January 2016 - Horizon Distributors
January 2016 - Horizon Distributors
specials January 2016 Savour the sweet moments Hot deals Farmer grown, farmer owned Hardbite handcrafted potato and root vegetable chips are cooked in smaller batches to ensure the highest quality and are always free from GMOs, trans fats, gluten and cholesterol. New this month, Sweet Onion potato chips offer that satisfying Hardbite crunch accompanied by a gentle infusion of onion—substantial, yet subtle. Yummy! www.hardbitechips.com Find Hardbite listings on Page 7 Anita’s Organic Mill • 25% OFF Einkorn + Sprouted Spelt Flours (1kg)................5 DeeBee’s • 50% OFF Selected Organic TeaPops (Freezer).................16 Mamma Chia • 20% OFF Organic Vitality Snacks + Beverages..............26 Real Brew • $7.42–$9.70 OFF Premium Sodas...........................................................32 Tazo • 25% OFF Filterbag Teas................................................................36 Scent-sational delight Savour the smoky aroma and bold flavour of new Le Boucané Bio, an applewoodsmoked cheddar from L’Ancêtre Cheese Factory. This Québec Vrai certified organic cheese, made with raw, organic milk from cows that have not received hormones, is preservative, lactose, animal rennet and GMO free. www.fromagerieancetre.com See L’Ancêtre on Page 7 Published listings and pricing effective December 14, 2015–January 15, 2016 Order by 4:30pm on the last day of the specials period to qualify for discounts 5589 Trapp Ave Burnaby BC V3N 0B2 • www.horizondistributors.com facebook.com/HorizonDistributorsCanada • orders@horizondistributors.com Tel 604.524.6610 1.800.663.1838 • Fax 604.524.9411 1.877.219.1364 #GivingTuesdayCA After Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, GivingTuesday is a time to celebrate and encourage activities that support charities and non-profits. Whether making a donation, volunteering time, helping a neighbour or spreading the word, GivingTuesday is a global movement for everyone who wants to give something back. Learn more about Horizon contributions at www.horizondistributors. com/company-news. Holiday closures Christmas Day................Friday, December 25 Boxing Day (in lieu).......Mon, December 28 New Year’s Day........................Friday, January 1 Family Day (BC)..............Monday, February 8 supplier index Alexia Frozen Onion Rings........................................................ 10 Alexia Frozen Prepared Potatoes............................................... 10 Alter Eco Fair Trade Chocolate Bars............................................ 10 Alter Eco Fair Trade Dark Chocolate Truffles............................... 10 Alter Eco Fair Trade Quinoa........................................................ 10 Amy’s Canned Chilies................................................................ 10 Amy’s Frozen Entrées...................................................................5 Amy’s Quinoa, Kale & Red Lentil Canned Soup............................5 Amy’s Sonoma Frozen Veggie Burger...........................................5 Ancient Harvest Quinoa Elbow Pasta........................................ 10 Ancient Harvest Quinoa............................................................ 10 Ancient Harvest Quinoa Pasta & Cheese Dinners.........................5 Ancient Harvest Quinoa Pastas....................................................5 Anita’s Organic Mill Baking Mixes................................................5 Anita’s Organic Mill Breakfast Boosters..................................... 10 Anita’s Organic Mill Cereals & Grains......................................... 10 Anita’s Organic Mill Flours............................................................5 Anita’s Organic Mill Instant Hot Cereals.................................... 10 Anita’s Organic Mill Pancake & Waffle Mixes............................... 6 Annie Chun’s Noodle Bowls...................................................... 10 Annie Chun’s Roasted Seaweed Snacks..................................... 10 Annie Chun’s Soup Bowls.......................................................... 12 Annie’s Homegrown Bunny Fruit Snacks................................... 12 Annie’s Homegrown Cheddar Bunnies Baked Snack Crackers... 12 Annie’s Homegrown Gluten Free Bunny Cookies....................... 12 Annie’s Homegrown Pasta & Cheese Dinners............................ 12 Big Mountain Foods Veggie Burgers......................................... 12 Big Tree Farms Fair Trade Coconut Sugars................................. 12 Biokleen Laundry Products....................................................... 12 Black River Spritzers (Sparkling Fruit Beverages)..................... 12 Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Non-dairy Beverages............... 12 Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Refrigerated ND Beverages...... 12 BluePrint Refrigerated Cold Pressed Raw Juice Blends............. 12 Blue Sky Natural Sodas............................................................. 12 Blue Star Farms Stone Ground Crackers.................................... 12 Bob’s Red Mill Oats................................................................... 13 Bob’s Red Mill Packaged Dry Heritage Beans & Legumes........... 6 BoomChickaPop (Angie’s) Popcorn........................................... 13 BoomChickaPuff (Angie’s) Gluten Free Ancient Grain Puffs ..... 13 Boulder Canyon Natural Foods Snack Chips.............................. 13 Bremner’s Frozen Fruits............................................................ 13 Bremner’s Juices......................................................................... 6 Brew Dr. Kombucha Beverages................................................. 13 Bruce Cost Unfiltered Ginger Ales............................................... 6 Bulk Hulled Barley.................................................................... 13 C2O Pure Coconut Water........................................................... 13 Caboo Sustainable Paper Towels, Napkins & Tissue.................. 13 Camino Fair Trade Hot Chocolate Mix........................................ 13 Cascadian Farm Cereals & Granolas.......................................... 14 Celestial Seasonings Teas.......................................................... 14 Celestial Seasonings Wellness Teas........................................... 14 Central Roast FoodFix Superfood Snack Bags............................. 6 Central Roast Raw Nuts............................................................ 14 Central Roast Raw Pumpkin Seeds........................................... 14 Cha’s Organics (Arayuma) Fair Trade Coconut Milk...................... 6 Choice Organic Teas.................................................................. 14 Clif Builder’s Natural Protein Bars..............................................15 Clif Energy Bars..........................................................................15 Clif Kid ZBar Baked Energy Snacks.............................................15 Clif Trail Mix Bars........................................................................15 Country Choice Canister Hot Cereals..........................................15 Cream-Nut Natural Peanut Butters............................................15 Crofter’s Organic Fruit Spreads...................................................15 Cuisine Camino Fair Trade Baking Chocolate..............................15 Cuisine Camino Fair Trade Sugar................................................15 Daiya Cheese Alternatives........................................................ 16 Daiya Cheezy Mac Gluten Free Macaroni & DF Cheese Dinners... 6 Daiya Cream Cheese Alternatives............................................. 16 Daiya Frozen Gluten & Dairy Free Cheezecakes............................7 DeeBee’s Frozen Teapops.......................................................... 16 Doctor Kracker Artisan Snackers & Culinary Crisps.................... 16 Domo Stone Ground Teas......................................................... 16 Donia Farms Kefir Smoothies................................................... 16 Dream Refrigerated Non-dairy Beverages................................ 16 Earth Balance Nut Butters........................................................ 16 Earth Balance Vegan Popcorn Snacks....................................... 16 Earth Island Refrigerated Dressings...........................................17 Earth Island Vegan Cheese Alternatives.....................................17 Earth Island Vegan Gourmet Sour Cream Alternative............... 16 Earth’s Choice Peanut Butters....................................................17 Earth’s Own Almond Non-dairy Almond Beverages..................17 Earth’s Own Refrigerated Non-dairy Beverages.........................17 Eaternal Soapnut Natural Laundry Detergent...........................17 january 2016 E-Cloth Reusable Cleaning & Polishing Cloths...........................17 Eco-Max Household Cleaners....................................................17 Eco-Max Laundry Products........................................................17 Ecos Pure Coconut Water...........................................................17 Ecos Toasted Coconut Chips.........................................................7 Ecover Household Cleaners....................................................... 18 Ecover Laundry Products.......................................................... 18 Eden Canned Chilies................................................................. 18 Eden Canned Whole Beans....................................................... 18 Eden Japanese Specialities....................................................... 18 Eden Ponzu Dipping Sauce....................................................... 18 Eden Sea Vegetables................................................................. 18 Edward & Sons Baked Brown Rice Snaps.................................. 18 Elevate Me Instant Hot Oatmeals............................................. 18 Elevate Me Protein & Fruit Energy Bars..................................... 18 Elevate Me Protein & Fruit Energy Bars Shipper....................... 19 EnviroKidz Cereals.................................................................... 19 Everyday Superfoods It’s Not Bacon Snacks & Toppings............ 19 Farmhouse Culture Fermented Raw Kraut & Kimchi................. 19 Field Roast Frozen Meatless Sausages...................................... 19 Fillo Factory Frozen Fillo Pastry Dough & Shells........................ 19 Fillo Factory Frozen Hors d’Oeuvres/Appetizers ....................... 19 First Food Organics Baby Cereals & Snacks............................... 19 Food For Life Frozen Gluten Free Brown Rice Flour Bread......... 19 Food Should Taste Good Gluten Free Tortilla Chips................... 19 Four O’Clock Herbalist Functional Teas...................................... 19 Four O’Clock Teas...................................................................... 19 Gardein Frozen Meat Alternatives............................................. 20 Gardein Frozen Pocket Meals.................................................... 20 Garden of Eatin’ Tortilla Chips................................................... 20 GimMe Roasted Seaweed Snacks............................................. 20 GimMe Seaweed Brown Rice Chips.......................................... 20 GimMe Wrap ‘N’ Roll Roasted Seaweed Sheets......................... 20 Grandma Nunweiler’s Pancake & Waffle Mixes......................... 20 Greek Gods Greek Style Yogurts................................................ 20 Greek Gods Kefir (Cultured Milk)............................................... 20 Happy Planet Refrigerated Gourmet Soups.............................. 22 Happy Planet Refrigerated Juices & Blends.............................. 22 Happy Planet Refrigerated Santa Fe Four-Bean Chili................ 22 Hardbite Handcrafted Chips........................................................7 Harvest Best Cereals................................................................. 22 Harvest Sun Bouillon Cubes & Broth Powders.......................... 22 Harvest Sun Canned Tomatoes................................................. 22 Healthy Times Baby Cereals...................................................... 22 Hornby Island Energy Bars........................................................ 22 Hubert’s Lemonade.................................................................. 23 Hungry Buddha Coconut Chips....................................................7 Imagine Natural Broths............................................................ 23 Imagine Prepared Chicken Gravy.............................................. 23 Japanese Delight Seaweed Salad On The Go............................. 23 Jer’s Gourmet Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars............................. 23 Jer’s Groupies Natural Chocolate & Nut Clusters........................ 23 Jovial All Purpose Einkorn Flour................................................ 23 Jovial Pastas.............................................................................. 23 Kettle Brand Bakes Baked Potato Chips.................................... 23 Kiju Juices................................................................................. 23 Kiju Ready-To-Drink Bottled Iced Teas...................................... 24 Kind Healthy Grains Bars.......................................................... 24 Kind Healthy Snacks Food Bars................................................. 24 Kind Healthy Snacks Healthy Grains (Granolas)........................ 24 Knudsen Juices......................................................................... 24 Konared Hawaiian Coffeeberry Superfruit Juice........................25 L’Ancêtre Cheeses........................................................................7 LäraBar Fruit & Nut Food Bars...................................................25 Lick Your Chops Dog Food..........................................................25 Little Duck Organics Tiny Fruit Snacks........................................25 Little Northern Bakehouse Frozen Gluten Free Breads................7 Lundberg Brown Rice Syrup......................................................25 Lundberg Bulk Rice....................................................................25 Lundberg Packaged Rice...........................................................25 Lundberg Rice Cakes..................................................................25 Lundberg Risotto Mixes............................................................ 26 Lundberg Roasted Brown Rice Couscous...................................25 Mackellar Farms Frozen Edamame........................................... 26 Made In Nature Dried Fruits...................................................... 26 Mamma Chia Chia Squeeze Vitality Snacks............................... 26 Mamma Chia Refrigerated Vitality Beverages.......................... 26 Manitoba Harvest Hemp Heart Bars......................................... 26 Manitoba Harvest Hemp Heart Bites Crunchy Snacks............... 26 Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts (Shelled Hemp Seeds)........... 26 Manitoba Harvest Hemp Seed Oils........................................... 26 Manna Frozen Breads............................................................... 26 Maranatha Peanut Butters....................................................... 28 horizon distributors Marukan Rice Vinegars............................................................. 28 Mary’s Organic Crackers............................................................ 28 Mary’s Organic Gluten Free Cookies.......................................... 28 Mori-Nu Silken Tofu.................................................................. 28 Muir Glen Canned Tomatoes........................................................7 Natur-a Non-dairy Beverages................................................... 28 Nature Clean Household Cleaners............................................. 28 Nature Clean Laundry Products................................................ 29 Nature’s Bakery Whole Wheat Fig Bars..................................... 29 Nature’s Earthly Choice Chia Goodness Cereals......................... 29 Nature’s Earthly Choice Easy Quinoa & Farrotto Mixes.............. 29 Nature’s Path Cereals................................................................ 29 Nature’s Path Flaxplus Flax Seeds & Meal................................. 29 Nature’s Path Instant Hot Oatmeals.......................................... 30 Nature’s Path Qi’a Superfood Breakfast Cereals........................ 30 Nature’s Path Qi’a Superfood Snack Bars.................................. 30 Navitas Naturals Chia Seeds..................................................... 30 Navitas Naturals Coconut Water Powder.................................. 30 Navitas Naturals Dried Berries.................................................. 30 Navitas Naturals Superfoods Nutritional Powders.................... 30 Nudge Macaroni & Grass Fed Dairy Cheese Dinners.................. 30 Numi Teas................................................................................. 30 Nunweiler’s Flours.................................................................... 30 Nutiva Coconut Manna Creamy Spread.................................... 30 Nutiva Culinary Oils...................................................................31 Nuts To You Nut & Seed Butters...................................................7 Nuun All Day Hydration Tablets.................................................31 One Degree Organic Foods Sprouted Grain Cereals..................... 8 Ontario Natural Fermented Kale Sauerkraut............................... 8 Oogie’s Gourmet Popcorn..........................................................31 Orgain Nutritional Shakes..........................................................31 Organic India Tulsi Teas............................................................... 8 Pacific Soups..............................................................................31 Pamela’s Figgies & Jammies Gluten Free Fig Bars......................31 Pamela’s Whenever Whole Grain Wheat Free Snack Bars..........31 Pearl’s Frozen Perogies..............................................................31 Plum-M-Good Brown Rice Cakes...............................................31 Prairie Harvest San Zenone Corn, Rice & Quinoa Pastas.............. 8 Prana Seeds.............................................................................. 32 Probar Base Nutritional Food Bars............................................ 32 Que Pasa Frozen Tortillas.......................................................... 32 Que Pasa Salsas........................................................................ 32 RawFoodz Cheesauce Vegan Dips, Sauces & Spreads................ 32 RawFoodz Refrigerated Dressings............................................ 32 RawFoodz Zen Budda Refrigerated Buttery Style Spreads....... 32 Real Brew Premium Sodas....................................................... 32 Rocky Mountain Flatbread Company Frozen Flatbread Pizzas.. 32 Rudi’s Gluten Free Bakery Frozen Breads & Buns...................... 32 Rudi’s Gluten Free Bakery Frozen Tortillas................................. 32 RW Garcia Gluten Free Crackers................................................ 32 Sambazon Amazon Energy Açaí Berry Energy Drink................. 33 Sambazon Frozen Fair Trade Fruit Purées.................................. 33 Sambazon Frozen Rio Style Açaí Sorbet.................................... 33 Sambazon Refrigerated Açaí Juice Blends................................ 33 Sapadilla Household Cleaners.................................................. 33 Sapadilla Liquid Hand Soaps.................................................... 33 Seventh Generation Baby Disposable Diapers.......................... 33 Seventh Generation Baby Wipes............................................... 33 Seventh Generation Household Cleaners.................................... 8 Seventh Generation Laundry Products....................................... 9 Seventh Generation Paper Towels, Napkins & Tissue................ 33 Seventh Generation Trash Bags................................................ 33 Silk Almond Beverages............................................................. 33 Silk Creamy Cashew Unsweetened Vanilla ND Beverage............ 9 Simply Natural Dressings.......................................................... 34 Simply Organic (Frontier) Seasoning Mixes.............................. 34 So Delicious Dairy Free Frozen Almond Milk Minis Bars.............. 9 So Delicious Dairy Free Cultured Coconut Milk (Yogurt)............ 34 Sol Cuisine Frozen Meat Alternatives........................................ 34 Sol Cuisine Meat Alternatives................................................... 34 So Nice Soy Beverages.............................................................. 34 Sound Sea Vegetables Sushi Nori.............................................. 34 Spectrum Oils........................................................................... 34 Spectrum Seeds........................................................................ 34 Stahlbush Island Farms Frozen Fruits........................................ 34 Starlite Cuisine Frozen Meatless Enchiladas, Tacos & Taquitos...35 Stephano’s Secret Stash Granolas..............................................35 Sunco Foods Canned Coconut Milk............................................35 Sunflower Kitchen Hummus+ Refrigerated Spreads & Dips......35 Sunridge Farms Bulk Hickory Smoked Almonds........................35 Supplier Index continues on Page 40 new to horizon Bob’s Red Mill | Heritage Beans & Legumes 15 % OFF Celebrating the versatility and simplicity of beans, Bob’s Red Mill features a line of beautiful Heritage Beans that make it fun to experiment with the many flavours, colours and textures of beans and legumes. This month, we’re pleased to offer non-genetically modified Chana Dal (Split Desi Chickpeas), Mung Beans and Pacific Northwest grown Red Lentils, all of which are rich in fibre and provide a wealth of vitamins, minerals and protein. www.bobsredmill.com | Page 6 Central Roast | FoodFix Superfood Snack Bags 10 % OFF FoodFix satisfies real hunger with real nutrition and proves that good things come in small packages. Compact and convenient, portion controlled 50g bags—the perfect size to stash in your bag or desk—contain nutrient dense, whole foods like nuts, seeds, berries and grains with no fillers or binders. More than just another nut company, Central Roast Brands helps us make healthy choices when it comes to snack foods. For more than two decades, its dedicated team has sourced the finest raw ingredients www.centralroastbrands.com | Page 6 from around the world to create its wide range of products. Cha’s Organics (formerly Arayuma) | Fair Trade Organic Coconut Milk 10 % OFF The same products and people but a whole new look for 2016—Arayuma is becoming Cha’s Organics. North America’s first and only coconut milk to be Fairtrade certified, Cha’s Organics helps make the world better for its organic producers. What’s more, 1% of sales is donated for the protection of Sri Lanka’s endangered wild elephants. Contained in easy-open cans, certified organic, deliciously creamy Curry Masala and Lemongrass Ginger coconut milks offer a spicy twist that’s gluten and sulphite free. www.chasorganics.com | Page 6 Hardbite | Sweet Onion Handcrafted Potato Chips 10 % OFF Farmer grown, farmer owned Hardbite handcrafted potato and root vegetable chips are cooked in smaller batches to ensure the highest quality and are always free from GMOs, trans fats, gluten and cholesterol. New this month, Sweet Onion potato chips offer that satisfying crunch accompanied by a gentle infusion of onion—substantial, yet subtle. www.hardbitechips.com | Page 7 L’Ancêtre | Le Boucané Bio Applewood-Smoked Organic Cheddar 20 % OFF (Code 50164) Savour the smoky aroma and bold flavour of new Le Boucané Bio, an applewood-smoked cheddar from L’Ancêtre Cheese Factory. This Québec Vrai certified organic cheese, made with raw, organic milk from cows that have not received hormones, is preservative, lactose, animal rennet and GMO free. www.fromagerieancetre.com | Page 7 new to horizon Hungry Buddha | Coconut Chips 20 % OFF A member of 1% For The Planet, Hungry Buddha has created an outstanding, flavourful line of natural coconut chips that are delicious on their own or added to favourite recipes. Made with only non-GMO ingredients, Classic, Cheeky Chocolate, Smokin’ Sriracha and Wild Wasabi varieties are vegan, free of gluten, dairy, cholesterol and trans fat, and provide a source of dietary fibre. www.hungrybuddha.ca | Page 7 Nuts To You | Hazelnut Butter + Pecan Peanut Butter (365g) 15 % OFF Nuts To You Nut Butter is proudly Canadian owned and operated since 1989. New this edition, smooth Hazelnut Butter and Pecan Peanut Butter are made with dry roasted, blanched nuts and nothing else—no sodium, sugar, tropical oils, fillers or preservatives. Pure and simple. www.facebook.com/nutstoyounutbutterinc | Page 7 One Degree Organic Foods | Organic Sprouted Grain Cereals $2 80 OFF One Degree Organic Foods uses a dash of coconut palm sugar to sweeten the nonhybridized, nutrient-rich, sprouted grains found in its certified organic, Non-GMO Project verified sprouted grain cereals including new Sprouted Oat Honey O’s, Veganic Sprouted Oat O’s, Veganic Sprouted Red Fife Raisin Bran and Veganic Sprouted Spelt Flakes. One Degree delivers on its promise of transparency, which enables the consumer to trace every ingredient including “veganic” grains that are grown without animal-based fertilizers. www.onedegreeorganics.com | Page 8 Traditional Medicinals | Fair Trade Organic Green Tea w/Peppermint $1 80 OFF Traditional Medicinals teas and other herbal products are formulated according to welldefined systems of Traditional Herbal Medicine (THM). Traditional Medicinals uses pharmacopoeial grade herbs and is committed to the scientific study of its products, including rigorous quality control testing, which follows Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and sponsors clinical research. Certified fair trade varieties, like new Organic Green Tea Peppermint, are created with sustainably collected or cultivated, high quality herbs from long-term suppliers who receive fair wages and community support. ca.traditionalmedicinals.com | Page 9 horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code regular price page 5 special price discount new to horizon AMY’S QUINOA, KALE & RED LENTIL CANNED SOUP • ORGANIC 042272 90669 38783 E NEW Quinoa, Kale & Red Lentil, Organic (can)........................................................... 12/398ml 3.22ea38.64 2.90ea34.80 10% AMY’S SONOMA FROZEN VEGGIE BURGER Amy’s has proved itself as an innovator in the frozen foods category since 1987 to become today’s leading natural foods frozen brand. It remains a family owned business that is sensitive to the modern consumer seeking tasty, easy-to-prepare vegetarian meals. We’ve listed sure-to-please, gluten free, non-GMO, frozen varieties including Sonoma Veggie Burger made with organic veggies, mushrooms and quinoa. 042272 90373 54586 T NEW Sonoma Veggie Burger (gluten free/dairy free) (88% organic ingredients).... 12/284g 5.93ea71.16 5.34ea64.08 10% AMY’S FROZEN ENTRÉES Amy’s has proved itself as an innovator in the frozen foods category since 1987 to become today’s leading natural foods frozen brand. It remains a family owned business that is sensitive to the modern consumer seeking tasty, easy-to-prepare vegetarian meals. We’ve listed sure-to-please, gluten free, non-GMO, frozen varieties including vegan Black Beans & Quinoa Burrito and deliciously popular bowls of Chinese Noodles & Veggies w/Cashew Cream Sauce and Thai Green Curry w/Jasmine Rice, Sweet Potatoes & Spinach. 042272 90805 54499 T Light & Lean, Bowl, 3 Cheese Penne Marinara........................................................... 12/227g 4.67ea56.04 4.19ea50.28 10% 042272 90806 54501 T Light & Lean, Bowl, Spaghetti Italiano w/Meatless Meatballs.................................. 12/227g 4.67ea56.04 4.19ea50.28 10% 042272 90804 54504 T Light & Lean, Bowl, Sweet & Sour Asian Noodle........................................................ 12/227g 4.67ea56.04 4.19ea50.28 10% 042272 90062 54503 T Light & Lean, Spinach Lasagna.................................................................................... 12/227g 4.67ea56.04 4.19ea50.28 10% 042272 90902 54568 T Light & Lean, Quinoa & Black Beans w/Butternut Squash & Chard (DF/GF).............. 12/227g 4.67ea56.04 4.19ea50.28 10% 042272 90811 54485 T Bowl, Broccoli Cheddar Bake (gluten free) (79% organic ingredients)...................... 12/269g 4.67ea56.04 4.19ea50.28 10% 042272 90161 54488 T Bowl, Brown Rice & Vegetables................................................................................... 12/284g 4.67ea56.04 4.19ea50.28 10% 042272 91005 54588 T NEW Bowl, Chinese Noodles & Veggies w/Cashew Cream Sauce (GF) (93% org)..... 12/269g 4.61ea55.32 4.15ea49.80 10% 042272 90833 54569 T Bowl, Mushroom Risotto (gluten free) (93% organic ingredients)............................ 12/269g 4.67ea56.04 4.19ea50.28 10% 042272 90176 54484 T Bowl, Pesto Tortellini ................................................................................................... 12/269g 4.67ea56.04 4.19ea50.28 10% 042272 90160 54489 T Bowl, Teriyaki............................................................................................................... 12/269g 4.67ea56.04 4.19ea50.28 10% 042272 90978 54585 T NEW Bowl, Thai Green Curry, Jasmine Rice w/Sweet Potatoes & Spinach (GF)......... 12/284g 4.61ea55.32 4.15ea49.80 10% 042272 90989 54587 T NEW Burrito, Black Bean & Quinoa (gluten free/dairy free) (93% organic).............. 12/156g 2.84ea34.08 2.56ea30.72 10% ANCIENT HARVEST QUINOA PASTA & CHEESE DINNERS • ORGANIC Ancient Harvest creates organic, non-GMO, gluten free quinoa and ancient grain products that are full of enticing flavour and stellar nutrition. Creamy, cheddar-y Lentil & Quinoa Supergrain Mac & Cheese varieties are easy to prepare and sure to please kids of all ages. Every serving unites nutritious red lentils and quinoa to deliver 16g of protein, irresistible flavour and super satisfying texture. 089125 59130 17054 NEW Mac & Cheese, Red Lentil & Quinoa Elbows, Mild Cheddar (gluten free)......... 6/185g 3.09ea18.54 2.63ea15.78 15% 089125 59732 17056 NEW Mac & Cheese, Red Lentil & Quinoa Shells, Sharp Cheddar (gluten free)......... 6/185g 3.09ea18.54 2.63ea15.78 15% 089125 59731 17055 NEW Mac & Cheese, Red Lentil & Quinoa Shells, White Cheddar (gluten free)......... 6/185g 3.09ea18.54 2.63ea15.78 15% 089125 59100 17040 E Mac & Cheese, Quinoa Elbows & Mild Cheddar, Organic (gluten free)....................... 12/185g 3.90ea46.80 3.32ea39.84 15% 089125 59200 17041 E Mac & Cheese, Quinoa Llama Shaped Pasta & Mild Cheddar, Organic (gluten free). 12/185g 3.90ea46.80 3.32ea39.84 15% 089125 59702 17043 E Mac & Cheese, Quinoa Shells & Sharp Cheddar, Organic (gluten free)....................... 12/185g 3.90ea46.80 3.32ea39.84 15% 089125 59701 17042 E Mac & Cheese, Quinoa Shells & White Cheddar, Organic (gluten free)...................... 12/185g 3.90ea46.80 3.32ea39.84 15% ANCIENT HARVEST QUINOA PASTAS Ancient Harvest creates organic, non-GMO, gluten free quinoa and ancient grain products that are full of enticing flavour and stellar nutrition. Supergrain Pastas, made with hearty blends of quinoa and beans or lentils, are naturally nutritious noodles with the taste and texture of traditional pasta but twice the protein and a healthy helping of fibre in every serving. 089125 22930 17051 NEW Elbows, Black Bean & Quinoa (gluten free)....................................................... 6/227g 3.64ea21.84 3.09ea18.54 15% 089125 21930 17050 NEW Penne, Green Lentil & Quinoa (gluten free)....................................................... 6/227g 3.64ea21.84 3.09ea18.54 15% 089125 26930 17053 NEW Rotelle, Red Lentil & Quinoa (gluten free)......................................................... 6/227g 3.64ea21.84 3.09ea18.54 15% 089125 22900 17045 E Elbows Macaroni, Quinoa, Organic (gluten free)........................................................ 12/227g 3.64ea43.68 3.09ea37.08 15% 089125 23900 17046 E Linguine, Quinoa, Organic (gluten free)...................................................................... 12/227g 3.64ea43.68 3.09ea37.08 15% 089125 21900 17044 E Penne, Quinoa, Organic (gluten free).......................................................................... 12/227g 3.64ea43.68 3.09ea37.08 15% 089125 25900 17047 E Spaghetti, Quinoa, Organic (gluten free).................................................................... 12/227g 3.64ea43.68 3.09ea37.08 15% ANITA’S ORGANIC MILL BAKING MIXES • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 623636 99556 623636 99324 623636 99327 22910 EZ 21016 EZ 21017 EZ NEW Cake Mix, Chocolate, Organic............................................................................. 4/738g Signature Cookie Creations, Cookie Mix, Classic Chocolate Chip, Organic .................. 4/430g Signature Cookie Creations, Cookie Mix, Oatmeal Currant, Organic .......................... 4/460g 5.64ea22.56 4.82ea19.28 15% 4.86ea19.44 4.15ea16.60 15% 4.86ea19.44 4.15ea16.60 15% ANITA’S ORGANIC MILL FLOURS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC (continued on Page 6) Family owned and operated in Chilliwack, BC, Anita’s Organic uses low milling temperatures to ensure that its grains’ protein, minerals and essential vitamins are intact. Now available in new bags that are resealable for longer freshness and eliminate the need for storage containers. The cases have been redesigned also to be stackable, which allows for easy display and rotation. Look for a luscious new Chocolate Cake Mix, Sprouted Buckwheat Pancake Mix and seven new flours including a blanched almond variety and five popular offerings in new 2kg sizes. 623636 99535 22912 EZ NEW Almond Flour, Blanched, Organic...................................................................... 4/375g 13.54ea54.16 12.19ea48.76 10% 623636 99334 22252 EZ Coconut Flour, Organic................................................................................................. 4/680g 8.09ea32.36 6.85ea27.40 15% 623636 99550 22913 EZ NEW Buckwheat Flour, Light, Sprouted, Organic....................................................... 4/1kg 9.36ea37.44 7.99ea31.96 15% 623636 99339 22251 EZ Einkorn Flour (Farro), Organic...................................................................................... 4/1kg 6.82ea27.28 5.12ea20.48 25% 623636 99350 22238 EZ Kamut Flour, Sprouted, Organic.................................................................................. 4/1kg 7.41ea29.64 6.32ea25.28 15% 623636 99330 22239 EZ Spelt Flour, Sprouted, Organic..................................................................................... 4/1kg 7.23ea28.92 5.39ea21.56 25% 623636 50000 22128 EZ Spelt Flour, Stone Ground, Organic.............................................................................. 4/1kg 6.09ea24.36 5.48ea21.92 10% 623636 99310 22240 EZ Whole Wheat Flour, Sprouted, Organic....................................................................... 4/1kg 6.20ea24.80 5.29ea21.16 15% 623636 10121 22917 EZ NEW Buckwheat Flour, Light, Whole Grain, Organic.................................................. 4/2kg 12.41ea49.64 10.59ea42.36 15% 623636 99490 22914 EZ NEW Kamut Flour, Whole Grain, Sprouted, Organic................................................... 4/2kg 13.04ea52.16 11.13ea44.52 15% 623636 60001 22918 EZ NEW Khorasan Wheat (Kamut Brand) Flour, Organic................................................ 4/2kg 9.76ea39.04 8.26ea33.04 15% 623636 20031 22915 EZ NEW Spelt Flour, Whole Grain, Sprouted, Organic...................................................... 4/2kg 14.18ea56.72 12.10ea48.40 15% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 6 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price special price discount new to horizon ANITA’S ORGANIC MILL FLOURS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC (continued on Page 5) 623636 20021 623636 40002 623636 20002 623636 99359 623636 18003 623636 20030 623636 40003 22916 91618 91617 22317 20026 20108 20202 EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ NEW Wheat Flour, Whole Grain, Sprouted, Organic................................................... 4/2kg Unbleached White Flour, Organic................................................................................ 4/5kg Whole Wheat Flour, Stone Ground, Organic................................................................ 4/5kg Coconut Flour, Organic................................................................................................. 1/11.34kg Corn Flour, Fresh Ground, Organic............................................................................... 1/11.34kg Spelt Flour, Sprouted, Organic..................................................................................... 1/10kg Unbleached White Flour, Organic................................................................................ 1/10kg ANITA’S ORGANIC MILL PANCAKE & WAFFLE MIXES • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 623636 10001 623636 99560 02041 SEZ 22911 EZ Pancake & Waffle Mix, Multigrain, Organic................................................................. 4/1kg NEW Pancake & Waffle Mix, Sprouted Buckwheat, Organic...................................... 4/900g BOB’S RED MILL PACKAGED DRY HERITAGE BEANS & LEGUMES 039978 30676 039978 30427 039978 30435 20192 20189 20193 NEW Chana Dal (Split Desi Chickpeas) (non-GMO).................................................... 4/680g NEW Mung Beans (non-GMO).................................................................................... 4/765g NEW Red Lentils (non-GMO)....................................................................................... 4/765g 9.84ea39.36 8.32ea33.28 15% 19.67ea78.68 16.80ea67.20 15% 18.04ea72.16 15.26ea61.04 15% 61.01ea61.01 54.79ea54.79 10% 52.62ea52.62 47.54ea47.54 10% 47.08ea47.08 40.06ea40.06 15% 28.82ea28.82 26.03ea26.03 10% 6.08ea24.32 5.47ea21.88 10% 7.10ea28.40 6.06ea24.24 15% 7.53ea30.12 6.40ea25.60 15% 8.80ea35.20 7.48ea29.92 15% 5.95ea23.80 5.06ea20.24 15% BREMNER’S JUICES • CANADIAN Just juice and nothing else—each 946ml variety of 100% pure or organic juice is made from one pound of fruit with no added water, sugar or preservatives. Committed to quality and freshness, Bremner’s has farmed for more than thirty years and prides itself on premium quality and the finest ingredients. 834644 00307 05084 Z Black Cherry (bottle).................................................................................................... 12/946ml 6.34ea76.08 5.92ea71.04 $5.00 U 834644 00308 05087 EZ Blackberry, Organic (bottle)......................................................................................... 12/946ml 11.36ea136.32 10.94ea131.28$5.00 U 05080 Z Blueberry (bottle)........................................................................................................ 12/946ml 11.36ea136.32 10.94ea131.28$5.00 U 834644 00301 834644 00320 05239 EZ NEW Blueberry, Organic (bottle)................................................................................ 12/946ml 11.96ea143.52 10.76ea129.1210% U 05082 Z Blueberry Cranberry (bottle)....................................................................................... 12/946ml 11.36ea136.32 10.94ea131.28$5.00 U 834644 00303 834644 00306 05083 Z Blueberry Pomegranate (bottle)................................................................................. 12/946ml 11.36ea136.32 10.94ea131.28$5.00 U 05081 Z Cranberry (bottle)........................................................................................................ 12/946ml 11.36ea136.32 10.94ea131.28$5.00 U 834644 00202 834644 00312 05244 Z NEW Pomegranate (bottle)........................................................................................ 12/946ml 8.49ea101.88 7.64ea 91.6810% U 834644 00305 05086 EZ Pomegranate, Organic (bottle).................................................................................... 12/946ml 11.36ea136.32 10.94ea131.28$5.00 U 05167 EZ Prune, Organic.............................................................................................................. 12/946ml 7.60ea91.20 7.18ea86.16 $5.00 U 834644 00309 834644 00324 05085 Z Raspberry (bottle)........................................................................................................ 12/946ml 11.36ea136.32 10.94ea131.28$5.00 U 05247 Z NEW Blueberry (bottle)............................................................................................... 12/350ml 4.53ea54.36 4.08ea48.96 10% U 834644 00360 834644 00350 05245 EZ NEW Blueberry, Organic (bottle)................................................................................ 12/350ml 5.24ea62.88 4.72ea56.64 10% U 834644 00365 05248 Z NEW Pomegranate (bottle)........................................................................................ 12/350ml 4.53ea54.36 4.08ea48.96 10% U 05246 EZ NEW Pomegranate, Organic (bottle).......................................................................... 12/350ml 5.24ea62.88 4.72ea56.64 10% U 834644 00355 BRUCE COST UNFILTERED GINGER ALES Zesty, flavourful, natural ginger ales start with a deliciously simple formula of only fresh ginger (no extracts or oils) and pure cane sugar. Unfiltered and free of gums, stabilizers and preservatives, five sparkling varieties are rich with ginger particles that come alive with a simple shake before pouring. Their mouth feel is reminiscent of a beer or wine but they’re refreshing, alcohol free and provide iron, calcium and even a bit of vitamins A and C. 855235 00211 02703 NEW Ginger Ale, Unfiltered, Original (bottle)............................................................. 6/4x355ml 9.04ea54.24 8.14ea48.84 10% TU 855235 00212 02707 NEW Ginger Ale, Unfiltered, Jasmine Tea (bottle)...................................................... 6/4x355ml 9.04ea54.24 8.14ea48.84 10% TU 02706 NEW Ginger Ale, Unfiltered, Passion Fruit w/Turmeric (bottle)................................. 6/4x355ml 9.04ea54.24 8.14ea48.84 10% TU 855235 00214 855235 00213 02704 NEW Ginger Ale, Unfiltered, Pomegranate w/Hibiscus (bottle)................................ 6/4x355ml 9.04ea54.24 8.14ea48.84 10% TU 02708 NEW Ginger Ale, Unfiltered, Blood Orange w/Meyer Lemon (bottle)....................... 