Informe de Auditoría Interna al Grado de Cumplimiento del Contrato
Informe de Auditoría Interna al Grado de Cumplimiento del Contrato
Informe de Auditoría Interna al Grado de Cumplimiento del Contrato celebrado entre el CNTV y CinemaChile Octubre de 2015 Tabla de contenido 1. Fundamento y autoridad que solicita auditoría especial al cumplimiento de contrato entre CNTV y CinemaChile ..............................................................................................................................................................3 2. Objetivo ...................................................................................................................................................................................3 3. Auditado .................................................................................................................................................................................3 4. Metodología..........................................................................................................................................................................4 5. Desarrollo de la Auditoría .............................................................................................................................................5 6. Conclusión .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11 1. Fundamento y autoridad que solicita auditorí a especial al cumplimiento de contrato entre CNTV y CinemaChile En el contexto de la participación de CinemaChile en el principal mercado de contenidos de televisión, Mipcom (Marché Internationale de Programmes Communications), desarrollado del 5 al 8 de octubre de 2015 en la ciudad de Cannes, Francia; el Consejo Nacional de Televisión realizó un convenio de colaboración, obligándose a transferir 4 millones de pesos a la Fundación, quien al mismo tiempo tomó el compromiso de gestionar la promoción y participación del CNTV en dicho mercado. También, como antesala, se efectuó la Mipjunior, entre el 3 y 4 de octubre, con contenidos orientados al público infantil. Por encargo del Presidente del Consejo Nacional de Televisión, y con el fin de rendir el valor total de los contratos que concierta el CNTV y la transferencia de sus recursos, se realizó una auditoría de las obligaciones contenidas en el Convenio con fecha 07 de septiembre de 2015 entre el Consejo Nacional de Televisión y Fundación Cinemachile, donde esta última se obliga a organizar en forma exclusiva la concurrencia de una delegación de productoras audiovisuales chilenas a Mipcom y Mipjunior e implementar un stand que les permita desarrollar un trabajo efectivo de promoción en relación a sus contenidos. Posterior a ello se solicitó a la Fundación el rendimiento de cuentas de la correcta inversión de los fondos transferidos, para su estudio y revisión. 2. Objetivo Verificar que el convenio de colaboración y trasferencia de recursos celebrado entre Fundación CinemaChile y el Consejo Nacional de Televisión se llevó a cabo en tiempo y forma. 3. Auditado Fundación CinemaChile, entidad sin fines de lucro que tiene entre sus objetivos promover, fomentar y difundir a nivel nacional e internacional la obra audiovisual chilena, sus talentos, autores y realizar todo tipo de actividades culturales en cumplimiento de este fin, incluyendo el establecimiento de convenios con organismos como el CNTV para fomentar e incentivar la promoción y creación de contenidos audiovisuales en Chile o en el extranjero, como los principales festivales y mercados nacionales e internacionales. 4. Metodología Para el logro del objetivo propuesto, se realizaron las siguientes actividades: 1. Revisión de documentos formales del presente año; Contrato entre Consejo Nacional de Televisión y Fundación CinemaChile con fecha 7 de septiembre de 2015, Resolución exenta N° 485 que aprueba convenio de colaboración y transferencia de recursos a Fundación Cinemachile, y Factura N° 33 “Gestión de promoción en Mipjunior y Mipcom 2015” por $4.000.000. 2. Antecedentes históricos; Contrato entre Consejo Nacional de televisión y Fundación CinemaChile año 2014, Factura N° 12 “Gestión de promoción en Mipjunior y Mipcom 2014”, por la suma de $2.500.000. 3. Solicitud de información a CinemaChile respecto de las actividades realizadas para dar cumplimiento al Convenio de colaboración celebrado con CNTV. 4. Solicitud del rendimiento de cuentas de la correcta inversión de los fondos transferidos por el Consejo a CinemaChile, individualizando los gastos, e incluyendo documentos que los certifiquen. Esta solicitud se realiza en el marco del término segundo del contrato entre ambas partes, que señala “Concluida la participación de la delegación chilena a los eventos descritos en el preámbulo y la cláusula precedente, y a requerimiento del CNTV, la Fundación se obliga a rendir cuenta de la correcta inversión de los fondos transferidos, de conformidad con las disposiciones contenidas en la Resolución N° 759 de 2003, de la Contraloría General de la Republica, que fijo Normas sobre Procedimiento de Rendición de Cuentas.” 5. Revisión de la totalidad del material entregado por CinemaChile. Se estableció contacto con Florencia Rodriguez, encargada de producción de CinemaChile y Constanza Arena, directora ejecutiva de dicha fundación. La revisión busca verificar el cumplimiento de las obligaciones convenidas a entera satisfacción, la calidad de las acciones realizadas y la eficacia en la representación del Consejo Nacional de Televisión. 6. Revisión de mayores antecedentes en internet, visitando sitios, entrevistas y publicaciones relacionadas al rubro audiovisual. 7. Realización informe de auditoría. 5. Desarrollo de la Auditorí a Análisis del contrato y resolución exenta N° 485 que lo aprueba A continuación se exponen extractos del convenio de colaboración entre CNTV y CinemaChile, junto a la resolución exenta N° 485, con el fin de realizar recomendaciones de mejora: 1. Tanto en la resolución como en el contrato con CinemaChile, se menciona “en el contexto de la participación (de CinemaChile) en el principal mercado de contenidos de televisión, Mipjunior/Mipcom a desarrollarse del 05 al 08 de octubre en la ciudad de Cannes, Francia.” Lo cierto es que Mipjunior y Mipcom, se celebraron en diferentes fechas, comenzando con Mipjunior el 3 y 4 de octubre. El contrato y resolución, al considerar que ambos mercados se celebrarían los mismos días, entre el 5 y 8 de octubre, deja fuera las obligaciones convenidas con CinemaChile para Mipjunior, si es qué las hubieran. 2. La resolución exenta N° 485 y contrato, resuelven el pago de $4.000.000 en una sola cuota, al momento de la total tramitación de la resolución que aprueba convenio. La resolución fue firmada con fecha 21 de septiembre, y el monto fue pagado a CinemaChile con fecha 30 de septiembre, días antes de comenzar el mercado internacional. Se sugiere convenir en futuros convenios el pago de recursos en cuotas, pudiendo ser una parte antes de la ejecución del servicio contratado y una posterior a este. Sería conveniente también, solicitar una cotización a la contraparte que justifique el monto a transferir, y luego de realizado el servicio, exigir la entrega de los documentos que justifiquen ese gasto (antes del pago de la última cuota). 3. En relación al punto anterior, el término segundo del contrato, indica que “concluida la participación de la delegación chilena a los eventos descritos en el preámbulo y la cláusula precedente, y a requerimiento del CNTV, la Fundación se obliga a rendir cuenta de la correcta inversión de los fondos transferidos, de conformidad con las disposiciones contenidas en la Resolución N° 759 de 2003, de la Contraloría General de la Republica, que fijo Normas sobre Procedimiento de Rendición de Cuentas.” Las pautas del convenio indican que la rendición de cuentas se debe realizar según lo establecido en la Resolución N° 759/2003 de la CGR, sin embargo en el mes de marzo de este año se publicó la resolución N° 30 que reemplaza la N° 759. Se recomienda redactar esta obligación del contrato de la siguiente forma: “se deberá rendir cuenta conforme a los procedimientos establecidos en la resolución N° 30 de 2015, de la Contraloría General de la República o la normativa que la reemplace”. A través de la mencionada resolución, se regula el procedimiento a que alude el Título VI de la ley 10.336, que presenta diversas novedades, entre las que se encuentran la ampliación -a 15 días- del plazo para rendir las cuentas, la descripción detallada del procedimiento para hacerlo a la Contraloría General y, por otra parte, la de aquel que corresponde cumplir cuando se efectúa la rendición a otro servicio público. También regula la rendición de gastos efectuados en el extranjero y la posibilidad de rendir con documentos electrónicos o en formato digital. Exigencias del contrato: El contrato firmado por ambas partes, determina que la participación del CNTV en los mercados Mipcom y Mipjunior se tendría que expresar en los términos que se indican a continuación: a. Se incorpora como aliado estratégico en todo material impreso desarrollado para Mipcom (brochures con información sobre la delegación chile e invitaciones). b. Se incorpora el logo del CNTV en gráficas del stand y videos de promoción emitidos en este. Dispondrá también un backlight en Stand para promoción de sus contenidos y un espacio para entrega de materiales impresos de promoción. c. Publicación de un aviso comercial del CNTV, media página a todo color, en el catálogo de televisión CinemaChile. d. Incluir el banner del CNTV en la página web de CinemaChile, durante un periodo de tiempo comprendido entre la semana previa a la misión o Mipcom, hasta una semana después que la misión concluya. Posterior a esta fecha, el logo del CNTV permanecerá en el website de CinemaChile en la sección de aliados estratégicos. e. Se incorpora al CNTV en la categoría de aliado estratégico en todos los comunicados de prensa, nacionales e internacionales, emitidos por CinemaChile en el marco de su asistencia a Mipcom. Esto considera además, una frase descriptora del CNTV en todas las comunicaciones de prensa, nacionales e internacionales (comunicados, pautas, entrevistas, etc.). f. Inclusión y menciones del CNTV en las redes sociales de la contraparte (Facebook y twitter) al informar sobre la misión a Mipcom. g. Una acreditación al mercado en la eventualidad de que asistiese algún funcionario/a del CNTV. Verificación del cumplimiento de las exigencias del contrato: Es importante señalar que el material utilizado para develar el cumplimiento o no del convenio de colaboración, fue en gran parte proporcionado por CinemaChile al Consejo Nacional de Televisión. La información recibida se ha considerado fidedigna y en algunos casos único método de comprobación. Entendido esto, se señala a continuación el cumplimiento o no de cada ítem descrito en el contrato entre CinemaChile y CNTV. Anexo se encuentra el material verificador. a. Efectivamente, CinemaChile incorporó al CNTV en su material impreso desarrollado para Cannes, encontrándose el logo del CNTV tanto en las invitaciones como en los dípticos. Como recomendación se propone agregar al contrato que el logo del CNTV debe incluirse a color, y no en blanco y negro como se muestra en el material impreso. Así al menos está impreso el logo de TVN. b. Se efectuó la incorporación del logo del CNTV en graficas del stand de CinemaChile y videos de promoción. Además, se cumplió con la instalación de un backlight en el Stand de la fundación para promoción de sus contenidos. El contrato señala que el stand debía facilitar un espacio para la entrega de materiales impresos de promoción, esto finalmente no se realizó debido a la inexistencia de material promocional del Consejo. Se recomienda especificar en el contrato quien deberá generar dicho material. En caso que sea el CNTV el responsable, asegurar que el material de entrega se genere y sea entregado a CinemaChile para su promoción. c. Publicación de un aviso comercial del CNTV, media página a todo color, en el catálogo de televisión CinemaChile. El catálogo de televisión de CinemaChile cuenta con una página completa a todo color con el logo del CNTV y una reseña descriptora en español e inglés. Además, muestra