January and February 2015


January and February 2015
Airstreams in
Wally Byam Caravan Club Intl. / Denver Colorado Unit - Region 11 - Unit 24
Volume 53 Issue 1
January/February 2015
by Bob Lauderdale, Unit President
As you enjoy your first DenCO Airstream newsletter of 2015, I wanted to introduce myself and share
some thoughts I have for the Club in the New Year. Before that, perhaps I need to explain the masthead.
As an Airstream moves down the road it creates currents both physical (the kind other brands envy) and
spiritual. The physical is due to the fine aerodynamics designed into our rigs. The spiritual is due, in large
part, to the social interactions we all get from our Club. As we hit the road we all feel the cares of our everyday life falling away and a growing sense of adventure as we contemplate what’s ahead. Currents remind us that the Airstream lifestyle is an active one with a social group that is modern and involved.
My name is Bob Lauderdale and I am honored to serve as your President for 2015. My wife, Jolinda and I
have been married over 37 years, and have been blessed with two children and five grandchildren. I retired from the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office in 2007 after working more than thirty years in law enforcement. After retirement we traveled for a couple of years in a fifth wheel. On our return to Colorado
we sold the fifth wheel and bought a 2006 Classic 30. This was the second Airstream we had owned and
we quickly rejoined the DenCO Airstream Club. I am active in our church and do taxes during the tax season. Jolinda is a retired Registered Nurse. After our return to Colorado, she started her own business as a
During 2015, I would like to see the Club emphasize building stronger relationships among our numerous
members and greater participation in the many Club activities. The Club membership grew in 2014 with
the addition of many new members. Some of the members are first time Airstream owners and some have
been involved in Airstreams for years. Every luncheon and rally presents a chance for more experienced
members to share their knowledge of Airstreaming and for the less-experienced to share their enthusiasm.
This Club has always been about having fun with each other and enjoying the use of rigs. It is my intent
that we continue and improve on that tradition in 2015.
I look forward to seeing you at the March 14th Luncheon at in Colorado Springs. I will be meeting with
the Club Officers prior to the luncheon. If any members have topics they would like considered at that
meeting, please email me at nastudent@gmail.com.
Swearing in: James Gearhart, James Stelzig, Bob & Jolinda Lauderdale, John & Benita Chappell
President’s Gift for Rob Davis
Meet Our 2015 DenCO Unit Officers
Bob Lauderdale
Corresponding Secretary
Jolinda Lauderdale
Immediate Past President
Rob Davis
1st Vice-President
James Gearhart
2nd Vice-President
Elliott Actor
Recording Secretary
Barbara Actor
James Stelzig
Trustee Benita Chappell
Trustee J ohn Chappell
Trustee Susan Campbell
Trustee J ay Guer in
January/February 2015 — 2
OUR NEW UNIT OFFICERS were asked to answer some or all of the questions below. You’ll notice there are a
couple of husband and wife teams serving as officers. That’s just the beginning of the interesting information that
follows. Email additional questions you’d like answered by the officers or even a specific member of the club to
DenCONewsletter@gmail.com and answers will be posted here in future issues.
Bob Lauderdale: J olinda and I originally joined DenCO in 2002 when we bought a 1984 Excella 1000.
We traded the Excella for a fifth wheel in 2007 and were out of the unit until we rejoined in 2009.
James Gearhart: J o Anne and I joined DenCO 10 years ago when we were transitioning into retirement.
Plans changed, however, and we opted to sell our Airstream and build a cabin by a stream in Westcliffe—
our “little log house we’d call our own.” Last June, we realized we missed a different kind of ‘streamin'
and bought another 25’ International and re-joined the DenCO Unit.
Elliot and Barbara Actor: 2011.
James Stelzig: 2012.
Rob Davis: 2002.
Susan Campbell: 2012.
Jay Guerin: 2005.
Benita and John Chappell: 2013.
James Gearhart: I was a Lutheran pastor from 1969 to 2004.
Elliot Actor: After completing 5+ years in the Marine Corps, I finished college and went to work for
IBM, initially in engineering and later in marketing. After retiring from IBM in 1992, I worked in a small
mom and pop hardware store, as a handyman and before fully retiring in 2013, selling residential real estate.
Barbara Actor: I have degrees in tropical horticulture and social work. My professional experience was in
working with children and families in Colorado and Florida.
