AUGUST 2013 - Star City Classic T


AUGUST 2013 - Star City Classic T
Thunderbird Owners of New York
member: Classic Thunderbird Club International – Chapter 49
1955 1956 1957
Florence Dick - 631-667-6474
Vice President
Dennis Benfante – 631-447-3847
John Cattonar - 631-269-4705
Outdoor Meeting - Monday, August 5th
McDonalds – West Islip
Meet at McDonald’s Shopping Center, Sunrise Highway –
just East of Rt. 231 – North side
(Note earlier time)
CTCI Adv. Council Rep.
Bob Ceraso - 631-757-9476
7 p.m. -
earlier if you go to eat supper
Pete Cochrane - 631-363-6662
Tech Advisor: 1955’s
Bob Ceraso 631-757-9476
Tech Advisor: 1956’s
Warren Lang - 731-862-7469
Tech Advisor: 1957’s
Lou Realmuto - 631-226-1733
Computer Advisor
Sal Perrotta - 631-884-3179
Newsletter Editor
Thunderbirds on display at the All-Ford-Car-Show, Sunday, July 21st, 2013
Arlene Swenson - 631-277-9511
Florence Dick
Three members of TONY attended the car show at Mary's Pizza on June 22nd - Stan & Mindy, John Ogno, and Dave &
Florence. Although none of us won anything, we all had a nice time at a very nice show.
Our July meeting had 31 members in attendance. Thank you all for coming out.
Don't forget to pre-register for our All-Ford Car Show on July 21st.
..and from Bill Carberry:
Thanks to the generous contributions and participation from the Long Island classic car community, the Empire
Galaxie Car club was able to donate over $8000 to Americas Vet Dogs this year.
In addition to checks that were made out directly to Americas Vet Dogs from the participants and donors, the
officers of the Empire Galaxies presented a check for $6,000.00 to the CEO of Vet Dogs on June 18th 2013.
We were also surprised with a 6 week old black Labrador that was named "Galaxie" as a thank you for this years
and prior years fundraising efforts for Vet Dogs.
We hope all that were involved this year will participate again next year on Sunday, April 6th 2014 and spread the
word about what a unique and fun event this is.
Bill Carberry
President Empire Galaxie Car Club
Florence also, thanks all members from TONY who participated in this event.
…see the three other attachments with this Email, about the fundraiser for Vet Dogs, from Bill Carberry.
TONY Meeting Notes-July 2013
President, Florence Dick called the meeting to order at @ 7:45 which began with the usual Pledge of Allegiance.
We all thanked Al Continelli for taking care to set up the coffee and cakes each month.
Sonny & Fran Paci - 1956 T'Bird
541 Old Bridge Road
Northport NY, 11768
(631) 239-6226 - cell#: 631-678-8958
Florence also introduced a new member, "Sonny" Paci.
Pete Cochrane, treasurer, gave his treasurer's report and the club ended up with $2,116.59 in the treasury.
Dennis Benfante, our V.P., discussed the need for more members to sign up for our July 21st car show. All checks
should go to Dennis for the show. There were 66 pre-registered as of the meeting night. There will be mugs handed
out to all winners as well as shirts for those who pre-registered.
Florence talked about our club going to the Stony Brook Museum on August 17th. Check your coming newsletter
for all the info.
I brought up the cruise coming up August 3rd leaving from Wantagh Park. Same route as last year - since everyone
who participated, enjoyed ending up at the Islip Town Hall gathering. Members should try to make it. Summer is short,
especially this year with all the rainy days we've been having. You need to drive your cars - they're cars!
Florence discussed changing the August meeting place but everyone agreed to still hold it at McDonalds as in
previous years.
Finally, Dennis brought up his photo shoot with a number of women from a cancer survivors charity. The photo
shoot he participated in for "Moms Who Kick" was at the home of Vinny & Maria Polsinelli in Laurel Hollow. He was in
his glory with all the women surrounding his car. The photos will appear on their calendar and also on the cover of
their magazine. Atta boy Dennis! (a photo and info was in the July newsletter – ed.)
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 with 31 members in attendance.
Congratulations to Tom Drechsler winning the 50-50 - $52.00
John Cattonar - TONY Secretary
At the ‘Reunion Sunday Studebaker And Orphan Car Show’ In Massapequa –June 23rd - club member, Steve Siben
received a BEST IN SHOW with his red ’62 Dual Ghia! Congratulations, Steve!!
A big ‘thank-you’ goes to Al Continelli – for bringing and setting up the coffee and cake. Al does this unselfishly every
month. …the monthly dessert that we look forward to. Thanks Al !