programas financiados por el Consejo, como “¿Con que sueñas?”, “Sitiados”, “El reemplazante”, entre otros. En su parte inferior izquierda se encuentran las direcciones de la página web y redes sociales del CNTV. Se propone añadir al contrato la exigencia de incluir el logo del Consejo (a todo color) en todas las publicaciones que la contraparte realice indicando el titulo de los programas financiados por el fondo, o bien en las publicaciones que se muestren imágenes de estos programas. d. En la letra d. del contrato celebrado entre CNTV y CinemaChile, se solicita instalar el banner del CNTV en la página web de la Fundación, durante un periodo de tiempo comprendido entre la semana previa a Mipcom, hasta una semana después que la misión concluya. El término “banner”, es un formato de anuncio publicitario que enlaza con el sitio web del anunciante; es decir, el usuario puede hacer clic sobre el banner y conseguir la apertura de un vínculo hacia la web del producto o servicio publicitado. Al ingresar a la página web de la Fundación, en “Home”, nos encontramos con el logo del CNTV, sin embargo al pinchar este, no se genera la apertura de la web del CNTV. Además el logo del CNTV se presenta con baja nitidez, y/o resolución. El contrato señala también, que posterior a una semana después de concluida la misión a Cannes, el logo del CNTV permanecerá en el website de CinemaChile en la sección de aliados estratégicos. Ciertamente se encuentra el logo del CNTV en la sección de aliados estratégicos de la website de CinemaChile, pero nuevamente se presenta con una calidad inferior a la original. Resulta indispensable que el logo de la institución conserve sus colores y nitidez originales en toda aparición, logrando establecer un reconocimiento inmediato del organismo. Por ello, se sugiere realizar una revisión de todo el material que se refiera al Consejo previo a su publicación. Además se solicita establecer el plazo en que CinemaChile deberá tener el logo del CNTV como aliado en su website, ya que el contrato no lo establece. e. El convenio obliga a CinemaChile a incorporar al CNTV en la categoría de aliado estratégico en todos los comunicados de prensa, nacionales e internacionales, emitidos por CinemaChile en el marco de su asistencia a Mipcom. Esto considera además, una frase descriptora del CNTV en todas las comunicaciones de prensa, nacionales e internacionales (comunicados, pautas, entrevistas, etc.). Si bien existe material que respalda la ejecución parcial de esta acción, la emisión de un comunicado de prensa no asegura la publicación de la totalidad de su contenido. Según material proporcionado por la Fundación, esta redacto un comunicado de prensa titulado “Mipcom y Mipjunior 2015”, donde nombran al Consejo Nacional de Televisión como un colaborador de CinemaChile, indicando “esto es posible (misión Mipcom) gracias al apoyo que por cuarto año consecutivo entrega el CNTV…”. Estrictamente la contraparte no cumple con la obligación de incorporar al Consejo como “aliado estratégico”. Además, al final del comunicado se incluye la “frase descriptora” que solicita el convenio, aunque bajo el título “acerca de TVN”, lo que se trataría de una equivocación de CinemaChile, ya que todo el contenido bajo el titulo habla únicamente del Consejo Nacional de Televisión. Analizando el material presentado por CinemaChile junto con el encontrado en la web, se evidencia que existen diferentes publicaciones sobre CinemaChile de medios nacionales e internacionales en el marco de la celebración de Mipcom, sin embargo, no todas nombran al CNTV y menos aún incluyen una frase descriptora. A continuación se presentan algunas publicaciones en el marco de Mipcom: Revista Cultura y Tendencia: En su publicación web del 3 de octubre, titulada “El reemplazante y Ecos del desierto salen al mundo en Mipcom 2015”, señala lo siguiente “Fundamental para el éxito de esta nueva misión (Mipcom) es la alianza de la producción independiente bajo la marca CinemaChile TV junto a TVN, sumado al apoyo que -por cuarto año consecutivo- entrega el Consejo Nacional de Televisión (Cntv).” Si bien nombra al CNTV, no incluye frase descriptora. Zeleb: El website mexicano de noticias, en su publicación del 5 de octubre, titulada “Producciones chilenas estarán en el mercado televisivo más importante del mundo “, hace referencia al CNTV en la siguiente frase: “Un orgullo (asistir al Mipcom) que se materializa gracias al apoyo por cuarto año consecutivo del CNTV, CAIA y ProChile, para plasmar una presencia histórica en esta feria, la más importante en su tipo en el mundo.” No incluye frase descriptora. PuraNoticia: Otro es el caso de la publicación “Teleserie La Chúcara de TVN y otras producciones se presentan en la Mipcom” del sitio web, donde CNTV no es nombrado, a pesar que otros aliados estratégicos de CinemaChile son mencionados como es el caso del Consejo Nacional de cultura y las artes (CNCA), Consejo del Arte y la Industria Audiovisual (CAIA), y TVN. Revista Variety: Finalmente, en la versión web de la revista internacional Variety se encuentran dos publicaciones que hablan sobre Mipcom. La primera se titula “Mipcom: Chile’s Wood Unveils New TV Drama Colonia”, donde Andrés Wood nombra al CNTV como una entidad reguladora que ha permitido instalar programas de contenido en la televisión chilena, entregando fondos para la realización de programas con temáticas de interés social. Según indica la publicación “many series produced in Chile that have won funding from Chile’s National TV Regulator show social issues, historic events, current debates on education, political corruption and the role of the church that aren’t very common topics on other countries’ TV schedules, added Wood, mentioning series such as “The Substitute Teacher,” “Juana Brava” and “The Karadima Forest”. La segunda publicación de Variety “Chile’s Parox Unveils Weirdos”se refiere más concretamente a la serie “Bichos Raros” que será co-producida por Parox y Atuel de Argentina. En esta, Sergio Gándara, quien ha presentado proyectos premiados por los fondos concursables del CNTV y es Presidente de la Fundación CinemaChile, señala “Chile has a remarkable tradition of high quality independent YV productions with a public-service bent. This is possible thanks funding the National TV Council,” destacando al CNTV como un facilitador para producciones de alta calidad. f. En cuanto a la inclusión y mención del CNTV en las redes sociales de la contraparte al informar sobre la misión a Mipcom; efectivamente esto se realizó en Facebook, donde se incluye al CNTV en la única mención que se realiza a través de este medio a Mipcom. En twitter, se encontraron 20 publicaciones sobre Mipcom, y en 13 de ellas se realizó mención al Consejo Nacional de Televisión de Chile @CNTVChile. Los tweets que CinemaChile emite en el marco de la celebración del Mipcom, transcurren desde el 3 de octubre hasta el 16 de octubre del presente año. El CNTV es incluido en sus menciones desde el 5 de octubre. Dado que el contrato habla específicamente de “inclusión y mención del CNTV en las redes sociales de la contraparte al informar sobre la misión Mipcom”, es posible establecer incumplimiento al contrato, ya que el Consejo Nacional de Televisión no fue incluido cada vez que se nombró al Mipcom. Sin embargo, el contrato no establece la definición de “Misión Mipcom”, convirtiéndose en una debilidad para exigir el cumplimiento del contrato. g. Finalmente el contrato entre CNTV y CinemaChile habla sobre la facilitación de una acreditación al mercado en la eventualidad de que asistiese algún funcionario/a del CNTV. Dado que no asistieron funcionarios del CNTV, no fue necesario ejecutar esta acción. Revisión de la correcta inversión de los fondos transferidos: No fue posible realizar una revisión de la inversión que hizo CinemaChile de los $4.000.000 que el CNTV le transfirió. En reiteradas ocasiones se les solicitó (a través de correos y llamadas telefónicas) enviar la rendición de cuentas según indica el contrato, material que no fue enviado por CinemaChile. Luego de insistentes llamados y correos se recibió un correo con material insuficiente, basado en cotizaciones y una tabla Excel sin ningún tipo de respaldo. El material no se acompañó de boletas y/o facturas, y los gastos no fueron individualizados. Luego de recibido dicho material, se les solicitó en reiteradas ocasiones el envío del material correcto, y finalmente una reunión, sin obtener respuesta de la contraparte. Al momento de finalizar este informe, no se había recibido material concluyente. La resolución N°30/2015 indica en su artículo 31 lo siguiente; “Toda rendición de cuentas no presentada o no aprobada por el otorgante, u observada por la Contraloría General, sea total o parcialmente, generará la obligación de restituir aquellos recursos no rendidos, observados y/o no ejecutados, sin perjuicio de las responsabilidades y sanciones que determine la ley.” Resulta vital para la institución respaldar los fondos entregados, sin importar el monto, exigiendo toda vez que sea necesario la rendición de cuentas, ciñéndose a las pautas que establece la Contraloría General de la República. Los gatos no rendidos deben ser restituidos a la institución. 6. Conclusión El estudio realizado permite señalar que el convenio celebrado entre CNTV y CinemaChile, fue parcialmente cumplido en cuanto a las acciones convenidas. En cambio este fue totalmente quebrantado en cuanto a la rendición de fondos, la cual no fue entregada. CinemaChile cumplió con incorporar al CNTV como aliado estratégico, efectuó correctamente la incorporación del logo del CNTV en gráficas del stand de Mipcom y videos emitidos en éste y publicó un aviso comercial del CNTV en el catálogo de CinemaChile, el que excedió las obligaciones del contrato, publicando una página completa a todo color, en vez de media. La fundación no dio cumplimiento al contrato, en cuanto no entrego la rendición de cuentas solicitada, no incorporo el banner del CNTV en su sitio web, utilizó un logo del Consejo de baja calidad y nitidez y cometió un error en el comunicado de prensa, en la frase descriptora del CNTV, esta frase figura bajo el título “Acerca de TVN”. Las demás obligaciones descritas en el contrato, requieren de un mejoramiento interno para ser exigidas, en cuanto su descripción resulta confusa o bien insuficiente. Es el caso de la obligación f. del contrato, donde se señala que la fundación debe mencionar al Consejo en sus redes sociales al informar sobre la “misión a Mipcom”, sin embargo, en ninguna parte del contrato se define “misión a Mipcom”, lo que puede resultar un argumento para CinemaChile, en el caso de recriminarles incumplimiento del contrato. Finalmente se hace hincapié a dos recomendaciones de mejora interna; en primer lugar, debe realizarse un diagrama de flujo interno que asegure el paso de todo material y actividad comunicacional por el departamento de comunicaciones, marketing y asuntos corporativos. En segundo lugar, redactar contratos claros y específicos, sin dejar espacio para interpretaciones erradas, exigiendo siempre la rendición de cuentas de los fondos que el Consejo transfiere. MARÍA JOSÉ RIBERA CONCHA Auditora Interna Consejo Nacional de Televisión Octubre de 2015 CNTV EN MIPCOM Estimados Óscar y María de la Luz, Es con mucho gusto que enviamos a ustedes este dossier que contiene gran parte de lo realizado durante Mipcom, en la cuarta alianza entre Cinemachile y CNTV. Esperamos que para ustedes la experiencia haya sido tan satisfactoria como para nosotros, y la renovemos en los años venideros. Les propongo una reunión para revisar juntos estos materiales, fruto de nuestro convenio, y podamos avanzar en la planificación de mejoras y cambios para el 2016. Un cordial abrazo para todos, Constanza Arena Directora Ejecutiva de CinemaChile PIEZAS GRÁFICAS STAND Maqueta stand Backlight 1 CHI LEAN MAT ANI ION PETIT THE MONSTER | Pájaro PAPER PORT | Zumbástico Studios THE LEGEND OF ZETA & OZZ | Punkrobot + Niño Viejo HORATIO & THE PLASTICINES | Zumbástico Studios THE ADVENTURES OF MUELIN & PERLITA | Punkrobot backlight 1.indd 1 14-09-15 12:48 STAND Televisión stand TV ZAMUDIO. LOST IN THE NIGHT | Villano & 12th GRADE| Parox SER THE CULTURE OF SEX| Villano backlight 2A.indd 1 Backlight 2 COLONIA | Wood producciones RAMONA | Wood producciones IES HAPPY TOGETHER | Parox 16-09-15 16:21 Franja de logos INVITACIÓN Invitación Happy Hour HAPPY HOUR CHILE Monday 5 | 17.00 | Stand_Palais -1, C. 25 hosted by official sponsors DÍPTICO HA HO PPY UR Monday 5 at our stand! CHILEAN ANIMATION & TV SERIES AT MIPCOM 15´ CATÁLOGO Catálogo TV SERIES Catálogo Kids & Animation Publicidad Catálogo TV SERIES Interior Catálogo TV SERIES FOTOS REDES SOCIALES TWITTER FACEBOOK PÁGINA WEB PÁGINA WEB Banners PRENSA COMUNICADO DE PRENSA MIPCOM 2015 CNTV MIPCOM y MIP JUNIOR 2015: Producciones chilenas de animación, ficción y formatos de entretención estarán presentes en el mercado televisivo más importante del mundo >>> Por cuarto año consecutivo CinemaChileTV, y gracias al apoyo sostenido del CNTV, tiene la misión de viajar al mercado internacional de contenidos televisivos más relevante de la industria, coordinando la representación de creadores y productores locales. >>> En esta ocasión CinemaChileTV compartirá su stand con Televisión Nacional de Chile, que entre sus proyectos a promocionar incluye la exitosa teleserie “La Chúcara”. Junto con esto, CinemaChile inaugura su marca CinemaChileTV. >>> MIPCOM congregará cerca de 14 mil participantes, entre expositores y visitantes, en búsqueda de contenidos televisivos de vanguardia. CinemaChile, octubre 2015.