Field Trip Programs at Hands On
Field Trip Programs at Hands On
Olympia, WA Field Trip Programs at Hands On “I t was brillia nt ! K id s and adul ts we re all engaged. You ’ve na iled it ” First Grade Science Teach er, Annie Wright School Washington’s Premier Field Trip Destination 1/2-Acre Outdoor Discovery Center New Preschool Workshops Dear Educators, At the Hands On Children’s Museum, we believe students learn through experiences as well as experiments. Whether it’s on a field trip to explore our Museum, in an interactive workshop led by our Museum staff or in a tailored program that we bring to your school, Hands On understands fun and learning go hand in hand. Explore amazing galleries and exhibits! The Museum features eight themed galleries, a spacious Arts & Parts Studio, more than 150 exhibits and 28,000 square feet of interactive play! Here are few highlights: • Examine specimens under the Video Microscope at the Puget Sound Science Table. • Scramble up the two-story Tides-to-Trees Climber experiencing nine habitat pods on your way to the Fabulous Forest. • Investigate the forces of push and pull in the 25-foot AirWays Maze. • Explore states of water at our Ballcano! with its 8-foot-tall vortex. • Experiment with aircraft construction and test your flying machine in our Wind Tunnel. • Pilot the new Airlift NW Helicopter and create a design on the Giant Light Bright. Our half-acre Outdoor Discovery Center is designed to reconnect children to nature and is one of three Going Wild national pilot sites. Explore the Puget Sound Beach and build a Driftwood Fort. Follow the whimsical curves of our giant Patrick Dougherty sculpture, “Raccoon Run,” to see what’s inside. Play in the Gravel Dig and ride around the Hike-and-Trike Loop! Se e you soon! Hands On Education Team Questions about our Field Trip Program? Call us at (360) 956-0818 x103. 2 “M any of my st uden ts come from low-inc ome hous eholds and do no t ge t opport unit ie s to le ave our small communit y. For some of them this was one of the m ost memorable days of their young liv es.” Teacher, South Bend Ele Field trip scholarships generously funded by The Goldberg Family Charitable Foundation, Institute of Museum and Library Services, Aven Foundation, Timberland Bank, Dolciani Halloran Foundation, Port Blakely Tree Farms, US Bank, Boydston Foundation, Cam & Kevin Foster Keddie, Boston Harbor Marina mentary Reservations & Scheduling Phone Fax Email (360) 956-0818 x103 (360) 754-8626 Trip Scheduling Field trips can be scheduled Tuesday-Friday from 9:30am-5pm on a space-available basis. During peak field trip season (March-June) dates often fill a month or more in advance. Length of Visit Pricing* Field trips are designed to last 2 hours. New: Add one or more workshops and we will extend your visit by 30 minutes! Larger groups or those wishing to extend their visit, may be able to do so for an additional fee depending upon group size, length of stay and season. Field Trips in the Museum Trip Confirmation Admission July - February March - April May - June $7 / student $8 / student $9 / student Add a Workshop Maximum Class Size Add a Lunchroom Before your visit, we’ll email you a confirmation letter that includes chaperone & bus parking information and museum & car parking information. Early Bird Special Visit before Ja n and get an ex . 30 tr 1/2 hour FREE a ! Trip Planning Accessibility All areas of the Museum are accessible. Attendants of people with disabilities are admitted free. Adult Chaperones You’ll need one adult chaperone for every five children. Chaperones are admitted FREE. If you are short on chaperones, please call at least one week ahead and we’ll provide a staff person for an additional $25 fee. Workshop classrooms can accommodate a maximum of five adults per session. Behavioral Expectations Children are asked to pick up exhibit areas after use and follow all safety rules. Chaperones are expected to facilitate appropriate behavior in the Museum. Minimum of 10 students required for group rate. 1 adult required & admitted free for every 5 children. (No more than 1 class per workshop) (lunch not provided) 5-30students$50 31-40students $60 Maximum Class Size 5-30students$45 31-40students $50 Payment Information Payment can be made at the time of your visit. We accept payment by a SINGLE purchase order, cash, check or VISA/Mastercard transaction. Lunchroom* When available, space can be reserved for lunch. Please reserve a lunchroom when making a reservation. The Museum does not provide lunch. *Adding a