horeca - Truebell
horeca - Truebell
HORECA Cubetas de policarbonato Bacs aux polycarbonate Clear food box of polycarbonate 6x Tapa hermética Couvercle hermétique Airtight lid ref. 09852 176 x 162 x 22 mm ref. 09796 / 1,1L 176 x 162 x h 65 mm ref. 09797 / 1,5L 176 x 162 x h 100 mm ref. 09798 / 2,15L 176 x 162 x h 150 mm ref. 09781 ref. 09782 ref. 09783 GN 1/6 6x 6x Tapa hermética Couvercle hermétique Airtight lid ref. 09816 / 1,8L 265x162xh 65 mm ref. 09853 265 x 162 x 22 mm ref. 09817 / 2,8L 265 x 162 x 100 mm ref. 09767 ref. 09818 / 4,3L 265 x162 x h150 mm ref. 09769 ref. 09768 GN 1/4 6x 6x Tapa hermética Couvercle hermétique Airtight lid ref. 09808 / 2,5L 325 x 176 x h 65 mm ref. 09854 325 x 176 x 22 mm ref. 09819 / 4L 325 x 176 x 100 mm ref. 09770 ref. 09821 / 3,8L 325 x 265 x h 65 mm ref. 09823/ 9,5L 325 x 265 x 150 mm ref. 09774 ref. 09775 7 5 PC ref. 09831 / 6,7L 325 x 176 x h 200 mm ref. 09772 ref. 09786 ref. 09771 ref.09822 / 6L 325 x 265 x h 100 mm ref. 09773 ref. 09820 / 6L 325 x 176 x 150 mm 6x ref. 09776 7 5 PC PP PP Tapa hermética Couvercle hermétique. Airtight lid Tapa de apoyo Couvercle d’appui. Contact lid Tapa hermética. Couvercle hermétique. Airtight lid GN 1/2 ref. 09824 325 x 265 x h 20 mm GN 1/2 ref. 09855 325 x 265 x 22 mm GN 1/1 ref. 09829 530 x 325 x h 20 mm GN 1/1 ref. 09856 530 x 325 x h 22 mm ref. 09827 / 13L 530 x 325 x h 100 mm ref. 09777 ref. 09778 ref. 09828 / 20L 530 x 325 x h150 mm ref. 09779 6x GN 1/2 ref. 09834/ 11,3L 325 x 265 x h 200 mm Tapa de apoyo Couvercle d’appui. Contact lid ref. 09826/ 9L 530 x 325 x h 65 mm GN 1/3 GN 1/2 GN 1/1 6x ref. 09835 / 25,3 L 530 x 325 x h 200 mm ref. 09780 GN 1/1 6x ref. 09825 530x325xh150 mm 7 PC Cubeta / Bac / Box 5 Tapa Lid PP Couvercle = Cubeta y tapa / Caixa e Tampa Bandejas Hondas y Planas / Plateau Creux et Plat / Deep Tray and Flat Tray 7 SAN ref. 14024 420x300xh12 ref. 1022 280x190x12 mm ref. 1040 200x150x40 mm 24 x 24 x 24 x ref. 1225 500x360x12 mm 24 x ref. 1021 200x150x12 mm 12 x ref. 1041 280x190x40 mm ref. 1042 350x240x40 mm ref. 1024 420x300x12 mm 24 x 24 x 24 x ref. 1023 350x240x12 mm ref. 14023 350x240xh12 24 x 24 x Fast - Food, bandejas expositoras / Plateau Exposant / Display Tray ref. 1048 458x355x25 mm 5 PP ref. 1018 420x300x25 mm 12 x 12 x ref. 1046 350x270x20 mm ref. 1016 7 280x200x15 mm SAN ref. 14017 350x250xh20 ref. 1017 350x250x20 mm 12 x 12 x Snacking Trays 7 SAN 12 x ref. 1047 416x305x22 mm 12 x ref. 14018 420x300xh25 12 x ref. 14016 280x200xh15 12 x 12 x 7 SAN ref. 