May 2016 Newsletter - Bishop Savaryn School
May 2016 Newsletter - Bishop Savaryn School
May 2016 Newsletter Our Vision As a Christ Centered dual track (French/ English) Professional Learning Community, working in collaboration with our parish and community, we will strive towards Faith, Learning, Peace and Joy. Message from the Administration We all enjoy the sunshine outside in MAY, watching plants come to life in our school yard, gardens and flowerbeds. In our school community, we are blessed to watch our students blossom with all their God- given talents and gifts and their desire to “become the best versions of themselves.” Students are encouraged to persevere and continue to work hard to practice their skills in literacy and numeracy, in order to reach their goals! The long “light-filled” days often make it quite challenging to get enough rest in order to focus well during their time at school. We appreciate all efforts by parents to ensure that the children have a healthy routine that supports them in their learning– physical activity, a regular bedtime, mealtimes, time to complete their assigned work and reading, as well as rich and meaningful conversations with family and friends. This month, our grade 6 students will begin their Provincial Achievement Tests as they participate in the LA- written part (English and French). They are encouraged to put forth their very best effort to WRITE, using their vivid imaginations and written skills to produce powerful stories and newspaper articles to impress everyone! We know for certain that we have such great AUTHORS here at Bishop Savaryn! A special THANK YOU / MERCI to everyone who made our SC sponsored Family Dinner—PASTA NIGHT AND SILENT AUCTION such a huge success. The generous donations this year were outstanding! All proceeds will go to support field trips and extra resources, especially our Grade 6 Outdoor Education camp at the end of May. This month we celebrate our namesake on May 18th École Bishop Savaryn Faith Day. We have invited several guests, including Bishops and other clergy to join us at our assembly and to enjoy a perogy and sausage lunch together. This year, the students from St. Martin’s Ukrainian Bilingual cultural program will be entertaining our school community. Together we will learn more about who Bishop Savaryn was and who we, the school community of Bishop Savaryn are today in 2016. We will explore our interests and passions together during a fun afternoon together. As you know, planning for next year is well underway- NEW REGISTRATIONS for all grades, especially our English and French Immersion program, are welcome! The community interest in our pre-kindergarten 100 Voices program is overwhelming again this year with over 65 applications for our AM / PM programs. Pre-screening for our 100 Voices programs will take place this month. We hope you will all participate in our special effort as a school community to collect EMPTIES before or on May 14th to support one of our students and her family. Please be sure to read NEWSLETTER on- line for more information. During this month, we pray together with our Mother Mary, for all our mothers, grandmothers and other special women in our lives. God Bless, Joanne Friedt Principal / Directrice Délia Demers-Danchuk Assistant Principal / Directrice adjointe LOOK INSIDE FOR: May Calendar Important School Information Message from our Superintendent To access our full NEWSLETTER, please visit our school website or request a paper copy from the office MAY 2016 Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Education Week Wed Thu 3 4 HATS ON for MENTAL HEALTH Bus Driver Appreciation 8 9 10 15 16 22 17 23 13 14 CHOIR-Celebration of the Arts 12 18 Bishop Savaryn FAITH DAY Assembly 10:00 FREE LUNCH for all students Passion Afternoon 24 Victoria Day NO SCHOOL 7 Empties for Angels DROP OFF Early Dismissal St. Charles Church 7PM AM 6 PAT; Gr 6 ELA Part A Writing CONFIRMATION Gr.5 Immunizations 5 Early Dismissal 11 PAT; Gr 6 FLA Partie A Writing Bishop Savrayn’s Best Assembly Sat EL Mother’s TEA Screening for 100 VOICES PROGRAM Starts today (May 9-20th) Fri 19 Crazy Hair Day $1 for Charity 26 Volunteer Appreciation Drive-thru Breakfast 27 LIFETOUCH Spring Photos Early Dismissal CARE FOR CREATION 29 30 1 31 School Council Mtg and Appreciation 6:00pm GR. 6 OUTDOOR ED CAMP MAY 2016 21 Early Dismissal 25 Hot Lunch 20 2 Early Dismissal 3 28 Edmonton Catholic Schools Transportation Services IMPORTANT INFO STUDENT ABSENCES If your son/daughter is going to be absent for any reason, please report the absence at 780-456-7837. PERSONAL ITEMS Students are discouraged from bringing personal items of value (Personal IPOD’s, computer games, trading cards, etc.) to school. Students do so at their own risk. BUS INFORMATION Please send bus pass money to school with your child by the 1st of each month. All cash must be in a labeled envelope or zip lock bag. Cheques are to be made out to Bishop Savaryn School. 