August 2012 - Arizona Chiropractic Society
August 2012 - Arizona Chiropractic Society
Providing leadership, advocacy and resources that promote professional excellence and quality patient care in chiropractic Arizona Chiropractic Society Statewide Non-Profit Chiropractic Association News August 2012 Important and timely publications such as this are only made possible when concerned chiropractors become involved with ACS. For more information on joining ACS, please visit: INSURANCE RESTRICTIONS ON CHIROPRACTIC FUELING EPIDEMIC OF NARCOTIC OPIATE ADDICTIVE PRESCRIPTION PAINKILLER ABUSE ENFORCEMENT OF INSURANCE EQUALITY LAW NOW A LIFE OR DEATH MATTER Strict insurance restrictions on chiropractic care such as those imposed by American Specialty Health are causing an increase in use of narcotic opiate addictive prescription painkillers and fueling the current deadly epidemic of addiction, overdose and death. When back and neck pain patients cannot get the chiropractic care they need, they go to their medical doctors and get prescriptions for addictive, narcotic opiate painkillers to control the pain. Studies show that 3% become seriously addicted, often leading to overdose and death. The deadly epidemic of addiction and death now plaguing the country has dominated the media with recent news stories revealing the following shocking facts: • In 16 states and counting, drugs now kill more people than auto accidents do. • Prescription painkillers have now surpassed heroin and cocaine as the leading cause of fatal overdoses. • Prescription painkillers now proven to be a gateway drug leading to heroin addiction. • Abuse of prescription painkillers increased four-fold from 1998 to 2008 according to a government report. • The rate of chronic prescription painkiller abuse increased by 76% from 2002 to 2010 • The FDA convened an expert panel to decide if MDs need a few hours of special training before it is safe for them to prescribe addictive, long-acting narcotic painkillers such as Oxycontin that are fueling a horrendous epidemic of overdose and death. The panel voted overwhelming in favor. The FDA overruled the panel and vetoed the expert recommendation. • Some parts of the country have seen sales of prescription painkillers increase by as much as sixteen-fold. Increases of five to ten-fold are not uncommon. • Reformulating Oxycontin didn’t solve the addiction problem, it just caused addicts to change drugs. • Workers treated with high doses of prescription opioid painkillers stayed out of work three times longer than with similar injures treated with lower doses. These facts are from articles recently published in USA Today, CNN, CBS News, and the New York Times which you can link to by clicking on dangers-of-nsaids-and-opiate-pain-medications. php or copying and pasting this link into your browser. Paradoxically, chiropractic is being restricted even though it lowers insurance costs when it is more fully included in plans. A recent study of the Tennessee Blue Cross Blue Shield plan found that when chiropractors were first contact providers for neck and back pain, overall costs of care were 40% lower than when medical doctors were first contact providers. When adjusted for severity of condition, the costs were still 20% lower when patients were first seen by chiropractors. A previous study from UCLA of a health plan with hundreds of thousands of members found the same cost savings with chiropractic versus medical care of back pain. This study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2004. You can link to these studies by clicking on or copying and pasting this link into your browser. The fact that chiropractic is being restricted even though it saves money proves the true underlying agenda is to establish a monopoly for the medical profession, the very issue fought in Wilk versus AMA in the 1980s. ACS is going to bring this message to every citizen, every household, every voter and every legislator in Arizona with a major media conference orchestrated by the Rose+Moser+Allyn Public Relations Firm that did the press conference in December, 2011. The message will be that enforcement of the chiropractic insurance equality law is now necessary to save lives by sparing patients exposure to addictive prescription painkillers. This is no longer just an issue of patient treatment preference, it is a matter of life and death. ACS is very grateful to a gentleman by the name of Ken Procunier, a patient with multiple sclerosis insured by BCBSAZ who has agreed to tell his story to the public. Ken is a retired Phoenix police officer and his insurance contract states he gets 30 medically necessary chiropractic visits per year. With a chronic condition like MS, Ken always needs at least 30 treatments per year to control the pain. With ASH in control, he would never be allowed to receive the full 30. As a result, he has had no choice but to increase his intake of Oxycontin, one of the most powerful prescription painkillers available, almost identical to pure heroin. Ken is a perfect case of a patient that BCBSAZ would rather risk developing addiction to opiates than let receive sufficient safe and effective chiropractic care to control his pain. Ken says his MD has told him BCBSAZ only cares about what costs the least, the pills or the chiropractic, and couldn’t care less about Ken’s health and welfare. There are two conclusive and powerful studies which prove that chiropractic is equally or more effective than medications in relieving neck and back pain. The North American Spine Society, in a study which reviewed the findings of 699 studies on low back pain and published its results in the premier medical journal Spine in 2010, concluded that “5 to 10 sessions of spinal manipulation administered over 2 to 4 weeks achieves equivalent or superior improvement in pain and function when compared with other commonly used interventions such as medication.” A 2012 study published in the prestigious Annals of Internal Medicine concluded that spinal manipulation was actually more effective in reducing pain than medication for neck pain both in the short and long term. Links to these studies can be found by clicking on http://www. or copying and pasting this link into your