NEW MEMBERS: TONY welcomes new members – to add to your club roster: Harriet & Paul LoPiccolo, 28 Old Fulton
St., #THN, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 718-935-1829 -they’re picking up their ’57 in
July………. Welcome!
Steve Dorn, Mike Tinnerello, Tom Bruckner, Lou Natalie, Dave & Florence Dick, and Joe & Arlene Nolan all attended
the car show on Sunday the 14th at Sagtikos Manor. It was a beautiful day there with cool grass, shade trees and a
slight breeze. Mike left the show with the 2nd place people's choice trophy. Four trophies are given out at that show
and a beautiful white 1956 bird got one of them.
Sagtikos Manor Car Show – Sunday, July 14th - report from Florence:
Hot Car Cruise to Flo’s Famous Lucheonette – in Blue Point – Tuesday, July 16th - report from Pete Cochrane:
Attendees: Dennis Benfante, Elliott Weiner from the LITC, new members, Tom Dreschler and his wife, Barbara, and
new member, Peter Cucci & his wife, Lynn, from Northport with their ‘57 powder blue Bird, and myself.
Lots of people there and we had to wait for an open table.
Food took about 20 minutes.
Live music, well almost all live.
One guy singing with guitar with background music playing along with.
No mosquitoes, but an occasional fly biting through my socks.
Bay was very calm with off light off shore breeze for some who took short walk to beach.
Question- does anyone have a good gathering spot they think the club would like to drive to with their cars ? for
another car cruise?.... please send your ideas along and we’ll check it out.
…and reminder………Coming soon - Saturday 8/3/13 late afternoon cruise from Wantagh Park
to Islip Town Hall and Oconee Diner next door.
Report On The Thunderbird and All-ford Car Show, held at Syosset Ford, Huntington,
on Sunday, July 21st :
Elliott and Dennis on Motor Mouth Radio:
Car Show Report from Dennis Benfante , TONY Vice President -
First of all I would like to thank all the TONY members who showed up to support our show. Membership support is
the only reason for a successful event. We had a total of @141 cars for the event…..a little fewer than last year, but
we had much more competition (other shows) today.
RESULTS – Comments on our Club’s AllFord Car Show, held on Sunday, July 21st held at Syosset Ford Lincoln service center, in Huntington Station, NY.
The 50/50 winner (non-member) walked away with $530.00. But before he left he made a generous donation to the
"Homes for Heroe's"…. which was the theme for today's show.
I would also like to thank all the members who helped, a blanket thank you to you all. You know who you are.
We were very happy to welcome Pat LeStrange, President of the NJ Open Road Thunderbird Club and also our C.T.C.I.
Regional Director for our area – and his wife, Joanne. He made the trip from New Jersey in his thunderbird blue
Finally, here are the winners of the four categories for our Little Birds and some other modified categories.
Category "A" 1955's:
Category "J" All Years Modified:
#1 Pat & Marge Scomello
#2 Tom Bruckner
#3 Pete Cochrane
#3 Frank Signoriello
Category "T" Modified Mustangs:
Category "B" 1956's:
#1 Mike Tinnirello
#2 Tom Massetti (non member)
#3 Stan & Mindy Matusewitz
#3 Dan Burko Jr. (non member)
Member Dan Burko's Son
Category "AB" 1901 to 1949 Stock:
#3 Ed Virgillio
Category "C" 1957's :
#1 Joe Marchione
#2 Joe Nolan
#3 Lou Realmuto
Category "AG" 1950 to 2013 Modified:
#3 John Brzoza
Congratulations to all the winners and a great big thank you for all your support....Dennis
AND NOW…. Assorted photos of our Car Show – held Sunday, July 21st :
Pat and Joanne LeStrange – President of the NJ Open Road Thunderbird Club and our CTCI Region Director
…and thank you too, for this Report from Elliott Weiner, from the Long Island Thunderbird Club:
was made for us I got a little warm in the shorts. Not
realizing that there were at least six other shows going
on, I was a little disappointed with the total number of
My Take on The Day: I thought we would beat last
year’s total of almost (160) cars, and when we arrived
at 6:30 in the morning and we saw all the room that
- Thank You, Elliott ! :
ON THE Sunday, July 21st All-Ford Car Show
Our Volunteers, and Show Committee – The LITC guys
who need to stand up and take a bow, and then an
encore are Ken Weinberg, and Art Fleming. Ken
handled the day of show cars along with Art.
Considering the amount of cars we received day of
show, they earned their pay. Pay what pay…. Ken is
also counts the ballots, and let us not forget Joe Sesack
who pitched in and helped with parking of the nonThunderbird and Mustang cars.
