auroa helicopters limited
auroa helicopters limited
Auroa Helicopters Limited Safety, handling, performance and value set the 2-seat, carbon-fiber, 160HP turbinepowered Auroa helicopter apart in its class – it provides a ‘large helicopter’ experience. Auroa Helicopters Limited A 10-strong team of design, engineering, manufacturing and systems specialists has spent four years in research and development creating this light and strong helicopter for recreation, commuting and flight instruction. It is sold as a fully-assembled craft and the purchase price includes New Zealand-based basic gas turbine and maintenance training as well as pilot transition training from a commercial or private helicopter pilot’s license. Safety, quality, performance and streamlined style are the hallmarks of its manufacturer, Auroa Helicopters Limited. CONTACT DETAILS CAPABILITY Dick Sybrandy Owner and Director of Design and Engineering Phone: +64 6 274 5715 Cell: +64 27 445 3364 • Two-seater helicopter. Auroa Helicopters Limited 992 Auroa Road RD 28, Manaia South Taranaki 4678 New Zealand • 160HP turbine-powered. • Carbon-fiber construction. • High visibility polycarbonate windscreen and doors. • Switchable engine control system (electronic with manual override, full FADEC function with data download). • Impressive instrumentation array. • All hard points and mounting fixtures to FAR 27 standard. • Four-point safety harnesses. • Transceiver / transponder and ELT as standard. Aviation New Zealand Aviation New Zealand connects international customers with the right New Zealand product and service, making it easier to do aviation business with New Zealand. Aviation New Zealand The New Zealand aviation industry is marked by its professionalism, innovation, collaboration, responsiveness and accountability. As the New Zealand aviation industry’s export association, Aviation New Zealand’s expertise covers the breadth of the industry including: • • • • • training (pilot, cabin crew, engineering) general aviation maintenance, repairs and overhaul airport developments and fit-outs advisory services. The association offers a comprehensive and neutral view of the New Zealand aviation industry and its capabilities. CONTACT DETAILS CAPABILITY John Nicholson Chief Executive Officer Phone: +64 4 472 2707 Fax: +64 4 471 1314 Cell: +64 27 600 9156 • Extensive knowledge of the New Zealand aviation industry. Aviation New Zealand PO Box 2096 Wellington 6140 New Zealand • Honest broker for the industry. • Connects companies, facilitates solutions. • Makes it easier for you to do business with New Zealand. Classic Aero Machining Service Classic Aero Machining Service (CAMS) combines technology, innovative reverseengineering and hands-on experience to manufacture difficult or impossible to obtain aircraft parts. Classic Aero Machining Service Unlike other parts suppliers, CAMS provides a complete service – reverse engineering, drawing, programming, machining and finishing. It specializes in remanufacturing small-to-medium batches of unavailable aircraft parts, particularly metal components for World War I, World War II and experimental aircraft including their engines. CAMS is renowned for its outstanding ability to find ways to manufacture parts and components using modern materials and techniques (including CAD and CNC milling), while staying as close as possible to the original appearance and specifications. CAMS has clients throughout the world including the US, UK, Australia, France and Brazil. CONTACT CAPABILITY Tony Wytenburg US cell: +1 414 324 5020 Phone: +64 3 579 2033 NZ cell: +64 21 411 063 Fax: +64 3 579 3519 • Remanufacturing to exacting standards out-of-production parts. Classic Aero Machining Service Ltd Omaka Airfield Marlborough 7272 New Zealand • One-stop service – reverse engineering, drawing, programming, machining and finishing. • CAMS parts closely emulate the appearance and performance of originals. • Small-run capability and fast turnarounds. • An in-house engine test rig and computerized engine dyno. • CAMS parts have full traceability. • Fair pricing. Composite Helicopter Composite Helicopters International KC518 Composite Helicopters International’s kitset KC518 has the world’s first all composite frameless (monocoque) helicopter fuselage. Design and construction techniques result in a simple and easy to build helicopter. Composite Helicopters International KC518 The KC518 Adventourer is a world-class, 5-seat VIP (or 6-seat utility), single-engine turbine helicopter initially designed for the experimentalamateur build kit market. The KC518 has attracted considerable world-wide attention since its launch at EEA Oshkosh 2011. Its design offers an aesthetically pleasing helicopter incorporating a high level of safety, reliability, strength and stiffness, with low-drag profiles, light weight, low cost and ease of build. This year the KC518 is back showing added features which include main rotor head and swashplate assembly, rotor gearbox and tail rotor hub, head and blades assemblies. Individual carbon laminated parts such as doors, vertical fin and stabilizers are also on show. The prototype, developed in New Zealand by a panel of local and international