James Stelzig: After graduation in 1964, I served 5 years in the USAF as a Missile Launch Officer in the
Strategic Air Command and obtained a master’s degree in business administration. I worked in the private
sector for 40+ years in the areas of financial management and accounting.
Rob Davis: I’m a commercial architect.
Susan Campbell: Before retiring, I was a Hewlett-Packard Executive in Human Resources and Manufacturing.
Jay Guerin: Cheri and I are antique peddlers.
Benita and John Chappell: J ohn and I both worked with worldwide medical device companies in the
areas of Leadership, Engineering, Quality Systems & Regulatory Affairs. For the past 15 years we have
had our own consultancy working with start-ups and established medical device companies that need help
in those areas.
Elliot Actor: Hiking, biking, skiing, travelling and, when the weather is nice, riding my motorcycle.
Barbara Actor: Traveling—both local and international, reading, entertaining, playing bridge, gardening,
hiking and skiing—both cross-country and downhill.
James Gearhart: Guitar, drawing, photography and watercolor.
James Stelzig: In addition to camping with our trailer, I enjoy hiking and biking. I’m currently a hiking
leader with the Colorado Mountain Club and lead numerous hikes throughout the year.
Rob Davis: Radio-controlled helicopters, motorcycles, drums and, of course, vintage Airstreams!
Susan Campbell: Golf, hot air balloon pilot, cooking and entertaining at home or in the Airstream. We
also love spending time at our home on Maui a couple of times a year.
Jay Guerin: Hiking and biking. We've also enjoyed re-doing our '64 Bambi II with the help and expertise
of several DenCO vintage club members.
Benita and John Chappell: Airstreaming, our kids/grandkids, agility with our pups, competitive pistol
shooting and ham radio operating (new for Benita).
Continued on Page 7
January/February 2015 — 3
New 2014 DenCO Members
Thomas & Natalie Balchak
Anthony Beckman
Steve Buccino
Chris Castilian & Patty Shaw
John & Benita Chappell
Michael Collins
Richard Cooper
Ken & Christine Dickinson
Francisco Garcia & Ellen Filipiak
James & Jo Anne Gearhart
Steve Hall
Alan & Sheryl Hart
Gary & Kathy Haynes
Fred & Lucette Larkin
Craig Mueller & Vicki Whipple-Mueller
Robert & Lee Roper
Richard & Janet Scheurer
John Stoner & Margo Johnson
DenCO Member Directory Updates:
James Gearhart: His e-mail address should be jamesgearhart@yahoo.com. There is only one “h” in Gearhart.
DenCO Members Annual Photo Contest
DenCO Members Annual Photo Contest is new in 2015. At the 2015 December Luncheon all photo
submissions will be digitally displayed and the winners will be announced. Email photos to DenCONewsletter@gmail.com. Please title your submissions. Limit: 2 entries per member per month. Watch for new
submissions in every newsletter. Below are the January/February entries. Feel free to email comments
about photos you appreciate.
Dawn of A New Day by James Gearhart
Sun Behind the Clouds by Ernie Nitka
Moon Over the Flying Cloud by Ernie Nitka
January/February 2015 — 4
Product of Interest:
The Red Camper “Camping Journal”
This will be the inaugural column showcasing “Products of Interest” to Airstream members. Product recommendations can be emailed to DenCONewsletter@gmail.com. Describe the product, where to purchase it and why
you think it’s useful and/or what purpose it serves.
This month I'd like to feature a decidedly low-tech product called the “Camping Journal" brought to us by RedCamper.com. They are a local company specializing in printed material such as journals, postcards, calendars and
also picnic supplies. I suggest everyone take a look at their website and you will
immediately see why it was picked
as our first product of the year.
I specifically wanted to highlight
tech product in this day and age of
tween. But many of us of a certain
piece of paper. Short of it getting
up or protected from electromagnet-
their “Camping Journal, "which is a very lowsmart phones, laptops and everything in begeneration don’t mind using pen or pencil on a
wet or set on fire, it doesn't need to be backed
ic radiation!
On the first page the reader is greetwant to confer with repeatedly. The
Bring" category, which includes a
for people to add their own recipes
is a camp log indicating a place to
campsite. They even include a map
your own, which is probably best
ed with checklists which we all need and will
journal is filled with humor such as the "Don't
“bad attitude” or “a jackass.” There is a section
or one they've stolen from their neighbor. There
put down your observations on that particular
of the constellations and the chance to make up
done after the first adult beverage.
