outlook - winter 2015 - College of Science and Technology


outlook - winter 2015 - College of Science and Technology
 College of Science and Technology
PEN: Science
Education and
Research Center
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THE EVOLUTION OF THE Science education and research center
Betsy Manning, SMC ’87, CLA ’08
Winter 2015
Featuring research, student achievement,
awards and events from across the college.
College of Science and
400 Carnell Hall
1803 N. Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Michael L. Klein, FRS
Dean and Laura H. Carnell
Professor of Science
Science Education and Research Center
Collaborative Science
CST’s new research centers and institutes
demonstrate the power of scientists working
across disciplines.
Maureen Kuhar
Director of Development
Meet a pioneer in pharmaceutical research
and recent CST graduates working for the
consulting firm Protiviti and GEI Consultants.
Greg Fornia
Director of Communications
Class Notes
Temple University Strategic
Marketing + Communications
Keep up with friends and former classmates.
In Their Words
Find the College of Science and
Technology on the following:
The advanced Science Education and
Research Center supports world-class
researchers and talented students
John Walker
Associate Vice Dean
Danielle DeLeo describes descending in
a submersible to the Gulf of Mexico floor
to study how an oil spill is affecting coldwater coral.
This is an extraordinary moment for the College of Science and Technology, one that will set the
stage for an even brighter future.
After years of dreaming, planning, designing and building, the Science Education and Research
Center, which opened for students and faculty in September, was officially dedicated on Oct. 10,
2014. SERC’s research labs and high-tech infrastructure will accelerate scientific discovery within
the college and across the Philadelphia region.
Today, every research breakthrough is a multidisciplinary effort. Nothing stimulates interdisciplinary, collaborative research more than having top scientists from across disciplines working right next
to each other. SERC is home to the departments of Physics and Computer & Information Sciences,
seven research centers, chemical/biological labs, and advanced instrumentation such as clean rooms
and a low-vibration scanning tunneling microscope facility. The result will be better research and
teaching, more innovation, and a greater impact on people’s lives.
SERC has already helped to attract top researchers to CST, such as John Perdew and Sudhir
Kumar—both authors of top-100 cited papers in their fields. 2014 was one of our strongest faculty
recruiting years ever, with talented and experienced researchers joining each of our six departments
(page 8). SERC is a key component of CST’s long-term effort to attract world-class faculty—
particularly in the areas of computational and materials sciences—and to give them the resources
to conduct groundbreaking research and to bring their discoveries to the marketplace. The effort is
paying off: CST recently won a highly competitive $12 million Department of Energy award to
design new materials with potential energy applications (page 7).
This past year, CST also introduced several new research centers and institutes that will help to
further focus our research expertise in areas such as energy research, materials and drug design, and
genomic medicine (page 16).
As CST continues to grow, our alumni and friends have been with us every step of the way, from
supporting scholarships to returning to campus to mentor our undergraduates. Thank you for all
that you do for the college. Together we will move science and Temple University forward in so
many ways.
Michael L. Klein, FRS
College of Science and Technology
Joseph V. Labolito
Dean and Laura H. Carnell Professor of Science
The College of Science and
Technology held its spring
2014 graduation ceremony.
Alumni mentors
motivate and point
the way for students.
CST students awarded
prestigious National Science
Foundation fellowships.
Ivan Herzeler
Ivan Herzeler
Three biology professors
and four graduate students
took turns aboard Alvin, a
U.S. Navy–owned submersible
Imagine spending eight hours with two other people in a space
that is 6 feet in diameter. Now imagine that the space is about a
mile beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico.
That scenario describes the spring 2014 research voyage of
CST faculty and students aboard Alvin, a U.S. Navy–owned submersible. “We looked for corals that show an ability to grow under
very harsh conditions,” explains Erik Cordes, associate professor
of biology, whose research is funded by the National Science
Foundation (NSF). “These coral reefs are already more acidic—
due to their depth and rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
—than any on Earth, yet they survive.”
In addition to Cordes, the CST team included Rob Kulathinal,
assistant professor of biology and co–principal investigator on the
NSF grant, and Professor of Biology Robert Sanders. “I’m a labreared genomicist, so these opportunities typically do not present
themselves,” says Kulathinal, who is examining gene-expression
changes of Lophelia pertusa coral at different levels of acidity.
Sanders—whose research focuses on the microbial food web
in oceans and lakes—gathered data on organisms that feed on
bacteria in surface waters and in the deep chlorophyll maximum,
a depth stratum rich in phytoplankton and other microbes and
near oil seeps on the ocean floor. Cordes and his team completed
18 dives, gathering coral specimens to conduct experiments at sea
and perform genomic analysis back at Temple University. A small
film crew was on hand to chronicle Cordes’ work for Acid Horizon,
a documentary about his research.
Four graduate students from the Cordes lab, Alanna Durkin,
Carlos Gomez, Sam Georgian and Danielle DeLeo*, were also on
the voyage. “For most people in our field, getting an Alvin dive is
the pinnacle of their careers,” Georgian said. “For graduate students,
it’s a rare experience.”
—Greg Fornia
*More about Danielle DeLeo on page 28, In Their Words.
OUTLOOK / Winter 2015
Paige Ozaroski
Paige Ozaroski
The College of Science and Technology held its 15th graduation ceremony on May 15. Held in
McGonigle Hall, the ceremony honored more than 300 CST graduates from around the world.
The featured speaker was James Edward Maceo West, a pioneer in acoustic research who attended
Temple in the 1950s and was recognized with an honorary degree in 2014. West’s many awards and
honors include the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the highest honor bestowed on
an inventor in the U.S.; the Acoustical Society of America’s Gold Medal; and the Industrial Research
Institute’s Achievement Award.
Kevin Chemidlin, a computer science major, was this year’s student speaker. He earned a Temple
Merit Scholarship in 2010, the Adeline and Marvin Wachman Scholarship in 2011, and the Jules J.
Sheldon, DDS, Scholarship in 2013. Chemidlin is now systems analyst/project manager for Cigna.
Kevin Chemidlin (above)
was the ceremony’s student
speaker. James West (top),
a pioneer in acoustics, spoke
about his life and work.
College of Science and Technology
A video showcasing the faculty, research, facilities and growth in Temple’s Department of Physics
debuted at the March meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) in Denver.
The video was produced by APSTV and highlights the cutting-edge research of Rongjia Tao,
former chair of the Physics Department; John Perdew, Laura H. Carnell Professor of Physics and
Chemistry; Xiaoxing Xi, Laura H. Carnell Professor and new department chair; and professors
Marjatta Lyyra, Zein-Eddine Meziani and Bernd Surrow.
In addition to the faculty and their research, the video also focuses on the Science Education
and Research Center and its impact on the Physics Department. Tao says the video was received
positively by his APS colleagues at the meeting, which was attended by approximately 10,000
physicists, scientists and students.
Ryan S. Brandenberg, CLA ’14
The College of Science and Technology’s spring 2014 Science and Technology Job Fair attracted
more than 400 Temple students and 50 top employers—both records for the event, which has been
held since 2008. Participating companies included Agilent Technologies, Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia, Cigna, GlaxoSmithKline, Independence Blue Cross, JPMorgan Chase, Prudential,
the Wistar Institute and Vanguard.
CST faculty participated
in the International
Workshop on Advanced
Materials and
Nanotechnology in
Tsukuba, Japan, a collaboration between Temple
University and Japan’s
National Institute for
Materials Science.
Speakers included
Dean Michael Klein,
Professor Eric Borguet,
Professor and Chair
Robert Levis, Carnell
Professor John Perdew,
Assistant Professor
Adrienn Ruzsinszky,
Professor Daniel Strongin
and Assistant Professor
Michael Zdilla.
This same group, along
with Professor Irina
Mitrea, Assistant
Professor Benjamin
Seibold and Professor
Laura Toran, then traveled to Seoul, South
Korea, to participate in
the first Temple-Yonsei
Joint Symposium at
Yonsei University.
Nano-fabricated nichrome micro-wires: David Scharf/Science Source
Which are the world’s most cited scientific research papers? The journal Nature asked Thomson
Reuters to compile the top 100 from its Web of Science database, which goes back more than
a century.
The list includes four papers from three CST Carnell professors. They are John Perdew,
Department of Physics, with #16 and #93; Sudhir Kumar, Department of Biology, with #45;
and Dean Michael Klein, Department of Chemistry, with #79.
“Academic scholarship is being more and more quantified by the number of citations to a given
publication,” said Dean Klein. “This achievement is a testament to the quality of recruiting that has
taken place recently at CST.”
The College of Science and Technology’s
spring Science and Technology Job Fair
attracted more than 400 Temple students
and 50 top employers—both records for
the event.
OUTLOOK / Winter 2015
Photos by Greg Fornia, SMC ’92
Alumni Board Chair Jim
Guare (top) stresses the
importance of the mentormentee relationship.
Mentor Barry Lurie (BA ’69,
Chem) at the Owl to Owl
kickoff event.
The grade-point average of Phimy Pham, a chemistry major who
wants to become a pharmacist, increased a full point from one
semester to the next after Jim Guare (BA ’77, MA ’83, Chem)
began mentoring her through CST’s Owl to Owl Mentor Program.
Spearheaded by Guare, president of CST’s alumni board and
chair of its mentoring committee, the program pairs CST students
with CST graduates. Its popularity—56 mentors and 63 students
in its second year—is one reason other Temple colleges and
schools are considering replicating the program.
Among many achievements during his 28-year career at
Merck & Co. Inc., Guare helped develop Crixivan, one of the
drugs that transformed AIDS from a fatal disease to a chronic
condition. “I had a wonderful career, but I didn’t do it by myself,”
Guare says. “I had people all along the way, from high school to
Temple to Merck, who mentored me.”
He arranged for Pham to do research in the Temple School
of Pharmacy’s Moulder Center for Drug Discovery Research.
“He motivated me to push myself more,” Pham says. “I’m really
grateful that I met him.”
College of Science and Technology
Alumni board member Jennifer Gresh (BS ’98, Geo) manages
the Philadelphia office of Duffield Associates, an engineering firm.
She has met multiple times with geology major Chelsea Rush—
over lunch, at a Society of Women Environmental Professionals
networking event and out in the field to assess groundwater for
possible petroleum contamination. “The business of geology
wasn’t obvious to me as an undergraduate, so I’d like to give
Chelsea the full picture,” Gresh says.
Madison Martin, a senior biology major who hopes to go to
medical school, was paired with Risa Altman (BA ’81, Bio), a
Lehigh Valley pediatrician associated with Children’s Hospital
of Philadelphia. “We’ve talked over lunch about the process of
becoming a doctor, and I shadowed her seeing patients,” Martin
says. “It’s interesting to see in practice what I’d get to do rather than
just reading it online.”
—Bruce Beans
A mentor makes a huge impact on a student’s life
and career. Find out more about Owl to Owl at
Ryan S. Brandenberg, CLA ’14
Carnell professors Michael Klein (left) and John Perdew have put Temple University
on the map as a top school in science and technology.
The College of Science and Technology will be the new home of an Energy Frontier Research
Center focusing on the design of new layered materials with potential use in energy applications.
The Center for the Computational Design of Functional Layered Materials is one of 10 new
Energy Frontier Research Centers announced by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), which
awarded a total of $100 million to 32 such centers nationwide.
Transforming the way energy is generated, transmitted, stored and used will be among the critical challenges facing the United States in the 21st century. To more quickly advance technologies
that have potential to meet rapidly growing energy needs, the DOE created the Energy Frontier
Research Centers to support research that lays the groundwork to address future needs in energy
production, storage and use.
Temple’s center, funded through a four-year, $12 million DOE award, will be led by
Laura H. Carnell Professor of Physics and Chemistry John Perdew and includes 19 principal
investigators, 10 of whom are from Temple. External collaborators include Princeton University,
Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Jawahalal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific
Research in India. Perdew says the center will attempt to design new layered materials that have
useful applications in energy production or storage. “The interesting thing about the single
layers of materials is you can readily change them and control their properties,” says Perdew.
“For instance, you could tune them to absorb a particular frequency or frequencies of light for
conversion into electricity.”
Perdew says the center’s computational scientists will use computer simulations to add
atoms or molecules to a material’s surface or change the material’s structure and then compute
whether those changes affect the material’s properties in a desired way to create a new material.
Experimental scientists working at the center would then grow these new materials and test their
applications, he adds.