experts, successfully completed its first hover in early May 2012. The test program continues. The company has also commenced pre-production design review. CONTACT DETAILS CAPABILITY Peter Maloney Phone: +64 9 415 8942 Cell: +64 274 836 952 • Manufacturer of the KC518 – Adventourer Helicopter. Tim Pike Phone: +64 9 415 8942 Cell: +64 21 734 933 Leanne Maloney Phone: +64 9 415 8942 Cell: +64 274 836 951 Composite Helicopters International 312 Postman Road North Shore Airfield Auckland 0794 New Zealand • Expertly designed and manufactured with full FAA certification in mind. • Composite parts manufactured using Infusion and RTM processes. • Energy absorbing composite forward and rear seats. • MRGB / Engine and TRGB pressurized frames with pilot warning. • The hydraulic flight control system, drive train and rotor systems are similar to those commonly used on certified turbine helicopters. • Composite main and tail rotor systems. Composite Helicopter • No riveting or bolted joints used in fuselage construction. Duke Engines Duke Engines’ novel axial-piston internal combustion engine is lighter, smaller and has greater power density than conventional internal combustion engines. Duke Engines Duke Engines’ novel axial-piston internal combustion engine has very low vibration and runs on light and heavy fuels, including jet fuel. The engine is suitable for aviation applications, including in light aircraft, UAVs, UASs and APUs. Duke, an engine-technology development company, is in advanced discussions with defense, aviation, UAV, UAS and APU manufacturers and specifiers regarding adoption of Duke’s enabling technologies. CONTACT DETAILS CAPABILITY John Garvey Co founder Phone: +64 9 426 5522 Cell: +64 27 677 2177 Compared to conventional engines, the Duke engine: Duke Engines Ltd PO Box 879 Shortland Street Auckland 1140 New Zealand • has more fuel options – kerosene, jet fuel, light fuels, gasoline and biofuels • has reduced costs and parts • has more power to weight • is more efficient • weighs less and has less volume • is less complex • has less noise and vibration – no first or second order vibrations • has less drag and resistance • is an easy platform for integration, repair and service. Falcomposite Furio Falcomposite’s Furio is a state-of-the-art, high-performance, fully aerobatic kit aircraft that enables a new generation of pilots, including those in the US, to build and fly their own aircraft. Falcomposite Furio The Furio has the speed, power and feel of a fighter plane, yet is effortless to fly. The Furio offers supreme comfort for long flights and 360-degree cockpit visibility. Composite technology permits an airframe of fewer than 30 structural components. Assembly is simpler and considerably faster than for currently available kit aircraft and no specialist knowledge or tools are necessary. The Furio RG kit is compliant with the Major Portion requirements of the FAA’s Amateur Built Experimental rules (49/51) and was granted acceptance as an amateur built kit by the FAA in November 2011. CONTACT DETAILS CAPABILITY Giovanni Nustrini Operations Manager Phone: +64 9 298 9144 Cell: +64 21 832 626 Falcomposite Falcomposite 140 De Havilland Lane Ardmore Airport Papakura 2582 Auckland New Zealand • Aircraft and component design and prototyping. • Aircraft production (LN27-RG Furio). • Manufacturing of high-tech composite components for aviation and other industries. Furio • Cruise speed in excess of 175kts / 201mph (180hp – 75 percent – 7,000ft). • Fully aerobatic (rated to +6, – 4 Gs). • 43 inch-wide cockpit. KiwiPropellers KiwiPropeller’s durable, lightweight, highperformance propellers set new benchmarks for thrust, quietness and efficiency. KiwiPropellers Current propulsive efficiencies are sub-optimal with efficiency ranges from 60-85 percent. KiwiPropellers opens up the 90-95 percent range for the first time, shifting the dial for homebuilt aircraft. This dramatic bolt-on performance increase for popular kit aircraft results from a combination of the design skills of Team Synergy Chief Designer John McGinnis and innovative New Zealand composites manufacturing expertise. From the hub to the tip, the unique blade design is optimized to generate thrust with minimal turbulence. The Quiet Thrust and Natural Laminar Flow technology and proprietary airfoils are customized for specific aero-structural environments. CONTACT DETAILS CAPABILITY Shaun Mitchell Director Cell: +64 21 308 333 • Less noise Derek Mitchell Director Cell: +64 21 493 082 KiwiPropellers 219 Crawford Road RD 8, Te Kowhai Hamilton 3288 New Zealand • More thrust • Better efficiency • Fly faster, further, for less Orbit Aircraft Shuttle The Orbit Aircraft Shuttle has revolutionized light aircraft ground handling. It is literally the world’s most manoeuvrable light aircraft ground handling system available. Orbit Aircraft Shuttle The remote-controlled Orbit Aircraft Shuttle offers complete freedom of aircraft movement on the ground with on-the-spot rotation and unlimited directional movement. Orbit operators have the freedom to park aircraft exactly where they want and facing whichever direction they choose. Operators can position themselves to view movement from any