www.mtja y cees.org


www.mtja y cees.org
Christy Owens
PO BOX 1915
Havre, MT 59501
Terra Vogel
Lynnette Radonich
Amanda Christofferson
Chamene Plum
Jody Christensen
Montana Jaycees,
Congratulations on your 4th month of growth!! We finished April +1.
Thank you to all the recruiters and activators. At the end of April my family and I
were able to travel to Billings to visit the Billings Jaycees during the March for
Babies walk. They did an awesome job fund raising for the March of Dimes.
They raised $5,500, that is GREAT! On May 14th the Exec VP Terra Vogel and I
visited the Miles City Jaycees, they too did awesome job fund raising and hosting a BBQ for the walkers. It was a rather brisk May morning but Terra and I had
fun serving up pop to the walkers. We were a little bummed out that we were a
week early for the Bucking Horse Sale but it was still a good time. Thank you
Billings and Miles City for your hospitality. The Bozeman Jaycees also had there
March for Babies May 14th and they did an awesome job as well.
In June NVP Misty, Ross, Cliff, Chamene, Andy and I will be traveling to
Chicago to celebrate the 2010 year end. We will also take in some trainings
that we hope to share with you at the state training being held June 18th in
Billings. This training on June 18th is free and open to all Jaycees. For more info
give me a call, also in this news issue the time and place is listed.
The end of the trimester is coming, June 30th. Deadline for your parade
paper work, nominations, and spiritual essays is July 18th. Remember these
nominations are a great recognition for all those board and chapter members
that are out there running all the successful projects. If there are no nominations there are no awards, makes for a real boring awards banquet :-) So get
them sent in. Not sure who or where to send your nominations give my Exec VP
Terra Vogel a call, or call me.
As your summer chapter projects are getting started remember to be
calling your rosters. It has been a long winter and there are lot of members
ready to get active. Have a great month and let's keep this ―Train to Success‖
Dave Christensen
In Jaycees,
Christy Owens
Montana Jaycee
State President 2011
―Train to Success‖
SEPT. 9-10, 2011
Page 2
40 Due
26 Renew
14 Drop
15 NEW!!
Final +1
Great job Montana Jaycees 4 months in a row at growth. We are +6 as a
state year to date!! That is awesome keep it up R.A.R ( Recruit Activate
Retain )
Deadline July 18th to send in membership VP and activator nominations.
Send to Montana Jaycee state office PO Box 1915 Havre Mt 59501
New Member Orientation Webinars are open to all new members, any
members who have not been to an Orientation before, or anyone who would
like to see how our online training will work. Upcoming USJC New Member Orientation Dates:
6/15/11, 7/6/11, 8/10/11, 9/7/11, 10/5/11, 11/9/11, 12/7/11.
For more information on how to get signed up contact President Christy.
Membership Incentives
Recruit Members and Win
1 Member- 2011 Montana Jaycees Key Chain
Unscramble me!
3 Members- Montana Jaycees Travel Mug
5 Members- Montana Jaycees T-Shirt
10 Members- Montana Jaycees Bag
15 Members- Montana Jaycees Portfolio
Page 3
I am here to answer any dues/money questions you may have. Call
or Text me at 406-262-4099 or email me at plumjaycees@yahoo.com.
2011 Program Managers
Program Managers
inform the chapters about
upcoming events, and
basic information to
promote within the local
Community: (Dave C)
Chase Hawks
Citizen Corps
Family Talk
Youth Sports
Individual: (Amanda C)
Interview Competitions
(Brownfield, Armbruster,
and Family)
Speaking Competitions
(Speak Up and Master
Speak Up)
Membership: (Christy O)
Here is a little of what I've been doing: The first quarter statements
were mailed to chapter PO Boxes. I send monthly invoices to chapter PO boxes as well. Please visit with your Chapter President and
Chapter Treasurer to make sure your chapter dues are being paid on
time. Reports on dues paid should be made at your meetings and
into you chapter meeting minutes for the Treasurer's Report.
The Montana Jaycees have began fundraising via phone calls with
Westlake Events. We are promoting a concert in Billings, Sept. 17,
2011 called "A Tribute to Johnny Cash". Please make your chapter
members aware of our state-wide fundraising efforts. Please contact me or President Christy if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Chamene Plum
2011 Treasurer
Montana Jaycees Dues
New Member = $50.00
Renewal = $45.00
2011 Individual Development VP
Montana Jaycees—Please fill out the ID Challenge forms and get
them off to me. So far NO CHAPTER OR INDIVIDUAL has turned
any into me. The first chapter to submit one will get their chapter
name entered in 2x and the first chapter to send me multiples
will get there name in 3x! SEND ME YOUR ID CHALLENGE FORMS!