2857 Ø100x25 mm ref. 2859 300x100x25 mm ref. 2858 200x100x25 mm 8 ( set 3) x 24 x 12 ( set 2) x Expobandeja, Expovitrina / Plateau exposant, expo-vitrine / Plateau Display Tray and Cover ref. 291 / 2 + 2L GN.1/1 - 530x325x36 mm GastroNorm ref. 289 / 2 + 9L GN.1/1 - 530x325x82 mm 6x Bowls Policarbonato ref. 892 Ø 315 xh67 mm ref. 486 Ø 265 h67 mm 12 x 12 x ref. 511 / 7L Ø 325x160 mm ref. 515 / 2,5L Ø 235x110 mm ref. 891 Ø 290 xh67 mm 6x 12 x 6x ref. 1075 / 11L ø 380x180 mm ref. 485 Ø 240 h67 mm 5 PP 12 x ref. 483 ø 380x172 mm ref. 1070 / 0,5L ø 130x60 mm ref. 1072 / 2,5L ø 235x110 mm 12 x 12 x ref. 1083 ø 280x123 mm 6x 6x PC ref. 484 Ø 215 h67 mm Bowls y Escurridor / Bowls et Passoire / Bowls Drainage Rack ref. 1074 / 7L ø 325x160 mm 7 Couvercle Polycarbonate / Polycarbonate Plate-covers PC 12 x 6x 4x Cubre Platos Policarbonato ref. 510 / 4,5L Ø 280x140 mm ref. 512 / 11L Ø 380x180 mm ref. 288 / 1 + 6L GN.1/2 - 325x265x118 mm 4x 7 Bowls Polycarbonate / Polycarbonate Bowls 7 SAN ref. 1121 298x228xh112 mm ref. 1123 400x298xh130 mm 12 x 12 x 5x 24 x ref. 1082 ø 235x150 mm 12 x ref. 1071 / 1L ø 170x80 mm 24 x ref. 1073 / 4,5L ø 280x140 mm 12 x 12 x ref. 1076 ø 235x120 mm 6x ref. 252 / 5L ø 310x120 mm 10 x ref. 253 8L ø 355x140 mm 8x Tabla de Corte Antideslizante / Planche à découpe Anti dérapante / Nonslip Cutting Board ref. 858 604x404 x h24 2 HDPE 4x ref. 859 604x404 x h34 ref. 101 504x304 x h34 mm ref. 102 404x304 x h24 mm ref. 103 304x204 x h19 mm Dosificador / Verseur / Bottle Rubber Antideslizante Non-slip Antidérapant 6x 6x Antigoteo Non-Drip Anti goutte Esquinas Permanentes Permanent corners Coins permanents 4x 3x 4 LDPE ref. 1377 ø60xh261-50cl ref. 556 ø75 x h251 75cl / 26 OZ ref. 1379 ø75xh311-100cl 16 x 16 x 16 x ref. 554 ø60 x h203 35cl / 12 OZ ref. 1732 GN 1/2 325x265xh100mm 6x 16 x ref. 555 ø60 x h261 50cl / 17 OZ 16 x ref. 1381 ø60xh212-500gr ref. 557 ø75 x h311-100cl / 34 OZ 16 x ref. 1376 ø60xh203-35cl ref. 1378 75xh241-75cl ref. 1380 60xh162-350gr 16 x 16 x 16 x 16 x 2 Cubetas sin tapa / Bac / Food Box HDPE ref. 1134 / 20L 440x350x160 mm ref. 1182 375x300x12 mm 12 x 12 x ref. 1170 / 25L 530x396x139 mm ref. 1178 432x332x12 mm 6x 12 x ref. 1180 416x262x10 mm ref. 1171 / 35L 530x396x205,5 mm 6x ref. 1130 / 3L 345x235x75 mm 12 x 24 x ref. 1133 / 10L 540x385x80 mm ref. 1132 / 8L 485x335x80 mm ref. 1131 / 5L 435x285x80 mm 12 x 12 x 12 x ref. 1179 370x215x10 mm ref. 1129 / 2L 300x205x60 mm 12 x 24 x 2 HDPE Harinero con tapa Tamis avec couvercle / Flour grid