While I don't really know what are editorial policies for recommendations, I can assure the readers that I was not
bought-off to showcase Red Camper products. I purchased a journal not realizing that it was going to be featured in
the newsletter. I've tried their jams and jellies and found them to be excellent and feel comfortable saying that the
“Camping Journal” will also be well used.
Please support our advertisers
The products and claims of advertisers are their own and do not
represent endorsement by the Denver Colorado Unit or the WBCCI.
Luke’s Maintenance &
Repair Company
Trailer Repair
(970) 222-4065
Specializing in Axle
Replacement and ZipDee Awnings
Sales * Service * Parts * Financing
We specialize in Airstream repair, bodywork & consignment sales
Now two locations to serve you better!
Other services Available
Owner- Luke Bernander, WBCCI#1-1965
11225 W. 6th Avenue, Lakewood, CO 80215
10571 W. I-25 Frontage Rd., Longmont, CO 80504
( Frontage RD on west side of I-25.)
FAX 303-532-2417
us on
January/February 2015 — 5
by James Gearhart
A few days following President Perryman’s passionate
RallyCall at Gillette last summer I thanked him for his
speech and I told him that as a first-timer, I very much
appreciated his point of view. I shared with him that my
wife and I had just come back from an African Safari,
which had begun in Johannesburg where the following
African proverb had been very prominently displayed at
the airport on a huge wall that was viewable from a long
escalator ride down to the departure gates:
WANT TO GO FAR, GO TOGETHER.” I suggested to him that that old proverb might be another way
of not only capturing the original vision of Wally Byam, but also a way of stating what I had heard to be
his personal vision for our organization. The proverb also conveys the point of view I bring to my role in
the DenCO Unit.
Even though this year’s excellent calendar of happenings is now underway, as your First VP, I’m tasked
with the responsibility of thinking beyond the box and into 2016 and scheduling our next annual calendar
of events. And because the operative word in the African proverb is “together,” I’m thinking that given
my/our present age demographics, it’s no longer a goal necessarily “to go far” but it is increasingly important to “go together.” And despite the familiar apothem, “Not all who wander are lost,” neither am I
interested in just wandering.
I really like the Airstream directive to “LIVE RIVETED.“ So now, doesn’t “living riveted” also become an
operative word to describe our life together? When a musician or an actor or an athlete gets something just
right, people used to say they’d “nailed it.” Now I think that I’d say that they’d “riveted it.” As we think
and act together toward a LIVING RIVETED 2016 CALENDAR, I have a suggestion to get started in that
direction. It’s not original… I’d overheard that some WBBCI unit somewhere in the country regularly
does “flash rallies.” It evidently goes something like this: a date and time is set to gather at a particular
venue for a short period of time and to be together for just one particular focus.
I’d like to try some “flash rallies” or mini-caravans in 2015 as trial runs for 2016 gatherings. For example,
there’s this event (that’s not already on the calendar) that I know about that I’d really like to “rivet” my at-
tention on (a bird migration, a house concert, a 5280 magazine upcoming event, a favorite out-of-the-way camp site,
etc.) and I could go alone, but I’d like to go with some other ‘streamers,’ so I’ll put it out there, and we’ll just do it,
even if there might be just a couple of us. For starters: YOU who are interested would need to send me your e-mails
and we’ll see if we can “rivet” this plan. Email: jamesgearhart@yahoo.com.
Monte Verde RV Park & Campground
Angel Fire, New Mexico
Farmington, New Mexico
June 26 to July 4, 2015
WBCCI Member Discounts
50% per night
Some blackout dates may apply
Located 23 miles (up!) from historic Taos
Loads of local sights, events & activities
Open May thru October & during ski season
(575) 377-3404
Lynn & Maria Eubank (WBCCI #21 043)
PP’s Clean Joke of the Month
What happens to a frog's car when it
breaks down? It gets toad away.
Email Clean Jokes to DenCONewsletter@gmail.com
January/February 2015 — 6
Continued from Page 3
Bob Lauderdale: My tip for getting the most pleasure out of your Airstream is to use it every chance
you get. I talk to so many people who have their rig and plan to use their rig but don't actually get out and
go places. Airstreams are built to travel and so are we; so hit the road whenever you can!
James Stelzig: Immerse yourself in the Airstream family.