From TONY – The other half of Frik & Frack is Dennis
Benfante who took care of the pre-registered cars, and
the counting of the ballots. Kudos Behind the scenes
Dennis is an important piece of the puzzle…Does many
things that help make our show a success. If I list them
Just a footnote for the awards - both dealer’s choice
and best in show went to non-members of LITC, and
TONY. Also keeping with tradition, all the show
committee cars were not judged, and as I did in 2012, I
entered both my cars. Art Fleming drove Big Bird and
yours truly, the Bullitt.
A Special Thank You: To LITC member Tony Harding
who took a ton of pictures at the show, and some will
appear in future issues of Bird Talk. Hopefully we can
put together another album like last year. Let us not
forget GENERATION who played and played some
more. John Mioli is their contact person and also a
salesman at Syosset. The last item is Lynn Petry from
Newsday. She has always made us as visible as
possible. Each year I get a call from her, and the rest is
And lastly and thank you to Jerry Calabresse, President
of the North Jersey Thunderbird Club who came to visit
us, along with Pat LaStrange, President of the NJ Open
Road Thunderbird Club and also the Regional Director
– Region #1, of the CTCI (Classic Thunderbird Club
International – ‘55’s, ‘56’s, ‘57’s) for our area, and his
lovely wife, Joanne. The bad news this year is Jerry’s
car broke down after the show and had to be towed
home. I talked to Jerry for almost an hour on Monday
the 22nd, and he said to me he had a great time, and is
still trying to find out what happened. As I said last
year, “He made it through the Bronx and lived to tell
about it”.
Our Sponsors – First off, thank you Steve Weiss - our
man from “Uncle” and Joel Flack, their General
Manager for supporting our show, and without their
generosity and insight we would have no show. Thanks
to Tom Healy of Turtle Wax for all the products he
gives us... Now the shirt people, who appear on the
back of our T shirt, and I know it sounds like something
out of Sesame Street, but these are real people who
support us every year. Bill Carberry from Cap a
Radiator, Mike Rau from Tires Inc, Bob Fregenti from
Fregenti Insurance, Bob Kamena from UPS of Selden.
Also how about the goodie bag vendors which this year
includes Ply Con of Kings Park, Florence Dick (TONY
President) for the 100 units of lip Balm and portable
lantern, and of course, Cris Vanderburg of Hagerty
Insurance for all their goodies, and for sponsoring the
two jackets for Dealers Choice/Best in Show. Let us not
forget the vendors who gave us stuff to raffle off.
Prestige, Casco, and AlphaMarx Industries. Now the
last person who always is there for us and the show is
Bob Ceraso. Rumor had this show that he actually took
a deep breath and stopped talking for a few seconds.
It’s only a rumor……….
all I will run out of adjectives. Next are the Daly’s.
Dianne is our resident tent lady, and Bruce helped me
with the parking and the collecting the 50/50. Bruce
and I, collected over a thousand dollars, and somebody
went home with five hundred and thirty five big ones.
A footnote to the winner of the 50/50 - he donated
$50.00 to the charity and we neglected to get his
name. Now let’s get to the parking of the cars. Dave
Dick handled the parking at the Retro Birds, as did John
“The Cat’ Cattonar and Jim Mezey with the little birds.
Also assisting with the tent duties was Jack
cars but have come to the realization that (140) cars on
site is nothing to be disappointed in. It is too early to
figure out dollars and sense wise what we netted, and
what we are giving the charity. Those numbers will
come in our September newsletter.
Youth Mentoring Group of Long Island:
All children have the potential to succeed in life and contribute to society, however, not all children get the support
they need to thrive. Through the Youth Mentoring Group of Long Island, “Mentors” engage students in various
activities, such as helping with homework, reading, playing games or participating in special events. Mentors offer
support, advice, friendship, reinforcement and constructive examples so that these young people can fulfill their
potential. Mentoring can help by improving young people’s attitudes toward their parents, peers and teachers;
encourage students to stay motivated and focused on their education and provide a positive way for these young
people to spend free time. Club member, Don Shaffer is one of these mentors who has helped children in this
organization . At its most basic level, mentoring helps because it lets a young person know that they have someone
who cares about them — another caring adult in their life who will listen to their dreams and help them achieve those
dreams. Think back. Did you know how to study for a test or make plans for college? Do you remember wanting your
first car or looking for a part-time job? Simple things that seem easy or straightforward to you now may appear to be a
complete mystery to a young person. Mentors provide their mentees with an experienced friend who is always ready
to help in any number of different situations. By using your influence and resources as a decision maker, an adult can
bring new hope to young lives through the power of mentoring. You’ll be surprised how much you will benefit as well.