Amanda Christofferson–
Montana Jaycee Trainings Available
Please call any Executive Board member for a training.
Chairman’s Planning Guides (GPG’s)
Competitions Training
New Member Orientation
ID Course’s
Page 4
Congratulations Montana Jaycees on 4 straight months of growth! I am proud to be
a Montana Jaycee and you should be as well. Keep up the great work, use your
state board members to your advantage and grow your chapters monthly.
I hope you will all be able to attend the Montana Jaycees Training on Saturday,
June 18 in Billings. Training begins at 1:00 p.m. in the Billings Jaycees meeting
room in the basement of the Squire. We will be there to help you with your 2011
Parade of Chapters paperwork, inform you on competitions and really get some one
on one questions answered.
Thank you,
Chamene Plum
Chairman of the Board
Changes to
BB Gun Program
3-5 Minute Prepared
Speech at the September Convention
Speak Up:
Compare the Jaycees
to your favorite Super
Master Speak Up
(Presidents & State Board Members):
How did the Jaycees influence
your career?
The State BB Match Bid
form and program will go
through some changes in
the next few months. We
will email proposed changes to every chapter, and we
need you to share all the
changes with your chapter
members and BB Gun
If you have any suggested
changes to the Policies or
State BB Match Bid form,
please email them to me by
April 10th.
All proposed changes need
to be emailed to me:
Thank you,
Chamene Plum
Chairman of the Board
Page 5
Who Am I?
I joined the Jaycees in December of 2004. I didn't have a desire to join
and was forced by my boyfriend at the time (my husband now) and soon
feel in love with the Jaycees. I attribute my current employer to my experience with the Jaycees. The trainings and CPG’s along with my network
have made me who I am and have made me more marketable for any career.
My mother was a Jaycee in Lewistown.
Email Amanda with
your answer!
I have served on the local board in almost all positions and have served
as a Program Manager for multiple positions including JAYS (Jaycees
Against Youth Smoking), March of Dimes, and Family Talk/Citizen Corps. I
am currently on the state board .
I am married, have three dogs and two foster children at this time in my
life. I have an Associates in Business Administration and a Bachelors in
Project Management. I am a director of a new program for at risk youth.
Who Am I?
Postmark Deadline:
JULY 18, 2011
Mail paperwork for first half of 2011
(Jan.1-June 30, 2011).
Blue Chip
Mid-Year Evaluation
Due by July 31, 2011
- Parade of Chapters
- Degrees
- Miles
- Nominations for Top Officer Awards
- Chaplain Awards
- Spiritual Essays
Would you like to have a state
board member help at a project,
conduct a training? CALL US!
Fall Elections Convention
(Elections for the 2012 State Board)
Sidney, Montana—September 9-10, 2011.
Page 6
Billings Jaycees
The Billings Jaycees ended up being
the #1 organization to gather donations for the Billings March for Babies
Event held by the March of Dimes. We
raised over $5,500 to support this
great cause! I'm was blown away at
how much we raised and I'm so proud
of our newly established organization. I
can only imagine our future potential
within the community of Billings. Great
job Billings Jaycees and a big thanks to
Kendra Tessman and Katie Draxten
Zakopyko for organizing a great committee to help succeed in this amazing accomplishment! Thanks again to our fellow chapters in the state
who stepped up in their communities to help raise money for March of Dimes as well!
Our Spring Raffle is about to be drawn on June 7th. Membership VP, Amanda Lechner, has done a great
job at getting this fundraiser together. Tickets are still for sale and available for $5 (or 5 for $20). Contact
our Billings Jaycees if you are interested in purchasing any raffle tickets by emailing us at billingsjaycees@gmail.com. This is your chance to enter to win three great prizes:
1. TWO tickets to the Magic City Blues Festival
2. Wine Picnic Gift Set
3. Dinner for 2 at Huhot
Our first annual Billings Idol was a hit! We ended up with 29 contestants and brought in huge crowds to
the Squire Lounge to watch the local talent compete for cash prizes. We also recruited some awesome
new members with this event. I'd like to give a huge thanks to the committee and members who helped
gather gifts and helped judge the semi-finals and overall, make this event successful!
We're gearing up for our 2nd Annual Pub Cruise: Discover Billings' Hidden Treasures on June 4th. RAR Director, Cori LaFever, has organized quite the event. We have 42 seats available and they are selling out.