“There were more than 200 Energy Frontier proposals, and Temple is one of only 10 newly
funded centers,” says Dean Michael Klein. “This demonstrates the remarkable research expertise
in CST and puts Temple on the map as a top player in science and technology.”
—Preston Moretz, SMC ’82
The Philadelphia region is one of the fastest-growing biotechnology hubs in the nation. To meet the growing demand for
professionals skilled in that field, CST launched a two-year
professional science master’s (PSM) degree program in 2012.
This biotech degree prepares students for research and
project-management careers that focus on solving real-world
problems in health and environmental sciences.
In summer 2014, Temple University approved a second PSM
degree in bioinnovation. A collaboration between Temple’s
College of Science and Technology and the Fox School of
Business, the PSM in bioinnovation offers cross-disciplinary
knowledge and training essential for professionals looking to
enter—or advance in—the rapidly expanding areas of biotechnology startups and pharmaceutical companies; public health and
environmental agencies; scientific and technical writing or grant
administration; or intellectual property law.
“From critical analysis of innovative biomodels and bioconcepts to building and managing biotech startups, the PSM in
bioinnovation offers the skills to help recent graduates and current professionals accelerate career advancement or transition
into exciting business sectors,” says Eva Surmacz, associate professor in biology (research), who helped develop the program.
The PSM designation was developed by the Council of
Graduate Schools, a national organization that advances graduate
education and research. The degree is designed to offer advanced
scientific training and management skills valued by employers.
In May 2014, three students graduated from the biotechnology program, including Rachel Chiaverelli (BS ’12, Bio; PSM ’14,
BioInn), who hopes to pursue a PhD and eventually run her own
research laboratory. “The program exposes students to research,”
says Chiaverelli, “but it’s also broad enough that you could easily
become a project manager one day.”
—Greg Fornia
The college has hired John Walker to serve
as CST’s new associate vice dean. Walker
joins the college after more than 15 years
of significant management responsibility in academia, including
Drexel University, Stevens Institute of Technology and Temple’s
Beasley School of Law. He will work in partnership with the dean,
senior staff and other stakeholders to develop a comprehensive
strategic plan for the college, including enhanced communications,
alumni engagement, and marketing to increase graduate enrollment.
OUTLOOK / Winter 2015
Sarah Hanson
Graham Dobereiner
Carnell Professor of
Biodiversity S. Blair Hedges
works to preserve species
in Haiti and was featured
in the documentary film
Extinction in Progress.
Graham Dobereiner specializes in the study of
chemical reactions across alkyl groups. A 2011
recipient of a PhD in chemistry from Yale University,
Dobereiner’s doctoral thesis won the university’s
Richard Wolfgang Prize for best doctoral thesis by
a chemistry student. He has presented his research
across the Northeast and been published more
than a dozen times, including in the Journal of the
American Chemistry Society. He was previously
a postdoctoral research associate at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Ananias Escalante
Assistant Professor Sujith
Ravi’s research interests
include land degradation
and water resources.
USFWS/Science Source
Ananias Escalante studies ecology and the evolution
of infectious diseases by focusing on the genetic
patterns of pathogens across anthropological, epidemiological, ecological and biological perspectives.
Of particular interest is the study of the evolution
and drug resistance of malaria-causing parasites,
for which Escalante has received numerous grants
from the National Institutes of Health and various
educational institutes across the United States and
Latin America. The founder and president of the
CoEvolution Society, Escalante comes to Temple
from Arizona State University.
Alexander Gray
Populations of bats in the
eastern U.S. have declined
significantly due to white
nose syndrome, a research
interest of Assistant
Professor Brent Sewall in
the Biology Department.
Alexander Gray specializes in the exploration of
the possibilities of photoemission spectroscopy.
A 2011 recipient of a PhD in physics from Berkeley
National Laboratory at the University of California,
Gray has been published more than three dozen
times and invited to speak at several international
conferences. He comes to Temple from the Institute
for Materials and Energy Science at Stanford
University, where he had been an experimental
research associate since 2011.
College of Science and Technology
S. Blair Hedges
S. Blair Hedges comes to Temple from Penn State,
where he had taught since earning a PhD in zoology
from the University of Maryland. Hedges’ research
explores the evolution of biodiversity by studying
evolutionary genetics and genomics, with particular
interest in how the planetary environment affects
life. He has named 112 species in the Caribbean and
received more than a dozen grants from NASA
and the National Science Foundation to study
early life on Earth and the implications for life on
other planets.
Bo Ji
Bo Ji’s research interests include the modeling,
analysis, control and optimization of complex
information system networks. A native of China,
Ji enrolled at Ohio State in 2007 and earned his
PhD in electric and computer engineering in 2012.
He has since published three papers in IEEE
INFOCOM, a leading conference for computer
information systems research, and has taken
a particular interest in optimization and queuing
theory in wireless networks and cloud computing.
Sudhir Kumar
Sudhir Kumar’s research focuses on analyzing
the evolution of species, genomes and mutations
using integrative and comparative approaches,
particularly through technology. Kumar has received
numerous grants from the National Institutes of
Health to develop computational analysis of genetic
evolution; his web applications have been cited
more than 50,000 times. He comes from Arizona
State University to Temple, where he will serve as
director of CST’s new Institute for Genomic and
Evolutionary Medicine.
David Liberles
Chelsea Walton
David Liberles studies bioinformatics, comparative
genomics and molecular evolution. A recipient of
numerous grants from the National Institutes of
Health, the National Science Foundation and the
European Science Foundation, Liberles has also
presented his work and taught at locations around
the world, including Oslo, Norway; Christchurch,
New Zealand; and Bellville, South Africa. A recipient
of a PhD in chemistry from the California Institute
of Technology, Liberles comes to Temple from the
University of Wyoming.
Chelsea Walton’s mathematical areas of interest
include noncommutative algebra, noncommutative
algebraic geometry, noncommutative invariant
theory and representation theory. A 2011 recipient
of a PhD in mathematics from the University of
Michigan, Walton has presented her research at
conferences across North America, including at
the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in
Berkeley, California. Prior to coming to Temple,
she was a National Science Foundation–funded
postdoctoral fellow at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology.
Sujith Ravi
Sarah Wengryniuk
Sujith Ravi’s research interests include ecohydrology,
land degradation, sediment transportation, water
resources and the food-energy-water nexus. A
2008 recipient of a PhD in environmental sciences/
hydrology from the University of Virginia, Ravi was
previously a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University.
Sarah Wengryniuk’s research interests include
organic synthesis and methodology. She was previously a National Institutes of Health–funded postdoctoral research fellow at the Scripps Research
Institute in La Jolla, California, where she worked in
collaboration with Bristol Myers-Squibb on late-stage
functionalization of macrocyclic drug candidates.
She earned her PhD in organic chemistry from Duke
University in 2012, where she was a National Science
Foundation Graduate Research Fellow.
Brent Sewall’s research focuses on understanding
critical and emerging threats to biodiversity and
developing effective strategies for conservation.
He joined the Biology Department as a non-tenure
track faculty member in 2009. He has received
several awards, including the American Society of
Mammalogists William T. Hornaday Award for outstanding contributions to mammal conservation
and CST’s William Caldwell Memorial Distinguished
Mentoring Award. Prior to arriving at Temple, Sewall
was a visiting assistant professor of conservation
biology at the College of William and Mary. Sewall
received his PhD in ecology from the University of
California, Davis.
Katherine Willets
Katherine Willets’ research focuses on the effectiveness of super-resolution imaging techniques. As
co–primary investigator, she received a $7.5 million
grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific
Research for electrochemical imaging and mechanistic studies on the nanometer scale. She earned
the 2013 Early Career award from the Department
of Energy. Willets, who earned her PhD at Stanford,
comes to Temple from the University of Texas at
Austin, where she was an assistant professor.
Malaria parasites: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine/Science Source
Brent Sewall
This year, two faculty members—S. Blair Hedges
and Sudhir Kumar—joined CST as Laura H. Carnell
Professors. Established in 1985, Carnell professorships recognize Temple faculty who have distinguished themselves in research, scholarship, the
creative arts and teaching. They honor Temple’s
first dean, Laura H. Carnell, who worked alongside
founder Russell H. Conwell. CST currently has 10
Carnell professors—more than any other Temple
school or college.
OUTLOOK / Winter 2015
Four CST graduate students were awarded prestigious National
Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship
Program grants in 2014. That program recognizes and supports
outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science,
technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines who are
pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in the U.S.
Temple chemistry students made a particularly strong showing, with three awardees. The Department of Chemistry was
one of only 31 departments nationwide to receive multiple
fellowships and one of only 10 to receive multiple fellowships
in organic chemistry.
“This is a remarkable accomplishment for both the students
and the Chemistry Department,” says Bill Wuest, assistant professor of chemistry, whose lab is working on potent, Lysol-like
compounds for use in cleaning oil pipelines, ships’ surfaces and
medical devices. “Our students keep getting better and better,
and as a result, our research keeps getting stronger and stronger.”
Selected through a national competition, the grantees receive
an annual $32,000 stipend and $12,000 cost-of-education allowance for three years. Fellows are also eligible for access to cyberinfrastructure resources and international research collaborations.
CST’s 2014 NSF Graduate Research fellows are Megan
Jennings, chemistry; Samuel Markson, chemistry; Steven Schnell,
biology; and Christiana Teijaro, chemistry.
Teijaro, a member of Associate Professor of Chemistry
Rodrigo Andrade’s lab, is working on the synthesis of certain
natural alkaloids that inhibit the protein responsible for preventing cancer drugs from passing through cancer cells. “I’m very
excited to focus on my research 100 percent,” Teijaro says.
“The Chemistry Department is conducting innovative, quality
research that competes with any university.”
—Greg Fornia, SMC ’92
Our students keep getting better and
keeps getting stronger and stronger.
Greg Fornia, SMC ’92
better, and as a result, our research
­—Bill Wuest
Photo by Veer/gud
Eric Borguet
• Interface between water and a carbonate mineral oxide model system, ExxonMobil
• MRI: Development of a High- Energy, Ultra-Broadband,
Ultra-Short Infrared Laser Source, NSF
•Coherent Photoreactivity
of Surfaces, Defense
Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA)
• DARPA LoCo 4-C: Local Control of Materials Syntheses, DARPA
Vincent Voelz
• Early Stages of Protein Folding
Explored by Experimental and
Computational Approaches, NSF
Bradford Wayland
• Tuning of Metal-Centered
Radicals for Substrate
Activations and Catalysis, NSF
William Wuest
• Development of Chemical
Probes to Study Nucleoside
Signaling in Bacterial Biofilms,
Charles E. Kaufman Foundation
GRANTS, JULY 1, 2013,
TO JUNE 30, 2014
• DARPA LoCo 4-C: Local Control of Materials Syntheses Fundamental Optimal Dynamic Discrimination for User-defined Reaction-Control, DARPA
Michael Zdilla
• Analogues of the Biological
Oxygen Evolving Complex:
A Redesigned Approach to Manganese Cluster, NSF
Steven Fletcher
• NOBCChE Fellowship, GlaxoSmithKline
• Materials Carbon Monoxide Activation and Lithium Ion Battery Materials, Henry and Camille Dreyfus Foundation Inc.
