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follow this link - RDaSH NHS Foundation Trust
January 2015
News for Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber
NHS Foundation Trust staff and members
issue 39
Welcome from the Chief Executive
Dear colleagues
We are well into the new calendar year now and the pace feels as though it has quickened!
I am aware that many teams are facing unprecedented increases in demand, increased
numbers of referrals and increased complexity of patients. This in part is seasonal, but is
also due to the desire to make sure we get all our patients and service users access to our
services within an appropriate time. I am also aware that many teams are facing redesign
change and service transformation and that whilst this is going on, services need to be
maintained. Thank you for everything that you are doing to keep our collective show on the
Chris Bain, Chief Executive
This time of year also brings with it a need for the corporate part of RDaSH to focus on our
contracts for next year and to spend time negotiating with our commissioners to make sure
we access all and any funding that is available. The government have launched a number
of new initiatives, particularly in the field of Mental Health Services, and we are making sure
our commissioners are engaged in developing these ideas for our local communities and
where possible trying to access additional funding.
On another point, some good news arrived last week as well when the Street Triage Project
in Doncaster won an award at the annual Doncaster police awards ceremony – well done
to all colleagues who have been a part of the design, piloting and staffing of this initiative,
which has been evaluated to be a great success.
I hope you enjoy reading this edition of Trust Matters and as ever, don’t forget to leave any
comments or questions on the Chief Executives blog page at
Until next time, regards
Chris .
Nominate for the Long Service Awards
The Trust will be hosting the Long Service Awards on Wednesday 25 March from 3pm to 5pm at St
Catherine’s House, Tickhill Road, Balby, Doncaster.
RDaSH Chairman Lawson Pater will host the event and, along with the Board of
Directors, he will present awards to staff recognising their Long Service in the NHS.
The Long Service Awards will recognise:
• 20
years in the NHS
• 40 years in the NHS
• 30 years in the NHS
• 40 years plus in the NHS.
To be eligible staff must have completed the required number of years’ service
within the period 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015.
Years of service should be aggregated and therefore any breaks in employment
should not be counted.
Please note that members of staff are only invited in the year they reach the
20, 30, or 40, 40+ year mark.
Long Se
rvice A
sday 25 Ceremony
In order to identify those eligible and to be invited, please review your records and send
Kay Batty (contact details below) confirmation of staff who have achieved long service between these dates no
later than Friday 30 January.
You can find the form here:
If you have any queries please contact Kay Batty on 01302 796017 or at
Need to know
RDaSH Friends and
Family Test up dates...
Trust asks patients for feedback
The new national Friends and Family Test has now been incorporated into
the Trust’s existing Your Opinion Counts form.
The Friends and Family Test (FFT), a real-time patient feedback tool that is already operating for some hospital services in the
UK, was rolled out to include mental health and community health on 1 January.
Patients are able to use the FFT to provide anonymous feedback on their experiences of care and treatment by answering a
single question that asks them to rate the service, and then add free-text comments to explain their views or make suggestions
for how things can be improved. It is intended to capture positive comments, as well as to identify areas where services need to
do better.
The Friends and Family Test question is, “How likely are you to recommend our service to your friends and family if they needed
similar care or treatment”.
Patients, carers and families can respond to the Patient Friends and Family Test using the Your Opinion Counts form. If someone
accessing your service asks about the Friends and Family Test and how they can respond to it, please provide them with a Your
Opinion Counts form, or point them toward the Trust’s website,, where they can also fill in the form online.
The Trust would like to use this form more pro-actively with patients to promote the Friends and Family Test, and receive as
much feedback as possible to help improve our services. We are working with a representative from each service to help you
use the Friends and Family Test, and more information will be provided by your service representative.
If a patient comment helps to improve the way you work, please let the Communications Team know by
completing the form at the link here Case Study Submission Form and emailing it to rdashcommunications@rdash. or by sending the completed form to The Communications Team, Woodfield House, Tickhill Road site,
Weston Road, Balby, Doncaster, DN4 8QN.
Staff survey – Staff Friends and Family Test
The fourth Staff Friends and Family Test (FFT) is due to go out on February 23.
If you receive either an electronic or paper version of the survey, please complete it as your comments really do matter!
The questions are simple to answer – you either click or tick your answer on two multiple choice questions. There’s also space
to write comments, if you wish to do so.
Feedback from staff will be used to improve the service we offer and to enhance the ways of working at the Trust.
This survey will be sent electronically to:
• Staff with surnames beginning from S – Z.
• New starters with the Trust in this financial year.
• Anyone who should have received the earlier survey but was missed off the email distribution list.
• Staff who do not have access to a computer, will receive a paper copy via their line manager.
If you’ve any queries please ring Jane Nichols on 01302 798120.