browser. This public relations campaign is an essential part of ACS’ overall effort to restore full insurance equality. The other prongs of the effort include litigation and legislation. The PR campaign is expensive so we are soliciting donations from each doctor. The suggested amount is $500 but any amount will be valuable. Mail your donations or authorize ACS to bill your credit card to 3515 E. Carol Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85028. The program is being developed and will take place within a few weeks of your receipt of this newsletter. ACS CONTINUES SMORGASBORD OF PROJECT OF GIVING LEGISLATORS A CHOICES TO RESTORE INSURANCE EQUALITY ACS lobbyist Tim LaSota is busy at the Legislature trying to solve the insurance equality problem. The entire problem with lack of insurance equality in Arizona is the refusal of the Arizona Department of Insurance (ADOI) to enforce the chiropractic insurance equality law. This law is part of the Unfair Claims Settlement Act which prohibits private cause of action, i.e., prohibits any citizen from taking legal action to enforce any part of the Act. ADOI has stated in court that it has “no duty” to enforce the Act even if there are violations. Considering this fact, ACS intends to suggest a variety of possible solutions to Legislators to resolve this problem. One is to ask the Legislature to permit citizens to take legal action when there are violations. ACS will ask the Legislature to consider removing the prohibition against private cause of action when there is a violation of the Unfair Claims Practice Act. This means you or your patient could take legal action and no longer would have to wait for ADOI to act. This would open up the entire Unfair Claims Practice Act to private litigation, something that insurers are strongly against. A much more narrow approach would be to add the chiropractic insurance equality law to the authorizing statutes for each type of insurer in Arizona so they would have to comply with the law or anyone could take legal action, but only for violation of the chiropractic insurance equality law and not for any violation of the entire Unfair Claims Practice Act. Insurers may be much less opposed to this approach because the impact on overall state insurance law would be considerably more minor. A third approach is to pass a law ordering ADOI to enforce the Unfair Claims Practices Act in its entirety and set up a regulatory structure within the agency. The problem with this approach is that the agency is not cooperative. This means they would resist the process and the development of a new law throughout the legislative session. They would also insist on extra staff and funding for implementation. To get the extra money, the bills would then get assigned to the Appropriations Committees in the House and Senate and it is highly likely the insurance industry would make sure they never would get funded and so the bills would die. ACS lobbyist Tim LaSota is actively involved in discussions with many legislators about the problem and all possible solutions and a decision will be made over the next few months as to the best course to take. An aggressive legislative attack is then planned to make sure insurance equality is restored. ACS will continue to attack this problem from every conceivable direction until it is solved. REPORT ON ALL ACS INSURANCE EQUALITY LITIGATION Arizona Chiropractic Society News ADOI Insurance Equality Lawsuit This lawsuit, Blankenbaker v. Urias, is still awaiting a ruling in the Arizona Cour t of Appeals. The purpose is to force the Arizona Depar tment of Insurance (ADOI) to enforce the insurance equality law. News of the Cour t’s ruling will be sent out by email as soon as the ruling is made which could come at any time. Individual Insurance Bad Faith Lawsuits With insurance bad faith litigation, an insurance company is sued for failing to provide all medically necessar y care. ACS has consistently alleged that ASH often denies coverage for needed care. When the policy is purchased from a governmental employer such as the City of Phoenix for the firefighters and police, juries can award damages for unpaid medical bills and punitive damages in the tens of thousands of dollars to punish the insurance company for cheating the patient out of needed care. These lawsuits are being developed for probable filing at this time. Class Action Lawsuit Challenging Right to Charge Any Copayment for Chiropractic Litigation is also under development to challenge the right of any health insurance to charge any copayment at all for chiropractic in Arizona, and to demand refunds for all copayments paid for the past six years with the dollar amount estimated to total about $5-10 million. Our insurance equality law says insurers may charge coinsurance and deductibles but it is silent on copayments. We copied the language from the Wisconsin insurance equality law in 1989 and right now there is ongoing litigation in Wisconsin challenging the right of insurers to charge copayments based on the same legal language. We intend to work with the same Wisconsin law firm litigating the Wisconsin case which has agreed to take our case and work with a local attorney. We are still looking for plaintif fs for this lawsuit. We need policyholders with Humana, Aetna, UHC and CIGNA who have paid a copayment and who would be willing to par ticipate. They will pay no legal fees and their involvement will be limited to swearing that they have an insurance policy and that they paid a copayment. Have qualified individuals contact Dr. Immerman immediately. PINCUS & ASSOCIATES, PLC AND PINCUS & LESPRON, PLC ARE YOU TIRED OF REDUCING YOUR BILL? ARE YOU TIRED OF REDUCING YOUR BILL? With offices in Tempe and Tucson, there is no longer any reason for you to routinely reduce your accident cases’ bills. Call Richard A. Cruze Esq. At 480.777.2599, or Steven Pincus Esq. and Michelle Lespron, Esq. at 520.888.2599 to work with attourneys who understand how to beat the insurance companies at their own game. You deservice to be paid for all of the work you do!!! X-RAY EQUIPMENT • NEW • REFURBISHED WE CATER TO CHIROPRACTORS!! STANDARD X-RAY – OWNED BY A DC FAMILY! High Frequency X-ray Systems, Digital X-ray Systems • Digital Cassettes, 300 MA Systems • Automatic Processors, Chiropractic Tables • New • Refurbished, Statewide Sales and Service. Call Lisa Dionisio at 602-275-3344 2 Arizona Chiropractic Society Newsletter • August 2012 C R E D E N T I A L I N G M AT E R I A L S TO B E M A I L E D FOR NEW ACS I PA IN PA R T N E R S H I P W I T H N E W M E X I C O C H I RO A S S O C I AT I O N SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS! This is the first serious attempt of its kind to develop a native Arizona network together with a viable partner who has a long track record of success. It is another tool being used by ACS to help solve the insurance problems facing Arizona chiropractors. Nonmembers interested in participating can do so by joining ACS, but are advised to do so as soon as possible to secure a position in the network. ACS membership is mandatory to belong to the IPA. Our sponsors are very special to ACS. They help make it possible to bring our written and electronic information to you. They help pay for the ink and postage! Won’t you please consider them when you need a service or product? We obviously wouldn’t do business with them if we didn’t think they were good folks. Please be sure to give them a look. They are supporting your profession and deserve your gratitude for that. LaBOMBARD SOLVED: ACS HEALTH CARE ATTORNEY CREATES FORMAL LaBOMBARD LEGAL OPINION LETTER ACS INSURANCE GROUP HEALTH ACS members will soon be receiving in the mail credentialing materials to complete to begin the membership process in the new ACS IPA. Once ACS has enough members in the IPA, marketing efforts will begin to secure contracts with employers and insurers in Arizona. Be sure to complete and return the materials as soon as possible. If you have any questions, feel free to call either Dr. Immerman or the resource numbers on the credentialing material. No, You Do Not Have To Pay 1/3rd Of The Attorney’s Legal Fees ACS health care attorney Jerr y Gaffaney, par tner at Mariscal Weeks Friedlander McIntyre, has written a formal legal opinion for ACS to distribute to members for their use when they receive a “LaBombard/Common Fund Doctrine” letter in a personal injur y case. Such letters from plaintiff’s attorneys claim that the LaBombard case requires doctors to pay one-third of the medical bill to the attorney to compensate the attorney for legal fees incurred in collecting the settlement. This IMAGINE LIFE WITHOUT is a fairly widespread practice and ACS gets calls from doctors who have received LaBombard letters ever y week. In a typical case, the doctor’s bill for ser vices was $6,000 and the attorney demands a $2,000 reduction to pay for legal fees, thereby paying the doctor only $4,000. The new ACS LaBombard legal opinion letter should stop these demands immediately. It is now posted online on the Member Benefits’ Page under PI Tools, or you can send an email to ACS and request a copy. A STATE ASSOCIATION Special for those doctors who do not belong to any state association Without a state association, one thing is guaranteed: nothing will change. You will live under the thumb of ASH for the rest of your career. $44 visits with $40 copays and limits of 6.5 visits per patients. Can you live with that? Is that what you want? If you don’t pay ACS dues, that means your answer is yes. If you do pay dues, that means your answer is no, that you intend to fight to change the status quo and get rid of ASH and restore true insurance equality in this state. And so we ask: What do you want? A lifetime of ASH slaver y or a lifetime of being a real doctor being treated fairly? If the answer is the latter, go online to www. to join or contact ACS immediately to join. Other wise, we will know where you stand. We truly hope you make the wise choice for your career especially considering the ver y small monthly amount of money under consideration. INSURANCE PLAN AVAILABLE FOR MEMBERS, THEIR FAMILIES AND EMPLOYEES IS OFFERED BY HIGH QUALITY ARIZONA INSURER WITH PPO AND HMO OPTIONS This CIGNA group health plan is by far the most popular member benefit offered by ACS since our formation in 1991. We waited a long time before recommending a health insurance product to members, 18 years in fact. Finally, after years of studying the market, ACS found a program well wor th recommending to members. The ACS health insurance plan covers all pre-existing conditions just like when you go to work for a large company after a waiting period. In addition to regular ACS dues and health insurance premiums, the only additional cost to members is only $150 per year. Members have complete information online at the Member Benefits and Practice Solutions page of the website. To get this insurance, you must join ACS. Go to to join online using our secure ser ver. ADVERTISE WITH ACS THE ACS NEWSLETTER IS MAILED TO 1,700 ARIZONA DCs MONTHLY -- AAC NO LONGER MAILS ANY JOURNAL The ACS Newsletter is sent by U.S. mail to 1,700 licensed Arizona chiropractors ever y month. The AAC has completely stopped mailing any journal or newsletter at all. Therefore, the choice for adver tisers is now a no-brainer. To reach the entire profession with your products and ser vices, contact ACS at 602-368-9496 for rate and deadline information. Arizona Chiropractic Society Newsletter • August 2012 3 BREAKING NEWS AND UPDATES Editor’s Note: To save precious space in the printed newsletter, we are not going to reprint all of the Breaking News posted on the home page of our website. Please go to where you will find all Breaking News with frequent updates. JOIN THE ARIZONA CHIROPRACTIC SOCIETY ON FACEBOOK BY CLICKING HERE BREAKING NEWS 07/16/12: ACS to tackle prescription opiate painkiller epidemic of addiction and death with massive PR campaign since chiropractic care can safely manage most pain without exposure to these potentially deadly drugs. Read all new, richly referenced ACS page on the subject by clicking here. It’s time patients saw chiropractors first, not MDs. Read ACS Position Paper by clicking here. BREAKING NEWS 07/05/12: ACS releases July 2012 eNewsletter with lead stor y about Cour t of Appeals hearing June 6th in the ADOI lawsuit. A ruling is expected within weeks with insurance equality to be decided. Also read