Thank you, Don, for your guidance and selflessness in helping and guiding young people over these past many, many
years. The Thunderbird Owner’s of NY is proud of you. Thank you! TONY, again, plans on giving a donation toward
this fine organization.
Mark your calendar:
When: SATURDAY, AUG. 3rd
Where: CEDAR CREEK PARK Located on Merrick Rd. in Wantagh just a 1/4 of a mile east of the Wantagh Pkwy. or 1/2
a mile west of the Oyster Bay Expressway (Rt. 135) There is no fee at this park so just pull in and we'll leave around
6:30 P.M. and cruise along the ocean and end up at the "Old car hang out" by the Islip Town Hall. If you get hungry,
there's the O-Co-Nee Diner next door.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, INVITE YOUR FRIENDS WITH OLD CARS to drive with us - it's more fun that way!
Time: 6:00-6:30 p.m.
FROM Elliott Weiner: On Saturday, August 17th at the Ward Melville Cultural Center/Hours 11:30 to 4 PM: both
Thunderbird clubs have been invited to participate in an automobile exhibit at the Ward Melville Heritage Organization
in Stony Brook. We tried this last year and it rained, but this year we hope “Mother Nature” will be nice to us. I would
like everyone who can get away to attend. It does not matter what year Bird you have, all are invited.
The WMCC has invited us and TONY to participate in their summer program called “Long Island Auto Racing”. This is a
great opportunity to show off your pride and joy, and spend time with your club members. This is not a show, no
awards, no goodie bags, just us guys and gals hanging with the Boss for a few hours.
For participating, free admission to the indoor display, and discount tickets to eat and shop in the center. There are
many fine shops and restaurants right there. The center is located in Stony Brook at the Stony Brook Village Center on
Main Street in the heart of SB. There is enough room for at least thirty cars, so if you’re thinking of coming please
contact me so I can keep track of who is interested. If you would like to view the flyer for more info please go to Please do not disappoint ME with this event; it took some time to put this together.
Directions: Nichols Road north to the very end which is Route 25A. Left on 25A to the end, then a right turn to the
center, and the display will be in the back of the Village Center. Elliott.
Other Summer Events:
Jones Beach Concerts at the Marine Theatre:
July 27 “Americanarama Festival Of Music” With Bob Dylan, Wilco And Beck
Aug. 6 Wiz Khalifa With A$Ap Rocky And B.O.B.
Aug. 10 The Black Crowes With Tedeschi Trucks Band
Aug. 11 “Honda Civic Tour” With Maroon 5 And Kelly Clarkson
Aug. 13 Backstreet Boys With Jesse Mccartney And Dj Pauly D
Aug. 17 Goo Goo Dolls And Matchbox Twenty
Aug. 18 “Rockstar Energy Drink Uproar Festival” With Alice In Chains, Jane’s Addiction And Coheed And Cambria
Aug. 20 and 22 Jimmy Buffett
Aug. 28 John Mayer With Phillip Phillips
Sept. 7 The Allman Brothers Band With Grace Potter And The Nocturnals
Sept. 8 Depeche Mode
Would anyone like to plan a club trip to:
Fire Island
Horton Point, Greenport
or a group cruise to Sag Harbor or Montauk…..
…bring your ideas to our next meeting.
GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE – FOR SALE – dies & templates for the fabrication of sheet metal for 1955 –
1957 Ford Thunderbirds.- plus tooling. – NOS left & right 1955 Ford rear quarters. NOS left & right 1956
fenders. NOS left & right outer rockers. Numerous other parts.
Interested? – call: Warren & Edna Lang, Custom Autocraft, 2 Flowerfield, Suite 6, St James, NY 11780
’55 Black Thunderbird FOR SALE: Excellent condition! Soft top, older frame-off restoration; rebuilt engine,
carb, distributor & water pump. New wires, plugs, points, radiator, shocks, fuel filter, air filter conversion,
hoses, vacuum advance, heat riser valve and battery. In short, the engine compartment is essentially new.
New power steering system installed summer of 2012. –car located in Rockville Centre.
Contact club member, Brad Portenoy, 516-596-1587 or
Asking price: $45,000. (best offers to be considered)
Sunday, August 4th – Sayville Summerfest, Main Street – & car display. By: Still Cruising Car Club - fundraiser for
Sayville Chamber of Commerce. Cars allowed entry until 11 a.m. 631-732-1231 day of
show - $25.