Need to know
Open Programme
The programme aims to support managers with the ever changing demands of their roles. It is designed
to strengthen leadership, management, team working and personal growth among our employees.
The workshops are aimed at any member of staff in a leadership or management role who was not
included in the initial rollout of the programme from September 2013 to April 2014.
Module 1 – Engaging your team
Supports managers to improve their ability to engage staff and other stakeholders to improve patient
outcomes. Date and time: Wednesday 27 January Time: 1pm – 4pm, Friday 20 March 9am – 12pm.
Module 2 – Leading for quality
Helps participants reflect on what they can personally do to build and sustain a shared vision of quality
within their services. Date and time: Friday 30 January 9am – 12pm. Wednesday 25 March 1pm – 4pm.
Module 3 – Leading change
Supports managers in their understanding of change and how it impacts on staff and colleagues.
Date and time: Tuesday 24 February 9am – 12pm. Thursday 16 April 1pm – 4pm.
Module 4 - Working in partnership
Supports managers to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to support effective partnership
working. Date and time: Wednesday 25 February 9am – 12pm. Tuesday 12 May 9am – 12pm.
Module 5 – Promoting your service
Helps managers understand the meaning and implications of reputation, personally, for the team and for
RDaSH. Date and time: Wednesday 4 March 1pm – 4pm. Thursday 14 May 9am – 12pm.
All the workshops will be delivered in the RED Centre, Tickhill Road Hospital. Doncaster.
For more information and booking go to:
Hospice matters
charity no:
£200 boost from local store
Big hearted shoppers have voted for our hospice
to win a £200 donation from a local superstore.
St John’s Hospice was one of three good causes that
shoppers at ASDA in Carcroft, could vote for. Our hospice
topped the votes, while the other charities both received a
£50 donation from the store.
Lisa Wharton of ASDA at Carcroft, said: “We support
charities each month as we want to show our support to
the local communities that we serve. It was a pleasure to
hand over £200 to such a good cause.”
Mel Hewitt, Hospice Community Fundraiser, said: “I want
to thank not only ASDA for their fantastic donation, but
also the shoppers who voted for us.”
Mel Hewitt, Hospice Community Fundraiser, is pictured (left)
together with Lisa Wharton of ASDA Carcroft.
Bistro beefs up funds
Big hearted owners and customers of
a Doncaster café and bistro have raised
£400 for Doncaster’s hospice appeal.
Annie Oakley, whose family owns and runs Torr’s,
on Printing Office Street, Doncaster, donated the
cash to our hospice appeal this week after running
a raffle in her coffee shop to get the money rolling
Annie said: “The hospice is a fantastic facility and
each year I raise money for charity. I always ask
the customers which charity they want the money
to be donated to and they said St John’s Hospice.
I want to thank my staff and customers for
supporting myself and my family to run this raffle
and raise such a wonderful amount.”
Mel Hewitt, Hospice Community Fundraiser, said:
“A huge thank you to Annie and her family, staff
and customers for this amazing amount of money.
It is really appreciated and every penny will count.”
Pictured receiving the cheque is (from the left) Mel Hewitt, Hospice Community
Fundraiser, with Annie Oakley, owner of Torr’s, and her daughter Megan Oakley.
Hospice matters
Special wedding
day memories
created at hospice
A bride fighting cancer has had her
wedding dreams come true – by
‘tying the knot’ in our Doncaster
Hospice chapel.
Andrea Carroll (36), of Mexborough, a mumof-five, wed husband Mark a couple of weeks
ago in a small ceremony at home. However,
when she headed to St John’s Hospice at Balby
for treatment nursing staff suggested she could
have her big day again by having her wedding
blessed in the chapel.
So the blessing took place recently, with Mark
wheeling his wife down the aisle, watched on by
their five boys Chad (16), Kyle (12), Calvin (8),
Keeton (7) and DJ (5).
And the big day was celebrated with a wedding
buffet at the hospice for family, friends and
hospice staff.
Andrea, who was initially diagnosed with
cervical cancer in 2011, was told in December
2013 that the cancer had returned to her spine.
Andrea is pictured with husband Mark and the boys.
“It’s been very tough,” said Andrea. “When the cancer came back, the news hit us like a brick this time. There is nothing they can do for me
other than keep my pain under control.
“When I came to the hospice one of the nursing staff suggested getting our recent wedding blessed. The ball started rolling and all the
planning happened so quickly.
“The lads loved the wedding,” added Andrea. “As soon as I saw them all in their suits I started crying. My husband also scrubbed up really
well. The blessing was absolutely lovely and it’s created special memories.”
Rev Meg Burton, Head of Chaplaincy for Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) who run the hospice, said:
“I am so glad we could work with Andrea and the family to create such a special day. It was very moving. I would also like to thank everyone
who helped us, especially the staff at the hospice, the florist and the photographer, for their contributions.”