Raymond Habas
• Functional Analysis of the Bifunctional Ion Channel
and Kinase TRPM7, National Institutes of Health (NIH) (University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey)
Jody Hey
• Maintenance and Development of IMa Program, NIH/
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
• The Population Genetics of Divergence, NIH/DHHS
• Statistical Inference Under Isolation-With-Migration Models, National Science Foundation (NSF)
Rob Kulathinal
• Functional Behavioral Analysis of Positively Selected Genes
in the Drosophila Melanogaster Lineage, Directorate for Biological Sciences/NSF
Laszlo Otvos
• Synthetic Peptides Acting
as AdipoR Agonists, NIH (Northwestern University)
Brent Sewall
• Fort Indiantown Gap—INRMP Contract, Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veteran Affairs (Penn. DMVA)
• Fort Indiantown Gap—
RTLA Seasonal Contract,
Penn. DMVA
Rodrigo Andrade
• Asymmetric Synthesis of Strychnos and Aspidosperma
Alkaloids, NSF
Michael L. Klein
• Interaction of Inhalation Anesthetics, NIH (University
of Pennsylvania)
Rob Levis
• Local Control of Material Synthesis Development of a High-Energy, Ultra-Broadband, Ultra-Short Infrared Laser Source, Directorate
for Biological
Dean’s Office
Douglas Baird
• TUteach: Serving Philadelphia
by Preparing Better Science
and Mathematics Teachers,
Verizon Foundation
Susan Varnum
• 2013 GPSC Summer Camp
at Temple University, McKean Defense Group
• Polymer Interface Structure Advancement, Lockheed Martin
• 2013–2014 AY Navy After School Program, McKean
Defense Group
• Nanomaterials by Design, Army Research Lab
• 2014 ExxonMobil Bernard
Harris Summer Science Camp,
Harris Foundation
Ronald M. Levy
• Computer Simulations
of Protein Structure and Dynamics, NIH/DHHS
• NSF CDI-Type II: Mapping Complex Biomolecular Reactions with Large-Scale Replica Exchange Simulations on National Production Cyberinfrastructure, NSF
• HIV Interactions and Viral
Evolution, Scripps Research
Institute, NIH/DHHS
Yi Rao
• Studies of Carrier Generation for High Efficient Photovoltaic Applications, Honda Research Institute USA Inc.
Christian Schafmeister
• Towards Durable, High-Flux Water Filtration Membranes, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
• 2014 GPSC Camp-SeaPerch
Science, McKean Defense Group
Computer &
Information Sciences
Xiaojiang Du
• I-Corps: Commercialization Feasibility for Increasing Cognitive Femtocell Network Capacity, NSF
Krishna Kant
• EAGER: Quality of Configuration in Large Scale Data Centers, NSF
Eugene Kwatny
• CNS—Collaborative Research: EAGER—from Computer Networks to Food Networks, NSF
Haibin Ling
• Correspondence: Theory, Algorithm, and Application, NSF
• Multiple-Target Tracking
for Urban Surveillance Areas, Intelligent Fusion Technology
• Video to Text (V2T) for
Wide Area Motion Imagery, Intelligent Fusion Technology
Jie Wu
• Intersession Network Coding in Lossy Wireless Multihop Networks, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Earth &
Alexandra Krull Davatzes
• CAREER: Field Studies of
Precambrian Impacts and
Implication for the Early Crust
and Environment, NSF
Nicholas Davatzes
• USGS-Temple University
Cooperative Research on
Geothermal Systems,
U.S. Geological Survey/
Department of the Interior
Laura Toran
• Delaware River Watershed
Initiative: Suburban
Philadelphia Cluster,
William Penn Foundation
Laura Toran and Jonathan
• Integrated Strategy to
Improve Green Infrastructure Approaches in Philadelphia, Environmental Protection Agency
David Futer
• Connections in Low Dimensional Topology, NSF
Benjamin Seibold
• Control of Vehicular Traffic Flow via Low-Density Autonomous Vehicles, NSF
Daniel Szyld
• Multiple Preconditioners
for Saddle-Point and Other Problems, NSF
Ke Chen
• Magnesium Diboride DC
and Data Cables for Digital-RF
Systems, Hypres Inc.
Maria Iavarone
•Vortex Matter in Confined
Superconductors and
Mesoscopic Hybrid
Heterostructures, Office
of Science, U.S. Department
of Energy (U.S. DOE)
Svetlana Kotochigova
• Controlling Anisotropy in
Interactions of Ultra-Cold
Atoms and Molecules for
Quantum Information
Processing, NSF
Jeffrey Martoff
• Collaborative Research:
Direct Search for Dark Matter
with Underground Argon at
James Napolitano
• Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino
Experiment, Office of High
Energy Physics, U.S. DOE
John P. Perdew
• Center for Computational Design of Functional Layered Materials, U.S. DOE
• DMR Condensed Matter and
Materials Theory, NSF
Yury Grabovsky
• Linear and Nonlinear Elasticity: Study of Exact Relations and Instabilities, NSF
Adrienn Ruzsinszky
• Exploring the Random Phase
Approximation for Materials
and Chemical Physics, Office
of Science, U.S. DOE
Yury Grabovsky
and Isaac Klapper,
• Spatiotemporal Distribution
of Oxygen in Biofilm Infections, NIH
Xiaoxing Xi
• Artificial Oxide
Heterostructures with Tunable
Band Gap, Office of Scientific
Research, U.S. Air Force
Martin Lorenz
• Noncommutative and
Commutative Invariant
Theory, NSA
• Magnesium Diboride Thin
Films, Multilayers, and
Coatings for SRF Cavities,
Office of Science, U.S. DOE
Brian Rider
• Limit Laws Arising in Random Matrix Theory, NSF
• MGB2 Thin Film Deposition
on Metals, Argonne National
• SC Testing, Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation
• Ultra-wideband MGB2 Mixer
for High Resolution Terahertz
Spectroscopy, NASA
OUTLOOK / Winter 2015
Professors Wunder
and Zdilla have
developed a method
for potentially making lithium batteries
better and safer.
Lithium ion batteries, central to powering most modern technology, are potentially dangerous—the liquid electrolytes used to
manufacture those batteries can be volatile. Now two CST chemists have developed a way of creating a solid electrolyte that might
reduce the battery’s volatility without decreasing its conductivity
or increasing its costs.
“There have been quite a few thrusts toward making lithium
batteries safer, and one of them is to make everything in the
battery a solid,” says Professor of Chemistry Stephanie Wunder,
who is collaborating with Michael Zdilla, assistant professor of
chemistry. “But in general, solids are less conductive.”
Zdilla’s lab has developed a new solid electrolyte matrix by
dissolving organic liquids and lithium salts—which are like table
salt but with lithium instead of sodium ions. Both materials are
similar to those currently used in lithium ion batteries. A nonpolar
solvent is then added. “They are the same inexpensive materials
that are going into lithium batteries right now,” he notes.
“What we found was that this new organic matrix seemed
to have extremely good low-temperature conductivity,” Wunder
says. Though the matrix currently decomposes above room
temperature, when the researchers placed it in dry ice (−78
degrees Celsius), it held the same ability for conductivity as it
did at room temperature.
“I’m not aware of any material, solid or liquid, that has ever
behaved like that for ion conduction at low temperatures,” Zdilla
says. “This technology could be valuable for battery performance
in extremely cold temperatures like space, the deep sea, the Arctic
or Antarctica. Even in some more temperate places, it still gets
cold enough that regular batteries do not perform well.”
The researchers are confident the technology—once the
material is stabilized above room temperature—has the potential
to make lithium ion batteries better and safer.
—Preston Moretz
Fox School of Business
Guiding Technologies Corp., a startup company founded by
CIS Professor John Nosek, won the $125,000 grand prize at
the Be Your Own Boss Bowl (BYOBB), Temple’s universitywide
business-plan competition. Guiding Technologies focuses on
improving outcomes and quality of life for autistic children
through its software GAINS (Guidance, Assessment and
Information System), which simplifies and systematizes the way
complex applied behavioral analysis (ABA) therapy is conducted.
ABA, the gold standard in treatment for autistic children, is
costly and inconsistently administered, and there is a scarcity of
qualified ABA therapists. But without early ABA therapy, autistic
College of Science and Technology
children may lead diminished lives, with a ten-fold increase in
lifetime costs.
With GAINS, anyone with a smartphone or tablet can be
coached step-by-step in real time to provide high-quality therapy.
That will improve the consistency of ABA therapy, increasing its
efficacy and reducing costs.
Nosek, the first-ever faculty member to win the BYOBB grand
prize, says, “Winning means development and field testing of
GAINS will be accelerated. This will translate into helping individuals with autism and their families sooner—what a great outcome
from this competition.”
Lithium acetate crystal: Tim Evans/Science Source
The Science Education
and Research Center
opened in September
2014. Its impact on
research and teaching,
innovation, and discovery
Joseph V. Labolito
will be felt for decades.
OUTLOOK / Winter 2015
Joseph V. Labolito
SERC’s soaring two-story lobby is just one of many spaces
designed to stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration among
faculty members and undergraduate and graduate students.
College of Science and Technology
Photos this page: Temple University Photography
SERC offers ample space for CST’s
researchers and students, including
52 research labs, 16 teaching labs,
two large lecture halls, and offices
for faculty and postdocs. Each floor
offers break-out rooms, conference
rooms, lounges and other spaces
that support collaboration.
SERC is home to the departments
of Physics and Computer &
Information Sciences, seven research
centers, including the Institute for
Genomics and Evolutionary Medicine
and the Center for Networked
Computing, and advanced facilities
such as (top, center) Class 100
and Class 1,000 clean rooms and
a low-vibration scanning tunneling
microscope facility, the only one of
its kind in the Philadelphia region.
OUTLOOK / Winter 2015
Images clockwise from bottom left:
Drug molecule, iStock; genetic map,
Martin Krzywinski/Science Source; HIV
virus, NIH/NIAID/Seth Pincus/Elizabeth
Fischer/Austin Athman/Science Source;
mosquito, Mark Giles/Science Source;
male papilio aristodemus, free domain.
College of Science and Technology
N ew Resea rch Centers B lu r Scient ific B ou n d a ries
One day last May, Ron Levy sat in his temporary office in the
Bio-Life Building speaking with Nan-Jie Deng, one of his assistant
research professors. They were discussing Deng’s research, which
involves using free energy molecular dynamics simulations to
design inhibitors against HIV viral proteins.
Levy, Laura H. Carnell Professor of Biophysics and
Computational Biology, directs the Center for Biophysics &
Computational Biology—one of seven new research centers
or institutes that, over the past year, have doubled the number
of CST research entities, creating a collaborative critical mass of
internationally renowned researchers.
Underscoring that cooperative thrust, later that day Deng
reported on his progress at a joint seminar involving Levy’s center
and the Institute for Computational Molecular Science headed
by Dean Michael Klein. Finally, Levy, who was lured away from
Rutgers University and whose lab is on the top floor of the
Science Education and Research Center (SERC), spoke with
Bill Flynn, a graduate student. The topic: Flynn’s efforts to use
deep sequencing data to determine patterns of correlated mutations
in HIV proteins.
Explaining why he came, Levy says, “I’ve known Michael Klein
for years, and knew that great things were happening here in computational science. It’s really exciting.”
CST has hired more than 60 faculty members since 2007 and,
over the past two years, a handful of senior faculty who are leaders
in their fields. Why did such a distinguished group uproot wellestablished research labs to come to CST? SERC was part of the
allure. “To attract scientists from around the world, you need to
have great facilities to launch an initiative of the magnitude we are
contemplating,” says Sudhir Kumar, Laura H. Carnell Professor
of Genomic Medicine and founding director of the Institute for
Genomics and Evolutionary Medicine (iGEM).
Given these new researchers’ need to mine and analyze huge
data sets, another draw was the ultrafast, powerful capabilities of
Temple’s High-Performance Computing Cluster and its related
virtual server, TUcloud—the kind of computing power that
opens new scientific frontiers.
“From basic questions on evolution to critically important
questions on human health, much of modern life-science research
involves the development and application of advanced computing
technologies,” says Jody Hey, who arrived a year ago from Rutgers
OUTLOOK / Winter 2015
Left to right: Carnell Professor Ron Levy directs the Center for
Biophysics & Computational Biology and its efforts to design
new pharmaceuticals. Carnell Professor Sudhir Kumar, iGEM
director, and Carnell Professor John Perdew, director of the
Center for Materials Theory, are both authors of top-100 most
cited papers in their fields. Carnell Professor S. Blair Hedges
works to preserve biodiversity in Haiti, and stores specimens
in a cryobank facility. Professor Jody Hey is director of the
Center for Computational Genetics and Genomics.
research involves
University to direct the Center for Computational Genetics and
Genomics (CCGG).
Hey’s primary research includes developing new ways to use
genome sequence data to study the divergence of populations,
from fruit flies to apes to humans, and in particular the evolutionary history of human populations in Africa. “If we have DNA
sequences of the genomes from many populations from around
the world and we want to understand how those populations
spread and are diverse from each other, there’s a very large amount
of data that we need to be able to fit into a complex evolutionary
model,” says Hey. “That requires tremendous computing power.”
the development
Much of modern
and application of
advanced computing technologies.
­—Jody Hey
Another attraction for new faculty is the chance to collaborate
with talented researchers within the college and beyond. “People
are attracted by the fact that at its highest levels—from president
to provost and the dean—Temple has a science- and techsupportive administration,” says Levy. “Great research stems from
being around great people.”