with lid ref. 290. GN 1/1 530x325x100 mm ref. 283 / 13L GN.1/1 530x325x100 mm 4x 12 x ref. 286 / 3,8L GN.1/2 325x265x65 mm 12 x 12 x ref. 282 / 9L GN.1/1 530x325x65 mm 2 cm GastroNorm ref. 256 GN.1/1 470x265xh20 12 x ref. 241 GN.1/2 260x205xh20 12 x ref. 242 GN.1/3 260x115xh20 24 x ref. 243 GN.1/4 208x100xh20 24 x Contenedores de silicona GN / Bacs en silicone GN / GN Silicone containers GastroNorm 1/3 GastroNorm 1/2 GastroNorm 1/1 1802 / 3,6 L 325x176xh100mm 1804 / 6 L 325x265xh100mm 1806 / 13 L 530x325xh100mm 4x 4x 4x 1803 / 5,2 L 325x176xh150mm 1805 / 8,7 L 325x265xh150mm 1807 / 19,3 L 530x325xh150mm 4x 4x 4x Directo al horno Directly into the oven Directement au four Micro Tapas GN de silicona / Couvercles de silicone GN / GN silicone lids 1811 / GN 1/9 SI Silicona -40º +250º 1812 / GN 1/6 10 x 1813 / GN 1/4 10 x SI Silicona -40º +200º 1814 / GN 1/3 10 x 1815 / GN 1/2 10 x 1816 / GN 2/3 6x 250ºC 1817 GN 1/1 6x 6x Contenedores Cuadrados / Boîtes de Conservation / Storage Containers 7 PC 6x 4 LDPE Tapa Lid Couvercle 1851 / 2L 1852 / 4L 180xh100mm 180xh190mm 1853 / 6L 225xh190mm 1854 / 8L 225xh230mm 1855 / 12L 285xh210mm 1856 / 18L 285xh320mm 1857 22L 285xh400mm 5 6x PP 4 LDPE Tapa Lid Couvercle 1860 / 2L 180xh100mm 1861 / 4L 180xh190mm 1862 / 6L 225xh190mm 1863 / 8L 225xh230mm 1864 / 12L 285xh210mm 1866 / 22L 1865 / 18L 285xh320mm 285xh400mm Contenedores Accesibles / Boîtes accessibles / Accessible containers 5 PP ref. 145 / 16L - GN 2/3 415 x 340 x h200mm 6x ref. 144 F.I.F.O. GN 1/1 ref. 146 / 7L - GN 1/3 395 x 200 x h200mm F.I.F.O. ref. 144 / 22,65L - GN 1/1 565 x 340 x h200mm 6x 6x Cubetas con Tapa / Bacs avec couvercle / Food Box with lid 2 5 ref. 1172 / 30L 530 x 396 x 159 mm 6x HDPE PP ref. 1183 / 60L 530 x 396 x 378,5 mm 2 5 PP HDPE 4 x 2 HDPE 2 ref. 1178 2 ref. 1173 / 40L 5 2 ref. 545 830 x 460 x 180 mm 6x ref. 1180 HDPE 416 x 262 x 10 mm 12 x HDPE 432 x 332 x 12 mm HDPE PP 530 x 396 x 225,5 mm 6x 12 x 2 Food-Bac / Food-Bac / Food-Bac with lid HDPE ref. 850 / 50L 600 x 395 x 410 mm ref. 870 / 70L 655 x 435 x 455 mm ref. 890 / 90L 705 x 465 x 480 mm 6x 4x 4x Otras Cubetas / Autres Bacs / Food Box 5 2 2 5 HDPE HDPE PP ref. 446 / 30L ø 385 x 385 mm ref. 448 / 60L 415 x 415 x 500 mm ref. 308 / 14L 480 x 230 x 227 mm 4x 4x 6x Estantería Etagère / Shelf 41 5 ALU PP PP ref. 378 GN.2/3 + 8 eggs trays 354 x 325 x 200 mm 6x 5 5 PP PP ref. 1184 / 9L 380 x 265 x 155 mm ref. 1185 / 14L 380 x 265 x 230 mm 6x 6x Torres de Cubetas / Tours Bacs / Gastrotower Extensible