Sunday, August 4th - Fireman’s Field, 25 Middle Country Road, Ridge, NY - Fundraiser Car Show for Ridge Fire
Department and Suffolk County Burn Center. – Tony, 917-559-4628
Saturday & Sunday, August 10 & 11 - Car Show – Belmont Racetrack, Elmont - 8 to 5 - rain date: 8/18 - Long Island
Saturday, August 10th – 1st Classic Car Show - Moose Lodge, 621 Pulaski Rd., Greenlawn - Swap Meet - 631-4339690 SUPPORTING THE GREENLAWN MOOSE LODGE – full day of actibities, music and food. Dean A. Nichol, East to
West Classic Cars…Driving Your Dreams – 514 Larkfield Road Suite 3A, East Northport NY 11731
Sunday, August 11th – Car show – kidney cancer fundraiser Car Show, for club member Frank Bigelow who passed
away from kidney cancer. Show held at St. John the Baptist Church,, Montauk Highway, West Islip. - 631-624-0982 Joe, $10.
Sunday, August 11th - NY Autofest, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay. To benefit Oyster Bay Chamber of Commerce 516882-5022 Leo, $20. Cars.
Sunday, August 11th – Salute to Veterans car show and display, Kennedy Plaza, one Chester Street., Long Beach…by
Hempstead Plains Region. 516-889-1089, Marc $10. Rain date: 8/18/13
Saturday, August 17th – Southampton Antique Classic Auto Show, Southampton Historical Museum, 17 Meeting House
Lane, Southampton, NY - Rogers Mansion 17 Meeting House Lane - Southampton Historical Museum | 631-283-2494 - 10 to 3 p.m. - show Cars, FREE. Contact: Bob Beck, Event Chair
Sunday, August 18th - Car Show & Charity for Childhood Diabet3es - @ Marys Pizza & Pasta, 876 Connetquot Avenue,
Islip Terrace. By back in time cruisers. Judged show 516-503-2309 - Dom, pre-regis - $15.; $20.
Day of show - no rain date
Sunday, August 18th - car show – Fireman’s Field, 25 Middle Country Rd, Ridge. By East End Olds Club. 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
best of show awards; 50/50 drawing – park like setting 631-423-4940. John, - pre-regis:
$15 - day of show, $20. Rain date: 8/25
Sunday, August 25th – Car show & Swap Meet – judged show – Northport/Centerport Lions Club Northport/Heckscher Ball Park, Rt. 25 A at Sabbath Day Path, Huntington - by fabulous 50’s & 60’s Nostalgia Car Club
- trophies, music, food, crafts, raffles, vendors welcome….. 631-261-9769, Andy pre-registration, $15;
day of show $20.
Sunday August 25th – 6th annual Car Show & Cackle Fest at East Neck Auto, 89 Rt. 109, West Babylon. By Pacers Auto
& East neck Auto. Nitro cackle fest top fuel dragsters, funny cars, and altered, benefit for wounded warrior project
631-321-7434 Free. 10 a.m.
Sunday August 25th - fundraiser Car Show for Nassau University Medical Center, Hempstead Turnpike, East Meadow.
By Centurion Cruisers Car Club. Vendors, food, DJ, open to all makes and models. Enter lot from Carmen Avenue
Charlie, 516-984-4012
Monday, August 26th - Town of N. Hempstead Beach Park, West Shore Road (formerly Bar Beach) – Fun Monday, no
fee, hospitality tent, salute to Armed Forces, all cars 25 years and older, by Vintage Chevrolet Club, Queens Chapter
718-217-2220 Paul Parnes, Free
September Car Show :
Cruizin’ For A Cure/Sunday, September 8, 2013: Our next big September event will be Cruizin’ For A Cure on Sunday,
September 8th at Sears in Hicksville. As in the past, if you want to park together along with the LITC, they meet early,
and early is 8 AM sharp, and then caravan over to the show. Doing this will guarantee that all will be able to park
together, and this year’s meeting place will be at Waldbaums on Broadway in Hicksville. Walbaums is located about ¼
mile south of the LIE/NSP on Broadway in Hicksville. Plan ahead…….. Please go to their web site and pre- register.
Tech Tip: What cleans off black rubber tire marks on an epoxy painted garage floor? Try ‘Black Magic Tire Cleaner’
w/ the green scotch-brite rough pad. Add ‘Simple Green’ for cleaning surrounding floor areas. Works wonders!