- Entre el 5 y 8 de octubre se desarrollará el mercado de contenidos para televisión más relevante del mundo, MIPCOM (Marché Internationale de Programmes Communications) en el Palais des Festivals de Cannes, en Francia. Como antesala a esta muestra se efectuará también MIP JUNIOR, entre el 3 y 4 de octubre, con contenidos orientados al público infantil. La delegación oficial que asistirá al mercado, junto con TVN, está compuesta por cuatro casas productoras nacionales cuya asistencia será coordinada por CinemaChile, marca sectorial de ProChile, y respaldada por el Consejo Nacional de las Artes y la Cultura (CNCA), a través del Consejo del Arte y la Industria Audiovisual (CAIA). Fundamental para el éxito de esta nueva misión será la alianza de la producción independiente bajo la marca CinemaChileTV junto a TVN que, por acuerdo estratégico, compartirán el stand en MIPCOM. Esto es posible también gracias al apoyo que por cuarto año consecutivo entrega el CNTV y que permitió la realización y edición de dos catálogos: “TV & Series” y “Kids & Animation”, para MIPCOM y MIPJUNIOR respectivamente. Constanza Arena, Directora Ejecutiva de CinemaChile, asegura que “la participación de Chile en MIPCOM 2015 representa uno de los esfuerzos más potentes que hemos podido construir -dando inicio a nuestra nueva marca sectorial CinemaChile TV - en alianza estratégica con la producción independiente y TVN. Un orgullo que se materializa gracias al apoyo por cuarto año consecutivo del CNTV, sumado al apoyo del CAIA y ProChile, para plasmar una presencia histórica en esta feria, la más importante en su tipo en el mundo”. La delegación chilena a MIPCOM 2015, cuya asistencia es financiada por el CAIA mediante su Programa de Apoyo para la participación en Mercados Internacionales, está compuesta por Andrés Wood (Wood Producciones), Sergio Gándara (Parox S.A.), Álvaro Ceppi (Zumbástico Studios) y Patricio Escala (Punkrobot), ), quienes participarán del mercado junto a otros chilenos como Germán Acuña, presidente de ANIMACHI y Giancarlo Nasi, de Quijote Films. Adicionalmente, la delegación será apoyada por la oficina comercial de ProChile en Francia. “Para el CAIA el apoyo para la asistencia a MIPCOM y MIP JR. resulta relevante ya que se trata de uno de los mercados de contenido de entretenimiento más importantes del mundo en donde convergen los principales canales de TV y transcendentales generadores de contenidos audiovisuales. Es en este contexto donde los productores nacionales de formatos audiovisuales masivos encuentran un espacio ideal para la comercialización a escala mundial. Adicionalmente en el mercado anexo MIP JR. existe una creciente participación del sector nacional de creación de animación y contenido infantil, lo que nos alegra dada la precariedad de la oferta en estos formatos que existe en la actualidad en Chile”, asegura Martín Rodríguez, Secretario Ejecutivo del CAIA. MMIPCOM es el evento mundial de contenidos donde los profesionales tratan la creación, coproducción, compraventa, financiación y distribución de contenido de entretenimiento para todo tipo de plataformas. Es un mercado y un foro único para que los responsables de la toma de decisiones de los sectores de contenido, producción y distribución de productos televisivos, digitales, audiovisuales y películas descubran nuevas tendencias de futuro y comercialicen los derechos de los contenidos a escala global. En su versión 2015, la mayor feria audiovisual televisiva a nivel mundial contará con más de 13.600 participantes –incluyendo sus ferias y conferencias- y cerca de 2.080 expositores, con Turquía como invitado de honor. Representando a la producción televisiva independiente, Andrés Wood, de Wood Producciones, expondrá los trabajos Ecos del desierto (coproducción con CHV), Ramona y La Colonia. Otro de los delegados es Sergio Gándara, en representación de la productora Parox S.A. conocida por las exitosas series de televisión El Reemplazante y 4° Medio, buscará en MIPCOM nuevos acuerdos de distribución mundial, conseguir alianzas y generar tratos de coproducción con partners latinoamericanos para algunos de los proyectos de ficción que se encuentran en desarrollo. En esta ocasión viajará con los proyectos: Happy Together (coproducción con TVN), 4to medio (segunda temporada, coproducción con TVN), Bomberas, Bichos raros, La represa y Koke. MIP JUNIOR El 3 y el 4 de octubre – y como antesala de MIPCOM - se efectuará MIP JUNIOR, que congrega a la industria televisiva centrada en los públicos infantiles. En esta versión se estima que serán ofrecidos más de 1.300 títulos entre todos los participantes. Es así que, con el objetivo de continuar con acuerdos de distribución internacional, las productoras chilenas de animación viajarán con sus mejores y más recientes trabajos: Alvaro Ceppi, con Zumbástico Studios, llevará los proyectos Puerto Papel, Chanchiperri y la Liga de la Villanía. Patricio Escala, representante de Punkrobot asistirá con las producciones Flipos, Las Aventuras de Muelin y Perlita, Bear Story (dirigido por Gabriel Osorio y premiado en los Festivales internacionales de Animamundi, Brasil y Animasyros, Greci y recientemente gran ganador del festival “The short list”) y La leyenda de Zeta y Ozz (ganadora del premio Disney al mejor pitch de serie de televisión en el Festival de cine de Annecy, Francia). Junto a esta participación nacional, el presidente de la Asociación de Animadores de Chile (ANIMACHI) Germán Acuña, asistirá al mercado para lanzar la plataforma “Chilean Animation” (, gracias al financiamiento de CONTACTChile (ProChile), un catálogo virtual de todas las producciones animadas nacionales en todos sus formatos y etapas (desarrollo, producción, distribución). ACERCA DE CINEMACHILE Es la agencia de promoción nacional e internacional del sector audiovisual chileno. Está presente en los principales festivales y mercados de cine documental y ficción, cortometraje, animación y televisión de Chile y el mundo. Esta labor permite gestionar un sector audiovisual chileno fuerte y coordinado, asegurando la presencia de autores y contenidos de Chile en las competencias internacionales. De este modo se le da visibilidad permanente al audiovisual chileno en los principales hitos del mundo, potenciando a través de sus producciones y proyectos una imagen singular de Chile. Vital para este trabajo es el apoyo de ProChile a través del programa Marcas Sectoriales, que permite internacionalizar al sector audiovisual bajo una misma marca nacional, así como el aporte del Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes (CNCA), a través del Consejo de las Artes y la Industria Audiovisual (CAIA), gracias a su Programa de Apoyo para Asistencia a Mercados Internacionales y DIRAC. ACERCA DE TVN El Consejo Nacional de Televisión (CNTV) es un órgano autónomo que vela por el correcto funcionamiento de la televisión chilena a través de políticas institucionales que tiendan a orientar, estimular y regular la actividad de los actores involucrados en el fenómeno televisivo, en sintonía con los cambios tecnológicos y socio-culturales, en un contexto de creciente internacionalización. De rango constitucional, tiene entre sus funciones y atribuciones promover, financiar o subsidiar la producción, los costos de transmisión o la difusión de programas de alto nivel cultural, de interés nacional, regional, local o comunitario. En este contexto es de interés del Consejo dar a conocer y difundir ampliamente la producción nacional de programas de calidad, de alto nivel cultural o de interés nacional o regional, calificados y premiados por el CNTV. CONTACTO PRENSA CINEMACHILE Valeria Bastías G. Coordinadora de prensa +56 9 74970757 CLIPPING NACIONAL 2015 Título: PRODUCCIONES CHILENAS ESTARÁN EN EL MERCADO TELEVISIVO MÁS IMPORTANTE DEL MUNDO Fecha: 5 de octubre Fuente: Zeleb Link: Título: “La Chúcara”, “Zamudio”, “Ecos del Desierto” y “Ramona” llegan a MIPCOM Fecha: 4 de octubre Fuente: Link: Título: “El reemplazante” y “Ecos del desierto” salen al mundo en Mipcom 2015 Fecha: 3 de octubre Fuente: Cultura y tendencias Link: Título: Local CompetitionFires Up Chile’s TV Biz Fecha: 29 de septiembre Fuente: Variety Link: Versión impresa Título: Teleserie “La Chúcara” de TVN y otras producciones se presentan en la Mipcom Fecha: 14 de octubre Fuente: Pura Noticia Link: Título: Mipcom: Chile’s Wood Unveils New TV Drama ‘Colonia’ Fecha: 8 de octubre Fuente: Variety Link: Título: Chile’s Parox Unveils ‘Weirdos’ (EXCLUSIVE) Fecha: 7 de octubre Fuente: Variety Link: Título: Producciones chilenas estarán presentes en MIPCOM Fecha: 5 de octubre Fuente: Parlante Link: ANEXOS A continuación se presenta el material de respaldo junto al enviado por CinemaChile: Documento Excel, “valorización del Convenio con CNTV”: Comprometido en Convenio Cch -CNTV Valorización Inclusión Gráficas Material Impreso 250.000 Avisaje Catalogo 2.500.000 Banner en página CinemaChile 500.000 Inclusión Gráfica Video Promoción 250.000 Inclusión y Menciones en Redes Sociales 500.000 Total 4.000.000 Inclusión Gráficas Stand 6.000.000 Propuesta Original 10.000.000 Logo encontrado en sitio web de CinemaChile: COTIZACION Nº206/2015 CINEMACHILE A nombre de: Florencia Rodríguez Fecha: agosto 2015 SOLICITUD DISEÑO E IMPRESIÓN CATÁLOGO CINEMACHILE TV 2015 FORMATO IMPRESIÓN Formato cerrado 17x24 cm. Extendido 34x24 cm. Tapa en couche opaco de 250 grs. a 4/1 colores + polilaminado mate y laca UV con reserva y relieve, por tiro. Interior 36 paginas en couche opaco de 130 grs. a 4/5 colores. encuadernación lomo cuadrado costura hilo hotmelt. CANTIDAD 800 unidades VALOR 6.050.000 NETO à COTIZACIÓN VÁLIDA POR 30 DÍAS Roberto Doveris Niña Niño Producciones COTIZACION Nº236/2015 CINEMACHILE A nombre de: Florencia Rodríguez Fecha: septiembre 2015 SOLICITUD DISEÑO GRÁFICO PARA CINEMACHILE Servicio incluye: DISEÑO MATERIAL GRÁFICO PARA STAND DISEÑO MATERIAL GRÁFICO CORPORATIVO COORDINACIÓN CON PROVEEDOR IMPRENTA PARA VBº ENTREGA DE IMPRESOS A CINEMACHILE VALOR 1.200.000 NETO à COTIZACIÓN VÁLIDA POR 30 DÍAS Roberto Doveris Niña Niño Producciones Your Contract page 1 of 6 page 1 of 22 To be filled in by the organiser MIPCOM® is a registered trademark of Reed MIDEM - All rights reserved Monday 5 - Thursday 8 October 2015 Palais des Festivals, Cannes, France Please return this contract to your local office MIPCOM is the world’s most important global markets for the TV and digital media industry. It is the key events for buying and selling, financing and distributing programmes in all genres, on all platforms. Each October, MIPCOM forms the annual landmark event of the Entertainment calendar, attracting key industry executives, thought-leaders and creative talent from the entire content spectrum: Hollywood studios, rights-holders, content buyers and platforms, production companies, technology providers, agencies and brands, marketing and communications executives, on-screen talents ; more generally, any individual or company, whose professional activities are directly linked to the audiovisual or the merchandising industry. 