Auteur : Ruud HUURHAN à HSF Date : 05 / 04 / 2002 18:49 l\orrr.ale cc : Akiko KOJO à MSF-TOKYO, Alain FREDAIGUE, Alain FRILET, Al ice LINCOLN à t1SF- NE1iJ- YORK, Amelia PAN à MSF-NEW-YORK, Anne FOUCHARD, Asako TN1URA à MSF-TOKYO , Caroline LIVIO, Elisabeth CASTAING, Emeric LANGUERAND, Isabelle FERRY, Kevin PHELAN à t1S F- NE\·J-YORK, Kris TORGESON à HS F -NEI:J-YORK , Lorna CHIU à t1SF-NE 1t!-YORK, Mary Mor an à HS F-SYDNEY, t·1SF-ABOU-DHABI, MSF-LOSANGELES à MSF-NE\'1-YORK, HSF-MOSCO'iJ-PRESS, l\icolette Jackson à MSF-SYDNEY, Stephan OBERREIT, Stephanie DAVIES à MSF-NEW-YORK, Thie rry VANVERT, Yoko KANADA à t1SF-TOKYO pour : Ruud HUURl1AN à HSF cc : Amanda SANS à MSF, Amanda \'lEIBEL à MSF, Anastasia ~·JARPINSKI à HSF, Anke S toc kdreher à MSF, Anke VAN BRUGGEN à HSF, Anneli FOLKESSON à HSF, Aranka ANEMA à MSF, Barbara SIGGE à HSF, Barry SANDLAND à MSF, Bas TIELENS à l-'IS F, Bettina SAERENS à MSF, bpecoul@msf.org à HSF, Carmen VICENTE à HSF, Daniel BERl1AN à MSF, Dick VAN DER TAK à I1SF, Diderik VAN HALSEMA à HSF, Erwin VANTLAND à MSF, Esther LAHHENS à HSF, Eva HOSP à HSF , Evelien SCHOTSHAN à HSF, Francesca PISPI SA à HSF, F rans JURREMA à HSF , Gabi FABER - \'liENER à HSF, Gaby Frank à HSF, Ina HUTTEMA à l1SF, Inge DEN HERTOG à t1S F, Ingeborg MARTENS à HSF, Isabel LEAL à MSF, Iseult OBrien à MSF, Jan BRIGOU à HSF, Jan Gustafsson à MSF, Jordi PASSOLA à MSF, Julian CARRANZA à MSF, katarina_wallentina@stockholm.msf.org à HSF, Ka t trin LEHPP à HSF, kazuko@japan.msf.org à HSF, Kenneth TONG à HSF, Kenny GLUCK à HSF, Kurt TONINI à HSF, Laura HAKOKONGAS à HSF , Leila KRAJ.1IS à MSF, L ir..da VAN \•JEYENBERG à MSF, Luisa COLASHlONE à HSF, Haatje HOSTART à I1SF, I'1ar PADI LLA à HSF, Harc DOLADE à HSF, Harieke VAN ZALK à HSF, t-lartine VAN DUIJN à HSF, Hartyn BROUGHTON à HSF, Mic hael LOUA à MSF, I•1ichel VI LLEE à ~1SF, HSF-Bogota-Press à HSF, HSFH-Dhaka-HŒ1/AI1S/U/HSF à HSF , rr.sfinfo@aha . ru à HSF, msfpress@pacific .net.hk à HSF, msfuae@emirates .net.ea à MSF, 1·:uriel CORNELIS à HSF, Nathan FORD à MSF , Nu ria HEJIAS à HSF, Paola FERRARA à I1SF, PehrOlov Pehrson à HSF, Peter CASAER à MSF, Petra MEYER à HSF, Petrana NO':JILL à HSF, Petter Hveem à HSF, Polly HARKANDYA à MSF, Press&Information à HSF, Rafa VILASANJUAN à MSF , Sabrina BAYNE à MSF, Sandra PEIFFER à HSF, sean_healey@sydney.msf.org à HSF, Seco GERARD à HSF, Sergio CECCHINI à HSF, Stefanie SEIB à MSF, Sylvia DOODEMAN à MSF, Tommi LAULAJAINEN à MS F, Yves BELLEGO à MS F, Yves Piron à MSF Objet : Resend : previous mail is about SREBRENICA -- - ------ -- --- -------------------- Contenu du message Sarry, my previous mail had a wrong title - -------+- - ------------------- -- -> Ruud HUURl1AN 05/04/2002 18:48 --------+-------------- - ---------> >------- --- ----------------------------------------- -- ----------------------- 1 1 To : cc : Akiko KOJO, Alain FREDAIGUE, Al ain FRILET, Ali ce LINCOLN, Amanda SAl'JS / BCN/U/ HSF@t-lSF, Amanda \'JEIBEL, Amelia PAN, Anastasia I'JARPINSKI, Anke Stockdreher , Anke VAl'J BRUGGEN/AMS/U/MSF@MSF, Anne FOUCHARD , Anneli FOLKESSON, Aranka ANEHA / AMS/U / MSF@MSF, Asako TAMURA, Barbara SIGGE, Barry SANDLAND, Bas