Band Saw Blades - DoAll Sawing Products
Band Saw Blades - DoAll Sawing Products
Band Saw Blades Bi-Metal & Carbide Blades for Metal Cutting Applications Solutions For ALL Your Sawing Needs | (888) 362=5572 | Ordering the Right Blade The part number you will use in ordering is a combination of the catalog number and six more digits that represent the band length to three decimal places. The following examples would be used to order blade 303 133 in various band lengths: • 180 inches: 303 133180.000 • 132-1/2 inches: 303 133132.500 • 93-1/4 inches: 303 133093.250 Selecting the Optimum Blade Pitch For best results a minimum of 3 teeth and maximum of 24 teeth should be in contact with the workpiece at any given time. Determining the proper pitch is based on the length of this contact. For solids, this length is determined by measuring the diameter of a round or the side of a rectangle. For tubing, use two to three times the wall thickness. For structurals, use the contact length through most of the cut. Find this length in the appropriate table below. • The primary pitch recommendation is in the thicker section directly above or below that length. • The secondary recommendation is in the thinner section. Example: To cut 5-inch work using a bi-metal blade, 3-4 pitch is the primary recommendation. 2-3 pitch is the secondary recommendation. Bi-Metal Blades Millimeters 10-14 0 8-12 Inches 25 50 5-8 6-10 75 2 25 50 125 150 3-4 4-6 1 100 3 4 175 200 250 500 1.5-2 2-3 5 6 7 8 125 150 175 200 9 10 750 1000 1-1.5 15 20 25 30 35 40 Tungsten Carbide Blades Millimeters 75 100 3-4 0 Inches 1 2 3 250 1.3-2 2-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 500 750 1000 0.7-1 10 15 20 25 30 35 Note: These pitch recommendations are based on typical applications. For more detailed recommendations, contact DoALL’s Solutions and Applications Manager (SAM) at 888-362-5572 or 40 Blade Break-in Procedure Always break in a new band saw blade. The blade break-in procedure dresses and strengthens new, ultra-sharp teeth. Proper break-in can increase band life by 25 to 50 percent. Breaking in the blade • Saw at the recommended band speed. • Cut at 1/2 the normal feed rate. (Cuts should take twice as long). • Cut for 20 minutes (40 minutes for DoALL Powder Metal blades), then increase feed force in steps until you attain the normal cutting rate. To ensure penetration in very tough and work-hardening materials, you will need to apply more feed force and cut at a faster rate than described above. Sawing after break-in After break-in, as the blade gradually dulls, you will need to periodically increase the feed force to maintain cutting rate. When the blade is too dull and the feed force too high, excessive band deflection will cause the blade to cut out of square. Chip Analysis Chip Form Condition Thick, Hard & Short Thick, Hard & Brittle Thick, Hard & Springy Thin, Hard & Springy Thin, Curly & Springy Color Blue or Brown Blue or Brown Silver or Light Straw Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Band Reduce Reduce OK Speed Reduce Slightly OK OK Reduce OK Feed Reduce Reduce Rate Increase Slightly OK Increase Increase Reduce Other Check Cutting Fluid & Mix Ratio Reduce Slightly Check Check For Cutting Fluid Correct & Mix Ratio Blade Pitch Thin, Straight & Powdery Springy Check For Correct Blade Pitch Thin, Tightly Curled Use A Coarser Pitch Blade CARBI BI-METAL SOLUTIONS F Bi-Metal Matrix GP BI-METAL CARBIDE Economical blade for general purpose sawing Features - Matrix HSS, neutral rake tooth Benefits - Tough, strong tooth tolerates abuse Applications - Small solids, Thin wall tubing Single & Multi Pitch Inch Gage 1 0.035 1-1/4 0.042 