LORD ABBETT DCIO RESOURCES MARKET INSIGHTS Weekly Perspectives: A weekly source of information and commentary designed to help further your business by delivering timely insights on regulatory and legislative changes, market trends, and investment products. Market View: Gain perspective on issues facing the securities markets, including weekly highlights from specific market sectors and asset classes and the performance of the equity and fixed-income markets versus the benchmarks. Economic Insights: Stay on top of macroeconomic and investment trends with timely commentary from Milton Ezrati, Partner, Senior Economist, and Market Strategist for Lord Abbett. LORD ABBETT TRAINING SEMINARS Investment Perspectives: Learn more about the events, policies, and market activities driving today’s investment trends and about opportunities to help you better inform and educate your clients. SALES TOOLS & IDEAS The Informed Fiduciary—Fiduciary Responsibilities in the 401(k) Plan Market (Advisors): There are five essential fiduciary duties that must be met by various players in the 401(k) market, and we will provide real-world examples for each one of them. We’ll go through an actual case study and show you how the court decided when participants raised issues. This presentation will help advisors learn the plan sponsor’s perspective, the latest developments from Washington, and what you need to know to play in the retirement plan sandbox. Ideas into Action—Designed to Help Grow Your Retirement Plan Business (Advisors): The regulations surrounding retirement plans are more complicated than ever, making it harder for plan sponsors to stay current with these rules. Yet this complexity presents an opening for enterprising financial advisors who present themselves as knowledgeable 401(k) experts. This Ideas into Action presentation was created to help advisors identify potential opportunities and develop creative solutions for plan sponsors. Stocks and the Retirement Dilemma—Surprising Answers to Age-Old Questions (Public): There are two scenarios that we all want to avoid—not having enough money at retirement and running out of money while retired. Lord Abbett believes that stocks may play a critical role in avoiding these scenarios, but that investors must start by asking the right questions. The Bond Market of Tomorrow—Finding Income in an Uncertain Market (Public): For the past 30 years, bond investors have enjoyed a “tailwind” from falling interest rates. Now, with rates at generational lows, investors are forced to confront both the reality of low yields and the fear of rising rates. With America’s largest generation approaching retirement, now is a good time to dispel some common bond market myths, as well as look for opportunities in today’s economic environment. Securing Your Retirement—Three Reasons to Invest in Your 401(k) (Public): Americans are more concerned than ever about their ability to retire comfortably. For many, a workplace retirement plan could hold the keys to a happy and secure retirement. This presentation helps the audience understand the advantages of a 401(k) plan, highlights the power of early contributions, and highlights resources that investors can use to help achieve a comfortable retirement. Lord Abbett Insights & Intelligence: Find new prospects with our award-winning data-mining tool, which allows you to profile referrals, identify and engage new prospects, deepen client relationships, track executive moves, and utilize our social media feature to pinpoint opportunities. Ideas into Action: This program is an extensive and ever-growing list of pressing issues that are on the minds of plan sponsors. These ideas pinpoint weaknesses and opportunities you can leverage to initiate valuable, in-depth conversations with plan sponsors that will present you as an expert who should be part of their plan team. THIS MATERIAL IS EXCLUSIVELY FOR FINANCIAL ADVISORS ONLY (REGISTERED REPRESENTATIVES OF BROKER/DEALERS OR ASSOCIATED PERSONS OF REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISORS). NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC IN WRITTEN OR ORAL FORM. INVESTMENT-LED. INVESTOR-FOCUSED. LORD ABBETT FUNDS HERITAGE COLLECTION TAXABLE FIXED INCOME Fund Morningstar Category Lipper Peer Group Fund Morningstar Category Lipper Peer Group Alpha Strategy Fund Small Growth Small-Cap Core Funds Bond Debenture Fund Multisector Bond Fundamental Equity Fund Large Blend Multi-Cap Core Funds Multi-Sector Income Funds High Yield Fund High Yield Bond High Yield Funds Growth Leaders Fund Large Growth Multi-Cap Growth Funds Income Fund Corporate Bond Value Opportunities Fund Mid-Cap Blend Mid-Cap Core Funds Corporate Debt BBB-Rated Funds Short Duration Income Fund Short-Term Bond Short Investment Grade Debt Funds Total Return Fund Intermediate-Term Bond Core Bond Funds CALIBRATED SUITE Fund Morningstar Category Lipper Peer Group Calibrated Dividend Growth Fund Large Blend Large-Cap Core Funds Calibrated Large-Cap Value Fund Large Value Large-Cap Value Funds Fund Morningstar Category Lipper Peer Group Calibrated Mid-Cap Value Fund Mid-Cap Value Mid-Cap Value Funds Multi-Asset Balanced Opportunity Fund Moderate Allocation Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate Funds Multi-Asset Income Fund Conservative Allocation Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative Funds Multi-Asset Growth Fund Aggressive Allocation Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth Funds MULTI-ASSET CLASS STRATEGIES INTERNATIONAL EQUITY Fund Morningstar Category Lipper Peer Group International Core Equity Fund Foreign Large Blend International Multi-Cap Core Funds International Dividend Income Fund Foreign Large Value International Equity Income Funds Source: Morningstar, Inc. and Lipper, Inc. DCIO SPECIALISTS Partner, Director of Institutional Investor Services: Frank Paone, AIF®, CIMA® | fpaone@lordabbett.com | 201-827-7770 WA MT VT ND NH ME MN OR ID WI SD MI IA NE NV UT CA CO AK AZ IL KS OK NM * VA MD CT NJ RI DE WV MO PA OH IN KY NC TN SC AR MS TX MA NY WY AL GA LA HI FL PUERTO RICO WEST CENTRAL Bret Contreras, CRPS DCIO Specialist bcontreras@lordabbett.com 201-827-7769 Angela Cortwright DCIO Specialist acortwright@lordabbett.com 201-827-7643 ® EAST Michael Darling, CFP , CRPS DCIO Specialist (Hybrid) mdarling@lordabbett.com 201-827-7768 Connor Cunningham DCIO Specialist ccunningham@lordabbett.com 201-827-7764 ® ® Glenn Zuck DCIO Specialist (Hybrid) gzuck@lordabbett.com 201-827-7767 Kirk Thiel DCIO Specialist kthiel@lordabbett.com 201-827-7766 NATIONAL Brian Dobbis, QKA, QPA, QPFC, TPGC Retirement Analyst bdobbis@lordabbett.com 201-827-2942 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Lord Abbett Client Service 888-522-2388 [option 3] | Visit us at: lordabbett.com/advisor Lord Abbett mutual fund shares are distributed by LORD ABBETT DISTRIBUTOR LLC 90 Hudson Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302-3973 DCIORESFLYER (02/14) THIS MATERIAL IS EXCLUSIVELY FOR FINANCIAL ADVISORS ONLY (REGISTERED REPRESENTATIVES OF BROKER/DEALERS OR ASSOCIATED PERSONS OF REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISORS). NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC IN WRITTEN OR ORAL FORM.