Volunteers needed
We’re looking for volunteers to help man a sponsored cycling event in aid of our hospice appeal.
The event will take place on Sunday July 5th – starting from around 7.45am until 5pm, so if you could spare a couple of hours
to help on food stations, signing the cyclists in or putting up signs the day before, the hospice appeal team want to hear from
you. The event covers two routes - a 65 mile one and a 100 mile route - starting out from St Catherine’s House, at Woodfield
Park, Balby and stretching out to Crowle, Snaith and the Dearne Valley.
If you can help please email or ring 01302 798391. Any time you can give to help
run this event will be appreciated.
For more information of how to donate visit:\hospiceappeal
Follow us on:
StJohns Appeal
Need to know
Reducing the need for Restrictive Interventions Zone
The Positive and Proactive Care: Reducing the need for Restrictive Interventions Zone has been launched.
Formerly known as the Prevention and Management of Work Related Violence, the aim of Reducing the need for Restrictive
Interventions (RRI) is to continue to reduce the need for restrictive interventions for patients while in our care.
How do I find it?
The Learning and Development Services Trust intranet home
page houses a dedicated link which will allow you to access all
the information you need in one click.
What’s in there?
This zone is an exciting live ‘one-stop shop’, monitored
and maintained by the Reducing Restrictive Interventions
Team, providing you with the latest and relevant essential
information about Restrictive Interventions through:
• National guidance
• National and local publications
• Information on ‘Risk Profile Techniques’ which supports the training provided by the RRI Team
• Information about all relevant training and how to access.
Aiming to support you to continually provide quality positive
and proactive care, this site will be constantly updated as the
work the Trust is undertaking continues to develop, so don’t
forget – keep checking for updates.
If you have any feedback please contact Helen Dabbs on
01302 796141 or email:
Become a peer reviewer and help improve services
We are looking for people to become peer reviewers as part of the new Quality Review process. We want
to involve people from all different backgrounds and levels.
In order to conduct a quality review, staff visit other services to see how they are doing against nationally agreed standards.
These standards look at whether services are safe, effective, responsive and well-led. The way we do this is by looking at
information, talking to people who use services, talking to people who run services, looking at records, noticing how care is
delivered and looking around the service. Good ways of working are shared and ways to make services better are agreed.
Why become a peer reviewer?
• Increase your own personal learning
• Transfer skills and build your CV
• Learn things that benefit your team
• Make a difference to patients
• Get your ideas heard and influence new ways of doing things
• Get to meet new people from other services
• Get time to think and reflect about what works
• A change is as good as a rest
• Have a good experience.
The qualities and abilities we are looking for are an ability to engage with people; a patient-focused attitude; open, honest,
genuine concern for others; a commitment to personal development; the ability to work as a team, self- esteem and a ‘can do’
If you want to know more, talk to your manager or phone the Quality Improvement Team 01302 794004.
Let’s get everyone talking event success
Chief Executive Chris Bain and opened a ‘Let’s Get Everyone Talking’ conference on Tuesday 16 December
at the Keepmoat Stadium in Doncaster.
The event, which was organised by Director of Psychological Therapies Carole Hirst, and attended by RDaSH executive directors
and over 75 psychologists and psychological therapists, saw guests taking part in a panel ‘question time’ discussion in the
morning, followed by an afternoon performance from Wakefield-based Yew Tree Arts Ltd.
Trust celebrates success of
advanced nurse consultants
Two RDaSH senior mental health nurses who care for people
in Doncaster and North Lincolnshire are celebrating after
successfully completing a rigorous two-year advanced nurse
practitioner training programme at the University of Hull.
David Scarrott and Judith Graham, completed a full time
Masters level academic course, along with a series of practical
clinical placements - similar to medical training - to qualify
for their new roles, which go by the official title of advanced
nurse consultant.
Assistant Director for Mental Health for RDaSH Dianne
Graham said: “We’re delighted for David and Judith.
Judith Graham (left) and David Scarrott (right).
“Their roles deliver an advanced level of practice, cover aspects of education, research and management, but with their clinical
skills firmly grounded in providing direct care to patients, their carers and families.”
From their base in acute mental health inpatient care services, David (in Doncaster) and Judith (in North Lincolnshire) work with
a high level of autonomy, and take a whole person approach seeing patients at the start, assessing what they need, explaining
this to them and prescribing their medication, they then following up their progress personally.
Judith Graham said: “We provide an important link between medical and nursing staff as well as being a vital source of
information and communication throughout the service.”
David Scarrott added: “Since qualifying we’ve been able to improve the way our patients are assessed.
“We’re now able to review their progress on a daily basis, instead of waiting for the traditional weekly ward round by the
consultant psychiatrist. This makes us very responsive to their needs, and complements the care offered by doctors and other
healthcare professionals.”
Police say we’re the best...We’re simply the best when it comes to diversity!