lunchroom does not extend visit time! Museum Store Our Museum Store has exciting toys that reinforce educational concepts in our exhibits. Students are welcome to shop, but must be supervised by an adult. Limited Scholarships Some grant funding is available for rural and Title I schools and students thanks to our generous contributors. For more information call (360) 956-0818 x103. R ide the Bus! Take Intercity Transit’s Rolling Classroo m to the museum and learn how transit kee ps air and water clean. Transportation is provided at no cost when you combine an Energy or Water All Around Us museum workshop with an on-bus lesson. The Rolling Classroom is available Octobe r through Februar y in areas of Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater and Yelm that are served by Intercity Transit. Call early for best selection of date Hands On 2U at Your School $175 per 1-hour session. 30 student maximum per session. A minimum of 4 sessions is required. Mileage fee added. Interested in a customized program? Ask us for a quote! s, (360) 956 -0818 x103. *Please Note Museum memberships and passes are NOT valid for field trips or group visits because of discounted prices for group admission, free admission for teachers and chaperones, increased Museum staffing needs and facility limitations to accommodate groups. R ea d about our excit ing workshop opt ions! Plan a field trip today! • (360) 956-0818 x103 3 Add a Popular Workshop You can choose to include one of our 25-minute workshops to give your students a more in-depth, hands-on experience. Field trips without workshops last about 2 hours. Add a workshop and we will extend your visit by 30 minutes to 2.5 hours. Bee Buzz & Bee-bots Fossils Rock! (Grades 1-5) Learn how native bumblebees use vibration (Grades K-5) Discover what trace and bone fossils teach us about our prehistoric past and create your own 3-D casts of real fossils of the Pacific Northwest. to collect pollen, and design and build a robot that moves with a vibrating motor! Each class will receive a starter kit to continue exploring Bee-bots in the classroom. • EALR: Life Science CC: Plant and Animal Parts CS: K-1 LS3B, CC: Variation of Inherited Characteristics CS: 2-3 LS3D • EALR: Earth and Space Science CC: Focus on Fossils CS: 4-5 ES3A • EALR: Life Science CC: Plant and Animal Parts CS: K-1 LS1E, CC: Variation of Inherited Characteristics CS: 2-3 LS3A, CC: Structures and Behaviors CS: 4-5 LS1B Home Sweet Habitat Catapults (Grades K-3) Learn the essential parts of an animal’s habitat. Make your own nest depot where birds can collect nest-building supplies. (Grades K-5) A catapult demonstrates one of the six classic simple machines — the lever. Construct your own catapult and learn how to use the fulcrum and board to improve your aim! • EALR: Life Science CC: Habitats CS: K-1 LS2B, CC: Changes in Ecosystems CS: 2-3 LS2A, CC: Structures & Behaviors CS: 4-5 LS1B • EALR: Application CC: Tools and Materials CS: K-1 APPA • EALR: Systems CC: Role of Each Part in a System CS: 2-3 SYSA • EALR: Physical Science CC: Heat, Light, Sound & Electricity CS: 4-5 PS3B Paper Engineering (Grades 1-5) Construct paper bridges and do Dr. Science: States of Matter destruction tests to learn how changing the shape of a material can make it stronger. Take home paper bridge building materials to continue experimenting at home or in the classroom. (Grades 1-5) Observe dramatic changes in states of matter as Dr. Science demonstrates the differences between solids, liquids and gasses. Conduct your own state of matter experiment as you create a miniature geyser. • EALR: Physical Sciences CC: Liquids & Solids CS: K-1 PS2A&B, CC: Properties of Matter CS: 2-3 PS2C, CC: States of Matter CS: 4-5 PS2A&B • • • EALR: Application CC: Tools and Materials CS: K-1 APPA, CC: Different Technologies CS: 4-5 APPE EALR: Inquiry CC: Conducting Investigations CS: 2-3 INQE Math: 1.1.H, 2.4.C, 3.2.A, 4.1.D Push Pull Energy! Plants & Solar Panels (Grades K-5) Explore the invisible forces of air pressure (Grades 1-5) Learn how plants capture the sun’s energy and and gravity as you create paper flying machines for our wind tunnel. assemble a motor that runs on sunlight. Be part of a kid circuit system and experiment with conductive and non-conductive materials. • EALR: Physical Sciences CC: Push-Pull & Position CS: K-1 PS1C-D • EALR: Application CC: Solving Problems CS: 2-3 APPA, CC: Different Technologies, CS: 4-5 APPE • EALR: Life Science CC: Plants and Animal Parts CS: K-1 LS1F, CC: Food Webs CS: 4-5 LS2B • EALR: Physical Science CC: Forms of Energy CS: 2-3 PS3A Name: My Animal Homes Animal Homes Drop In!Push P H Enuellrgy! Pl ants & So Name H My abitat is another word for an your chi ld’s science Many birds build nests Depot, where birds in to protect their eggs. isfour another word forToday an you made a Nest experience animal’s home. A habitatabitat needs Extend thethings: learning s. Muse Today made a Nest where birds in um Tour your neighborhood can go get materials to Depot, by reading and discussing your child’s science experiences. animal’s home. A habitat needs four things: oftoyou the Wate food, water, space, and shelter. Animals don’t rgoCycle Water connects your home with the Today you investig homes your neighborhood can to get materials to of many ated plants how build their nests. the forces of push food, water, andall shelter. Animals don’t and animals. move objects. Today you live in houses like we humans do,space, but they became a drop of water and pull flowedYou designed and built through the water cycle from the watershed windand a paper tunnel flyer for build foreststheir of Mt.andnests. tested possible livewhere in houses like get we out humans do, but they all Rainier, down solutions for improv our need a place, shelter, they can the Deschutes its design River into PugetActivity At-Home Observation by changing its Sound and ing then evaporated weight and shape. up into a rain cloud. n need a place, shelter, where they canback get out of very cold, or hot weather andyouwhere they t io Observation Activity The force Today made a Nest Depot, where birds in your Animals don’t liveAt-Home likeof weair humans do, but they You may want to keepinahouses list ofthey what materials pressu re of (airvery pushing up from light neighborhood can go to get materialsHelp build keep our all Puget need a place, shelter, can get out thewhere bottom the fan in of the Sound can take care of their See if you ofbabies. very cold, or hot can weather toand where they clean tunnel their nests. cold or hot weather and where they can wind take care of ) lifted fan force your & moto ofsee flyer up. you included and watch to materigravitwhich You may want to keep a list ofThewhat materials When pulled water flows by your it down. When r their babies. See if you upythe animals house, you help keep to can yourmatch you added flaps is another word for an animal’s home. A if habitat circuit flyer to catch more match up the animals with their favorcanbelow takeHabitat care of their babies. See you can it clean when you: below with their favorite kind of shelter. wind what als the birds choose, then you’ll know what to happen needs four things: food, water, space, and shelter. you included and watch toed?see which materi• Throwawaydog&catpoopinth etrash Moving air has ite kind of shelter. match up the animals below with their favorlots of energy replace. ! In nature, • Washyourcarinacarwashrathe als the birds then wind. movingyou’ll Today, air is the know what to scientistschoose, and engineers Push Habitat Match rthanon your driveway turbines that are creating wind ite kind of shelter. Draw a line circuit to join each animal to its habitat capture this clean and free of Air replace. • Don’tusepestic source of energy ides Home Sweet Habitat lar Pane ls ap D or a Rain ow Mountains & Forests n R iv e r s Your Neighborhood Puget Sound ar . O er ce Habitat Match at Light from the sun is W an a very impo solar pane we call nd it solar ls o u rtant of kind ity energy, there is only energy. e rg rn sunli Gravof Un dWhe ght one thing People can’t that can turn hits the earth plants! Plant bee make food pile s use chlo rock pile Rock figured out out of sunli rophyll, the it into food energy: them gree snake how to use ght, but we n, to stuff solar pane into another have Learn Together they mix sunlight with wate that makes ls to kind of ener Hive make r and a gy, electricity turn sunlight circuit to conn MORE a simple kind We call what Water Drop Science Experienc rock pileof sugar. air. . Today you ect a solar plant e s do: phot used elect hive snake at H ome Human panel to a built ricity osyn motor. When you put the drops of water on from the solar the penny, they make a small dome. thesis. panel to makeThe motor Why? Water is made up of molecules that a fan turn. act like little magnets. Water molecules Bird stick to nest each other, scientists call this stickiness hivecohesion. As you add more drops, the force pipette of gravityHouse becomes stronger than the pull of the frog molecules and the water spills