets 10 FIXED ASSETS CONSOLIDATED HOLDING COMPANY 2008 43,071 30,694 8,049 17,754 1,073,499 624,637 357,867 233,174 (303,076) (203,246) (197,437) (131,536) 770,423 421,389 160,430 101,638 Software 5,014 3,184 1,558 - Award rights of concession 2,042 - - - Trademarks and technology 19,175 13,657 18,321 14,620 169 132 169 132 26,400 16,973 20,048 13,782 Less: Accumulated depreciation INTANGIBLE Telephone lines C O N S T R U TO R A Q U E I R O Z G A LVÃ O 11 S . A . N O T E S T O C O N S O L I D AT E D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (in thousand of US dollars) 6 > INVESTMENTS IN SUBSIDIARIES AND AFFILIATES 2009 Agropecuária Rio Arataú S.A. Queiroz Galvão International Ltda. Queiroz Galvão Alimentos S.A. % 2008 % 101 7.64 39 7.64 22,104 100.00 5,608 100.00 537 7.71 935 7.71 12.38 Concessionária Rio Teresópolis S.A 7,468 12.38 5,566 CHC – Centrales Hidroeletricas de Centroamerica S.A. 4,598 100.00 - - Cia. Siderúrgica Vale do Pindaré 7,017 10.37 4,549 10.37 Siderúrgica do Maranhão S.A. 5.34 2,176 5.34 1,157 SOMAH Participações Empresariais S.A. 1 100.00 - - Queiroz Galvão Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. - - 71,447 100.00 Pedreira Guarany Ltda. 15,740 99.47 5,781 99.47 Queiroz Galvão Engenharia S.A. 2,439 100.00 - - Queiroz Galvão Serviços Especiais de Eng. Ltda. 1,451 99.99 2,584 99.99 51 100.00 71 100.00 - 40.59 - 40.59 Ecourbis Ambiental S.A. 3,379 57.80 3,468 57.80 Enob Concessões S.A. 5,182 63.25 - - RG Sul Participações S.A. 2,658 100.00 17,012 100.00 Intersur Concesiones S.A. 3,235 33.33 1,599 33.33 Joint Ventures 8,846 65.00 4,936 65.00 Q. Galvão Importação e Exportação Ltda. Queiroz Petro S.A. Constructora Recife S.A.C. Locav Locadora Ltda. Constructora SUR S.A. 8,699 100.00 7,808 100.00 10,958 100.00 19,899 100.00 524 33.33 2,474 33.33 EOL Energy - - 1,130 90.20 NEDL Construções de Dutos do Nordeste Ltda. - 14.60 - 14.60 Construtora Queiroz Galvão S.A. – Sucursal Bolívia - 88.06 7,574 88.06 Construtora Queiroz Galvão S.A. – Sucursal Chile - 100.00 - 100.00 40,171 100.00 6,766 100.00 Construtora Queiroz Galvão – Sucursal Líbia - 100.00 (265) 100.00 Construtora Queiroz Galvão S.A. – Sucursal Nicaragua - 100.00 - 100.00 5,778 100.00 3,899 100.00 291 99.88 - - Construtora Queiroz Galvão – Sucursal Angola Construtora Queiroz Galvão S.A. – Sucursal Peru Queiroz Galvão & Galvão III Torres Des. Imob. Ltda. Queiroz Galvão & Galvão IX Torres Des. Imob. Ltda. Estaleiro Atlântico Sul S.A. Quebec – Construção, Montagem e Transporte de Estruturas Ltda. 1,068 99.88 - - 131,582 49.50 28,281 49.50 1,856 65.00 767 65.00 287,909 203,088 The investments includes discount of price over amount R$ 8.480 equivalent of USD 4.870 and an agio over amount of R$ 14.665 equivalent of USD 8.422 in 2009. C O N S T R U TO R A Q U E I R O Z G A LVÃ O S . A . 12 N O T E S T O C O N S O L I D AT E D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (in thousand of US dollars) 7 > CAPITAL The capital, subscribed and fully paid, comprises 840,353,965 ordinary nominative shares with no par value. On December 31, 2009 the Company’s book value per thousand of shares was R$ 2.18 equivalent to US$ 1.25 (R$ 1.90 equivalent to US$ 0.81 in 2008). The shareholders have the right to a minimum dividend of 3% of the net income for the year, according to the company’s by-law. The shareholders’ general meeting has the power to decide for lower distribution or retention of the whole net income. Also, 5% of the net income for the year is appropriated to legal reserve limited to 20% of the capital stock. 8 > FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The financial instruments are recorded for in the balance sheet accounts as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 at compatible market value. The management of these instruments is made in a strategic way with the objective of liquidity, profitability and security. The investment control consists of a permanent follow-up of the contracted rates compared to the daily market rates. The company does not operate with derivatives or any other risk assets. 9 > CONTINGENCIES The Company’s management, based on the opinion of its legal advisors believes that the appropriate referrals and arrangements for any fiscal, tax, pension and labor liability purposes; have been taken in each situation and are sufficient to preserve the company’s equity no indications, in December 31, 2009, of the need to recognize any provision for contingencies in the financial statements. The accounting records and operations are subject to examination of tax authorities in different mature dates according to the specific tax laws applicable. C O N S T R U TO R A Q U E I R O Z G A LVÃ O S . A . 13 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT (A translation of the original report in Portuguese containing financial statements prepared in accordance with accounting practices generally accepted in Brazil) THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS CONSTRUTORA QUEIROZ GALVÃO S.A. RIO DE JANEIRO – RJ 1. We have audited the accompanying holding and consolidated balance sheets of Construtora Queiroz Galvão S.A. as of December 31, 2009, and the related statements of income, changes in shareholders’ equity and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements. 2. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in Brazil. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. 3. In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of holding and consolidated Construtora Queiroz Galvão S.A. at December 31, 2009, the results of its operations, the changes in its shareholders’ equity and cashflows for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, April 12, 2010. Mário Vieira Lopes Contador-CRC-RJ 60.611/O
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