Pictured fourth from the left is Jim Sheard of South Yorkshire Police, next to Dianne Graham and Wendy Joseph, with the teams who won the
award. The presentation was watched by Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones, third from left.
Adult Mental Health Services, together with South Yorkshire Police, have clinched the Doncaster District Police Diversity
Achievement of the Year for our Mental Health Triage Project. The pioneering scheme launched in Doncaster earlier this year
ensures people with emergency mental health issues are kept out of police cells and given NHS care to help them through their
NHS Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council are jointly funding a ‘street
triage’ pilot project, which sees mental health nurses join South Yorkshire Police officers on 999 calls to people who
are believed to need urgent mental health support.
The aim is to divert them away from detention in police custody under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act. Instead they will
be taken to another place of safety locally, such as a hospital, residential home or to a friend or relative. A police station is only
used as a last resort.
The project is designed to improve access to mental health crisis care outside normal working hours in Doncaster. People who
come into contact with the new service will benefit from being rapidly signposted to appropriate treatment.
Dianne Graham, assistant director at RDaSH, said: “Getting this award is fantastic. By partnership working with the police it
improves the service we offer to Doncaster people who have mental health needs. This award is an accolade for the police and
RDaSH staff who work on this pioneering project.”
New sessions for parents-to-be
Mums and dads-to-be are being invited along to special sessions to help them understand more about
their pregnancy and their baby.
Our heath visitors at Edlington’s Martin Wells Centre on Thompson Avenue will be holding two session, together with a
midwife. The next session will be on Monday January 26 from 9.30am until 11.30am.
The sessions will be called the Solihull Approach Antenatal Parenting Group it will look at pregnancy including the labour and
birth and also the best ways to care for the baby.
The sessions are organised by Alison Evans and she said: “If you live in the South area of Doncaster, which covers from
Edlington to Balby and Sprotborough to Warmsworth or surrounding areas, and you’re expecting a baby why not come along
and join .
“You’ll not only find out more about your pregnancy but can also make new friends.”
The sessions will run for five weeks. For more information or to book a place please call Alison on 01709 444070 or
Ward hosting
introduced in
A ward hosting scheme
aimed at improving
patients’ meal time
experience is being rolled
out across our inpatient
services in Doncaster.
The scheme sees five new
ward-based hosts and hostesses
being introduced into individual
RDaSH Catering Manager Charlotte Warrington (right) with ward hosts (from left to right) Grant
inpatient areas to enhance the
Tamas; Bev Downing and Shannon Nowell.
meal service by getting to
know patients, discussing catering menus taking their orders, as well as serving meals and distributing refreshments.
RDaSH Head of Facilities Lisa Grandcourt said: “Food is an essential part of patient care and making sure people eat well and
nutritiously is extremely important to us.
“Our ward hosts and hostesses sit with individual patients on a daily basis to discuss what they would like to order for the
following day and get to know their likes and dislikes. They also link in with dieticians, catering and nursing staff to ensure all
dietary needs are met, and provide a consistent friendly service, which helps make the role a real success with patients and staff
Lisa added: “We also expect to see benefits in other areas. The hosting role frees up nursing time when it comes to menu
ordering, releases domestic staff from serving meals allowing them to get on with their domestic duties around the ward, and
will help reduce food waste thanks to improved communication between the wards and kitchens.”
RDaSH is also looking at introducing the ward hosting initiative into its inpatient areas in Rotherham later this year.
Support at hand
Parents of young twins in Doncaster are being
reminded that help and support is at hand.
A special group has been set up to support parents and
parents-to-be who discover they are having twins.
Organised by our community nursery nurses the group
meet on the first Thursday of each month at Armthorpe’s
Children’s Centre, Mere Lane.
Andrea Beioley, one of the community nursery nurses who
works with the group, said: “The group is very supportive
to parents and parents-to-be. Nursery nurses can advise on
health and development while parents can give tips to each
other on practical issues. Those attending can also build
new friendships.”
Anyone wanting to attend should give Andrea a ring
on 01302 890167.
Graduating matters
The Trust has welcomed a brand
new batch of volunteer and
mentor graduates into our Drug
and Alcohol Services.
The graduates are service users and staff
from around the Trust area who are acting
as Recovery Champions. They promote the
recovery options available to service users and
the wider community, and make recovery more
The group includes Rotherham’s first volunteer The group, along with staff members, are pictured with their certificates
and mentor, Mick McCafferty. Mick said:
“I found the training very useful and informative, and I’m already encouraging others to
sign up as volunteers for the services.”
Rotherham Drug and Alcohol Service Manager Matt Pollard said “This is a fantastic step
for us in Rotherham, and I’m very grateful to Mick for coming forward. His enthusiasm,
optimism and energy will help us promote volunteering.