ref. 227 / 39L GN.1/1 562 x 372 x 397 mm ref. 950 89/135 x 48 x h167 cm 1x 5 PP ref. 237 / 18L GN.1/2 357 x 312 x 397 mm 1x 1x 89cm 135c m ref. 951 139/184 x 48 x h167 cm ref. 763 GN.1/1 562 x 372 x 397 mm 1x ref. 645 97,5 x 47,5 x h170 cm 1x 139 100 mm cm 184 1x cm ref. 240 6 (set 4) x Armarios Isotérmicos / Armoires isothermes / Insulated Food Transport containers 2 1810 / 9,4L HDPE 420 x 230 x h 470 1x 2 HDPE ref. 1819 / 90L 680 x 477 x h 620 mm INT.: 533 x 335 x h 220 mm Grifo con 2 posiciones GN 1/1: 6 x 65mm / 4 x 100mm / 3 x 150 mm / 2 x 200 Two-position faucet Robinet avec deux positions 1 x 2h. 1h. 1ºC 1h. 0,5ºC 2h. 1h. 1ºC 1h. 2ºC ref. 1818 760 x 530 x h 220 mm ref. 1500 / 48L 5 PPE 657 x 420 x h 379 mm Plataforma con ruedas INT.: 550 x 330 x h 239 mm Carrier dolly Plate-fome sur roulettes GN 1/1: 3 x 65mm / 2 x 100mm / 1 x 150 mm / 1 x 200 1x 1x Herméticos / Boîtes Hermétiques / Airtight Containers 5 PP Cubeta Bac Box Tapa 4 Lid LDPE Couvercle ref. 3020 / 0,6L 176x108x65 mm ref. 3021 / 1L 176x108x100 mm ref. 3022 / 1,5L 176x108x150 mm GN 1/9 6x GastroNorm GN 1/6 2 HDPE ref. 243 GN.1/4 208x100xh20 mm 24 x ref. 242 GN.1/3 HDPE 260x115xh20 mm 2 24 x ref. 3023 / 1,1L 176x162x65 mm ref. 3024 / 1,8L 176x162x100 mm ref. 3025 / 2,6L 176x162x150 mm ref. 3026 / 1,8L 265x162x65 mm ref. 3027 / 2,8L 265x162x100 mm ref. 3028 / 4,3L 265x162x150 mm ref. 3029 / 2,5L 325x176x65 mm ref. 3030 / 4L 325x176x100 mm ref. 3031 / 6L 325x176x150 mm ref. 3032 / 4L 325x265x65 mm ref. 296 / 3,8L 325x265x65 mm 2 cm 6x ref. 3035 / 12,5L 325x265x200 mm ref. 297 / 6L 325x265x100 mm ref. 470 / 13,5L 354x325x150 mm ref. 471 / 19L 354x325x200 mm GN 2/3 8x 8x ref. 3037 / 21L 530x325x150 mm ref. 3036 / 13,7L 530x325x100 ref. 3038 / 28L 530x325x200 mm 12 x GN 1/3 6x ref. 241 GN.1/2 HDPE 260x205xh20 mm ref. 256 GN.1/1 HDPE 470x265xh20 mm 6x GN 1/2 2 2 GN 1/4 ref. 3033 / 6,5L 325x265x100 mm ref. 3034 / 10L 325x265x150 mm 12 x 6x GN 1/1 6x ref. 292 / 9L 530x325x65 mm ref. 293 / 13L 530x325x100 mm ref. 394 36 x Rotulador HORECA / Feutre HORECA Marker / HORECA Marker ref. 393 48 x 6 Catering Systems PS ref. 769. 121 x 42 x h20mm ref. 760. 5cl. ref. 761. 9cl. ref. 770. 51 x 51 x h33mm 51 x 51 x h55mm 90 x 22 x h4mm 16 (set 50) x 16 (set 12) x 16 (set 12) x ref. 734.119x40 h20mm 20 (set 100) x 8 (set 100) x ref. 771. 82 x 3 x h3mm ref. 772. 200 x 3 x h3mm 8 (set 250) x 8 (set 250) x ref. 766. 280 x 280 x h15mm ref. 767. 480 x 240 x h17mm 5 (set 12) x ref. 765. 107x107 ref. 762. 80x80 h35mm h15mm ref. 763. 