3-4 302 961 CARBIDE BI-METAL 5-8 Width Gage 302 951 302 952 27 0.9 34 1.1 Silencer GP Features - M42 HSS, neutral rake tooth Benefits - Strong, wear-resistant tooth stays sharp longer Applications - Small solids, Thin wall tubing Single & Multi Pitch Inch Gage 1/4 0.035 3/8 0.035 4-6 5-8 6 6-10 8-12 303 011 0.025 0.035 0.035 1 0.035 303 900 0.042 303 902/ 303 099 303 410 10-14 14 18 Width Gage 303 010 6 0.9 303 014 10 0.9 303-935 303 133 303-936 303 028 303 182 303 905/ 303 475 303 415 303 300 303 420 19 0.9 303 901 303 400 303 769 27 0.9 303 539 303 562 303 600 34 1.1 303 020 303 019 303 026 0.6 303-933 303-934 303-932 3/4 1-1/4 Metric Teeth per Inch Width 1/2 13 0.9 Wide set precision teeth provide greater back clearance Silencer Plus Premium blade for multi-purpose sawing CARBIDE 4-6 302 962 Premium blade for general purpose sawing I-METAL Metric Teeth per Inch Width Features - M42 HSS, positive rake tooth Benefits - Aggressive yet strip resistant, multi-purpose blade Applications - Solids, Structurals, Tubing, Bundles Single & Multi Pitch Inch Width Gage 1/4 0.035 1/2 0.035 3/4 0.035 333 146 1 0.035 333 223 333 234 333 246 1-1/4 0.042 333 323 333 334 333 346 1-1/2 0.050 333 423 333 434 0.050 336 523 336 534 0.063 333 523 333 534 333 546 2 Claw tooth Metric Teeth per Inch 2-3 3 3-4 4-6 5-8 6 Width 333 046 6 0.9 333 026 13 0.9 333 158 19 0.9 333 258 27 0.9 333 358 34 1.1 333 446 333 458 41 1.3 336 546 336 558 333 023 333 103 54 Gage 1.3 1.6 FOR ALL YOUR StructurALL Premium blade for sawing structurals, tubing and angles Features - M42 HSS, positive rake, wide set tooth Benefits - Controlled, quiet sawing of non-solid materials, Tooth resists stripping in structurals Applications - Structurals, Tubing, Angles Single & Multi Pitch Inch Metric Teeth per Inch Width Gage 3-4 4-6 5-8 Width Gage 1 0.035 320 234 320 246 320 258 27 0.9 1-1/4 0.042 320 334 320 346 320 358 34 1.1 1-1/2 0.050 320 423 320 434 320 446 320 458 41 0.050 340 523 340 534 340 546 0.063 320 523 320 534 320 546 0.063 320 623 320 634 320 646 2 2-5/8 2-3 1.3 1.3 54 1.6 67 1.6 Wide set precision teeth provide greater back clearance to minimize binding in the cut Penetrator Premium blade for high-production sawing Features - M42 HSS, extreme positive rake tooth Benefits - Greater penetration with reduced feed force Applications - Solids, Heavy wall tubing Single & Multi Pitch Inch Metric Teeth per Inch Width Gage 1 0.035 0.8-1.2 1-1/4 0.042 1-1/2 0.050 2 0.063 2-5/8 0.063 301 183 3.15 0.063 301 430 1-1.3 1-1.5 1.3 1.5-2 301 594 301 611 2 301 842 2-3 3-4 4-6 5-8 Width 301 423 301 598 301 615 301 656 27 0.9 301 689 301 739 301 748 301 789 34 1.1 1.3 301 880 301 879 301 887 301 375 41 301 071 301 070 301 069 301 085 301 384 54 1.6 301 185 301 186 301 184 67 1.6 80 1.6 301 433 Claw tooth Sawing Questions? ASK "SAM" MADE IN THE U.S.A Gage DoALL's Solutions & Applications Manager SAM Hotline: 888-362-5572 S AW I N G N E E D S Deno tes New Prod ucts Avail able ! Supreme Ultra premium blade for high-production sawing in the toughest materials Features - Powder metal, extreme positive rake tooth with unique tooth pattern Benefits - Ensures penetration, Longer tool life, High cutting rates Applications - Solids, Heavy wall tubing, including Nickel based alloys, Titanium, Tool steels, Stainless steels Multi Pitch Inch Metric Teeth per Inch Width Gage 1 0.035 1-1/4 0.042 1-1/2 0.050 2 0.063 0.8-1.2 381 581 1-1.3 3-4 4-6 5-8 Width Gage 381 234 381 246 381 258 27 0.9 381 323 381 334 381 346 381 358 34 1.1 381 412 381 423 381 434 381 446 381 511 381 512 381 523 381 612 2-5/8 0.063 381 681 381 611 3.15 0.063 381 781 381 711 Coated Extends the life of selected bi-metal