John Perdew, who came to Temple from Tulane University
and is one of the world’s most cited physicists, agrees: “I now have
more potential collaborators. Our proximity in SERC brings
together computational researchers from many different areas
in physics, chemistry and biology, as well as top researchers from
the Philadelphia region.”
College of Science and Technology
Kumar was also attracted by the chance to work with CST
colleagues and researchers from the College of Public Health,
School of Medicine and Fox Chase Cancer Center. “Genomics is
part of many exciting research endeavors in these disciplines,” says
Kumar. “It’s a tool to measure the kind of differences we have from
one another and also the diversity in the blueprint of life. With
this unique angle, we can connect various entities at Temple.”
This collaborative urge triggered a domino effect of additional
high-level hires. After arriving from Rutgers last fall, Hey suggested
recruiting Kumar from Arizona State University, where he
appeared to be set for life after being named a Regents’ Professor
just three years earlier. Both Hey and Kumar have been recent
presidents of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.
In turn, Kumar approached S. Blair Hedges, a longtime collaborator from Pennsylvania State University. Along with Kumar
and another former Arizona State professor now at Temple,
Ananias Escalante, Hedges is Laura H. Carnell Professor of
Biodiversity and a founding member of iGEM and director of his
own Center for Biodiversity.
Funded by the National Institutes of Health and National Science
Foundation, Levy’s Center for Biophysics & Computational Biology
(CB2) focuses on leading-edge computational research that
explores the intersection of biology, chemistry and biophysics.
“We work on problems in biology from a chemistry background to design better pharmaceuticals that improve health,”
says Levy. “The targets of most drugs are large protein molecules,
but it is not obvious, from either experimental data or looking at
the molecules’ structures, how to best design pharmaceuticals.”
Enter structure-based design utilizing model simulations, a
field whose long-considered promise has begun to be fulfilled in
the past five years with the development of more powerful and
accurate simulation methods. These techniques are now capable
of creating a framework and making a connection between tremendous amounts of available experimental and structural data.
CB2 researchers use such methodologies, Levy says, “to target
new drugs that take out of action important proteins that are
essential for the functioning of the AIDS virus.”
Levy’s lab also uses molecular simulations to assure that drugs
bind as tightly as possible to their targets so that they can be taken
in the smallest doses and minimize side effects. Finally, his group
uses sequence-based and statistical techniques to investigate how
viruses mutate in order to develop resistance to drugs.
“Resistance often doesn’t happen because of one mutation but
because of a complex pattern of mutations,” he says. “It’s an ingenious
process that you have to outwit because the mutations change the
protein you have targeted just enough so that the drug isn’t effective anymore, but not so much that the protein isn’t still effective.”
Genome analysis, which requires sophisticated computational
methodologies, is at the heart of Kumar’s iGEM. He notes that
many diseases, including brain and breast cancers, have genetic
components. Given the millions of genetic differences that exist
between human beings, researchers want to know which of these
differences are potentially harmful, and when and how they will
affect us. “That,” he says, “is the grand challenge of genomic medicine: Which persons have problematic mutations, and what
could those mutations ultimately cause?”
To address that challenge, Kumar practices “phylomedicine,”
which involves sifting through tremendous amounts of genetic
data from human beings; our closest relatives, the apes; and many
other species to assess the impact of mutations we each harbor.
“We are essentially mining the outcome of nature’s experiments
from a large number of species to inform human medicine,” he says.
Kumar’s institute will also engage in related activities, such
as phylogenetics, to develop species trees and analytics to better
process genomic data. Software tools Kumar has developed have
been cited more than 70,000 times. That includes TimeTree,
a public database he and Hedges created that allows users to
quickly calculate divergence times among various species—
92.3 million years ago, for example, for humans and dogs.
Carnell professors S. Blair
Hedges and Sudhir Kumar
developed TimeTree (above),
a public resource on the
timescale and evolutionary
history of life, available as
both an app and a website.
Users can input two species—
for example, humans and
dogs—and discover the point
at which they diverged.
Portrait photos, left to right: Paige Ozaroski, Paige Ozaroski, Joseph V. Labolito, Ryan S. Brandenberg, CLA ’14. Illustrations, top to bottom: Tim Evans/Science Source; Free domain animal illustrations.
OUTLOOK / Winter 2015
Great research stems from
being around great people.
­—Ron Levy
Says Kumar: “We want to build tools for biologists throughout
the world to do analyses easily and to discover scientific knowledge efficiently.”
The Center for Materials Theory, led by Laura H. Carnell
Professor of Physics and Chemistry John Perdew, focuses on
materials theory and density functional theory. Members
include Dean Klein and professors Peter Riseborough, Adrienn
Ruzsinszky and Jianwei Sun. The group develops the fundamentals and approximations of density functional theory for atoms,
molecules and solids. For practical electronic structure calculations, both materials physics and quantum chemistry now usually
rely on this theory—which can predict a molecule’s shape or the
energy of a bond.
Perdew’s innovations include the development of a “Jacob’s
ladder” of approximations. As the ladder’s rungs (three so far, with
more under development) go higher, they describe with increasing accuracy a material’s exchange-correlation energy, which is
“nature’s glue” for interatomic binding.
Perdew’s group is also probing what is termed the van der
Waals interaction. “It’s an interaction that produces an attraction
between atoms, but one that is much weaker than a chemical
bond,” he says. “It’s the interaction that binds carbon atoms in
graphite in flat, two-dimensional layers that are easy to break apart.
College of Science and Technology
That’s why you can write on a piece of paper with a pencil.” The
same force, adds Perdew, holds together molybdenum disulfide,
which has potential applications in solar cells and for hydrogen
fuel production.
Perdew also leads Temple’s Center for the Computational
Design of Functional Layered Materials, one of 10 new Energy
Frontier Research Centers announced by the U.S. Department of
Energy. The $12 million award will support the design of materials
that could potentially have applications in energy production or
storage. (See page 7.)
Hedges’ Center for Biodiversity explores such questions as how
many species there are on Earth and what they need to continue
to exist in the face of environmental degradation. Much of his
work focuses on the Caribbean islands, including helicoptering
into remote sections of Haiti that harbor the last remaining 1 percent of that country’s original forests in order to determine how
best to keep frogs, butterflies and other species that depend upon
those forests from going extinct.
Collecting frogs and snakes has its own charms, but the big
data sets he and Kumar have gathered in their TimeTree program
provide him with an essential tool to help pinpoint when two
species diverged.
Scimat/Science Source
Carnell Professor John
Perdew and researchers
at the Center for Materials
Theory probe what is termed
the van der Waals interaction
(far left), named for Dutch
theoretical physicist and
thermodynamicist Johannes
Diderik van der Waals, whose
career spanned the late 19th
and early 20th centuries. “It’s
the interaction that binds
carbon atoms in graphite in
flat, two-dimensional layers
that are easy to break apart,”
says Perdew. “That’s why you
can write on a piece of paper
with a pencil.” The same force
holds together molybdenum
disulfide, which has potential
applications in solar cells and
for hydrogen fuel production.
(Left) The crystal structure
of graphite, its layers held
together by the universal glue
of the material world, a weak
set of forces generated by
fluctuations in the electric
field of molecules.
Center for Advanced Photonics Research
Director: Robert Levis, Professor of Chemistry
Focuses on understanding photochemistry and photophysics of molecules interacting with ultrafast, ultra-intense laser
pulses, leading to new ways to diagnose disease, detect
improvised explosive devices, classify tissues and phenotypes, and synthesize monodispersed nanomaterials.
Center for Data Analytics
and Biomedical Informatics
Director: Zoran Obradovic, Laura H. Carnell Professor
of Data Analytics
Advances research at the interface of information management, retrieval and analysis, including investigations of
data mining, machine learning, databases, pattern recognition and computer vision.
Center for Networked Computing
Director, Jie Wu, Laura H. Carnell Professor of Computer Engineering
“If once there was one population of lizards,” Hedges explains,
“but 1 or 2 million years ago two populations said goodbye to
one another because some lizards rafted on litter during a storm
over to another island, the tree-of-life data tell us when they
became different species.”
Over in CCGG, Assistant Professor Alexander Platt is currently
engaged in what he calls genomic archaeology—using genomic
data sequenced from the teeth of three 50,000-year-old
Neanderthal fossils to learn much more about that species and
how it differed from Homo sapiens. Last year, Hey co-authored
a separate study that concluded a small amount of gene sharing
that took place between Neanderthal-like hominids and Homo
sapiens occurred not, as some had speculated, in Africa more than
100,000 years ago, but later, possibly in the Middle East between
47,000 and 65,000 years ago, after humans began migrating out
of Africa.
“Everyone wants to know where they come from, and human
evolution is one of the greatest stories,” Hey says. “But much of the
story remains untold. What were archaic Homo sapiens like, and
where and when did the transition to modern humans occur,
and what happened to cause that? It’s the most fundamental and
exciting story to tell about our history.” Investigates cloud computing, cyber-physical systems and
sensor networks to develop new technologies such as wireless fetal heart monitors.
Institute for Computational
Molecular Science
Director Michael L. Klein, Laura H. Carnell Professor of Science
Applies principles from quantum mechanics and statistical
thermodynamics to model molecular phenomena using
computer simulations, accelerating the development of
new medicines and technologies.
Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research
and Molecular Medicine
Director: Antonio Giordano, Professor of Biology
Conducts advanced research into cures for cardiovascular
conditions, cancer and other diseases through the
identification of their underlying molecular mechanisms.
—Bruce E. Beans
OUTLOOK / Winter 2015
Message from the
Alumni Board president
Greg Fornia, SMC ’92
In 2008, I was asked to join the newly formed CST Alumni Board. My first
question: “What will the board do?”
One of the board’s first tasks was to establish a successful mentoring program, something that other Temple University schools and colleges were
struggling to do. The idea of helping students appealed to me very much—
I am in debt to the people throughout my life who have taught me,
encouraged me and allowed me to gain from their experience. Two years
ago, the board implemented the Owl to Owl Mentor Program, an initiative
I chaired. The program tripled in participation last year and has caught the
attention of the entire university.
With Paul Curcillo as president and myself as vice president—at first, the
board’s only two members—the Alumni Board has grown to 12 accomplished
professionals dedicated to helping students and CST. We recently established
a scholarship for deserving and talented CST students and hope to make
the first award in the fall of 2015.
Paul is now president-elect of the Temple University Alumni Association,
and I have the daunting task of filling his very big shoes at CST. But I am
looking forward to that role because I know the work we do is so important
to so many students. After all, one of life’s most rewarding experiences is
giving back and guiding students toward their dreams.
Jim Guare, new CST Alumni Board president
I ask you to join in these efforts, either as a mentor or through supporting
the Alumni Scholarship Fund. We are witnessing incredible changes here at
Temple and CST. Helping students take advantage of this great university is
a wonderful thing to do and doesn’t require a whole lot of time or money—
just a desire to help.
​ ant to learn more about
the CST Alumni Board?
Have an alumni engagement
idea you want to share?
Email me at
Thank you.
Jim Guare (BA ’77, MA ’83, Chem)
College of Science and Technology
Templar 1947
The Dean’s Endowed
Professorship will support
tomorrow’s talented faculty
and honor Temple legend
Hazel Tomlinson, a longtime chemistry professor
who inspired generations
of students to excel in the
lab and in life.
The College of Science and Technology’s extraordinary professors
conduct advanced research and invent new technology. They
attract research dollars and talented graduate students and inspire
undergraduates to excel in the lab.
To support faculty, CST has launched a $1 million campaign
to fund two endowed term professorships within the college.
These endowed positions will help attract researchers from top
institutions, and the income the endowments generate offers
a guaranteed source of funding for salaries and other expenses,
freeing up money for equipment and other direct research support.
So far, CST has raised nearly $500,000 toward its $1 million goal.
Once the challenge is met, CST will name a lecture hall in
the new Science Education and Research Center for Hazel
Tomlinson, a chemistry professor who set the standard for
dedication to science and to students. In her more than four
decades of teaching at Temple University, Tomlinson inspired
generations of students to succeed in the lab and in life. To learn
more about the Dean’s Endowed Professorship or to make a gift,
go to giving.temple.edu/cstprofchallenge.