Susan Campbell: One of the keys to our success and enjoyment has been to carefully and thoughtfully
organize the contents of the Airstream. It’s challenging with those curved sides in a vintage trailer. When
we first bought it, we parked our trailer outside of the Container Store one day. We purchased (and then
returned) tons of containers as we tried them in each cabinet and drawer until we found the ones that
worked best. It was worth the effort!
Benita and John Chappell: Enjoy the great moments outdoors with family and friends and have a plan
(so you do not end up in a Walmart parking lot).
Jay Guerin: My number one tip is to realize that a lot of mechanical problems are attributable to “operator
error.” For example, when a refrigerator wouldn't work I checked everything I had done to it lately and
found when I had vacuumed out the back of it, I had pulled a loose hot wire from it's fitting. This year
while de-winterizing, the water pump wouldn't come on. This time I had incorrectly set one of the hot water heater bypass valves.
John Chappell: F ollow the maintenance plans in the Owner’s Manual.
James Gearhart: We took delivery of our Airstream the day before we caravanned with Bob and J olinda Lauderdale to Gillette for our first WBCCI International Rally.
Barbara Actor: I have to say our favorite travel companion is our parrot, Peanut. Or maybe I should
say we are his favorite travel companions, as he loves the car and trailer and being on the road. (Story to
follow….) Also, we’ve enjoyed many great trips with fellow Airstreamers: the Stelzigs, Harnagels and
Sullivans—who spent a month with us in Washington and Oregon last summer.
Bob Lauderdale: Shortly after we bought our 1984 Excella 1000, we left Colorado in a snowstorm and traveled
to Yuma, AZ, where it was in the 70’s. From there we
went to San Diego and stayed in Romona, CA. We used
that as a base to see other sites in southern California and
had a great time. Nothing beats waking up one day in the
snow and the next in a warmer climate.
Barbara Actor: My all time favorite Airstream trip was in
2011 to Glacier National Park and in Canada: Banff, Lake
Louise and (the Icefields in) Jasper National Parks. Great
scenery, biking and hiking, plus, I enjoyed the unexpected
Okanagan Valley with orchards and award-winning wines.
James Stelzig: In addition to attending numerous Airstream rallies, we have toured the Oregon coast with our
trailer and camped in various state parks in Colorado. Our
favorite camping spot is Sylvan Lake State Park outside
Eagle, Colorado.
Benita and John Chappell: The rallies at Alma and
Grand Lake stand out. We also really enjoyed spending
time in Colter Bay in the Grand Tetons. It’s a spectacular area.
Phyllis Bishop and Jolinda Lauderdale
Continued on Page 8
January/February 2015 — 7
Continued from Page 7
Elliot Actor: Last year we completed the main trip that was on my Airstream bucket list, which was
to tour the coasts of Oregon and Washington. This was an amazing trip and I recommend it to all of
the members.
James Gearhart: J o Anne and I will be doing an Overseas Adventure Travel trip in April:
“Crossroad of the Adriatic.”
Rob Davis: We’re looking forward to a long trip to New England during Fall colors.
Susan Campbell: After my husband, Von, retires this month, we’re heading to Casa Grande, Arizona
to an RV golf resort. We’re viewing this adventure as an exploratory expedition to see if we’d like to
spend part of the winter in the Airstream in Arizona.
Benita and John Chappell: Touring Alaska for 2-3 months is on our bucket list.
Elliott Actor: We bought our first trailer, a 23’ toy hauler in 2007 and upgraded to an Airstream 28’
Safari LS Slide-Out in 2011.
James Stelzig: Our first trailer was a pop-up camper that we used in Arizona. Then we purchased a
small Fun Finder trailer and later traded that in for a 27’ Joey Nomad, known among fellow Airstream
owners as “some other brand” or “SOB.” In the summer of 2012, Elliot and Barbara Actor invited us
and our SOB to the joint Airstream rally in Nebraska. We had such a great time at the rally that by October, we traded in our SOB, purchased a new Airstream Flying Cloud and joined DenCO Unit.
Jay Guerin: Our first Airstream was a 1999 28' Safari purchased in 2000. We wintered in that and
a 2005 Bambi in Texas. In 2007 we got a new 23' Safari and followed that with a 2010 Flying Cloud
25’ FB, which we hope is the last…except for the '64 Bambi II.
