Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant (approx. 5.67MB)
Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant (approx. 5.67MB)
ROKKASHO REPROCESSING PLANT JAPAN NUCLEAR FUEL LIMITED Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant is first commercial plant in Japan,adopting the technology developed on the basis of more than 40years of operation results in both France and United Kingdom, as well as operating experience gained by Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). C o n t en t s Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ ■1 Ⅰ Outline of the Plant Schedule Mar. 1989:Applied license for the reprocessing business Dec. 1992:Approval was granted on the reprocessing business Apr. 1993:Staeted construction The first half of FY2018:Commissioning 18t 2007 ● Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant 2■ Ⅱ Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Reprocessing Plants in the World 3 5 3 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Refining Plant Uranium Mine Conversion Plant Uranium Hexafluoride Recovered Uranium Uranium Enrichment Plant Reprocessing Plant Enriched Uranium Hexafluoride Vitrified Waste Storage Center Recovered Uranium and Plutonium Uranium Dioxide MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant Spent Fuel Reconversion Plant Uranium Dioxide High Level Radioactive Waste Recycle Fuel Stock Center MOX Fuel Fuel Assembly Spent Fuel Underground Storage Facility Nuclear Power Plant Low Level Radioactive Waste ■3 Fabrication Plant Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Center 5 The Composition of Uranium Fuel for Light Water Reacter and MOX Fuel Uranium Ore U-235 approx. 0.7% Uranium Fuel (Before Irradiation) U-235 3∼5% Uranium Fuel (After Irradiation) MOX Fuel U-235 approx. 1% Plutonium approx. 1% Plutonium 4∼9% Fission Products approx. 3% U-238 U-238 U-238 approx. 95% U-238,etc. 4■ Ⅲ Reprocessing Plant Process Outline Receiving and Storage Cask Shearing and D Cask Spent Fuel Cladding Tubes, etc. To be Placed in Containe in the Storage Facility ■5 Dissolving ers and Stored Separation Purification Purification of Uranium Separation of FP Denitcation Storage of Products Uranium Oxide Products Separation of Uranium and Plutonium To be Vitrified and Stored Purification of Plutonium Specifications of Spent Fuel to be Reprocessed Uranium-Plutonium Mixed Oxide Products Uranium Plutonium Fission Products(FP) (High Level Radioactive Waste) Metal Pieces, such as Cladding Tubes 6■ Receiving and Storage of Spent Fuel ■7 Specification 8■ Shearing and Dissolution From the Spent Fuel Receiving and Storage Process Main Equipmemts ■9 Shearing-Blade Drive Cylinder Main Fuel-Holder Drive Cylinder Shearing-Blade Holder uxiliary Fuei-Holder Drive Cylinder Lid Body Fuel Feeder End Piece Outlet Hopper (To End Piece Chute) Sheared Fuel Pieces Outlet(To Sheared Fuel Pieces Chute) Magazine Spent Fuel Assembly Fuel Inlet Outline of Shearing Machine 10 ■ Separation Nitric Acid (HNO 3 ) Nitric Acid (HNO 3 ) Nitric Acid (HNO 3 ) Nitric Acid (HNO 3 ) Nitric Acid (HNO 3 ) Diluent (normaldodecane) Diluent (normaldodecane) Diluent(normaldodecane) Diluent (normaldodecane) Main Equipments Separation Facility extracts "uranium and plutonium" from the dissolved solution sent from the dissolution process. And the second Facility separates "uranium" and "plutonium". normaldodecane normaldodecane ■ 11 Neutron Absorber(Boron-iaced Concrete) Water Phase (Nitric Acid Solution) Inlet 12 ■ Purification Diluent(normaldodecane) Diluent(normaldodecane) Diluent(normaldodecane) From the Uranium-plutonium Co-denitration Facility Diluent (normaldodecane) ■ 13 Main Equipments As a result, impurities in the organic solvent containing plutonium will be rebuced. normaldodecane 14 ■ Denitration and Product Storage Seal Vessel 主 な 仕 様 ■ 15 Off Gas Outlet Blowback Air Inlet Candle Filter * :Fluidized-bed is a