“Volunteering gives service users a real opportunity for recovery. It involves families, carers
and members of the community, who are willing to give their time to support people,
from treatment services to long-term recovery.”
Gaynor is the first Cavendish Care graduate
Mick McCafferty, left, receives his
certificate from Matt Pollard
Well done to Doncaster Drug and Alcohol Services Support Worker Gaynor Lester, who is the
first Trust employee to gain the Cavendish Care qualification.
Introduced as a result of the Francis Report, the course is for unqualified staff and support
staff to ensure that they are competent, safe and effective in their care of patients and service
Congratulations to more graduates
Denise Dobb from Doncaster’s Drug and Alcohol Services presented Mickey Smith with a
Focus on Recovery certificate, and a Structured Day Programme certificate to Wendy Wass.
Gaynor Lester receves her
certificate from Sue Saprks
Denise Dobb with Mickey Smith and with Wendy Wass
Sue Crehan, pictured left, from Doncaster Drug and Alcohol Services graduated with a
diploma in Addiction Studies from Leeds University.
Their opinion counts
It’s morale-boosting to get a pat on the back, or a ‘thank you’ from colleagues,
managers – and perhaps especially, patients and service users.
Here, in ‘Their opinion counts’, a new regular feature in Trust Matters, is a selection of
comments and compliments from the Your Opinion Counts forms.
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MacMillan Counselling
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“The staff were extre
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Membership matters
Meet CaRDaSHian
Hi there! I would like to introduce myself
as ‘CaRDASHian’ – the new face of
membership for RDaSH. Thanks to
everyone for your ideas for a name.
Let us know what you think
In 2015 we would really like to get to know some of our members better.
We always welcome the views of local people, whether they have used our services or not. Our monthly newsletter tells you
about some of the things we are doing as a Trust – that’s one of the benefits of being a member - you get to hear about it
first! But we’d also like to hear what you think...
• have you used our services before or looked after someone who has?
• perhaps you have something to say – it’s nice to hear about the good things we are doing but it’s also really important to hear about how we could do things differently to make things better.
• maybe you live locally and would like to know more about what we do in your area.
Talks to groups
Do you belong to a local group and are interested in inviting us along to tell you more about membership
or how you can be more involved at RDaSH? Let us know.
Calling young members aged 16-19
Are you aged 16-19? Would you like to be part of a growing group of young people who want to know
more about the NHS and their local Trust? Tell us what you think about our services for young people.
How do you think we could do things differently? Become one of our younger members and tell us what
you think. Join FREE today!
Hot off the press!
You can now find out everything you need to know about RDaSH Foundation Trust membership following
us on:
Our Foundation Trust membership icon
even has its own hashtag: #CaRDASHian
Whatever it is, get in touch...
You can contact the Foundation Trust Office free on 0800 015
0370 or email
or give us a call on freephone 0800 015 0370.
Diary dates
Unlocking Dementia performances
Unlocking Dementia is an interactive performance designed for members of the community, businesses
and schools to increase people’s understanding of Dementia and how they can help others.
Their one-hour performance is based on real people’s experiences of living in Doncaster with Dementia, as well as the impact it
can have on family members, friends, work colleagues and community.
Please find below the dates of all forthcoming performances of ‘Unlocking Dementia’, which you are all welcome to attend:
• Thursday 29 January at 11.45am - Scawthorpe Library, Amersall Road, Scawthorpe, DN5 9PQ
• Thursday 29 January at 2pm - Tickhill Library, Castlegate, Tickhill, DN11 9QU
• Monday 2 February at 2pm - Edlington Library, Martinwells Centre, Thompson Avenue, DN12 1JD
• Thursday 26 February at 2pm - Ruddle Centre, Doncaster Road, Braithwell, Rotherham, S66 7BB.
There is no need to book a place, please just attend a suitable date. You can now also view a one minute trailer for the show,
via the following link:
For more information, please contact Heather Akroyd, Corporate Support Officer, NHS Doncaster Clinical
Commissioning Group, tel: 01302 566141, email:
Stress Control classes in Rotherham
Are life’s pressures getting you down and making you feel stressed and anxious? Do you worry a lot?
Then a stress control class could help you.
RDaSH is funding a free five-week educational programme which teaches people to control their stress and worry.
Stress control classes are designed for people who are feeling stressed or worried or think that they might be suffering from
problems such as anxiety, depression, sleep difficulties and panic.
Lynn Miller, RDaSH psychological therapies manager, said: “One in six people suffer from stress or anxiety during their lives.
This course aims to teach people to understand the triggers of their stress and anxiety and provides them with the support and
self-help techniques to be able to manage it. We also provide an information pack and activities for people to work through in
their own time.”
Sessions start on 4 February and take place every Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm at the Unity Centre on
Saint Leonard’s Road, Rotherham, and run for five weeks.