The College of Science and Technology Alumni Board has established the Alumni Scholarship Fund to support deserving and
talented science and technology students. Board members, alumni
and friends of the college have so far raised more than $54,000.
The first award will be presented to a CST student in 2015.
Many alumni are using their gifts to name a lecture-hall seat in
the new Science Education and Research Center, which features
both a 200-seat and 400-seat lecture hall on its first floor. Alumni
can name a seat in honor of a faculty member or a loved one for
a gift of $500. Young alumni, those who have graduated within
the past 10 years, can name a seat for $250. To make a gift to the
scholarship fund, go to giving.temple.edu/cstfund.
Special thanks to the Board of Visitors and
Alumni Board members for their support of
the Alumni Scholarship Fund and the endowed
professorships. Both boards achieved close to 100
percent participation in these fundraising efforts.
Ryan S. Brandenberg, CLA ’14
OUTLOOK / Winter 2015
Joseph V. Labolito
Ryan S. Brandenberg, CLA ’14
Seda Tarzian
Jody-Ann Forrester-Small
Seda Tarzian (BS ’48, Bio): A pioneer in pharmaceutical research
As a retired pharmaceutical research medical program director,
Tarzian knows personally how hard it can be for students to
finance their education. She enrolled at Temple after her stepfather
agreed to pay for her education, but after a semester that source
of funding dried up. Tarzian struggled mightily.
“At times, I had no place to live and no money,” recalls Tarzian,
who is now a member of CST’s Board of Visitors. She arranged
a payment plan that required her to pay $60 every six weeks and
got a job as a supermarket cashier. She also spent a summer as a
General Electric draftsperson, where one of her assignments
included work for the Manhattan Project.
Following graduation, Tarzian discovered it was not easy being
a woman in what at the time was a department dominated by
male science professors. “I experienced a lot of prejudice,” she
acknowledges. Over the course of the next four decades, Tarzian
worked her way up from being a Jeanes Hospital medical technologist to Merck’s first female medical program coordinator. She
also was a histologist in the Anatomy Department of the Temple
University School of Medicine, as well as a lecturer and instructor
in the medical technical training program.
Her pharmaceutical career included doing preclinical in vivo
testing of new pharmacological compounds and serving as a literature reviewer and clinical research associate responsible for new
drug applications at the National Drug Company, a division of
Richardson-Merrell Inc. At Merck she coordinated the clinical
trials of several anti-inflammatory, ophthalmological and gastrointestinal drugs that received FDA approval, including Prilosec,
the widely prescribed acid reflux drug.
Tarzian is also an accomplished artist—her watercolors have
illustrated the college’s holiday greeting cards—and a soloist with
the St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church
choir in Philadelphia’s Roxborough neighborhood.
Eight years ago she established the Seda Tarzian Scholarship,
presented to talented CST students with preference given to
those who have experienced socioeconomic or education disadvantages. Her motivation: Make sure CST students don’t
have to struggle financially. “I want to make sure no one goes
through what I did,” she says.
—Bruce Beans
Jody-Ann Forrester-Small (BS ’13, CIS): Sky’s the limit
When she arrived on campus in 2011, Forrester-Small felt out
of place. Coming from the Community College of Philadelphia,
where she earned an associate degree with honors, she says, “I felt
overwhelmed. The students were so much more directed here,
and I was an older student.”
Just 14 months later—more than a semester before she graduated with a 3.51 GPA—she was offered and accepted a consulting position with Protiviti, a California-based risk, audit and
business consulting firm with an office in Philadelphia.
After starting as an information technology audit consultant,
this year she has been tackling IT security projects. “I feel like the
sky’s the limit because I get to work with a bunch of great people
and with clients in healthcare, retail, banking and education,” she
says. “I get to learn about different industries, and each project
represents a new challenge.”
Forrester-Small, who moved from Jamaica to Philadelphia in
2005, gives a lot of credit for her success to three CIS faculty:
Wendy Urban, her faculty advisor; Claudia Pine-Simon, the
Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) faculty advisor;
and Rose McGinnis, director of Student Professional
Development at CST.
“I take my hat off to those ladies,” says Forrester-Small, whose
husband, Ainsworth Small, graduated from Temple in 2008 with
College of Science and Technology
a degree in architecture. “They were like mother figures to me.
They encouraged me to get involved in the [Computer and
Information Sciences] Department and introduced me to areas
beyond Temple.”
In 2012, she earned a scholarship, funded by Vanguard, to
attend the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
Conference in Baltimore. “I met with 3,600 women from all over
the world who are heavily involved in technology,” says ForresterSmall, who also earned a scholarship from the Philadelphia chapter of the Society for Information Management.
Forrester-Small made the most of her time at CST. She
interned as a business systems analyst at PNC Bank—thanks to
a resume session with Urban and McGinnis and to a CST job fair
she attended just two months after coming to Temple. She served
as public relations officer for Temple’s ACM student chapter and,
during her last semester and through the ensuing summer, as a
CIS grader and course assistant.
“I loved my experience at Temple, and I’d still like to be there
now,” she says, “but my job is even more fun.”
—Bruce Beans
Joseph V. Labolito
Stephen P. Peterson (BS ’11; MS ’14, Geo): Keeping Philadelphia’s soil safe
Older industrial cities such as Philadelphia tend to have high lead
and heavy-metals concentrations in their soil. With the growth of
urban agriculture—where people use vacant lots, parks and even
recreation centers to grow fruits and vegetables—concerns have
arisen about whether people are slowly poisoning themselves by
eating what they grow in urban gardens.
Stephen P. Peterson decided to explore whether or not such
dangers lurk in Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park, the largest innercity park system in the U.S. and the site of some urban agriculture.
For a year and a half, he examined the presence of lead and other
potentially harmful heavy metals in the soil there.
“Everywhere I went—no matter how old the area or how
dense the woods—the levels of lead and other metals were well
above Philadelphia’s normal level, which is already above the
national average,” he says. All but one of the urban gardens he
tested were in raised planting beds where the soil is brought in
from elsewhere, so heavy-metals levels were low. “Fairmount Park
people are doing it right bringing in fresh topsoil,” he explains.
Peterson shared his research with city officials. “This research
provides the city with the necessary information and tools to better assess the locations of these materials concentrations, test the
park’s soils more efficiently and do what is necessary to make the
park healthier for Philadelphia’s inhabitants,” he says.
His research has won numerous awards at national and international conferences and helped earn him a prestigious yearlong
fellowship from the U.S. Forest Service’s Northern Research Station
in Philadelphia. “They’re interested in the urban forestry landscape
and getting the urban tree canopy back to what it once was, and
they believed this research could impact that,” says Peterson.
Improving the environment fulfills a dream that began when
Peterson enrolled in and loved an environmental science class in
high school. “I wanted to be a tree hugger and change the world,”
he says. “I came to Temple because it was one of the few schools
at that time that offered environmental science.”
Peterson is now with GEI Consultants, an engineering and
scientific consulting firm in Mount Laurel, New Jersey.
—Preston Moretz, SMC ’82
OUTLOOK / Winter 2015
The Department of Chemistry hosted both an all-alumni
reunion and a chemistry of wine event during Temple
University’s Homecoming Weekend, Oct. 10–12, 2014.
The reunion attracted a cross-section of graduates to the new
Science Education and Research Center. The chemistry of wine
event featured tastings and a presentation by Robert Levis,
department chair, on what makes a good and a bad wine and
how to tell the difference.
College of Science and Technology
Attendees at the chemistry reunion and wine event included
(top, left to right) Ronald (BA ’68, Chem) and Brenda (CLA ’73)
Kabler and William (BA ’58, Chem) and Sandra (BA ’56, Chem;
EDU ’63) Flank; (left) Raymond Dagger (BA ’74, Bio; MA ’80,
Chem) and David Hill, (CLA ’70, ’72, ’74); and (above) David
Dalton, professor in CST’s Department of Chemistry.
Grapes, Inga Spence/Science Source; wine yeast, Eye of Science/Science Source; cork, Scimat/Science Source.
Portrait photos: Greg Fornia, SMC ’92.
Joseph V. Labolito
Paul Curcillo (BA ’84, Bio) has been named president-elect of
the Temple University Alumni Association (TUAA), which represents Temple’s nearly 300,000 alumni living in 50 states and
143 countries.
Curcillo, who served as first president of CST’s Alumni Board
and continues to sit on the college’s Board of Visitors, is director
of minimally invasive surgical initiatives and development at Fox
Chase Cancer Center and a leader in the field of laparoscopy—
he performed what is believed to be the world’s first single-port-access
gallbladder surgery in 2007.
Michael Gealt, BA ’70, Bio is executive vice president
and provost at Central Michigan University, Mount
Pleasant, Michigan, which has more than 20,000
students at its multiple campuses.
David Spaulding, BA ’72, Math earned a doctorate
in finance and international economics from Pace
University in New York.
Jerry Lindheim, BA ’83, Bio; LAW ’88 presented
a lecture in Copenhagen to members of the Danish
bar who practice personal injury law. Previously,
he has lectured on topics of evidence deposition
and trial and courtroom practice. He is a partner
in Locks Law Firm in Philadelphia.
Nancy Soares, BA ’87, Bio has been named vice
president of the American Animal Hospital
Association’s Board of Directors.
Marilou Watson, BA ’87, Bio; PHR ’91 received
Philadelphia Business Journal’s Minority Business
Leader Award, which recognizes influential business
leaders who are making a difference in their communities. She is a partner in the law firm of Fox
Rothschild LLP.
Gina M. Caputo, BA ’07, Bio earned a doctor of
osteopathic medicine degree from the Philadelphia
College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2013.
Emily A. Morton, BS ’10, Geo earned a master of
science in geophysics from the New Mexico Institute
of Mining and Technology and started a yearlong
research position at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Brandon Presley, BS ’10, Chem is a forensic chemist
at NMS Labs in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, and is
enrolled in the analytical chemistry PhD program
at Temple.
Teresa Rothaar, BS ’11, Math/CS earned her MBA
from Delaware’s Wilmington University.
Keep Temple posted! Email CSTalum@temple.edu
to share your recent news and accomplishments.
Ryan S. Brandenberg, CLA ’14
George M. Brunner, BA ’85, Math is vice president
of CBOS Inc., a strategy and technology consultancy
in North Wales, Pennsylvania.
Lewis Katz, (BA ’63, Bio), a tireless Temple advocate and longtime university trustee, died in a plane crash on May 31, 2014.
Katz was incredibly generous in giving his time, support and leadership to the university. In 2014, he announced a $25 million
commitment—the largest single pledge in Temple’s history—
to support the education and research mission of Temple’s School
of Medicine. In recognition of his commitment and a lifetime of
work on behalf of the university, Temple’s Board of Trustees
named the School of Medicine for Katz. Temple also awarded
him an honorary degree during Commencement 2014, and Katz
addressed the audience—with humor and grace—saying, “Work
matters, but family matters more. Make time for those who need
you and for the causes you believe in.”
Work matters, but family matters more.
Make time for those who need you and for
the causes you believe in.
­—Lewis Katz
Melvin H. Stein, BA ’66, Bio; PHR ’69 published
Odyssey of a Philly Boy: Serendipity, Tsouris and
a Little Mazel with Outskirts Press.
OUTLOOK / Winter 2015
Erin Henning
Danielle DeLeo, a graduate
student working in Associate
Professor Erik Cordes’ lab,
made her first descent in a
submersible to study deepsea coral in the Gulf of Mexico.
Danielle DELEO: Reaching new depths
Descending through the water column, the sub’s pilot makes his
final checks and adjustments. I watch as the last natural light from
the ocean’s surface fades. There, in complete darkness, bioluminescent organisms glow all around us as we dive to the seafloor,
approximately 1,000 meters below the surface. Once there, a long
list of tasks awaits, including genetic sampling and taking live collections of several cold-water corals using the manipulator arms
and collection devices mounted to Alvin, the submersible.
It’s my first dive in a deep submergence vehicle, making a once
distant aspiration a reality, and a unique situation for a deep-sea
biologist. I’m seeing the animals firsthand in their natural environment. Being there—so far beneath the surface—I fully appreciate
the complexity and beauty of deep-sea ecosystems and the organisms that inhabit them. It’s the first of two life-changing descents
in Alvin during a three-week research expedition in the Gulf of
Mexico in May 2014.
In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon disaster released nearly 5 million barrels of oil at depth, with 7 million liters of oil dispersants
directly applied during the ensuing cleanup efforts. Approximately
2 million liters of dispersants were applied—for the first time—
directly into the deep sea. No one knew what the impact would be.