state in which particles behave as liquid, when small particles filled in a container are blown with gas from the bottom (UO3 particles in the case of Uranium Denitration Facility). For microwave heating, the same frequency is used as microwave oven for home use. Microwave Generator Body Microwave Leader Seed Powder Inlet Body Electric Heater Spray Nozzle Mixed Solution UO3 Powder Outlet Denitration Dish Molten Salt Outlet Internal Heater Tubes Molten Salt Inlet Fluidizing Ari Inlet Underflow Nozzle Turn-Table Outline of the Denitration Column In the Denitration Column that is installed in the Uranium Denitration Facility, air is supplied from the lower part of the column to form the fluidized bed of the UO3 powder. The uranyl nitrate solution is sprayed into this fluidized bed from spray nozzles with air, and electric heaters thermally decompose the solution at approximately 300℃ . Outline of the Denitrator In the Denitrator that is installed in the Uraniumplutonium Co-denitration Facility, the mixed solution of the plutonium nitrate solution and the uranyl nitrate solution is surprised into the Denitration Dish, then concentrated and denitrated by microwave. 16 ■ Recovery of Acid and Solvent Recovered Nitric Acid(To be Reused) No.2 Acid Recovery System Recovered Solvent (To be Reused) normaldodecane Main Equipments ■ 17 To the Separation Process, Purification Process,etc. Gaseous Waste From the Shearing Machine, Dissolver,lodine Desorder,etc. From the Plutonium Concentraton Feed Vessel, etc. in the Purification Process 1st Oxidation Columu,etc. in the Purification Process NOx Scrubbing Column Heater, Iodine Filter,etc. To the Main Stack Main Equipments Shearing Off Gas and Dissolution Off Gas Treatment Facility HEPA Filter : 6 sets(composed of 2 stages) Particle elimination efficiency : more than 99.9%(0.3μmDOP particle)/stage Iodine Filter : 12 sets(composed of 2 stages) Iodine elimination efficiency : more than 99.6% Vessel Off Gas Treatment Facility HEPA Filter Particle elimination efficiency : more than 99.9%(0.3μmDOP particle)/stage Iodine Filter Iodine elimination efficiency : more than 90% HALW Vitrification Off Gas Treatment Facility HEPA Filter Column type : 4 sets(composed of 2 stages) Box type : 2 sets Particle elimination efficiency : more than 99.9%(0.3μmDOP particle)/stage Iodine Filter : 2 sets Iodine elimination efficiency : more than 90% 18 ■ Liquid Waste (Low Active Liquid Waste (LALW)) Concentrated LALW Storage Vessel Main Equipments ■ 19 Liquid Waste (High Active Liquid Waste (HALW)) Main Equipments 20 ■ Solid Waste ■ 21 Glass Material inlet HALW inlet Off Gas outlet In the Virtification Melter, electric Casing current passes directly through the glass by using electrode installed in the furnace, and it melts by the Molten Glass Electrode generating heat of Joule. The molten glass in a Vitrification Melter is Firebrick Heating Coil Air Nozzle Flow down Nozzle Flow down Glass Off Gas outlet Combination System Canister Solidified Glass Vitrification Cell Transfer Cart poured into the canister by heating the flow-down nozzle located at the lower part of casing. Palette Weidht Monitor Outline of Vitrification Melter 22 ■ Central Control Room Analysis Facility ■ 23 Ⅳ Safety Measures trays. Schem of Multiple Protection against Leakage 24 ■ ■ 25 Ⅴ Center For Research & Development 26 ■ JAPAN NUCLEAR FUEL LIMITED Reprocessing Business Division 4-108 Okitsuke, Oaza Obuchi, Rokkasho-mura, Kamikita-gun, Aomori TEL 0175712000 Enrichment Business Division, Radioactive Waste Diposal Business Division 504-22 Noduki, Oaza Obuchi, Rokkasho-mura, Kamikita-gun, Aomori TEL 0175723311 Aomori General Office Daiichi Seimei Building 1-2-15 Houcho, Aomori City, Aomori TEL 0177737171 Tokyo Branch Office Hibiya Kokusai Building, 2-2-3 Uchsaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo TEL 0363715800 U R L h t t p : // w w w. j n fl . c o . j p / 2014. 10