TIELENS / AHS/U / HS F @MSF, Bettina SAERENS , bpecoul@msf.org, Carmen VICENTE/BCN/U/HSF@MSF, Caroline LIVIO, Daniel BERI1AN, Dick VAN DER TAK/ AMS/U / MSF@NSF, Diderik VAl'J HALSEMA/AMS / U/ HSF@HSF, Elisabeth CASTAING , Emeric LANGUERAND, En-Jin VANTLAND, Esther LN·lHENS / AI'1S / U / !1SF@MSF, Eva HOSP, Eve lien SCHOTSMAN/ N·lS/U/MSF@HSF, Francesca PISP ISA, Frans JURREi:•lA/ AMS / U/HSF@HSF, Gabi FABER-\'JIENER, Gaby Frank, Ina HUTTEHA / AHS / U/ MSF@t-1SF, Inge DEN HERTOG / AMS/U / HSF@HSF, Ingeborg 1-lARTENS / MlS / U/ HSF@HSF, Isabel LEAL / BCN / U / HSF@f.lSF, Isabelle FERRY , Iseult OBrien , Jan BRIGOU, Jan Gustafsson, Jordi PASSOLA/BCN / U/I1SF@HSF, Julian CARRANZA/BCN/U / HSF@t-lSF, katarina_\·Jallentina@stockholm. msf . org, Kat trin LEHPP, kazuko@japan.msf.org, Kenneth TONG , Kenny GLUCK/AJ.V,S / U / HSF@MSF, Kevin PHELAl'J , Kris TORGESON, Kurt TONINI, Laura HAKOKONGAS, Leila KRfuV,IS, Linda VAN I·JEYENBERG, Lorna CHIU, Luisa COLASIHONE, Maatje l•10START/M1S/U/MSF@l-1S F, Mar PADILLA / BCN / U/HSF@MS F, 1-larc DOLADE / BCN / U/ HSF@HSF, Harieke VAN ZALK / MlS/U / HSF@MSF, Martine VAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DUI JN /AHS / U/!1SF@r-ISF, Hartyn BRO'JGHTON, i·iary !-:oran, Nichae l LOUA, i·lichel VILLEE, t1SF-ABOU-DHABI, ~1S F-Bog ota -P ress, HSF -LOSANGELES, HS F- r10SC OTil -PRESS, HSFH - Dhaka-Hü:'-'1/ ANS / Un•!SF@t·iSF, msfinfo@aha . ru, msfpress@pacific.net.hk, msfuae@emirates.net.ea, Mur ie l CORNELIS, Nathan FORD, Nicolette Jackson , Nuria t•ŒJIAS, Paola FERRARA, PehrOlov Pehrson , Peter CASAER, Petra MEYER, Pet rana NO~ ILL, Petter Hveem, Polly t1ARKANDYA, Press&I n formati on/hl1S /U/MSF@MS F, Rafa VILASANJUAN, Sabrina BAYNE, Sandra PEIFFER / BRU/U/MSF@MSF, sean_hea ley@sydney.msf.org, Seco GERARD, Sergio CECCHINI, Stefanie SEIB, Stephan OBERREIT, Stephanie DAVIES, Syl v ia DOODE11AN / hl1S / U/ r1SF@MSF, Thierry VANVERT, Tommi LAULAJAI NEN , Yoko KA}ffiDA, Yves BELLEGO, Yves Piron Subjec t: Re: Rohingya Media Package Bangladesh - EMBARGO : April 1 9.00 CET(Document link: Ruud HUURt1AN) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 >--------- -------------- - - --- - -- - --------------------------------------------1 0ear all This is to inform you about our activities re. Srebrenica Please find attached a report that we produced . You can use it for web/or other purposes ;..s you may recall, the Dutch government assigned the Dutch Institute for \·.J ar Documentation NIOD in 1996 t o do a compreh ensive study about the fall of Srebrenica and the Dutch involvement . In fact, t h e research assignmen t was rather broad: the deci ssionmaking process, the context in Bosnia, the fall of t he enclave and the killings . The government assigned the NIOD , after several attempts to 'close' this black chapte r i n Dutch history. The attempts fai led, as nev1 facts and i nformation kept popping up, which then challenged the previously presented picture of the events . There was a great sense of suspicion in the public in Holland, that the governmen t was covering up all sorts of details, and that they didn't face their repsonsiblity. The NIOD research