The Gulf spill, which took place when I was an undergraduate,
was the first environmental catastrophe I witnessed from a
scientific perspective. Its impact on marine ecosystems, wildlife
and communities around the Gulf transformed my naive curiosity into a passionate and focused plan to attend graduate school.
Working with Associate Professor of Biology Erik Cordes, I
decided to dedicate my dissertation research to investigating
the impacts of this disaster and the toxicity of these pollutants
on cold-water coral communities. Through shipboard field
experiments and gene expression analyses, I could determine how
these organisms respond to stressful environmental conditions
and anthropogenic disturbances to better understand their ability
to persist and recover in the event of future disturbances.
The Gulf voyage, during my second year of doctoral studies,
was my third oceanic expedition. That’s rare for graduate students.
Each day on the ship was hard—typically 12 hours or more of
work. We broke only for meals, and there were no days off.
Regardless, each day was inspiring, taking me—literally and
figuratively—to new depths. When you are down there, you feel
a connection to ocean life that you just don’t get on the surface.
That voyage, that experience, continues to fuel my curiosity for
science, making me more passionate about my research. I can’t
wait to go again.
—Danielle DeLeo
Danielle DeLeo graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 2011
with a degree in biology with a focus in ecology and started graduate
school at Temple University in 2012.
College of Science and Technology
A few months ago, the
College of Science and
Technology dedicated its
new Science Education and
Research Center (SERC),
home to the college’s Physics
and Computer & Information
Sciences departments,
as well as seven research
centers and institutes.
SERC is full of extraordinary researchers in materials
science, evolutionary medicine, computation and data
analytics who are working side by side in the center’s labs,
classrooms and meeting spaces. Today, most research
breakthroughs are the result of top scientists from several
disciplines working together. They are asking important
questions, gathering the data and putting the results to use
in computers, medicine, evolutionary biology, new materials,
energy and more.
Collaboration is vital to science, just as it is to CST’s
Development and Alumni Relations staff. Every day we
connect with alumni around the world who are leaders in
business, education, research and many other fields. We
learn what inspires you and where your passions lie.
It was that kind of partnership between alumni and
the college that laid the groundwork for our fast-growing
Owl to Owl Mentor Program, and led to increased alumni
involvement in the Undergraduate Research Program and
to more opportunities for CST graduates to work directly
with science and technology students.
At CST, we continue to look for new ways to include
alumni in the life of today’s students and today’s CST. Let’s
meet and talk more about what you love about Temple, how
your education impacted your life and ways you can give
back to the college. Call or email me directly or come back
to campus for a tour of SERC. Or learn more about CST
by going to cst.temple.edu/alumni and by following us
on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Many CST alumni are also choosing to support the
college financially. They are establishing scholarships and
awards for deserving students and contributing to their
former departments or to collegewide initiatives such as
the Endowed Professorship Campaign. Thank you to those
alumni and friends, foundations and corporations who
support our talented students, experienced faculty and
innovative programs. Together we will continue to change
lives here at CST and around the world.
Maureen Kuhar, SMC ’88
Director of Development
The College of Science and Technology is committed to exceptional
research and teaching through experienced faculty members, scholarship support for talented students and advanced facilities. The college
extends its deep appreciation to those alumni and friends supporting
CST’s special initiatives.
Joseph C., CST ’70,
and Marilyn D. Allegra
Joseph D. Andose, CST ’66
Robert, CST ’67,
and Lucille M. Arking
Barry Arkles, CST ’70,
and Janine Black, FOX ’13
George A. Articolo, CST ’63, ’67
Marshall L. Beeber, CST ’82
Michelle, CST ’92,
and Steven Bessett
Benjamin, CST ’53, ’58,
and Libby L., EDU ’58, Blank
John E. Bruynell, CST ’68
Paul G. Curcillo, II, CST ’84,
and Stephanie A. King
Franklin A. and Lynne C. Davis
David S. Douglas, CST ’68
Calvin Warren Ervin, CST ’58
George, CST ’50, and Marion,
CST ’50, Evans
Maier O., CST ’63, ’67, and
Sonya R., EDU ’65, Fein
Robert, CST ’66,
and Bonnie Fineman
Angelo P. Giardino, CST ’83
James, CST ’77, ’83,
and Debbie R. Guare
Chandrakant (Chuck) R. Gupta,
CST ’58
Madeleine Joullie
Ronald L., CST ’68, and
Brenda S., CLA ’73, Kabler
Sheldon L. Katz, CST ’69, ’73, ’77
Marilyn Pruss Kershner, CST ’66
Michael L. and Brenda M. Klein
Paul L. Kornblith, CST ’58
Stanley A., CST ’65,
and Debbie Lefkowitz
Peter Lobue, CST ’11
James E. McDonough,
CST ’82, ’84, ’87
Charles D. Moore, CST ’78
Jay A. Novik, CST ’67
Aileen B., CST ’64, EDU ’69,
and Melvin Rothbard
Anthony, CST ’54, ’60, and
Rosalba, EDU ’53, Stracciolini
Asher E. Stutman, CST ’65
Seda K. Tarzian, CST ’48
Jennifer S. Thomas, CST ’02
Melvyn A. Wolf, CST ’63
Kristal Wright, CST ’84
Sina, CST ’84, FOX ’86,
and Bernadette Adibi
Michelle, CST ’92,
and Steven Bessett
Donald C. Cardamone, CST ’71,
FOX, ’80
Brian M. Clapper, CST ’83
Paul G. Curcillo, II, CST ’84,
and Stephanie A King
Terry, CST ’74, FOX ’86,
and Lydia Gudzyk,
CST ’74, Dougherty
James, CST ’77, ’83,
and Debbie R. Guare
Eileen C. Helzner, CST ’68,
MED ’72
Douglas M. Hughes, CST ’86
Christian Obasi, CST ’08
Jane E. Patullo, CLA ’74
Natarajan Ranganathan, CST ’76
Frank D. Verderame, CST ’51
Joseph C., CST ’70,
and Marilyn D. Allegra
Robert, CST ’67,
and Lucille M. Arking
Barry Arkles, CST ’70, ’76,
and Janine Black, FOX ’13
Michelle, CST ’92,
and Steven Bessett
Albert B. Brown, CST ’64, and
Marie B. Koals, EDU ’63, ’68
Paul G. Curcillo II, CST ’84,
and Stephanie A. King
Franklin A. and Lynne C. Davis
Terry, CST ’74, FOX ’86,
and Lydia Gudzyk,
CST ’74, Dougherty
George, CST ’50, and Marion,
CST ’50, Evans
Robert, CST ’66,
and Bonnie Fineman
Christopher Gali, CST ’94
James, CST ’77, ’83,
and Debbie Guare
Chandrakant (Chuck) R. Gupta,
CST ’58
Madeleine Joullie
Michael L. and Brenda M. Klein
Stanley A., CST ’65,
and Debbie Lefkowitz
Jay A. Novik, CST ’67
Christian Obasi, CST ’08
Rosemary A. Poole
Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi
Aileen B., CST ’64, EDU ’69,
and Melvin Rothbard
Seda Tarzian, CST ’48
Barton Wassermann,
CST ’56, ’60
The College of Science and
Technology extends its deep
appreciation to the alumni,
friends, corporations and
foundations that made donations
between July 1, 2013 and June
30, 2014. Their generosity
means CST can continue to
set new standards in research,
teaching and engagement with
the world.
OF $100,000 OR MORE)
Albert B. Brown, CST ’64, and
Marie B. Koals, EDU ’63, ’68
Charles E. Kaufman Foundation
Conservation lnternational
Christopher J. Gali, CST ’94
Rosemary A. Poole
Sbarro Health Research
OF $50,000 TO $99,999)
Joseph C., CST ’70,
and Marilyn D. Allegra
American Chemical Society
Barry Arkles, CST ’70, ’76,
and Janine Black, FOX ’13
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus
Foundation, Inc.
Paul G. Curcillo II, CST ’84,
and Stephanie A. King
James, CST ’77, CST ’83,
and Debbie Guare
Harris Foundation
Madeleine Joullie
Michael L. and Brenda M. Klein
Stanley A., CST ’65,
and Debbie Lefkowitz
Jay A. Novik, CST ’67
Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi
Seda K. Tarzian, CST ’48
David E. Tepper, CST ’64,
CLA ’66, ’69
(GIFTS OF $25,000 TO
Robert, CST ’66,
and Bonnie Fineman
Stanley A., CST ’65,
and Debbie Lefkowitz
A. Marjatta Lyyra
and Benedict Stavis
Merck and Company, Inc.
Verizon Foundation
$10,000 TO $24,999)
Abraham, CST ’48, CST ’51,
and Ruth Clearfield
Robert W., CST ’93,
and Rita Nokes Cook
Franklin A. and Lynne C. Davis
Terry, CST ’74, FOX ’86,
and Lydia Gudzyk,
CST ’74, Dougherty
George, CST ’50, and Marion,
CST ’50, Evans
Martin Jay, CST ’60, MED ’64,
and Harriet Spitz
Lorraine Heller Kligman,
CST ’66, ’74
Christian Obasi, CST ’08
Barton Wassermann,
CST ’56, ’60
Yahoo, Inc.
OF $5,000 TO $9,999)
Kenneth R. Brennen,
CST ’62, ’66
Hai-Lung Dai
Medtronic, Inc.
Aileen B., CST ’64, EDU ’69,
and Melvin Rothbard
TO $4,999)
Angelo Armenti, CST ’65, ’70
John, CST ’92, and Gladys,
CST ’92, Campolongo
Susan Dounce
ExxonMobil Foundation
David T. Hill, CLA ’70, ’72, ’74
Ralph Hillman
Jayne Gould Nathanson,
CLA ’69, CST ’74
The Vanguard Group,
TO $2,499)
Robert, CST ’67,
and Lucille M. Arking
Douglas and Joanna Baird
Michael R., CST ’66,
and Nancy Berman
Michelle, CST ’92,
and Steven Bessett
William R. Blanchard, CST ’73
Victoria Royal Boyt, CST ’66
John H. Cozzens, CST ’66
Arthur, CLA ’67, CST ’68, ’76,
and Pamela Dawson
Calvin Warren Ervin, CST ’58
Mindie S. Factor, CST ’70
Karen M. Gaskill
Chandrakant R. (Chuck) Gupta,
CST ’58, and Margot Rowley
Henry Harrison, CST ’63
Douglas M. Hughes, CST ’86
H. Price Kagey, CST ’70
Mia Luehrmann
James E. McDonough,
CST ’82, ’84, ’87
Howard Wesley Nields,
CST ’58, ’62, ’69
Robert M. Sacco, CST ’67
Bruce Taggart, CST ’71
Joseph M., FOX ’82,
and Joan E. Tait
P. Roy and Diana Vagelos
Valley Forge Trout Unlimited
Frank D. Verderame, CST ’51
The Wassermann-Lindo
Harry W. Woodcock, CST ’72
Dan Wu, CST ’98
Sherwin E. Zitomer, CST ’71,
FOX ’75
OF $500 TO $999)
Sina, CST ’84, FOX ’86,
and Bernadette Adibi
Omari E. Ansong, CST ’09
Herbert S. Beller, CST ’05
Eric and Milita Borguet
James F. Callahan, CST ’81
Donald C. Cardamone,
CST ’71, FOX ’80
Harry L. Cooper, CST ’98
Frank L. Friedman
Denise M. Froehlich, CST ’85
Mark N. Gallagher, CST ’83
Jo Anne Growney, CST ’64
Patricia Yadock Hayes, CST ’68
Wayne Hey, CST ’71
Anita I. Horn, CST ’79
Edward G. Howard, CST ’43, ’45
Michael V. Intenzo, CST ’67, ’76
Bruce A. Kaiser, CST ’68,
MED ’72
Rositsa Kotseva
Catherine Joy Lipka, CST ’98,
PHR ’04
Dace Viceps Madore,
CST ’71, ’74
Harris I. Mann, CST ’82, DEN ’86
Douglas M. Midyette, CST ’91
Edward Murphy, CST ’90
Microsoft Corporation
PPL Electric Utilities Corp.
Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD
John M. Rivers, CST ’95, ’02
Barbara E. Townson, CST ’89
Irene N. Uzinskas, CST ’58
Melvyn A., CST ’63,
and Elaine Wolf
(GIFTS OF $250 TO $499)
Henry Benz, CST ’67
John J. Brady, CST ’87
Pauline Broberg
Robert A. Brozdowski, CST ’83
Thomas W. Campo
Brian M. Clapper, CST ’83
Susan B. Copple
Paul L. Coppola, CST ’69
Michael Criss
Leslie J. Dellosa
Marilena Downing, CST ’01, ’05
Jay S. Federman
Samuel Feldman, CST ’67
Matthew C., CST ’07, FOX ’12,
and Kristin, SMC ’07, Fenty
Sean W. Gennett, CST ’95
Lisa A. Gochee, CST ’13
Michael Grossman, CST ’58
Giorgio P. Ingargiola
Harvey I. Kesselman, CST ’66
John Kolecki, CST ’01
David U. Longenecker,
CST ’73, ’76
Giovanni S. Manzur, CST ’10
Richard Micco CLA ’92,
LAW ’00
Neela and Ashok Ranade Fund
Daniel P. Neff, CST ’94
Edward Nichlas, FOX ’82
Jonathan Nyquist
and Laura Toran
George F. Palladino
Paul F. Pilch, CST ’72
Pfizer Foundation
Neela K. Ranade, CST ’74
David M. Richardson, CST ’87
Deloris E. Rissling, CST ’60
Richard Sasin, CST ’54, ’49
William Shergalis, CST ’69
Robert C. Smith, CST ’74, ’77
Harriet Swern Solomon
Francis C. Spano
Michael J. Sperduto, CST ’88
Jane F. Turk, CST ’88, CST ’91
Mark Vogel, CST ’74
Stephanie Walinsky
Joseph A. Ward, CST ’78,
CST ’82
Roger W. Webster FOX ’86,
CST ’89
Paul Wolfgang
OF $100 TO $249)
AbbVie Inc.
Patience I. Abeeb, PHR ’02
Robert M. Aiken
Edward Andrulis, CST ’95
Leonard S. Anthony, CST ’51
Ravikiran Anupindi, CST ’95
Alexander Zemtsov Artsi,
CST ’81
Gowri Arulanantham
Benjamin S. Bailey, CST ’80
Bruce Beans
Marshall L. Beeber, CST ’82
Therese L. Bennett, CST ’89
Robert E. Beyer, CST ’65
Joseph L. Bingham, CST ’77
Edward M. Bleeden, CST ’68
The Boeing Company
Stephen K. Boyer, CST ’71
Estelle G. Brand, CST ’71
Randy Brister, CST ’74, MED ’79
Christian S. Brosz, CST ’71, ’80
Bruce Coburn Brotzman,
CLA ’66, ’68, LAW ’75
Jennifer E. Brown, CPH ’03
Ronald T. Buinevic, SED ’66,
EDU ’69
Thomas J. Caggiano, CST ’83
Salvatore P. Carfagno, CST ’63
Clive L. Carney, FOX ’78
Arthur Carrieri, CST ’75
Salvatore C. Catania, CST ’61
ChevronTexaco Corp.
Garvey Choi, CST ’97
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Jessica Clark, CST ’13
Joan Cleary, CST ’84
Nicholas J. Colella, CST ’77
Albert L. Consalvi, CLA ’61
Richard J. Costine, CST ’83
Ellen Craighead
Nicholas and
Alexandra Davatzes
Stephen T. Davis
Devon Delaney
Lynn J. Dickerson, EDU ’01
Haresh A. Doshi, CST ’87
Sylvia J. Ellis
Michael F. Ennis, CST ’69
Samuel F. Etris, CST ’47
Joseph L. Evans, CST ’73
Maier O., CST ’63, ’67 and Sonya R., EDU ’65, Fein
Carol D. Felder, CST ’95
Frank G. Finch, CST ’80
Polly C. Fine
Jack Fink, CST ’62
Marshall L. Fishman, CST ’59
Maryann T. Fitzpatrick, CST ’83
William, CST ’58, and Sandra, CST’56, EDU’63, Flank
Eric Foelker
Robert Fomalont, CST ’56
Lisa M. Ford, CST ’76, MED ’80
Donald J. Frost, CST ’61
Michael Alan Gealt, CST ’70
Monina I. Geda, CST ’98
Genentech Inc.
James J. Glick, CST ’93
Celia A. Greenman, CST ’73
Michael A. Gross, CST ’70
Edward R. Gruberg
Leslie S. Grunes, CST ’68
Harold L. Heller, CST ’71
Lenny Herrin
Frank E. Hetzel, CST ’70
Hewlett Packard Company
Winston Hide, CST ’85, ’90
Tracy Hillegass
Donald M. Hilsee, CST ’80
John C. Hoffmann, CST ’80
Angela S. Huang
Anthony Hughes
Elizabeth Moore Ingraham,
CST ’84
Marc E. Jacobson, CST ’81
Anna Miklos Janisch, CST ’47
John R. Jaskowiak, CST ’88
Robert C. Johnson, CST ’72
Kathaleen E. Jones
Ronald L., CST ’68, and
Brenda S., CLA ’73, Kabler
Una Kang, CST ’01
Gerald A. Kean, CST ’65
and Marlene T. Chachkin
Kevin M. Kelly, CST ’87
Robert J. Kelm, CST ’86
Robert Stephen Kerner, CST ’59
William T. Kesselring, CST ’75
Leonard Khrizman, CST ’99
Kenneth E. King, CST ’97
Andrew S. Kostival, CST ’74
Elizabeth Kraut
John A. Krawiec, CST ’80
Robert, CST ’74, EDU ’76,
and Sandra, EDU ’72, ’79, Kruvczuk
G. William Kuhfuss, CST ’65
David E. Kuhl, CST ’51
Eugene Kwatny
C. Dwight Lahr, CST ’66
Guenadiy S. Lazarov,
CST ’97, ’00
Marc C. Leonetti, CST ’82
Bernard Levy, CST ’64
Mark Lobitz
Martin and Maria Lorenz
Barry, CST ’69, and Deborah
Slotnik, CLA ’69, ’71,
MED ’76, ’81, Lurie
Johnny Mak, CST ’03
Ajay Sreenivasa Manchepalli, CST ’97
Ramon Manon-Espaillat,
CST ’03
Daniel R. Marx, CST ’73
Charles T. McCullough, CST ’53
Patricia Meleski
Philip G. Midgley, CST ’03
Eleanor Mohead-Ford, CST ’76
Kebbeh S. Moluwoi, CST ’09
John E. Monahan, CST ’73
Marie G. Mooney, CST ’66
Mary Catherine Murphy, CST ’83
Vincent A. Musco, CST ’59
James O. Nelson
Network for Good
Barbara Toth Newman, CST ’63
Daniel A. Nguyen, TYL ’90
To V. Nguyen
Clifford R. Nolt, CST ’08
Lucas A. Ottaggio, CST ’13
Ellis H. Pae
Hye S. Pae
Louise D. Palladino
Chuck Pang, CST ’53
Robert Mark Paschall, CST ’74
Eva Pastor
Mitul V. Patel, CST ’03
Michael D. Perilstein, CST ’71
Francis R. Pfeiffer, CST ’65
Neil, CST ’65, and Deborah Kahan, CPH ’67, Phillips
Andro-Marc Pierre-Louis,
CST ’07
Claudia Pine-Simon
Samuel Pitluck, CST ’65
Jillian A. Ploof, CST ’09
Theresa C. Power
Andrew Price
Yilian Qin, CST ’05
Joseph Ragucci, CST ’94
Shirley Kaskin Raines,
CST ’46, ’48
Harish Ramachandra, CST ’03
Shriniwas L. Rao, CST ’00
George A. Reichard, CST ’54, ’58
Marc S. Renault, CST ’02
Glenn R. Rhodeside
Lysa L. Rieger, CST ’95
Per Arne Rikvold, CST ’84
Tammi D. Robinson, CST ’93
Frederick W. Rogers, CST ’54
Pam Rollins
Arthur Rosenthal, CST ’64
Jose Mark Rub, CST ’78
William G. Rumble, CST ’59
John J. Russell, CST ’86
John B. Salmon, CST ’99
Cheryl D. Sandas, CST ’01
Jeffrey A. Satterthwaite,
CST ’95
Doris Schroeder, CST ’48
Nagabhusan Shashidhar,
CST ’88
Bernard M. Sklar, CST ’57
Tatiana J. Sotingco, CST ’93
Charles Paul Strockbine, CST ’51
Joni D. Stutman, CST ’82
Marina B. Suarez, CST ’05
Mark N. Sussman, CST ’66
Les R. Tager, CST ’70
Richard W. Taylor, CST ’68
Mohammed Seid Tesemma,
CST ’02, ’04
Frederick R. Turoff, CST ’69,
CPH ’91
Robert M. Tyson, CST ’69
Ann Valentine
John R. Wagner, EDU ’72,
CST ’77
Stephanie R. Waters, CST ’87
Mahendra P. Wijesinghe,
CST ’63, CST ’66
Susan Rosenberg Wilde,
CST ’69
Warren David Wilkerson,
CST ’03
Thomas E. Willey, CST ’54
Paula Wolyniec
Tianyou Xue, CST ’87, CST ’92
Brian Yongqian Yan, CST ’90, CST ’95
Chong Zhang, CST ’88
Jing Zhang, CST ’93
Sanqi Zhang, CST ’93
Xia Zhao, CST ’04
OF $1 TO $99)
Margaret Abbasi
Mukesh P. Agarwal, CST ’92
Phyllis Akif
Jacques G. Amar, CST ’75, ’86
Krithika Amirtheswaran, CST ’10
Cheryl L. Ammons
Kathryn Amrhein, TYL ’09
Kathryn Andrews
Helene Y. Antwarg, CST ’51
Allen O. Anyabolu, CST ’07
Steven J. Arnold, CST ’72
Sylvia L. Arost, CST ’93
George A. Articolo, CST ’63, ’67
Lawrence Ashery, LAW ’90
AT&T Foundation
Allen Auerbach, CST ’70
Salvatore P. Baratta, CST ’59
Vasili G. Barbounis, CLA ’99
Jay Justin Basch, CST ’68
Alison M. Batten, CST ’05
Zandria D. Beardslee, CST ’60
Doreva Belfiore
Lee C. Bennett, CST ’58
Michael Benvenuto
Ruth Bergman, CST ’75
Felita Bethea
Jill S. Betts, CST ’98
Christopher E. Bigger
Terri Blees
Stephen N. Blesofsky, CST ’65
Joseph C. Bonafiglia, CST ’79
James Bowen, CST ’81
Heather A. Boyle
John J. Brennan, CST ’74
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
William W. Bristowe, CST ’61
Regina M. Bromley, CPH ’09
Alan Irwin Brooks, CST ’60
Susan A. Brusco
Leon C. Bryan, ENG ’65
Helen R. Buczek, CST ’50
Lillian H. Budd, CLA ’83
Glen R. Buffum, CST ’70
Ilya V. Buynevich
Jerome N. Byrd, CST ’82
David M. Cabelly, CST ’97
Antonia Cahill
Paula Coppock Callahan,
CST ’90
Ryan A. Cane, CST ’12
Thomas J. Cannizzo
Philip S. Caplan, CST ’54
Kathy J. Carmichael, CST ’94
Charles G. Carson, CST ’02
Sophia M. Castaldi, CST ’05
Orin and Carrie Chein
Alvin Chen, CST ’10
Justin K. Cherian, CST ’09
Nandita Chowdhury, CST ’13
Christopher Cianci, CST ’85
Robert S. Cohen, CST ’71
Michael D. Collini, CST ’90
Michael M. Connors
Rita M. Conrad
Cheryl L. Copeland
Bonnie A. Cortes, CST ’87
Deborah Cromley
Ramonda L. Crosby, STHM ’05
Arthur J. D’Adamo, CST ’79
Bethany B. Davis, SMC ’10
David A. Debarri, CST ’07
Helen Dellarosa
Maria Demonte, CST ’90
Saritha Devathala, CST ’89
Santo M. Diano, EDU ’60
Mariam Diarra
Bernard L. Difelice, CST ’64
Carole Digiuseppe
Richard J. Dillon
Andrew W. Dixon, CST ’05
Ankur Dogra, CST ’03
David P. Donnelly
Drew S. Dorfman, FOX ’68, LAW ’72
John P. Dougherty, CST ’98
John Doulis, CST ’58
Itta Dubinchik
Lori Duke
Barbara A. Dunkelberger
Yves R. Dupont, CST ’82
James A. Dwyer, CST ’89
Nina Edelman
Wilfried Reinhart Eder CLA ’63, CST ’68