Thanks to: Al Continelli for sending the following:
Tech Tip- Automatic Transmission "Lock" from CTCC
(Classic Thunderbird Club of Chicagoland)
Posted: 3/09/2008
Automatic Transmission "Lock"
The procedure is very simple. First park your car in the desired location. Place the gear shift
lever into "Park". Turn off your engine. Now, while remaining seated in your Thunderbird, turn
the knob of your gear shift lever counter-clockwise until the push button in the center of the gear
shift knob will not release your transmission out of the "Park" position. Do not unscrew your knob
higher than your button. To do so would risk the removal of your gear shift knob from the gear
shift. To "unlock" your transmission, simply turn your gear shift lever clockwise until snug on the
lever. This procedure, though simple, may save your car. I hope you find this "tech tip" useful.
I am pleased to pass on this interesting tip concerning the 1955 through 1957 Ford Thunderbird
Automatic Transmission. With much thanks to Bert Eisenhour, Dan Mrozek, Ken Smizinski, Bill
Neff and the other knowledgeable Bird-owners present at the last club meeting, I was educated as
to a little known safety measure Little Bird owners take to "lock" their car's gear shift lever into
the "Park" position. By "locking" the gear shift lever into "Park", the car's transmission is rendered
inoperable, thus the car is unmovable. A gear shift lever that refuses to go into "Drive" would
discourage most car thieves, at least those not familiar with the 1955-57 Thunderbird. The best
part about this safety measure is that you don't have to buy anything. Your car already comes
equipped with the locking device. Like myself, most of us just need to be educated as to how we
can lock our transmission.
Saturday, August 17th - 22nd Annual Dealer Day Car Show – open to all makes and models, presented by Adirondack
Shelby-Mustang Club. @ Metro Ford, 3601 State St., Schenectady, NY 12304 - all proceeds to benefit ‘make-a-wish’
northeast NY - contact:
Saturday, September 14th - Favorite Fifty of Fall Car Show @ Brown’s Ford of Amsterdam, 4419 State Highway 30,
Amsterdam, NY
September 27, 28, 29, 2013 - Saratoga Automobile Museum - Concours D’Elegance. Hemmings Motor News present
the 7th annual event in Saratoga, NY - for more information: Friday: rally from
Hemmings Motor News to Saratoga Auto Museum; Saturday: Cruise-in Spectacular; Sunday: Concours d’Elegance for more info, Email:
Friday, 9/27: OPENING EVENT AND RALLY - meet @ Noon at the Hemmings Motor News Sunoco Station, 216
Main Street, Bennington, Vermont. Meet Hemmings staff, tour the museum and visit our car lover’s store. At
3 p.m., begin this historic weekend by joining our staff in the Hemming’s Rally from Bennington, VT to the
Saratoga Auto Museum, in Saratoga Springs, NY.
Saturday, 9/28: CRUISE-IN SPECTACULAR - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. …an all-makes car show that’s open to cars,
trucks and motorcycles…..including: muscle cars, street rods, sports, exotics and classics. Awards at 3 p.m.
Dinner available at 7 p.m. Guest Speaker to be announced.
Sunday, 9/29: CONCOURS d’ELEGANCE - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. open to concours-quality, pre-1973 collector cars.
To enter your show car, submit photos to: Trophies to be awarded, with the
winners appearing in the pages of Hemmings Motor News and Hemmings Classic Car.
Gerry DeLeo – 27th
Charles Psarreas – 5th
Don Shaffer – 6th
Joel Forgione - 7th
Larry Orland o – 7th
Orlando Valladares - 12th
Carol Brzoza – 19th
Marjorie Cecere – 20th
Nancy Fink 21st
Pat Edwards 24th
Josephine Hayes – 26th
Maureen Tinnirello – 27th
Frank Signoriello – 30th
Happy Birthday !!!
Carlisle Truck Nationals
August 2-4, 2013
Fairgrounds | Carlisle, PA
Make your reservations early !
Bloomsburg Nationals
August 9-11, 2013
Fairgrounds | Carlisle, PA
Corvettes At Carlisle
August 23-25, 2013
Fairgrounds | Carlisle, PA
Auburn Fall & Auction
August 29-Sept 1, 2013
Auburn Auction Park | Auburn, IN
Sunday Mornings – cruise to the BEACH – Captree Beach parking lot - 7 a.m. on……and old Oak Beach Inn parking lot?
Monday – All the Perks Expresso Café’ – evening car cruise – 102 route 109, West Babylon 631-482-8802
Monday – Northport @ King Kullen Shopping Center, Rt. 25A thru September. Gordon, 631-946-1448
Monday: 5:30-9pm is New York AutoFest Cruise Night at the VFW Hall in Syosset, 20 Queens St., one block off
Jackson Ave.
If Cruise Night is called due to weather we will post it on our web site and Facebook page. You can also hear an update
by calling us at 516-882-5022.
