Benefit Branch - 11
Benefit Branch - 11
Benefit Branch - 11 Details of Medical Boards, Peripatetic Medical Boards & Zonal Peripatetic special Medical Board constituted by the Corporation -reg. Sub: - PR Branch may find enclosed list of above Boards with the request to incorporate in the Book/ report likely to be published/issued by them. This has the approval of A.C. (B) Encl: - All Details above ~\ r-- R. S. Srivastava) Joint Director 0ll!J P. R. Branch, Hqrs. Office. UO Note No. R-12/19/1/SMB/Policy98-Bft.1I Dated: - 21.01.2011 Copy to: System Division with the request to upload the enclosed list on website Urgently. \.~/ Joint Director Ull!J F:\All in one\RD\UO Note.doe - o EMPLOYEES STATE INSURANCE PANCHDEEP The details of Medical Medical Boards, constituted with Members by the Corporation Medical Boards & Zonal Peripatetic Special for the purposes of Section 54 & 54-A of ESI Act, and address with Contact Number of concerned Chairman along of the respective authorized to eo-opt/induct BHAWAN: CIG MARG NEW DELHI Boards, Peripatetic 1948, including their jurisdiction CORPORATION Boards are indicated below. The Chairman of the Board are any other Specialist in the Board as Member as per Requirement of the case from the Public/Private Sector Medical Institute (s) within their areas of jurisdictions the concerned specialist is not available in the hospitals mentioned in case in the existing notifications. A. Details of Medical Board S\. No 1. 2. 3. Notification Date No. and Jurisd iction Chairman R-12/19/1/98 - Ins.-II dated 27.08.03 All the areas falling under the cities of Ludhiana, Moga, Sangru, Malerkotla, Giiddarbaha and Abohar R-12/19/1/2001-lns.11 dated 28.11.05 All the areas falling under the state of Karnataka Medical Superintendent ESICModel Hospital Rajaji Nagar, Banga lore-1008023125892 (1) Specialist (Orthopedics) (2) Specialist (Surgery) All the areas falling under the state of Orissa Medical Superintendent ESIC Model Hospital Jilla Sundargarh,Rourkela-4 0661-2512931(T /F) (1) Specialist (Orthopedics) (2) Specialist (Surgery)ESIC Model Hospital Jilla Sundargarh, Rourkela-4 (Orissa) R-12/19/1/2001-lns. Dated. 2.12.05 11 Medical Members Superintendent ESIC Model Hospital, Bharat Nagar, Ludhiana 0161772435/2772436 0161-2774351 (Fax) (1) Specialist (Orthopedics) (2) Specialist (Surgery) ESICModel Hospital, Bharat Nagar, Ludhiana ESICModel Hospital, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore R-12/19/1/2007 -Bft.1I dated February, 2008 I 5. R-12/19/1/2007-Bft-1I dt.20.08.2008 Haryana state namely Hissar, Bhiwani, Rohtak, Bahadurgard, Sonipat, Rai, Gurgaon, Tundanera, Dharauhea & Manasar Bari Brahamana, Jammu, The Board will have the Jurisdiction over areas falling under the Branch offices of the J&K Region Director (Medical) Delhi ESI Hospital, Basaidarapur, New Delhi 01125100664 011- 25460187(F) MS ESIModel Hospital, Bari Brahamana, Jammu. 01923-220302 01923-221105(F) 6. R-12/19/1/2007 -Bft-II Bapu Nagar, Gujarat All the areas falling under the Regional office of Ahmedabad, Gujarat MS ESIModel Hospital, Bapu Nagar/Gujarat 7. R-12/19/1/2010-Bft-1I Dated All the areas falling under the areas of SRO Gurgaon Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital Gurgaon 8 R-12/19/1/2010-Bft-1I Dated All the areas falling R-12/19/1/2010-Bft-1I Dated All the areas falling under the ESI Hospital Paripally (Kollam) MS/Head of Department ESI Model Hospital Kollam MS ESI Hospital, Paripally 9 10 R-12/19/1/2010-Bft-1I Dated under the areas of SRO Kollam All the areas falling under the ESI Hospital Ezhukone (Kollam) (1) Specialist (Orthopedics) (2) Specialist (Surgery) ESICHospital Basaidarapur New Delhi 1. Medical Officer (Orthopedics) 2. Medical Officer (Eye Specialist) 3. Medical Officer (E&T Specialist part time) 4. Specialist (Surgical) 5. Medical Officer (Medical) ESICHospital Bari Brahamana, Jammu. 