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INTERNATIONAL TM MIRACLE INSTITUTE Correspondence Program Course I Understanding Your Identity In Christ The House that Faith Built Media GroupTM Pensacola, Florida Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture references are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. IMITM Correspondence Program ISBN 0-9634451-7-0 Copyright 1996 by Dr. Christian Harfouche Media GroupTM Pensacola, Florida Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or part in any form without the expressed written consent of Media GroupTM Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING To receive credit for this program, please complete the following: 1. IMI Registration Form. You will find your registration form at the beginning of this manual. Be sure to sign and date it. Make a copy for yourself, and then mail it to: International Miracle Institute 421 N. Palafox St. Pensacola, Florida 32501 USA Attention: Registrar Or fax it to: 850-439-6228 2. Complete and pass all 6 tests. The tests are located at the end of the manual. Complete all 6 tests as instructed and mail to the above address. You will find instructions throughout this manual. Page 3 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Table of Contents Welcome! Registration How to Use the IMI Correspondence Program Guidelines Appendix A - Recommended Reading List Appendix B - Names to Know Him By Appendix C - In Him Session I Heavenly Identity Session II Authority Session III God Man Session IV Great Faith Session V Anointing Session VI Miracles Tests Page 4 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Welcome to the IMITM Correspondence Program The IMITM Correspondence or Home Study Program is the foundation of our end-time training center The International Miracle Institute in Pensacola, Florida. The Lord has given us a mandate to train up 400,000 miracle workers – laborers for the end-time harvest of souls. IMI is dedicated to the integrity of the Word and the move of the Spirit. You will receive revelation of God’s Word and an impartation of the Spirit of faith that will equip you to live and move in the supernatural, and live the life of victory you are called to. The last move of God is God moving His people! As you grow in the things of God through the International Miracle Institute, you will find a fresh love for the Word of God and a hunger for the things of the Spirit. Whether you are called to the five-fold ministry or to advance the Kingdom of God in your circle of influence, the International Miracle Institute will equip you to be all that God has called you to be. „Today is a day of impartation... Such as we have, we are going to give unto you, because there is a torch, an impartation that gives you a supernatural ability to contend for the great things in God.” Drs. Christian & Robin Harfouche, Founders International Miracle Institute TM 421 North Palafox Pensacola, Florida 32501 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. II Timothy 2:15 Page 5 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Student Registration Last Name First Street Address City State Home Phone Work Phone Email Date of birth mm/dd/yy Do you have a home church? □Yes □ No MI Zip / / Church Name How did you hear about IMICP? Are you currently involved in ministry? If so, please describe your involvement. Tell us a little bit about yourself (brief testimony) and what your goals are with this course of study. Please check all that apply: I would like information on how I can earn a college degree while continuing my training through the International Miracle Institute In-Residence School in Pensacola, Florida. I would like ordering information on the International Miracle Institute class ring. I would like to participate in the International Miracle Institute Graduation Ceremony during the month of June. I would like to be a monthly Covenant Partner with Christian Harfouche Ministries. Please send me information on how I can partner with the vision and mandate of Drs. Christian & Robin Harfouche. Yes, please enroll me as a student of The International Miracle Institute. Signature ______________________Print Name________________ Date /___/__/___ Please mail or fax this form to the IMI Registrar Page 6 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program How to Use the IMITM Correspondence Program This IMITM Correspondence Program is a Life-Changing Bible Training Course designed to equip believers in the Word of Truth and the power of the Spirit. It is a valuable investment that will bring change to your life. How much change is up to you? What you achieve out of this program is directly related to your consistent personal study commitment. Recommended Study Procedures: We recommend that you listen to one CD a day. The IMI course is on the go where you can do it at your own pace. Due to the busy lifestyle of our modern day living, we recommend that you make IMI a life-style where a CD a day will change your life forever. Below are a few recommended ways to listen to a CD of IMI a day: IMI is ―on the go‖. Make your schedule around IMI instead of the other way. Below are a few recommendations. You can listen to IMI: 1. In your car 2. During your devotional time 3. In the morning before you leave the house 4. At night before you go to bed 5. While working out in the gym/ outdoors 6. While cooking or cleaning your house 7. While at work (if it applies … example business owners) etc What about my study time with IMI? You can set a part a morning or night time daily to work on the course book. Above all, we would like IMI to change your life. The program is divided into six sessions which are: Heavenly Identity, Authority, God Man, Great Faith, Anointing & Miracles. Each lesson within each session varies in length from 45 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the lesson material. Together with your paperwork, some lessons can be done in 1 hour while others can take up to 2 hours. After you finish each session, there is a test to complete. You will find all 6 tests at the back of your manual. When you have completed each of them, please mail each test as you go to: IMI Registrar, 421 N. Palafox St., Pensacola, FL, 32501. Alternatively, you can email us at for online tests. Simply complete the tests and email them back to us in the same format. Each student must successfully pass all six sessions to receive credit for completing Course 1. Defective tapes or CDs may be returned to our distribution center for free replacement, within 6 months of the purchase date. A replacement fee and shipping charge will then apply. Return the defective item with a written request for replacement to: Global Revival Distribution, 4317 N. Palafox St. Pensacola FL. 32505. Ph: 1 -850439-9750. Page 7 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program The following outline will help guide you through the lessons. STEP 1. Complete the six sessions in order. STEP 2. Each lesson revolves around the lesson objective. Ensure you understand the lesson objective before starting the lesson. STEP 3. Carefully read the lesson overview. This provides a background for the lesson and should prepare you spiritually for the remainder of the lesson. Keep in mind that most scriptures in the overview were not directly quoted but only referenced for the sake of brevity. STEP 4. Complete the key scripture portion of the lesson before listening to the tape. The key scriptures form the foundation of the lesson. Look each scripture up in your Bible. We recommend using a King James Version. Once you have read the scripture, check the box next to that scripture. Some lessons may repeat previously used scriptures. Ensure you look them up each time they are used. STEP 5. Once you have completed the key scriptures, listen to the tape or CD for the lesson. Use college rule paper for notes so that you can keep your notes in the course binder behind the appropriate lesson. STEP 6. Alter finishing the CD; answer the review questions at the end of the lesson. Write the entire scripture. Remember, these questions form the basis for your examinations. STEP 7. After completing the review questions, the lesson overview, your notes, and the review questions, to ensure you have a thorough understanding of the lesson. Confirm that you have met the lesson objective before moving on. STEP 8. After each lesson, complete the practical application. Make an effort to determine how you can apply the principles in the lesson to a situation in your life. STEP 9. After each lesson there is a recommended reading list. The reading list for each lesson in a session is the same. These books, by anointed men and women, provide additional study on related session subjects. They are available through our bookstore. STEP 10 .To receive credit, be sure to send us the completed Registration Form included with this manual. You must then successfully complete the tests included at the back of this manual when you finish each session. Page 8 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Page 9 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Appendix A Recommended Reading List Your primary sources of education should be God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. However, you should try to expand your knowledge by studying works by anointed men and women of God. The following is a list of resources to continue your studies in the areas discussed in the IMITM Home Study Program. These resources can be ordered through our bookstore. The Bible The Word - 26 Translations Kenneth Wuest Translation Mathis Publishing Books by Dr. Christian and Dr. Robin Harfouche The Hidden Power of Your Words Dr. Christian Harfouche Authority over the Power of Darkness Dr. Christian Harfouche Living on the Cutting Edge Dr. Christian Harfouche The Miracle Ministry of the Prophet Dr. Christian Harfouche The Spirit Guide Dr. Christian Harfouche Doing the Impossible Dr. Christian Harfouche How to Receive Your Miracle Dr. Christian Harfouche The Silver, the Gold and the Glory Dr. Christian Harfouche Miracles Dr. Christian Harfouche Dominion Dr. Christian Harfouche From Hollywood to Heaven Dr. Robin Harfouche Healing of the Female Spirit Dr. Robin Harfouche True Love Dr. Robin Harfouche Questions & Answers with Dr. Robin Dr. Robin Harfouche Page 1 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Heavenly Identity Man on Three Dimensions Kenneth Hagin Human Spirit Kenneth Copeland Redeemed Kenneth Hagin You are God‟s Best T. L. Osborne Women Question Kenneth Hagin Authority Authority in Three Worlds Charles Capps The Believer‟s Authority Kenneth Hagin The Believer‟s Number One Need John Osteen The Militant Church Lester Sumrall 101 Questions & Answers on Demon Powers Lester Sumrall Endued with Power Norvel Hayes God Man The Names of God Lester Sumrall Total Man Lester Sumrall Right and Wrong Thinking Kenneth Hagin The Making of Man Mark Barclay Zoe Kenneth Hagin Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Anointing Prayers That Avail Much Harrison House Publications Releasing the Ability of God Charles Capps Prayer: Your Foundation For Success Kenneth Copeland Fresh Oil from Heaven Ed Dufresne Understanding Gods Purpose Creflo Dollar Understanding the Anointing Kenneth Hagin The Divine Flow John Osteen Great Faith Ever Increasing Faith Smith Wigglesworth Cry of the Spirit Smith Wigglesworth John G. Lake: A Man without Compromise Wilford Reidt Mountain Moving Faith Kenneth Hagin Faith Can Change Your World Lester Sumrall New Thresholds of Faith Kenneth Hagin The Force of Faith Kenneth Copeland Courage to Conquer Lester Sumrall Prevailing Prayer--26 Lessons Kenneth Hagin Page 3 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Miracles Christ the Healer F. F. Bosworth Smith Wigglesworth Remembered W. Hacking Bodily Healing and the Atonement McCrosson, Hagin, and Hicks Healing Belongs to Us Kenneth Hagin God‟s Power Through Laying on of Hands Novel Hayes The Tongue: A Creative Force Charles Capps Healing the Sick Daisy Osborne Five Choices for Women Who Win Daisy Osborne Adventures in God John G. Lake Visions-Window to Supernatural Norvel Hayes Concerning Spiritual Gifts Kenneth Hagin Page 4 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Appendix B Names to Know Him By Adam, I Co 15:45 Faithful Witness, Re 1:5 Advocate, I Jn 2:1 First and Last, Re 1:17 Almighty, Re 1:8 First Begotten, Re 1:5 Alpha and Omega, Re 1:8; 22:13 Forerunner, He 6:20 Amen, Re: 3:14 Glory of the Lord, Is 40:5 Apostle of our Profession, He 3:1 God Blessed, Ro 9:5 Arm of the Lord, Is 51:9; 53:1 God, Is 40:3, J11 20:28 Author and Finisher of our Faith, He 12:2 Good Shepherd, Jn 10:11 Author of Eternal Salvation, He 5:9 Governor, Mt 2:6 Beginning of the Creation of God, Re 3:14 Great High Priest, He 4:14 Beloved Son, Mt 12:18 Head of the Church, Ep 1:22 Blessed and only Potentate, I Ti 6:15 Heir of All Things, He 1:2 Branch, Is 4:2 Holy Child, Ac 4:27 Bread of Life, Jn 6:32 Holy One of God, Mk 1:24 Captain of Salvation, He 2:10 Holy One of Israel, Is 41:14 Chief Shepherd, I Pe 5:4 Holy One, Ac 3:14 Christ of God, Lu 9:20 Horn of Salvation, Lu 1:69 Consolation of Israel, Lu 2:25 I Am, Jn 8:58 Cornerstone, Ps 118:22 Image of God, II Co 4:4 Counselor, Is 9:6 Immanuel, Is 7:14 Creator, Jn 1:3 Jehovah, Is 26:4 Dayspring, Lu 1:78 Jesus of Nazareth, Mt 21:11 Deliverer, Ro 11:26 Jesus, Mt 1:21 Desired of all Nations, Hag 2:7 Judge of Israel, Mi 5:1 Door, Jn 10:7 Just One, Ac 7:52 Elect of God, Is 42:1 King of Kings, I Ti 6:15 Everlasting Father, Is 9:6 King of Saints, Re 15:3 Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program King of the Ages, I Ti 1:17 Prince of Life, Ac 3:15 King of the Jews, Mt 2:2 Prince of Peace, Is 9:6 King, Zec 9:9 Prophet, Lu 24:19; Ac 3:22 Lamb of God, Jn 1:29 Redeemer, Jb 19:25 Lamb, Re 13:18 Resurrection and Life, Jn 11:25 Lawgiver, Is 33:22 Rock, I Co 10:4 Leader, Is 55:4 Root of David, Re 22:16 Life, Jn 14:6 Rose of Sharon, Song 2:1 Light of the World, Jn 8:12 Saviour, Lu 2:11 Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Re 5:5 Seed of Woman, Ge 3:15 Lord of All, Acts 10:36 Shepherd and Bishop of Souls, I Pe 2:25 Lord of Glory, I Co 2:8 Shiloh, Ge 49:10 Lord of Lords, I Ti 6:15 Son of David, Mt 1:1 Lord our Righteousness, Je 23:6 Son of God, Mt 2:15 Man of Sorrows, Is 53:3 Son of Man, Mt 8:20 Mediator, I Ti 2:5 Son of Righteousness, Mal 4:2 Messenger of the Covenant, Mal 3:1 Son of the Blessed, Mk 14:61 Messiah, Da 9:25: Jn 1:41 Son of the Highest, Lu 1:32 Mighty God, Is 9:6 True Light, Jn 1:9 Mighty One, Is 60:16 True Vine, Jn 15:1 Morning Star, Re 22:16 Truth, Jn 1:14 Nazarene, Mt 2:23 Witness, Is 55:4 Only Begotten Son, Jn 1:18 Word of God, Re 19:13 Our Passover, I Cor 5:7 Word, Jn 1:1 Prince of Kings, Re 1:5 Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Appendix C In Him There is power in the name of Jesus Christ, and the Lord has given us the authority to use His name. We must have a revelation of who we are in Christ to use that power. The following “In Him”. Use these scriptures to learn who you are in Christ. Meditate upon them, confess them, and then speak them over your situations. IN CHRIST Ro 3:24 Ga 2:4 Col 1:28 Ro 8:1 Ga 3:26 I Th4:16 Ro 8:2 Ga 3:28 I Th 5:18 Ro 12:5 Ga 5:6 I Ti 1:14 I Col:2 Ga 6:15 II Ti1:9 I Co 1:30 Ep 1:3 II Ti 1:13 I Co 15:22 Ep l:10 II Ti 2:1 II Co 1:21 Ep 2:6 II Ti 2:10 II Co 2:14 Ep 2:10 II Ti 3:15 II Co 3:14 Ep 2:13 Phm l:6 II Co 5:17 Ep3:6 lI Pe 1:8 II Co 5:19 Ph 3:13, 14 II Jn 1:9 Page 1 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program IN HIM Ac 17:28 Col 2:6 I Jn3:3 Jn l:4 Co12:7 I Jn3:5 Jn 3:15 & 16 Co12:10 I Jn3:6 II Co 1:20 I Jn 2:5 I Jn3:24 II Co 5:21 I Jn 2:6 I Jn 4:13 Ep l:4 I Jn 2:8 I Jn5:14 & 15 Ep l:l0 I Jn 2:27 I Jn5:20 Ph3:9 I Jn2:28 IN THE BELOVED Ep 1:6 IN THE LORD Ep 5:8 Ep 6:10 IN WHOM Ep 1:7 Ep 2:21 Col 1:14 Ep l:11 Ep 2:22 Col 2:3 Ep l:13 Ep 3:12 Co1 2:11 I Pe 1:8 Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program BY CHRIST Ro 3:22 II Cor 5:18 Ph 4:19 Ro 5:15 Ga 2:16 I Pel:3 Ro 5:17-19 Ep l:5 I Pe2:5 Ro 7:14 Ph 1:11 I Pe5:10 I Cor 1:4 BY HIM I Co 1:5 Col 1:17 He 7:25 I Co 8:6 Col 1:20 He 13:15 Col 1:16 Col 3:17 I Pe 1:21 BY HIMSELF He 1:3 He 9:26 BY HIS BLOOD He 9:11 & 12 He 10:19 & 20 I Jn l:7 He 9:14 & 15 BY WHOM Ro5:2 Ro5:11 Ga6:14 Page 3 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program FROM WHOM Ep 4:16 Col 2:19 OF CHRIST II Co 2:5 Col 2:17 Co 13:24 Ph 3:12 OF HIM I Jn 1:5 I Jn 2:27 THROUGH CHRIST Ro 5:1 I Co 15:57 Ph 6,7 Ro 5:11 Ga 3:13&14 Ph 4:13 Ro 6:11 Ga 4:7 He 10:1 Ro 6:23 Ep 2:7 He 13:20-21 THROUGH HIM Jn 3:17 Ro 8:37 I Jn 4:9 Ro 5:9 WITH CHRIST Ro 6: Ep 2:5 Col 3:1 Ga 2:20 Col 2:20 Col 3:3 Page 4 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program WITH HIM Ro 6:4 Ro 8:32 Col 2:13-15 Ro 6:6 II Cor 13:4 Col 3:4 Ro 6:8 Col 2:12 II Tim 2:11-12 BY ME Jn 6:57 Jn 14:6 IN ME Jn 6:56 Jn 15:4, 5 Jn 14:20 Jn 6:33 Jn 15:7, 8 IN MY LOVE Jn 15:9 IN HIS NAME Mt18:20 Mk 16:17 & 18 Jn14:13 & 14 ICo6:111 Jn 16:23 & 24 Page 5 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Session I HEAVENLY IDENTITY Page 1 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program SESSION I - HEAVENLY IDENTITY SECTION LESSON TITLE 1 1-4 HEAVENLY PERSPECTIVE 2 5-7 NEW CREATION REALITIES 3 8-11 YOUR HEAVENLY IDENTITY—AUTHORITY 4 12-14 DRAWING FROM YOUR HEAVENLY ACCOUNT 5 15 MAINTAINING YOUR HEAVENLY PERSPECTIVE 6 16 FULFILLMENT OF YOUR DESTINY & PROMOTION Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Heavenly Identity Section 1 : Lessons 1- 4 Heavenly Perspective Objective: To understand that as a Christian, you must maintain your heavenly identity. Overview: The Word says that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. Until we get out of the natural, and into the spiritual, we will not realize our full potential as God’s children. You must understand that the old man is dead and that you are transforming into the image of God. The Word tells us that we are the body of Christ, that Christ lives in us, and that we have the mind of Christ. You must begin to identify with Christ. The only way to identify with Christ is through the Word of God. Your mind will become renewed by hearing the Word of God every day and acting upon the Word you heard. You can not live off yesterday’s meal, strength, or anointing. As a believer, you must have an uncompromising revelation of why Jesus died for you. The Son always walked in victory; by His crucifixion and resurrection that same provision has been made for you. His victory at Calvary is your victory by faith. You must never let His death arid resurrection become irrelevant to you. As human beings we have our own personalities, but as Christians we should continually desire the characteristics of Christ. God can not, and will not change your will. Until Page 3 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program you completely surrender, you will not be able to walk in the full provision Christ already paid for. Key Scriptures: Colossians 3:9 □ Romans 13:12-14 Philippians 2:13 □ Ephesians 1:17-19 Ephesians 2:10 □ □ □ Ephesians 4:22-24 □ Page 4 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: How are you filled with the fullness of God? Ephesians 3:19 _________________________________________________________________________ 1. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where should you be renewed? Ephesians 4:23 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. After what image is the new man created? Ephesians 4:24 _________________________________________________________________________\ _________________________________________________________________________ What should we cast off, and what should we put on? Romans 13:12 _________________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why does God work in us? Philippians 2:13 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 5 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Heavenly Identity Section 2: Lessons 5-7 New Creation Realities Objective: To understand the realities of your new identity in Christ. Overview: The Apostle Paul said it is not I who lives, but Christ in me. The substance of a new Christian is a new spirit and a new quality. When we are born again, the first thing to change is our spirit. The old man dies, and we are reborn of the Spirit of God. This new Spirit allows us to walk in agreement with God. As we grow in the Word, and by our faith, our spirit man begins to mature. Our spiritual relationship with God will grow in proportion to our faith. The new quality that permeates us is our new nature and identity. The next thing which changes is our mind. The Word tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Our mind is renewed by the Word of God. Our souls are made of three parts; the mind, the will, and the emotions. Until you renew your mind through the Word, you will not be able to change your will and emotions. Without changing your will and emotions, you will not be able to get your flesh under control. The more we transform our nature, the closer we become to the identity of Christ. As Christians, we need to understand that we have been forgiven for all past sins; we are dead to sin but alive to righteousness. That means we are in right standing with God. If we slip, we do not lose our salvation. On the contrary, the Word tells us that we have an advocate to the Father. The devil will try to bring guilt and condemnation upon you; however the Word is clear. There is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the Page 7 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Spirit. A complete understanding and rhema knowledge of the Word will free you. The Words says that you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. You must continually look at yourself in light of your new nature and identity. Your salvation is complete, but your spiritual growth is dependent upon the effort you make to change your mind, will, and emotions. As you allow the Word to work in your life, you will begin to take on the nature of Christ. Key Scriptures: □ Romans 2:28-29 □ Romans 5:1-2 Romans 5:8-12 □ Romans 5:17-20 □ II Corinthians 5:17-21 □ II Corinthians 6:16-17 □ II Peter 1:3-4 □ □ Ephesians 2:5-10 Page 8 Christian Harfouche Ministries Ephesians 4:22-24 Galatians 1:15-16 Galatians 2:20 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ □ Page 9 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What happens when you are born again? II Corinthians 5:17 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. How do we have access to the Father? Romans 5:2 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What are the great and precious promises given to us? 11 Peter 1:4 ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is our current position? Ephesians 2:6 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. How are you saved? Ephesians 2:8 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. What must you do with the old man? and the new man? Ephesians 4:22-23 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 10 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 11 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Heavenly Identity Section 3 : Lessons 8-11 Your Heavenly Identity - Authority Objective: To further understand your relationship and identity in Christ.