Benita and John Chappell: We purchased a 2014 Airstream 27’ FB. Then we went to Gillette to
the International Rally and saw the 2015 31’ Classic. We fell madly in love, drove it home and have
spent about 80 nights in it since.
Ed Kammerer, Bobbie Tilmant, Janell Prussman, JoAnne Jefferies
Todd Ingbretsen, Jim Cooper and Rob Davis
January/February 2015 — 8
March DenCO Luncheon
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Social Hour: 11:30am-12noon
Luncheon: 12noon-1:30pm
Carl & Marlene Russell
Amanda’s Fonda Restaurant
8050 N. Academy Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Meet your fellow DenCO members for our March luncheon at Amanda’s Fonda Restaurant in Colorado Springs,
Colorado. Amanda’s Fonda Restaurant is consistently one of the best-rated Mexican restaurants in Colorado Springs.
The restaurant is also close to the South Gate of the Air Force Academy, where we have arranged for a tour of the
Academy Chapel immediately following our lunch at 1:30pm.
For lunch, we have arranged a Taco and Fajita Buffet with all the traditional accompaniments, beverages including soft drinks, coffee and tea, and Amanda’s bunacetas for dessert.
We will be dining in the restaurant’s glassed-in, heated back patio.
According to the Academy’s website, the Cadet Chapel is the most popular man-made attraction in Colorado, and it attracts more than a half million visitors each year. Construction on
the aluminum, glass and steel chapel began in August, 1959 and the chapel was completed in
1963. The chapel’s 17 spires can easily be seen from Interstate 25. Worship services at the
chapel are open to the public.
DIRECTIONS: Fr om I-25, take exit 150 for N. Academy Boulevard/S. Gate Blvd. Head east on N. Academy
Blvd./S. Gate Blvd. Go through the intersection at Kelly Johnson Boulevard; the restaurant will be on the right, just
past the Wendy’s Restaurant.
March Luncheon: RSVP by March 7, 2015. Cost is $20.00 per person, which includes the Mexican buffet, beverage, dessert,
and tax and gratuity. Cash Bar available.
Name(s) ____________________________________________
E-mail Address________________________
Number of people for Air Force Chapel Tour___________________________________
Number of people x $20.00 = $________ Make Check Payable to: Denver Co Unit—WBCCI
Send to Hosts, Carl & Marlene Russell, 2430 Linenhall Court, Colorado Springs, CO 80920; Phone 719-531-9282; E-mail:
January/February 2015 — 9
WBCCI Denver CO Unit
4210 Brentwood Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
2015 DenCO Unit Events ~ Airstreams in Colorful Colorado
March 14
Luncheon at Amanda’s Fonda Restaurant, Hosts: Carl & Marlene Russell
Colorado Springs, CO
April 18
Luncheon at Rendezvous Restaurant at Heather Gardens, Hosts: Forrest & Patrice
Aurora, CO
May 14-17
Maintenance Rally at Colorado Heights Campground, Hosts: Rob & Shari Davis;
Bob & Jolinda Lauderdale
Monument, CO
June 11-14
Rally at Arrowhead Point Resort, Hosts: Tom & Judy Bowers; CJ & Miriam Hahn
Buena Vista, CO
June 26-July 4
58th Annual WBCCI International Rally
Farmington, NM
July 2-12
Shakespeare in the Park/Bluegrass Festival Rally, Hosts: Jim & Joanne Gearhart;
Don & Phyllis Bishop; Rich & Helen Nortnik
Westcliffe, CO
August 6-9
Sculpture in the Park Rally, Hosts: Von & Susan Campbell; Elliot & Barbara Actor Loveland, CO
Sept. 10-13
Old Threshers Days Special Events Rally, Hosts: Dee Walker; Gerald & Joanne
Yuma, CO
Sept. 23-27
Region 11 Rally at Golden Eagle RV Park
Eagles Nest, NM
Oct. 10
Annual Membership & Unit Elections Meeting & Luncheon, Rendezvous Tap &
Kitchen, Hosts: Rob & Shari Davis
Evergreen, CO
Nov. 14
Luncheon at Colorado Plus Brew Pub & Taphouse, Hosts: Tom & Patti Reed;
Todd Ingbretsen
Wheat Ridge, CO
Dec. 5
Holiday Luncheon & Officer Installation, Ptarmigan Country Club, Hosts: Von &
Susan Campbell; Jim & Rhonda Cooper
Windsor, CO