6/4x355ml 10.68ea64.08 9.61ea57.66 10% TU 855235 00215 CENTRAL ROAST FOODFIX SUPERFOOD SNACK BAGS • CANADIAN 817699 00174 817699 00180 817699 00156 817699 00168 17059 17060 17057 17058 Z Z Z Z NEW FoodFix, Snack Size, Antioxidant, Pure Nutberry Chocolate Mix....................... 12/50g NEW FoodFix, Snack Size, Breakfast, Peanut Butter Strawberry & Banana............... 12/50g NEW FoodFix, Snack Size, Energy, Energy Power Mix ................................................ 12/50g NEW FoodFix, Snack Size, Raw, Raw Mixed Nuts, Unsalted....................................... 12/50g EZ[ EZ[ EZ[ EZ[ NEW Coconut Milk, Curry Masala, Organic (Fair Trade).............................................. 12/400ml NEW Coconut Milk, Lemongrass Ginger, Organic (Fair Trade).................................... 12/400ml Coconut Milk, Light, Organic (Fair Trade)..................................................................... 12/400ml Coconut Milk, Premium, Organic (Fair Trade).............................................................. 12/400ml CHA’S ORGANICS (ARAYUMA) FAIR TRADE COCONUT MILK • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 806253 21046 806253 21047 806253 21042 806253 21041 15204 15205 15081 15080 1.70ea20.40 1.70ea20.40 1.70ea20.40 1.70ea20.40 1.53ea18.36 10% 1.53ea18.36 10% 1.53ea18.36 10% 1.53ea18.36 10% 3.40ea40.80 3.40ea40.80 2.93ea35.16 2.93ea35.16 3.06ea36.72 10% 3.06ea36.72 10% 2.64ea31.68 10% 2.64ea31.68 10% T T T T DAIYA CHEEZY MAC GLUTEN FREE MACARONI & DAIRY FREE CHEESE DINNERS • CANADIAN For years, deliciously dairy free Daiya cheese has been used to make the perfect mac ‘n’ cheese so the creators decided to make it even easier to enjoy this favourite comfort food without dairy, gluten or soy. We’re pleased to introduce Daiya Cheezy Mac in Deluxe Alfredo Style, Deluxe Cheddar Style and Deluxe White Cheddar Style varieties made with velvety cheeze sauce—in a convenient squeeze pouch, not powder—and hearty whole grains the whole family can enjoy. 871459 00234 50162 Z NEW Cheezy Mac, Deluxe Alfredo Style (gluten free/soy free/vegan)....................... 8/300g 4.03ea32.24 3.43ea27.44 15% 871459 00233 50161 Z NEW Cheezy Mac, Deluxe Cheddar Style (gluten free/soy free/vegan)..................... 8/300g 4.03ea32.24 3.43ea27.44 15% 871459 00235 50163 Z NEW Cheezy Mac, Deluxe White Cheddar Style (gluten free/soy free/vegan).......... 8/300g 4.03ea32.24 3.43ea27.44 15% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code regular price page 7 special price discount new to horizon DAIYA FROZEN GLUTEN & DAIRY FREE CHEEZECAKES • CANADIAN Delightfully indulgent, dairy and soy free Cheezecakes—available in New York, Key Lime, Chocolate, and Strawberry varieties—are made with artisan, gluten free crusts and rich, creamy fillings. 871459 00238 50160 TZ NEW Cheezecake, Chocolate (gluten free/soy free/vegan)........................................ 8/400g 6.12ea48.96 5.20ea41.60 15% 871459 00237 50158 TZ NEW Cheezecake, Key Lime (gluten free/soy free/vegan)......................................... 8/400g 6.12ea48.96 5.20ea41.60 15% 871459 00236 50157 TZ NEW Cheezecake, New York (gluten free/soy free/vegan)......................................... 8/400g 6.12ea48.96 5.20ea41.60 15% 871459 00239 50159 TZ NEW Cheezecake, Strawberry (gluten free/soy free/vegan)...................................... 8/400g 6.12ea48.96 5.20ea41.60 15% ECOS TOASTED COCONUT CHIPS Premium chips of single origin, sustainably farmed, GMO free coconut are cut thicker, toasted slowly and dressed with a touch of pure coconut flower nectar and mineral-rich sea salt to create a deliciously savoury snack or topping. 8527750 0360 07282 NEW Coconut Chips (non-GMO)................................................................................. 24/40g 2.23ea53.52 1.67ea40.08 25% T HARDBITE HANDCRAFTED CHIPS • CANADIAN 673513 11255 673513 11355 673513 11155 673513 10250 673513 21050 673513 21250 673513 21150 37637 37638 37518 37668 37456 37458 37457 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Beet Chips, Drop’n Mad Beets, Lightly Salted (gluten free/non-GMO)...................... 15/150g Carrot Chips, 18 Carrot Gold, Lightly Salted (gluten free/non-GMO).......................... 15/150g Parsnip Chips, Eat Your Parsnips, Lightly Salted (gluten free/non-GMO)................... 15/150g NEW Potato Chips, Sweet Onion (gluten free/non-GMO).......................................... 15/150g Snack Size, Potato Chips, All Natural (gluten free/non-GMO).................................... 30/23g Snack Size, Potato Chips, Rock Salt & Vinegar (gluten free/non-GMO)...................... 30/23g Snack Size, Potato Chips, Smokin’ BBQ (gluten free/non-GMO)................................. 30/23g Z Z Z Z NEW Coconut Chips, Cheeky Chocolate (non-GMO/vegan)....................................... 12/40g NEW Coconut Chips, Classic (non-GMO/vegan)......................................................... 12/40g NEW Coconut Chips, Smokin’ Sriracha (non-GMO/vegan)......................................... 12/40g NEW Coconut Chips, Wild Wasabi (non-GMO/vegan)................................................ 12/40g S¤EZ S¤EZ S¤EZ ¤EZ S¤EZ S¤EZ ¤EZ S¤EZ ¤EZ S¤EZ ¤EZ S¤EZ S¤EZ ¤EZ S¤EZ S¤EZ ¤EZ ¤EZ ¤EZ Slices, Cheddar, Mild, Organic (raw milk).................................................................... 12/180g Slices, Emmental, Organic (raw milk).......................................................................... 12/180g Slices, Mozzarella, Partly Skimmed, Organic (15% MF).............................................. 12/180g Single Serve, Cheddar, Mild, Organic (raw milk) (8/pkg)........................................... 8/21g Cheddar, Marble, Mild, Organic (raw milk)................................................................. 14/200g Cheddar, Medium, Organic (raw milk)........................................................................ 14/200g Cheddar, Medium, Light (Partly Skimmed), Organic (18% MF) (raw milk)............... 14/200g Cheddar, Mild, Organic (raw milk)............................................................................... 14/200g Cheddar, Mild, Light (Partly Skimmed), Organic (18% MF) (raw milk)..................... 14/200g Cheddar, Old, Organic (raw milk)................................................................................. 14/200g Cheddar, Old, Light (Partly Skimmed), Organic (18% MF) (raw milk)....................... 14/200g Emmental, Organic (raw milk).................................................................................... 12/200g Frugal, Skim Milk Cheese, Organic (7% MF)............................................................... 14/200g NEW Cheddar, Le Boucané Bio, Applewood Smoked, Organic (raw milk)................. 14/190g Mozzarella, Partly Skimmed, Organic (15% MF)........................................................ 14/200g Mozzarella, Partly Skimmed, Organic (20% MF)........................................................ 14/200g Mozzarella, Partly Skimmed, Organic (15% MF)........................................................ 8/325g Mozzarella, Partly Skimmed, Organic (20% MF)........................................................ 8/325g Mozzarella, Partly Skimmed, Organic (15% MF)........................................................ 1/2kg HUNGRY BUDDHA COCONUT CHIPS • CANADIAN 852953 00155 852953 00147 852953 00157 852953 00153 07285 07283 07286 07284 L’ANCÊTRE CHEESES • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 778177 49980 778177 49981 778177 49982 778177 50930 778177 49936 778177 49932 778177 49943 778177 49931 778177 49942 778177 49933 778177 49944 778177 49960 778177 11196 778177 49945 778177 11297 778177 11295 778177 14938 778177 14939 111111 50059 50065 50081 50077 50137 50016 50084 50152 50083 50150 50085 50153 50019 50087 50164 50088 50017 50042 50043 50059 3.32ea49.80 3.32ea49.80 3.32ea49.80 2.15ea32.25 0.50ea15.00 0.50ea15.00 0.50ea15.00 2.99ea44.85 10% 2.99ea44.85 10% 2.99ea44.85 10% 1.94ea29.10 10% 0.45ea13.50 10% 0.45ea13.50 10% 0.45ea13.50 10% T T T T T T T 1.77ea21.24 1.77ea21.24 1.77ea21.24 1.77ea21.24 1.42ea17.04 20% 1.42ea17.04 20% 1.42ea17.04 20% 1.42ea17.04 20% T T T T 5.29ea63.48 4.76ea57.12 10% 5.36ea64.32 4.82ea57.84 10% 5.21ea62.52 4.17ea50.04 20% 6.91ea55.28 6.22ea49.76 10% 5.31ea74.34 4.78ea66.92 10% 5.31ea74.34 4.78ea66.92 10% 5.52ea77.28 4.42ea61.88 20% 5.26ea73.64 4.73ea66.22 10% 5.46ea76.44 4.37ea61.18 20% 5.46ea76.44 4.91ea68.74 10% 5.63ea78.82 4.50ea63.00 20% 5.46ea65.52 4.91ea58.92 10% 5.19ea72.66 4.15ea58.10 20% 6.76ea94.64 5.41ea75.74 20% 5.15ea72.10 4.12ea57.68 20% 4.90ea68.60 3.92ea54.88 20% 8.20ea65.60 6.56ea52.48 20% 8.08ea64.64 6.46ea51.68 20% 24.07/kg48.14 19.26/kg38.5220% LITTLE NORTHERN BAKEHOUSE FROZEN GLUTEN FREE BREADS • CANADIAN Using only the finest quality, Non-GMO Project verified ingredients, Abbotsford’s Little Northern Bakehouse employs all its skills and craftsmanship to bake certified gluten free, vegan breads that actually taste delicious. Its Cinnamon & Raisin, Millet & Chia, and Seeds & Grains varieties prove why it’s quickly becoming known as the little bakery with the great, big taste. 671521 40030 55386 TZ NEW Bread, Cinnamon & Raisin (gluten free/vegan/non-GMO)............................... 6/482g 5.33ea31.98 4.81ea28.86 $3.13 671521 40010 55384 TZ NEW Bread, Millet & Chia (gluten free/vegan/non-GMO)......................................... 6/454g 5.33ea31.98 4.81ea28.86 $3.13 671521 40020 55385 TZ NEW Bread, Seeds & Grains (gluten free/vegan/non-GMO)...................................... 6/482g 5.33ea31.98 4.81ea28.86 $3.13 MUIR GLEN CANNED TOMATOES • ORGANIC Field to can in just eight hours—rich and juicy, organically grown and processed, GMO free Muir Glen tomatoes are cultivated in the fertile, sun-drenched central valley of California. Packed in BPA free cans, diced and crushed varieties are available this month in plain, basil, and luscious, smoky, fire roasted flavours. 065633 47168 33209 E NEW Crushed Tomatoes w/Basil, Organic (can)......................................................... 12/796ml 4.46ea53.52 4.06ea48.72 $4.75 065633 47167 33208 E NEW Crushed Tomatoes, Fire Roasted, Organic (can)................................................. 12/796ml 4.46ea53.52 4.06ea48.72 $4.75 065633 47174 33211 E NEW Diced Tomatoes, Fire Roasted, Organic (can)..................................................... 12/796ml 4.46ea53.52 4.06ea48.72 $4.75 065633 47171 33212 E NEW Diced Tomatoes, Organic (can)........................................................................... 12/796ml 4.46ea53.52 4.06ea48.72 $4.75 NUTS TO YOU NUT & SEED BUTTERS • CANADIAN 068892 20010 068892 20050 068892 32482 068892 32481 42208 42209 42332 42330 Z Z SEZ SEZ NEW Hazelnut Butter, Smooth................................................................................... 12/365g NEW Pecan Peanut Butter, Smooth............................................................................ 12/365g Peanut Butter, Blanched, Crunchy, Organic................................................................. 12/500g Peanut Butter, Blanched, Smooth, Organic................................................................. 12/500g 10.40ea124.80 7.90ea94.80 5.91ea70.92 5.91ea70.92 8.80ea105.6015% 6.68ea80.16 15% 5.03ea60.36 15% 5.03ea60.36 15% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 8 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price special price discount new to horizon ONE DEGREE ORGANIC FOODS SPROUTED GRAIN CEREALS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 675625 30601 675625 31401 675625 30203 675625 30102 675625 30302 675625 30501 675625 30401 675625 31501 675625 31206 675625 31703 28126 28152 28121 28123 28117 28115 28113 28153 28154 28155 EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Sprouted Khorasan Honey O’s, Organic....................................................................... 6/227g NEW Sprouted Oat Honey O’s, Organic....................................................................... 6/284g Veganic Sprouted Ancient Grain Flakes, Organic......................................................... 6/340g Veganic Sprouted Ancient Grain O’s, Organic.............................................................. 6/227g Veganic Sprouted Ancient Maize Flakes, Organic........................................................ 6/340g Veganic Sprouted Brown Rice Cacao Crisps, Organic.................................................. 6/284g Veganic Sprouted Brown Rice Crisps, Organic............................................................. 6/227g NEW Veganic Sprouted Oat O’s, Organic..................................................................... 6/227g NEW Veganic Sprouted Red Fife Raisin Bran, Organic................................................ 6/312g NEW Veganic Sprouted Spelt Flakes, Organic............................................................. 6/340g 4.63ea27.78 4.44ea26.64 4.63ea27.78 4.63ea27.78 4.63ea27.78 4.63ea27.78 4.63ea27.78 4.44ea26.64 4.44ea26.64 4.44ea26.64 4.16ea24.96 $2.80 3.97ea23.82 $2.80 4.16ea24.96 $2.80 4.16ea24.96 $2.80 4.16ea24.96 $2.80 4.16ea24.96 $2.80 4.16ea24.96 $2.80 3.97ea23.82 $2.80 3.97ea23.82 $2.80 3.97ea23.82 $2.80 ONTARIO NATURAL FERMENTED KALE SAUERKRAUT • CANADIAN • ORGANIC Ontario Natural offers distinctly flavourful, healthy food products that are organically grown and produced from Ontario farms. New bottled Organic Kale Sauerkraut features finely sliced organic cabbage that has been slow-fermented along with organic kale. This raw, unpasteurized blend provides a zesty addition to any plate. 889044 01006 01013 ¤EZ NEW Sauerkraut, Kale, Organic................................................................................... 12/375ml 6.66ea79.92 5.99ea71.88 10% ORGANIC INDIA TULSI TEAS • ORGANIC Tulsi, the remarkable, adaptogenic herb known also as Holy Basil, is abundant in antioxidants and helps to support our immunity, aid digestion and reduce stress. This month, Organic India introduces eight new ways to enjoy the great tastes and benefits with its boxed line of certified organic, GMO free teas, which are formulated for wellness with a variety of other healthy ingredients. 801541 50890 12620 E Tulsi, Original, Organic................................................................................................. 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50006 13245 E NEW Tulsi, Breakfast, Organic..................................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50891 12621 E Tulsi, Chai Masala, Organic........................................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50772 12939 E Tulsi, Cinnamon Rose, Organic..................................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50773 12940 E Tulsi, Ginger, Organic.................................................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50021 12349 E Tulsi, Gotu Kola, Organic.............................................................................................. 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50894 12624 E Tulsi, Green Tea, Organic.............................................................................................. 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50005 13244 E NEW Tulsi, Honey Chamomile, Organic...................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50007 13246 E NEW Tulsi, Jasmine, Organic....................................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50774 12987 E Tulsi, Jasmine Green Tea, Organic................................................................................ 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50895 12628 E Tulsi, Lemon Ginger, Organic....................................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50896 12629 E Tulsi, Licorice Spice, Organic......................................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50862 13243 E NEW Tulsi, Moringa, Organic....................................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50897 12632 E Tulsi, Peppermint, Organic........................................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50893 12623 E Tulsi, Pomegranate Green, Organic............................................................................. 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50013 13248 E NEW Tulsi, Raspberry Peach, Organic......................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50892 12622 E Tulsi, Red Chai Masala, Organic................................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50014 13247 E NEW Tulsi, Red Mango, Organic.................................................................................. 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50898 12636 E Tulsi, Sweet Rose, Organic........................................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 51232 13242 E NEW Tulsi, Turmeric Ginger, Organic........................................................................... 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50017 13249 E NEW Tulsi, Vanilla Crème, Organic.............................................................................. 6/18bags 5.87ea35.22 4.70ea28.20 20% 801541 50594 13152 E Tulsi, Green Tea, Organic (loose leaf/canister)............................................................. 6/100g 7.52ea45.12 6.02ea36.12 20% 801541 50595 12989 E Tulsi, Lemon Ginger, Organic (loose leaf/canister)...................................................... 6/100g 9.31ea55.86 7.45ea44.70 20% 801541 50593 12988 E Tulsi, Original, Organic (loose leaf/canister)................................................................ 6/100g 7.52ea45.12 6.02ea36.12 20% 801541 50597 13154 E Tulsi, Pomegranate Green, Organic (loose leaf/canister)............................................ 6/100g 9.31ea55.86 7.45ea44.70 20% 801541 50596 13153 E Tulsi, Raspberry Peach, Organic (loose leaf/canister)................................................. 6/100g 9.31ea55.86 7.45ea44.70 20% 801541 50598 13048 E Tulsi, Sweet Rose, Organic (loose leaf/canister).......................................................... 6/100g 9.31ea55.86 7.45ea44.70 20% PRAIRIE HARVEST SAN ZENONE CORN, RICE & QUINOA PASTAS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC For more than thirty years, Prairie Harvest has produced pastas at the same location in Edmonton that have been first-to-market in Canada many times. We’re pleased that they’ll do it again with the launch of innovative categories including new San Zenone Organic Ancient 4 Grain Gluten Free Quinoa Pasta, a nutritious, gluten free blend of quinoa, corn, rice and highly digestible buckwheat grain. 624756 77399 30371 EZ NEW Fusilli, Quinoa, Corn, Rice & Buckwheat, Organic (gluten free)......................... 12/340g 3.29ea39.48 2.96ea35.52 10% 624756 77427 30370 EZ NEW Penne, Quinoa, Corn, Rice & Buckwheat, Organic (gluten free)........................ 12/340g 3.29ea39.48 2.96ea35.52 10% 624756 77012 30372 EZ NEW Spaghetti, Quinoa, Corn, Rice & Buckwheat, Organic (gluten free).................. 12/340g 3.29ea39.48 2.96ea35.52 10% SEVENTH GENERATION HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS (continued on Page 9) 732913 22719 732913 22713 732913 22750 47027 47034 47028 732913 22152 732913 22821 732913 22895 732913 22747 732913 22807 46149 46334 46247 46134 S 46133 S NEW All Purpose Natural Cleaner, Spray, Free & Clear (unscented)........................... 8/946ml 4.75ea38.00 4.04ea32.32 15% NEW Glass & Surface Natural Cleaner, Spray, Free & Clear (unscented).................... 8/946ml 4.75ea38.00 4.04ea32.32 15% NEW Tub & Tile Cleaner, Spray, Emerald Cypress & Fir................................................ 8/946ml 4.75ea38.00 4.04ea32.32 15% For more than 25 years, Seventh Generation, a Certified B Corporation, has formulated safe and effective, plant based laundry and household cleaning products. Household spray cleaners are non-toxic and VOC free but tough on dirt with no harsh fumes. Scented varieties are made with only essential oils and botanical extracts while Free & Clear hypoallergenic formulations are dermatologist tested and made for sensitive skin. Never tested on animals, each USDA certified biobased variety is packed in 100% recycled plastic. Automatic Dishwasher Powder................................................................................... 12/1.3kg 4.73ea56.76 4.02ea48.24 15% Automatic Dishwasher Gel, Free & Clear (unscented)................................................. 6/1.1L 4.86ea29.16 4.13ea24.78 15% Automatic Dishwasher Detergent Concentrated Pacs, Free & Clear (unscented)....... 12/22ct 5.46ea65.52 4.64ea55.68 15% Dish Liquid, Free & Clear (unscented).......................................................................... 12/739ml 3.35ea40.20 2.85ea34.20 15% Dish Liquid, Lemongrass Scent.................................................................................... 12/739ml 3.35ea40.20 2.85ea34.20 15% PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code regular price page 9 special price discount new to horizon SEVENTH GENERATION HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS (continued on Page 8) 732913 22748 732913 22919 732913 22918 732913 22917 732913 22704 46132 S 46063 46062 46165 46056 Dish Liquid, Natural Lavender Scent............................................................................ 12/739ml Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner................................................................................... 8/768ml Disinfecting Multi-Surface Cleaner............................................................................. 8/768ml Disinfecting Wipes....................................................................................................... 12/35ct Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Natural Mint................................................................................ 8/946ml 3.35ea40.20 3.72ea29.76 3.72ea29.76 3.72ea44.64 4.64ea37.12 2.85ea34.20 15% 3.16ea25.28 15% 3.16ea25.28 15% 3.16ea37.92 15% 3.94ea31.52 15% PT PT PT PT PT SEVENTH GENERATION LAUNDRY PRODUCTS For more than 25 years, Seventh Generation, a Certified B Corporation, has formulated safe and effective, plant based laundry and household cleaning products. Stain fighting, natural laundry detergents are free of synthetic fragrances, dyes and artificial brighteners. Scented varieties are made with only essential oils and botanical extracts while Free & Clear hypoallergenic formulations are dermatologist tested and made for sensitive skin. Never tested on animals, each USDA certified biobased variety is packed in 100% recycled plastic. 732913 22768 47023 NEW Laundry Liquid, Natural, Fresh Citrus, HE........................................................... 6/1.47L 9.08ea54.48 7.72ea46.32 15% PT 732913 22779 47024 NEW Laundry Liquid, Natural, Fresh Citrus, HE........................................................... 4/2.95L 16.14ea64.56 13.72ea54.88 15% PT 47025 NEW Laundry Liquid, Natural, Free & Clear, HE (unscented)...................................... 4/4.43L 24.23ea96.92 20.60ea82.40 15% PT 732913 22803 732913 22794 47026 NEW Laundry Liquid, Natural, Lavender & Blue Eucalyptus, HE................................ 4/4.43L 24.23ea96.92 20.60ea82.40 15% PT 46138 Laundry Liquid, 2X Ultra, Blue Eucalyptus & Lavender............................................... 6/1.47L 8.87ea53.22 7.54ea45.24 15% PT 732913 22770 732913 22769 46137 Laundry Liquid, 2X Ultra, Free & Clear (unscented).................................................... 6/1.47L 8.87ea53.22 7.54ea45.24 15% PT 46171 Laundry Liquid, 2X Ultra, Blue Eucalyptus & Lavender............................................... 4/2.96L 15.77ea63.08 13.40ea53.60 15% PT 732913 22781 732913 22780 46170 Laundry Liquid, 2X Ultra, Free & Clear (unscented).................................................... 4/2.96L 15.77ea63.08 13.40ea53.60 15% PT 732913 22827 46197 Laundry Liquid, Natural 4X, Free & Clear (unscented) (fibre pack)............................ 6/1.47L 15.77ea94.62 13.40ea80.40 15% PT 46198 Laundry Liquid, Natural 4X, Geranium Blossoms & Vanilla (fibre pack)..................... 6/1.47L 15.77ea94.62 13.40ea80.40 15% PT 732913 22828 732913 22839 46246 Fabric Softener, Blue Eucalyptus & Lavender.............................................................. 6/946ml 5.45ea32.70 4.63ea27.78 15% PT 46199 Natural Laundry Stain Remover, Spray, Free & Clear (unscented).............................. 8/651ml 4.08ea32.64 3.47ea27.76 15% PT 732913 22843 SILK CREAMY CASHEW UNSWEETENED VANILLA REFRIGERATED NON-DAIRY BEVERAGE Irresistibly creamy taste with just 25 calories! Dairy, gluten, cholesterol and soy free, Non-GMO Project verified Silk Unsweetened Vanilla Creamy Cashew delivers smooth, creamy taste and a delicious note of vanilla. With 70% fewer calories than skim milk and no added sugar or saturated fat, it’s delightfully drinkable. 025293 00369 07281 ¤ NEW Creamy Cashew, Fortified, Unsweetened, Vanilla (tetrapak)............................ 6/1.89L 4.71ea28.26 new listing U SO DELICIOUS DAIRY FREE ALMOND MILK MINIS BARS FROZEN MULTIPACK NOVELTIES So Delicious dairy free almond milk frozen desserts are smooth and creamy without the extra calories and fat of dairy ice cream. All of its almond milk products, including new Mocha Almond Fudge Minis Bars, are soy and gluten free and Non-GMO Project verified. 744473 00025 55383 T NEW Minis Bars, Almond Milk, Mocha Almond Fudge, Chocolate Covered (GF)....... 12/4x68ml 4.55ea54.60 4.10ea49.20 10% T TRADITIONAL MEDICINALS WELLNESS TEAS 032917 10164 032917 10197 032917 10187 032917 10165 032917 10201 032917 10167 032917 10189 032917 10188 12140 13208 E 12942 E 12163 E 13251 E[ 12160 E 12950 E 12951 Eater’s Digest................................................................................................................ 6/20bags Organic EveryDay Detox, Dandelion, Organic.............................................................. 6/20bags Organic EveryDay Detox, Lemon, Organic................................................................... 6/20bags Organic Ginger Aid, Organic......................................................................................... 6/20bags NEW Organic Green w/Peppermint, Organic (Fair Trade)........................................... 6/20bags Organic Smooth Move Senna, Organic........................................................................ 6/20bags Organic Smooth Move, Peppermint, Organic.............................................................. 6/20bags Smooth Move, Chamomile.......................................................................................... 6/20bags 4.57ea27.42 4.57ea27.42 4.57ea27.42 4.57ea27.42 4.57ea27.42 4.57ea27.42 4.57ea27.42 4.57ea27.42 4.27ea25.62 $1.80 4.27ea25.62 $1.80 4.27ea25.62 $1.80 4.27ea25.62 $1.80 4.27ea25.62 $1.80 4.27ea25.62 $1.80 4.27ea25.62 $1.80 4.27ea25.62 $1.80 TWO BEARS COLD BREW COFFEE CO. READY-TO-DRINK BOTTLED COFFEE • CANADIAN Proudly owned and operated by Canadian entrepreneurs, with its great taste and distinctive branding, Two Bears is ready to become Canada’s favourite, bottled, cold brew coffee. The Two Bears original recipe uses premium, direct trade coffee beans that are steeped in cold filtered water for 16 hours to produce a subtly sweet, smooth tasting, ready-to-drink, cold brew coffee that is free of added sugar, artificial sweeteners and GMOs. 627843 48257 10065 ¤Z NEW Cold Brew Coffee, Original (bottle).................................................................... 6/295ml 3.08ea18.48 TU VANCOUVER CROISSANT (GOURMET CROISSANT) FROZEN CROISSANTS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC Originally established as the Vancouver Croissanterie more than two decades ago, this family owned and operated business has become renowned throughout the Lower Mainland for its gourmet croissants. Vancouver Croissant distinguishes itself by using traditional techniques and recipes and only natural and organic ingredients. We’re pleased to add new, bake-at-home croissant varieties (including vegan and certified organic options) and puff pastry sheets to our assortment. 626639 01431 55382 TZ NEW Croissants, Apple (made w/organic flour)......................................................... 12/480g 10.12ea121.44 9.11ea109.3210% 626639 11522 55380 TEZ NEW Croissants, Chocolate, Organic (vegan).............................................................. 12/450g 11.00ea132.00 9.90ea118.8010% 626639 11511 55379 TZ NEW Croissants, Mozza Style (vegan) (made w/organic flour)................................. 12/480g 11.59ea139.08 10.43ea125.1610% 626639 11504 55378 TEZ NEW Croissants, Plain, Organic (vegan)...................................................................... 12/480g 9.92ea119.04 8.93ea107.1610% VANCOUVER CROISSANT (GOURMET CROISSANT) FROZEN PUFFED PASTRY SHEETS • CANADIAN 626639 14424 55381 TZ NEW Puff Pastry, Sheets (made w/organic flour)...................................................... 26/500g 6.60ea171.60 5.94ea154.4410% WHOLLY WHOLESOME FROZEN PIE SHELLS Wholly Wholesome Traditional and Whole Wheat bake-at-home, 9-inch pie shells are made with organic ingredients and conveniently sold two per package. Gluten Free 9-inch pie shells are wheat, dairy, egg, soy and nut free and produced in a dedicated gluten free environment. Each frozen variety is ready to fill and bake. 074677 99033 54589 T NEW Pie Shells, Gluten Free (9") (ready-to-bake) (2/pkg)......................................... 6/2x396g 5.43ea32.58 4.62ea27.72 15% 074677 99010 54590 TE NEW Pie Shells, Traditional, Organic (9") (ready-to-bake) (2/pkg)............................ 12/2x396g 4.83ea57.96 4.11ea49.32 15% 074677 99011 54591 TE NEW Pie Shells, Whole Wheat, Organic (9") (ready-to-bake) (2/pkg)....................... 12/2x396g 4.83ea57.96 4.11ea49.32 15% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 10 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price special price discount on special this month ALEXIA FROZEN ONION RINGS 834183 00405 55181 T Onion Rings, Crispy Golden Onions w/Sea Salt (bag)................................................. 12/340g ALEXIA FROZEN PREPARED POTATOES 834183 00458 834183 00411 834183 00453 834183 00459 834183 00451 834183 00454 834183 00413 55099 55124 55019 55114 55169 55020 55012 T T T T T T T Crispy Bite-Size Puffs, Sweet Potato............................................................................ 12/567g Julienne Fries, Sweet Potato (bag).............................................................................. 12/425g Julienne Fries, Spicy Sweet Potato, Chipotle Seasoning (bag)................................... 12/567g Oven Reds (Wedges), Olive Oil, Parmesan & Roasted Garlic (bag)............................. 12/425g Potato Wedges, Olive Oil, Rosemary & Garlic (bag) .................................................... 12/450g Waffle Fries, Waffle Cut Potatoes w/Seasoned Salt (bag).......................................... 12/567g Julienne Fries, Sweet Potato........................................................................................ 8/1.81kg ALTER ECO FAIR TRADE CHOCOLATE BARS • ORGANIC 817670 01020 817670 01051 817670 01025 817670 01023 817670 01024 817670 01052 817670 01053 35232 35284 35237 35235 35236 35285 35286 E[ E[ E[ E[ E[ E[ E[ Dark Blackout Chocolate, Bittersweet, 85% Cocoa, Organic (Fair Trade).................... 12/80g Dark Chocolate, Sea Salt, 70% Cacao, Organic (Fair Trade)......................................... 12/80g Dark Coconut Toffee Chocolate, 47% Cocoa, Organic (Fair Trade)............................... 12/80g Dark Mint Chocolate, 60% Cocoa, Organic (Fair Trade)............................................... 12/80g Dark Quinoa Chocolate, 60% Cocoa, Organic (Fair Trade)........................................... 12/80g Dark Salted Chocolate, Brown Butter, 70% Cacao, Organic (Fair Trade)..................... 12/80g Dark Salted Chocolate, Burnt Caramel, 70% Cacao, Organic (Fair Trade)................... 12/80g ALTER ECO FAIR TRADE DARK CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES • ORGANIC 817670 01039 817670 01064 817670 01063 817670 01040 14449 14476 14475 14450 E[ E[ E[ E[ Black Truffles, Dark Chocolate, 53% Cocoa, Organic (Fair Trade)................................. 8/120g Truffles, Dark Chocolate, Salted Caramel, Organic (Fair Trade)................................... 8/120g Truffles, Dark Chocolate, Sea Salt, Organic (Fair Trade)............................................... 8/120g Velvet Truffles, Dark Milk Chocolate, 39% Cocoa, Organic (Fair Trade)....................... 8/120g ALTER ECO FAIR TRADE QUINOA • ORGANIC 817670 01002 817670 01003 817670 01001 22144 E[ 22168 E[ 22145 E[ Quinoa, Pearl, Organic (Fair Trade).............................................................................. 8/454g Quinoa, Rainbow, Organic (Fair Trade)........................................................................ 8/397g Quinoa, Red, Organic (Fair Trade)................................................................................ 8/454g AMY’S CANNED CHILIES • ORGANIC 042272 90511 042272 90510 042272 90512 38222 E 38221 E 38223 E Chili w/Vegetables, Medium, Organic (can)................................................................ 12/398ml Chili, Medium, Organic (can)....................................................................................... 12/398ml Chili, Spicy, Organic (can)............................................................................................. 12/398ml ANCIENT HARVEST QUINOA • ORGANIC 089125 12900 089125 18900 089125 17900 22256 E 28143 E 28142 E Quinoa, Traditional (Gourmet), Organic...................................................................... 12/340g Quinoa, Harmony Blend (White/Red/Black), Organic (gluten free)........................... 12/340g Quinoa, Inca Red, Organic (gluten free)...................................................................... 12/340g 3.64ea43.68 3.09ea37.08 15% 4.06ea48.72 3.27ea39.24 4.06ea48.72 2.99ea35.88 2.99ea35.88 4.06ea48.72 9.50ea76.00 3.45ea41.40 15% 2.78ea33.36 15% 3.45ea41.40 15% 2.54ea30.48 15% 2.54ea30.48 15% 3.45ea41.40 15% 8.08ea64.64 15% 2.99ea35.88 2.99ea35.88 2.99ea35.88 2.99ea35.88 2.99ea35.88 2.99ea35.88 2.99ea35.88 2.55ea30.60 15% 2.55ea30.60 15% 2.55ea30.60 15% 2.55ea30.60 15% 2.55ea30.60 15% 2.55ea30.60 15% 2.55ea30.60 15% T T T T T T T 7.02ea56.16 7.02ea56.16 7.02ea56.16 7.02ea56.16 5.98ea47.84 15% 5.98ea47.84 15% 5.98ea47.84 15% 5.98ea47.84 15% T T T T 8.00ea64.00 6.77ea54.16 15% 8.00ea64.00 6.77ea54.16 15% 8.00ea64.00 6.77ea54.16 15% 3.01ea36.12 2.72ea32.64 10% 3.01ea36.12 2.72ea32.64 10% 3.01ea36.12 2.72ea32.64 10% 6.99ea83.88 5.94ea71.28 15% 6.99ea83.88 5.94ea71.28 15% 6.99ea83.88 5.94ea71.28 15% ANCIENT HARVEST QUINOA ELBOW PASTA 089125 22500 30090 Elbows, Quinoa............................................................................................................ 1/4.54kg 56.84ea56.84 48.31ea48.31 15% ANITA’S ORGANIC MILL BREAKFAST BOOSTERS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 623636 80050 623636 80040 623636 80030 22166 EZ 22164 EZ 22163 EZ Breakfast Boost, Ancient Grain, Organic...................................................................... 6/250g Breakfast Boost, Chia & Hemp, Organic....................................................................... 6/275g Breakfast Boost, Nut & Seed, Organic.......................................................................... 6/250g ANITA’S ORGANIC MILL CEREALS & GRAINS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 623636 70001 623636 71012 623636 70008 623636 70003 623636 70024 623636 20114 623636 30009 20067 22117 22109 22040 28058 22130 22120 EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Oats, Rolled, Regular, Organic...................................................................................... 4/1kg Oats, Hulled, Organic.................................................................................................... 1/11.34kg Oats, Rolled, Quick Cooking, Organic........................................................................... 1/11.34kg Oats, Rolled, Regular, Organic...................................................................................... 1/11.34kg Oats, Steel Cut, Organic................................................................................................ 1/11.34kg Wheat Bran, Organic.................................................................................................... 1/11.34kg Rye, Whole, Organic..................................................................................................... 1/20kg ANITA’S ORGANIC MILL INSTANT HOT CEREALS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 623636 99308 623636 99312 623636 99353 22263 EZ 22265 EZ 22264 EZ Morning Rush, Classic Apple Cinnamon, Organic....................................................... 4/330g Morning Rush, Raisin & Spice, Organic........................................................................ 4/330g Morning Rush, Raw Cocoa, Organic............................................................................. 4/330g ANNIE CHUN’S NOODLE BOWLS 765667 10430 765667 10410 39022 39023 Noodle Bowl, Peanut Sesame..................................................................................... 6/257g Noodle Bowl, Teriyaki................................................................................................... 6/232g ANNIE CHUN’S ROASTED SEAWEED SNACKS 765667 10710 765667 10720 24045 24046 Sesame......................................................................................................................... 12/10g Wasabi.......................................................................................................................... 12/10g 6.85ea41.10 6.08ea36.48 11% 6.85ea41.10 6.17ea37.02 10% 6.85ea41.10 6.17ea37.02 10% 5.40ea21.60 4.86ea19.44 10% 34.05ea34.05 30.55ea30.55 10% 33.75ea33.75 30.26ea30.26 10% 33.75ea33.75 30.26ea30.26 10% 33.75ea33.75 30.26ea30.26 10% 22.57ea22.57 20.22ea20.22 10% 32.50ea32.50 29.17ea29.17 10% 4.17ea16.68 3.56ea14.24 15% 4.17ea16.68 3.56ea14.24 15% 4.17ea16.68 3.56ea14.24 15% 4.16ea24.96 3.79ea22.74 $2.23 4.16ea24.96 3.79ea22.74 $2.23 2.45ea29.40 2.24ea26.88 $2.48 2.45ea29.40 2.24ea26.88 $2.48 T T E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge new year / fresh start 10–11% OFF Anita’s Organic Mill Z $1.75–$4.80 OFF Manitoba Harvest Z Organic Breakfast Boosters An easy way to start the day with omegas, protein and fibre, Breakfast Boost varieties enhance everything from yogurt and cereal to salads, baked goods and more. www.anitasorganic.com Page 10 Hemp Hearts Simple to use, no need to grind, raw shelled hemp seeds are easyto-digest, plant based protein that is rich in rare omegas, fibre and other minerals. www.manitobaharvest.com Page 26 10% OFF 10% OFF Ontario Natural Z Sunflower Kitchen Z Organic Kale Sauerkraut Cooler | Organically grown and produced from Ontario farms, finely sliced organic cabbage is slow-fermented along with organic kale in a zesty, raw blend. www.ontarionatural.ca Page 8 Hummus+ Spreads & Dips Cooler | Festive, unique and bold– the Non-GMO Project verified Hummus+ line of gourmet dips and spreads features a delicious variety of toppings. www.sunflowerkitchen.com Page 35 $3.00 OFF 10% OFF Bremner’s Z Central Roast Z Berries & Fruits Freezer | Using local fruits first, including its own, locally grown in BC blueberries, the only ingredient in any Bremner’s product is the fruit. www.bremnerfoods.com Page 13 FoodFix Superfood Snacks Compact and convenient, portion controlled 50g bags contain nutrient dense, whole foods like nuts, seeds, berries and grains with no fillers or binders. www.centralroastbrands.com Page 6 10–15% OFF 20% OFF Cold Pressed Organic Juices Cooler | Raw, non-GMO juice blends, cold-pressed from only the freshest, organic fruits and vegetables and never heated in order to retain valuable nutrients. www.blueprintjuice.com Page 12 Organic Tulsi Teas Certified organic, GMO free wellness teas formulated with tulsi, the remarkable, adaptogenic herb known also as Holy Basil, and other healthy ingredients. www.organicindiausa.com Page 8 BluePrint Organic India page 12 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price ANNIE CHUN’S SOUP BOWLS 765667 10110 765667 10120 38566 38567 Soup Bowl, Miso Soup................................................................................................. 6/155g Soup Bowl, Udon Soup................................................................................................ 6/150g ANNIE’S HOMEGROWN BUNNY FRUIT SNACKS • ORGANIC 013562 11151 013562 04229 013562 11150 16526 E 16660 E 16525 E Bunny Fruit Snacks, Berry Patch, Organic.................................................................... 12/115g Bunny Fruit Snacks, Pink Lemonade, Organic............................................................. 12/115g Bunny Fruit Snacks, Summer Strawberry, Organic..................................................... 12/115g ANNIE’S HOMEGROWN CHEDDAR BUNNIES BAKED SNACK CRACKERS 013562 00154 16694 Baked Snack Crackers, Snack Packs, Cheddar Bunnies (6/pkg).................................. 6/170g ANNIE’S HOMEGROWN GLUTEN FREE BUNNY COOKIES 013562 04230 013562 00109 013562 00153 16663 38735 13206 Bunny Cookies, Cocoa & Vanilla (gluten free).............................................................. 12/191g Bunny Cookies, SnickerDoodle, Cinnamon Sugar (gluten free).................................. 12/191g Snack Packs, Bunny Cookies, Cocoa & Vanilla (gluten free) (6/pkg)........................... 6/170g ANNIE’S HOMEGROWN PASTA & CHEESE DINNERS 013562 00107 013562 00106 013562 00133 013562 00025 013562 00050 013562 00043 013562 00042 013562 00039 013562 00020 013562 00026 16676 16677 38739 38356 38649 38485 38670 38482 38421 38357 Microwavable Cup, Macaroni & Cheese, White Cheddar............................................ 12/57g Microwavable Cup, Rice Macaroni & Cheddar, Gluten Free ........................................ 12/57g Bernie’s Farm, Fun Pasta Shapes w/Yummy Cheddar................................................. 12/170g Bunny Shape Pasta w/Yummy Cheese........................................................................ 12/170g Macaroni & Cheese, Classic.......................................................................................... 12/170g Rice Pasta & Cheddar, Gluten Free............................................................................... 12/170g Rice Pasta Shells & White Cheddar, Gluten Free.......................................................... 12/170g Shells & Real Aged Cheddar......................................................................................... 12/170g Shells & White Cheddar............................................................................................... 