70x70 h23mm 12 (set 20) x 12 (set 20) x 8 (set 25) x 8 (set 25) x 36 x ref. 497 / 33 cl. Ø 81 x h 142 mm 36 x 36 x ref. 322 / 40 cl. Ø 82 x h 114 mm 4 (set 50) x 4 (set 50) x 8 (set 250) x ref. 746. 25cl. 82x60 mm 4 (set 50) x ref. 741.196x15 h6mm ref. 742.340x209 h19mm 8 (set 250) x 5 (set 12) x ref. 743. 104x 160xh18mm ref. 744. 97x79 h15mm ref. 745 8cl. 90x84 x h32mm 12 (set 20) x 4 (set 50) x 4 (set 50) x 7 Servicio de Mesa / Accesoires pour la Table / Tableware ref. 323 / 56 cl. Ø 92 x h127 mm ref. 736. 9cl. 60x64mm ref. 740. 88x15 h6mm 8 (set 250) x ref. 768. 200x70 ref. 764. 127x127 h8mm h15mm 12 (set 20) x ref. 739 98x20 h11mm 10 (set 6) x ref. 735. 5cl. 56x43 mm PC ref. 204 / 56 cl. Ø89 x h119 ref. 180 / 56 cl. Ø89 x h119 mm 36 x ref. 203 / 40 cl. Ø85 x h90 mm 36 x Set 6 uds. ref. 189 / 56 cl. 25 (set 6) x ref. 188 / 40 cl. 25 (set 6) x ref. 187 / 25 cl. 25 (set 6) x ref. 321 / 25 cl. Ø 71 x h 98 mm 36 x ref. 179 / 40 cl. Ø85 x h90 mm ref. 202 / 25 cl. Ø82 x h62 mm ref. 178 / 25 cl. Ø82 x h62 mm ref. 2021 ø 30x90 mm 7 24 x PC ref. 674 / 1,8L Ø 130 x h200 mm 7 ABS 6x 7 SAN ref. 2080 / 2L 230x110x260 mm ref. 2015 110x128x195 mm ref. 673 / 1,4L Ø 115 x h200 mm 6x 6x 6x ref. 2074 ø 30x40x95 mm ref. 2066 160x100x200 mm ref. 2062 160x130x220 mm 24 x 6x 6x ref. 2037 Ø 112x25 mm 6 ref. 2076 170x78x144 mm PS 24 (set 4) x 6x ref. 2038 PP Ø 115x140 mm 5 48 x 7 ref. 1049 212x138x21 mm 10 x 24 x V02 /10/ 2013 ref. 400 / 22L 4x 4x 4x www.araven.com araven@araven.com ref. 1128. GN 1/1 530x325x100 mm 2 ref. 8271 / 25L ARAVEN, S.L. Polígono. Malpica, calle E,7 50057 Zaragoza (Spain) Tel.: +34 976 465 200 Fax: +34 976 574 299 5 PP PP HDPE ref. 8275 / 40L Polypropylene Polystyrene 6 -20º +80º 5 -40º +95º PP PS 5 HDPE ref. 1068 Ø 97x137 mm 24 x ABS Cubos de basura / Poubelle / Bin Polyethylene High-density 4 -40º +90º 2 polyethylene LDPE HDPE -40º +90º 2 7 PC ref. 403 / 80L 490x525xh 655 mm ref. 404 / 100L 490x525xh 800 mm ref. 405 / 120L 490x525xh940 mm 3x 3x 3x Polycarbonate -40º +99º Acrylonitrile 7 butadiene styrene ABS -40º +90º ARAVEN EQUIPMENT, S.A. CV Av. Pso. de la Reforma, 107-601 Col. Tabacalera Tel. +52 55 53 654 304 NEXTEL +52 55 63 028 129 06030 C. México - (DF México) 7 SAN Expanded Styrene 5 Polypropylene acrylonitrile EPP -40º +120º -40º +90º SI Silicona -40º +250º ALU ARAVEN EQUIPMENT, LLC 3325 N.W. 70 - TH Avenue Phone: (305) 777-0548 Ext.2004 Fax (305) 477-4050 33122-1332 Miami, Florida (USA) 41
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