10 post dated cheques may be submitted for your convenience. Bus Fees: - Kindergarten - Free - Gr. 1-6: $32.00; Family Plan $28 - (3 or more children) - Annual Passes are available; contact the office for more information Bus passes must be carried at all times as bus drivers will be asking the children to show their passes at random times during the month. If your child’s bus is more than 10 minutes late, please contact Transportation Services at 780-441-6078. Yellow Bus Cancellations The following radio and TV stations will carry announcements with respect to transportation cancellations due to inclement weather conditions. RADIO CHED / CHQT / CISN / JOE FM CFRN 1260 / THE BEAR / CFMG CFCW / CBC / MAGIC 99/ CKER CHFA (CBC FRENCH) / K-97 AM 930 (CJCA) / SHINE FM MIX 96 (96X) TV CITY TV / CFRN / GLOBAL / CBC Transportation Services offers detailed information for parents who want to know more about their child’s bus route. Simply type to access the Edmonton Catholic School District main page where you will find a link to provide up to date bus information, including delays. This month we will show our appreciation for our bus drivers who we count on to bring our students safely to school and home each day. Please talk with your children about personal ways that they can thank their driver for the wonderful patience, care and concern they show every day… BUS DRIVER APPRECIATION DAY is May 4th! Protocol for Parent Concerns Edmonton Catholic Schools recognizes the freedom of all members of the school community (students, staff , parents, and neighbors) to voice their concerns in an appropriate manner to the school personnel. The principle of “First Contact” needs to be followed. This means that the person(s) who has the concern has the responsibility to begin addressing the concern directly with those persons with whom they have the concern before taking their concern elsewhere. If a resolution is not found, then please involve the school administration. This will allow all parties to deal with concerns in a manner which is consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Crisis Management Plan As you are aware, we have extensive Crisis Management and Pandemic Plans in place. Our plan is in the form of Evacuations (fire) and Lock Downs. As a part of our plan, we have fire drills and Lock Down practices. These practices happen throughout the year to ensure that all students and staff will be well prepared to respond to a crisis situation both quickly and effectively. If you are in the school building during a lock down, please go to the nearest room and follow the teacher’s directions until the lock down is over. If you are in the school during a fire drill, please follow the evacuation instructions of school staff. Please discuss the importance of always wearing indoor shoes with your child, as well as being dressed appropriately for the weather. Unfortunately, during a fire drill we do not have time to put on shoes and jackets as practicing as if it is a real emergency situation will better prepare everyone should there be a real emergency. School Volunteers The Edmonton Catholic School District and École Bishop Savaryn School recognize and appreciate the many volunteers in our schools as they form an integral part of our school communities and provide important non-instructional services that assist teachers and staff. Whenever volunteers are working with our students, policies and regulations must be in place to best ensure the safety and well-being of students and to facilitate the enhancement of the programs being provided. If you are interested in volunteering at our school, drop by the office to complete a “Volunteer Registration Form”. This form must be completed annually and prior to commencing any volunteer activities in the school. We will show our heartfelt appreciation for the many volunteers who helped to make memories for our students at École Bishop Savaryn this year with a DRIVE BY BREAKFAST ( coffee, juice and a muffin) on Thursday ,May 26th. May 2016 IMPORTANT INFO School Hours: 2015-2016 Grades 1 – 6 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. Entry Bell Instruction Recess Instruction Lunch Recess Lunch Entry Bell Instruction 8:20 a.m. 8:25 - 10:15 a.m. 10:15 - 10:30 a.m. 10:30 - 12:00 p.m. 12:00 - 12:20 p.m. 12:20 - 12:40 p.m. 12:40 p.m. 12:40- 2:56 p.m. *All students will have a 5 minute break in the afternoon; scheduled by the teacher Thursday: Early dismissal at 11:51 a.m.; no school in the afternoon 100 Voices (Pre-Kindergarten) Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. AM Class 8:20 a.m. - 11:17 a.m. PM Class 12:03 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Thursday: No school Kindergarten Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. AM Class 8:20 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. PM Class 12:02 p.m. - 3:02 p.m. Thursday: No school Office Hours Monday through Friday; 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS BEGINS at 8:05 a.m. Please do not drop off your children