about two other types of litigation being pursued by ACS and consider the question “Where did all the real chiropractors go?” Click here to read the entire 8 page full color PDF newsletter power packed with valuable information. BREAKING NEWS 06/28/12: US Supreme Cour t upholds national healthcare reform including powerful clause prohibiting discrimination against chiropractors. Click here to read full ACS explanation of chiropractic provisions which will be a boon to the profession. This law represents a major leap for ward for chiropractic. BREAKING NEWS 06/12/12: ADOI Director Urias announces resignation ef fective 06/30/12. Read her resignation letter by clicking here. Nothing known yet about possible replacements or whether this will result in change in policy. BREAKING NEWS 06/06/12: Arizona Cour t of Appeals holds hearing in lawsuit against ADOI over enforcement of insurance equality law. ACS has written a repor t describing what occurred which you may read by clicking here. We will achieve insurance equality no matter what it takes. BREAKING NEWS 06/05/12: ACS releases all new June 2012 ACS eNewsletter with repor ts about oral arguments June 6th in Cour t of Appeals in ADOI insurance equality lawsuit. Also, Dr. Dianne Haydon resigns from Chiropractic Board, profession rejoices. ACS to ask Legislature to allow any citizen to enforce insurance equality law. Read these repor ts and much more impor tant information by clicking here to open the full 8 page color PDF newsletter. BREAKING NEWS 05/03/12: Oral arguments set in Court of Appeals in ADOI insurance equality lawsuit. Date is 06/06/12, 9:30AM, Arizona Court of Appeals, 1501 W. Washington, Dept. D, Courtroom 1, Phoenix. Map link:http://azcour t/ BuildingLocationDirectionsGeneralInformation. aspx. Each side has 20 minutes. The public may attend. ACS will be there in force. Click below under Most Read to review lawsuit filings and documents. BREAKING NEWS 05/02/12: ACS releases all new May 2012 8 page eNewsletter with main story about both litigation efforts to gain insurance equality, ADOI lawsuit and insurance bad faith punitive damage lawsuits. Also read about the ACS IPA in partnership with NM Chiro Association, key new ACS documents you must have for your practice, a directory of all ACS PI resources, the many ways ACS can help you, and much more, all by clicking here. YOUR AD HERE The ACS Newsletter is the only publication in Arizona sent to every one of the approximately 1,700 licensed chiropractors practicing in Arizona every month! Your notice in color in print and online at will get the best exposure and results available. Many different ad sizes now available. Contact ACS at 602-368-9496 for more information. BREAKING NEWS 04/28/12: ACS publishes Complete Directory to ACS Arizona Personal Injury Resources, superior to and more comprehensive than many hours of seminars and hundreds of dollars of expense. Be smart, join and access these gems based on real Arizona experience: Dr. Immerman’s 64 trials and 45 depositions in the past 15 years with overall 500 case reviews. This is “real world,” not classroom, knowledge and that’s what makes it special. BREAKING NEWS 04/04/12: ACS releases April 2012 monthly eNewsletter with lead story “Firefighters to Rain Bad Faith Insurance Punitive Damage Lawsuits Onto BCBSAZ Over ASH.” Read about the special attorney selected to handle the lawsuits. Also, ACS to join with New Mexico Chiropractic Association to create network to compete with ASH for contracts. Learn about LaBombard, liens, refund demands and much more by clicking here to read the full newsletter. BREAKING NEWS 03/26/12: $70,000 Plaintiff’s award in classic low speed impact case. Patient sues State Farm directly which retains Joseph Peles, PhD, top biomechanical engineer, who argued that the forces were too minor to cause anything more than a minor injury. Plaintiff’s attorney Harold Hyams retained Alan M. Immerman, D.C. as a rebuttal witness. Jury reported they did not believe Dr. Peles after hearing from Dr. Immerman and concluded the plaintiff was injured and awarded $70,000. Click here to read the entire Court’s Minute Entry. GOT DOCUMENTATION? New Patient Forms for ALL patients plus E/M Exam Form and PI Forms – Great Documentation in Less Time - $129 Want to know about computerized SOAP notes? Central Phoenix Surgical Center A Pain Management Facility CPX is a AAAHC Accredited facility that specializes in Interventional Pain & Pain Management procedures. Manipulation under Anesthesia Trigger Point Injections Epidural Injections Facet Injections Low Dose Steroid & Prolo Therapy Contact Gregg Friedman at or 480-947-8381 for more information. In every case we will treat your patient and refer them back to you for follow care. If you have questions or would like additional information, feel free to contact Don @ 602 279-0044 or Find us at: 4 Arizona Chiropractic Society Newsletter • August 2012 DON’T MISS BREAKING NEWS SIGN UP FOR THE FREE ACS E-NEWSLETTER AT WWW.AZCHIROPRACTORS.ORG CHECK THE FREQUENTLY UPDATED WEBSITE REGULARLY NEW LIEN FORMS TO BE USED IN ALL PI AND HEALTH INSURANCE CASES, ESPECIALLY UM/UIM ACS has developed special new lien forms called “Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Liens” which provide protections above and beyond County Health Care Liens and must be filed in every personal injury case with all insurance companies and the attorney. They do not need to be recorded or notarized, just signed by the patient in your office. Members have access online to a clear must-read explanatory article, #39, to understand why these liens are so powerful and valuable. Go to pages/membership-and-member-benefits. php membership-and-member-benefits.php and click on the following, probably the most valuable PI resources offered by ACS: 37 -- Assignment of Health Care Insurance Receivables for Adult Patient: UCC Lien 38 -- Assignment of Health Care Insurance Receivables for Minor Patient: UCC Lien 39 -- Comprehensive Explanator y Ar ticle: “Lien Statute Helps Providers to Collect. This one member benefit is worth more than the $1,200 in annual ACS dues. If you implement this document in your practice, you are guaranteed to recover more than $1,200 per year that you