Classes are open to anyone over the age of 18, who are registered with a Rotherham GP practice. Stress control is not suitable
for people who have major alcohol or drug issues or people with thoughts of self-harm. Please contact your GP for help with
either of these problems.
For more information, or to book a place, please ring (01709) 302630.
Diary dates
World Cancer Day...
Wed 4 Feb 9.30 - 3.30pm
Our staff will be at Lakeside Village, Doncaster on the Health Bus.
The Living Well Information Service with staff from Meeting New Horizons will be providing
information about prevention and awareness, all aspects of living with a cancer diagnosis and
details of local services and support available for people in Doncaster.
Telephone 01302 – 796853 for more information or call in to see us on the day.
Launch event of ‘Books on
Prescription for Dementia’ scheme
Central Library on Wednesday 4 February from
10.30am – 12pm.
The event is an opportunity for organisations and groups that work with people
with dementia to share information about their services with other professionals.
You can also see the set of books that have been selected for the Books on
Prescription for Dementia initiative.
All are welcome to attend or put on a display. For more information, please
contact Janis Robinson, Library Services Manager, on 01302 734313, email
Time to Change – Time to Talk Day 5 February
The Time to Change campaign is aiming to get the nation to take 5 minutes on Thursday 5 February to
have a conversation about mental health, and need your help to keep the
conversation going for at least 24 hours!
With Time to Talk Day less than a month
away, now is the time to start thinking about
what you could do on Thursday 5 February to
start a conversation about mental health - if
you haven’t already.
Order your Time to Talk Day pack now
Whether you can have a conversation at home,
at work or in your local community, the Time
to Talk Day packs – including a special new
conversation starter - will help you break the ice.
Order yours now – the final date for orders is
Friday 30 January.
If you’re planning anything in your services
to mark Time to Talk Day, please let the
Communications Team know by emailing
Diary dates
Child Sexual Exploitation event
All RDaSH staff are invited to attend some events being held in Rotherham in February covering the theme
of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE).
The event offers training for health staff on understanding victim behaviours. CSE is recognised nationally as one of the most
challenging areas facing all agencies today.
Some half day events are being staged at the New York Stadium in Rotherham for all health professionals. They are on
Thursday, February 12 or on Friday, February 13 with sessions on both days between 9am-12 noon or 1pm – 4pm.
To register onto one of the half day sessions please visit this link:
If you’ve any queries about the event please contact Yvonne Nettleton on 01709 302020 or email
Doncaster Charity Wine and Tapas Evening
An inaugural Wine and Tapas Evening is going to be held at Mount Pleasant Hotel Doncaster in aid of the
Doncaster Cancer Detection Trust and St. John’s Hospice.
Taking place on February 27, the event will see an expert sommelier guide those attending through six varieties of wine – each
perfectly accompanied by a complementary selection of tapas – and finished with traditional Spanish desserts.
The night also includes a charity auction – featuring a grand prize of a one-night stay in a junior suite within Mount Pleasant
Hotel – and raffle. Doors open at 7.30pm and event ticket payments should be made by February 6. Tickets are £45 each. All
proceeds from the event tickets, auction and raffle will be gifted to the two charities.
If you would like to buy a ticket/s please contact: Jacqui Jameson 07703127974 or email:
Tissue Viability and Lymphoedema support group
Staff from the Tissue Viability and Lymphoedema Services are supporting the re-launch of its support group.
The first meeting will take place on Monday 2 March in seminar room 2 in the St John’s
Information & Support Centre, 1pm – 4pm.
The support group is open to people with lymphoedema, their family members and carers. An informal support network, it
provides information, educational awareness and practical support to help people live with and manage this limb-swelling
Further details can be viewed or contact Dawne Squires, Clinical
Nurse Specialist in Tissue Viability, on 01302 796206 or 07799 133524, email: or
Hazel Kennedy on 07747730574.
News in brief
Forensics on Four
Our Forensic Service will be on BBC Radio Four later this month. To find out more about what our staff do
in Forensics tune into 92 to 94 FM on January 26 between 8pm and 8.30pm.
Patient Safety Awards
The Patient Safety Awards continue to recognise and reward outstanding practice within the NHS and
independent healthcare organisations.
Joining forces this year with the Patient Safety Congress, there is even more opportunity to showcase your practice standards,
hear best practice from your peers and neighbouring trusts and collect your trophy in a room full of health professionals.
The entry deadline is 6 March. For more information please go to:
Helping families with loved ones in prison
Our staff have supported a creative and fun family day at Hatfield Prison.
Thirty-two youngsters benefited from the day, which aims to bring families together and help reduce re-offending.
The Health Bus Team and School Nurses provided creative and Active Kids-themed activities to encourage family members to be
more physically active while having fun, encouraging healthy eating and tackling obesity.
Volunteers needed for cycling event
We’re looking for volunteers to help with a sponsored cycling event in aid of our hospice appeal.