1 YOUR COMPANY CINEMACHILE Legal Company Name* Name* Company Name Name as listed in the Guide ALBERTO REYES 075 PROVIDENCIA SANTIAGO Address* Address* (incl. Street, House/Box Number) Number) City* City* State 56 Telephone Fax Fax Website Website http:// http:// VAT Number / Tax ID** Code/Postcode* Zip Code/Postcode* 22 249 8574 Country Country CHILE country code code city code code telephone number country code code city code code fax number WWW.CINEMACHILE.CL 715902001 7243032 For companies not located in the European Union, please supply the tax identification number or national business number of your company. If this information is not supplied, French VAT will be charged and may not be reimbursed by French tax authorities. *For invoicing only. Not listed in the Guide. 2 BILLING ADDRESS (Complete only if different from above) Legal Company Name** Name** Billing Contact Name Name Address** Address** (incl. Street, House/Box Number) City** City** Code/Postcode** Zip Code/Postcode** State State Telephone Fax Fax Country Country country code code city code code telephone number country code code city code code fax number Email VAT Number / Tax ID** For companies not located in the European Union, please supply the tax identification number or national business number of your company. If this information is not supplied, French VAT will be charged and may not be reimbursed by French tax authorities. 3 YOUR COMPANY CONTACTS MAIN CONTACT Mr X Mrs Ms CONTACT (Contact details of the person who organises the stand) SURNAME** SURNAME** First Name** Name** Position** Position** Work email** ARENA COSTANZA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COSTANZA@CINEMACHILE.CL Language in which you would like us to communicate with you X English French X Mrs CONTACT Mr Ms TECHNICAL CONTACT (We recommend you include the contact details of the stand decoration company) SURNAME** SURNAME** Name** First Name** SAME AS ABOVE Work email** Language in which you would like us to communicate with you *Mandatory. Listed in the Guide **Mandatory. Not listed in the Guide English French Your Contract Your Contract Your Contract CINEMACHILE company name COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME page 2 of 6 page 2 of 22 page 3 of 22 4 YOUR BOOKING 4 YOUR BOOKING EXHIBITING SOLUTION ZONE A REGULAR / Palais -1 (ex-Level 01) EXHIBITING SOLUTION MIPCOM ONLY ZONE B EARLY BIRD - PALAIS 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, RIVIERA 9 (ex-Levels 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, Riviera Seaview) By registering for BOTH markets before 15 November, 2013 you will benefit1from 1 an 9 Early 5 Bird rate at MIPTV and MIPCOM. Registration fee € Beyond date, the regular price1, will ZONE this B REGULAR / Palais 3,apply. 4, 5, Number of sqm 19.8m2 Registration fee Miscellaneous Number of sqm 6, Riviera 9 (ex-Levels 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, Riviera Seaview) x €801 €776 SUB-TOTAL xx€639 15,859.80 MIPCOM ONLY EARLY BIRD € MIPTV 1 1 7 9 0 5 € € 17,054.80 € € € € MIPCOM EARLY BIRD € 1 1 7 0 € x €663 (Tax excl.) Terrace (price per sqm) Miscellaneous x €388 € This price includes: Miscellaneous SUB-TOTAL SUB-TOTAL • The following quota of show entries for full-time employees according to the size of your stand. If your stand is: € € (Tax excl.) (Tax excl.) 2 between 9 and 13.2m2: 5 entries between 31 and 50m : 20 entries SUB-TOTAL This price includes: € 2 2 (Tax excl.) between 13.3 and 19.5m : 8 entries between 51 and 115m : 30 entries •between 19.6 and 30m Theprice following quota of2: 10 entries show entries for full-time employees according to the size of your stand. If your stand is: 2 This includes: when your stand is over 115m : 60 entries 2 2 : 5show entries between 31 and 50m : 20 entries between 9 and 13.2m • The following quota of entries for full-time employees according to the size of your stand. If your stand is: • The following package (which is not divisible): carpeting / partition walls / basic furniture / signposting / electricity / lighting. 2 2 between 13.3 19.5m : 8 entries between and 50m 115m2: :20 30entries entries 2 between 9 andand 13.2m : 25 entries between 51 31 and Company Guide Registration fee and a free subscription to the Online Database which includes company and personal profiles, 2 between 13.3 19.6 and when your is over 2 115m : 60 entries between and 30m 19.5m: 210 : 8 entries entries between 51stand and 115m : 30 entries internal mailbox, photos and video files and pdf, to promote your products and services. 2 (which is not divisible): carpeting / partition walls 2/ basic furniture / signposting / electricity / lighting. •between The following package 19.6 and 30m : 10 entries when your stand is over 115m : 60 entries IMPORTANT: Guidepackage Registration feeisand free subscription Onlinewalls Database includes company /and personal/ lighting. profiles, •Company The following (which notadivisible): carpetingto/ the partition / basicwhich furniture / signposting electricity • Persons with the titles of Producer or Consultant will need to provide proof of full time employment with the Exhibiting Company. internal mailbox, photos and video files and pdf, to promote yourOnline products and services. Company Guide Registration fee and a free subscription to the Database which includes company and personal profiles, If not full-time employees, these persons must complete a Participation Contract. Telephone on demand internal mailbox, photos and video files and pdf, to promote your products and services. • Partition walls installed along an alley or facing another stand must not be closed over more than 40% on each side. For further Would you like a telephone line on your stand? Yes No IMPORTANT: information, please contact the Technical Department. • Persons with the titles of Producer or Consultant will need to provide proof of full time employment with the Exhibiting Company. IMPORTANT: Exhibitor Registration not full-time employees, these persons must complete Participation Contract. •IfPersons with the titles of Producer or Consultant will needa to provide proof of full time employment with the Exhibiting Company. •The stand reservation includes the registration of your company and delegates in the Guide and the Online Database. wallsemployees, installed along alley ormust facing another astand must notContract. be closed over more than 40% on each side. For further IfPartition not full-time theseanpersons complete Participation To register additional full-time employees an individual fee of €500 (excl.VAT) per person will be required. Registration for additional please contact thean Technical •information, Partition walls installed along alley or Department. facing another stand must not be closed over more than 40% on each side. For further delegates can only be accepted if the delegate has a valid company email address of the exhibiting company. information, please contact the Technical Department. Exhibitor Registration Subsidiary Registration The stand Registration reservation includes the registration of your company and delegates in the Guide and the Online Database. Exhibitor To register full time employees of your subsidiary companies, you can use the remaining free registrations of your exhibitor To register additional full-time an individual of €500and (excl.VAT) perin person will be required. Registration for additional The stand reservation includesemployees the registration of yourfee company delegates the Guide and the Online Database. contract. If the number of free registrations is completed, a fee of €500 (excl.VAT) per person will be required. Please ask your local delegates only be full-time acceptedemployees if the delegate has a valid of the exhibiting company. To registercan additional an individual feecompany of €460 email (+VAT)address per person will be required. Registration for additional representative for a subsidiary registration contract. delegates can only be accepted if the delegate has a valid company email address of the exhibiting company. Subsidiary Registration To register Registration full time employees of your subsidiary companies, you can use the remaining free registrations of your exhibitor Subsidiary contract. If the of free registrations is completed, a fee of you €500can (excl.VAT) person will required. Please ask your local To register full number time employees of your subsidiary companies, use theper remaining freeberegistrations of your exhibitor representative a subsidiary contract. If thefor number of free registration registrationscontract. is completed, a fee of €460 (+VAT) per person will be required. Please ask your local representative for a subsidiary registration contract. ZONE A REGULAR / Palais 0, 1, 4, Croisette 11, 16, 20 (ex-Level 0, Level 1 “Espace Ville de Cannes”, Level 4 ‘Ambassadeurs’, Seabreeze, Croisette Village, Parvis) ZONE B REGULAR - PALAIS 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, RIVIERA 9 (ex-Levels 3, 4, 5, 6, Riviera Seaview) MIPCOM1, ONLY Registration fee Registration fee Number Number of of sqm sqm Terrace (price per sqm) Miscellaneous €801 xx €692 x €400,50 SUB-TOTAL € € € € MIPTV REGULAR 1 1 9 5 1 1 7 0 MIPCOM REGULAR 1 1 7 0 € x €707 € € € SUB-TOTAL € € Miscellaneous (Tax excl.) (Tax excl.) € This price includes: SUB-TOTAL • The following quota of show entries for full-time employees€according to the size of your stand. If your stand is: (Tax excl.) between 9 and 13.2m2: 5 entries between 31 and 50m2: 20 entries This price13.3 includes: between and 19.5m2: 8 entries between 51 and 115m2: 30 entries • The following quota of2 show entries for full-time to the of your stand. If your stand is: 2 between 19.6 and 30m whenemployees your standaccording is over 115m : 60size entries 2 : 10 entries between 9 and 13.2m : 5 entries between 31 and 50m2: 20 entries •between The following package (which is not divisible): carpeting / partition 2 2 walls / basic furniture / signposting / electricity / lighting. 13.3 and 19.5m : 8 entries between 51 and 115m : 30 entries Company Guide fee and a free subscription to theisOnline Database which includes company and personal profiles, 2 between 19.6 andRegistration 30m2: 10 entries when your stand over 115m : 60 entries internal mailbox, photos and video files and pdf, to promote your products and services. • The following package (which is not divisible): carpeting / partition walls / basic furniture / signposting / electricity / lighting. TelephoneGuide on demand Company Registration fee and a free subscription to the Online Database which includes company and personal profiles, Would you like a telephone on your stand? Yes No and services. internal mailbox, photos andline video files and pdf, to promote your products IMPORTANT: • Persons with the titles of Producer or Consultant will need to provide proof of full time employment with the Exhibiting Company. If not full-time employees, these persons must complete a Participation Contract. • Partition walls installed along an alley or facing another stand must not be closed over more than 40% on each side. For further information, please contact the Technical Department. Exhibitor Registration The stand reservation includes the registration of your company and delegates in the Guide and the Online Database. To register additional perperson personwill willbe berequired. required.Registration Registration for for additional additionalfull-time full-timeemployees employeesan anindividual individualfee feeofof€500 €460(excl.VAT) (+VAT) per delegates can only be accepted if the delegate has a valid company email address of the exhibiting company. Subsidiary Subsidiary Registration Registration To register full To register full time time employees employees of of your your subsidiary subsidiary companies, companies, you you can can use use the the remaining remaining free free registrations registrations of of your your exhibitor exhibitor contract. If the perperson personwill willbe berequired. required.Please Please ask ask your your local contract. If the number numberof offree freeregistrations registrationsisiscompleted, completed,a afee feeofof€500 €460(excl.VAT) (+VAT) per local representative for a subsidiary registration contract. representative for a subsidiary registration contract. Reed MIDEM, a joint stock company (SAS), with a capital of 310.000€, 662 003 557 R.C.S. NANTERRE, having offices located at 27-33 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo - 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT (FRANCE), VAT number FR91 662 003 557. Reed MIDEM, a simplified joint stock company (SAS), with a capital of 310.000€, 662 003 557 R.C.S. NANTERRE, having offices located at Reed MIDEM, a simplified joint stock company (SAS), with a capital of 310.000€, 662 003 557 R.C.S. NANTERRE, having offices located at 27-33 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo - 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT (FRANCE), VAT number FR91 662 003 557. 