12/170g Shells & White Cheddar, Family Size............................................................................ 6/340g BIG MOUNTAIN FOODS VEGGIE BURGERS • CANADIAN 777440 00022 38714 ¤Z Veggie Burger, Santa Fe Cheesy (4/pkg)..................................................................... 10/360g BIG TREE FARMS FAIR TRADE COCONUT SUGARS • ORGANIC 873204 10740 873204 10746 44170 E[ 44168 E[ Coconut Nectar, Amber, Organic (Fair Trade) (non-GMO/vegan)................................ 6/326g Coconut Nectar, Blonde, Organic (Fair Trade) (non-GMO/vegan)............................... 6/326g BIOKLEEN LAUNDRY PRODUCTS 717256 00039 717256 00038 46507 46506 Bac-Out Fresh, Natural Fabric Refresher, Lavender..................................................... 6/473ml Bac-Out Fresh, Natural Fabric Refresher, Lemon-Thyme............................................ 6/473ml BLACK RIVER SPRITZERS (SPARKLING FRUIT BEVERAGES) • CANADIAN 771344 00502 771344 00508 771344 00506 771344 00510 771344 00512 02341 02342 02344 02345 02346 Z Z Z Z Z Spritzer, Black Cherry (can).......................................................................................... 6/4x250ml Spritzer, Concord Grape (can)...................................................................................... 6/4x250ml Spritzer, Cranberry & Apple (can)................................................................................ 6/4x250ml Spritzer, Lemon & Lime (can)...................................................................................... 6/4x250ml Spritzer, Raspberry & Lime (can)................................................................................. 6/4x250ml BLUE DIAMOND ALMOND BREEZE NON-DAIRY BEVERAGES 041570 05431 041570 05450 041570 05795 06816 06817 06999 Almond, Original (tetrapak)........................................................................................ 8/1.89L Almond, Original, Unsweetened (tetrapak)................................................................ 8/1.89L Almond, Vanilla, Unsweetened (tetrapak).................................................................. 8/1.89L BLUE DIAMOND ALMOND BREEZE REFRIGERATED NON-DAIRY BEVERAGES 041570 10917 041570 10918 041570 10915 041570 10916 07220 07221 07222 07223 ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Almond, Original (gable carton).................................................................................. 6/1.89L Almond, Original, Unsweetened (gable carton)......................................................... 6/1.89L Almond, Vanilla (gable carton).................................................................................... 6/1.89L Almond, Vanilla, Unsweetened (gable carton)........................................................... 6/1.89L BLUE SKY NATURAL SODAS • PRODUCT OF USA 042175 19850 042175 19865 042175 19713 042175 19870 06579 06576 06574 06577 ³ ³ Cherry Vanilla Creme (can)........................................................................................... 24/354ml Cola (can)...................................................................................................................... 24/354ml Jamaican Ginger Ale (can)........................................................................................... 24/354ml Root Beer (can)............................................................................................................ 24/354ml Volume Price: 24 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 50 assorted cases............................................................................... BLUE STAR FARMS STONE GROUND CRACKERS • ORGANIC 789280 50905 789280 49905 789280 48905 16295 E 16296 E 16294 E Multigrain, Stone Ground, Organic.............................................................................. 6/142g Rye & Flax, Stone Ground, Organic.............................................................................. 6/142g Wheat, Stone Ground, Organic.................................................................................... 6/142g BLUEPRINT REFRIGERATED COLD PRESSED RAW JUICE BLENDS • ORGANIC 852043 00392 852043 00390 852043 00393 852043 00391 01410 ¤E 01407 ¤E 01408 ¤E ³ 01409 ¤E ³ Cold Pressed, Gold, Pineapple Apple, Organic............................................................. 6/473ml Cold Pressed, Green, Kale Apple, Organic.................................................................... 6/473ml Cold Pressed, Red, Beet Apple, Organic....................................................................... 6/473ml Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ Cold Pressed, Yellow, Lemon Cayenne, Organic........................................................... 6/473ml Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ special price discount 4.16ea24.96 3.79ea22.74 $2.23 4.16ea24.96 3.79ea22.74 $2.23 5.78ea69.36 5.36ea64.32 $5.00 5.78ea69.36 5.36ea64.32 $5.00 5.78ea69.36 5.36ea64.32 $5.00 5.98ea35.88 5.62ea33.72 $2.15 5.88ea70.56 5.38ea64.56 $6.00 5.88ea70.56 5.38ea64.56 $6.00 6.88ea41.28 6.48ea38.88 $2.40 2.25ea27.00 2.54ea30.48 2.73ea32.76 2.73ea32.76 2.73ea32.76 3.44ea41.28 3.44ea41.28 2.73ea32.76 2.73ea32.76 4.30ea25.80 2.10ea25.20 $1.75 2.37ea28.44 $2.00 2.50ea30.00 $2.75 2.50ea30.00 $2.75 2.50ea30.00 $2.75 3.19ea38.28 $3.00 3.19ea38.28 $3.00 2.50ea30.00 $2.75 2.50ea30.00 $2.75 3.97ea23.82 $2.00 4.83ea48.30 4.35ea43.50 10% 7.91ea47.46 7.14ea42.84 $4.61 7.91ea47.46 7.14ea42.84 $4.61 6.79ea40.74 5.77ea34.62 15% PT 6.79ea40.74 5.77ea34.62 15% PT 4.74ea28.44 4.74ea28.44 4.74ea28.44 4.74ea28.44 4.74ea28.44 4.27ea25.62 10% 4.27ea25.62 10% 4.27ea25.62 10% 4.27ea25.62 10% 4.27ea25.62 10% TU TU TU TU TU 5.60ea44.80 5.04ea40.32 $4.48 U 5.60ea44.80 5.04ea40.32 $4.48 U 5.60ea44.80 5.04ea40.32 $4.48 U 3.98ea23.88 $1.50 3.98ea23.88 $1.50 3.98ea23.88 $1.50 3.98ea23.88 $1.50 U U U U 0.78ea18.72 0.78ea18.72 0.78ea18.72 0.78ea18.72 special only 0.73ea17.52 $1.28 special only 0.70ea16.80 $1.92 TU TU TU TU 4.23ea25.38 4.23ea25.38 4.23ea25.38 4.23ea25.38 4.57ea27.42 4.03ea24.18 $3.23 4.57ea27.42 4.03ea24.18 $3.23 4.57ea27.42 4.03ea24.18 $3.23 7.17ea43.02 7.17ea43.02 7.17ea43.02 special only 5.01ea30.06 special only 6.45ea38.70 10% 6.45ea38.70 10% 6.45ea38.70 10% 6.09ea36.54 15% 4.51ea27.06 10% 4.26ea25.56 15% TU TU TU TU E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code BOB’S RED MILL OATS 039978 30375 039978 30373 22639 22640 regular price Oats, Rolled, Whole Grain (wheat free)....................................................................... 4/907g Oats, Steel Cut, Whole Grain (wheat free)................................................................... 4/680g BOOMCHICKAPOP (ANGIE’S) POPCORN 892773 00024 892773 00021 59504 59508 BoomChickaPop, Sea Salt............................................................................................ 8/136g BoomChickaPop, Lightly Sweet................................................................................... 8/142g BOOMCHICKAPUFF (ANGIE’S) GLUTEN FREE BAKED ANCIENT GRAIN PUFFS 818780 01386 818780 01382 818780 01384 59510 59511 59512 BoomChickaPuff, Ancient Grains, Sweet & Salty (gluten free/non-GMO)................. 8/113g BoomChickaPuff, Ancient Grains, Sweet Barbecue (gluten free/non-GMO).............. 8/113g BoomChickaPuff, Ancient Grains, White Cheddar (gluten free/non-GMO)................ 8/113g BOULDER CANYON NATURAL FOODS SNACK CHIPS 708163 92101 708163 30017 708163 30004 708163 30003 708163 12310 708163 12373 708163 11089 708163 11088 708163 12022 708163 11732 708163 11733 708163 11090 708163 11087 10043 10040 10039 10038 10037 10058 10031 10030 10036 10033 10035 10032 10029 Baked Sweet Potato Fries (gluten free/non-GMO)..................................................... 12/213g Hummus & Sesame Chips, Lightly Salted (gluten free).............................................. 12/142g Rice & Bean, Rice w/Adzuki Beans, Chipotle Cheese (gluten free/non-GMO)........... 12/142g Rice & Bean, Rice w/Adzuki Beans, Lightly Salted (gluten free/non-GMO)............... 12/142g Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, Canyon Cut, Avocado Oil, Sea Salt (GF/non-GMO)......... 12/128g Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, Coconut Oil, Sea Salt (gluten free/non-GMO)................ 12/128g Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, Hickory Barbeque (gluten free)..................................... 12/142g Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, Malt Vinegar & Sea Salt.................................................. 12/142g Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, Olive Oil (gluten free/non-GMO).................................... 12/142g Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, Parmesan & Garlic (gluten free)..................................... 12/142g Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, Red Wine Vinegar (gluten free)...................................... 12/142g Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper (gluten free)........................ 12/142g Kettle Cooked Potato Chips, Totally Original (gluten free/non-GMO)......................... 12/142g BREMNER’S FROZEN FRUITS • CANADIAN 834644 00536 834644 00531 834644 00537 834644 00542 834644 00540 834644 00539 55066 55065 55069 55071 55067 55068 TEZ TEZ TEZ TEZ TEZ TEZ Blackberries, Organic (bag).......................................................................................... 12/300g Blueberries, BC, Organic (bag)..................................................................................... 12/300g Mango Chunks, Organic (bag)..................................................................................... 12/300g Pineapple Chunks, Organic (bag)................................................................................ 12/300g Raspberries, Organic (bag).......................................................................................... 12/300g Strawberries, Organic (bag)......................................................................................... 12/300g BREW DR. KOMBUCHA BEVERAGES • ORGANIC 851107 00341 851107 00300 851107 00314 851107 00304 851107 00307 851107 00302 851107 00305 851107 00303 851107 00301 15229 15221 15222 15223 15224 15225 15226 15227 15228 ¤E ¤E ¤E ¤E ¤E ¤E ¤E ¤E ¤E ³ ³ ³ Kombucha, Citrus Hops, Organic................................................................................. 12/414ml Kombucha, Clear Mind, Organic.................................................................................. 12/414ml Kombucha, Just Ginger, Organic.................................................................................. 12/414ml Kombucha, Lemon Ginger Cayenne, Organic.............................................................. 12/414ml Kombucha, Love, Organic............................................................................................ 12/414ml Kombucha, Nutritonic, Organic................................................................................... 12/414ml Kombucha, Spiced Apple, Organic.............................................................................. 12/414ml Kombucha, Superberry, Organic.................................................................................. 12/414ml Kombucha, White Rose, Organic................................................................................. 12/414ml Volume Price: 16 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 24 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 48 assorted cases................................................................................ page 13 special price discount 7.41ea29.64 6.28ea25.12 15% 6.16ea24.64 5.21ea20.84 15% 3.87ea30.96 3.55ea28.40 $2.53 3.87ea30.96 3.55ea28.40 $2.53 T T 3.33ea26.64 3.04ea24.32 $2.32 3.33ea26.64 3.04ea24.32 $2.32 3.33ea26.64 3.04ea24.32 $2.32 T T T 4.08ea48.96 3.82ea45.84 3.82ea45.84 3.82ea45.84 3.05ea36.60 3.05ea36.60 3.05ea36.60 3.05ea36.60 3.05ea36.60 3.05ea36.60 3.05ea36.60 3.05ea36.60 3.05ea36.60 3.75ea45.00 $3.99 3.49ea41.88 $3.99 3.49ea41.88 $3.99 3.49ea41.88 $3.99 2.70ea32.40 $4.15 2.70ea32.40 $4.15 2.70ea32.40 $4.15 2.70ea32.40 $4.15 2.70ea32.40 $4.15 2.70ea32.40 $4.15 2.70ea32.40 $4.15 2.70ea32.40 $4.15 2.70ea32.40 $4.15 T T T T T T T T T T T T T 4.39ea52.68 4.39ea52.68 4.39ea52.68 4.39ea52.68 4.39ea52.68 4.39ea52.68 4.14ea49.68 $3.00 4.14ea49.68 $3.00 4.14ea49.68 $3.00 4.14ea49.68 $3.00 4.14ea49.68 $3.00 4.14ea49.68 $3.00 3.33ea39.96 3.33ea39.96 3.33ea39.96 3.33ea39.96 3.33ea39.96 3.33ea39.96 3.33ea39.96 3.33ea39.96 3.33ea39.96 special only special only special only 3.00ea36.00 10% 3.00ea36.00 10% 3.00ea36.00 10% 3.00ea36.00 10% 3.00ea36.00 10% 3.00ea36.00 10% 3.00ea36.00 10% 3.00ea36.00 10% 3.00ea36.00 10% 2.75ea33.00 17% 2.66ea31.92 20% 2.58ea30.96 23% TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU BULK HULLED BARLEY • ORGANIC 623636 39809 22100 E Barley, Hulled, Organic................................................................................................. 1/11.34kg 39.07ea39.07 35.05ea35.05 10% C2O PURE COCONUT WATER 853883 00300 853883 00302 15177 15178 ³ ³ ³ Coconut Water, Pure (can)............................................................................................ 12/520ml Coconut Water, Pure w/Pulp (can)............................................................................... 12/520ml Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 36 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 132 assorted cases.............................................................................. 2.45ea29.40 10% 2.45ea29.40 10% 2.31ea27.72 15% 2.18ea26.16 20% 2.04ea24.48 25% U U 1.42ea56.80 special only 3.93ea39.30 special only 1.81ea54.30 special only 3.01ea48.16 special only 1.32ea52.80 $4.02 1.27ea50.80 $6.03 3.65ea36.50 $2.80 3.51ea35.10 $4.20 1.69ea50.70 $3.75 1.62ea48.60 $5.63 2.79ea44.64 $3.50 2.68ea42.88 $5.25 PT 6.25ea37.50 6.18ea37.08 6.18ea37.08 6.18ea37.08 6.18ea37.08 5.51ea33.06 12% 5.45ea32.70 12% 5.45ea32.70 12% 5.45ea32.70 12% 5.45ea32.70 12% 2.72ea32.64 2.72ea32.64 special only special only special only CABOO ECOLOGICALLY SUSTAINABLE PAPER TOWELS, NAPKINS & TISSUE • CANADIAN 627843 20274 627843 20273 627843 20278 627843 20281 46292 Z ³ 46291 Z ³ 46295 Z ³ 46296 Z ³ Bathroom Tissue, 100% Biodegradable, Bamboo & Sugar Cane, 2-Ply .................... 40/1x550ea Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (selected Caboo varieties)..................................... Bathroom Tissue, 100% Biodegradable, Bamboo & Sugar Cane, 2-Ply .................... 10/4x300ea Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (selected Caboo varieties)..................................... Facial Tissue, 100% Biodegradable, Bamboo & Sugar Cane, 2-Ply ............................ 30/90ea Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (selected Caboo varieties)..................................... Paper Napkins, 100% Biodegradable, Bamboo & Sugar Cane, 2-Ply ........................ 16/1x250ea Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (selected Caboo varieties)..................................... CAMINO FAIR TRADE HOT CHOCOLATE MIX • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 752612 00013 752612 00012 752612 00005 752612 00029 752612 00004 06681 06687 06666 06918 06665 EZ[ EZ[ EZ[ EZ[ EZ[ Drinking Chocolate Mix, Dark, 57% Cocoa, Organic (no dairy added) (Fair Trade)..... 6/275g Hot Chocolate Mix, Dark, Chili & Spice, Organic (no dairy added) (Fair Trade)........... 6/275g Hot Chocolate Mix, Dark, Organic (Fair Trade)............................................................. 6/336g Hot Chocolate Mix, Simply Dark, Organic (Fair Trade)................................................. 6/275g Hot Chocolate Mix, Milk, Organic (Fair Trade).............................................................. 6/336g PT PT PT E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 14 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price CASCADIAN FARM CEREALS & GRANOLAS • ORGANIC 021908 46296 021908 46297 021908 46298 021908 44866 021908 44867 25058 25059 25062 25061 25060 E E E E E Cereal, Multigrain Squares, Organic............................................................................ 10/350g Cereal, Raisin Bran, Organic......................................................................................... 10/340g Granola, Ancient Grains, Organic................................................................................. 6/355g Granola, Fruit & Nut, Organic....................................................................................... 6/380g Granola, Oats & Honey, Organic................................................................................... 6/450g CELESTIAL SEASONINGS TEAS 070734 07076 070734 07067 070734 51382 070734 07034 070734 07037 070734 51380 070734 05319 070734 05310 070734 05315 070734 05307 070734 00031 070734 05316 070734 50266 070734 05334 070734 07075 070734 05335 070734 05466 070734 05467 070734 52597 070734 00402 070734 05500 070734 05243 070734 05328 070734 00010 070734 05324 070734 05317 070734 00008 070734 00003 12499 12449 12683 12470 12469 12684 12428 12404 12410 12413 12414 12420 12890 12437 12498 12415 12423 12425 ³ ³ 12937 12522 ³ ³ 12438 12440 12430 12402 12408 12412 12418 12424 ³ ³ African Tea, Madagascar Vanilla Red (Rooibos)........................................................... 6/20bags African Tea, Moroccan Pomegranate Red (Rooibos)................................................... 6/20bags Black Tea, Morning Thunder........................................................................................ 6/20bags Green Tea, Authentic.................................................................................................... 6/20bags Green Tea, Honey Lemon Ginseng............................................................................... 6/20bags Herb Tea, Açaí Mango Zinger....................................................................................... 6/20bags Herb Tea, Black Cherry Berry........................................................................................ 6/20bags Herb Tea, Cinnamon Apple Spice................................................................................. 6/20bags Herb Tea, Cranberry Apple Zinger................................................................................ 6/20bags Herb Tea, Honey Vanilla Chamomile............................................................................ 6/20bags Herb Tea, Mandarin Orange Spice............................................................................... 6/20bags Herb Tea, Raspberry Zinger.......................................................................................... 6/20bags Herb Tea, Sleepytime Vanilla........................................................................................ 6/20bags Herb Tea, Tension Tamer............................................................................................... 6/20bags Herb Tea, True Blueberry.............................................................................................. 6/20bags Herb Tea, Wild Berry Zinger......................................................................................... 6/20bags Teahouse Chai, Original............................................................................................... 6/20bags Teahouse Chai, Original, Decaf..................................................................................... 6/20bags Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (any Celestial Seasonings varieties)...................... Volume Price: 25 assorted cases (any Celestial Seasonings varieties)...................... Herb Tea, Bengal Spice (Large Box)............................................................................. 6/40bags Herb Tea, Sleepytime (Large Box)................................................................................ 6/40bags Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (any Celestial Seasonings varieties)...................... Volume Price: 25 assorted cases (any Celestial Seasonings varieties)...................... Assorted Teas, Fruit Tea Sampler.................................................................................. 12/20bags Assorted Teas, Herb Tea Sampler................................................................................. 12/20bags Herb Tea, Bengal Spice................................................................................................. 12/20bags Herb Tea, Chamomile................................................................................................... 12/20bags Herb Tea, Country Peach Passion................................................................................. 12/20bags Herb Tea, Lemon Zinger............................................................................................... 12/20bags Herb Tea, Peppermint.................................................................................................. 12/20bags Herb Tea, Sleepytime................................................................................................... 12/20bags Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (any Celestial Seasonings varieties)...................... Volume Price: 25 assorted cases (any Celestial Seasonings varieties)...................... CELESTIAL SEASONINGS WELLNESS TEAS 070734 52503 070734 05395 070734 50267 070734 50268 12967 12495 12891 12892 ³ ³ Wellness Tea, Sleepytime Echinacea Complete Care................................................... 6/20bags Wellness Tea, Sleepytime Extra................................................................................... 6/20bags Wellness Tea, Sleepytime Throat Tamer...................................................................... 6/20bags Wellness Tea, Tummy Mint.......................................................................................... 6/20bags Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (any Celestial Seasonings varieties)...................... Volume Price: 25 assorted cases (any Celestial Seasonings varieties)...................... CENTRAL ROAST RAW NUTS • CANADIAN 817699 00012 817699 00013 817699 00062 817699 00024 Z Z Z Z Almonds, Raw (bag).................................................................................................... 6/260g Cashews, Raw (bag)..................................................................................................... 6/225g Mixed Nuts, Raw, Salted (bag).................................................................................... 6/260g Mixed Nuts, Raw (bag)................................................................................................ 6/260g 17027 Z Pumpkin Seeds, Raw (bag)......................................................................................... 6/270g 12763 12776 12764 12895 12762 12759 12992 12717 12894 12770 12758 12991 Black Tea, Classic Black, Organic (Fair Trade)............................................................... 6/16bags Black Tea, Earl Grey, Decaffeinated, Organic (Fair Trade)............................................. 6/16bags Black Tea, Earl Grey, Organic (Fair Trade)..................................................................... 6/16bags Black Tea, English Breakfast, Decaffeinated, Organic (Fair Trade)............................... 6/16bags Black Tea, English Breakfast, Organic (Fair Trade)........................................................ 6/16bags Black Tea, Irish Breakfast, Organic (Fair Trade)............................................................ 6/16bags Black Tea, Masala Chai, Organic (Fair Trade)................................................................ 6/16bags Black Tea, Russian Caravan, Organic............................................................................ 6/16bags Black Tea, Wild Forest, Organic (Fair Trade).................................................................. 6/16bags Green Tea, Bancha Hojicha, Organic............................................................................ 6/16bags Green Tea, Classic Green, Organic (Fair Trade)............................................................. 6/16bags Green Tea, Decaffeinated, Organic (Fair Trade)............................................................ 6/16bags Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Choice Organic Teas + Sound Sea Vegetables).... Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Choice Organic Teas + Sound Sea Vegetables).... 17023 17024 17026 17025 CENTRAL ROAST RAW PUMPKIN SEEDS • CANADIAN 817699 00008 CHOICE ORGANIC TEAS • ORGANIC (continued on Page 15) 047445 91922 047445 91991 047445 91971 047445 91954 047445 91951 047445 91992 047445 91965 047445 91963 047445 91935 047445 91941 047445 91913 047445 91945 E[ E[ E[ E[ E[ E[ E[ E[ E[ E E[ E[ ³ ³ special price discount 4.83ea48.30 4.83ea48.30 4.72ea28.32 4.72ea28.32 4.72ea28.32 4.28ea42.80 $5.50 4.28ea42.80 $5.50 4.17ea25.02 $3.30 4.17ea25.02 $3.30 4.17ea25.02 $3.30 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 3.34ea20.04 special only special only 6.57ea39.42 6.57ea39.42 special only special only 3.29ea39.48 3.29ea39.48 3.29ea39.48 3.29ea39.48 3.29ea39.48 3.29ea39.48 3.29ea39.48 3.29ea39.48 special only special only 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 3.01ea18.06 10% 2.84ea17.04 15% 2.67ea16.02 20% 5.91ea35.46 10% 5.91ea35.46 10% 5.58ea33.48 15% 5.26ea31.56 20% 2.96ea35.52 10% 2.96ea35.52 10% 2.96ea35.52 10% 2.96ea35.52 10% 2.96ea35.52 10% 2.96ea35.52 10% 2.96ea35.52 10% 2.96ea35.52 10% 2.80ea33.60 15% 2.63ea31.56 20% 4.60ea27.60 4.60ea27.60 4.60ea27.60 4.60ea27.60 special only special only 4.14ea24.84 10% 4.14ea24.84 10% 4.14ea24.84 10% 4.14ea24.84 10% 3.91ea23.46 15% 3.68ea22.08 20% 6.67ea40.02 5.60ea33.60 6.77ea40.62 6.77ea40.62 6.17ea37.02 $3.00 5.10ea30.60 $3.00 6.27ea37.62 $3.00 6.27ea37.62 $3.00 T T 4.90ea29.40 4.40ea26.40 $3.00 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 special only special only 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.15ea24.90 20% 3.89ea23.34 25% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code regular price CHOICE ORGANIC TEAS • ORGANIC (continued on Page 14) 047445 91952 047445 91932 047445 91923 047445 91921 047445 91942 047445 91993 047445 91961 047445 91975 047445 91984 047445 91943 047445 91911 047445 91931 047445 91953 047445 98407 12771 13235 12769 12774 12761 13234 12760 12994 12896 12773 12772 12768 12779 12737 E E[ E[ E E[ E E E[ E[ E[ E E E[ E ³ ³ 37488 37487 37444 37445 37443 CLIF ENERGY BARS 722252 12602 722252 12603 722252 12608 722252 12609 37313 37314 37441 37442 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.41ea26.46 15% 4.15ea24.90 20% 3.89ea23.34 25% Builder’s, Almond Vanilla............................................................................................. 12/68g Builder’s, Crunchy Peanut Butter................................................................................. 12/68g 6-Pack, Builder’s, Chocolate......................................................................................... 6/6x68g 6-Pack, Builder’s, Chocolate Mint................................................................................ 6/6x68g 6-Pack, Builder’s, Peanut Butter.................................................................................. 6/6x68g 1.50ea18.00 1.50ea18.00 9.42ea56.52 9.42ea56.52 9.42ea56.52 1.33ea15.96 $2.00 1.33ea15.96 $2.00 9.09ea54.54 $2.00 9.09ea54.54 $2.00 9.09ea54.54 $2.00 6-Pack, Chocolate Almond Fudge, 70% Organic......................................................... 6/6x68g 6-Pack, Chocolate Chip, 70% Organic.......................................................................... 6/6x68g 6-Pack, Crunchy Peanut Butter, 70% Organic............................................................. 6/6x68g 6-Pack, White Chocolate Macadamia, 70% Organic................................................... 6/6x68g 7.25ea43.50 7.25ea43.50 7.25ea43.50 7.25ea43.50 7.00ea42.00 $1.50 7.00ea42.00 $1.50 7.00ea42.00 $1.50 7.00ea42.00 $1.50 CLIF KID ZBAR BAKED ENERGY SNACKS • ORGANIC 722252 19433 722252 19434 722252 19532 37599 E 37611 E 37612 E ZBar, Chocolate Brownie, Organic................................................................................ 6/5x36g ZBar, Chocolate Chip, Organic...................................................................................... 6/5x36g ZBar, Iced Oatmeal Cookie, Organic............................................................................. 6/5x36g CLIF TRAIL MIX BARS • ORGANIC 722252 22139 722252 22142 722252 22143 722252 22144 722252 22145 37620 37621 37622 37623 37624 E E E E E Trail Mix, Coconut Almond Peanut, Organic (gluten free).......................................... 12/40g Trail Mix, Dark Chocolate Almond & Sea Salt, Organic (gluten free).......................... 12/40g Trail Mix, Dark Chocolate Cherry Almond, Organic (gluten free)................................ 12/40g Trail Mix, Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter, Organic (gluten free).................................. 12/40g Trail Mix, Dark Chocolate Pomegranate Raspberry, Organic (gluten free)................. 12/40g COUNTRY CHOICE CANISTER HOT CEREALS • ORGANIC 729906 41002 729906 41003 729906 41001 22073 E 22175 E 22074 E Oats, Old Fashioned, Organic (canister)....................................................................... 6/510g Oats, Quick, Steel Cut, Organic (canister)..................................................................... 6/680g Oats, Steel Cut, Organic (canister)................................................................................ 6/840g CREAM-NUT NATURAL PEANUT BUTTERS 071157 30690 071157 30687 35281 35280 Peanut Butter, Natural, Crunchy.................................................................................. 12/375g Peanut Butter, Natural, Smooth.................................................................................. 12/375g CROFTER’S ORGANIC FRUIT SPREADS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 067275 00115 067275 00106 067275 00108 067275 00103 067275 00113 067275 00111 067275 00110 067275 00104 067275 00114 067275 00102 067275 00101 067275 00105 42667 42655 42638 42649 42650 42646 42644 42651 42668 42647 42645 42653 EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Premium, Apple, Fair Trade Cane Sugar Sweetened, Organic..................................... 12/235ml Premium, Apricot, Fair Trade Sugar Sweetened, Organic........................................... 12/235ml Premium, Black Currant, Fair Trade Sugar Sweetened, Organic.................................. 12/235ml Premium, Blackberry, Fair Trade Sugar Sweetened, Organic...................................... 12/235ml Premium, Concord Grape, Fair Trade Cane Sugar Sweetened, Organic...................... 12/235ml Premium, Four Fruit, Fair Trade Sugar Sweetened, Organic........................................ 12/235ml Premium, Mango, Fair Trade Sugar Sweetened, Organic............................................ 12/235ml Premium, Morello Cherry, Fair Trade Sugar Sweetened, Organic............................... 12/235ml Premium, Pomegranate, Fair Trade Cane Sugar Sweetened, Organic........................ 12/235ml Premium, Raspberry, Fair Trade Sugar Sweetened, Organic....................................... 12/235ml Premium, Strawberry, Fair Trade Sugar Sweetened, Organic..................................... 12/235ml Premium, Wild Blueberry, Fair Trade Sugar Sweetened, Organic............................... 12/235ml CUISINE CAMINO FAIR TRADE BAKING CHOCOLATE • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 752612 23002 02244 EZ[ Baking Chocolate, Bittersweet, 71% Cacao, Organic (Fair Trade)............................... 10/200g CUISINE CAMINO FAIR TRADE SUGAR • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 752612 20002 752612 22002 752612 20001 special price discount 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 5.19ea31.14 special only special only Green Tea, Genmaicha, Japanese Tea w/Toasted Brown Rice, Organic...................... 6/16bags Green Tea, Green Moroccan Mint, Organic (Fair Trade)............................................... 6/16bags Green Tea, Jasmine Green, Organic (Fair Trade)........................................................... 6/16bags Green Tea, Premium Japanese Green, Organic............................................................ 6/16bags Herbal Tea, Chamomile, Organic (Fair Trade)............................................................... 6/16bags Herbal Tea, Ginger, Organic.......................................................................................... 6/16bags Herbal Tea, Peppermint, Organic................................................................................. 6/16bags Herbal Tea, Rooibos Chai, Organic (Fair Trade)............................................................ 6/16bags Herbal Tea, Rooibos Superfruit, Organic (Fair Trade)................................................... 6/16bags Herbal Tea, Rooibos, Organic (Fair Trade).................................................................... 6/16bags Oolong Tea, Organic..................................................................................................... 6/16bags Twig Tea, Twig Kukicha, Organic.................................................................................. 6/16bags White Tea, White Peony, Organic (Fair Trade).............................................................. 6/16bags Gourmet Herbal Tea, Liquorice Peppermint, Organic.................................................. 6/16bags Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Choice Organic Teas + Sound Sea Vegetables).... Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Choice Organic Teas + Sound Sea Vegetables).... CLIF BUILDER’S NATURAL PROTEIN BARS 722252 60645 722252 60648 722252 60442 722252 60444 722252 60441 page 15 44297 EZ[ Golden Cane Sugar, Organic (Fair Trade)...................................................................... 8/1kg 44298 EZ[ Whole Brown Sugar, Organic (Fair Trade).................................................................... 8/1kg 44301 EZ[ Sugar (Evaporated Cane Juice Crystals), Organic (Fair Trade)..................................... 6/454g 3.82ea22.92 3.75ea22.50 $0.40 3.82ea22.92 3.75ea22.50 $0.40 3.82ea22.92 3.75ea22.50 $0.40 T T T 1.38ea16.56 $2.00 1.38ea16.56 $2.00 1.38ea16.56 $2.00 1.38ea16.56 $2.00 1.38ea16.56 $2.00 T T T T T 1.55ea18.60 1.55ea18.60 1.55ea18.60 1.55ea18.60 1.55ea18.60 3.37ea20.22 3.02ea18.12 10% 4.31ea25.86 3.90ea23.40 10% 4.31ea25.86 3.90ea23.40 10% 5.35ea64.20 4.28ea51.36 20% 5.35ea64.20 4.28ea51.36 20% 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 2.81ea33.72 $4.08 2.81ea33.72 $4.08 2.81ea33.72 $4.08 2.81ea33.72 $4.08 2.81ea33.72 $4.08 2.81ea33.72 $4.08 2.81ea33.72 $4.08 2.81ea33.72 $4.08 2.81ea33.72 $4.08 2.81ea33.72 $4.08 2.81ea33.72 $4.08 2.81ea33.72 $4.08 5.71ea57.10 5.03ea50.30 12% 6.11ea48.88 5.22ea41.76 15% 5.97ea47.76 5.11ea40.88 14% 3.19ea19.14 2.72ea16.32 15% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 16 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price DAIYA CHEESE ALTERNATIVES • CANADIAN 871459 00102 871459 00101 871459 00103 871459 00032 871459 00031 871459 00030 871459 00112 871459 00111 871459 00113 50117 50116 50127 50139 50140 50138 50134 50133 50135 ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z Shreds, Cheddar Style (soy free/vegan) (bag)............................................................. 12/227g Shreds, Mozzarella Style (soy free/vegan) (bag)......................................................... 12/227g Shreds, Pepperjack Style (soy free/vegan) (bag)........................................................ 12/227g Slices, Cheddar Style (soy free/vegan)......................................................................... 12/220g Slices, Provolone Style (soy free/vegan)...................................................................... 12/220g Slices, Swiss Style (soy free/vegan)............................................................................. 12/220g Blocks, Cheddar Style (soy free/vegan)....................................................................... 8/200g Blocks, Jack Style (soy free/vegan).............................................................................. 8/200g Blocks, Jalapeño Garlic Havarti Style (soy free/vegan)............................................... 8/200g DAIYA CREAM CHEESE ALTERNATIVES • CANADIAN 871459 00117 871459 00119 871459 00118 50141 ¤Z 50143 ¤Z 50142 ¤Z Cream Cheese Style Spread, Plain (soy free/vegan).................................................... 6/227g Cream Cheese Style Spread, Chive & Onion (soy free/vegan)..................................... 6/227g Cream Cheese Style Spread, Strawberry (soy free/vegan).......................................... 6/227g DEEBEE’S FROZEN TEAPOPS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 838913 00731 838913 00431 39092 TEZ TeaPops, Dark Chocolate Mint, Org (GF/vegan) (Available while supplies last)..... 8/4x50ml 39094 TEZ TeaPops, Southern Iced Tea, Organic (GF/vegan) (Available while supplies last)... 8/4x50ml DOCTOR KRACKER ARTISAN SNACKERS & CULINARY CRISPS 895538 00468 895538 00451 895538 00475 895538 01040 895538 01041 895538 01042 16769 16768 16770 16765 E 16766 E 16767 E ³ ³ Culinary Crisps, Apple Oat Crunch................................................................................ 6/170g Culinary Crisps, Asiago Cheese..................................................................................... 6/170g Culinary Crisps, Garlic Parmesan.................................................................................. 6/170g Snackers, Klassic 3 Seed, Organic................................................................................. 6/170g Snackers, Pumpkin Seed Cheddar, Organic................................................................. 6/170g Snackers, Seedlander, Organic..................................................................................... 6/170g Volume Price: 5 assorted cases (Doctor Kracker Snackers + Culinary Crisps)........... Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Doctor Kracker Snackers + Culinary Crisps)......... DOMO STONE GROUND TEAS • CANADIAN 817523 00021 817523 00022 817523 00032 817523 00020 817523 00019 817523 00025 817523 00024 Z Z Z Z Z ³ 04049 Z 04039 Z ³ 04037 04038 04054 04036 04034 Stone Ground Tea Blend, Authentic Chai (Black Tea) (formerly Caramel Chai)........... 6/120g Stone Ground Tea Blend, Elixo..................................................................................... 6/120g Stone Ground Tea Blend, London Fog Earl Grey.......................................................... 6/120g Stone Ground Tea Blend, Rooibos (caffeine free)........................................................ 6/120g Stone Ground Tea Blend, Vanilla Matcha (Green Tea).................................................. 6/120g Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ Stone Ground Tea, Pure Black...................................................................................... 6/40g Stone Ground Tea, Pure Matcha (Green)..................................................................... 6/40g Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ DONIA FARMS KEFIR SMOOTHIES • CANADIAN 627843 36292 627843 36291 627843 36290 627843 36293 52218 52217 52216 52215 ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z Kefir Smoothie, Black Currant...................................................................................... 8/200ml Kefir Smoothie, Blueberry........................................................................................... 8/200ml Kefir Smoothie, Strawberry......................................................................................... 8/200ml Kefir Smoothie, Vanilla................................................................................................ 8/200ml DREAM REFRIGERATED NON-DAIRY BEVERAGES 084253 26177 084253 96180 084253 27170 084253 27171 07236 ¤ 07237 ¤ ³ ³ 06803 ¤ 06804 ¤ ³ ³ Coconut Dream, Original, Unsweetened (carton)....................................................... 6/1.89L Dream Blends, Enriched, Almond, Cashew & Hazelnut, Original, Unsweetened....... 6/1.89L Volume Price: 5 assorted cases (selected Dream Beverages)................................... Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (selected Dream Beverages)................................. Rice Dream, Fortified, Original (carton)...................................................................... 6/1.89L Rice Dream, Fortified, Vanilla (carton)......................................................................... 6/1.89L Volume Price: 5 assorted cases (selected Dream Beverages)................................... Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (selected Dream Beverages)................................. EARTH BALANCE NUT BUTTERS 033776 10092 033776 10097 033776 10091 033776 10095 42145 42146 42143 42144 ³ ³ Coconut & Peanut Spread, No Stir, Agave Sweetened, Creamy (gluten free/vegan).12/500g Coconut & Peanut Spread, No Stir, Agave Sweetened, Crunchy (gluten free/vegan).12/500g Peanut Butter & Flax Seed, No Stir, Agave Sweetened, Creamy (gluten free/vegan).12/500g Peanut Butter & Flax Seed, No Stir, Agave Sweetened, Crunchy (GF/vegan)............. 12/500g Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 20 assorted cases................................................................................ EARTH BALANCE VEGAN POPCORN SNACKS 033776 08021 033776 08016 033776 08011 033776 08026 10048 10047 10049 10046 Popcorn, Aged White Cheddar Flavour (vegan).......................................................... 12/198g Popcorn, Buttery Flavour (vegan)................................................................................ 12/170g Puffs, Aged White Cheddar Flavour (vegan)............................................................... 12/113g P.B. Popps, Popcorn w/Peanut Butter & Oats (vegan)................................................. 12/198g EARTH ISLAND VEGAN GOURMET REFRIGERATED SOUR CREAM ALTERNATIVE 049568 55473 52091 ¤ Vegan Gourmet, Sour Cream (gluten free/vegan)...................................................... 