The event will take place on Sunday 5 July from around 7.45am until 5pm. If you could spare a couple of hours to help on food
stations, signing the cyclists in or putting up signs the day before, the hospice appeal team want to hear from you.
If you can help, please email or ring 01302 798391.
Health visitors’ approach is in print
Around 90 health visitors in Doncaster’s Young People and Families Service have been trained to use the
Promotional Guide, which sets out recommended antenatal and postnatal approaches.
They have now seen their work in print, in the Journal of Health Visiting, due to the success of the approach.
Following the introduction of the guide, antenatal contacts have doubled to 78 per cent, and feedback form phone surveys
showed strong support.
Most patients (90 per cent) felt listened to, able to discuss their concerns and that the Promotional Guide materials helped
them to establish a positive relationship with their health visitor.
News in brief
Change4Life Sugar
Swaps campaign
This January, Change4Life returned
with a new healthy eating
campaign that focuses on cutting
back on sugar.
The campaign is designed to help parents reduce the
amount of sugar their children have during the day. Parents
can sign up and receive practical, easy to implement hints,
tips, advice and recipes to try.
You can sign up to support the Change4Life campaign
at: and download free resources to
help promote the campaign in your community.
Step into fitness with a Health Walk
Doncaster folk who want to improve their health and fitness
during 2015 are invited to put their best foot forward by joining a
free town centre Health Walk.
RDaSH is running the free weekly Health Walk every Wednesday at 4.30pm,
meeting at Town Fields Pavilion on Thorne Road in partnership with Doncaster
Council and Healthy Weight Solutions.
RDaSH Health and Wellbeing Practitioner Emma Ballantyne, who leads the Health
Walks said: “Walking is one of the simplest and effective forms of exercise. It’s
suitable for people of all ages and ability – and what’s more it’s free!”
Walking schemes are in place all around the UK. They offer the opportunity to
keep active, make new friends and enjoy the great outdoors.
Emma added: “This Health Walk is only one or two miles in length, and it’s open to everyone. So, if you want to get active, but
lack the confidence and knowledge of where to walk, please come along and join us.”
For more information, please ring Emma Ballantyne on 07717 693451. If you’d like to know more about other
walking opportunities taking place throughout Doncaster, please visit:
Pastures new
Colleagues gathered at the Victorian Tea Room in Doncaster to bid a fond farewell to Transformation Director Ian Jerams,
pictured right, on Friday 16 January. After working for the Trust for 13 years, Ian is heading to pastures new and will shortly
take up his new role as Operations Director at Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Jayne on secondment to Forensics
Older People’s Services senior nurse Jayne Wallace is on a development programme to become a consultant nurse.
As part of her training she will be spending three months (January to March) in the Forensic Business Division working
alongside Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist Dr Travers. Jayne will be accompanying Dr Travers each day and will participate in his
usual clinical and professional activities, patient reviews, meetings, hearings and assessments and committees.
New recruits
Welcome to our newcomers. They are: Daniel Brooks, Amber Lodge; Darrell Yates, Kelly Harrison, Melanie Powney, CAMHS
Scunthorpe; Tracey Holland, Lisa Sharp, Adults District Nursing; Adam Graham, Rebecca Patchett, Community Intermediate
Care Team; Rachel Shillings, Coral Lodge; Lydia Reynolds, Cusworth Ward; Carol Silver, Diabetes; Brenda Cooper, Domestics;
Catherine Witzmann, Doncaster CAMHS; Adwaita Ghosh, Dr Suveera Prasad, Dr Andrew Radford, Doncaster Inpatients;
Deborah Kinch, Doncaster Recovery Team; Joanna Stout, East Children’s ANP; Kudzai Gwangwawa, Health Visitor Student;
Carol Carr, Liaison Team Scunthorpe; Beverley Shaw, N Lincs AHP Services; Belinda Brookes, Paige Coulthread, Rachel Dalton,
Laura Drabble, Cheryl Harris, Hannah Hill, David Joyce, Jade Rawlinson, Colleen Sheldon, Kerry Sutherland, Amy Nieschmidt,
Manchester EIS; Beverley Lee, Holly Reilly, Joanna Greer, Neuro Rehab Outreach Team; Lydia Rice, New Beginnings; Dr Sophie
Mohacsi, Dr Nosheen Sattar, Older People’s MH Services, Julie Grant, CMHT Doncaster; Gemma Burrows, Payroll; Carol Parker,
Rehabilitation Team Scunthorpe; Nicola Lester, Rotherham Locality Manager; Emma Mitchell, Rotherham Older People’s MH;
Takunda Zizhou, Skelbrooke Ward; Gemma Sherwood, South Children’s Health Visitors; Hanna Brookes, St John’s Hospice;
Caroline Oakes, St John’s Hospice; Emma Leggott, Tennyson Ward; Penny Dowell, The Woodlands; Shannon Nowell, Tickhill
Road kitchen.