1. Medical Officer (Orthopedics) 2. Medical Officer (Surgical Spl.) 1. Medical Officer (Orthoped ics) 2. Medical Officer (Surgical Spl.) 1. (Orthopedics) 2. Medical Officer (Surgical Spl.) 1. Medical Officer 2. MS ESIHospital, Ezhukone Medical Officer (Orthopedics) Medical Officer (Surgical Spl.) 1. Medical Officer (Orthopedics) 2. Medical Officer (Surgical) r--------------------~--~--~~~---------- B. Details of Peripatetic Medical Boards SI. Existing Notification No. et Date No. Jurisdiction Chairman l. R-12/19/PMD/1/2001Bft.It Dated 13.7.2006 State(s} of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir & Union Territory of Chandigarh. SSMC/SMC, C/o so. ESt Corporation Panchdeep Bhawan, Block No. 3, Sector19/ A, Madhya Marg,Chandigarh-160020 0172-2542907/01722542892(F} 2. R-12/19/PMD/1/2001Bft.It Dated 13.7.2006 State(s} of Maharashtra and Goa SSMC/SMC, C/o Ra, EStCorporation Panchdeep Bhawan, 108, N.M. Joshi Marg, lower Parel, Mumbai-400013 022-24172232(T /F) 022-22843329 R-12/19/PMD/1/2001Bft.It Dated 13.7.2006 State(s} of Tamil Nadu and Union Territory of Pondicherry, SSMC/SMC, C/o no, ESI Corporation Panchdeep Bhawan, 143, Sterling Road, Chennai-600034 044-28214457{T /F} 4. R-12/19/PMD/1/2001Bft.It Dated 13.7.2006 SSMC/SMC, C/o no. ESICorporation Panchdeep Bhawan, Kolkata033-22364432{T /F} 5. R-12/19/PM D/1/2001Bft.It Dated 13.7.2006 State (s) of West Bengal, Sikkim and North Eastern States, State{s} of Uttar Pradesh & Uttaranchal, 6. R-12/19/PM D/1/2001Bft.It Dated 13.7.2006 State(s} of Orissa, SSMC/SMC, C/o EStCorporation Panchdeep Bhawan, Plot No. C, Janpath Unit No. IX, Bhubaneswar7510070674-2543289{T/F} ! 3. Member/Co-opted Member 1. Surgical Specialist from ESICModel Hospital of the area. 2. Orthopedic Specialist from ESICModel Hospital of the area. ---do--- --do-- SSMCI SMC, C/o RO,ESI Corporation Panchdeep Bhawan, Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur-208005 Ph.05122235061(T /F} ao. --do-- 7. R-12/19/PMD/l/2001Bft.1I Dated 13.7.2006 State(s) Pradesh of Andhra 8. R-12/19/PMD/1/2001Bft.1I Dated 13.7.2006 State(s) of Karnataka, 9. R-12/19/PMD/l/2001Bft.1I Dated 13.7.2006 State of Gujarat 10. 11. R-12/19/PM 0/1/2001Bft.1! Dated 13.7.2006 State(s) of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, R-12/19/PMD/l/2001Bft.1! Dated 13.7.2006 State(s) of Rajasthan, 12. R-12/19/PM 0/1/2001Bft.1! Dated 13.7.2006 State(s) of Kerala SSMC/SMC, C/o RO, ESI Corporation Panchdeep Bhawan, 5-923,Hill Fort Road, Hyderabad500063 040-23237382 (T/F) SSMC/SMC, C/o RO, ESICorporation Panchdeep Bhawan, Binny Fields, Binnypet, Bangalore- 560023 080-26742642 080-26741607(F) --do-- SSMC/SMC, C/o RO, ESICorporation Panchdeep Bhawan, 5-9-ASHRAM MARG, AH EM EDABAD,380014 SSMC/SMC, C/o RO, ESI Corporation Panchdeep Bhawan, Nanda Nagar, Indore-452008 0712-2754557 --do-- --do-- --do-(P) SSMC/SMC, C/o RO, ESICorporation Panchdeep Bhawan, Bhawani Singh Marg, Jaipur-302001 0141-2220743/0141-2222047 SSMC/SMC, C/o RO, ESICorporation Panchdeep Bhawan, North Swaraj Round, Thrissur,- --do-- --do-- 680020 0487-2330424 0487-2338441 (Fax) 13. R-12/19/PM 0/1/2001Bft.1! Dated 13.7.2006 State(s) of Delhi Director (Medical) Delhi ESIScheme, ESI Hospital Complex, Basaidarapur, Ring Road New Delhi-110015 011-25222323(Res.) --do-- 14. 