before 8:05 a.m. as we do not provide before or after school child care at the school . Arrangements must be made for your children to be picked up by 3:00 p.m. at the latest. THANK YOU! Please contact the school if you are running late and can not arrive before 3pm. Kids Before Convenience We have many concerns over the parking around our school in the morning and at dismissal time. We ask everyone’s assistance in putting the safety of the KIDS at École Bishop Savaryn School first as well as courtesy towards our neighbors, before your convenience when picking up or dropping off children at the school. We recognize that many parents drive their kids to school. Parking is an issue around our school and that means that you may need to walk further or have your child walk further to meet you. Please, for the safety of all children strictly follow these guidelines. The safety of the children crossing the street must come first. Parents are asked NOT to park anywhere within the areas that have been marked with orange pylons. Students and Parents are asked to follow all School Patrol signals and instructions. The bus and handicap zone is strictly off limits, unless of course you have a special handicap permit. For everyone’s safety, the parking lot is restricted to STAFF ONLY (from 7:00 a.m. till 4:30 p.m.) Parents dropping off and picking up children from the daycare facility located north of our parking lot are expected to use 109 Street. U-Turns are not permitted in front of our school. Please respect our neighbors. We frequently get complaints from people who live in our neighborhood about their driveways being blocked and drivers not paying attention and speeding as they drive through the neighborhood. Spring Weather and clothing Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Although it is starting to warm up, the weather still can change during the day and students are underdressed during recess or for their commute home. It is much easier to remove layers than to be faced with being cold. Recess will only be cancelled if there is a lot of precipitation or a thunderstorm. As noted in our student agenda, students are expected to dress appropriately for school at all times. Clothing should be neat, clean and suitable for a Catholic learning environment. Please note that there are to be no halter or tube tops, belly shirts, spaghetti straps, short shorts, short skirts, t-shirts with inappropriate slogans. If deemed unacceptable by the staff, students who are inappropriately dressed will be expected to change. Students are expected to wear appropriate footwear at all times for safety and health reasons. Hats, hoods, toques and caps are to be removed when students enter the school. May 2016 Bicycles, Skateboards, Etc... IMPORTANT INFO There will be NO SCHOOL on Victoria Day, Monday, May 23rd With spring upon us, a reminder that students are allowed to ride their bicycles to and from school. Bikes must be secured to the bicycle rack through the use of a durable bicycle lock. Students are asked not to ride their bikes on school property during recess and lunch time. For safety, please remember to wear your helmet as it is the law. The school cannot be held responsible for the theft of bicycles or bicycle accessories. Parents should consider registering the serial number of the bicycle and making a phone call to their insurance company ensuring proper coverage. Scooters, rollerblades, skateboards and heelys are not allowed on school property. The school does not have adequate storage space and safety is a concern. Safety Precautions As warmer weather approaches, just a reminder that we DO NOT have after school supervision in the park, and students are not to be going to the park unless with a parent. If you are late in picking up your child from school, your child is asked to come to the office and wait for their parent. We ask your assistance in ensuring that you remind your child not to wait in the park for pick up after school. Bishop Savaryn Day Assembly - WEDNESDAY MAY 18th On WEDNESDAY May 18th, we will be celebrating our Bishop Savaryn Faith Day . We have invited some special guests to join us at an assembly and prayer liturgy which will begin at 10:15; parents and guardians are welcome. Thanks to funding from our School Council , we will be providing a FREE perogy luncheon to our GR.1-6 students, staff and special guests.