4/473ml 3.74ea44.88 3.74ea44.88 3.74ea44.88 3.74ea44.88 3.74ea44.88 3.74ea44.88 3.74ea29.92 3.74ea29.92 3.74ea29.92 special price discount 3.18ea38.16 15% 3.18ea38.16 15% 3.18ea38.16 15% 3.18ea38.16 15% 3.18ea38.16 15% 3.18ea38.16 15% 3.18ea25.44 15% 3.18ea25.44 15% 3.18ea25.44 15% 3.75ea22.50 3.19ea19.14 15% 3.75ea22.50 3.19ea19.14 15% 3.75ea22.50 3.19ea19.14 15% 4.40ea35.20 2.20ea17.60 50% 4.40ea35.20 2.20ea17.60 50% 4.20ea25.20 4.20ea25.20 4.20ea25.20 4.20ea25.20 4.20ea25.20 4.20ea25.20 special only special only T T 3.36ea20.16 20% 3.36ea20.16 20% 3.36ea20.16 20% 3.36ea20.16 20% 3.36ea20.16 20% 3.36ea20.16 20% 3.15ea18.90 25% 2.94ea17.64 30% 5.71ea34.26 5.71ea34.26 5.71ea34.26 5.71ea34.26 5.71ea34.26 special only 4.85ea29.10 15% 10.00ea60.00 10.00ea60.00 special only 8.50ea51.00 15% 1.99ea15.92 1.99ea15.92 1.99ea15.92 1.99ea15.92 1.69ea13.52 15% 1.69ea13.52 15% 1.69ea13.52 15% 1.69ea13.52 15% 5.18ea31.08 5.18ea31.08 special only special only 4.34ea26.04 4.34ea26.04 special only special only 4.66ea27.96 10% 4.66ea27.96 10% 4.40ea26.40 15% 4.14ea24.84 20% 3.91ea23.46 10% 3.91ea23.46 10% 3.69ea22.14 15% 3.47ea20.82 20% U U U U 5.47ea65.64 5.47ea65.64 5.47ea65.64 5.47ea65.64 special only 5.05ea60.60 $5.00 special only 4.89ea58.68 $7.00 3.57ea42.84 3.57ea42.84 3.57ea42.84 4.28ea51.36 3.05ea36.60 15% 3.05ea36.60 15% 3.05ea36.60 15% 3.65ea43.80 15% T T T T 5.50ea22.00 4.68ea18.72 15% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code regular price EARTH ISLAND REFRIGERATED DRESSINGS 049568 64355 049568 42355 049568 68355 049568 09355 049568 43355 049568 44355 32195 32198 32199 32192 32196 32197 ¤E ¤ ¤E ¤ ¤ ¤ Balsamic Vinaigrette, Organic (gluten free/vegan)..................................................... 6/355ml Vegan Bleu Cheese (gluten free/dairy free/vegan/non-GMO)................................... 6/355ml Vegan Caesar, Organic (gluten free/dairy free/vegan/non-GMO).............................. 6/355ml Vegan Honey Mustard (gluten free/vegan)................................................................ 6/355ml Vegan Low Fat Ranch (gluten free/dairy free/vegan/non-GMO)............................... 6/355ml Vegan Low Fat Spicy Southwestern Ranch (GF/dairy free/vegan/non-GMO)........... 6/355ml EARTH ISLAND VEGAN CHEESE ALTERNATIVES 049568 57227 049568 58227 049568 56227 049568 22227 049568 24227 049568 23227 049568 21227 52116 52117 52115 52121 52123 52122 52120 ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Vegan Gourmet Shreds, Cheddar (gluten free/vegan)............................................... 8/227g Vegan Gourmet Shreds, Fiesta Blend (gluten free/vegan)......................................... 8/227g Vegan Gourmet Shreds, Mozzarella (gluten free/vegan)........................................... 8/227g Slices, Cheddar Style (soy free/vegan)......................................................................... 12/200g Slices, Garden Herb Style (soy free/vegan).................................................................. 12/200g Slices, Mozzarella Style (soy free/vegan)..................................................................... 12/200g Slices, Provolone Style (soy free/vegan)...................................................................... 12/200g EARTH’S CHOICE PEANUT BUTTERS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 677403 50181 677403 50182 677403 50180 10491 EZ 10492 EZ 10446 EZ Peanut Butter, Crunchy, Organic (non-GMO).............................................................. 12/500g Peanut Butter, Smooth, No Salt, Organic (non-GMO)................................................. 12/500g Peanut Butter, Smooth, Organic (non-GMO).............................................................. 12/500g page 17 special price discount 4.06ea24.36 4.06ea24.36 4.06ea24.36 4.06ea24.36 4.06ea24.36 4.06ea24.36 3.45ea20.70 15% 3.45ea20.70 15% 3.45ea20.70 15% 3.45ea20.70 15% 3.45ea20.70 15% 3.45ea20.70 15% 5.07ea40.56 5.07ea40.56 5.07ea40.56 5.72ea68.64 5.72ea68.64 5.72ea68.64 5.72ea68.64 4.31ea34.48 15% 4.31ea34.48 15% 4.31ea34.48 15% 4.86ea58.32 15% 4.86ea58.32 15% 4.86ea58.32 15% 4.86ea58.32 15% 5.90ea70.80 5.31ea63.72 10% 5.90ea70.80 5.31ea63.72 10% 5.90ea70.80 5.31ea63.72 10% EARTH’S OWN ALMOND NON-DAIRY ALMOND BEVERAGES • CANADIAN 626027 70032 626027 70031 07147 Z 07148 Z On the Go!, Almond, Fortified, Chocolate (tetrapak).................................................. 8/3x250ml 3.94ea31.52 3.55ea28.40 10% On the Go!, Almond, Fortified, Original (tetrapak)..................................................... 8/3x250ml 3.94ea31.52 3.55ea28.40 10% 06901 07054 07135 06905 06903 07248 Almond Fresh, Fortified, Original (carton).................................................................. 6/1.89L Almond Fresh, Fortified, Chocolate (carton)............................................................... 6/1.89L Almond Fresh, Fortified, Coconut (carton).................................................................. 6/1.89L Almond Fresh, Fortified, Unsweetened (carton)........................................................ 6/1.89L Almond Fresh, Fortified, Vanilla (carton).................................................................... 6/1.89L Almond Fresh, Fortified, Vanilla, Unsweetened (carton)............................................ 6/1.89L EARTH’S OWN REFRIGERATED NON-DAIRY BEVERAGES • CANADIAN 626027 70001 626027 70004 626027 70005 626027 70003 626027 70002 626027 70006 ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z EATERNAL SOAPNUT NATURAL LAUNDRY DETERGENT • ORGANIC 8906009 02153 46185 E Soapnut, Natural Detergent, Organic (1 box=30 sachets)......................................... 4/30bags E-CLOTH REUSABLE CLEANING & POLISHING CLOTHS 5037284 202306 5037284 201248 5037284 200036 80412 80413 80411 E-Cloth, General Purpose............................................................................................. 5/1ea E-Cloth, Glass/Polishing............................................................................................... 10/1ea E-Cloth, Kitchen/Bathroom Twin Pack, General Purpose + Glass/Polishing.............. 10/1ea ECO-MAX HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS • CANADIAN 853907 00107 853907 00108 853907 00112 853907 00138 853907 00104 853907 00111 853907 00101 853907 00132 853907 00102 853907 00121 853907 00103 80703 Z 80704 Z ³ ³ 80293 Z 80728 Z 80409 Z 80422 Z 80406 Z 80695 Z 80407 Z 80711 Z 80408 Z Dish Wash (Liquid), Natural Lavender......................................................................... 12/740ml Dish Wash (Liquid), Natural Tea Tree............................................................................ 12/740ml Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Eco-Max 740ml Dish Washes).............................. Volume Price: 40 assorted cases (Eco-Max 740ml Dish Washes).............................. Floor Cleaner, Concentrated, Natural Lemon............................................................... 6/1.05L Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Natural Tea Tree........................................................................... 12/1L Air Purifier/Odour Neutralizer, Spray........................................................................... 8/710ml All Purpose Cleaner, Hypoallergenic, Spray................................................................. 8/710ml All Purpose Cleaner, Lemongrass, Spray...................................................................... 8/710ml All Purpose Cleaner, Orange, Spray............................................................................. 8/710ml Bathroom Cleaner, Spray............................................................................................. 8/710ml Fruit & Veggie Wash, Spray.......................................................................................... 8/710ml Glass Cleaner/Protector, Spray..................................................................................... 8/710ml 80701 Z 80702 Z ³ ³ 80718 Z 70350 Z 70351 Z 70352 Z 80760 Z 80761 Z 80762 Z Laundry Wash, Hypoallergenic, HE.............................................................................. 4/3L Laundry Wash, Natural Lavender, HE.......................................................................... 4/3L Volume Price: 40 assorted cases (Eco-Max 3L Laundry Washes).............................. Volume Price: 80 assorted cases (Eco-Max 3L Laundry Washes).............................. Laundry Wash, Baby, 2X Concentrated, HE................................................................. 6/1.5L Laundry Wash, 2X Concentrated, Hypoallergenic, HE................................................. 6/1.5L Laundry Wash, 2X Concentrated, Natural Lavender, HE.............................................. 6/1.5L Laundry Wash, 2X Concentrated, Orange, HE............................................................. 6/1.5L Laundry Wash, 3X Concentrated, Hypoallergenic, HE................................................. 6/1.5L Laundry Wash, 3X Concentrated, Natural Lavender, HE.............................................. 6/1.5L Laundry Wash, 3X Concentrated, Natural Orange, HE................................................ 6/1.5L 07104 07174 07187 07188 Coconut Water, Pure (tetrapak)................................................................................... 12/250ml Coconut Water w/Velvety Dark Chocolate & Virgin Coconut Milk (tetrapak).............. 12/250ml Coconut Water, Pure (tetrapak)................................................................................... 12/1L Coconut Water, Pure, Velvety Dark Chocolate (tetrapak)............................................ 12/1L ECO-MAX LAUNDRY PRODUCTS • CANADIAN 853907 00105 853907 00106 853907 00135 853907 00128 853907 00129 853907 00130 853907 00143 853907 00144 853907 00145 ECOS PURE COCONUT WATER 8527750 0310 8527750 0341 8527750 0322 8527750 0330 4.31ea25.86 4.31ea25.86 4.31ea25.86 4.31ea25.86 4.31ea25.86 4.31ea25.86 U U 3.88ea23.28 10% U 3.88ea23.28 10% U 3.88ea23.28 10% TU 3.88ea23.28 10% U 3.88ea23.28 10% U 3.88ea23.28 10% 9.67ea38.68 7.74ea30.96 20% PT 6.64ea33.20 5.98ea29.90 10% PT 6.64ea66.40 5.98ea59.80 10% PT 12.31ea123.10 11.08ea110.8010% PT 3.82ea45.84 3.82ea45.84 special only 3.44ea41.28 10% special only 3.25ea39.00 15% 4.31ea25.86 3.88ea23.28 $2.58 5.21ea62.52 4.69ea56.28 $6.24 3.54ea28.32 3.19ea25.52 $2.80 3.54ea28.32 3.19ea25.52 $2.80 3.54ea28.32 3.19ea25.52 $2.80 3.54ea28.32 3.19ea25.52 $2.80 3.54ea28.32 3.19ea25.52 $2.80 3.54ea28.32 3.19ea25.52 $2.80 3.54ea28.32 3.19ea25.52 $2.80 PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT 12.15ea48.60 12.15ea48.60 special only 10.94ea43.76 10% special only 10.33ea41.32 15% 7.64ea45.84 6.89ea41.34 $4.50 7.64ea45.84 6.89ea41.34 $4.50 7.64ea45.84 6.89ea41.34 $4.50 7.64ea45.84 6.89ea41.34 $4.50 12.15ea72.90 10.96ea65.76 $7.14 12.15ea72.90 10.96ea65.76 $7.14 12.15ea72.90 10.96ea65.76 $7.14 PT PT PT PT PT PT PT 1.32ea15.84 10% 1.58ea18.96 10% 4.21ea50.52 10% 4.73ea56.76 10% U U U U 1.47ea17.64 1.75ea21.00 4.68ea56.16 5.26ea63.12 PT PT E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 18 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price ECOVER HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS 728997 21000 728997 22000 728997 24003 728997 50007 728997 14200 728997 41200 46215 46216 46251 46285 46289 46219 special price discount 5.86ea46.88 10% 5.49ea65.88 10% 5.49ea65.88 10% 3.72ea22.32 10% 4.62ea55.44 10% 3.29ea39.48 10% PT PT PT PT PT PT Delicate Wash............................................................................................................... 12/1L 4.74ea56.88 4.27ea51.24 10% Laundry Liquid, 2X Concentrated, Lavender Field, HE................................................ 6/1.5L 9.17ea55.02 8.25ea49.50 10% Laundry Liquid, 2X Concentrated, Zero, HE (unscented) ............................................ 4/2.75L 15.46ea61.84 13.91ea55.64 10% Laundry Liquid, 2.5X Concentrated, Zero, Free & Clear, HE (unscented) .................... 6/1.5L 9.17ea55.02 8.25ea49.50 10% Laundry Powder, Zero, HE (unscented)....................................................................... 4/3.17kg 16.26ea65.04 14.63ea58.52 10% Fabric Softener, Morning Fresh.................................................................................... 12/946ml 5.53ea66.36 4.98ea59.76 10% Fabric Softener, Sunny Day.......................................................................................... 12/946ml 5.53ea66.36 4.98ea59.76 10% Non-Chlorine Bleach.................................................................................................... 6/1.89L 5.74ea34.44 5.17ea31.02 10% Stain Remover.............................................................................................................. 9/203ml 4.00ea36.00 3.60ea32.40 10% PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT Automatic Dishwasher Powder................................................................................... 8/1.36kg Automatic Dishwasher Tablets.................................................................................... 12/500g Automatic Dishwasher Tablets, Zero, Free & Clear...................................................... 12/500g Dish Soap, Lime Zest.................................................................................................... 6/739ml All Purpose Cleaner, Lemon......................................................................................... 12/946ml Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Pine.............................................................................................. 12/750ml 6.51ea52.08 6.10ea73.20 6.10ea73.20 4.13ea24.78 5.13ea61.56 3.66ea43.92 ECOVER LAUNDRY PRODUCTS 728997 19200 728997 50004 728997 50000 72899 712202 728997 50005 728997 17200 728997 17201 728997 13400 728997 16800 46207 46287 46286 46253 46288 46290 46301 46205 46208 EDEN CANNED CHILIES • ORGANIC 024182 00337 024182 00335 024182 00338 024182 00336 10485 10487 10484 10486 E E E E Chili, Black Bean & Quinoa, Organic............................................................................ 12/398ml Chili, Great Northern Bean & Barley, Organic.............................................................. 12/398ml Chili, Kidney Bean & Kamut, Organic.......................................................................... 12/398ml Chili, Pinto Bean & Spelt, Organic................................................................................ 12/398ml EDEN CANNED WHOLE BEANS • ORGANIC 024182 28353 024182 28358 024182 28351 024182 28354 024182 28355 024182 28350 10440 10444 10441 10442 10445 10443 E E E E E E Black Beans, Organic (can)........................................................................................... 12/796ml Cannellini (White Kidney) Beans, Organic (can)......................................................... 12/796ml Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas), Organic (can)................................................................ 12/796ml Kidney Beans, Organic (can)........................................................................................ 12/796ml Navy Beans, Organic (can)........................................................................................... 12/796ml Pinto Beans, Organic (can)........................................................................................... 12/796ml EDEN JAPANESE SPECIALITIES 024182 00048 024182 30016 24069 24065 S Mirin, Rice Cooking Wine............................................................................................. 12/300ml Umeboshi Plums.......................................................................................................... 12/200g EDEN PONZU DIPPING SAUCE 024182 00049 24070 EDEN SEA VEGETABLES 024182 15931 024182 15475 024182 15769 24018 24000 24004 16024 E 16159 E 16027 E 16068 37521 37619 37519 37520 37031 37034 37082 37035 37033 32621 32620 37257 32618 32615 32617 32614 32616 4.23ea50.76 $5.16 4.57ea54.84 $5.61 4.00ea48.00 $4.84 4.23ea50.76 $5.16 4.15ea49.80 $5.04 4.02ea48.24 $4.86 11.46ea137.52 10.44ea125.28 $12.21 19.47ea233.64 17.64ea211.68 $21.95 Agar Agar Flakes (vegetable gelatin).......................................................................... 6/28.4g Arame........................................................................................................................... 6/60g Sushi Nori..................................................................................................................... 6/17g 9.86ea59.16 8.89ea53.34 $5.80 15.15ea90.90 13.75ea82.50 $8.40 7.70ea46.20 6.99ea41.94 $4.25 Plain, Unsalted, Organic............................................................................................... 12/100g Black Sesame, Organic................................................................................................. 12/100g Vegetable, Organic....................................................................................................... 12/100g Tamari Seaweed........................................................................................................... 12/100g Z Z Z Z Cocoa Coconut w/Chia Seeds (wheat/soy free)........................................................... 12/60g Maple Brown Sugar w/Chia Seeds (wheat/soy free).................................................. 12/60g Tropical Fruit w/Chia Seeds (wheat/soy free).............................................................. 12/60g Very Berry w/Chia Seeds (wheat/soy free)................................................................. 12/60g Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ³ ³ ³ Z Z Z Z Z ³ Original, All-Fruit.......................................................................................................... 12/66g Banana Nut Bread........................................................................................................ 12/66g Blueberry Cranberry Gojiberry Burst........................................................................... 12/66g Cocoa Coconut Cluster.................................................................................................. 12/66g Matcha Green Tea w/Cranberries................................................................................. 12/66g Peanut Butter Cocoa.................................................................................................... 12/66g Pomegranate Açaí........................................................................................................ 12/66g Strawberry Apple Pie................................................................................................... 12/66g Volume Price: 5 assorted cases (Elevate Me Bars excluding Perk)............................ Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Elevate Me Bars excluding Perk).......................... Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Elevate Me Bars excluding Perk).......................... Perk, Banana Split........................................................................................................ 15/44g Perk, Carrot Cake.......................................................................................................... 15/44g Perk, Greek Yogurt Parfait............................................................................................ 15/44g Perk, Piña Colada......................................................................................................... 15/44g Perk, Vanilla Chai.......................................................................................................... 15/44g Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Elevate Me Perk Bars)........................................... ELEVATE ME PROTEIN & FRUIT ENERGY BARS • CANADIAN 871102 00002 871102 00007 871102 00016 871102 00001 871102 00010 871102 00040 871102 00041 871102 00022 871102 00054 871102 00051 871102 00053 871102 00050 871102 00052 4.66ea55.92 5.04ea60.48 4.40ea52.80 4.66ea55.92 4.57ea54.84 4.43ea53.16 9.98ea119.76 9.11ea109.32 $10.42 ELEVATE ME INSTANT HOT OATMEALS • CANADIAN 871102 00104 871102 00103 871102 00101 871102 00102 3.99ea47.88 $5.07 6.14ea73.68 $3.85 3.82ea45.84 $4.84 3.21ea38.52 $3.99 Ponzu Sauce................................................................................................................. 12/200ml EDWARD & SONS BAKED BROWN RICE SNAPS 039631 00041 039631 00046 039631 00044 011206 00035 4.41ea52.92 6.46ea77.52 4.22ea50.64 3.54ea42.48 3.85ea46.20 3.85ea46.20 3.85ea46.20 3.85ea46.20 3.47ea41.64 10% 3.47ea41.64 10% 3.47ea41.64 10% 3.27ea39.24 15% 2.08ea24.96 2.08ea24.96 2.08ea24.96 2.08ea24.96 1.87ea22.44 10% 1.87ea22.44 10% 1.87ea22.44 10% 1.87ea22.44 10% T T T T 2.29ea27.48 2.29ea27.48 2.29ea27.48 2.29ea27.48 2.29ea27.48 2.29ea27.48 2.29ea27.48 2.29ea27.48 special only 2.18ea26.165% special only 2.06ea24.72 10% special only 1.95ea23.40 15% 1.81ea27.15 1.63ea24.45 10% 1.81ea27.15 1.63ea24.45 10% 1.81ea27.15 1.63ea24.45 10% 1.81ea27.15 1.63ea24.45 10% 1.81ea27.15 1.63ea24.45 10% special only 1.54ea23.10 15% T T T T T T T T T T T T T E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code regular price page 19 special price discount ELEVATE ME PROTEIN & FRUIT ENERGY BARS SHIPPER • CANADIAN 871102 00201 91596 Z Protein & Fruit Energy Bars Shipper (Special Order; 2 weeks’ lead time req’d)...... 216/66g 2.29ea494.64 1.95ea421.2015% Contains 36 units each of Original All-Fruit and Peanut Butter Cocoa and 24 units each of Cocoa Coconut Cluster, Pomegranate Açaí, Banana Nut Bread, Matcha Green Tea w/Cranberries, Blueberry Cranberry Gojiberry Burst and Strawberry Apple Pie Protein & Fruit Energy Bars. ENVIROKIDZ CEREALS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 058449 87008 058449 87010 058449 87009 22767 EZ 22772 EZ 22770 EZ Eco Pacs, Gorilla Munch, Corn Puffs, Organic (gluten free)......................................... 6/650g Eco Pacs, Koala Crisp, Chocolate, Organic (gluten free)............................................... 6/725g Eco Pacs, Panda Puffs, Peanut Butter, Organic (gluten free)....................................... 6/700g 7.96ea47.76 7.13ea42.78 $5.00 7.96ea47.76 7.13ea42.78 $5.00 7.96ea47.76 7.13ea42.78 $5.00 EVERYDAY SUPERFOODS IT’S NOT BACON COCONUT SNACKS & TOPPINGS • CANADIAN 850155 00114 850155 00115 850155 00116 850155 00117 26064 26067 26066 32023 Z Z Z Z It’s Not Bacon, Crispy Snack, Canadian Maple............................................................. 6/90g It’s Not Bacon, Crispy Snack, Holy Jalapeño................................................................. 6/90g It’s Not Bacon, Crispy Snack, Zesty Cheddar................................................................ 6/90g It’s Not Bacon, Salad Topper......................................................................................... 6/90g ¤E ¤E ¤E ¤E ¤E Kimchi, Organic (pouch).............................................................................................. 6/454g Kraut, Classic Caraway, Organic (pouch)...................................................................... 6/624g Kraut, Garlic Dill Pickle, Organic (pouch)..................................................................... 6/454g Kraut, Horseradish Leek, Organic (pouch)................................................................... 6/454g Kraut, Smoked Jalapeño, Organic (pouch).................................................................. 6/454g FARMHOUSE CULTURE FERMENTED RAW KRAUT & KIMCHI • ORGANIC 850273 00505 850273 00500 850273 00503 850273 00502 850273 00501 32504 32500 32503 32502 32501 FIELD ROAST FROZEN MEATLESS SAUSAGES 638031 61215 638031 61216 638031 61217 65100 T 65101 T 65102 T Sausage, Grain Meat, Italian (eggplant/fennel/garlic/red pepper) (vegan).............. 12/368g Sausage, Grain Meat, Mexican Chipotle (smoked peppers) (vegan).......................... 12/368g Sausage, Grain Meat, Smoked Apple Sage (potatoes/apples) (vegan)...................... 12/368g FILLO FACTORY FROZEN FILLO PASTRY DOUGH & SHELLS • ORGANIC 785002 32413 785002 87312 785002 99312 02184 TE 02183 TE 02185 TE Fillo Dough Sheets, Organic (yeast free/vegan).......................................................... 12/454g Fillo Dough Sheets, Spelt, Organic (yeast free/vegan)................................................ 12/454g Fillo Dough Sheets, Whole Wheat, Organic (yeast free/vegan).................................. 12/454g FILLO FACTORY FROZEN HORS D’OEUVRES/APPETIZERS 785002 74715 785002 33732 785002 27312 54391 TE 54390 TE 54371 TE Fillo Appetizers, Potato & Roasted Garlic Puffs, Organic (15/pkg).............................. 12/241g Fillo Appetizers, Spinach & Feta Triangles (Spanakopita), Organic (12/pkg)............. 12/241g Party Masters, Hors d’Oeuvres Ensemble, Organic...................................................... 12/241g FIRST FOOD ORGANICS BABY CEREALS & SNACKS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 834633 00001 834633 00003 834633 00002 834633 00005 834633 00006 834633 00007 834633 00008 38683 38686 38684 38688 38701 38702 38703 EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Infant Cereal, Brown Rice, Organic (6+ months)........................................................ 6/227g Infant Cereal, Multigrain, Organic (6+ months)......................................................... 6/227g Infant Cereal, Oatmeal, Organic (6+ months)............................................................ 6/227g Munch Mix, Fruit & Grain Cereal Bites, Banana, Organic............................................ 8/42g Munch Mix, Fruit & Grain Cereal Bites, Strawberry, Organic....................................... 8/42g Yogurt Yums, Freeze Dried Yogurt & Fruit Snacks, Mixed Berry, Organic.................... 8/28g Yogurt Yums, Freeze Dried Yogurt & Fruit Snacks, Peach, Organic.............................. 8/28g FOOD FOR LIFE FROZEN GLUTEN FREE BROWN RICE FLOUR BREAD 073472 00169 55538 T Bread, Brown Rice, Fruit Juice Sweetened (wheat/gluten free)................................. 6/680g FOOD SHOULD TASTE GOOD GLUTEN FREE TORTILLA CHIPS 021908 81245 021908 81253 021908 81254 021908 81255 021908 81257 37304 37301 37302 37303 37305 Blue Corn (gluten free/vegan)..................................................................................... 12/156g Multigrain (gluten free/vegan)................................................................................... 12/156g Olive (gluten free/vegan)............................................................................................ 12/156g Sweet Potato (gluten free/vegan)............................................................................... 12/156g White Cheddar (gluten free)........................................................................................ 12/156g FOUR O’CLOCK HERBALIST FUNCTIONAL TEAS • CANADIAN 779192 50024 779192 50022 779192 50005 779192 50013 13186 13210 13187 13189 T 3.99ea23.94 3.99ea23.94 3.99ea23.94 3.99ea23.94 3.59ea21.54 10% 3.59ea21.54 10% 3.59ea21.54 10% 3.59ea21.54 10% 9.57ea57.42 9.57ea57.42 8.39ea50.34 8.39ea50.34 8.39ea50.34 8.13ea48.78 15% 8.13ea48.78 15% 7.13ea42.78 15% 7.13ea42.78 15% 7.13ea42.78 15% T T T T 6.14ea73.68 5.22ea62.64 15% 6.14ea73.68 5.22ea62.64 15% 6.14ea73.68 5.22ea62.64 15% 6.04ea72.48 5.50ea66.00 $6.45 7.92ea95.04 7.22ea86.64 $8.45 6.44ea77.28 5.86ea70.32 $6.91 6.86ea82.32 6.25ea75.00 $7.37 7.78ea93.36 7.09ea85.08 $8.29 7.92ea95.04 7.22ea86.64 $8.45 4.59ea27.54 4.59ea27.54 4.59ea27.54 3.92ea31.36 3.92ea31.36 3.99ea31.92 3.99ea31.92 4.11ea24.66 10% 4.11ea24.66 10% 4.11ea24.66 10% 3.51ea28.08 10% 3.51ea28.08 10% 3.58ea28.64 10% 3.58ea28.64 10% T T T T 6.80ea40.80 6.16ea36.96 $3.84 3.79ea45.48 3.79ea45.48 3.79ea45.48 3.79ea45.48 3.79ea45.48 3.43ea41.16 $4.35 3.43ea41.16 $4.35 3.43ea41.16 $4.35 3.43ea41.16 $4.35 3.43ea41.16 $4.35 3.89ea23.34 3.89ea23.34 3.89ea23.34 5.11ea30.66 3.31ea19.86 15% 3.31ea19.86 15% 3.31ea19.86 15% 4.34ea26.04 15% Z Z Z Z Herbal Tea, Cold, All-In-One Cold & Cough, Night....................................................... 6/20bags Herbal Tea, Cold, Expectorant-Cough.......................................................................... 6/20bags Herbal Tea, Cold, Decongestant................................................................................... 6/20bags Herbal Tea, Slimming, Mega Slim, Cranberry & Cherry.............................................. 6/20bags EZ[ EZ[ EZ EZ[ EZ[ EZ[ EZ[ EZ[ EZ[ EZ EZ EZ Z EZ[ Black Tea (Pyramid), Earl Grey Chocolate Berry, Organic (Fair Trade)......................... 6/15bags 6.13ea36.78 5.21ea31.26 15% Green Tea (Pyramid), Jasmine & Lotus Flower, Organic (Fair Trade)........................... 6/15bags 6.13ea36.78 5.21ea31.26 15% Green Tea (Pyramid), Sencha, Organic........................................................................ 6/15bags 6.13ea36.78 5.21ea31.26 15% Green Tea (Pyramid), Tropical Mango, Organic (Fair Trade)........................................ 6/15bags 6.13ea36.78 5.21ea31.26 15% Herbal Tea (Pyramid), Chamomile Citrus, Organic (Fair Trade) .................................. 6/15bags 6.13ea36.78 5.21ea31.26 15% Herbal Tea (Pyramid), Lime Ginger Mint, Organic (Fair Trade).................................... 6/15bags 6.13ea36.78 5.21ea31.26 15% Herbal Tea (Pyramid), Wild Berries, Organic (Fair Trade) ............................................ 6/15bags 6.13ea36.78 5.21ea31.26 15% Rooibos Tea (Pyramid), Apricot Passion Fruit, Organic (Fair Trade)............................. 6/15bags 6.13ea36.78 5.21ea31.26 15% White Tea (Pyramid), Litchee Ginger, Organic (Fair Trade).......................................... 6/15bags 6.13ea36.78 5.21ea31.26 15% Green Tea, Japanese, Sencha, Organic (loose leaf/canister)....................................... 6/95g 9.95ea59.70 8.46ea50.76 15% Green Tea, Jasmine Pearls, Organic (loose leaf/canister)............................................ 6/130g 13.89ea83.34 11.81ea70.86 15% Green Tea, Organic (loose leaf/canister)...................................................................... 6/95g 9.95ea59.70 8.46ea50.76 15% Jade Oolong Tea (loose leaf/canister).......................................................................... 6/120g 10.65ea63.90 9.05ea54.30 15% White Tea, Organic (Fair Trade) (loose leaf/canister)................................................... 6/40g 9.95ea59.70 8.46ea50.76 15% T T T T T FOUR O’CLOCK TEAS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 779192 40365 779192 40374 779192 40362 779192 40366 779192 40364 779192 40369 779192 40375 779192 40367 779192 40360 779192 40238 779192 40244 779192 40236 779192 40241 779192 40239 12932 12978 12930 12933 12976 12936 12977 12935 12929 13200 13203 13199 13202 13201 E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 20 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price GARDEIN FROZEN MEAT ALTERNATIVES • CANADIAN 842234 00088 842234 00140 842234 00063 842234 00167 842234 00060 842234 00141 842234 00116 842234 00213 842234 00106 842234 00087 842234 00089 842234 00064 842234 00170 842234 00171 842234 00214 842234 00108 842234 00091 842234 00121 842234 00109 842234 00168 54274 65007 54533 65011 54530 65006 65003 65034 65001 54273 54275 54534 65009 65028 65033 65002 54276 65004 65000 65012 TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ Barbeque Wings, Sweet & Tangy (vegetarian)............................................................ 8/255g Beefless Strips, Sizzling Szechuan (vegetarian).......................................................... 8/300g Beefless Tips (vegetarian)............................................................................................ 8/255g Black Bean Burger (gluten free) (4/pkg)..................................................................... 8/340g Chick’n Scallopini (vegetarian).................................................................................... 8/285g Chick’n Sliders, Mini Burgers w/Buns.......................................................................... 6/320g Chick’n Strips, Teriyaki.................................................................................................. 8/300g Crabless Cakes (vegan) (10/pkg)................................................................................. 8/250g Crispy Chick’n Filets, Zesty Marinara............................................................................ 8/350g Crispy Chick’n, Mandarin Orange (vegetarian)............................................................ 8/300g Crispy Fingers, Chipotle Lime (vegetarian).................................................................. 8/270g Crispy Tenders (vegetarian)......................................................................................... 8/255g Golden Filet, Fish Free (6/pkg)..................................................................................... 8/288g Meatless Meatballs, Classic.......................................................................................... 8/360g Porkless Bites, Sweet & Sour (vegan).......................................................................... 8/300g Turk’y Cutlet, Lightly Crusted w/Gravy........................................................................ 8/350g The Ultimate Beefless Burger...................................................................................... 8/340g The Ultimate Beefless Slider, Mini Burgers w/Buns.................................................... 6/285g Ultimate Beefless Ground............................................................................................ 8/390g Veggie Burger (gluten free) (4/pkg)............................................................................ 8/340g GARDEIN FROZEN POCKET MEALS • CANADIAN 842234 00197 842234 00203 842234 00198 65029 TZ 65030 TZ 65031 TZ Pocket Meal, Crispy, Stuffed w/Kale, Barley & Sundried Tomatoes............................ 12/150g Pocket Meal, Italian Meatless Sausage w/Roasted Red Peppers & Spinach (4/pkg).6/400g Pocket Meal, Pulled Porkless Shreds w/Tangy BBQ Sauce (4/pkg)............................. 6/400g GARDEN OF EATIN’ TORTILLA CHIPS • ORGANIC 015839 02177 015839 01006 015839 02180 37422 E 36910 E 37423 E ³ ³ Tortilla Chips, Blue Chips, Salted, Organic................................................................... 12/229g Tortilla Chips, Sesame Blues, Organic.......................................................................... 12/212g Tortilla Chips, Sweet Potato, Organic........................................................................... 12/212g Volume Price: 5 assorted cases.................................................................................. Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ GIMME ROASTED SEAWEED SNACKS • ORGANIC 851093 00461 851093 00462 851093 00464 851093 00463 851093 00466 851093 00467 851093 00469 851093 00468 24161 24160 24167 24168 25163 24162 24169 24170 E E E E E E E E Roasted Seaweed Snacks, Single-Size Sheets, Sea Salt, Organic................................ 12/5g Roasted Seaweed Snacks, Single-Size Sheets, Sesame, Organic................................ 12/5g Roasted Seaweed Snacks, Single-Size Sheets, Teriyaki, Organic................................ 12/5g Roasted Seaweed Snacks, Single-Size Sheets, Wasabi, Organic................................. 12/5g Roasted Seaweed Snacks, Family-Size Sheets, Sea Salt, Organic............................... 12/10g Roasted Seaweed Snacks, Family-Size Sheets, Sesame, Organic............................... 12/10g Roasted Seaweed Snacks, Family-Size Sheets, Teriyaki, Organic................................ 12/10g Roasted Seaweed Snacks, Family-Size Sheets, Wasabi, Organic................................ 12/10g GIMME SEAWEED BROWN RICE CHIPS • ORGANIC 855463 00520 855463 00521 855463 00522 24172 E 24173 E 24174 E ³ Seaweed Brown Rice Chips w/Lentils & Sesame Seeds, Sea Salt, Organic................. 12/113g Seaweed Brown Rice Chips w/Lentils & Sesame Seeds, Teriyaki, Organic.................. 12/113g Seaweed Brown Rice Chips w/Lentils & Sesame Seeds, Wasabi, Organic.................. 12/113g Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (GimMe Seaweed Chips)....................................... GIMME WRAP ‘N’ ROLL ROASTED SEAWEED SHEETS • ORGANIC 851093 00439 24163 E Roasted Seaweed, Wrap ‘N’ Roll, Full Sheets, Sea Salt, Organic (7/pkg)..................... 10/26g GRANDMA NUNWEILER’S PANCAKE & WAFFLE MIXES • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 067785 01004 067785 01034 02189 EZ 02192 EZ Pancake & Waffle Mix, Whole Grain, Organic.............................................................. 12/1kg Pancake & Waffle Mix, Spelt, Organic.......................................................................... 12/1kg GREEK GODS GREEK STYLE YOGURTS 078355 45000 078355 47001 078355 47315 078355 47005 078355 47010 52084 ¤E ³ ³ 52085 ¤ 52099 ¤ 52086 ¤ 52087 ¤ ³ ³ Yogurt, Greek Style, Traditional, Plain, Organic........................................................... 6/500g Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Greek Gods Yogurt + Kefir).................................. Volume Price: 25 assorted cases (Greek Gods Yogurt + Kefir).................................. Yogurt, Greek Style, Traditional, Honey....................................................................... 6/500g Yogurt, Greek Style, Honey Salted Caramel................................................................. 6/500g Yogurt, Greek Style, Traditional, Honey Strawberry.................................................... 6/500g Yogurt, Greek Style, Traditional, Honey Vanilla........................................................... 6/500g Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Greek Gods Yogurt + Kefir).................................. Volume Price: 25 assorted cases (Greek Gods Yogurt + Kefir).................................. GREEK GODS KEFIR (CULTURED MILK) 078355 47501 078355 47505 52097 ¤ 52098 ¤ ³ ³ Kefir, Cultured Milk, Probiotic, Plain............................................................................ 6/710ml Kefir, Cultured Milk, Probiotic, Honey.......................................................................... 6/710ml Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Greek Gods Yogurt + Kefir).................................. Volume Price: 25 assorted cases (Greek Gods Yogurt + Kefir).................................. 3.56ea28.48 3.56ea28.48 3.56ea28.48 4.00ea32.00 3.56ea28.48 4.00ea24.00 3.56ea28.48 4.00ea32.00 4.00ea32.00 3.56ea28.48 3.56ea28.48 3.56ea28.48 3.56ea28.48 3.56ea28.48 3.56ea28.48 4.00ea32.00 4.00ea32.00 4.00ea24.00 3.56ea28.48 4.00ea32.00 special price discount 2.85ea22.80 20% 2.85ea22.80 20% 2.85ea22.80 20% 3.20ea25.60 20% 2.85ea22.80 20% 3.20ea19.20 20% 2.85ea22.80 20% 3.20ea25.60 20% 3.20ea25.60 20% 2.85ea22.80 20% 2.85ea22.80 20% 2.85ea22.80 20% 2.85ea22.80 20% 2.85ea22.80 20% 2.85ea22.80 20% 3.20ea25.60 20% 3.20ea25.60 20% 3.20ea19.20 20% 2.85ea22.80 20% 3.20ea25.60 20% 2.37ea28.48 1.90ea22.80 20% 4.00ea24.00 3.20ea19.20 20% 4.00ea24.00 3.20ea19.20 20% 3.57ea42.84 3.57ea42.84 3.57ea42.84 special only special only 3.21ea38.52 10% 3.21ea38.52 10% 3.21ea38.52 10% 3.03ea36.36 15% 2.86ea34.32 20% T T T 1.60ea19.20 1.60ea19.20 1.60ea19.20 1.60ea19.20 2.49ea29.88 2.49ea29.88 2.49ea29.88 2.49ea29.88 1.44ea17.28 10% 1.44ea17.28 10% 1.44ea17.28 10% 1.44ea17.28 10% 2.24ea26.88 10% 2.24ea26.88 10% 2.24ea26.88 10% 2.24ea26.88 10% T T T T T T T T 4.20ea50.40 4.20ea50.40 4.20ea50.40 special only 3.57ea42.84 15% T T T 4.56ea45.60 4.10ea41.00 10% T 6.00ea72.00 4.20ea50.40 30% 8.14ea97.68 6.51ea78.12 20% 4.38ea26.28 special only special only 4.06ea24.36 4.06ea24.36 4.06ea24.36 4.06ea24.36 special only special only 3.94ea23.64 10% 3.72ea22.32 15% 3.50ea21.00 20% 3.65ea21.90 10% 3.65ea21.90 10% 3.65ea21.90 10% 3.65ea21.90 10% 3.45ea20.70 15% 3.25ea19.50 20% 4.54ea27.24 4.54ea27.24 special only special only 4.09ea24.54 10% 4.09ea24.54 10% 3.86ea23.16 15% 3.63ea21.78 20% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 22 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price HAPPY PLANET REFRIGERATED GOURMET SOUPS • CANADIAN 779172 61105 779172 66726 779172 66724 779172 66723 779172 61103 779172 61120 779172 61102 779172 61731 779172 61108 779172 61727 779172 61101 779172 61106 779172 61729 779172 67330 779172 67331 779172 67301 779172 67306 779172 67329 38884 38894 38892 38891 38883 38889 38882 38898 38887 38895 38881 38885 38897 38911 38910 38907 38908 38909 ¤EZ ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤EZ ¤Z ¤EZ ¤EZ ¤EZ ¤Z ¤Z ¤EZ ¤Z ¤EZ ¤EZ ¤Z ¤EZ ¤Z Berkeley Butternut Squash, Organic (resealable bag)................................................ 6/650ml Chatham Carrot & Ginger w/Coconut Cream & Curry (resealable bag)...................... 6/500ml Chilliwack Broccoli & Cheddar w/Fresh Cream & Garlic (resealable bag)................... 6/500ml Fraser Valley Mushroom & Mascarpone w/Thyme (resealable bag).......................... 6/500ml Louisiana Sweetcorn & Red Pepper, Organic (resealable bag)................................... 6/650ml Mediterranean Minestrone (resealable bag).............................................................. 6/650ml Moroccan Chickpea, Organic (resealable bag)............................................................ 6/650ml Portuguese Kale & White Bean, Organic (resealable bag).......................................... 6/500ml South India Split Pea, Organic (resealable bag).......................................................... 6/650ml Thai Chicken (resealable bag)...................................................................................... 6/500ml Thai Coconut (resealable bag)..................................................................................... 6/650ml Tuscan Tomato, Organic (resealable bag).................................................................... 6/650ml West African Squash & Cashew (resealable bag)........................................................ 6/500ml Single Serve, French Lentil, Organic (tub)................................................................... 12/300g Single Serve, Portuguese Kale & White Bean, Organic (tub)...................................... 12/300g Single Serve, Thai Coconut (tub).................................................................................. 12/300g Single Serve, Tuscan Tomato, Organic (tub)................................................................ 12/300g Single Serve, West African Squash & Cashew (tub).................................................... 12/300g HAPPY PLANET REFRIGERATED JUICES & BLENDS • CANADIAN 779172 12101 779172 22164 779172 22166 779172 23161 779172 23162 779172 23110 779172 22163 779172 22165 06266 01312 01340 01308 01309 06237 01310 01311 ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z Juice, Orange (plastic bottle)....................................................................................... 6/325ml Smoothie, Blackberry, Boysenberry & Black Currant (plastic bottle)......................... 6/325ml Smoothie, Coconut & Pineapple (plastic bottle)......................................................... 6/325ml Smoothie, Extreme C w/Camu Camu (plastic bottle)................................................. 6/325ml Smoothie, Extreme Energy w/Yerba Maté (plastic bottle)......................................... 6/325ml Smoothie, Extreme Green w/Spirulina (plastic bottle)............................................... 6/325ml Smoothie, Mango & Passionfruit (plastic bottle)........................................................ 6/325ml Smoothie, Raspberry & Cherry (plastic bottle)........................................................... 6/325ml HAPPY PLANET REFRIGERATED SANTA FE FOUR-BEAN CHILI • CANADIAN 779172 61715 57100 ¤Z Chili, Santa Fe Four-Bean (gluten free) (resealable bag)............................................ 