15. R-12/19/PMD/1/2001Bft.1I dated 2008 R-12/19/1/2001-lns.11 dated 16.06.04 State(s) of Bihar & Jharkhand SSMC/SMC, C/o RO, ESI Corporation Panchdeep Bhawan, ESI Hospital Complex, Namkum,Ranchi834010 0651-2260136 0651- 26742642 0651-2261569(F) Areas falling under the cities of Guwahati, Chandrapur, Amingaon Rangia, Dhubri, Jogighopa. Bongaigaon, Naigaon. Hagiroad, Tezpur. Charduar, Shillong and Silchor. Medical Superintendent, ESI Model Hospital Beltola, Assam, 03612361082(T /F) 16. R-12/19/1/2001-lns.11 dated 16.06.04 All the areas falling under the state of Bihar Medical Superintendent ESI Model Hospital Phulwarisharif, Patna 06122556155(T /F) 17. R-12/19/1/2007 -Bft-II dated 22.11.2010 The Board will have the Jurisdiction over areas falling under the Branch Offices of whole Uttrakhand SMC/SSMC, RO ESICUttrakhand. 18. R-12/19/PM B/1/2010Bft-II Dated- --do-- --do-- 1. Specialist (Orthopedics) 2. Specialist (Surgery) ESICModel Hospital Phulwarisharif, Patna 1. Specialist state (Orthopedists) 2. ESIHospital, Noida (U.P.) 3. Specialists (Surgery) The Board will have the Jurisdiction over areas falling under the Branch Offices of Alappuzha & Trivandrum (Kollam) ESI Hospital, Noida (U.P.) 1. Specialist (Orthopedic) ESI Hospital Paripally 2. Specialist Surgical Ezhukone Paripally SMC/SSMC, Alappuzha & Trivandrum C. Details of Zonal Peripatetic Special Medical Boards SI. No. 1. Existing Notification No. et Date Jurisdiction R-12/19/SM B/98-Bft.1I dated 28.06.2002 (North Zone) Delhi, UP, Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan Chairman Member/Co-opted Member Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital-cumOccupational Disease Centre, Basaidarapur, New Delhi 011-25100664 011-25460187(Fax) 1. Senior Research Officer/Deputy Director NIOH, Ahmadabad 2. Chest Specialist ESI Hospital cum Occupational Disease Centre Basaidarapur, New Delhi 1. Senior Research Officer/Deputy Director RIOH, Kolkata 2. Chest Specialist ESI Hospital cum Occupational Disease Centre ThakurPukur, Joka, Dist.24 Pgs. West Bengal ESI Hospital cum Occupational Disease Centre Thakur-Pukur, Joka, Dist. 24 Pgs. West Bengal 1. Senior Research 2. R-12/19/SM B/98-Bft.1I dated 28.06.2002 (East Zone) Kolkata, Orissa, Bihar , Assam, Barrackpore Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital-cumOccupational Disease Centre, Thakur-pukur, Joka Dist.24 Pgs. South, West Bengal, 033-24530042, 033-24672795(F) 3. R-12/19/SM B/98-Bft.1! dated 28.06.2002 (South Zone) Chennai, Kerala, Bangalore, Andhra Pradesh, Coimbatore, Madurai and Hubli Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital-cumOccupational Disease Centre, KK Nagar, Chennai 044-24893714 044-24891094(F) ESI Hospital cum Occupational Disease Centre Basaidarapur, New Delhi Officer/Deputy Director RIOH, Bangalore 2. Chest Specialist ESI Hospital cum Occupational Disease Centre K.K. Nagar, Chennai ESI Hospital cum Occupational Disease Centre K.K. Nagar, Chennai. 4. R-12/19/SM B-98-Bft.1I dated 19.2.2010 (West Zone) Mumbai, Ahmedabad, M.P., Goa, Pune, Nagpur, Thane, Marol, Aurangabad, Surat & Baroda Medical, 1. Senior Research Superintendent, ESI Hospital cumOccupational Disease Centre, Andheri 02228203266(R/F) Officer/Deputy Director NIOH, Ahmedabad 2. Chest Specialist ESI Hospital cum Occupational Disease Centre Chinch bad, Pune. ESI Hospital cum Occupational Disease Centre Chinch bad, Pune.
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