otherwise would never have seen. We will teach you how. LET YOUR COMMUNITY KNOW ABOUT OUR DRUG FREE OPTION “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” ~ Yogi Berra Bill Gallagher, D.C. As members of the largest drug free healing profession we have an opportunity to offer an alternative to the problem created by the medical establishment and Big Pharma. Nixon’s War On Drugs set out to eliminate street drugs and the deaths and problems they caused. Today we face a bigger problem with prescription opioids taking over as the newest addiction problem. At we want to get as many schools as possible to stage a Run Drugs Out of Town Run during Red Ribbon Week at the end of October. This is when schools focus on drug abuse prevention and the perfect opportunity for DC’s to get our message out to them. With The Run & Red Ribbon Week we want chiropractors who want access to the families in elementary schools. The cost of the event is as low at 33¢/student and with 500-700/school that is affordable for most offices. We provide the sponsoring chiropractor with ribbons, literature, posters and other learning materials so that every parent teacher and child will go home with something with the doctor’s contact info stamped on it. We also provide Power Points so that even the most drug illiterate person can present to a PTO or faculty meeting to help them keep kids off street drugs and offer an alternative to addictive prescriptions. Chiropractors can also give the school a roll or two of face paper so that kids can draw or write what they want and then hang it in their halls for everyone to see. This is our fork in the road and a chance to educate everyone about what drug free is all about. To find out more contact Dr. Bill Gallagher, DC at 480-664-6644, rundrugsoutoftownrun@, or Accounting Lowy’s Tax Planning & Accounting, PLLC Tax Planning for Chiropractors 7227 N. 16th Street, Suite 206 can be backbreaking, Phoenix, AZ 85020 Business & Individual Tax Preparation let the pro’s WWW.LOWYYOURTAXES.COM do it! Bookkeeping & Accounting Services Payroll Taxes Call today for FREE consultation 602-943-5861 DIGITAL MOTION X-RAY (DMX) MIKE WINBERRY DC 6425 E. BROADWAY BLVD. TUCSON, AZ 85710 520-298-5111; 520-241-1995 (CELL) RIGODONDO@YAHOO.COM WWW.WINBERRYCHIROPRACTIC.COM YOU’VE NEVER SEEN SUBLUXATION LIKE YOU CAN SEE IT WITH DMX! CONTACT DR. WINBERRY FOR A DEMONSTRATION OF THE NEXT BIG THING IN DIAGNOSTICS. EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS AND GET THE BEST FOR YOUR PATIENTS. ACCEPTING REFERRALS IMMEDIATELY. ACS GOALS 2012 1. COMPLETED: Lower copayments and deductibles and combat ASH practices by filing a lawsuit. The litigation will ask a Superior Court judge to order the Arizona Department of Insurance (ADOI) to properly enforce ARS 20461(B). ACS will soon be filing an appeal of the judge’s decision with the Arizona Court of Appeals. 2. ALWAYS IN PROCESS: Block any legislation which would weaken or repeal existing state insurance equality laws. 3. IN PROCESS: Expand insurance equality laws into all other health care programs including AHCCCS. With passage of national health care reform, there will be an expansion of AHCCCS so full inclusion for chiropractic is now a priority. 4. PARTIALLY COMPLETED: End Chiropractic Board fishing expeditions where one complaint such as a fee complaint results in a subpoena of the entire patient file which is then screened for any possible errors, even the most minute, in daily notes, x-rays, clinical decision-making, medical necessity of treatment, etc. 5. IN PROCESS: As a basis for discipline, replace the Board’s insurance-based standard of “medical necessity” with the public health-based standard of “clearly excessive treatment.” Also, reinsert “of ethics” so that the Board can no longer discipline doctors for practicing contrary to “recognized standards in chiropractic” because the Board has never defined what it considers “recognized standards.” 6. COMPLETED: Have an expert available to members by phone and email to answer questions regarding chiropractic, PI, insurance, liens, regulatory and Board-related issues. 7. COMPLETED: Sue ADOI because ASH on behalf of BCBS routinely denies care before patients have received all treatment which is reasonable and necessary and if BCBS applies cost containment/pre-authorization measures only to DCs and not equally to MDs and DOs. 8. IN PROCESS: Investigate filing a Federal Court ERISA lawsuit against BCBS and other insurers for ERISA violations. Alternatively, file complaints with the US Department of Labor over ERISA violations. 9. IN PROCESS: Develop valuable resources for doctors to use in their offices to deal with common problems that arise with health insurance, personal injury practice and any other problems that arise. DOCTOR WHAT TRULY OBJECTIVE REPRODUCIBLE FINDING DO YOU HAVE TO SUPPORT YOUR WHIPLASH DIAGNOSIS. Digital Motion X-ray is available to your patient at your office. Traumatic ligament instability is real, and could be proven. Visit and call 602-694-5014 for a demonstration. Arizona’s mobile Digital Motion X-ray Center. Arizona Chiropractic Society Newsletter • August 2012 5 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS AND CORPORATE MEMBERS! Our you sponsors have a and Corporate Members are ver y special to ACS. choice. They are suppor ting your profession and PINCUS & ASSOCIATES, PC AND PINCUS & LESPRON, PC – ARE YOU TIRED OF REDUCING YOUR BILL? With offices in Tempe and Tucson, there is no longer any reason for you to routinely reduce your bill on accident cases. Call Richard Cruz, Esq. at 480.777.2599 or Michelle Lespron, Esq. at 520.888.2599 to learn how it is to work with attorneys who understand how to beat the insurance companies at their own game. You deserve to be paid for all of the work you do!!! Click here for the firm’s webpage with full information. X-RAY EQUIPMENT * NEW * REFURBISHED: WE CATER TO CHIROPRACTORS!! STANDARD X-RAY -- OWNED BY A DC FAMILY! High Frequency X-ray Systems, Digital X-ray Systems * Digital Cassettes, 300 MA Systems * Automatic Processors, Chiropractic Tables * New * Refurbished, Statewide Sales and Service. Call Lisa Dionisio at 602-275-3344 or go online to www. YOUR LISTING HERE AND IN THE NEWSLETTER: Reach our Internet readership and approximately 1,700 licensed chiropractors practicing in Arizona who receive the ACS newsletter monthly by U.S. mail! Contact ACS at 602-368-9496 or for more information. DAVID TALLMAN, DC, NMD PRACTICE EXCLUSIVE TO PROLOTHERAPY for over 10 years. 