Further information on all the New York AutoFest car shows including directions and registration information can be
found at or by calling 516-882-5022.
Tuesday: Yaphank. - thru the end of August The cruise night is located at the fire house -31 Main Street, Yaphank.
Their web site is 5 to 8 p.m. Classic cars, hot rods, fine sports cars. Enjoy a night out! Burgers,
dogs, soft drinks, raffles and more! Your car will be parked on a street in the heart of downtown (closed to traffic). For
more information contact the YFD at 631-924-3200. -
Tuesday: Oyster Bay – thru September - S. Street & Audrey Ave. - 5:45 to 10 p.m. open to all cars & trucks. $5.
Admission. Local merchants and food establishments open. Live entertainment. Contact: Austin 516-398-6900 - get
there before 5
Tuesday: Dogwood Avenue, Franklin Square - it’s held in a strip mall on the West side of the road opposite the West
Hempstead Jewish Center. 6 to 10 p.m. - room for several hundred vehicles.
Tuesday – King of the Hill @ Bald Hill, Farmingville 6 p.m. on……….
Tuesday: Tanner Park, Tanner Beach Hut - Baylawn Ave., off Montauk Highway, Copiague, NY on the Great South
bay – Classic Car Gathering, every Tuesday & Thursday– 5 to sunset. Antique automobiles, street rods and muscle
cars. Directions: Sunrise Highway (Rt. 27) to Great Neck Road, South to Montauk Highway/Merrick Rd. Make a right
and quickly make 1st left on Baylawn Ave. - Tanner Park is @ the very end. Contact: Jackie, 631-842-2580 - & Lobster
Tuesday – Glendale – Resorts World at the Aquaduct Casino – sponsored by East Coast Car Association – located at Resortw World Casino parking lot, Rockaway blvd., entrance @ 109th St - 5 to 9 p.m.
to Nov. 14.
Wednesday – Huntington Station - (NEW) Station Sports Family Fun Center, 25 Depot Road, Huntington
Station - 631-673-1830 www.stationsports.ocm
Wednesday - Selden. Cruise Nights, Independence Plaza, Middle Country Road, 5:30-9 o’clock in the evening. Hang
Out With Other Car Owners in a large open Lot, Sponsored by Independence Plaza Hot Rods, Info: (631) 312-7471,
Rich Barcia, -
Wednesday – NEW - 6 p.m. - Happy Times Café, Melville - East side of Rt. 110, south of the LIE
Wednesday: Massapequa – behind HSBC Bank, between McDonald’s & Olive Garden (south side of Sunrise
Highway) - 7 p.m.
Wednesday – Oceanside – NATHAN’S -3131 Long Beach Road, Oceanside, NY - 6 p.m. on. This is a public gathering.
No admission charge. One of Long Island’s longest running cruise nights. Room for 100 cars. No motorcycles, no loud
music or burnouts, please. 516-766-2345.
Thursday: Kings Park Plaza, Indian Head Rd. & Meadow Rd. (Key Food) contact: Chamber of Commerce or Elliott
Weiner 631-804-0443 or 631-724-3756 5 p.m. - free admission - sponsored by Kings Park
Chamber of Commerce and Kevin Denis of Professor's Diner. - all are welcome. No burnouts or loud music please.
Thursday: Oakdale - Cruise Night @ Lighthouse Commons (Wendy's) Shopping Center, - 887 Montauk Highway &
Locust Ave., - 6 p.m. - free admission. Public Gathering - No Loud Music, Burnouts, or Other Idiocy.
Thursday: Tanner Park, Tanner Beach Hut - Baylawn Ave., off Montauk Highway, Copiague, NY on the Great South
bay – Classic Car Gathering, every Thursday and Tuesday– 5 to sunset. Antique automobiles, street rods and muscle
cars. Directions: Sunrise Highway (Rt. 27) to Great Neck Road, South to Montauk H’way/Merrick Rd. Make a right
and quickly make 1st left on Baylawn Ave. Tanner Park is @ the very end. Contact: Jackie, 631-842-2580 (check before
Thursday: Riverhead - Presented by Riverhead Business Improvement District - 18 Peconic Avenue. Riverhead - On
Thursday - starts July thru September - Cradle of Aviation Museum parking area, East Garden City - 6 to 9 p.m.
The Water Front Behind Main Street
Thursday: Sea Cliff Fire Department, Sea Cliff & Main Ave., Sea Cliff. - Show cars, $5 spectators free. 5:30 to dusk.
Benefits Sea Cliff Fire Department Drill Team - more info: (definitely Thursday nights)
Thursday - Lynbrook - LIRR at Atlantic Avenue
Friday – cruise night – Bellmore Train Station, Sunrise Highway, Bellmore. 6 to 10 p.m. open to all cars and trucks.