Staff said ‘bye’ to: Claire Taylor, Samantha Godley, Toni Wharton, Brodsworth Ward; Amy Coggan, Business Assurance;
Geraldine White, Jack Wakefield, CAMHS Rotherham; Pamela Beresford, Central District Nursing; Jacqueline Goodwin,
Lynne Bebb, Central District Nursing; Stephanie Teanby-Clark, Sexual Health; Luisa Barclay, Community Alcohol Services;
Patricia Farrow, Community Intermediate Care Team; Claire Hastie, Cranworth Close Inpatients; Jennifer Wort, Claire Hastie,
Cranworth Close Inpatients; Brenda Cooper, Domestic; David Underwood, Domestics; Sarah Steward, Doncaster Inpatients,
Lynn Shaw, East Children’s Health Visitors; Steven Thomson, Steven Thomson, Vikki Armstrong, East District Nursing; Caroline
France, Sheila Utley, Hazel Ward; Laura Ball, Health Visitor Student; Yvette Stones, Hepatitis; Valerie Cave, Information
Technology; Michelle McEwen, Intermediate Care Admin Team; Ambrose Burton, Ambrose Burton, John Street Inpatients;
Susan Ekins, Learning Disability Doncaster; Alastair Savage, Helen Thursby, Older People’s MH Doncaster; Suzanne Wilkinson,
Manchester North EIP; Susan Isle, Mulberry House; Venkatakiran Pindiprolu, N Lincs Recovery; Caroline France, Sheila Utley,
Leigh Woodwards, Carolyn Taylor, Oak Close Admin; Mavis Dube, Older People’s CMHT Scunthorpe; Mary Spencer, Alysia
Adcock, Older People’s MH Services; Leigh Woodwards, Osprey; Mary Spencer, Rotherham Older People’s Community; Laura
Kettleborough, Sandpiper; Claire Taylor, Tennyson Ward; Marie Hoyland, Tickhill Road Kitchen.
Trust services for all...
Did you know that these services are available to the public too?
sewing service
01302 796009
01302 796014
Warren Nursery
01302 796125
en Nursery
Warr 796030
en Nurser
en Nursery
h Playscem
01302 796451
Sew & Sew
We have an onsite sewing room for work for wards and departments, ordering/altering staff
uniforms. We also provide this service to external customers. From curtain making/alterations,
soft furnishings, embroidery, to garment repairs and alternations, why not contact them today
for more information or a quote on 01302 796009.
The Laundry
The Tickhill Road Laundry offers a personal laundry washing and ironing service. Staff can
drop their dirty laundry at work and collect it the next working day, clean and folded. Visit the
laundry website for details and prices:
Contact the laundry for information on the laundry delivery service. It’s only £7 for a bag of 30
items, including local collection and delivery. Contact the team on 01302 796014.
Print Services
Based at Walnut Lodge at St Catherine’s, our in-house print service prides itself on quality and
a quick turnaround. If you need any printing for business cards, invitations, flyers, greeting
cards, calendars or catalogues, contact the team for a quote. We will price match any orders.
If you require design services please contact the RDaSH Communications Departnmet on
01302 798053.
Trust Catering
Visit one of our three retail catering outlets on the Balby site.
The Food and Drink
urseryon the Tickhill Road Hospital (TRH) site and serves hot
The Wa
and cold freshly produced meals and snacks. The Coffee Shop is based in the main entrance
of TRH and serves a range of beverages and sandwiches. Or why not visit the Victorian Tea
Room in St Catherine’s House for a speciality coffee and a slice of cake? While you are there
you could pop into the Walled Garden Centre and take a browse in the gift shop and garden
Warren Nursery
The Warren Nursery is a well-established, award winning 89 place nursery, which is open
Monday to Friday between 7.30am to 5.30pm. We cater for children from four months to
four years in two purpose-built buildings.
Our aim is to provide a safe, caring and nurturing environment for our children and strive to
deliver an outstanding service to parents.
We offer affordable quality childcare with highly experienced staff, all qualified to a minimum
of level 3. We also have an early years professional.
The Hutch
The Hutch play scheme is a 40-place holiday play scheme, operating during Doncaster school
holidays, from 7.30am to 5.30pm.
We cater for up to 40 children aged from four years (in full-time education) to 12 years, in a
newly refurbished building.
We offer affordable quality childcare with our dedicated team of play leaders and assistants,
boasting a wide range of skills to help devise activities to entertain our children - from arts and
crafts and sport, to cookery and days out - all in the care of qualified and caring staff.
For more information about the Warren Nursery and the Hutch Playsheme visit:
If you have any news you would like promoting please call the RDaSH
communications team on 01302 796204. or email us at:

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