480-922-1101 or for more info. CANCER TREATMENT CENTERS OF AMERICA: offers whole-person, integrated cancer care by combining state of the art technology and conventional treatment with nutrition, naturopathic medicine, mind-body support, massage, acupuncture, spiritual support, pain management, rehabilitation services and chiropractic care. For more information, your patients can call 800-234-9113 or go to TEAM MOTION X-RAY: Doctor what truly OBJECTIVE reproducible finding do you have to support your WHIPLASH diagnosis. Digital Motion X-ray is available to your patient at your office. Traumatic ligament instability is real, and could be proven. Visit and call 602-694-5014 for a demonstration. Arizona’s mobile Digital Motion X-ray Center. CUSTOM X-RAY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE: Dedicated to the Arizona Chiropractic Professional. Offering affordable X-Ray and Digital X-ray solutions since 1968. Affordable leasing programs, pre-planning services, lead shielding quotations. Processors, film, headrest paper, chiropractic tables, service/repairs/annual calibrations/digital service/ support/computer IT support services, affordable service and support. Call for Shawna @ 602-439-3100 or 800-230-9729 -- CHIROFUTURES MALPRACTICE PROGRAM: Securing the future, managing your risk. Comprehensive coverage and competitive rates. Best value in the market. Contact: or 800.219.9090 Key administrator is Dr. Matt McCoy, a name long associated in chiropractic with integrity and intelligence. THE NIELSEN LAW FIRM PLLC -- AGGRESSIVE LEGAL ADVOCACY: Yuri Nielsen, Esq., 310 S. 4th St., Ste. 1401, Phoenix, AZ 85004. Call (602) 257-7535. Webpage: PATIENT BUILDERS, INC. - NEW PATIENT MARKETING FOR CHIROPRACTORS: The Solution to the New Patient Dilemma! No more spinal screenings! No more spending money on marketing with “possible” results! No more spending maximum dollars with minimal results! We Do business when them whenever deser ve your gratitude for that. deliver new patients to your door when you want them! Call 480-756-9377 or email to get started. RICHCOR TABLES, MODALITIES AND SUPPLIES: Richard Corcilius is tried and proven having served the profession for over 25 years. Call 480-334-7430 or CENTRAL PHOENIX PAIN MANAGEMENT: Manipulation Under Anesthesia, Epidural Injections, Facet Injections, Trigger Point Injections. Contact Don at 602-279-0044, www.azsurgicalcenters. com GOT DOCUMENTATION? New Patient Forms for ALL patients plus E/M Exam Form and PI Forms - Great Documentation in Less Time - $129. Want to know about computerized SOAP notes? Contact Gregg Friedman, D.C. at or 480-947-8381 for more information. LOWY’S TAX PLANNING & ACCOUNTING, PLLC: Accounting can be back-breaking – Let the pros handle it! We do tax planning for DCs, business and individual tax preparation, bookkeeping and accounting services and payroll taxes. Call today for a free consultation: 602943-5861. Web: Address: 7337 N. 16th St., Ste. 206, Phoenix, AZ 85020. DIGITAL MOTION X-RAY (DMX) TUCSON/MIKE WINBERRY, DC: You’ve never seen subluxation like you can see it with DMX! Now you can accurately demonstrate lesions in whiplash patients which cannot be shown with MRI or CT scan. Stop underdiagnosing your patients! Call Dr. Winberry for a free demonstration in Tucson at 520-298-5111 or 520-241-1995 (cell). SPECIAL TREASURES MEMBER BENEFITS SPECIAL NOTICE TO ARIZONA CHIROPRACTORS: THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE VITAL TO YOUR PRACTICE. TAKE THE TIME TO REVIEW THEM AND CONSIDER MEMBERSHIP JUST TO ACCESS THESE DOCUMENTS. THEY ARE WELL WORTH THE COST OF MEMBERSHIP ALONE. GROUP MEDICAL INSURANCE, LIFE, DENTAL AND RECORD KEEPING AND DOCUMENTATION LIEN FORMS FOR HEALTH INSURERS THAT COMPLIANCE GUIDANCE REFUSE TO HONOR ASSIGNMENTS AND FOR AUTO VISION PROGRAMS FOR MEMBERS Teaching compliance with record keeping and INSURERS UM/UIM AND ALL CLAIMS ACS offers its members a wide range of benefits documentation in Arizona has always been a ACS Attorney David Abney has developed new lien and services including a group medical, life, dental paramount goal for ACS, and so we have assembled a forms that will force insurance companies to send and vision programs. Group health insurance for packet of information that is the most comprehensive checks directly to you even when the deny assignments ACS members with guaranteed issue coverage available. Read the fruits of ACS’ investigation along of benefits. BCBS has initially refused to honor these begins after a one year waiting period with no with an outline of the course on record keeping given by new liens and so we expect to have to litigate to force medical underwriting. PPO and HMO plans are the lead Board auditor, full course notes of a lecture on them to do so. We intend to litigate to gain enforcement available statewide. the subject by a former Board chair, Medicare Noridian of our new liens, and will soon file the lawsuit. No other INSURANCE CLAIMS AND DENIALS SOLUTIONS requirements, CMS rules for reporting timed codes, health insurer has yet reacted to the new liens. The many documents under this heading provide and eleven key office forms to use to streamline your you with ammunition to defend your fee structure operations and documentation. The liens will also work in PI cases and in fact give the as usual and customary, how to file medical provider more rights than County Health Care Liens. necessity appeals using all Arizona laws, how to MISCELLANEOUS We still recommend filing County Health Care Liens, file complaints with the Arizona Department of The Chiropractic Board requires you have a Medical but these liens cannot be filed in UM, UIM or medpay Insurance, how to file Small Claims Court Lawsuits, Record Protocol on file and ACS supplies it here. We also cases and so the new ACS lien is the only lien that can how to handle post payment audit review and teach you how to search the National Library of Medicine be filed in such