over. Discover nest What you need: the Hid Frog den UltraTake your Penny • Nickel • Quarter • Pipette beads outsi • Cup of Water Violet Ra Newspaper de them•chan bird ys in Sun 1. Lay out newspaper with water cup, ge color! Your in the sun and watc coins and pipette h reactson light totop. the ultraviole beads have a dye Pond 2. Predict how many drops of water that t (UV) rays you can put onThes topeofare in sunli thethe penny. coin sunglasses. same rays that are block ght. 3. Use pipette to put drops on coin light bird until they spill over on You ed by can test your the newspaper. ©2013 Hands placing them sunglasses 4. How many Childre willOn a nickel in the sunli orn’s a quarter Museumhold? by • 414 Jefferso few nofStreet ght and covering the energy bead a a, sWA 98501 pond If the bead NE, Olympi Nest ©2013HandsOnC the lense • (360) 956-08 s remain whitewith hildren’sMuseum•414JeffersonStreetNE,Olym s. 18 • www.hocm.or your or light laven sunglasses •www.hocm. pia,WA98501• g • (360)956-0818 energy are blocking org der, house Bee the UV rays. bead ©2013 Hand Snake s On Child pond human ren’s Muse um • 414 Jefferson Stree t NE, Olym ©2013 Hands On Children’s Museum • 414 Jefferson Street NE, Olympia, WA 98501 • (360) 956-0818 • house pia, WA 9850 1 • (360) 956- 0818 • www.hocm .org water molecule frog H O & bee y H human 4 Snow E stu Each workshop comes with a great take-home piece to connect the student’s experiences to related reading, illustrations or activities. It’s a great way to continue the learning in your classroom or at home. My Scienc Science Experience eatExperience at Extend the learn My Scie ing by reading and discussing nce Exper Extend the learning your child’s science expe by reading and discussing your ience at riences. child’s science experience Extends. the by readin lea rning ScienceMany Experience at g and disc birds build nests to protect their eggs. ussing H A N D S O N C H I L D R E N ’ S M U S E U M • 4 1 4 J E F F E R S O N S T N E • O LY M P I A W A • ( 3 6 0 ) 9 5 6 - 0 8 1 8 H A N D S O N C H I L D R E N ’ S M U S E U M • 4 1 4 J E F F E R S O N S T N E • O LY M P I A W A • ( 3 6 0 ) 9 5 6 - 0 8 1 8 Ev Extend the Lea rning Name: Home Sweet HomeHabitat Sweet Habitat Pull Draw a line to join each animal to its habitat. Habitat Match Draw a line to join each animal to its habitat. Visit our Backyard Wilderness Exhibit Gallery. It has information to help you make your backyard and neighborhood into a habitat for many kinds of animals. Visit our Backyard Wilderness Exhibit Gallery. It has information to help you make your backyard and neighborhood into a habitat for many kinds of animals. Scholastic Inc. Curriculum & Design © 2000 Hands On Children’s Museum. Hands On is a member of the Magic School Bus Museum Collaborative. The Magic School BusTM is a registered trademark of Scholastic Inc. Characters from The Magic School Bus are © 1994 by to Your Field Trip Silk Screening (Grades 1-5) Sign your class up for a custom MakeSpace workshop and use organic and geometric shapes to create a unique silk screen stencil and print multiple copies of your design using a silk screen. • EALR 1 Visual Arts: GLE 1.12 Shape, GLE 1.1.5 Space, GLE 1.2.1 Explores tools & processes of visual arts, GLE 1.3.1 Applies styles of various artists Water All Around Us (Grades 1-5) Watch water change states of matter as Dr. Science creates a snowflake in a test tube and a cloud in a bottle. Imagine yourself as a drop of water and flow in a cycle through our Fabulous Forest and Puget Sound galleries on a guided tour. • EALR Life Science CC: Habitats CS: K-1 LS2C, CC: Changes in Ecosystems CS: 2-3 LS2D • EALR: Physical States of Matter CS: 4-5 PS2A *Science, technology, engineering, art and math NEW! STEAM*-focused Field Trip Workshop for Preschool Classes Young Makers (Appropriate for ages 3-5) The Makers Education Initiative is identified in the Federal 5-Year STEM Strategic Plan as a “promising initiative for engaging youth in STEM education.” By encouraging children to invent, design and use real tools, the Maker Movement taps into a child’s natural inclination to explore and promotes the power of learning by doing. Making also directly supports the Common Core and the Next Generation Science Standards, which emphasize critical thinking, creativity and other 21st Century skills. Hands On is excited about the powerful link between STEM and early childhood learning and is offering a new Young Maker workshop for preschool students, teachers and parents. Children will get hands-on