( Students in 100Voices and Kinder will have a snack on Friday) To support our efforts to be environmentally conscious, as at our Pancake Breakfast, all students are asked to bring their own plate and utensils that day. Parent Volunteers are requested to help serve the meal and assist with our groups during our PASSIONS afternoon. It promises to be a memorable day for all ! Celebration of SACRAMENTS—St. Charles Parish -Confirmation Celebration – Wednesday, May 11th at 7PM -Teaching Mass (which is for our children in First Eucharist and First Reconciliation classes but everyone is welcome to attend) on Saturday, May 14th at 10AM -First Reconciliation Celebration on Wednesday, May 18th at 630PM Although the Reconciliation Celebration is geared towards the children receiving their First Reconciliation, we invite any family members or other parishioners that would like to attend the celebration and receive the Sacrament to do so, we just ask that they wait until the children have all had their Reconciliations before adults start going. Student Learner Assessments For the third year now, Current Grade 2 students will write SLA’s in the fall, at the beginning of their Grade 3 year. Between now and the end of the year, both Grade 2 and 6 students will be participating in field testing to help them prepare for their assessments in the fall. Provincial Achievement Tests Our Grade Six students will write Provincial Achievement Tests during the months of May and June. Parents can assist their children by encouraging them to do their best, ensuring they have adequate rest, a good healthy breakfast and are at school on time each morning. Please refer to the schedule below. GRADE 6 Schedule Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday May 10 May 12 June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 20 May 2016 French Language Arts Partie A (writing) English Language Arts Part A French Language Arts Partie B English Language Arts Part B Math Science Social Studies SCHOOL FEES THANK YOU to all the parents who have paid for their school supplies and school fees for this school year.( 2015-2016). Notices were sent home to those whose fees and supplies have not yet been paid. Please attend to this before the end of June or contact Mrs. Friedt to discuss it confidentially. Next school year, 2016-2017, there will be NO additional school fees charged except for the cost of the agendas and the Kanga packs ( for kindergarten and new families). Kindergarten parents will be expected to pay for each field trip as fees will not be collected ahead of time. SCHOOL SUPPLIES During the 2015-2016 school year, École Bishop Savaryn School ordered student supplies from the Edmonton Catholic School Warehouse for ALL students which provided an incredible savings for all parents. —it was not optional. This coming year , it will be offered as an OPTIION to parents. We encourage participation in buying from the school to maintain consistency with student supplies. However, you may prefer to spend the time and shop on your own. Watch for a note coming home this month regarding the PREORDERING of your school supplies for September. Recognizing May2-8th is Mental Health Week in Canada…. The Social Justice Committee of St. Charles Parish 17511-112st would like to invite everyone to participate on May 4th, 7-9pm in our “YES I CAN’ Path to Mental Wellness Event There will be various Edmonton agencies present that support individuals, children, adults, and families with information on their resources and program. Come with your questions and ideas. Share a coffee with others to help increase education and reduce the stigma. WEAR A HAT! Mental Health Awareness Week is May 2 to May 8, 2016. A focus on positive mental health for students, families, schools and communities contributes to building a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and nurtures a sense of belonging and positive sense of self. Students who are mentally healthy are better able to achieve success, are more resilient and are more likely to build healthy relationships. On Wednesday, May 4, 2016, teachers and students can show their support for positive mental health by participating in Hats On! For Mental Health, which is sponsored by the Alberta Teachers’ Association, the Canadian Mental Health Association and Global TV. Our School École Bishop Savaryn School Community and other schools in ECSD are collecting empties for our very own young ANGEL—Jordan! Our school parking lot will be a drop off place for our community! Bring all your empties to school on or before Saturday, May 14th to support the 102.3 NOW Radio challenge to assist Jordan and her family in getting the help they need! May 2015 Each year Edmonton Catholic Schools showcases and celebrates Fine Arts Education and the gifts and talents of its students and staff through the annual Celebration of the Arts Concert. This year we are proud to celebrate the 27th Anniversary of the Celebration of the Arts. Our educators strive to encourage and support students by providing them with experiences in creating, performing and responding. This year's celebration will be held on Wednesday, May 4th at the Jubilee Auditorium. Approximately 800 students will celebrate their artistic achievements at the concert, in music, visual art, drama and dance. The year's program will include our very own École Bishop Savaryn’s Choir as part of the large choral group. Thank you to the School Council for the financial support to pay for transportation costs to attend practices for the May 4th performance. May 2016
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