Free admission. Room for 300+ cars. - no burnouts or loud music!
Friday – LIRR - Massapequa - July & August (entry: bring 2 cans of food for food pantry) 7 p.m.
Friday – Hewlett 6 p.m. to dark – behind Loehman’s Plaza & Hewlett Fish Market, off of Broadway, free coffee &
cake 516-764-1665 – no motorcycles contact: Holly Lapinel, AACA Hempstead Plains Region Secretary, 516-889-1089
Friday – Meschutt Beach, The Beach Hut, 1 Canal Rd. & Old North Highway, Hampton Bays, 5 p.m to midnight - 631728-2988 - Sunrise Highway- Exit 66
Friday – Caesar’s Bay Bazaar, 8973 Bay Parkway, Ste3, Brooklyn, NY - 5 P.M. on. This cruise night is off the Belt
Parkway. Heading westbound from Long Island, get off at Bay Parkway – stay to the left – at 1st street light, go left,
then bear right – and you’ll see cars…… see map:
Saturday - Islip, Montauk Highway – next to (East of) Town Hall - from 5 to 9 p.m. East parking lot next to the Town
Hall building, 655 Main St., Islip (next to the O-Co-Nee Diner). Sponsored by the Plymouth Club, - Pres., Pete Marks
President, Long Island Region Plymouth Owners Club -
Saturday: West Islip - Cruise – 5 to 11 p.m. – Bob’s Shopping Center, Sunrise Highway, West Islip - everyone is
welcome – come with your car or just to hang out. Food is available. Sponsored by LI Road Gents Car Club - John O’Shea, 631-422-0084; Ray Rendina, 516-5399200 & 516-523-7130
Saturday: Smithtown - Beginning April 27th thru Sept 28th - 4th Annual Saturday Night “Cruise-In” - a permitted
event by Super Stop ‘n Shop, 291 W. Main St. - east of the Bull, north side - 5 to 10 p.m. open to all classic and
muscle car vehicles. Food & facilities – sandwiches, drinks and snacks, all available in the store until 10 p.m. Rules: no
saving or reserving spaces, no littering, no trailers allowed, no sales/food vendors, no burn outs or open exhaust!
Bring your chairs.
Saturday – Tanner Park, Tanner Beach Hut - Baylawn Ave., off Montauk Highway, Copiague (between Nichols Rd &
Waverly Ave – turn on J.Kings Rd., & go straight to back of the Sports Complex. Light food, music, bathrooms 6:30 to
10:30 p.m. - $3 vendors $9
Saturday – Patchogue - @ Pep Boys, Waverly Avenue & Sunrise Highway by Impressive & Aggressive Motor Club - 6
to 10.p.m.
Saturday - Saturday – Cedar Beach Parking Lot, Ocean Parkway - 6 to 11 p.m. (Friday and Saturday) - 631-321-0813
WEB-SITES of Interest:
Click here: Calendar of AUCTIONS:
click here: all the parts any of your cars, old or new, will ever need…
Click here: Events of the LIMM:
Click here: Cool Old Cars: ads, letters, articles, flyers and more…
Click here: Entertainment reviews: find out what respected critics are saying about films, music, TV shows and video
Click here: Behind the Names -Find out the history of your name.
Click here: Just under 3000 ARTICLES ON cars, boats and airplanes……explained:
save in your ‘Favorites’
A REMINDER from John Cattonar, Club Secretary
The advertisers in our newsletter are either club members or have been recommended by one or more of our
members. Please use them and remember to mention that you saw their ad in our TONY newsletter.
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P.O. Box 402, Deer Park, NY 11729
AL PENSAVALLE (631) 242-3777 FAX: (631) 242-3778
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26 Potter Avenue, Patchogue, NY 11772
Michael Rau 631-654-3777
Specializing in Foreign & Domestic 4x4’s and Clutches – FREE Towing!
401 East Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, NY 11787
DAN RYAN, Manager: 631-366-0022
CASCO – Classic Auto Supply Co., Inc.
1955 -1957 THUNDERBIRD Illustrated Catalog
Thunderbird Specialists, since 1969
Parts, Restorations, Technical assistance
order line: 800-374-0914 - tech help: 740-622-9700
your engines!’
See ‘ya on the road …. Arlene 7/25/2013 ………. start
95 Meacham Avenue, Elmont, NY
516-437-0211 – Free Pick-Up & Delivery
Stone chips repaired, side view mirrors repaired & replaced;
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Joe Ruscillo, Rich and Joe Jr.