This year's theme is pirate themed, so it's sure to be a good time. Starting at 3pm, we'll take people on a
tour of 7 unique and local pubs around the Billings area. Proceeds will be going towards the Tumbleweed
Our next membership meeting is Tuesday, June 7th at 6:15pm at the Squire Lounge. We will be announcing the winners of our Spring Raffle and preparing for the June 18th state training hosted in our very own
headquarters. Our next Jaycees After Hours is June 24th, at 8pm at the Squire Lounge. It's a great opportunity to just hang out and get to know our fellow members in a more casual setting. Stop on down if your
in the area!
Here's to a great Summer!
Justin Wutzke
Billings Jaycees
Page 7
2010 Montana Jaycees
Money will go to ONTO Chicago
Travel for State Presidents.
$15.00 each
All sizes available.
Pacific Blue or Gray
Contact Chamene 262-4099
Hello MT Jaycees ~
The Montana Jaycee Foundation Board met the
weekend of May 13th at Fairmont Hot Springs. The
Foundation Grant Applications were reviewed and
two (2) chapters were awarded grants this year.
Congratulations to the Laurel Jaycees for their Concession Stand Repair and to the Havre Jaycees for
their Haunted House. Each chapter will be receiving
$540 towards their community projects.
Thank you to all of the Chapters for your Foundation
Grant submissions. There are some really terrific
community projects being run in our State! If you
haven't taken the time to fill out an application you
are missing out. This is YOUR FOUNDATION and
YOUR MONEY. The application is one page with
about 5 questions on it. Start thinking about a community project now that could use some funds to
help out with the budget. If you have any questions,
please give me a call.
Jill Figgins
MTJC Foundation PM
Page 8
Chapter News
Havre Jaycees:
I would like to Thank Trisha Keeler for steeping up and taking on all the fundraising projects for March
of Dimes. We recently had a Spring Clean garage sale it was brrrr cold but Trisha Chamene and myself
stuck out the cold and did pretty good. Just this past weekend we held a BBQ at IGA for March of
Dimes and that was really rainy but had a good turn out. Thank you to Trisha for spending 2 days in
the rain and cold!!!
Hello Jaycees ~
The Bozeman Jaycees are gearing up
for derby season!!
We will be providing
the technical assistance for the Park
County (Livingston)
Demo Derby on August 7th and then of
course our derby on
We will be adding a
new class this year a truck derby. We
are currently planning a JC Campout.
As soon as the details are finalized we
will let everyone
We would also like
to send our prayers
and well wishes to
all of the families
that have been affected by the flooding in the past couple of weeks.
there is anything
that we can do
please let us know.
That is what JC Family is all about.
In Jaycees ~
Jill Figgins
Bozeman Jaycees
Some of the Havre Upcoming events are:
March Of Dimes walk June 11th 2011 at Pepin Park, if anyone would like to help please contact Trisha.
Relay For Life BBQ to be held at IGA June 17th and 18th
Our Fireworks Booth is scheduled to open June 24th 2011 we will need lots of workers.
4th Of July Night Display: This is a day long event and really could use some help getting ready for
this. it is going to be THE biggest show we have ever done.
Fair Time is coming up really soon also: Mark your calendars to spend a couple hours working. If you
would like to help contact Ruby, Amanda or Trisha.
Thank you to Michael Patrick for another great family day out.....we had a lot of fun bowling!!!!
Chelby Gooch
Havre Jaycees President
Sidney Jaycees:
Just like most of you, we have been extremely busy this spring. We successfully held our local Pitch,
Hit and Run competition in the rain (that was after we had to cancel the first date because of a snowstorm!) We have been super busy doing some ID projects and planning our summer. This month we
will be doing our Flowerbox Beautification project and learning how to plant flowers. We also have our
highway cleanup day. We will post flags on June 14 for Flag Day. We are planning a progressive supper and a date will be announced later. We have also been busy planning the September Montana
Jaycees Convention which we are hosting!!
Arlys Daleske
Sidney Jaycees President
Billings Jaycees– NEED HELP!
Summerfair is a major arts and crafts festival, featuring artisans from across the country. Music, ethnic foods, performing arts groups and children’s activities contribute to the festive atmosphere.
Volunteers are an integral part of the operation of the museum and the museums fundraising efforts.
Without the hard work of the volunteers we wouldn’t have the success that we do.
Summerfair is July 16th and 17th this year in Veterans Park. I have attached a list of job descriptions.
