18 Awards Available! Up To $2,000 Per Award!


18 Awards Available! Up To $2,000 Per Award!
2012 iFluRtz & Everybody Loves Rewards Achievement Awards (IEAA’s)
18 Awards Available! Up To $2,000 Per Award!
iFluRtz was created by 3 really, really ridiculously good-looking student leaders. And, as students
ourselves, we believe it is important to provide financial assistance (we’re talkin’ money) to help
outstanding students fulfill their dreams. Whether those dreams require money for tuition, to start a
business or to record a demo, we wanna help make it happen!
2012 iFluRtz & Everybody Loves Rewards Achievement Awards (IEAA’s)!
Do you know someone under 20 who is a leader, innovator or achiever? Nominate him or her for an IMAA!
iFluRtz & ELR are once again recognizing and rewarding the exceptional accomplishments of students in
the following 6 categories:
• Leadership
• Business and Entrepreneurship
• Arts, Culture and Recreation
• Science and Technology
• Community and Volunteerism
• Government and Politics
18 awards available! Up to $2,000 per award
All students under the age of 20 (as of Dec 31, 2012) are eligible to apply
The 2012 IEAA’s are available to ALL students that participated in the 2012 iFluRtz Fundraiser and are ELR
Students may apply for more than 1 award if they wish. However, they must submit a separate
application for each additional award applied for
Nominations will close on July 30th, 2012. No exceptions
To apply, simply download our awards application and be sure to view our complete list of rules.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at scholarships@iflurtz.com.
• Make sure that every one of the Eligibility Requirements fits you and your project or idea exactly
• Read the application package thoroughly and carefully. Follow all instructions. Go over the
Application Checklist point by point so you are certain that all parts of the application are
• The electronic application form allows you to type in your responses and to print off the filled-in
form. Note: this form cannot be saved. When you close it, all information that you have entered
is deleted. Tip: Print a blank copy of the IEAA’S application form for reference. Then use word
processing software to draft and save your answers to disk. Cut and paste your good copy into
the appropriate fields on the form. Print off and review before submission.
• If you would like a copy of your application, please photocopy it before sending it. Applications
will not be returned to you.
Your application to the IEAA’s must be endorsed by a sponsor. A sponsor is a person who has been
directly involved with your activities and can share detailed comments about you and your efforts.
Your sponsor may be a peer, community member, business leader or teacher, however, he or she
cannot be a family member or close relative. Do not re-use endorsement letters from other awards
and scholarship applicants. Your letter must speak to the specifics of your application.
IMPORTANT: The sponsor must complete and sign Section E. Make sure you give your sponsor
Section E and ask them to complete this form.
You can submit your application by USPS, Canada Post, private courier or hand delivered.
All applications must be received by no later than 4:30 pm on July 30th, 2012.
Applications are to be sent to:
iFluRtz & Everybody Loves Rewards Achievement Awards
1188 West Georgia – 9th Floor
Vancouver, BC V6E 4A2 CANADA
• Have a record of innovation, leadership and achievement, of meeting personal challenges, and
of making a difference in school or the larger community.
• Include a letter of endorsement from a sponsor
• Be under the age of 20 as of December 31, 2012
• Applications must be received no later than July 30th, 2012
q Completed 2012 IEAA application form.
q Section E ‘Sponsor Endorsement’ is complete and signed by your sponsor.
q Your sponsor endorsement letter is included in the application package.
q Feel free to include additional material (newspaper clippings, video tapes, pictures, additional
reference letters, resume, etc.) However, these will not be returned.
q Make sure that your application is signed. If you are under the age of 16, please make sure a
parent or legal guardian has also signed the application. Unsigned applications will not be
2012 iFluRtz & Everybody Loves Rewards Achievement Awards (IEAA’s)
About You
First Name:_________________________________________________________ Last Name:_____________________________________________
day /_________
month /_________
Age at Application: _________________________ Date of birth:_________
Gender: q M
q F
Home address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City:________________________________ Province / State:___________________ Postal / Zip Code:____________________________________
Home Telephone No: ( ____ ) ________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________
(List all the schools/ training/ apprenticeship programs you have been enrolled in over the past two years. Start with the most recent.)