\ Overview: The Word says that I will lay a stumbling block before the people. Paul says that Christ was that stumbling block. Jesus simply was not what the Jews expected. The Jews saw Jesus as a threat to their religious traditions and customs. Jesus tried to tell them that religion without a relationship with God is useless. Because they did not know God, they tried to be wise in their own eyes. The Word says that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. As born again Christians, we must be constantly aware of the price that Jesus paid for us. If we take our eyes and our thoughts off of Him, we make His death, burial, and resurrection of non effect. If we operate outside of God, we will be entering back into doubt and unbelief which is sin. We must give God full reign as we are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. You must develop that relationship so that you can walk in agreement. Paul said, I travail until Christ be formed in you. You can not form yourself and Christ at the same time. You must allow Him to do the work. The Word says that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, to those who earnestly desire Him. His hope is that we can learn Page 12 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program to walk in agreement so that we can do His will. Many Christians act like they don’t know what God’s will is for them. Jesus said, My will is to do the will of He who sent me. As my Father sent Me, so I send you. Our job is to simply do the work of Christ on earth. We learn His will through His Word. If we do not develop our relationship with Him, or if we take our eyes off of Him, we can not walk in the provisions He made for us to do His will. The old man is dead; he died at the cross and was buried with Christ. Therefore, you must completely disassociate yourself from him. When condemnation comes, remember who is bringing it upon you. By receiving Christ, we are seated with Him in heavenly places. It is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Key Scriptures: I Corinthians 1:23 □ I Corinthians 1:30-3 1 I Corinthians 2:2 □ I Corinthians 2:15 Galatians3:5-16 □ □ □ Page 13 Christian Harfouche Ministries Galatians4:7 □ Galatians 4:19 □ I John 5:14-15 Romans 12:2 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ Ephesians 3:17 □ Page 14 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What is the confidence we have in Christ? I John 5:14 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What should our glory be in? I Corinthians 1:31 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why should we not care what man thinks? I Corinthians 2:15 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is our unique relationship with the Father? Galatians 4:7 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. How does Christ dwell in us? Ephesians 3:17 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 15 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 16 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Heavenly Identity Section 4: Lessons 12-14 Drawing From Your Heavenly Account Objective: To understand the relationship between faith and hope. Overview: The Word says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. Our faith is the tangible substance of the things that we are hoping for. It is the confident assurance that God will do what He says He will do. Before you can take money out of the bank, you must build up your account to have something to draw from. The same is true for your heavenly account. How much you invest will dictate how much you can draw from. The first principle is that you must make your deposits in heaven, and not on earth. Never allow the natural realm to be your source or you will be dictated by natural circumstances. The Word tells us to seek the kingdom of God first, and all those other things will be added unto us. You must also understand that you can not have faith in the present if you do not have hope in the future. Your continual hope must be in the promises which have been given to you. As you know, the old man is dead! You must place the life you have lived behind and place the hope of God’s glory in front of you. You must continually press toward the high mark. Hope is the anchor to your destination in God. It is the thing which keeps your soul from wavering. If we put our hope in man, sooner or later we will be disappointed. However, we know that God is not a man that He can lie: therefore, we can confidently know the answers to Page 17 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program His promises. By faith, we must apprehend the promises which are before us. Hope is the destination, the mark, that our faith is driving us toward. To get there, we must remove any doubt and confusion. We must take our eyes off the seen (our circumstances) and look toward the unseen through the eyes of faith. You must come to a place in God where the Word becomes your answer. God can’t and won’t give you what He has for you until you let go of your past. You must get out of your familiar territory and walk toward the hope of your high calling. In order to be counted as a friend of God, you must diligently pursue Him, It is your faith that will draw you to the hope of His promises. Once you have an unmovable revelation of the fact that faith is the substance of things hoped for, then you will be able to make spiritual withdrawals. Key Scriptures: Matthew 6:19 I Peter l:3 □ □ Hebrews 6:10-12 □ Hebrews 6:19 □ Hebrews 11:1 □ Hebrews 12:2 □ Page 18 Christian Harfouche Ministries Genesis 12:1 IMI Correspondence Program □ Genesis 17:1-6 □ Genesis 18:17 □ Romans 4:14 □ Page 19 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Why shouldn’t you lay your treasures on earth? Matthew 6:19 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. How will we inherit the promises? Hebrew 6:12 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is our anchor of the promises before us? Hebrew 6:19 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. How should we describe the faith we have for the promises we hope for? Hebrews 11:1 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Where does your faith come from? Hebrews 12:2 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6. What is our destination? Genesis 12:1 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 7. What is the quickest way to destroy your faith? Romans 4:14 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 20 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 21 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Heavenly Identity Section 5: Lesson 15 Maintaining Your Heavenly Perspective Objective: To understand how to maintain your heavenly identity. Overview: God commands us in the Word to go forth and preach to all the nations. Just as Nehemiah built a wall for the people, God commands us to build a wall; a wall of believers. The church is not a building: it is the body of Christ. God has sent us to go forth and build the body upon walls which we will not come down from. Today, there are too many inactive Christians celebrating the by and by because they are ignorant of the power and authority God gave them to do His will on earth. If they only knew that it just takes one anointed man to change the world-look what Jesus did. We all have a specific role. Something will remain undone unless we do our part. We can’t disqualify ourselves through compromise. Your compromise and indecision can affect many others, as well as yourself. When you are called of God, you must do your part. Do not disqualify yourself from your rewards. God told us to feed His sheep and has equipped us with special gifts to do this work. We must be cognizant that there is an enemy who will try to stop us: but we also know that no weapon formed against us can prosper. In general, there are two types of spirits that will try to Page 22 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program come against you. First, there is a spirit of opposition. The enemy will only come against you full strength when you are trying to do God’s will. When He sees that you are concerned about the welfare of God’s children, He looks for an opening. Second, is the spirit of the goodness of Jehovah, or a spirit of religion, which operates through ―religious‖ people. Do not be fooled by the name. On the exterior, they are nice people; however, they are really wolves disguised in sheep’s clothing. They are nothing but religious hypocrites who criticize you for preaching God’s Word. Do not be afraid of either of these spirits. The Word says that all who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Jesus said, they will persecute you because they persecuted me first. God will use you in the midst of the enemy to do His will. Like Nehemiah, you must learn to develop a heart for the people; and you must not compromise. Once we learn to make the people disciples instead of dependents, the wall will be strengthened. Key Scriptures: Nehemiah 1:3 □ Nehemiah 2:7-10 Nehemiah 2:18 □ Nehemiah 4:1 □ □ Page 23 Christian Harfouche Ministries Nehemiah 4:6 □ Nehemiah 4:20 Nehemiah 5:6 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ Nehemiah 5:11 Nehemiah 6:1-2 □ □ Nehemiah 6:9-10 □ Nehemiah 6:12 □ Nehemiah 6:15 □ Page 24 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What has God commissioned us to do? Mark 16:15 ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is our confidence that we will overcome the enemy? Isaiah 54:17. ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 25 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 26 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Heavenly Identity Section 6 : Lesson 16 Fulfillment of Your Destiny and Promotion Objective: To understand how to fulfill your destiny and allow God to promote you. Overview: The Word says that promotion does not come from the east, west, or south. It is God that puts one down and raises another. The greatest revelation you can have is that your strength comes from God who provides a supernatural result for you; not from man whose results can only be temporary. To make it to your time of promotion, you must make it through your time of testing. The good news is that God has provided the means for you to make it through your trials. As we learned in the previous section, you will be persecuted because they first persecuted Jesus. We all must learn to fight the good fight of faith. God wants to use every one of us; not just the five fold ministry gifts, to build the wall. The devil doesn’t want us to be used by God, and will attack us once we begin to do God’s work in earnest. The Word says we will overcome the devil because we are not ignorant of his devices. We know that the Word says we have the mind of Christ and are more than conquerors. The good news is that the devil was defeated almost two thousand years ago. The promotion is ours when we learn to consistently walk in the victory Jesus achieved at Calvary. Page 27 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program We must learn to keep ourselves so that the wicked one touches us not. We must be sober, on a constant watch, because the adversary the devil as a roaring lion seeks whom he may devour. We have the shield of faith to put out every fiery dart he shoots our way. Remember, no weapon formed against you can prosper. Once you learn to live and act on the Word of God, you will walk through the door that no man can shut. Promotion comes to those who have an ear to hear and are not afraid to walk by faith. You just need to do you part. Be narrow minded; your promotion depends on your ability not to compromise the Word. As you draw nigh to God, the Word says He will draw nigh unto you. If God is for you, who can be against you? Remember, God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Do your part, and as Psalm 75 says, you will be the one He promotes. Key Scriptures: □ Daniel 6:1-10 Daniel 6:16-19 □ Daniel 6:24 □ Hebrews 11 □ Page 28 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Where does your promotion come from? Psalm 75:6-7 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Who does God reward? Hebrews 11:6 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 29 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 30 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Congratulations! You have completed Session I : Heavenly Identity The test for Heavenly Identity is at the back of this manual. When you have completed all 6 Sessions and their tests, please mail them to: International Miracle Institute 421 N. Palafox St. Pensacola, FL 32501 Attn: IMI Registrar Alternatively you may email us at and we will email the tests to you. Simply complete the tests online and email back in the same format. Page 31 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Session II AUTHORITY Page 1 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program SESSION II - AUTHORITY SECTION LESSON TITLE 1 1-3 YOUR DELEGATE AUTHORITY 2 4-6 DELEGATED AUTHORITY--MEANING & PURPOSE 3 7-9 THE POWER OF HIS NAME 4 10-12 5 13 PURSUE WHAT BELONGS TO YOU 6 14 BUILDING ON THE WORD 7 15 AGREEMENT 8 16 WALKING AS A MATURE CHRISTIAN AUTHORITY IN THE NAME OF JESUS Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Authority Section 1: Lessons 1-3 Your Delegated Authority Objective: To understand your delegated authority and to walk in the power of the name of Jesus Christ. Overview: When Jesus first sent the seventy out, He gave them power and authority over all the power of the enemy. God is a God of integrity. The Word says that God is not a man that He should lie. Your foundation as a believer must be built on the integrity of God’s infallible Word. He says that heaven and earth will pass away but His Word will never pass away. You must know God by the promises contained in His Word. Your authority works when you have a revelation of God’s Word and are obedient to that Word. The Word tells us that greater is He that is within us than he that is in the world. God has given us authority to deal with the god of this world. The devil is no match for the authority that Jesus has given you. However, before you can speak God’s Word toward your circumstances, you must firmly believe in the integrity of His Word. God says that His Word accomplishes what it was sent to do and that it never returns to Him void. God says to draw nigh to Him and He will draw nigh to you. He also says to resist the enemy and the enemy will flee from you. The Bible says to guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of life. A Page 3 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program major key in exercising your authority is to speak in line with what the Word of God says. The best way to resist the enemy is by renewing your mind and building your spirit with the Word. Once you renew your mind and speak the Word toward the enemy, he will flee from you. Key Scriptures: Mark 11:22-26 □ Matthew 8:8-10 □ Matthew 8: 13 □ Matthew 8:16 □ Matthew 13:18-23 Hebrews 4:2 James 4:7 □ □ □ Proverbs 18:21 □ Page 4 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. When will the Word not work the way it was intended? Hebrews 4:2 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why should you always have forgiveness in your heart? Mark 11:25-26 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. What power does God’s spoken word have over the enemy? Matthew 8:16 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Jesus acknowledged the centurion’s Matthew 8:10 Why? Matthew 8:8-9_______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Explain the four types of ground in the parable of the sower. Matthew 13:18-23 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Page 5 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Authority Section 2: Lessons 4-6 Delegated Authority - Meaning and Purpose Objective: To understand the purpose and benefits of your authority in Christ. Overview: Just as a police officer has a badge to signify his authority, Jesus Christ has given us His name as our badge of authority to enforce power over the enemy. The Greek word for authority is ―exousia‖, while ―dunamis‖ is the Greek word for power. Exousia is the badge of your office and dunamis is the power behind that authority. As ambassadors of Christ, we come in the power and authority of the kingdom we represent. We must walk and talk in line with the Word of God to enforce that authority. To delegate means to commit and entrust as an agent. We are agents of God, commissioned to carry out His mission on earth. The believer has complete authority over his realm of jurisdiction. The Hebrew word ―tsvah‖ means to command, appoint, or charge. As believers, we have authority to command the devil out of our realm of jurisdiction, and to appoint or charge the elect angels to move on our behalf. The believer has the right to hear God and the authority to appropriate His Word to bring about supernatural results. The benefit of your delegated authority and power is for you to reach your goal, rise up and live the high call, and to finish your course. Page 7 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Distractions can cause our priorities to end up as casualties. The three major areas of distraction the enemy uses are food, entertainment, and weariness. These distractions can get you out from under the grace of God and His protection. Once you are out from the covering of the Word, you cannot effectively operate in your authority. Key Scriptures: Luke 4:32-36 □ Luke 10:19 □ Luke 11:10 □ Matthew 17:15-21 Matthew 28:18-20 Psalm 92:10 Acts 6:4 □ □ Revelation 21:7 Acts 1:8 □ □ □ □ Zechariah 4:6 □ Page 8 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Why were the people astonished at His doctrine? Luke 4:32 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did Jesus command the unclean spirits out? Luke 4:36 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. When did the believers receive power, or dunamis? Acts 1:8 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is the key to your power and authority? Acts 6:4 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why couldn’t the disciples cast the devil out of the man son? Matthew 17:20 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6. Taking Christ as our example, what two areas should we be mighty in? Luke 24:19 ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 7. Describe the difference between exousia and dunamis. ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 9 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 10 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Authority Section 3: Lessons 7-9 The Power of His Name Objective: To understand the power behind the name of Jesus Christ, and how you operate in the power of His name. Overview: The Bible says to fight the good fight of faith. In order to fight that fight, Jesus gave us His name, or power of attorney. For a believer to move in the power of that name, his foundation must be built on the rock, or the Word of God. The Bible says my people perish for a lack of knowledge. In order to reject conditions and circumstances contrary to God’s Word, you must pursue the revelation, knowledge, and truth in the Bible. The Bible, or Word of God, is the blueprint necessary to fight the good fight of faith. Demonic entities are rebellious renegade spirits. These spirits will push you and illegally trespass on your territory. You must know that in the name of Jesus, these renegades have no rights. The Bible says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places. We operate in and through the name of Jesus in prayer, dealing with demons, and in administering healings. The name of Jesus will not work to enforce a non biblical petition. The Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. A Page 11 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program believer’s authority is directly linked to what he has heard from that Word. There are four qualifying principals to walking in that authority. You must hear the word, you must know it, you must believe it, and finally, you must act on it. Agreement with God is imperative as we are called to be co-laborers with Him. Amos 3:7 declares can two walk together unless they be agreed? We cannot walk with God if we are not in agreement with Him. Jesus said in Matthew 18:18-20, whatever you bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven. If two shall agree on earth as touching anything they ask, it shall be done of them by my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. God tells us that if we know His Word and act on it, then He will confirm His Word with signs and wonders in the power of His name. Key Scriptures: John 16:23-24 Mark 16:17-18 □ Matthew 18:18-20 Matthew 16:19 □ □ □ Matthew 28:18-20 □ Page 12 Christian Harfouche Ministries Acts 2:24-36 □ Acts 3:6-7 □ Acts 13:33 □ Philippians 2:9-12 □ Ephesians 1:17-23 □ Ephesians 4:27 □ Colossians 2:15 □ Romans 8:31 IMI Correspondence Program □ Page 13 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What is our commission? Mark 16:15 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did Peter use the name of Jesus outside the Temple Beautiful? Acts 3:6-7 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. How did Jesus earn His name by conquest? Colossians 2:15 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. As you put off the old man, who should you not allow any room to? Ephesians 4:27 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Who is subject to the name of Jesus? Philippians 2:9-11 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 14 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 15 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Authority Section 4: Lessons 10-12 Authority in the Name of Jesus Objective: To understand the authority in the name of Jesus. Overview: Today, many Christians live beneath their rights and privileges because they don’t have a revelation of what they are entitled to. Galatians 4:7 says we are no longer servants, but sons of God; and if we sons than we are heirs. We are not the Son of God, but we are sons. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places and entitled to the inheritance that Christ left us. One of the most important things that Jesus left for us is His name. Mark 16:17-18 says that those that believe in Christ can do the following things in His name: cast out devils, speak with new tongues, drink deadly poison and take up serpents and not be harmed, and heal the sick by the laying on of hands. The Word also says that His Word is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That means what Jesus said two thousand years ago is as valid today as it was then. We have the provision to go to the Father in the name of, on behalf of, or in the stead of, His Son. Jesus said that whatever you ask the Father, in my name, He will give you. There is authority in the name of Jesus! The Lord gave us the keys to the kingdom of heaven. He said that whatever we bind or loose on earth shall be bound or loosed in heaven. The condition is that you must have a divine revelation of the power behind the name of Jesus. The Word says that if God is for us, who can be against us? The Word also says that we should not give place to the devil, and that we should Page 16 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program fight him with the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. However, the sword will not work when it is mishandled (misquoted), or swung in doubt or unbelief. You must take up the sword and fight the good fight of faith with the whole armor of God, and when you have done all to stand, then stand in faith with patience. It is through faith and patience that we inherit the promises. Key Scriptures: Mark 16:17-18 □ □ Colossians 1:9-13 Colossians 3:16-17 Colossians 4:12 Ephesians 4:27 □ □ Ephesians 5:14-20 James 5:14 □ □ □ Matthew 16:19 □ 1 Corinthians 2:6 □ Page 17 Christian Harfouche Ministries □ II Corinthians 10:5 Revelation 3:8 □ Isaiah 43:26 □ Romans 5:17 Romans 8:3 □ □ Psalm 119:130 Acts 4:12 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ Page 18 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What happens when we put God in remembrance? Isaiah 43:26 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What does the entrance of God’s Word provide? Psalm 119:130 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why has God set an open door before you? Revelations 3:8 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. How should we control our thought life? II Corinthians 10:5 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why shouldn’t we put our confidence in any man? Acts 4:12 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 19 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 20 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Authority Section 5: Lesson 13 Pursue what Belongs to You Objective: To know who we are in Christ and what He has done for us. Overview: The Word says that if God is for us, who can be against us? There is someone against us. It is a weak, lame, defeated enemy. He will take any territory that we allow him access to. The good news is that he has no new tactics or strategies. We are told to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, and that we must put on the full armor of God. Once we have a full revelation of who we are in Christ and what He has done for us, we can deal with the enemy every time from a position of authority and with power. The enemy is not only after your salvation, but he is also after your righteousness or your right standing with God. His tactic is to try to put enough doubt, unbelief, and confusion in your life, that you will backslide out of salvation. The fact of the matter is that can not happen. If we know that we have the mind of Christ; that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus; that God is not the author of confusion; and that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind; then will we be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. His number one tactic is your mouth. When he gets your confession out of line with God’s Word, he forces you to lose territory. You must encourage yourself daily in the victory you have already won through Jesus Christ. Until the people of God receive this revelation, they will live beneath their Page 21 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program privileges and provisions God has made for them through the victory at Calvary. We must constantly pursue the truth and fight the good fight of faith. Key Scriptures: I Samuel 30:8-18 Philippians 3:4 □ □ Philippians 4:4 Romans 8:31 □ Romans 10:17 Jude 20 □ □ □ Psalm 32:7 □ Ephesians 5:19-20 Colossians 2:15 □ □ □ □ Colossians 3:16 Hebrews 2:3 Page 22 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. How is God our shield of protection? Psalm 32:7 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. From where does the source of your faith come? Romans 10:17 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. How do we build up our most holy faith? Jude 20 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. How should we always give thanks to God the Father? Ephesians 5:20 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 23 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 24 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Authority Section 6 : Lesson 14 Building on the Word Objective: To understand why you must build your foundation on God’s Word. Overview: Jesus likens a man who hears and does the Word as a wise man, one who is built upon a rock. It is the solid foundation of the Word which will determine how we stand in these perilous times. Your salvation is assured, but the victorious life you choose to live on earth will be totally dependent on what you do with God’s Word. There is much more to salvation! The Word says, as God is, so are we. Without a solid foundation built upon the Word, how can we expect to be like God? When the sun is shining and there is plenty of money in the bank, it is easy to praise God, but what happens when we face a storm and the bill collectors are knocking down the doors? What are you doing with the Word; where is your faith? A comfortable Pastor in a comfortable church will allow you to believe that God is dealing with you, or that you are suffering for Christ. That’s baloney! No where in the Word of God are we told that we must suffer for God. The victory at Calvary was complete! Nobody, including you, is required to suffer. But without a foundation of the Word, and its proper division, you can be leading a life way beneath your privileges. Where you go to church, and what message you hear, can mean the difference between life and death on earth. Some would have you believe that we go through seasons. This Page 25 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program too is untrue. Christians are not seasonal. The Word tells us to be instant in season and out. We do not live by bread alone but by the Words which proceed out of the mouth of God. You can not maintain a wrong diet and live a long and healthy life. You have a responsibility to build and maintain the foundation in your own life. Take responsibility for the food you are eating. Test the bread the preacher is feeding you to make sure it is from the bread of life. Key Scriptures: Romans 10:17 Acts 5:29 □ □ Acts 6:1-7 □ II Timothy4:2-3 Psalm 119:11 □ □ Page 26 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What happens when the Word of God is preached? Acts 6:7 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why do we hide God’s Word in our hearts? Psalm 119:11 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where is the struggle for our obedience? Acts 5:29 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. When should we be ready to preach God’s Word. II Timothy 4:2 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 27 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 28 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Authority Section 7: Lesson 15 Agreement Objective: To understand the need to walk in agreement with the Word and Spirit of God. Overview: The Word of God asks can two walk together unless they are in agreement? The simple answer is ―no‖. The Word also says that the steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord. If we are in line with the Word, we will be in agreement with Him. When the devil speaks, he will try to tell you something that is not in line with the Word. He will speak to you through wrong opinions, lying thoughts, and ill symptoms. Once you recognize that this is not in agreement with the Word, you can take authority over the situation. Not only can division come between man and God; it can also come between men. One of the devil’s tools is to cause division and rift within the church and between married couples. Once two or more are in disagreement, there can not be agreement with God’s Word. The vision for the home and the church is the same. We must be in agreement with God’s Word. When we walk in disagreement, our confession can not line up with God’s Word. Once our confession goes awry, we allow the enemy access to our territory. It is our agreement that forms an impenetrable barrier to the enemy. The Word says that one will put a thousand to flight, while two can put ten thousand to flight. What do you think a Page 29 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program unified church will be able to do? The anointing will flow when there is unity and agreement among the brethren. Before we can agree with someone we must find out where their faith is. The church needs to be in agreement with the pastor’s vision. We need to make a decision to be educated by God and His thoughts. We are told that we have the mind of Christ and that we should be of one mind. The Word says that when two agree on earth as touching anything it will be done. When married couples and churches learn to come in agreement with the Word of God, no weapon formed against them can ever prosper. Key Scriptures: Amos 3:3 □ I Corinthians 1:10 □ I Corinthians 2:14-15 Philippians 1:27 □ □ Philippians 2:1-3 □ Page 30 Christian Harfouche Ministries James 3:1-10 □ Matthew 18:18-19 Mark 11:22-26 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ Page 31 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What is the requirement to walk together in unity? Amos 3:3 _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. How are we told to act with the brethren? I Corinthians 1:10 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. How shall we stand in agreement? Philippians 1:27 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. How should we esteem others? Philippians 2:3 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why must we control our tongues? James 3:10 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6. What is the promise we have if we are in agreement with the Word? Matthew 18:19 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 7. When we seek God’s agreement, what must we do? Mark 11:25 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 32 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 33 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Authority Section 8: Lesson 16 Walking as a Mature Christian Objective: To understand how to walk in maturity. Overview: People are paying thousands of dollars don’t understand that the ultimate price has already been paid. Think of all the money they could be investing into the kingdom. The ultimate privilege for the Christian is knowing where and with whom they will spend eternity. But what happens in the meantime? How do we fight the forces of evil and control our destiny? The simple answer is we don’t. When we became born again Christians, we made a conscious decision to put our lives into God’s hand. We agreed to put our lives into His hands. While we are on earth we are told to fight the good fight of faith. God would not tell us to fight if we did not have someone to fight against. There is an enemy out there roaring around like a lion seeking whom he can devour. The reason he roars like a lion is that he is a fraud, he has no authority or power. There is only one lion and that is the Lion of Judah. Once we become saved we can walk in the power and authority God has given us. We must understand God’s promises arid our privileges. The bottom line is that we must mature as Christians. Part of this process calls for us to completely surrender and cast all our cares upon Him, because He cares for us. Page 34 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program The Word tells us to be sober and vigilant. We need to be ever mindful of the enemy. In your mind, you must consciously decide to draw near to God and to resist the enemy. In a mature Christian’s walk, there is no middle ground or fence riding. God would rather us be hot or cold, not lukewarm. That is not for His benefit, but for ours. He already knows where we stand. The only thing fence riding will do is allow access to the enemy. As a mature Christian, you need to be prepared to fight the good fight of faith, be ever mindful and vigilant of the wiles of the enemy, put on the full armor of God, and finally, you must cast all our cares upon God for He truly cares for you. Key Scriptures: I Peter 5:7-9 Psalm 91 □ □ Page 35 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Why should you cast your cares unto God? I Peter 5:7 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the enemy trying to do? I Peter 5:8 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. How should you resist the enemy? I Peter 5:9 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Where should you dwell for protection? Psalm 91:1 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 36 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 37 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Congratulations! You have completed Session II : Authority The test for Authority is at the back of this manual. When you have completed all 6 Sessions and their tests, please mail them to: International Miracle Institute 421 N. Palafox St. Pensacola, FL 32501 Attn: IMI Registrar Alternatively you may email us at and we will email the tests to you. Simply complete the tests online and email back in the same format. Page 38 Session III GOD MAN Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program SESSION III - GOD MAN SECTION LESSON TITLE 1 1-3 RENEWING YOUR MIND 2 4-6 RENEWING YOUR MIND 3 7-9 PRESERVED BLAMELESS 4 10-12 PRESERVED BLAMELESS 5 13-15 YOUR HIGH CALL 6 16 TRANSFORMATION OF THE MIND Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program God Man Section 1 : Lessons 1-3 Renewing Your Mind Objective: To understand the importance of renewing your mind. Overview: This teaching emphasizes certain fundamental concepts and principles necessary to renew your mind. The moment you pray the sinner’s prayer, and believe it in your heart, you are born of the Spirit of God. Unfortunately, our mind doesn’t transform at the same time. God has given each of us a soul which is made up of your mind, will, and emotions. God’s will is for all to be saved, but He will not force us to make that decision. Each of us has a will and we must make this personal decision. It is the same will that must be used to renew our minds. God tells us not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed, or changed by the renewing of our minds through His Word. The Word tells us to love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. Every thought in your being must be in line with the Word. Just think for one second; it only takes one negative thought in your mind to not commit to God with all your mind. Therefore, we know that the battle must be in the mind. The enemy will constantly try to put doubt into your thought life. He knows that just as you chose to accept Christ, you can choose to reject Him. The enemy will try to meet you where you are weakest. If we change the Page 3 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program way we think by what we read, what we view, and what we speak, we can restrict access to the enemy. Key Scriptures: I Thessalonians 5:16 I Thessalonians 5:19 \ Matthew 16:24-26 Matthew 22:37 Romans 12:2 □ □ □ □ Proverbs 4:20-22 Hebrew 5:8 □ □ □ Hebrews 10:38 □ Ephesians 4:23 □ Ephesians 4:29 □ Page 4 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. How are we told to love God? Matthew 22:37 ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. How must we transform our minds? Romans 12:2 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What are we told to do with God’s Word? Proverbs 4:21 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What will happen if we drawback, or backslide? Hebrews 10:38 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Where must we be renewed? Ephesians 4:23 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 5 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program God Man Section 2 : Lessons 4-6 Renewing Your Mind Objective: To understand the importance of renewing your mind. Overview: This teaching is meant to emphasize certain fundamental concepts and principles necessary to meet this sections objective. God’s ultimate desire is to completely own us--spirit, soul, and body. God can not fully inhabit our minds unless they are completely renewed. The Word tells us that we must gird up the loins of our minds, and to have a sober mind. Because we have a new nature, the Word tells us that we have the mind of Christ. As we learned in the last section, the mind is the enemy’s battlefield. It is our responsibility to restrict access to the enemy, and to win that battle. We must implant the nature of Christ by completely transforming our minds through the Word of God. The enemy will try to put flashbacks of the old man into your thought life. You must be strong and remind him that not only are those thoughts from an old man, they are from a dead man. God has completely cleansed us of our sins. You must make a conscious decision to let go of the past and reach for those things hoped for ahead. You must reach forward and press toward the mark of the high calling. What you think will determine what and how you will do it. If your thought life is in line with the Word and God’s vision, you are free to do His will. Remember not Page 7 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program to lean unto your own understanding or intellect, but trust God, and He will direct you in all your paths. Key Scriptures: Luke 11:33-36 □ Proverbs 3:5-6 □ Proverbs 15:4 □ Proverbs 26:20-22 Proverbs 28:9 □ I Peter l:13-14 □ I Peter 2:l1 □ □ Page 8 Christian Harfouche Ministries James 1:13 IMI Correspondence Program □ James 1:5-8 □ James 3:14-18 James 4:1-8 □ □ Philippians 3:13-16 Isaiah 55:7-9 □ □ Isaiah 55:11 □ Romans 8:6 □ Romans 8:24-25 □ I Corinthians 3:1-3 □ Page 9 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program □ I Corinthians 3:16-17 I Corinthians 14:2-6 I Corinthians 14:13 Hebrews 12:14-15 □ □ □ Page 10 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. How can we be sure God’s Word will do what it says it will do? Isaiah 55:11 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What kind of hope are we saved by? Romans 8:24 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the light of the body? Luke 11:34 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why must you stay in God’s Word for prayer to be effective? Proverbs 28:9 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. How do you get the devil to flee from you and get closer to God? James 4:7-8 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 11 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 12 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program God Man Section 3 : Lessons 7-9 Preserved Blameless Objective: To understand how you are held blameless in God’s eyes. Overview: The Word says that Jesus came to give life, and to give it more abundantly; while the devil came to steal, kill, and destroy. The devil will do everything he can to steal your joy and destroy your happiness. His number one tool is a past that he tries to blackmail you with. What the devil refuses to admit is that he was defeated two thousand years ago at Calvary. When you accepted Jesus and were born again, you were forgiven once and all for every sin you ever committed. You now have both the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus flowing within you. The Word says that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, and that you are cleansed by the blood of Jesus. We also know because He no longer remembers our sins arid iniquities, and that there is no condemnation for the past actions of those that are now in Christ. Therefore, we know we are cleansed of all unrighteousness. This must become a rhema in your spirit and the truth in your life. Man is a triune being; spirit, soul, and body. God has taken care of your spirit. You must take responsibility for your soul; your mind, will, and emotions. Once you begin to renew your soulical being, you will be able to get your flesh under control. You must learn to stay in communion with God. He told Page 13 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program us to eat the bread of life and drink from His cup which are both contained in the Word. The more we regenerate ourselves through the washing of the Word, the healthier we will become. Again, this is a personal decision, and must be a continual process. As you transform your mind, you will begin to yield and allow God the access He needs to do His will. Key Scriptures: I Corinthians 6:17-20 □ I Corinthians 10:16:17 □ I Corinthians 10:26-30 □ I Corinthians 11:23-25 □ □ Ezekiel 18:4 Leviticus 17:11 James 2:26 James 3:8 □ □ □ John 1:12-14 □ Page 14 Christian Harfouche Ministries John 19:34 □ Hebrews 10:16-17 Isaiah 58:6-12 I John 2:12 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ □ L John 3:19-23 I John 5:4-8 □ □ Page 15 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What shall happen to the soul who sins? Ezekiel 18:4 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why is your body holy? I Corinthians 6:19 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is it that makes atonement for the souls? Leviticus 17:11 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is our relationship to the Father once we received His Son? John 1:12 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. What are the three that bear witness in heaven, and the three on earth? I John 5:7-8 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 16 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 17 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program God Man Section 4 : Lessons 10-12 Preserved Blameless Objective: To understand how you are held blameless in God’s eyes. Overview: Jesus gave His whole life for us; spirit, soul, and body. That is exactly how He wants us; spirit, soul, and body. We know that we have a new spirit man, but we must renew our minds and take control of our bodies. We must make the choice to live in the spirit and to walk by faith. Paul said that he died daily to Christ. We need to decide each day that we will let Christ rule in our lives. The Word must get into our spirit, then into our minds so that we can pray it back to the Father. If you consistently wait until you need help to pray, you have waited too long. As you begin to fill your spirit and mind with the Word, you will project an image of God. If you don’t do this, then you will be non committal and indecisive. The mind of Christ is based on the Word of God. If you do not fully transform your mind, you will fall beneath your privileges by allowing access to the enemy. The God kind of man only speaks to the enemy from a position of victory. On the other hand, an unregenerated mind will consistently battle frustration. As you keep God on your mind and heart, He will keep you and lead you unto all Page 18 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program truth. If your mind, will, emotions, attitudes, and convictions are on God, you will not have second thoughts, and you will never fail. Key Scriptures: Acts 14:8-10 □ Acts 19:11-20 □ Acts 16:16-18 □ Page 19 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Why could Paul heal the man at Lystra? Acts 14:9 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. By what authority did Paul drive the demon from the damsel of Thyatira? Acts 16:18 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 20 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 21 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program God Man Section 5 : Lessons 13-15 Your High Call Objective: To understand how to live to your full potential in Christ. Overview: It is God’s desire that we sell out, or yield ourselves completely to Him—spirit, soul, and body. However, to often Christians focus on natural problems. That is just another tool of the devil. The devil will do all that he can to take our central focus away from God. We must be aware of his wiles so that we can properly defend ourselves. We must remember that these natural problems are a truth, a temporary state, but not the truth. The truth is contained in the Word, and we are told to worship God in spirit and in truth. Jesus tells us not to be anxious over natural circumstances. He says that even the lilies of the field are clothed in majesty, and then asks if we are not more important to the Father than lilies that are here today and gone tomorrow. We are told to seek first the kingdom of God and that all these things will be added to us. Does the Word not tells us that all our needs will be met according to His riches in glory? The kingdom of God is not a faraway place, or an incomprehensible concept. On the contrary, the kingdom resides within us. All God wants us to do is to trust Him and yield ourselves so that we can have an intimate relationship with each other. Not only does He want to work in our lives, but He wants to prepare us to preach His Gospel to save more souls. To develop this relationship, He has provided access to Him, through the Holy Spirit, in the name of His Son. Our relationship with God is developed and strengthen through reading the Word, meditating upon it, quoting it, praying it back to the Father, and Page 22 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program singing psalms and praises to Him. To make this relationship work, you must allow God to be more alive in your life than you are. Key Scriptures: Matthew 6:25 □ Matthew 6: 33 □ Joshua 1:8-9 Psalm 1:1-3 □ □ I Timothy 4:8 I Timothy 4:11 □ □ Galatians 1:15-16 Galatians 2:20 □ □ Ephesians 1:17-19 □ II Corinthians 10:17 □ Page 23 Christian Harfouche Ministries II Corinthians 12:10 □ II Corinthians 13:3-4 Acts 13:1-12 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ Page 24 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What will be added to you if you first seek the kingdom of God? Matthew 6:33 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What will those who don’t walk in the counsel of the ungodly receive? Psalm 1:1-3 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. What will godliness profit you? I Timothy 4:8 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. How are we to live our lives in the flesh? Galatians 2:20 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why should we be of good courage and strong in all that we do? Joshua 1:9 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 25 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 26 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program God Man Section 6 : Lesson 16 Transformation of the Mind Objective: To understand how to renew your mind through the Word of God. Overview: Decisions we make must be in line with the responsibility and revelation we learn according to the Word of God. God wants believers to know what He says and to be totally and completely dominated by His influence. Our decisions and our actions are a direct link to our His report is His Word and His promises. The steps to success depend on what you do with the Word that you know. The Bible talks about ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Your thought life is the key to your destiny. What a man thinks about is what he becomes. If a man yields to the report of the Lord one day, and the report of the world the next, he is unstable. A double minded man will receive nothing from the Lord. The world’s way of thinking is diametrically opposed to the way of God. The Spirit, or anointing, will always work with the Word. If a Christian is believing for something, he must stand on God’s promises; and not be moved by the circumstances. What you fill your mind with will determine how far you go in God. One key to transforming your mind is to meditate upon the scriptures. This keeps the believer steadfast and consistent; not allowing any place to the devil. A Christian’s battlefield is Page 27 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program his mind. You must recognize which thoughts are not from God and abort them before they abort your call. Key Scriptures: James 1:8 □ Romans8:6 □ Romans 12:2 □ II Timothy 3:1-7 □ Luke 9:46-48 □ Proverbs 12:5 □ Page 28 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. How is a believer inconsistent and unstable? James 1:8 _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. What does the Word say about the thoughts of the righteous and the wicked? Prov. 12:5 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. How should you conform? Romans 12:2 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. What are the benefits of being spiritually minded? Romans 8:6 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 29 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 30 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Congratulations! You have completed Session III: God Man The test for God Man is at the back of this manual. When you have completed all 6 Sessions and their tests, please mail them to: International Miracle Institute 421 N. Palalox St. Pensacola, FL 32501 Attn: IMI Registrar Alternatively you may email us at and we will email the tests to you. Simply complete the tests online and email back in the same format. Page 31 Session IV GREAT FAITH Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program SESSION IV – GREAT FAITH SECTION LESSON TITLE 1 1-4 FAITH THAT PREVAILS 2 5-6 FAITH THAT PREVAILS 3 7-8 FAITH THAT PREVAILS 4 9-10 FAITH THAT PREVAILS 5 11-12 FAITH THAT PREVAILS 6 13-14 FAITH AND IMPARTATION 7 15-16 ALL MANNER OF PRAYER Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Great Faith Section 1: Lessons 1-4 Faith That Prevails Objective: To understand the basic concepts of faith, and how to allow faith to work in your life. Overview: This subject consists of many lessons. Each lesson builds upon the last one. There may be some repetition; however, this is necessary to emphasize certain points and to meet the lesson objective. The first principle that you must firmly believe is that Jesus and the Word are synonymous, or one in the same. The Word says that without faith, it is impossible to please Him. When we became Christians, we made a personal decision to yield ourselves to Christ. To completely yield ourselves, we must allow the Word to be the ultimate authority in our lives. We must renew our minds with the Word of God, then speak His Word, and finally, we must believe that His Word will do what it is sent forth to do. This requires a decision on your part. God says that He would rather us be hot or cold, but not lukewarm. Once you believe the Word, you will be a product of the Word. As a believer, you must invest in your faith. You must guard your heart from trouble, and your spirit with all diligence. The Word says that whatever is not of faith is sin. Therefore, you must disallow worry, fear, and unbelief. You must cast down evil imaginations. If you do not, you will defile your body and spirit with your tongue. The quickest way to stop your Page 3 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program miracle, and allow access to the enemy, is to engage your tongue while waiting for the manifestation of God’s promises. The Word says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. Your impatience can block your faith. There are four fundamental principles of faith. First, you must recognize God’s promises. To know His promises, you must know His Word. Second, you must believe that He will keep His promises, because He is not a man that He would lie; therefore, His Word will accomplish what it is sent to do. Third, you must decide to receive the faith He promises. This is the same faith used to believe that we are saved and that we will live eternally with Him in heaven. And finally, you must act upon His promises by consulting with Him, and acting upon His Word. The Word says that faith without acts is dead, and that we must be more than hearers of the Word. Key Scriptures: Romans 1:16-17 □ Romans 10:5-17 □ Habakkuk 2:2-4 □ Hebrews 10:3-8 □ Page 4 Christian Harfouche Ministries □ Hebrews 11:3 II Corinthians 3:17-18 II Corinthians 4:6-7 II Corinthians 4:14 James 1:22-25 □ I John 3:19-24 □ Deuteronomy 8:18 Zechariah 4:6 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ □ □ □ Colossians 2:6-7 □ Page 5 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What are the two prerequisites for salvation? Romans 10:9 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. How do you continually build upon your faith? Romans 10:17 ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Exactly how was the world created? Hebrews 11:3 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. How are the things which are not yet seen described? II Corinthians 4:18 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is our reward for being doers of the Word? James 1:25. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. As we have received Christ, how should we walk in Him? Colossians 2:7 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 7 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Great Faith Section 2 : Lessons 5-6 Faith That Prevails Objective: To understand the basic concepts of faith, and how to allow faith to work in your life. Overview: We will continue to discuss the principles necessary to allow faith to work in your life. We learned in the last section that to allow God’s Word to work in our lives we must have a firm belief that the Word will do what it says it will do. In order to allow the Word to work in our lives, we must know the Word, and be able to rightly divide it. Let’s just take one example. Does the Word say money is the root of all evil, or does it say the love of money is the root of all evil? God’s written word is meant to provide us power. God did not intend for us to misquote His Word, or to use it out of context. God wants us to know His Word, believe it, and to use it in faith. We know that without faith it is both impossible to please God and to receive anything from Him. Therefore, it is imperative that we control what we think and what we say. If we renew our mind through the Word, we will have control over our confession. Once we control our confession, we will speak God’s promises instead of providing access to the enemy. We must learn to clean up our personal lives, especially in the areas of what we say, and what we see and do. To completely yield ourselves, we must learn to guard our hearts, our minds, our mouths, and our eyes. Page 8 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Key Scriptures: I Timothy 4:I-2 □ □ I Timothy 4:4-7 Hebrews 10:23 □ Galatians 3:5 □ Romans 4:17 □ Page 9 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. How do some depart from the faith? I Timothy 4:1 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why is godliness profitable? I Timothy 4:7 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What does the Word tell us to do with our faith? Hebrews 10:23 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. How are the Word of God and miracles administered? Galatians 3:5 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. How do we compare to Abraham when we are believing? Romans 4:17 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 10 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 11 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Great Faith Section 3 : Lessons 7-8 Faith That Prevails Objective: To understand the basic concepts of faith, and how to allow faith to work in your life. Overview: We will continue to discuss the principles necessary to allow faith to work in your life. To be victorious in your Christian walk you must have an intimate relationship with Christ. The only way to know Him is through His Word. You can’t know God, unless you know His Word, and believe that He is faithful to His Word. We know that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen. Our faith and hope can’t be in our material possessions. It is easy to believe in things you already have. That’s not faith. It takes faith to believe in those things we are waiting for--those things that we do not yet possess. God has given us His Word so that we can receive His divine nature. By constantly renewing our minds through the Word we spiritually strengthen ourselves. The Word injects us with His spirit, His presence, and His mind. The Word says that this Book is life to those who read it. Only when we learn to put God’s written Word into our spirit, and confess His Word in our speech, will we have His divine nature. When we have God’s divine nature, we are entitled to His promises, and can thereby forbid access to the enemy. However, when we walk and talk in the flesh, we speak God’s promises in reverse. Page 12 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program If you aren’t talking God’s Word, then you aren’t thinking them. If you aren’t thinking God’s thoughts, then you are acting in doubt and unbelief. God says that whatever is not of faith is sin. Once you are in this position, you have allowed access to the enemy. Remember, what you put in your heart will come out of your mouth. We must make a conscious decision to line our confession with the report of God, and not of the enemy. Key Scriptures: II Peter 1:4 □ Hebrews 11:11 □ II Corinthians 1:20 Hebrews 6:12 □ Revelation 19:10 □ Deuteronomy 22:9 Job 6:24 □ □ □ Page 13 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Why was Sara able to conceive when she was barren? Hebrews 11:11 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why is the New Testament called a better covenant? Hebrews 8:6 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What do the faithful and patient inherit? Hebrews 6:12 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What are all the answers to the promises of God? II Corinthians 1:20 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. How do we escape the corruption that is in this world through lust? II Peter 1:4 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 14 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Page 15 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Great Faith Section 4 : Lessons 9-10 Faith That Prevails Objective: To understand the basic concepts of faith, and how to allow faith to work in your life. Overview: We will continue to discuss the principles necessary to allow faith to work in your life. The foundation of the Christian walk is the Word of God. A Christian who is not using the Word as his or her foundation, anchor, or rock, is living beneath their rights and privileges. We are told to have a good report, and not to murmur or grumble. Murmuring is not of faith. God tells us that whatever is not of faith is sin, and that the wages of sin are death. We can be saved, but yet live a life on earth ravaged by the enemy because we allow him access into our daily lives by what we think, say, or do. It actually takes faith in reverse to believe the devil. God has given us the power and authority to tread upon satan, ―the god of this world.