experience with a variety of tools and materials, such as wood, fabric and printmaking as they explore cause and effect and develop fine motor skills. Teachers will also bring back inspiration and ideas to add more STEM to the classroom. “S tude nt s ge t to laugh, touc h and play in a be yo nd- the tex tbook, be yond - the classroom, sc e nari o.” Erin Hennessy, Teache r, Hillside Elementar y E x te nd your visi t wit h more le arning outside the Muse um! The Museum is just a sh East Bay Public Plaza ort walk from the , which features a 250-foot stream, the Olympia Farmers Market and the State Capitol. For students ages 10 +, schedule a field trip with our neighbo r th Center for more hand e WET Science s-on learning! Visit www.wetscience Pilot workshop funded by: Plan a field trip today! • (360) 956-0818 x103 5 Hands On 2U! Let Our Educators Bring Hands-On Art and Science to Your School! Classroom workshops are great for a single classroom. Auditorium workshops, which require an auditorium, gymnasium or cafeteria space, are perfect for multiple classes or grades. Classroom Workshops Auditorium Workshops All About You! Bee Buzz & Bee-bots for play and exercise. Learn about your heart and what you can do to keep it healthy. Create an animated model to see how your muscles and joints help your body move. collect pollen and how native bees pollinate the flowers that become our favorite fruits. Design and build a robot that moves with a vibrating motor and make your own mason bee house to attract these fabulous pollinators to your neighborhood. (Grades K-5) Construct an X-Ball you can take home • EALR: Systems CC: Part-Whole Relationship CS: K-1 SYSA • EALR: Inquiry CC: Conducting Investigations CS: 2-3 INQE • EALR: Life Science CC: Structures & Behaviors CS: 4-5 LS1B Animals & Habitats (Grades K-2) Learn the essential parts of an animal’s habitat and make your own nest depot where birds can collect nest-building supplies. Build your own bee viewer and explore what and how a bee sees. • EALR: Life Science CC: Habitats CS: K-1 LS2B&C, CC: Changes in Ecosystems CS: 2-3 LS2A, CC: Structures & Behaviors CS: 4-5 LS1B (Grades K-5) Learn how bumblebees use vibration to • EALR: Life Science CC: Plant and Animal Parts CS: K-1 LS1E, CC: Variation of Inherited Characteristics CS: 2-3 LS3A, CC: Structures and Behaviors CS: 4-5 LS1B Roller Coaster Science (Grades 1-5) Explore the forces of gravity and friction as you design and construct a scale model of a rollercoaster. Compare balls of different sizes and weights on a race track, then use what you’ve learned to design a prototype for a race car. Dr. Science: States of Matter • EALR: Application CC: Tools and Materials CS: K-1 APPC, CC: Different Technologies CS: 4-5 APPE • EALR: Physical Science CC: Force & Movement CS: 2-3 PS1B matter as Dr. Science demonstrates the differences between solids, liquids and gasses. Then conduct your own state of matter experiments as you create a mini geyser and mix up a batch of non-Newtonian liquid slime. Silk Screening (Grades 1-5) Observe dramatic changes in states of • EALR: Physical Sciences CC: Liquids & Solids CS: K-1 PS2A&B, CC: Properties of Matter CS: 2-3 PS2C, CC: States of Matter CS: 4-5 PS2A&B Fossils Rock! (Grades K-5) Discover what trace and bone fossils teach us about our prehistoric past and create your own 3-D casts of real fossils of the Pacific Northwest. • • EALR: Life Science CC: Plant and Animal Parts CS: K-1 LS3B, CC: Variation of Inherited Characteristics CS: 2-3 LS3D EALR: Earth and Space Science CC: Focus on Fossils CS: 4-5 ES3A (Grades 1-5) Use organic and geometric shapes to create a unique silk screen stencil and print multiple copies of your design using a silk screen. • EALR 1 Visual Arts: GLE 1.12 Shape, GLE 1.1.5 Space, GLE 1.2.1 Explores tools & processes of visual arts, GLE 1.3.1 Applies styles of various artists Toy Inventor’s Workshop (Grades K-5) Strengthen your science inquiry skills by building, testing, assessing and redesigning toys. Build cars that travel farther, cone fliers that fly higher and a catapult that uses the power of a lever to lauch balls. • EALR: Application CC: Tools and Materials CS: K-1 APPC, CC: Different Technologies CS: 4-5 APPE • EALR: Physical Science CC: Force & Movement CS: 2-3 PS1B Ha nds on 2U Pricing $175 per 1-hour session. 30 student maximum per session. A minimum of 4 sessions is required. Mileage fee added. Interested in a customized program? Ask us for a quote! 