6/500ml HARVEST BEST CEREALS • CANADIAN 628154 20002 628154 20001 53201 Z 53200 Z Maple Pecan (non-GMO)............................................................................................. 6/312g Vanilla Almond (non-GMO)......................................................................................... 6/312g 38404 38706 38397 38400 38493 38387 38399 38398 38709 38707 38710 38708 Bouillon Cubes, Chicken, Organic................................................................................ 15/6ea Bouillon Cubes, Chicken, Low Sodium, Organic (gluten free)..................................... 15/60g Bouillon Cubes, Herbal, Organic (vegan)..................................................................... 15/6ea Bouillon Cubes, Low Sodium, Organic (vegan)........................................................... 15/6ea Bouillon Cubes, Miso, Organic (vegan)........................................................................ 15/6ea Bouillon Cubes, Mushroom, Organic (vegan).............................................................. 15/6ea Bouillon Cubes, Onion, Organic (vegan)...................................................................... 15/6ea Bouillon Cubes, Vegetable, Organic (vegan)............................................................... 15/6ea Broth Powder, Chicken, Organic (glass jar).................................................................. 6/120g Broth Powder, Vegetable, Organic (vegetarian) (glass jar)......................................... 6/180g Broth Powder, Chicken, Organic (glass jar).................................................................. 12/230g Broth Powder, Vegetable, Organic (vegetarian) (glass jar)......................................... 12/350g HARVEST SUN BOUILLON CUBES & BROTH POWDERS • ORGANIC 621234 90560 621234 96601 621234 90510 621234 90540 621234 90700 621234 80630 621234 95117 621234 90500 621234 96610 621234 96602 621234 96611 621234 96604 E E E E E E E E E E E E HARVEST SUN CANNED TOMATOES • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 621234 91007 621234 91009 621234 91008 33116 EZ 33118 EZ 33117 EZ Crushed Tomatoes, Organic (can)................................................................................ 12/796ml Diced Tomatoes, Unsalted, Organic (can).................................................................... 12/796ml Whole Tomatoes, Organic (can)................................................................................... 12/796ml HEALTHY TIMES BABY CEREALS • ORGANIC 048685 51498 048685 02188 048685 91851 048685 53106 048685 71786 048685 12191 048685 01797 048685 01798 16911 16902 16904 16585 16903 16586 16912 16913 E E E E E E E E Baby Cereal, Barley, Organic........................................................................................ 12/227g Baby Cereal, Brown Rice, Organic................................................................................ 12/227g Baby Cereal, Mixed Grain, Organic............................................................................... 12/227g Baby Cereal, Mixed Grain w/Blueberries, Organic....................................................... 12/227g Baby Cereal, Oatmeal, Organic.................................................................................... 12/227g Baby Cereal, Oatmeal w/Peaches & Bananas, Organic............................................... 12/227g Toddler Cereal/Finger Food, Teddy Puffs, Original, Organic........................................ 12/156g Toddler Cereal/Finger Food, Teddy Puffs, Apple Cinnamon, Organic.......................... 12/156g HORNBY ISLAND ENERGY BARS • CANADIAN 627843 21901 627843 21902 627843 21904 627843 21903 37529 37532 37531 37530 Z Z Z Z ³ Energy Bar, Carob......................................................................................................... 12/80g Energy Bar, Gourmet Sesame...................................................................................... 12/85g Energy Bar, Sesame...................................................................................................... 12/80g Energy Bar, Tahini......................................................................................................... 12/85g Volume Price: 40 assorted cases................................................................................ special price discount 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.32 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.32 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 3.15ea37.80 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 2.84ea34.08 10% 2.84ea34.08 10% 2.84ea34.08 10% 2.84ea34.08 10% 2.84ea34.08 10% 2.28ea13.68 2.06ea12.36 2.06ea12.36 2.06ea12.36 2.06ea12.36 2.06ea12.36 2.06ea12.36 2.06ea12.36 2.05ea12.30 10% 1.85ea11.10 10% 1.85ea11.10 10% 1.85ea11.10 10% 1.85ea11.10 10% 1.85ea11.10 10% 1.85ea11.10 10% 1.85ea11.10 10% U U U U U U U U 4.55ea27.30 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.50ea27.00 2.25ea13.50 50% 4.50ea27.00 2.25ea13.50 50% 2.32ea34.80 2.32ea34.80 2.32ea34.80 2.32ea34.80 2.32ea34.80 2.32ea34.80 2.32ea34.80 2.32ea34.80 5.14ea30.84 5.14ea30.84 9.50ea114.00 9.50ea114.00 1.86ea27.90 20% 1.86ea27.90 20% 1.86ea27.90 20% 1.86ea27.90 20% 1.86ea27.90 20% 1.86ea27.90 20% 1.86ea27.90 20% 1.86ea27.90 20% 4.11ea24.66 20% 4.11ea24.66 20% 7.60ea 91.2020% 7.60ea 91.2020% 3.39ea40.68 3.05ea36.60 10% 3.39ea40.68 3.05ea36.60 10% 3.39ea40.68 3.05ea36.60 10% 4.85ea58.20 4.85ea58.20 4.85ea58.20 5.13ea61.56 4.85ea58.20 5.13ea61.56 4.26ea51.12 4.26ea51.12 4.55ea54.60 $3.58 4.55ea54.60 $3.58 4.55ea54.60 $3.58 4.83ea57.96 $3.58 4.55ea54.60 $3.58 4.83ea57.96 $3.58 4.00ea48.00 $3.07 4.00ea48.00 $3.07 2.35ea28.25 2.35ea28.25 2.35ea28.25 2.35ea28.25 special only 2.35ea28.20 2.35ea28.20 2.35ea28.20 2.35ea28.20 2.12ea25.44 10% T T T T E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code HUBERT’S LEMONADE 070847 01720 070847 01714 070847 01716 070847 01718 01002 01000 01003 01001 ³ ³ regular price Lemonade, Blackberry (bottle)................................................................................... 12/473ml Lemonade, Original (bottle)........................................................................................ 12/473ml Lemonade, Raspberry (bottle).................................................................................... 12/473ml Lemonade, Strawberry (bottle)................................................................................... 12/473ml Volume Price: 16 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 32 assorted cases................................................................................ IMAGINE NATURAL BROTHS • ORGANIC 084253 24124 084253 24249 084253 24294 084253 24248 084253 24295 38636 38280 38411 38279 38449 E E E E E ³ ³ Beef Broth, Low Sodium, Organic (tetrapak).............................................................. 12/1L Free Range Chicken Broth, Organic (tetrapak)............................................................ 12/1L Free Range Chicken Broth, Low Sodium, Organic (tetrapak)...................................... 12/1L Vegetable Broth, Organic (tetrapak)........................................................................... 12/1L Vegetable Broth, Low Sodium, Organic (tetrapak)..................................................... 12/1L Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Imagine Broths + Gravy)..................................... Volume Price: 30 assorted cases (Imagine Broths + Gravy)..................................... IMAGINE PREPARED CHICKEN GRAVY • ORGANIC 084253 24612 38645 E ³ ³ Prepared Gravy, Roasted Chicken, Organic (gluten free) (tetra recart)....................... 12/500ml Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Imagine Broths + Gravy)..................................... Volume Price: 30 assorted cases (Imagine Broths + Gravy)..................................... JAPANESE DELIGHT SEAWEED SALAD ON THE GO 843451 01781 843451 01782 843451 01785 01672 01671 01670 Seaweed Salad, Apple Vinegar & Garlic...................................................................... 6/27g Seaweed Salad, Miso & Hijiki....................................................................................... 6/27g Seaweed Salad, Sesame Soy Dressing......................................................................... 6/26g JER’S GOURMET CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER BARS 837305 00504 837305 00502 837305 00503 837305 00505 35303 35301 35302 35304 Peanut Butter Bar, Caramella, Dark Chocolate (2/pkg)............................................... 12/85g Peanut Butter Bar, Original Incredibar, Milk Chocolate (2/pkg).................................. 12/85g Peanut Butter Bar, Pretzo Change-O, Milk Chocolate (2/pkg).................................... 12/85g Peanut Butter Bar, Toffee Break, Dark Chocolate (2/pkg)........................................... 12/85g JER’S GROUPIES NATURAL CHOCOLATE & NUT CLUSTERS 837305 00685 837305 00683 837305 00686 837305 00684 35306 35305 35307 35308 Groupies, Dark Chocolate, Coconut Cashew Clusters................................................... 6/113g Groupies, Dark Chocolate, Sea Salt Almond Clusters.................................................. 6/113g Groupies, Milk Chocolate, Blueberry Almond Clusters................................................ 6/113g Groupies, Milk Chocolate, Sea Salt Peanut Clusters.................................................... 6/113g JOVIAL ALL PURPOSE EINKORN FLOUR • ORGANIC 815421 01100 21044 E All Purpose Einkorn Flour, Organic............................................................................... 10/907g JOVIAL PASTAS • ORGANIC 815421 01130 815421 01123 815421 01122 815421 01120 815421 01113 815421 01112 815421 01110 17523 17522 17521 17520 17526 17525 17524 E E E E E E E Egg Pasta, Brown Rice, Organic (gluten free).............................................................. 12/255g Fusilli, Brown Rice, Organic (gluten free).................................................................... 12/340g Penne Rigate, Brown Rice, Organic (gluten free)........................................................ 12/340g Spaghetti, Brown Rice, Organic (gluten free).............................................................. 12/340g Fusilli, Einkorn, Organic................................................................................................ 12/340g Penne Rigate, Einkorn, Organic................................................................................... 12/340g Spaghetti, Einkorn, Organic......................................................................................... 12/340g KETTLE BRAND BAKES BAKED POTATO CHIPS 084114 12319 084114 11038 084114 11040 084114 11584 37416 36970 36968 37168 Bakes, Cheddar & Roasted Tomato.............................................................................. 15/113g Bakes, Hickory Honey Barbecue.................................................................................. 15/113g Bakes, Sea Salt............................................................................................................. 15/113g Bakes, Sea Salt & Vinegar............................................................................................. 15/113g KIJU JUICES • CANADIAN • ORGANIC (continued on Page 24) 189727 00031 189727 00033 189727 00032 189727 00351 189727 00354 189727 00355 189727 00357 189727 00101 189727 00046 189727 00102 189727 00104 189727 00105 189727 00107 04066 EZ 04068 EZ 04067 EZ ³ ³ 06763 EZ 06766 EZ 06764 EZ 06762 EZ ³ ³ 06757 EZ 07252 EZ 06758 EZ 06759 EZ 06760 EZ 06761 EZ ³ ³ Apple, Organic (plastic bottle)..................................................................................... 15/300ml Cranberry Pomegranate Blueberry, Organic (plastic bottle)...................................... 15/300ml Mango Orange, Organic (plastic bottle)...................................................................... 15/300ml Volume Price: 30 assorted cases (any Kiju varieties)................................................. Volume Price: 60 assorted cases (any Kiju varieties)................................................. Apple, Organic (bottle)................................................................................................ 12/355ml Lemonade, Organic (bottle)........................................................................................ 12/355ml Mango Orange, Organic (bottle)................................................................................. 12/355ml Pomegranate Cherry, Organic (bottle)........................................................................ 12/355ml Volume Price: 30 assorted cases (any Kiju varieties)................................................. Volume Price: 60 assorted cases (any Kiju varieties)................................................. Apple, Organic (tetrapak)............................................................................................ 12/1L Cranberry Pomegranate Blueberry, Organic (tetrapak).............................................. 12/1L Grape Apple, Organic (tetrapak).................................................................................. 12/1L Lemonade, Organic (tetrapak).................................................................................... 12/1L Mango Orange, Organic (tetrapak)............................................................................. 12/1L Pomegranate Cherry, Organic (tetrapak).................................................................... 12/1L Volume Price: 30 assorted cases (any Kiju varieties)................................................. Volume Price: 60 assorted cases (any Kiju varieties)................................................. page 23 special price discount 2.68ea32.16 2.68ea32.16 2.68ea32.16 2.68ea32.16 special only 2.47ea29.64 $2.56 special only 2.36ea28.32 $3.84 4.17ea50.04 4.17ea50.04 4.17ea50.04 4.17ea50.04 4.17ea50.04 special only special only TU TU TU TU 3.75ea45.00 10% 3.75ea45.00 10% 3.75ea45.00 10% 3.75ea45.00 10% 3.75ea45.00 10% 3.34ea40.08 20% 3.13ea37.56 25% 3.70ea44.40 3.33ea39.96 10% special only 2.96ea35.52 20% special only 2.78ea33.36 25% 3.65ea21.90 3.38ea20.28 $1.60 3.65ea21.90 3.38ea20.28 $1.60 3.65ea21.90 3.38ea20.28 $1.60 3.73ea44.76 3.73ea44.76 3.73ea44.76 3.73ea44.76 3.17ea38.04 15% 3.17ea38.04 15% 3.17ea38.04 15% 3.17ea38.04 15% 5.97ea35.82 5.97ea35.82 5.97ea35.82 5.97ea35.82 5.07ea30.42 15% 5.07ea30.42 15% 5.07ea30.42 15% 5.07ea30.42 15% 7.24ea72.40 5.79ea57.90 20% 5.83ea69.96 4.43ea53.16 4.43ea53.16 4.43ea53.16 3.55ea42.60 3.55ea42.60 3.55ea42.60 4.66ea55.92 20% 3.54ea42.48 20% 3.54ea42.48 20% 3.54ea42.48 20% 2.84ea34.08 20% 2.84ea34.08 20% 2.84ea34.08 20% 2.31ea34.65 2.31ea34.65 2.31ea34.65 2.31ea34.65 2.15ea32.25 $2.40 2.15ea32.25 $2.40 2.15ea32.25 $2.40 2.15ea32.25 $2.40 T T T T 1.33ea19.95 1.33ea19.95 1.33ea19.95 special only special only 1.58ea18.96 1.58ea18.96 1.58ea18.96 1.58ea18.96 special only special only 2.51ea30.12 2.51ea30.12 2.51ea30.12 2.51ea30.12 2.51ea30.12 2.51ea30.12 special only special only 1.23ea18.45 $1.50 1.23ea18.45 $1.50 1.23ea18.45 $1.50 1.18ea17.70 $2.25 1.13ea16.95 $3.00 1.46ea17.52 $1.50 1.46ea17.52 $1.50 1.46ea17.52 $1.50 1.46ea17.52 $1.50 1.39ea16.68 $2.25 1.33ea15.96 $3.00 2.30ea27.60 $2.50 2.30ea27.60 $2.50 2.30ea27.60 $2.50 2.30ea27.60 $2.50 2.30ea27.60 $2.50 2.30ea27.60 $2.50 2.24ea26.88 $3.25 2.18ea26.16 $4.00 U U U U U U U U U U U U U E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 24 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price KIJU JUICES • CANADIAN • ORGANIC (continued on Page 23) 189727 00021 189727 00022 189727 00023 189727 00024 189727 00025 06944 06955 06956 06969 06975 EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ ³ ³ Apple, Organic (tetrapak)............................................................................................ 8/4x200ml Grape Apple, Organic (tetrapak) ................................................................................. 8/4x200ml Lemonade, Organic (tetrapak) .................................................................................... 8/4x200ml Mango Orange, Organic (tetrapak)............................................................................. 8/4x200ml Pomegranate Cherry, Organic (tetrapak).................................................................... 8/4x200ml Volume Price: 30 assorted cases (any Kiju varieties)................................................. Volume Price: 60 assorted cases (any Kiju varieties)................................................. KIJU READY-TO-DRINK BOTTLED ICED TEAS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 189727 00071 189727 00073 189727 00072 04029 EZ 04030 EZ 04031 EZ ³ ³ Green Tea, RTD, Pomegranate, Organic (glass bottle)................................................. 12/355ml Maté, RTD, Mango Passion, Organic (glass bottle)...................................................... 12/355ml Rooibos, RTD, Hibiscus, Organic (glass bottle)............................................................. 12/355ml Volume Price: 30 assorted cases (any Kiju varieties)................................................. Volume Price: 60 assorted cases (any Kiju varieties)................................................. KIND HEALTHY GRAINS BARS 602652 18417 602652 18416 602652 18415 602652 18418 37609 37608 37607 37610 ³ ³ Healthy Grains, Chewy, Dark Chocolate Chunk........................................................... 8/5x35g Healthy Grains, Chewy, Maple Pumpkin Seeds w/Sea Salt........................................ 8/5x35g Healthy Grains, Chewy, Oats & Honey w/Toasted Coconut......................................... 8/5x35g Healthy Grains, Chewy, Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate............................................... 8/5x35g Volume Price: 12 assorted cases (Kind Healthy Grains Bars).................................... Volume Price: 24 assorted cases (Kind Healthy Grains Bars).................................... KIND HEALTHY SNACKS FOOD BARS 602652 17040 602652 17044 602652 17049 602652 17035 602652 17041 602652 17047 602652 17094 602652 17077 602652 17076 602652 17075 602652 17074 602652 17095 602652 17037 602652 17070 37467 37470 37503 37466 37469 37468 37605 37492 37491 37490 37489 37606 37472 37475 ³ ³ ³ Fruit & Nut, Almond & Apricot..................................................................................... 12/40g Fruit & Nut, Almond & Coconut................................................................................... 12/40g Fruit & Nut, Blueberry, Vanilla & Cashew.................................................................... 12/40g Fruit & Nut, Fruit & Nut Delight................................................................................... 12/40g Fruit & Nut, Fruit & Nuts w/Yogurt Coating................................................................. 12/40g Fruit & Nut, Nut Delight............................................................................................... 12/40g Nuts & Spices, Caramel Almond & Sea Salt................................................................. 12/40g Nuts & Spices, Cashew & Ginger Spice........................................................................ 12/40g Nuts & Spices, Dark Chocolate Cinnamon Pecan......................................................... 12/40g Nuts & Spices, Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt............................................................ 12/40g Nuts & Spices, Madagascar Vanilla Almond................................................................ 12/40g Nuts & Spices, Maple Glazed Pecan & Sea Salt............................................................ 12/40g Plus, Almond Cashew w/Flax & Omega-3.................................................................. 12/40g Plus, Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate & Protein............................................................. 12/40g Volume Price: 40 assorted cases (Kind Snack Bars)................................................... Volume Price: 60 assorted cases (Kind Snack Bars)................................................... Volume Price: 80 assorted cases (Kind Snack Bars)................................................... KIND HEALTHY SNACKS HEALTHY GRAINS (GRANOLAS) 602652 18311 602652 18313 602652 18310 602652 18312 37494 37496 37493 37495 ³ ³ Healthy Grains, Cinnamon Oat Clusters w/Flax Seeds................................................ 6/312g Healthy Grains, Oats & Honey Clusters w/Toasted Coconut........................................ 6/312g Healthy Grains, Peanut Butter Whole Grain Clusters.................................................. 6/312g Healthy Grains, Vanilla Blueberry Clusters w/Flax Seeds............................................ 6/312g Volume Price: 12 assorted cases (Kind Healthy Grains Clusters)............................... Volume Price: 24 assorted cases (Kind Healthy Grains Clusters)............................... KNUDSEN JUICES (continued on Page 25) 074682 11120 074682 12326 074682 11117 074682 11118 074682 11112 074682 11113 074682 12304 074682 12323 074682 12383 06589 E ³ ³ ³ 06313 E 06568 E 06569 E ³ ³ ³ 05997 E 05998 E ³ ³ ³ 06305 E ³ ³ ³ 06332 06299 ³ ³ Açaí Berry Blend, Organic (bottle)............................................................................... 12/946ml Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Codes 05997, 05998, 06313, 06568, 06569, 06589 + 06305) Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Codes 05997, 05998, 06313, 06568, 06569, 06589 + 06305) Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Codes 05997, 05998, 06313, 06568, 06569, 06589 + 06305) Blueberry Nectar Blend, Organic (bottle).................................................................... 12/946ml Blueberry Pomegranate, Organic (bottle)................................................................... 12/946ml Cranberry Pomegranate, Organic (bottle)................................................................... 12/946ml Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Codes 05997, 05998, 06313, 06568, 06569, 06589 + 06305) Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Codes 05997, 05998, 06313, 06568, 06569, 06589 + 06305) Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Codes 05997, 05998, 06313, 06568, 06569, 06589 + 06305) Concord Grape, Organic (bottle).................................................................................. 12/945ml Grapefruit, Organic (bottle)......................................................................................... 12/945ml Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Codes 05997, 05998, 06313, 06568, 06569, 06589 + 06305) Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Codes 05997, 05998, 06313, 06568, 06569, 06589 + 06305) Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Codes 05997, 05998, 06313, 06568, 06569, 06589 + 06305) Pear, Organic (bottle)................................................................................................... 12/946ml Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Codes 05997, 05998, 06313, 06568, 06569, 06589 + 06305) Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Codes 05997, 05998, 06313, 06568, 06569, 06589 + 06305) Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Codes 05997, 05998, 06313, 06568, 06569, 06589 + 06305) Pineapple Coconut (bottle).......................................................................................... 12/946ml Very-Veggie, Low Sodium (bottle).............................................................................. 12/946ml Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Codes 06299 + 06332)........................................ Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Codes 06299 + 06332)........................................ special price discount 2.52ea20.16 2.52ea20.16 2.52ea20.16 2.52ea20.16 2.52ea20.16 special only special only 2.27ea18.16 $2.00 2.27ea18.16 $2.00 2.27ea18.16 $2.00 2.27ea18.16 $2.00 2.27ea18.16 $2.00 2.18ea17.44 $2.75 2.08ea16.64 $3.50 1.58ea18.96 1.58ea18.96 1.58ea18.96 special only special only 1.46ea17.52 $1.50 U 1.46ea17.52 $1.50 U 1.46ea17.52 $1.50 U 1.39ea16.68 $2.25 1.33ea15.96 $3.00 3.85ea30.80 3.85ea30.80 3.85ea30.80 3.85ea30.80 special only special only 3.57ea28.56 $2.25 3.57ea28.56 $2.25 3.57ea28.56 $2.25 3.57ea28.56 $2.25 3.44ea27.52 $3.25 3.32ea26.56 $4.25 T T T T 1.67ea20.04 1.67ea20.04 1.67ea20.04 1.67ea20.04 1.67ea20.04 1.67ea20.04 1.67ea20.04 1.67ea20.04 1.67ea20.04 1.67ea20.04 1.67ea20.04 1.67ea20.04 1.67ea20.04 1.67ea20.04 special only special only special only 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.55ea18.60 $1.40 1.50ea18.00 $2.00 1.46ea17.52 $2.50 1.42ea17.04 $3.00 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 5.24ea31.44 5.24ea31.44 5.24ea31.44 5.24ea31.44 special only special only 4.87ea29.22 $2.25 4.87ea29.22 $2.25 4.87ea29.22 $2.25 4.87ea29.22 $2.25 4.70ea28.20 $3.25 4.53ea27.18 $4.25 T T T T 7.41ea88.92 special only special only special only 5.19ea62.28 5.19ea62.28 5.19ea62.28 special only special only special only 4.89ea58.68 4.89ea58.68 special only special only special only 5.71ea68.52 special only special only special only 4.13ea49.56 4.13ea49.56 special only special only 6.83ea81.96 $6.91 U 6.74ea 80.88$8.05 6.13ea 73.56$15.36 5.94ea 71.28$17.64 4.61ea55.32 $6.91 U 4.61ea55.32 $6.91 U 4.61ea55.32 $6.91 U 4.52ea 54.24$8.05 3.91ea 46.92$15.36 3.72ea 44.64$17.64 4.31ea51.72 $6.91 U 4.31ea51.72 $6.91 U 4.22ea 50.64$8.05 3.61ea 43.32$15.36 3.42ea 41.04$17.64 5.13ea61.56 $6.91 U 5.04ea 60.48$8.05 4.43ea 53.16$15.36 4.24ea 50.88$17.64 3.68ea44.16 $5.38 U 3.68ea44.16 $5.38 U 3.08ea36.96 $12.66 2.98ea35.76 $13.80 U U U U U E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code regular price KNUDSEN JUICES (continued on Page 24) 074682 55530 074682 55531 07239 07240 ³ ³ ³ Nature’s Peak, Berry Veggie Juice Blend (bottle)......................................................... 12/946ml Nature’s Peak, Tropical Veggie Juice Blend (bottle)..................................................... 12/946ml Volume Price: 5 assorted cases (Codes 07239 + 07240)........................................... Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Codes 07239 + 07240)........................................ Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Codes 07239 + 07240)........................................ KONARED HAWAIIAN COFFEEBERRY SUPERFRUIT JUICE 857798 00324 857798 00330 857798 00325 07412 07414 07413 KonaRed, Hawaiian Coffeeberry, Original (plastic bottle).......................................... 12/311ml KonaRed, Hawaiian Coffeeberry, Coconut Water (plastic bottle)............................... 12/311ml KonaRed, Hawaiian Coffeeberry, Green Tea (plastic bottle)....................................... 12/311ml LÄRABAR FRUIT & NUT FOOD BARS 021908 50951 021908 50798 021908 50953 021908 51174 021908 50769 021908 50955 021908 50958 021908 50939 021908 50962 37320 37370 37322 37547 37371 37324 37328 37335 37329 Apple Pie (gluten free/vegan)..................................................................................... 16/45g Blueberry (gluten free/vegan).................................................................................... 16/45g Cashew Cookie (gluten free/vegan)............................................................................ 16/48g Chocolate Brownie (gluten free).................................................................................. 16/45g Chocolate Chip (gluten free/vegetarian)..................................................................... 16/45g Chocolate Coconut Chew (gluten free/vegan)............................................................ 16/51g Coconut Cream Pie (gluten free/vegan)...................................................................... 16/48g Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip (gluten free/vegetarian)............................................. 16/45g Peanut Butter Cookie (gluten free/vegan).................................................................. 16/48g LICK YOUR CHOPS DOG FOOD 032976 16755 032976 16856 032976 16972 48020 48022 48024 Canned Food, Adult (can)............................................................................................ 12/374g Canned Food, Lamb & Rice (can)................................................................................. 12/374g Canned Food, Turkey & Brown Rice (can).................................................................... 12/374g LITTLE DUCK ORGANICS TINY FRUIT SNACKS • ORGANIC 856341 00363 856341 00362 856341 00358 856341 00359 856341 00360 856341 00361 18194 18195 18190 18192 18191 18193 E E E E E E ³ ³ Fruit & Veggie Snacks, Banana, Mango & Edamame, Organic................................... 6/21g Fruit & Veggie Snacks, Pineapple, Apple & Pea, Organic ............................................ 6/21g Fruit Snacks, Apple Banana, Organic (replaces Code 18165)................................... 6/21g Fruit Snacks, Apple Mango, Organic............................................................................ 6/21g Fruit Snacks, Blueberry Banana, Organic (replaces Code 18163)............................. 6/21g Fruit Snacks, Strawberry Mango, Organic (replaces Code 18164)............................ 6/21g Volume Price: 15 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 25 assorted cases................................................................................ LUNDBERG BROWN RICE SYRUP 073416 00185 24100 Brown Rice Syrup, Sweet Dreams, Nutra-Farmed....................................................... 12/460ml LUNDBERG RICE CAKES • ORGANIC 073416 20014 073416 20015 073416 20013 073416 20017 073416 20037 073416 20039 073416 20024 073416 20020 16311 16312 16315 16313 16321 16322 16320 16317 E E E E E E E E LUNDBERG BULK RICE 073416 40150 073416 40151 073416 04024 073416 40113 073416 40101 073416 40142 073416 30015 073416 00450 073416 09020 073416 00435 32045 32050 32040 32070 32072 32025 32090 32006 32035 32094 Plain, Brown Rice, Organic........................................................................................... 12/241g Plain, Brown Rice, Unsalted, Organic.......................................................................... 12/241g Tamari w/Seaweed, Organic........................................................................................ 12/241g Wild Rice, Organic........................................................................................................ 12/241g Buttery Caramel, Organic............................................................................................. 12/269g Cinnamon Toast, Organic............................................................................................. 12/269g Koku Seaweed w/Wasabi, Organic.............................................................................. 12/255g Sesame Tamari, Organic............................................................................................... 12/255g Basmati, Brown, Nutra-Farmed.................................................................................. 1/11.34kg Basmati, White, Nutra-Farmed.................................................................................... 1/11.34kg Jasmine, White, Nutra-Farmed.................................................................................... 1/11.34kg Long Grain, Brown, Nutra-Farmed.............................................................................. 1/11.34kg Short Grain, Brown, Nutra-Farmed............................................................................. 1/11.34kg Sweet Brown, Nutra-Farmed....................................................................................... 1/11.34kg Wehani, Nutra-Farmed................................................................................................ 1/11.34kg Black Japonica, Nutra-Farmed..................................................................................... 1/11.34kg Countrywild, Nutra-Farmed........................................................................................ 1/11.34kg Wild Blend, Nutra-Farmed........................................................................................... 1/11.34kg LUNDBERG PACKAGED RICE 073416 40603 073416 40404 073416 04050 073416 04048 073416 19964 073416 19963 073416 04043 31209 31210 31211 31212 31208 31206 31207 E E E E E E E Basmati, Brown, Organic............................................................................................. 6/907g Basmati, White, Organic.............................................................................................. 6/907g Jasmine, Brown, Organic............................................................................................. 6/907g Jasmine, White, Organic.............................................................................................. 6/907g Long Grain Brown, Organic.......................................................................................... 6/907g Short Grain, Brown, Organic........................................................................................ 6/907g Sushi, White, Organic................................................................................................... 6/907g LUNDBERG ROASTED BROWN RICE COUSCOUS 073416 03011 073416 03012 38724 E 38725 Brown Rice Couscous, Roasted, Plain Original, Organic.............................................. 6/284g Brown Rice Couscous, Roasted, Mediterranean Curry................................................ 6/198g 4.95ea59.40 4.95ea59.40 special only special only special only page 25 special price discount 4.43ea53.16 $6.27 U 4.43ea53.16 $6.27 U 3.99ea47.88 $11.52 3.90ea46.80 $12.66 3.80ea45.60 $13.80 2.11ea25.32 1.86ea22.32 12% TU 2.11ea25.32 1.86ea22.32 12% TU 2.11ea25.32 1.86ea22.32 12% TU 1.49ea23.84 1.49ea23.84 1.49ea23.84 1.49ea23.84 1.49ea23.84 1.49ea23.84 1.49ea23.84 1.49ea23.84 1.49ea23.84 1.34ea21.44 $2.40 1.34ea21.44 $2.40 1.34ea21.44 $2.40 1.34ea21.44 $2.40 1.34ea21.44 $2.40 1.34ea21.44 $2.40 1.34ea21.44 $2.40 1.34ea21.44 $2.40 1.34ea21.44 $2.40 T T T T T T T T T 2.87ea34.44 2.58ea30.96 10% PT 2.97ea35.64 2.67ea32.04 10% PT 2.97ea35.64 2.67ea32.04 10% PT 4.21ea25.26 4.21ea25.26 4.21ea25.26 4.21ea25.26 4.21ea25.26 4.21ea25.26 special only special only 3.79ea22.74 10% 3.79ea22.74 10% 3.79ea22.74 10% 3.79ea22.74 10% 3.79ea22.74 10% 3.79ea22.74 10% 3.58ea21.48 15% 3.37ea20.22 20% T T T T T T 5.58ea66.96 5.00ea60.00 $7.00 4.48ea53.76 4.48ea53.76 4.48ea53.76 4.48ea53.76 4.48ea53.76 4.48ea53.76 4.48ea53.76 4.48ea53.76 4.00ea48.00 $5.73 4.00ea48.00 $5.73 4.00ea48.00 $5.73 4.00ea48.00 $5.73 4.00ea48.00 $5.73 4.00ea48.00 $5.73 4.00ea48.00 $5.73 4.00ea48.00 $5.73 45.96ea45.96 41.24ea41.24 $4.72 52.51ea52.51 47.07ea47.07 $5.44 52.51ea52.51 47.07ea47.07 $5.44 38.77ea38.77 34.84ea34.84 $3.93 33.65ea33.65 30.27ea30.27 $3.38 40.28ea40.28 36.18ea36.18 $4.10 76.70ea76.70 68.61ea68.61 $8.09 76.70ea76.70 68.61ea68.61 $8.09 76.70ea76.70 68.61ea68.61 $8.09 96.79ea96.79 86.50ea86.50 $10.29 7.34ea44.04 8.49ea50.94 6.97ea41.82 8.20ea49.20 6.78ea40.68 6.45ea38.70 8.23ea49.38 6.31ea37.86 $6.20 7.29ea43.74 $7.19 5.99ea35.94 $5.86 7.05ea42.30 $6.92 5.83ea34.98 $5.70 5.55ea33.30 $5.40 7.07ea42.42 $6.98 3.70ea22.20 3.17ea19.02 $3.16 3.70ea22.20 3.17ea19.02 $3.16 E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 26 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price LUNDBERG RISOTTO MIXES 073416 51260 073416 51270 073416 51280 073416 02025 073416 02021 073416 02024 38726 E 38727 E 38728 E 38723 38721 38722 Risotto, Alfredo, Organic.............................................................................................. 6/156g Risotto, Florentine, Organic......................................................................................... 6/163g Risotto, Porcini Mushroom, Organic............................................................................ 6/167g Risotto, Butternut Squash, Nutra-Farmed.................................................................. 6/164g Risotto, Creamy Parmesan, Nutra-Farmed.................................................................. 6/156g Risotto, Garlic Primavera, Nutra-Farmed .................................................................... 6/156g MACKELLAR FARMS FROZEN EDAMAME • CANADIAN 185820 00002 185820 00001 63027 TZ 63026 TZ Edamame, Shelled (non-GMO soybeans)................................................................... 12/400g Edamame, Whole Pods (non-GMO soybeans)............................................................ 12/400g MADE IN NATURE DRIED FRUITS • ORGANIC 720379 50123 720379 50404 720379 50405 720379 50126 720379 50127 720379 50121 720379 50115 720379 53108 720379 53106 720379 53105 720379 53107 18091 18167 18168 18074 18090 18069 18075 18176 18174 18173 18175 E E E E E E S¤E E E E E Apple Slices, Organic.................................................................................................... 12/85g Bananas, Slices, Organic.............................................................................................. 12/113g Dates, Deglet Noor, Organic (pitted)............................................................................ 12/170g Pineapple Bits, Organic................................................................................................ 12/85g Prunes, Pitted, Organic................................................................................................ 12/170g Raisins, Thompson Seedless, Organic.......................................................................... 12/170g Snack Packs, Raisins, Thompson Seedless, Organic (6 pack)....................................... 24/6x42g Single Serve, Fusion, Apple Cinnamon, Organic......................................................... 8/5x28g Single Serve, Fusion, Mediterranean, Organic............................................................ 8/5x28g Single Serve, Fusion, SuperBerry, Organic.................................................................. 8/5x28g Single Serve, Fusion, Tropical, Organic........................................................................ 8/5x28g MAMMA CHIA CHIA SQUEEZE VITALITY SNACKS • ORGANIC 856516 00259 856516 00256 856516 00258 856516 00257 07375 07377 07376 07374 E E E E Chia Squeeze, Green Magic, Organic (gluten free/vegan/non-GMO)........................ 6/4x99g Chia Squeeze, Mango Coconut, Organic (gluten free/vegan/non-GMO)................... 6/4x99g Chia Squeeze, Strawberry Banana, Organic (gluten free/vegan/non-GMO)............. 6/4x99g Chia Squeeze, Wild Raspberry, Organic (gluten free/vegan/non-GMO).................... 6/4x99g MAMMA CHIA REFRIGERATED VITALITY BEVERAGES • ORGANIC 856516 00203 856516 00201 856516 00206 856516 00200 07371 07372 07373 07370 ¤E ¤E ¤E ¤E Blackberry Hibiscus, Organic (gluten free/vegan)...................................................... 12/296ml Cherry Lime, Organic (gluten free/vegan).................................................................. 12/296ml Guava Mamma, Organic (gluten free/vegan)............................................................. 12/296ml Raspberry Passion, Organic (gluten free/vegan)........................................................ 12/296ml MANITOBA HARVEST HEMP HEART BARS • CANADIAN 4.19ea25.14 4.19ea25.14 4.19ea25.14 3.67ea22.02 3.67ea22.02 3.67ea22.02 special price discount 3.59ea21.54 $3.61 3.59ea21.54 $3.61 3.59ea21.54 $3.61 3.15ea18.90 $3.15 3.15ea18.90 $3.15 3.15ea18.90 $3.15 3.12ea37.44 2.76ea33.12 12% 3.12ea37.44 2.76ea33.12 12% 5.88ea70.56 5.88ea70.56 5.88ea70.56 5.88ea70.56 5.88ea70.56 5.06ea60.72 4.64ea111.36 7.56ea60.48 7.56ea60.48 7.56ea60.48 7.56ea60.48 5.43ea65.16 $5.44 5.43ea65.16 $5.44 5.43ea65.16 $5.44 5.43ea65.16 $5.44 5.43ea65.16 $5.44 4.61ea55.32 $5.44 4.41ea105.84$5.44 6.88ea55.04 $5.44 6.88ea55.04 $5.44 6.88ea55.04 $5.44 6.88ea55.04 $5.44 T T T T 7.30ea43.80 7.30ea43.80 7.30ea43.80 7.30ea43.80 5.84ea35.04 20% 5.84ea35.04 20% 5.84ea35.04 20% 5.84ea35.04 20% T T T T 3.59ea43.08 3.59ea43.08 3.59ea43.08 3.59ea43.08 2.87ea34.44 20% 2.87ea34.44 20% 2.87ea34.44 20% 2.87ea34.44 20% TU TU TU TU 2.14ea25.68 1.99ea23.88 $1.80 2.14ea25.68 1.99ea23.88 $1.80 2.14ea25.68 1.99ea23.88 $1.80 T T T 4.93ea59.16 4.58ea54.96 $4.20 T 37663 Z 37662 Z 37661 Z Hemp Heart Bar, Apple Cinnamon (vegan/non-GMO)............................................... 12/45g Hemp Heart Bar, Chocolate (vegan/non-GMO).......................................................... 12/45g Hemp Heart Bar, Vanilla (vegan/non-GMO)............................................................... 12/45g 37613 Z Hemp Heart Bites (vegan/non-GMO)......................................................................... 12/113g 697658 00007 697658 22001 697658 00003 697658 00001 697658 20119 697658 69115 697658 69116 697658 10218 37197 36907 36352 36348 37349 37140 37026 60122 697658 69140 91625 EZ 697658 69119 91534 EZ Hemp Hearts (Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds), Organic (pouches)................................... 8/200g 7.04ea56.32 6.54ea52.32 $4.00 Hemp Hearts (Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds), Organic.................................................... 6/340g 10.61ea63.66 9.86ea59.16 $4.52 Hemp Hearts (Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds)................................................................... 12/56g 2.06ea24.72 1.91ea22.92 $1.75 Hemp Hearts (Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds)................................................................... 8/227g 6.42ea51.36 5.96ea47.68 $3.65 Hemp Hearts (Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds)................................................................... 6/454g 11.27ea67.62 10.47ea62.82 $4.80 Hemp Hearts (Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds), Organic.................................................... 1/2.27kg 56.55ea56.55 52.53ea52.53 $4.02 Hemp Hearts (Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds)................................................................... 1/2.27kg 45.77ea45.77 42.52ea42.52 $3.25 Hemp Hearts Shipper (Special Order; 4 weeks’ lead time required)..................... 36/227g 6.42ea231.12 5.96ea214.56 $16.42 Contains 36 units of Hemp Hearts Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds (227g). Available by special order with four (4) weeks’ lead time. Organic Hemp Hearts Shipper (Special Order; 4 weeks’ lead time required)........ 36/200g 7.14ea257.04 6.64ea239.04 $18.00 Contains 36 units of Organic Hemp Hearts Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds (200g). Available by special order with four (4) weeks’ lead time. Organic Hemp Hearts Shipper (Special Order; 4 weeks’ lead time required)........ 