angle. This allows more aircraft to be parked in existing hangar spaces. The rugged, functional and safe Orbit Aircraft Shuttle fits most light aircraft. CONTACT DETAILS CAPABILITY Chris Haynes Managing Director Phone: +64 7 884 7755 Cell: +64 274 960 083 • Rated for aircraft up to 1.5 metric tons. Orbit Aircraft Ground Handling Solutions NZ Ltd 4 Honi Street Te Aroha 3320 New Zealand • High-power 24vDC electric motors – their high torque gives an exceptionally smooth transition from standstill to movement. • Easy-to-learn controls – new operators can be using the Orbit within five minutes. • Aircraft can be moved laterally through narrow hanger doorways. • Each Orbit is individually specified to customer requirements. • Helicopter version due for release early 2013. • Wheel chocks are automatically adjusted to cope with uneven ground. • One-hour operation time between charges. • Quick change settings from one aircraft to another. Pacific Aerospace P-750 XSTOL Pacific Aerospace’s P-750 XSTOL is the world’s first Extremely Short Take-Off and Landing (XSTOL) aircraft. Its unique XSTOL capabilities meant it demanded a class of its own. Pacific Aerospace P-750 XSTOL Remaining unmatched by any other production aircraft, the P-750 XSTOL sets the benchmark for versatile, short take-off and landing 10-seat utility aircraft. Today’s P-750 XSTOL is the result of more than 50 years of ongoing development by Pacific Aerospace, a world-leading designer and manufacturer of utility aircraft. It is Single Pilot IFR Certified (FAA) and is also certified against ICAO Annex 6 for Single Engine IFR Commercial Passenger Transport Operations. CONTACT DETAILS CAPABILITY Steve Peters General Manager Commercial Phone: +64 7 843 6144 Cell: +64 21 977 795 Fax: +64 7 843 6134 • Unmatched STOL performance – take-off and landing in less than 800ft (244m) carrying a load of more than 4,000lb. Damian Camp Chief Executive Officer Pacific Aerospace Ltd Airport Road Hamilton 3282 New Zealand • Substantial 1,179 nautical mile maximum range – eight hours flying time. • Can operate off semiprepared airstrips. • Rugged construction with a low 150-hour airframe/engine inspection interval. • Proven, globally supported components from leading aerospace companies. • Certified for Single Pilot IFR (FAA) and against ICAO Annex 6 for Single Engine IFR Commercial Passenger Transport Operations. • Available in various configurations including passenger, freight, skydiving and aerial survey. Redfort Group Redfort is a proven, well-established aviation logistics specialist. Its collaborative approach provides innovative and successful outcomes. Redfort Group In the past six years Redfort has handled more than three hundred aircraft movements. President, owner and commercial pilot, Don Lockie has significant and proven expertise in both the aviation and international logistics industries. Redfort not only specializes in providing comprehensive services for the movement of high-value niche products, but also excels in managing regular commercial freight logistics. CONTACT DETAILS CAPABILITY Don Lockie Phone: +64 9 281 4591 Cell: +64 27 277 8903 /2626261 • Contractual air and ocean shipping worldwide. Redfort Group PO Box 32473 Devonport Auckland 0744 New Zealand • Logistics provider to worldwide aircraft distributors, including Robinson, Cessna and Agusta. • Assistance with contractual helicopter fire-fighting contracts. • Direct port-to-port (fly on / fly off) competencies. • Fixed wing and rotary wing specialists. • AOPA and EAA friendly. Offering a full range of logistics services: • international air and sea logistics • project management and on-site assistance • border management and consultancy • expertise in shipping from the US and Canada • hub operations in US and Canada • Los Angeles CFS – able to link our customers to the world. TracMap TracMap’s GPS-based systems boost productivity for aircraft and vehicles operating in demanding environments. They are regarded by users as the easiest to use systems in the world. TracMap The robust and reliable systems, suitable for aerial crop application and search and rescue, typically increase productivity 15 to 20 percent. TracMap products include: • TracMap Flight - A GPS guidance system for more effective crop spraying and aerial fertilizing. Designed to fit easily in any aircraft. • TracMap SAR – An aerial search and rescue system that improves the accuracy of search or surveillance patterns over water and featureless terrain, dramatically reducing time and cost of searches. CONTACT DETAILS CAPABILITY TracMap USA, Griffin, GA Phone: +1 888 656 6135 TracMap Flight Colin Brown US cell: +1 626 272 0919 NZ cell: +64 274 333 033 Gerald Harrex NZ cell: +64 275 360 879 NZ Head Office TracMap NZ Ltd 21B Gladstone Road South PO Box 90 Mosgiel 9024 New Zealand • Easy to learn and operate – designed by pilots for pilots. • Light weight 3.3lb (1.5kg) all-inone unit makes installation easy. • Large job capacity. TracMap SAR • Up to 30 percent reduction in successful retrieval time. • Reduced pilot workload. • Improved mission planning. • Flexibility – can use ESRI SHP or Google earth (KML) format.
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