Right now the areas we need the most help in are Pepsi sales and entry gates. The shifts will be as
Saturday and Sunday:
If you have not already signed up and would like to volunteer at Summerfair please let me know what
job you would like to volunteer for and what day and time works best for you. You can reach me by
email events@artmuseum.org or by phone 256-6804 x236. If you are not able to volunteer at Summerfair there will be several more opportunities coming up with Oktoberfest and the Art Auction.
Thank you so much for your support of the Yellowstone Art Museum.
Amanda Lechner
Special Events Coordinator
Yellowstone Art Museum
401 N. 27th St. | Billings, MT | 59101
406.256.6804 x236
fax: 406.256.6817
Page 9
Previous Jaycee Trivia– Questions/Answers
Who is the author of the Jaycee Creed?
William C. Brownfield
What are the six (6) Montana Jaycee Community projects?
(1) Youth Sports—Junior Olympics, PPK, PHR
(2) Family Talk
(3) Chase Hawks
(4) March of Dimes
(5) Gun Safety
(6) Citizen Corps
Who is a 2011 National Vice President from Montana?
Misty Miner
Who is the 2011 National Vice President assigned to Montana?
Bob Prater
Who said, ―"In your hands lies the destiny of a great organization. Let
us build it
to national recognition. Let us organize it in the interest of young men for a
greater America. Let us not fail in this task"?
Henry Giessenbeir, Jr. Founder 1892-1935
Who is the 2011 Montana Jaycee Executive Vice President?
Terra Vogel
What does OYM mean?
Outstanding Young Montanan
What does I.D. mean?
Individual Development
What are all the competitions you can compete in at the Montana Jaycees Conven
(1) Write Up
(2) Speak Up, Master Speak Up (presidents and exec team only)
(3) First Timers
(4) Resume’ / Interview (Brownfield, Armbruster, Family)
(5) Jeopardy
Names entered so far:
Mindy Held
Justin Wutzke
Lynette Radonich
Chamene Plum
Chelby Gooch
Brittany Lane
Alicia Velk
Jann Spizziri
Luann Lasalle
Cindy Hart
*You can have your name
entered more than once!
For each person to
call/email me
(Amanda) with the
correct answer
there name will be
entered into a drawing for a special
prize at the
Answers can be found at:
Who are the Political Advisors for the Montana Jaycees?
Todd Senescall and Cliff Plum
Jaycee Trivia—(June)
What are the area’s of opportunity? (Hint: Its all Greek to me)- Greek Manuel
When should the CPG be completed and which questions should be complet
ed by when?
Page 10
Open State Board Positions
Montana Jaycees Executive Committee Appointments Open
Interested in
stepping onto the
state board?
Three positions on the 2011 Executive Committee are open to appointments: Membership
Vice President, Parliamentarian and Chaplain. Please check out the Montana Jaycees Policies posted on our website: www.mtjaycees.org
Qualifications for these three appointments are: You must have served as a local officer for
at least 2 years.
Please contact President Christy if you qualify and are interested in serving on the 2011
Executive Committee.
Many Program Manager positions are also open. Check out www.mtjaycees.org to see what
positions are open. If you are interested in filling a PM position, please contact the Vice
President of that area or President Christy. Program Managers are required to be a member of the Montana Jaycees.
According to our Policies: Montana Jaycee Program Managers are to be the expert in their
particular program. They are to know the How-Whys-Where’s of their program, be prepared
to give oral presentations at any chapter, regional or state meetings.
If you have any questions please feel free to call or email me. 262-4099, plumjaycees@yahoo.com
Thank you,
Chamene Plum
Kids can draw pictures
instead of writing an essay
Spiritual Essay Topics
Adult: Describe what Faith means to you.
Children: Tell us about your favorite Toy and why it is special.
(Thank you Michael Patrick -Havre Chaplain for the topics)
Deadline July 18th for Essay, Top Jaycee Youth, Angles among
us, Littlest Angles and Top Chaplain.
Submit to:
Montana Jaycee State Office: PO Box 1915 -Havre, Mt 59501
Page 11
Miles City Jaycees
We Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk!
The Miles City Jaycees got "hoppin' and dirty" over the May 14th weekend! Doing WHAT you ask? They were helping Katie Draxten of the Billings Jaycees cohost the ―March For Babies Walk‖, Saturday morning, starting in Riverside Park
in Miles City. Several local donation from Miles City businesses helped deliver
food to the hungry walkers and supporters. With the brilliant idea from Katie of
bring a cotton candy machine, the Jaycees "spun the FUN!" while local musician and March For Babies Miles City coordinator, Sharon Clelland and her
husband regaled everyone with their warm bluegrass tunes. Which were certainly welcome, as the weather was less than warm and sunny. Ask State President, Christy Owens and Terra Vogel who trekked all the way down from Havre
for one afternoon with us! You better believe that next year the CPG will include in addition to: hot dogs, chips, cookies and soda... A Large pot of hot chocolate and a fire pit. Nevertheless, the walk was well received and everyone
loaded up on the cotton candy!