blades TiN Coated Supreme Blades 1.5-2 2-3 41 1.3 54 1.6 67 1.6 80 1.6 Features - Titanium nitride coating Benefits - Provides longer blade life, Improved wear resistance Single & Multi Pitch Inch Metric Teeth per Inch Width Gage 1 0.035 2-3 1-1/4 0.042 319 656 1-1/2 0.050 319 809 3-4 4-6 Width Gage 319 634 319 635 27 0.9 319 658 34 1.1 319 814 41 1.3 TiN Coated Penetrator Blades Single & Multi Pitch Inch Metric Teeth per Inch Width Gage 1 0.035 1-1/4 0.042 1-1/2 0.050 2 0.063 2-3 319 558 3-4 4-6 Width Gage 319 598 319 615 27 0.9 319 533 319 567 34 1.1 41 1.3 54 1.6 319 375 319 640 319 327 319 319 BI-METAL S CARBIDE Carbide Set Tooth Carbide-tipped set tooth design for sawing abrasive materials such as aluminum castings and composites Single Pitch Inch Metric Teeth per Inch Gage 2.5 Width Gage 3/8 0.025 305 015* 10 0.6 1/2 0.025 305 020* 13 0.6 3/4 0.035 305 025* 19 0.9 1 0.035 305 045* 27 0.9 1-1/4 0.042 305 326** 305 323 34 1.1 1-1/2 0.050 305 375** 305 423 41 1.3 2 0.063 305 523 54 1.6 * Straight Set | 2-3 ** Raker Set Triple Chip Carbide-tipped triple chip design for sawing the toughest metals Superalloys, Nickel based alloys, Titanium, Tool steels, Stainless steels Single & Multi Pitch Inch Metric Teeth per Inch Width Gage 3/4 0.035 0.7-1 326 025 19 0.9 1 0.035 326 035 27 0.9 0.042 0.050 2 0.063 328 571 2-5/8 0.063 3.15 0.063 328 671 328 771/ 329 771 328 773 2-3 328 431 328 532/ 329 532 Wide set precision teeth provide greater back clearance 3 3-4 Gage 328 323 326 045 328 334 34 1.1 328 422 326 074 328 434 41 1.3 328 523 | Width 54 1.6 67 1.6 80 1.6 Available in TiN Coating Wave-Length (for enhanced penetration) Single & Multi Pitch Inch Metric Teeth per Inch Gage 1-1/4 0.042 1.3-2 1-1/2 0.050 327 431 2 0.063 327 532 2-3 3-4 Width 327 334 34 Gage 1.1 327 422 41 1.3 327 523 54 1.6 Negative Rake (for cased hardened materials) Single & Multi Pitch Inch Metric Teeth per Inch Width Gage 3-4 Width Gage 1-1/4 0.042 331 334 34 1.1 1-1/2 0.050 331 434 41 1.3 BI-METAL Width CARBIDE 1-1/4 1-1/2 1.3-2 BI-METAL Production Features - Tungsten carbide tooth, Triple chip tooth design, Positive rake tooth Benefits - Most heat and wear resistant blade tooth, Smooth finish, Aggressive sawing Applications - Solids, Heavy wall tubing, including CARBIDE Width BI-METAL Features - Tungsten carbide tooth, Set tooth design, Positive rake tooth Benefits - Withstands rapid tool wear caused by fast cutting, highly abrasive materials Applications - Abrasive materials that rapidly dull carbon and bi-metal blades, CARB THERE’S NOTHING WE CAN'T CUT... W ith more styles and sizes of saw blades available, DoALL Sawing Products can provide you with the best blade for your sawing application. Our selection of bimetal blades, tungsten carbide tipped blades, carbon steel blades and knife edge blades, plus tungsten and diamond grit edge blades, gives you the widest choice available. So no matter if you’re cutting solids or structurals, mild steels or exotic alloys, silicon, glass, wood, plastic or foam, there’s a DoALL band saw blade that’s just right for you. To help you find that best blade call "SAM", DoALL’s Solutions & Applications Manager. Backed by DoALL Sawing Products’ almost 75 years sawing experience, we can answer all of your sawing questions. In addition to helping you find the best blade, we can help you select the right cutting fluid, recommend the proper feeds and speeds, and help you select the best machine for the job. Contact the “SAM” Hotline at 888-362-5572 or online at Printed in U.S.A. 7/11 DPD000076 ©2011 DoALL Sawing Products Specifications subject to change without notice or obligation. Photos may show optional equipment.