36/340g 10.61ea381.96 9.86ea354.96 $27.10 Contains 36 units of Organic Hemp Hearts Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds (340g). Available by special order with four (4) weeks’ lead time. 697658 69176 697658 69175 697658 69174 MANITOBA HARVEST HEMP HEART BITES CRUNCHY SNACKS • CANADIAN 697658 69166 MANITOBA HARVEST HEMP HEARTS (SHELLED HEMP SEEDS) • CANADIAN EZ EZ Z Z Z EZ Z Z MANITOBA HARVEST HEMP SEED OILS • CANADIAN 697658 20001 697658 20002 697658 00002 697658 00005 36603 36897 36353 36354 S¤EZ S¤EZ S¤Z S¤Z Hemp Seed Oil, Organic............................................................................................... 12/250ml 6.97ea83.64 6.23ea74.76 $8.91 Hemp Seed Oil, Organic .............................................................................................. 6/500ml 11.86ea71.16 10.60ea63.60 $7.58 Hemp Seed Oil.............................................................................................................. 12/355ml 6.97ea83.64 6.23ea74.76 $8.91 Hemp Seed Oil.............................................................................................................. 6/946ml 16.75ea100.50 14.97ea 89.82 $10.70 MANNA FROZEN BREADS • ORGANIC 058449 00022 058449 00003 058449 70801 058449 00026 058449 00009 058449 00015 058449 60006 058449 00007 058449 00005 54831 54814 54819 54832 54818 54811 54812 54817 54816 TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE TE Banana Walnut Hemp, Organic................................................................................... 8/400g Carrot Raisin, Organic................................................................................................... 8/400g Cinnamon Date, Organic.............................................................................................. 8/400g Fig Fennel & Flax, Organic............................................................................................ 8/400g Fruit & Nut, Organic..................................................................................................... 8/400g Millet Rice, Organic...................................................................................................... 8/400g Multigrain Oatbran, Organic........................................................................................ 8/400g Sunseed, Organic......................................................................................................... 8/400g Whole Rye, Organic...................................................................................................... 8/400g 2.77ea22.16 2.77ea22.16 2.77ea22.16 2.77ea22.16 2.77ea22.16 2.37ea18.96 2.37ea18.96 2.37ea18.96 2.37ea18.96 2.49ea19.92 10% 2.49ea19.92 10% 2.49ea19.92 10% 2.49ea19.92 10% 2.49ea19.92 10% 2.13ea17.04 10% 2.13ea17.04 10% 2.13ea17.04 10% 2.13ea17.04 10% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge QU ALI > QU ALI > > RIT É TO L SEAL. unsweetened almond & coconut R > IT É E A L • S C E AU D E S É C U Delightful 40 calorie treat! OUR FILM. > TY S Vanilla nilla nsweetened Unsweetened Vanille nille BEST BEFORE • MEILLEUR AVANT Vanilla sans sucre BEST BEFORE • MEILLEUR AVANT ns sucre ned Unsweetened Vanille BEST BEFORE • MEILLEUR AVANT BEST BEFORE • MEILLEUR AVANT sans sucre e GLUTEN & Sunflower Oil. Made with Whole Almonds, GLUTEN Coconut Cream ke well serving n agiter e servir GLUTEN GMO OMG GLUTEN GMO OMG GMO Facts GMO Nutrition Nutrition Facts OMG OMG Valeur nutritive Valeur nutritive 1 cup (250 (250 ml) / pour Per 1 cup (250 ml)Per / pour 1 tasse ml) 1 tasse (250 ml) Nutrition Facts Nutrition Facts Amount % Daily Value Amount % Daily Value Teneur Teneur % valeur quotidienne % valeur quotidienne Valeur nutritive Valeur nutritive fortified ortified fortified ified almond almond beverage beverage almond mond beverage verage boiss boisson au boisson boisson aux am amand enric enrichie aman amande enrichi enrichie 1 cup (250 1 tasse Per 1 cupCalories (250 ml)Per // pour 1 Calories tasse (250/ pour ml) Calories 30(250 ml) Calories 30ml) TWIST CAP TO CAP TO BREAK FOIL SEAL. FOIL SEAL. > TOURNER LE ER LE BOUCHON POUR ON POUR TWIST CAP TO PERCER LE FILM. R LE FILM. BREAK FOIL SEAL. > > TOURNER LE BOUCHON POUR PERCER LE FILM. RIT É E A L • S C E AU D E S É C U RIT É > É S C S C S S C C C S TY S É RIT C C S ALI RIT E A L • S C E AU D E S É C U 30 30 30 30 Made with Whole Almonds, Vanilla Extract & Sunflower Oil. S QU E A L • S C E AU D E S É C U TY S 30 30 0 30 E A L • S C E AU D E S É C U TY S TY S ALI ALI unsweetened vanilla almond drtified fied lmond ond Vanilla Vanilla everage ge mond d Unsweetened Unsweetened Vanilla illa erage ALI QU QU Delightful 30 calorie treat! Nutrition Facts Nutrition Facts Valeur nutritive Valeur nutritive Nutrition Facts Nutrition Facts Valeur nutritive Valeur nutritive QU Amount2 g Fat%/ Daily Value 2 g 3 % Lipides 3% Fat / Lipides %Daily Value Teneur % valeur quotidienne % valeur quotidienne Saturated / saturés 0 g Saturated / saturés 0g 0% Calories Calories 30 0 0g % Calories / +Calories 30 0/ g+ > Trans / trans > Trans / trans 2 g 3 % Fat / Lipides 2 g Fat / Lipides 3 % Polyunsaturated / Polyunsaturated polyinsaturés 0.4/ gpolyinsaturés 0.4 g Saturated /Omega-6 saturés 0/ goméga-6 0.3 g Saturated / saturés 0g > 0% 0% > Omega-6 / oméga-6 0.3 g > la > + Trans / trans 0 g + Trans / trans 0 g Omega-3 Omega-3 / oméga-3 0.0 g / oméga-3 0.0 g weetened Polyunsaturated / Polyunsaturated polyinsaturés 0.4/ gpolyinsaturés 0.4 g / monoinsaturés 1.0 g Monounsaturated Monounsaturated / monoinsaturés 1.0 g le > > Omega-6 Omega-6 / oméga-6 0.3 g / oméga-6 0.3 g BEST BEFORE • MEILLEUR AVANT BEST BEFORE • MEILLEUR AVANT Cholesterol / Cholestérol 0 mg 0% sucre Cholesterol / Cholestérol 0 mg 0 % Omega-3 Omega-3 / oméga-3 0.0 g / oméga-3 0.0 g d Sodium 4% % mg Sodium / Sodium 100 mg/ Sodium4100 / monoinsaturés 1.0 g Monounsaturated Monounsaturated / monoinsaturés 1.0 g Potassium / Potassium 2% Potassium / Potassium 40 mg 2 % 40 mg BEST BEFORE • MEILLEUR AVANT RE • MEILLEUR AVANT Cholesterol / Cholestérol 0 mg 0 % Cholesterol / Cholestérol 0 mg 0% Carbohydrate / Glucides 1 g 1% Carbohydrate / Glucides 1 g 1% nytime, Sodium 4% % mg Sodium / Sodium 100 mg/ Sodium4100 4% e or Fibre / Fibres 1 g Fibre / Fibres 1 g4 % Potassium / Potassium 2% Potassium / Potassium 40 mg 2 % 40 mg PER 250 ml PAR 250 ml PER 250 ml PAR 250 ml / Sucres 0 g Sugars / Sucres 0Sugars g Carbohydrate 1g 1% Carbohydrate / Glucides 1 g / Glucides 1% Protein Protein / Protéines 1 g / Protéines GLUTEN 1 g 4 % GLUTEN Fibre / Fibres 1 g % Fibre / Fibres 1 g 4 ml R 250%ml PER 250 ml PAR 250 ml Vitamin A PA10 / Vitamine A A0/ Vitamine 10 % / Sucres g SugarsVitamin / SucresA 0Sugars g Vitamin Vitamine C 0% C / Vitamine C C/1 creAet A LO RIE A LO RIE A Protein / Protéines g GMO0 % Protein /Vitamin Protéines 1 g GMO E E GLUTEN GLUTEN L I OMG O OMG Calcium / Calcium30 % 30 % L O R I is, sur R Calcium / Calcium Vitamin A 10 % Vitamin A / Vitamine A A / Vitamine 10 % ans vos Iron / Fer 2% Iron / Fer 2% Vitamin C 0% A Vitamin C / Vitamine C C / Vitamine 0% GMO A A LO RIE GMO E Vitamin D / Vitamine D 45 LO RI L O R%I E VitaminOMG D / Vitamine D OMG 45 % RIE Calcium / Calcium30 % 30 % Calcium / Calcium Vitamin E 2% Vitamin E / Vitamine E E / Vitamine 2% Iron / Fer 2% Iron / Fer 2% Riboflavin Riboflavine 25 % 1 cup (250/ (250 ml) / pour 1 tasse/ (250 ml) Riboflavin Riboflavine 25 % (250 / pour 1 tasse ml) SOURCE OF CALCIUM, VITAMIN Dml) &Per B12 SOU CELLENT SOURCEEXCELLENT OF CALCIUM, VITAMIN D &Per B12 1 cup EXCELLENTE SOURCEEXCELLENTE DE CALCIUM, V Vitamin / Vitamine D 45 % Vitamin D / Vitamine D D 45 % % Vitamin B12 / Vitamine B12 50 Amount % Daily Value % Vitamin B12 / Vitamine B12 50 NO LACTOSE • NO SOY • NO GLUTEN SANS LACTOSE • Amount % Daily Value LACTOSE • NO SOY • NO GLUTEN SANS LACTOSE • SANS SOYA • SANS % Vitamin E / Vitamine E 2 % Vitamin E /% Vitamine E Teneur % valeur 2 quotidienne Teneur valeur quotidienne % Phosphorus / Phosphore 2 NO CARRAGEENAN • NO GMO SANS CARRAGH Phosphorus / Phosphore 2% CARRAGEENAN • NO GMO SANS CARRAGHÉNINE • SANS OGM Riboflavin Riboflavine 25 % Riboflavin Riboflavine 25 % BLE 1 cup (250 / pour 1 tasse ml) (250Dml) // pour 1 Calories tasse (250 ml) Calories 30/ (250 Calories Calories 30/ ml) SOURCE VITAMIN &Per B12 EXCELLENTE SOURCE C OURCE OF CALCIUM, D &Per B12 1 cup EXCELLENTE SOURCE DE CALCIUM, VITAMINE % Magnesium / Magnésium 2N’est Not aVITAMIN sourceOF of CALCIUM, protein pas uneDE sourc IT Magnesium / Magnésium 2% a sourceEXCELLENT of protein pas une source deN’est protéines % Vitamin B12 / Vitamine B12 50 % Vitamin B12 / Vitamine B12 50 Amount % Daily Value Amount % Daily Value Fat / Lipides 2 g 3 % NO LACTOSE • NO SOY • NO GLUTEN SANS LACTOSE • SANS SOY • NO SOY • NO GLUTEN SANS LACTOSE Fat / Lipides 2 g Zinc / Zinc 3 % / Zinc 10 % • SANS SOYA • SANS GLUTEN 10 % Teneur % valeur quotidienne % valeurZinc quotidienne Teneur % CARRAGHÉNINE Phosphorus 2SANS 2% NO • NO GMO SANS CARRAGHÉNINE • SA ENAN • NOCARRAGEENAN GMO • SANS OGM Saturated / saturés 0 g/ Phosphore AR : SaturatedPhosphorus / saturés 0 g/ Phosphore Calories Calories 30 0 0g % / Magnésium0 % Calories / +Calories 30 0/ g+ ods Trans / trans % Magnesium 2 Trans / trans % Magnesium / Magnésium 2 N’est pas une source de protéin protein Not a source of protein N’est pas une source de protéines INGREDIENTS: FILTERED WATER, ALMONDS, VANILLA EXTRACT, INGREDIENTS: FILTERED WATER, ALMONDS, VANILLA EXTRACT, / Lipides 2 gFLAVOURS, 3 SEA %SALT, Fat / Lipides 2 g FatZinc 3% NATURAL FLAVOURS, CALCIUM CARBONATE, NATURAL CARBONATE, SUNgFLOWER OIL, SEA / gpolyinsaturés 0.4 % SUN FLOWER OIL, ZincCALCIUM / Zinc 10SALT, % 10 Polyunsaturated/ Zinc / Polyunsaturated polyinsaturés 0.4 XANTHAN GUM,ZINC GUAR GUM, GELLAN GUM, ZINC SULFATE, RIBOFLAVIN, XANTHAN Vitamin GUM, GUAR GUM, GELLAN GUM, SULFATE, RIBOFLAVIN, Contains 9 Essential Nutrients • Excellent Source D & B12 Saturated / saturés 0 g Saturated / saturés 0 gof Calcium, VITAMIN D2, VITAMIN VITAMIN D2, VITAMIN B12, VITAMIN A PALMITATE. Omega-6 0.3 g B12, VITAMIN A PALMITATE. 0 % 0% Omega-6 / oméga-6 0.3 g / oméga-6 INGRÉDIENTS: EAU Free FILTRÉE, AMANDES, EXTRAIT DE VANILLE, ARÔMES +INGREDIENTS: Trans / •INGRÉDIENTS: trans 0 gWATER, Trans •/ trans 0g EAU •FILTRÉE, AMANDES, EXTRAIT DE VANILLE, ARÔMES No Lactose • No Soy • No+ Sugar No Carrageenan Non-GMO Certified Gluten INGREDIENTS: FILTERED WATER, ALMONDS, VANILLA EXTRACT, FILTERED ALMONDS, VANILLA NATURELS, CARBONATE DEDE CALCIUM, SEL DE MER, HUILE DE TOURNESOL, www.natur-a.com Omega-3 0.0 gEXTRACT, NATURELS, CARBONATE DE CALCIUM, SEL DE MER, HUILE TOURNESOL, Omega-3 / oméga-3 0.0 g / oméga-3 NATURAL FLAVOURS, CALCIUM CARBONATE, SEA SALT, SUN FLOWER OIL, SULFATE DE NATURAL FLAVOURS, CALCIUM CARBONATE, SEA SALT, SUN FLOWER OIL, | 946 ml 32 FLPolyunsaturated OZ 946 ml GOMME XANTHANE, GOMME DE GUAR,DE GOMME GELANNE, / gpolyinsaturés 0.4 g / Polyunsaturated polyinsaturés 46 ml | 32 FL OZ 946 ml GOMME0.4 XANTHANE, GOMME DE GUAR, GOMME GELANNE, SULFATE XANTHAN GUM, GUAR GUM, GELLAN GUM, ZINC SULFATE, RIBOFLAVIN, Amount Teneur boisson boisson aux au boisson boisson aux aux amand amandes VanilleVanil enrichie enrichie amandes amandes Sans Sans sucre Vanille Vanille enrichie enrichie XANTHAN GUM, GUAR GUM, GELLAN GUM, ZINC SULFATE, RIBOFLAVIN, page 28 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price MARANATHA PEANUT BUTTERS 051651 09331 051651 09330 051651 09341 051651 09340 42290 SE 42289 SE ³ ³ 42292 S 42291 S ³ ³ 5.64ea67.68 5.64ea67.68 special only special only 5.13ea61.56 5.13ea61.56 special only special only 5.08ea60.96 10% 5.08ea60.96 10% 4.79ea57.48 15% 4.51ea54.12 20% 4.62ea55.44 10% 4.62ea55.44 10% 4.36ea52.32 15% 4.10ea49.20 20% 4.04ea24.24 special only special only 4.44ea26.64 special only special only 3.15ea18.90 special only special only 3.31ea19.86 special only special only 5.03ea30.18 special only special only 5.46ea32.76 special only special only 3.64ea21.84 10% 3.23ea19.38 20% 3.03ea18.18 25% 4.00ea24.00 10% 3.55ea21.30 20% 3.33ea19.98 25% 2.84ea17.04 10% 2.52ea15.12 20% 2.36ea14.16 25% 2.98ea17.88 10% 2.65ea15.90 20% 2.48ea14.88 25% 4.53ea27.18 10% 4.02ea24.12 20% 3.77ea22.62 25% 4.91ea29.46 10% 4.37ea26.22 20% 4.10ea24.60 25% 5.33ea31.98 5.33ea31.98 5.33ea31.98 5.33ea31.98 5.33ea31.98 special only special only 4.87ea29.22 $2.75 4.87ea29.22 $2.75 4.87ea29.22 $2.75 4.87ea29.22 $2.75 4.87ea29.22 $2.75 4.68ea28.08 $3.90 4.49ea26.94 $5.06 Minis, Cocoa, Organic (gluten free/vegan).................................................................. 6/127g Minis, Graham, Organic (gluten free/vegan).............................................................. 6/127g Minis, Vanilla, Organic (gluten free/vegan)................................................................. 6/127g Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Mary’s Organic Thins + Minis)............................. Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Mary’s Organic Thins + Minis)............................. 5.33ea31.98 5.33ea31.98 5.33ea31.98 special only special only 4.87ea29.22 $2.75 4.87ea29.22 $2.75 4.87ea29.22 $2.75 4.68ea28.08 $3.90 4.49ea26.94 $5.06 Silken Tofu, Extra Firm.................................................................................................. 12/349g Silken Tofu, Firm........................................................................................................... 12/349g Silken Tofu, Lite, Firm................................................................................................... 12/349g Silken Tofu, Soft............................................................................................................ 12/340g 1.97ea23.64 1.97ea23.64 1.97ea23.64 1.97ea23.64 1.77ea21.24 10% 1.77ea21.24 10% 1.77ea21.24 10% 1.77ea21.24 10% 2.37ea28.44 2.37ea28.44 2.37ea28.44 2.37ea28.44 2.37ea28.44 2.37ea28.44 2.83ea22.64 2.83ea22.64 2.83ea22.64 2.83ea22.64 2.83ea22.64 1.90ea22.80 20% U 1.90ea22.80 20% U 1.90ea22.80 20% U 1.90ea22.80 20% U 1.90ea22.80 20% U 1.90ea22.80 20% U 2.55ea20.40 10% U 2.55ea20.40 10% U 2.55ea20.40 10% U 2.55ea20.40 10% TU 2.55ea20.40 10% U 5.30ea63.60 4.54ea54.48 4.64ea55.68 4.23ea50.76 6.26ea37.56 4.87ea58.44 3.67ea44.04 4.77ea57.24 10% 4.09ea49.08 10% 4.18ea50.16 10% 3.81ea45.72 10% 5.63ea33.78 10% 4.38ea52.56 10% 3.30ea39.60 10% Peanut Butter, Crunchy, Salted, Organic...................................................................... 12/500g Peanut Butter, Smooth, Salted, Organic...................................................................... 12/500g Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (MaraNatha Peanut Butters)................................. Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (MaraNatha Peanut Butters)................................. Peanut Butter, No Stir, Crunchy & Sweet..................................................................... 12/500g Peanut Butter, No Stir, Smooth & Sweet..................................................................... 12/500g Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (MaraNatha Peanut Butters)................................. Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (MaraNatha Peanut Butters)................................. MARUKAN RICE VINEGARS 070641 06412 070641 06413 070641 00006 070641 00009 070641 00005 070641 00008 24034 E ³ ³ 24023 E ³ ³ 24031 ³ ³ 24032 ³ ³ 24036 ³ ³ 24037 ³ ³ Rice Vinegar, Organic................................................................................................... 6/355ml Volume Price: 5 assorted cases.................................................................................. Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ Rice Vinegar, Seasoned, Organic.................................................................................. 6/355ml Volume Price: 5 assorted cases.................................................................................. Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ Rice Vinegar.................................................................................................................. 6/355ml Volume Price: 5 assorted cases.................................................................................. Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ Rice Vinegar, Seasoned................................................................................................ 6/355ml Volume Price: 5 assorted cases.................................................................................. Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ Rice Vinegar.................................................................................................................. 6/710ml Volume Price: 5 assorted cases.................................................................................. Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ Rice Vinegar, Seasoned................................................................................................ 6/710ml Volume Price: 5 assorted cases.................................................................................. Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ MARY’S ORGANIC CRACKERS • ORGANIC 897580 00074 897580 00072 897580 00073 853665 00503 897580 00071 16756 16754 16755 16752 16753 E E E E E ³ ³ Thins, Ancient Spice, Organic (gluten free/vegan)...................................................... 6/127g Thins, Garlic & Onion, Organic (gluten free/vegan).................................................... 6/127g Thins, Italian Herb, Organic (gluten free/vegan)......................................................... 6/127g Thins, Kale, Organic (gluten free/vegan)..................................................................... 6/127g Thins, Lightly Sea Salted, Organic (gluten free/vegan)............................................... 6/127g Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Mary’s Organic Thins + Minis)............................. Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Mary’s Organic Thins + Minis)............................. MARY’S ORGANIC GLUTEN FREE COOKIES • ORGANIC 853665 00505 853665 00508 853665 00504 16741 E 16742 E 16740 E ³ ³ MORI-NU SILKEN TOFU 085696 60805 085696 60804 085696 60720 085696 60803 40293 40289 40285 40291 NATUR-A NON-DAIRY BEVERAGES • CANADIAN 063667 09001 063667 09008 063667 09006 063667 09002 063667 09026 063667 09046 063667 50101 063667 50701 063667 50801 063667 50301 063667 50201 07119 07122 07121 07120 07275 07276 06369 07078 06392 06391 06389 Z Z Z Z Z Z EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Almond, Enriched, Original (tetrapak)........................................................................ 12/946ml Almond, Enriched, Chocolate (tetrapak)..................................................................... 12/946ml Almond, Enriched, Unsweetened (tetrapak).............................................................. 12/946ml Almond, Enriched, Vanilla (tetrapak).......................................................................... 12/946ml Almond, Enriched, Vanilla, Unsweetened (tetrapak).................................................. 12/946ml Almond & Coconut, Enriched, Unsweetened (tetrapak)............................................. 12/946ml Soy, Enriched, Original, Organic (tetrapak)................................................................. 8/3x200ml Soy, Enriched, Cappuccino, Organic (tetrapak)............................................................ 8/3x200ml Soy, Enriched, Chocolate, Organic (tetrapak).............................................................. 8/3x200ml Soy, Enriched, Strawberry, Organic (tetrapak)............................................................ 8/3x200ml Soy, Enriched, Vanilla, Organic (tetrapak)................................................................... 8/3x200ml NATURE CLEAN HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS • CANADIAN 058951 80700 058951 51946 058951 63800 058951 63947 058951 36001 058951 30800 058951 30730 80450 80151 80726 80723 80154 80485 80482 SZ SZ Z Z Z SZ SZ special price discount All Purpose Cleaning Lotion......................................................................................... 12/1L Glass & Window Cleaner, Spray................................................................................... 12/946ml Multi-Surface Cleaner, Lime & Tea Tree....................................................................... 12/800ml Multi-Surface Cleaner, Lime & Tea Tree, Spray............................................................ 12/946ml Pet Stain & Odour Remover......................................................................................... 6/1L Toilet Cleaner................................................................................................................ 12/1L Tub & Tile Cleanser....................................................................................................... 12/500ml PT PT PT PT PT PT PT E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code regular price NATURE CLEAN LAUNDRY PRODUCTS • CANADIAN 058951 30850 058951 30851 058951 30803 058951 30858 058951 30861 058951 30710 058951 30718 058951 30780 058951 30781 80449 80548 80461 80722 80725 80445 80724 80492 80721 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z SZ Z Laundry Liquid, Fragrance Free................................................................................... 4/1.8L Laundry Liquid, Lavender............................................................................................ 4/1.8L Laundry Liquid, Fragrance Free................................................................................... 4/3L Laundry Liquid, Lavender Fields.................................................................................. 4/3L Laundry Liquid, White Lily & Moroccan Myrrh............................................................ 4/3L Laundry Powder........................................................................................................... 4/3.4kg Laundry Tabs, Unscented............................................................................................. 8/432g Fabric Softener, Fragrance Free.................................................................................... 12/1L Fabric Softener, White Lily & Moroccan Myrrh............................................................ 12/1L NATURE’S BAKERY WHOLE WHEAT FIG BARS 047495 21022 047495 21020 047495 21021 047495 21027 047495 21028 047495 21023 047495 21024 047495 21029 047495 49154 047495 49152 047495 49153 047495 49148 047495 49147 047495 49151 047495 49155 047495 12101 13138 13136 13137 13214 13215 13139 13140 13216 13133 13131 13132 13211 13212 13134 13135 13213 6-Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat.................................................................................... 12/340g 6-Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Apple Cinnamon....................................................... 12/340g 6-Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Blueberry.................................................................. 12/340g 6-Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Lemon....................................................................... 12/340g 6-Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Mango....................................................................... 12/340g 6-Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Peach Apricot............................................................ 12/340g 6-Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Raspberry.................................................................. 12/340g 6-Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Strawberry................................................................ 12/340g Twin Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat............................................................................... 12/57g Twin Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Apple Cinnamon.................................................. 12/57g Twin Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Blueberry............................................................. 12/57g Twin Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Lemon.................................................................. 12/57g Twin Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Mango.................................................................. 12/57g Twin Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Peach Apricot....................................................... 12/57g Twin Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Raspberry............................................................. 12/57g Twin Packs, Fig Bar, Whole Wheat, Strawberry........................................................... 12/57g NATURE’S EARTHLY CHOICE CHIA GOODNESS CEREALS 679948 71595 679948 71517 679948 71537 22083 22161 22084 ³ ³ ³ Chia Goodness, Apple Almond Cinnamon.................................................................. 6/340g Chia Goodness, Chocolate............................................................................................ 6/340g Chia Goodness, Cranberry Ginger................................................................................ 6/340g Volume Price: 5 assorted cases (any Nature’s Earthly Choice varieties).................... Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (any Nature’s Earthly Choice varieties).................. Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (any Nature’s Earthly Choice varieties).................. NATURE’S EARTHLY CHOICE EASY QUINOA & FARROTTO MIXES 679948 89844 679948 89843 679948 89841 679948 89842 679948 98401 679948 98403 28106 28105 28103 28104 ³ ³ ³ 34082 34084 ³ ³ ³ Easy Quinoa, Garden Vegetable................................................................................... 6/138g Easy Quinoa, Mushroom & Vegetable Medley............................................................ 6/138g Easy Quinoa, Roasted Garlic & Olive Oil....................................................................... 6/138g Easy Quinoa, Sundried Tomato Florentine................................................................... 6/138g Volume Price: 5 assorted cases (any Nature’s Earthly Choice varieties).................... Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (any Nature’s Earthly Choice varieties).................. Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (any Nature’s Earthly Choice varieties).................. Farrotto, Farro w/Asparagus & Spices.......................................................................... 6/136g Farrotto, Farro w/Porcini Mushrooms.......................................................................... 6/136g Volume Price: 5 assorted cases (any Nature’s Earthly Choice varieties).................... Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (any Nature’s Earthly Choice varieties).................. Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (any Nature’s Earthly Choice varieties).................. NATURE’S PATH CEREALS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 058449 77206 058449 77204 058449 77152 058449 77154 058449 60056 058449 77094 058449 77901 058449 55002 058449 77163 058449 89017 058449 89019 058449 77021 058449 77001 058449 77069 058449 77161 058449 77008 058449 60231 058449 77912 22647 22646 22641 22642 22760 22765 22773 22761 22847 22733 22734 22780 22758 22782 22846 22766 22762 22260 EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Sunrise, Crunchy Cinnamon, Organic (gluten free)..................................................... 12/300g Sunrise, Crunchy Honey, Organic (gluten free)........................................................... 12/300g Sunrise, Crunchy Maple, Organic (gluten free)........................................................... 12/300g Sunrise, Crunchy Vanilla, Organic (gluten free)........................................................... 12/300g Eco Pacs, Corn Flakes, Fruit Juice Sweetened, Organic (gluten free)........................... 6/750g Eco Pacs, Honey’d Corn Flakes, Organic (gluten free).................................................. 6/750g Eco Pacs, Mesa Sunrise, Organic (gluten free)............................................................. 6/750g Eco Pacs, Crispy Rice, Whole Grain, Organic (gluten free)........................................... 6/750g Eco Pacs, Flax Plus Cinnamon, Organic........................................................................ 6/907g Eco Pacs, Granola, Hemp Plus, Organic........................................................................ 6/750g Eco Pacs, Granola, Flax Plus Pumpkin, Organic........................................................... 6/750g Eco Pacs, Heritage Flakes, Organic............................................................................... 6/907g Eco Pacs, Heritage O’s, Organic..................................................................................... 6/907g Eco Pacs, Kamut Krisp, Organic.................................................................................... 6/750g Eco Pacs, Mesa Sunrise Raisin, Organic (gluten free).................................................. 6/825g Eco Pacs, Millet Rice Oatbran Flakes, Wheat Free, Organic.......................................... 6/907g Eco Pacs, Multigrain Oatbran Flakes, Organic.............................................................. 6/907g Eco Pacs, Whole O’s, Whole Grain Corn & Rice, Organic (gluten free)......................... 6/750g NATURE’S PATH FLAXPLUS FLAX SEEDS & MEAL • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 058449 30001 058449 30000 34016 EZ 34015 EZ Flax Seeds, Organic...................................................................................................... 6/425g Flax Seed Meal, Organic............................................................................................... 6/425g page 29 special price discount 7.94ea31.76 7.15ea28.60 10% 7.94ea31.76 7.15ea28.60 10% 12.01ea48.04 10.81ea43.24 10% 12.01ea48.04 10.81ea43.24 10% 12.01ea48.04 10.81ea43.24 10% 13.01ea52.04 11.71ea46.84 10% 6.96ea55.68 6.26ea50.08 10% 4.34ea52.08 3.91ea46.92 10% 6.03ea72.36 5.43ea65.16 10% PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT 4.80ea57.60 4.33ea51.96 $5.67 4.80ea57.60 4.33ea51.96 $5.67 4.80ea57.60 4.33ea51.96 $5.67 4.80ea57.60 4.33ea51.96 $5.67 4.80ea57.60 4.33ea51.96 $5.67 4.80ea57.60 4.33ea51.96 $5.67 4.80ea57.60 4.33ea51.96 $5.67 4.80ea57.60 4.33ea51.96 $5.67 0.80ea9.60 0.72ea8.64 $1.01 0.80ea9.60 0.72ea8.64 $1.01 0.80ea9.60 0.72ea8.64 $1.01 0.80ea9.60 0.72ea8.64 $1.01 0.80ea9.60 0.72ea8.64 $1.01 0.80ea9.60 0.72ea8.64 $1.01 0.80ea9.60 0.72ea8.64 $1.01 0.80ea9.60 0.72ea8.64 $1.01 T T T T T T T T 5.70ea34.20 5.70ea34.20 5.70ea34.20 special only special only special only 5.13ea30.78 10% 5.13ea30.78 10% 5.13ea30.78 10% 4.70ea28.20 18% 4.56ea27.36 20% 4.42ea26.52 22% 3.27ea19.62 3.27ea19.62 3.27ea19.62 3.27ea19.62 special only special only special only 2.84ea17.04 2.84ea17.04 special only special only special only 2.94ea17.64 10% 2.94ea17.64 10% 2.94ea17.64 10% 2.94ea17.64 10% 2.70ea16.20 17% 2.62ea15.72 20% 2.53ea15.18 23% 2.56ea15.36 10% 2.56ea15.36 10% 2.41ea14.46 15% 2.27ea13.62 20% 2.20ea13.20 23% 4.92ea59.04 4.92ea59.04 4.92ea59.04 4.92ea59.04 8.18ea49.08 8.18ea49.08 8.18ea49.08 7.96ea47.76 8.38ea50.28 7.96ea47.76 7.96ea47.76 8.38ea50.28 8.38ea50.28 7.96ea47.76 8.38ea50.28 8.38ea50.28 8.38ea50.28 7.96ea47.76 4.45ea53.40 10% 4.45ea53.40 10% 4.45ea53.40 10% 4.45ea53.40 10% 7.35ea44.10 $5.00 7.35ea44.10 $5.00 7.35ea44.10 $5.00 7.13ea42.78 $5.00 7.55ea45.30 $5.00 7.13ea42.78 $5.00 7.13ea42.78 $5.00 7.55ea45.30 $5.00 7.55ea45.30 $5.00 7.13ea42.78 $5.00 7.55ea45.30 $5.00 7.55ea45.30 $5.00 7.55ea45.30 $5.00 7.13ea42.78 $5.00 3.96ea23.76 3.56ea21.36 10% 4.52ea27.12 4.06ea24.36 10% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 30 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price NATURE’S PATH INSTANT HOT OATMEALS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 058449 45001 058449 45004 058449 45002 058449 45003 058449 45013 058449 45000 058449 45069 058449 45065 058449 45067 058449 45071 058449 15404 058449 15402 058449 15400 22787 22784 22786 22785 22774 22752 22882 22883 22881 22884 25067 25066 25065 EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Original, Organic (pouches)......................................................................................... 6/8x50g Apple Cinnamon, Organic (pouches).......................................................................... 6/8x50g Flax Plus, Organic (pouches)........................................................................................ 6/8x50g Maple Nut, Organic (pouches)..................................................................................... 6/8x50g Optimum Blueberry Cinnamon, Organic (pouches)................................................... 6/8x40g Variety Pack, Organic (pouches).................................................................................. 6/8x50g Pure Oats, Brown Sugar Maple w/Ancient Grains, Organic (pouches)....................... 6/320g Pure Oats, Homestyle, Organic (pouches)................................................................... 6/320g Pure Oats, Spiced Apple w/Flax, Organic (pouches)................................................... 6/320g Pure Oats, Variety Pack, Organic (pouches)................................................................. 6/320g Qi’a Pure Oats, Cinnamon Pumpkin Seed, Organic (pouches).................................... 6/6x38g Qi’a Pure Oats, Creamy Coconut, Organic (pouches)................................................... 6/6x38g Qi’a Pure Oats, Superseeds & Grains, Organic (pouches)............................................ 6/6x38g NATURE’S PATH QI’A SUPERFOOD BREAKFAST CEREALS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 058449 32004 058449 32000 058449 32006 25034 EZ 25033 EZ 25035 EZ Qi’a, Chia, Buckwheat & Hemp, Original, Organic....................................................... 10/225g Qi’a, Chia, Buckwheat & Hemp, Apple Cinnamon, Organic........................................ 10/225g Qi’a, Chia, Buckwheat & Hemp, Cranberry Vanilla, Organic........................................ 10/225g NATURE’S PATH QI’A SUPERFOOD SNACK BARS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 058449 15318 058449 15310 058449 15322 058449 15326 058449 15314 16727 16725 16728 16729 16726 EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Qi’a Superfood, Blueberry Cashew Pumpkin Seed, Organic (gluten free/vegan)...... 12/38g Qi’a Superfood, Dark Chocolate Cranberry Almond, Organic (gluten free/vegan)..... 12/38g Qi’a Superfood, Mocha Cocoa Hazelnut, Organic (gluten free/vegan)....................... 12/38g Qi’a Superfood, Nuts & Seeds w/Sea Salt, Organic (gluten free/vegan).................... 12/38g Qi’a Superfood, Roasted Peanut Dark Chocolate, Organic (gluten free/vegan)......... 12/38g NAVITAS NATURALS CHIA SEEDS • ORGANIC 858847 00028 858847 00033 29026 E 29027 E Chia Seeds, Raw, Organic............................................................................................. 12/227g Chia Seeds, Raw, Organic............................................................................................. 6/454g NAVITAS NATURALS COCONUT WATER POWDER • ORGANIC 858847 00055 37999 E Coconut Water, Powder, Freeze-Dried, Organic........................................................... 12/165g NAVITAS NATURALS DRIED BERRIES • ORGANIC 858847 00070 858847 00089 858847 00088 26116 E 26119 E 26121 E Goji Berries, Sun-Dried, Organic.................................................................................. 12/227g Goldenberries, Organic................................................................................................ 12/227g Mulberries, White, Sun-Dried, Organic........................................................................ 12/227g NAVITAS NATURALS SUPERFOODS NUTRITIONAL POWDERS • ORGANIC 858847 00029 858847 00020 858847 00064 811961 02022 811961 02023 858847 00090 37365 37364 37366 37598 37597 37363 E E E SE SE E Açaí Powder, Freeze-Dried, Organic............................................................................. 12/113g Camu Powder (Raw Camu Camu), Organic................................................................. 6/85g Maqui Powder, Freeze-Dried, Organic......................................................................... 6/85g Maca Powder, Gelatinized, Organic............................................................................. 12/113g Maca Powder, Raw, Organic........................................................................................ 12/113g Goji Powder, Freeze-Dried, Organic............................................................................. 12/113g NUDGE MACARONI & GRASS FED DAIRY CHEESE DINNERS 838143 00694 838143 00695 838143 00696 838143 00697 30148 E 30149 E 30156 E 30157 ³ NUMI TEAS • ORGANIC 680692 10171 680692 10221 680692 10181 680692 10119 680692 10118 680692 11150 680692 10101 680692 10103 680692 10114 680692 10112 680692 10200 12026 12966 12027 12021 12010 12023 12003 12005 12006 12004 12088 E[ E[ E[ E[ E[ E[ E E E[ E E[ 20024 20042 20041 20043 EZ EZ EZ EZ 35250 E 7.00ea70.00 6.29ea62.90 10% 7.00ea70.00 6.29ea62.90 10% 7.00ea70.00 6.29ea62.90 10% 1.39ea16.68 1.39ea16.68 1.39ea16.68 1.39ea16.68 1.39ea16.68 1.25ea15.00 10% 1.25ea15.00 10% 1.25ea15.00 10% 1.25ea15.00 10% 1.25ea15.00 10% 19.68ea236.16 15.74ea188.8820% 20.15ea241.80 20.36ea122.16 20.36ea122.16 20.11ea241.32 17.51ea210.12 13.52ea162.24 16.12ea193.4420% 16.29ea 97.7420% 16.29ea 97.7420% 16.09ea193.0820% 14.01ea168.1220% 10.82ea129.8420% Black Tea, Aged Earl Grey (Italian Bergamot), Organic (Fair Trade)............................. 6/18bags Black Tea, Breakfast Blend, Organic (Fair Trade).......................................................... 6/18bags Black Tea, Golden Chai (Spiced Assam), Organic (Fair Trade)...................................... 6/18bags Green Tea, Gunpowder, Organic (Fair Trade)............................................................... 6/18bags Green Tea, Jasmine, Organic (Fair Trade)..................................................................... 6/18bags Herbal Teasan, Chamomile Lemon, Organic (Fair Trade)............................................ 6/18bags Herbal Teasan, Dry Desert Lime, Organic.................................................................... 6/18bags Herbal Teasan, Honeybush, Organic............................................................................ 6/18bags Herbal Teasan, Moroccan Mint, Organic (Fair Trade)................................................... 6/18bags Herbal Teasan, Rooibos, Organic.................................................................................. 6/18bags Herbal Teasan, Rooibos Chai, Organic (Fair Trade)....................................................... 6/18bags 6.04ea36.24 6.04ea36.24 6.04ea36.24 6.04ea36.24 6.04ea36.24 6.04ea36.24 6.04ea36.24 6.04ea36.24 6.04ea36.24 6.04ea36.24 6.04ea36.24 5.13ea30.78 15% 5.13ea30.78 15% 5.13ea30.78 15% 5.13ea30.78 15% 5.13ea30.78 15% 5.13ea30.78 15% 5.13ea30.78 15% 5.13ea30.78 15% 5.13ea30.78 15% 5.13ea30.78 15% 5.13ea30.78 15% 5.86ea70.32 4.14ea49.68 4.14ea49.68 4.14ea49.68 2.93ea35.16 50% 3.31ea39.72 20% 2.07ea24.84 50% 3.31ea39.72 20% Coconut Manna, Creamy Spread, Organic................................................................... 6/425g T 15.00ea180.00 12.00ea144.0020% 15.00ea180.00 12.00ea144.0020% 13.50ea162.00 10.80ea129.6020% 3.02ea36.24 10% 3.02ea36.24 10% 3.02ea36.24 10% 3.02ea36.24 10% 2.85ea34.20 15% Whole Spelt Flour, Organic.......................................................................................... 12/1kg All Purpose & Pastry Flour, Organic............................................................................. 12/1kg Dark Rye Flour, Organic................................................................................................ 12/1kg Whole Wheat Flour, Organic........................................................................................ 12/1kg T T T T T 9.37ea112.44 7.50ea 90.0020% 17.65ea105.90 14.12ea 84.7220% 3.35ea40.20 3.35ea40.20 3.35ea40.20 3.35ea40.20 special only NUTIVA COCONUT MANNA CREAMY SPREAD • ORGANIC 692752 11005 3.40ea20.40 10% 3.40ea20.40 10% 3.40ea20.40 10% 3.40ea20.40 10% 3.40ea20.40 10% 3.40ea20.40 10% 3.72ea22.32 10% 3.72ea22.32 10% 3.72ea22.32 10% 3.72ea22.32 10% 3.71ea22.26 10% 3.71ea22.26 10% 3.71ea22.26 10% Macaroni & Grass Fed Dairy Cheese, Orange Cheddar, Organic.................................. 12/170g Macaroni & Grass Fed Dairy Cheese, White Cheddar, Organic.................................... 12/170g Macaroni & Grass Fed Dairy Cheese, Whole Wheat w/Flax, Orange Cheddar, Org..... 12/170g Macaroni & Cheese, Rice Pasta, White Cheddar (gluten free)..................................... 12/170g Volume Price: 40 assorted cases................................................................................ NUNWEILER’S FLOURS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 067785 00034 067785 00024 067785 00014 067785 00004 3.76ea22.56 3.76ea22.56 3.76ea22.56 3.76ea22.56 3.76ea22.56 3.76ea22.56 4.13ea24.78 4.13ea24.78 4.13ea24.78 4.13ea24.78 4.12ea24.72 4.12ea24.72 4.12ea24.72 special price discount T T T T T T 9.35ea56.10 8.41ea50.46 10% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code regular price NUTIVA CULINARY OILS • ORGANIC 692752 10541 692752 20001 692752 20002 692752 20005 692752 10368 30667 30661 30662 30663 30666 E E E E E Coconut Oil, Refined, Organic...................................................................................... 6/860ml Coconut Oil, Virgin, Organic.......................................................................................... 12/445ml Coconut Oil, Virgin, Organic.......................................................................................... 6/860ml Coconut Oil, Virgin, Organic.......................................................................................... 6/1.6L Red Palm Oil, Organic................................................................................................... 6/444ml NUUN ALL DAY HYDRATION TABLETS 850701 00322 850701 00321 850701 00324 850701 00323 40707 40706 40709 40708 All Day, Blueberry Pomegranate (tablets)................................................................... 8/56g All Day, Grape Raspberry (tablets)............................................................................... 8/56g All Day, Grapefruit Orange (tablets)............................................................................ 8/56g All Day, Tangerine Lime (tablets)................................................................................. 8/56g OOGIE’S GOURMET POPCORN 856856 00109 856856 00103 856856 00101 856856 00144 856856 00145 37219 37113 37111 37114 37115 ³ ³ Hatch Chili Con Queso.................................................................................................. 