Name of School or
Name of Program or
Full Address
Telephone No.
2012 iFluRtz & Everybody Loves Rewards Achievement Awards (IEAA’s)
Guardian/Alternative Contact Information
Please provide contact information of someone we can contact if we are unable to reach you.
NOTE: If you are under the age of 16, you must provide a parent or guardian as the contact.
Full Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone No: ( ____ ) ________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________
Relationship: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
SECTION C: Career Interests
1. List your career interests: (Write more than one if you have not decided.)
a) ____________________________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________________________
c) ____________________________________________________________________________
2. List three of your biggest accomplishments:
a) ____________________________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________________________
c) ____________________________________________________________________________
2012 iFluRtz & Everybody Loves Rewards Achievement Awards (IEAA’s)
This section is your opportunity to tell why you should be chosen as one of the IEAA winners. Please take time to
organize and express your thoughts. Your responses must be short, to the point and clearly answer each question.
For each question, use no more than 300 words in your response. Feel free to include attachments.
1. Please describe the idea or project where you played a leadership role?
2. In what way is this idea or project unique or innovative?
2012 iFluRtz & Everybody Loves Rewards Achievement Awards (IEAA’s)
3. What impact has your idea or project had on others (your school, community, or
organization, for example).
4. Looking at your achievements now, describe the risk(s) that you took.
2012 iFluRtz & Everybody Loves Rewards Achievement Awards (IEAA’s)
5. How will your achievement or vision be sustained in the future?
I certify that the information provided on this application form and in the accompanying documentation is
true and accurate. I have read the eligibility requirements for the award and I verify that I have met them. I
agree to be bound by the regulations of the award. Moreover, I authorize the provision of any information
held or to be held by secondary schools, post-secondary institutions, community organizations, others and
my sponsor, relating to my application, including but not limited to personal evaluations and transcripts,
will and could be used by the selection committee and staff of the IEAA’s for the purpose of selection,
for statistical analysis, and to facilitate ongoing administration activities with applicants. All information
about and on my application will be kept confidential and on file by IEAA. If my application is selected for
an award, I authorize the publication of my name and province/state of residence, with award selection
details to be publicized.
Signature of applicant: ________________________________________ Date: _________________________________
If you are under the age of 16, please have a parent or guardian sign below as well
Signature of Parent/Guardian: _________________________________ Date: ________________________________
2012 iFluRtz & Everybody Loves Rewards Achievement Awards (IEAA’s)
NOTE: Please give this form to your sponsor to complete.
The sponsor supports the applicant as a candidate for the IEAA’s.
IMPORTANT: The sponsor must sign at the bottom of this section and write a separate
endorsement letter (750 words maximum; typed in black ink; font size 11 or 12 only) which
answers the following question:
“Please describe the applicant and his or her achievement in relation to its focus and innovation.
Evaluate the applicant’s creativity, communication skills and collaborative efforts. Note challenges
met, successfully and/or unsuccessfully, and how these affected the set goals. What lessons were
learned that will guide the applicant towards future success?”
Please place your endorsement letter in a sealed envelope and return it to the applicant in plenty of time
so the applicant can include this with their full application package.
Please note that the applicant must submit their full application kit no later than July 30th, 2012.
Full Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Organization Name: _______________________________________Title:_________________________________________
Full Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone No: ( ) : _______________________________________Email:_________________________________________
Have you received any special award(s)? If yes, name of award(s):
I, _______________________________________ endorse _________________________________________
Name of sponsor
Applicant’s name
as a candidate for the IEAA award.
Sponsor Signature ___________________________________ Date: _______________________________