‖ By placing God’s Word in our hearts, and minds, and confessing His Word, we can keep the enemy under our feet at all times. We must never say that we don’t believe in this scripture or that scripture. The Bible is God inspired in its entirety. When you speak against any scriptures, you are putting limits on God, and stopping His ability to work in your life. You will break a hedge of protection and provide access to the enemy. Page 16 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program There are two areas that can hinder every believer’s walk. First, is your knowledge of the Word. God tells us to renew our minds. If a person chooses not to renew his or her mind, he or she is not fully cognizant of their rights and privileges. God says that His people perish for a lack of knowledge. God’s promises are only effective if we know them. The second area is unbelief. We already know that unbelief is sin. We know that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. When we accepted Christ, we accept the Word in its entirety. The Bible is not a Word that was applicable two thousand years ago. God tells us that His Word was the same yesterday, today, and forever. Instead of choosing not to believe scriptures you don’t understand, you must accept them by faith. Key Scriptures: I Corinthians 10:9-10 Numbers 21:5 James 3:6 □ □ □ Proverbs 13:3 □ Revelation 21:23 □ Philippians 2:14-16 □ Page 17 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. How does a bad confession lead to destruction? Proverbs 13:3 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. How can the tongue destroy the entire body? James 3:6 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. How did the Lord punish the Israelites who murmured against Him? Numbers 21:6 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. How do we shine as lights in the world? Philippians 2:15 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. How do we draw closer to God? Psalm 145:18 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 18 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 19 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Great Faith Section 5 : Lessons 11-12 Faith That Prevails Objective: To understand the basic concepts of faith, and how to allow faith to work in your life. Overview: We will continue to discuss the principles necessary to allow faith to work in your life. Romans 1:16-17 says for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, and that the just shall live by faith. Faith is an aggressive act and requires work on your part. You can only know Jesus through the Word of God. You must hear the Word, meditate upon it, and then boldly pray it back to the Father. Your active prayer combined with patience and confident assurance in God is the act of faith He is looking for. As I have repeated, without faith, it is impossible to please Him. He can only shape those who have completely yielded themselves to do His will. There are still those who seek to please God by their performance. This philosophy is based on the law and is doomed to fail. We will continue to come short of the glory of God unless we believe that we are saved by grace through faith and not by our works. The only thing God wants us to work at is our faith and confident assurance that His Word will do what He says it will do. He tells us not to be just hearers of the Word but doers, and that faith without works (meditation and prayer) is dead. Page 20 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Key Scriptures: Romans 1:16-17 □ Romans 8:29 □ Romans 8:32 □ Romans 9:6-8 Romans 10:1 □ □ Romans 10:9-10 Hosea 4:6 □ □ Hebrews 11:20 □ Ephesians 2:8-10 □ Page 21 Christian Harfouche Ministries II Timothy 2:20 IMI Correspondence Program □ Proverbs 4:20-21 □ Page 22 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. How can we be confident God will give us all that we need? Romans 8:32 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why were God’s people destroyed? Hosea 4:6 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What was Paul’s heart’s desire for Israel? Romans 10:1 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why should you not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ? Romans 1:16 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Just how are we saved? Ephesians 2:8 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 23 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 24 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Great Faith Section 6 : Lessons 13-14 Faith and Impartation Objective: To understand how faith is imparted to you. Overview: An impartation is the transference or sharing of something. To impart something you must have agreement at both ends. To receive anything from God, you must be in agreement with Him. The quickest way to be in agreement with God is through His Word. Your success will depend on who you keep company with. You can choose to spend your time with the Holy Spirit or spirit filled Christians, or you can choose to spend time with people who will pull on your anointing. What you receive from God is totally dependent on where your faith is. We know that we walk by faith and not by sight, or how we feel. Your faith can be affected in a number of ways. There will be days when you don’t feel like praising God, and that is exactly when you should start praising Him. This is the time when you need to stir the gift that is within you. Regardless of how you feel, you must remain in the Word, or in communion with God. The Lord has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and a sound mind, so that we may come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy in our time of need. It is when you don’t feel like praising God that you need to go the throne room. Page 25 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program The Word tells us that we must be more than hearers of the Word; we must be doers. Your actions will be based on what you believe. As a believer, you should come to the point where you can launch out into the deep with God. As Paul said, you must die daily to Christ. Once you rid yourself of doubt and unbelief, God is free to work in your life. Key Scriptures: Romans 1:11-12 Romans 10:17 □ □ I Thessalonians 2:8 II Timothy l:7 □ □ □ □ □ Revelation 19:10 James 1:22-23 II Corinthians 5:7 Page 26 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Just how does your faith come? Romans 10:17 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. How should we guide our Christian walk? II Corinthians 5:7 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. What spirit has God imparted unto us? II Timothy 1:7 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is the common bond that comforts two Christians? Romans 1:12 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the testimony of Jesus is called? Revelation 19:10 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6. What are we told to do with the Word? James 1:22 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 27 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 28 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Great Faith Section 7 : Lessons 15-16 All Manner Of Prayer Objective: To understand the principles behind effective prayer. Overview: Prayer is your spiritual communion with God. As believers, we must learn to pray in faith, nothing wavering. The quickest way to spoil your petitions is to ask in doubt or unbelief. Why bother asking for something you don’t believe you will ever receive? During prayer you must cast down all imaginations that are not in line with God’s Word. You must yield yourself intellectually, physically, and spiritually. The Word tells us that if we draw nigh to God that He will draw nigh unto us. As we completely yield ourselves, we allow God the access He needs to work in our lives. Some Christians become disillusioned if they don’t see the answers to their prayers right away. Therefore, you should continue to thank God until you know that you know that you know that you have received the answers to your petitions. You should pray until you are fully persuaded that you have heard from God that it is done. We must ask in faith, nothing wavering. The Word tells us that the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much. Page 29 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Key Scriptures: Genesis 32:24-29 □ Mark 11:22-26 □ Matthew 16:19 □ Hebrew 4:11 James 1:5-8 □ □ Page 30 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What gives us the right to expect our prayers will be answered? Matthew 16:19 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What must we do to avoid falling into unbelief? Hebrews 4:11 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. How are we characterized if we ask in doubt or unbelief? James 1:8 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does the Word tell us to do while we are standing in prayer? Mark 11:25 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why must we forgive others before we pray? Mark 11:26 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 31 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 32 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Congratulations! You have completed Session IV: Great Faith The test for Great Faith is at the back of this manual. When you have completed all 6 Sessions and their tests, please mail them to: International Miracle Institute 421 N. Palalox St. Pensacola, FL 32501 Attn: IMI Registrar Alternatively you may email us at and we will email the tests to you. Simply complete the tests online and email back in the same format. Page 33 Session V ANOINTING Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program SESSION V – ANOINTING SECTION LESSON TITLE 1 1-3 MIRACLE ANOINTING-NEW TESTAMENT MIRACLES 2 4 TEACHING, PREACHING, AND HEALING 3 5-6 ALL ABOUT THE ANOINTING 4 7-8 FAITH, PRAYER, AND THE ANOINTING 5 9-10 THE ANOINTING IN RELATION TO YOUR FAITH 6 11 WORKING AND LIVING IN THE ANOINTING 7 12 THE ANOINTING 8 13-14 9 15 CORPORATE ANOINTING 10 16 TAKE THE LIMITS OFF WILLIAM BRANHAM Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Anointing Section 1: Lessons 1-3 Miracle Anointing New Testament Miracles Objective: To understand how to flow with the anointing. Overview: The dominion you maintain on this earth is directly related to how you allow God to work in your life. To see God’s miracles work in your life on a daily basis, you must stir up the anointing every day. There are two kinds of anointing; there is the anointing within, which we receive when we are born again, and the anointing upon, which we must receive to do the works described in Luke 4:18. Even Jesus could do no mighty works until He received the anointing. Jesus said, as my Father sent me, so I send you. If we are to do the works Jesus did, we need to receive the same anointing He had. The anointing is the agent God uses to bring about miracles. It is something we must seek every day. You can’t operate today off of yesterday’s anointing. The anointing can only come from an intense relationship and presence with God. The Word says draw nigh unto God and He will draw nigh unto you. This relationship comes about by spending time in the Word, in meditation, and in praise and worship. If you walk in line with God’s Word, you will have fellowship with Him. The Word says that those that are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God, and He has promised each of His sons an inheritance. Page 3 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program The anointing will stop when you stop pursuing your relationship with God. You can not walk in the flesh and expect to be anointed. You must diligently guard your heart, and your thought life, so that you can walk by faith and not be distracted by the circumstances of this world. Jesus told us that we will do even greater works than He did. When the Word becomes a revelation in your life, you will receive the anointing in a greater measure. The measure you will have will be the measure you contend for. Key Scriptures: Luke 4:18 □ Romans 8:9 □ Romans 8:14 Romans 8:26 □ □ Matthew 4:19-25 Mark 7:32-37 □ □ Page 4 Christian Harfouche Ministries John 3:26-36 John 5:1-10 John 9:1-8 John 20:21 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ □ □ Page 5 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. By whom and how are we sent? John 20:2 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why must you get out of the flesh? Romans 8:9 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. What must we do to gain our inheritance? Romans 8:14 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is the relationship of the Word to this world? John 9:5 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Jesus said we will do even greater works than He. What can we do with the full measure of the anointing? Luke 4:18 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 7 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Anointing Section 2 : Lesson 4 Teaching, Preaching & Healing Objective: To further understand the anointing and its application. Overview: Almost every account of Jesus in the Gospels deals with how He preached, taught, and healed the sick. Very rarely was He not successful; but what would you expect of God? One account says that He was unable to do any mighty works because of their unbelief. The problem was their unbelief, not His. Why was He so successful? Because He never failed to operate without the anointing. Luke 4:18 says that the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him. When the people saw Jesus, they saw God. Those who received Him were healed. To do great works for the kingdom of God, we need to ask for, and receive the same anointing. Not everyone will receive us; however, when they see the anointing working, and the power of God acting through us, we will succeed in our mission. On the other hand, if we are not called to a certain office, but we pretend that we are, we are responsible for the actions that occur. The Word says do not be deceived, God is not mocked. It also says that we will give account of every idle word we speak. The only way some people will see Jesus is when they are introduced to Him through us. The Jesus they meet will be the Jesus living in us as believers. To borrow a phrase from the world, we only get one chance to make a first impression. People will not listen to you if they Page 8 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program think you have the same problems as they do. If people see that you are sick, living in poverty, or sin, they are going to ask you to explain the good news behind your Gospel. The enemy wants you to misinterpret the Word. His greatest weapon is to cause confusion within the body of Christ. Confusion leads to unbelief, doubt, and double mindedness. All of these are forms of separation from God; otherwise known as sin. Your job is to prepare yourself to be used. You must rid yourself of man doctrines and traditions and make the Word of God alive and powerful in your life. You must be able to teach and preach the Word from an experiential plane, and not a theoretical plane. God works in the supernatural, not the text book. When you are preaching and teaching Christ with uncompromising faith, and moving in the anointing, you will do great works for the kingdom of God! Key Scriptures: Luke 4:18 □ Luke 4:21 □ John 16:33 □ Page 9 Christian Harfouche Ministries Romans 14:23 IMI Correspondence Program □ Revelation 12:11 □ Page 10 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Why did Jesus receive the Spirit of the Lord? Luke 4:18 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why does Jesus tell us not to worry about tribulation? John 16:33 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. What are you eating if it you aren’t eating the bread of life? Romans 14:23 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. How will we overcome the enemy? Revelations 12:11 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 11 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles In God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 12 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Anointing Section 3: Lessons 5-6 All About The Anointing Objective: To understand what the anointing will do to the yoke. Overview: Throughout the Gospels we see an outstanding performance of God the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. He came to utterly destroy the yoke of the enemy and to demonstrate the supernatural gift given from God Almighty, which is available to every believer. Jesus filled the eternal plan ordained by the Father to make way for the anointing to dwell on earth in the hearts and lives of His many brethren. This mighty anointing empowers believers sacrifice and was resurrected into Heaven where it is still speaking from the mercy seat. The blood of Jesus and the anointing of God are inseparable. When mixed with the believer’s authority, the power of darkness is shattered. Doing greater works than Christ and shedding light on the works of the enemy, gives glory to God and provides proof that Jesus is not only alive but is the same yesterday, today and forever. Page 13 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program The anointing or power of God is designed to flow with divine leading, producing signs and wonders that bear witness to the Word preached. The Anointing identifies man as an ambassador of God and will manifest as uniquely as an individual is from one another. It will provide distinctive expressions of God’s love and mercy as true disciples of Jesus go about preaching the Word with signs following. The blood of Jesus backs up the anointing or power of God. The Word activates the anointing and destroys the power of darkness. In Jesus announce This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. During His temptation in the wilderness, Jesus, the Word of God, used the Word to defeat Satan at his treachery. That same Word is alive and available to every believer today. Key Scriptures: Mark 1:10-11 □ Isaiah 10:27 □ Exodus 29:7 □ Page 14 Christian Harfouche Ministries Exodus 30:31-32, 37 Matthew 3:16—17 Mark 1:13 □ □ □ Matthew 3:17 □ Hebrews 9:20 □ Hebrews 9:12 □ Matthew 4:4,7,10 Luke 10:18 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ Page 15 Christian Harfouche Ministries John 12:31 IMI Correspondence Program □ Revelation 12:7-8 □ Page 16 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. When did Jesus receive His anointing to go about healing all that were oppressed by the devil? Matthew 3:16 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. How is the yoke destroyed? Isaiah 10:27 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why shouldn’t you try to copy the anointing? Exodus 30:32 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Who is the anointing purposed to glorify? Exodus 30:37 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. How did Jesus obtain eternal redemption for mankind? Hebrew 9:12 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6. What did Jesus use to defeat Satan in the wilderness? Matthew 4: 4,7,10 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 17 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 18 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Anointing Section 4: Lessons 7-8 Faith, Prayer & The Anointing Objective: To understand the relationship between faith, prayer, and the anointing. Overview: There is a very important link between faith, prayer, and the anointing. The anointing which is the agent we use to do God’s work, will not fall without prayer and faith. Prayer is our communion with God and is based on our relationship with Him. If we do not develop an intimate relationship with Jesus, our prayer life will suffer. Our faith is the uncompromising assurance that God hears us when we speak to Him in prayer, and that He is true to His Word. The Word says we can ask for anything and it shall be given to us. When we pray in faith, we will receive the anointing. Christianity rejects everything but your identity in Christ. Your identity and image of Christ is formed by the renewing of your mind and thought life. As you fully develop the mind of Christ, you can approach the Father in prayer and faith with your new nature. You can then claim what is rightfully yours according to the new covenant. Anytime you pray in agreement with the Word you are praying in faith, and anytime your faith is working in prayer, the anointing will be present. Page 19 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Key Scriptures: Ephesians 4:4-5 Ephesians 4:7 □ □ Ephesians 4:11-13 Ephesians 4:15 Romans 10:6-8 □ □ □ Deuteronomy 30:14 Romans 8:26 □ □ □ Galatians 2:20 Galatians 3:16-29 Galatians 4:6-7 I John 5:10-15 □ □ □ Page 20 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. God has given us certain gifts. What are they for? Ephesians 4:12 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the faith we speak? Romans 10:8 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why are we no longer affected by the law? Galatians 3:24-26 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why are we entitled to the inheritance? Galatians 3:29 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the confidence we have in Christ? I John 5:14 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 21 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 22 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Anointing Section 5 : Lessons 9-10 The Anointing in Relation to Your Faith Objective: To further understand the relationship between faith and the anointing. Overview: God will not do anything without the presence of the anointing. His Word says that it is not by might, or by power, but by His Spirit. If God is going to move in your life it is going to be by His Spirit. The Word tells us that we will reap what we sow; therefore, a person’s spiritual harvest is totally dependent upon what he sows. If we don’t know how to be strong, then we aren’t making the necessary spiritual investments. On the other hand, if we commit to making the spiritual investments, God will reward our faithfulness. We know that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. The more time we spend with Him by reading His Word and in prayer, the sooner we will be able to walk in spiritual agreement. The Word says can two walk together unless they be agreed? When we begin to trust in the Word, and not lean on our own understanding, we will allow the anointing to move in our lives. To walk in agreement with God you must uncompromisingly know the provisions that have been made for you. You must understand what happened at Calvary and where you are positionally seated. When we seek God for His provisions, we must to do so in the complete assurance that He hears us, and that He will do what His Word says. Once you are in agreement with the Holy Spirit, you will see the anointing moving in your life. Page 23 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Key Scriptures: Ephesians 6:10 □ □ Romans 8:14-15 Romans 12:2 □ II Corinthians 3:17 II Timothy l:6-7 Mark 11:22-24 John 16:13 □ □ □ □ I Corinthian 2:12-13 □ Page 24 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. How does the Word tell you to be strong