27-33 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo - 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT (FRANCE), VAT number FR91 662 003 557. Your Contract Your Contract CINEMACHILE COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME page 3 of 6 page 2 of 22 5 TOTAL PAYMENT TOTAL DUE FOR EXHIBITING (incl. VAT)* 17,054.80 € TOTAL DUE FOR ADVERTISING (incl. VAT)* € TOTAL DUE FOR OTHER SOLUTION & SPONSORING (incl. VAT)* € 4 YOUR BOOKING EXHIBITING SOLUTION ZONE B REGULAR / Palais 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, Riviera 9 (ex-Levels 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, Riviera Seaview) € TOTAL DUE FOR REGISTRATION (incl. VAT)* MIPCOM ONLY 1BALANCE 1 9 5DUE (incl. VAT)* € Registration fee Number of sqm exhibitors’ registration and advertising is OBLIGATORY x €776 for. *+20% VAT on exhibiting, € Terrace per sqm) ➢ ALL FRENCH(price CUSTOMERS x ➢ EU CUSTOMERS NOT SUBJECT TO VAT Miscellaneous ➢ NON-EU CUSTOMERS NOT SUBJECT TO CORPORATE INCOME TAX €388 € SUB-TOTAL € (Tax excl.) 17,054.80 € € 6 TERMS OF includes: PAYMENT This price TheADVERTISING, following quotaSPONSORING, of show entriesREGISTRATION for full-time employees to the size of your stand. If your stand is: ➢ •FOR & OTHERaccording SOLUTIONS ONLY 2 9 must and 13.2m : 5 entries between 31 and 50m2: 20 entries Fullbetween payment be made upon signature of the contract 2 2 between 13.3 and 19.5m : 8 entries between 51 and 115m : 30 entries ➢ between FOR STAND 19.6ONLY and 30m2: 10 entries when your stand is over 115m2: 60 entries First payment must be made upon signature of the contract. /Allpartition subsequent must be/made before /the show according to • The following package (which is not divisible): carpeting wallspayments / basic furniture signposting electricity / lighting. theCompany paymentGuide schedule below. fee and a free subscription to the Online Database which includes company and personal profiles, Registration internal mailbox, photos and video files and pdf, to promote your products and services. Payment schedule Contract signed Contract signed Contract signed after IMPORTANT: (forthe stand only) up towill 08need May to 2015 between 08 May 2015 07Exhibiting August 2015 • Persons with titles of Producer or Consultant provide proof of full time employment with the Company. and 07 August 2015 If not full-time employees, these persons must complete a Participation Contract. • Partition walls installed along an alley or facing on each side. For further *vat incl. another stand must not *vat incl. *vatbe incl.closed over more than 40% information, please contact the Technical Department. Exhibitor Registration MIPCOM 2015 The stand reservation includes the registration of your company and delegates in the Guide and the Online Database. To register additional employees30% an individual fee of €500 (excl.VAT) Registration for additional Payment upon signaturefull-time of the contract € 80% per person will be required. € 100% € delegates can only be accepted if the delegate has a valid company email address of the exhibiting company. Payment on 8 May 2015 50% € € € Subsidiary Payment on 7Registration August 2015 20% € 20% € € To register full time employees of your subsidiary companies, you can use the remaining free registrations of your exhibitor contract. If the number of free registrations is completed, a fee of €500 (excl.VAT) per person will be required. Please ask your local representative for a subsidiary registration contract. 7 DECLARATION OF AGREEMENT The undersigned acknowledges that he/she has read the Rules, which are printed hereafter, and undertakes to comply with these Rules. He/she confirms that he/she has duly informed the appropriate employees of his/her company that their personal data is being processed according to the terms of the Rules related to information technology and civil liberties. In particular, he/she acknowledges and accepts that personal data is accessible to participants or partners that may be located in states that may not provide a sufficient level of protection equivalent to the European Union Directives. He/she hereby guarantees Reed MIDEM against any action based on Reed MIDEM’s use of said data as permitted by the Rules. Finally, the undersigned represents and warrants that he/she is duly authorised by his/her company to bind it by the Rules hereof and agrees that he/she is personally bound and liable pursuant to the Rules hereof in the event such authority to bind his/her company does not actually exist. The Rules are part of the contract. SURNAME First Name Position ✘ Signature (COMPULSORY) ✘ ✘ Stamp THIS CONTRACT IS FINAL AND BINDING Date (COMPULSORY) Reed MIDEM, a simplified joint stock company (SAS), with a capital of 310.000€, 662 003 557 R.C.S. NANTERRE, having offices located at 27-33 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo - 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT (FRANCE), VAT number FR91 662 003 557. Reed MIDEM, a simplified joint stock company (SAS), with a capital of 310.000€, 662 003 557 R.C.S. NANTERRE, having offices located at 27-33 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo - 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT (FRANCE), VAT number FR91 662 003 557. Your Contract Your Contract CINEMACHILE COMPANY NAME COMPANY NAME page 4 of 6 page 2 of 22 8 WAYS TO PAY 4 YOUR I’MBOOKING PAYING BY BANK ORDER This bank order must be made with the following indications: ‘‘Payment at no costs for the beneficiary’’ together with the legal company name, name of event and invoice number. EXHIBITING SOLUTION Please send us a copy of the wire transfer to facilitate the identification of your payment. Banking Bank Agency Account Control Account owner EU VAT Number Swift Code /BIC code B REGULAR code domiciliation ZONE / number Palais 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, Riviera 9 (ex-Levels 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, Riviera Seaview) C.I.C SAINT REEDMIDEM SAS MIPCOM ONLY AUGUSTIN GCE 30066 10947 00010005001 79 27 Quai Alphonse 1 1 9 5 Registration fee SUD € Le Gallo CMCIFRPPXXX FR 91 662 003 557 102 BD Number of sqm x €776 € CS 10026 IBAN International Bank Account Number HAUSSMANN 92513 BoulogneTerrace (price per4700 sqm) 0100 0500 179 x €388PARIS€ FR76 3006 6109 75008 Billancourt Cedex Miscellaneous € SUB-TOTAL € (Tax excl.) This price includes: I’Mfollowing PAYINGquota BY CREDIT CARDfor (All products except for stands) • The of show entries full-time employees according to the size of your stand. If your stand is: between 9 and 13.2m2: 5 entries between 31 and 50m2: 20 entries 2 2 SEND CREDIT CARD INFO VIA EMAIL. between 13.3VERY IMPORTANT! FOR SECURITY REASONS, NOT and 19.5m : 8 entries between 51 andDO 115m : 30 entries 2 2 and 30m 10 entries whenwill your stand is overbe115m : 60and entries between 19.6Credit card :details received by email automatically deleted the contract destroyed. • The following package (which is not divisible): carpeting / partition walls / basic furniture / signposting / electricity / lighting. Company Guide Registration and acard freedebit subscription to theforms Online includes company and personal profiles, We can onlyfee accept authorisation byDatabase fax at thewhich following secure numbers: internal mailbox, photos and video pdf, to promote and-services. Paris: +33 (0)1 79files 71 and 90 90 - London: +44your (0)20products 7895 0949 New York: +1 212 284 5148 IMPORTANT: ALL THE with FIELDS ARE COMPULSORY AND MUST BE COMPLETED TO ENABLE US TO DEBIT YOUR CARD • Persons the BELOW titles of Producer or Consultant will need to provide proof of full time employment with the Exhibiting Company. If not full-time employees, these persons must complete a Participation Contract. • Partition walls installed along an alley or facing another stand must not be closed over more than 40% on each side. For further VISA/MASTER CARD AMERICAN EXPRESS information, please contact the Technical Department. Exhibitor Registration The stand reservation includes the registration of your company and delegates in the Guide and the Online Database. € Card numberadditional full-time employees an individual fee of €500 (excl.VAT) Expiry Dateper person will be required. To register Registration for additional ✘ delegates can only(as beseen accepted if the delegate has a valid company email address of the exhibiting company. Name of card holder on card) Amount (COMPULSORY) Subsidiary Registration To register full time employees of your subsidiary companies, you can use the remaining free registrations of your exhibitor contract. If the number of free registrations is completed, a fee of €500 (excl.VAT) per person will be required. Please ask your local representative for a subsidiary registration contract. ✘ Signature of the card holder (COMPULSORY) ✘ Date (COMPULSORY) 9 PLEASE RETURN ALL PAGES OF THIS COMPLETED CONTRACT BY POST OR BY FAX TO YOUR CONTACT US OFFICE Reed MIDEM North America: USA, English speaking Canada, Latin America José-Luis SANCHEZ Sales Advisor Tel: +1 212 284 5147 - Fax: +1 212 284 5148 360 Park Avenue South - 9th Floor - New York, NY 10010 - USA Reed MIDEM, a simplified joint stock company (SAS), with a capital of 310.000€, 662 003 557 R.C.S. NANTERRE, having offices located at 27-33 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo - 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT (FRANCE), VAT number FR91 662 003 557. Reed MIDEM, a simplified joint stock company (SAS), with a capital of 310.000€, 662 003 557 R.C.S. NANTERRE, having offices located at 27-33 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo - 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT (FRANCE), VAT number FR91 662 003 557. Your Contract Your Contract COMPANY NAME page 5 of 6 page 2 of 22 10 RULES 1) General provisions provisions of these regulations (hereinafter, the “Regulations”) shall apply to all 4 The YOUR BOOKING exhibitors, visitors and service providers (hereinafter, the “Participants”), who request 8) Sponsoring Certain of the Organiser’s events may be sponsored by Participants pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the participation contract which specifies the characteristics of the event. Unless otherwise stated, sponsorships are non-exclusive. In the event that more than one Participant sponsors the same event, the Organiser shall promote the Participants in proportion to their respective contributions. The Organiser reserves the right to modify the characteristics of the event or to have the Participants modify the materials intended to be distributed, in particular due to legal requirements or for reasons related to the general organisation of the event and/or, more broadly, in the interest of all Participants. admission to the various professional events organised by Reed MIDEM (hereinafter, the “Organiser”), a French société par actions simplifiée (simplified limited company) with share capital of €310,000, whose registered office is located at 27/33 Quai Alphonse Le EXHIBITING SOLUTION Gallo, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France, and which is registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 662 003 557. These Regulations shall also apply to parties who contract with the Organiser. The