Immediately following the clean up and happy farewell to Katie and her March for Babies crew, Christy and Terra
packed up for Havre and the Miles City crew grabbed work gloves and filled a "dirty dozen" trash bags while cleaning
up around Denton Play field. Not only did they collect the most trash bags for the "Keep Miles City Beautiful" clean up
campaign; they found some somewhat unusual items... A dozen softballs, a smiley jibitz, a pull-tab from a beer can
(do they even make pull-tab beer any more?) a National Guard football and a Geo cache (which was promptly put
back in its hiding spot!)
Some Soggy, Wet Doggies!
The Billings Jaycees came all the way over in the very consistent, down-pouring rain the weekend of May 20-22nd to
spend some good quality time at the 61st Annual Bucking Horse Sale in Miles City. President, Justin Wutzke; Management VP, Brigit Lambert, Brad Boehm, (who came all the way from Havre! You Havre Jaycees represent! ); and
Brittany Lane, Billings Community VP, came rolling in Friday night in time for the street dance on Main. Saturday, they
rallied and supported our coffee &muffins sales and our John Brown leather breast collar and saddlebag raffle at the
Olive Hotel before the Bucking Horse parade - of which we were fortunate to have Justin as an "actor" on our superbly
built float! We also got to parade around in our NEW bright orange Miles City Jaycees logo tees. (Thanks Justin for
helping us out with our really COOL logo!) Clearly, there was not any amount of rain that deterred this sporting group
from having fun. Just check our our ―Old Time‖ photo session at Jules Austill's photography studio! She's a fantastic
Jaycee to have in our group - not brag a little, but she personally knew the winner of the wildest and wettest Wild
Horse race in Bucking Horse history! (She got to take the photos of the event.) Next year we hope the weather will
cooperate and we see more familiar faces in our hoppin’ little town!
Page 12
The Central MT Jaycees Chapter hosts the Beer Gardens each year during the Central MT Fair in
Lewistown. This involves pouring pitchers of beer from the beer gardens serving-area in conjunction with each night’s featured entertainment.
All proceeds go towards the Central MT Jaycees to help fund community & youth-minded projects &
It’s a fun, community-wide social event and we’d love to have new faces help us serve!
The event schedule is listed below. Each day consists of two or three shifts of about 4-7 individuals
working. More bodies are needed for the later shift (8pm – 12am) as the Beer Gardens fills with
hundreds of people following the evening events.
Those who volunteer for at least 4 hours receive a free Central MT Jaycees “Beer Gardens” t-shirt.
Volunteers are also allowed to partake RESPONSIBLY in the beverages as well. Volunteers must
be at least 21 years of age.
Beer Gardens
Wed. July 27
4pm – midnight
Thur. July 28
Rodeo: Tough Enough to Wear Pink Night
Noon – midnight
Fri. July 29
Night show: KANSAS (legendary progressive
rock band)
Noon – midnight
Sat. July 30
Bump N Run/Motorsports Races & Demolition
Noon - midnight
If interested in helping during one of these days, please contact Corry Besel, corb_01@hotmail.com
Page 13
New Career Opportunities
Have you ever wanted to learn how to pound a nail with hitting your thumb, connect
electrical wires without getting electrocuted, learn the signs and symptoms of heat
stroke, handle explosives without blowing some part of your body off?
Then I have the deal for you, come to the Great Northern Fair grounds arena on July
4th at 10:00 am and you can learn all these wonderful, life changing skills for free. So
come one and all (please don’t make me beg).
Oh yah there might even be some fireworks. Any questions give me a call.
Jason Murri
Night Display Chairperson
P.S. Andy Owens there may even be a turkey and ham dinner there
Page 14
LEWISTOWN, Mont. – Four local youth have advanced to the MLB’s Pitch, Hit and Run Sectional Competition in Colstrip. The Central Montana Jaycees hosted the local Pitch, Hit and Run competition on May 1 st at
the d’Autremont Softball Complex. The competitors braved snow and rain to participate in the event that
provides an opportunity for youth to showcase pitching, hitting and running abilities.
Winners were determined in a Pitch, Hit and Run event, as well as an All-Around Champion for each of four
age groups. Winners can qualify to advance to the Sectional Competition in Colstrip on June 4th.