cases. It is highly recommended that refund demands, and a great solution for your cash and retrieve articles from a medical library. In this section the ACS lien be filed in these cases. practice called Chiropractic Lifecare of America is a limited power of attorney form directing payments (CLA). to the doctor when insurers other than BCBS deny These liens are a very special new member benefit for assignments of benefits. Also, don’t miss reading the ACS members. ERISA AND SELF-INSURED HEALTH PLAN TOOLS TO great article about state boards and disciplinary actions. GET CLAIMS PAID HOW TO QUALIFY AS A COURTROOM EXPERT IN ERISA governs all health insurance plans that CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS PERSONAL INJURY TOOLS your patients get from their employers so it is ACS has developed a Position Paper documenting Personal injury tools include the Arizona Bar Ethics really important that you understand all of your how your chiropractic education has provided you Opinion that requires attorneys to pay your bill if they rights under this law. We have put it all together in the foundation to be a courtroom expert in clinical know it exists. We also have a position paper you can seven key documents including the most important biomechanics today. It is available to all members. use to defend yourself when attorneys want you to pay provisions of the law and sample ERISA appeal 1/3rd of the collection costs, and when they want you to letters. Everything you need for ERISA is right here. Join today and get all of these documents emailed to accept what the health insurance company has paid as you within 24 hours! Turn your practice around now by payment in full, i.e., no balance billing. This section also MD-DC PRACTICE AND REFERRALS becoming an ACS member. Don’t miss breaking news includes all forms needed file County Health Care Liens, A chiropractor who formerly was a drug rep has put by signing up for the free ACS eNewsletter at www. a Circular Letter from the Department of Insurance together a brilliant blueprint for how to meld your mandating fair investigations of low speed impact practice life with MDs. We provide the reference automobile accidents which can be used to combat to her webpage and book. This is simply the best Check the frequently updated website www. insurance company fraud, and three invaluable forms material on the subject out there today. regularly for breaking news. for your PI practice. 6 Arizona Chiropractic Society Newsletter • August 2012 CLASSIFIED ADS UPDATED: AUGUST 1, 2012 Click here to join or donate live online using our secure server PROFESSIONAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES AZ Board Approved Online Chiropractic Assistant Training: Call 1-888-900-3382, Preferred Medical Billing, LLC: Let our professional and knowledgeable staff handle all your chiropractic billing needs such as insurance verifications, liens, electronic claims submission, appeals, and more. Contact Veronica Alatorre at (480) 699-0413 for more information. Patient Builders, Inc. - New Patient Marketing For Chiropractors: The Solution to the New Patient Dilemma! No more spending money on marketing with “possible” results! We deliver new patients to your door when you want them! Call 480-756-9377 or email to get star ted. ACS Corporate Member! Health Care Claims Specialists: Arizona’s Chiropractic Clearinghouse since 1999. 5010 Compliant - no need to update your software. Claims sent errorfree the first time. Claims follow-up available. Call 602-482-3799. Email - ACS Corporate Member! ASSOCIATE AND MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES PHYSICIAN EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Valley Wide Health Centers is continually seeking professional, motivated and ethical Chiropractic Physicians that are interested in practicing in the greater Phoenix area. The per fect candidate for our group is a Doctor that will place the patient’s interest first. We look for Doctors that want to own their own practice and are self-motivated and most impor tantly willing to represent our group in the most professional and ethical standard. Are you someone that wants to own his or her practice with no out of pocket costs to you while you are making a ver y competitive base salar y with Bonus? Our organization provides all the training, marketing, billing and collections, accounting and continued suppor t so that you, the Doctor can concentrate on the most impor tant aspect of your professional career…your patients. Please submit your information so that one of our representatives can contact you to set up a possible inter view. Call (480) 459-5601, ext. #2 or email FAST-PACED CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS CENTER seeks motivated chiropractic associate in the Chandler/Tempe area. We have been established for 11 years practicing diversified, Thompson and activator techniques. Please email resume and cover letter to AK IN A TIME WHERE CHIROPRACTIC IS STRUGGLING, WE ARE LOOKING FOR AN ASSOCIATE FOR OUR DESERT RIDGE CLINIC THAT IS EXPLODING. A Positive attitude is required and a love for chiropractic is appreciated. If interested please email at KW DO YOU WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Do you care about the patient’s wellbeing? Are you a firm believer in Chiropractic and looking for honest and ethical treatment of you and your patients? We are looking for an associate to join our company. Increasing pay with per formance goals hit plus a great bonus structure. Future to buy in to practice. All systems in place, intense training, subluxation based with rehab, high volume. Email resume to BEAUTIFUL NEW INTEGRATIVE OFFICE (67THAVE AND 101) SEEKS A CHIROPRACTOR willing to learn new things. We do pain management, prolotherapy, hormone balancing, functional medicine, chiropractic, physiotherapy to help patient achieve goals while correcting the problem. Email resume to Health.Medical@ DC/ART PROVIDER WANTED- IMMEDIATE OPENING!! We are looking for a DC that is an ART certified provider (preferably full body certified) for coverage in our busy multidisciplinary practice in Arizona. We have 2 offices, Phoenix and Gilbert. We have a diverse practice with an ambulatory surgical suite onsite. You will be treating alongside our dedicated team of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Doctors and PAs. Familiarity with Electronic Medical Records is preferred. Salary will be dependent on experience. This is an excellent opportunity for a new doc to experience integration into interventional pain management. Coverage will be for 3 months. Please email or fax resume to 602.265.8151, feel free to visit our website at or Email: Website: or Phone: 6022658800. PRACTICES FOR SALE PRACTICE FOR SALE MESA: Same great location for 30 years. Diversified practice, 102K collections last year working 24 hours/week. Priced for quick sale $55,000. Dr. retiring but will help buyer transition. Text or voice mail to 480-203-8145. BUSY WEST-SIDE CLINIC. Extremely low overhead. High profits. 