goods and services offered in connection with the event shall meet only the requirements ZONE B REGULAR / Palais 1, activities 3, 4, 5,are6,directly Riviera 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, Riviera Seaview) of any individual or legal entity whose business related9to(ex-Levels the 9) Photography and filming (audio and video) sector promoted by the event, as defined in the participation contract. The Organiser The Organiser may prohibit the taking of photographs and/or the making of audio MIPCOM ONLY by Participants who have not received accreditation for such reserves the right to refuse to contract with any person whose business is not directly and video recordings related to the sector promoted by the event or on any other legitimate grounds, such purpose. Only photographers / cameramen who have received written authorisation 1 1 shall 9 5be allowed to operate within the event venue. A copy of their fee as aRegistration dispute, etc. € for such purpose photographic prints and/or audio and video recordings shall be provided to the Organiser 2) Acceptance of contract documents Number of sqm €776 Signature of the participation contract and any admission to the eventxshall be deemed€ upon request. the Participant’s total and complete agreement with and acceptance of the provisions Unless Participants expressly communicate their opposition in advance, Participants Terrace (price per sqm) €388 of the€ authorise, free of charge, the Organiser and its partners to photograph and/or record of the Regulations, the participation contract, the specifications of thex operator exhibition hall and, in the case of Exhibitors (an Exhibitor is defined as any Participant the voice and image of the Participant(s), the stands or specific articles displayed whoMiscellaneous rents a stand at the event), the technical manual and the insurance policies that the€ within stands, and to communicate to the public, in the whole world, such photos Organiser takes out on behalf of the Exhibitors (hereinafter, collectively, the “Contract and/or recordings, which may be presented (in particular in the form of live or delayed SUB-TOTAL € broadcasting), reproduced without limit as to the number of reproductions and Documents”), all of which may be downloaded directly from the event’s (Tax excl.)website. Accordingly, the Participant undertakes to comply with the Contract Documents, as well published, in the whole world, for a period of five (5) years, in any format (in particular, Thisanyprice as with healthincludes: and safety measures the public authorities may impose, and to cause downloadable formats, including MP3, podcasts and webcasts), using any method or process known or unknown this time, in whole or in stand part, on is: all tangible or intangible • The following of toshow entries for full-time employees according to the size ofatyour stand. If your its employees and servicequota providers comply therewith. media known or unknown at this time, including but not limited to paper, optical, 2 Anybetween amendments or reservations the Participant may make to the31 Contract 9 and 13.2m2: 5that entries between and 50m : 20 entries analogue and digital media (CDs, DVDs, etc.), or over an electronic network (the internet Documents in any manner whatsoever be deemed void. and,2:in30 particular, between 13.3 and 19.5m2: shall 8 entries between 51 and 115m entriesthe websites of the Organiser and its partners), and on any other 2 the Regulations 2 marketing tool it may use for information or promotional purposes, promotional or 3) Amendments to and priority of between 19.6 and 30m : 10 entries when your stand is over 115m : 60 entries The Organiser reserves the right to decide on all matters not covered by these unless Participants communicate their opposition in writing in advance. • The following package (which is notprovisions divisible): carpeting partition walls / basic furniture / signposting / electricity / lighting. Regulations and to add new, immediately applicable to cover matters/not 10) Unfair competition and parasitic business practices dealt with by theGuide general Registration regulations governing commercial which are posted Company fee and a freeevents, subscription to the Online Database which includes company and Participants formally undertake not to engage in activities thatpersonal are identicalprofiles, or similar on the website. internal mailbox, photos and video files and pdf, to promote your and services. toproducts those conducted in the event venue, the immediate surrounding area or in any other The Regulations shall prevail over any general terms and conditions of purchase of exhibition area that the Organiser may designate, in particular, in places such as hotels Participants. In the event of a discrepancy between the French and English versions of IMPORTANT: or other sites external to said event, during the period of the event. the Regulations, the French version shall prevail. Accordingly, in particular undertakewith not to directly or indirectly draw any • Persons with the titles of Producer or Consultant will need to provide proofParticipants of full time employment the Exhibiting Company. other Participant away from any exhibition area for the purpose of presenting any of its 4) Postponement or cancellation of events If not full-time employees, these persons must complete a Participation Contract. Until the date on which registration closes, Participants shall assume all risks associated products and/or services that are within the scope of the event. Partition walls of installed an alleythey or alone facing another not bereserves closedthe over than each side. evidenced For further The Organiser rightmore to have any 40% breach on of this provision by a with• the non-occurrence the event along and, in particular, shall bear costsstand they must sworn officer, to have the relevant Participant pay the costs associated therewith and to mayinformation, have chosen to incur in anticipation theTechnical event. please contact of the Department. initiate any legal action enabling it to assert its rights. However, Participants may be refunded the amounts of their deposit or participation fee Exhibitor Registration or upon the occurrence of a force majeure event. In the latter 11) Accommodations if the event is cancelled case, Participants shall be refundedincludes an amountthe equalregistration to sums alreadyof paid, less company expenses The The stand reservation your andOrganiser delegates theagreements Guide and Online Database. entersininto withthe hotels and estate agents in Cannes and the incurred by the Organiser. area in order to assist Participants, to Registration the extent possible under the To register additional employees individual of €500surrounding (excl.VAT) per person will be required. for and additional A force majeure event is any newfull-time health, climatic, economic,an political or socialfee situation, best possible conditions, in finding accommodation. However, this does not constitute delegates canoronly be accepted if the delegate has a valid company email address of of the company. at the local, national international level, that: an obligation on the part theexhibiting Organiser, and the Organiser shall not be liable with - is not reasonably foreseeable at the time the event is advertised to Participants; respect to hotel reservations and/or accommodations selected. Registration - is Subsidiary beyond the Organiser’s control; and STANDS akesregister - mTo it impossible hold employees the event or creates riskssubsidiary of disturbances that may INSTALLATION fulltotime of your companies, you can useOFthe remaining free registrations of your exhibitor seriously affectIfthe organisation properregistrations functioning of the event or the safety of of 12) Assignment and distribution of locations contract. the numberand of free is completed, a fee €500 (excl.VAT) per person will be required. Please ask your local property and persons. The Organiser shall determine the event layout and assign locations. The Organiser shall representative for athesubsidiary registration contract. fee paid by endeavour to take into account If the event is postponed, amount of the deposit or participation Exhibitors’ requests, the nature of the products and Participants shall be carried over in view of their participation in the new event. services they plan to exhibit and the arrangement of the stand they plan to install, in accordance with the interests of the event. ADMISSION TO EVENTS Participation in prior events shall not entitle Exhibitors to a specific location. The 5) Admission requirements Organiser shall in no event be liable to Exhibitors for any consequences that may ensue Persons under the age of 18 may not be admitted to the event, except with the from the location assigned to them, such as low foot traffic. Organiser’s prior written authorisation. In the event a Participant causes a disturbance or to ensure the best possible The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to or to have expelled, temporarily or presentation of the event in the interests of all Participants, the Organiser reserves the permanently, any Participant whose presence, conduct or behaviour threatens the image, right to modify, at any time and as often as it deems necessary, the use of the areas peace or safety of the event and/or of the Participants and/or the integrity of the site. In requested by Exhibitors, the location of stands or the decoration thereof if they do not such case, the Participant shall be reimbursed the share of sums already paid applicable comply with the requirements of the Exhibitors’ Technical Manual, after having given to the remaining days of the event. Exhibitors prior notice of its actions, except in the event of a pressing need, in which case To gain admission to the event Participants must show an admission pass, which the the Organiser shall not be required to give prior notice. Organiser shall issue free of charge or for consideration in accordance with its own procedures. The distribution, reproduction or sale of admission passes in order for any 13) Set-up, installation and decoration, break-down Exhibitors and any person duly appointed to represent them shall: person other than the Participant to derive a profit therefrom is strictly forbidden and - Become familiar with the Exhibitors’ Technical Manual and the specifications of the is liable to prosecution. operator of the exhibition hall in effect, and comply therewith; Due to the international nature of the event, Participants shall: - Comply with the safety measures imposed by applicable laws and regulations during - Ensure that their participation is neutral in terms of political, ideological or religious set-up, break-down and throughout the event; and expression; - Be present at their stand during the inspection by the teams responsible for ensuring - Not create disturbances (visual, audial, olfactory, etc.) to the organisation of the event, compliance with safety standards. the other Participants, whether or not in neighbouring stands, or the public, either Subject to the provisions of the aforementioned documents, the event’s accident at their stand, in the advertising space assigned to them within the venue or in the prevention plan, the Exhibitor’s specific accident prevention plan and consistent with the vicinity of the event. overall decoration of the event, Exhibitors are free to fit out and decorate their stand, Otherwise, the Organiser reserves the right to impose penalties, including refusing provided they do not hinder the visibility of safety signs and equipment or of nearby admission to the event. stands. The Organiser reserves the right, at any time and at the Exhibitor’s expense, to have removed or to destroy any materials or installation deemed non-compliant. 