A special thanks goes out to the Fergus High Girls’ Fast pitch Softball team for their help in facilitating the
The following individuals will advance to the sectional competition: Cooper Birdwell, Logan Wisenbaugh,
Caleb Birdwell and Daq Wrigth.
Results are:
7/8 year old division:
Cooper Birdwell – Lewistown: Pitch, Hit, Run, All-Around Champion
9/10 year old division:
Logan Wisenbaugh – Lewistown: Pitch, Hit, Run, All-Around Champion
11/12 year old division:
Caleb Birdwell – Lewistown: Pitch, Hit, Run, All-Around
13/14 year old division:
Daq Wright – Lewistown: Pitch, Hit, Run, All-Around Champion
PITCH, HIT & RUNTM is a national grassroots program that has four levels of competition – Local, Sectional,
Team Championship and finally National Finals, held in St. Louis, MO at the 2009 MLBTM All-Star Game®.
Page 15
Xander Flick pitches in Sunday’s Pitch, Hit &
Run competition, as Fergus High Fastpitch
Softball players look on.
Pitch, Hit & Run competitors included: (L to R) Daq Wright – 13/14 All Around Champion, Cooper Birdwell – 7/8 All Around Champion, Caleb Birdwell – 11/12 All Around Champion, Conner Birdwell – 7/8
Participant, and Logan Wisenbaugh – 9/10 All Around Champion.
Page 16
Speak Up:
A prepared 3-5 minute speech. The topics are included In this newsletter.
Note Cards are not allowed while giving speech. You are judged by previous Jaycees or current Jaycees.
Master Speak Up: (Presidents and Executive Board Members Only)
A prepared 3-5 minute speech. The topics are included In this newsletter.
Note Cards are not allowed while giving speech. You are judged by previous Jaycees or current Jaycees.
Write Up:
You have 30minutes to write an essay on a topic provided.
You have 30minutes to answer questions about the Jaycees. Check out
the previous questions in the newsletter for ideas on what could be
Resume’ and Interview completion for Jaycees within their 1st year as a
member. The Resume’ will need to be completed before convention and
3 copies will need to be provided. See the full instructions in the Awards
Manuel attached. You will be interviewed based upon your Jaycee Resume’ that you provided.
Resume’ and Interview competition for Jaycee members of more than
one year. Same as above.
Resume’ and Interview competition, same as above.
First Timers:
If this is your first time at a convention this is the completion for you,
show your enthusiasm, charisma, and people skills by socializing
throughout the evening and gaining signatures and Jaycee trivia answers!
AMANDA CHRISTOFFERSON (amanda.laeupple@gmail.com) for more information!
Page 17
I hope you all were able to
host your local Pitch, Hit and
Run local competitions successfully. In Sidney we had
to do it in the rain, but at
least it got done. Summer is
hopefully here and I know
that this is the time that a lot
of Montana Jaycees chapters
are doing most of their community projects. Call me and
tell me about them. I might
be able to
come and help. Have fun
and be safe while bettering
your community.
David L. Christensen
2011 Montana Jaycees
Hello Montana Jaycees!
It seems time is really flying by! I hope this finds you RAR-ing and ready to go! The
deadline for nominations is less than two months away. JULY 18th is the date to have
your nominations in. Below is a list of where to mail your nominations forms. Remember, you can find nomination forms on the website or attached to this newsletter.
Also, a reminder that we are having a statewide training in Billings on June 18th. The
training will run from 1-6 pm at the Squire Lounge. You are encourage to come network and learn with fellow Jaycees! Hope to see you there!!
I would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to the Miles City Jaycees! Your hospitality,
kindness and pop trailer were really appreciated (The light bulbs kept us warm)! The
March of Dimes Walk and BBQ was awesome! I really enjoyed hearing about all of the
events and activities you are involved in! It is obvious that the Miles City Jaycees give
back to the community.
Here are a few reminders to put in your datebooks:
June 18th - Statewide training from 1-6 at the Squire Lounge in Billings
July 18th - deadline for nominations
Where do I send my nominations?
Individual nominations- Amanda Christofferson
Community nominations-Dave Christianson
Management nominations-Jody Christianson
Secretary/Newsletter nominations- Amanda Christofferson
Chaplain/Membership/ Top performer- Christy Owens
***Top performer is for general members NOT local board members***
Should you have any questions regarding nominations or where to send what, please
contact Terra or Christy!
Montana Jaycees!