Jacquetta Edwards
Jeff E. Eilenberg
Gardel Eliazaire, CST ’13
William Crawford Elliott, CST ’81
Mohamed A. Elmorshedy,
CST ’98
David K. Epstein, CST ’96
Joseph Esordi
Shaun D. Espiritu, CST ’00
Elizabeth Estevez
William Feldman, CST ’50
Chung Liao Feng, CST ’57
Xiaosong Feng, CST ’99
Tammy J. Fenton-Ward
Ellen Hetland Fenwick, CST ’76
Valerie J. Fields, CST ’84
Amy K. Fiero, CST ’87
Michael Fishkow
Caitlin M. Fitzgerald, CLA ’10
Edlyn Flannery
Kevin C. Flood, CST ’86, ’93
Cristal C. Flounoy
Natalie P. Flynn, CST ’96
Martha Forkpa
Ruth W. Foster, CST ’88
Ahmed Fouad, CST ’11
Lionel Francs
Annette S. Frazza
Michael Freiheiter, CST ’94
Sridhar Gaddam, CST ’96
Florinda Garofolo
Judith Gaston
The GE Foundation
Grant D. Geiger, CST ’11
Sandra Gervasio
Misganaw Getaneh, CST ’92, ’96
Sherry J. Gillespie, CST ’75
Carrie E. Goldkamp, CST ’99
Richard Z. Goldstein, CST ’60
Meyer H. Gordon, CST ’58
William M. Gordon, CST ’76
Kathryn B. Gorman, CST ’71
Mark L. Grande, CST ’80
Eugene L. Green, CST ’65
Bertram Greenspun, CST ’55
Richardson, CST ’71,
and Lee Greenwood
Rachel Grochowski-Coffee,
CST ’05
Stavros Hadjitheocharou,
CST ’07, FOX ’14
Jeffrey Harris
Mark M. Harris, MED ’78
Sally P. Hartman, CST ’73
Ricky Heggan, CST ’86
Margaret Heitz
Diane C. Henigan
Brian B. Hennigan, CST ’92
Scott M. Herbine
Horace Herbsman, CST ’49
Hector N. Hernandez-Lopez,
CST ’54
Joseph M. Hoefler, CST ’88
Ralph J. Hofelich, CST ’66
Phonesavanh Hongvanthong
Ke Huang, CST ’03, ’10
Wei Xin Huang, CST ’94
Bernadette Huy
IBM International Foundation
Stephen A. Idzik, CST ’65
Anthony Infante, CST ’59
Christine P. Innes
Intel Corporation
Madhavkumar Iyer, CST ’90
Victor R. Jackson, CST ’92
Alice G. Jacobsen, SED ’78
Singh Jagir
Adeela Javed
Khadijat A. Jimson, CST ’03
Stefanie L. Johnson, STHM ’13
Thomas A. Johnson
Beverly R. Jordan-Norward,
CST ’06
Lissy Joseph
Jane Bernhardt Joyce, FOX ’86
Karolyn J. Kane
Mitchell J. Kanig, CST ’90
Ken Kappenhagen
Michael David Karaim, CST ’68
Nelson I. Kardos, CST ’70
Kuldip Kaur, CST ’12
Alice Kelly
Dana Kennedy
Usman Khan, ENG ’09
Bojeong Kim
James S. Kim, CST ’03
Irina Klein, CST ’00
Stanley Kluskiewicz
Richard A. Knebel, CST ’83
Elliot B. Koffman
S. Kalman Kolansky, CST ’59
Paul L. Kornblith, CST ’58
Valentina Kostina
Gerald Krantweiss, CST ’63
Lisa M. Krol
Leena J. Kulkarni
Sandra K. Kyrish, SMC ’93
Peter Labiak
Anthony J. Lalo, CST ’13
Ivy Lane
Doreen Laroche
Arthur Larson, CST ’78
Helen Lau-Wong
Barry K. Lavine, CST ’76
Thomas J. Lawrence
Jane Lawson-Bell
Wayne W. Le, CST ’96
Patrick Nicholas Leary,
CLA ’09
Emily LeBlanc, CST ’13
Daniel M. Leeds, CST ’06
Justin Leichter, CST ’12
Ryan Lelache, SMC ’12
Guy F. Levin, CST ’92, CST ’97
Lisa Lindenmuth
Anne Liptock
Gregory J. Long, CST ’81
Qiang Lou, CST ’13
William Lu, FOX ’10
Gloria B. Lubkin, CST ’53
Hoa T. Luu, CST ’08
Christine M. Macolino, CST ’09
Paulette Madeksiak
Melissa Amy Magliocco,
CST ’95, MED ’99
David Malchman, CST ’89
Sidney Paul Maletzky, CST ’57
Manasa Mamunooru, CST ’13
Felicidad Manalo
Jerome Mandel, CST ’53
Leonard Markowitz, CST ’59,
CLA ’51
Sean J. Markwardt, CST ’06
Rosalie E. Matico, CST ’85
Nicholas J. Matteo
Andrea May
Danielle J. Mayfield, CST ’12
Matthew McCormick
Kenneth R. McCummings,
CST ’90
Daniel G. McFadden,
CST ’65, ’70
Rose Marie McGinnis, FOX ’82,
FOX ’91
Michelle Hedwig McGowan
Christina A. McQuoid, CST ’02
Younus Miah
Eric J. Miller, CST ’80, ’81
James R. Miller, CST ’61
Jean Milliance
Sharon Mirakian
Valerie M. Monastra, CST ’98
Charles D. Moore, CST ’78
Latonya Mulkey, CST ’05
Allysia A. Murphy, CST ’90
Dennis Murphy
Joanne S. Murphy, CST ’70, ’74
Jeannette N. Nakhlah
Rutesh R. Narielwala, ENG ’01
Jacqueline E. Natale
Ronald W. Navarre
Dwight A. Neilson, CST ’90
Khuong Viet Nguyen
Dunni O. Niyi-Odumosu,
CST ’08, PHR ’11
Richard Nolan
Ivette Norat
Nora C. Nugent
Paul M. Nutkowitz, CST ’62
Emeka J. Nwodim, CST ’05,
MED ’09
Rosann O’Lone
John D. Odell, CST ’57
Dewey Odhner, CST ’81
Clifton A. Ogburn, CST ’51
Trease Ott
Michele N. Parkhill, CST ’07
Sheldon D. Parnes, CST ’93
Hiren Patel
Kalpesh G. Patel, CST ’10
Robert Patrick, CST ’67
Derek M. Patton
Jean R. Peake
Darwin W. Peiffer
Kayle E. Pellegrino, CST ’14
Sherri L. Pelletier
Holly Perez
Khanh T. Pham, CST ’96
Cynthia Polzer
Nancy M. Pontier
Steven W. Portman
Elaine M. Potalivo, CST ’01
Michael D. Power, CST ’11
Hui Qiu, CST ’09, CST ’12
Beth Raddi
Amarjit S. Rai
James A. Raysor, ENG ’75, ’77
Eugene S. Resnick, CST ’81
Sally Retzko
Ilene B. Richmond, CST ’64
Melvin Rivera, CST ’05
Paul A. Robinson, CST ’66
Eduardo Rodriguez
Jake T. Roemer, CST ’14
Martin M. Roffman, CST ’68
Andres A. Rondon, CST ’13
Robert Rosenfeld, CST ’60
Ruth B. Rothman, CST ’52
Frederick Rothwarf,
CST ’53, ’60, ’51
Estate of Sonya Rozansky
Christine P. Ruangvoravat,
CST ’89
Ruth R. Russell, SMC ’55
Paul Rutkowski
Qazi Salahuddin
Donna Samuels-Artis
Dorothy Sapomaah
Conrad J. Sarnecki, CST ’85
James C. Satterthwaite,
CST ’89, ’92, ’96
David R. Sauerzopf
Jennifer Schmeltzer
Daniel Scotti, CST ’69
Cecilia Desilva Selbrede, CST ’87
Raouf L. Selim, CST ’82, ’87
Michael R. Shadle, CST ’95
Janice Shapiro, CHPSW ’74
Ronald S. Sheinson, CST ’64
Dalia M. El-Sherif, CST ’98
David R. Shockey, CST ’05
Donald C. Shukan, CST ’60
Ketan Singh, CST ’10
Magan Singh
Barry E. Slemmer, EDU ’67
Brian E. Smalley
Christopher A. Smith,
CST ’78, ’81
Robert J. Smith, CST ’70
Marybeth S. Smuts, CST ’75
Catherine A. Smyth
Linda Snively
Daniel S. Song, CST ’12
Wan Soon Song
Joseph Sposato, CST ’92
David M. Standiford, CST ’52
Herman M. Stein, CST ’68, ’71
Nicole Steiner
Rae D. Stewart, CST ’05
Alice S. Straub, CST ’63
Michelina M. Stuber
Asher E. Stutman, CST ’65
Celina A. Suarez, CST ’05
Barry W. Summers, CST ’86
Sokhomari Suon, CST ’06
David W. Suwala, CST ’64
Thomas A. Taglianetti, CST ’89
Andy Tang, CST ’13
Andrea Taroli, CST ’80
Jacalyn L. Thompson, CST ’84
James J. Thompson
Ravindra S. Tipnis, CST ’73
Emily C. Tiwana, CST ’12
Bruce L. Tolbert, CST ’85
Martin Trachtenberg, CST ’57
Thomas Tracy
Niema N. Trader, CST ’04
Nam V. Tran
Thanh M. Tran
Christopher J. Troiani, FOX ’84,
CST ’94
Allison Tumarkin-Deratzian
Nneamaka A. Ugbode, CST ’07
Arthur Uhimov, CST ’12
David B. Urban, CST ’98
Martin, FOX ’87 and Wendy, FOX ’82, ’86, Urban
Sonia A. Vaidian, CST ’04
Joseph J. Velardi, CST ’11
Christopher W. Velasquez,
CST ’13
Benjamin P. Walker, CST ’13
James D. Walker, CST ’66
Patricia Walker
Sophia N. Waugh, CST ’96
Eileen, CLA ’73, and Jay I. R., FOX ’69, Weinberg
Jonathan A. Weinstock
FOX ’83, CST ’97
Mona C. Wexler EDU ’69
David N. Wilcots, CST ’86
Anthony L. Wiley, CST ’01
Thalia Williams
Ingrid L. Williams-Legall,
CST ’92
Katharine A. Wiseman
Gisela S. Withers, CST ’65
Jennifer Wong, CST ’12
Lenore L. Wurtzel, CST ’47
David M. Yearsley, CST ’06
Vivek Antony Yeddanapalli,
CST ’13
Mary-Eve Zangari, CHPSW ’71
Alfred F. Zappala, CST ’53
Kara A. Zayas
Alexander Zeltov, CST ’02
Fan Zeng, CST ’92
Dong Zhou, CST ’10
Forrest E. Zimmerman, CST ’12
Pamela G. Zlock
Joseph V. Labolito
An endowed professorship profoundly benefits the College
of Science and Technology: It brings top researchers
to CST who, once here, attract talented junior faculty,
postdoctoral scholars and graduate students. That chain
reaction sparks more research and better education
for undergraduates.
CST has launched a $1 million campaign to fund two
endowed term professorships within the college. The
income generated guarantees funding for salaries and
expenses, freeing up resources for equipment and direct
research support.
CST has raised nearly $500,000, but the college needs
alumni support to reach its $1 million goal.
Your gift will support professors tackling today’s toughest
challenges in energy, health, the environment and many
other areas. It means CST can do even more in research,
teaching and impacting the world.
Make your gift at giving.temple.edu/
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Sina Adibi
CST ’84, ’86
CST Alumni Board
Vice President
Jim Guare
CST ’77, ’83
CST Alumni
Board President
To support deserving and talented College of Science and Technology students,
the CST Alumni Board has established the Alumni Scholarship Fund.
A gift of $500 ($250 for alumni who have graduated in the past 10 years) will allow
you to name a lecture hall seat in the new Science Education and Research Center.
Make your gift today at giving.temple.edu/CSTfund to leave a lasting legacy for
CST students.