in the Lord? Ephesians 6:10 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What Spirit have we received? I Corinthians 2:14 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. What does the Spirit of the Lord provide? II Corinthians 3:17 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. What kind of spirit has the Lord provided for us? II Timothy 1:7 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Where will the Holy Spirit guide us? John 16:13 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 25 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 26 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Anointing Section 6 : Lesson 11 Working and Living in The Anointing Objective: To understand the principles necessary to walk in the anointing. Overview: God wants His power and His Spirit to be influential in every step we take. A person who lives in God’s anointing will receive His benefits spiritually, physically, mentally, intellectually, emotionally, and financially. Because we are born again believers, we are entitled to each one of God’s blessings through our inheritance. It is God’s intention that we flourish and blossom in His presence. God’s benefits are only available when you are mindful of His presence, or His anointing power. If you are mindful of the natural, you get angry, you lose your temper, and you push the anointing away. Only you can decide if the driving force in your life will be God’s Spirit, or the flesh. What you are mindful of, will determine your disposition and position. The person who comes to God believing that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, will reap the benefits of His promises. The manner in which you approach God determines what you will receive. The flow of the anointing in your life will be hindered when you: are not focused on the truth, no longer live by biblical principles, don’t cooperate with His Spirit, and when you live by the dictates of this world. The Word tells us that we are branches and that we must stay connected, or abide in the Page 27 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program vine. To receive God’s blessings, we must feed on every word that proceeds out of His mouth. Not only must we listen with our ears, we must also ready the ears of our spirit man. There are three types of branches. First there are those who will abide in the vine. These are people who have yielded, and refuse the report of the world. Their spirit is ready to receive. When they call upon the Lord, they know His presence. Then there are those who don’t abide in the vine. Thank God for salvation because they will learn what they missed out on when they get to heaven. And finally, there are those who abide in the branch part time. The Word said I would rather you be hot or cold, but not lukewarm. These people are walking in frustration. The problem is not with God; it is with man! Key Scriptures: John 4:24 □ John 12:46 □ John 14:16 John 15:6-7 John 15:16 □ □ □ Page 28 Christian Harfouche Ministries Hebrews 1:10-11 I John 2:14 □ I John 2:27 □ IMI Correspondence Program □ Page 29 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. How should we worship God? John 4:24 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. What was our gift from the Father? John 14:16 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. What can we receive if we are in Christ? John 15:7 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. What do we overcome when the Word abides in us? I John 2:14 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Under the law we had a school master. Who is now our teacher? I John 2:27 _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Page 30 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: situation iii IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 31 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Anointing Section 7 : Lesson 12 The Anointing Objective: To understand that God does everything through the anointing. Overview: The Word says that it is not by might, nor by power, but by His spirit; or by the anointing. The anointing is the empowerment or the endowment to carry out God’s will. It is the avenue of God’s communication, or the channel of His blessings. God can be present; yet miracles can be absent when we don’t recognize the purpose of the anointing. The anointing can create something out of nothing. Even Jesus had to wait for the anointing. Jesus never did any miracles or confronted the enemy without the anointing. Every believer needs the gifts of the spirit and the anointing. God only moves in cooperation with His Word. Therefore, the Word + the Spirit (or anointing) = your miracle. The Bible says that every good and perfect thing comes down from the Father of lights in whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning. The purpose of the anointing is to take what is in the invisible realm and to bring it into manifestation in the natural realm. As an example we can look at the Virgin birth. While God is sovereign, He still needed a holy vessel to cooperate with the anointing. Mary had a will and could have told God to find someone else. However her words were be it unto me only alter she asked God how this would happen. It is not a sin to ask God how He plans to do something. The moment she agreed, she took the limits off Page 32 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program of God, and cooperated with the Holy Spirit, or the anointing. When we take the limits off and cooperate with the Spirit of God, we will walk in the supernatural and see miracles arid healings, and the greater works that Jesus said we would do. Believers can sometimes bring about their desires through natural means. However, God sent His power, or the anointing, to work with His Word to validate and to bring about every promise. The person who receives his miracle through his own works, stands to lose it, while the person who receives his miracle through God will keep it. Key Scriptures: I John 5:7 □ Luke 1:30-37 Luke 4:1 □ □ Isaiah 10:27 □ Zechariah 4:6 □ Page 33 Christian Harfouche Ministries Deuteronomy 8:18 Jude 20 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ Page 34 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Why does God give us power to get wealth? Deuteronomy 8:18 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Just how did the Virgin birth take place? Luke 1:35 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. How is the yoke destroyed? Isaiah 10:27 ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. How should we pray? Jude 20 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 35 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must conti desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 36 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Anointing Section 8 : Lessons 13-14 William Branham Objective: To further understand the anointing by examining how it worked on one pioneer of faith. Overview: As Christians, we are called to serve in the army of Christ. We need to continually prepare ourselves to do God’s work. The Word says that many are called, but few are chosen. Why is that? For one thing, not everyone is called to serve in the five fold ministry. Many fail because they try to build upon the gift (themselves) instead of the Word of God. Others fail because of a perceived lack of results. You will always fail if you try to do it your own way, or in your own strength, or if you simply don’t have the patience. The success of God’s Word is not dependent on your personal results, but on God’s inspired Word. When we study other Christians, we want to keep in mind that it is not their personal success stories that we are interested in, rather it is how God moved in their lives. Key Scriptures: Gal 5:22 □ Acts 10:38 □ Page 37 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 38 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Anointing Section 9: Lesson 15 Corporate Anointing Objective: To understand the importance of the corporate anointing. Overview: Amos 3:3 asks, can two walk together unless they be agreed? In the Gospel of Matthew, the Word says that if two shall agree on earth as touching anything that they ask, it shall be done. The Word then says where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am in the midst of them. The Word also says that one can put a thousand to flight, but two can put ten thousand to flight. Think of what an entire church walking in unity could do. Better yet, how about the entire body of Christ? The Word promises if we walk together, we will have unlimited power and authority in the name of Christ. We are members of a single body and should learn to flow in cooperation with one another. Can you imagine a body with the left leg going in one direction and the right leg in another? That’s what happens in the spiritual realm when we don’t walk together in agreement or unity. How does this happen? Unfortunately, it usually happens when individuals put their personal ambitions above the corporate body. They become proud, they don’t yield to authority, they become offended, and so forth. All of these factors cause division and break down the corporate agreement. But that church seemed so nice. The problem is that there is so much confusion and strife in the spirit realm, the Holy Spirit doesn’t feel invited. Don’t be deceived, Page 39 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program God is not mocked! How do we rectify this problem? If each one of us would only learn to submit ourselves to our authority. Why do so many people attach negative baggage to the concept of submission? Submission is nothing more than fulfilling your commitment to Christ, walking in harmony, and yielding to the authorities in the Church. If you can not yield to the authorities in your church, it may be time to determine if you need another church. If you have made a habit of switching churches, it may be time for some personal introspection. On the other hand, authority should never be used as a form of bondage or control. If the body would learn to fulfill their destiny in Christ rather than their personal ambitions, we could walk together in the Word, or in agreement. Righteous Christians will maintain their status by fellowship with God and one another. Fellowship is nothing more than the linking together of hearts, and you can’t have fellowship with God if you don’t have fellowship with one another. The Word says to confess your faults to one another, and to forgive each other when you stand praying. The Word is clear. How can God hear our prayers if we can’t love or forgive one another? The Word says that we being many are one body in Christ, and every one members of one another. We are inextricably linked together! When we truly walk in agreement, the power of God will flow in our lives without measure. Key Scriptures: Amos 3:3 □ Page 40 Christian Harfouche Ministries Matthew 18:18-20 □ Ephesians 5:18-22 □ James 4:6-8 □ James 5:13-16 □ Mark 11:25-26 □ I Timothy 3:6 □ I Peter 5:5-8 IMI Correspondence Program □ Romans 12:5-13 □ Page 41 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Why should we forgive one another when we pray? Mark 11:26 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. How should husbands love their wives? Ephesians 5: 25 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. How does God view the proud? How does He view the humble? James 4:6 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why should we confess our faults to one another? James 5:16 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 42 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 43 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Anointing Section 10 : Lesson 16 Take the Limits Off Objective: To understand how you can limit God. Overview: The Bible says let God be true and every man a liar. God cannot violate His own Word! He is always true to His Word. If something is not going right in your life, you can’t always blame God. Besides being immature, this is nothing more than doubt and unbelief. If this is doubt and unbelief, it cannot be of faith. By now, you must know that God’s ability to do miracles in your life is directly proportional to your faith. To often we limit God by our excuses. People always have an excuse why they can’t do something. This is simply murmuring and complaining. Words of doubt and unbelief will only limit the ability of God to work in your life. We all want God to use us, yet people will find an excuse not to minister to their next door neighbor. If we can’t talk to our neighbors, how can God expect us to go to a foreign country where our physical life may be in danger? God’s results in your life are directly proportional to your faith and your attitude. Once you can heal your own headache, then you can move on your friend’s cancer. We need to remove the words of doubt and unbelief and fill our lips with words of praise and worship. God will not give you something you have not expected, waited for, or anticipated, if you anticipate failure, evil, doom, and destruction, you can speak those events right into existence. Page 44 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program The first thing you must realize is that there will always be a river between you and your destination. You must make up your mind to take the limits off of God so that He can move you across the river. God has called you to be more than a conqueror so that you can prevail against the impossibilities. Don’t look at what God has done; rather look at what He wants to do. Faith which is seen is not faith! If you have been temporarily hindered, pinpoint what is stopping you and uproot it. Remove the excuses and stop murmuring. Once you stop limiting God, there will be no limits in your life. You will soar! Key Scriptures: Jeremiah 12:5 Amos 3:7 □ □ II Kings 5:l □ Page 45 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Who does God reveal His secrets to? Amos 3:7 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What must we be prepared for in our daily walk? Jeremiah 12:5 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 46 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 47 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Congratulations! You have completed Session V : Anointing The test for Anointing is at the back of this manual. When you have completed all 6 Sessions and their tests, please mail them to: International Miracle Institute 421 N. Palafox St. Pensacola, FL 32501 Attn: IMI Registrar Alternatively you may email us at and we will email the tests to you. Simply complete the tests online and email back in the same format. Page 48 Section VI MIRACLES Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program SESSION VI—MIRACLES SECTION LESSON TITLE 1 1-3 GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT 2 4-5 POWER AND DEMONSTRATION-FLOWING IN THE HOLY GHOST 3 6-7 POWER AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF THE HOLY GHOST 4 8-9 POWER AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF THE HOLY GHOST 5 10-11 POWER AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF THE HOLY GHOST--STILL SMALL VOICE 6 12 POWER FOR THE HOUR 7 13 POSSESSING SUPERNATURAL POWER 8 14 THE POWER OF HIS GLORY 9 15 UNLEASH THE POWER OF FAITH 10 16 RESURRECTION--RELEASE YOUR FAITH Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Miracles Section 1: Lessons 1-3 Gifts of the Spirit Objective: To provide an overview of the Gifts of the Spirit and the manifestation of New Testament miracles. Overview: Spiritual Gifts are one of the most misunderstood topics in the New Testament. The Lord said His people perish for a lack of knowledge. The Bible says that even Jesus studied the Word, and when He did, He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Without a direct deposit of the Word, you can’t have divine revelation, utterance, and the ability to walk in power and demonstrations. Christians must study and rightly divide the Word, to show themselves approved unto God. The Word says to earnestly covet the gifts and ask in faith, believing you have received them. The gifts are to equip the believer to walk in the supernatural and in the power and demonstration of the Word. The Word says that there are a diversity of gifts and manifestations, but they all come from the same Spirit. It also says these gifts are for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and for the edification of the body of Christ. Therefore, while we seek the gifts, they are not for us personally, but for the benefit of others. Page 3 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program There are nine spiritual gifts, or ways that the Lord manifests Himself. These gifts can be broken into three major categories. They are the revelation gifts, the utterance gifts,and the power gifts. To see the manifestation of these gifts in your life, you must stir the Holy Spirit resident within you. Until you get a revelation of the identity and power within you, you will not walk in the supernatural gifts. This revelation can only come from an intense study and proper division of the Word, and an intimate prayer life. Key Scriptures: I John 2:27 □ I Corinthians 2:4-5 □ I Corinthians 2:12 □ I Corinthians 12:7 □ I Corinthians 13:13 I Peter 4:1 □ □ Page 4 Christian Harfouche Ministries Acts 5:11-20 □ Acts 9:31-35 □ Acts 9:40 IMI Correspondence Program □ Ephesians 1:17 □ Romans 1:16-17 □ Page 5 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Why are we told to have the mind of Christ? I Peter 4:1 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What should your faith stand on? I Corinthians 2:5 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why are the gifts given to us? I Corinthians 12:7 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Where is the righteousness of God revealed? Romans 1:16-17 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why can we know the things which are freely given from God? I Corinthians 2:12 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 7 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Miracles Section 2 : Lessons 4-5 Power & Demonstration Flowing in the Holy Ghost Objective: To understand how to flow with the Holy Spirit. Overview: The Word says to trust in the Lord with all your heart and not to lean on your own understanding. We must learn to trust in the revelation knowledge of God’s Word and not the natural. We know that we are more than conquerors all the time; sometimes we just don’t know how our miracles will be manifested. The Word tells us that our faith should not stand in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God. The true gift that God gives us is the Holy Spirit. What we consider gifts is simply the manifestation of the Spirit. As a believer, you should pursue an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. The reality is that there is no Gospel, or good news, without the Holy Spirit. Jesus said I must leave, but my Father will send you a Comforter. It is the Holy Spirit which leads you in all truth, and allows you to walk in power and demonstrations with signs following. Page 8 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program You can not flow in the anointing if you are not filled with the Holy Spirit, and you can not be filled with the Holy Spirit if you are filled with doubt and unbelief. Nothing will stop the flow of God in your life quicker than doubt or unbelief. The Holy Spirit will only move when you have completely yielded yourself and are free from certain emotions, such as doubt and unbelief, which only serve to suppress Him. The Word tells us to stir up the gift that is within us. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us beyond what we think or know. Remember, you are the only person who can stop the move of the Holy Spirit in your life. Key Scriptures: Proverbs 3:5-6 □ I Corinthians 2:4-5 Ephesians 3:16 □ Ephesians 3:19 □ I Timothy4:12-15 □ □ Page 9 Christian Harfouche Ministries II Timothy 1:6-7 John 14:17-31 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ Page 10 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. In what manner did Paul speak? I Corinthians 2:4 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. How does God strengthen us? Ephesians 3:16 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. How are we filled with the fullness of God? Ephesians 3:19 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What important guidance did Paul give Timothy that we should follow today? I Timothy 4:12-13 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. What kind of spirit have we received from God? II Timothy 1:7 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. What happens when you truly love Jesus? John 14:23 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 11 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 12 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Miracles Section 3 : Lessons 6-7 Power & Demonstrations of the Holy Ghost Objective: To understand how to flow with the Holy Spirit. Overview: Jesus could not do one miracle without the anointing. We too can not experience God’s miracles without the anointing. In order to operate in power and demonstration, the believer must abide in the anointed one. Christ and the Word are one. The Word says that if you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you can ask what you will and it will be done unto you. With proper division of the logos, or written word, the believer can accurately flow in the Holy Ghost, because he knows the will of God. Through the avenue of wisdom and revelation that comes from God’s Word, we can receive and claim the benefits of the glory and power of God’s anointing. The Bible says that Christ in us is the hope of glory, and we are partakers of His divine nature. Once we have a revelation of this truth we will walk in power and demonstration. We must do two things to live a supernatural life. First, we must be obedient to the Word, and second, we must allow God’s Holy Spirit to control us. We must labor to enter into His rest through the sacrifice of prayers and praise. We must learn to cease from our works so that we can flow with the Holy Ghost. Experiential faith and anointing can only come through intense fellowship with God. Page 13 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Jesus said, I always do the things that please my Father. In other words, He made the Father’s priority His priority. We need to learn how to make His priorities our priorities, so that we can do His will. The Apostle Paul said that our faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. That power, or the anointing, is resident in each believer, and is released through faith. Key Scriptures: II Timothy 2:15 I Timothy 3:15 I Timothy 4:1 □ □ □ I Thessalonians 2:7-9 Colossians 1:25 □ □ □ Colossians 27-29 Page 14 Christian Harfouche Ministries Colossians 2:9 □ Ephesians 1:17-19 Ephesians 3:3 □ Ephesians 3:7 □ Ephesians 3:10 Acts 6:15 □ □ Ephesians 3:19-20 Mark 9:1-7 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ □ Acts 7:48-55 □ Page 15 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. How should we study? II Timothy 2:15 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the mystery among the Gentiles? Colossians 1:27 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What did Paul pray that God would give us? Ephesians 1:17 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. The full knowledge of Christ will do what for you? Ephesians 3:10. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the relationship between heaven and earth? Acts 7:49 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 16 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 17 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Miracles Section 4: Lessons 8-9 Power & Demonstrations of the Holy Ghost Objective: To understand how to do the works Jesus commissioned us to do through power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost. Overview: The kingdom of God is not in eloquent speech, but in power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost. When the Word of promise is preached, it develops an expectation in those who hear. People receive on the other end by faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the Word of God. When we walk in God’s perfect will, we have the Spirit in bountiful supply. We must consistently believe for the overflow of anointing with fresh oil. Believers must pursue the Gospel and potential in Christ far above where they are. Religious works mixed with faith equals failure. However, when we mix our faith with the Word we will see the manifestation of miracles. There is no ceiling to the excellency of God’s manifest power. By faith, we can rule and reign full of the Holy Ghost and His Word. We can only limit Him through a lack of faith, prayer, and knowledge of the Word. The harvest is great and the laborers are few. Anointed men and women of God who understand their authority will bring in the harvest. The only way to do the Word is to meditate Page 18 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program upon it, and then decide to act upon it. The Holy Ghost will go to work to supernaturally manifest Himself through the Word. The Holy Ghost is the spiritual pilot within the believer. He is alive to divine truth, which is the Word. When we are born again, we are born of the Spirit of God. The believer receives power when the Holy Ghost comes upon and immerses him in Holy Ghost and fire. Believers are the temple and housing power of the most high God. Christ in us is the hope of Glory, the anointed one, the miracle worker, and He equips us to do exploits for His kingdom. The Holy Spirit enables us to expect beyond what we think or ask. He verifies backs up, and performs His Word as we make the necessary deposits and learn to flow with His anointing. Key Scriptures: Galatians2:5 □ Galatians 2:14 John 7:37-39 □ □ John 14:16-23 □ Page 19 Christian Harfouche Ministries □ John 20:21-23 Joshua 1:8 □ Hebrews 4:12 Acts 2:15-16 □ □ □ Acts 2:33 Acts 3:6 IMI Correspondence Program □ Acts 3:12 □ Acts 3:19 □ Acts 4:1-2 □ Page 20 Christian Harfouche Ministries Acts 5:17 □ Acts 5:42 □ Acts 8:35 □ Romans 8:26-28 IMI Correspondence Program □ Page 21 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Jesus said that if any man thirsts he should do this? John 7:37 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Explain the relationship between the Father, Jesus, and yourself. John 14:20 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. How does the Spirit help our infirmities? Romans 8:26 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Under what authority did Peter speak to the man at the Temple Beautiful? Acts 3:6 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. What does God command us to do with His Word? Joshua 1:8 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 22 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 23 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Miracles Section 5 : Lessons 10-11 Power & Demonstrations of the Holy Ghost Still Small Voice Objective: To understand the indwelling source of anointing and how to tap into the wellspring to do signs and wonders. Overview: The Bible says to guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows all the issues of life. As we stir up ourselves we have a wellspring of life, anointing, and miracle working power. The still small voice is the voice of the Holy Spirit; in fact it is the Spirit of Christ living within the believer. Ephesians 3:20 says that it is the power within us, or the anointing, which is the key to God doing abundantly above what we ask or think. The anointing is recharged through communion with God. The mantle, or anointing, comes to equip us to do our mission. The Word says that steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord when the believer is in harmony with the Spirit of God. Just as the anointing lives within the believer, the believer should dwell in the anointing. The anointing teaches us to grow up in Christ and to put away our childish behavior. To develop your spirit man, you must invest effort into your spiritual growth. The responsibility for maturity lies within yourself. We know we can grow because Christ said that we would do Page 24 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program even greater works than He. The milk of the Word refreshes and blesses, but carries no responsibility to grow. It is the meat of the anointed Word which commands you to go forth and do the work of God. It is the anointing within us that causes us to hear His voice. It is the still small voice we hear that leads us to act in faith. Jesus said out of your belly will flow rivers of living water. As the anointing abides in the believer, the believer ought to continually abide in the anointing. Christ and the anointing are one in the same. The Holy Spirit is committed to leading us into truth and revelation. The anointing has the potential to teach us all spiritual truth. The provisions of Christ through God come through our spirit. The wisdom of God lives in our Spirit by the Spirit of God. Paul said I die daily; I live yet not I, but Christ in me. Fear and doubt, coupled with unforgiveness will short circuit the anointing. The bondage of anxiety, doubt, fear, and hurt, is a wall or veil. A veil is everywhere the Spirit is not Lord. The Bible says that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. When a believer is afraid to open up and loose the wall and defenses, the Spirit can not be Lord. There is no accuracy in the spirit and we can not enter His rest. We faint and become weary in our mind when we do not consider the Spirit of the Lord. The flesh can not manufacture the wisdom or power of God. Revelation will come when the anointing or ministration of God causes the things of God to be seen. Jesus said when the Spirit of truth comes, He shall receive of mine and show it unto you. We have the mind of Christ, and walk in the wisdom of God through the anointing. Just as Jesus walked in and through the anointing, so we also walk with signs and wonders following, as we abide in the anointing. Page 25 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program There are two major keys to victory. First, you must know that you know that you are walking with God. Second, you must actively nurture your relationship with God to hear His still small voice. Faith works by love. You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might, and you must love your neighbor as yourself. When you walk in love without ought and condemnation, you will walk in boldness and faith because you will hear God. Miracles will come and go, but it will be your consistency in the Word and developing your spirit man which will take you to new heights in the supernatural. Key Scriptures: John 10:27 □ □ Proverbs 3:5-6 Zechariah 4:6 □ Ephesians 3:20 □ Philippians 4:6-7 □ Page 26 Christian Harfouche Ministries I Corinthians 13:11 □ II Corinthians 3:5-8 I John 2:27 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ Revelation 3:20 □ Page 27 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What has God made us able to do? II Corinthians 3:6 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What do we do when we mature in Christ? I Corinthians 13:11 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What can God do for us? Ephesians 3:20 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why do we follow God? John 10:27 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. What should we do when we hear the voice of the Lord? Revelation 3:20 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 28 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 29 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Miracles Section 6 : Lesson 12 Power For the Hour Objective: To understand the power you need for today. Overview: God has given us the ability and placed an open door for us to reach out and touch souls with the power of the Gospel; the good news of our salvation. In the future, the separation between the powerful and powerless will become more evident. There will always be those who show a form of godliness, but are ignorant of the power in Christ. If we are to do what we are called to do, we need a clear understanding of both the power and its source. To do God’s work on earth, He has provided us with both the dunamis power and the exousia authority. We are more than conquerors even when we don’t feel like it because we walk by faith and not by how we feel. However, just because we have the power doesn’t mean we are enforcing it. You need one more important ingredient, and that’s the anointing. You must be tenacious in your daily pursuit of the anointing. The Psalmist says that you must seek the fresh oil. You can’t live today on yesterday’s anointing. When you have the fresh oil, God will anoint you to do things that the natural man can’t. Today is the day that the Lord has made; so rejoice and be glad in it. Never be satisfied with yesterday’s accomplishments. Continue to press toward your high call in Christ Jesus. God wants to take you to the high places as in Habakkuk 3. Page 30 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program You must know what makes you weak and resist it. The Bible says that you hide God’s Word in your heart so that you won’t sin against Him. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. The devil will do everything he can to mock God’s Word and try to put doubt in your mind. If you waiver, you not only lose the anointing, but you also lose your power and authority. Samson wavered and lost his power; but just as Sampson repented and realized the source of his power, we can do the same thing. When you die to the flesh and the world, the anointing takes over. Sampson rose above his shame; his renewed faith earned him special mention in the book of Hebrews hail of faith. We too can press in for the special anointing we need today, and every day! Key Scriptures: □ Psalm 92:10 Romans 12:2 □ □ I Peter 5:7-8 Judges 16:28 □ Hebrews 11:32 □ Page 31 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What should we seek every day? Psalm 92:10 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why must be on a constant watch for the enemy? I Peter 5:8 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 32 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 33 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Miracles Section 7: Lesson 13 Possessing Supernatural Power Objective: To understand how to operate in supernatural power. Overview: The supernatural power of God is available to every believer. To capitalize from the anointing, and to move in this power, one only needs a revelation knowledge of the truth. The power of God is bigger than we can comprehend with our minds. The key to tapping into this power is found in God’s Word. The believer must learn to work in cooperation with the anointing, or God’s Spirit. The first step is to put a deposit in your spiritual storehouse. The more you deposit His Word in your spirit, and speak and confess in line with His Word, the sooner you will see His supernatural results in your life. The Holy Ghost will take the Word and make it powerful in you until every evil thing that presents itself against obedience and fullness of Christ will depart. The Holy Ghost is the unction, revelation, or force, which manifests the Word in the body. The Word of God moves mountains, casts out devils, and heals the sick. The reason people fall short of possessing supernatural power is because of the sin known as unbelief. Believers must understand that they are not their own, but that they are absolutely possessed by God. Our mind can be used to believe God, or it can be used to doubt God. We limit God when we choose not to act on His Word. Page 34 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Page 35 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program As we know, Christ and the Word are one in the same. Christ is the Anointed One. The Word tells us that we have the mind of Christ. As we act in line with the Word, we are cooperating with the anointing. When we act outside of the Word, we are outside of the anointing, or anti-Christ. Therefore, we must choose to walk in the Word and to rebuke those things which compromise the Word. Possessing supernatural power means cooperating with the anointing through prayer, meditation, and agreement with the Word. Don’t look forward to a visitation, or backwards to a memory; look steadfast into the Word for power and miracles. Key Scriptures: Matthew 8:16 Acts 4:9-10 □ □ I Thessalonians 1:5 I Corinthians 2:5 Romans 15:18-19 Ephesians 3:20 □ □ □ □ Page 36 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. How did Jesus heal the sick and cast out devils? Matthew 8:16 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did the Gospel come to us? I Thessalonians 1:5 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where should your faith stand? I Corinthians 2:5 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 37 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommend Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 38 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Miracles Section 8 : Lesson 14 The Power of His Glory Objective: To understand the power of the anointing. Overview: The true anointing, or God’s manifest glory, should be most apparent in the church. However, there are too many people in the church today that are not walking in power or liberty. Until these people learn that the Spirit of the Lord brings liberty, they will never be completely free. The anointing is God’s manifest presence. It comes to endorse, to enforce, and to perform. Without it, no great and mighty works can be done. The anointing is truly what separates the Christians who walk in victory from the Christians who live beneath their privileges. The anointing is the agent that God uses to perform miracles and to give us the boldness to preach the Gospel of Christ. It is a gift that belongs to each Christian. Jesus said, the glory which you have given Me I have given them: that they may be one, even as we are one. Imagine the power we could have in the body of Christ if we only had a revelation of what is truly available to us. God is as good as we allow the glory to be. If we yield to the anointing, God will manifest Himself. Page 39 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Once you get a hold of the Word, you will make room in your house for Christ; and He will feel at home. You will be injected with resurrection power into your spirit, soul, and body. Your soul and body will be quickened like your spirit, and the anointing spirit will truly set you free. Once we experience and understand the glory, we will pursue it with all diligence. It is the agent that brings about miracles and transforms us into the image of His Son which we are called to conform to. When you meditate on the anointing, the day star will arise in you. When you experience the anointing, you will find the blessings, the glory, and God Himself! Key Scriptures: Isaiah 60:1-2 □ Zechariah 4:6 □ Ephesians 5:14 □ II Peter 1:16-21 □ John 17:22 □ Page 40 Christian Harfouche Ministries Ephesians 3:16 IMI Correspondence Program □ II Corinthians 3:17-18 II Corinthians 4:1 □ □ II Corinthians 4:5-7 □ Colossians 1:25-27 □ Page 41 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. What did the Father give Jesus that He in return gave us? John 17:22 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. How should we be strengthened? Ephesians 3:16 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What do we have when we have the Spirit of the Lord? II Corinthians 3:17 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does the Word call the gift within us? II Corinthians 4:7 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 42 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommend Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 43 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Miracles Section 9 : Lesson 15 Unleash the Power of Faith Objective: To understand that your ability to do miracles depends on your ability to unleash the power of faith resident within you. Overview: The Word of God says that faith without works is dead. To do God’s work you must have active faith. Not only must you believe God’s Word; you must live it, walk it, speak it, confess it, and testify it. The problem is not on God’s part--it is on ours! We all want God to use us; but are we ready to make the necessary sacrifices? Have we renewed our minds, and are we walking by faith? You can not walk by faith and be bound by the world or religion. In some cases, they are one in the same. The Word says that the letter kills but the Spirit gives life. The Old Testament was a perfect law given to an imperfect people. It was a school master that had no life or spirit. The best the people could do was to live under a curse. Their sacrifices could clean them on the outside, but could not clean their spirit. It was not until the death and resurrection of Jesus that man could understand his true position and heavenly identity. The law was performance oriented. Man could only be justified by acts. Then Jesus came, and the Word said that the just shall not live by acts, but by faith. It also said that Jesus is Page 44 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program the author and finisher of that faith. In essence, the Word says that you don’t have to see it or perform it until you believe it. You only have to believe to receive. It is the Spirit that gives life, and where the Spirit is, there is liberty. This is the liberty to live free from the curse and to operate in the realm of God’s authority and power. Once you know what Christ did for you, and who you are in Him, you will be able to pull the trigger on the inside which releases the power to do miracles. When you operate in this realm, you will raise the dead, heal the sick, and cast out devils. Key Scriptures: II Corinthians 3:5-6 □ II Corinthians 3:17 □ II Corinthians 4:13 □ Galatians 3:l1-12 Galatians 3:23 Galatians 4:l □ □ □ Page 45 Christian Harfouche Ministries Galatians 4:6-7 □ Mark 11:22-24 □ Romans 7:3-13 Hebrews 9:3 IMI Correspondence Program □ □ Page 46 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. How are the just commanded to live? Galatians 3:11 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. How should we serve? Romans 7:6 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why do we receive the blessings from God? Galatians 4:7 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why are we no longer in bondage? II Corinthians 3:17 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why should we speak God’s Words? II Corinthians 4:13 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 47 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Practical Application: Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 48 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Miracles Section 10 : Lesson 16 Resurrection - Release Your Faith Objective: To understand the need to resurrect your faith. Overview: The Word says that in the last days perilous times will come and that many will depart from the faith. We are entering into these perilous times. As believers, we must learn to be strong in Him and the power of His might. We can all see people who are walking away because spirits which have caused these people to doubt God’s Word. Somehow, somewhere, sometime, they were disappointed; and they allowed their faith to waver. The fact of the matter is that it doesn’t change God’s Word one bit. God does not lie. As a believer, you can not allow your faith to die. Do not cast away your confidence or you will become weary in well doing. Once that happens, your faith can die a slow death. When you finally stop acting in faith, your faith dies. But just as Jesus said, this sickness is not unto death. You must recognize when your faith becomes sick so that you can stop any further deterioration. God has an investment in your faith. You must remember that it is not Got, but a seducing spirit that causes a person to cast away their confidence. You must not forget the benefits of the One who forgives you of your sins and heals you of all your sickness and disease. Page 49 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Once you recognize that your faith is either sick, or has wavered, you must go back to the initial disappointment which caused the situation. This is the point at which the healing process, or the resurrection of your faith must begin. You must pull the burial stone away! You must trust in the Word. If God says He will deliver you, then He will deliver you. The Word will never tell you what you want to hear; it will only tell you what you need to hear. When you repent and call upon the Lord, He will resurrect your faith. The resurrection of your faith is what will cause you to walk in the gifts of the spirit which allow you to do God’s will on earth! Key Scriptures: I Timothy 4:1 II Timothy 3:1 John 11:4 □ □ □ John 11:34-44 John 12:9-11 □ □ Page 50 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Review Questions: 1. Why are people departing from the faith? I Timothy 4:1 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. How can we best describe the days we are living in? II Timothy 3:1 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What must you do to resurrect your faith? John 11:39 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does it take to see God’s Glory? John 11:40 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 51 Christian Harfouche Ministries Practical Application: IMI Correspondence Program Determine how you can apply the principles in this lesson to a current situation in your life. On a separate piece of paper, describe the situation and note the date you began applying the principles. Practice these principles until they become ingrained in your daily walk. You must continue to stand on the principles in God’s Word in order to see the desired results. Recommended Reading List: See Appendix A. NOTES ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Page 52 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Congratulations! You have completed Session VII : Miracles And The International Miracle Institute Correspondence Program Course 1. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith (2 Tim. 4:7) The test for Miracles is at the back of this manual. When you have completed all 6 tests, please mail them to: International Miracle Institute 421 N. Palafox St. Pensacola, FL 32501 Attn:IMI Registrar Alternatively you may email us at and we will email the tests to you. Simply complete the tests online and email back in the same format. On successful passing of all six tests, you are eligible to receive the International Miracle Institute Course 1 Certificate. If you would like to be a part of the graduation ceremony mid year, please indicate so on the final test sheet. We would also love you to join us and be a part of the week long celebration along other IMI graduates. Page 53 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program + Page 54 International Miracle Institute Correspondence Program Course 1 TESTS Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program International Miracle Institute (IMI) Correspondence Program COURSE 1 EVALUATION Session I - HEAVENLY IDENTITY Congratulations on completing Session I in The International Miracle Institute Correspondence Program, Course 1. Before you can graduate, we must ensure that the IMI learning objectives have been met in all six sessions. Therefore, it is beneficial to review the questions found in your study material prior to completing your test. This test is not intended to be difficult. The tenpoint essay question is designed to see if you have an understanding of this study module. The grading is based on your ability to use scripture to defend your answer. If you have difficulty on any portion of the test, please call or email the IMI office for clarification; or (850) 439-6225. 1. Please make a copy of your test prior to returning it. If your test is lost, this will save you the time and effort of having to redo it. 2. Answers to all questions can be typed or hand written on this test sheet. Essays should be a minimum of 2 pages, typed, double spaced with all quoted scripture single spaced. Handwritten essays should be 3 pages minimum. You can email your test or your answers may be written or typed and mailed to IMI. If your work is not legible, it will be returned for you to reaccomplish. Mail to: IML 421 N. Palafox St., Pensacola, FL 32501 3. The minimum passing score is 75%. Your actual score will not be disclosed unless you did not pass. 4. Please do not discuss this test with any other IMI student ―in residence‖ or correspondent. 5. Please allow 2-4 weeks for grading and processing of your test. Please print the following information: Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Please print the following information: Name: _________________________________ Address:_______________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Date:___________________________________ Session I-Heavenly Identity Essay Write a two page essay and explain your Heavenly Identity. Back your answer up with scripture. (10 points) Questions 1. What is our current position? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. How are you saved? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why does God work in us? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. How does Christ dwell in us? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Where does your faith come from? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. What is our confidence that we will overcome the enemy? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. Where does your promotion come from? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Who does God reward? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program International Miracle Institute (IMI) Correspondence Program COURSE 1 EVALUATION Session II- AUTHORITY Congratulations on completing Session II in The International Miracle Institute Correspondence Program, Course 1. Before you can graduate, we must ensure that the IMI learning objectives have been met in all six sessions. Therefore, it is beneficial to review the questions found in your study material prior to completing your test. This test is not intended to be difficult. The tenpoint essay question is designed to see if you have an understanding of this study block. The grading is based on your ability to use scripture to defend your answer. If you have difficulty on any portion of the test, please call or email the IMI office for clarification; or (850) 439-6225 1. Please make a copy of your test prior to returning it. If your test is lost, this will save you the time and effort of having to redo it. 2. Answers to all questions can be typed or hand written on this test sheet. Essays should be a minimum of 2 pages, typed, double spaced with all quoted scripture single spaced. Hand-written essays should be 3 pages minimum. You can email your test or your answers may be written or typed and mailed to IMI. If your work is not legible, it will be returned for you to re-accomplish. Mail to: IMI, 421 N. Palafox St., Pensacola, FL 32501 3. The minimum passing score is 75%. Your actual score will not be disclosed unless you did not pass. 4. Please do not discuss this test with any other IMI student. 5. Please allow 2-4 weeks for grading and processing of your test. Page 1 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Please print the following information: Name: _________________________________ Address:_______________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Date:___________________________________ Session II-Authority Essay Write a two page essay and explain the authority you have in the name of Jesus Christ. Back you answer up with scripture. (10 points) Questions 1. When will the Word not work the way it was intended? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. When do believers receive power or dunamis? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) __________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is our commission? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does the entrance of God’s Word provide? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. How do we build up our most holy faith? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. From where does the source of your faith come from? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. When should we be ready to preach God’s Word? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. How shall we stand in agreement? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program International Miracle Institute (IMI) Correspondence Program COURSE 1 EVALUATION SESSION III - GOD MAN Congratulations on completing Session III in The International Miracle Institute Correspondence Program, Course 1. Before you can graduate, we must ensure that the IMI learning objectives have been met in all six sessions. Therefore, it is beneficial to review the questions found in your study material prior to completing your test. This test is not intended to be difficult. The tenpoint essay question is designed to see if you have an understanding of this study module. The grading is based on your ability to use scripture to defend your answer. If you have difficulty on any portion of the test, please call or email the IMI office for clarification; or (850) 439-6225. 1. Please make a copy of your test prior to returning it. If your test is lost, this will save you the time and effort of having to redo it. 2. Answers to all questions can be typed or hand written on this test sheet. Essays should be a minimum of 2 pages, typed, double spaced with all quoted scripture single spaced. Hand-written essays should be 3 pages minimum. You can email your test or your answers may be written or typed and mailed to IMI. If your work is not legible, it will be returned for you to re-accomplish. Mail to: IMI, 421 N. Palafox St., Pensacola, FL 32501. 3. The minimum passing score is 75%. Your actual score will not be disclosed unless you did not pass. 4. Please do not discuss this test with any other IMI student. 5. Please allow 2-4 weeks for grading and processing of your test. Page 1 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Please print the following information: Name: _________________________________ Address:_______________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Date:___________________________________ Session Ill-God Man Essay Write a two page essay and explain the significance of renewing your mind. Back your answer up with scripture. (10 points) Questions 1. How must we transform our minds? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. What must be renewed? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. What kind of hope are we saved by? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. How do you get the devil to flee from you and get closer to God? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why is your body holy? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. How are we to live our lives in the body? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 7.What are the benefits of being spiritually minded? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program International Miracle Institute (IMI) Correspondence Program COURSE 1 EVALUATION Session IV - GREAT FAITH Congratulations on completing Session IV in The International Miracle Institute Correspondence Program, Course 1. Before you can graduate, we must ensure that the IMI learning objectives have been met in all six sessions. Therefore, it is beneficial to review the questions found in your study material prior to completing your test. This test is not intended to be difficult. The tenpoint essay question is designed to see ii you have an understanding of this study module. The grading is based on your ability to use scripture to defend your answer. If you have difficulty on any portion of the test, please call or email the IMI office for clarification; or (850) 439-6225. 1. Please make a copy of your test prior to returning it. If your test is lost, this will save you the time and effort of having to redo it. 2. Answers to all questions can be typed or hand written on this test sheet. Essays should be a minimum of 2 pages, typed, double spaced with all quoted scripture single spaced. Hand-written essays should be 3 pages minimum. You can email your test or your answers may be written or typed and mailed to IMI. If your work is not legible, it will be returned for you to re-accomplish. Mail to: IMI, 421 N. Palafox St., Pensacola, FL 32501 3. The minimum passing score is 75%. Your actual score will not be disclosed unless you did not pass. 4. Please do not discuss this test with any other IMI student. 5. Please allow 2-4 weeks for grading and processing of your test. Page 1 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Please print the following information: Name: _________________________________ Address:_______________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Date:___________________________________ Session IV-Great Faith Essay Write a two page essay and explain how to allow faith to work in your life. Back your answer up with scripture. (10 points) Questions 1. What are the two pre-requisites for salvation? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. How do some depart from faith? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. What do the faithful and patient inherit? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What are all the answers to the promises of God? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) \ _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. How does a bad confession lead to destruction? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) ___________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program 6. Why should you not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. What spirit has God imparted unto us? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. What must we do to avoid falling into unbelief? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 9. What does the Word tell us to do while we are standing in prayer? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 10. Why must we forgive others before we pray? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program International Miracle Institute (IMI) Correspondence Program COURSE 1 EVALUATION Session V - THE ANOINTING Congratulations on completing Session V in The International Miracle Institute Correspondence Program, Course I. Before you can graduate, we must ensure that the IMI learning objectives have been met in all six sessions. Therefore, it is beneficial to review the questions found in your study material prior to completing your test. This test is not intended to be difficult. The tenpoint essay question is designed to see if you have an understanding of this study module. The grading is based on your ability to use scripture to defend your answer. If you have difficulty on any portion of the test, please call or email the IMI office for clarification; or (850) 439-6225. 1. Please make a copy of your test prior to returning it. If your test is lost, this will save you the time and effort of having to redo it. 2. Answers to all questions can be typed or hand written on this test sheet. Essays should be a minimum of 2 pages, typed, double spaced with all quoted scripture single spaced. Hand-written essays should be 3 pages minimum. You can email your test or your answers may be written or typed and mailed to IMI. If your work is not legible, it will be returned for you to re-accomplish. Mail to: IMI, 421 N. Palafox St., Pensacola. FL 32501. 3. The minimum passing score is 75%. Your actual score will not be disclosed unless you did not pass. 4. Please do not discuss this test with any other IMI student. 5. Please allow 2-4 weeks for grading and processing of your test. Page 1 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Please print the following information: Name: _________________________________ Address:_______________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Date:___________________________________ Session V -The Anointing Essay Write a two page essay and explain what God’s anointing power is and why you need it. Back up your answer with scripture. (10 points) Questions 1. Jesus said we will do even greater works than He. What can we do with the full measure of the anointing? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. How will we overcome the enemy? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. How did Jesus obtain eternal redemption for mankind? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why are we entitled to the inheritance? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Where will the Holy Spirit guide us? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. What can we receive if we are in Christ and He in us? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program 7. How is the yoke destroyed? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. What are the fruits of the Spirit? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 9. How does God view the proud and the humble? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 10. Who does God reveal His secrets to? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program International Miracle Institute (IMI) Correspondence Program COURSE 1 EVALUATION \ Session VI- MIRACLES Congratulations on completing Session VI in the International Miracle Institute Correspondence Program, Course 1. Before IMI can award a Certificate of Completion, we must ensure that the IMI learning objectives have been met in all six sessions. Therefore, it is beneficial to review the questions found in your study material prior to completing your test The ten- point essay question is designed to see if you have an understanding of this study module. The grading is based on your ability to use scripture to defend your answer. If you have difficulty on any portion of the test, please call or email the IMI office for clarification; or (850) 439-6225. 1. Please make a copy of your test prior to returning it. If your test is lost, this will save you the time and effort of having to redo it. 2. Answers to all questions can be typed or hand written on this test sheet. Essays should be a minimum of 2 pages, typed, double spaced with all quoted scripture single spaced. Hand-written essays should be 3 pages minimum. You can email your test or your answers may be written or typed and mailed to IMI. If your work is not legible, it will be returned for you to re-accomplish. Mail to: IMI, 421 N. Palafox St., Pensacola, FL 32501. 3. The minimum passing score is 75%. Your actual score will not be disclosed unless you did not pass. 4. Please do not discuss this test with any other IMI student. 5. Please allow 2-4 weeks for grading and processing of your test. Page 1 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Please print the following information: Name: _________________________________ Address:_______________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Date:___________________________________ Session VI-Miracles Essay Write a two page essay and explain what you must do to cooperate with the power of the Holy Spirit in the working of miracles. Back your answer up with scripture. (10 points) Questions 1. What should your faith stand on? Indicate your scripture. (I point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. How does God strengthen us? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. How should we study? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is the relationship between the Father, Jesus and the believer? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why must we be on a constant watch for the enemy? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. What does the Word call the gift within us? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. How should we serve? Indicate your scripture. (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 Christian Harfouche Ministries IMI Correspondence Program Please complete the following information and check your preferences below and enclose with your completed tests. Please Print Clearly: Name on Certificate: __________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ___________________________________________________________ E-Mail: ______________________________________________________________________ Enclosed is my check/money order for $25.00 for my Course 1 Correspondence Program Certificate from the International Miracle Institute. Please mail my Certificate to the above address OR I will be attending the graduation ceremony mid year and will receive my certificate at graduation at IMI in Pensacola. I do not desire a certificate. Please mail a Completion Certificate. Page 3