Timber-TEC Maciej Winiarczyk CARBON KILLER PANELS – THE


Timber-TEC Maciej Winiarczyk CARBON KILLER PANELS – THE
Maciej Winiarczyk
TEL./FAX.: +44(0)1955 604983, e-mail: timber-tec@toucansurf.com
“With over 70% of the people in the developed world living in timber frame dwellings, it is a
tried and trusted way to build. In the UK, timber frame is growing in popularity because of the
increased efficiencies of off-site fabrication and because of pressure to reduce the CO2 impact
of the building and construction industry.”
From: Fact Sheet No 14 wood. for good.
Timber frame systems are already recognized as a green way to build houses with excellent
insulation and resistance to passage of sound properties, but:
1. Is it possible to increase the excellent properties of timber frame construction without big
capital investments in technology and without putting more impact on natural environment
during manufacturing and construction processes?
2. Is it easily, and cost effectively, possible to increase timber frame thermal performance and
drastically cut carbon emission produced during life-time of the building?
3. Is it possible to, at the same time, not increase the environmental impact caused by the
recycling of the building at the end of its life?
From now you can say YES, IT IS POSSIBLE, using CARBON KILLER PANEL SYSTEM you can
take a competitive advantage on the building market, boost your business profits, save money off
your client’s future energy bills and help make our world a greener place to live.
1. It is innovative and unique.
CARBON KILLER PANELS are designed to
the latest and modern standard of BS EN 19951-1:2004 Eurocode 5 (which is now in force
parallel with old BS 5268-2:2002 which is due to
be withdrawn).
CARBON KILLER PANELS are most probably
the first in the UK, or maybe even in Europe
and beyond, to use spaced column designs as
framing members, thereby reducing and
minimizing the problems of thermal bridging
caused by traditional methods.
Because the panels are designed to the
Eurocode 5 standard you can use our system
anywhere within European Union.
Clear space between shafts and gussets is
another unique property of CARBON KILLER
PANELS allowing the designers to hide all
services in the panel without disturbing
structural elements. Even big services, such as
110mm soil pipes or 200mm ventilation ducts,
can easily be accommodated in the panel
leaving enough space for insulation to reduce
thermal bridges.
Copyright © 2007, Timber-TEC
The right of Maciej Winiarczyk trading as Timber-TEC to be identified as the author of CARBON KILLER PANEL
has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Maciej Winiarczyk
TEL./FAX.: +44(0)1955 604983, e-mail: timber-tec@toucansurf.com
2. It is green, green and … green again, and why it is called CARBON KILLER.
It has been our priority to make CARBON KILLER PANELS as environmentally friendly as possible
during the whole design process.
CARBON KILLER PANELS are green by reducing the thermal bridging effect. In typical timber frame
construction, timber fraction causing thermal bridging (which is main road for heat to escape) is
approximately 18% of the wall area (for 45mm thick studs). Our system is driving this value down to
approximately 6% of the wall area and we are still working to improve this parameter.
CARBON KILLER PANELS are green by reducing the amount of timber needed. A 290mm deep
CARBON KILLER stud (which is the core of our system) uses the same amount of timber as a
conventional 145mm deep framing. You can even recycle some material wastage by building with our
studs, for example by using OSB cutouts from the windows and doors openings as gussets (spacers).
With this system not only are you saving our forests, our main carbon absorbers, but also gaining
space for insulation.
CARBON KILLER PANELS are green by excellent thermal performance. Because of thermal
bridging reduction and the additional space gained for insulation our system has excellent insulation
properties, reaching excellent thermal performance at low cost. Typical U-value of our 290mm deep
panel using fibreglass is 0.13 - 0.15 W/m2K and depends on density of fibreglass used and structural
and architectural details.
Typical U-value for the same panel using Celotex is 0.08 W/m2K
Only systems using I-joist as framing members (TRADIS for example) have similar properties to our
system, but I-joist beams cause carbon pollution during the production processes as high
temperatures and pressures are required. They also require specialist production plants with
machinery, the creation of which, can in turn cause carbon pollution. Finally, I-joists need to be
transported from the production plant to the house kit factory, thereby generating more carbon. For
CARBON KILLER PANELS, construction requires just a nail gun or hammer, saw and basic raw
materials from local timber or building merchant, and is therefore more environmentally friendly and
much more cost effective.
Because of all this, our system is saving energy (and money) and is cutting carbon emission at every
stage of the buildings process, so it is obvious that the name CARBON KILLER is the only adequate
name for the system and we hope nobody will find this name offensive.
3. It is cost effective, simply to build and flexible.
Because for our system is based on basic raw materials which are widely available and do not require
advanced manufacturing technology, this contributes to making CARBON KILLER PANELS the most
cost effective high thermal performance system on the market. CARBON KILLER PANELS cost 35%
to 50% less in relation to the systems based on I-joist studs making it an excellent base for zero
carbon, low carbon and passive homes designs.
The simplicity of the system ensures it can be manufactured on-site by self-builders to the detailed
panel drawings and step-by-step guide which we provide.
Timber frame manufacturers can start using CARBON KILLER PANELS system straight away with
no additional investments and can be used for build open and closed (with windows, doors and
insulation already in) panel system.
For more information on the benefits of using CARBON KILLER PANELS, please contact us.
Yours Sincerely
Maciej Winiarczyk
Copyright © 2007, Timber-TEC
The right of Maciej Winiarczyk trading as Timber-TEC to be identified as the author of CARBON KILLER PANEL
has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.