6 Museum Galleries The Hands On Children’s Museum includes more than 150 interactive exhibits, eight themed galleries, a spacious art studio with MakeSpace and a half-acre Outdoor Discover Center all set next to the innovative East Bay Public Plaza with a 250-foot stream fed by reclaimed water. Good for You Proudly presented by Providence St. Peter Hospital Focused on healthy lifestyles and making good food choices, young visitors can role play in the Farmers Market, the 14-Carrot Café and the Healthy Home, growing, cooking and serving colorful foods. Our Puget Sound Proudly presented by Taylor Shellfish & Seattle Shellfish Captain the two-story cargo ship and explore sea life up close as you crawl through the hull. Operate the crane on the working waterfront, make and float your own boat, and don’t miss the Ballcano! with its 8-foot-tall vortex and the Puget Sound Science Table with video microscope! Emergency! Proudly presented by Olympia Emergency Services Proudly presented by Olympia Emergency Services Kids can be community heroes with a Police Car, Fire Engine, Emergency Room, Medic One Van and New Airlift Northwest Helicopter. Measure decibels in the Scream Room and make a design on the Giant Light Bright. Snug Harbor Proudly presented by Rick and Pam Panowicz Children ages 4 and under will enjoy sensory investigations, quiet corners and exciting explorations in this gallery. Arts & Parts Studio and MakeSpace Proudly presented by Olympia Federal Savings Busy hands of all ages can choose from a huge assortment of new and recycled art supplies to create their own works of art. The new MakeSpace adds cool tools, like glue guns, electric scissors and silk screening, to the mix! Move It! A huge Water Tower with viewers to spy on downtown Olympia. Send scarves and yarn poms through a 25-foot AirWays Maze. Explore positive & negative space with the lifesize Pin Wall. And in Phase II, you can build and test your own racecars! Build It! Proudly presented by Rob Rice Homes Use our popular builder boards to build your own home or create sky-high Keva structures. Operate the yellow dump truck. Fabulous Forest Proudly presented by Weyerhaeuser, Port Blakely Tree Farms, Green Diamond Resource Co., Simpson Door Co. and Hampton Affiliates Enter and explore a nurse log, visit the Animal Rescue Center, climb up into the Fairy Tree House and make fancy flying machines at the Woodland Wind Tunnel. Outdoor Discovery One of only three Going Wild! Pilot sites nationwide, these exhibits reconnect children with nature. Explore “Raccoon Run,” a stickworks sculpture by Patrick Dougherty, build a driftwood fort on our Puget Sound Beach, play in the new Gravel Dig, learn about flora and fauna in the Naturalist Cabin and ride a trike around the Hike-and-Trike Loop. “ This is the be st m use um de sign I have e ve r se e n fo r educ at ing our yout h about na ture.” David Jamison, Marin e Biologist, Science Program Advis or Plan a field trip today! • (360) 956-0818 x103 7 “ This was t h e be st fie ld t rip in t he hist ory o f fie ld t rips!” Nathaniel, Firs t Grader, Centra lia e s o o h c to s n o s a re p To Trip a Ha nds On Fiedld a “B est Place ently vote The Mu seum is consist tdoor Discovery Center To Take Kids” and the Ou site designed to l pilot is a Going Wild nationa nature. re connect ch ildren to bits make make learning Our Interactive Exhi d fun! exciting, engaging an ce, ers program brings scien Our new Young Mak g and math le arning to te ch nology, engine erin preschool students. ng supp or t State Le arni s op sh rk Wo ip Tr ld Fie Our ng ntial Academ ic Le arni Standa rds including: Esse ent Core Content (CC), Cont Re quirements (E ALRs), . SS Science Curriculum Standards (CS) and FO io gives ever y student Our Arts & Pa rts Stud home a un iq ue an opportunity to take work of ar t. Mu seum Field Ha nds On 2U brings the school. Trip Ex perience to your ! s n io t c e ir D From 1-5, take exit 105 ia. toward Port of Olymp t SE ee Str m Plu to on Merge Bay st and continue onto Ea to on t lef Drive NE. Turn the State Avenue NE. Take on ers Jeff to on ht rig 2nd Street NE. Follow signs to Museum. 414 Jefferson St. NE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 956 -0818 ww Disclaimer: These events/activities are not sponsored by any school district and no school district assumes responsibility for them. In consideration of the privilege to distribute materials, any and all school districts shall be held harmless from any cause of action filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including costs, attorney’s fees and judgments or awards.