650 visits/month. Over 1 million in receivables. Parking, signage, freeway access. Doctor motivated to sell. $395K or $295K w/o receivables. Call Broker, Christal James at 602-750-3528. PRACTICE FOR SALE: TUCSON. Superb quality 23 yr. practice with collections exceeding $640 K/yr. High Visibility location. Techniques include Pettibon, CRP, Activator and Brain Based Therapy (Carrick.). Smooth transition. Contact ChiroEquity at 908-419-7510. GK PRACTICE FOR SALE IN SIERRA VISTA: 2 Zenith Hi-Lo, 1 Lloyd flexion distraction w/drop, exam tables, Collecting 100K per year. Overhead, < $2000/month. Doctor retiring, turnkey price 30K. Dr. McGuire 520-459-1414. PRACTICE FOR SALE-EAST CENTRAL PHOENIX: 20 year practice for sale in great location with collections last year @$150K, Low overhead, Diversified/Gonstead, X-ray, therapies. Affordable, also with possible financing available. 602-710-6504. MG OFFICE SPACE RENTAL AND INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR OPPORTUNTIES CHIRO SPACE AVAILABLE IN BUSY GROCERY ANCHORED RETAIL CENTERS: Owner will fund relocation costs. Increased traffic & convenience = Increased sales & client retention. Experienced retail developer with welllocated, grocery anchored centers in MESA, PEORIA and GILBERT. Call or email for more information: Bryan Lamond (480)-235-9999, ASSOCIATE POSITION AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY in rapidly growing chiro/PT/MD clinic in SW Phoenix. Looking for energetic DC with strong subluxation philosophy and current AZ DC/PT license to run office. Training/support from Palmer grad provided. First year 6 figure income potential through salary/bonus. Call 623776-2225, fax resume to 623-776-2229, or email to for more information. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR TO SHARE OFFICE IN AHWATUKEE: Established 10 year old practice, great location off I-10 and Chandler Blvd. Paperless office, X-ray and full equipment provided. Looking to cut overhead. Please email OFFICE SHARING OPPORTUNITY to split costs. Thunderbird at 7th St., fully equipped office. Many options to choose from. Call 602-298-1600 for more information. LARGE ROOM IN ESTABLISHED CHANDLER CHIRO OFFICE FOR RENT. Ideal for independent doctor to have own practice. Access to rehab area, x-ray, and fax/ copier. Located in large strip mall between 10/101 Freeway. $800/month Chris (480)518-5353. CK OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE AT GLENDALE CHIROPRACTIC LIFE CENTER located at 5654 W. Bell Rd. Suite A, Glendale, AZ 85308 on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, call for pricing. Dr. Bruce Homsey 602-908-0982. CHIRO OFFICE SPACE TO SHARE- flat rent includes use of all equipment, utilities, phone, and most supplies. Two beautiful offices to choose from Glendale/Arrowhead and Surprise/Sun city Grand. Call 602-375-2225. RZ CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE SPACE TO SHARE IN NW VALLEY: GRADUATED rent option for the first 3 months includes use of equipment, digital x-ray, utilities. Just off the 101 at 75th & Bell Rd. Call Dr. Blair at 480.383.9307. BC EQUIPMENT FOR SALE J-TECH for ROM and Muscle Testing for sale. Virtually brand new. Hardly used. Comes with all software, manuals, and booklets. $3500.00 please call 480-9987501. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: LEANDER motorized table $2500 and 2 Leander lite tables $1700 ea, SUMMIT X-RAY MACHINE $4000, MINI-MED X-ray processor $800, HILL Anatamotor $1700, Diathermy unit $350, and much more. 602-577-2576 FOR SALE: BARNES TRACTION/DISTRACTION TABLE. Excellent condition. Doctor retiring. $1000 obo. Picture upon request. 623.875.7155 AH OVER 14 PRE-OWNED SPINAL DECOMPRESSION TABLES. We will beat any competitors’ price and show you special tax sections that will save you an extra $5,000 off your purchase. Visit us at or call (800) 749-5804. BS X-RAY MACHINE FOR SALE......$3500: Bennett HFQ series 100 KHz high frequency model: HFQ -300P, June, 1999. Comes with Tube and collimator D-50M, Tube stand 2-82RM, Buckey A-172F. All manufactured in 1999. I bought the X-ray in 2004 and it has been lightly used ever since. Looks like new, runs like new. Call 602375-2225. BZ HOW TO PLACE AN AD IN THE PUBLISHED AND eNEWSLETTER YOUR AD CAN APPEAR HERE! The size is 35 words maximum; cost is $40 per month for members and $80 per month for non-members. Deadline is the 28th of the month preceding publication of the next issue. Classified ads are also posted online on the ACS Online Classified Ads Page for no additional cost. This page gets about 150 hits per month. The ACS monthly newsletter is sent by US mail every month to an average circulation of 1,700 chiropractors in Arizona. It is also emailed to about 1200 AZ chiropractors and posted online permanently. The newsletter is downloaded about 200 times per month. Choose the ACS newsletter and webpage for the best results. Call ACS at 602-368-9496. Arizona Chiropractic Society Newsletter • August 2012 7 Arizona Chiropractic Society 3515 E. Carol Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85028 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PHOENIX AZ PERMIT #2525 INSIDE your August 2012 Newsletter... Insurance Restrictions on Chiropractic Fueling Epidemic of Prescription Abuse Report on all ACS Insurance Equality Litigation Imagine Life Without a State Association Application for Membership • Arizona Chiropractic Society