6) Accreditation of Participants’ employees Participants may accredit only their full-time employees from a single establishment, 14) Manning the stand in a single country. The Organiser may at any time request documentary evidence Exhibitors shall at all times maintain sufficient staff at their stand and keep it fully thereof. In the event a Participant accredits any person who does not meet the foregoing equipped during the entire duration of the event, including if the duration of the event requirements, they shall be required to pay the registration fee applicable to visitors, as is extended. specified in the participation contract. Exhibitors shall display products and/or services that comply with French and European laws and regulations and that originate from lawful activities, and shall obtain all 7) Advertising The Organiser reserves the exclusive right to post advertising in the venue where the authorisations necessary to conduct their business. Products shall be displayed only within the stand, shall not encroach on the aisles and shall in no event inconvenience event is held and in the immediate surrounding area. All forms of advertising are strictly forbidden, with the exception of advertising that nearby Exhibitors. Materials and products shall be arranged in an aesthetic manner. Takeuses the media defined below, the advertising spaces that the Organiser assigns and away sales or sales in which goods are immediately delivered to the buyer are forbidden, the advertising materials displayed within the Exhibitor’s stand. In the event of non- except with the Organiser’s prior written authorisation. compliance with these requirements, the Organiser may remove such advertising at any Events held at the stand as: attractions, shows, events etc. shall require the Organiser’s prior authorisation. time without prior notice. Participants shall not in any form whatsoever display products or services or advertise 15) Damage and repairs companies or businesses that are not participants, without the Organiser’s prior written Exhibitors shall be liable for all damage they cause to their stand. Accordingly, Exhibitors authorisation. shall leave their stand and/or assigned location, as well as any equipment and materials Furthermore, the distribution of leaflets, brochures, flyers or documents of any type supplied by the Organiser, in their original condition. Therefore, at the time they for promotional or any other purposes is strictly limited within the event venue and take possession of their stand, Exhibitors shall have any existing damage evidenced the immediate surrounding area and is subject to the Organiser’s prior authorisation. and forward such evidence by email, on the same day, to the Organiser’s technical Participants shall not, in any manner whatsoever, advertise any practitioner or department. Otherwise, Exhibitors risk being invoiced for such damage. establishment that is a member of a regulated profession for which the national and Exhibitors shall vacate the stands and remove their goods, articles and specific decorations, as well as any residual waste from materials used to decorate stands, within official organisation that represents the profession prohibits advertising. Reed MIDEM, a simplified joint stock company (SAS), with a capital of 310.000€, 662 003 557 R.C.S. NANTERRE, having offices located at 27-33 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo - 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT (FRANCE), VAT number FR91 662 003 557. Reed MIDEM, a simplified joint stock company (SAS), with a capital of 310.000€, 662 003 557 R.C.S. NANTERRE, having offices located at 27-33 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo - 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT (FRANCE), VAT number FR91 662 003 557. Your Contract Your Contract Your Contract COMPANY NAME page 6 of 6 page 2 of 22 4 Any authorised advertorial-type advertising within the Event venue must carry the banner “PUBLICITÉ” [ADVERTISEMENT]. The Organiser may refuse to publish the text or advertisement at issue, in which case the Participant shall be reimbursed the price of the advertising space, to the exclusion of any other expenses, less sums incurred by the Organiser before it discovers the unlawful 16) Assignment and subletting of assigned locations nature of the publication. Participants are expressly forbidden from assigning, subletting or exchanging, free of In the specific situation where a Participant has placed an order for advertising on charge or for consideration, all or any part of the locations assigned by the Organiser, the Organiser’s Media but fails to provide the Organiser with the information and EXHIBITING SOLUTION including stands and advertising spaces. documents necessary for publication in a timely manner, the Organiser reserves the However, more than one Exhibitor may be allowed to exhibit jointly, provided they have right to make other arrangements with respect to such advertising space, in particular submitted a prior request to the Organiser. to publish the statement “Space reserved by …”, followed by the Participant’s name. In such case, the Participant shall not be entitled to claim a refund of the price of its order FINANCIAL AND CONDITIONS APPLICABLE ZONETERMS B REGULAR / Palais 1, 3,TO4,PARTICIPATION 5, 6, Riviera 9 (ex-Levels 1, 3, 4, 5,The6,documents Rivieraused Seaview) or any compensation. to publish advertising shall be returned to 17) Price and payment procedures the Participant or its representative only upon request. The Organiser is required to keep MIPCOM ONLY The participation fee, ancillary costs and the payment procedures and time periods are such documents for one (1) year only, and may destroy them after such period. specified by the Organiser in the participation contract. Depending on the signature 1 1 9 5 dateRegistration of the participation feecontract, the first payment shall be equal to amounts already€ DATA PROTECTION due on the relevant date. 22) Collection and use of data TheNumber Organiser does not apply any commercial discount, rebate or reduction policies, and€ Reed MIDEM collects participants’ personal data by the present document or during of sqm x €776 Participants shall not be granted any discount in the event of payment before the due date. participation of the event (attended places or events, services operated). This data is An Terrace additional invoice issued for any service Participants may order that is not€ processed electronically by Reed MIDEM for the purposes of managing and publishing (priceshall perbesqm) x €388 specified in the participation contract. its participants’ data file. Such data processing is reported to the French National Data 18)Miscellaneous Late payment or non-payment € Protection Authority (Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés or CNIL). In accordance with Article L. 441.6 of the French Commercial Code (Code de Commerce), in the This data may be transmitted to recipients, some of whom are located outside the event of late payment, the Participant shall be liable for late paymentSUB-TOTAL penalties calculated at€ European Union, while benefiting from the exception provided for in Article 69 (Tax excl.) three (3) times the legal interest rate, as from the day following the payment date shown in the paragraph 6 of French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, as amended. This price includes: participation contract and on the invoice and of a flat compensation for recovery costs in the This personal data can be: amount of 40 euros, being specified that if the exposed recovery costs are superior to 40 euros, - integrated into the online database available to Participants to enable them to prepare • The following quota of show entries for full-time employees according to the size of your stand. If your stand is: the event, promote their business and schedule their business appointments within 2 2 the between 9 and 13.2m Organiser may ask for supplementary compensation, with justificatory documents. This : 5 entries between 31 and 50m the: 20 entries event. In this respect, Participants undertake not to use the data for any other provision shall not be deemed a grant of2an extension of time to make payment. 2 purposes. The Organiser reserves the right to stop by any means any disturbance between 13.3 and 19.5m between 51 and 115m : 30 entries A Participant’s failure to comply with : 8 entries the “Price and payment procedures” clause shall caused by any 2 2 forbidden use of personal data. between 19.6 and 30m when your stand is over 115m : 60 entries automatically cause the amount of: 10 entries the participation fee to become immediately due - communicated to third parties that have entered into contracts with the Organiser, in and• The following package (which is not divisible): carpeting / partition walls / basic furniture / signposting / electricity / lighting. payable and/or shall entitle the Organiser to suspend performance of services, in particular the companies of the Reed Elsevier group, service providers and partners of particular access to the online community and/or the event, and/or to reassign the the Organiser, who can be located all over the world Company Guide Registration fee and a free subscription to the Online Database which includes company and personal profiles, stand’s location [to another Participant]. When the problem has been resolved, at the - communicated to Participants, such as speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, who can be Organiser’s discretion, the Participant may be offered a substitute alternative solution. internal mailbox, photos and video files and pdf, to promote your products and services. located all over the world to carry out commercial prospecting. Failure to pay the price in full shall preclude the Participant from registering for any - used on all distribution and promotional media in connection with the relevant event future event of the Organiser. IMPORTANT: including over the internet. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, as amended, 19)• Persons with the titles of Producer or Consultant will need to provide proof of full time employment with the Exhibiting Company. Cancellation of participation TheIf not full-time employees, these persons must complete a Participation Contract. participation contract is final and irrevocable. The entire amount of the participation Participants may exercise their right to access, correct and oppose the use of their personal data by writing to the following email address: fee • Partition walls installed along an alley or facing another stand must not be closed over more than 40% on each side. For further shall be owed in the following cases: - The Exhibitor is not present at its stand 24 hours before the beginning of the event, INSURANCE AND LIABILITY information, please contact the Technical Department. for any reason whatsoever. The Organiser may deem such default a cancellation of the Exhibitor’s participation and shall be free to make other arrangements with respect 23) Insurance Registration toExhibitor the stand’s location, in which case the Exhibitor shall not be entitled to claim any Participants shall ensure that they have taken out all insurance policies necessary for their participation. The Organiser declines all liability in this regard, in particular for the The stand reservation includes the registration of your company and delegates in the Guide and the Online Database. refund or compensation; - The Participant cancels its reservation on any date whatsoever and for any reason loss or theft of personal property. To register additional full-time employees an individual fee of €500 (excl.VAT) per person will be required. Registration for additional Nevertheless, the Organiser has taken out, on behalf of the Exhibitors only, an insurance whatsoever; or delegates can only be accepted if the delegate has a valid company email address of the exhibiting company. - At the time of its registration, the Participant provides information that is false, policy that covers, at no expense to them, the following risks only: - Civil liability to third parties; erroneous or becomes inaccurate and, as a result thereof, it is refused admission to Subsidiary Registration - All other risks to property exhibited, including the fittings and decorations of the stand. the event; The detailed terms and conditions of the aforementioned insurance covers, in particular To register full time employees of your subsidiary companies, you can use the remaining free registrations of your exhibitor with the exception of the occurrence of a force majeure event, as defined by Article 1148 of the French Civil Code (Code Civil) which, if proved, shall entitle the Exhibitor to cover limits, excess amounts and applicable exclusions, are set forth in the applicable contract. If the number of free registrations is completed, a fee of €500 (excl.VAT) per person will be required. Please ask your local insurance policies, a copy of which will be provided to Exhibitors if they request it from a refund of all amounts paid. representative for a subsidiary registration contract. the Organiser. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY A summary of these terms and conditions can also be found in the section of the Exhibitors’ Technical Manual entitled “Insurance”. 20) Intellectual property The Participant warrants the Organiser that it holds all intellectual property rights in the Exhibitors are responsible for verifying that these terms and conditions are appropriate content defined below and in the materials exhibited, or that it holds the authorisations in light of the scope of the risks covered and the value of property exhibited, including the fittings and decorations of the stand. If not, Exhibitors shall take out additional necessary to display and/or distribute them in connection with the event. insurance policies. To ensure the complete transparency of the event, at the Organiser’s request, the The Organiser shall in no event be liable for any claim for which Exhibitors may be liable Participant shall provide all catalogues and/or brochures, or the media containing them, or any loss Exhibitors may incur in the event of inadequate insurance cover. related to the products and rights it offers. The Participant shall inform the Organiser in writing if it plans to broadcast music at its 24) Liability of the Organiser stand and/or in its advertising space, and shall file all required reports, in particular with The Organiser shall not be liable for any losses that Participants may sustain (including loss of use and business losses) for any reason whatsoever, with the exception of bodily injury. the SACEM, and make the payments associated therewith. The Participant shall hold the Organiser harmless in the event of any recourse on the The Organiser only owes the Participant a reasonable endeavours obligation. grounds of non-compliance with these obligations. MISCELLANEOUS the deadlines and during the hours specified by the Organiser, and in compliance with local laws, regulations and practices concerning waste. If it fails to comply with such deadlines, the Exhibitor shall be liable for any expenses incurred as a result of its noncompliance with these instructions, as well as for any damage caused by the Exhibitor. YOUR BOOKING 21) Organiser’s media and content The Organiser shall provide the Participants with catalogues, periodicals, databases, lecture programmes and websites specific to the event (hereinafter, the “Organiser’s Media” or “its Media”). The Organiser is the owner and publisher of this Media, which it publishes and distributes, with the exception of the content published by Participants via the online community that the Organiser hosts. This Media is protected and the Participant shall therefore not use it in any manner whatsoever without the Organiser’s prior written agreement. - Organiser’s Media and Content provided to Participants All texts, videos, images, distinctive signs, data, IT applications and/or functionalities published in the Organiser’s Media, with the exception of those submitted by Participants (hereinafter, the “Content”), are the property of the Organiser and/or third parties and are protected by the French Intellectual Property Code (Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle) and the French Civil Code. Therefore, Participants shall in no event reproduce, modify, delete, distribute, grant and/or use them, in whole or in part, and in any manner whatsoever, without the prior written agreement of the Organiser or the right holders. Otherwise, Participants risk being liable or being held liable. - Organiser’s Media and Content provided by Participants The Participant authorises the Organiser to reproduce and use its own content, for the time period during which the Organiser’s Media is distributed, free of charge and in the whole world. The Participant shall be solely liable for the information and documents that it provides and that are published and distributed via the Organiser’s Media. The Participant may not hold the Organiser liable, including in the event of an error and/ or omission, in particular if due to erroneous or incomplete information provided by the Participant. Furthermore, the Participant shall ensure that it holds all necessary authorisations and, failing this, shall hold the Organiser harmless in the event of any recourse. - Placing advertising on the Organiser’s Media The Organiser shall determine the advertising spaces available on its Media and has a right to control all advertising distributed thereon in order to ensure compliance with applicable laws and protect the interests of the event and/or the Participants. In particular, the Organiser may delete any statements that may directly or indirectly draw any Participant away from the event venue, offend the public, present false or misleading information or promote unlawful or regulated activities, services or products, as well as any unlawful statement or image. 25) Sanctions Depending on the circumstances, the Organiser reserves the right to take the following actions, without the Participant being entitled to claim any compensation: - Unilaterally and automatically terminate the participation contract in the event of the Participant’s partial or total non-performance of the provisions of the Regulations, the Exhibitors’ Technical Manual, the participation contract and/or the insurance policies that the Organiser has taken out on behalf of the Exhibitors; - Order the immediate closure and then the taking down of the stand and/or the immediate expulsion of the Participant from the event venue; - Prohibit the Participant from participating in the event for two (2) full consecutive years; - Suspend access to the database at any time, without compensation; - Require the Participant to comply with a court decision that makes a finding of infringement. These sanctions may be imposed without prejudice to legal action the Organiser may initiate to assert its rights and claim damages on the grounds of the Participant’s breach of contract. The Participant shall be liable for expenses incurred in connection with the Organiser’s actions (in particular, bailiff’s costs, costs associated with taking down the stand, etc.). 26) Validity In the event any of the above provisions is held to be void, such provision shall be severed from the agreement without affecting the validity of the other provisions of the Regulations. 27) Governing law and jurisdiction These Regulations and the participation contract, which are an adhesion contract, the insurance policies that the Organiser has taken out on behalf of the Exhibitors and the Exhibitors’ Technical Manual are governed by French law. The French versions thereof, which the Participant acknowledges it has read (and which are available on the event’s website and/or upon written request from the Organiser) are the only versions binding the parties, which the parties expressly acknowledge. The Participant undertakes to seek an amicable resolution with the Organiser before initiating legal action before the competent courts. THE PARTIES EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT IN THE EVENT OF A DISPUTE CONCERNING THE VALIDITY, INTERPRETATION OR PERFORMANCE OF THE ABOVE PROVISIONS, THE COURT WITH JURISDICTION OVER THE ORGANISER’S REGISTERED OFFICE SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION TO HEAR SUCH DISPUTE. Reed MIDEM, a simplified joint stock company (SAS), with a capital of 310.000€, 662 003 557 R.C.S. NANTERRE, having offices located at 27-33 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo - 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT (FRANCE), VAT number FR91 662 003 557. Reed MIDEM, a simplified joint stock company (SAS), with a capital of 310.000€, 662 003 557 R.C.S. NANTERRE, having offices located at 27-33 Quai Alphonse Le Gallo - 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT (FRANCE), VAT number FR91 662 003 557. Asociación Gremial de Productores Cinematográficos de Chile Address: Alberto Reyes 075, Providencia Santiago Chile. TIN : N° TVA :71.590.200-1 Barcelona , September 03, 2015 Invoice / Factura n° 1509-0092: CINEMA CHILE stand at MIPCOM 2015. P 1/2 SUBJECT: Design, Production and install of your 18m² exhibition stand at MIPCOM 2015 Floor: * 18 sqm of (M3) fireproof exhibition carpet with protective plastic film. Colour: GREY or TBA * Removal of protective film + general cleaning at stand’s handover. Daily cleaning at your charge Walls: * 8 mm fireproof laminate panels mounted into MODUL SYSTEM RSG aluminium profiles. Colour: WHITE * Height: 250cm. Qty: 15 linear meters Tables: 02 * Made with 19mm fireproof laminate. Colour: Pinewood * Equipped with 01 embedded power socket each *Dimensions: 120x70x75cm Welcome desk: 01 * Made with 19mm fireproof laminate. Colour: Pinewood * Top with embed 10mm security glass. Flyer holders to sids * Equipped with doors+lock + internal shelves Storage: * Dimensions: 150x150cm. Equipped with 01 door +lock, shelves racks and coat hanger Electricity and lighting: Power supply and switchboard to be ordered by 7Layers to FIRA BCN (3kw) * 08 (100w) arm spotlights * 05 power points/sockets & multiways ( LED screen, counter, tables, storage) Graphics and signage: *01 set of cut-out stickers *03 Landscape posters with direct print on 3 mm PVC mounted on laminate frame. Dimensions: 150x100cm DECOMAKERS, S.L. Inscrita en el Reg Merc.Barcelona, Tomo 38312, Folio 210, Hoja B321371 Avenida de la Serra, 44 – 08460 Sta Maria de Palautordera – Barcelona, Spain - Tel: +34 93 848 1948 CIF B64110620 - TVA Intracomm: ES B64 110620 Asociación Gremial de Productores Cinematográficos de Chile Address: Alberto Reyes 075, Providencia Santiago Chile. TIN : N° TVA :71.590.200-1 Barcelona , September 03, 2015 Invoice / Factura n° 1509-0092: CINEMA CHILE stand at MIPCOM 2015. P 2/2 Furniture on rental: * 01 high table with round top. Diameter 80cm. +03 high stools. Reference: Madrid. Colour: White * 08 chairs. Reference: Curve. Colour: White *01 Nespresso machine + 150 kits AV & IT equipment: Inclusive of install, and technical assistance during tradeshow * 01 LED screen (40’’) with wall bracket and sound + HDMI connecting kit for PC * 01 DVD Player TOTAL AMOUNT: 6.840,00 € Quotation inclusive of production, transportation, installation, dismantle, project follow-up &waste treatment TOTAL AMOUNT (excl. VAT) : ………………………………………………………................................. 6.840,00 € VAT AMOUNT (0.00%) :…… …………………………………………………………................... ........ .... 0,00 € TOTAL AMOUNT (incl.VAT) :………………..………………………………………………………......... .......... 6.840,00 € TERMS OF PAYMENT: 100 % upon order by bank transfer. BANK DATA: BANCO BILBAO VIZCAYA ARGENTARIA S.A. SWIFT code: BBVAESMM Account holder: DECOMAKERS S.L. IBAN code: ES70 0182 5613 0102 0853 0609 DECOMAKERS, S.L. Inscrita en el Reg Merc.Barcelona, Tomo 38312, Folio 210, Hoja B321371 Avenida de la Serra, 44 – 08460 Sta Maria de Palautordera – Barcelona, Spain - Tel: +34 93 848 1948 CIF B64110620 - TVA Intracomm: ES B64 110620 septiembre 2015 Estimados Sres: CINEMACHILE Se adjunta cotización correspondiente a: COMMUNITY MANAGER PARA REDES SOCIALES CINEMACHILE MES OCTUBRE 2015 Detalle PUBLICACIONES EN FACEBOOK CINEMACHILE PUBLICACIONES EN TWITTER CINEMACHILE PUBLICACIONES EN SITIO WEB CINEMACHILE VALOR 1.380.000 VALORES NO INCLUYEN IVA COTIZACIÓN VÁLIDA POR 30 DÍAS ATTE, LUIS BREULL septiembre 2015 Estimados Sres: CINEMACHILE Se adjunta cotización correspondiente a: REALIZACIÓN PROMOREEL MIPCOM 2015 Detalle 10 TRAILER PELÍCULAS + DISEÑO GRÁFICAS CARTÓN DE LOGOS ANIMACIÓN MUSICALIZACIÓN Formato de entrega 1 MASTER DVD 1 QUICKTIME STREAMING VALOR 750.000 VALORES NO INCLUYEN IVA COTIZACIÓN VÁLIDA POR 30 DÍAS ATTE, LUIS BREULL