In Jaycees,
Terra Vogel
Executive Vice President
It's hard to believe that the first
I leave you with a thought...
half of the Jaycee year is over!! I
know you all have been working "If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it,
hard to make your community a
change the way you think about it."
better place. A lot of you have even
Mary Engelbreit
traveled to other chapters to help
them better their community too.
THAT IS AWESOME!! Keep it up. Remember that after the project is over there is still paperwork that should be
completed for next year's chairperson - CPG! The CPG email and miles deadline date is in July, so please make
sure you have them done.
Hopefully I can see you in Billings for the State Jaycees training on the 18th.
In Jaycees Spirit,
Jody F. Christensen
2011 MT Jaycees MDVP
Page 18
HELLO from the March of Dimes!
First and foremost, I wanted to take the time to personally thank each chapter for their involvement with the March
of Dimes this year! Each one of you is helping to ensure babies are born healthy and on time, every time. It’s incredible to not only see the passion and dedication from the Jaycees across Montana at the March for Babies
events, but also the excitement between the chapters to raise the money for babies!
There have been several chapters that have been a PLEASURE to work with across Montana, and make me proud
to not only be an employee of the March of Dimes and work with such an amazing young professionals group, but
also make me honored to be a member of the Jaycees in our state. The Helena and Miles City Jaycees were incredible about arranging for the food at their events, cooking it up, serving the cotton candy, and volunteering to help
with any task at hand that we needed done! The Billings Jaycees wowed me with their dedication and enthusiasm
to raise funds, and were a huge part of this community event! The Havre Jaycees have been super busy arranging
the logistics for their March for Babies, and raising funds in honor of their ―spokes-baby,‖ Hunter! The Bozeman
Jaycees were present at the walk, and helped to raise funds also! (It’s also been amazing to see the Montana State
President Christy and Executive VP Terra at these events statewide!) The totals for funds raised thus far are as follows: (keep in mind this is only taken from what has been collected from the chapters and not necessarily final
numbers J)
Helena Jaycees - $478.23
Billings Jaycees - $5,145.80
Bozeman Jaycees - $597.60
Havre Jaycees - $135.00
(If your chapter would like to get involved and/or have questions about how to get involved, please shoot me an
email at kzakopyko@marchofdimes.com and I would be more than happy to get your chapter started!) We still
have not ―officially‖ awarded the chapter WINNER for the Montana Jaycees that has raised the most money for the
March of Dimes, so your chapter still has time to BEAT THE BILLINGS JAYCEES at this challenge AND win that $100
gas gift card from the March of Dimes!! J
Again, let me express how proud I am to be a part of the Montana Jaycees, and that they have truly grasped the
importance of partnering with the March of Dimes. I am honored to be able to meet such amazing people across
the state, and have an ―excuse‖ to visit all these great Jaycees memberships! I am looking forward to finishing the
year by having the Jaycees
shine in these communities as a
partner with the March of
Katie (Draxton) Zakopyko
Community Director
March of Dimes
(406) 252-7480 x 202
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Laurel Jaycees
Upcoming Events:
General Membership Meetings
1st and 3rd Fridays 7pm -Jaycee Hall
Bid for Bachelors/Bachelorettes
Fundraiser for LVFD
Saturday June 4, 2011
Jaycee Hall-Riverside Park 6pm
Fat Fender Freddy's Car Show
fundraiser for Family in Need
Saturday June 11, 2011
Fat Fender Freddy's 10am - 2 am
Fundraiser for Family in Need
Jaycee Hall - Riverside Park
Saturday June 11, 2011
Gary Ludwig/Jennifer Erhart Wedding
Jaycee Hall - Riverside Park
Saturday June 18, 2011
Fundraiser Bingo Party
Family in Need - Jaycee Hall
Sunday June 19, 2011 3:00 pm
Pancake Grill Fire-up Party
Jaycee Hall - Riverside Park
Sunday June 26, 2011
July 3rd Street Dance
2nd Avenue & 1st Street
5:00 setup / Gates open at 7:00 pm
July 4th Pancake Breakfast
Fireman's Park - Laurel
6:00 am - 11:00 am
Past Laurel Jaycee Chapter President
July 4th Kiddie's Parade
Parking Lot of Western Security Bank
11:00 am lineup
Fundraiser for Family in Need
Jaycee Hall - Riverside Park
July 9, 2011
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From left to right, it's Bridget Lambert (Management VP, Billings Jaycees), Mindy Held (President,
Miles City Jaycees), Brad Boehm (Havre Jaycees), Brittany Lane (Community VP, Billings Jaycees),
Justin Wutzke (President, Billings Jaycees), Sarah James (PR VP Miles City Jaycees). Taken by Jules
Dear Fellow Jaycees,
Sunday May 22, 2011 was a devastating date in Joplin Missouri. Joplin was basically leveled. Many injured and
over a hundred have lost their lives. I have spoken to USJC President Joanie and was asked to assist in the
coordination of tax deductible donations for the victims of the Joplin tornados. I have spoke to Missouri Jaycees
President Stephen Coffey, who along with Missouri Jaycees Past President James Danley are currently in Joplin
helping victims of the tornados find love ones and try to salvage whatever they can. James is from Joplin and he
wrote this note asking for support.