has proven to be an effective way to avoid a political confrontation about Srebrenica. Debates were blocked by referring repeatedly to the NI OD report : we are waiting for the report ... As you know, the French parliament has conducted an inquiry in the fal l and ~assacres of Srebrencia last year. MSFF had been pushi ng for this inquiry a nd has inf luenced it by lobbying and posing specifie questions . One of the strong focu s ses of investigation wa s the role of general Janvier , who had alledgedly blocked aitstrikes. These airstraikes might have prevented the fall of the enclave . It was stated that he did so, in return for a deal wi th Mladic t o release t he UN hostages. The o utcome of the French report was disappointing , as no clear p o l it ical respons i blities were identified. The st ory about general Janvier was not reso lved (no proof, but also no proof against it.) The French commission criticised the attitude of Dutchbat, the Dutch UN bataljon i n Srebrenica , as they had not done anything to resist the Serb attack. Had a French bataljon been in Srebrenica ..... Dutch politicians reacted furiously on these statements. This is where MSFH came in . We sent o ut a statement to call for a serious, open and honest discussi on i n Holland and dismissed the defensive repsons on the French report. Next Wednesday, 10 april, the NIOD report will be presented. 3,000 pages, + 2 ,00 0 pages annexes . i-1SFH has been preparing i tself and see hovl we could con tribu te to the debate, more specifie : how we could push for clarity regarding the issue of failed protection in Srebrenica and protection in future inte rnat i onal interventions. ;•:e have produced a 'brochure', or report if you want, in which we present sorne question s, whic h we hope the NIOD report will answer and clarify satisfactory ar:d ':Jhi ch should be leading quest ions in the poli ti cal debate that will f o llow after t he presentati on of the report. Next Tuesday we wil publish an op inion article in the newspaper that wi ll underline our concerns that Holland and the in ternational community in general will only draw a cynical conclusi o n from Srebrenic a: we can't and don't want anymo re to take responsibility for the protection of civi l ians in warzones. You will receive a copy of this article next Honday la t e. ~e had a d i scus si on yesterday evening with sorne jour na l ists, a peace organisation here and a someone from a Research Institute for International Affairs abou t t he NIOD report and strategies to try and get a sensible di sc u ssion gog in in Holland, and we wi ll engage in interviews and public debates i n the coming week s. ~e will keep you informed about the events here and our activities. Take care, Ruud (See attached file : Paper Srebrenica English . doc) ***** ************************************************ *** ************* Ruud Huurman, co-ordinator Press&Information Artsen zonder Grenzen / Medecins sans Frontieres-Holland ~1ax Euweplein 40 PO 10014 1001 EA Amsterdam Tel: +31 20 520 8711 Fax: +31 20 620 5170 GSM: +31 6 2950 4362 r.huurman@amsterdam.msf.org ':l':.":J. artsenzondergrenzen . org