15/141g Smoked Gouda............................................................................................................. 15/141g Spicy Chipotle & Lime.................................................................................................. 15/141g Sundried Tomato & Parmesan..................................................................................... 15/141g White Cheddar............................................................................................................. 15/141g Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 20 assorted cases................................................................................ ORGAIN NUTRITIONAL SHAKES • ORGANIC 851770 00374 851770 00373 851770 00370 851770 00369 3.36ea50.40 3.36ea50.40 3.36ea50.40 3.36ea50.40 3.36ea50.40 special only 3.19ea47.855% special only 3.02ea45.30 10% T T T T T U U U U 38269 E 38214 E 38132 E 38638 E 38639 E 38218 E 38812 E 38813 E 38814 E 38675 E 38671 38674 38672 38673 Cashew Carrot Ginger, Organic (tetrapak)................................................................... 12/1L Creamy Butternut Squash, Organic (tetrapak)............................................................ 12/1L Creamy Tomato, Organic (tetrapak)............................................................................. 12/1L Light Sodium, Creamy Tomato, Organic (tetrapak)..................................................... 12/1L Light Sodium, Roasted Red Pepper & Tomato, Organic (tetrapak)............................. 12/1L Roasted Red Pepper & Tomato, Organic (tetrapak)..................................................... 12/1L Bisque, Cashew Carrot Ginger, Organic (tetra recart).................................................. 12/472ml Bisque, Roasted Red Pepper & Tomato, Organic (tetra recart).................................... 12/472ml Bisque, Tomato, Organic (tetra recart)......................................................................... 12/472ml Condensed Soup, Cream of Mushroom, Organic (tetrapak)....................................... 12/320ml Hearty Soup, Poblano Pepper & Corn Chowder (tetra recart)..................................... 12/472ml Hearty Soup, Roasted Garlic & Mushroom Lentil (tetra recart).................................. 12/472ml Hearty Soup, Thai Sweet Potato (tetra recart)............................................................. 12/472ml Hearty Soup, Vegetable Lentil & Roasted Red Pepper (tetra recart).......................... 12/472ml 4.56ea54.72 4.56ea54.72 4.56ea54.72 4.56ea54.72 4.56ea54.72 4.56ea54.72 3.75ea45.00 3.75ea45.00 3.75ea45.00 3.30ea39.60 3.75ea45.00 3.75ea45.00 3.75ea45.00 3.75ea45.00 3.90ea46.80 $7.90 3.90ea46.80 $7.90 3.90ea46.80 $7.90 3.90ea46.80 $7.90 3.90ea46.80 $7.90 3.90ea46.80 $7.90 3.24ea38.88 $6.17 3.24ea38.88 $6.17 3.24ea38.88 $6.17 2.85ea34.20 $5.40 3.24ea38.88 $6.17 3.24ea38.88 $6.17 3.24ea38.88 $6.17 3.24ea38.88 $6.17 4.99ea29.94 4.99ea29.94 4.99ea29.94 4.99ea29.94 4.51ea27.06 $2.88 4.51ea27.06 $2.88 4.51ea27.06 $2.88 4.51ea27.06 $2.88 4.99ea29.94 4.99ea29.94 4.99ea29.94 4.99ea29.94 4.51ea27.06 $2.88 4.51ea27.06 $2.88 4.51ea27.06 $2.88 4.51ea27.06 $2.88 5.67ea68.04 5.67ea68.04 5.67ea68.04 5.67ea68.04 5.67ea68.04 4.82ea57.84 15% 4.82ea57.84 15% 4.82ea57.84 15% 4.82ea57.84 15% 4.82ea57.84 15% 13221 13220 13222 13223 Fig Bar, Blueberry & Fig (gluten free).......................................................................... 6/255g Fig Bar, Mission Fig (gluten free)................................................................................. 6/255g Fig Bar, Raspberry & Fig (gluten free).......................................................................... 6/255g Fig Bar, Strawberry & Fig (gluten free)........................................................................ 6/255g 22297 22295 22296 22298 Oat Blueberry Lemon (wheat free/non-dairy)........................................................... 6/200g Oat Chocolate Chip Coconut (wheat free/non-dairy)................................................. 6/200g Oat Cranberry Almond (wheat free/non-dairy).......................................................... 6/200g Oat Raisin Walnut Spice (wheat free/non-dairy)........................................................ 6/200g 54427 54428 54430 54429 54431 TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ Perogies, Bacon, Cheddar Cheese & Potato................................................................. 12/600g Perogies, Cheddar Cheese & Potato............................................................................. 12/600g Perogies, Cottage Cheese & Potato.............................................................................. 12/600g Perogies, Onions & Potato............................................................................................ 12/600g Perogies, Sauerkraut & Potato..................................................................................... 12/600g PLUM-M-GOOD BROWN RICE CAKES • CANADIAN (continued on Page 32) 069372 00201 069372 00101 069372 00102 069372 00103 069372 00218 069372 00209 069372 00764 069372 00766 069372 00770 069372 00774 069372 00772 T T T T 3.05ea36.60 15% 3.05ea36.60 15% 3.05ea36.60 15% 3.05ea36.60 15% PEARL’S FROZEN PEROGIES • CANADIAN 062066 00045 062066 00015 062066 00035 062066 00025 062066 00085 6.21ea49.685% 6.21ea49.685% 6.21ea49.685% 6.21ea49.685% 6.53ea52.24 6.53ea52.24 6.53ea52.24 6.53ea52.24 3.59ea43.08 3.59ea43.08 3.59ea43.08 3.59ea43.08 PAMELA’S WHENEVER WHOLE GRAIN WHEAT FREE SNACK BARS 093709 26330 093709 26440 093709 26110 093709 26220 10.00ea60.00 9.01ea54.06 10% 9.78ea117.36 8.80ea105.6010% 17.83ea106.98 16.05ea 96.3010% 32.98ea197.88 29.68ea178.0810% 7.14ea42.84 6.45ea38.70 10% Organic Shake, Creamy Chocolate Fudge, Organic (gluten free)................................ 12/330ml Organic Shake, Sweet Vanilla Bean, Organic (gluten free)......................................... 12/330ml Vegan Shake, Smooth Chocolate, Organic (gluten free/vegan)................................. 12/330ml Vegan Shake, Sweet Vanilla Bean, Organic (gluten free/vegan)................................ 12/330ml PAMELA’S FIGGIES & JAMMIES GLUTEN FREE FIG BARS 093709 28102 093709 28101 093709 28103 093709 28104 special price discount E E E E 05241 05240 05243 05242 PACIFIC SOUPS 052603 05421 052603 05403 052603 05409 052603 05458 052603 05457 052603 05404 052603 05497 052603 05496 052603 05495 052603 05484 052603 05478 052603 05482 052603 05479 052603 05480 page 31 16410 16405 16415 16420 16412 16411 16667 16668 16733 16735 16734 Z Z Z Z Z Z ³ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Brown Rice, Natural, Lightly Salted............................................................................. 12/185g Brown Rice, Natural, Unsalted..................................................................................... 12/185g Brown Rice, Buckwheat, Unsalted............................................................................... 12/185g Brown Rice, Millet, Unsalted........................................................................................ 12/185g Brown Rice, Multigrain, Salted.................................................................................... 12/185g Brown Rice, Sesame, Salted........................................................................................ 12/185g Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Plum-M-Good 185g Rice Cakes).......................... Thins, Brown Rice, 5-Rice Blend, Organic.................................................................... 12/95g Thins, Brown Rice, Canadian Wild Rice, Organic......................................................... 12/95g Thins, Brown Rice, Chia, Organic................................................................................. 12/95g Thins, Brown Rice, Flax, Organic.................................................................................. 12/95g Thins, Brown Rice, Hemp, Organic............................................................................... 12/95g T T T T 2.65ea31.80 2.65ea31.80 2.65ea31.80 2.65ea31.80 2.65ea31.80 2.65ea31.80 special only 2.25ea27.00 15% 2.16ea25.92 1.84ea22.08 15% 2.16ea25.92 1.84ea22.08 15% 2.16ea25.92 1.84ea22.08 15% 2.16ea25.92 1.84ea22.08 15% 2.16ea25.92 1.84ea22.08 15% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 32 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price PLUM-M-GOOD BROWN RICE CAKES • CANADIAN (continued on Page 31) 069372 00730 069372 00762 069372 00720 069372 00750 069372 00710 16610 16666 16609 16614 16608 EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Thins, Brown Rice, Multigrain, Unsalted, Organic....................................................... 12/95g Thins, Brown Rice w/Quinoa, Unsalted, Organic......................................................... 12/95g Thins, Brown Rice, Sea Salt, Organic............................................................................ 12/95g Thins, Brown Rice, Sesame, Unsalted, Organic........................................................... 12/95g Thins, Brown Rice, Unsalted, Organic.......................................................................... 12/95g PRANA SEEDS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 877693 00033 877693 00032 877693 00031 877693 00029 877693 00309 877693 00308 34063 34062 34061 34060 34092 34091 EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Chia Seeds, Black, Ground, Organic............................................................................. 6/200g Chia Seeds, Black, Whole, Organic............................................................................... 6/300g Chia Seeds, White, Ground, Organic............................................................................ 6/200g Chia Seeds, White, Whole, Organic.............................................................................. 6/300g ProactivChia, Chia Seeds & Probiotics, Ground Black Seeds, Organic......................... 6/200g ProactivChia, Chia Seeds & Probiotics, Whole Black Seeds, Organic........................... 6/200g PROBAR BASE NUTRITIONAL FOOD BARS 853152 80068 853152 80075 853152 80074 37525 37524 37522 Base, Protein, Cookie Dough (gluten free/vegan)....................................................... 12/70g Base, Protein, Mint Chocolate (gluten free/vegan)..................................................... 12/70g Base, Protein, Peanut Butter Chocolate (gluten free/vegan)...................................... 12/70g QUE PASA FROZEN TORTILLAS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 068826 31010 54200 TEZ Corn Tortillas, Stone Ground, Organic (gluten free)..................................................... 12/12ea QUE PASA SALSAS • CANADIAN 068826 20004 068826 20000 068826 20002 14455 EZ 14454 EZ 14453 EZ Salsa, Chipotle, Organic............................................................................................... 12/420ml Salsa, Mexicana, Medium, Organic............................................................................. 12/420ml Salsa, Mexicana, Mild, Organic.................................................................................... 12/420ml RAWFOODZ CHEESAUCE VEGAN DIPS, SAUCES & SPREADS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 798304 20679 798304 20680 646809 83958 646809 83957 32089 32091 32168 32169 ¤EZ ¤EZ ¤EZ ¤EZ CheeSauce, Original, Organic (vegan)......................................................................... 6/266ml CheeSauce, Chipotle, Organic (vegan)........................................................................ 6/266ml Dip, Wild Ranch, Garlic & Dill, Organic (vegan)........................................................... 6/282ml Dip, French Onion, Onion & Chive, Organic (vegan).................................................... 6/282ml RAWFOODZ REFRIGERATED DRESSINGS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 798304 13789 798304 16721 798304 16722 798304 13790 798304 20677 798304 13791 32066 32067 32069 32071 32073 32075 ¤EZ ¤EZ ¤EZ ¤EZ ¤EZ ¤EZ Glorious Greek, Organic............................................................................................... 6/250ml Italian Idol, Organic...................................................................................................... 6/250ml Japanese Joy, Organic.................................................................................................. 6/250ml Purely Poppy, Organic.................................................................................................. 6/250ml Ranch Revival, Organic................................................................................................ 6/250ml Sea-Zar Serenity, Organic............................................................................................. 6/250ml special price discount 2.16ea25.92 2.16ea25.92 2.16ea25.92 2.16ea25.92 2.16ea25.92 1.84ea22.08 15% 1.84ea22.08 15% 1.84ea22.08 15% 1.84ea22.08 15% 1.84ea22.08 15% 5.71ea34.26 5.71ea34.26 5.71ea34.26 5.71ea34.26 5.71ea34.26 5.71ea34.26 5.14ea30.84 10% 5.14ea30.84 10% 5.14ea30.84 10% 5.14ea30.84 10% 5.14ea30.84 10% 5.14ea30.84 10% 3.09ea37.08 2.78ea33.36 10% 3.09ea37.08 2.78ea33.36 10% 3.09ea37.08 2.78ea33.36 10% T T T 1.91ea22.92 1.78ea21.36 $1.60 3.25ea39.00 2.89ea34.68 $4.35 3.25ea39.00 2.89ea34.68 $4.35 3.25ea39.00 2.89ea34.68 $4.35 5.77ea34.62 5.77ea34.62 5.48ea32.88 5.48ea32.88 5.19ea31.14 10% 5.19ea31.14 10% 4.93ea29.58 10% 4.93ea29.58 10% 5.41ea32.46 5.41ea32.46 5.41ea32.46 5.41ea32.46 5.41ea32.46 5.41ea32.46 4.87ea29.22 10% 4.87ea29.22 10% 4.87ea29.22 10% 4.87ea29.22 10% 4.87ea29.22 10% 4.87ea29.22 10% T T RAWFOODZ ZEN BUDDA REFRIGERATED BUTTERY STYLE SPREADS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 798304 18483 32083 ¤EZ Zen Budda, Buttery Style Spread, Organic.................................................................. 6/250ml 6.84ea41.04 6.16ea36.96 10% REAL BREW PREMIUM SODAS 074682 12449 074682 12446 074682 12447 07279 07277 07278 ³ ³ Draft Root Beer (bottle) (replaces Code 06397)........................................................ 6/4x355ml 5.59ea33.54 4.35ea26.10 $7.42 TU Outrageous Ginger Ale (bottle) (replaces Code 06395)............................................ 6/4x355ml 5.59ea33.54 4.35ea26.10 $7.42 TU Vanilla Creme Soda (bottle) (replaces Code 06396)................................................. 6/4x355ml 5.59ea33.54 4.35ea26.10 $7.42 TU Volume Price: 5 assorted cases.................................................................................. special only 4.16ea24.96 $8.56 Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ special only 3.97ea23.82 $9.70 ROCKY MOUNTAIN FLATBREAD COMPANY FROZEN FLATBREAD PIZZAS • CANADIAN 180659 00011 180659 00016 180659 00017 180659 00010 180659 00008 180659 00012 54640 54638 54641 54630 54628 54639 TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ All Beef Pepperoni (Available to BC customers only).............................................. 6/420g Basil & Bocconcini........................................................................................................ 6/420g Country Harvest (lactose free)..................................................................................... 6/340g Sundried Tomato & Goat Cheese................................................................................. 6/430g The Four Cheese Classic................................................................................................ 6/405g The Mozza Pizza........................................................................................................... 6/370g RUDI’S GLUTEN FREE BAKERY FROZEN BREADS & BUNS 856750 01202 856750 01201 856750 01200 55428 T 55427 T 55426 T ³ ³ Bread, Cinnamon Raisin (gluten free/soy free/dairy free/nut free)............................ 8/510g Sandwich Bread, Multigrain (gluten free/soy free/dairy free/nut free)..................... 8/510g Sandwich Bread, Original (gluten free/soy free/dairy free/nut free)......................... 8/510g Volume Price: 5 assorted cases (selected Rudi’s varieties)........................................ Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (selected Rudi’s varieties)...................................... RUDI’S GLUTEN FREE BAKERY FROZEN TORTILLAS 856750 01203 856750 01204 55430 T 55431 T ³ ³ Tortillas, Plain (gluten free/dairy free/nut free).......................................................... 12/256g Tortillas, Spinach (gluten free/dairy free/nut free)..................................................... 12/256g Volume Price: 5 assorted cases (selected Rudi’s varieties)........................................ Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (selected Rudi’s varieties)...................................... RW GARCIA GLUTEN FREE CRACKERS 036593 15007 036593 15006 036593 15005 036593 15008 16718 16717 16716 16719 3 Seed, Kale (gluten free)............................................................................................ 6/180g 3 Seed, Onion & Chive (gluten free)............................................................................ 6/180g 3 Seed, Rosemary & Garlic (gluten free)..................................................................... 6/180g 3 Seed, Sweet Potato (gluten free).............................................................................. 6/180g 9.10ea54.60 9.10ea54.60 9.10ea54.60 9.10ea54.60 9.10ea54.60 6.52ea39.12 8.14ea48.84 $5.78 8.14ea48.84 $5.78 8.14ea48.84 $5.78 8.14ea48.84 $5.78 8.14ea48.84 $5.78 5.83ea34.98 $4.16 5.25ea42.00 5.25ea42.00 5.25ea42.00 special only special only 4.73ea37.84 10% 4.73ea37.84 10% 4.73ea37.84 10% 4.46ea35.68 15% 4.20ea33.60 20% 5.28ea63.36 5.28ea63.36 special only special only 4.75ea57.00 10% 4.75ea57.00 10% 4.49ea53.88 15% 4.22ea50.64 20% 5.36ea32.16 5.36ea32.16 5.36ea32.16 5.36ea32.16 4.31ea25.86 20% 4.31ea25.86 20% 4.31ea25.86 20% 4.31ea25.86 20% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code regular price SAMBAZON AMAZON ENERGY AÇAÍ BERRY ENERGY DRINK • ORGANIC 818411 00070 07245 E[ Amazon Energy, Açaí Berry Energy Drink, Organic (Fair Trade) (can)......................... 24/355ml SAMBAZON FROZEN FAIR TRADE FRUIT PURÉES • ORGANIC 818411 00093 818411 00094 55789 TE[ Purée, 100% Pure Açaí, Organic (unsweetened) (Fair Trade)..................................... 15/400g 55790 TE[ Purée, Açaí, Original Blend w/Guarana Syrup, Organic (Fair Trade)............................ 15/400g SAMBAZON FROZEN RIO STYLE AÇAÍ SORBET • ORGANIC 818411 00014 53081 TE[ Sorbet, Açaí, Organic (Fair Trade)................................................................................. 8/473ml SAMBAZON REFRIGERATED AÇAÍ JUICE BLENDS • ORGANIC 818411 00037 818411 00039 818411 00044 818411 00053 818411 00111 818411 00015 818411 00003 05173 05237 05199 05192 05238 05216 05218 ¤E[ ¤E[ ¤E[ ¤E[ ¤E[ ¤E[ ¤E[ Açaí Juice, Original, Organic (Fair Trade) (plastic bottle)............................................. 6/310ml Blended Breakfast, Smoothie, Strawberry, Banana, Chia & Ancient Grains, Org (FT).. 6/310ml Energy, Açaí Juice Blend, Yerba Maté & Guarana, Organic (FT) (plastic bottle).......... 6/310ml Protein, Smoothie, Açaí Berry, Chocolate, Almond & Coconut Milk, Organic (FT)..... 6/310ml Supergreens w/Kale & Ginger, Smoothie, Organic (Fair Trade) .................................. 6/310ml Açaí Juice, Original, Organic (Fair Trade) (tetrapak).................................................... 8/1L Energy, Açaí Juice Blend, Yerba Maté & Guarana, Organic (Fair Trade) (tetrapak)..... 8/1L SAPADILLA HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS • CANADIAN 677141 00002 677141 00001 677141 00003 70327 Z 70305 Z 70328 Z ³ ³ Liquid Dish Soap, Grapefruit & Bergamot................................................................... 12/475ml Liquid Dish Soap, Rosemary & Peppermint................................................................ 12/475ml Liquid Dish Soap, Sweet Lavender & Lime.................................................................. 12/475ml Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Sapadilla Dish + Hand Soaps)............................. Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Sapadilla Dish + Hand Soaps)............................. SAPADILLA LIQUID HAND SOAPS • CANADIAN 677141 01002 677141 01001 677141 01003 70381 Z 70380 Z 70382 Z ³ ³ Liquid Hand Soap, Pure Essential Oil Blends, Grapefruit & Bergamot........................ 6/350ml Liquid Hand Soap, Pure Essential Oil Blends, Rosemary & Peppermint..................... 6/350ml Liquid Hand Soap, Pure Essential Oil Blends, Sweet Lavender & Lime....................... 6/350ml Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Sapadilla Dish + Hand Soaps)............................. Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Sapadilla Dish + Hand Soaps)............................. SEVENTH GENERATION BABY DISPOSABLE DIAPERS 732913 44060 732913 44061 732913 44062 732913 44063 732913 44064 732913 44065 732913 44079 732913 44080 732913 44081 732913 44068 732913 44069 732913 44070 15130 15131 15132 15133 15134 15135 15199 15200 15201 15195 15196 15197 Disposable Diapers, Size 1 (8–14 pounds) ................................................................. 4/40ct Disposable Diapers, Size 2 (12–18 pounds) ............................................................... 4/36ct Disposable Diapers, Size 3 (16–28 pounds)................................................................ 4/31ct Disposable Diapers, Size 4 (22–37 pounds)................................................................ 4/27ct Disposable Diapers, Size 5 (27+ pounds)................................................................... 4/23ct Disposable Diapers, Size 6 (35+ pounds)................................................................... 4/20ct Super Jumbo, Disposable Diapers, Size 3 (16–28 pounds)........................................ 1/62ct Super Jumbo, Disposable Diapers, Size 4 (22–37 pounds)........................................ 1/54ct Super Jumbo, Disposable Diapers, Size 5 (27+ pounds)............................................ 1/46ct Overnight Diapers, Size 4 (22–37 pounds)................................................................. 4/24ct Overnight Diapers, Size 5 (27+ pounds)..................................................................... 4/20ct Overnight Diapers, Size 6 (35+ pounds)..................................................................... 4/17ct SEVENTH GENERATION BABY WIPES 732913 34208 732913 34217 732913 34225 46028 46261 47019 Baby Wipes, Unscented, Widget Dispenser Soft Pack................................................. 12/64ct Baby Wipes, Free & Clear............................................................................................. 6/128ct Travel Pack, Baby Wipes, Free & Clear.......................................................................... 12/30ct page 33 special price discount 2.29ea54.96 1.95ea46.80 15% TU 7.48ea112.20 6.36ea 95.4015% 7.48ea112.20 6.36ea 95.4015% T 6.18ea49.44 5.25ea42.00 15% T 3.75ea22.50 3.75ea22.50 3.75ea22.50 3.75ea22.50 3.75ea22.50 8.42ea67.36 8.42ea67.36 3.19ea19.14 15% 3.19ea19.14 15% 3.19ea19.14 15% 3.19ea19.14 15% 3.19ea19.14 15% 7.16ea57.28 15% 7.16ea57.28 15% U U U U U U U 3.21ea38.52 3.21ea38.52 3.21ea38.52 special only special only 2.89ea34.68 10% PT 2.89ea34.68 10% PT 2.89ea34.68 10% PT 2.81ea33.72 12% 2.73ea32.76 15% 4.36ea26.16 4.36ea26.16 4.36ea26.16 special only special only 3.92ea23.52 10% 3.92ea23.52 10% 3.92ea23.52 10% 3.82ea22.92 12% 3.71ea22.26 15% T T T 15.72ea62.88 13.36ea53.44 15% 15.72ea62.88 13.36ea53.44 15% 15.72ea62.88 13.36ea53.44 15% 15.72ea62.88 13.36ea53.44 15% 15.72ea62.88 13.36ea53.44 15% 15.72ea62.88 13.36ea53.44 15% 28.00ea28.00 23.80ea23.80 15% 28.00ea28.00 23.80ea23.80 15% 28.00ea28.00 23.80ea23.80 15% 15.72ea62.88 13.36ea53.44 15% 15.72ea62.88 13.36ea53.44 15% 15.72ea62.88 13.36ea53.44 15% PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT 3.78ea45.36 3.21ea38.52 15% PT 7.47ea44.82 6.35ea38.10 15% PT 2.39ea28.68 2.03ea24.36 15% PT SEVENTH GENERATION PAPER TOWELS, NAPKINS & TISSUE 732913 13736 732913 13732 732913 13733 732913 13712 732913 13719 732913 13705 732913 13713 732913 13720 732913 13737 732913 13722 732913 13730 732913 13731 46313 46327 46328 47001 47000 46186 47018 46034 46335 46329 46331 46333 Bathroom Tissue, 100% Recycled, Unbleached, 2-Ply ............................................... 12/4x400ct 5.61ea67.32 4.77ea57.24 15% Bathroom Tissue, 100% Recycled, 2-Ply .................................................................... 12/4x300ea 3.85ea46.20 3.27ea39.24 15% Bathroom Tissue, 100% Recycled, 2-Ply..................................................................... 4/12x300ea 9.38ea37.52 7.97ea31.88 15% Facial Tissue, 100% Recycled, 2-Ply............................................................................. 36/175ea 2.49ea89.64 2.12ea76.32 15% Facial Tissue, 100% Recycled, 2-Ply, Cube................................................................... 36/85ea 1.99ea71.64 1.69ea60.84 15% Napkins, 100% Recycled, Natural, 1-Ply..................................................................... 12/500ct 7.09ea85.08 6.03ea72.36 15% Napkins, 100% Recycled, White, 1-Ply........................................................................ 12/250ct 4.04ea48.48 3.43ea41.16 15% Paper Towels, 100% Recycled, Natural, 2-Ply............................................................. 30/120ea 2.53ea75.90 2.15ea64.50 15% Paper Towels, 100% Recycled, Unbleached, 2-Ply...................................................... 4/6x120ea 15.31ea61.24 13.01ea52.04 15% Paper Towels, 100% Recycled, White, 2-Ply................................................................ 24/1x156ea 2.59ea62.16 2.20ea52.80 15% Paper Towels, 100% Recycled, White, 2-Ply................................................................ 12/2x140ea 4.72ea56.64 4.01ea48.12 15% Paper Towels, 100% Recycled, White, 2-Ply................................................................ 4/6x140ea 11.83ea47.32 10.06ea40.24 15% SEVENTH GENERATION TRASH BAGS 732913 55501 46300 Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, Tall Kitchen Style...................................................................... 12/30ea SILK ALMOND BEVERAGES 025293 00218 025293 00219 025293 00181 025293 00180 025293 00304 025293 00305 07190 07191 07136 07137 07260 07261 Almond, Fortified, Original (tetrapak)......................................................................... 12/946ml Almond, Fortified, Vanilla (tetrapak)........................................................................... 12/946ml Almond, Fortified, Unsweetened, Original (tetrapak)................................................ 12/946ml Almond, Fortified, Unsweetened, Vanilla (tetrapak).................................................. 12/946ml Singles, Almond, Dark Chocolate (non-GMO) (tetrapak)............................................ 3/6x236ml Singles, Almond, Vanilla (non-GMO) (tetrapak)......................................................... 3/6x236ml PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT PT 5.37ea64.44 4.56ea54.72 15% PT 2.52ea30.24 2.52ea30.24 2.52ea30.24 2.52ea30.24 8.57ea25.71 8.57ea25.71 2.26ea27.12 $3.17 2.26ea27.12 $3.17 2.26ea27.12 $3.17 2.26ea27.12 $3.17 7.67ea23.01 $2.70 7.67ea23.01 $2.70 E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 34 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price SIMPLY NATURAL DRESSINGS • ORGANIC 070974 41014 070974 41024 070974 41032 070974 41026 070974 41020 070974 00230 070974 00115 070974 41030 070974 41016 070974 00116 070974 41028 070974 41010 14061 14065 14149 14066 14063 14477 14407 14068 14062 14408 14067 14060 E E E E E E E E E E E E Balsamic Vinaigrette, Organic...................................................................................... 12/354ml Caesar, Organic............................................................................................................. 12/354ml Goddess, Organic......................................................................................................... 12/354ml Honey Mustard, Organic.............................................................................................. 12/354ml Italian w/Roasted Pepper, Organic.............................................................................. 12/354ml Miso Ginger Vinaigrette, Organic................................................................................. 12/354ml Ranch, Organic............................................................................................................. 12/354ml Raspberry Vinaigrette, Organic.................................................................................... 12/354ml Roasted Garlic Vinaigrette, Organic............................................................................. 12/354ml Roasted Red Pepper Vinaigrette, Organic.................................................................... 12/354ml Sesame Ginger, Organic............................................................................................... 12/354ml Vinaigrette w/Sundried Tomatoes, Organic................................................................ 12/354ml SIMPLY ORGANIC (FRONTIER) SEASONING MIXES • ORGANIC 089836 18880 089836 18878 089836 18879 089836 18877 089836 18871 089836 18870 089836 18872 70752 70753 70754 70755 70748 70750 70746 E E E E E E E Dip Mix, Creamy Dill, Organic (sachets)....................................................................... 12/24g Dip Mix, French Onion, Organic (sachets).................................................................... 12/31g Dip Mix, Guacamole, Organic (sachets)....................................................................... 12/22g Dip Mix, Ranch, Organic (sachets)............................................................................... 12/42g Seasoning Mix, Chili, Spicy, Organic (sachets)............................................................ 12/28g Seasoning Mix, Chili, Veggie, Organic (sachets).......................................................... 12/28g Seasoning Mix, Sloppy Joe, Organic (sachets)............................................................ 12/40g SO DELICIOUS DAIRY FREE CULTURED COCONUT MILK (YOGURT) 744473 29150 744473 29151 744473 29153 744473 29154 52075 52074 52077 52076 ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ³ Cultured Coconut Milk, Plain (gluten free/vegan)...................................................... 12/454g Cultured Coconut Milk, Blueberry (gluten free/vegan).............................................. 12/454g Cultured Coconut Milk, Strawberry (gluten free/vegan)............................................ 12/454g Cultured Coconut Milk, Vanilla (gluten free/vegan).................................................... 12/454g Volume Price: 25 assorted cases (Codes 52074, 52075, 52076 + 52077)................ special price discount 3.48ea41.76 3.48ea41.76 3.48ea41.76 3.48ea41.76 3.48ea41.76 3.48ea41.76 3.48ea41.76 3.48ea41.76 3.48ea41.76 3.48ea41.76 3.48ea41.76 3.48ea41.76 2.96ea35.52 15% 2.96ea35.52 15% 2.96ea35.52 15% 2.96ea35.52 15% 2.96ea35.52 15% 2.96ea35.52 15% 2.96ea35.52 15% 2.96ea35.52 15% 2.96ea35.52 15% 2.96ea35.52 15% 2.96ea35.52 15% 2.96ea35.52 15% 1.44ea17.28 1.45ea17.40 1.44ea17.28 1.45ea17.40 1.44ea17.28 1.44ea17.28 1.45ea17.40 1.22ea14.64 15% 1.23ea14.76 15% 1.22ea14.64 15% 1.23ea14.76 15% 1.22ea14.64 15% 1.22ea14.64 15% 1.23ea14.76 15% 3.55ea42.60 3.55ea42.60 3.55ea42.60 3.55ea42.60 special only 3.17ea38.04 $4.56 3.17ea38.04 $4.56 3.17ea38.04 $4.56 3.17ea38.04 $4.56 3.05ea36.60 $6.00 SO NICE SOY BEVERAGES • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 626027 08760 626027 08763 626027 08761 06510 EZ 06512 EZ 06511 EZ Soy, Fortified, Original, Organic (tetrapak).................................................................. 8/3x250ml 3.55ea28.40 3.20ea25.60 10% Soy, Fortified, Chocolate, Organic (tetrapak)............................................................... 8/3x250ml 3.55ea28.40 3.20ea25.60 10% Soy, Fortified, Vanilla, Organic (tetrapak).................................................................... 8/3x250ml 3.55ea28.40 3.20ea25.60 10% SOL CUISINE FROZEN MEAT ALTERNATIVES • CANADIAN 628025 01935 628025 01927 55783 TEZ Falafel w/Sauce, Organic (12/pkg).............................................................................. 12/360g 54562 TZ Veggie Breakfast Patties (6/pkg)................................................................................. 12/228g SOL CUISINE MEAT ALTERNATIVES • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 628025 01902 628025 01905 55784 ¤EZ BBQ Tofu Ribs, Organic (gluten free)............................................................................ 8/280g 55796 ¤EZ Veggie Crumbles, Organic............................................................................................ 8/280g SOUND SEA VEGETABLES SUSHI NORI • ORGANIC 047445 30117 047445 30108 24231 E ³ ³ 24230 E ³ ³ SPECTRUM OILS 022506 97469 022506 13564 28022 E ³ ³ ³ 28044 E ³ ³ ³ SPECTRUM SEEDS 022506 52111 022506 52115 34058 34094 Nori Strips, Hot & Spicy, Organic (snack size).............................................................. 6/13g Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Choice Organic Teas + Sound Sea Vegetables).... Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Choice Organic Teas + Sound Sea Vegetables).... Sushi Nori, Organic....................................................................................................... 12/15g Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Choice Organic Teas + Sound Sea Vegetables).... Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (Choice Organic Teas + Sound Sea Vegetables).... 54101 54015 54209 54017 54014 54016 54013 T T T T T T T 5.25ea63.00 4.20ea50.40 20% 3.55ea42.60 3.20ea38.40 10% 4.99ea39.92 4.49ea35.92 10% 4.99ea39.92 4.49ea35.92 10% 4.30ea25.80 special only special only 4.66ea55.92 special only special only 3.66ea21.96 15% 3.44ea20.64 20% 3.23ea19.38 25% 3.96ea47.52 15% 3.73ea44.76 20% 3.50ea42.00 25% Coconut Oil, Refined, Organic...................................................................................... 12/414ml 7.97ea95.64 7.17ea86.04 10% Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (selected Spectrum Coconut Oils)......................... special only 6.77ea81.24 15% Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (selected Spectrum Coconut Oils)......................... special only 6.38ea76.56 20% Volume Price: 30 assorted cases (selected Spectrum Coconut Oils)......................... special only 5.98ea71.76 25% Coconut Oil, Virgin, Unrefined, Organic....................................................................... 6/857ml 17.73ea106.38 15.96ea 95.7610% Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (selected Spectrum Coconut Oils)......................... special only 15.07ea90.42 15% Volume Price: 20 assorted cases (selected Spectrum Coconut Oils)......................... special only 14.18ea85.08 20% Volume Price: 30 assorted cases (selected Spectrum Coconut Oils)......................... special only 13.30ea79.80 25% Chia Seeds, Black, Whole............................................................................................. 12/340g Indulgent Blend, Ground Chia & Flax Seed w/Coconut & Cocoa................................. 8/340g STAHLBUSH ISLAND FARMS FROZEN FRUITS 638882 00083 638882 00007 638882 00087 638882 00058 638882 00059 638882 00057 638882 00055 U U U Berry Blend (bag)......................................................................................................... 12/227g Blueberries (bag)......................................................................................................... 12/300g Boysenberries, Heirloom (bag).................................................................................... 12/225g Cranberries (bag)......................................................................................................... 12/300g Marion Blackberries (bag)........................................................................................... 12/300g Red Raspberries (bag).................................................................................................. 12/300g Strawberries, Whole (bag)........................................................................................... 12/300g 10.32ea123.84 9.29ea111.4810% 10.06ea80.48 9.05ea72.40 10% 4.63ea55.56 4.63ea55.56 4.63ea55.56 4.63ea55.56 4.63ea55.56 4.63ea55.56 4.63ea55.56 4.08ea48.96 12% 4.08ea48.96 12% 4.08ea48.96 12% 4.08ea48.96 12% 4.08ea48.96 12% 4.08ea48.96 12% 4.08ea48.96 12% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code regular price STARLITE CUISINE FROZEN MEATLESS ENCHILADAS, TACOS & TAQUITOS 037427 50743 037427 50741 037427 50740 037427 50722 037427 50721 037427 50720 037427 30753 037427 30751 037427 30752 037427 30750 54119 54114 54113 54112 54118 54111 54418 54416 54417 54415 T T T T T T T T T T Crispy Rolled Tacos, Chipotle Chicken Style (vegan).................................................... 6/340g Crispy Rolled Tacos, Garlic Chicken Style (vegan)........................................................ 6/340g Crispy Rolled Tacos, Santa Fe Chicken Style (vegan)................................................... 6/340g Crispy Soy Taquitos, Chorizo & Black Bean Style (vegan)............................................ 6/298g Crispy Soy Taquitos, Meatless Chicken Style (vegan).................................................. 6/298g Crispy Soy Taquitos, Original Beef Style (vegan)......................................................... 6/298g Enchiladas de Queso, Bean & Cheese (gluten free/vegan) (2/pkg)............................ 6/255g Enchiladas Rojas, Pea Protein w/Red Sauce (gluten free/vegan) (2/pkg).................. 6/255g Enchiladas Suizas, Pea Protein w/Cream Sauce (gluten free/vegan) (2/pkg)............ 6/255g Enchiladas Verdes, Pea Protein w/Green Sauce (gluten free/vegan) (2/pkg)............ 6/255g STEPHANO’S SECRET STASH GRANOLAS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 106824 00043 106824 00041 106824 00042 106824 00040 22372 22371 22370 22369 EZ EZ EZ EZ Granola, Ancient Grains Glory, Organic....................................................................... 8/400g Granola, Apple Crisp Bliss, Organic.............................................................................. 8/400g Granola, Blueberry Vanilla Haze, Organic.................................................................... 8/400g Granola, Maple Nut Rhapsody, Organic...................................................................... 8/400g SUNCO FOODS CANNED COCONUT MILK 682264 50001 14935 E ³ ³ ³ 14468 14465 14466 14467 ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z Hummus+, Artichoke Dill w/Vegetables.................................................................... 6/300g Hummus+, Curry Lentil w/Spicy Cilantro................................................................... 6/300g Hummus+, Edamame w/Sesame Carrots.................................................................. 6/300g Hummus+, Roasted Pepper w/Basil Pesto................................................................. 6/300g SUNRIDGE FARMS BULK HICKORY SMOKED ALMONDS 086700 02126 35141 Almonds, Hickory Smoked........................................................................................... 1/7.3kg special price discount 6.17ea37.02 6.17ea37.02 6.17ea37.02 6.17ea37.02 6.17ea37.02 6.17ea37.02 5.69ea34.14 5.69ea34.14 5.69ea34.14 5.69ea34.14 5.24ea31.44 15% 5.24ea31.44 15% 5.24ea31.44 15% 5.24ea31.44 15% 5.24ea31.44 15% 5.24ea31.44 15% 4.84ea29.04 15% 4.84ea29.04 15% 4.84ea29.04 15% 4.84ea29.04 15% 5.79ea46.32 5.79ea46.32 5.79ea46.32 5.79ea46.32 4.92ea39.36 15% 4.92ea39.36 15% 4.92ea39.36 15% 4.92ea39.36 15% 1.96ea47.04 special only 1.86ea44.645% special only 1.76ea42.24 10% special only 1.67ea40.08 15% Coconut Milk, Organic (can)......................................................................................... 24/400ml Volume Price: 5 assorted cases.................................................................................. Volume Price: 10 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 15 assorted cases................................................................................ SUNFLOWER KITCHEN HUMMUS+ REFRIGERATED SPREADS & DIPS • CANADIAN 679514 31204 679514 31201 679514 31202 679514 31203 page 35 4.09ea24.55 4.09ea24.55 4.09ea24.55 4.09ea24.55 3.68ea22.08 10% 3.68ea22.08 10% 3.68ea22.08 10% 3.68ea22.08 10% 284.74ea284.74 256.27ea256.2710% SUNRIDGE FARMS DARK CHOCOLATE BLUEBERRIES CONFECTIONS 086700 22607 35135 Blueberries, Dark Chocolate......................................................................................... 1/4.54kg 143.97ea143.97 129.57ea129.5710% SUNRIDGE FARMS ENERGY NUGGETS 086700 22160 35212 Energy Nuggets............................................................................................................ 1/4.54kg 93.55ea93.55 84.20ea84.20 10% SUNRISE DESSERT TOFU • CANADIAN 057864 00007 057864 00032 057864 00033 057864 00019 40225 40281 40282 40227 ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z Dessert Tofu, Almond................................................................................................... 12/2x150g Dessert Tofu, Banana................................................................................................... 12/2x150g Dessert Tofu, Coconut................................................................................................... 12/2x150g Dessert Tofu, Peach Mango.......................................................................................... 12/2x150g SUNRISE TOFU • CANADIAN 057864 00011 057864 00008 057864 00001 057864 00003 40252 40260 40255 40250 ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z Tofu, Firm..................................................................................................................... 12/350g Tofu, Extra Firm............................................................................................................ 12/350g Tofu, Medium Firm (water packed)............................................................................. 12/454g Tofu, Soft (water packed)............................................................................................. 12/300g SWEET ELLA’S PEANUT BUTTERS • ORGANIC 071157 30703 071157 30701 35283 E 35282 E Peanut Butter, Crunchy, Organic.................................................................................. 12/375g Peanut Butter, Smooth, Organic.................................................................................. 12/375g TASTE OF NATURE FOOD BARS • CANADIAN 059527 01201 059527 01202 059527 01200 059527 40155 059527 10155 059527 07041 059527 60155 059527 70155 059527 80155 059527 50155 059527 07044 059527 07043 059527 07048 059527 11221 059527 20155 059527 11223 059527 07046 37655 37654 37653 37172 37173 37178 37171 37421 37419 37174 37184 37179 37337 37635 37177 37636 37180 Z Z Z EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ 10g Protein, Dark Chocolate Cherry (70% organic ingredients)................................. 