I was born and raised in Joplin, MO. My entire family and the majority of my lifelong friends still live in the area and I just had to get there. Upon arriving in Joplin I mentally began preparing myself for what I was about to see. I could not breathe as shock started to set in. Joplin was gone! There are so many people who are now homeless and there is nothing salvageable for them to start over with. I am very happy to report that all of my family is accounted for. I am asking Jaycees from all across this nation to unite for this common cause. Please help my hometown of Joplin. I know that we Jaycees accomplish so much when we band together for a common cause and I assure you this is a cause worth supporting. I am one person but together we become so many thousands of people. This is an opportunity for us to exemplify the Jaycee Creed with our actions. The Jaycees are important to Joplin and I promise that Joplin is important to us. Please help where you can! ‐ James Danley The US Jaycees Foundation is setting up a Disaster Relief account pursuant to the devastation that has battered
the Joplin, Missouri. You are requested to send a tax deductible donation to:
The US Jaycees Foundation
Attention: Disaster Relief Program – Joplin
7447 S. Lewis Avenue
Tulsa OK, 74136
Or you may donate on line at http://www.usjayceefoundation.org/ click on the donate link.
As a reminder, 100% of the funds received go directly to the grants which are provided to the Missouri Jaycees
in order to assist their communities in need. No administrative fees are assessed to the Disaster Relief Funds, so
you can rest assured that very dollar donated will go to grants and will assist in the disaster relief.
States and Chapters are encouraged to run fundraising project between now and the Annual Meeting. The US
Junior Chamber along with the US Jaycees Foundation will accept donation in Chicago on behalf of the Missouri
Jaycees it is time we do what we do best – help those who need a hand to get back on their feet or maybe just a
hand to dig out of a difficult situation. You have seen the pictures on the news – the time to act is NOW!!!
In the name of Jaycees everywhere - God Bless you all.
WE BELIEVE – That Service to Humanity is the BEST WORK of LIFE!
Raj Nadkarni
Chairman 2011
US Jaycees Foundation
Please make checks payable to the U.S. Jaycees Foundation and mail contributions to:
7447 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa OK, 74136
Saturday, June 18, 2011
1:00 - 6:00 p.m.
@ The Squire
1525 Broadwater Avenue
Billings, Montana
* Billings Jaycees Social will follow the
training, upstairs in the Squire Lounge Bar.
TO REGISTER: Contact President Christy 265-0059 or
e-mail cab@havremt.net
Register & Reserve your room by June 6, 2011.
Thank You Billings Jaycees for setting up and hosting the State-wide Training.
Room Rates @ the Dude Rancher Lodge
415 North 29th Street
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 259-5561
Room rate code under “Montana Jaycees” for people
attending the training. It’s good until June 6, 2010.
The rate is $69 for a one or two bed room. The twobed rooms are double beds (not queens).
Name: _______________________________________________
Chapter: _____________________________
_____ # of Meetings Held
_____ # of Meetings Attended
_____ # Of Projects Ran
_____ # of Projects Attended
_____ # Of Jaycees Recruited:
_____ # of Projects Chaired:
_____ Degree Achieved this Trimester
_____ Is a 10th Degree Jaycee
______ Election Convention
_____ Year-End Convention
**Remember, Montana Jaycees State Officers DO NOT qualify for local awards, or Outstanding Performers.**
**They can qualify for top supporter and activator**
_____ OUTSTANDING PERFORMER (non-board members)
_____ SUPPORTER (spouse/significant other)
_____ ACTIVATOR (gets chapter members busy)
Explain Why this person is deserving of the Top Nomination:
8-11 National Convention @ Chicago
8 Renewals for July due to State Office
15 Articles for State Newsletter due to
Amanda C.
22 Membership Call-In to Pres. Christy
28 New members due for June
30 End of 1st half of 2011
JC Creed
That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life
That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations
That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise
That government should be of laws rather than of men
That earth's great treasure lies in human personality and
That service to humanity is the best work of life
Author: William C. Brownfield