16/45g 10g Protein, Dark Chocolate Orange (70% organic ingredients)................................ 16/45g 10g Protein, Dark Chocolate, Peanut & Sea Salt (70% organic ingredients).............. 16/45g Almond, Organic.......................................................................................................... 16/40g Apple, Organic.............................................................................................................. 16/40g Blueberry, Organic....................................................................................................... 16/40g Brazil Nut, Organic....................................................................................................... 16/40g Cherry, Organic............................................................................................................. 16/40g Coconut, Organic.......................................................................................................... 16/40g Cranberry, Organic....................................................................................................... 16/40g Ginger, Organic............................................................................................................. 16/40g Goji, Organic................................................................................................................. 16/40g Maple, Organic............................................................................................................. 16/40g Orange, Organic........................................................................................................... 16/40g Peanut, Organic............................................................................................................ 16/40g Pineapple, Organic....................................................................................................... 16/40g Pomegranate, Organic................................................................................................. 16/40g 1.17ea14.04 1.17ea14.04 1.17ea14.04 1.17ea14.04 1.05ea12.60 10% 1.05ea12.60 10% 1.05ea12.60 10% 1.05ea12.60 10% 2.13ea25.56 2.13ea25.56 1.66ea19.92 1.07ea12.84 1.92ea23.04 10% 1.92ea23.04 10% 1.49ea17.88 10% 0.96ea11.52 10% T T 7.81ea93.72 6.25ea75.00 20% 7.81ea93.72 6.25ea75.00 20% 1.71ea27.36 1.71ea27.36 1.71ea27.36 1.39ea22.24 1.39ea22.24 1.39ea22.24 1.39ea22.24 1.39ea22.24 1.39ea22.24 1.39ea22.24 1.39ea22.24 1.39ea22.24 1.39ea22.24 1.39ea22.24 1.39ea22.24 1.39ea22.24 1.39ea22.24 1.51ea24.16 $3.24 1.51ea24.16 $3.24 1.51ea24.16 $3.24 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 1.24ea19.84 $2.40 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 36 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code TAZO FILTERBAG TEAS 794522 20070 794522 20080 794522 21010 794522 20130 794522 20100 794522 20060 794522 20020 794522 20040 794522 20010 794522 20030 794522 21200 30854 30855 30862 E 30860 30857 30853 30849 30852 30848 30850 30880 regular price Black Tea, Awake.......................................................................................................... 6/24bags Black Tea, Earl Grey....................................................................................................... 6/24bags Black Tea, Tazo Chai, Organic........................................................................................ 6/24bags Green Tea, China Green Tips......................................................................................... 6/24bags Green Tea, Green Ginger.............................................................................................. 6/24bags Green Tea, Zen.............................................................................................................. 6/24bags Herbal Infusions Tea, Calm........................................................................................... 6/24bags Herbal Infusions Tea, Passion....................................................................................... 6/24bags Herbal Infusions Tea, Refresh....................................................................................... 6/24bags Herbal Infusions Tea, Wild Sweet Orange.................................................................... 6/24bags White Tea, Berryblossom White.................................................................................. 6/24bags TEECCINO HERBAL COFFEE ALTERNATIVES 795239 20110 795239 20130 795239 20060 795239 20070 795239 20080 795239 20010 12860 E 12861 E 12864 12865 12866 12862 Caffé, Dark Roast, Organic (caffeine free).................................................................... 6/225g Chocolaté, Dark Roast, Organic (caffeine free)............................................................ 6/225g Hazelnut, Medium Roast, 70% Organic (caffeine free)............................................... 6/225g Java, Medium Roast, 70% Organic (caffeine free)...................................................... 6/225g Mocha, Medium Roast, 70% Organic (caffeine free).................................................. 6/225g Vanilla Nut, Medium Roast, 70% Organic (caffeine free)........................................... 6/225g THE GRANOLA KING ARTISAN GRANOLAS • CANADIAN 853908 00001 853908 00004 853908 00000 853908 00007 853908 00003 853908 00005 25050 Z 25051 Z ³ ³ ³ 25048 Z 25049 Z 25052 Z 25053 Z Granola, Gourmet Classic............................................................................................. 8/750g Granola, Hazelnut Hemp............................................................................................. 8/750g Volume Price: 5 assorted cases (Granola King 750g varieties).................................. Volume Price: 10 assorted cases (Granola King 750g varieties)................................ Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Granola King 750g varieties)................................ Granola, Gourmet Classic............................................................................................. 8/454g Granola, Hazelnut Hemp............................................................................................. 8/454g Granola, Gourmet Classic............................................................................................. 4/2kg Granola, Hazelnut Hemp............................................................................................. 4/2kg 46304 Z 46303 Z Compostable Bins, 5-Pack Refill (Bins & Lids)............................................................. 20/5ct Compostable Bins, Starter Kit (Bins, Lids & Reusable Lid).......................................... 20/5ct 07216 Z ³ ³ 07165 Z 07214 Z 07215 Z ³ ³ 07219 Z ³ ³ 07213 Z ³ ³ Coconut Water, Natural (slim can)............................................................................... 12/250ml Volume Price: 15 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 35 assorted cases................................................................................ Coconut Water, Natural (can)....................................................................................... 12/520ml Coconut Water, Natural w/Pulp (can).......................................................................... 12/520ml Coconut Water, Natural w/Mango (can)...................................................................... 12/520ml Volume Price: 15 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 35 assorted cases................................................................................ Coconut Water, Natural (tetrapak)............................................................................... 12/500ml Volume Price: 15 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 35 assorted cases................................................................................ Coconut Water, Natural (tetrapak)............................................................................... 12/1L Volume Price: 15 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 35 assorted cases................................................................................ THE GREENLID COMPOSTABLE COMPOST BINS • CANADIAN 858143 00002 858143 00001 THIRSTY BUDDHA NATURAL COCONUT WATER • CANADIAN 852953 00129 852953 00100 852953 00103 852953 00105 852953 00131 852953 00117 TOFURKY FROZEN PIZZAS 025583 00962 025583 00961 025583 00968 56018 T 56017 T 56028 T Italian Sausage & Roasted Veggie (vegan).................................................................. 8/399g Pepperoni (vegan)....................................................................................................... 8/385g Pesto Supreme (gluten free/vegan)............................................................................ 8/496g TOFURKY MARINATED TEMPEH STRIPS 025583 00160 025583 00161 025583 00166 57084 ¤ 57085 ¤ 57086 ¤ Tempeh, Marinated Strips, Coconut Curry (vegan)..................................................... 10/198g Tempeh, Marinated Strips, Sesame Garlic (vegan)..................................................... 10/198g Tempeh, Marinated Strips, Smoky Maple Bacon (vegan)........................................... 10/198g TOFURKY MEAT ALTERNATIVES 255830 06164 255830 06188 255830 06171 025583 00611 025583 00612 025583 00613 56025 56027 56026 57077 57078 57079 ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Artisan Sausages, Andouille, Cajun Style (non-GMO/vegan)..................................... 12/397g Artisan Sausages, Chick’n & Apple (non-GMO/vegan)............................................... 12/397g Artisan Sausages, Spinach Pesto (non-GMO/vegan).................................................. 12/397g Sausages, Beer Brats.................................................................................................... 12/397g Sausages, Italian.......................................................................................................... 12/397g Sausages, Kielbasa....................................................................................................... 12/397g UDI’S GLUTEN FREE SOFT BAKED COOKIES 698997 80773 698997 80775 698997 80774 55034 55032 55033 ³ Soft Baked, Premium Maple Pecan Chocolate Chip (gluten free)............................... 6/260g Soft Baked, Premium Peanut Butter Coconut (gluten free)........................................ 6/260g Soft Baked, Premium Salted Caramel Cashew (gluten free)...................................... 6/260g Volume Price: 25 assorted cases................................................................................ special price discount 5.13ea30.78 5.13ea30.78 5.13ea30.78 5.13ea30.78 5.13ea30.78 5.13ea30.78 5.13ea30.78 5.13ea30.78 5.13ea30.78 5.13ea30.78 5.13ea30.78 3.85ea23.10 25% 3.85ea23.10 25% 3.85ea23.10 25% 3.85ea23.10 25% 3.85ea23.10 25% 3.85ea23.10 25% 3.85ea23.10 25% 3.85ea23.10 25% 3.85ea23.10 25% 3.85ea23.10 25% 3.85ea23.10 25% 8.18ea49.08 8.18ea49.08 8.18ea49.08 8.18ea49.08 8.18ea49.08 8.18ea49.08 6.95ea41.70 15% 6.95ea41.70 15% 6.95ea41.70 15% 6.95ea41.70 15% 6.95ea41.70 15% 6.95ea41.70 15% 9.14ea73.12 9.14ea73.12 special only 8.68ea69.445% special only 8.23ea65.84 10% special only 7.77ea62.16 15% 6.38ea51.04 5.42ea43.36 15% 6.38ea51.04 5.42ea43.36 15% 24.12ea96.48 20.50ea82.00 15% 24.12ea96.48 20.50ea82.00 15% 5.57ea111.40 5.01ea100.2010% 8.73ea174.60 7.86ea157.2010% T T 1.14ea13.68 10% 1.08ea12.96 15% 1.04ea12.48 18% 1.85ea22.205% 1.85ea22.205% 1.85ea22.205% 1.75ea21.00 10% 1.71ea20.52 12% 2.20ea26.40 $1.25 2.06ea24.72 10% 2.02ea24.24 12% 4.12ea49.44 $2.50 3.91ea46.92 10% 3.70ea44.40 15% U 1.27ea15.24 special only special only 1.95ea23.40 1.95ea23.40 1.95ea23.40 special only special only 2.30ea27.60 special only special only 4.33ea51.96 special only special only U U U U U 8.01ea64.08 6.81ea54.48 15% 8.01ea64.08 6.81ea54.48 15% 9.22ea73.76 7.84ea62.72 15% 3.96ea39.60 3.37ea33.70 15% 3.96ea39.60 3.37ea33.70 15% 3.96ea39.60 3.37ea33.70 15% 5.67ea68.04 5.67ea68.04 5.67ea68.04 4.55ea54.60 4.55ea54.60 4.55ea54.60 4.82ea57.84 15% 4.82ea57.84 15% 4.82ea57.84 15% 3.87ea46.44 15% 3.87ea46.44 15% 3.87ea46.44 15% 5.00ea30.00 5.00ea30.00 5.00ea30.00 special only 4.50ea27.00 $3.00 E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge CANADIAN HONEY ROYAL JELLY BEE POLLEN CLOVER WILD BLOSSOM PURE RAW BUCKWHEAT page 38 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price VAN’S FROZEN TOASTER WAFFLES 089947 30206 089947 30214 089947 30220 54750 T 54751 T 54752 T Original, Wheat Free.................................................................................................... 12/255g Apple Cinnamon, Wheat Free...................................................................................... 12/255g Blueberry, Wheat Free................................................................................................. 12/255g VEGGIE-GO’S CHEWY FRUIT & VEGGIE SNACKS • ORGANIC 094723 51008 094723 51010 094723 51009 094723 51011 094723 51016 26493 26492 26490 26491 26495 E E E E E Carrot Ginger, Organic (gluten free)............................................................................ 20/12g Cinnamon Spiced Beet, Organic (gluten free)............................................................. 20/12g Mountain Berry Spinach, Organic (gluten free).......................................................... 20/12g Sweet Potato Pie, Organic (gluten free)...................................................................... 20/12g TropiKale, Organic (gluten free)................................................................................... 20/12g VIJ’S FROZEN INSPIRED INDIAN CUISINE • CANADIAN 673984 00012 673984 00011 673984 00013 673984 00014 673984 00009 54411 54410 54412 54413 54408 TZ TZ TZ TZ TZ Black Chickpea & Ginger Curry (pouches)................................................................... 6/300g Coconut & Ginger Green Beans (pouches).................................................................. 6/300g Curried Chickpeas (pouches)........................................................................................ 6/300g Punjabi Daal (pouches)................................................................................................ 6/300g Saag & Paneer (pouches)............................................................................................. 6/300g VITA EGGS FREE RUN EGGS • CANADIAN 056526 00007 07133 ¤Z Vita Eggs, Free Run, Large............................................................................................ 15/1doz VIVANI CHOCOLATE BARS • ORGANIC 4044889 001006 4044889 000054 4044889 001044 4044889 001013 4044889 001051 4044889 000610 4044889 000733 4044889 002119 4044889 001037 4044889 001075 4044889 001068 35030 35038 35054 35033 35032 35036 35084 35197 35031 35035 35055 E E E E E E E E E E E Dark Chocolate, 71% Cocoa, Organic........................................................................... 10/100g Dark Chocolate, 85% Cocoa, Organic........................................................................... 10/100g Dark Chocolate w/Cassis (Black Currant), 60% Cocoa, Organic.................................. 10/100g Dark Chocolate w/Orange, 70% Cocoa, Organic......................................................... 10/100g Dark Chocolate w/Peppermint, 68% Cocoa, Organic.................................................. 10/100g Ecuador Superior, Dark Chocolate, 70% Cocoa, Organic............................................. 10/100g Ecuador Superior, Dark Chocolate w/Chili, 70% Cocoa, Organic................................. 10/100g Ecuador Superior, Dark Chocolate, 70% Cocoa, Cranberry, Organic............................ 10/100g Milk Chocolate, Organic............................................................................................... 10/100g Milk Chocolate w/Cappuccino, Organic....................................................................... 10/100g White Chocolate w/Crisp Rice, Organic....................................................................... 10/100g VORTEX 9.5 HIGH ALKALINE BOTTLED WATER • CANADIAN 059654 24095 059654 12096 06897 Z 06898 Z High pH Glacial Alkaline Water w/Electrolytes............................................................ 24/500ml High pH Glacial Alkaline Water w/Electrolytes............................................................ 12/1.25L 44091 44092 44093 44094 44111 44112 44158 44037 44029 44047 44128 44019 44127 44157 44159 44182 Blue Agave Nectar, Organic (Fair Trade)....................................................................... 6/240ml Blue Agave Nectar, Raw, Organic (Fair Trade).............................................................. 6/240ml Blue Agave Nectar, Organic (Fair Trade)....................................................................... 6/480ml Blue Agave Nectar, Raw, Organic (Fair Trade).............................................................. 6/480ml Blue Agave Nectar, Organic (Fair Trade)....................................................................... 6/900ml Blue Agave Nectar, Raw, Organic (Fair Trade).............................................................. 6/900ml Coconut Palm Sugar, Organic....................................................................................... 6/454g Dark Brown Sugar, Organic (Fair Trade)....................................................................... 6/681g Demerara, Raw Cane Sugar, Organic (Fair Trade)........................................................ 12/681g Raw Cane Sugar (Fair Trade)........................................................................................ 12/681g Sucanat, Granulated Cane Juice, Organic (Fair Trade)................................................. 12/907g Sugar (Evaporated Cane Juice), Organic (Fair Trade)................................................... 12/454g Sugar (Evaporated Cane Juice), Organic (Fair Trade)................................................... 6/907g Stevia, Organic............................................................................................................. 6/35g Stevia, Organic............................................................................................................. 6/75g Stevia, Organic (jar)..................................................................................................... 6/120g WHOLESOME SWEETENERS 012511 47121 012511 47312 012511 47231 012511 47323 012511 47441 012511 47644 012511 97106 012511 44652 012511 44471 012511 47071 012511 30500 012511 47031 012511 40600 012511 97635 012511 97675 012511 97606 E[ E[ E[ E[ E[ E[ E E[ E[ [ E[ E[ E[ E E E WHOLESOME SWEETENERS SYRUPS • ORGANIC 012511 97126 44194 E Coconut Palm Syrup, Organic....................................................................................... 6/245ml WILD COUNTRY HEALTH HONEYS • CANADIAN 621234 60003 621234 60004 44210 SZ 44212 SZ Honey w/Bee Pollen, Unpasteurized........................................................................... 12/500g Honey w/Royal Jelly, Unpasteurized........................................................................... 12/500g WILD COUNTRY HONEYS • CANADIAN 621234 60016 621234 60019 621234 61004 621234 60040 44107 44106 44109 44108 SZ SZ SZ SZ Buckwheat Honey, Canada #1 Amber......................................................................... 12/500g Clover Honey, Canada #1 White................................................................................... 12/500g Pure Raw Honey, Canada #1 White............................................................................. 12/500g Wild Blossom Honey, Canada #1 Golden.................................................................... 12/500g WILD COUNTRY LOOSE LEAF TEAS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 621234 80019 621234 80013 621234 80015 621234 80010 621234 80012 12067 12969 12091 12070 12968 EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Green, Chinese, Loose Leaf Tea, Organic...................................................................... 6/100g English Breakfast, Loose Leaf Tea, Organic.................................................................. 6/100g Rooibos, Loose Leaf Tea, Organic................................................................................. 6/100g Sencha Green, Loose Leaf Tea, Organic........................................................................ 6/100g White, Loose Leaf Tea, Organic.................................................................................... 6/40g special price discount 3.60ea43.20 3.06ea36.72 15% 3.60ea43.20 3.06ea36.72 15% 3.60ea43.20 3.06ea36.72 15% 1.39ea27.80 1.39ea27.80 1.39ea27.80 1.39ea27.80 1.39ea27.80 1.18ea23.60 15% 1.18ea23.60 15% 1.18ea23.60 15% 1.18ea23.60 15% 1.18ea23.60 15% 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.30 4.55ea27.30 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% 4.10ea24.60 10% T T T T T 4.56ea68.40 4.10ea61.50 10% 3.30ea33.00 4.45ea44.50 3.30ea33.00 3.30ea33.00 3.30ea33.00 4.45ea44.50 4.45ea44.50 4.45ea44.50 3.30ea33.00 3.30ea33.00 3.30ea33.00 2.81ea28.10 15% 3.78ea37.80 15% 2.81ea28.10 15% 2.81ea28.10 15% 2.81ea28.10 15% 3.78ea37.80 15% 3.78ea37.80 15% 3.78ea37.80 15% 2.81ea28.10 15% 2.81ea28.10 15% 2.81ea28.10 15% T T T T T T T T T T T 0.95ea22.80 0.85ea20.40 $2.42 U 1.54ea18.48 1.38ea16.56 $1.94 U 6.24ea37.44 5.64ea33.84 $3.62 6.24ea37.44 5.64ea33.84 $3.62 9.17ea55.02 8.30ea49.80 $5.25 9.17ea55.02 8.30ea49.80 $5.25 14.91ea89.46 13.49ea80.94 $8.54 14.91ea89.46 13.49ea80.94 $8.54 6.74ea40.44 6.11ea36.66 $3.80 6.07ea36.42 5.51ea33.06 $3.38 6.40ea76.80 6.15ea73.80 $2.96 5.52ea66.24 5.26ea63.12 $3.07 8.44ea101.28 8.04ea 96.48$4.76 4.33ea51.96 4.13ea49.56 $2.43 7.03ea42.18 6.38ea38.28 $3.90 5.11ea30.66 4.62ea27.72 $2.94 9.32ea55.92 8.43ea50.58 $5.36 10.04ea60.24 9.06ea54.36 $5.88 8.48ea50.88 7.65ea45.90 $4.95 9.86ea118.32 8.38ea100.5615% 10.29ea123.48 8.75ea105.0015% 9.29ea111.48 8.00ea96.00 8.71ea104.52 8.00ea96.00 7.90ea 94.8015% 6.80ea81.60 15% 7.40ea 88.8015% 6.80ea81.60 15% 5.83ea34.98 5.83ea34.98 5.83ea34.98 5.83ea34.98 5.83ea34.98 4.96ea29.76 15% 4.96ea29.76 15% 4.96ea29.76 15% 4.96ea29.76 15% 4.96ea29.76 15% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge horizon distributors january 2016 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 upc code order code regular price WILD COUNTRY GRAIN GOURMET INSTANT COFFEE SUBSTITUTE • ORGANIC 621234 11616 12073 E Instant Coffee Substitute, Organic............................................................................... 6/100g WILDWOOD SPROUTOFU SPROUTED TOFU • ORGANIC 030871 70104 030871 70441 030871 00450 030871 07020 55082 55081 55083 55084 ¤E ¤E ¤E ¤E Tofu, Extra Firm, Organic (2-pack) (made w/sprouted soybeans).............................. 12/439g Tofu, Firm, Organic (2-pack) (made w/sprouted soybeans)....................................... 12/439g Tofu, Baked, Savoury, Organic (made w/sprouted soybeans).................................... 6/170g Tofu, Smoked, Garlic Teriyaki, Organic (made w/sprouted soybeans)........................ 6/156g WISECRACKERS LOW FAT CRACKERS 789280 43904 789280 41904 789280 42904 16327 16325 16326 Original Sesame........................................................................................................... 6/114g Roasted Garlic Rosemary............................................................................................. 6/114g Spicy Pepper Melange................................................................................................. 6/114g WOLFGANG PUCK CANNED SOUPS • ORGANIC 858328 76432 858328 76424 858328 76490 858328 76460 858328 76454 858328 76430 858328 76418 858328 76448 858328 76471 858328 76412 858328 76415 19393 19392 19390 19388 19387 19385 19384 19386 19389 19383 19391 E E E E E E E E E E E Chicken & Dumplings, Organic (can)........................................................................... 12/398ml Classic Minestrone, Organic (can)................................................................................ 12/398ml Corn Chowder, Organic (can)....................................................................................... 12/398ml Free Range Chicken Noodle, Organic (can).................................................................. 12/398ml Free Range Chicken w/White & Wild Rice, Organic (gluten free) (can)...................... 12/398ml Hearty Garden Vegetable, Organic (can)..................................................................... 12/398ml Hearty Lentil Vegetable, Organic (gluten free) (can).................................................. 12/398ml Signature Butternut Squash, Organic (can)................................................................ 12/398ml Signature Tortilla, Organic (gluten free) (can)............................................................. 12/398ml Tomato Basil Bisque, Organic (gluten free) (can)........................................................ 12/398ml Vegetable Barley, Organic (can).................................................................................. 12/398ml WOW BAKING COMPANY GLUTEN FREE COOKIES 854287 00255 854287 00569 854287 00579 854287 00244 854287 00559 854287 00222 854287 00589 YOGI TEAS 076950 20351 076950 65037 076950 65061 076950 65021 076950 65026 076950 65041 076950 65042 076950 20347 076950 65011 076950 20350 076950 20346 076950 65017 076950 20348 076950 20349 076950 61531 076950 61533 076950 61514 076950 61516 076950 61527 4.90ea29.40 4.17ea25.02 15% 2.94ea35.28 2.94ea35.28 4.91ea29.46 4.91ea29.46 2.54ea30.48 $4.76 2.54ea30.48 $4.76 4.24ea25.44 $3.99 4.24ea25.44 $3.99 3.52ea21.12 3.14ea18.84 $2.30 3.52ea21.12 3.14ea18.84 $2.30 3.52ea21.12 3.14ea18.84 $2.30 2.87ea34.44 2.87ea34.44 2.87ea34.44 2.87ea34.44 2.87ea34.44 2.87ea34.44 2.87ea34.44 2.87ea34.44 2.87ea34.44 2.87ea34.44 2.87ea34.44 2.45ea29.40 15% 2.45ea29.40 15% 2.45ea29.40 15% 2.45ea29.40 15% 2.45ea29.40 15% 2.45ea29.40 15% 2.45ea29.40 15% 2.45ea29.40 15% 2.45ea29.40 15% 2.45ea29.40 15% 2.45ea29.40 15% 4.86ea58.32 15% 4.86ea58.32 15% 4.86ea58.32 15% 4.86ea58.32 15% 4.86ea58.32 15% 4.86ea58.32 15% 4.86ea58.32 15% Butter Toffee (gluten free) (resealable pouch)............................................................ 12/227g Chocolate Chip (gluten free) (resealable pouch)......................................................... 12/227g Ginger Molasses (gluten free) (resealable pouch)...................................................... 12/227g Key Lime (gluten free) (resealable pouch).................................................................. 12/227g Lemon Burst (gluten free) (resealable pouch)............................................................ 12/227g Maple Squares (gluten free) (resealable pouch)......................................................... 12/227g Peanut Butter (gluten free) (resealable pouch).......................................................... 12/227g 5.72ea68.64 5.72ea68.64 5.72ea68.64 5.72ea68.64 5.72ea68.64 5.72ea68.64 5.72ea68.64 12943 12711 12723 12652 12656 12713 E 12714 E 12945 E 12670 E 12946 E 12947 12671 12944 12948 12675 12677 E 12339 12720 12722 ³ ³ ³ Green Tea, Citrus Slim (made w/organic ingredients)................................................ 6/16bags Green Tea, Decaf Kombucha, Decaffeinenated .......................................................... 6/16bags Green Tea, Goji Berry.................................................................................................... 6/16bags Green Tea, Kombucha ................................................................................................. 6/16bags Green Tea, Triple Echinacea.......................................................................................... 6/16bags Simply Decaf Green Tea, Decaffeinated, Organic........................................................ 6/16bags Simply Green Tea, Organic........................................................................................... 6/16bags Herbal Tea, Calming, Organic....................................................................................... 6/16bags Herbal Tea, Ginger, Organic.......................................................................................... 6/16bags Herbal Tea, Honey Lemon Throat Comfort, Organic.................................................... 6/16bags Herbal Tea, Lemon DeTox (made w/organic ingredients)........................................... 6/16bags Herbal Tea, Lemon Ginger............................................................................................ 6/16bags Herbal Tea, Restful Sleep (made w/organic ingredients)........................................... 6/16bags Herbal Tea, Soothing Mint Get Regular (made w/organic ingredients)..................... 6/16bags Spice Tea, Chai, Black................................................................................................... 6/16bags Spice Tea, Chai, Redbush, Organic............................................................................... 6/16bags Spice Tea, Classic India Spice........................................................................................ 6/16bags Spice Tea, Egyptian Licorice.......................................................................................... 6/16bags Spice Tea, Egyptian Licorice Mint................................................................................. 6/16bags Volume Price: 6 assorted cases.................................................................................. Volume Price: 12 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 20 assorted cases................................................................................ 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 4.96ea29.76 special only 4.53ea27.18 $2.56 special only 4.32ea25.92 $3.84 special only 4.11ea24.66 $5.12 10253 E 10251 E ³ ³ Corn, Golden, Whole Kernel, Organic (can)................................................................. 12/398ml Peas, Sweet, Organic (can)........................................................................................... 12/398ml Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Yves Canned Beans + Vegetables)...................... Volume Price: 25 assorted cases (Yves Canned Beans + Vegetables)...................... YVES VEGGIE CUISINE CANNED WHOLE BEANS • ORGANIC 060822 80029 060822 80028 060822 80031 060822 80027 special price discount 16707 16654 16655 16708 16656 16706 16664 YVES VEGGIE CUISINE CANNED VEGETABLES • ORGANIC 060822 80024 060822 80022 page 39 10207 10206 10209 10205 E E E E ³ ³ Black Beans, Organic (can)........................................................................................... 12/398ml Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas), Organic (can)................................................................ 12/398ml Kidney Beans, Organic (can)........................................................................................ 12/398ml Pinto Beans, Organic (can)........................................................................................... 12/398ml Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Yves Canned Beans + Vegetables)...................... Volume Price: 25 assorted cases (Yves Canned Beans + Vegetables)...................... 2.57ea30.84 2.57ea30.84 special only special only 2.31ea27.72 10% 2.31ea27.72 10% 2.18ea26.16 15% 2.06ea24.72 20% 2.57ea30.84 2.57ea30.84 2.57ea30.84 2.57ea30.84 special only special only 2.31ea27.72 10% 2.31ea27.72 10% 2.31ea27.72 10% 2.31ea27.72 10% 2.18ea26.16 15% 2.06ea24.72 20% E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge page 40 prices effective 12/14/15–01/15/16 january 2016 horizon distributors upc code order code regular price YVES VEGGIE CUISINE MEAT ALTERNATIVES • CANADIAN 060822 00006 060822 00307 060822 00116 060822 00111 060822 00306 060822 00115 060822 00114 060822 00303 060822 00312 40505 40507 40501 40500 40506 40502 40511 40504 40503 ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ³ ³ ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ¤Z ³ ³ Veggie Bologna Slices.................................................................................................. 12/155g Veggie Ham Slices........................................................................................................ 12/155g Veggie Pizza Pepperoni................................................................................................ 12/120g Veggie Salami Slices..................................................................................................... 12/155g Veggie Turkey Slices..................................................................................................... 12/155g Volume Price: 5 assorted cases (Yves Slices + Breakfast Alternatives)..................... Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Yves Slices + Breakfast Alternatives)................... Canadian Veggie Bacon............................................................................................... 12/170g Veggie Bacon Strips..................................................................................................... 12/156g Veggie Breakfast Links................................................................................................. 12/200g Veggie Breakfast Patties (8/pkg)................................................................................. 12/227g Volume Price: 5 assorted cases (Yves Slices + Breakfast Alternatives)..................... Volume Price: 15 assorted cases (Yves Slices + Breakfast Alternatives)................... ZEVIA SUGAR FREE NATURAL SODAS 849429 00124 849429 00130 849429 00120 849429 00129 849429 00128 849429 00126 849429 00125 849429 00123 849429 00127 849429 00121 849429 00122 07158 07200 07106 07202 07111 07201 07110 07109 07159 07107 07108 ³ ³ ³ Black Cherry, Stevia Sweetened (can)......................................................................... 4/6x355ml Cherry Cola, Stevia Sweetened (can)........................................................................... 4/6x355ml Cola, Stevia Sweetened (can)...................................................................................... 4/6x355ml Cola, Caffeine Free, Stevia Sweetened (can)............................................................... 4/6x355ml Cream Soda, Stevia Sweetened (can).......................................................................... 4/6x355ml Dr. Zevia, Stevia Sweetened (can)............................................................................... 4/6x355ml Ginger Ale, Stevia Sweetened (can)............................................................................ 4/6x355ml Ginger Root Beer, Stevia Sweetened (can).................................................................. 4/6x355ml Grape, Stevia Sweetened (can).................................................................................... 4/6x355ml Lemon Lime Twist, Stevia Sweetened (can)................................................................ 4/6x355ml Orange, Stevia Sweetened (can)................................................................................. 4/6x355ml Volume Price: 30 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 50 assorted cases................................................................................ Volume Price: 100 assorted cases.............................................................................. ZIMT ARTISAN RAW CHOCOLATE BARS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 640522 66327 640522 66328 640522 66332 640522 66335 640522 66329 640522 66333 640522 66334 640522 66330 10113 10115 10112 10117 10110 10111 10116 10114 EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ EZ Raw Chocolate, 70% Cocoa, Organic (gluten free/vegan).......................................... 12/40g Raw Chocolate, Chocolate Nib’d, Organic (gluten free/vegan)................................... 12/40g Raw Chocolate, Coconut Crisp, Organic (gluten free/vegan)...................................... 12/40g Raw Chocolate, Kaffee Chocolate, Organic (gluten free/vegan)................................. 12/40g Raw Chocolate, Peppermint Nib’d, Organic (gluten free/vegan)................................ 12/40g Raw Chocolate, Salt of the Earth, Organic (gluten free/vegan).................................. 12/40g Raw Chocolate, Sugar & Spice, Organic (gluten free/vegan)...................................... 12/40g Raw Chocolate, Sweet Orange Nib’d, Organic (gluten free/vegan)............................ 12/40g ZIMT VEGAN RAW COCONUT MACAROONS • CANADIAN • ORGANIC 640522 66339 640522 66364 10118 EZ[ Macaroons, Double Chocolate, Organic (Fair Trade) (2-Pack) (raw/vegan)................ 9/60g 10119 EZ[ Macaroons, Salted Vanilla Caramel, Organic (Fair Trade) (2-Pack) (raw/vegan)........ 9/60g ZING NUTRITIONAL FOOD BARS 855531 00201 855531 00203 855531 00205 855531 00200 855531 00216 855531 00204 37584 37585 37580 37581 37583 37582 ³ Almond Blueberry (soy/gluten free)........................................................................... 12/50g Cashew Cranberry Orange (soy/dairy/gluten free)..................................................... 12/50g Chocolate Coconut (soy/dairy/gluten free)................................................................. 12/50g Chocolate Peanut Butter (soy/gluten free)................................................................. 12/50g Dark Chocolate Hazelnut (soy/dairy/gluten free)....................................................... 12/50g Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip (soy/dairy free)............................................................ 12/50g Volume Price: 18 assorted cases................................................................................ Supplier Index continues on Page 2 Sunridge Farms Dark Chocolate Blueberries Confections...........35 Sunridge Farms Energy Nuggets................................................35 Sunrise Dessert Tofu...................................................................35 Sunrise Tofu...............................................................................35 Sweet Ella’s Peanut Butters........................................................35 Taste of Nature Food Bars..........................................................35 Tazo Filterbag Teas.................................................................... 36 Teeccino Herbal Coffee Alternatives.......................................... 36 The Granola King Artisan Granolas........................................... 36 The Greenlid Compostable Compost Bins................................. 36 Thirsty Buddha Natural Coconut Water..................................... 36 Tofurky Frozen Pizzas................................................................ 36 Tofurky Marinated Tempeh Strips............................................. 36 Tofurky Meat Alternatives......................................................... 36 Traditional Medicinals Wellness Teas.......................................... 9 Two Bears Cold Brew Coffee Co. RTD Bottled Coffee.................... 9 Udi’s Gluten Free Soft Baked Cookies........................................ 36 Vancouver Croissant (Gourmet Croissant) Frozen Croissants....... 9 Vancouver Croissant Frozen Puffed Pastry Sheets....................... 9 Van’s Frozen Toaster Waffles..................................................... 38 Veggie-Go’s Chewy Fruit & Veggie Snacks................................ 38 Vij’s Frozen Inspired Indian Cuisine........................................... 38 Vita Eggs Free Run Eggs............................................................ 38 Vivani Chocolate Bars............................................................... 38 Vortex 9.5 High Alkaline Bottled Water.................................... 38 Wholesome Sweeteners........................................................... 38 Wholesome Sweeteners Syrups................................................ 38 Wholly Wholesome Frozen Pie Shells......................................... 9 Wild Country Grain Gourmet Instant Coffee Substitute............ 39 special price discount 2.85ea34.20 2.85ea34.20 2.85ea34.20 2.85ea34.20 2.85ea34.20 special only special only 3.37ea40.44 3.37ea40.44 3.37ea40.44 3.37ea40.44 special only special only 2.57ea30.84 10% 2.57ea30.84 10% 2.57ea30.84 10% 2.57ea30.84 10% 2.57ea30.84 10% 2.42ea29.04 15% 2.28ea27.36 20% 3.03ea36.36 10% 3.03ea36.36 10% 3.03ea36.36 10% 3.03ea36.36 10% 2.86ea34.32 15% 2.70ea32.40 20% 4.86ea19.44 4.86ea19.44 4.86ea19.44 4.86ea19.44 4.86ea19.44 4.86ea19.44 4.86ea19.44 4.86ea19.44 4.86ea19.44 4.86ea19.44 4.86ea19.44 special only special only special only 4.36ea17.44 10% 4.36ea17.44 10% 4.36ea17.44 10% 4.36ea17.44 10% 4.36ea17.44 10% 4.36ea17.44 10% 4.36ea17.44 10% 4.36ea17.44 10% 4.36ea17.44 10% 4.36ea17.44 10% 4.36ea17.44 10% 4.11ea16.44 15% 3.89ea15.56 20% 3.66ea14.64 25% TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU 3.55ea42.60 3.55ea42.60 3.55ea42.60 3.55ea42.60 3.55ea42.60 3.55ea42.60 3.55ea42.60 3.55ea42.60 3.02ea36.24 15% 3.02ea36.24 15% 3.02ea36.24 15% 3.02ea36.24 15% 3.02ea36.24 15% 3.02ea36.24 15% 3.02ea36.24 15% 3.02ea36.24 15% T T T T T T T T 3.88ea34.92 3.30ea29.70 15% 3.88ea34.92 3.30ea29.70 15% T T 1.84ea22.08 15% 1.84ea22.08 15% 1.84ea22.08 15% 1.84ea22.08 15% 1.84ea22.08 15% 1.84ea22.08 15% 1.73ea20.76 20% T T T T T T 2.16ea25.92 2.16ea25.92 2.16ea25.92 2.16ea25.92 2.16ea25.92 2.16ea25.92 special only Wild Country Health Honeys..................................................... 38 Wild Country Honeys................................................................ 38 Wild Country Loose Leaf Teas.................................................... 38 Wildwood SprouTofu Sprouted Tofu.......................................... 39 Wisecrackers Low Fat Crackers.................................................. 39 Wolfgang Puck Canned Soups.................................................. 39 Wow Baking Company Gluten Free Cookies.............................. 39 Yogi Teas................................................................................... 39 Yves Veggie Cuisine Canned Vegetables.................................... 39 Yves Veggie Cuisine Canned Whole Beans................................ 39 Yves Veggie Cuisine Meat Alternatives...................................... 40 Zevia Sugar Free Natural Sodas................................................. 40 Zimt Artisan Raw Chocolate Bars.............................................. 40 Zimt Vegan Raw Coconut Macaroons........................................ 40 Zing Nutritional Food Bars........................................................ 40 E Single Items Available | S Case Splits Available | Frozen | Refrigerated | Organic | Z Canadian | Fair Trade | P BC PST | T GST/HST | U Container Upcharge
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